Fujitsu Client Computing WB0098 Tablet Computer User Manual Manual Rezel EN draft for FJ 151124 ver02

Fujitsu Limited Tablet Computer Manual Rezel EN draft for FJ 151124 ver02


Manual_Rezel_EN_draft_ for FJ_151124 ver02

iiCopyrightCopyrightFujitsu Limited has made every effort to ensurethe accuracy and completeness of this document.However, as ongoing development efforts arecontinually improving the capabilities of ourproducts, we cannot guarantee the accuracyof the contents of this document. We disclaimliability for errors, omissions or future changes.LifeBook is a trademark of Fujitsu Limited.Microsoft, Windows, MS, Windows XP,Windows 7 and Windows 8 are registeredtrademarks of the Microsoft Corporation of theUnited States in the United States and othercountries.Phoenix is a registered trademark of PhoenixTechnologies Corporation of the United States.ExpressCard™ module technology is a registeredtrademark of Personal Computer Memory CardInternational Association.Copyright© Microsoft Corporation 2013,All rights reserved.Copyright© Phoenix Technologies 2013, Ltd., Allrights reserved.Other product names are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright © Fujitsu Limited 2013. All rightsreserved. No part of this publication may becopied, reproduced or translated, without theprior written consent of Fujitsu Limited. No partof this publication may be stored or transmittedin any electronic form without the written consentof Fujitsu Limited.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCCrules. Operations are subject to the followingtwo conditions:(1) This device may not be allowed to cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Manufactured under license fromDTS Licensing Limited. DTS, theSymbol, & DTS and the Symbol together areregistered trademarks, and DTS Boost is atrademark of DTS (BVI) Limited (in Hong Kongand China) and DTS, Inc. (outside of Hong Kongand China).© DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Website: OF CONFORMITYaccording to FCC Part 15
iiIMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS1. Read these instructions carefully. Save theseinstructions for future reference.2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked onthe product.3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet beforecleaning Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosolcleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.4. Do not use this product near water.5. Do not place this product on an unstable cart,stand or table. The product may drop, causingserious damage to the product.6. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the backor bottom are provided for ventilation; to ensurereliable operation of the product and to protectit from overheating, these openings must not beblocked or covered. The openings should neverbe blocked by placing the product on a bed,sofa, rug or other similar surface. This productshould never be placed near or over a radiatoror heat register or in a built-in installation unlessproper ventilation is provided.7. This product should be operated from the type ofpower indicated on the marking label. If you arenot sure of the type of power available, consultyour dealer or local power company.8. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord.Do not locate this product where persons willwalk on the cord.9. If an extension cord is used with this product,make sure that the total ampere rating of theequipment plugged into the extension corddoes not exceed the extension cord ampererating. Also, make sure that the total rating ofall products plugged into the wall outlet doesnot exceed 15 amperes.10. Never push objects of any kind into thisproduct through cabinet slots as they maytouch dangerous voltage points that couldresult in a fi re or electric shock. Never spillliquid of any kind on the product.11. Do not attempt to service this product yourself,as opening or removing covers may exposeyou to dangerous voltage points or otherrisks. Refer all servicing to qualifi ed servicepersonnel.12. Unplug this product from the wall outlet andrefer servicing to qualifi ed service personnelunder the following conditions:a. When the power cord or plug is damaged orfrayed.b. If liquid has been spilled into the product.c. If the product has been exposed to rain orwater.d. If the product does not operate normallywhen the operating instructions are followed.Adjust only those controls that are coveredby the operating instructions since improperadjustment of other controls may result indamage and will often require extensive workby a qualifi ed technician to restore the productto normal condition.e. If the product has been dropped or the cabinethas been damaged.f. If the product exhibits a distinct change inperformance, indicating a need for service.
iii13. CAUTION: When replacing the battery,be sure to install it with the polarities inthe correct position. There is a danger ofexplosion if the battery is replaced withan incorrect type or is mistreated. Do notrecharge, disassemble or dispose of in fi re.Replace only with the same or equivalenttype recommended by the manufacturer.Dispose of the used battery according tothe manufacturer’s instructions.14. Use only the proper type of power cord set(provided in the accessories box) for this unit. Itshould be detachable type and with respectivecertifi cation.Copyright
ivChanges or modifi cations not expresslyapproved by Fujitsu could void this user’sauthority to operate the equipment.CAUTIONFCC NOTICESNotice to Users of Radios and TelevisionThese limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if not installed and used in accordance withthe instructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouragedto try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet that is on adifferent circuit than the receiver.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.Shielded interconnect cables must be employedwith this equipment to ensure compliance withthe pertinent RF emission limits governing thisdevice.Notice to Users of the US TelephoneNetwork*Your LifeBook notebook may be supplied withan internal modem which complies with Part68 of the FCC rules. On this notebook is a labelthat contains the FCC Registration Number andthe Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for thisequipment among other information. If requested, the user must provide their telephone company with the following information:1. The telephone number to which the notebookis connected.2. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for thisequipment.3. That the equipment requires a standardmodular jack type USOC RJ-11C which isFCC Part 68 compliant.4. The FCC Registration Number.This equipment is designed to be connected tothe telephone network or premises wiring usinga standard modular jack type USOC RJ-11Cwhich is FCC Part 68 compliant and a line cordbetween the modem and the telephone networkwith a minimum of 26AWG.The REN is used to determine the number ofdevices that you may connect to your telephoneline and still have all of those devices ring whenyour number is called. Too many devices on oneline may result in failure to ring in response toan incoming call. In most, but not all, areas thesum of the RENs of all of the devices shouldnot exceed fi ve (5). To be certain of the numberof devices you may connect to your line, asdetermined by the RENs, contact your localtelephone company.If this equipment causes harm to the telephonenetwork, your telephone company maydiscontinue your service temporarily. If possible,they will notify you in advance. If advance noticeis not practical they will notify you as soon aspossible. You will also be advised of your right tofi le a complaint with the FCC.This fax modem also complies with fax brandingrequirements per FCC Part 68.Your telephone company will probably ask youto disconnect this equipment from the telephonenetwork until the problem is corrected and youare sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.* For model with modern only.
vDOC (INDUSTRY CANADA)NOTICESNotice to Users of Radios and TelevisionThis Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations.Notice to Users of the Canadian TelephoneNetwork*The Canadian Industry Canada label identifi escertifi ed equipment. This certifi cation means that the equipment meets certain telecommunicationsnetwork protective, operational, and safetyrequirements. The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction.LifeBook notebooks are supplied with an internalmodem which complies with the Industry Canadacertification standards for telecommunicationnetwork protection and safety requirements. Before connecting this equipment to a telephone line the user should ensure that it is permissible to connect this equipment to the local telecommunication facilities. The user should be aware that compliance with the certifi cation standards does not prevent service degradation in some situations.Repairs to telecommunication equipment shouldbe made by a Canadian authorized maintenancefacility. Any repairs or alterations not expresslyapproved by Fujitsu or any equipment failures may give the telecommunication company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment from the telephone line.The connecting arrangement code for thisequipment is CA11A.The Load Number assigned to each telephoneterminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a telephone loop or circuit which is used by the device to prevent overloading.The termination on a loop may consist of anycombination of devices such that the total of theload numbers of all devices does not exceed 100.* For model with modem onlyThis equipment may not be used on coinoperatedtelephones provided by your telephonecompany. Connection to party lines is subjectto state tariffs. Contact your state’s public utilitycommission, public service commission orcorporation commission for more information.This equipment includes automatic dialingcapability. When programming and/or makingtest calls to emergency numbers:• Remain on the line and brie y explain to thedispatcher the reason for the call.• Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such asearly morning or late evening.FCC rules prohibit the use of non-hearing aidcompatible telephones in the following locationsor applications:• All public or semipublic coin-operated or creditcard telephones.• Elevators, highways, tunnels (automobile,subway, railroad or pedestrian) where a personwith impaired hearing might be isolated in anemergency.• Places where telephones are specically installedto alert emergency authorities such as fire, policeor medical assistance personnel.• Hospital rooms, residential health care facilities,convalescent homes and prisons.• Workstations for the hearing impaired.• Hotel, motel or apartment lobbies.• Stores where telephones are used by patrons toorder merchandise.• Public transportation terminals where telephonesare used to call taxis or to reserve lodging or rentalcars.• In hotel and motel rooms as at least ten percentof the rooms must contain hearing aid compatibletelephones or jacks for plug-in hearing aidcompatible telephones which will be provided tohearing impaired customers on request.Copyright
viENERGY STAR®ComplianceNotice to Users of Radios and Television(The following is pending certificationattime o f publication). Your Fujitsu system is an ENERGY STAR® qualifi ed mobile PC. By choosing a computer with the latest energysaving technology, you’re helping to preserve our environment for future generations.ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Energy, Natural Resources Canada, and other governments around the world helping us save money while protecting the environment through energy effi cient products and practices. With energy costs and global warming top-of-mind for consumers, Fujitsu is committed to offering solutions that help consumers conserve energy and improve the quality of our environment.Sleep Mode:You will notice that your computer is initially setso that the display turns off after 15 minutesof user inactivity, and the computer goes intoSleep mode after 20 minutes of user inactivity.When going into Sleep mode, the computer alsoreduces the speed of any active Ethernet networklinks. To “wake” the computer from Sleep mode,press the Suspend/ Resume Button.Energy saving benefits:Fujitsu ENERGY STAR qualifi ed mobile PCsuse about half as much electricity as standardequipment – saving half in utility costs. Butmore than that, ENERGY STAR also makes adifference for the environment. Did you know thatthe average house can be responsible for twicethe greenhouse gas emissions as the averagecar? That’s because every time you  ip on a lightswitch, run your dishwasher, or turn on your PC,you use energy, which means more greenhousegas emissions from power plants. So the moreenergy we can save through energy effi ciency,the more we help to reduce greenhouse gasesand the risks of global warming.To learn more about the important ENERGYSTAR program, visit:
viiUL Notice* Please check with local distributor for actual Proper Disposal of BatteryUnder federal, state or local law, it may be illegal to dispose of batteries by putting them in the rubbish bins or trash cans. Please take care of our environment and dispose of batteries properly. Check with your local government authority for details regarding recycling or disposing of unwanted batteries.For Authorized Repair Technicians OnlyCopyrightCAUTIONCAUTIONWARNINGCAUTIONFor safety, users should ensure that theelectrical ground of the power utility,the telephone lines and the metallicwater pipes are connected together.Users should NOT attempt to makesuch connections themselves butshould contact the appropriate electricinspection authority or electrician. Thismay be particularly important in ruralareas.To reduce the risk of fire, use only #26AWG or larger telecommunications linecord.For continued protection against risk offire, replace only with the same type and rating fuse.Danger of explosion if Lithium (CMOS)battery is incorrectly replaced. Replaceonly with the same or equivalent typerecommended by the manufacturer.Dispose of used batteries according tothe manufacturer’s instruction.This unit requires an AC adapter to operate. Use only UL Listed adapter, output rating 19VDC 3.42A* and 4.74A*. Refer to the illustration below forthe correct AC Adapter output polarity:
viiiNOTE ON USE REQUIRED HIGHSAFETYThis product is designed and manufacturedfor general use, including general offi ce use,personal use, household use and ordinaryindustrial use.This product is not designed for or intended foruse under dangerous (fatal) conditions, unlessextreme safety precautions are implemented.Do not use this product without implementinghigh-level safety precautions.Failure to follow this warning may result indeath, personal injury, severe physical damageor other loss, if used in or near any or more ofthe following:• nuclear reaction control system in a nuclearfacility• automatic  ight control system in an airplaneor other  ight control system• mass transport control system• medical instruments for life support system• missile launching control for weapon systemNOTE ON BACKUP DATAPlease make a backup of the Operating System, any software programs, and created fi les (and update regularly).If you send this product to Fujitsu, or any of its affi liates, suppliers, service providers or resellers for repair, Fujitsu does not guarantee the data integrity. It is your responsibility to back data up beforehand.Fujitsu does not assume any obligation forcompensation for damages, data integrity, orrestoration, etc., if your data is lost for any reason, except as written in the warranty.
ixAUSTRALIAN REGULATIONSImportant Health and Safety InformationThis notebook complies with the relevant safetyregulations for data processing equipment. If you have questions about using your notebook in a particular area, please contact your sales outlet or our Hotline/Help Desk.Additional safety notes for devices with modemWARNINGFOR SAFETY REASONS, ONLY CONNECTEQUIPMENT WITH A TELECOMMUNICATIONSCOMPLIANCE LABEL. THIS INCLUDESCUSTOMER EQUIPMENT PREVIOUSLYLABELLED PERMITTED OR CERTIFIED.Connection of Non Certified / Approvedperipherals may result in the equipmentoperating outside the Australian EMIStandards.Modems connected to the Australiantelecommunications network must be operatedin accordance with the Labelling Notice. Thismodem has been specifically configured toensure compliance with the ACMA Standards. Do not adjust your modem or software outside the values indicated below. To do so would result in your modem being operated in a non-compliant manner.The unit shall be connected to Telecommunication Network through a line cord, which meets the requirements of ACMA AS / ACIF S008:2006.The equipment shall be powered through anAustralian Approved mains cord set. When theSecondary Landscape Orientation of the tabletis held close to the body, the antenna must bein closed condition to avoid physical damage to the Antenna.Call Attempts / Retries:Applications software shall be confi gured so that no more than 3 attempts are made to establish a connection to a given number (Note: if the modem can detect service tones, up to 10 attempts can be made). If the call sequence is unsuccessful, there shall be a delay of at least 30 minutes before attempting to call the number again.Failure to set the modem and any applicationsoftware used with the modem, to the values shown above will result in the modem being operated in a non-compliant manner. Consequently, this would be in violation of the Labelling Notice for this equipment and the Telecommunications Act 1997 prescribes penalties for the connection ofnon-compliant equipment.Copyright
xNEW ZEALAND WARNINGSThe grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all of Telecom’s network services.This equipment is not capable under all operating conditions of correct operation at the higher speeds for which it is designed. 56 KBPS connections are likely to be restricted tolower bit rates when connected to some PSTN implementations. Telecom will accept noresponsibility should diffi culties arise in suchcircumstances.Immediately disconnect this equipment should it become physically damaged, and arrange for its disposal or repair.This equipment shall not be used in any manner, which could constitute a nuisance to other Telecom customers.This equipment shall not be set to makeautomatic calls to the Telecom “111” Emergency Service.This device is equipped with pulse dialing whilethe New Zealand standard is DTMF tone dialing. There is no guarantee that Telecom lines will always continue to support pulse dialing. It is strongly recommended that pulse dialing is not used.Some parameters required for compliancewith Telecom’s Telepermit requirements aredependent on the equipment (PC) associatedwith this device. The associated equipment shall be set to operate within the following limits for compliance with Telecom’s Specifi cations:For repeat calls to the same number.There shall be no more than 10 call attempts to the same number within any 30 minute period for any single manual call initiation and the equipment shall go on-hook for a period of not less than 30 seconds between the end of one attempt and the beginning of the next attempt.For Automatic calls to different numbers.The equipment shall go on-hook for a period of not less than 5 seconds between the end of one attempt and the beginning of the next attempt.For Automatically answered IncomingCalls.Incoming calls shall be answered between 3 and 30 seconds from the start of the ringing.For correct operation, the total of the RNs of all devices connected to a single line at anytime should not exceed 5. The RN of this Equipment is 0.5.WARNING:CONNECTION OF NON CERTIFIED/ APPROVED PERIPHERALS MAY RESULT INTHE EQUIPMENT OPERATING OUTSIDE THENEW ZEALAND EMI STANDARDS.
xiTROUBLESHOOTING .......................... 21Identifying the Problem  21Specific Problems  21Troubleshooting Table  22NAMES OF THE PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS  1Front features of the notebook  1Exterior features: Side view  3Exterior features: Bottom viewof the notebook  5STATUS INDICATOR LED  6Wireless LAN / Bluetooth Indicator  6Power Indicator  6Battery Charging Indicator  6Disk Drive Access Indicator  6Num Lock Indicator  6Caps Lock Indicator  6778RUNNING THE Tablet PC ON ITS BATTERY Recharging the battery Running the notebook on its battery Checking the power level of the battery  8POWER MANAGEMEN  10Power/Suspend/Resume Button  10Suspend Mode  10Hibernation (Save-To-Disk) Feature  11Windows Power Management  12Power Off  12POWER SOURCES  13Connecting the Power Adapter  13Power On  14Power Off  14GETTING TO START DVDSHARING APPLICATION  15Table of ContentsTable of ContentsNOTE:A copy of LifeBook User’s Manual is located in your Microsoft Windows OS or you can find it in Fujitsu’s website at You can use this LifeBook User’s Manual to find out more information about the functions and features of your notebook.
1123467(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit)NAMES OF THE PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Front and right features of the Tablet, Docking-Keyboard, and Docking-Station1. HD CameraThe location of the high defi nition camera.2. Display PanelThe display screen of the notebook.3. Power and Suspend/Resume ButtonThis button allows you to power on or off thenotebook. You can use also this button tosuspend notebook activity without turning offthe power to it and to resume the notebookfrom suspend mode.The phenomena described below arecharacteristics of LCD panels and do not indicate that LCD panels are defective.• The TFT color LCD screen of yournotebook, composes of more than 2,350,000 picture elements (number of dots when the screen resolution is set at 1920 by 1080 pixels). It was manufactured using advanced technologies. For technical reasons, LCD screen may have pixels that do not light and pixels that are always lit.• LCD panels may display slight varyingcolors and uneven density.POINTGetti ng  to  Kno w Your L ife Boo k5
24. Volume up/down buttonsThe built-in dual speakers provide stereo sound.6. KeyboardA full-function keyboard with dedicated Windows keys.7. Touch PadIt allows you to control the display cursor(mouse pointer).WARNINGSpill resistant keyboard does not imply the keyboard is water-proof. If liquid is spilled onto the keyboard, power off your notebook immediately and turn the notebook upside down to drain off the liquid.5. Windows buttonA button on glass for executingwindows button function
3Getti ng  to  Kno w Yo ur LifeB ook(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit)Exterior features: Side view Left view of the Tablet PCUSB 3.0 PortThe USB 3.0 port allows you to connect Universal Serial Bus devices. USB 3.0 devices transfer data at up to 5Gbps and is backward compatible with USB 2.0 devices.With USB charging function.HDA JackIt allows jack sensing of the following audio input/output devices.• HeadphoneIt allows you to connect a Ø3.5mmheadphone to it. There are commerciallyavailable headphones with different types ofconnector. Please check the compatibility ofthese headphones before purchase.• Microphone JackConnect an external microphone. Theinternal microphone is disabled,when youplug in an external microphone.2.1.12345  6DC Power Jack4.Video/audio terminal (miniDisplayPort) You can use this port connect to a Monitor via optional miniDisplayPort to HDMI cable or miniDisplayPort to VGA cable.3.5.Power Indicator (      )This indicator turns on when there is powerto the notebook.It turns off when the notebook is powered off.This indicator will blink if the notebook is putin suspend mode.6.Battery Charging Indicator (          )This indicator turns on when internal batteryis being charged.
4(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit) Bottom view of the Tablet PCCAUTIONDo not obstruct the air vents while thesystem is running; doing so could causeyour system to overheat.Surface temperature may be high duringand after operation. Do not touch thesurface.1. 5M pixels Camera Stand for tabletYou can open stand by hand like as below, for keep tablet standing with it.Angle between tablet and stand is adjustable, and the maximum angle is 90degree.3.2132. Air VentsThe air vents are used to cool the system to prevent overheating.Up to 90 degree
5(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit)Exterior features: Back-side view of Docking-StationGetti ng  to  Kno w Yo ur LifeB ook4.Video output (Analog RGB)Analog RGB output for external monitor9234115678USB 3.0 PortThe USB 3.0 port allows you to connect Universal Serial Bus devices. USB 3.0 devices transfer data at up to 5Gbps and is backward compatible with USB 2.0 devices.1.2Headphone JackIt allows you to connect a Ø3.5mm headphone to it. There are commercially available headphones with different types of connector. Please check the compatibility of these headphones before purchase.3Microphone JackConnect an external microphone. Theinternal microphone is disabled,when youplug in an external microphone.5.Video/audio terminal (HDMI)Digital Video/audio terminal for externalmonitor, supporting HDMI 1.4specification.6.Video/audio terminal (Displayport)Digital Video/audio terminal for externalmonitor, supporting Displayport 1.2asupecification.7.LAN PortThis Port allows you to connect to a LAN(local area network) using an optional LANcable.8.A hole for Security wireDC Power Jack9.
6STATUS INDICATOR Docking-Keyboard LED1.Num Lock Indicator (      )This indicator lights up when the keyboard islocked in Num Lock mode. (You can use thekeyboard as a ten-digit keyboard when theNum Lock mode is turned on).You can toggle the Num Lock mode by usingthe [            ] key.2.Caps Lock Indicator (      )You can toggle the Caps Lock mode by usingthe [              ] key.(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit)Exterior features: Front view of Docking-Keyboard2313.Scroll Lock Indicator (      )You can toggle the Scroll Lock mode by using the [              ] key.
7Getting to Know Your LifeBookRUNNING THE Tablet PC ON ITS BATTERYRecharging the battery1. Connect the AC adapter to your notebook.The moment you connect an AC adapter toyour notebook, the notebook begins to chargethe internal standard battery pack.2. When the battery level indicator turns offafter the battery is completely charged,(while the notebook is in off mode)disconnect the AC adapter from thenotebook.Before using the supplied battery packfor the very first time after purchase,remember to charge it fully. If a chargedbattery has not been recharged for morethan a month, charge it fully before using it.When the battery is fully charged whilethe notebook is in power off mode, theBattery Level LED indicator turns off.When the battery is 90% or morecharged, it cannot be recharged evenif the AC adapter is connected. Thebattery can be recharged when itspower level (i.e. remaining battery life)is 89% or less.When a notebook is turned off, theBattery Level LED indicator goes offimmediately if the battery is completelycharged.The chargeability of the battery degrades when it is used in an extremely hot or cold place.When the battery is very hot, forexample, immediately after long usageof the notebook, the battery protectionfeature may be activated to prevent thebattery from being recharged. When thetemperature decreases, the notebookautomatically begins to charge thebattery.When an optional modular bay batteryis installed, it is charged along withthe internal standard battery. (Optionalmodular bay battery is applicable toselected models only.)POINTPOINT
8Running  the  Tablet PCon its batteryThis section describes the steps to run thenotebook on its internal standard battery.1. Disconnect the AC adapter from yournotebook and press the power button.Checking  the power level of the batteryChecking the power level of the battery1. Built-in Battery Pack ChargingLamp (           )This lamp indicates charging status of builtinbattery when AC adaptor is connected toPC.• Blue lamp is litCharging completed.• Amber lamp is litCharging• Blue and Amber lamp flashesCharging stopped (due to batterytemperature alarm, etc. [Note 1])• OFFNo charging due to disconnected ACadaptor.(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit)The power level of the battery decreasesfaster when it is used in a cold place.The chargeability of the battery decreases after it has been used over a long period of time. If the battery runs down very fast, replace it with a new battery.POINTWhen the power is turned off, the statusdisplay LEDs are all OFF except forduring battery charging.POINTPower button
9Getting to Know Your LifeBookThe use of a weak battery may resultin lost of data you are currently workingon. When the battery runs low, connectthe AC adapter to your notebook assoon as an external power source isavailable or immediately save the datayou are working on, exit all applicationsand turn off the notebook.Accessing data on the hard diskconsumes a lot of power. Thereforewhen the battery is weak, connect anAC adapter to the notebook beforeaccessing data on the hard disk.If a battery is weak and there is nosystem activity, the notebook maygo into standby (i.e. suspend) mode.However, if there is system activity, thenotebook will go into standby mode only after the system activity has completedits processing.The notebook will go into standby modewhen the indicator reaches 3%. This isthe default setting of the notebook.POINTNOTE 1:Battery temperature alarm is to stop charging with battery protection function when temperature of built-in battery pack or extended built-in battery unit becomes too high or too low due to battery heat or cooling down of the battery.
10POWER MANAGEMENTYour  Fujitsu LifeBook notebook has many options and features for conserving battery power. Some of these features are automatic and need no user intervention, such as those  for the internal modem. However, others depend on the parameters you set to best  suit your  operating conditions, such as those for  the display brightness. Internal power management for your notebook may be controlled from settings made in your operating system, pre-bundled power management application, or from settings made in BIOS setup utility.Besides the options available for conserving battery power, there are also  some things that you can do to prevent your battery from runningdown as quickly. For example, you can create an appropriate power saving profi le, put your notebook into Suspend mode when it is  not performing an operation, and you can limit  the use of high power devices.  As with all mobile, battery powered computers, there is a trade-offbetween performance and power savings.Power/Suspend/ResumeButtonWhen your LifeBook notebook is active, the Power/Suspend/Resume button can be used to manually put your notebook  into Suspend mode. Push the Power/Suspend/Resume button when your notebook is active, but not  actively accessing anything, and immediately release the button. You will  hear two short beeps* and your system will enter Suspend mode.If your LifeBook is suspended, pushing the Power/Suspend/Resume button returns your notebook to active operation. You can tell whether the system is Suspended by looking atthe Power indicator. If the indicator is visible and not  ashing, your notebook  is fully operational. If the indicator is visible and flashing,  your notebook is in Suspend mode.  If the  indicator is not visible, the power is off or your notebook is in Hibernation mode. (See Hibernation Feature)* Only applicable for some modelsSuspend ModeSuspend or Standby mode in Windows savesthe contents of your LifeBook  notebook’s system memory during periods of inactivity bymaintaining power to critical parts. This modewill turn off the CPU, the display, the hard drive, and all of the other internal components except those necessary to maintain system  memory and allow for restarting. Your notebook can be put in Suspend mode by:• Pressing the Power/Suspend/Resume buttonwhen your system is turned on.•  Selecting Standby from the Windows ShutDown menu.•  Timing out from lack of activity.•  Allowing the battery to reach the Dead BatteryWarning condition.Your notebook’s system memory typicallystores the fi le on which you are working, openapplication information, and any other datarequired to  support operations  in progress. When you resume operation  from Suspend mode, your notebook will return  to the point where it left off. You must use the Power/Suspend/Resume button to resume operation, and there must be an adequate  power source available, or your notebook will not resume.
11Getting to Know Your LifeBookHibernation (Save-To-Disk)FeatureThe Hibernation feature saves the contents ofyour LifeBook notebook’s system memory tothe hard drive as a part of the Suspend/Resume mode. You can enable or disable this feature.Enable or Disable the Hibernation Feature1. Visit Control Panel.2. Select “System and  Security” and thenselect “Power Options”.3. Select “Choose what the power button does”and click "Change settings that are currentlyunavailable".4. Under "Shutdown settings", Select theHibernate tab. Select the box to  enable ordisable this feature and  click "Save  changes"to apply.If you are running your LifeBook notebook on battery power, be aware that the battery continues to discharge while your notebook is in Suspend mode, though not as fast as when fully operational.Disabling the Power/Suspend/Resumebutton prevents it from being used to put your LifeBook notebook in Suspend or Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) mode. Theresume function of the button cannot bedisabled.The Suspend or Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) mode should not be used withcertain PC Cards. Check your PC Carddocumentation for more information.When PC Cards or external devices arein use, Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) modecannot return to the exact state prior tosuspension, because all of the peripheral devices will be re-initialized when the system restarts.If your LifeBook notebook is activelyaccessing information when you enter the Suspend or Hibernation (Save-to-Disk) mode, changes to open fi les are not lost. The fi les are left open and memory is kept active during Suspend mode or the memory is transferred to the internal hard drive during Hibernation mode.The main advantage of using theHibernation (Save-to-Disk) function isthat power is not required to maintain your data. This is particularly important if you will be leaving your LifeBook notebook in a suspended state for a prolonged period of time. The drawback of using Hibernation mode is that it lengthens the power down and power up sequences and resets peripheral devices.POINT
12Windows Power ManagementThe Power Options icon located in the Windows Control Panel allows you to confi gure some of the power management settings. For example, you can use the Power Options to set the timeout values for turning off the  display and  hard disks whether you are running the notebook on battery power or one of the adapters.Restarting The SystemIf your system is on and you need to restart it, be sure that you use the following procedure.Windows 10If your system is on and you need to restart it, be sure that you use the following procedure.1. Click the Start button, and then move themouse over the right arrow.2. Select the desired action from the list.Windows 81. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, andthen tap Settings. (If you're using  a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Settings.)2. Click Power, and select Restart from the list.Using the correct procedure to shut down from Windows allows your notebook to complete its operations and turn off power in the  proper sequence to avoid errors. The proper sequenceWindows 101. Click the  Start button,  and then  click ShutDown.2. Select the Shut Down option from within theWindows Shut Down dialog box.3. Click OK to shut down your notebook.Windows 81. Swipe in  from the right  edge of the screen,and then tap Settings.2. Click Power, and select Shut down  fromthe list.If you are going to store your notebook for amonth or more see Care and MaintenanceSection.Power OffBefore turning off the power, check that the hard drive/ optical drive access indicator is off. If you turn off the power while accessing a disk there is a risk of data loss. To ensure that your notebook shuts down without error, use the Windows shut down procedure.When the power is turned off, the statusdisplay LEDs are all OFF except forduring battery charging.IMPORTANTCAUTIONBe sure to close all fi les, exit all applications, and shut down your operating system prior to turning off the power. If fi les are open when you turn the power off, you will lose any changes that have not been saved, and may cause disk errors.
13DC Power JackAC Cable AC  AdapterDC Output Cable(This picture is for illustration purpose only and may look different from the actual unit)POWER SOURCESConnecting the PowerAdapterThe AC adapter provides power for operatingyour notebook and charging the batteries.Connecting the AC Adapter1. Plug the DC  output cable  into the DC powerjack on your notebook.2. Plug the AC  adapter into an AC electricaloutlet.POWER SOURCESThe Li-ion battery is not charged at the point of purchase. Remember to connect an AC adapter to your notebook to charge it when you use it for the fi rst time.POINT
14Power OnPower/Suspend/Resume buttonYou can use the Power/Suspend/Resumebutton to turn on your notebook. Once you have connected an AC adapter to the notebook  or charged the internal Lithium ion battery, you can power on your notebook.You can press the Power/Suspend/Resumebutton to turn off the notebook. After you havefinished working on the notebook, you caneither leave it in Standby (i.e. suspend) modeor turn it off.Power OffBefore turning off the power, check that the Hard Disk Drive Access and Optical Disk Drive Access indicators are off. If you power off the notebook when it is accessing the disk  drives, data may be lost or corrupted. To power off the notebook, always shut down  the notebook properly using the Windows shutdown procedure.When you turn on your notebook, be sureyou have a power source connected toit. This means that at least one battery isinstalled and charged or that the AC adapter is connected and has power.POINTCAUTIONDo not carry the notebook around when it isstill power on. Do not subject the notebook to shocks and vibrations. Failure to do so may damage the notebook.When you power on your notebook, it  will perform a Power On Self Test (POST) to check the internal parts and confi  guration for normal functionality. If an error is found, your notebook will emit an audio warning and/or show an error message.After satisfactory completion of the Power On Self Test (POST), your notebook will load your operating system.CAUTIONRemember to close all files, exit all applications and shut down the operatingsystem prior to turning off the power usingthe power button. If documents are openedwhen the notebook is turned off, data may be lost and this may result in disk errors.Remember to use the correct procedure to shut down the notebook. The proper procedure is:Windows 101. Click the  Start button,  and then  click ShutDown.2. Select the Shut Down option from within theWindows Shut Down dialog box.3. Click OK to shut down your notebook.Windows 81. Swipe in  from the right  edge of the screen,and then tap Settings.2. Click Power, and select Shut down  fromthe list.
15GETTING TO START DVDSHARING APPLICATIONTo enjoy this feature, you shouldhave 2 PC (Host PC and Client PC) on hand.• “Host PC”, it refers to a PC which sharesinformation in CD/DVD drive.• “Client PC”, it refers to a PC which accessshared CD/DVD drive through a network.Not supported by DVD SharingApplication• Play music CDs or movie DVDs which saved inshared drive on Host PC.• Overwrite in shared drive on Host PC.For user’s PC share the sameInternet Network:Steps to install “ODD sharing feature Client”,those steps must be carried out on Client PC:1. Click “ODD sharing feature Client” icon onDesktop, then menu screen appears.2. On the menu screen, to set up connection with“Host PC”, you have to click “Copy Host PCProgram Installer” button.3. Click “Yes” to start copying.4. Select the location to save the “HostInstaller”,and follow the instructions to proceed.5. Below folder “HostInstaller” appears onselected location. Copy the folder, and transferit to the Host PC through USB storage disketc.Getting to start DVD sharing Application
16Steps to install “ODD sharing feature Host”,those steps must be carried out on Host PC:1. Open the folder HostInstaller copied fromClient PC.2. Click “Setup” to start the installation on HostPC and follow the instructions on the screen.3. After installation, click “ODD sharing featureHost” icon on Desktop.5. Menu screen appears, click the icon, “Notification for use” pop-up menu appears, thenclick “OK” to continue.6. On the menu, click “Settings”.4. To share Drives, you have to click “Yes” tochange the Firewall setting and make thesecurity level lower, this may make your PCmore vulnerable to viruses and intruders.Fujitsu is not liable for any data and personalloss as a result of this change.7. Choose “Share Drive” and “Authorized userfor the sharing”, type in “Sharing Drive Name”,e.g. “ODD”. You can also select the desired“Application Behavior”. After that, click “OK”and back to “ODD sharing feature Host”menu.
178. Click “Share Drive” button. “User AccountControl Menu” appears. Click “Continue” toproceed.2. Click “Settings” button,  then click  “Searchingfor Host PC on the  network” to  auto searchHost PC on the network and type  in “SharedDrive name on the destination” which appearson setting screen of  “ODD sharing  featureClient”. After select  the desired ApplicationBehavior, Click “OK” to confi rm.Access shared CD/DVD Drive from Client PCto Host PC, below steps must be carried outon Client PC.1. Click “ODD sharing feature Client” icon, andset up window appears.Getting to start DVD sharing Application
183. Enter “User Name” and “Password” of HostPC user, then click “OK” to connect Host andClient PC. Client PC user can access Host PCCD/DVD Drive now.2. Choose “Set up a wireless ad hoc(computerto- computer) network”, then click“Next”.3. Please fill in the “Network name” and “Securitykey”, click “Next” to proceed.4. Click the        logo in Windows Tool Bar toreview network status, you should fi nd thenetwork created by you and reveal “Waitingfor users”.For user’s PC cannot access Internet Network/location or at places without wireless network connected, user can establish ODD sharing network by set up a wireless ad hoc network,please ensure you have switched on the wireless LAN function of both Client and Host PC.Below steps must be carried out on Host PC:1. Go to “Control Panel” → “Network andInternet” → “Network and Sharing Center”,then choose “Set up a new connection ornetwork”.
195. Run “ODD sharing feature Host” and click“Share Drive” button in the menu.3. Run “ODD sharing feature Client”, and click“Settings”.4. Click “Searching for Host PC on the network”.5. Select name of the Host PC from the list andclick “OK”.2. Type in the “Security key” preset in Host PCand click “OK” to establish connection.Below steps must be carried out on Client PC:1. Click the         in Windows Tool Bar to review all available network, user should fi nd the network created by Host PC, then click “Connect” button.Getting to start DVD sharing Application
206. Go back to the menu, click “Connect SharedDrive”.7. Fill in the “User name” and “Password” of theHost PC, click “OK”. Now, Client PC user canshare the ODD drive of the Host PC.
21TroubleshootingTROUBLESHOOTINGYour Fujitsu LifeBook notebook is sturdy andundergoes stringent reliability tests. However,you may encounter simple setup or operatingproblems that you can solve on the spot orproblems with peripheral devices, that you cansolve by replacing the device. The information in this section helps you isolate and resolve some of these straightforward problems and identify failures that require service.Identifying the ProblemIf you encounter a problem, go through thefollowing procedure before pursuing complextroubleshooting:1. Turn off your LifeBook notebook.2. Make sure the AC adapter is plugged into yournotebook and to an active AC power source.3. Make sure that any card installed in the PCCard slot is seated properly. You can alsoremove the card from the slot, thus eliminatingit as a possible cause of failure.4. Make sure that any devices connected to theexternal connectors are plugged in properly.You can also disconnect such devices, thuseliminating them as possible causes of failure.5. Turn on your notebook. Make sure it has beenoff at least 10 seconds before you turn it backon.6. Go through the boot sequence.7. If the problem has not been resolved, refer tothe Troubleshooting Table that follows for moredetailed troubleshooting information.8. If you have tried the solutions suggested inthe Troubleshooting Table without success,contact your support representative.Before you place the call, you should have the following information ready so that the customer support representative can provide you with the fastest possible solution:• Product name• Product con guration number• Product serial number• Purchase date• Conditions under which the problem occurred• Any error messages that have occurred• Hardware con guration• Type of device connected, if anySee the Confi guration Label on the bottom of your notebook for confi guration and serial numbers.Specific ProblemsUsing the Troubleshooting TableWhen you have problems with your LifeBooknotebook, try to find the symptoms under theProblem column of the troubleshooting table.You will fi nd a description of common causesfor that symptom under the column PossibleCause. Follow the instructions on the PossibleSolution column to resolve the problem. Allpossible causes or solutions may not apply toyour notebook.If you keep notes about what you have tried, your support representative may be able to help you more quickly by giving additional suggestions over the phone.POINT
22Troubleshooting TableProblem Audio ProblemDVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Drive ProblemsThere is no sound coming from the built-in speakers.LifeBook notebookfails to recognizeDVD/CD-RW/ CDROM’s.(continued)The software volume control is set too low.Protective sheet is still in the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROMdrive tray.DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM is not pushed down onto raised center circle of the drive.DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROMtray is not latched shut.Incorrect DVD Player orno DVD Player software is installed.Headphones are plugged into your notebook.BIOS audio settingsare incorrect.Software driver is notconfi gured correctly.The speakers have been muted using the Volume icon in the system tray.Adjust the sound volume control settingsin your software, operating system andapplications.Remove the protective sheet from the DVD/CD-RW/CDROM drive tray.Open DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM tray and reinstall DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM properly.Push on the front of the DVD/CD-RW/CDROM tray until it latches.Install DVD Player software.Plugging in headphones disables the built-inspeakers, remove the headphones.Set the BIOS setup utility to the default values within the Multimedia Device Confi guration menu.Refer to your application and operatingsystem documentation for help.Click on the Volume icon in the tool tray on the bottom right of the screen. (It looks like a speaker).If the Mute box is checked, click on it touncheck it.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
23TroubleshootingProblem DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Drive ProblemsLifeBook notebookfails to recognizeDVD/CD-RW/ CDROM’s.The DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM Accessindicator on theStatus IndicatorPanel blinks atregular intervalswhen no DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROMis in the tray or theoptical drive is notinstalled.Wrong drive designatorwas used for DVD/CDRW/CD-ROM in theapplication.The Windows DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM autoinsertion function is active and is checking to see if a DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM is ready to run.Windows DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM auto insertionfunction is disabled.DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM is dirty or defective.Verify the drive designator used by theapplication is the same as the one used by the operating system.When the operating system is booted from aDVD/ CD, drive designations are automaticallyadjusted.This is normal. However, you may disable thisfeature.Start the DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM from thedesktop or application software or re-enablethe Windows DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM autoinsertion function.Wipe DVD/CD-RW/CD-ROM with a nonabrasive CD cleaning cloth and reinsert. If it still does not work, replace a new DVD/CDRW/CD-ROM in the drive.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
24Problem Floppy Disk Drive ProblemsHard Drive ProblemsKeyboard or Mouse ProblemsYou cannot accessyour oppy disk.You cannot accessyour hard drive.The built-inkeyboard doesnot seem to work.You tried to write to a write protected oppy disk.The setup utility isincorrectly set for yourinternal (Primary Master)or optional second harddrive (Primary Slave).The notebook has goneinto Suspend mode.Your application haslocked out your keyboard.The wrong drivedesignator was used byan application when abootable CD-ROM wasused to start thenotebook.Security is set so youroperating system cannotbe started without apassword.Floppy disk is notloaded correctly.The oppy disk drive may not be properly installed.Security is set to protectaccess to oppy disk data.Eject the oppy disk and set it to write enable.Revise BIOS settings to set both PrimaryMaster and Primary Slave correctly.Push the Power/Suspend/Resume button.Try to use your integrated pointing device torestart your system.Verify drive designator used by applicationis in use by the operating system. When theoperating system is booted from a CD, drivedesignations are automatically adjusted.Verify your password and security settings.Eject oppy disk, check orientation and reinsert.Remove and re-install your  oppy disk drive.Verify your password and security settings.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
25Problem Keyboard or Mouse ProblemsMemory ProblemsModem ProblemsYou have installedan externalkeyboard ormouse, and itdoes not seem towork.You haveconnected anexternal keyboardor a mouse andit seems to belocking up thesystem.Your Power Onscreen, or Mainmenu of the BIOSsetup utilityinformation, doesnot show thecorrect amount ofinstalled memory.Messages aboutmodem operation.Your external device is not properly installed.Your operating systemsoftware is not setup with the correct software driver for that device.Your system has crashed. Your memory upgrademodule is not properlyinstalled.Messages about modemoperation are generatedby whichever modemapplication is in use.You have a memoryfailure.Your operating systemsoftware is not setup with the correct software driver for that device.Your mouse or keyboardis connected to the wrong PS/2 port on the optional Port Replicator.Re-install your device.Check your device and operating systemdocumentation and activate the proper driver.Try to restart your notebook.Remove and re-install your memory upgrademodule.See your application software documentationfor additional information.Check for Power On Self Test (POST) messages.Check your device and operating systemdocumentation and activate the proper driver.Plug the mouse into the PS/2 Mouse port andthe external keyboard or numeric key pad into the PS/2 Keyboard port.Possible Cause  Possible SolutionTroubleshooting
26Problem PC Card ProblemsPower FailuresA card inserted inthe PC Card slotdoes not work oris locking up thesystem.You turn on yourLifeBook notebookand nothingseems to happen.(continued)The card is not properlyinstalled.The installed primarybattery is completelydischarged, there is nooptional second batteryinstalled or there is noPower adapter (ACadapter) installed.The primary battery isinstalled but is faulty.The battery or batteriesare low.The power adapter (ACadapter) is not pluggedin properly.Your PC Card deviceand another device areassigned the same I/Oaddress.The card may havebeen installed while anapplication was running,so your notebook is notaware of its installation.Your software may nothave the correct software driver active.You may have the wrongI/O address selected forthe activated PC Card.Remove and re-install the card.Check the Status Indicator Panel to determine the presence and condition of the batteries. Install a charged battery or a Power adapter.Use the Status Indicator panel to verify thepresence and condition of the batteries. Ifa battery is indicating a short, remove thatbattery and operate from another powersource or replace that battery.Check the Status Indicator Panel to determine the presence and condition of the batteries. Use a Power adapter to operate until a battery is charged or install a charged battery.Verify that your adapter is connected correctly.Check all I/O addresses located within theBIOS setup utility and any other installedhardware or software to make sure there areno duplications.Close the application and restart yournotebook.See your software documentation and activate the correct driver.See your PC Card documentation todetermine the required I/O address. Changethe settings in the BIOS.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
27TroubleshootingProblem Power FailuresYou turn on yourLifeBook notebookand nothingseems to happen.Your LifeBook notebook turns offall by itself.The power adapter (ACadapter) has no powerfrom the AC outlet.The power managementparameters are set forauto timeouts whichare too short for youroperating needs.You are operating onbattery power only andhave ignored a low battery alarm until the batteries are all power drained empty and your machine has gone into Dead Battery Suspend mode.You have a battery failure. Your power adapter hasfailed or lost its powersource.The power adapter (ACadapter) is faulty.Move the AC cord to a different outlet, checkfor a line switch or tripped circuit breaker forthe AC outlet.Press any button on the keyboard, or movethe mouse to restore operation. If that fails,push the Power/Suspend/Resume button.Check your power management settings, orclose your applications and go to the PowerOptions menu to adjust the timeout values tobetter suit your needs.Install a power adapter or a charged batteryand then push the Power/Suspend/Resumebutton.Verify the condition of the batteries using theStatus Indicator Panel, and replace or removebattery that is shortedMake sure the adapter is plugged in and theoutlet has power.Try a different power adapter or install acharged optional second battery.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
28Problem Power FailuresYour LifeBooknotebook will notwork on batteryalone.The batteriesseem to dischargetoo quickly.The installed batteriesare dead.You are running anapplication that uses agreat deal of power due to frequent hard drive access or DVD/CD-ROMaccess, use of a modemcard or a LAN PC card.The power savingsfeatures may be disabled.The brightness is turnedall the way up.The batteries are very old.The batteries have beenexposed to hightemperatures.The batteries are too hotor too cold.No batteries are installed.The batteries areimproperly installed.Your installed batteriesare faulty.Replace the battery with a charged one orinstall a Power adapter.Use both the primary battery and an optionalsecond battery and/or use a power adapter for this application when at all possible.Check the power management and/or setuputility settings in the Power Savings menu and adjust according to your operating needs.Turn down the brightness adjustment. Thehigher the brightness the more power yourdisplay uses.Replace the batteries.Replace the batteries.Restore the notebook to normal operatingtemperature. The Charging icon on the StatusIndicator panel will ash when the battery isoutside its operating range.Install a charged battery.Verify that the batteries are properlyconnected by re-installing them.Verify the condition of the batteries using theStatus Indicator panel and replace or removeany batteries that are shorted.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
29TroubleshootingProblem Shutdown and Startup ProblemsThe Suspend/Resume buttondoes not work.The systempowers up, anddisplays power oninformation, butfails to load theoperating system.An error messageis displayed on thescreen during thenotebook (boot)sequence.The Suspend/Resumebutton is disabled from the Advanced submenu of the Power menu of the setup utility.The boot sequencesettings of the setup utility are not compatible with your confi guration.Power On Self Test(POST) has detected aproblem.You did not hold the button in long enough.There may be a conictwith the applicationsoftware.You have a securedsystem requiring apassword to load youroperating system.Internal hard drive wasnot detected.Enable the button from the setup utility.Set the operating source by pressing the[ESC] key while the Fujitsu logo is on screenor use the [F2] key and enter the setup utilityand adjust the source settings from the Bootmenu.See the Power On Self Test (POST)messages to determine the meaning andseverity of the problem.Not all messages are errors; some are simplystatus indicators.Hold the button longer. This may need to be a few seconds if your application is preventingthe CPU from checking for button pushes.Close all applications and try the button again.Make sure you have the right password. Enterthe setup utility and verify the Security settings and modify them as accordingly.Use the BIOS setup utility or Primary Mastersubmenu, located within the Main menu, to try to auto detect the internal hard drive.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
30Problem Shutdown and Startup ProblemsVideo ProblemsYour notebookappears to changesetup parameterswhen you start it.The built-indisplay is blankwhen you turnon your LifeBooknotebook.(continued)Your systemdisplay won’tturn on when thesystem is turnedon or when thesystem hasresumed.BIOS setup changes were not saved when you made them and exited the BIOSsetup utility returning it to pevious settings.Something is pushing onthe Closed Cover switch.The system may bepassword-protected.The BIOS CMOS hold-up battery has failed.Make sure you select Save Changes And Exitwhen exiting the BIOS setup utility.Clear the Closed Cover switch.Check the status indicator panel to verify thatthe Security icon is blinking. If it is blinking,enter your password.Contact your support representative forrepairs.This is not a user serviceable part but has anormal life of 3 to 5 years.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
31TroubleshootingProblem Video ProblemsThe built-indisplay is blankwhen you turnon your LifeBooknotebook.The LifeBooknotebook turnedon with a series ofbeeps and yourbuilt-in display isblank.The display goesblank by itself afteryou have beenusing it.The notebook is set for an external monitor only.Power On Self Test(POST) has detecteda failure which doesnot allow the display tooperate.The notebook has goneinto Video Timeout,Standby mode, Suspendmode or Save-to-Diskmode because you havenot used it for a period of time.The angle of the displayand the brightnesssettings are not  dequatefor your lighting conditions.The power managementtime-outs may be set forvery short intervals andyou failed to notice thedisplay come on and gooff again.The power managementtime-outs may be set forvery short intervals andyou failed to notice thedisplay come on and gooff again.Something is pushing onthe Closed Cover switch.Pressing [F10] while holding down the [Fn]key allows you to change your selection ofwhere to send your display video. Each timeyou press the combination of keys you willstep to the next choice. The choices, in orderare: built-in display only, external monitor only, both built-in display and external monitor.Contact your support representative.Press any button on the keyboard, or movethe mouse to restore operation. If that fails,push the Power/Suspend/Resume button.Check your power management settings, orclose your applications and go to the PowerSavings menu of the setup utility to adjust thetimeout values to better suit your operationneeds.Move the display and the brightness controluntil you have adequate visibility.Press any button the keyboard, or move themouse to restore operation. If that fails, pushthe Power/Suspend/Resume button. (Thedisplay may be shut off by Stanby mode, Auto Suspend or Video Timeout)Press any button on the keyboard, or movethe mouse to restore operation. If that fails,push the Power/Suspend/Resume button.(The display may be shut off by StandbyMode, Auto Suspend or Video Timeout)Check the Closed Cover switch.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
32Problem Video ProblemsMiscellaneous ProblemsThe applicationdisplay uses onlya portion of yourscreen and issurrounded by adark frame.An error messageis displayed on thescreen during theoperation of anapplication.The Display isdark when onbattery power.You haveconnected anexternal monitorand it does notdisplay anyinformation.You haveconnected anexternal monitorand it does notcome on.You are running anapplication that does notsupport 800 x 600/1024x 768 pixel resolutiondisplay and displaycompression is enabled.Application software oftenhas its own set of errormessage displays.The Power Managementutility default is set on low brightness to conserve power.Your BIOS setup is not set to enable your external monitor.Your external monitor isnot compatible with yourLifeBook notebook.Your external monitor isnot properly installed.Your operating systemsoftware is not setup with the correct software driver for that device.Display compression gives a clearer butsmaller display for applications that do notsupport 800 x 600/1024 x 768 pixel resolution. You can fi ll the screen but have less resolution by changing your display compression setting, (See the Video Features submenu, located within the Advanced menu of the BIOS.)See your application manual and help displayscreens for more information. Not allmessages are errors. Some may simply bestatus messages.Press [Fn] + [F7] to increase brightness ordouble- click on the battery gauge and adjustPower Control under battery settings.Try toggling the video destination by pressing[Fn] and [F10] together, or check your BIOSsetup and enable your external monitor. (Seethe Video Features submenu, located withinthe Advanced Menu of the BIOS.)See your monitor documentation and theExternal Monitor Support portions of theSpecifi cations section.Reinstall your device.Check your device and operating systemdocumentation and activate the proper driver.Possible Cause  Possible Solution
 「FOMA」「Xi」は NTT ドコモの商標または登録商標です。 その他の各製品名は、各社の商標、または登録商標です。 その他の各製品は、各社の著作物です。 Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 20165 CPxxxxxx データ通信端末の比吸収率(SAR) この機種  ARROWS TabLIFEBOOK R726/Mは、国が定めた電波の人体吸収に関する技術基準および電波防護の国際ガイドラインに適合しています。   このデータ通信端末は、国が定めた電波の人体吸収に関する技術基準※1ならびに、これと同等な国際ガイドラインが推奨する電波防護の許容値を遵守するよう設計されています。この国際ガイドラインは世界保健機関(WHO)と協力関係にある国際非電離放射線防護委員会(ICNIRP)が定めたものであり、その許容値は使用者の年齢や健康状況に関係なく十分な安全率を含んでいます。 国の技術基準および国際ガイドラインは電波防護の許容値を人体に吸収される電波の平均エネルギー量を表す比吸収率(SAR:Specific Absorption Rate)で定めており、本データ通信端末に対するSARの許容値は2.0W/kg です。取扱説明書に記述する通常使用の場合、このデータ通信端末のSARの最大値0.701W/kg※2です。個々の製品によってSARに多少の差異が生じることもありますが、いずれも許容値を満足しています。   データ通信端末は、携帯電話など基地局との通信に必要な最低限の送信電力になるよう設計されているため、実際に通信している状態では、通常SARはより小さい値となります。一般的には、基地局からの距離が近いほど、データ通信端末の出力は小さくなります。   通信中は、身体から1.5センチ以上離し、かつその間に金属(部分)が含まれないようにしてください。このことにより、本データ通信端末が国の技術基準および電波防護の国際ガイドラインに適合していることを確認しています。   世界保健機関は、『携帯電話が潜在的な健康リスクをもたらすかどうかを評価するために、これまで20年以上にわたって多数の研究が行われてきました。今日まで、携帯電話使用によって生じるとされる、いかなる健康影響も確立されていません。』と表明しています。 さらに詳しい情報をお知りになりたい場合には世界保健機関のホームページをご参照ください。 SARについて、さらに詳しい情報をお知りになりたい方は、次のホームページをご参照ください。   総務省のホームページ 一般社団法人電波産業会のホームページ ※1技術基準については、電波法関連省令(無線設備規則第14条の2)で規定されています。  ※2 Xi/FOMAと同時に使用可能な無線機能を含みます。

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