Fuji Film 01000001 D-EVO G35i User Manual 897N101473E Z72N2000E 101026

Fuji Film Corporation D-EVO G35i 897N101473E Z72N2000E 101026

Users Manual

897N101473EThis Operation Manual describes details on how to operate the FDR D-EVO and cautions to be observed when operating it. Please read the Operation Manual thoroughly before actually operating the FDR D-EVO along with “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual” and other manuals for the related products.After reading this manual, store it nearby the FDR D-EVO so that you can see it whenever necessary.DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHYFUJIFILM DR(DR-ID 600)Operation Manual6st Edition: October 2010For Safe OperationSystem&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ(Product Overview)Basic Operation7URXEOHVKRRWLQJDaily Inspection and MaintenanceAppendixMaintenance and Inspection
ii FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E
iiiFDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EIntroduction7KH:LUHG:LUHOHVV)'5'(92'5,'ÀDWSDQHOGHWHFWRUV\VWHPLVLQWHQGHGWRFDSWXUHfor display radiographic images of human anatomy. It is intended for use in general projection UDGLRJUDSKLFDSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHYHUFRQYHQWLRQDO¿OPVFUHHQRU&5V\VWHPVPD\EHXVHG7KH)'5'(92'5,'LVQRWLQWHQGHGIRUPDPPRJUDSK\ÀXRURVFRS\WRPRJUDSK\DQGDQJLRJUDSK\applications.This Operation Manual includes descriptions of matters necessary when using the FDR D-EVO, such as the equipment overview, operation procedures and precautions to observe, as well as daily inspections and maintenance.Accompanying documents were originally drafted in the English language.Installation may only be conducted by authorized service personal.CAUTIONS1. No part or all of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior permission.7KHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVPDQXDOPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDQGGDPDJHVUHVXOWLQJIURPLQVWDOODWLRQUHORFDWLRQUHPRGHOLQJPDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLUSHUIRUPHGE\RWKHUWKDQGHDOHUVVSHFL¿HGE\)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQ)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDQGGDPDJHVRI)8-,),/0Corporation products due to products of other manufacturers not supplied by FUJIFILM Corporation.)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDQGGDPDJHVUHVXOWLQJIURPUHPRGHOLQJPDLQWHQDQFHDQGUHSDLUXVLQJUHSDLUSDUWVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHVSHFL¿HGE\FUJIFILM Corporation.)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDQGGDPDJHVUHVXOWLQJIURPQHJOLJHQFHRISUHFDXWLRQVDQGRSHUDWLQJPHWKRGVFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVPDQXDO)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDQGGDPDJHVUHVXOWLQJIURPXVHXQGHUHQYLURQPHQWFRQGLWLRQVRXWVLGHWKHUDQJHRIXVLQJFRQGLWLRQVIRUWKLVSURGXFWVXFKDVpower supply, installation environment, etc. contained in this manual.)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQVKDOOQRWEHOLDEOHIRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDQGGDPDJHVUHVXOWLQJIURPQDWXUDOGLVDVWHUVVXFKDV¿UHVHDUWKTXDNHVÀRRGVOLJKWQLQJHWF7KLVV\VWHPLVFODVVL¿HGDVDPHGLFDOGHYLFHXQGHU(&'LUHFWLYH((&Caution : Rx Only in the United States (Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.)Open-Source Software Used in This ProductThis product uses third party’s software that is made available as open source software or free software.For information on open source software used in this product, please see the attached CD. Source codes for certain type of open source software used in this product are available at delivery cost.If you would like to receive such source codes, please contact FUJIFILM dealer or the service representatives at the agency from which you purchased this product. (Please be noted that any inquiries concerning the contents of source codes should be directed to original licensers of open source software.)Note :)8-,),/0KDVVXFFHVVIXOO\SHUIRUPHGYHUL¿FDWLRQDQGYDOLGDWLRQWHVWLQJRQDOOWKLUGSDUW\VRIWZDUHDQGKDVFRQ¿UPHGLWVVXLWDELOLW\WREHXVHGLQWKLVV\VWHP7UDGHPDUNVAll company names and product names described in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of FUJIFILM Corporation or their respective holders.Windows Vista is the registered trademark of US Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries.Windows is the registered trademark of US Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries.Copyright © 2010 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.
iv FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFDR D-EVO System Operation ManualsDR-ID 300CL Operation ManualDR-ID 600PU Operation ManualDIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY FDR D-EVO (DR-ID 600) Operation Manual  See “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual” along with the manuals for the related products.  The DR-ID 600MC runs on a commercially available personal computer. However, operations are not required to use the FDR D-EVO. For operations of a commercially available personal computer, see the operation manual provided by the manufacturer.Manage and store all the Operation Manuals of the devices constituting the system together as a set.For the U.S.  For other countries DR-ID 600DR-ID 600RUDR-ID 600PU DR-ID 600PUImage processing unit of other digital radiography systemDR-ID 300CLFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEBatterychargerAccesspoint*Power supply unit DR-ID 600MPPower supply unit DR-ID 600MPControl cabinetDR-ID 600MCImage processing unit DR-ID 300CLHubDR-ID 600DR-ID 600RUDR-ID 600PU DR-ID 600PUImage processing unit of other digital radiography systemDR-ID 300CLFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEBatterychargerAccesspoint*Power supply unit DR-ID 600MPPower supply unit DR-ID 600MPControl cabinetDR-ID 600MCImage processing unit DR-ID 300CLHub:LWKUHJDUGWRWKHDFFHVVSRLQWFRQVXOWRXURI¿FLDOGHDOHU7KHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKHV\VWHPYDULHVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHFRXQWU\7KHUHDUHWZRW\SHVRIÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUV'5,'6(ZLUHOHVVZLUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHDQGDR-ID 600SE (wired communication mode). Although the contents of this manual are described by taking the example of DR-ID 601SE, the same can also be applied to DR-ID 600SE. With regard WRWKHGHVFULSWLRQVSHFL¿FWR'5,'6(RU'5,'6(WKHSURGXFWQDPHLVVSHFL¿HGLQWKHdescription.
vFDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EContents at a GlanceChapter 1For Safe OperationThis chapter presents Warnings and Cautions we wish you to observe for safe operation of the FDR D-EVO. Chapter 26\VWHP&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZThis chapter gives the various unit names and describes their functions and features of the FDR D-EVO.Chapter 3Basic OperationThis chapter describes start-up, shut-down and other basic operations of the FDR D-EVO.Chapter 4TroubleshootingThis chapter describes how to troubleshoot in the event of an error on the FDR D-EVO, and provides explanations about a list of error messages each of which appears when an error occurs. Chapter 5Daily Inspection and MaintenanceThis chapter describes daily care and maintenance we wish you to perform so that you can use the FDR D-EVO optimally.Appendix$SSHQGL[$ 6SHFL¿FDWLRQVAppendix Z Precautions for ExposureAppendix O Use of Optional ItemsMaintenance and Inspection
vi FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EHow to Read This Manual%DVLFSDJHOD\RXW3OHDVHKDYHDJRRGJUDVSRIWKHEDVLFSDJHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKLV2SHUDWLRQ0DQXDODVLOOXVWUDWHGEHORZIRU\RXWRXVHLWPRUHHI¿FLHQWO\3-7FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation33.2 Starting Up and Shutting Down the SystemThis section explains how to start up and shut down the system. To start up the system, operations are required on the FDR D-EVO main unit and on the Console. To shut down the entire system, operations are required only on the Console.3.2.1 Starting Up the System1Press the ON side of the main switch of the power supply unit, if its power status LED is not lit.2After FRQ¿UPLQJ the IROORZLQJ LWHPV SUHVV the power VZLWFK for the &RQVROH to VWDUW theinitialization process.$OOFDEOHVVKRXOGEHFRQQHFWHGSURSHUO\1RPHGLDVKRXOGEHLQVHUWHGLQWRWKH)''7KHFRQWUROFDELQHWVWDUWVXSDXWRPDWLFDOO\CAUTIONSIf the power status LED of the power supply unit does not come on after turning on the &RQVROH turn on the control FDELQHW3Turn on the radiographic examination stand.4After displaying the start-up progression status, software version, and initialization progression VWDWXV the DFWLYDWLRQ FRPSOHWLRQ VFUHHQ EHORZ ZLOO EH GLVSOD\HG on the &RQVROH$FWLYDWLRQFRPSOHWLRQVFUHHQRIWKH&RQVROHCAUTIONSAn error occurs if the system is started up immediately after shutdown.To restart the system, make sure that the power status LED of the power supply unit is off, and then SUHVV the power VZLWFK for the &RQVROH3DJHQXPEHUDisplayed in conjunction with the chapter number.Section titleShows the title of an operation procedure described in the section.LeadDescribes information we wish you to know in advance of your operating the system or information that may help you to operate it. Displayed screenA screen that appears during operation.Operation procedureDescribes an operation procedure according to sequential numbers.IndexA caption that facilitates you to open a desired [Chapter] quickly.
viiFDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E0DUNVInformation items to be observed when you are operating this system and the supplementary remarks are described in this manual with the respective marks.For the safe system operation, be sure to observe Warning/Caution.WARNING Indicates hazardous situations that may lead to serious injuries or even death if the precaution is not or cannot be followed.CAUTIONSIndicates hazardous situations that may lead to mild or moderate injury or physical damages if the caution is not or cannot be followed.Indicates procedures requiring special attention, instructions that must be followed, supplementary explanations, etc.HINT Shows an item helpful for further effective system operation.Shows a more detailed operation method or an item that describes additional information.ExpressionsMessages appear on the display panel and the buttons are shown as below.Ɣ %XWWRQVH[DPSOH------------------------------ Select .The button to operate is shown.
viii FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EContentsIntroduction ...........................................................................................................................iiiFDR D-EVO System Operation Manuals .............................................................................ivContents at a Glance ............................................................................................................ vHow to Read This Manual ....................................................................................................viChapter 1 For Safe Operation1.1 Precautions Before Operating This Equipment ....................................................... 1-11.2 Precautions to be Observed When Using the Electric Medical Equipment ............. 1-21.3 Safety ...................................................................................................................... 1-31.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ...................................................................... 1-81.4.1 DR-ID 600PU and DR-ID 300CL .............................................................................1-81.4.2 DR-ID 600MC ........................................................................................................1-131.5 Precautions in Using the FDR D-EVO ................................................................... 1-161.5.1 Handling .................................................................................................................1-161.5.2 Before Exposure ....................................................................................................1-171.5.3 During Exposure ....................................................................................................1-171.5.4 During Cleaning .....................................................................................................1-171.5.5 Storage ..................................................................................................................1-171.6 Locations of Labels and Signs .............................................................................. 1-181.6.1 Locations of Labels ................................................................................................1-181.6.2 DR-ID 600 ..............................................................................................................1-191.6.3 DR-ID 600PU .........................................................................................................1-201.6.4 Safety and Other Symbols .....................................................................................1-211.7 Installation Conditions ...........................................................................................1-221.7.1 Installation Space When Setting the Control Cabinet in the X-ray Room ..............1-22Chapter 26\VWHP&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ2.1 FDR D-EVO ............................................................................................................. 2-1 6\VWHP&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ ..............................................................................................2-12.1.2 Features of the FDR D-EVO ....................................................................................2-22.2 Unit Names and the Functions ................................................................................ 2-32.2.1 DR-ID 600 ................................................................................................................2-3 &RQVROH'LVSOD\&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ ................................................................................ 2-52.4 Routine Operation Diagram..................................................................................... 2-6Chapter 3 Basic Operation3.1 Preparing the Flat Panel Sensor .............................................................................3-13.1.1 Type of Flat Panel Sensor .......................................................................................3-13.1.2 Number of the Connectable Flat Panel Sensors .....................................................3-13.1.3 Connecting/Disconnecting the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 601SE) Connector.........3-13.1.4  Connecting/Disconnecting the Sensor Cable Relay Connector for the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 600SE) ............................................................................................3-23.1.5  Inserting/Removing the Flat Panel Sensor into/from the Radiographic Examination Stand .......................................................................................................................3-33.1.6 Changing the Direction of the Flat Panel Sensor Connector ...................................3-43.1.7 Charging the Battery Pack (Optional) for the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 601SE) ....3-53.1.8 Installing/Removing the Battery Pack (Optional) for the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 601SE) ..................................................................................................................................3-6
ixFDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E3.2 Starting Up and Shutting Down the System ............................................................ 3-73.2.1 Starting Up the System ............................................................................................3-73.2.2 Shutting Down the System ......................................................................................3-83.3 Routine Operations ................................................................................................. 3-9Step 1 Entering the Patient Information ............................................................................3-10Step 2 Selecting the Anatomical Region and Exposure/Study Menu................................ 3-11Step 3 X-ray Exposure ......................................................................................................3-13[1] Positioning the patient ......................................................................................3-13[2] X-ray exposure/Image displaying .....................................................................3-14[3] For exposures of the next patient using the same menus ................................3-16Chapter 4 TroubleshootinJ4.1 When a Message Appears on the Console ............................................................. 4-1[1] If a warning dialog box appears  .........................................................................4-1[2] If a communication error occurs between the Console and the connected DR system ................................................................................................................4-1[3] If an error occurs on the Console .......................................................................4-2[4] If an error occurs on an output destination device ..............................................4-24.2 How to Cope with an Error... ................................................................................... 4-3[1] When the system hangs up... .............................................................................4-3[2] When the Console is turned off due to an electrical outage ...............................4-4[3] If a hard disk of the Console is damaged ...........................................................4-4[4] If a white image is displayed after an exposure ..................................................4-4[5] Precautions for operating the system when “Initializing” or “Changing FPD” is displayed in the Console’s operating status display at the time of replacing the ÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU .................................................................................................4-4>@,IZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQZLWKWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'6(LVQRWpossible ...............................................................................................................4-4>@,IZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHLVGLVDEOHGZKHQXVLQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU(DR-ID 601SE) ....................................................................................................4-4Chapter 5 Daily Inspection and Maintenance5.1 Daily User Inspection and Maintenance .................................................................. 5-15.1.1 Daily Inspection (DR-ID 600) ...................................................................................5-15.1.2 Periodical Inspection ................................................................................................5-25.1.3 Effective Period of Use ............................................................................................5-2$SSHQGL[$6SHFL¿FDWLRQs$ 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ..........................................................................................................A-1A.1.1 Processing Capacity (DR-ID 600) ........................................................................... A-1A.1.2 Image Output (DR-ID 600) ...................................................................................... A-1A.1.3 Reduced Equivalent (DR-ID 600) ........................................................................... A-3A.1.4 Power Supply Conditions ........................................................................................ A-3A.1.5 Environmental Conditions ....................................................................................... A-3A.2 External View and Weight .......................................................................................A-4A.2.1 DR-ID 600 ............................................................................................................... A-4Appendix Z Precautions for ExposureZ1. Precautions for Exposure in AUTO MODE ..............................................................Z-1Z.1.1 Radiation Field .........................................................................................................Z-1Z.1.2 Depiction of the Cervical Region .............................................................................Z-2Z.1.3 Depiction of the HIP JOINT AXL – 2 Menu ..............................................................Z-2Z.1.4 EDR Image Data Analysis .......................................................................................Z-3Z.2 Precautions for Exposure in SEMI-AUTO MODE ...................................................Z-4
xFDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EZ.3 Precautions for Exposure in SEMI-X MODE ...........................................................Z-5Z.4 Precautions for Exposure in FIX MODE ..................................................................Z-6Z.5 Other Precautions ...................................................................................................Z-7Z.5.1 Precautions for Exposure of a Subject in Relatively Large Contrast .......................Z-7Z.5.2 Precautions for DR System .....................................................................................Z-7Z.5.3 Precautions for Assuring the Radiation Field ...........................................................Z-7Z.5.4 Precautions Related to the X-ray Exposure Time ....................................................Z-7Z.5.5 Images Output When the X-ray Shot Switch is Operated Incorrectly ......................Z-8Z.5.6 Precautions for Urgent Use .....................................................................................Z-8Z.5.7 Precautions Related to Continuous Operation ........................................................Z-8Z.5.8 Precautions Related to Grid .....................................................................................Z-8Appendix O Use of Optional ItemsO.1 Optional Items  ....................................................................................................... O-1O.2 Using the Remote Switch ....................................................................................... O-2O.2.1 Remote Switch ........................................................................................................ O-2O.2.2 Relay Cable ............................................................................................................O-2O.3 Using the SE Storage Case ................................................................................... O-3O.4 Using the DAP Connector Cable ............................................................................ O-4O.5 Using the Retaining Bracket for MP ....................................................................... O-5Maintenance and Inspection
1-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Chapter 1  For Safe Operation 3UHFDXWLRQV%HIRUH2SHUDWLQJ7KLV(TXLSPHQWBefore using this equipment, please read “Precautions Before Operating This Equipment” carefully so that you can operate it correctly.Whenever you operate this equipment, be sure to observe those precautions. Failure to do so may cause you to subject to injuries or property damage to occur.The institution where the equipment is installed is responsible for its use and maintenance.In addition, this equipment should not be used by persons other than doctors or suitably trained staff.7KLVV\VWHPLVFODVVL¿HGDVDPHGLFDOGHYLFHXQGHU(&'LUHFWLYH((&This equipment has been designed on the assumption that the patient would not come into direct contact with it or for operation by appropriately trained operator.Process waste correctly, as stipulated by local law or any regulations that apply.Part of the components contains harmful substances which may pollute the ambient environment if disposed carelessly. For details on product disposal, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.
1-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.2 Precautions to be Observed When 8VLQJWKH(OHFWULF0HGLFDO(TXLSPHQWWe ask that you observe these usage precautions and use the equipment correctly.1. This equipment should be used only by people who have the proper skills.2. Observe the following precautions when installing the equipment.2-1. Install the equipment where water will not splash it.2-2. Install the equipment where it will not be adversely affected by air pressure, temperature,humidity, ventilation, sunlight, dust or the presence of salt, sulfur or like substances in the atmosphere.2-3. Make sure the equipment will remain in stable condition on a level surface and not be subjected to vibration or shock.2-4. Do not install the equipment in places where chemicals are stored or gases emitted.2-5. Make sure that the power frequency, voltage and power consumption are appropriate.2-6. Connect the ground wire correctly.3. Observe the following precautions before beginning to use the device.&RQ¿UPWKDWWKHJURXQGZLUHKDVEHHQFRPSOHWHO\FRQQHFWHG3-2. Make sure that all cords have been connected properly and safely.3-3. Be aware that correct diagnosis can be hindered and danger can result from using different pieces of equipment together.3-4. Make sure that the battery and power supply are installed properly.4. Observe the following precautions when using the equipment. 4-1. Make sure not to exceed the time and dose required for diagnosis.  4-2. Always monitor the patient and the equipment for abnormalities.   4-3. Take an appropriate action, such as stopping the equipment after ensuring the patient’s safety, if any abnormalities are found in his/her health or in the equipment. 5. Observe the following precautions after using the equipment.5-1. Using the established procedure, then turn the power off.5-2. When unplugging cords, do not pull on the body of the cord itself or apply unnecessary force.5-3. Observe the following precautions when storing the equipment.I Store the equipment where water will not splash it.II Store the equipment where it will not be adversely affected by air pressure, temperature, humidity, ventilation, sunlight, dust or the presence of salt, sulfur or like substances in the atmosphere.III Make sure the equipment will remain in stable condition on a level surface and not be subjected to vibration or shock.IV Do not store the equipment in places where chemicals are stored or gases emitted.5-4. After using the accessories, recollect them and put them back in order.5-5. Make sure to clean the equipment for the next use. ,IWKHUHLVWURXEOHZLWKWKHHTXLSPHQWGRQRWDWWHPSWWR¿[LWUDQGRPO\,QVWHDGGRZKDWLVindicated and entrust repairs to a professional.7. Do not remodel the equipment.8. Maintenance and Inspection8-1. Make inspect the equipment and parts periodically.8-2.  If the equipment has not been used for a long time, make sure that it operates normally and safely prior to using it again.9. Other Items9-1. When subjecting patients (particularly infants and pregnant women) to radiation, make sure not to exceed the necessary time and dose. Also, ensure that radiation is contained within WKHH[SRVXUHSODQHRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU9-2. Follow the Operation Manual and operate the equipment correctly.
1-8 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1 (OHFWURPDJQHWLF&RPSDWLELOLW\(0&1.4.1 DR-ID 600PU and DR-ID 300CLThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for medical devices to the IEC $(1$0HGLFDO'HYLFH'LUHFWLYH((&These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a typical medical installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to other devices in the vicinity.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to other devices, which can be determined by tuning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or PRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJPHDVXUHV 5HRULHQWRUUHORFDWHWKHUHFHLYLQJGHYLFH ,QFUHDVHWKHVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHHTXLSPHQW &RQQHFWWKHHTXLSPHQWLQWRDQRXWOHWRQDFLUFXLWGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWWRZKLFKWKHRWKHUGHYLFHVare connected.If the problem cannot be solved with the above measures, stop using this equipment and consult WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURURXURI¿FLDOGHDOHUIRUKHOSWARNINGƔ 'RQRWSODFHGHYLFHVJHQHUDWLQJHOHFWURPDJQHWLFZDYHQHDUWKLVHTXLSPHQWƔ ,IDGHYLFHVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHVSHFL¿HGLVFRQQHFWHGSUHGHWHUPLQHG(0&SHUIRUPDQFHFDQQRWEHJXDUDQWHHG
1-9FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Further information for IEC 60601-1-2 (EN60601-1-2)1.  Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying documents.2.  Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment.3. Information regarding the cable affecting EMC is as follows.Name Connected Device 0D[LPXP/HQJWK *HQHUDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQNetwork Cable Between the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 600MC30m Cat5e or more,UTP type and straight cableBetween the DR-ID 600MC and the DR-ID 300CL100mPower Cable DR-ID 600PU 3m Use a hospital grade power cable. (for North America)A non-hospital grade power cable can be used. (for other countries)DR-ID 300CL Depends on the cable length of a personal computer. 4.  7KHXVHRIDFFHVVRULHVWUDQVGXFHUVDQGFDEOHVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHVSHFL¿HGZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQRItransducers and cables sold by FUJIFILM Corporation as replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL.5. The DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL should be REVHUYHGWRYHULI\QRUPDORSHUDWLRQLQWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLQZKLFKLWZLOOEHXVHG6. Basic performance of the equipment and the systemAfter image data are acquired from the DR-ID 600PU, data correction is performed by the control cabinet (DR-ID 600MC), and the image is saved in and displayed on the image processing unit (DR-ID 300CL).7. Test items (Tables 1 to 4)Table 1*XLGDQFHDQGPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VGHFODUDWLRQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHPLVVLRQV7KH'5,'38DQGWKH'5,'&/DUHLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWVSHFL¿HGEHORZThe customer or the user of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL should assure that they are used in such an environment.Emissions test Compliance (OHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWJXLGDQFHRF emissionsCISPR 11 Group 1The DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL use RF energy only for their internal function.Therefore, their RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.RF emissionsCISPR 11 Class AThe DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL are suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.Harmonic emissionsIEC61000-3-2 Complies'5,'38&ODVV$'5,'&/&ODVV'9ROWDJHÀXFWXDWLRQVÀLFNHUHPLVVLRQVIEC61000-3-3Complies
1-10 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Table 2*XLGDQFHDQGPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VGHFODUDWLRQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFLPPXQLW\7KH'5,'38DQGWKH'5,'&/DUHLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWVSHFL¿HGEHORZThe customer or the user of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL should assure that they are used in such an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level (OHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWJXLGDQFHElectrostaticdischarge(ESD)IEC61000-4-2±6kV contact±8kV air±6kV contact±8kV airFloors should be wood, concrete or FHUDPLFWLOH,IÀRRUVDUHFRYHUHGZLWKsynthetic material, the relative humidity should be at least 30%.Electrical fasttransient/burstIEC61000-4-4±2kV for power supply lines±1kV for input/output lines±2kV for power supply lines±1kV for input/output linesMains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.SurgeIEC61000-4-5±1kV differential mode±2kV common mode±1kV differential mode±2kV common modeMains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment.Voltage dips, shortinterruptions andvoltage variations onpower supply inputlinesIEC61000-4-11<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 0.5 cycle40% UT(60% dip in UT)for 5 cycles70% UT(30% dip in UT)for 25 cycles<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 5 s<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 0.5 cycle40% UT(60% dip in UT)for 5 cycles70% UT(30% dip in UT)for 25 cycles<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 5 sMains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. If the user of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL requires continued operation during power mains interruptions, it is recommended that the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL be powered from an uninterruptible power supply or a battery.Power frequency(50/60Hz) magnetic¿HOGIEC61000-4-83 A/m 3 A/m3RZHUIUHTXHQF\PDJQHWLF¿HOGVVKRXOGbe at levels characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or hospital environment.127(UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
1-11FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Table 3*XLGDQFHDQGPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VGHFODUDWLRQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFLPPXQLW\7KH'5,'38DQGWKH'5,'&/DUHLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWVSHFL¿HGEHORZThe customer or the user of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL should assure that they are used in such an environment.Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level (OHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWJXLGDQFHConducted RFIEC61000-4-6Radiated RFIEC61000-4-33 Vrms150 kHz to 80 MHz3 V/m80 MHz to 2.5 GHz3 Vrms3 V/mPortable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.Recommended separation distanced = 1.2d = 1.2 80 MHz to 800 MHzd = 2.3 800 MHz to 2.5 GHzwhereP is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in metres (m).)LHOGVWUHQJWKVIURP¿[HG5)WUDQVPLWWHUVDVdetermined by an electromagnetic site survey,ashould be less than the compliance level in each frequency range.bInterference may occur in the vicinity of equipment PDUNHGZLWKWKHIROORZLQJV\PERO127($W0+]DQG0+]WKHKLJKHUIUHTXHQF\UDQJHDSSOLHV127(7KHVHJXLGHOLQHVPD\QRWDSSO\LQDOOVLWXDWLRQV(OHFWURPDJQHWLFSURSDJDWLRQLVDIIHFWHGE\DEVRUSWLRQDQGUHÀHFWLRQIURPVWUXFWXUHVREMHFWVDQGSHRSOHD )LHOGVWUHQJWKIURP¿[HGWUDQVPLWWHUVVXFKDVEDVHVWDWLRQVIRUUDGLRFHOOXODUFRUGOHVVWHOHSKRQHVDQGODQGmobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with DFFXUDF\7RDVVHVVWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWGXHWR¿[HG5)WUDQVPLWWHUVDQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFVLWHVXUYH\VKRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHG,IWKHPHDVXUHG¿HOGVWUHQJWKLQWKHORFDWLRQLQZKLFKWKH'5,'38DQGWKH'5,'&/are used exceeds the applicable RF compliance, the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL.E 2YHUWKHIUHTXHQF\UDQJHN+]WR0+]¿HOGVWUHQJWKVKRXOGEHOHVVWKDQ9P
1-12 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Table 4Recommended separation distances between3RUWDEOHDQGPRELOH5)FRPPXQLFDWLRQVHTXLSPHQWDQGWKH'5,'38DQGWKH'5,'&/The DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL are intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled.The customer or the user of the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 300CL as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.Rated maximum output power of transmitterW6HSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHDFFRUGLQJWRIUHTXHQF\RIWUDQVPLWWHUm150 kHz to 80 MHzd = 1.280 MHz to 800 MHzd = 1.2800 MHz to 2.5 GHzd = 2.30.01 0.12 0.12 0.230.1 0.38 0.38 0.731 1.2 1.2 2.310 3.8 3.8 7.3100 12 12 23For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.127( $W0+]DQG0+]WKHVHSDUDWLRQGLVWDQFHIRUWKHKLJKHUIUHTXHQF\UDQJHDSSOLHV127( 7KHVHJXLGHOLQHVPD\QRWDSSO\LQDOOVLWXDWLRQV (OHFWURPDJQHWLFSURSDJDWLRQLVDIIHFWHGE\DEVRUSWLRQDQGUHÀHFWLRQIURPVWUXFWXUHVREMHFWVDQGSHRSOH
1-13FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.4.2 DR-ID 600MCThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the international standard for medicalGHYLFHVEHORZDFFRUGLQJWRWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRIWKH,(&$(1$(0&6WDQGDUG&,635(1 &,635(1 (1,(& (1,(&This does not guarantee that there is no harmful electromagnetic interference under any installation environment.This equipment can generate, use and radiate radio frequency energy. If the equipment is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, or if peripheral devices that are not complied with the EMC standard, harmful interference may be generated under a particular environment causing malfunction of the equipment and other devices.If this equipment causes harmful interference to other devices, or if this equipment is affected by interference from other devices, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or PRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJPHDVXUHV 5HRULHQWRUUHORFDWHWKHUHFHLYLQJGHYLFH ,QFUHDVHWKHVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHHTXLSPHQW &RQQHFWWKHHTXLSPHQWLQWRDQRXWOHWRQDFLUFXLWGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWWRZKLFKWKHRWKHUGHYLFHVare connected.If the problem cannot be solved with the above measures, stop using this equipment and consult WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURURXURI¿FLDOGHDOHUIRUKHOSWARNING'RQRWSODFHGHYLFHVJHQHUDWLQJHOHFWURPDJQHWLFZDYHQHDUWKLVHTXLSPHQW)XUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQIRU&,635(1DQG&,635(11.  Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying documents.2.  Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment.3. Information regarding the cable affecting EMC is as follows.Name Connected Device 0D[LPXP/HQJWK *HQHUDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQNetwork Cable Between the DR-ID 600PU and the DR-ID 600MC30m Cat5e or more,UTP type and straight cableBetween the DR-ID 600MC and the DR-ID 300CL100mPower Cable DR-ID 600MC Depends on the cable length of a personal computer. 7KHXVHRIDFFHVVRULHVWUDQVGXFHUVDQGFDEOHVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHVSHFL¿HGZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQof transducers and cables sold by FUJIFILM Corporation as replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the DR-ID 600MC.5.  The DR-ID 600MC should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the DR-ID 600MC should be observed to verify normal RSHUDWLRQLQWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLQZKLFKLWZLOOEHXVHG6. Basic performance of the equipment and the system  After image data are acquired from the DR-ID 600PU, data correction is performed by the control cabinet (DR-ID 600MC), and the image is saved in and displayed on the image processing unit (DR-ID 300CL).7.  Test items (Tables 1 to 3)
1-14 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Table 1*XLGDQFHDQGPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VGHFODUDWLRQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHPLVVLRQV7KH'5,'0&LVLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWVSHFL¿HGEHORZThe customer or the user of the DR-ID 600MC should assure that it is used in such an environment.Emissions test ComplianceNoise terminal voltageCISPR 22EN55022Class A(OHFWULF¿HOGQRLVHVWUHQJWKCISPR 22EN55022Class AHarmonic emissionsEN61000-3-2IEC61000-3-2Class D9ROWDJHÀXFWXDWLRQVÀLFNHUHPLVVLRQVEN61000-3-3IEC61000-3-3CompliesTable 2*XLGDQFHDQGPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VGHFODUDWLRQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFLPPXQLW\7KH'5,'0&LVLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWVSHFL¿HGEHORZThe customer or the user of the DR-ID 600MC should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity test (1,(&WHVW Compliance levelElectrostatic discharge (ESD)EN61000-4-2IEC61000-4-2±4kV contact±8kV air±4kV contact±8kV airElectrical fast transient/burstEN61000-4-4IEC61000-4-4±1kV for power supply lines±0.5kV for input/output lines±1kV for power supply lines±0.5kV for input/output linesSurgeEN61000-4-5IEC61000-4-5±1.0kV differential mode±2.0kV common mode±1.0kV differential mode±2.0kV common modeVoltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on power supply input linesEN61000-4-11IEC61000-4-11<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 0.5 cycle70% UT(30% dip in UT)for 25 cycles<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 250 cycles<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 0.5 cycle70% UT(30% dip in UT)for 25 cycles<5% UT(>95% dip in UT)for 250 cyclesPower frequency (50/60Hz) PDJQHWLF¿HOGEN61000-4-8IEC61000-4-81 A/m 1 A/m127(UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
1-15FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1Table 3*XLGDQFHDQGPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VGHFODUDWLRQHOHFWURPDJQHWLFLPPXQLW\7KH'5,'0&LVLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQWKHHOHFWURPDJQHWLFHQYLURQPHQWVSHFL¿HGEHORZThe customer or the user of the DR-ID 600MC should assure that it is used in such an environment.Immunity test (1,(&WHVW Compliance levelConducted RFEN61000-4-6IEC61000-4-6Radiated RFEN61000-4-3IEC61000-4-33 Vrms150 kHz to 80 MHz3 V/m80 MHz to 1 GHz3 Vrms3 V/m
1-16 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1 3UHFDXWLRQVLQ8VLQJWKH)'5'(92This section describes the precautions in using the FDR D-EVO. +DQGOLQJ+DQGOHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUFDUHIXOO\VLQFHLWLVmanufactured with precision. ,IWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVKLWRUGURSSHGRULVVXEMHFWWRsevere shock, it may be damaged.,IWKHIURQWDQGUHDURIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDUHVXEMHFWWRimpact by a projection, it may be damaged. 7KHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVHTXLSSHGZLWKDVKRFNVHQVRUthat detects a severe impact. For details, see “Ŷ DR-ID 600PU” (page 2-3).CAUTIONS,IWKHVKRFNVHQVRUOLJKWVUHGFRQWDFWD)8-,),/0GHDOHU'RQRWSXOOWKHFDEOHRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU:LUHGcommunication mode). $OVRGRQRWSXOOWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUZLWKVRPHWKLQJFDXJKWby the cable. Make sure that the cable is not trapped under the wheels of a stretcher or wheelchair. Otherwise, the cable will be damaged, causing electric shock RU¿UH:KHQFDUU\LQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU:LUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQmode), do not drag the sensor cable relay connector on the ÀRRURUJURXQG0DNHDOVRVXUHWKDWQRRQHRUREMHFWFRPHVLQWRFRQWDFWZLWKWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRKROGWKHFRQQHFWRUZKHQFDUU\LQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU8QOHVVWKHVHFDXWLRQVDUHREVHUYHGWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUmay be caught by an object, personal injury may result, or properties or the connector may be damaged.'RQRWKROGWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULQRQHKDQGZKHQFDUU\LQJLWHold it in both the hands or under the arm. ,IDQ\RIWKHVFUHZFDSVRQWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUFRPHVRIIattach a spare cap. Otherwise, artifacts may appear in the image due to static electricity. To ensure optimal image quality, it is recommended that you do QRWXVHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUQHDUGHYLFHVPRWRUWUDQVIRUPHUswitching supply, etc.) that generate electromagnetic noise. To ensure optimal image quality, it is recommended that you do not place the cables (power cable, communication cable, etc.) of the equipment near devices (motor, transformer, switching supply, etc.) that generate electromagnetic noise and their cables. ScrewcapDR-ID 601SEDR-ID 600SE
1-17FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.5.2 Before ExposureThe use of an air-conditioner may dramatically changes the temperature of the room where the system is installed. This may cause dew condensation on the system, resulting in quality problems. When an air-conditioner is used, change the temperature gradually to avoid temperature variation in order not to cause dew condensation.,IDQH[SRVXUHLVPDGHZLWKWKHIURQWDQGUHDURIWKHÀDWSDQHOsensor facing the other way round, re-exposure and electric parts may be damaged.Exposure plane of the flat panel sensor'RQRWXVHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUIRUWKHUDGLRJUDSKLFH[DPLQDWLRQVWDQGHTXLSSHGZLWKDQDXWRPDWLFloading function. 'XULQJ([SRVXUHBefore making an exposure, make sure that exposure conditions most appropriate for this system are set.Do not apply an excessive force to the exposure plane. 7KHVHQVRULQVLGHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUPD\EHGDPDJHG<Load restriction>(QWLUHVXUIDFHORDGNJ/RFDOORDG'5,'6(NJ¡PP'5,'6(NJ¡PP8VHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRURQDÀDWÀRRURUSODWIRUPWhen an excessive force is applied to the unit when it LVWLOWHGWKHVHQVRULQVLGHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUPD\EHdamaged. 'XULQJ&OHDQLQJTo clean the outer surfaces, use commercially available ethanol papers for disinfection or a cleaning cloth tightly wrung out of ethanol (or diluted neutral detergent).CAUTIONSƔ 'RQRWXVHDQH[FHVVLYHDPRXQWRIHWKDQRORUQHXWUDOGHWHUJHQWDVGRLQJVRPD\DOORZWKHOLTXLGWRHQWHUIURPWKHJDSRQWKHRXWHUVXUIDFHVUHVXOWLQJLQWKHGDPDJHWRWKHÀDWSDQHOsensor, or cause the labels to come off.Ɣ 'RQRWXVHDVROYHQWVXFKDVWKLQQHURUEHQ]LQHDVLWFRUURGHVWKHRXWHUVXUIDFHV 6WRUDJH:KHQWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVQRWLQXVHVWRUHWKHGHYLFHLQDSODFHZKHUHLWGRHVQRWIDOORUGURS
1-18 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation1 /RFDWLRQVRI/DEHOVDQG6LJQV/RFDWLRQVRIODEHOVDQGVLJQVDI¿[HGWRWKH)'5'(92DQGWKHUHOHYDQWVDIHW\VLJQVDUHVKRZQEHORZ1.6.1 Locations of LabelsDR-ID 600SE Caution LabelDR-ID 600SE CE Mark LabelDR-ID 600SE Identification Label<Exposure plane>Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 600SE)DR-ID 601SE Caution LabelDR-ID 601SE CE Mark LabelDR-ID 601SE Identification LabelRadio law certification label<Exposure plane>Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 601SE)DR-ID 600MC Identification LabelControl cabinet (DR-ID 600MC)DR-ID 600PU Rating LabelDR-ID 600MP System LabelDR-ID 600MPCaution LabelFor the types of connectable cables, consult a FUJIFILM dealer.<Left-hand side>Power supply unit (DR-ID 600MP) <Rear side>Battery pack(optional)Battery pack Rating LabelBattery charger(optional)AC adapter (Battery charger) Rating LabelBattery charger Rating Label
1-19FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.6.2 DR-ID 600DR-ID 601SE CE Mark LabelSample year of manufactureDR-ID 600SE CE Mark LabelSample year of manufactureDR-ID 600MP System Label DR-ID 600MC Identification LabelMAR. 2010DR-ID 300CL Identification LabelAC adapter (Battery charger) Rating LabelBattery pack Rating LabelBattery charger Rating Label AC adapter (Access point) Rating Label*Access point Rating Label** The access point model is subject to change.
1-20 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.6.3 DR-ID 600PUDR-ID 601SE Identification LabelDR-ID 600SE Identification LabelDR-ID 601SE Caution LabelRadio law certification labelDR-ID 600SE Caution LabelDR-ID 600PU Rating LabelMADE IN JAPANDR-ID 600MP Caution Label
1-21FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.6.4 Safety and Other SymbolsThe following safety symbols are used in the labels or on its body.Symbol DescriptionThis symbol indicates compliance of the equipment with Directive 93/42/EEC.Caution (See “1.6.1 Locations of Labels” (page 1-17).)OFF (To indicate disconnection from the mains, at least for mains switches or their positions, and all those cases where safety is involved.) ON (To indicate connection to the mains, at least for mains switches or their positions, and all those cases where safety is involved.) Protective earth (ground)Alternating current This symbol indicates that the equipment is a Type B Applied Part.Ready (To indicate the machine is ready for operation.)Electric energyGeneral mandatory action signStand-byThis symbol indicates that this product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, according to the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) and your national law. This product should be handed over to a designated collection point.Improper handling of this type of waste could have a possible negative impact on the environment and human health due to potentially hazardous substances that are generally associated with EEE.At the same time, your cooperation in the correct disposal of this product will contribute to the effective usage of natural resources.For more information about waste, please contact FUJIFILM dealers.Year of manufactureEnvironmentally Friendly Use Period (EFUP)Caution for local load (See “1.5.3 During Exposure” (page 1-16).)Entire surface load
1-22 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EFor Safe Operation11.7 Installation Conditions ,QVWDOODWLRQ6SDFH:KHQ6HWWLQJWKH&RQWURO&DELQHWLQthe X-ray RoomIn case that the control cabinet is installed in the X-ray room, ensure a certain distance between WKHFRQWUROFDELQHWDQGWKHXSULJKWW\SHRUEHGW\SHUDGLRJUDSKLFH[DPLQDWLRQVWDQG6HHWKH¿JXUHbelow for reference. )RUWKHSURGXFWVWKDWFDQEHLQVWDOOHGLQSDWLHQWHQYLURQPHQWVHH³6\VWHP&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ´(page 2-1).CAUTIONS'RQRWLQVWDOOWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWFRQWUROFDELQHWLPDJHSURFHVVLQJXQLW%DWWHU\FKDUJHURSWLRQDODQG$FFHVVSRLQWLQDQDUHDRIWKH;UD\URRPZKHUHWKHXVHUFDQHDVLO\WULSover. Falls could result in injury.Ŷ 8SULJKWW\SH2.5m 2.5m2.5m2.5mŶ %HGW\SH2.5m 2.5m2.5m2.5m
2-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ2Chapter 26\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ(Product Overview)2.1 FDR D-EVO 6\VWHP&RQ¿JXUDWLRQFor the U.S.  For other countries DR-ID 600DR-ID 600RUDR-ID 600PU DR-ID 600PUImage processing unit of other digital radiography systemDR-ID 300CLFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEBatterychargerAccesspoint*Power supply unit DR-ID 600MPPower supply unit DR-ID 600MPControl cabinetDR-ID 600MCImage processing unit DR-ID 300CLHubDR-ID 600DR-ID 600RUDR-ID 600PU DR-ID 600PUImage processing unit of other digital radiography systemDR-ID 300CLFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEFlat panel sensorDR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SEBatterychargerAccesspoint*Power supply unit DR-ID 600MPPower supply unit DR-ID 600MPControl cabinetDR-ID 600MCImage processing unit DR-ID 300CLHubThe products in can be installed in patient environment.7KH)'5'(92FRQVLVWVRIWKH'5,'58DQGWKHLPDJHSURFHVVLQJXQLW'5,'&/$QDFFHVVSRLQWLVXVHGRQO\LQZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGH7KHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKHV\VWHPYDULHVGHSHQGLQJRQWKHFRXQWU\
2-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ22.1.2 Features of the FDR D-EVOThis section describes the main features of the FDR D-EVO. 7KHH[WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQVDQGWKHZHLJKWRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDUHWKHVDPHDVWKRVHRIWKHFRQYHQWLRQDOFDVVHWWHXVHGIRUJHQHUDOH[SRVXUH'XHWRWKLVIHDWXUHWKHÀDWSDQHOsensor can be inserted into the radiographic examination stand that has been used, allowing the user to avoid cassette replacement. 7KHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUFDQEHFRQQHFWHGGLVFRQQHFWHGZLWKWKHUHOD\FRQQHFWRURIWKHFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH7KLVDOORZVWKHXVHUWRFDUU\WKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDQGLQVHUWUHPRYHLWinto/from the upright-type or bed-type radiographic examination stand more easily.  7KHOLJKWZHLJKWDQGWKHWKLQDQGURXQGGHVLJQLQFUHDVHWKHRSHUDELOLW\RIWKHÀDWSDQHOsensor, making it possible to place it under a lying patient.4 An image can be displayed on the Console within approximately 5 seconds after making an exposure. 2ZLQJWRWKHKLJKO\VHQVLWLYHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU;UD\H[SRVXUHGRVHFDQEHUHGXFHGaccordingly.6 Due to the effects of digital image processing, the system produces X-ray images that have a high diagnostic value and are easy to observe.7 The system has a wide latitude for incident X-rays so that a large amount of X-ray diagnostic information is obtained.8 As the system has a wide latitude and an automatic sensitivity adjustment function, its X-ray images are not affected by small changes in X-ray exposure conditions. Therefore, consistent image density is obtained for all images.9 Image processing parameters are automatically selected through an anatomical region selection system from the Console.10 Multi-objective Frequency Processing (MFP), a newly introduced image processing function, not only improves the image quality also achieves high-speed image processing.11 A DICOM-conformed open network can be supported by connecting the Console.:LWKWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'6(ZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHRUZLUHGcommunication mode can be selected. In wireless communication mode, exposures can be performed without connecting the cable.
2-3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ22.2 Unit Names and the FunctionsUnit names and the functions of the FDR D-EVO are described below.2.2.1 DR-ID 600ŶDR-ID 600PUStatus lampShock sensor display (2 places)  : Lights red when the shock     sensor detects a severe impact.ConnectorFlat panel sensor (DR-ID 600SE)* Exposure plane is shown in this figure. Status lampShock sensor display (2 places)  : Lights red when the shock     sensor detects a severe impact.ConnectorFlat panel sensor (DR-ID 601SE)* Exposure plane is shown in this figure. Main switchPowerstatus LEDPower supply unit (DR-ID 600MP)Name DescriptionFlat panel sensor(DR-ID 601SE)(DR-ID 600SE)A unit incorporating a GOS indirect panel.7KHUHDUHWZRW\SHVRIÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUV'5,'6(ZLUHOHVVZLUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQmode) and DR-ID 600SE (wired communication mode).Status lamp Indicates the equipment status by LEDs. READY     (Green) (In wireless communication mode, the status of the battery pack is indicated. In wired communication mode, whether or not exposures can be performed is indicated.)Wireless WiredOK (Exposure possible)Exposure possibleBlinks for 1.0 second.Less than 10 min. (Charge required)During exposure sequenceOff Empty (Power OFF)ReadyPOWER   (Green)  Comes on when the system is turned on.ERROR   (Orange) On Communication not possible.Blinks for 1.0 second.Error occurredOff Normal* All LEDs are off when the equipment is off. Power supply unit (DR-ID 600MP)6XSSOLHVWKHSRZHUWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDQGFRQQHFWVWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDQGWKHcontrol cabinet.Main switch 6XSSOLHVWKHSRZHUWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDQGWKHLQVLGHRIWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWRemote switch (optional)7XUQVRQRIIWKHSRZHUWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUPower status LED Displays ON/OFF of the power supply unit.
2-4 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ2ŶDR-ID 600MCMain switch/power status LEDControl cabinet (DR-ID 600MC)Name DescriptionControl cabinet(DR-ID 600MC)$SHUVRQDOFRPSXWHUXVHGIRUFRQWUROOLQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDQGperforming image processing. Main switch  Supplies the power to the control cabinet.Power status LED Displays ON/OFF of the control cabinet.Ŷ %DWWHU\FKDUJHU2SWLRQDOBattery chargerName DescriptionBattery charger &KDUJHVWKHEDWWHU\SDFNRSWLRQDOIRUWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'601SE). Three packs can be charged at the same time.Charge status indicator LED Indicates charge status.ŶAccess point3URGXFWFRPSOLDQWZLWK,(&8/36(RU-,6Compliant with IEEE802.11n [W52] (in the 5.2GHz band) /36, 40, 44, 48ch:/$1LQWHUIDFH%$6(7%$6(7;PLQLPXPUHTXLUHPHQWV/$1LQWHUIDFH%$6(7%$6(7;PLQLPXPUHTXLUHPHQWV$YDLODEOH26/LQX[Compliant with ULCompliant with FCC part15ŶDR-ID 300CL  For the unit names and functions of the DR-ID 300CL, see the “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual”.
2-5FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ2 &RQVROH'LVSOD\&RQILJXUDWLRQWhen the self-initialization process ends, the Patient Information Input Screen will appear on the Console display. For details, see “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual”.List tabDisplays various lists.Patient information input fieldInput patient information.Shows page number of the patient information input field.Turns one page backward.Turns one page forward.Clears patient information (except for technologist).Operates the Patient Information Database function to input patient information.Touch panel soft keyboardUsed to input characters in the patient information input field.Reserves a study.Terminates patient information input, and proceeds to exposure menu selection.Exposure enable/disable statusIndicates whether exposure is enabled (lights green) or disabled.:KHQWKH;UD\HTXLSPHQWXVHGLVXSULJKWW\SH:KHQWKH;UD\HTXLSPHQWXVHGLVEHGW\SH:KHQPDNLQJDQH[SRVXUHGLUHFWO\ZLWKWKHIODWSDQHOVHQVRUDIWHUUHPRYLQJLWIURPWKHUDGLRJUDSKLFH[DPLQDWLRQVWDQG:KHQWKH)&5FDVVHWWHLVXVHGH[DPSOHFor details, see “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual”. Operating statusDisplays the operating status, error messages, and other information.X-ray equipment statusDisplays the operating status of the X-ray equipment to which the Console is connected.
2-6 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQ3URGXFW2YHUYLHZ2 5RXWLQH2SHUDWLRQ'LDJUDP7KHV\VWHPFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDQGWKHURXWLQHRSHUDWLRQGLDJUDPIRUWKH)'5'(92LVDVIROORZVImage data Image data ImagerFilm outputImage Management WorkstationDICOM-conformed  open network supportedDR-ID 300CLPatient information entryExposure region / study menu selectionImage processing, etc.Image data DR-ID 600PU and DR-ID 600MCFDR D-EVO (DR-ID 600)X-ray exposureImage reading
3-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3Chapter 3  Basic Operation 3UHSDULQJWKH)ODW3DQHO6HQVRU7KLVVHFWLRQGHVFULEHVKRZWRSUHSDUHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU3.1.1 Type of Flat Panel Sensor'5,'6(:LUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHRUZLUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHLVDYDLODEOH:KHQused in wireless communication mode, an access point*1, battery pack (optional) and battery charger (optional) are required.*1 In the countries other than the U.S., an access point is not included as a component of the system. For GHWDLOVLQFOXGLQJLQVWDOODWLRQFRQVXOWRXURI¿FLDOGHDOHUProduct compliant with IEC60950, UL60950, PSE or JISCompliant with IEEE802.11n [W52] (in the 5.2GHz band) /36, 40, 44, 48ch:/$1LQWHUIDFH%$6(7%$6(7;PLQLPXPUHTXLUHPHQWV/$1LQWHUIDFH%$6(7%$6(7;PLQLPXPUHTXLUHPHQWV$YDLODEOH26/LQX[Compliant with ULCompliant with FCC part15CAUTIONSUse only one access point. A communication error may occur if two units or more are used.'5,'6(:LUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGH3.1.2 Number of the Connectable Flat Panel Sensors7RHQDEOHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULWV,'QHHGVWREHUHJLVWHUHGLQDGYDQFHE\D)8-,),/0GHDOHU8SWR¿YHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUVFDQEHUHJLVWHUHG8SWRWKUHHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUV2 can be connected to the power supply unit at the same time.:KHQWKUHHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUVDUHFRQQHFWHGDWWKHVDPHWLPHWZRSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWDUHUHTXLUHGFlat panel sensor(DR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SE)Image processing unit(DR-ID 300CL)Access pointControl cabinet(DR-ID 600MC)Power supply unit (DR-ID 600MP)HubFlat panel sensor(DR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SE)Flat panel sensor(DR-ID 600SE or DR-ID 601SE)Power supply unit (DR-ID 600MP) &RQQHFWLQJ'LVFRQQHFWLQJWKH)ODW3DQHO6HQVRU'5,'601SE) ConnectorWhen used in wireless communication mode, disconnect the connector.1Disconnect the connector.Press the latches on both sides of the connector.2Connect the connector.Press the connector into the insertion section.*Frequency Tolerance: ±20ppm
3-2Basic Operation3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E &RQQHFWLQJ'LVFRQQHFWLQJWKH6HQVRU&DEOH5HOD\Connector for the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 600SE)Follow the procedure below to connect/disconnect the sensor cable relay connector.'RQRWFRQQHFWWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUWRWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWRWKHUWKDQRIWKH)'5'(922WKHUZLVHWKHFRQQHFWRUPD\EHGDPDJHG'RQRWFRQQHFWWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUXQUHJLVWHUHGWRWKHV\VWHP2WKHUZLVHWKHSRZHUWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUZLOOEHGLVFRQQHFWHGDXWRPDWLFDOO\)RUGHWDLOVRQWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQFRQWDFWDFUJIFILM dealer.:KHQFRQQHFWLQJGLVFRQQHFWLQJWKHVHQVRUFDEOHUHOD\FRQQHFWRUDOZD\VKROGWKHJULSRIWKHFRQQHFWRU7KHZLUHLQVLGHPD\EHEURNHQLI\RXFRQQHFWGLVFRQQHFWE\KROGLQJWKHFDEOH,I\RXWXUQWKHRXWHUEXVKLQJRIWKHJULSWKHFDEOHORFNEHFRPHVORRVHFDXVLQJDVKRUWFLUFXLWRIWKHFDEOH'RQRWGURSWKHVHQVRUFDEOHUHOD\FRQQHFWRUZKHQFRQQHFWLQJGLVFRQQHFWLQJLW2WKHUZLVHSHUVRQDOLQMXU\PD\UHVXOWRUSURSHUWLHVRUWKHFRQQHFWRUPD\EHGDPDJHG1 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKH5($'<ODPSRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVQRWEOLQNLQJDQGSUHVVthe OFF side of the power supply unit. $OWHUQDWLYHO\WXUQRIIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUE\SUHVVLQJWKHRSHUDWLRQEXWWRQRQWKHRSWLRQDOUHPRWHVZLWFKDQGPDNHVXUHWKDWWKH32:(5ODPSRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUturns off.For the external view of the optional remote switch, see “O.2 Using the Remote Switch” (page O-2). The remote switch can be simultaneously FRQQHFWHGWRERWKWKHXSULJKWW\SHDQGthe bed type.7KHUHOD\FRQQHFWRUFDQEHFRQQHFWHGGLVFRQQHFWHGE\WXUQLQJRIIHLWKHURIWKHremote switches. You can proceed to the next step even if DQHUURUPHVVDJHDSSHDUVDIWHUWXUQLQJoff the power supply unit.2 7RGLVFRQQHFWKROGWKHJULSV$DQG%RIERWKWKHFRQQHFWRUVDQGWKHQSXOOWKHJULS$RIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUWRXQORFNFlat panel sensorGrip BGrip APower supply unit CAUTIONS,I\RXVNLS6WHS  and perform Step  ,a communication error occurs. In such a FDVHWXUQWKHSRZHUEDFNRQWRWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW1RWHKRZHYHUWKDWUHSHDWLQJWKLVDFWLRQPD\UHVXOWLQGDPDJHWRWKHHTXLSPHQW3 7RFRQQHFWDOLJQWKHSRVLWLRQLQJPDUNVand then push the connectors in.Align the positioning mark on the connector of the SRZHUVXSSO\XQLWZLWKWKDWRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUand then insert the connectors by slightly turning them.Positioning markGripGrip Locking latchPush in until you feel a click.2 to 3mm3XVKIXUWKHULQWRWKHSRVLWLRQVKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHLQStep  until you feel a click again to lock them into place.4Press the ON side of the main switch of the power supply unit, or press the operation button on the optional remote switch.
3-5Basic Operation3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E &KDUJLQJWKH%DWWHU\3DFN2SWLRQDOIRUWKH)ODW3DQHOSensor (DR-ID 601SE)When used in wireless communication mode, charge the battery pack using the battery charger (optional).When the battery pack is fully charged, exposures for a maximum of approximately 200 images can be performed. However, the number varies depending on the usage conditions. The capacity of the battery is displayed on the READY status lamp and in the Console display.When the remaining capacity of the battery pack becomes “Less than 10 min.” (the READY status lamp blinks every one second), exposures cannot be performed. If this happens, perform the following operations.Replace or charge the battery pack.&RQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRUWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU:KHQWKHFRQQHFWRULVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUH[SRVXUHVLQZLUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHDQGFKDUJLQJthe battery pack can be performed. However, this type of charging is not recommended.Charge the battery pack using the battery charger.,QZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHZKHQWKHUHPDLQLQJFDSDFLW\RIWKHEDWWHU\SDFNEHFRPHVLQVXI¿FLHQWH[SRVXUHVDUHSURKLELWHGDQGWKH5($'<VWDWXVODPSEOLQNVHYHU\RQHVHFRQG,IWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVXVHGLQwireless communication mode for another 10 minutes or so, the battery pack is not charged even if the SE cable is connected. If this happens, remove the battery pack and charge it using the battery charger. When the battery pack is charged using the battery charger for about one minute, charging the battery pack by connecting the SE cable become available.1 6HWWKHEDWWHU\SDFNLQWKHEDWWHU\FKDUJHUWhen the battery pack is set, a buzzer sound is generated and the charge status indicator LED lights.Three battery packs can be charged at the same time.2 :KHQEDWWHU\FKDUJHLVFRPSOHWHGUHPRYHWKHEDWWHU\SDFNWhen battery charge is completed, the charge status indicator LED changes from blinking to lighting.
3-6Basic Operation3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E ,QVWDOOLQJ5HPRYLQJWKH%DWWHU\3DFN2SWLRQDOIRUWKHFlat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 601SE))ROORZWKHSURFHGXUHEHORZWRLQVWDOOUHPRYHWKHEDWWHU\SDFNIRUWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'601SE).1Remove the battery cover.3ODFHWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUZLWKWKHEDFNVLGHIDFLQJupward and then press the right-hand and left-hand slide locks to remove the battery cover.Battery cover2 ,QVWDOOWKHEDWWHU\SDFN$OLJQWKHEDWWHU\SDFNZLWKWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5ID 601SE) by using the guide marks. While pressing the battery pack (1), press down the opposite side DVVKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHEHORZWhen the battery pack is installed, the power is automatically turned on.Battery pack(1)(2)To remove the battery pack, perform the same procedure as Step 1(removing the battery cover).To install the battery cover, perform the same procedure as Step 2(installing the battery pack).
3-7FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3 6WDUWLQJ8SDQG6KXWWLQJ'RZQWKHSystemThis section explains how to start up and shut down the system. To start up the system, operations are required on the FDR D-EVO main unit and on the Console. To shut down the entire system, operations are required only on the Console. 6WDUWLQJ8SWKH6\VWHP1Press the ON side of the main switch of the power supply unit, if its power status LED is not lit.2 $IWHUFRQ¿UPLQJWKHIROORZLQJLWHPVSUHVVWKHSRZHUVZLWFKIRUWKH&RQVROHWRVWDUWWKHinitialization process.$OOFDEOHVVKRXOGEHFRQQHFWHGSURSHUO\1RPHGLDVKRXOGEHLQVHUWHGLQWRWKH)''The control cabinet starts up automatically.CAUTIONS,IWKHSRZHUVWDWXV/('RIWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWGRHVQRWFRPHRQDIWHUWXUQLQJRQWKHConsole, turn on the control cabinet.3 7XUQRQWKHUDGLRJUDSKLFH[DPLQDWLRQVWDQG4 $IWHUGLVSOD\LQJWKHVWDUWXSSURJUHVVLRQVWDWXVVRIWZDUHYHUVLRQDQGLQLWLDOL]DWLRQSURJUHVVLRQstatus, the activation completion screen below will be displayed on the Console.Activation completion screen of the ConsoleCAUTIONSAn error occurs if the system is started up immediately after shutdown.7RUHVWDUWWKHV\VWHPPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHSRZHUVWDWXV/('RIWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWLVRIIDQGthen press the power switch for the Console.
3-8 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3 6KXWWLQJ'RZQWKH6\VWHP1 &RQ¿UPWKDWWKHHTXLSPHQWLVQRWUXQQLQJ7RXFKWKH EXWWRQDWWKHXSSHUULJKWRIWKHConsole display, and then the   button from the displayed menu. Touch the EXWWRQLQWKHGLVSOD\HGFRQ¿UPDWLRQZLQGRZThe Console will shut down in a few minutes. The control cabinet will also turn off automatically. 3212Turn off the display as necessary.3 7XUQRIIWKHUDGLRJUDSKLFH[DPLQDWLRQVWDQGNormally, it is not necessary to turn off the power supply unit.CAUTIONSDo not turn off the control cabinet with the main switch. Shutdown operation may not be performed normally.
3-9FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation33.3 Routine OperationsFDR D-EVO routine operations can be broadly divided into the following three steps.Step 1 Entering the Patient InformationStep 2 Selecting the Anatomical Region and Exposure/Study MenuStep 3 X-ray Exposure(See page 3-10.)(See page 3-11.)(See page 3-13.)HINTOperations that are actually performed on the FDR D-EVO are only those described in “ Step 3 X-ray Exposure”. Other operations are performed on the Console.For details, see “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual”.
3-10 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3Step 1 (QWHULQJWKH3DWLHQW,QIRUPDWLRQ1The Study Information Input Screen below is displayed on the Console display immediately after startup.Enter patient information items appropriately, and then touch the   button.Not all the items of patient information need to be input.Input any one of the items in order to proceed to the next operation.:KHQWKHRSWLRQDOFDUGUHDGHULVSURYLGHGSDWLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQFDQEHLQSXWE\UHDGLQJIURPDPDJQHWLFFDUGList tabDisplays various lists.Patient information input fieldInput patient information.Shows page number of the patient information input field.Turns one page backward.Turns one page forward.Clears patient information (except for technologist).Operates the Patient Information Database function to input patient information.Touch panel soft keyboardUsed to input characters in the patient information input field.Reserves a study.Terminates patient information input, and proceeds to exposure menu selection.Exposure enable/disable statusIndicates whether exposure is enabled (lights green) or disabled.Operating statusDisplays the operating status, error messages, and other information.Patient information includes the following items.  Accession No. / Reception No. / Patient ID / Patient’s Name / Sex / Date of birth / Requesting department code / Requesting department name / Technologist / Patient comment / Physical disorder information / Infection information / Contraindication information / Pregnancy / Height (cm) / Weight (kg) / Telephone no. / Outpatient/Inpatient / Blood type (ABO) / Blood type (Rh) / Comments on studyHINTYou can change patient information input items and their display order in the User Utility settings.
3-11FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3Step 2 6HOHFWLQJWKH$QDWRPLFDO5HJLRQDQG([SRVXUH6WXG\Menu1The Exposure Menu Selection Screen is displayed.7RXFKDQDQDWRPLFDOUHJLRQWRGLVSOD\WKHGHVLUHGH[SRVXUHPHQXDQGWKHQWRXFKDQH[SRVXUHmenu (more than one menu can be selected). The selected exposure menu(s) is displayed in the VHOHFWHGH[SRVXUHPHQXOLVWRQWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKHVFUHHQ12Selected exposure menu listExposure region list Exposure menu list by region Technologist display field 2Touch  DIWHUVHOHFWLQJH[SRVXUHPHQXVSelected exposure menus
3-12 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation33The Study Screen is then displayed.2SHUDWHDSSURSULDWHO\DFFRUGLQJWRGLVSOD\PRGHRQHLPDJHGLVSOD\VL[LPDJHGLVSOD\RQWKHStudy Screen. 7KHPRGHFDQEHVZLWFKHGDOWHUQDWHO\E\WRXFKLQJ .One-image display modeSix-image display mode
3-14 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3>@;UD\H[SRVXUH,PDJHGLVSOD\LQJ0DNHVXUHWKDWH[SRVXUHLVSRVVLEOHRQWKH&RQVROHDQGWKHQSHUIRUP;UD\H[SRVXUHPerform exposures having the patient hold tight the grip handles if necessary. Exposed images are transferred to the Console.One-image display modeSix-image display mode
3-15FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3Touch the   button at the lower right to complete the study.To prepare for exposures of the next patient, repeat  Step 1  through  Step 3 .Touch this button.The registration of the next new patient should be processed after more than 2 seconds.
3-16 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EBasic Operation3>@)RUH[SRVXUHVRIWKHQH[WSDWLHQWXVLQJWKHVDPHPHQXV17RPDNHH[SRVXUHVRIWKHQH[WSDWLHQWXVLQJWKHVDPHPHQXVWRXFKWKH  button at the upper left instead of the   button.Touch this button.2The Patient Information Input Screen below appears.Touch  DWWKHORZHUULJKWWRFOHDURIISDWLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQXVHGIRUWKHSUHYLRXVSDWLHQWDQGthen input new patient information items in the same screen.Touch this button.:KHQWKHRSWLRQDOFDUGUHDGHULVSURYLGHGSDWLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQFDQEHLQSXWE\UHDGLQJIURPDPDJQHWLFFDUG3After patient information for the next patient has been input, touch the   button at the lower ULJKWRIWKHVFUHHQTouch this button.With the exposure/study menus retained as they are, registration of exposure menus completes for the next patient.
4-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ4Chapter 47URXEOHVKRRWLQJ4.1:KHQD0HVVDJH$SSHDUVRQWKH&RQVROHThis section describes the warning dialog box and error messages. If an error which cannot be handled or the same error recurs frequently, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.  If an error of unknown cause occurs, do not continue the operation and contact a FUJIFILM dealer. >@,IDZDUQLQJGLDORJER[DSSHDUVIf a communication error or an unexpected error has occurred, a warning dialog box pops up on the screen. In such a case, after checking error details and closing the box, take appropriate action immediately. Be sure not to continue the operation of the Console without taking an appropriate action.If any operation is performed while a warning dialog box is displayed, another screen may be displayed, hiding the dialog box behind. In this case, press the [Enter] key to close the hidden box.[2] If a communication error occurs between the Console and the connected DR system7KHHUURUPHVVDJHER[,'LVGLVSOD\HGQRWRQO\ZKHQWKH&RQVROHVWDUWVXSEXWDOVRZKHQDcommunication error occurs.When the problem is not solved within a short time after the message box is displayed, perform the following procedure.1 6HOHFW>2.@RQWKHPHVVDJHER[2 &KHFNLIWKHHTXLSPHQWFRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH&RQVROHLVWXUQHGRQIf any equipment is turned off, turn it on and wait for a while.3If the problem is not solved, shut down the Console. 4 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHSRZHUVWDWXV/('RIWKHFRQWUROFDELQHWLVRIIDQGWKHQUHVWDUWWKH&RQVROHIf the power status LED of the control cabinet does not turn off even after approximately PLQXWHVKDYHSDVVHGIROORZLQJWKHVKXWGRZQRIWKH&RQVROHSUHVVDQGKROGWKHPDLQswitch of the control cabinet. When the Console is restarted and the same error message box is displayed, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.
4-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ4[3] If an error occurs on the ConsoleIf an error occurs on the Console, an error message box is displayed on the screen.In such a case, check error details and select [OK] in the box, and then take an appropriate action.[4] If an error occurs on an output destination deviceIf an error occurs on an output destination device,   is displayed at the upper right of the screen. In such a case, operate as follows.Select .An error display box is displayed.Check the connection status, select  , and then take an appropriate action.“Error display box“
4-3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ44.2 How to Cope with an Error...>@:KHQWKHV\VWHPKDQJVXSIf an inappropriate processing is performed while this equipment is operating, the screen may freeze and the system may hang up (processing disabled). In that case, shut down the equipment forcibly according to the following procedure, and then restart it.,IWKHVFUHHQIUHH]HVDQGDKDQJXSRFFXUVUHPRYHWKHNH\ERDUGDQGPRXVHDQGUHFRQQHFWthem. If this operation does not solve the problem, restart the Console.1 3UHVVWKH>&WUO@>$OW@>'HO@NH\VVLPXOWDQHRXVO\2 ³:LQGRZV6HFXULW\´LVGLVSOD\HGSelect [Start Task Manager].3 ³:LQGRZV7DVN0DQDJHU´LVGLVSOD\HGSelect “IIPMAIN.exe” in the list in the “Processes” tab, and then click [End Process].4 7KHPHVVDJHER[LVGLVSOD\HGClick [End Process] to terminate the Console.Depending on equipment status, an error message may not be displayed.5 7KHGHVNWRSVFUHHQRIWKHRSHUDWLQJV\VWHP:LQGRZV9LVWDLVGLVSOD\HGClose the “Windows Task Manager window”, and then select the [Start] button at the lower left of the screen. Select [Restart] from the displayed menu.CAUTIONSƔ 0DNHVXUHWRVKXWGRZQWKHV\VWHPIROORZLQJWKHDERYHSURFHGXUHVLQFDVHRIDKDQJXSRIthe Console. If the personal computer is turned off without shutdown, an error may occur on the computer.Ɣ 1RWHWKDWIRUFLEOHVKXWGRZQSURFHVVLQJRIWKHHTXLSPHQWLVDQHPHUJHQF\DFWLRQ'RQRWXVHthis action under normal situations.6Press and hold the main switch of the control cabinet to turn it off.7Press the OFF side of the main switch of the power supply unit.
4-4 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473E7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ4>@:KHQWKH&RQVROHLVWXUQHGRIIGXHWRDQHOHFWULFDORXWDJHWhen the Console is turned off due to an electrical outage, etc., take the following actions according the condition when the power comes back on.Ŷ ,IWKHSRZHUFRPHVEDFNRQVRRQDIWHUDQHOHFWULFDORXWDJHWait until the Console restarts.When the Console has restarted, shut down the Console by following the normal procedure.For details of system shutdown, see the “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual”.To restart the Console, follow the procedure for the system startup.>@,IDKDUGGLVNRIWKH&RQVROHLVGDPDJHGIf one of the hard disks is damaged, a window indicating so will appear. In such a case, press the )NH\DQGFRQWDFWRXURI¿FLDOGHDOHU>@,IDZKLWHLPDJHLVGLVSOD\HGDIWHUDQH[SRVXUHIf a white image is displayed, a LAN communication error may have occurred. &KHFNLIWKH/$1FRPPXQLFDWLRQFRQQHFWRUVDUHSURSHUO\FRQQHFWHGEHWZHHQWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUand the power supply or and between the power supply unit and the control cabinet. Make an H[SRVXUHDJDLQDIWHUFRQ¿UPDWLRQ>@3UHFDXWLRQVIRURSHUDWLQJWKHV\VWHPZKHQ³,QLWLDOL]LQJ´RU³&KDQJLQJ)3'´LVGLVSOD\HGLQWKH&RQVROH¶VRSHUDWLQJVWDWXVGLVSOD\DWWKHWLPHRIUHSODFLQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU:KHQUHSODFLQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUE\XVLQJWKHPDLQVZLWFKRIWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWRUWKHoptional remote switch, “Initializing” or “Changing FPD” is displayed in the operating status display of the Console. While either of the status messages is displayed, you cannot register/select exposure menu(s), change the selector, etc. Perform the operations above after the status message disappears.>@,IZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQZLWKWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'601SE) is not possible,IWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVQRWUHFRJQL]HGLQZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHFRQQHFWWKHFRQQHFWRUWRuse the system in wired communication mode.>@,IZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQPRGHLVGLVDEOHGZKHQXVLQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'6(If wireless communication is interrupted, an error message prompting reconnection is displayed after 30 seconds. Select “Yes”. If connection is not established even after the selection is made, connect the connector and retry the connection.
5-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EDaily Inspection and Maintenance5Chapter 5  Daily Inspection and Maintenance5.1Daily User Inspection and MaintenanceDuring maintenance and inspection, strictly observe precautions contained in “Chapter 1 For Safe Operation” in this manual for you to use the FDR D-EVO under best conditions.5.1.1 Daily Inspection (DR-ID 600)Inspection Before Use 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHHTXLSPHQWVWDUWVXSQRUPDOO\ 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHHTXLSPHQWFRPPXQLFDWHVZLWKFRQQHFWHGGHYLFHVQRUPDOO\ 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHWLPHGLVSOD\HGLVFRUUHFWSee “3.2 Starting Up and Shutting Down the System” (page 3-6).,QVSHFWLRQ'XULQJ8VH 0DNHVXUHWKDWLPDJHVDUHRXWSXWQRUPDOO\See “3.3 Routine Operations” (page 3-8).Inspection After Use 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHSRZHUWXUQVRIIQRUPDOO\E\VKXWWLQJGRZQWKHHTXLSPHQWSee “3.2 Starting Up and Shutting Down the System” (page 3-6).&OHDQLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVUse a neutral detergent or ethanol to clean the outer surfaces. CAUTIONSƔ Do not use a solvent such as thinner or benzine, as it corrodes the outer surfaces.Ɣ 0DNHVXUHQRWWROHWZDWHUGHWHUJHQWDQGHWKDQROJHWLQVLGHWKHHTXLSPHQW
5-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EDaily Inspection and Maintenance55.1.2 Periodical InspectionInspection Every Three MonthsUsing a vacuum cleaner, remove any dirt or dust accumulated in each unit of the equipment once every three months. Clean then with a slightly moistened soft cloth and wipe off any moisture with a dry cloth.  See “2.2 Unit Names and the Functions” (page 2-3).ŶDR-ID 600DR-ID 600PUNO. Unit NO. Unit NO. Unit1Flat panel sensor 2Power supply unit  3Power supply unit $LU¿OWHU4Remote switch (optional)$LU¿OWHU&OHDQWKHDLU¿OWHURQWKHUHDURIWKHSRZHUsupply unit with a vacuum cleaner. Push down the lever at the top of the louver-and-¿OWHUDVVHPEO\DQGFOHDQWKHDLU¿OWHUZLWKDvacuum cleaner after detaching it from the assembly.Remote switch (optional)Clean the surface of the remote switch (optional) with a dry cloth, etc.%HVXUHWRWXUQRIIWKHHTXLSPHQWEHIRUHFOHDQLQJWKHDLU¿OWHURUWKHremote switch (optional).Air filterRemote switch (optional)DR-ID 600MCNO. Unit NO. Unit1Control cabinet 2Periphery of devices %DWWHU\FKDUJHU2SWLRQDONO. Unit1Battery charger (Optional)Inspection Every Six MonthsCheck whether the S value remains unchanged once every six months.5.1.3 Effective Period of Use7KHHIIHFWLYHSHULRGVRIXVHRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUV'5,'6(DQG'5,'6(DQGWKHpower supply unit “DR-ID 600MP” are 6 years, as far as precautions in using them are strictlyobserved and regular maintenance and inspection are properly performed.>$FFRUGLQJWRVHOIFHUWL¿HGGDWDE\)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQ@The control cabinet DR-ID 600MC and the image processing unit DR-ID 300CL are general-purpose PCs. Their effective periods of use are described in the operation manuals provided by the manufacturers.
A-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix A  SpecificationsAppendix A  SpecificationsA.1 Specifications6SHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWKH)'5'(92DUHVKRZQEHORZ$ 3URFHVVLQJ&DSDFLW\'5,'Ŷ 5RXWLQHSURFHVVLQJZKHQWKHWZRLPDJHRXWSXWIRUPDWLVXVHGLQstandard mode)(1) Exposure interval The exposure interval of the FDR D-EVO is at least 8 seconds.However, the interval varies depending on the region, the load to network communication, etc.$ ,PDJH2XWSXW'5,'Ŷ 6WDQGDUGSURFHVVLQJ(1) Film outputConnection to the Imager makes it possible to obtain hard copies at the image reduction ratios and in the formats below.Ɣ)RUVWDQGDUGSL[HOGHQVLW\LPDJHVOutput size Reduction ratio 7ZRLPDJHRXWSXW 2QHLPDJHRXWSXW14” × 17” (35 × 43cm)  61% 100%14” × 14” (35 × 35cm)  61% 100%10” ×12” 85% 100%8” × 10” 100% 100%18 × 43cm 100% 100%
A-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix A  Specifications[Fig. A.1](a) 14” × 17” (b) 17” × 14” (c) 14” × 14”one-image output one-image output one-image output(14” × 17” film) (14” × 17” film)(14” × 17” film)ID informationImageImageID informationID informationImage(d) 18 × 43cm (e) 18 × 43cm (f) 18 × 43cmone-image output two-image output two-image output(14” × 17” film)IDinformationIDinformationIDinformationIDinformation(26 × 36cm film)(26 × 36cm film)ImageImageImageImageImage(g) Two-image outputID informationImage(26 × 36cm film)For one-image output using 17” × 14”, 14” × 17”, 14” × 14” or 18 × 43cm, images are output on 14” î´¿OP,QRWKHUFDVHVLPDJHVDUHRXWSXWRQîFP¿OP'HSHQGLQJRQWKHSULQWHUFRQQHFWHGRU&RQVROHVRIWZDUHYHUVLRQXVHGLPDJHRXWSXWVLQWKHIROORZLQJIRUPDWVDUHDYDLODEOHƔ VL]HRXWSXWRI´î´LPDJHRQ´î´¿OPƔ VL]HRXWSXWRI´î´LPDJHRQ´î´¿OPDVZHOODVUHGXFHGLPDJHRXWSXWRQ¿OPVRIRWKHUVL]HVƔ VL]HRXWSXWRI´î´LPDJHRQ´î´¿OP
A-3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix A  Specifications$ 5HGXFHG(TXLYDOHQW'5,'3HDNUHGXFHGHTXLYDOHQWRQWKHIURQWSDQHORIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUPP$OA.1.4 Power Supply ConditionsŶDR-ID 600PU 5DWHGYROWDJH9a ,QSXWFXUUHQW $ )UHTXHQF\ +]ŶDR-ID 600MC* 5DWHGYROWDJH9a ,QSXWFXUUHQW $ )UHTXHQF\ +]* Since the DR-ID 600MC is general-purpose electrical equipment, the electric rating above is an example. A.1.5 Environmental ConditionsŶDR-ID 600PU2SHUDWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 7HPSHUDWXUH &5+&5+ +XPLGLW\ 5+&5+&QRGHZFRQGHQVDWLRQ $WPRVSKHULFSUHVVXUHK3DK3D1RQRSHUDWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV (Environmental conditions under which power can be supplied) 7HPSHUDWXUH &&QRGHZFRQGHQVDWLRQ +XPLGLW\ 5+5+QRGHZFRQGHQVDWLRQ $WPRVSKHULFSUHVVXUHK3DK3DŶDR-ID 600MC2SHUDWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 7HPSHUDWXUH && +XPLGLW\ 5+5+QRGHZFRQGHQVDWLRQ $WPRVSKHULFSUHVVXUHK3DK3D1RQRSHUDWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV (Environmental conditions under which power can be supplied) 7HPSHUDWXUH && +XPLGLW\ 5+5+QRGHZFRQGHQVDWLRQ $WPRVSKHULFSUHVVXUHK3DK3D
A-4 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix A  Specifications$ ([WHUQDO9LHZDQG:HLJKWThe external view and weight of the FDR D-EVO are shown below.6SHFL¿FDWLRQVGLPHQVLRQVDQGZHLJKWDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHIRULPSURYHPHQWZLWKRXWSULRUnotice.A.2.1 DR-ID 600ŶDR-ID 600PUWidth (mm)  Depth (mm)  +HLJKWPP :HLJKWNJFlat panel sensor(DR-ID 601SE) 460 384 14 Approx. 3.1kgFlat panel sensor(DR-ID 600SE) 460 384 14 Approx. 2.8kgPower supply unit  120 350 (385) 350 Approx. 7.8kg14460384Flat panel sensor(DR-ID 600SE)14460384Flat panel sensor(DR-ID 601SE) (385)350120350Power supply unit8QLWPP
A-5FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix A  Specifications7KHHIIHFWLYHDUHDRIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRULVDVVKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHEHORZEffective area 432.0 10.7516.7521.4516.45 345.6ŶDR-ID 600MCWidth (mm)  Depth (mm)  +HLJKWPP :HLJKWNJControl cabinet 114 353 399 Approx. 8.3kg353114399Control cabinet8QLWPP
A-6 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix A  SpecificationsŶ %DWWHU\FKDUJHUWidth (mm)  Depth (mm)  +HLJKWPP :HLJKWNJBattery charger 120.2 219.8 136.2 Approx. xx kgBattery charger8QLWPP219.8120.2136.2ŶDR-ID 300CL  For the external view and weight of the DR-ID 300CL, see the “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual”.
Z-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for ExposureAppendix Z  Precautions for ExposureZ1.Precautions for Exposure in AUTO MODEIn AUTO MODE, stable image output can be obtained by means of the following.5DGLDWLRQ¿HOG(2) EDR image data analysis(3) Detailed depiction of the cervical regionHowever, problems may arise due to differences in the multiple diaphragms or scattered rays of the X-ray equipment. For such problems, contact a FUJIFILM dealer and use other recording modes, such as SEMI-AUTO MODE or FIX MODE.Z.1.1 Radiation Field1'RQRWVHWWKHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGH[WUHPHO\VPDOO%HVXUHWRVXEMHFWRQHWKLUGRUPRUHRIWKHOHQJWKRIeach side of the bucky of the DR system to X-ray exposure.20DNHVXUHWKDWQRQHRIWKHVLGHVRIWKHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGRYHUODSZLWKWKHFRQWUDVWPHGLXP(UURUVZLOOresult if they overlap. $YDLODEOHIRU(DFK$QDWRPLFDO5HJLRQ0HWKRGPlain Contrast Medium  7RPRJUDSK\Head 4441HFN 44–Chest 4 4 (1 for esophagus) –Abdomen 4 4 (1 for stomach and intestines) –Pelvis 44–3Notes on PRIEF[PRIEF 4]   Used, with some exceptions, for both plain and contrast medium exposure menus, from the head to the pelvis.      The diaphragm shape will be any convex polygon, including rectangles, circles, ellipses, tracks, etc.[PRIEF 1] Used with esophagus, stomach and intestines contrast medium menus.
Z-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for Exposure= 'HSLFWLRQRIWKH&HUYLFDO5HJLRQ17KHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGPXVWQRWLQFOXGHWKHZKROHKHDG%HVXUHWRVHFXUHWUDQVSDUHQWSRUWLRQVRQERWKsides of the neck.8VHWKH³+HDG´PHQXWRLQFOXGHWKHZKROHKHDGLQWKHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOG2)RUH[SRVXUHRIWKHSKDU\Q[RUODU\Q[EHVXUHWKDWWKHQHFNFRPHVWRWKHFHQWHURIWKHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGso that the frontal and lateral orientations can be recognized appropriately.Image areaRadiation field3In pharynx and/or larynx exposure, do not use lead characters in the oblique line section.Z.1.3 Depiction of the HIP JOINT AXL – 2 Menu1Make sure to position the region of interest within the slanted-line area shown below. Do not collimate further inside.2Positioning should be done so that the condyle and the femur run along the longer edge. (Do not position them against the shorter edge.)7/121/121/41/4Condyle sideFemur side
Z-3FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for Exposure= ('5,PDJH'DWD$QDO\VLV1Image unevenness appearing when the grid used in exposure is not positioned correctly in terms of the bulb, when there are shadows from clothing, or when X-ray radiation of the X-ray exposure area is uneven is a problem that arises during EDR image data analysis, which cause unstable density on the image.Avoid such unevenness in the X-ray exposure area as far as possible.2If the target includes such materials as gypsum, denture, etc., stable density may not be obtained, EHFDXVHVXFKPDWHULDOVPDNHLWGLI¿FXOWWRDQDO\]H('5LPDJHGDWDIn such cases, use S-Shift/C-Shift or FIX MODE.3The EDR performs processing for the image area trimmed by the DR system. :KHQXVLQJOHDGFKDUDFWHUVRUPHWDOVIRUPHDVXUHPHQWSODFHWKHPLQVLGHWKHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGDQGthen make an exposure.4Precautions when using AUTO MODE.Auto mode  PrecautionsIAs this mode is available for extracting information on the skin, secure the positioning so that the direct X-rays are incident to an area other than the target.II No special precautions.III Be sure to use a Ba contrast medium.IV1 Be sure to secure the positioning so that the X-rays are incident to the area directly outside the target.$VWKHUHDGLQJODWLWXGHLV¿[HGLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRFRQWUROWKHWXEHYROWDJHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHthickness of the target, as usual.V$VWKHUHDGLQJODWLWXGHLV¿[HGLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRFRQWUROWKHWXEHYROWDJHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHthickness of the target, as usual.VI No special precautions.VII No special precautions.
Z-4 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for ExposureZ.2 Precautions for Exposure in SEMI-AUTO MODEThese precautions are common to Semi I, II, III and III(**).1Position the portion you need to display often in the center areas (10cm × 10cm (Semi I), 7cm × 7cm (Semi II), 5cm × 5cm (Semi III)) of the images trimmed by the DR system.Position the portion you need to display often in each of the 5cm × 5cm center areas of the half-split images (both upper and lower halves and right and left halves) and quarter-split image trimmed by the DR system.2Never position anything other than the subject in the aforementioned areas. If anything other than the subject is positioned in such areas, the image density will become lower. ,QDGGLWLRQGRQRWSRVLWLRQDQ\PHWDOVRUDUWL¿FLDOERQHVLQVXFKDUHDV7KHLPDJHGHQVLW\ZLOObecome higher if such objects are positioned in these areas.3It is necessary to control tube voltage according to subject thickness, as usual.The following precautions should be observed for Semi IV.abcdeyxArea Center Coordinate (x:y) cm Size (cm)a(0, 0) 10×10b(-5, 7) 6×6c(5, 7) 6×6d(-5, -7) 6×6e(5, -7) 6×6 'RQRWSRVLWLRQWUDQVSDUHQWSRUWLRQVDUHDVRWKHUWKDQWKHVXEMHFWLQWKHDIRUHPHQWLRQHG¿YHareas.(2) It is necessary to control tube voltage according to subject thickness, as usual.  For details of the menus preset in SEMI-AUTO MODE, see the “DR-ID 300CL Operation Manual” and “DR-ID 300CL Image Processing Parameters Operation Manual”.
Z-5FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for ExposureZ.3 Precautions for Exposure in SEMI-X MODEThe user will select one of the nine areas of the image trimmed by the DR system, on which SEMI-AUTO MODE applies. (See the illustration below.)The same precautions as for SEMI-AUTO MODE apply.LCRTMB5cm  5cm
Z-6 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for ExposureZ.4 Precautions for Exposure in FIX MODE$VUHDGLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUH¿[HGH[SRVXUHFRQGLWLRQVPXVWEHFRQWUROOHGLQWKHVDPHZD\DVIRUconventional X-ray exposure.The reading conditions (sensitivity and latitude) have been preset according to the relevant menu in FIX MODE. Select the exposure conditions which correspond to that menu accordingly.
Z-7FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for ExposureZ.5 Other PrecautionsZ.5.1 Precautions for Exposure of a Subject in Relatively /DUJH&RQWUDVW1Exposures using a contrast medium may cause artifacts around it.2When exposing a subject with any metal objects implanted, artifacts may appear around them.3For exposures with objects of large X-ray absorption, such as lead characters and metals for measurement, artifacts may appear around them. Place such objects outside a subject.Z.5.2 Precautions for DR System*HQHUDOO\ZKHQSHUIRUPLQJDKLJKVHQVLWLYLW\H[SRVXUHVKRUWO\DIWHUDQH[SRVXUHWKDWWKHÀDWpanel sensor excessively receives direct X-ray, the output image may contain image lags of the previous exposure. This phenomenon rarely occurs and does not occur insofar as normal sensitivity exposures are performed.Exposures at longer intervals can reduce occurrences of this phenomenon. Also observe precautions as follows. &RQWLQXRXVKLJKVHQVLWLYLW\H[SRVXUHVWRYHUWHEUDOERG\SDUWFKHVWOXPEDUVSLQHVKRXOGEHperformed at longer intervals than normal exposures. $KLJKVHQVLWLYLW\H[SRVXUHVKRUWO\DIWHUDKLJKGRVHH[SRVXUHVKRXOGEHSHUIRUPHGDWVXI¿FLHQWO\long interval. :KHQSHUIRUPLQJKLJKGRVHH[SRVXUHVUHSHDWHGO\GRQRWXVHFROOLPDWLRQRIWKHUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGlead characters or metals for measurement at the same position.= 3UHFDXWLRQVIRU$VVXULQJWKH5DGLDWLRQ)LHOGCAUTIONS,WLVLPSRUWDQWWRUHDGWKHIROORZLQJEHIRUHXVLQJWKH)'5'(92GLJLWDOGHWHFWRUFOLQLFDOO\The FDR D-EVO is a digital X-ray detector designed for use both within and outside of a standard UDGLRJUDSKLFEXFN\7KH)'5'(92PD\EHH[SRVHGWRDQ\¿HOGVL]HXSWRDQGLQFOXGLQJ´17” (35 FP)'5'(92PD\EHXVHGLQDQ\VLWXDWLRQZKHUHD¿OPFDVVHWWHPD\EHXVHGThe collimator will open to the full 14”  17” (35  43cm) size when the FDR D-EVO cassette is inserted in the bucky tray of X-ray systems with positive beam limitation (PBL). )ROORZWKH;UD\V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQVWRDVVXUHWKHLQGLFDWHG¿HOGVL]HPDWFKHVDQGGRHVQRWH[FHHGWKHDFWXDOUDGLDWLRQ¿HOGVL]HIRUWKHDYDLODEOHUDQJHRI6,'VZ.5.4 Precautions Related to the X-ray Exposure TimeThe X-ray exposure time can be set within the range of 500msec to 3800msec at the time of installation.
Z-8 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix Z  Precautions for Exposure= ,PDJHV2XWSXW:KHQWKH;UD\6KRW6ZLWFKLV2SHUDWHGIncorrectlyIn case that you press the X-ray shot switch only momentarily after selecting exposure menus, VXI¿FLHQW;UD\GRVHPD\QRWEHDFKLHYHG7KHRXWSXWLPDJHFRQWDLQVLPDJHODJVRIWKHSUHYLRXVexposure occasionally.If this happens, select exposure menus again, and then make an exposure.= 3UHFDXWLRQVIRU8UJHQW8VHWhen you start a study before completion of the calibration at the time of startup, the operation will be in Urgent Use Mode. “Urgent Use is possible” message will appear. 7KHUHLVQRJXDUDQWHHWKDWWKHLPDJHWDNHQLQ8UJHQW8VH0RGHFDQEHXVHGIRUGLDJQRVWLFpurposes. Vertical artifact could appear in the image, if the temperature difference is large from the previous shutdown of the system. Check the image quality before use.  0RYHIURPWKH6WXG\6FUHHQWRWKH3DWLHQW,QIRUPDWLRQ,QSXW6FUHHQLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHUH[LWLQJUrgent Use Mode, so that the calibration will start over automatically.Z.5.7 Precautions Related to Continuous OperationIf you plan to continuously run the system for over 24 hours, perform post-operation check, and then restart the system. Otherwise, calibration will not be performed normally, and image quality cannot be guaranteed as a result.Z.5.8 Precautions Related to GridDepending on the type of the grid used, its stripes may appear in the image after making an exposure. To avoid such moire effects, sway the grid from side to side, or use the Grid Pattern Removal Processing Software in conjunction with the grid with 40 lines.
O-1FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix O  Use of Optional ItemsAppendix O  Use of Optional ItemsO.1 Optional Items Name DescriptionRemote switch $VZLWFKFDEOHXVHGIRUWHPSRUDULO\GLVFRQQHFWLQJWKHSRZHUWRWKHÀDWSDQHOsensor in order to connect/disconnect its connector while the system is in operation. Up to two remote switches can be connected. Using this switch reduces the time required for normal insertion/removal procedure.For the external view, see “O.2.1 Remote Switch” (page O-2).Relay cable A relay cable used for branching the cable for two remote switches, when each of them is attached to the upright-type and bed-type radiographic examination stands.For the external view, see “O.2.2 Relay Cable” (page O-2).SE storage case $FDVHXVHGIRUFDUU\LQJDQGVWRULQJWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUFor the external view and precautions, see “O.3 Using the SE Storage Case” (page O-3).DAP connector cable  A cable used for connecting a dose-area product (DAP) meter.For the external view and precautions, see “O.4 Using the DAP Connector Cable” (page O-4).Retaining bracket for MP $VHWRIDQDQFKRUDQGD¿[WXUHZKLFKLVXVHGIRUVHFXULQJWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLWWRWKHÀRRUFor the external view, see “O.5 Using the Retaining bracket for MP” (page O-5).&RQQHFWLRQFDEOHIRUWKHÀDWpanel sensor (power supply unit)$FDEOHWKDWFRQQHFWVWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUDQGWKHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW7KLVFDEOHLVXVHGIRUDGGLQJWKHVHFRQGÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUFKDQJLQJRYHUWKHFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUVDQGRWKHUXVDJHVConnection cable for X-ray equipment (9 cores)A signal cable that connects the power supply unit and the X-ray equipment (Xcon). Two types are available.&DEOHOHQJWKPDQGPConnection cable for X-ray equipment (3 cores)A signal cable for high current application, which connects the power supply unit and the X-ray equipment (Xcon). Two types are available.&DEOHOHQJWKPDQGPCommunication cable for X-ray equipment and power supply unit (RS232C cable)A communication cable that connects the power supply unit and the X-ray equipment (Xcon). This cable is used for setting the tube voltage and mAs via communication. Four types are available.&DEOHOHQJWKPSLQV&DEOHOHQJWKPSLQV&DEOHOHQJWKPSLQV&DEOHOHQJWKPSLQVRelay unit for AC bucky A relay unit consisting of the relay and terminal block for the AC bucky. Four W\SHVDUHDYDLODEOH   For 100V, 120V, 200V, and 220V0DJQHWLFFODPSIRUÀDWSDQHOsensor cable$FODPSIRU¿[LQJWKH6(FDEOHWRWKHUDGLRJUDSKLFH[DPLQDWLRQVWDQGHWFCassette holder $FDVVHWWHKROGHUDWWDFKHGWRWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUIRULPSURYLQJWKHORDGEHDULQJFDSDFLW\RIWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRUZKHQPDNLQJDQH[SRVXUHGLUHFWO\with it.Battery pack $EDWWHU\SDFNIRUWKHÀDWSDQHOVHQVRU'5,'6(XVHGLQZLUHOHVVcommunication mode.Battery charger A battery charger for the battery pack.
O-2 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix O  Use of Optional Items28VLQJWKH5HPRWH6ZLWFKO.2.1 Remote SwitchRemote switchOperation buttonRemote switch fixture*(with double-sided tape)*7KLVPHWDO¿[WXUHLVXVHGZKHQWKHUHPRWHVZLWFKFDQQRWEHDWWDFKHGWRDZDOOHWFZLWKWKHPDJQHWRQWKHEDFN7KHUHPRWHVZLWFK¿[WXUHLVDWWDFKHGWRDZDOOHWFZLWKGRXEOHVLGHGWDSHO.2.2 Relay CableRelay cable
O-4 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix O  Use of Optional Items28VLQJWKH'$3&RQQHFWRU&DEOHThe DAP connector cable is used for connecting a dose-area product (DAP) meter*1 to the power supply unit.This cable is connected to a dose-area product meter via an RS232C insulator*2.To connect a DAP meter, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.Power supply unit RS232C insulatorDAP connector cable$'$3PHWHURIZKLFK)8-,),/0&RUSRUDWLRQKDVFRQ¿UPHGWKHRSHUDWLRQDOSHUIRUPDQFHLV9DFX'$3Standard of VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH.*2 An RS232C insulator which FUJIFILM Corporation has experience in using is Model 88004 of Wiesemann & Theis GmbH.Ɣ 7KRURXJKO\UHDGWKHRSHUDWLRQPDQXDORID'$3PHWHUWRXVHLWFRUUHFWO\Ɣ 0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHLQLWLDOYDOXHLV³´EHIRUHVWDUWLQJPHDVXUHPHQWV,IQRWVHWLWWR³´DFFRUGLQJWRWKHRSHUDWLRQPDQXDOIRUWKH'$3PHWHU
O-5FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix O  Use of Optional Items28VLQJWKH5HWDLQLQJ%UDFNHWIRU03CapBoltFixtureAnchor&RQWDFWD)8-,),/0GHDOHUIRULQVWDOODWLRQRIWKH5HWDLQLQJEUDFNHWIRU03
O-6 FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EAppendix O  Use of Optional Items
FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EMaintenance and InspectionMaintenance and Inspection 0DLQWHQDQFHDQG,QVSHFWLRQ,WHPV$VVLJQHGWR6SHFL¿HG'HDOHU)RUSHULRGLFDOLQVSHFWLRQRIWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGQHFHVVDU\DUUDQJHPHQWVFRQVXOWRXURI¿FLDOGHDOHUor local representative.Periodical Maintenance0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHSHULRGLFDOPDLQWHQDQFHDQGLQVSHFWLRQDVVLJQHGWRRXURI¿FLDOGHDOHUDUHSHUIRUPHGDVVSHFL¿HG0DLQWHQDQFHDQG,QVSHFWLRQ,WHPV$VVLJQHGWR6SHFL¿HG'HDOHUPeriodical Maintenance and Inspection Items  PeriodChecking of the image Every yearChecking of the operation record by referring to the error log Every yearChecking of the internal units  Every 2 yearsMain Periodical Replacement PartsName of Periodical Replacement Parts PeriodRelay (optional) Every 1.5 years1XPEHURIH[SRVXUHV* It is recommended that the battery pack (optional) be replaced once a year.  If the duration of use exceeds one year, the capacity of the battery pack will decrease.The cycles of periodical maintenance and inspection and of parts replacement differ depending on the usage and the daily operation time.)RUGHWDLOVFRQWDFWXVGLUHFWO\RURXURI¿FLDOGHDOHU
FDR D-EVO Operation Manual    897N101473EThis device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of this device.FCC WARNINGChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Note :  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The available scientific evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with using low power wireless devices.There is no proof, however, that these low power wireless devices are absolutely safe. Low power Wireless devices emit low levels of radio frequency energy (RF) in the microwave range while beingused. Whereas high levels of RF can produce health effects (by heating tissue), exposure of low-level RF that does not produce heating effects causes no known adverse health effects. Many studies of low-level RF exposures have not found any biological effects.Some studies have suggested that some biological effects might occur, but such findings have not been confirmed by additional research. DR-ID600 has been tested and found to comply with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules.5.15-5.25GHz band is restricted to indoor operations only.Compliance with FCC requirement 15.407© Date transmission is always initiated by software, which is the passed down through the MAC, through the digital and analog baseband, and finally to the RF chip. Several special packets are initiated by the MAC. These are the only ways the digitalbaseband portion will turn  on the RF transmitter, which it then turns off at the end of thepacket. Therefore, the transmitter will be on only while one of the aforementioned packets is being transmitted.In other words, this device automatically discontinue transmission in case of either absence of information to transmitor operational failure.(This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.)
FUJIFILM MEDICAL SYSTEMS U.S.A., INC.:(67$9(18(67$0)25'&786$

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