First Computer A430 Notebook PC User Manual Chap6

First International Computer Inc Notebook PC Chap6

Chap 6

Customizing Your Notebook 66-16Customizing Your NotebookYour computer uses the Phoenix BIOS Setupprogram that allows you to set several systemconfiguration in changing the way your computerperforms. This includes your system time and date,disk drive configuration, password setup, and powermanagement settings. These information are thenstored in the CMOS RAM and will remainpermanent unless you change it again. This chapterdiscusses on how you will activate the BIOS Setupprogram and change the system configuration to suityour desired operation. You must be careful to setthe configuration properly in order for yourcomputer to run smoothly. If you are not sure of anysettings, contact your dealer.
Notebook User Guide6-26.1 Running the BIOS Setup ProgramYour computer is likely to have been properly setup and configured by yourdealer prior to delivery. However, you may find it necessary to use thecomputer’s BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) Setup program to changesystem configuration information, such as the current date and time, or yourhard disk drive type. The Setup program can be accessed when you power onthe system and pressing the <F2> function key.The settings that you specify within the Setup program are recorded in aspecial area memory called the CMOS RAM. This memory is backed up by abattery so that is will not be erased when you turn off or reset the system.Whenever you turn on the computer, the system will read the settings storedin the CMOS RAM and compare them to the equipment check conductedduring the Power On Self Test (POST). If an error occurs, an error messagewill be displayed on the screen, and you will then be prompted to run theSetup Program.As the POST (Power-On Self Test) executes during the boot up process, thescreen will display the following message:Press <F2> to Enter SETUPPress the <F2> key to run the BIOS Setup program. The BIOS Setupprogram is organized into six menus which you can select using the ß and àkeys. To move from one option to another, you use the up and down arrowkeys while using the <+> and <-> keys to change the settings. On the righthand side of the screen are some brief help descriptions of each item youwant to change.On the BIOS Setup program, you will find the following parts on the screen:
Customizing Your Notebook 66-3• Item Specific HelpThe right side of the screen. This area describes each parameter and itsavailable settings.• Menu BarThe top line of the screen. Each of the six selections displays its ownscreen.• ParametersThe left side of the screen. This area lists the parameters and their currentsettings.• Key Status BarThe bottom part of the screen. These lines display the keys available tomove the cursor, select a particular function and so forth.To exit the BIOS Setup program, simply press the <Esc> key and select fromthe Exit menu whether you want to Save changes and exit; Discard Changesand exit; or Set default values.
Notebook User Guide6-46.2 Using the Main Menu SetupPhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityMain Advanced Security Power Boot ExitItem Specific HelpSystem Time:[12:00 :00]<Tab>, <Shift-Tab>,System Date: [07/01/1999] or <Enter> selectsLanguage: [English (US)] field.Diskette A: [1.44/1.25 MB, 3½”]4Internal HDD [12073MB]Internal CD-ROM InstalledBoot Display Device: [Both]System Memory: 640 KBExtended Memory: 130048 KBCPU Type: Pentium (R) IIICPU Speed: 500 MHzBIOS Version: B.1A-0215-6211F1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit
Customizing Your Notebook 66-5• System TimeAllows you to change the system time using the hour:minute:secondformat of the computer.Enter the current time for reach field and use the <Tab>,<Shift>+<Tab>, or <Enter> key to move from one field or back toanother.You can also change the system time from your operating system.• System DateAllows you to set the system date using the month/date/year format.Your notebook is year 2000-compliant.Enter the current time for reach field and use the <Tab>,<Shift>+<Tab>, or <Enter> key to move from one field or back toanother.You can also change the system time from your operating system.• LanguageAllows you to set the display language in English or Japanese version forthe BIOS Setup program.• Diskette AThis item enables or disables the floppy disk drive by pressing the<Enter> key. When you select 1.44MB/1.25MB 3 ½”, you should knowthat the 1.25MB 3 ½” diskette requires a 3-mode floppy-disk drive andrefers to a 1024byte/sector Japanese media format.• Internal HDDThis field displays various parameters for the hard disk drive. If type[Auto] is selected, the system automatically sets these parameters. If type[User] is selected, Cylinders, Heads and Sectors can be edited.• Internal CD-ROMThis field is for information only as the BIOS automatically detects theCD-ROM.
Notebook User Guide6-6• Boot Display DeviceLets you select the display device.• System MemoryThis field reports the amount of base (or conventional) memory found bythe BIOS during Power-On Self-Test (POST).• Extended MemoryThis field reports the amount of extended memory found by the BIOSduring Power-On Self-Test (POST).• CPU TypeThis field reports the CPU type information detected by the BIOS duringPower-On Self-Test (POST).• CPU SpeedThis field reports the CPU speed information detected by the BIOSduring Power-On Self-Test (POST).• BIOS VersionThis field are for information only as the BIOS display the BIOS versionduring the Power-On Self-Test (POST).
Customizing Your Notebook 66-76.2.1 INTERNAL HDD SUB-MENUPhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityMainInternal HDD: [12073MB] Item Specific HelpType:[Auto]User = you enterCylinders: [16383] parameters of hard-Heads: [16] disk drive installedSectors: [63] at the Connection.Maximum Capacity: 12073MB Auto = autotypesHard-disk driveMulti-Sector Transfers: [16 Sectors] installed here.LBA Mode Control: [Enabled] None = no device is32 Bit I/O: [Disabled] installed here.Transfer Mode: [Fast PIO 4] CD-ROM = a CD-SMART Monitoring: Disabled ROM drive isUltra DMA Mode: [Mode 2] installed here.F1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and ExitUse the Type field to select the drive type installed. You can select differentdrive types as CD-ROM, User, or None by pressing <Space> bar. Set thisoption to Auto so your computer will automatically detect the drive typeduring power on. Set this option to None when your computer is not installedany devices. Press <Esc> to return to the Main Menu.
Notebook User Guide6-86.3 Using the Advanced CMOS SetupPhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityMain Advanced Security Power Boot ExitItem Specific HelpPS/2 Mouse: [Enabled] ‘Disabled’ prevents anySilent Boot: [Disabled] installed PS/2 mouseLocal Bus IDE adapter: [Both] from functioning, but4I/O Device Configuration frees up IRQ12.‘Enabled’ allows theoperating system todetermine whetherto enable or disablethe mouseF1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit• PS/2 Mouse[Enabled] allows the OS to determine whether to enable or disable thePS/2 mouse. [Disabled] prevents any installed PS/2 mouse fromfunctioning.• Silent BootLets you specify the boot screen as Logo screen, POST screen, or Blackscreen by choosing Enabled, Disabled, or Black option, respectively.• Local Bus IDE adapterAllows you to enable/disable the IDE hardware such as HDD and CD-ROM.• I/O Device ConfigurationLets you configure input/output device such as Serial Port, Infrared Port,Parallel Port, and Floppy disk controller.
Customizing Your Notebook 66-96.3.1 PERIPHERAL SUB-MENUPhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityAdvancedI/O Device Configuration Item Specific HelpSerial port: [Auto] Configure serial port AInfrared port: [Disabled] using options:Parallel port: [Auto] [Disabled]     Mode: [Bi-directional]   No configuration, Floppy disk controller: [Enable] [Enabled]  User configuration,[Auto]  BIOS or OS choosesconfiguration,F1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit• Serial portYou can press <Enter> to select the Enabled, Disabled, or Auto optionfor enabled or disabled the port, or automatically sensed the addressassignment by BIOS or OS.• Infrared portLets you press <Enter> to select the Enabled, Disabled, or Auto optionfor enabled or disabled the port, or automatically sensed the addressassignment by BIOS or OS.
Notebook User Guide6-10• Parallel portAllows you to press <Enter> to select the Enabled, Disabled, or Autooption for enabled or disabled this port, or automatically sensed theaddress assignment by BIOS or OS.• ModeAllows you to press <Enter> to select a parallel mode as Output only,Bi-directional, or ECP when the parallel port is configured. When you setthe configured parallel port to Enabled rather than Auto, you should alsoset the parameter of Base I/O address and DMA channel for this port.• Floppy disk controllerAllows you to press <Enter> to select the Enabled or Disabled optionfor configured or not configured the floppy disk controller.
Customizing Your Notebook 66-116.4 Security Menu SetupPhoenixBIOS Setup Utility  Main Advanced Security Power Boot ExitItem Specific HelpSet Supervisor Password:[Enter]Supervisor PasswordSet User Password: [Enter] controls access to thesetup utility.Password on boot: [Disabled]Password on Resume: [Disabled]Fixed disk boot sector: [Normal]Diskette access: [Supervisor]F1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit• Set Supervisor PasswordSupervisor password gives you the authority in accessing the setup utility.You can also enter the supervisor password in booting the system andresuming from suspend mode. When you press <Enter> in this field,the Set Supervisor Password dialog box appears. Enter a new passwordwith up to 8 alpha-numeric characters, and then enter this same newpassword again for confirmation.• Set User PasswordThis field is only available when you have set Supervisor Passwordpreviously. You can enter the user password when boot the system orresume from suspend mode. But if you set Write Protect in the Fixeddisk boot sector field, you should enter a supervisor password to accessthe fixed disk when boot the system or resume from suspend mode.
Notebook User Guide6-12• Password on BootIf you set this field to Enabled, your computer will always ask for thepassword every time you boot your computer.• Password on ResumeIf you set this field to Enabled, your computer will always ask for thepassword every time when you resume from your computer.• Fixed Disk Boot SectorIf you set this field to Write Protect, the write protect boot sector onhard disk will protect against viruses. In this situation, only the supervisorcan access this fixed disk.• Diskette AccessIf you set this field to Supervisor, only the supervisor can access to thediskette drives. If you set to User, both the supervisor and user canaccess to the diskette drives.
Customizing Your Notebook 66-136.5 Using Power Saving SetupPhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityMain Advanced Security Power Boot ExitItem Specific Help Power Button Mode:[On/Off]Behavior of the SpeedStep Mode [Automatic]Power switch. Power Management Function[Battery only] ‘Suspend/Resume’ Power Savings Level[Disabled] causes the PC toSuspend/Resume,   Standby Timeout: [Off] Suspend Timeout: [Off] ‘On/Off’ causes the Suspend Mode:[Suspend] PC to Power Auto Save To Disk:[Off] On/Off. Hard Disk Timeout: [Disabled] Video Timeout: [Disabled] Please be noticedthat all the Power Resume On Modem Ring:[Off] menu settings will Resume On Time:[Off] be ineffective in Resume Time:[00:00:00] the ACPI mode.F1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit• Power Button ModeThe power button operates as both an On/Off and Suspend/Resumebutton.
Notebook User Guide6-14ß On/Off functions as a normal power switch to power the system onor off.ß Suspend/Resume functions as a suspend button to put the systeminto Suspend mode and return to normal operation from Suspend.• SpeedStep ModeAutomatically increase or decrease the CPU frequency to high or lowspeed by selecting various mode as Automatic, Maximum Performance,Battery Optimized, or Disabled. For example, if the high speed and lowspeed of CPU are 650MHz and 500 MHz, respectively, then you can getthe followings as:ß For Automatic, system will automatically detect whether the ACadapter is connected or not, if it is connected, CPU speed will be setto 650MHz (high speed), otherwise it will be 500MHz (low speed).ß For Maximum Performance, CPU speed will always be set to650MHz (high speed).ß For Battery Optimized, CPU speed will always be set to 500MHz(low speed).ß For Disabled, system will ignore the SpeedStep technology forwhatever CPU type is installed (always is low speed).• Power Management FunctionLets you set up power management by the system power source. You canselect Always On or Battery Only. If you choose Always On, variouspower saving modes will function to save the power source both fromAC power and battery power. If you choose Battery Only, power savingfunction will only execute for battery pack.• Power Savings LevelLets you choose one of four levels of power management.
Customizing Your Notebook 66-15ß Diabledturns off the power management function.ß Customizedalter these settings.ß Maximum Power Savingsconserves the greatest amount of system power.ß Maximum Performanceconserves power but allows the greatest system performance.• Standby TimeoutLets you specify the amount of time before the system entering theStandby Mode. Standby Mode powers off various devices in the system,until you start using the computer again. You can choose Off, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8,12, or 16 minutes in this field.• Suspend TimeoutLets you specify the amount of time before the system entering theSuspend Mode. Suspend Mode powers off various devices in the system,except the memory component, until you start using the computer again.You can choose Off, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, or 60 minutes in this field.• Suspend ModeLets you select the suspend mode. You can press <Enter> to choose theSuspend or Save To Disk option. If you choose Save To Disk, the systemwill save its state to disk and then power off. If you choose Suspend, thesystem will save its state but remaining in a low power mode.• Auto Save To DiskLets you turn on or off the Auto Save To Disk feature. If you turn on it,the system will save its state to disk and then power off after being inSuspend mode for 1 hour.
Notebook User Guide6-16• Hard Disk TimeoutAllows you to select the amount of time that your hard disk is not activebefore it shuts down. You can specify the amount of time as 1, 2, 4, 6, 8,10, 15, 30, 45 minutes, or choose Disabled to inactive this feature.• Video TimeoutAllows you to select the amount of time that your input devices are notactive before your video shuts down. You can specify the amount of timeas 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 30, 45 minutes, or choose Disabled to inactive thisfeature.• Resume On Modem RingLets you specify On or Off to wake up the system or not, when anincoming call is detected on your modem. If the Suspend Mode field isset to Save To Disk, the Resume On Modem Ring field will not work.• Resume On TimeLets you specify On or Off to wake the system up at a specific time ornot. If the Suspend Mode field is set to Save To Disk, the Resume OnTime field is disabled.• Resume TimeLets you specify the time, with hour/minute/second, 24 hour format, towake up the system. To move the cursor within field to field, press<Tab>, <Shift-Tab>, or <Enter> key. To change the number in eachfield, press <Space> bar.+ All above the Power Menu Settings will be ineffective in the ACPI mode.6.6 Using the Boot SetupThis item allows you to set the search drive sequence where the system willtry to boot up first.
Customizing Your Notebook 66-17PhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityMain Advanced Security Power Boot ExitItem Specific Help+Removable Devices Use <á> or <â> to+Hard Drive select a device, then ATAPI CD-ROM Drive press <+> to move itup to the list, or <-> tomove it down to thelist. Press <ESC> toexit from this menu.F1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Select 4Sub-Menu F10 Save and ExitTo select the boot device, you can use the up or down arrow key, then press<+> to move up the device in the list or press <-> to move down the devicein the list. To exit from this menu, press <Esc>.
Notebook User Guide6-186.7 How to Exit the Setup ProgramThere are three choices to escape from the Setup program.PhoenixBIOS Setup UtilityMain Advanced Security Power Boot ExitItem Specific HelpExit Saving ChangesExit System SetupExit Discarding Changes and save yourLoad Setup Defaults changes to CMOS.Discard ChangesSave ChangesBattery RefreshF1 Helpá âSelect Item−/+Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc ExitßàSelect Menu Enter Execute Command F10 Save and Exit• Exit Saving ChangesThis option saves all changes to CMOS while running the BIOS setupprogram and exit from the system setup program.• Exit Discarding ChangesThis options allows you to discard all changes made while running theBIOS setup program and exit from the system setup program.• Load Setup DefaultsThis option lets you load the default values for all setup items.• Discard ChangesReverts to previously selected settings.
Customizing Your Notebook 66-19• Save ChangesSaves Setup data to CMOS.• Battery RefreshConditions the battery so that the battery can be fully charged. Thefunction applies to NiMH battery only.6.8 How to Upgrade the BIOSYour computer uses EPROM Flash BIOS chip that allows you to easilyupgrade the BIOS program. When you update the BIOS, any customizedsettings you made are lost.To upgrade the BIOS:1. Insert the BIOS Update diskette into the diskette drive.2. Power on the system with the diskette in the diskette drive.3. On the DOS prompt, type the following command.A:\>Phlash XXXXXX.ROM (BIOS filename)4. Press <Enter> to run this BIOS utility. After the system has beensuccessfully run this program, a message similar to the following appears:Flash memory has been successfully programmed,press any key to restart the system. If thesystem does not restart, turn it off, then turnon again.5. Press any key to restart this system.Contact your dealer for the latest BIOS update file.
Notebook User Guide6-206CUSTOMIZING YOUR NOTEBOOK ................................................................... 16.1 RUNNING THE BIOS SETUP PROGRAM....................................................... 26.2 USING THE MAIN MENU SETUP ................................................................. 46.2.1 Internal HDD Sub-Menu.................................................................. 76.3 USING THE ADVANCED CMOS SETUP ....................................................... 86.3.1 Peripheral Sub-Menu..................................................................... 96.4 SECURITY MENU SETUP.......................................................................... 116.5 USING POWER SAVING SETUP ................................................................. 136.6 USING THE BOOT SETUP ......................................................................... 166.7 HOW TO EXIT THE SETUP PROGRAM ........................................................ 186.8 HOW TO UPGRADE THE BIOS.................................................................. 19

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