First Computer A430 Notebook PC User Manual Chap2

First International Computer Inc Notebook PC Chap2

Chap 2

Getting Started 22-12Getting StartedYour Notebook is designed and pre-configured foreasy setup and use. This chapter describes theinstallation steps you should follow to get thenotebook up and running as quickly as possible.Contact your dealer if they have pre-installed all theneeded drivers to fully operate your computer or ifthere is an update on the driver installation of thenotebook.
Notebook User Guide2-22.1 Using the Battery PackThe notebook is designed to operate with one of the following power sources:• With AC power using the AC adapter connected to an electrical outlet.• With a Nichel Metal-Hydride (NiMH) or Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batterypack.You should use the AC adapter whenever possible, relying on the battery packonly when AC power is unavailable.Before you use your notebook computer, install and recharge the battery packfirst. The rechargeable Ni-MH or Li-Ion battery pack allows you to operatethe notebook without an external power source. When you connect the ACpower adapter, the battery immediately starts to recharge. Normal batterycharging time is 2.5 ~ 3.5 hours for Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery pack whenyour computer is turned off.For maximum battery performance, fully discharge the battery first beforerecharging it. To do so, unplug the AC adapter, turn off power managementfeatures (through Setup and Windows), and turn on the system. Once thebattery is fully discharged, plug in the AC adapter and recharge the battery.If you do not discharge the battery completely, it fails to accept a fullrecharge.+ For Li-Ion battery, it is not necessary to discharge the battery beforerecharge it. Li-Ion battery is vulnerable than Ni-MH battery, do notcharge it with other power adapter, or it may cause fire or explosion.
Getting Started 22-3Installing the Battery PackThis notebook provides the most convenient way to install the battery packinto your computer. With the extended nose directed toward thecompartment, insert the battery pack.Removing the Battery PackTo remove the battery pack, slide the latch and push out the battery packsimultaneously.Replacing the Battery PackWhen your notebook estimates that the battery only has enough charge tocontinue for a few minutes, it will alert you to a low battery condition byblinking the battery icon on the LED status panel and a battery low warningbeep. If you are consuming a lot of power by using the audio system, the
Notebook User Guide2-4PCMCIA slots, the hard, floppy disk drives, and CD-ROM drive (or DVDROM drive), your notebook might run out of charge much sooner than youexpect. You should always respond to the battery low indication by connectingto AC power or turning off your notebook, or suspending your notebook todisk. If you do not do so, the notebook will automatically suspend to disk andturn off. The contents of the memory will store in the Suspend-to-Diskpartition. You will be unable to restart the notebook until you have connectedto the AC adapter or installed a charged battery. To replace the battery pack,refer to the previous sections on “Installing the Battery Pack” and “Removingthe Battery Pack.”+ If you do not have a “Suspend-to-Disk” partition or file preparedbeforehand and the battery is running low, the system will not be able toenter suspend to disk mode, but would rather enter suspend to RAMmode. The contents will be saved to the memory instead and you need toconnect the AC adapter.+ Be sure to save your data before replacing the battery pack or connectingthe AC adapter. Failure to do so can result in data loss.EXTENDING BATTERY LIFEIt is important to be aware of the simple things for extending the life of thesystem main battery while you are on the road. You should find a workingplace where the external lighting is not too bright and turn down the screenbrightness and contrast. Also, please refer to Chapter 6 “Customizing YourComputer” for details about power management features and the modesavailable.
Getting Started 22-52.2 Connecting the AC Power SourceThe AC adapter provides external power source to your computer and chargesthe internal battery pack at the same time. The AC adapter also has an auto-switching design that can connect to any 100VAC ~ 240VAC power outlets.To connect the power adapter:1. Plug the AC power cord into the power socket of the AC power adapter.2. Plug the other end of the AC power cord to a live AC wall outlet.3. Plug the connector of the AC adapter to the DC-IN port found at theback of the computer.+ Whenever possible, it is advisable to always have the AC adapterconnected to the notebook and the battery pack installed. This ensurescontinuous power supply and prevents any data loss incurring fromsudden power breakdown.
Notebook User Guide2-6+ ŸFor the power supply of this equipment, an approved power cord has tobe used. For a rated current up to 6A and an equipment weight more than 3kg, a power cord not lighter than H05VV-F, 2G, 0.75mm2, has to be used.ŸMake sure the socket and any extension cord(s) you use can supportthe  total current load of all the connected devices.ŸBefore cleaning the computer, make sure it is disconnected from any external power supplies (i.e. AC adapter or car adapter).2.3 Starting Your ComputerThe Power/Resume button is found on the top of the base unit. Press thePower/Resume button to start your computer and check that if the PowerLED turns on.After a few seconds, the computer’s display will turn on and your computerwill begin to execute the Power On Self Test or POST to check if all system
Getting Started 22-7components are running properly. Any errors found during the test will bedisplayed on the screen and may generate short beep sound as well.After the test, the screen will also display a message “press <F2> to enterSETUP”. You don’t need to run this program at the moment as your dealeralready made the necessary settings for your computer  optimal operation.Refer to Chapter 6 on running the SETUP program later.After the test has completed, your computer will start to search and boot upthe operating system from your hard drive. The notebook computer normallycomes with a Windows 98/2000 operating system pre-installed in your harddrive. Consult the Windows 98/2000 manual on how to use the program. Ifnot, contact your dealer for assistance.2.4 Adjusting the Display ControlsThe LCD brightness adjustment is controlled by <Fn> +<F8> and <Fn> +<F9> keys respectively. You need to press these hot-key controls afterpowering on your notebook to suit your viewing pleasure. Press the <Fn>key using your left finger and while still holding the key, press the arrowcursor keys using your right finger.+ For TFT color screens, only the Brightness hot-key controls arefunctional.The Brightness hot-key control adjusts the brightness on the LCD. Thebrightness hot-key control will not set the LCD completely dark or bright; itprovides sufficient lighting to the LCD to match the external lighting of thesurrounding. The brighter the room, the more you need to increase thebrightness of the LCD.
Notebook User Guide2-82.5 Installing the Notebook DeviceDriversIf you already have an operating system like DOS or Windows installed intoyour notebook computer, it is best to install the needed device drivers forusing the built-in devices of your computer. Before installing the drivers,check with your dealer first if they have already installed all the drivers alongwith the operating system. If not, follow the procedures below:RUNNING THE PHDISK SUSPEND UTILITYThe PHDISK utility of the notebook allows you to create a suspend-to-disk(STD) partition or file that is used to save the opened files when you activateSTD mode and power off the computer. If you want to make use of the STDfeature, you need first to run the PHDISK utility. There are two options forexecuting this utility:1. PHDISK/Create/Partition - you can choose to run Suspend-to-Diskand save your work into an allocated fixed disk partition. This optionshould be done before partitioning and formatting your hard disk. Theadvantage of this option is that it is more secure since the files are savedin a separate partition and has no risk of being deleted. The disadvantageof this is that you need to allocate enough disk partition for futurememory upgrade. The STD partition should always be larger than thesystem memory RAM.2. PHDISK/Create/File - you can also choose to run Suspend-to-Diskand save your work into a STD file. You do not need to allocate an extradisk partition when running this option. The advantage of this is that youdo not need to allocate or waste extra disk partition. The disadvantage ofthis option is that it is less secure since there is risk of deleting the STDfile although the file is hidden.
Getting Started 22-9RUNNING THE PHDISK/CREATE/PARTITIONBefore you run this option, you should carefully consider how much disk sizeyou need to allocate for the STD partition. The STD partition should be largerthan the installed system memory RAM. If you are planning to install morememory in the future, it is recommended to allocate more disk space. RunFDISK under DOS and leave around 5% of disk space for Non-DOSpartition. This will later be used by the PHDISK for creating the STDpartition.If you already run FDISK before, you need to delete the original partition ofthe hard disk.Load the notebook driver CD and look for the PHDISK program file. Run“PHDISK/Create/Partition” or “PHDISK/C/P”. The PHDISK utilityprogram will automatically assign a disk size in reference to the installedsystem RAM to be allocated for the STD partition. After PHDISK hascompleted the STD partition, you will be prompted to reboot the system.RUNNING THE PHDISK/CREATE/FILECreating a STD file is much simpler since you do not need to allocate an extradisk partition. Load the notebook driver CD and look for the PHDISKprogram file. Run “PHDISK/Create/File” or “PHDISK/C /F”. PHDISKwill create the SAVE2DSK.BIN file on Drive C. The size of this file willdepend on the installed RAM memory of your computer. This file also ishidden and has read-only attributes. You must not delete this file.+ During power on or restart, the system will detect if STD partition or fileis present. If not, it will show a red colored dialog box informing you that“Save to Disk Partition Not Present” and “Save to Disk FeatureDisabled”.
Notebook User Guide2-10+ Whenever you upgrade the memory, you need to delete the existing STDpartition or file and create a new one according to the new memory size.Run PHDISK/Delete/Partition or PHDISK/Delete/File to deleteexisting STD partition or file.INSTALLING THE CD-ROM/DVD-ROM DRIVERThis section provides installation guide for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROMdevice driver under MS-DOS and other operating systems.+ For DOS installation, you must have a pre-installed MS-DOS v6.0 orhigher operating system on your hard disk with the “MSCDEX.EXE”(Microsoft CD Extension) driver file.+ Both CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drive are ATAPI IDE interface and usesthe same driver.Installing the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM driver under DOS1. Boot up the system of your computer and insert the Teac CD-ROMdriver diskette into the floppy drive.2. Change the directory of the DOS prompt to Drive A and run the CD-ROM installation program by typing the command A:\>INSTALL andpressing <Enter>.3. The “CD/DVD-ROM Setup Program” message appears for asking if youwant to continue the next step by pressing <Enter> or exit it by pressing<Esc>. Press <Enter> to continue with the installation.4. A connection diagram appears with a message shown “Confirm theconnection environment of the computer, are you sure ? ”
Getting Started 22-115. Press <Y> to confirm.6. The installation program will ask you to specify the directory where youwant to place CD/DVD-ROM driver. Press <Enter> to install into thedefault directory.7. Press <Enter> to continue with the next step.8. The Installation program will automatically copy the CD-ROM driver toyour hard disk and modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYSfiles in activating the CD-ROM drive every time you boot the system up.9. Remove the diskette and restart the computer after installation iscomplete. Your computer will then detect the CD-ROM drive and willdisplay the designated drive letter. The CD-ROM drive should beassigned to Drive D. If you have two disk partition, the CD-ROM drivewill be assigned to Drive E.Installing Windows NT from CD-ROM or DVD ROMTo install Windows NT directly from your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, insertWindows NT installation CD into CD-ROM drive and enter BIOS Setupmenu. Go to Boot menu and select “ATAPI CD-ROM Drive” as your bootdevice. Go to Exit menu and select “Exit Saving Changes”.Installing Windows 98/95 from CD-ROM or DVD-ROMThe easiest way to install Windows 98/95 is to boot from Windows 98 start-up disk. With Windows 98 start-up disk, you don't need to install CD-ROMdriver since the start-up disk can support virtually all CD-ROM device.  InsertWindows 98 Installation CD into CD-ROM drive and run “setup.exe”.
Notebook User Guide2-12If you don't have Windows 98 start-up disk, you need to install CD-ROM/DVD-ROM driver under DOS. Then, insert Windows 98 Installation CDinto CD-ROM drive and run “setup.exe”INSTALLING THE VGA DEVICE DRIVERFollowing is the procedure for installing the ATI (XXXX) Video Accelerator3D Adapter (English) VGA driver to your computer:Installing VGA device driver for Windows 981. Insert the CD containing the VGA driver for Windows 98 into CD-ROMdrive.2. Click the Start button, then click Run. In the Run dialog box, clickBrowse button and specify the directory as “E:\driver\win98\VGA\setup”3. The Welcome message box appears. Click Next to continue with the nextstep.4. Select Yes to follow “License Agreements”.5. The Select Components box appears. Click Next to begin withinstallation.6. Click Finish to complete VGA driver Installation.Installing VGA device driver for Windows NT1. Insert the CD containing the VGA driver for Windows NT into CD-ROM drive.2. Click the Start button, then point to Settings, and click Control Panel.3. Double-click on the Display icon and click on the Setting tab.
Getting Started 22-134. Click Have Disk to change display driver from CD-ROM5. Click Browse button and navigate to the VGA driver location as“E:\driver\NT4.0\VGA”.6. Click the OK button and select Yes to continue the setup procedure.7. Select Yes to restart your computer in order to finish the setupprocedure.INSTALLING THE MODEM DEVICE DRIVERFollowing is the procedure for installing the ESS ES56T-PI Data Fax Modemdriver to your computer:Installing modem driver for Windows NT1. Boot Windows NT from your hard disk and insert the disc containing theModem driver for Windows NT.2. Click the Start button, then click Run. In the Run dialog box, clickBrowse button and navigate to the directory as“E:\driver\NT4.0\modem\setup.exe” where the modem driver islocated.3. Click OK to run the program. The EDSP Configuration box appears foryou to set up the COM port.4. Click OK. Then, point to Start, Settings, and Control Panel.5. In the Control Panel box, double click the Modem icon. The Install NewModem message box appears. Click Next to detect modem.6. When your modem are detected, a message box will appear to advise youthe detected modem with its COM port. Click Next to continue with theinstallation.
Notebook User Guide2-147. Click Finish to show the Modem Properties message box. You will seethe modem type and the attached port here.8. Click Close to end this driver setting.Installing modem driver for Win981. Click the Start button, then point to Settings, and click Control Panel.2. Double-click on the System icon and click on the Device Managerfolder tab.3. Under the Other Devices line, you will find the PCI CommunicationDevice, click Remove, OK, then Refresh buttons to appear the NewHardware Found Message Box.4. In the Add New Hardware Wizard message box which shows searchingPCI Communication Device driver. Click Next to proceed to the nextstep.5. Select “Search for the best driver for your device”, and click Next.6. Tick on “Specify a location box”. Then, click Browse button andnavigate to the modem driver location as “E:\driver\win98\ modem”.Click Next to begin searching the driver.7. The Add New Hardware will found LT Win Modem. Click Next tocontinue installing the driver.8. Click Finish button to finish installing modem driver.INSTALLING THE LAN DRIVERFollowing is the procedure for installing the Intel 82559 Fast Ethernet LANdriver:
Getting Started 22-15Installing LAN driver for Windows NT1. Boot Windows NT from your hard disk and insert the disc containing theModem driver for Windows NT.2. Click the Start button, then click Settings, and Control Panel. Doubleclick Network and click Yes to install network.3. With Wired to Network box ticked on, click Next.4. Click Select from list button and click Have disk button.5. Type "E:\Driver\NT4.0\LAN" and click OK.6. Click OK and click Next to proceed with next step.7. Select Network Protocols you need and click Next to proceed to nextstep.8. Select Network Services and click Next to proceed to next step.9. Click Next to continue installation.10. When Windows prompts you that Setup needs to copy some Windowsfiles, insert Windows NT disc and type "E:\i386". Then, clickContinue.11. Select "Intel PRO PCI Adapter" and click Continue.12. Windows will ask you if you have DHCP server on your network. Askyour system administrator and click either Yes or No.13. After enabling or disabling network bindings, click Next to continue withthe next procedure.14. Click Next to start network.15. Windows might ask you for your computer name, workgroup or domain.Input your data and click Next.
Notebook User Guide2-1616. Finally, click Finish and click Yes to restart computer.Installing LAN driver for Windows 981. Boot Windows 98 from your hard disk and insert the disc containing theLAN driver for Windows 98.2. Click the Start button, then click Settings, and Control Panel. Doubleclick System and click Device Manager tab. Under Other devices,you'll see PCI Ethernet Controller. Select it and click Remove button.3. Click Refresh button. The Add New Hardware Wizard will detect PCIEthernet Controller. Click Next to search for the driver.4. Click Next to continue.5. Tick Specify a location and click Browse button. Then, navigate to“E:\Driver\Win98\LAN (XXXX)” and click Next.6. Click Next to accept the updated driver for Intel 82559 Fast EthernetLAN driver.7. Click Next to continue with LAN driver installation.8. Insert the disk labeled “Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM”, andthen click OK.9. Type “D:\Win98SE\Setup\Win98”, then click “OK”.10. Click Finish to complete installation.Restart Computer to finish setting up LAN.INSTALLING THE AUDIO DEVICE DRIVERYour notebook computer uses the VIA PCI Audio controller embedded inVIA chipset core.
Getting Started 22-17Installing Audio Driver for Windows NT4.0/981. Boot Windows from your hard disk and insert the disc containing theAudio driver for respective Windows version.2. Click the Start button, then click Run. In the Run dialog box, click theBrowse button and navigate to the directory as “E:\driver\Win98\Audio” or “E:\driver\NT4.0\Audio” and run “setup.exe”.3. Click Next to proceed with the next step.4. Select Upgrade Drivers and click Next to begin installing the audiodriver.5. Select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now” and click Finish tocomplete the audio installation.INSTALLING EZBUTTON DRIVERFollowing is the procedure for installing the Internet and e-mail button keys.Installing EZbutton driver for Windows NT/981. Boot Windows from your hard disk and insert the disc containing theInternet/e-mail button driver.2. Click the Start button, then click Run. In the Run dialog box, clickBrowse button and navigate to the directory as "E:\driver\Easybutton\setup.exe".3. The Welcome dialog will appear. Click Next to continue with theinstallation.4. If you wish to install the driver in a different directory, click Browse.Otherwise, click Next to continue with the next step.
Notebook User Guide2-185. The Select Program Folder dialog box will appear. To setup icon on adifferent folder, you may type a new folder name or select one from theexisting Folder list. Click Next to continue.6. Click Finish to complete installation.INSTALLING THE LS-120 DRIVER (OPTIONAL)The LS-120 works almost the same as the FDD and is backward compatiblewith any standard 3.5 Double-sided high-density (2HD) FDD. Windowssupport LS-120 and you don't need to install additional driver to use LS-120.However, if you wish to include optional utility which Windows already have,you can run SETUP on the CD driver.2.6 Turning off Your ComputerIf you are not going to use the computer for awhile, it is best to turn off thepower of the computer for longer use. Before turning off the power, you needto close first all application programs and shutdown the operating system.Then, press the power button to switch off the power of your computer. Ifyou are using Windows 95/98 or its newer version, the system will power offby itself whenever you shut down the operating system.After turning off the computer, make it a habit to leave the LVDS panel openfor a while whenever used for an extended period of time. This allows theinside parts of the computer to cool off. Closing the panel will force the heatup against the LCD screen, which may degrade the LCD when done regularly.More importantly, never close the LVDS panel for a long period of time whencomputer is on and power saving features are disabled.
Getting Started 22-192GETTING STARTED ..........................................................................................12.1 USING THE BATTERY PACK........................................................................2Extending Battery Life............................................................................................42.2 CONNECTING THE AC POWER SOURCE ......................................................52.3 STARTING YOUR COMPUTER .....................................................................62.4 ADJUSTING THE DISPLAY CONTROLS .........................................................72.5 INSTALLING THE NOTEBOOK DEVICE DRIVERS ...........................................8Running the Phdisk Suspend Utility ........................................................................8Running the PHDISK/Create/Partition ...................................................................9Running the PHDISK/Create/File...........................................................................9Installing the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Driver ...........................................................10Installing the VGA Device Driver .........................................................................12Installing the Modem Device Driver .....................................................................13Installing the Audio Device Driver........................................................................14Installing EZbutton Driver....................................................................................17Installing the LS-120 Driver (Optional) ................................................................182.6 TURNING OFF YOUR COMPUTER ..............................................................18

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