Essence Security ES800TR5 Tag reader User Manual We R System

Essence Security International ltd. Tag reader We R System

User manual _24734_part2

Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  29  3. Installation of the We.R™ System 3.1. Prerequisites Prior to the installation and setup of the We.R™ system, the following items need to be prepared:  This document is best read with Adobe Acrobat Reader® version 10.0 (or higher), available for free download at: An electronic format (PDF) version of this manual is available, for free download, at:  AA-size Alkaline batteries for the kit components (10 for the standard kit).   Notes: More batteries might be needed in case additional components were purchased. Special batteries: the Central Control Unit’s backup battery and the Remote Control Unit’s coin-battery are included in the kit.   A personal computer (PC) with internet access and up-to-date browser application software (Microsoft™ Internet Explorer® 7 or higher, Firefox® 4 or higher, Google’s Chrome™ browser).  The Microsoft® Silverlight™ web application framework should also be installed on the PC. It is available for free download from:  The Service Provider’s web server address for the We.R™ Web Application software (provided by the We.R™ distributor/Service Provider).  If cellular communication is to be used – a SIM-card provided by the distributor or purchased from a Service Provider.   Notes: Distributor (or Service Provider) of the SIM-card should also provide a 4-digit APN code for mobile access. In special cases more APN data (see details on page 43) might be needed.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  30  We.R™ System User Guide    A smartphone (optional) for remote system management.  A small screwdriver.  The Central Control Unit’s identification serial number should be registered prior to the installation process.  Stickers with the serial number can be found inside the battery/SIM-card cavity and under the Central Control Unit’s base as illustrated in Figure 4 below.     Figure 4: CCU Serial Number Locations   Note: You may also want to register this serial number in Appendix H Owner’s Records of this User Guide (page 301) where important data of your system is aggregated for future reference.  This chapter of Installation of the We.R™ System provides information about each and every component of the system including its installation, power-up, configuration, integration into the system and operation.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  31   It is arranged in the exact same sequence the system needs to be built-up, including the steps of software installation and registration. Therefore, it is advised to follow this sequence to ensure properly functioning system. The We.R™ system is based on independent components described below. The order of presenting these components is the recommended order of their installation.   Note: Except for the Central Control Unit, not all the below-mentioned components must be installed for a functional alarm system.  3.2. The Central Control Unit – ES8000CP The center-piece of the We.R™ system is the Central Control Unit (CCU or CP).  Figure 5: The Central Control Unit
 Installation of the We.R™ System  32  We.R™ System User Guide   It is a two-way, wireless Central Control Unit comprising the main element of the We.R™ system. 3.2.1. The Central Control Unit Function The Central Control Unit (CCU) is responsible for wireless communication with the array of We.R™ sensors/detectors, remote access and interface devices internally (within the premises), through the RF communication channel, as well as communications with the external cloud computing services system, through the Internet or cellular channels. The CCU incorporates the following functions:  Two-way secured communications (AES encrypted) with the We.R™ system's peripherals.  Plug-and-Play Internet (IP) connectivity.  Optional, built-in GSM/GPRS/EDGE quad-band (850/900/1800/1900MHz) modem.  Supporting transfer of high quality, high resolution, color pictures.  Traffic Usage – Simple Event/Command: 200-300 Bytes (text), Streaming Event: 200-250 Kbytes (25 Frames).  Supports automatic over-the-air software upgrade programming and configuration.  Rechargeable backup battery. 3.2.2. Installing the Central Control Unit As mentioned in the above paragraph 2.3.3, prior to the installation of the CCU the following items must be prepared:  The CCU’s backup battery.  A PC connected to the Internet and running browser application software.  The LAN cable (in case the Internet is to be used as external CCU communication channel).  The SIM-card provided by the Service Provider (in case the CCU is to be communicating via the cellular channel) with its 4-digit APN code (other APN data might be required too, see details on page 43).  A smartphone (optional).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  33   Registration of the CCU’s serial number (see page 30) should also be completed. CCU Positioning Recommendations The CCU should be installed on:  A flat surface.  In a central home/office location with:  Unshielded adequate cellular coverage (if cellular communication is to be used).  Close to an Internet connection outlet (modem/router connection, if Internet communication is to be used). The CCU must be activated and the system must be registered with the Service Provider (or the distributer) to enable its proper operation. The following need to be executed for the setup and activation of the CCU: 1. Remove the back cover of the CCU to reveal the battery/SIM-card compartment. 2. In case cellular is intended to be used for external communication – insert the SIM-card, with its contacts facing down, as illustrated in Figure 6 below.   Note: Refer to the graphic representation of the SIM-card engraved onto the plastic bottom of the cavity, next to the card’s designated location.   Figure 6: Insertion of the SIM-card
 Installation of the We.R™ System  34  We.R™ System User Guide   3. In case the Internet is intend to be used as the primary external communication channel: Plug the LAN cable into the RJ45 socket on the back panel of the CCU and its other end into a network socket (in the Internet router or modem).   Figure 7: Insertion of LAN Cable into the CCU Socket  The CCU back panel LAN (RJ45) socket provides two (2) LED status indications, active in accordance with the IEEE 802.3u standard, as a convenient means of determining the mode of operation of the network: i. LED1 (Green) is the Link Activity LED. It will lit steady once the network transceiver detects a valid link and will blink upon link activity (transmit/receive). ii. LED2 (Amber) is the Link Speed LED. It will turn ON once the detected link speed is 100Mbit/Sec and will turn OFF once the detected link speed is 10Mbit/Sec. A blinking LED2 indicates communication collision. 4. If there is no Internet connection available or the LAN cable is not connected, the SIM-card will be used as the primary connection channel between the We.R™ system and the We.R™ server.   Note: If both the SIM-card and the LAN cable are installed, the Internet will be the primary communication method and the cellular channel will be used for backup.  LED 1 LED 2
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  35   5. Insert the backup battery into the battery cavity, above the SIM-card.   Note: Battery’s label should be facing up and the battery’s contacts – aiming towards the base of the CCU.    Figure 8: Insertion of the Backup Battery  6. Return the battery cover back to place. 7. Plug the Power Supply's cable into the mini-USB™ connector on the back of the CCU. 8. Plug the adapter’s cube into an electric power outlet socket. The LED on the front panel of the Central Control Unit should light with orange color. 9. Place the CCU in its designated location. 10. Wait for the CCU’s front panel LED to switch from orange to green color before continuing to sub-paragraph 3.2.3 below.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  36  We.R™ System User Guide    Notes: The LED switching from orange to green indicates that the CCU is properly active. It takes approximately 5 minutes for the LED to switch.  The Central Control Unit is now ready for the next step of registration and setup.   Note: The initial registration is a web-only procedure and therefore could be exercised utilizing the Web Application only (cannot be done with the Mobile Application).  3.2.3. Activating the Central Control Unit   Notes: This paragraph details the initial registration process of the system, utilizing the We.R™ Web Application software. It is a one-time procedure exercised as part of the activation of the system’s Central Control Unit. The We.R™ Web Application is a comprehensive software package dealing not only with this initial registration procedure but with all aspects of administrating the We.R™ system (Status reports, peripheral devices’ add/remove and setup, events history, etc.). It is, therefore, recommended to read paragraph 3.3 The We.R™ Web Application below prior to the activation of the CCU.  Activation of the CCU begins with registration of the We.R™ system with the Service Provider’s web server. Besides introducing the We.R™ system to the server, via the cloud, it also allows the definition of method of mobile communications.   Note: Typing-in the login information (email address and password) and clicking over the   button will be the only action required for subsequent logging onto the We.R™ Web Application.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  37   The registration procedure is done via the We.R™ Web Application as follows: 1. Utilizing PC running web browser software, go to the We.R™ Web Application by entering the Service Providers’ server address.   Note: You may want to create a short-cut link for this address for ease of future access to the Web Application.  2. The Login window will pop-up:   Figure 9: The We.R™ Web Application Login Window    Note: If prompted, install the Microsoft® Silverlight™ web application framework available for free download at:  The   button allows selection of the interfacing language. For the initial registration procedure no information need to be typed into the Email and Password fields.
  Installation of the We.R™ System  38  We.R™ System User Guide   The   button will be will be used for subsequent logging into the We.R™ Web Application. 3. Click over the   button only. A roll-down menu will be added at the bottom of the Login window:  Figure 10: The Login Window with the Roll-down Menu  11. Click over the _Go to first time registration page  >>_ option. The First Time Registration (Step 1 of 2) window will pop-up:  Figure 11: CCU First Time Registration Window
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  39   12. Type-in the 8-digits serial number recorded on page 30 (and Appendix H) and click over the   button. The Web Application software performs, at this point in time, a validation procedure to ensure the number typed is correct. Clicking over the   button will take you back to the Login window (see above Figure 10). In case the CCU was previously incompletely registered and this procedure started before the front CCU’s LED switched to green; a Panel Not Connected error message will pop-up:  Figure 12: Panel Not Connected Error Message In case this serial number was already registered with the system; an Existing Serial Number error message will pop-up:  Figure 13: Existing Serial Number Error Message In case the serial number typed was invalid; an Invalid Serial error message will pop-up:  Figure 14: Invalid Serial Error Message
 Installation of the We.R™ System  40  We.R™ System User Guide   In all the above error cases, clicking over the   button will take you back to the Login window (see above Figure 10). 13. In case the number typed is valid, the First Time Registration (Step 2 of 2) window will pop-up:   Figure 15: First Time Registration Step 2 Window    Note: You may want to record the following registration details to Appendix H Owner’s Records of this guide (page 301) where important data of your system is gathered for future reference.  14. Type-in your personal details as follows: i. _Email_ – Address where system’s messages and notifications will be sent to via email. ii. This address will also be used for subsequent login (see above Figure 9). iii. _Password_ – Required for safe login.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  41    Note: The login password is case sensitive and must have a minimum of six (6) alphanumeric characters.  This password need to be confirmed (re-typed) in the next field – _Confirm Password_. The information provided for the above fields will also be used as key-codes for subsequent accesses to the Web Application (see above Figure 9). iv. _Name_ – The User Name you will be identified with in the system. This is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters’ field. v. _Enter Mobile #_ – Type-in your mobile telephone number. This data is for information records only (not used at this point in time). Use digits only in international telephone number format (for example: 972522728110). vi. _User Code_ – For the We.R™ Mobile Application to be installed on a later stage on the smartphone, you are required to initiate a four (4) digits user identification code (an extra password). vii. _TimeZone_ – Select your time-zone from the roll-down menu, to synchronize the system clock for correct email messages and notifications time-stamps.   Note: The Web Application servers are always set to zero (0) UTC time zone (Zulu time).  15. Acknowledge your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of usage for this software by marking the check-box at the bottom-left side of the window. A copy of this terms and conditions is attached to this guide as Appendix B End User License Agreement (EULA). It is also accessible via the link _Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy_. 16. Clicking over the   button terminates the process (upon completion).
 Installation of the We.R™ System  42  We.R™ System User Guide   Clicking over the   button, throughout the above process, bounces you back to the First Time Registration Page 1 window (see above Figure 11). Clicking over the   button, throughout the above process, bounces you back to the Login window (see above Figure 10).  17. If no error detected during the above procedure of entering the initial registration data, the following confirmation message will pop-up:   Figure 16: Registration Confirmation Message Window  Within a period of approximately 5 minutes, the CCU’s front LED should turn green and the registration process is concluded.    Notes: If the LED remains orange (does not switch to green), it means that communication could not be established (verified and registered properly), usually due to wrong APN data. Green flashing LED means the CCU is being updated by the Remote Software Upgrade (RSU) mechanism.   Clicking over the   button will close this message window (but the process of connecting will continue until completed as indicated by the LED switching to green).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  43 Manual Access Point Name Data Registration In case a problem is encountered during the initial registration procedure, with the Access Point Name (APN) data; you need to contact the SIM-card’s Cellular Operator/Service Provider and get all of the APN data. This data need to be manually typed into the registration data fields. This is done by clicking over the _APN Settings Registration >>_ menu option of the roll-down menu added to the Login window (see above Figure 10). Once the _APN Settings Registration >>_ is clicked over, the APN Settings Configuration window pops-up:  Figure 17: APN Settings Window Most market available SIM-card’s APN data is pre-programmed into the We.R™ system and being updated on a regular basis, therefore: 1. The automatic process executed following the click over the   button (see line-item 14 on page 40) should complete the registration process with no problem. In case the process does not complete properly (the LED did not turn green):   Note: A short-form explanation regarding this process is also available online by clicking over the       button.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  44  We.R™ System User Guide   i. Call your cellular Service Provider and obtain all APN data (APN name, APN user and APN password).   Note: You may want to record the APN data to Appendix H of this User Guide where important data of your system is gathered for future reference.  ii. Select the _Country_ and _Operator_ (Cellular Service Provider) from the roll-down menus in the APN Settings Configuration window (see above Figure 17). iii. Manually type-in all the APN data retrieved from the Cellular Service Provider. iv. In the _SIM card of the Panel:_ field, type-in the international cellular telephone number of the SIM-card (digits only, no prefix, for example: 972522728110) and the CCU’s serial number (see page 30 and Appendix H) and click over the  button. v. Wait for the front panel LED to turn green (may take up to 15 minutes). In case the manual entry of APN data is done for a CCU which was already registered (i.e. upon replacing a faulty SIM-card), the APN Settings Configuration window shown in the above Figure 17 will pop-up with the CCU’s Serial Number already typed-in (but greyed-out) as illustrated in Figure 18 below:  Figure 18: APN Settings Window for a Registered CCU
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  45   2. Once the system is registered, it is recommended to add Users before proceeding to the next step of installation. See details in the below paragraph   3.3. The We.R™ Web Application The We.R™ Web Application is classic cloud-computing software application based on the latest RIA (Rich Internet Application) technologies and utilizes Microsoft® Silverlight® technology. It provides smooth, fast and responsive experience along a set of tools for home security and management. The run-time environment for Silverlight® is available as a plug-in for most web browsers based on the Microsoft® Windows® OS (Operating System). It is available for free download from:    Note: The previous paragraph already dealt with the Web Application, with respect to the first-time system registration only. It was a one-time procedure exercised as an action item within the process of the activation/registration of the system’s CCU. This paragraph details all other aspects of the We.R™ Web Application.    3.3.1. The Web Application Function The Web Application provides the user with access to the following system functions:  Home monitoring, safety, security and smart home management.  Self-installation and activation via the web.  Dashboard page – Presents:
 Installation of the We.R™ System  46  We.R™ System User Guide    System Status,  System Activation,  Device Overviews,  Recent Events,  Look-in via Camera.  Devices page – Manages system devices.  History page – Allows investigation of recent events including video as well as filtering of the event history log.  Users page – Manage Users (Master User, Standard User).  Central Control Unit Signal Strength Indicator – Displays the GSM signal strength (for Central Control Units with a SIM-card).  APN Activation – Automatic APN activation. Available for any SIM-card supporting SMS and data transfer.  Notifications – Tamper, Low battery, Connection Lost, power failure/restore.  Chime – Optional siren feature.  Multilingual support.  3.3.2. Activating the Web Application Being a classic cloud-computing application, the We.R™ Web Application requires only a PC with an Internet browser to access and use. There is no need to download and/or install any software. Prerequisites The following items need to be prepared before installing the We.R™ Web Application:  A personal computer (PC) with internet access and up-to-date browser application software (Internet Explorer® 7 or higher, or Firefox® 4 or higher, or Chrome™ browser).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  47    The Microsoft® Silverlight™ web application framework should also be installed on the PC. It is available for free download and installation at:  The Service Provider’s web address (URL) for the We.R™ Web Application software.    Note: You may want to create a short-cut link for this address for future ease of access to the Web Application.    A smartphone (optional) for remote system management.   3.3.3. The Web Application Display Structure The screen of the We.R™ Web Application is divided into functional areas where:  Tool Bar – presents some basic control tools for the We.R™ Web Application.  Status/Activation Bar – For the We.R™ system’s status display and setting of mode of operation.  Displayed Data Selection Tabs – used to select the type of information displayed.  Data – different data types selected by the tabs, for display and manipulation.   1 2 3 44
 Installation of the We.R™ System  48  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 19: The Web Application Display   3.3.4. The Tool Bar The Tool bar provides access to the global most common Web Application setting tools:   Figure 20: The Tool Bar   The   icon provides information regarding the strength of the CCU’s cellular signal. It could display:  1 4 2 3
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  49   or   or  or   or   Signal strength meter indicating the CCU’s cellular signal strength.              No SIM-card installed in the CCU.              Cellular channel communication lost.   The   icon provides information regarding the charge capacity of the CCU backup battery. It could display:  Battery dead  Battery critical  Battery low  Battery normal  Battery full   The   button launches the Settings Configuration window:   Figure 21: The Settings Configuration Window
 Installation of the We.R™ System  50  We.R™ System User Guide   This window is a sub-set of the initial registration procedure (see paragraph 3.2.3. above) which allows (by tab selection):  Re-setting of the Time Zone defined in the initial registration procedure (see page 41) by selecting it from the roll-down selection menu which opens upon clicking over the   button. Any change made to the previously defined Time Zone need to be saved by clicking over the   button. Termination of this activity is done by clicking over the   button.  Manual entry of APN data; a similar process to the one described in the above sub-paragraph  Note that the CCU’s _Serial #_ appears grey and cannot be edited, since we are dealing, at this point in time, with a formerly registered system. The   button brings up a quick help file for APN data entry. Following the entry of all APN data, there is a need to click over the  button to transfer the data onto the CCU’s memory. Termination of this process is done by clicking over the   button.   Figure 22: Manual Entry of APN Data Window
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  51    The   button opens this We.R™ System User Guide document.  The   button logs out of the Web Application and terminates its operation.  3.3.5. The Status/Activation Bar The Status/Activation bar provides, at a glance, real-time information about the system status as well as enabling basic system arming commands.   Figure 23: The Status/Activation Bar  Clicking over any of the three   arming buttons will trigger the system into the operation mode called for (Full Arm, Day Arm or Night Arm). The system status is reflected by the image and color of the central icon as follows: (grey) System Disarmed (green) System (fully) Armed (red) Burglary Alarm (green) System Day Armed (yellow) Safety Hazard (green) System Night Armed
 Installation of the We.R™ System  52  We.R™ System User Guide   The text messages to the left of this icon word-out the meaning of the image on display.  3.3.6. The Data Window The data window allows in-depth system setup, monitoring and control. The type of data to be displayed and dealt with is presented over four (4) or six (6) pages (pending the inclusion of a Z-Wave® Controller), selected by a tab bar with the following four (4) basic tab options:   Figure 24: Data Window 4-Tab Bar  In case a Z-Wave® controller (a Smart Home application) is installed, the basic four (4) tab bar is expanded to include two (2) more tabs dealing with the setup of Z-Wave® devices and their scenarios of operation.   Figure 25: Data Window 6-Tab Bar  These cases will be discussed within the relevant paragraphs below. The Dashboard Page The Dashboard page is the main (and default) page of the We.R™ Web Application providing an at-a-glance overview of the We.R™ system status.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  53    Figure 26: The Dashboard Page  This data window divides into three (3) panes:  The Devices (left) pane – an overview pane graphically (using icons) presenting all system defined components, their system given name and, sometimes, an additional sub-icon presenting their event or status information. System status presentation could be sorted by Device Name or Device Type by clicking over the   /   switching button. The reported items are presented by icon images, within all panes, as follows:  Central Control Unit  Remote Control Unit (KF)  Motion Indoor Photo Detector  Indoor Siren
 Installation of the We.R™ System  54  We.R™ System User Guide    Motion Detector  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor  Flood Detector  Smoke Detector  Wireless Access Control Tag Reader  Tag  Universal Transmitter  Z-Wave® Controller  Master User  Normal User  Three (3) more devices’ icons are used for the Z-Wave® devices presented on the Smart Home and Scenarios pages:  Z-Wave® device type Doorlock  Z-Wave® device type Switch or Dimmer  Z-Wave® device type Thermostat    These icons may:  Change their color in accordance with their reported event/status (i.e. turn red upon tampered event).  Presented with colored items:  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor CLOSED  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor OPENED  Power failure  Power restored
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  55    Universal Transmitter CLOSED  Universal Transmitter OPENED   Presented with (or by) additional sub-icon symbolizing the status or event. These additional event/status sub-icons could be:  APN failure  APN restored  Broken (Connection Lost)  Connection restored  Low battery  Low Connection  Battery FULL event  Battery NORMAL event  Battery LOW event  Battery CRITICAL event  Battery DEAD event  Warning (i.e. tamper, power failure, etc.)   The Recent Events (right) pane – a detailed pane graphically (utilizing icons) presenting a log of all system defined components which participated in the last events. Data presented include time stamp (date and time) of the event and some additional text explaining the nature of the event. The presentation icons are similar to the above mentioned Devices Pane icons.  The Cameras (middle) pane (sub divided into upper and lower sub-panes) is used for presentation of the images captured by the Camera devices of the system. The lower part presents a graphical (utilizing icons) list of all system defined Cameras with their system name. Clicking over one of them will present its captured images in the upper sub-pane. Clicking over the   button will run them in video-like mode.  In cases of special interfaces or applications (i.e. the Z-Wave® Controller), not only that the Tab bar will be expanded to include two (2) additional Smart Home tabs, but the Dashboard page Devices’ pane will display an icon presenting the interface/application. For example, in the case of a Z-Wave® Controller, the following icon will present the Z-Wave® Controller:
 Installation of the We.R™ System  56  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 27: The Z-Wave® Controller Icon  And the Dashboard would look like:   Figure 28: The Dashboard Page with Z-Wave® Controller The Devices Page The Devices page provides an overview of the We.R™ system defined devices and allows:  Addition or removal of Devices to the system (by Master User only).  Editing (by Master User only) of their operational characteristics.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  57    Figure 29: The Devices Page  This page divides into two (2) panes:  The Devices (left) pane – an overview pane presenting all system defined components, their icon image (for type), their system given name/location and their current status including icon indication of their signal strength and battery level.  Details of operational characteristics of the highlighted line-item (device) in the Devices pane are displayed in the pane to the right – the details pane. These may be edited (by a Master User only). Any change made to these details must be saved by clicking over the   button. There is an extension of operational characteristics information for the sensor devices (i.e. IPD, PIR, MGL etc.) which may be revealed and edited by clicking over the  button. This button is available only when sensor devices are selected on the left Devices pane.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  58  We.R™ System User Guide   Master User(s) may also add new device(s) to the system by clicking over the  button. A detailed explanation of such a procedure is provided within every component installation paragraph in this guide. Master User(s) may also remove device(s) from the system by selecting a device (line item in the Devices pane) and clicking over the   button. A detailed explanation of such a procedure is provided within every component installation paragraph in this guide. The History Page The History page presents the system log of events.   Figure 30: The History Page  This page divides into two (2) panes in addition to a log-file filter definition tool bar:
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  59    The Events (left) overview left pane displaying, in sequential order, all recorded system events with:  Icon images of the items the event relates to,  Description of the event, and  A time-stamp (date and time) of the event.  Above the Events pane there is a History filter definition toolbar enabling definition of filtered data to be displayed in the Events pane.   Figure 31: The History Filter Toolbar  This toolbar include the following tools to define the filter: 1) _Date From:_ – defines the date from which the filter will allow pass data for display. Date is selected by clicking over the   button which opens calendar-like menu for selection of the desired date. 2) _Date To:_ – defines the last date allowed for the filter to pass data for display. Date is selected by clicking over the   button which opens calendar-like menu for selection of the desired date. 3) _Device Name:_ – allowing selection of which Devices will be presented by the filter by Devices’ system (given) name. The specific Device(s) are selected by clicking over the   button which opens a selection roll-down menu where the desired Device(s) need to be marked. 4) _Event Type:_ – allows selection of which event type(s) data will be passed by the filter for display. The specific Event(s) are selected by clicking over the  button which opens a selection roll-down menu where the desired Event(s) need to be marked.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  60  We.R™ System User Guide   5) _User Name:_ – allows selection of which of the Users related devices will be passed by the filter for display. The specific User(s) are selected by clicking over the   button which opens a selection roll-down menu where the desired User(s) need to be marked. Once these filter’s criteria are completely defined, applying them to see the filtered results is done by clicking over the   button. To clear previous filter data – click over the   button. The characteristics of the highlighted line-item (Event) in the Event pane are presented in the pane to the right. The Users Page The Users page provides the system Users’ information. The window divides into two (2) panes:  The left overview pane provides the User name and type.  The right details pane provides all required data of the highlighted User line-item in the left pane. This data include:  The User name.  The User Email address (for notifications).  The User Profile – Standard or Master.   Notes: Unlike a Standard User, a Master User may modify the system configuration data, system Users data etc. Up to two (2) Master Users may be defined in a single system. Maximum total of 32 Users are supported by a single system.   The Notification Language.  The User Code (four digits) for the Mobile Application.  The ability to edit the User’s password.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  61    Figure 32: The Users Page  Once any of the above data fields have been changed; there is a need to click over the  button to store the new data into the system configuration files. New Users may be added (up to the system limits, see Table 5 on page 194) by clicking over the   button. This will initiate a new line item on the left pane and empty data fields on the right one to be typed-in. Users may also be removed from the system by clicking over the specific User line item and then over the   button. The Smart Home and Scenarios Pages The Smart Home page and its associated Scenarios page, deals with Smart Home controllers like the We.R™ Z-Wave® Controller and will be explained in paragraph 3.14.4. Activating the Z-Wave® Controller below.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  62  We.R™ System User Guide Other Pages As the We.R™ system gains more and more applications and interfaces, special purpose pages are (and will be) added to the Data Window to provide User Interfaces for such special purposes. The explanations for these additional pages, within this User Guide, are provided in the paragraphs discussing such applications and interfaces (i.e. the Scenarios page in the We.R™ Z-Wave® Controller).  3.4. The We.R™ Mobile Application   Note: The We.R™ Mobile Application is based on the We.R™ Web Application and built to allow mobile (smartphones and tablet computers) administration of the We.R™ system. Its details below are added at this point in time, since this knowledge could serve as a helpful tool for the installation process of the system devices by allowing mobility of the installer around the premises.  The We.R™ Mobile Application is designed for reliability and low latency, top-tier home management solution for controlling and managing the We.R™ system via mobile devices. It contains a communication engine ensuring everlasting connectivity to the server and a push-notification message mechanism in case of alarms and events. The application is designed to consume minimal amount of power for battery preservation for longer time of operation. The We.R™ Mobile Application is available for iPhone® iOS operating system (OS) for smartphones and tablets as well as for Google™ Android™ OS for smartphones and tablets.   Note: Differences between the Android™ and the iOS operating systems and smartphones might result with some minor dissimilarity between the screens captures presented below.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  63   It features the following home management functions:  Push notifications for triggered events  System status  Arm activation (Full Arm, Day Arm, Night Arm)  Look-in via live imaging  Events history and filtering of events history  View GSM signal strength (for CCU model with a SIM-card)  Multilingual support  Device statuses  Smart Home control via Z-Wave® devices (i.e. thermostat, dimmer, doorlock)  3.4.1. Downloading and Installing the We.R™ Mobile Application  The Mobile Application, for both Apple® iPhone® (iOS) and Android™ users, may be downloaded later from the following QR-code link:  (or search within Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play for We.R™)  These applications guide the user through all phases of the identification, installation and registration process.   Once the software is downloaded and the installation process has ended, the following Login screen will pop-up:
 Installation of the We.R™ System  64  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 33: The Login Screen  Similar to the First Time Registration procedure (see above page 40), in this screen you need to type-in the following information: 1. _Email:_ – Your email address for push messages and notifications. This need to be the same address provided within the above-mentioned First Time Registration procedure. 2. _Password:_ – Your password. This need to be the same password provided within the above-mentioned First Time Registration procedure. 3. _User Code:_ –User Code initiated within the above First Time Registration procedure. 4. _IP/Hostname:_ – The Service Provider’s URL. This IP address (or Hostname) is provided to you by the We.R™ dealer where you purchased the We.R™ system, usually on a sticker attached to the box. The last two items has an additional   icon which, by clicking over it, provides help text to explain the content of the field.  The virtual keyboard on this screen has some special keys:
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  65   Key Name Icon Description Backspace  Used to erase characters. Uppercase  Used for globally switching the keyboard between upper and lower case characters. Numeric  Used for globally switching the keyboard between alphabetic keys and numeric keys. Language  Used for globally switching the keyboard character-set between languages. COM Shortcut  This is a shortcut key inserting the .COM extension for Email and IP/Hostname fields. Go  Once all data is properly typed-in, this key terminates the Login data entry process and sends the data to the servers. Table 3: Special Keys on the Login Virtual Keyboard  In addition to the above-mentioned keys, there is another special key, on the top-right end of the screen, allowing immediate login following entry of all data fields –  .  3.4.2. Limitations of the We.R™ Mobile Application As mentioned before, the We.R™ Mobile Application is an extension of the Web Application. But, being a mobile application running over the limited resources of mobile devices and their operating systems, some of the Web Application’s features had to be omitted. These are:  The Mobile Application does not allow settings (adding/modifying) of system Users.  The Mobile Application does not allow settings (adding/modifying) of system Devices. In addition, if the We.R™ Mobile Application is installed on multiple mobile devices for a specific User, the push notifications might not be received by all of them.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  66  We.R™ System User Guide   3.4.3. Using the Mobile Application The installation of the We.R™ Mobile Application creates, among other things, an icon on the mobile device’s main screen. Tapping over this icon will activate the We.R™ Mobile Application.  Figure 34: The Mobile Application Icon If never registered before, the first screen to pop-up is presented in Figure 33 above. The registration need to be completed (see paragraph 3.4.1 above) prior to the usage of the Mobile Application. The User Code Screen In case the Mobile Application was properly installed and registered, the first screen to pop-up is:  Figure 35: The User Code Login Screen
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  67   Type-in the 4-digits User Code set during the registration procedure described in the above paragraph 3.4.1. The virtual keyboard’s backspace   button may be used for deletion of erroneous input while the   button allows termination of the Login process. The Home Status (Main) Screen Once the correct User Code is typed-in, the Mobile Application logs onto the Service Provider’s servers and becomes fully functional. The opening screen to pop-up next is the Home Status (Main) screen:   Figure 36: The Home Status Screen  The Home Status is similar, in appearance and functionality, to the Web Application’s We.R™ Dashboard Page (see above sub-paragraph  1. The   icon on the top-left side of the screen is a RF signal strength meter of the CCU’s cellular signal. It could display:
  Installation of the We.R™ System  68  We.R™ System User Guide   or   or   or   or   Signal strength meter indicating the CCU’s cellular signal strength.              No SIM-card installed in the CCU.              Cellular channel communication lost.  2. Tapping over the   button at the top-right side of the screen, will switch the mobile device into the Settings screen (see Figure 38 below) where you may: i. Log out of the We.R™ Mobile Application by tapping over the  . ii. Select temperate display units between Celsius and Fahrenheit with the . iii. Bring up the system information page by tapping over the  . This will open the following screen:  Figure 37: The About Screen This page provides the We.R™ Mobile Application software version, the registered User email address and the CCU (Panel) type.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  69   Tapping over the   button will switch the screen back to the Settings screen. iv. View the Service Provider’s servers address (URL) with    Figure 38: The Settings Screen  Upon completion of settings, terminate the session by tapping over the   button.  3. The center piece is similar, in appearance and functionality, to the Web Application’s Status/Activation Bar (see above paragraph 3.3.5) providing, at a glance, real-time information about the system status as well as enabling basic system arming commands; Tapping over any of the three arming buttons ( , , ) will trigger the system into the operation mode called for (Full Arm, Day Arm or Night Arm), just like the   arming buttons in the Status/Activation Bar.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  70  We.R™ System User Guide    Note: Definition of arming modes is set via the We.R™ Web Application only, utilizing the Devices Page. See paragraph 4.5. Managing Devices below  The system status is reflected by the image and color of the central icon as follows: (grey) System Disarmed (green) System (fully) Armed (red) Burglary Alarm (green) System Day Armed (yellow) Safety Hazard (green) System Night Armed  The text messages, on top of this icon, word-out the meaning of the image on display.  4. The Tab Bar at the bottom of the screen provides similar functionality to the Tab Bar of the We.R™ Web Application allowing quick access to the different display functions (screens) of the We.R™ Mobile Application.   Figure 39: The Home Status Screen Tab Bar   The Status Tab/screen returns the mobile device’s display to the Home Status (Main) screen (see above Figure 36).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  71    The Video Tab/screen allows comfort (non-alarm triggered, initiated by the User) view of the environment where the camera is installed. Tapping over the Video Tab will switch the display to the Take Video screen (see Figure 40 below). This screen displays all cameras included in your system and the desired camera should be selected out of this list.   Figure 40: The Take Video Screen  To refresh the Available Cameras list – tap over the   button. Tapping over one of the cameras in the list will select it and will switch the screen into a camera display screen presenting the view in front of the camera. The square button at the bottom of this screen is your Play/Pause switch. Tapping over the   button will terminate the comfort video session and return the display to the Home Status (Main) screen (see above Figure 36).
 Installation of the We.R™ System  72  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 41: Comfort View of Camera  The Devices Tab/screen opens a status screen presenting all system devices and their events/status icons similar to the Devices Page of the We.R™ Web Application:  Figure 42: Devices Screen
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  73   Tapping over the   button refreshes the content of this status screen. The devices’ icons are similar to the icons used in the We.R™ Web Application:  Central Control Unit  Remote Control Unit (KF)  Motion Indoor Photo Detector  Indoor Siren  Motion Detector  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor  Flood Detector  Smoke Detector  Wireless Access Control Tag Reader  Tag  Universal Transmitter  Z-Wave® Controller  Master User  Normal User  Three (3) more devices’ icons are used for the Z-Wave® devices presented on the Smart Home and Scenarios pages:  Z-Wave® device type Doorlock  Z-Wave® device type Switch or Dimmer  Z-Wave® device type Thermostat
 Installation of the We.R™ System  74  We.R™ System User Guide   These icons may:  Change their color in accordance with their reported event/status (i.e. turn red upon tampered event).  Presented with colored items:   Door/Window Magnetic Sensor CLOSED  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor OPENED  Power failure  Power restored  Universal Transmitter CLOSED  Universal Transmitter OPENED   Presented with (or by) additional sub-icon symbolizing the status or event. These additional event/status sub-icons could be:   APN failure  APN restored  Broken (Connection Lost)  Connection restored  Low battery  Low Connection  Battery FULL event  Battery NORMAL event  Battery LOW event  Battery CRITICAL event  Battery DEAD event  Warning
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  75    Note: As mentioned before, the We.R™ Mobile Application allows devices’ status display only and cannot be used for their setup.   The Smart Home Tab/screen opens a status screen for all system Z-Wave® devices with their events/status icons similar to the Smart Home Page of the We.R™ Web Application:   Figure 43: Smart Home Screen  Tapping over the   button refreshes the content of this screen. The devices’ icons are similar to the icons used in the We.R™ Web Application:  Z-Wave® device type Doorlock  Z-Wave® device type Switch or Dimmer  Z-Wave® device type Thermostat
 Installation of the We.R™ System  76  We.R™ System User Guide   For switch-mode devices (Z-Wave® Switch and Dimmer class), switching the device ON and OFF is possible directly from this screen by tapping over the   button. For devices which may present more details, an  is added to the right. Tapping over this  will switch the display into a new screen expanding on the information related to the specific device. For example:  Expansion screen for Dimmer class devices:   Figure 44: Dimmer Class Device Expansion Screen  The   button provides device ON/OFF switching function (similar to the above mentioned   button). The   slide control provides analog control of the dimmer level. Once all features are set, going back to the Smart Home screen is done by tapping over the   button.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  77    Expansion screen for Thermostat class devices:  Figure 45: Thermostat Class Device Expansion Screen  The   button provides device ON/OFF switching function (similar to the above mentioned   button). The   switch provides selection between cooling and heating. The   is a multi-level fan speed selector where each tap progress the speed in one step. The   is an up/down temperature setting selector where the temperature display is set by the Settings screen (see Figure 38 above). Once all features are set, going back to the Smart Home screen is done by tapping over the   button.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  78  We.R™ System User Guide    The History Tab/screen opens a screen presenting the complete log of the system events:   Figure 46: History of Events Log Screen   Note: Devices which may present history with more details are marked with  icon on the right. Tapping over the  icon will switch the display into a new screen expanding the history information related to the specific device and event.  You may refresh this screen by tapping over the   button. You may also limit the amount of data displayed by filtering it. To filter the data, tap over the   button. A filter tool bar will pop up above the log (see Figure 47 below).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  79    Figure 47: Events History Screen with Filter Tool Bar  The tool bar provides four (4) filtering criteria:  Figure 48: Filter Criteria   From Date – defines the first date to be included on display. Tapping over this button will open a calendar-style menu, out of which the first date to be included in the report should be selected.  To Date – defines the last date to be included on display. Tapping over this button will open a calendar-style menu, out of which the last date to be included in the report should be selected.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  80  We.R™ System User Guide    All Devices – defines which devices’ events will be included on display. Tapping over this button will open the following screen:   Figure 49: Devices’ Criteria Selection Screen  Presented in this screen are all system defined devices, out of which you may select those that you want to be included in the Events History report screen (i.e. Sirens only, PIRs + Sirens, etc.). Selection may be done either by tapping over each device you need or by tapping over the   button to select all devices. Once selection was made, you need to tap over the   button to go back to the Events History screen (see Figure 47 above).  All Events – defines which types of events will be included on display. Tapping over this button will open the following screen:
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  81    Figure 50: Events’ Criteria Selection Screen   Presented in this screen is a log of all system events, out of which you may select those that you want to be included in the Events History report screen (i.e. Panic Alarms, Low Batteries + New Batteries events, etc.).  Selection may be done either by tapping over each event you need or by tapping over the   button to select all events.  Once selection was made, you need to tap over the   button to go back to the Events History screen (see Figure 47 above).  Once all filter criteria are set, the Events History report screen need to be refreshed, by tapping over the   button, to see the filtered report. Logical conjunction results (filtered results) of ALL the above criteria will be displayed on this screen as soon as these criteria are defined and the   button is tapped upon.

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Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  29  3. Installation of the We.R™ System 3.1. Prerequisites Prior to the installation and setup of the We.R™ system, the following items need to be prepared:  This document is best read with Adobe Acrobat Reader® version 10.0 (or higher), available for free download at: An electronic format (PDF) version of this manual is available, for free download, at:  AA-size Alkaline batteries for the kit components (10 for the standard kit).   Notes: More batteries might be needed in case additional components were purchased. Special batteries: the Central Control Unit’s backup battery and the Remote Control Unit’s coin-battery are included in the kit.   A personal computer (PC) with internet access and up-to-date browser application software (Microsoft™ Internet Explorer® 7 or higher, Firefox® 4 or higher, Google’s Chrome™ browser).  The Microsoft® Silverlight™ web application framework should also be installed on the PC. It is available for free download from:  The Service Provider’s web server address for the We.R™ Web Application software (provided by the We.R™ distributor/Service Provider).  If cellular communication is to be used – a SIM-card provided by the distributor or purchased from a Service Provider.   Notes: Distributor (or Service Provider) of the SIM-card should also provide a 4-digit APN code for mobile access. In special cases more APN data (see details on page 43) might be needed.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  30  We.R™ System User Guide    A smartphone (optional) for remote system management.  A small screwdriver.  The Central Control Unit’s identification serial number should be registered prior to the installation process.  Stickers with the serial number can be found inside the battery/SIM-card cavity and under the Central Control Unit’s base as illustrated in Figure 4 below.     Figure 4: CCU Serial Number Locations   Note: You may also want to register this serial number in Appendix H Owner’s Records of this User Guide (page 301) where important data of your system is aggregated for future reference.  This chapter of Installation of the We.R™ System provides information about each and every component of the system including its installation, power-up, configuration, integration into the system and operation.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  31   It is arranged in the exact same sequence the system needs to be built-up, including the steps of software installation and registration. Therefore, it is advised to follow this sequence to ensure properly functioning system. The We.R™ system is based on independent components described below. The order of presenting these components is the recommended order of their installation.   Note: Except for the Central Control Unit, not all the below-mentioned components must be installed for a functional alarm system.  3.2. The Central Control Unit – ES8000CP The center-piece of the We.R™ system is the Central Control Unit (CCU or CP).  Figure 5: The Central Control Unit
 Installation of the We.R™ System  32  We.R™ System User Guide   It is a two-way, wireless Central Control Unit comprising the main element of the We.R™ system. 3.2.1. The Central Control Unit Function The Central Control Unit (CCU) is responsible for wireless communication with the array of We.R™ sensors/detectors, remote access and interface devices internally (within the premises), through the RF communication channel, as well as communications with the external cloud computing services system, through the Internet or cellular channels. The CCU incorporates the following functions:  Two-way secured communications (AES encrypted) with the We.R™ system's peripherals.  Plug-and-Play Internet (IP) connectivity.  Optional, built-in GSM/GPRS/EDGE quad-band (850/900/1800/1900MHz) modem.  Supporting transfer of high quality, high resolution, color pictures.  Traffic Usage – Simple Event/Command: 200-300 Bytes (text), Streaming Event: 200-250 Kbytes (25 Frames).  Supports automatic over-the-air software upgrade programming and configuration.  Rechargeable backup battery. 3.2.2. Installing the Central Control Unit As mentioned in the above paragraph 2.3.3, prior to the installation of the CCU the following items must be prepared:  The CCU’s backup battery.  A PC connected to the Internet and running browser application software.  The LAN cable (in case the Internet is to be used as external CCU communication channel).  The SIM-card provided by the Service Provider (in case the CCU is to be communicating via the cellular channel) with its 4-digit APN code (other APN data might be required too, see details on page 43).  A smartphone (optional).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  33   Registration of the CCU’s serial number (see page 30) should also be completed. CCU Positioning Recommendations The CCU should be installed on:  A flat surface.  In a central home/office location with:  Unshielded adequate cellular coverage (if cellular communication is to be used).  Close to an Internet connection outlet (modem/router connection, if Internet communication is to be used). The CCU must be activated and the system must be registered with the Service Provider (or the distributer) to enable its proper operation. The following need to be executed for the setup and activation of the CCU: 1. Remove the back cover of the CCU to reveal the battery/SIM-card compartment. 2. In case cellular is intended to be used for external communication – insert the SIM-card, with its contacts facing down, as illustrated in Figure 6 below.   Note: Refer to the graphic representation of the SIM-card engraved onto the plastic bottom of the cavity, next to the card’s designated location.   Figure 6: Insertion of the SIM-card
 Installation of the We.R™ System  34  We.R™ System User Guide   3. In case the Internet is intend to be used as the primary external communication channel: Plug the LAN cable into the RJ45 socket on the back panel of the CCU and its other end into a network socket (in the Internet router or modem).   Figure 7: Insertion of LAN Cable into the CCU Socket  The CCU back panel LAN (RJ45) socket provides two (2) LED status indications, active in accordance with the IEEE 802.3u standard, as a convenient means of determining the mode of operation of the network: i. LED1 (Green) is the Link Activity LED. It will lit steady once the network transceiver detects a valid link and will blink upon link activity (transmit/receive). ii. LED2 (Amber) is the Link Speed LED. It will turn ON once the detected link speed is 100Mbit/Sec and will turn OFF once the detected link speed is 10Mbit/Sec. A blinking LED2 indicates communication collision. 4. If there is no Internet connection available or the LAN cable is not connected, the SIM-card will be used as the primary connection channel between the We.R™ system and the We.R™ server.   Note: If both the SIM-card and the LAN cable are installed, the Internet will be the primary communication method and the cellular channel will be used for backup.  LED 1 LED 2
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  35   5. Insert the backup battery into the battery cavity, above the SIM-card.   Note: Battery’s label should be facing up and the battery’s contacts – aiming towards the base of the CCU.    Figure 8: Insertion of the Backup Battery  6. Return the battery cover back to place. 7. Plug the Power Supply's cable into the mini-USB™ connector on the back of the CCU. 8. Plug the adapter’s cube into an electric power outlet socket. The LED on the front panel of the Central Control Unit should light with orange color. 9. Place the CCU in its designated location. 10. Wait for the CCU’s front panel LED to switch from orange to green color before continuing to sub-paragraph 3.2.3 below.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  36  We.R™ System User Guide    Notes: The LED switching from orange to green indicates that the CCU is properly active. It takes approximately 5 minutes for the LED to switch.  The Central Control Unit is now ready for the next step of registration and setup.   Note: The initial registration is a web-only procedure and therefore could be exercised utilizing the Web Application only (cannot be done with the Mobile Application).  3.2.3. Activating the Central Control Unit   Notes: This paragraph details the initial registration process of the system, utilizing the We.R™ Web Application software. It is a one-time procedure exercised as part of the activation of the system’s Central Control Unit. The We.R™ Web Application is a comprehensive software package dealing not only with this initial registration procedure but with all aspects of administrating the We.R™ system (Status reports, peripheral devices’ add/remove and setup, events history, etc.). It is, therefore, recommended to read paragraph 3.3 The We.R™ Web Application below prior to the activation of the CCU.  Activation of the CCU begins with registration of the We.R™ system with the Service Provider’s web server. Besides introducing the We.R™ system to the server, via the cloud, it also allows the definition of method of mobile communications.   Note: Typing-in the login information (email address and password) and clicking over the   button will be the only action required for subsequent logging onto the We.R™ Web Application.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  37   The registration procedure is done via the We.R™ Web Application as follows: 1. Utilizing PC running web browser software, go to the We.R™ Web Application by entering the Service Providers’ server address.   Note: You may want to create a short-cut link for this address for ease of future access to the Web Application.  2. The Login window will pop-up:   Figure 9: The We.R™ Web Application Login Window    Note: If prompted, install the Microsoft® Silverlight™ web application framework available for free download at:  The   button allows selection of the interfacing language. For the initial registration procedure no information need to be typed into the Email and Password fields.
  Installation of the We.R™ System  38  We.R™ System User Guide   The   button will be will be used for subsequent logging into the We.R™ Web Application. 3. Click over the   button only. A roll-down menu will be added at the bottom of the Login window:  Figure 10: The Login Window with the Roll-down Menu  11. Click over the _Go to first time registration page  >>_ option. The First Time Registration (Step 1 of 2) window will pop-up:  Figure 11: CCU First Time Registration Window
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  39   12. Type-in the 8-digits serial number recorded on page 30 (and Appendix H) and click over the   button. The Web Application software performs, at this point in time, a validation procedure to ensure the number typed is correct. Clicking over the   button will take you back to the Login window (see above Figure 10). In case the CCU was previously incompletely registered and this procedure started before the front CCU’s LED switched to green; a Panel Not Connected error message will pop-up:  Figure 12: Panel Not Connected Error Message In case this serial number was already registered with the system; an Existing Serial Number error message will pop-up:  Figure 13: Existing Serial Number Error Message In case the serial number typed was invalid; an Invalid Serial error message will pop-up:  Figure 14: Invalid Serial Error Message
 Installation of the We.R™ System  40  We.R™ System User Guide   In all the above error cases, clicking over the   button will take you back to the Login window (see above Figure 10). 13. In case the number typed is valid, the First Time Registration (Step 2 of 2) window will pop-up:   Figure 15: First Time Registration Step 2 Window    Note: You may want to record the following registration details to Appendix H Owner’s Records of this guide (page 301) where important data of your system is gathered for future reference.  14. Type-in your personal details as follows: i. _Email_ – Address where system’s messages and notifications will be sent to via email. ii. This address will also be used for subsequent login (see above Figure 9). iii. _Password_ – Required for safe login.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  41    Note: The login password is case sensitive and must have a minimum of six (6) alphanumeric characters.  This password need to be confirmed (re-typed) in the next field – _Confirm Password_. The information provided for the above fields will also be used as key-codes for subsequent accesses to the Web Application (see above Figure 9). iv. _Name_ – The User Name you will be identified with in the system. This is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters’ field. v. _Enter Mobile #_ – Type-in your mobile telephone number. This data is for information records only (not used at this point in time). Use digits only in international telephone number format (for example: 972522728110). vi. _User Code_ – For the We.R™ Mobile Application to be installed on a later stage on the smartphone, you are required to initiate a four (4) digits user identification code (an extra password). vii. _TimeZone_ – Select your time-zone from the roll-down menu, to synchronize the system clock for correct email messages and notifications time-stamps.   Note: The Web Application servers are always set to zero (0) UTC time zone (Zulu time).  15. Acknowledge your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of usage for this software by marking the check-box at the bottom-left side of the window. A copy of this terms and conditions is attached to this guide as Appendix B End User License Agreement (EULA). It is also accessible via the link _Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy_. 16. Clicking over the   button terminates the process (upon completion).
 Installation of the We.R™ System  42  We.R™ System User Guide   Clicking over the   button, throughout the above process, bounces you back to the First Time Registration Page 1 window (see above Figure 11). Clicking over the   button, throughout the above process, bounces you back to the Login window (see above Figure 10).  17. If no error detected during the above procedure of entering the initial registration data, the following confirmation message will pop-up:   Figure 16: Registration Confirmation Message Window  Within a period of approximately 5 minutes, the CCU’s front LED should turn green and the registration process is concluded.    Notes: If the LED remains orange (does not switch to green), it means that communication could not be established (verified and registered properly), usually due to wrong APN data. Green flashing LED means the CCU is being updated by the Remote Software Upgrade (RSU) mechanism.   Clicking over the   button will close this message window (but the process of connecting will continue until completed as indicated by the LED switching to green).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  43 Manual Access Point Name Data Registration In case a problem is encountered during the initial registration procedure, with the Access Point Name (APN) data; you need to contact the SIM-card’s Cellular Operator/Service Provider and get all of the APN data. This data need to be manually typed into the registration data fields. This is done by clicking over the _APN Settings Registration >>_ menu option of the roll-down menu added to the Login window (see above Figure 10). Once the _APN Settings Registration >>_ is clicked over, the APN Settings Configuration window pops-up:  Figure 17: APN Settings Window Most market available SIM-card’s APN data is pre-programmed into the We.R™ system and being updated on a regular basis, therefore: 1. The automatic process executed following the click over the   button (see line-item 14 on page 40) should complete the registration process with no problem. In case the process does not complete properly (the LED did not turn green):   Note: A short-form explanation regarding this process is also available online by clicking over the       button.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  44  We.R™ System User Guide   i. Call your cellular Service Provider and obtain all APN data (APN name, APN user and APN password).   Note: You may want to record the APN data to Appendix H of this User Guide where important data of your system is gathered for future reference.  ii. Select the _Country_ and _Operator_ (Cellular Service Provider) from the roll-down menus in the APN Settings Configuration window (see above Figure 17). iii. Manually type-in all the APN data retrieved from the Cellular Service Provider. iv. In the _SIM card of the Panel:_ field, type-in the international cellular telephone number of the SIM-card (digits only, no prefix, for example: 972522728110) and the CCU’s serial number (see page 30 and Appendix H) and click over the  button. v. Wait for the front panel LED to turn green (may take up to 15 minutes). In case the manual entry of APN data is done for a CCU which was already registered (i.e. upon replacing a faulty SIM-card), the APN Settings Configuration window shown in the above Figure 17 will pop-up with the CCU’s Serial Number already typed-in (but greyed-out) as illustrated in Figure 18 below:  Figure 18: APN Settings Window for a Registered CCU
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  45   2. Once the system is registered, it is recommended to add Users before proceeding to the next step of installation. See details in the below paragraph   3.3. The We.R™ Web Application The We.R™ Web Application is classic cloud-computing software application based on the latest RIA (Rich Internet Application) technologies and utilizes Microsoft® Silverlight® technology. It provides smooth, fast and responsive experience along a set of tools for home security and management. The run-time environment for Silverlight® is available as a plug-in for most web browsers based on the Microsoft® Windows® OS (Operating System). It is available for free download from:    Note: The previous paragraph already dealt with the Web Application, with respect to the first-time system registration only. It was a one-time procedure exercised as an action item within the process of the activation/registration of the system’s CCU. This paragraph details all other aspects of the We.R™ Web Application.    3.3.1. The Web Application Function The Web Application provides the user with access to the following system functions:  Home monitoring, safety, security and smart home management.  Self-installation and activation via the web.  Dashboard page – Presents:
 Installation of the We.R™ System  46  We.R™ System User Guide    System Status,  System Activation,  Device Overviews,  Recent Events,  Look-in via Camera.  Devices page – Manages system devices.  History page – Allows investigation of recent events including video as well as filtering of the event history log.  Users page – Manage Users (Master User, Standard User).  Central Control Unit Signal Strength Indicator – Displays the GSM signal strength (for Central Control Units with a SIM-card).  APN Activation – Automatic APN activation. Available for any SIM-card supporting SMS and data transfer.  Notifications – Tamper, Low battery, Connection Lost, power failure/restore.  Chime – Optional siren feature.  Multilingual support.  3.3.2. Activating the Web Application Being a classic cloud-computing application, the We.R™ Web Application requires only a PC with an Internet browser to access and use. There is no need to download and/or install any software. Prerequisites The following items need to be prepared before installing the We.R™ Web Application:  A personal computer (PC) with internet access and up-to-date browser application software (Internet Explorer® 7 or higher, or Firefox® 4 or higher, or Chrome™ browser).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  47    The Microsoft® Silverlight™ web application framework should also be installed on the PC. It is available for free download and installation at:  The Service Provider’s web address (URL) for the We.R™ Web Application software.    Note: You may want to create a short-cut link for this address for future ease of access to the Web Application.    A smartphone (optional) for remote system management.   3.3.3. The Web Application Display Structure The screen of the We.R™ Web Application is divided into functional areas where:  Tool Bar – presents some basic control tools for the We.R™ Web Application.  Status/Activation Bar – For the We.R™ system’s status display and setting of mode of operation.  Displayed Data Selection Tabs – used to select the type of information displayed.  Data – different data types selected by the tabs, for display and manipulation.   1 2 3 44
 Installation of the We.R™ System  48  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 19: The Web Application Display   3.3.4. The Tool Bar The Tool bar provides access to the global most common Web Application setting tools:   Figure 20: The Tool Bar   The   icon provides information regarding the strength of the CCU’s cellular signal. It could display:  1 4 2 3
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  49   or   or  or   or   Signal strength meter indicating the CCU’s cellular signal strength.              No SIM-card installed in the CCU.              Cellular channel communication lost.   The   icon provides information regarding the charge capacity of the CCU backup battery. It could display:  Battery dead  Battery critical  Battery low  Battery normal  Battery full   The   button launches the Settings Configuration window:   Figure 21: The Settings Configuration Window
 Installation of the We.R™ System  50  We.R™ System User Guide   This window is a sub-set of the initial registration procedure (see paragraph 3.2.3. above) which allows (by tab selection):  Re-setting of the Time Zone defined in the initial registration procedure (see page 41) by selecting it from the roll-down selection menu which opens upon clicking over the   button. Any change made to the previously defined Time Zone need to be saved by clicking over the   button. Termination of this activity is done by clicking over the   button.  Manual entry of APN data; a similar process to the one described in the above sub-paragraph  Note that the CCU’s _Serial #_ appears grey and cannot be edited, since we are dealing, at this point in time, with a formerly registered system. The   button brings up a quick help file for APN data entry. Following the entry of all APN data, there is a need to click over the  button to transfer the data onto the CCU’s memory. Termination of this process is done by clicking over the   button.   Figure 22: Manual Entry of APN Data Window
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  51    The   button opens this We.R™ System User Guide document.  The   button logs out of the Web Application and terminates its operation.  3.3.5. The Status/Activation Bar The Status/Activation bar provides, at a glance, real-time information about the system status as well as enabling basic system arming commands.   Figure 23: The Status/Activation Bar  Clicking over any of the three   arming buttons will trigger the system into the operation mode called for (Full Arm, Day Arm or Night Arm). The system status is reflected by the image and color of the central icon as follows: (grey) System Disarmed (green) System (fully) Armed (red) Burglary Alarm (green) System Day Armed (yellow) Safety Hazard (green) System Night Armed
 Installation of the We.R™ System  52  We.R™ System User Guide   The text messages to the left of this icon word-out the meaning of the image on display.  3.3.6. The Data Window The data window allows in-depth system setup, monitoring and control. The type of data to be displayed and dealt with is presented over four (4) or six (6) pages (pending the inclusion of a Z-Wave® Controller), selected by a tab bar with the following four (4) basic tab options:   Figure 24: Data Window 4-Tab Bar  In case a Z-Wave® controller (a Smart Home application) is installed, the basic four (4) tab bar is expanded to include two (2) more tabs dealing with the setup of Z-Wave® devices and their scenarios of operation.   Figure 25: Data Window 6-Tab Bar  These cases will be discussed within the relevant paragraphs below. The Dashboard Page The Dashboard page is the main (and default) page of the We.R™ Web Application providing an at-a-glance overview of the We.R™ system status.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  53    Figure 26: The Dashboard Page  This data window divides into three (3) panes:  The Devices (left) pane – an overview pane graphically (using icons) presenting all system defined components, their system given name and, sometimes, an additional sub-icon presenting their event or status information. System status presentation could be sorted by Device Name or Device Type by clicking over the   /   switching button. The reported items are presented by icon images, within all panes, as follows:  Central Control Unit  Remote Control Unit (KF)  Motion Indoor Photo Detector  Indoor Siren
 Installation of the We.R™ System  54  We.R™ System User Guide    Motion Detector  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor  Flood Detector  Smoke Detector  Wireless Access Control Tag Reader  Tag  Universal Transmitter  Z-Wave® Controller  Master User  Normal User  Three (3) more devices’ icons are used for the Z-Wave® devices presented on the Smart Home and Scenarios pages:  Z-Wave® device type Doorlock  Z-Wave® device type Switch or Dimmer  Z-Wave® device type Thermostat    These icons may:  Change their color in accordance with their reported event/status (i.e. turn red upon tampered event).  Presented with colored items:  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor CLOSED  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor OPENED  Power failure  Power restored
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  55    Universal Transmitter CLOSED  Universal Transmitter OPENED   Presented with (or by) additional sub-icon symbolizing the status or event. These additional event/status sub-icons could be:  APN failure  APN restored  Broken (Connection Lost)  Connection restored  Low battery  Low Connection  Battery FULL event  Battery NORMAL event  Battery LOW event  Battery CRITICAL event  Battery DEAD event  Warning (i.e. tamper, power failure, etc.)   The Recent Events (right) pane – a detailed pane graphically (utilizing icons) presenting a log of all system defined components which participated in the last events. Data presented include time stamp (date and time) of the event and some additional text explaining the nature of the event. The presentation icons are similar to the above mentioned Devices Pane icons.  The Cameras (middle) pane (sub divided into upper and lower sub-panes) is used for presentation of the images captured by the Camera devices of the system. The lower part presents a graphical (utilizing icons) list of all system defined Cameras with their system name. Clicking over one of them will present its captured images in the upper sub-pane. Clicking over the   button will run them in video-like mode.  In cases of special interfaces or applications (i.e. the Z-Wave® Controller), not only that the Tab bar will be expanded to include two (2) additional Smart Home tabs, but the Dashboard page Devices’ pane will display an icon presenting the interface/application. For example, in the case of a Z-Wave® Controller, the following icon will present the Z-Wave® Controller:
 Installation of the We.R™ System  56  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 27: The Z-Wave® Controller Icon  And the Dashboard would look like:   Figure 28: The Dashboard Page with Z-Wave® Controller The Devices Page The Devices page provides an overview of the We.R™ system defined devices and allows:  Addition or removal of Devices to the system (by Master User only).  Editing (by Master User only) of their operational characteristics.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  57    Figure 29: The Devices Page  This page divides into two (2) panes:  The Devices (left) pane – an overview pane presenting all system defined components, their icon image (for type), their system given name/location and their current status including icon indication of their signal strength and battery level.  Details of operational characteristics of the highlighted line-item (device) in the Devices pane are displayed in the pane to the right – the details pane. These may be edited (by a Master User only). Any change made to these details must be saved by clicking over the   button. There is an extension of operational characteristics information for the sensor devices (i.e. IPD, PIR, MGL etc.) which may be revealed and edited by clicking over the  button. This button is available only when sensor devices are selected on the left Devices pane.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  58  We.R™ System User Guide   Master User(s) may also add new device(s) to the system by clicking over the  button. A detailed explanation of such a procedure is provided within every component installation paragraph in this guide. Master User(s) may also remove device(s) from the system by selecting a device (line item in the Devices pane) and clicking over the   button. A detailed explanation of such a procedure is provided within every component installation paragraph in this guide. The History Page The History page presents the system log of events.   Figure 30: The History Page  This page divides into two (2) panes in addition to a log-file filter definition tool bar:
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  59    The Events (left) overview left pane displaying, in sequential order, all recorded system events with:  Icon images of the items the event relates to,  Description of the event, and  A time-stamp (date and time) of the event.  Above the Events pane there is a History filter definition toolbar enabling definition of filtered data to be displayed in the Events pane.   Figure 31: The History Filter Toolbar  This toolbar include the following tools to define the filter: 1) _Date From:_ – defines the date from which the filter will allow pass data for display. Date is selected by clicking over the   button which opens calendar-like menu for selection of the desired date. 2) _Date To:_ – defines the last date allowed for the filter to pass data for display. Date is selected by clicking over the   button which opens calendar-like menu for selection of the desired date. 3) _Device Name:_ – allowing selection of which Devices will be presented by the filter by Devices’ system (given) name. The specific Device(s) are selected by clicking over the   button which opens a selection roll-down menu where the desired Device(s) need to be marked. 4) _Event Type:_ – allows selection of which event type(s) data will be passed by the filter for display. The specific Event(s) are selected by clicking over the  button which opens a selection roll-down menu where the desired Event(s) need to be marked.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  60  We.R™ System User Guide   5) _User Name:_ – allows selection of which of the Users related devices will be passed by the filter for display. The specific User(s) are selected by clicking over the   button which opens a selection roll-down menu where the desired User(s) need to be marked. Once these filter’s criteria are completely defined, applying them to see the filtered results is done by clicking over the   button. To clear previous filter data – click over the   button. The characteristics of the highlighted line-item (Event) in the Event pane are presented in the pane to the right. The Users Page The Users page provides the system Users’ information. The window divides into two (2) panes:  The left overview pane provides the User name and type.  The right details pane provides all required data of the highlighted User line-item in the left pane. This data include:  The User name.  The User Email address (for notifications).  The User Profile – Standard or Master.   Notes: Unlike a Standard User, a Master User may modify the system configuration data, system Users data etc. Up to two (2) Master Users may be defined in a single system. Maximum total of 32 Users are supported by a single system.   The Notification Language.  The User Code (four digits) for the Mobile Application.  The ability to edit the User’s password.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  61    Figure 32: The Users Page  Once any of the above data fields have been changed; there is a need to click over the  button to store the new data into the system configuration files. New Users may be added (up to the system limits, see Table 5 on page 194) by clicking over the   button. This will initiate a new line item on the left pane and empty data fields on the right one to be typed-in. Users may also be removed from the system by clicking over the specific User line item and then over the   button. The Smart Home and Scenarios Pages The Smart Home page and its associated Scenarios page, deals with Smart Home controllers like the We.R™ Z-Wave® Controller and will be explained in paragraph 3.14.4. Activating the Z-Wave® Controller below.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  62  We.R™ System User Guide Other Pages As the We.R™ system gains more and more applications and interfaces, special purpose pages are (and will be) added to the Data Window to provide User Interfaces for such special purposes. The explanations for these additional pages, within this User Guide, are provided in the paragraphs discussing such applications and interfaces (i.e. the Scenarios page in the We.R™ Z-Wave® Controller).  3.4. The We.R™ Mobile Application   Note: The We.R™ Mobile Application is based on the We.R™ Web Application and built to allow mobile (smartphones and tablet computers) administration of the We.R™ system. Its details below are added at this point in time, since this knowledge could serve as a helpful tool for the installation process of the system devices by allowing mobility of the installer around the premises.  The We.R™ Mobile Application is designed for reliability and low latency, top-tier home management solution for controlling and managing the We.R™ system via mobile devices. It contains a communication engine ensuring everlasting connectivity to the server and a push-notification message mechanism in case of alarms and events. The application is designed to consume minimal amount of power for battery preservation for longer time of operation. The We.R™ Mobile Application is available for iPhone® iOS operating system (OS) for smartphones and tablets as well as for Google™ Android™ OS for smartphones and tablets.   Note: Differences between the Android™ and the iOS operating systems and smartphones might result with some minor dissimilarity between the screens captures presented below.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  63   It features the following home management functions:  Push notifications for triggered events  System status  Arm activation (Full Arm, Day Arm, Night Arm)  Look-in via live imaging  Events history and filtering of events history  View GSM signal strength (for CCU model with a SIM-card)  Multilingual support  Device statuses  Smart Home control via Z-Wave® devices (i.e. thermostat, dimmer, doorlock)  3.4.1. Downloading and Installing the We.R™ Mobile Application  The Mobile Application, for both Apple® iPhone® (iOS) and Android™ users, may be downloaded later from the following QR-code link:  (or search within Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play for We.R™)  These applications guide the user through all phases of the identification, installation and registration process.   Once the software is downloaded and the installation process has ended, the following Login screen will pop-up:
 Installation of the We.R™ System  64  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 33: The Login Screen  Similar to the First Time Registration procedure (see above page 40), in this screen you need to type-in the following information: 1. _Email:_ – Your email address for push messages and notifications. This need to be the same address provided within the above-mentioned First Time Registration procedure. 2. _Password:_ – Your password. This need to be the same password provided within the above-mentioned First Time Registration procedure. 3. _User Code:_ –User Code initiated within the above First Time Registration procedure. 4. _IP/Hostname:_ – The Service Provider’s URL. This IP address (or Hostname) is provided to you by the We.R™ dealer where you purchased the We.R™ system, usually on a sticker attached to the box. The last two items has an additional   icon which, by clicking over it, provides help text to explain the content of the field.  The virtual keyboard on this screen has some special keys:
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  65   Key Name Icon Description Backspace  Used to erase characters. Uppercase  Used for globally switching the keyboard between upper and lower case characters. Numeric  Used for globally switching the keyboard between alphabetic keys and numeric keys. Language  Used for globally switching the keyboard character-set between languages. COM Shortcut  This is a shortcut key inserting the .COM extension for Email and IP/Hostname fields. Go  Once all data is properly typed-in, this key terminates the Login data entry process and sends the data to the servers. Table 3: Special Keys on the Login Virtual Keyboard  In addition to the above-mentioned keys, there is another special key, on the top-right end of the screen, allowing immediate login following entry of all data fields –  .  3.4.2. Limitations of the We.R™ Mobile Application As mentioned before, the We.R™ Mobile Application is an extension of the Web Application. But, being a mobile application running over the limited resources of mobile devices and their operating systems, some of the Web Application’s features had to be omitted. These are:  The Mobile Application does not allow settings (adding/modifying) of system Users.  The Mobile Application does not allow settings (adding/modifying) of system Devices. In addition, if the We.R™ Mobile Application is installed on multiple mobile devices for a specific User, the push notifications might not be received by all of them.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  66  We.R™ System User Guide   3.4.3. Using the Mobile Application The installation of the We.R™ Mobile Application creates, among other things, an icon on the mobile device’s main screen. Tapping over this icon will activate the We.R™ Mobile Application.  Figure 34: The Mobile Application Icon If never registered before, the first screen to pop-up is presented in Figure 33 above. The registration need to be completed (see paragraph 3.4.1 above) prior to the usage of the Mobile Application. The User Code Screen In case the Mobile Application was properly installed and registered, the first screen to pop-up is:  Figure 35: The User Code Login Screen
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  67   Type-in the 4-digits User Code set during the registration procedure described in the above paragraph 3.4.1. The virtual keyboard’s backspace   button may be used for deletion of erroneous input while the   button allows termination of the Login process. The Home Status (Main) Screen Once the correct User Code is typed-in, the Mobile Application logs onto the Service Provider’s servers and becomes fully functional. The opening screen to pop-up next is the Home Status (Main) screen:   Figure 36: The Home Status Screen  The Home Status is similar, in appearance and functionality, to the Web Application’s We.R™ Dashboard Page (see above sub-paragraph  1. The   icon on the top-left side of the screen is a RF signal strength meter of the CCU’s cellular signal. It could display:
  Installation of the We.R™ System  68  We.R™ System User Guide   or   or   or   or   Signal strength meter indicating the CCU’s cellular signal strength.              No SIM-card installed in the CCU.              Cellular channel communication lost.  2. Tapping over the   button at the top-right side of the screen, will switch the mobile device into the Settings screen (see Figure 38 below) where you may: i. Log out of the We.R™ Mobile Application by tapping over the  . ii. Select temperate display units between Celsius and Fahrenheit with the . iii. Bring up the system information page by tapping over the  . This will open the following screen:  Figure 37: The About Screen This page provides the We.R™ Mobile Application software version, the registered User email address and the CCU (Panel) type.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  69   Tapping over the   button will switch the screen back to the Settings screen. iv. View the Service Provider’s servers address (URL) with    Figure 38: The Settings Screen  Upon completion of settings, terminate the session by tapping over the   button.  3. The center piece is similar, in appearance and functionality, to the Web Application’s Status/Activation Bar (see above paragraph 3.3.5) providing, at a glance, real-time information about the system status as well as enabling basic system arming commands; Tapping over any of the three arming buttons ( , , ) will trigger the system into the operation mode called for (Full Arm, Day Arm or Night Arm), just like the   arming buttons in the Status/Activation Bar.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  70  We.R™ System User Guide    Note: Definition of arming modes is set via the We.R™ Web Application only, utilizing the Devices Page. See paragraph 4.5. Managing Devices below  The system status is reflected by the image and color of the central icon as follows: (grey) System Disarmed (green) System (fully) Armed (red) Burglary Alarm (green) System Day Armed (yellow) Safety Hazard (green) System Night Armed  The text messages, on top of this icon, word-out the meaning of the image on display.  4. The Tab Bar at the bottom of the screen provides similar functionality to the Tab Bar of the We.R™ Web Application allowing quick access to the different display functions (screens) of the We.R™ Mobile Application.   Figure 39: The Home Status Screen Tab Bar   The Status Tab/screen returns the mobile device’s display to the Home Status (Main) screen (see above Figure 36).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  71    The Video Tab/screen allows comfort (non-alarm triggered, initiated by the User) view of the environment where the camera is installed. Tapping over the Video Tab will switch the display to the Take Video screen (see Figure 40 below). This screen displays all cameras included in your system and the desired camera should be selected out of this list.   Figure 40: The Take Video Screen  To refresh the Available Cameras list – tap over the   button. Tapping over one of the cameras in the list will select it and will switch the screen into a camera display screen presenting the view in front of the camera. The square button at the bottom of this screen is your Play/Pause switch. Tapping over the   button will terminate the comfort video session and return the display to the Home Status (Main) screen (see above Figure 36).
 Installation of the We.R™ System  72  We.R™ System User Guide    Figure 41: Comfort View of Camera  The Devices Tab/screen opens a status screen presenting all system devices and their events/status icons similar to the Devices Page of the We.R™ Web Application:  Figure 42: Devices Screen
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  73   Tapping over the   button refreshes the content of this status screen. The devices’ icons are similar to the icons used in the We.R™ Web Application:  Central Control Unit  Remote Control Unit (KF)  Motion Indoor Photo Detector  Indoor Siren  Motion Detector  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor  Flood Detector  Smoke Detector  Wireless Access Control Tag Reader  Tag  Universal Transmitter  Z-Wave® Controller  Master User  Normal User  Three (3) more devices’ icons are used for the Z-Wave® devices presented on the Smart Home and Scenarios pages:  Z-Wave® device type Doorlock  Z-Wave® device type Switch or Dimmer  Z-Wave® device type Thermostat
 Installation of the We.R™ System  74  We.R™ System User Guide   These icons may:  Change their color in accordance with their reported event/status (i.e. turn red upon tampered event).  Presented with colored items:   Door/Window Magnetic Sensor CLOSED  Door/Window Magnetic Sensor OPENED  Power failure  Power restored  Universal Transmitter CLOSED  Universal Transmitter OPENED   Presented with (or by) additional sub-icon symbolizing the status or event. These additional event/status sub-icons could be:   APN failure  APN restored  Broken (Connection Lost)  Connection restored  Low battery  Low Connection  Battery FULL event  Battery NORMAL event  Battery LOW event  Battery CRITICAL event  Battery DEAD event  Warning
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  75    Note: As mentioned before, the We.R™ Mobile Application allows devices’ status display only and cannot be used for their setup.   The Smart Home Tab/screen opens a status screen for all system Z-Wave® devices with their events/status icons similar to the Smart Home Page of the We.R™ Web Application:   Figure 43: Smart Home Screen  Tapping over the   button refreshes the content of this screen. The devices’ icons are similar to the icons used in the We.R™ Web Application:  Z-Wave® device type Doorlock  Z-Wave® device type Switch or Dimmer  Z-Wave® device type Thermostat
 Installation of the We.R™ System  76  We.R™ System User Guide   For switch-mode devices (Z-Wave® Switch and Dimmer class), switching the device ON and OFF is possible directly from this screen by tapping over the   button. For devices which may present more details, an  is added to the right. Tapping over this  will switch the display into a new screen expanding on the information related to the specific device. For example:  Expansion screen for Dimmer class devices:   Figure 44: Dimmer Class Device Expansion Screen  The   button provides device ON/OFF switching function (similar to the above mentioned   button). The   slide control provides analog control of the dimmer level. Once all features are set, going back to the Smart Home screen is done by tapping over the   button.
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  77    Expansion screen for Thermostat class devices:  Figure 45: Thermostat Class Device Expansion Screen  The   button provides device ON/OFF switching function (similar to the above mentioned   button). The   switch provides selection between cooling and heating. The   is a multi-level fan speed selector where each tap progress the speed in one step. The   is an up/down temperature setting selector where the temperature display is set by the Settings screen (see Figure 38 above). Once all features are set, going back to the Smart Home screen is done by tapping over the   button.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  78  We.R™ System User Guide    The History Tab/screen opens a screen presenting the complete log of the system events:   Figure 46: History of Events Log Screen   Note: Devices which may present history with more details are marked with  icon on the right. Tapping over the  icon will switch the display into a new screen expanding the history information related to the specific device and event.  You may refresh this screen by tapping over the   button. You may also limit the amount of data displayed by filtering it. To filter the data, tap over the   button. A filter tool bar will pop up above the log (see Figure 47 below).
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  79    Figure 47: Events History Screen with Filter Tool Bar  The tool bar provides four (4) filtering criteria:  Figure 48: Filter Criteria   From Date – defines the first date to be included on display. Tapping over this button will open a calendar-style menu, out of which the first date to be included in the report should be selected.  To Date – defines the last date to be included on display. Tapping over this button will open a calendar-style menu, out of which the last date to be included in the report should be selected.
 Installation of the We.R™ System  80  We.R™ System User Guide    All Devices – defines which devices’ events will be included on display. Tapping over this button will open the following screen:   Figure 49: Devices’ Criteria Selection Screen  Presented in this screen are all system defined devices, out of which you may select those that you want to be included in the Events History report screen (i.e. Sirens only, PIRs + Sirens, etc.). Selection may be done either by tapping over each device you need or by tapping over the   button to select all devices. Once selection was made, you need to tap over the   button to go back to the Events History screen (see Figure 47 above).  All Events – defines which types of events will be included on display. Tapping over this button will open the following screen:
Installation of the We.R™ System    We.R™ System User Guide  81    Figure 50: Events’ Criteria Selection Screen   Presented in this screen is a log of all system events, out of which you may select those that you want to be included in the Events History report screen (i.e. Panic Alarms, Low Batteries + New Batteries events, etc.).  Selection may be done either by tapping over each event you need or by tapping over the   button to select all events.  Once selection was made, you need to tap over the   button to go back to the Events History screen (see Figure 47 above).  Once all filter criteria are set, the Events History report screen need to be refreshed, by tapping over the   button, to see the filtered report. Logical conjunction results (filtered results) of ALL the above criteria will be displayed on this screen as soon as these criteria are defined and the   button is tapped upon.

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