Ericsson Radio Access KRB1011047-1 Multicarrier cellular amplifier User Manual TUG

Ericsson Radio Access AB Multicarrier cellular amplifier TUG


Installation Manual

MCPA 50/100 W   Installation InstructionEN/LZT 123 5396 99-08-20 1AbstractThe installation instruction shall be used when installing the Multi Carrier PowerAmplifier MCPA 50/100W with the RBS 884.ApplicationThis document can be a part of the site installation of the RBS 884 library.Contents1 Introduction..........................................................................................21.1 Revision Information ............................................................................21.2 About this manual ................................................................................21.3 Document information..........................................................................31.3.1 Terminology.........................................................................................31.4 Safety Consideration............................................................................31.4.1 High Frequency....................................................................................31.4.2 ESD .....................................................................................................41.4.3 High Voltage ........................................................................................51.5 Legal Information .................................................................................51.6 Support ................................................................................................62 System Description ..............................................................................72.1 General................................................................................................72.2 RBS 884 Micro 800 MHz with MCPA ...................................................72.3 Definitions............................................................................................72.4 Installation Configurations....................................................................82.4.1 General................................................................................................82.5 Included Equipment in the mounting kit................................................92.6 MCPA design.....................................................................................102.7 Technical Specification ......................................................................112.8 Connectors ........................................................................................112.9 Indicators ...........................................................................................123 Installation..........................................................................................133.1 General..............................................................................................133.2 Safety Considerations........................................................................133.2.1 Grounding of the MCPA Cabinet........................................................133.2.2 Radio Frequency Radiation................................................................133.2.3 Tool List .............................................................................................143.3 Installation in an 19-Inch Equipment Cabinet .....................................153.3.1 Installation of MCPA...........................................................................153.3.2 Mounting of brackets including fan unit ..............................................164 Cabling of the MCPA and HPC/LPS...................................................215 Installation Test..................................................................................236 Maintenance ......................................................................................246.1 Replacement of HPC/LPS..................................................................246.2 Replacement of MCPA.......................................................................24
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation InstructionEN/LZT 123 5396 99-08-20 21 IntroductionThis part describes the information contained in the manual and the conventions usedin its presentation.1.1  Revision Information[J1]This is the first issue of the manual.1.2  About this manualThis manual contains the information required to install. troubleshoot, and maintainthe MCPA Multi Carrier Power Amplifier 50/100 W. The manual has references tothe RBS 884M Installation and Maintenance manual.It is assumed that before the manual is used to perform any of these activities at aRadio Base Station 884M (RBS 884M), the following actions have to be completed:• RBS884 installation (if not, read this manual anyhow)• DC power supply (27V) to MCPA must have been made availableThe manual is divided into the following parts:IntroductionA description of the contents of the manual and how the manual can be used.System DescriptionA description of the MCPA equipment hardware and the available configurations.InstallationProcedures for the installation, powering up and adjustment of MCPA equipment onsite.CablingProcedure for the cabling of the MCPA and HPC/LPS units.MaintenanceProcedures for basic troubleshooting and replacement of faulty items of equipment.The target audience for the manual is RBS 884M site installation and site main-tenance personnel.The procedures in the manual are normally intended to be performed in the orderpresented.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation InstructionEN/LZT 123 5396 99-08-20 31.3  Document information1.3.1  TerminologyAbbreviationsAC/DC   Power supply  HPC   High Power Combiner  DPX   Duplex Filter  MCPA   Multi Carrier Power Amplifier  MCU   Measuring Coupler Unit  MSC   Mobile Telephony Switching Center  NC   Normally Closed  NO   Normally Open  RF-IN   RF input signal to the MCPA  RF-OUT   RF output signal from the MCPA  RTP    Research Triangle Park, NC, USA  TRX   Transceiver Unit  TXBP   TX Bandpass filter  MCU   Measuring Coupler Unit  RFTL   Radio Frequency Test Loop1.4  Safety Consideration1.4.1  High FrequencyThe radio base station contain equipment that generates high frequencyelectromagnetic field during operation to which the following warning applies.WARNINGHIGH FREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSThe transmitter antenna and directly connected equipment generate highfrequency electromagnetic fields during operation. The high energy densitycan cause damage to the eyes and certain tissues in the human body on personsexposed to the radiation close to the antenna.The station must be switched off when working with the transmitter antenna.Avoid being close to the antenna when the station is in operation.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation InstructionEN/LZT 123 5396 99-08-20 4High frequency warning symbolFollowing applicable warnings from the responsible telecommunication authority.1.4.2  ESDCAUTIONElectro Static DischargeTo avoid accidental damages while handling printed circuit boards, it isrecommended to wear a wrist strap connected to earth via a protective resistor.Circuit boards must be kept in antistatic packing material during storage andtransportation.ESD warning symbolPractically all electronic components used in the RBS equipment are susceptible toelectrostatic discharges, ESD. The discharge of an electrostatic voltage exceeding 600volt against a component will be damaging for the component, also when it ismounted on a circuit board.Discharges of electrostatic voltages below 4000 volt are normally not sensed or in anyother way realized by the person causing the discharge.Normal movements by a person wearing synthetic garments, for example, can causethe generation of electrostatic voltages of above 10.000V!.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation InstructionEN/LZT 123 5396 99-08-20 5The components are damaged by an electric breakdown of the ultra thin insulatinglayers in the integrated circuits (typically 0,0001mm). The damage can be either acuteand lead to instant failure of functions or it can be latent and will then materialiseonly after a lapse of time which may be up to several years!1.4.3  High VoltageThe radio base station contains equipment that generates high voltages duringoperation to which  the following warning  applies.WARNINGHIGH VOLTAGEAll installation of power cables and units shall be performed by authorizedpersonnel.Only authorized personnel with enough knowledge of the RBS system andunits are allowed to work with the different units. It is not allowed to openincased units.                                Warning Symbol for high voltageFollow applicable warnings from the responsible authority.1.5  Legal InformationNote:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interface inwhich case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation InstructionEN/LZT 123 5396 99-08-20 6NO MODIFICATIONS: Modifications to this device shall not be made without thewritten consent of Ericsson, Incorporated. Unauthorized modifications may void theauthority granted under Federal Communications Commissions Rules permitting theoperation of this device.In order not to violate the FCC certification of this MCPA, a filter must be usedbetween the MCPA output and the antenna. The filter attenuation must greater orequal to:Frequency range(MHz) Attenuation(dB)910 – 1788 451788 – 2700 20If the MCPA is used together with the RBS 884 micro and installed according to thismanual, the filter requirement is automatically fulfilled. If the MCPA is used for anyother purpose: contact Ericsson.1.6  SupportFor technical assistance, please contact your local Ericsson office.If further technicalassistance is needed, please contact:Ericsson Radio Access ABAntenna Near ProductsP.O. Box 11SE-164 93 StockholmTelephone: +46 8 757 15 00Fax: +46 8 757 13 69Help Desk: E-mail:
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction72  System Description2.1  GeneralThis part of the manual describes the Multi Carrier Power Amplifier (MCPA)equipment hardware and the available configurations.2.2  RBS 884 Micro 800 MHz with MCPAThe RBS 884 Micro 800 MHz with MCPA is a standard RBS 884 Micro equippedwith a Multi Carrier Power Amplifier (MCPA) for higher output power in one cell.The MCPA and the HPC/LPS are separate units and can be mounted below the maincabinet.2.3  Definitions• Micro Base Cabinet (MBC):One cabinet and its internal equipment, supporting one complete cell or a part ofone cell.• Micro Base (MB):One node in the network supporting one or more microcells. Consists of one ormore Micro Base Cabinet(s) (MBC), placed at the same physical location.• Radio Cabinet Group (RCG):A group of transcievers/combiners connected to the same Radio Frequency TestLoop (RFTL).• Alarm:An alarm in the Mobile Service Switching Centre (MSC). Shown on an alarmdisplay, in the MSC.• Fault signal:A signal from the MCPA. Can be used to initiate a fault signal or an alarm i MSCdepending on parameter settings in the exchange.• RBS 884M.Name for the small, low power version of the RBS884-family.• Cabinet:RBS 884M 19 inch cabinet.• Equipment CabinetComplete Cabinet for installation of three RBS cabinets and one MCPA unit.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction82.4  Installation Configurations2.4.1  GeneralThe Multi Carier Power Amplifier amplifies transmitter signals within a broad band.The MCPA 100W solution includes two MCPA units, two MCPA front panels, oneHPC/LPS unit and two cabinet fan units.The MCPA 50W solution includes one MCPA unit, one MCPA front panel and onecabinet fan unit.The MCPA shall be mounted in one available position and is equipped with an alarmsignal to indicate abnormal operation of the equipment cabinet.The MCPA output power is nominally 50W per MCPA. The 100W MCPA solutiongives 4W per carrier at 24 carriers at the MCPA output.The MCPA is an optional product and fit to the RBS 884M program. The MCPAshall be connected between the micro base Hybrid Combiner (HC) and the duplexfilter (DPX).The MCPA input are connected to a signal splitter.The input carrier level is 3dBm + 25dBm. Maximum avarage input signal is +33dBm.The function is amplifying RF signals from the HC and feed it to the antenna viaMeasuring Coupler Unit, (MCU).ALMTRX1TRX1TRX1TXBP MCURFTLHybrid CombinerMCPA 50/150WTXRBS884NFigur 1 MCPA environment
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction92.5  Included Equipment in the mounting kit.The MCPA can be installed as single (50W) or double (100W). When single MCPAis used no HPC/LPS unit is required.The following equipment are included in the installation kits for 50W and 100Wrespectively.50W mounting kit NTM 20269/1- One autenator- One angle connector- One front panel- One cabinet fan unit-Cable- One alarm cable100w installation kit NTM 20269/2- Two MCPA front panels- Two cabinet fan units- Alarm cable kit NTM 20269/3Mounting kit NTM 20269/3
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction102.6  MCPA designThe MCPA is a complete stand alone unit with integrated Power Supply, cooling andsupervision. The installed MCPA 100W is shown below.Fan unitSupportFanCabinetHPC/LPSMCPAFrontpanelMCPAFigur 2. Installed MCPA
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction11FanCableOn/OffSwitchPowerConnectorExternalOutputExternalInputOutput toMCPA 1Output toMCPA 2Input fromfromMCPA 1Input fromMCPA 2Error indicationLEDsFigur 3 Connectors and indicators2.7  Technical Specification• Dimensions:- Width:  19” rack mounting- Depth: 14”- Height:  11”• Weight:  47 kg totally• Weight one MCPA: 17 kg• Frequency range:  869 - 894 MHz• Power Supply DC:  27V ±1V, 1600W• Power  50W per MCPA (100W totally)• Output Power:  4W per carrier, 24 carriers2.8  ConnectorsRF INPUT coaxial SMARF OUTPUT coaxial TNCRF TEST coaxial SMB
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction12ALARM INTERFACEand Control 9 Pole male D-SUB, type RPT 403 147/109TEST & TRIMonly for authorized personell 8 Pole modular, type RNV 403 22/008DC POWER IN 5 Pole male D-SUB, type RPT 403 140/001FAN 1 & 2 4 Pole Molex, type RPV 403 109/042.9  IndicatorsStatus Yellow Light when start up, flashing when RF signal is on.Error Red Flashing when start up, light steady at error.Power Green Lit when power is on.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction133 Installation3.1  GeneralThis part of the manual contains procedures for installation of the MCPA equipmenton site with cable installation and power up. The MCPA shall be installed at thebottom position of the RBS 884M 19-inch equipment cabinet.If the MCPA unit shall be installed in an equipment cabinet with RBS Cabinetsalready installed, the RBS cabinet must be dismounted and before new MCPA ismounted.3.2  Safety Considerations3.2.1  Grounding of the MCPA CabinetThe MCPA-kit cabinets must be connected to the DC power mains through a specialpower cable min. 16 mm2 (Red). A ground cable 16 mm2 (Blue) shall be firmlyconnected to the site grounding system.DANGER!Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor, or disconnection of theprotective ground terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result inpersonal injury.3.2.2  Radio Frequency RadiationDANGER!Radio frequency radiation from an antenna may be a danger to health, causing severeburns to skin and clothing.Tell the MSC to switch off the transmitters if you work with or near antennas.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction143.2.3  Tool ListIn the following list, all the tools needs to install the MCPA, to connect the powercable and grounding cables and to perform power up, are shown.Table 1. Tool listProduct Number DescriptionLSA 126 11/30 /70 Torx Screwdriver TX30 + TX20Posidrive no. 1, small posidrive no. 0LTT 601 82 Torque Set with SMA tool (for the coaxial cables)DC Voltmeter(for checking the line voltage)RF Power measuring equipmentCutterMetric Tape MeasureLYB 250 01/14 EDS Wrist Strap and Cable14 mm block socket wrench
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction153.3  Installation in an 19-Inch Equipment CabinetThis section describes the procedure for installing MCPA unit, in a 19-inchequipment cabinet.Two types of installations are available:1. Installation in an already, with RBS cabinet installed, 19-inch equipmentcabinet.2. New installation of MCPA in an empty space in a 19-inch equipment cabinet.3.3.1  Installation of MCPARecommended place for the MCPA installation is the lower part in the cabinet. Fordismounting of installed equipment please refer to the RBS 884M Installation andMaintenance Manual.In the mounting kit NTM 20269/1/2/3 for the MCPA, all the materials needed formounting the MCPA in the 19-inch equipment cabinet, such as captive nuts supports,bolts, and fun unit are included.Caution!Use only the designed bolts (included in the grounding and mounting kits) forinsertion in the RBS cabinets and MCPA unit. The equipment inside the cabinet unitcan be damaged if the bolt used is too long.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction163.3.1.1  Mounting of support for fan cabinet {TC "Mounting of support for fancabinet"}Two supports shall be mounted at the rear vertical bars for each fan cabinet. Thesupports are used as guide pin for the fan cabinet.Captivenuts andsc re wsSup p o rtRe a rverticalbarsFigur 4 Mounting of supports at the rear vertical bars3.3.2  Mounting of brackets including fan unitFor the brackets including fan unit mount captive nuts, four nuts at each side of eachbracket as described in the next steps. See the following figure.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction17CaptivenutsSupportFancabinetFigur 5 Mounting captive nuts for the cabinet right side angle brackets in the 19-inchequipment cabinet1. Mount eight captive nuts for the upper of the fan cabinet (four of the captive nutsare used for MCPA) in the front vertical bars.2. Mount the upper fan cabinet. Note that the guide pin at the supports shall be putin the two locating slots at the back of the fan cabinet.3. Mount screws at the front, two at each side, in the uppermost and lowermostscrew-holes.4. Mount eight captive nuts for the lower fan cabinet. Start at hole four below theupper cabinet of the vertical bar.5. Mount the lower fan cabinet as described above.  Installation of Mains power cablesThe MCPA:s shall be feeded with +27V. Two cables with min. 16 mm2 area shall beused, one red for +27V and one blue for ground. The maximum length of the cablesmust not exceed 10 m.Note!If two MCPA is used (100W) two cables for +27V and ground must be installed.The mains power cables shall be mounted with a power connector type xxxx.1. Strip the shield of the cables about 10 mm at the connection end.2. Mount one connector metal sheet on each cable.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction183. Mount the metal sheet in the connector housing with the red cable in + and theblue cable in -pole.4. Connect the extra power adapter cable xxxx to the mains power connector forMCPA1 (and 2).5. The mains power cables shall be inserted in the cabinet from the rear and be passthrough to the front of the cabinet above HPC/LPS for MCPA1 and belowHPC/LPS for MCPA2.6. Attach the power cables by use of cable straps at the rear of the cabinet, insuitable position.  Mounting of HPC/LPS{TC "Mounting of PU/HPC/LPS"}The HPC/LPS shall be mounted between the two fan cabinets.1. Mount four captive nuts for the HPC/LPS in the front vertical bars, two nuts ateach side.2. Before mounting the HPC/LPS, the power cables must be mounted, see section3.3.4.23. Mount the cables on the HP/LPS-unit as described in section 4 before theHPC/LPS unit is mounted in the cabinet.4. Mount the HPC/LPS by use of four screws at the front panel.Figure   Mounting of HPC/LPS with cables. Note the cable layout.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction19PowerDistributionboxPDU/HP/LPSPowercableandgroundcableFigur 6 HPC/LPS mounting3.3.2.3  Mounting of MCPA front cover{TC "Mounting of MCPA front cover"}{TC""}The MCPA shall be mounted with a front cover which is included in the installationkit, before they are installed in the fan cabinets.{TC ""}1. Mount the front cover to the front of the MCPA.2. Mount the four screws (two at each side) of the front cover.Note.One of the screws is used for chassie ground cable. See section 4. Cabling.  Mounting of  MCPA in the fan cabinets{TC "Mounting of  MCPA in theCabinets"}1. Slide in the first MCPA in the upper cabinet.2. Mount the four screws at the front of the MCPA.3. Slide in the second MCPA in the lower cabinet.4. Mount the four screws at the front of the MCPA.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction20Figur 7 Mounting of MCPA
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction214  Cabling of the MCPA and HPC/LPS{TC"Cabling of the MCPA and PU/HPC/LPS"}External Input External Output891057463The numbers are referdthe list below.11Figur 8 MCPA HPC/LPS cablingThe MCPA and HPC/LPS shall be cabled as the description below, seefigure 12:1. Connect the two fan cables to the MCPA 1 and 2, connector FAN 1 and FAN 2.(3)2. Connect the MCPA 1 RF OUT (left side)  to the HPC IN 1 connector. (4)3. Connect the MCPA 1  RF IN (right side) to the LPS OUT 1 connector. (5)4. Connect the MCPA 2 RF OUT  (left side)  to the HPC IN 2 connector.(6)5. Connect the MCPA  2 RF IN (right side) to the LPS OUT 2 connector. (7)6. Connect the external input cable to the  LPS IN connector.(8)7. Connect the external output cable to the HPC OUT connector. (9)8. Connect the power cables to the DC-connector on each MCPA. (10)
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction229. Connect the chassie ground cable to the lower screw for the MCPA front panel,place a locking washer on the screw. (11)10. If only one MCPA is used. The extra Alarm cable shall be fixed to the cabinetby use of cable strap.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction235  Installation TestThe installation shall be tested by power on.WARNINGThe output connector must be connected to the antenna before power on.1. Put on the power on by pressing the push button on the left side of the MCPA.2. Check the LED indicators see 2.9.
MCPA 50/100 W   Installation Instruction246 MaintenanceFor ordinary maintenance and trouble shooting please refer to RBS 884M Installationand Maintenance Manual.6.1  Replacement of HPC/LPS6.2  Replacement of MCPA
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