Endress and Hauser and Co FMR5XK Level Radar User Manual Micropilot FMR50

Endress and Hauser GmbH and Co Level Radar Micropilot FMR50

user manual

DRAFTApplicationContinuous, non-contact level measurement of liquids,pastes and slurriesFeatures FMR50• Attractively-priced device for basic supply and storageapplications as well as utility processes• Encapsulated PVDF or PP cladded horn antenna• Maximum measuring range: 30 m (98 ft);for version with enhanced dynamics: 40 m (131 ft)• Process connection : 1½" thread , mounting bracketor with slip-on flange• Temp. range: –40 to +130 °C (–40 to +266 °F)• Pressure range: –1 to +3 bar (–14.5 to +43.5 psi)•Accuracy: ± 2 mmYour benefits• Reliable measurement even for changing product andprocess conditions• Integrated data memory (HistoROM) for highavailability• Intuitive operating menu in national languages foreasy commissioning• Simple integration into control or asset managementsystems• Exact diagnostic and process information to assist fastdecisions• International approvals for use in hazardous areas• 5-point linearity protocol• WHG and marine approvals• SIL2 according to IEC 61508, SIL3 in case ofhomogeneous or heterogeneous redundancy• System integration via HART/PROFIBUS PA (Profile3.02)/FOUNDATION FieldbusTechnical InformationMicropilot FMR50Level radarLevel measurement in liquidsTI01039F/00/EN/01.1271162666
DRAFTTable of contents Micropilot FMR502 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserTable of contentsImportant document information ................ 3Document conventions ........................... 3Function and system design .................... 5Measuring principle ............................. 5Input ..................................... 7Measured variable .............................. 7Measuring range ............................... 7Operating frequency ............................ 10Transmitting power ............................ 10Output ................................... 11Output signal ................................ 11Signal on alarm ............................... 12Linearization ................................ 12Galvanic isolation ............................. 12Protocol-specific data ........................... 12Power supply ............................. 16Terminal assignment ........................... 16Device plug connectors .......................... 23Supply voltage ............................... 24Power consumption ............................ 26Current consumption ........................... 26Power supply failure ............................ 27Potential equalization ........................... 27Terminals .................................. 27Cable entries  ................................ 27Cable specification ............................. 27Overvoltage protection .......................... 28Performance characteristics ................... 29Reference operating conditions ..................... 29Maximum measured error ........................ 29Measured value resolution ........................ 30Reaction time ................................ 30Influence of ambient temperature ................... 30Installation ............................... 31Installation conditions ........................... 31Measuring conditions ........................... 35Installation in vessel (free space) .................... 36Installation in stilling well ........................ 39Installation in bypass ........................... 42Vessels with heat insulation ....................... 45Environment .............................. 46Ambient temperature range ....................... 46Ambient temperature limits ....................... 46Storage temperature ............................ 47Climate class ................................ 47Geometric height according to IEC61010-1 Ed.3 .......... 47Degree of protection ............................ 47Vibration resistance ............................ 47Cleaning the antenna ........................... 47Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ................. 48Process .................................. 49Process temperature range ........................ 49Process pressure range .......................... 49Dielectric constant ............................. 49Mechanical construction ..................... 50Dimensions ................................. 50Weight .................................... 53Materials ................................... 53Operability ............................... 57Operating concept ............................. 57Local operation ............................... 57Operation with remote display and operating module FHX50 .. 58Remote operation ............................. 58Integration in tank gauging system ................... 62System integration via Fieldgate ..................... 63Certificates and approvals .................... 64CE mark ................................... 64C-Tick symbol ............................... 64Ex approval ................................. 64Dual seal according to ANSI/ISA 12.27.01 .............. 64Functional Safety .............................. 64Pressure Equipment Directive ...................... 64Marine certificate (in preparation) ................... 64Radio standard EN302729-1/2 ..................... 64Radio standard EN302372-1/2 ..................... 65FCC / Industry Canada .......................... 65CRN approval ................................ 66Track record ................................ 66Other standards and guidelines  ..................... 66Ordering information ........................ 67Ordering information ........................... 675-point linearity protocol (in preparation) ............... 67Customized parametrization ....................... 68Accessories ............................... 69Device-specific accessories ........................ 69Communication-specific accessories .................. 72Service-specific accessories ........................ 73System components ............................ 73Documentation ............................ 74Standard documentation ......................... 74Supplementary documentation ..................... 74Safety Instructions (XA) .......................... 74Registered trademarks ....................... 75Patents .................................. 75
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 3Important document informationDocument conventions Safety symbolsSymbol MeaningDANGER  A0011189-ENDANGER!This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in seriousor fatal injury.WARNING  A0011190-ENWARNING!This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in seriousor fatal injury.CAUTION  A0011191-ENCAUTION!This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in minoror medium injury.NOTICE  A0011192-ENNOTICE!This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in personalinjury.Electrical symbolsSymbol Meaning  A0011197Direct currentA terminal to which DC voltage is applied or through which direct current flows.  A0011198Alternating currentA terminal to which alternating voltage is applied or through which alternating current flows.  A0017381Direct current and alternating current• A terminal to which alternating voltage or DC voltage is applied.• A terminal through which alternating current or direct current flows.  A0011200Ground connectionA grounded terminal which, as far as the operator is concerned, is grounded via a grounding system.  A0011199Protective ground connectionA terminal which must be connected to ground prior to establishing any other connections.  A0011201Equipotential connectionA connection that has to be connected to the plant grounding system: This may be a potentialequalization line or a star grounding system depending on national or company codes of practice.Symbols for certain types of informationSymbol Meaning  A0011182AllowedIndicates procedures, processes or actions that are allowed.  A0011183PreferredIndicates procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.  A0011184ForbiddenIndicates procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.  A0011193TipIndicates additional information.  A0011194Reference to documentationRefers to the corresponding device documentation.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 5Function and system designMeasuring principle The Micropilot is a "downward-looking" measuring system, operating based on the time-of-flight method(ToF). It measures the distance from the reference point (process connection) to the product surface. Radarimpulses are emitted by an antenna, reflected off the product surface and received again by the radar system.FLDE100%0%R  A0017870å 1 Setup parameters of the MicropilotRReference point of the measurement (lower edge of the flange or threaded connection)E Empty calibration ( = zero)F Full calibration (= span)D Measured distanceL Level (L = E - D)InputThe reflected radar impulses are received by the antenna and transmitted into the electronics. Amicroprocessor evaluates the signal and identifies the level echo caused by the reflection of the radar impulseat the product surface. The unambiguous signal identification is accomplished by the PulseMaster® eXactsoftware together with the Multi-echo tracking algorithms, based on many years of experience with time-of-flight technology.The distance D to the product surface is proportional to the time of flight t of the impulse:D = c · t/2,with c being the speed of light.Based on the known empty distance E, the level L is calculated:L = E – DThe reference point R of the measurement is located at the process connection. For details see thedimensional drawing:FMR50: (®  ä 51)The Micropilot is equipped with functions to suppress interference echoes. The user can activate thesefunctions. Together with the multi-echo tracking algorithms they ensure that interference echoes (i.e. fromedges and weld seams) are not interpreted as level echo.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR506 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserOutputThe Micropilot is commissioned by entering an empty distance "E" (=zero), a full distance "F" (=span) andapplication parameters. The application parameters are automatically adapt into the instrument to theprocess conditions. For models with a current output, the factory adjustment for zero point "E" and span "F"is 4 mA and 20 mA. For digital outputs and the display module, the factory adjustment for zero point "E" andspan "F" is 0 % and 100 %.A linearization with max. 32 points, based on a table entered either manually or semi-automatically, can beactivated locally or remotely. This function provides a measurement in engineering units and a linear outputsignal for spheres, horizontal cylindrical tanks and vessels with conical outlet.Life cycle of the productEngineering Procurement Installation Commissioning Operation Maintenance Retirement  A0013773-ENå 2 Life cycleEngineering• Universal measuring principle• Measurement unaffected by medium properties• Hardware and software developed according to SIL IEC 61508Procurement• Endress+Hauser being the world market leader in level measurement guarantees asset protection• Worldwide support and serviceInstallation• Special tools are not required• Reverse polarity protection• Modern, detachable terminals• Main electronics protected by a separate connection compartmentCommissioning• Fast, menu-guided commissioning in only a few steps on site or from the control room• Plain text display in national languages reduces the risk of error or confusion• Direct local access of all parameters• Short instruction manual at the deviceOperation• Multi-echo tracking: Reliable measurement through self-learning echo-search algorithms taking intoaccount the short-term and long-term history in order to check the found echoes for plausibility and tosuppress interference echoes.• Diagnostics in accordance with NAMUR NE107Maintenance• HistoROM: Data backup for instrument settings and measured values• Exact instrument and process diagnosis to assist fast decisions with clear details concerning remedies• Intuitive, menu-guided operating concept in national languages saves costs for training, maintenance andoperation• Cover of the electronics compartment can be opened in hazardous areasRetirement• Order code translation for subsequent models• RoHS-conforming (Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances), unleaded soldering of electroniccomponents• Environmentally sound recycling concept
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 7InputMeasured variable The measured variable is the distance between the reference point and the product surface.Subject to the empty distance entered "E" the level is calculated.Alternatively, the level can be converted into other variables (volume, mass) by means of linearization (32points).Measuring range Maximum measuring rangeDevice Maximum measuring rangeFMR50 - standard version 30 m (98 ft)FMR50 - with "Advanced dynamics" application package 40 m (131 ft)Usable measuring rangeThe usable measuring range depends on the size of the antenna, the reflectivity of the medium, themounting location and eventual interference reflections.The following tables describe the groups of media as well as the achievable measuring range as a function ofapplication and media group. If the dielectric constant of a medium is unknown, it is recommended toassume media group B to ensure a reliable measurement.Media groupsMedia groups DK (er)ExampleA1.4 to 1.9 non-conducting liquids, e.g. liquefied gas 1)B1.9 to 4 non-conducting liquids, e.g. benzene, oil, toluene, …C4 to 10 e.g. concentrated acids, organic solvents, esters, aniline, alcohol, acetone, …D> 10 conducting liquids, e.g. aqueous solutions, dilute acids and alkalis1) Treat Ammonia NH3 as a medium of group A.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR508 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserStorage tank Buffer tank  A0018833Calm product surface (e.g. intermittent filling, filling from bottom, immersion tubes)  A0018835Moving surfaces (e.g. continuous filling, from above, mixing jets)Antenna size Antenna size40 mm (1½ in) 80 mm (3 in) 100 mm (4 in) 40 mm (1½ in) 80 mm (3 in) 100 mm (4 in)A B25(82)15(49)C D3(9.9)10(32)15(49)5(16)8(26)5(16)  A0018858A B C D8(26)15(49)20(65)20(65)10(32)20(65)30(98)30(98)  A0018303A B C D10(32)25(82)30(98)30(98)15(49)30(98)40(131)40(131)  A0018304B C D(6.6)4(13)7.5(24)10(32)(16)52  A0018863A B C D*2.5(8)5(16)10(32)15(49)5(16)10(32)15(49)20(65)  A0019040A B C D5(16)10(32)15(49)25(82)7.5(24)15(49)25(82)35(110)  A0018866Measuring range [m (ft)]LegendMeasuring range of the standard versionMeasuring range for the "Advanced dynamics" application package (product structure: feature 540: "ApplicationPackage", Option EM: "Advanced dynamics")
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 9Process tank with agitator Stilling well  A0018837Turbulent surface. Single stage agitator (frot < 1 Hz)  A0018842Antenna size Antenna size40 mm (1½ in) 80 mm (3 in) 100 mm (4 in) 40 to 100 mm (1½ to 4 in)B C D1(3.2)2(6.6)3(9.8)5(16)  A0018867B C D2.5(8.2)5(16)12(39)15(49)8(26)  A0018869B C D4(13)(16)58(26)15(49)20(65)10(32)  A001887020(66)A, B, C, D  A0018851Measuring range [m (ft)]LegendMeasuring range of the standard versionMeasuring range for the "Advanced dynamics" application package (product structure: feature 540: "ApplicationPackage", Option EM: "Advanced dynamics")
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5010 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserOperating frequency K-band (~ 26 GHz)Up to 8 Micropilot transmitters can be installed in the same tank because the transmitter pulses arestatistically coded.Transmitting power Distance Average energy density in beam directionStandard version With "Advanced dynamics" applicationpackage 1)1 m (3.3 ft) < 12 nW/cm2< 64 nW/cm25 m (16 ft) < 0.4 nW/cm2< 2.5 nW/cm21) Product structure, feature 540: "Application package", option EM: "Advanced dynamics"
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 11OutputOutput signal HARTSignal coding FSK ±0.5 mA over current signalData transmission rate 1 200 Bit/sGalvanic isolation YesPROFIBUS PA (in preparation)Signal coding Manchester Bus Powered (MBP)Data transmission rate 31.25 kBit/s, voltage modeGalvanic isolation YesFOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)Signal coding Manchester Bus Powered (MBP)Data transmission rate 31.25 kBit/s, voltage modeGalvanic isolation YesSwitch outputFor HART devices, the switch output is available as an option. See product structure, feature 20:"Power Supply, Output", option B: "2-wire; 4-20mA HART, switch output"Devices with PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus always have a switch output.Switch outputFunction Open collector switching outputSwitching behavior Binary (conductive or non-conductive), switches when the programmable switch point isreachedFailure mode non-conductiveEectrical connection values U = 10.4 to 35  VDC, I = 0 to 40  mAInternal resistance RI < 880 WThe voltage drop at this internal resistance has to be taken into account on planning theconfiguration. For example, the resulting voltage at a connected relay must be sufficientto switch the relay.Insulation voltage floating, Insulation voltage 1 350  VDC to power supply aund 500  VAC to groundSwitch point freely programmable, separately for switch-on and switch-off pointSwitching delay freely programmable from 0 to 100 sec. , separately for switch-on and switch-off pointNumber of switching cycles corresponds to the measuring cycleSignal sourcedevice variables• Level linearized• Distance• Terminal voltage• Electronic temperature• Relative echo amplitude• Diagnostic values, Advanced diagnosticsNumber of switching cycles unlimited
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5012 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserSignal on alarm Depending on the interface, failure information is displayed as follows:• Current output (for HART devices)– Failsafe mode selectable (in accordance with NAMUR Recommendation NE 43):Minimum alarm: 3.6 mAMaximum alarm (= factory setting): 22 mA– Failsafe mode with user-selectable value: 3.59 to 22.5 mA• Local display– Status signal (in accordance with NAMUR Recommendation NE 107)– Plain text display• Operating tool via digital communication (HART, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus) or serviceinterface (CDI)– Status signal (in accordance with NAMUR Recommendation NE 107)– Plain text displayLinearization The linearization function of the device allows the conversion of the measured value into any unit of lengthor volume. Linearization tables for calculating the volume in cylindrical tanks are pre-programmed. Othertables of up to 32 value pairs can be entered manually or semi-automatically.Galvanic isolation All circuits for the outputs are galvanically isolated from each other.Protocol-specific data HARTManufacturer ID 17 (0x11)Device type ID 41 (0x28)HART specification 6.0Device description files (DTM,DD)Information and files under:•www.endress.com•www.hartcomm.orgHART load Min. 250 WHART device variables The measured values can be freely assigned to the device variables.Measured values for PV (primary variable)• Level linearized• Distance• Electronic temperature• Relative echo amplitude• Analog output adv. diagnosticsMeasured values for SV, TV, FV (second, third and fourth variable)• Level linearized• Distance• Terminal voltage• Electronic temperature• Absolute echo amplitude• Relative echo amplitude• Area of incouplingSupported functions • Burst mode• Additional transmitter statusPROFIBUS PA (in preparation)Manufacturer ID 17 (0x11)Ident number 0x1559Profile version 3.02GSD file Information and files under:•www.endress.com•www.profibus.orgGSD file version
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 13Output values Analog Input:• Level linearized• Distance• Terminal voltage• Electronic temperature• Absolute echo amplitude• Relative echo amplitudeDigital Input:• Extended diagnostic blocks• Status output PFS BlockInput values Analog Output:• Analog value from PLC (for sensor block external pressure and temperature)• Analog value from PLC to be indicated on the displayDigital Output:• Extended diagnostic block• Level limiter• Sensor block measurement on• Sensor block save history on• Status outputSupported functions • Identification & MaintenanceEinfachste Geräteidentifizierung seitens des Leitsystems und des Typenschildes• Automatic Ident Number AdoptionGSD compatibility mode with respect to the preceding product Micropilot MFMR2xx• Physical Layer DiagnosticsInstallation check of the PRFIBUS segment and the Micropilot FMR5x via theterminal voltage and telegram surveillance.• PROFIBUS Up-/DownloadUp to 10 times faster writing and reading of parameters via PROFIBUS up-/download• Condensed StatusSimple and self-explanatory diagnostic information by categorization of occurringdiagnostic messages.FOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)Manufacturer ID 0x452B48Device type 0x1028Device Revision 0x01DD Revision Information and files can be found:•www.endress.com•www.fieldbus.orgCFF RevisionDevice Tester Version (ITKVersion)6.0.1ITK Test Campaign Number IT085300Link Master (LAS) capable yesLink Master / Basic Deviceselectableyes; default: Basic DeviceNode address Default: 247 (0xF7)Features supported Following methods are supported:• Restart• ENP Restart• Setup• Linearization• Self CheckVirtual Communication Relationships (VCRs)Number of VCRs 44Number of Link Objects in VFD 50
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5014 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserPermanent entries 1Client VCRs 0Server VCRs 10Source VCRs 43Sink VCRs 0Subscriber VCRs 43Publisher VCRs 43Device Link CapabilitiesSlot time 4Min. inter PDU delay 8Max. response delay 20Transducer BlocksBlock Content Output valuesSetup Transducer Block Contains all parameters for a standard commissioningprocedure• Level or volume 1)(Channel 1)• Distance (Channel 2)Advanced Setup TransducerBlockContains all parameters for a more detailed configurationof the deviceno output valuesDisplay Transducer Block Contains all parameters for the configuration of thedisplay moduleno output valuesDiagnostic Transducer Block Contains diagnostic information no output valuesExpert ConfigurationTransducer BlockContains parameters which require detailed knowledgeof the functionalities of the deviceno output valuesExpert InformationTransducer BlockContains information about the state of the device no output valuesService Sensor TransducerBlockContains parameters which can only be operated byEndress+Hauser service personnelno output valuesService InformationTransducer BlockContains information on the state of device which isrelevant for service operationsno output valuesData Transfer TransducerBlockContains parameters which allow to backup the deviceconfiguration in the display module and to restore it intothe device.no output values1) depending on the configuration of the blockFunction BlocksBlock Content Number ofpermanentblocksNumber ofinstantiableblocksExecutiontimeFunctionalityResource Block The Resource Block contains all the datathat uniquely identifies the field device.It is an electronic version of a nameplateof the device.1 0 - enhancedMultipleAnalog InputBlockThe AI block takes the manufacturer'sinput data, selected by channel number,and makes it available to other functionblocks at its output.2 3 25 ms enhancedDiscrete InputBlockThe DI block takes a discrete input value(e.g. indication of an level limit), andmakes it available to other functionblocks at its output.1 2 20 ms standard
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 15Block Content Number ofpermanentblocksNumber ofinstantiableblocksExecutiontimeFunctionalityPID Block The PID block serves as proportional-integralderivative controller and is usedalmost universally to do closed-loop-control in the field including cascade andfeedforward.1 1 25 ms standardArithmeticBlockThis block is designed to permit simpleuse of popular measurement mathfunctions. The user does not have toknow how to write equations. The mathalgorithm is selected by name, chosen bythe user for the function to be done.1 1 25 ms standardSignalCharacterizerBlockThe signal characterizer block has twosections, each with an output that is anon-linear function of the respectiveinput. The non-linear function isdetermined by a single look-up tablewith 21 arbitrary x-y pairs.1 1 25 ms standardInput SelectorBlockThe input selector block providesselection of up to four inputs andgenerates an output based on theconfigured action. This block normallyreceives its inputs from AI blocks. Theblock performs maximum, minimum,middle, average and ‘first good’ signalselection.1 1 25 ms standardIntegratorBlockThe Integrator Function Block integratesa variable as a function of the time oraccumulates the counts from a PulseInput block. The block may be used as atotalizer that counts up until reset or as abatch totalizer that has a setpoint, wherethe integrated or accumulated value iscompared to pre-trip and trip settings,generating discrete signals when thesesettings are reached.1 1 25 ms standardAnalog AlarmBlock1 1 25 ms standardUp to 20 blocks can be instantiated in the device altogether, including the blocks already instantiatedon delivery.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5016 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserPower supplyTerminal assignment 2-wire: 4-20mA HART+–4...20 mA4...20 mA554411228933++––1+24...20mAHART10 mmSpare part71108xxx2- wire level4-20 mA 4-20 mAHART[21]open-1+24-20mA1-channel overvoltage protection-71128617[16]A+–7B6  A0011294å 3 Terminal assignment 2-wire; 4-20mA HARTAWithout integrated overvoltage protectionB With integrated overvoltage protection1Active barrier with power supply (e.g. RN221N): Observe terminal voltage (®  ä 24)2HART communication resistor (³250 W): Observe maximum load (®  ä 24)3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX100 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)4Analog display device: Observe maximum load (®  ä 24)5Cable screen; observe cable specification (®  ä 27)6 Terminals for 4-20mA HART (passive)7 Overvoltage protection module8 Terminal for potential equalization line9 Cable entry
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 172-wire: 4-20mA HART, switch output13++244-20mA/FIELDBUS4-20mA/2-channel overvoltage protection--71128619[17]B1+24...20 mAHART10 mmSpare part71108xxx2- wire4-20 mA PFSHART[02/03]open-A1+2-3+4-1098711++--223344655114...20 mA4...20 mA³ W250³ W2503+3+4-4-++––  A0013759å 4 Terminal assignment 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, switch outputAWithout integrated overvoltage protectionB With integrated overvoltage protection1Active barrier with power supply (e.g. RN221N): Observe terminal voltage (®  ä 24)2HART communication resistor (³250 W): Observe maximum load (®  ä 24)3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX100 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)4Analog display device: Observe maximum load (®  ä 24)5Cable screen; observe cable specification (®  ä 27)6 Terminals for 4-20mA HART (passive)7 Terminals for switch output (open collector)8 Terminal for potential equalization line9 Cable entry for 4-20mA HART line10 Cable entry for switch output line11 Overvoltage protection module
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5018 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+Hauser2-wire: 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA13++244...20mAHART4...20mA10 mmSpare part71108xxx2- wire level4-20 mA 4-20 mAHART[04/05]open--11A13++244-20mA/FIELDBUS4-20mA/2-channel overvoltage protection--71128619[17]141312+++++----112233995588667744++––++––4...20 mA4...20 mA10B4...20 mA4...20 mA  A0013923å 5 Terminal assignment 2-wire, 4-20 mA HART, 4...20mAAWithout integrated overvoltage protectionB With integrated overvoltage protection1 Connection current output 22 Connection current output 13Supply voltage for current output 1 (e.g. RN221N); Observe terminal voltage (®  ä 25)4Cable screen; observe cable specification (®  ä 27)5HART communication resistor (³ 250 W): Observe maximum load (®  ä 25)6 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX100 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)7Analog display device ; observe maximum load (®  ä 25)8Analog display device ; observe maximum load (®  ä 25)9Supply voltage for current output 2 (e.g. RN221N); Obesrve terminal voltage (®  ä 25)10 Overvoltage protection module11 Terminals for current output 212 Terminal for the potential equalization line13 Cable entry for current output 114 Cable entry for current output 2This version is also suited for single-channel operation. In this case, current output 1 (terminals 1 and2) must be used.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 194-wire: 4-20mA HART (10.4 to 48 VDC)31+L+ 424...20 mAHART10.4...48 V=10 mmSpare part71108xxx2- wire4-20 mAHART[08]open-L-A131211910+-2 3 4678514...20 mA³ W250  A0011340å 6 Terminal assignment 4-wire; 4-20mA HART (10.4 to 48 VDC)1Evaluation unit, e.g. PLC2HART communication resistor (³250 W): Observe maximum load (®  ä 26)3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX100 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)4Analog display device: Observe maximum load (®  ä 26)5Signal cable including screening (if required), observe cable specification (®  ä 27)6 Protective connection; do not disconnect!7Protective earth, observe cable specification (®  ä 27)8 Terminals for 4...20mA HART (active)9 Terminals for supply voltage10 Supply voltage: Observe terminal voltage (®  ä 26), observe cable specification (®  ä 27)11 Terminal for potential equalization12 Cable entry for signal line13 Cable entry for power supply!CAUTIONTo ensure electrical safety:►Do not disconnect the protective connection (7).►Disconnect the supply voltage before disconnecting the protective earth (8).Connect protective earth to the internal ground terminal (8) before connecting the supply voltage. Ifnecessary, connect the potential matching line to the external ground terminal (12).In order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Do not only ground the device via theprotective earth conductor of the supply cable. Instead, the functional grounding must also beconnected to the process connection (flange or threaded connection) or to the external groundterminal.An easily accessible power switch must be installed in the proximity of the device. The power switchmust be marked as a disconnector for the device (IEC/EN61010).
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5020 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+Hauser4-wire: 4-20mA HART (90 to 253 VAC)31+L424...20 mAHART90...253 V~10 mmSpare part71108xxx2- wire4-20 mAHART[09]open-NA131211910+-2 3 4678514...20 mA³ W250  A0018965å 7 Terminal assignment 4-wire; 4-20mA HART (90 to 253 VAC)1Evaluation unit, e.g. PLC2HART communication resistor (³250 W): Observe maximum load (®  ä 26)3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 or FieldXpert SFX100 (via VIATOR Bluetooth modem)4Analog display device: Observe maximum load (®  ä 26)5Signal cable including screening (if required), observe cable specification (®  ä 27)6 Protective connection; do not disconnect!7Protective earth, observe cable specification (®  ä 27)8 Terminals for 4...20mA HART (active)9 Terminals for supply voltage10 Supply voltage: Observe terminal voltage (®  ä 26), observe cable specification (®  ä 27)11 Terminal for potential equalization12 Cable entry for signal line13 Cable entry for power supply!CAUTIONTo ensure electrical safety:►Do not disconnect the protective connection (7).►Disconnect the supply voltage before disconnecting the protective earth (8).Connect protective earth to the internal ground terminal (8) before connecting the supply voltage. Ifnecessary, connect the potential matching line to the external ground terminal (12).In order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Do not only ground the device via theprotective earth conductor of the supply cable. Instead, the functional grounding must also beconnected to the process connection (flange or threaded connection) or to the external groundterminal.An easily accessible power switch must be installed in the proximity of the device. The power switchmust be marked as a disconnector for the device (IEC/EN61010).
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 21PROFIBUS PA / FOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)13++24FIELDBUS2-channel overvoltage protection--71128619[17]4-20mA/4-20mA/B11++22FIELDBUSSpare part71023457PA/FF[06/07]FIELDBUS--13++24PA/FF10 mmSpare part71108xxx2- wire level4-20 mA PFSFIELDBUS[26/27]open--A41123653+3+4-4-  A0011341å 8 Terminal assignment PROFIBUS PA / FOUNDATION FieldbusAWithout integrated overvoltage protectionB With integrated overvoltage protection1Cable screen: Observe cable specifications (®  ä 27)2 Terminals for switch output (open collector)3 Terminals PROFIBUS PA / FOUNDATION Fieldbus4 Terminal for potential equalization line5 Cable entries6 Overvoltage protection module
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5022 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserConnection examples for the switch outputFor HART devices, the switch output is available as an option. See product structure, feature 20:"Power Supply, Output", option B: "2-wire; 4-20mA HART, switch output"Devices with PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus always have a switch output.3++-4-  A0015909å 9 Connection of a relaySuitable relays (examples):• Solid-state relay: Phoenix Contact OV-24DC/480AC/5 with mountingrail connector UMK-1 OM-R/AMS• Electromechanical relay: Phoenix Contact PLC-RSC-12DC/213+21+4-  A0015910å 10 Connection of a digital input1 Pull-up resistor2 Digital input
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 23Device plug connectors For the versions with fieldbus plug connector (M12 or 7/8"), the signal line can be connected withoutopening the housing.Pin assignment of the M12 plug connector2134+–nc  A0011175Pin Meaning1 Signal +2 not connected3 Signal -4 GroundPin assignment of the 7/8" plug connector2143  A0011176Pin Meaning1 Signal -2 Signal +3 Screen4 Not connected
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5024 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserSupply voltage An external power supply is required.Various supply units can be ordered from Endress+Hauser: see "Accessories" section (®  ä 73)2-wire, 4-20mA HART, passive"Power Supply,Output" 1)"Approval" 2) Terminal voltage U atthe deviceMaximum load R, depending on the supply voltage U0 at thesupply unitA: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART • Non-Ex• Ex nA• Ex ic• CSA GP10.4 to 35 V 3)R [ ]?U0[V]1010.4 21.420 30 350500  A0017140Ex ia / IS 10.4 to 30 V 3)• Ex d(ia) / XP• Ex ic(ia)• Ex nA(ia)• Ex ta / DIP12 to 35 V 4)R [ ]WU0[V]1012 2320 30 350500  A0019136Ex ia + Ex d(ia) / IS + XP 12 to 30 V 4)1) Feature 020 of the product structure2) Feature 010 of the product structure3) For ambient temperatures Ta £ -20 °C (-4 °F) a minimum voltage of 15 V is required for the sartup of the device at the MIN error current (3,6 mA). Thestartup current can be parametrized. If the device is operated with a fixed current I ³ 5,5 mA (HART multidrop mode), a voltage of U ³ 10,4 V is sufficientthroughout the entire range of ambient temperatures.4) For ambient temperatures Ta £ -20 °C (-4 °F) a minimum voltage of 16 V is required for the satrtup of the device at the MIN error current (3.6 mA)."Power Supply, Output" 1) "Approval" 2) Terminal voltage U atthe deviceMaximum load R, depending on the supply voltage U0 at thesupply unitB: 2-wire; 4-20 mA HART,switch output• Non-Ex• Ex nA• Ex nA(ia)• Ex ic• Ex ic(ia)• Ex d(ia) / XP• Ex ta / DIP• CSA GP12 to 35 V 3)R [ ]WU0[V]1012 2320 30 350500  A0019136• Ex ia / IS• Ex ia + Ex d(ia) / IS + XP12 to 30 V 3)1) Feature 020 of the product structure2) Feature 010 of the product structure3) For ambient temperatures Ta £ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 16 V is required for the satrtup of the device at the MIN error current (3.6 mA).
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 25"Power Supply, Output" 1) "Approval" 2) Terminal voltage U at thedeviceMaximum load R, depending on the supply voltage U0 at thesupply unitC: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA any 12 to 30 V 3)R [ ]?U0[V]1012 2320 300500  A00170551) Feature 020 of the product structure2) Feature 010 of the product structure3) For ambient temperatures Ta £ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 16 V is required for the satrtup of the device at the MIN error current (3.6 mA).Polarity reversal protection YesAdmissible residual rippleat f = 0 to 100 HzUSS < 1 VAdmissible residual rippleat f = 100 to 10000 HzUSS < 10 mV
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5026 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+Hauser4-wire, 4-20mA HART, active"Power supply; Output" 1) Terminal voltage Maximum load RmaxK: 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20mA HART 90 to 253 VAC (50 to 60 Hz),overvoltage category II500 ΩL: 4-wire 10,4-48VDC; 4-20mA HART 10.4 to 48 VDC1) Feature 020 of the product structurePROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)"Power supply; Output" 1) "Approval" 2) Terminal voltageE: 2-wire; FOUNDATION Fieldbus, switch outputG: 2-wire; PROFIBUS PA, switch output• Non-Ex• Ex nA• Ex nA(ia)• Ex ic• Ex ic(ia)• Ex d(ia) / XP• Ex ta / DIP• CSA GP9 to 32 V  3)• Ex ia / IS• Ex ia + Ex d(ia) / IS + XP9 to 30 V  3)1) Feature 020 of the product structure2) Feature 010 of the product structure3) Input voltages up to 35 V will not spoil the device.Polarity sensitive NoFISCO/FNICO compliantaccording to IEC 60079-27YesPower consumption "Power supply; Output" 1) Power consumptionA: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART < 0.9 WB: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, switch output < 0.9 WC: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA < 2 x 0.7 WK: 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20mA HART 6 VAL: 4-wire 10,4-48VDC; 4-20mA HART 1.3 W1) Feature 020 of the product structureCurrent consumption HARTNominal current 3.6 to 22 mA, the start-up current for multidrop mode can be parametrized (is set to3.6 mA on delivery)Breakdown signal(NAMUR NE43)adjustable: 3.59 to 22.5 mAPROFIBUS PA (in preparation)Nominal current 14 mAError current FDE (FaultDisconnection Electronic)0 mA
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 27FOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)Device basic current 14 mAError current FDE (FaultDisconnection Electronic)0 mAFISCO (in preparation)Ui17.5 VIi550 mAPi5.5 WCi5 nFLi10 mHPower supply failure • Configuration is retained in the HistoROM (EEPROM).• Error messages (incl. value of operated hours counter) are stored.Potential equalization No special measures for potential equalization are required.If the device is designed for hazardous areas, observe the information in the documentation "SafetyInstructions" (XA, ZD).Terminals •Without integrated overvoltage protectionPlug-in spring terminals for wire cross-sections 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (20 to 14 AWG)•With integrated overvoltage protectionScrew terminals for wire cross-sections 0.2 to 2.5 mm2 (24 to 14 AWG)Cable entries • Cable gland (not for Ex d):–Plastics M20x1.5 for cable Æ 5 to 10  mm (0.2 to 0.39  in): non-Ex, ATEX/IECEx/NEPSI Ex ia/ic–Metal M20x1.5 for cable Æ 7 to 10  mm (0.28 to 0.39  in): dust-Ex, FM IS, CSA IS, CSA GP, Ex nA• Thread for cable entry:– ½" NPT– G ½"– M20 × 1.5• Connector (only for non-Ex, Ex ic, Ex ia): M12 or 7/8"Cable specification • Standard device cable is sufficient for the power supply of the device.•Minimum cross-section: (®  ä 27)•For ambient temperature TU³60 °C (140 °F): use cable for temperature TU +20 K.HART• A normal device cable suffices if only the analog signal is used.• A shielded cable is recommended if using the HART protocol. Observe grounding concept of the plant.PROFIBUS (in preparation)Use a twisted, screened two-wire cable, preferably cable type A.For further information on the cable specifications, see Operating Instructions BA00034S "Guidelinesfor planning and commissioning PROFIBUS DP/PA", PNO Guideline 2.092 "PROFIBUS PA User andInstallation Guideline" and IEC61158-2 (MBP).FOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)Endress+Hauser recommends using twisted, shielded two-wire cables.For further information on the cable specifications, see Operating Instructions BA00013S"FOUNDATION Fieldbus Overview", FOUNDATION Fieldbus Guideline and IEC 61158-2 (MBP).
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5028 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserOvervoltage protection If the measuring device is used for level measurement in flammable liquids which requires the use ofovervoltage protection according to DIN EN 60079-14, standard for test procedures 60060-1 (10 kA, pulse8/20 ms), overvoltage protection has to be ensured by an integrated or external overvoltage protectionmodule.Integrated overvoltage protectionAn integrated overvoltage protection module is available for 2-wire HART as well as PROFIBUS PA andFOUNDATION Fieldbus devices.Product structure: Feature 610 "Accessory mounted", option NA "Overvoltage protection".Technical dataResistance per channel 2 * 0.5 W maxThreshold DC voltage 400 to 700 VThreshold impulse voltage < 800 VCapacitance at 1 MHz < 1.5 pFNominal arrest impulse voltage (8/20 ms) 10 kAExternal overvoltage protectionHAW562 or HAW569 from Endress+Hauser are suited as external overvoltage protection.For detailed information please refer to the following documents:• HAW562: TI01012K• HAW569: TI01013K
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 29Performance characteristicsReference operatingconditions• Temperature = +24 °C (+75 °F) ±5 °C (±9 °F)• Pressure = 960 mbar abs. (14 psia) ±100 mbar (±1.45 psi)• Humidity = 60 % ±15 %• Reflector: metal plate with a minimum diameter of 1 m (40 in)• No major interference reflections inside the signal beamMaximum measured error Typical data under reference operating conditions: DIN EN 61298-2, percentage values in relation to thespan.Device Value Outputdigital analog 1)FMR50Standard versionSum of non-linearity,nonrepeatability andhysteresis± 2 mm (0.08 in) ± 0.02 %Offset/Zero ± 4 mm (0.2 in) ± 0.03 %FMR50Version with application package "Advanceddynamics" 2)Sum of non-linearity,nonrepeatability andhysteresis± 3 mm (0.12 in) ± 0.02 %Offset/Zero ± 4 mm (0.2 in) ± 0.03 %1) Add error of the analogous value to the digital value.2) Product structure: Feature 540 "Application Package", Option EM "Advanced dynamics"Differing values in near-range applications2 (0.08)0-2 (-0.08)0 A 1 (3.3)4 (0.16)-4 (-0.16)RD[mm] ([in])D[m] ([ft])  A0019041å 11 Maximum measured error in near-range applications; values for standard versionDMaximum measured errorD Distance from the reference point RA Lower edge of the antenna
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5030 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+Hauser3 (0.12)0-3 (-12)0 A 2 (6.6) D[m] ([ft])20 (0.79)-20 (-0.79)RD[mm] ([in])  A0019042å 12 Maximum measured error in near-range applications; values for version with the "Advanced dynamics"application packageDMaximum measured errorD Distance from the reference point RA Lower edge of the antennaMeasured value resolution Dead band according to EN61298-2:• digital: 1 mm•analog: 1 mAReaction time The reaction time can be parametrized. The following step response times (as per DIN EN 61298-2) 1)arevalid if the damping is switched off:Tank height Sampling rate Step response time< 10 m (33 ft) ³ 3.6 s–1 < 0.8 s< 40 m (132 ft) ³ 2.7 s–1 < 1 sInfluence of ambienttemperatureThe measurements are carried out in accordance with EN 61298-3• Digital (HART, PROFIBUS PA):– Standard version: average TK = 2 mm/10 K; maximum 5 mm– Version with advanced dynamics 2): average TK = 5 mm/10 K; maximum 15 mm• Analog (current output):– zero point (4 mA): average TK = 0.02 %/10 K– span (20 mA): average TK = 0.05 %/10 K1) According to DIN EN 61298-2 the response time is the time which passes after a sudden change of the input signal until the output signal for the first timeassumes 90% of the steady-state value.2) Feature 540 "Application Package", option EM
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 31InstallationInstallation conditions Mounting positionA1 2 3  A0016882• Recommended distance A from wall to outeredge of nozzle: ~ 1/6 of tank diameter.Nevertheless the device should not be installedcloser than 15 cm (5.91 in) to the tank wall.• Not in the center (2), as interference can causesignal loss.• Not above the fill stream (3).• It is recommended to us a weather protectioncover (1) in order to protect the device fromdirect sun or rain.Vessel installations  A0018944Avoid any installations (limit switches, temperaturesensors, braces, vacuum rings, heating coils, bafflesetc.) inside the signal beam. Take into account thebeam angle (®  ä 34):
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5032 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserReduction of interference echoes  A0016890Metallic screens mounted at a slope spread theradar signal and can, therefore, reduceinterference echoes.Measurement in a plastic vesselIf the outer wall of the vessel is made of a non-conductive material (e.g. GRP), microwaves can also bereflected off interfering installations outside the signal beam (e.g. metallic pipes (1), ladders (2), grates(3), ...). Therefore, there should be no such interfering installations in the signal beam. Please contactEndress+Hauser for further information.231  A0017123
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 33Optimization options• Antenna sizeThe bigger the antenna, the smaller the beam angle a and the fewer interference echoes (®  ä 34).• MappingThe measurement can be optimized by means of electronic suppression of interference echoes.• Antenna alignmentTake into account the marker on the flange or threaded connection (®  ä 36) (®  ä 37) .• Stilling wellA stilling well can be applied to avoid interferences (®  ä 39).• Metallic screens mounted at a slope (3)They spread the radar signals and can, therefore, reduce interference echoes.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5034 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserBeam angleaDWaD_=22. . tanW  A0016891å 13 Relationship between beam angle a, distance D and beamwidth diameter WThe beam angle is defined as the angle a where the energy density of the radar waves reaches half the valueof the maximum energy density (3-dB-width). Microwaves are also emitted outside the signal beam and canbe reflected off interfering installations.Beam diameter W as a function of beam angle a and measuring distance D:FMR50Antenna size 40 mm (1-1/2 in) 80 mm (3 in) 100 mm (4 in)Beam angle a23° 10° 8°Measuring distance (D) Beamwidth diameter W3 m (9.8 ft) 1.22 m (4 ft) 0.53 m (1.7 ft) 0.42 m (1.4 ft)6 m (20 ft) 2.44 m (8 ft) 1.05 m (3.4 ft) 0.84 m (2.8 ft)9 m (30 ft) 3.66 m (12 ft) 1.58 m (5.2 ft) 1.26 m (4.1 ft)12 m (39 ft) 4.88 m (16 ft) 2.1 m (6.9 ft) 1.68 m (5.5 ft)15 m (49 ft) 6.1 m (20 ft) 2.63 m (8.6 ft) 2.10 m (6.9 ft)20 m (66 ft) 8.14 m (27 ft) 3.50 m (11 ft) 2.80 m (9.2 ft)25 m (82 ft) 10.17 m (33 ft) 4.37 m (14 ft) 3.50 m (11 ft)30 m (98 ft) - 5.25 m (17 ft) 4.20 m (14 ft)35 m (115 ft) - 6.12 m (20 ft) 4.89 m (16 ft)40 m (131 ft) - 7.00 m (23 ft) 5.59 m (18 ft)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 35Measuring conditions • In case of boiling surfaces, bubbling or tendency for foaming use FMR53 or FMR54. Depending on itsconsistence, foam can either absorb microwaves or reflect them off the foam surface. Measurement ispossible under certain conditions. For FMR50, FMR51 and FMR52, the additional option "Advanceddynamics" is recommended in these cases (feature 540: "Application Package", option EM).• In case of heavy steam development or condensate, the maximum measuring range of FMR50,FMR51 and FMR52 may decrease depending on density, temperature and composition of the steam ®use FMR53 or FMR54.• For the measurement of absorbing gases such as ammonia NH3 or some fluorocarbons 3), please useLevelflex or Micropilot FMR54 in a stilling well.• The measuring range begins, where the beam hits the tank bottom. Particularly with dish bottoms orconical outlets the level cannot be detected below this point.• For stilling well applications, the zero should be positioned at the end of the tube, as the electromagneticwaves do not propagate completely outside the tube. It must be taken into account that the accuracy maybe reduced in the area C. In order to guarantee the required accuracy in these cases, it is recommended toposition the zero-point at a distance C above the end of the tube (see figure).•In case of media with a low dielectric constant (er = 1.5 to 4) 4) the tank bottom can be visible through themedium at low levels (low height C). Reduced accuracy has to be expected in this range. If this is notacceptable, we recommend positioning the zero point at a distance C (see figure) above the tank bottomin these applications.• In principle it is possible to measure up to the tip of the antenna with FMR51, FMR53 and FMR54.However, due to considerations regarding corrosion and build-up, the end of the measuring range shouldnot be chosen any closer than A (see figure) to the tip of the antenna.• When using FMR54 with planar antenna, especially for media with low dielectric constants, the end ofthe measuring range should not be closer than 1 m (3.28 ft) to the flange.• The smallest possible measuring range B depends on the antenna version (see figure).• The tank diameter should be greater than D (see figure), the tank height at least H (see figure).100%0%BACHøD  A0018872Device A [mm (in)] B [m (ft)] C [mm (in)] D [m (ft)] H [m (ft)]FMR50 150 (5.91)> 0.2 (0.7) 50 to 250 (1.97 to 9.84) > 0.2 (0.7) > 0.3 (1.0)3) Affected compounds are e.g. R134a, R227, Dymel 152a.4) Dielectric constants of important media commonly used in the industry are summarized in the document SD106F, which can be downloaded from theEndress+Hauser web page (www.endress.com).
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5036 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserInstallation in vessel (freespace)Horn antenna encapsulated (FMR50)Alignment• Align the antenna vertically to the product surface.• A marking at the threaded connection enables axial alignment of the antenna. This marking must bealigned towards the tank wall.90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°AB  A0018974Nozzle mountingFor optimum measurement, the tip of the antenna should extend below the nozzle. Nozzle heights up to500 mm (19.7 in) can be accepted if this should not be possible due to mechanical reasons.HøD  A0016806å 14 Nozzle height and diameter for horn antenna, encapsulated (FMR50)Antenna size 40 mm (1½ in)D39 mm (1.54 in)H< 85 mm (3.35 in)Please contact Endress+Hauser for applications with higher nozzle.Threaded connection• Tighten with the hexagonal nut only.• Tool : Hexagonal wrench 50 mm• Maximum permissible torque: 35 Nm (26 lbf ft)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 37Horn antenna with slip-on flange (FMR50)AlignmentWhen using the Micropilot with a slip-on flange in explosion-hazardous areas, strictly observe allspecifications in the relevant Safety Instructions (XA).• Align the antenna vertically to the product surface.Optionally, a variable flange seal, which is available as an accessory, can be used for alignment (seeTechnical Information BA01048F, chapter "Accessories").• A marking at the boss enables axial alignment of the antenna. This marking must be aligned towards thetank wall.90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°AB  A0018974Nozzle mountingHøD  A0016868å 15 Nozzle height and diameter for horn antenna with slip-on flange (FMR50/FMR56)Antennasize80 mm (3 in) 100 mm (4 in)D80 mm (3.15 in) 100 mm (3.94 in) 150 mm (5.91 in) 100 mm (3.94 in) 150 mm (5.91 in)H<500 mm (19.7 in)<500 mm (19.7 in)<500 mm (19.7 in)<500 mm (19.7 in)<500 mm (19.7 in)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5038 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserHorn antenna with mounting bracket (FMR50)  A0016865å 16 Installation of the horn antenna with mounting bracket (FMR50/FMR56)Align the antenna vertically to the product surface using the mounting bracket.NOTICEThe mounting bracket has no conductive connection to the transmitter housing.Danger of electrostatic charge►Connect the mounting bracket to the local potential equalization system.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 39Installation in stilling well190°  A0016841å 17 Installation in stilling well1Marking for antenna alignment• For horn antenna: Align the marking towards the slots of the stilling well.• Measurements can be performed through an open full bore ball valve without any problems.• After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminalcompartment.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5040 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserRecommendations for the stilling well• Metal (no enamel coating; plastic on request).• Constant diameter.• Diameter of stilling well not larger than antenna diameter.• Weld seam as smooth as possible and on the same axis as the slots.• Slots offset 180° (not 90°).• Slot width or diameter of holes max. 1/10 of pipe diameter, de-burred. Length and number do not haveany influence on the measurement.• Select horn antenna as big as possible. For intermedaite sizes (e.g. 180 mm (7 in)) select next largerantenna and adapt it mechanically (for horn antennas)• At any transition (i.e. when using a ball valve or mending pipe segments), no gap may be createdexceeding 1 mm (0.04 in).•The stilling well must be smooth on the inside (average roughness Rz ≤ 6.3 mm (248 min)). Use extrudedor parallel welded stainless steel pipe. An extension of the pipe is possible with welded flanges or pipesleeves. Flange and pipe have to be properly aligned at the inside.• Do not weld through the pipe wall. The inside of the stilling well must remain smooth. In case ofunintentional welding through the pipe, the weld seam and any unevenness on the inside need to becarefully removed and smoothened. Otherwise, strong interference echoes will be generated and materialbuild-up will be promoted.• Particularly on smaller nominal widths it needs to be observed that flanges are welded to the pipe suchthat they allow for a correct orientation (marker aligned toward slots).The performance of Micropilot FMR54 with planar antenna is not dependent on the alignment orgeometry of standard stilling wells. No special alignment is required. However, make sure that theplanar antenna is installed vertically relative to the stilling well axis.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 41Examples for the construction of stilling wells100%0%100%0%ABA AA-A150…500(5.91...19.7)150…500(5.91...19.7)mm (in)2144CD5667131 (0.04)≤1 (0.04)≤  A0019009AMicropilot FMR50/FMR51: Horn 40mm(1½")B Micropilot FMR50/FMR51/FMR52/FMR54: Horn 80mm(3")C Stilling well with slotsD Full bore ball valve1 Marking for axial alignment2 Threaded connection3 e.g. welding neck flange DIN26334Æ hole max. 1/10 Æ stilling well5Æ hole max. 1/10 Æ stilling well; single sided or drilled through6 Inside of holes deburred7 Diameter of opening of ball valve must always be equivalent to pipe diameter; avoid edges and constrictions.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5042 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserInstallation in bypass12290°90°  A0019446å 18 Installation in bypass1Marking for antenna alignment2 Tank connectors• Alighn the marker perpendicular (90°) to the tank connectors.• Measurements can be performed through an open full bore ball valve without any problems.• After mounting, the housing can be turned 350° in order to simplify access to the display and the terminalcompartment.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 43Recommendations for the bypass pipe• Metal (no plastic or enamel coating).• Constant diameter.• Select horn antenna as big as possible. For intermediate sizes (e.g. 95 mm (3.5 in)) select next largerantenna and adapt it mechanically (for horn antennas).• At any transition (i.e. when using a ball valve or mending pipe segments), no gap may be createdexceeding 1 mm (0.04 in).•In the area of the tank connections (~ ±20 cm (7.87 in)) ia reduced accuracy of the measurement has tobe expected.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5044 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserExample for the construction of a bypass100%0%AA AA-Amm (in)200(7.87)200(7.87)200(7.87)200(7.87)B54412C33≤ 1 (0.04)  A0019010AMicropilot FMR50/FMR51/FMR52/FMR54: Horn 80mm(3")B Full bore ball valveC Minimum distance to upper connection pipe: 400 mm (15,7 in)1 Marking for axial alignment2 e.g. welding neck flange DIN26333 Diameter of the connection pipes as small as possible4 Do not weld through the pipe wall; the inside of the bypass must remain smooth.5 Diameter of opening of ball valve must always be equivalent to pipe diameter. Avoid edges and constrictions.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 45Vessels with heat insulation12  A0019141If process temperatures are high, the device must be included in normal tank insulation to prevent theelectronics heating up as a result of heat radiation or convection. The insulation may not exceed beyond theneck of the housing.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5046 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserEnvironmentAmbient temperature range Measuring device –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F); –50 °C (–58 °F) with manufacturer declaration onrequestLocal display –20 to +70 °C (–4 to +158 °F), the readability of the display may be impaired attemperatures outside the temperature range.When operating the device in the open with strong sunlight:• Mount the device in a shady position.• Avoid direct sunlight, especially in warmer regions.• Use a weather protection cover (see accessories).Ambient temperature limits The following diagrams take into account only function requirements. There may be further restrictionsfor certified device versions. Please refere to the separate Safety Instructions (®  ä 74).With a temperature (Tp) at the process connection the admissible ambient temperature (Ta) is reducedaccording to the following diagram (temperature derating):Information concerning the derating tablesOption MeaningA 2-wire; 4-20 mA HARTB 2-wire; 4-20 mA HART, switch outputC 2-wire; 4-20 mA HART, 4-20 mAE 2-wire; FF, switch outputG 2-wire; PA, switch outputK 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20 mA HARTL 4-wire 10, 4-48VDC; 4-20 mA HARTFMR50Housing: GT19 (Plastics PBT)Temperature unit: °C (°F)TpP5 P4P3P2P1 Ta  A0019351Power Supply; Output (Pos. 2 ofthe product structure)P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6TpTaTpTaTpTaTpTaTpTaTpTaA -40(-40)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -BSwitch output not used-40(-40)76(169)76(169)76(169)80(176)75(167)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -BSwitch output used-40(-40)60(140)60(140)60(140)80(176)58(136)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -CChannel 2 not used-40(-40)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -CChannel 2 used-40(-40)74(165)74(165)74(165)80(176)73(163)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -E, GSwitch output not used-40(-40)79(174)79(174)79(174)80(176)79(174)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -E, GSwitch output used-40(-40)63(145)63(145)63(145)80(176)60(140)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 47FMR50Housing: GT20 (Alu, coated)Temperature unit: °C (°F)TpP5 P4P3P2P1 Ta  A0019351Power Supply; Output (Pos. 2 ofthe product structure)P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6TpTaTpTaTpTaTpTaTpTaTpTaA -40(-40)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -BSwitch output not used-40(-40)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -BSwitch output used-40(-40)77(171)77(171)77(171)80(176)76(169)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -CChannel 2 not used-40(-40)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -CChannel 2 used-40(-40)79(174)79(174)79(174)80(176)79(174)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -E, GSwitch output not used-40(-40)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -E, GSwitch output used-40(-40)78(172)78(172)78(172)80(176)78(172)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -K, L -40(-40)77(171)77(171)77(171)80(176)77(171)80(176)-40(-40)-40(-40)-40(-40)- -Storage temperature –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)Climate class DIN EN 60068-2-38 (test Z/AD)Geometric height accordingto IEC61010-1 Ed.3Up to 2 000 m (6 600 ft) above MSL.Can be expanded to 3 000 m (9 800 ft) above MSL by application of an overvoltage protection, e.g. HAW562or HAW569.Degree of protection • With closed housing tested according to:– IP68, NEMA6P (24 h at 1.83 m under water surface)– For plastic housing with transparent cover (display module): IP68 (24 h at 1.00 m under watersurface) 5)– IP66, NEMA4X• With open housing: IP20, NEMA1 (also ingress protection of the display)Degree of protection IP68 NEMA6P applies for M12 PROFIBUS PA plugs only when the PROFIBUScable is plugged in and is also rated IP68 NEMA6P.Vibration resistance DIN EN 60068-2-64 / IEC 68-2-64: 20 to 2 000  Hz, 1 (m/s2)2/HzCleaning the antenna The antenna can get contaminated, depending on the application. The emission and reception of microwavescan thus eventually be hindered. The degree of contamination leading to an error depends on the mediumand the reflectivity, mainly determined by the dielectric constant er.If the medium tends to cause contamination and deposits, cleaning on a regular basis is recommended. Carehas to be taken not to damage the antenna in the process of a mechanical or hose-down cleaning. Thematerial compatibility has to be considered if cleaning agents are used! The maximum permittedtemperature at the flange should not be exceeded.5) This restriction is valid if the following options of the product structure have been selected at the same time: 030("Display, Operation") = C("SD02") orE("SD03"); 040("Housing") = A("GT19").
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5048 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserElectromagnetic compatibility(EMC)Electromagnetic compatibility to all relevant requirements of the EN 61326- series and NAMURrecommendation EMC (NE21). For details see declaration of conformity. 6).If only the analogue signal is used, unshielded interconnection lines are sufficient for the installation. In caseof using the digital signal (HART/ PA/ FF) use shielded interconnection lines. Use a shielded cable whenworking with a digital communications signal.Max. fluctuations during EMC- tests: < 0.5  % of the span. As an exception to this, the maximumfluctuations may amount to 2 % of the span for devices with plastic housing and see-through lid (integrateddisplay and operating module SD02 or SD03) if strong electromagnetic interferences in the frequenencyrange of 1 to 2 GHz are present.6) Can be downloaded from www.endress.com.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 49ProcessProcess temperature range Sensor Process Connection Process temperature rangeFMR50 • Thread ISO228 G1½• Thread ANSI MNPT1½–40 to +130 °C (–40 to +266 °F)Flange –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)Process pressure range Sensor Process pressure rangeFMR50 prel = –1 to 3 bar (–14.5 to 43.5 psi)pabs < 4 bar (58 psi)Dielectric constant •For liquids–er ³ 1.9 in free-field applications–er ³ 1.4 in stilling well•For bulk solidser ³ 1.6
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5050 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserMechanical constructionDimensions Dimensions of the electronics housing163(6.42)134.5(5.3)ø106(ø4.17)78(3.07) 90(3.54)99.5(3.92)*ø106(ø4.17)R100  A0011346å 19 Housing GT19 (Plastics PBT); Dimensions in mm (in)    *This measure is valid for devices with integrated overvoltage protection.144(5.67)141.5(5.57)117.1(4.61)ø111(ø4.37)-1°ø108.5(ø4.27)78(3.07) 90(3.54)97(3.82)*ø103.5(ø4.07)R100  A0011665å 20 Housing GT20 (Alu coated); Dimensions in mm (in)    *This measure is valid for devices with integrated overvoltage protection.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 51Dimensions FMR50 (process connection/antenna)Rø39 (1.54)A B126.4 (4.98)67.5 (2.66)45.5 (1.79)50 mmødmm (in)øcba  A0017741AG1½", NPT1½" threaded versionB Horn DN80 (3")/DN100 (4") standard versionR Reference point of the measurementDimension DN80 DN100a 137.9 mm (5.43 in) 150.5 mm (5.93 in)b 15 mm (0.59 in) 20 mm (0.79 in)⌀c 107 mm (4.21 in) 127 mm (5 in)⌀d 115 mm (4.53 in) 135 mm (5.31 in)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5052 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserRøa øiøiøjøjøkg8 x24(0.94)øbøcø240.7 (9.48)ødøkRCA Bf148 (5.83)n18.5 (0.73)20 (0.79)35.5 (1.4)20 (0.79)eøhøhmm (in)pgg  A0017742AHorn DN80 (3")/DN100 (4"); flange DN80/DN100 (with slotted hole) with slip-on flangesuitable for DN80 PN16 / ANSI 3" 150 lbs / 10K 80suitable for DN100 PN16 / ANSI 4" 150 lbs / 10K 100B Horn DN80 (3"); flange DN100/DN150 with adapter ringsuitable for DN100 PN16 / ANSI 4" 150 lbs / 10K 100suitable for DN150 PN16 / ANSI 6" 150 lbs / 10K 150C Horn DN100 (4"); flange DN150 with adapter ringsuitable for DN150 PN16 / ANSI 6" 150 lbs / 10K 150R Reference point of the measurementDimension DN80 (3") DN100 (4") DN150 (6")a⌀75 mm (2.95 in) ⌀95 mm (3.74 in) -b⌀115.6 mm (4.55 in) ⌀135.6 mm (5.34 in) -c⌀156.2 mm (6.15 in) - -d⌀200 mm (7.87 in) ⌀228.6 mm (9 in) -e 15.5 mm (0.61 in) 20.5 mm (0.81 in) -f 119 mm (4.69 in) 131.5 mm (5.18 in) -g 8 x ⌀21 mm (0.83 in) 8 x 19 mm (0.75 in) 8 x 23 mm (0.91 in)h⌀143 mm (5.63 in) ⌀163 mm (6.42 in) -i - ⌀175 mm (6.89 in) ⌀240 mm (9.45 in)j - ⌀190.5 mm (7.5 in) ⌀241.3 mm (9.5 in)k - ⌀228.6 mm (9 in) ⌀285 mm (11.2 in)n 129.5 mm (5.1 in) 142 mm (5.59 in) -p 30.5 mm (1.2 in) 35.5 mm (1.4 in) -
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 53mm (in)AB162.5 (6.4)205 (8.07)  A0017746AMounting bracket with alignment for roof mountingB Mounting bracket with alignment for wall mountingWeight HousingPart WeightHousing GT19 - plastic approx. 1.2 kg (2.7 lbs)Housing GT20 - aluminium approx. 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs)Antenna and process connectionDevice Weight of antenna and process connectionFMR50 max. 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) + weight of flange 1)1) For the weight of the flange refer to Technical Information TI00426F.Materials Housing2.1 1 2.2 5678934  A0013788Housing GT19 - plasticNo. Part: material No. Part: material1 Housing: PBT 5 Cable entry• Sealing: EMPB• Cable gland: polyamide (PA), nickel-plated brass (CuZn)• Adapter: 316L (1.4435)2.1 Cover of the electronics compartment• Cover:– PA (see-through cover)– PBT (non-transparent cover)• Cover seal: EPDM
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5054 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserHousing GT19 - plasticNo. Part: material No. Part: material2.2 Cover of the terminal compartment• Cover: PBT• Cover seal: EPDM6 Dummy plug: nickel-plated brass (CuZn)7 Pressure relief stopper: nickel-plated brass (CuZn)4 Turn housing• Screw: A4-70• Clamp: 316L (1.4404)8 Ground terminal• Screw: A2• Spring washer: A4• Clamp: 304 (1.4301)• Holder: 304 (1.4301)9 IdentificationNameplate: stickerHousing GT20 - die-cast aluminum, powder-coated, seawater-resistantNo. Part: material No. Part: material1 Housing: AlSi10Mg(<0.1% Cu)Coating: polyester5 Cable entry• Sealing: EMPB• Cable gland: polyamide (PA), nickel-plated brass (CuZn)• Adapter: 316L (1.4435)2.1 Cover of the electronics compartment• Cover: AlSi10Mg(<0.1% Cu)• Window: glass• Cover seal: EPDM2.2 Cover of the terminal compartment• Cover: AlSi10Mg(<0.1% Cu)• Cover seal: EPDM6 Dummy plug: nickel-plated brass (CuZn)7 Pressure relief stopper: nickel-plated brass (CuZn)3 Cover lock• Screw: A4• Clamp: 316L (1.4404)8 Ground terminal• Screw: A2• Spring washer: A2• Clamp: 304 (1.4301)• Holder: 304 (1.4301)4 Turn housing• Screw: A4-70• Clamp: 316L (1.4404)9 IdentificationNameplate: sticker
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 55Antenna and process connectionFMR50A B C D1237 7 73534682 2  A0018949AStandard version with mounting bracketB Horn antenna with slip-on flangeC Horn antenna with flange and adapter ringD Threaded versionPos. Part Material1 Mounting bracket 304 (1.4301)Screw A2Nordlock washer A42 Housing adapter 304 (1.4301)3 Horn PBT4 Housing adapter PBT5 Slip-on flange PP6 Flange + adapter ring PPScrew A2Seal FKM7 Focusing lense PPSeal VMQ8 Schrew-in adapter PVDF
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5056 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserWeather protection cover12.  A0015473Weather protection coverNr. Part: material Nr. Part: material1 Protection cover: 304 (1.4301) 4 Bracket: 304 (1.4301)2.1 Washer: A2 5.1 Cheese head screw: A2-702.2 Cheese head screw: A4-70 5.2 Nut: A23.1 Washer: A2 6 Ground terminal• Screw: A4• Spring washer: A4• Clamp: 316L (1.4404)• Holder: 316L (1.4404)3.2 Tightening screw: 304 (1.4301)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 57OperabilityOperating concept Operator-oriented menu structure for user-specific tasks• Commissioning• Operation• Diagnostics• Expert levelQuick and safe commissioning• Guided menus ("Make-it-run" wizards) for applications• Menu guidance with brief explanations of the individual parameter functionsReliable operation• Local operation in different languages (see product structure, feature "Additional Operation Language")• Standardized operation at the device and in the operating tools• Data storage device (HistoROM) for process and measuring device data with event logbook available at alltimes - even if electronics modules are replacedEfficient diagnostics increase measurement reliability• Remedy information is integrated in plain text• Diverse simulation options and line recorder functionsLocal operation Order code for "Display; Operation", option C "SD02" Order code for "Display; Operation", option E "SD03"(in preparation)+E–1  A00155441+E–  A00155461 Operation with pushbuttons 1 Operation with touch controlDisplay elements• 4-line display• In the case of order code for "Display; Operation", option E: white background lighting; switches to red inevent of device errors (in preparation)• Format for displaying measured variables and status variables can be individually configured•Permitted ambient temperature for the display: –20 to +60 °C (–4 to +140 °F)The readability of the display may be impaired at temperatures outside the temperature range.Operating elements• In the case of order code "Display; Operation", Option C: local operation with 3 push buttons ( ,  , E)• In the case of order code for "Display; Operation", option E: external operation via touch control; 3 opticalkeys:  ,  , E (in preparation)• Operating elements also accessible in various hazardous areasAdditional functionality• Data backup functionThe device configuration can be saved in the display module.• Data comparison functionThe device configuration saved in the display module can be compared to the current deviceconfiguration.• Data transfer functionThe transmitter configuration can be transmitted to another device using the display module.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5058 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserOperation with remotedisplay and operating moduleFHX50321  A0013137å 21 FHX50 operating options1 Housing of the remote display and operating module FHX502 Display and operating module SD02, push buttons; cover must be removed3 Display and operating module SD03, optical keys; can be operated through the glass of the cover (in preparation)Remote operation Via HART protocol124 5 796 83  A0013764å 22 Options for remote operation via HART protocol1PLC (programmable logic controller)2 Transmitter power supply unit, e.g. RN221N (with communication resistor)3 Connection for Commubox FXA191, FXA195 and Field Communicator 375, 4754 Field Communicator 375, 4755 Computer with operating tool (e.g. FieldCare, AMS Device Manager, SIMATIC PDM)6 Commubox FXA191 (RS232) or FXA195 (USB)7 Field Xpert SFX1008 VIATOR Bluetooth modem with connecting cable9 Transmitter
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 59Via PROFIBUS PA protocol (in preparation)ENDRESS + HAUSERTPROFIBUSDPPROFIBUSPA12354 4 4  A00157751Segment coupler2 Computer with Profiboard/Proficard and operating tool (e.g. FieldCare)3 PLC (Progrommable Logic Controller)4 Transmitter5 Additional functions (valves etc.)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5060 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserVia FOUNDATION Fieldbus (in preparation)FF-H1FF-H1BTBTPS34PSBTSBBTFF-HSEINLDENDRESS + HAUSERE+–%1122  A0017188å 23 FOUNDATION Fieldbus system architecture with associated componentsIN Industrial networkFF-HSEHigh Speed EthernetFF-H1FOUNDATION Fieldbus-H1LD Linking Device FF-HSE/FF-H1PS Bus Power SupplySB Safety BarrierBT Bus Terminator1 FFblue Bluetooth modem2 Field Xpert SFX1003 FieldCare4 NI-FF interface card
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 61Via service interface (CDI)+E–123  A00140191Service interface (CDI) of the measuring device (= Endress+Hauser Common Data Interface)2 Commubox FXA2913 Computer with "FieldCare" operating tool
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5062 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserIntegration in tank gaugingsystemThe Endress+Hauser Tank Side Monitor NRF590 provides integrated communications for sites with multipletanks, each with one or more sensors on the tank, such as radar, spot or average temperature, capacitiveprobe for water detection and/or pressure sensors. Multiple protocols out of the Tank Side Monitorguarantee connectivity to nearly any of the existing industry standard tank gauging protocols. Optionalconnectivity of analog 4...20 mA sensors, digital I/O and analog output simplify full tank sensor integration.Use of the proven concept of the intrinsically safe HART bus for all on-tank sensors yields extremely lowwiring costs, while at the same time providing maximum safety, reliability and data availability.NXA82016...253 VAC1 2 346785  A0017982å 24 The complete measuring system consists of:1Tankvision workstation2 Commubox FXA195 (USB) - optional3 Computer with operating tool (ControlCare) - optional4 Level measuring device5 Temperature measuring device6 Tank Side Monitor NRF5907 Pressure measuring device8 Tankvision Tank Scanner NXA820
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 63System integration viaFieldgateVendor Managed InventoryBy using Fieldgates to interrogate tank or silo levels remotely, suppliers of raw materials can provide theirregular customers with information about the current supplies at any time and, for example, account forthem in their own production planning. For their part, the Fieldgates monitor the configured level limits and,if required, automatically activate the next supply. The spectrum of options here ranges from a simplepurchasing requisition via e-mail through to fully automatic order administration by coupling XML data intothe planning systems on both sides.Remote maintenance of measuring equipmentFieldgates not only transfer the current measured values, they also alert the responsible standby personnel, ifrequired, via e-mail or SMS. In the event of an alarm or also when performing routine checks, servicetechnicians can diagnose and configure connected HART devices remotely. All that is required for this is thecorresponding HART operating tool (e.g. FieldCare, ...) for the connected device. Fieldgate passes on theinformation transparently, so that all options for the respective operating software are available remotely.Some on-site service operations can be avoided by using remote diagnosis and remote configuration and allothers can at least be better planned and prepared.-ENDRESS+HAUSERRN 221NENDRESS+HAUSERRN 221N.20...45VDCFXN520FXN5201 1 2  A0011278å 25 The complete measuring system consists of devices and:1Fieldgate FXA5202 Multidrop Connector FXN520The number of instruments which can be connected in mutidrop mode can be calculated by the"FieldNetCalc" program. A description of this program can be found in Technical Information TI 400F(Multidrop Conncector FXN520). The program is available form your Endress+Hauser salesorganisation or in the internet at: www.de.endress.com/Download (text search = "Fieldnetcalc").
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5064 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserCertificates and approvalsCE mark The measuring system meets the legal requirements of the applicable EC guidelines. These are listed in thecorresponding EC Declaration of Conformity together with the standards applied.Endress+Hauser confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark.C-Tick symbol The measuring system meets the EMC requirements of the "Australian Communications and MediaAuthority (ACMA)".Ex approval • ATEX• IEC Ex• CSA (in Vorbereitung)• FM (in Vorbereitung)• NEPSI (in Vorbereitung)• TIIS (in Vorbereitung)Additional safety instructions must be observed for applications in hazardous areas. They are contained inthe separate "Safety Instructions" (XA) document, which is included in the scope of delivery. Reference ismade to the XA on the nameplate of the device.Details on the available certificats as well as the associated XAs can be found in the Associateddocumentation chapter in the Safety instructions section: (®  ä 74).Dual seal according toANSI/ISA 12.27.01The devices Micropilot FMR5x have been designed according to ANSI/ISA 12.27.01 as dual seal devices,allowing the user to waive the use and save the cost of installing external secondary process seals in theconduit as required by the process sealing sections of ANSI/NFPA 70 (NEC) and CSA 22.1 (CEC). Theseinstruments comply with the North-American installation practice and provide a very safe and cost-savinginstallation for pressurized applications with hazardous fluids.Further information can be found in the control drawings of the relevant devices.Functional Safety Used for level monitoring (MIN, MAX, range) up to SIL 3 (homogeneous or inhomogeneous redundancy),independently assessed by TÜV Rhineland as per IEC 61508. Other information see documentationSD01087F: "Functional Safety Manual".Pressure Equipment Directive The Micropilot is not subject to the scope of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC, as it does nothave a pressure-bearing housing according to article 1, section 2.1.4 of the directive.Marine certificate (inpreparation)in preparationRadio standardEN302729-1/2The devices Micropilot FMR50, FMR51, FMR52, FMR56 and FMR57 are conform with the LPR (LevelProbing Radar) standard EN302729-1/2. The devices are allowed to be used inside or outside of closed binsor tanks in countries of th EU and the EFTA. Precondition is that the country itself already has implementedthe directive.At present, the following countries have already implemented the directive:Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Italy,Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Netherland, Norway, Austria, Poland, Romania, Sweden,Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic and Cyprus.All countries not mentioned above are at present in the implementation phase.For the use of the devices outside of closed bins or tanks, the following has to be observed:1. The installation has to be done by trained personnel.2. The antenna of the device has to be mounted on a fixed place and vertically to the bottom.3. The mounting place has to be in a distance of at least 4 km to the mentioned astronomical stations oran appropriate permission has to be issued by the national authority. If the device is mounted at a
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 65distance of 4 to 40 km from the stations mentioned, the maximum mounting height is restricted to15 m (49 ft).Astronomical stationsCountry Name of the station Geographical latitude Geographical longitudeGermany Effelsberg 50°31'32" N 06°53'00" EFinland Metsähovi 60°13'04" N 24°23'37" ETuorla 60°24'56" N 24°26'31" EFrance Plateau de Bure 44°38'01" N 05°54'26" EFloirac 44°50'10" N 00°31'37" WUnited Kingdom Cambridge 52°09'59" N 00°02'20" EDamhall 53°09'22" N 02°32'03" WJodrell Bank 53°14'10" N 02°18'26" WKnockin 52°47'24" N 02°59'45" WPickmere 53°17'18" N 02°26'38" WItaly Medicina 44°31'14" N 11°38'49" ENoto 36°52'34" N 14°59'21" ESardinia 39°29'50" N 09°14'40" EPoland Krakow Fort Skala 50°03'18" N 19°49'36" ERussia Dmitrov 56°26'00" N 37°27'00" EKalyazin 57°13'22" N 37°54'01" EPushchino 54°49'00" N 37°40'00" EZelenchukskaya 43°49'53" N 41°35'32" ESweden Onsala 57°23'45" N 11°55'35" ESwitzerland Bleien 47°20'26" N 08°06'44" ESpain Yebes 40°31'27" N 03°05'22" WRobledo 40°25'38" N 04°14'57" WHungary Penc 47°47'22" N 19°16'53" EIn general the requirements of EN 302729-1/2 has to be taken in consideration.Radio standardEN302372-1/2The devices Micropilot FMR50, FMR51, FMR52, FMR53, FMR54, FMR56 and FMR57 are conform withthe TLPR (Tanks Level Probing Radar) standard EN302372-1/2 and can always be used in closed tanks orbins. For installation, points a to f in Annex B of EN302372-1 have to be taken into account.FCC / Industry Canada This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Canada CNR-Gen Section 7.1.3This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts delicence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire debrouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si lebrouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.[Any] changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void theuser's authority to operate the equipment.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5066 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserCRN approval in preparationTrack record FMR5x is the upgrade model of the corresponding FMR2xx series.Other standards andguidelines• EN 60529Degrees of protection by housing (IP code)• EN 61010-1Protection Measures for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, Regulation and LaboratoryProcedures.• IEC/EN 61326"Emission in accordance with Class A requirements". Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC requirements)• NAMUR NE 21Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of industrial process and laboratory control equipment.• NAMUR NE 43Standardization of the signal level for the breakdown information of digital transmitters with analog outputsignal.• NAMUR NE 53Software of field devices and signal-processing devices with digital electronics• NAMUR NE 107Status classification as per NE107• NAMUR NE 131Requirements for field devices for standard applications• IEC61508Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 67Ordering informationOrdering information Detailed ordering information is available from the following sources:•In the Product Configurator on the Endress+Hauser website: www.endress.com ® Select country ®Instruments ® Select device ® Product page function: Configure this product• From your Endress+Hauser Sales Center: www.endress.com/worldwideProduct Configurator - the tool for individual product configuration• Up-to-the-minute configuration data• Depending on the device: Direct input of measuring point-specific information such as measuringrange or operating language• Automatic verification of exclusion criteria• Automatic creation of the order code and its breakdown in PDF or Excel output format• Ability to order directly in the Endress+Hauser Online Shop5-point linearity protocol (inpreparation)The following notes must be taken into account if option F4 ("5 point linearity protocol") has beenselected in feature 550 ("Calibration").The five points of the linearity protocol are evenly distributetd across the measuring range (0% to 100%). Inorder to define the measuring range, Empty calibration (E) and Full calibration (F) have to be specified 7).The following restrictions have to be taken into account when defining E and F:RAF200 (7.87)mm (in)E  A0017983Minimum distance between reference point (R) and100% levelMinimum span Maximum value for "emptycalibration"A ³ Length of antenna + 200 mm (8 in)Minimum value: 400 mm (16 in)F ³ 400 mm (16 in) E £ 24 m (79 ft)The linearity is checked under reference conditions.The selected values of Empty calibration and Full calibration are only used to record the linearityprotocol and are reset to their antenna specific default values thereafter. If values different from thedefault are required, they must be ordered as a customized parametrization (®  ä 68).7) If E and F are not specified, antenna dependent default values will be used instead.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5068 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserCustomized parametrization If the option IJ "Customized parametrization HART", IK "Customized parametrization PA" or IL "Customizedparametrization FF" has been selected in feature 570 "Service", customer specific presettings can be selectedfor the following parameters:Parameter Communication Selection list / range ofvaluesSetup ® Distance unit • HART• PA• FF• in• mmSetup ® Empty calibration • HART• PA• FF0 to 70 m (0 to 230 ft)Setup ® Full calibration • HART• PA• FF0 to 70 m (0 to 230 ft)Setup ® Adv. Setup ® Current output 1/2 ® Damping HART 0 to 999,9 sSetup ® Adv. Setup ® Current output 1/2 ® Failure mode HART • Min• Max• Last valid valueExpert ® Comm. ® HART config. ® Burst mode HART • Off• On
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 69AccessoriesDevice-specific accessoriesAccessory DescriptionWeather protection cover222 (8.74)mm (in)  A001546655°35°b164(6.46)273.8(10.8)155(6.1)65°255.1(10)mm(in)298.5(11.8)a  A0015472a37.8 mm (1.49 in)b 54 mm (2.13 in)The weather protection cover can be ordered together with the device (product structure, feature 620 "Accessory Enclosed",option PB "Weather Protection Cover").Alternatively, it can be separately ordered as an accessory; order code 71132889.
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5070 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserAccessory DescriptionVariable flange seal forFMR50/FMR56h2314°øDødhmaxhmin±8°  A00188711UNI slip-on flange2 Variable flange seal3 NozzleThe material and process conditions of the adjustable flange seal must fit the process properties (temperature, pressure,resistance).Variable flange seal DN80 DN100 DN150Order code 71074263 71074264 71074265compatible with • DN80 PN10-40• ANSI3" 150lbs• JIS 10K 80A• DN100 PN10-40• ANSI 4" 150lbs• JIS 10K 100A• DN150 PN10-40• ANSI 6"150lbs• JIS 10K 150AMaterial EPDMProcess pressure –0.1 to 0.1 bar (–1.45 to 1.45 psi)Process temperature –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)D 142 mm (5.59 in) 162 mm (6.38 in) 218 mm (8.58 in)d 89 mm (3.5 in) 115 mm (4.53 in) 169 mm (6.65 in)h 22 mm (0.87 in) 23.5 mm (0.93 in) 26.5 mm (1.04 in)hmin 14 mm (0.55 in) 14 mm (0.55 in) 14 mm (0.55 in)hmax 30 mm (1.18 in) 33 mm (1.3 in) 39 mm (1.45 in)
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 71Accessory DescriptionMounting bracket for wallor ceiling mounting ofFMR50/FMR56mm (in)AB162.5 (6.4)205 (8.07)  A0017746å 26 Mounting bracket for FMR50/FMR56 with horn antennaAMounting at ceilingB Mounting at wallMaterial– Mounting bracket: 304 (1.4301)– Screws: A2– Nordlock washer: A4Accessory DescriptionInstallation bracket forFMR50400 (15.7) 120 (4.72)120 (4.72)30 (1.18)250 (9.84)Gø16 (0.63)3 (0.12) mm (in)  A0019206•Material: 316Ti (1.4571)•Suited for antenna version 1):BM: Horn 40mm (1½"), PVDF encapsulated, -40...130°C (-40...266°F)•Suited for process connection 2):– GGF: Thread ISO228 G1½, PVDF– RGF: Thread ANSI MNPT1½, PVDFThe mounting bracket has no conductive connection to the transmitter housing.Danger of electrostatic charging.Connect the mounting bracket to the local potential equalization system.1) Feature 070 of the product structure2) Feature 100 of the product structure
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5072 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserAccessory DescriptionRemote display FHX50  A0019128• Material:– Plastics PBT– 316L (in preparation)• Suitable for the display modules:– SD02 (push buttons)– SD03 (touch control) (in preparation)• Connection cable:– Cable with M12 plug; supplied with the FHX50; up to 30 m (98 ft)– Customer supplied standard cable; up to 60 m (196 ft)• If the remote display is to be used, the Micropilot must be ordered in the version "Prepared for display FHX50" (feature030, option L or M). For the FHX50, on the other hand, the option A: "Prepared for display FHX50" has to be selected infeature 050: "Option Measurement Device".• If a Micropilot has not been ordered in the version "Prepared for display FHX50", but is nevertheless to be equipped withan FHX50, it is essential to select the option B: "Not prepared for display FHX50" in feature 050: "Option MeasurementDevice" of the FHX50. In this case, a retrofit kit, needed to prepare the Micropilot for the remote display, is suppliedtogether with the FHX50.For details refer to the document SD01007F.Communication-specificaccessoriesAccessory DescriptionCommubox FXA195 HART For intrinsically safe HART communication with FieldCare via the USB interface.For details refer to Technical Information TI00404FAccessory DescriptionCommubox FXA291 Connects Endress+Hauser field devices with CDI interface (= Endress+Hauser CommonData Interface) to the USB interface of a computer.For details refer to Technical Information TI00405CAccessory DescriptionHART Loop ConverterHMX50Evaluates the dynamic HART variables and converts them to analog current signals orlimit values.For details refer to Technical Information TI00429F and Operating InstructionsBA00371F
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 73Accessory DescriptionWirelessHART AdapterSWA70Connects field devices to a WirelessHART network.The WirelessHART adapter can be mounted directly at a HART device and is easlyintegrated into an existing HART network. It ensures safe data transmission and can beoperated in parallel with other wireless networks.For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00061SAccessory DescriptionFieldgate FXA320 Gateway for remote monitoring of connected 4-20mA measuring devices via webbrowser.For details refer to Technical Information TI00025S and Operating InstructionsBA00053SAccessory DescriptionFieldgate FXA520 Gateway for remote diagnosis and parametrization of connected HART measuring devicesvia web browser.For details refer to Technical Information TI00025S and Operating InstructionsBA00051SAccessory DescriptionField Xpert SFX100 Compact, flexible and robust industry handheld terminal for remote parametrization andmeasured value inspection via the HART output or via FOUNDATION Fieldbus .For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00060SService-specific accessories Accessory DescriptionFieldCare Endress+Hauser's FDT-based Plant Asset Management tool.Helps to configure and maintain all field devices of your plant. By supplying statusinformation it also supports the diagnosis of the devices.For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00027S and BA00059S.System components Accessory DescriptionGraphic Data ManagerMemograph MThe graphic data manager Memograph M provides information on all the relevant processvariables. Measured values are recorded correctly, limit values are monitored andmeasuring points analyzed. The data are stored in the 256 MB internal memory and alsoon an SD card or USB stick.For details refer to Technical Information TI00133R and Operating InstructionsBA00247RRN221N Active barrier with power supply for safe separation of 4 to 20 mA current circuits.Provides bi-directional HART transmission.For details refer to Technical Information TI00073R and Operating InstructionsBA00202RRNS221 Transmitter supply for 2-wire sensors or transmitters exclusively for non-Ex areas.Provides bi-directional communication using the HART communication sockets.For details refer to Technical Information TI00081R and Operating InstructionsKA00110R
DRAFTMicropilot FMR5074 V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 Endress+HauserDocumentationThe following document types are available:• On the CD supplied with the device•In the Download Area of the Endress+Hauser Internet site: www.endress.com ® DownloadStandard documentation Micropilot FMR50Correlation of documentations to the device:Device Power supply,outputCommunikation Document type Document codeFMR50 A, B, C, K, L HART Operating Instructions BA01045F/00/ENBrief Operating Instructions KA01099F/00/ENDescription of Device Parameters GP01014F/00/ENG PROFIBUS PA(in preparation)Operating Instructions BA01124F/00/ENBrief Operating Instructions KA01128F/00/ENDescription of Device Parameters GP01018F/00/ENE FOUNDATION Fieldbus(in preparation)Operating Instructions BA01120F/00/ENBrief Operating Instructions KA01124F/00/ENDescription of Device Parameters GP01017F/00/ENSupplementarydocumentationDevice Document type Document codeFieldgate FXA520 Technical Information TI369F/00/ENTank Side Monitor NRF590 Technical Information TI402F/00/ENOperating Instructions BA256F/00/ENDescription of Device Parameters BA257F/00/ENSafety Instructions (XA) Depending on the approval, the following Safety Instructions (XA) are supplied with the device. They are anintegral part of the Operating Instructions.Feature 010 Approval Available for Safety Instructions HART Safety InstructionsPROFIBUSFOUNDATION FieldbusBA ATEX: II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga FMR50 XA00677F XA00685FBB ATEX: II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gb FMR50 XA00677F XA00685FBC ATEX: II 1/2 G Ex d [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gb FMR50 XA00680F XA00688FBG ATEX: II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6-T1 Gc FMR50 XA00679F XA00687FBH ATEX: II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6-T1 Gc FMR50 XA00679F XA00687FB2 ATEX: II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbATEX: II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC Txx°C Da/DbFMR50 XA00683F XA00691FB3 ATEX: II 1/2 G Ex d [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbATEX: II 1/2 D Ex ta IIIC Txx°C Da/DbFMR50 XA00684F XA00692FB4 ATEX:II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbATEX: II 1/2 G Ex d [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbFMR50 XA00681F XA00689FIA IECEx: Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga FMR50 XA00677F XA00685FIB IECEx: Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gb FMR50 XA00677F XA00685FIC IECEx: Ex d [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gb FMR50 XA00680F XA00688FIG IECEx: Ex nA IIC T6-T1 Gc FMR50 XA00679F XA00687FIH IECEx: Ex ic IIC T6-T1 Gc FMR50 XA00679F XA00687F
DRAFTMicropilot FMR50Endress+Hauser V. 1, Rev. 6, 4-10-2012 75Feature 010 Approval Available for Safety Instructions HART Safety InstructionsPROFIBUSFOUNDATION FieldbusI2 IECEx: Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbIECEx: Ex ia IIIC Txx°C Da/DbFMR50 XA00683F XA00691FI3 IECEx: Ex d [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbIEXEx: Ex ta IIIC Txx°C Da/DbFMR50 XA00684F XA00692FI4 IECEx: Ex ia IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbIECEx: Ex d [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/GbFMR50 XA00681F XA00689FFor certified devices the relevant Safety Instructions (XA) are indicated on the nameplate.If the device is prepared for the remote display FHX50 (product structure: feature 030: Display, Operation",option L or M), the Ex marking of some certificates changes according to the following table 8):Feature 010 ("Approval") Feature 030 ("Display, Operation") Ex markingBG L oder M ATEX II 3G Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T6 GcBH L oder M ATEX II 3G Ex ic [ia Ga] IIC T6 GcB3 L oder M ATEX II 1/2G Ex d [ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb,ATEX II 1/2D Ex ta [ia Db] IIIC Txx°C Da/DbIG L oder M IECEx Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T6 GcIH L oder M IECEx Ex ic [ia Ga] IIC T6 GcI3 L oder M IECEx Ex d [ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb,IECEx Ex ta [ia Db] IIIC Txx°C Da/DbRegistered trademarksHARTÒRegistered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation, Austin, USAPROFIBUSÒRegistered trademark of the PROFIBUS User Organization, Karlsruhe, GermanyFOUNDATIONTM FieldbusRegistered trademark of the Fieldbus Foundation, Austin, Texas, USAKALREZÒ, VITONÒRegistered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers L.L.C., Wilmington, USATEFLONÒRegistered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, USATRI CLAMPÒRegistered trademark of Alfa Laval Inc., Kenosha, USAPatentsThis product may be protected by at least one of the following patents.Further patents are pending.US Patents EP Patents5.948.979 882 9576.087.978 955 5278) The marking of certificates not mentioned in this table are not affected by the FHX50.
DRAFTUS Patents EP Patents6.140.940 -6.155.112 834 722- 882 9556.266.022 1 083 4136.295.874 210 5676.512.358 1 301 9146.606.904 -6.640.628 -6.679.115 1 360 523- 1 389 3376.779.397 -7.201.050 -7.412.337 -7.552.634 -7.730.760 -7.819.002 -- 1 774 6167.966.141 -8.040.274 -8.049.371 -Instruments InternationalEndress+HauserInstruments International AGKaegenstrasse 24153 ReinachSwitzerlandTel.+41 61 715 81 00Fax+41 61 715 25 00www.endress.cominfo@ii.endress.comTI01039F/00/EN/01.1271162666CCS/EH-COSIMA ProMoDo

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