Elettronika S r l TXUP2000 2 kW Analog TV Broadcast transmitter User Manual APT088A AUTV 2000LD Rev0 Date170203 p65

Elettronika S.r.l. 2 kW Analog TV Broadcast transmitter APT088A AUTV 2000LD Rev0 Date170203 p65


User Manual Part 2

59_______________________________________________________________________________________________Section 2 - InstallationContents:2.1 Operating environment2.2 Preliminary operations2.3 Telemeasuring socket connections2.4 RS232 and RS485 socket connections2.5 SCH0005AR1 Calibration procedure2.6 Preventive maintenance- Front panel- Rear panel
602.1 OPERATING ENVIRONMENTYou can install the apparatus in a standard component rack or on a suitable surface such as a bench ordesk. In any case, the area should be as clean and well-ventilated as possible. Always allow for at least2 cm of clearance under the unit for ventilation. If you set the apparatus on a flat surface, install spacerson the bottom cover plate. If you install the apparatus in a rack, provide adequate clearance above andbelow. Do not locate the apparatus directly above a hot piece of equipment.2.2 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONSCorrect installation of the equipment is important for maximum performance and reliability. Antennaand earth connections must be installed with the greatest care. The equipment adjustment isn’t need,because the unit is completely adjusted by our technical staff. This is the installation procedure:1. connect the power supply cable of the transmitter to the auxiliary socket on the rear panel of theamplifier;2. connect the power supply cable of the amplifier to the electric network (230VAC). If there is the IsolatorTransformer, the amplifier is provided with cable and plug;3. connect the exciter / antenna cable to the RF IN and RF OUT on the rear panel of the amplifier.WARNING!!!FOR ELECTRICAL SAFETY REASONS AND IN ORDER TO KEEP THE APPARATUS SAFE,THE GROUND TERMINAL OF THE APPARATUS MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE EX-ISTING GROUNDING SYSTEM AND NOT BY USING THE SHIELD OF THE OUTPUTCOAXIAL CABLE.1233
61When the apparatus is put within a combined system it is directly connected to the input splitting and outputcombining systems.Before fully powering the apparatus, check that the output connections of the coaxial cable to theantenna system are working.In order to this it is possible to check the indication of the reflected power at low power levels. Only ifthe SWR indication on the display is 0, the output power can be slowly increased. At maximum outputpower, some watts might be shown as reflected power.2.3 TELEMEASURING SOCKET CONNECTIONSThe following table summarizes the Telemeasuring pin connections.2.4 RS232 AND RS485 SOCKET CONNECTIONSThe connector DB25 may be configured as RS232 or RS485 socket, depending on the position of thejumpers on the board. In case it is used as RS232 socket, the jumpers JP3, JP4, JP5 and JP6 have to bepositioned towards the serigraphy “RS232”. If the jumpers JP1 and JP2 are placed in “N” position, thefollwing configuration is obtained:DB9 SocketPIN 23567820FUNCTIONS RxD TxD RTS 12V GND 12V 12VN° Pin SYGNAL TYPE IN/OUT FUNCTION1 Ground2 Logical Input 5V= On - 0V= Off3 Analog Output Dir Power4 Analog Output Ref Power5 Analog Output Unbalancing6 Analog Output Temperature7 Analog Output Alarm 5V= On - 0V= Off8N.C.9N.C.
62If the jumpers JP1 and JP2 are put in “M” position, the following configuration will be obtained:In order to use the connector as RS485 socket, the jumper JP3, JP4, JP5 and JP6 have to be positionedtowards the serigraphy “RS485”. In this way, the following configuration will be obtained:2.5 SCH0005AR1 CALIBRATION PROCEDUREWARNING: this procedure is very delicate, so be VERY CAREFUL in order to avoid damagingthe equipment !!!First of all turn on the equipment with the correct antenna connection, and then perform the following steps:- Power supply voltages and currents calibrationMeasure with a tester the voltage Vdr1 on the power supply of the first driver transistor without loading thepower supply (this can be done by disconnecting the six supply wires from the RF power modules). Verifythat it is 29V. Then take the calibration load (consisting of five 47Ω/20W resistors connected in parallel) andconnect it between the positive power supply terminal (corresponding to Vdr1) and ground. Turn the trimmerR1 until you read on the display Vdr1 equal to the value measured before with the tester. Then turn thetrimmer R22 until you read on the display Idr1 = 3.1A.Repeat the procedure above for the power supply of the second driver stage: measure with the tester thevoltage Vdr2 and turn the trimmer R3 and R27 until you read on the display the correct values.Measure with a tester the voltage V1 on the power supply of the first final power transistor. Verify that it isPIN 23456720FUNCTIONS TxD RxD RTS CTS 12V GND 12VPIN 23456720FUNCTIONS Rx+ RX- TX- TX+ 12V GND 12V
63around 32V. Then take the calibration load and connect it between the positive power supply terminal(corresponding to V1) and ground. Turn the trimmer R5 until you read on the display V1 equal to the valuemeasured before with the tester. Then turn the trimmer R33 until you read on the display Idr1 = 3.4A.Repeat the procedure above for the power supplies of the remaining three power transistors: measure withthe tester the voltages V2-V3-V4 and turn the trimmers R7-R9-R11 until you read on the display the correctvalues measured.To calibrate the remaining currents readings, you have to connect the calibration load to the other three powersupplies (not all together, but one at a time!) and then turn the trimmers R39-R45-R51 until you read on thedisplay I2=I3=I4= 3.4A.- Temperature calibrationMeasure with a tester the voltage of the OUT pin of the integrated temperature sensor mounted on the heatdissipating element. Than perform the operation explained in this example:- voltage measured (for example) = 2.93V- fixed number = 2.73- perform subtraction: 2.93-2.73 = 0.20If you get a result of 0.20, it means that the temperature is 20°C, so you have to turn the trimmer R102 untilyou read TEMP = 20°C.- Forward power calibrationDisconnect the antenna and connect a wattmeter (with a suitable dummy load!) to the antenna connector. Putthe cover on the amplifier module and then give power to the equipment until you read 1000W on thewattmeter. Then turn the trimmer R96 until you read FWD = 1000W (approximately).- Reflected power calibrationTo perform the reflected power calibration just disconnect the REF SMB (J6) and the FWD SMB (J7)connectors from the control board and connect the forward power reading cable to J6 (REF). Give 50W offorward power to the equipment and turn the R97 trimmer until you read on the display REF = 50W.Note: When you have completed this calibration be sure to restore the original connections on thecontrol board!
64To ensure the best reliability for the board operations it is advisable that you turn the unused trimmers (thosecorresponding to the unused readings connectors)  counterclockwise until they reach the zero position (youwill hear a click).2.6 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCETo ensure maximum performance and minimum repair trouble, we strongly recommend you to follow thebelow stated headlines for preventive maintenance:1. check antenna installation and ground connection at regular intervals;2. keep your apparatus clean and dry externally: this will ensure continuous functioning of the front panelcontrols;3. if the apparatus has not been used for a long period of time combined with exposure to extreme environ-mental conditions, open the unit and make a visual inspection.Remove salt, water or ice with a moist cloth before turning the apparatus on. Check that the cooling fans arerunning freely.4. for general maintenance and top performance, call an authorized service technician to give the apparatusand the complete antenna/earth connection installation a general check every 12-18 months;5. check at regular intervals that the air intake located on the front panel is free of dust. If there is visible dust,remove it by means of a soft brush.
65Front panelDESCRIPTION1 LCD Display2 Function keys3Main switch123
66Rear panel1If there is the Isolator Transformer, theamplifier is provided with cable and plug.2345 6 798*DESCRIPTION1 Breaker2 Power supply socket3 Driver supply4Fuse5I2C BUS Socket6 RS232 Socket7 Telemeasuring socket8 RF Input connector9 RF Output connector
67_______________________________________________________________________________________________Section 3 - DiagramContents:- Cable diagrams- SCH0005AR1 (Protection board)- SCH0004AR0 (Relay board)- PN502 (Display board)- MTF0050AR0 (1kW LDMOS Power mdoule)- SP500-27/48 (Switching power supply)- 06641 (UHF Band-pass filter)
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71Part Name Code Description QtyMTF0050AR0 MODULO 1kW UHF LDMOS 116009 SCHEDA DISPLAY x 1kW FM A MOSFET 1SCH0005AR1 SCHEDA CONDIZ. PROTEZ. PIC PN624AR2 1SCH0004AR0 SCHEDA UNITÀ 8 RELAYS PN637A 1E0012 ALIM. SWITCHING SP-500-27 607522 INTERRUTTORE LUM. cod. I 4715 107541 PORTAFUS. 10A PANN. cod. P1820 302830 PRESA VDE 10A cod. PX675 A63 1Z0081 TAV... SUPPOR. GUIDA DIN INT. MAG. 107527 INTERR. MAGNETOTERM. 25A cod. 23867 1Z0021 TAV. 635/A TOND. OTT. x INT. MAGNET. 203065 PORTALED 5mm INNESTO A VITE 443.1613 103060 LED VERDE DIAM. 5mm 109546 TOR. P. 110/220 S.24V 1.5A 16/0/16 1A 102518 R114082000 PRESA SMB x RG174 308500 CAVO RG174 50Ω402876 PRESA VOLANTE ILME 16A PENTAPOLARE 3mt 102877 SPINA A PANNELLO ILME 16A PENTAPOLARE 102228 GE 15145 D/60 NF A VITONE 102502 J01150A0041 SMA x RG58/c 108503 CABLE RG303 50Ω1,40V0962 MORSETTIERA/GIUNZIONE ELECO E806 207925 PROTEZIONE IN GOMMA PVC PG 075 1V0970 MORSETTIERA/EQUIPOTENZIALE 44672 207605C VENTOLA D2E097-CB01-02 307605D COND. 1,5uF 400V 3FUS8A FUSIBILI 8A 5x20 RITARDATI CT520280 1FUS5A FUSIBILI 5A 5x20 RITARDATI ST520250 1FUS02A FUSIBILI 2A 5x20 RITARDATI ST520220 1CON0109 CON0109R1 LAT. 6U SX PROF. 755 x 1kW LDMOS 1CON0110 CON0110R1 LAT. 6U DX PROF. 755 x 1kW LDMOS 1CON0014 CON0014R5 POSTERIORE 6U 1.5kW FM ZN 105861 PANN. 6U TAV. 970/A AMPL. FM GRIGIO 105553B KIT MANIGLIE 5-6U cod. 235.013 2Z0673 TAV. 1199 CHIUS. CONT. PROF. 775 ZN 2CON0015 CON0015R5 CONVOGLIATORE 1.5kW FM ZN 1DET0135 DET0135R0 SUPPORTO SCHEDA PN624 1DET0516 DET0516R0 SUPPORTO PRESE ZN 1DET0513 DET0513R0 SUPPORTO COND. VENTOLE 1DET0514 DET0514R0 ANGOLARE x VENTOLE 1DET0515 DET0515R1 PART. FISSAGGIO VENTOLE 6CON0111 CON0111R0 SOSTEGNO VENTOLE ZN 1DET0575 DET0575R1 BARRA FISSAGGIO ALIM. SP500 6SCH0168AR1 PATCH PER PN0624A 1Component list APT084ASF - AUTV/1000LD
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73PROTECTION BOARD SCH0005AR1DESCRIPTION(Stand-alone configuration)The SCH0005AR1 board is a mi-croprocessor-based board de-signed to perform all the controlfunctions inside the amplifier mod-ule.Both RF and power supply param-eters are continuously monitored inorder to guarantee optimal perform-ance in every working environ-ment.The board checks the power sup-ply voltages and currents, the work-ing temperature of the power mod-ules, the forward and the reflectedRF power of the amplifier.Various alarm conditions can bedetected by the board due to pos-sible electrical failures during nor-mal operation of the amplifier mod-ule.The board automatically turns offthe amplifier or part of it when ab-normal parameters are detected andrestores the initial working condi-tions if all the parameters return toallowed values. The board is alsoequipped with a serial port connector which, in a near future, will allow the remote control operationthrough a local PC or a modem connection.
78COMPONENT LIST SCH0005AR1Part Name/Number       Description                      Qty.   Comps. Page 1/4BATT BH-001RB 03093    BATTERY HOLDER                   1      BATT1BZ AI-155 03705        5VDC BUZZER                      1      BZ1CC 100nF-S 01065B      Y5V 1206 COND                    35     C23-30                                                               C35                                                               C42                                                               C44                                                               C49                                                               C51-54                                                               C61                                                               C65-67                                                               C72                                                               C83                                                               C85-88                                                               C92                                                               C94-95                                                               C97                                                               C99-103CC 15pF-S 01088        SMD 1206 COND                    2      C73                                                               C98CC 1nF-S 01096         SMD 1206 COND                    44     C1-22                                                               C31-34                                                               C36-38                                                               C41                                                               C43                                                               C45-47                                                               C50                                                               C55-58                                                               C60                                                               C64                                                               C68                                                               C82                                                               C84CE 10uF35V-S 01778A    ELETTR SMD COND                  17     C39-40                                                               C48                                                               C59                                                               C62-63                                                               C69-71                                                               C74-81CE 1uF50V-S 01763A     ELETTR SMD COND                  5      C89-91                                                               C93                                                               C96D 1N4148-S 03002       SMD DIODE                        9      D1-9DL LEDR3 03058         RED LED DIODE 3mm                3      DL1-3
79Part Name/Number       Description                      Qty.   Comps. Page 2/4DZ 5V1-S 03128         SMD ZENER DIODE                  15     DZ1-15IC 24LC64 04815        SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                1      IC14IC 82B715-S 04734A     SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                1      IC8IC CD4053BC-S 04710A   SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                4      IC9-12IC LM324M-S 04658A     SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                5      IC1-5IC MAX232-S 04804B     SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                1      IC13IC MAX3080-S 04770     SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                1      IC6IC MK41T56 04611       SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                1      IC15IC PIC17C75X 04807A    SMD INTEG CIRCUIT                1      IC7IND 3u9H-S 05030       INDUCTOR                         1      L1IND CBD8 05072         INDUCTOR                         1      L2J DB25-90G 02688       PCB CONNECTOR                    1      J15J DB9-90G 02797        PCB CONNECTOR                    2      J14                                                               J16J FC-16P 02701-02700   PCB CONNECTOR POL                1      J13J FC-20P 02868-02867   PCB CONNECTOR POL                1      J12J PAN8 02716-17-18     PCB CONNECTOR                    2      J1                                                               J9J SCREWCONN2 02853     PCB SCREW CONNECTOR              2      J10-11J SMB-PCB 02516        PCB CONNECTOR                    7      J2-8JU JUMP2 02739-02742   MASCHIO PAN2                     1      JP7JU JUMP3 02707-02742   MASCHIO PAN3                     6      JP1-6R 100K-S 00065A        RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             8      R2                                                               R4                                                               R6                                                               R8                                                               R10                                                               R12                                                               R14                                                               R16R 10K-S 00053A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             38     R17-18                                                               R25-26                                                               R31-32                                                               R37-38                                                               R43-44                                                               R49-50                                                               R55-56                                                               R61-62                                                               R65                                                               R69                                                               R72                                                               R75                                                               R78                                                               R81                                                               R83
80Part Name/Number       Description                      Qty.   Comps. Page 3/4                                                               R85                                                               R88-90                                                               R93                                                               R110-114                                                               R116-117                                                               R120-122R 120R-S 00030A        RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             1      R108R 12K-S 00054A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             1      R95R 15K-S 00055A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             2      R84                                                               R94R 1K0-S 00041A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             20     R21                                                               R28                                                               R34                                                               R40                                                               R46                                                               R52                                                               R58                                                               R64                                                               R67                                                               R70                                                               R73                                                               R76                                                               R79                                                               R82                                                               R87                                                               R91                                                               R103-105                                                               R107R 220R-S 00033A        RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             1      R106R 22K-S 00057A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             6      R66                                                               R68                                                               R71                                                               R74                                                               R77                                                               R80R 330R-S 00035B        RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             2      R118-119R 47K-S 00061A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             2      R92                                                               R109R 4K7-S 00049A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             1      R115R 82K-S 00064A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             16     R19-20                                                               R23-24                                                               R29-30                                                               R35-36                                                               R41-42                                                               R47-48
81Part Name/Number       Description                      Qty.   Comps. Page 4/4                                                               R53-54                                                               R59-60R 8K2-S 00052A         RES 1/4W 5% SMD 1206             1      R86RL FINDER30.22 07564   RELE                             1      RLY1RV 10K-3266W 00810     VARIABLE RESISTOR                16     R1                                                               R3                                                               R5                                                               R7                                                               R9                                                               R11                                                               R13                                                               R15                                                               R22                                                               R27                                                               R33                                                               R39                                                               R45                                                               R51                                                               R57                                                               R63RV 1M-3266W 00811      VARIABLE RESISTOR                6      R96-101RV 5K-3266W 00809      VARIABLE RESISTOR                1      R102SW SWITCH-4DIP 07531   PCB DIP SWITCH                   1      SW1TR BC848 03457         NPN SMD TRANSISTOR               1      TR1XTAL 32.768k-S 05146   QUARTZ                           1      XTAL2XTAL 32MHz-S 05291     QUARTZ                           1      XTAL1
82RELÈ BOARD SCH0004AR0Component layout SCH0004AR0Note: solder the two terminals of JP1 connector.
85COMPONENT LIST SCH0004AR0Part Name/Number       Description                      Qty.   Comps. Page 1/2CC 100nF 01065         CERAMIC COND                     11     C1-11CC 2nF2 2kV 01045A     CERAMIC COND                     10     C19-28CE 1000uF63V 01811     ELETT. COND.                     3      C16-18CE 10uF63V 01779       ELETT. COND.                     4      C12-15D 1N4148 03001         DIODE                            11     D1-11DB KBL04 03042         BRIDGE DIODE                     2      PT1-2DL LEDR3 03058         RED LED DIODE 3mm                10     DL1-10IC 7805 04315          VOLTAGE REGULATOR                1      IC3IC 7812 04321          VOLTAGE REGULATOR                1      IC1IC 7824 04331          VOLTAGE REGULATOR                1      IC5IC 7912 04322          VOLTAGE REGULATOR                1      IC2J FC-20P 02868-02867   PCB CONNECTOR POL                1      J13J SCREWCONN2 02853     PCB SCREW CONNECTOR              11     J2-12J SCREWCONN3 02860     PCB SCREW CONNECTOR              1      J1JU JUMP2 02739-02742   MASCHIO PAN2                     1      JP1R 10K 0053             RES 1/4W 5%                      20     R1-2                                                               R6-7                                                               R10-11                                                               R14-15                                                               R18-19                                                               R22-23                                                               R26-27                                                               R30-31                                                               R34-35                                                               R39-40R 1K0 0041             RES 1/4W 5%                      10     R4                                                               R8                                                               R12                                                               R16                                                               R20                                                               R24                                                               R28                                                               R32                                                               R36                                                               R38R 4K7 0049             RES 1/4W 5%                      10     R3                                                               R5                                                               R9                                                               R13                                                               R17                                                               R21                                                               R25                                                               R29
86Part Name/Number       Description                      Qty.   Comps. Page 2/2                                                               R33                                                               R37RL 40.31.12 07567      RELE                             10     RLY1-10TR BC548 03423         NPN TRANSISTOR                   10     TR1                                                               TR3                                                               TR5                                                               TR7                                                               TR9                                                               TR11                                                               TR13                                                               TR15                                                               TR17                                                               TR19TR BD137 03408         NPN TRANSISTOR                   10     TR2                                                               TR4                                                               TR6                                                               TR8                                                               TR10                                                               TR12                                                               TR14                                                               TR16                                                               TR18                                                               TR20
87Component layout PN502DISPLAY BOARD      pn502DESCRIPTIONThe display board, PN502, is used to display the main operating parameters of the amplifier module.The two keys on the right of the LCD display are used to scroll the list of parameters which can bedisplayed. These parameters are:1. Temperature (TEMP)2. Direct Power (FWD PWR)3. Reflected Power (REF PWR)4. Max 6 Power supply voltages (V1...V6)5. Max 6 Power supply currents (I1...I6)6. Max 4 Unbalancing powers (UNB1...UNB4)Depending on the apparatus in which the board is, the parameters 4, 5 and 6 may be less than the oneslisted. The first line of the display shows the type of amplifier or the number of the amplifier module,referring to the whole apparatus, if this is composed by more than one amplifier. It also shows alarmconditions, if any, inside the amplifier module. If the amplifier module is turned off by a protectiondevice, the first line displays “AMPLIFIER OFF”.
89COMPONENT LIST pn502REFER.                DESCRIPTION                                    ELETTRONIKA CODER1 10kΩ 1/4W RESISTOR                             00053R2 10kΩ 1/4W RESISTOR                             00053R3 10Ω 1/2W RESISTOR                               00127R4 470Ω 1/4W RESISTOR                             00037C1 4.7uF 35V ELECTROL. CAPACITOR      01775Q1-A DISPLAY                                   03072BPN502 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD       09502
901kW LDMOS POWER MODULE MTF0050AR0DESCRIPTIONThe 1000W output power PEP ampli-fier module has been realized by cou-pling four 250W Video power modules.A 4-way Wilkinson coupler, completelybalanced by means of power resistors,has been used in output. This way anexcellent de-coupling between the am-plifier is obtained, as well as the possi-bility to work even with only one ac-tive module. The high extension of theIV/V UHF band and the presence ofparasitic capabilities towards ground,along with the resistors, required an ac-curate design of the couple which hasbeen possible thanks to the use of so-phisticated simulation software. Themodule also has two 40W class A driv-ers realized with LDMOS technology,one for each couple of final modules.All the amplification chain is then real-ized LDMOS technology. The high gain of the output stages allows to drive them with class A drivers,thus giving the module high linearity characteristics, which can be especially appreciated in DVB-Tapplications. The module is completed by two directional couplers for the reading of Forward andReflected power. Besides the by-pass capacitors by TUSONIX used on power supply allow an excel-lent de-coupling with RF stages.TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICSOutput power 1000W Sync. PeakFrequency 470 - 860MHzInput impedance 50ΩInput R.L. 15dB minOutput impedance 50ΩPower Supply 32V Power module and 29V Driver moduleSmall signal gain with 5dB/div.                                                       REF  10.7 dBm     ATT 20  dB          MKR      860.0 MHz 5 dB/                                         -0.15 dBmP:-->T                                MARKER                                                  860.0 MHz                                                 - 0. 1 5 dBm                    RBW             1 MHz                           VBW             300 kHz                                       DL                - 24. 30 dBm    SWP 50 ms      SPAN 500 MHz              CENTER 670 MHz         470MHz 860MHz
93COMPONENT LIST MTF0050AR0REFER. TYPE    ELETTRONIKA CODER1 100Ω 20W RESISTOR 00444R2 100Ω 20W RESISTOR 00444R3 100Ω 20W RESISTOR 00444R4 100Ω 150W RESISTOR 00428R5 100Ω 150W RESISTOR 00428R6 100Ω 250W RESISTOR 00429R7 82Ω 1206 SMD RESISTOR 00028AR8 82Ω 1206 SMD RESISTOR 00028AC1 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C2 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C3 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C4 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C5 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C6 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C7 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C8 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C9 1nF Feed-Thru TUSONIX CAPACITOR 01400C10 1nF 1206 SMD CAPACITOR 01096C11 1nF 1206 SMD CAPACITOR 01096C12 1nF 1206 SMD CAPACITOR 01096C13 1nF 1206 SMD CAPACITOR 01096A1 UHF 40W Class A LDMOS Driver M. SCH0052AR0A2 UHF 40W Class A LDMOS Driver M. SCH0052AR0A3 UHF LDMOS Power Module 04900A4 UHF LDMOS Power Module 04900A5 UHF LDMOS Power Module 04900A6 UHF LDMOS Power Module 04900D1 HSMS-2800 DIODE 03207D2 HSMS-2800 DIODE 03207IC1 LM335 TEMPERATURE SENSOR 00663
94SPECIFICATIONMODEL SP-500-27 SP-500-48DC Output Voltage 27Vdc 48VdcOutput Rated Current 18A 10AOutput Current Range 0-18A 0-10ARipple & Noise (p-p) 200mVp-p 240mVp-pDC Output Power 486W 480WEfficiency 87% 87%DC Voltage Adj. 24-30V 41-56VOver V. Protection 31V-36.5V 57.6V-67.2VInput Voltage Range 88-264VacInput Frequency 47-63HzPower Factor 0.95/100-240VacOverload Protection 105%-135%Type: Foldback current limitingRecovery: AutoOver Temp. Protection > =70°C Output ShutdownFan Control Temp. > =60°C Fan On  < =50°C Fan OffWorking Temp., Humidity -10°C/+50°C, 20%-90% RHDimension 185x120x93Weight 1.8Kg.SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY   SP500-27/48
96D9202D9202/1KV331/1KV47124V27V48V27/1W22/1W TR130TR131221/1KV D920239/1W TR13215V /500VMODEL222222/50 0V/50 0V12V13.5V222C71,72SP-500B DIFFERENT COMPONENT:PART NO. L51R80,81 D60,6162C25P06QC25P06Q10/1W10/1WTR12915/1W D9202TR127TR1271K/35V1000u/35V1000u/35V1K1K220220/2W/2W270/2W 1000uV-CCN2R86C73,7475R82,83 C80R95R941u/50V1u/50V1K81K510K6K810K 1K5 1u/50V3K3/2W /1/2W/63V 6K8220u1000u/35V/50V470u680/2W/2W1K 2K22K2 20K24K2K2K1u/50V224/100V1K536K /1 00V224104/100VC601N4148D54C55 102/50VC561u/50V1N4148D53R715K1103/50VC571KR73330R72MOC3022U51:21MR69100R56680R57R7475K22KR70C54 103/50VR6724K87654321U553845C58R68 1KR66471/100VC6168KR65C59471/1KVC6568P/50V0.82/2W R64100u/35VC620.22/2WR630.22/2WR62D55HER104R611R15 /1/2WR60 C63222/500V174HER204D75HER204D69222/500VC8722/1/2WR11216      18518V/1WZD515K1R585.1R592SK1358Q52DGS2SK1358Q5151R115PC123U53:AA1020Q5468KR892SC1815Q562K R11122R91 1N4148D64RC5K1 R117R1162KC88103/50VC93105/50VDR005L5247u/50VC861u/50VC855.1V/1WZD5551/2WR110CN51:A2.2/1/2WR109FAN787812RG51C2120Q55100R10633V/1W12V/1W18V/1W12.9V15V/1W18V/1W15V/1WTF403TF402J2,J3TF404910910820J1,J2 J3J1,J2 J333V/1W27V/1WJ3,J4J1,J2TF400TF407J1,J2J3,J4J3,J4J1,J21K2 TF4011K2910C101222/250VAC10mmR87 1.40T51 ZD53ZD52 ZD54C102222/250VACJUMP18V/1W JUMPJUMPJUMP16.1V12.9VJUMPJUMP1K 51K 88K210K6K81K 85.4V5.4V5.4VR84 R50HER104D76560/1/2WR120ZD6047u/50VC8347u/50VC84C92XXX16.1V10.6V10.6V 6K810K1K 21K 1XX221/1KV820 10K200K/1WR52200K/1WR51R49JUMP104/630VC6415/1/2WR54B104/100VC53PC123U52:BCN2PC123U53:BV- T-T+1N4148D522SC2655Q535.1R55327100/2WR539C51100P/2KVV+ C71D60:AHER308D51BDR8013-158D62:AD61:AT51:DBD510-12C52103/2KVD60:BR81D61:BD62:BC73BDBDC72R82R838910L51:A104/100VC79-+LM324U54:CJUM PD70R84R50R881KSVR2JUMPZD52J3J4LE D 1R8710R93TB1:AZD541KR90ZD 53C74C75J2J1ZD60HER203D63104/100VC76R86473/630VC77+VTB1:BTB1:F473/630VC78-V+SRC-820R105104/100VC81820R1046K8R103103/50VC821.5KR1027145231N4148D681N4148D67 -+LM324U54:A15KR1083K9R1001N4148D65-+LM324U54:B1N4148D661KR107CN4:A6113K9R1012.2u/50VC9110R96C92CARTL431SHR1C90PC123U52:AC801KR921KSVR1TB1:HR94R95U51:1MOC3022-SRTRTH25KR+R-
97COMPONENT LIST SP-500-27-CSPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY POSITIONCASE 910-D-R3 1CASE 910-T-R3 1 11208PTB1;L;20cm+TUBE/TYPE:B; 1 CASEPIN KS-1 3 +S+V  -S-V  G-RCMYLAR FILM 910-R1 2BOX PS-300    194x127x103mm 1 1SCREW   P   3x6         ISO NI 4 PCBA  PCBBSCREW   F    5.0x12  TP1 NI 2 FANSCREW   F    3x6       TP2 NI 5 CASELABEL  UP  SP-500-27-R2 1LABEL  INDCON  UL E010-R2 FAN CONT. 1CARTON PS-300    1CUFT 1 8261x18mm 1 1 TB1327x18mm 1    TB2BOM FOR SP-500-27A    ON PCB 1R/C  1/4W  5.1Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R10, R11R/C   1/4W  100Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R26, R32R/C  1/4W  680Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R27R/C  1/4W  1kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R24R/C  1/4W  2.2kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R23, R25R/C  1/4W  5.1kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R12R/C  1/4W  10kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R16R/C  1/4W  270kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R29R/C  1/4W  330kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R30R/C  1/2W  5.1Ω  5%  T-52mm 1 R21R/C  1/2W  680kΩ  5%  T-52mm 1 R1R/MO  2W  51Ω  5% 1 R4R/MO  2W  30kΩ  5% 2 R17, R18R/M  1/4W  22kΩ  1%  T-52mm 1 R28R/M  1W  499kΩ  1%  MFR-1WS 4 R14, R15, R8,R9R/NW  2W  0.22Ω  5% 1 R6R/NW  2W  0.33Ω  5% 2 R5, R7R/FS  5W  10Ω  10%  T=130°C 1 R2NTC  5kΩ  10%  TSC-502 1 RTMOV  0.6W  470V  14  TNR15G471K 1 ZNR1C/Y2  221/250VAC  20%  P=7.5 AC 1 C32C/Y2  222/250VAC  20%  P=7.5 AC 3 C14, C3, C4C/Y2  472/250VAC  20%  P=7.5 AC 1 C16C/X2  104/250VAC  20%  P=15  KNB153X 1 C5C/X2  474/250VAC  20%  P=22  KNB153X 4 C1, C2, C17, C8C/M  104/63V  10%  P=5 1 C21C/M  104/100V  10%  P=5 1 C6C/M  474/50V  10%  P=5 1 C18
98SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY POSITIONC/C  221/1KV  10%  P=5  Y5P 1 C20C/C  471/1KV  10%  P=5  Y5P 1 C12C/ML  102/100V  5%  P=3 1 C11C/ML  472/100V  5%  P=3 1 C13C/ML  103/100V  5%  P=3 1 C67C/ML  473/100V  5%  P=5 1 C19C/E  150u/400V  85°C  22x30  HP3 3 C10, C26, C9C/E  2.2u/50V  105°C  5x11  KM 3 C22, C24, C25C/E  220u/25V  105°C  8x11.5  KM 1 C17C/E  470u/25V  105°C  10x16  MHA 1 C23RD  15/A/600V  GLASS  D15XB60 1 BD1RD  1A/50V  1N4001  T-52mm 1 D2RD  3A/600V  1N5406  DO-201 1 D9SFRD  HER104  1A/300V  T-52mm 4 D4, D6, D7, D8SFRD  RHRP1560  15A/600V  TO220 1 D1SBD  1N5819  1A/40V  T-52mm 1 D5HIGH-SPEED DIODE  1N4148  T-52mm 1 D3ZD  1/2W  8.9V  2%  9B3  T-52mm 1 ZD4BJT  2SA1020  -2A/50V  TO92M 1 Q3BJT  2SA562Y  -0.5A/-30V  TO92 1 Q8BJT  2SC1815GR  0.1A/40V  TO92 1 Q7BJT  2SC2655  2A/50V  TO92M 1 Q4FET  IRFP460  20A/500V  TO3P 2 Q1, Q2TRIAC  BTA16-600B  16A  TO220 1 TRC1CONTROL  LT1249CN8 1 U1TR134-R2  Ku130125x2 1 L1LF TF360  ET-28  3.12mH 2 LF1, LF2BEAD CORE BD-001A-M4S  RH3.5x3x1.5 5 C14F, D1A, Q1D,Q1G, Q2DBEAD CORE  BD-001A-M4S  RH3.5x3x1.5 1 Q2GFUSE  F10  L 250 5x20  G-  U  GFE 1 FS1FUSE  CLIP  5x20 2 FS1TB  DT-4C-B14W(1171)-07 1 TB1WAFER  8822-02  P=2.5 2 CN2, CN3WAFER  8822-04  P=2.5 1 CN4WAFER  JS-1120-03N2  UL  P=3.96 1 CN1WIRE 07#18  90mm  52Tx2 2 F-FHS  YS032W-048  71431W-048 2 HS1, HS3HS  YS032W-070B  71431W-070B 1 HS2MHS013-R1  SP-500 1 RTTO220-A  11.4x21.5x5.8 1 RTTO3P-A  17.5x28.5x5.9 1 RTCORE  MS-130125  HKH-130 2 L1PCB  SP-500A-R9  FR-4  2OZ  DS 1 PCBTW  3.0  NI 1 RT
99SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY POSITIONSCREW  P  3x8  ISO  NI 2 D1, TRC1SCREW  P  3x10  ISO  NI 3 BD1, Q1, Q2SCREW  P  3x6  TP2  ZN 6 HS1, HS2, HS3SCREW  P  3x16  TP2  ZN 1 RT10  1M (20mm) 20/100 RTBOM FOR SP-500-27B  ON PCB 1R/C  1/4W  1Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R61R/C  1/4W  5.1Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R55, R59R/C  1/4W  10Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R93, R96R/C  1/4W  22Ω  5%  HP=10 T-52mm 1 R91R/C  1/4W  51Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R115R/C  1/4W  100Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R106, R56R/C  1/4W  330Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R72R/C  1/4W  680Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R57R/C  1/4W  820Ω  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 3 R104, R105, R87R/C  1/4W  1kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 5 R107, R66, R73,R88, R90R/C  1/4W  1kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R92R/C  1/4W  1.1kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R84R/C  1/4W  1.5kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R102R/C  1/4W  2kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 3 R111, R116, R95R/C  1/4W  2.2kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R86R/C  1/4W  3.9kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R100, R101R/C  1/4W  5.1kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 3 R117, R58, R71R/C  1/4W  6.8kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R103, R50R/C  1/4W  15kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R108R/C  1/4W  22kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R70R/C  1/4W  24kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R94R/C  1/4W  68kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 2 R65, R89R/C  1/4W  75kΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R74R/C  1/4W  1MΩ  5%  HP=10  T-52mm 1 R69R/C  1/2W  2.2Ω  5%  T-52mm 1 R109R/C  1/2W  15Ω  5%  T-52mm 2 R54, R60R/C  1/2W  22Ω  5%  T-52mm 1 R112R/C  1/2W  560Ω  5%  T-52mm 1 R120R/C  1W  27Ω  5% 2 R80, R81R/C  1W  200kΩ  5%  CFR-1WS 2 R51, R52R/MO  2W  51Ω  5% 1 R110R/MO  2W  100Ω  5% 1 R53R/MO  2W  1kΩ  5% 2 R82, R83R/M  1/4W  24kΩ  1%  T-52mm 1 R67R/NW  2W  0.22Ω  5% 2 R62, R63R/NW  2W  0.82Ω  5% 1 R64MVR  0.W  1kΩ  10%  6  VP=5x2.5 1 SVR1NTC  5kΩ  10%  TSC-502 1 RTH2
100SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY POSITIONJUMP  0.6  P=5 1 SVR2JUMP  0.6  P=10 2 D70, R49JUMP  1.4  P=10  9A 3 J1, J2, J3C/Y2  222/250VAC  20%  P=7.5  AC 2 C101, C102C/M  473/630V  10%  P=15 2 C77, C78C/M  104/63V  10%  P=5 5 C53, C60, C76,C79, C81C/M  104/630V  10%  P=15 1 C64C/M  224/63V  10%  P=5 1 C80C/C  68P/50V  10%  P=5  NPO 1 C65C/C  331/1KV  10%  P=5  Y5P 2 C71, C72C/C  471/100V  10%  P=5  Y5P 1 C61C/C  471/1KV  10%  P=5  Y5P 1 C59C/C  222/500V  20%  P=5  Z5U 2 C63, C87C/C  103/100V  20%  P=5  Z5U 1 C88C/ML  102/100V  5%  P=3 1 C55C/ML  103/100V  5%  P=3 3 C54, C57, C82C/MC  105/50V80, -20%P=5  Y5V 1 C93C/C  101/2KV  EPOXY  10%  P=5  Y5P 1 C51C/C  103/2KV  EPOXY  80, -20% P=10  Y5V 1 C52C/E  1u/50V  105°C  5x11  KM 2 C56, C85C/E  2.2u/50V  105°C  5x11  KM 1 C91C/E  47u/50V  105°C  6.3x11  KM 3 C83, C84, C86C/E  100u/35V  105°C  8x11.5  KM 1 C62C/E  470u/50V  LL5K  12.5x25  YXG 3 C73, C74, C75SFRD  ESAD92-02  20A/200V  TO3P 3 D60, D61, D62SFRD  HER104  1A/300V  T-52mm 2 D55, D76SFRD HER203  2A/200V  T-52mm 1 D63SFRD  HER204  2A/300V  T-52mm 2 D69, D75SFRD  HER308  3A/1KV 1 D51HIGH-SPEED DIODE 1N4148  T-52mm 5 D52, D53, D54,D64, D65HIGH-SPEED DIODE 1N4148  T-52mm 3 D66, D67, D68ZD  1/2W  10.6V  2%  11B2  T-52mm 1 ZD60ZD  1W  5.1V  2%  1N4733  T-52mm 1 ZD55ZD  1W  15V  2%  1N4744  T-52mm 1 ZD53ZD  1W  18V  2%  1N4746  T-52mm 3 ZD51, ZD52,ZD54LED  A264B/G  A264B/G/F14-9 1 LED1BJT 2SA1020  -2A/50V  TO92M 1 Q54BJT 2SC1815FGR  0.1A/40V  TO92 1 Q56BJT 2SC2120  0.8A/30V  TO92 1 Q55BJT 2SC2655  2A/50V  TO92M 1 Q53FET 2SK1358  9A/900V  TO3P 2 Q51, Q52SHR  431  2.5V  2%  MM1431AT 1 SHR1
101SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY POSITIONRG  MC7812CT  1.0A/12V  TO220 1 RG51PHOTO-TRIAC MOC3022 1 U51PHOTO  PC123  TLP721F(04-GR) 2 U52, U53PWM  TL3845P  TI 1 U55OP  LM324  LA6324N 1 U54DR-COIL  DR005A  9x12  0.35  498uH 1 L52TR131-R4 Ku130125x2  91.6u  SP500-27 1 L51MT  TF403-R1  ETD-44  SP-500-27 1 T51BEAD  CORE  BD-001A-M4S  RH3.5x3x1.5 10 D60, D61, D62,Q51, Q52TB  DT-4C-B14W(1172)-08 1 TB1WAFER  8822-02  P=2.5 1 CN51I/O  WIRE  PSP300-CN1-R1 1 CN1I/O  WIRE  PSP300-CN6-R2 1 CN3I/O  WIRE  SP500-CN1-R1 1 CN2I/O  WIRE  SP500-CN2-R3 1 CN4HS  YS021W-3  72020-3 h=25m/m 1 HS53HS  YS032W-070  71431W-070 2 HS51, HS52CORE  MS-130125  HKH-130 2 L51PCB  SP-500B-R10  FR4  20Z  DS 1 PCBTW  30.  NI 1 RTH2SCREW  P  3x10  ISO  NI 5 D60, D61, D62,Q51, Q52SCREW  P  3x6  TP2  ZN 5 HS51, HS52,RTH2SCREW  T  3x6  TP2  NI  H 1 HS53
1021kW UHF TV Output Filter IMD Suppressor Code 06641SPECIFICATIONSFrequency 470 - 860MHzConnectors 7/16”Power handling 1200W  CWInsertion loss 0.28dB Typ. @ V.C.Return loss 28dBOperating temperature -10°  to  +50°CBandwidth 6  to  8MHzSelectivity @V.C.-5.5/+11 -50dBSelectivity @V.C.-11/+16.5 -35dBWeight 8kg4 SECTION BANDPASS FILTER WITH 2 NOTCH ELEMENTS - COMB-LINE STRUCTURE, INDUCTIVE COUPLINGIRISES; CONSTANT BANDWITDH WITH FINE REGULATION, VERY EASY TO TUNE - EXACT GENERALIZEDCHEBISHEV DESIGN GIVING MAXIMUM SELECTIVITY AND MINIMUM GROUP DELAY VARIATION
103TESTING AND CALIBRATION INSTRUCTIONSThe output filter Mod. CL4NL22 is made up by a 4-resonator band-pass section and two “notch”resonators. It can be adjusted on all the channels of the TV UHF band (470 ÷ 860MHz) and on all theworld standards (intercarrier 4.5 - 6.5MHz). The pass-band section is made up by the group of the fourresonators, while the two separate resonator are the notches. The filter is symmetrical, thus there is nodifference between the upper and lower notch.The band width is adjusted by changing the insertion of the lower Post Screws which are placedbetween the band-pass resonators; inserting the post screws it is increased. In order to perform thisadjustment, loose the bolt of each post screws by means of a wrench n° 19. The first and third postscrews have to be adjusted for the same protrusion from the body of the filter, while the middle oneshould usually be adjusted in a slightly different manner in order to obtain an equiripple response.The input and output coupling, which can be reached by removing the protection cups, can be adjustedby means of the two lower Coupling Stubs next to the connectors. The adjustment is made by means of aflat wrench n° 18, taking into consideration that when the maximum coupling is obtained when thecommand cuts are parallel to the longer side of the filter, the minimum when they are orthogonal to it.The response symmetry is determined by the protrusion  of the above mantioned stubs; these are set byloosening the relevant lower clamps by means of a tube wrench n° 16. The clamps, once tightened, alsodetermine the friction of the rotatio of the couplings.The suggested calibration sequence os the following:set the measuring instrument on- C.G. = (P.V. + P.A.) / 2- SPAN = INTERCARRIER * 5 (Es. 27,5MHz std. B/G)- RESPONSE = 5dB/div.- ADAPTATION = 10dB/div.Center Frequency[MHz=] Coupling Stub[mm=] Post Screw[mm=]474 2 6570 16 15666 29 17762 38 17858 40 17
104• Set the coupling stubs and the post screws according to the indicative protrusion from their edge to the bodyof the filter listed in the table.• Tune the band-pass section on the wanted channel and load input and output correctly to obtain anoptimal response. At this stage the tuning of the two notches have to be kept distant from one another.Adjust the band width to -35dB at the limits of the screen (Es. std. B/G: BW (-35dB) = 27,5MHz). Theinput and output couplings may affect the tuning of the resonators, as such they have to be adjusted insmall steps, one after another. The equiripple response is obtained by adjusting the middle Post Screws.• Tune the two notches bringing them to the frequencies P.V.-INTERCARRIER andP.A.+INTERCARRIER. This will cause a change in the response and the adaptation of the band-pass.Correct the response by acting on the band-pass tuning.• Complete the calibration on both sides in this sequence: adjust the coupling, re-tune the notch in caseit has moved and then the band-pass tuning. If needed, adjust the middle Post Screws to obtain the bestequiripple adaptation. Perform this sequence in little steps trying to obtain the best adaptation.• Check the symmetry of the obtained response, and correct it if needed according to the followingcriterion: if the lower notch is more accentuated than the other one, insert the coupling stubs, otherwise,if the upper one is more accentuated, extract them.• Once the symmetry of the response has been corrected, complete the calibration as explained above.Once the calibration has been completed, put again the protection cups on the coupling regulators.Insertion loss @ P.V. (dB) < -0.40 (typ. -0.32)R.L. (from P.V.-0.75 to P.A.+0.25) (dB) > 28Attenuation @ P.V. -INTERCARRIER (dB) > 40Attenuation @ P.V. +INTERCARRIER (dB) > 40

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