Electronic Systems Technology ESTEEM192MHP Wireless Modem User Manual Chaper 0 Front Cover v3

Electronic Systems Technology Wireless Modem Chaper 0 Front Cover v3


Manual Part 1

ESTEEM USERS MANUALforMODELS 192C/CHP/F/M/MHPFirmware Versions 1.51 and aboveSeptember 2005Electronic Systems Technology, Inc.
COPYRIGHT INFORMATIONThis manual and the firmware described in it are copyrighted by Electronic Systems Technology (EST), with all rights reserved.  Under thecopyright laws, this manual or the firmware internal to the ESTeem unit may not be copied, in whole or part, without the written consent ofEST.  Under the law, copying includes translating into another language.EST cannot guarantee that you will receive notice of a revision to the firmware described in the manual, even if you have returned aregistration/warranty card received with the product.  You should periodically check with your authorized EST dealer or call factory direct.EST and the EST logo are registered trademarks of Electronic Systems Technology, Inc.  Simultaneously published in the United Statesand Canada.  All rights reserved.WARRANTY INFORMATIONElectronic Systems Technology, Inc., (hereinafter EST) expressly warrants its products as free of manufacturing defects for a period of oneyear from the date of sale to first user/customer. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND THERE IS EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED ALL WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  NO OTHER WARRANTY GIVEN BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT,DISTRIBUTOR OR OTHER PERSON WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT SHALL BE BINDING ON EST.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: EST's liability shall be limited to refunding of purchase price, repair or replacement of product.  IN NO EVENT SHALL EST HAVE LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGESCAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INTERRUPTION OF SERVICES,LOSS OF BUSINESS OR ANTICIPATORY PROFITS.  IN NO EVENT SHALL EST BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INEXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.In the event that a unit or part requires replacement or factory servicing, the following conditions apply:a) Customer must obtain from EST an authorized RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number (call 509-735-9092 Customer Support)before shipment of product or parts to EST for any reason;b) If the whole unit is shipped, it must be in its original carton and shipping components, or a carton and shipping components suppliedby EST, or if parts only are shipped, they must be packaged and cushioned so as to prevent damage in transit and shipped freightprepaid;PRODUCT WILL BE CONSIDERED OUT OF WARRANTY IF:a) If the product is damaged due to improper or abnormal use, abuse, mishandling, accident or improper maintenance or failure tofollow operating instruction;b) If the product is defective as a result of sand, dirt, or water damage;c) If any factory-sealed enclosure has been opened or shows evidence of an attempt to be opened;d) If defects or damage are caused by the use of unauthorized parts or unauthorized service;e) If the product has had its serial numbers altered or removed.Warranty repair form must be accompanied by proof of user's purchase of unit.  Product must be shipped to the manufacturer at thefollowing address:Electronic Systems Technology415 North Quay StreetKennewick, Washington USA 99336ADDITIONAL SERVICE: If EST releases an improvement update to firmware internal to the ESTeem unit during the 90 day period after the unit was purchased by thefirst user/customer, EST will update the applicable unit with the revised version at no charge other than for UPS handling and shipping to andfrom your location to the EST factory.  Return of any such item must be accompanied with proof of purchase.
TABLE OF CONTENTSRevised: 13 Sep 2005 1-1 EST P/N AA104CHAPTER 1 – STARTING OUT    Before You Start 1-1    ESTeem Utility 1-1    Installing ESTeem Utility Software 1-1    Running the Program 1-2    Starting Out 1-2    Basic ESTeem Programming 1-4    Help Functions 1-4    Saving a Program 1-5    Restoring Factory Defaults 1-5CHAPTER 2 – MODES OF OPERATION    Command Mode 2-1    Converse Mode 2-1    Transparent  Mode 2-2    Semi-Transparent Mode 2-3    Hardware Mode Control 2-3CHAPTER 3 – PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURES    Digi-Repeater 3-1    Global Broadcast 3-2    Auto Transmit 3-2    Auto Connect 3-3    Multi-Connect 3-4    Remote Programming 3-5    Security 3-5    Hardware Ring Line 3-6    Packet Monitor 3-6    Using the Infrared Communications Port 3-7    Updating Flash Memory 3-8CHAPTER 4 – ESTEEM APPLICATION PROGRAMS    Transparent Auto-Connect 4-1    Transparent Auto-Connect Global 4-2    Interactive Terminal Applications 4-3    Programmable Logic Controllers 4-3CHAPTER 5 – RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACING    DTE vs DCE 5-1    Flow Control 5-2    Memory Buffers 5-3    Data Terminal Ready 5-3    RS-422/485 Configuration 5-4    RS-232/422/485 Configuration Tables 5-4    RS-232/422/485 Port Pin-out Table 5-4    RS-232/422/485 COMRATE Table 5-5
TABLE OF CONTENTSRevised: 13 Sep 2005 1-2 EST P/N AA104CHAPTER 6 – ANTENNAS    Coaxial Cable 6-1    Weather Proofing Coaxial Connectors 6-2    Grounding 6-2    Lightning Arrestors 6-2    Reference Material 6-2    Model 192C/F Outdoor Antenna Fixed Base Hardware Diagram 6-3    Model 192CHP Outdoor Antenna Fixed Base Hardware Diagram 6-4    Model 192M Outdoor Antenna Fixed Base Hardware Diagram 6-5    Model 192MHP Outdoor Antenna Fixed Base Hardware Diagram 6-6    Model 192C/F Indoor/Mobile Antenna Hardware Diagram 6-7    Model 192CHP Mobile Antenna Hardware Diagram 6-8    Model 192M Indoor/Mobile Antenna Hardware Diagram 6-9    Model 192MHP Mobile Antenna Hardware Diagram 6-10    Model 192C/CHP/F/M/MHP SWR  Measurement Diagram 6-11CHAPTER 7 – THEORY OF OPERATION    Introduction 7-1    ESTeem How It Works 7-1    Spectrum Utilization 7-2    Packet Protocols 7-2    Flow Control 7-2    Data Privacy 7-2    Effective Baud Rate 7-3APPENDIX A – FCC INFORMATION (USA only)    Information to Users APX A-1    Other Information APX A-2    Federal Communications Commission Field Offices APX A-3APPENDIX B – SPECIFICATIONS    192C/CHP/F/M Overall Specifications APX B-1    192C/CHP/F/M/MHP Transceiver Specifications APX B-2    192C/CHP/F/M/MHP Case Diagram APX B-5    192C/CHP/F Antenna Specifications APX B-6    192M/MHP Antenna Specifications APX B-8APPENDIX C – ESTeem MESSAGE TABLES    Command Error Messages APX C-1    System Status Messages APX C-2    Systems Error Messages APX C-3APPENDIX D – ESTEEM SOFTWARE COMMANDS    Factory Default Settings APX D-1    Software Command Definitions APX D-2
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 15 Oct 03 1-1 EST P/N AA104BEFORE YOU STARTCongratulations on your purchase of the ESTeem WirelessModem!  This section of the manual will describe the basicfunctioning and programming of the ESTeem to get yourwireless network up as soon as possible.  It isrecommended that any first time user of the ESTeem andthose that are unfamiliar with its operation complete allsteps in this section before proceeding.Take a few minutes to inventory your equipment beforeyou proceed.  Report any missing or damaged items toCustomer Support as soon as possible.  We at ElectronicSystems Technology, Inc. (EST) are constantly trying toimprove our products and support system so if you haveany comments or suggestions on improvement of thismanual, please contact us at (509) 735-9092.The completion of this section requires loading the ESTeem Utilityprogram on your computer.  The following section will describe theinstallation and use of this valuable utility program.ESTEEM UTILITYThe ESTeem Utility is designed to assist the ESTeem user inprogramming and troubleshooting.  The Utility covers basicoperation, programming, PLC applications, and diagnostics of theESTeem.  The ESTeem Utility Program is designed to operate withWindows ®.Installing ESTeem Utility Software From ESTeemResourse Disk (AA109)The ESTeem Resource Disk is stand-alone copy of the ESTeemWeb site (Figure 2).  Navigation of the Resource Disk is as simpleas using your web browser.  All technical documentation, User’sManuals and the ESTeem Utility Program is available on the disk.1. Place the ESTeem Utility CD in your CD-ROM drive.  The CDwill auto load the ESTeem main page (Figure 1).2. If the page does not auto load, open your web browser and setyour address line to D:\1_default.html (Where D: is the driveletter for your CD-ROM drive).3. From navigation menu on the left side of the page, selectESTeem Utilities (Figure 1).4. Select the Windows version of the ESTeem Utility and clickDownload Windows Utility for Model 192 Series.  When askedto Open or Save the file, press Open to view the contents of theZip file.RS-232C Interface Cable(EST P/N AA061)12 VDC Power Supply(EST P/N AA174)2 Pin MolexConnectorESTeem Model 192Front ViewESTeem Model 192 UtilitySoftware Windows VersionComputer Running Windows 95/98/NTTNC MaleConnectorMagnetic Mount Antenna(Consult Appendix B forantenna type)Figure 1: Installation DiagramFigure 2: ESTeem Utility Setup MenuFigure 3: ESTeem Utility Main Menu
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 15 Oct 03 1-2 EST P/N AA1045. Double Click on the Setup.exe file to start the Utility Installationor extract the files to a directory for later installation.Running the Program1. Select the ESTeem Utility Icon on Start>Programs menu.  Figure 3shows an example of the Main Utility Menu.STARTING OUTThis section covers the basics setup and testing for the ESTeemwireless modem.  If this is your first experience with the ESTeemwireless modems or you are unclear on how to set the frequency,squelch, or test communication, the ESTeem Starting Out section willguide you through the basics of wireless communication. 1. Select ESTeem Starting Out from the main menu.  A window likethe one in Figure 4 will be displayed.  If this is your first timeusing the ESTeem wireless modems, select ESTeem Setup Guide for acomplete description of all ESTeem functions.  Proceed to step 2.2. Step 1 – Installing External Power window will be displayed (Figure 5). Select either Find ESTeem or the model number of ESTeem you areprogramming. The power requirements for that product will bedisplayed.  The ESTeem model AA174 power supply can be used withall ESTeem products.  If you are using the ESTeem in a solar powerapplication, press Calculate Solar Consumption button for theAmp/Hours required.  Press Go to Step 2 to continue. 3. Step 2 – ESTeem Familiarization window will be displayed (Figure 6). This step will explain the connections to ESTeem Model 192 frontpanel.  See Figure 1 for a setup diagram.4. Press the Front Panel Description button and a window containing theESTeem Model 192 front panel will appear (Figure 7).  Press any one ofthe buttons for a complete description of the item’s function. Forexample, press the Power LED button and the description of thepower LED and its use will be displayed. Press Go To Step 3button to proceed.5. Step 3 – Serial Connection window will be displayed (Figure 8). This step will help configure the computer and the ESTeem tocommunicate with each other.6. Press Display Cable Diagrams  button and all serial pins to theESTeem Model 192 will be displayed.  Press OK to continue.  Note: A standard 9-Pin serial port on a computer to ESTeeminterface cable is the ESTeem AA061 (Figure 1). 7. Press Change Port Settings.  This window will configure thecommunications port on your computer to operate with theESTeem modem.  Select the operating parameters you wish orset to the default of 19,200,N,8,1.  Click OK to continue.Figure 4: Starting Out Main MenuFigure 5: Step 1 - Installing External PowerFigure 6: Step 2 – ESTeem Familiarization
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 15 Oct 03 1-3 EST P/N AA1048. Press Set Serial Switches button.  This window willconfigure the ESTeem’s RS-232/422/485 to operate atthe setting selected in step 7 to match the computerport setting.  Follow the on-line guide to configure thedata rate.9. Press Test ESTeem button.  If the ESTeem serialinterface cable and communication port are operatingcorrectly the ESTeem Welcome Message will bedisplayed.  This will confirm communication betweenthe computer and the ESTeem.  If you do not receive awelcome message, follow the on-screentroubleshooting guide that will be displayed.  PressGo to Step 4 button to proceed.10. Step 4 – ESTeem Setup Parameters window will bedisplayed (Figure 9).  This step will complete the setupfor your ESTeem Model 192.11. Press Set Frequency button.  Select the operating frequency foryour ESTeem Model 192 and press Set Frequency to continue.  Setall ESTeems to the same frequency for operation within thissection.12. Press Set Squelch/Antenna button.  This section will give youinstructions on antenna placement and installation.  Press the SetSquelch button and follow the on-line guide to configure theESTeem squelch.  Press OK to continue.13. Press Set Address button.  You must give each ESTeem a uniqueaddress in the system.  Type in the address number and press OKto continue.714. Press Complete Setup.  You have just configured all operatingparameters within the ESTeem.  If this is your first ESTeem youhave programmed for testing, press the Express Setup button onthe Staring Out Menu (Figure 4) to program subsequent ESTeemModems.  The Express Setup will allow you to quickly configurethe remaining ESTeem modems without additional instruction. If you have at least two ESTeems programmed and wish totest communication, proceed to step 17.15. Press Test Communication button.  This section will allowyou to test the radio frequency (RF) communications betweentwo or more ESTeems.  Two types of tests are listed in thiswindow (Figure 10).  If you have a computer attached to bothESTeems proceed to step 18 and if you only have onecomputer to test both ESTeems proceed to step 19.16. The first test will be used if you have a computer attached toboth ESTeems.  Select the first of two items and pressENTER.  Follow the instructions on the screen to establish acommunication link between modems.17. This second test will allow you to use the remote ESTeem asa digi-repeater for your local modem.  This procedure isexplained in the window and can test communication withonly one computer.18. You now have completed the basic programming and setup ofyour ESTeem modems.  You have tested their operation withAntenna Connector(TNC-R)12 VDC InputPower Connector(2 Pin Molex)Reset SwitchRS-232, 422 and 485Input/Output Connector(25 Pin DB Connector)RS-232/422/485Setup SwitchesPower LEDIR PortTransmit LEDReceive LEDT/E LED•Link Connect/Disconnect•Auto Connect Enable•Serial Port Framing ErrorFigure 7: ESTeem Front PanelFigure 8: Step 3 – Serial ConnectionFigure 9: Step 4 – ESTeem Setup Parameters
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 15 Oct 03 1-4 EST P/N AA104each other and are now ready to proceed in programmingthem for your application.  Press Exit to Main Menu andcontinue with the programming of the ESTeem for yourapplication.BASIC ESTEEM PROGRAMMINGMost of the ESTeem commands outlined in this section have beenautomatically input to the modem by the ESTeem Utility program. A few of the commands used most often in troubleshooting andprogramming are covered here.  These commands can beprogrammed to the modem directly by the Terminal Emulationsection of the utility or by any other terminal software package.HELP FunctionsThe ESTeem has over eighty software commands to aid the user in their application.  The HELP command allow the user to listthe various software commands and their respective values.From the COMMAND mode, type HELP<cr>.  Your display should list the following:Help switches are:ALL  (Lists all settings).CHANGE (List settings changed from factory default).CONTROL (List settings dealing with control).PLC (List settings for PLCs).RADIO (List settings for ESTeem radio).RS232 (List settings for RS-232/422/485)SETUP (List settings for control).SYSTEM (List settings for system).These are the different software categories.Example:  HELP SETUP<cr>, will list all the programmable variables and their settings for the SETUP category.You can interrogate a discrete software command by just typing the command followed by a <cr>.Example:  ADD<cr>, will list the current address saved in the connected ESTeem.Note Appendix E of this manual will have the complete listing of software commands and categories for the factorydefault of the ESTeem.Figure 10: Test Radio Communication
CHAPTER 1STARTING OUTRevised: 15 Oct 03 1-5 EST P/N AA104Saving A ProgramA program is saved by typing in the SAVE command at the CMD: prompt.  The programming variables that have been changedwill be written to the non-volatile memory. The programming parameters will be loaded each time the modem is powered up orreset.Restoring Factory DefaultsThe ESTeem has a very simple procedure to restore the program variables in the unit to the factory default setting.  When theFA<Enter> command is entered from the command mode the ESTeem will be configured from a variable table located in itsEPROM.  It is a good practice to restore the ESTeem to a factory defaults before any programming of the unit.To ensure the modem is in the COMMAND MODE set it back to the factory default by performing the following:1. Set both switches (#1&2) on the RS-232 setup switches to the OFF position. 2. Reset the ESTeem. 3. Verify the computer's Comm port is configured for 19,200,N,8,1.4. Type FA<Enter> and the ESTeem welcome message should be displayed.  The characters may not be echoed on the screen. 5. Type SA<Enter> to save the factory default table.
CHAPTER 2MODES OF OPERATIONRevised: 15 Oct 03 2-1 EST P/N AA104The ESTeem has three major modes of operation, Command, Converse, and Transparent.  This chapter of the manual describeseach one of these modes.COMMAND MODEThe COMMAND Mode (CMD: prompt) is the default mode that the ESTeem initially enters on power-up or after a hardware orsoftware reset.  From this mode the user can command or program the ESTeem.  In this mode the user may access the variousprogram commands to configure the ESTeem for the specific application. These values can be stored in nonvolatile memorywithin the ESTeem by the use of the SAVE command.  The ESTeem reads these setup parameters stored in memory on power-upor RESET. When programming in the COMMAND Mode, the user need only enter enough characters to uniquely identify the respectivecommand.Example:    CMD:ADD 15 <Enter>This enters the source address of the ESTeem to the decimal value of 15.  The first three letters ADD were enough for theESTeem to uniquely identify the command for ADDress.  The number of characters that need to be typed varies dependingupon the command being entered.  In some cases, four or even more letters may have to be entered in order for the identificationto be uniquely determined.  Up to ten multiple commands can be written on the same line if separated by a colon.Example:  CMD:ADD 15:SETC 2:SAVE <Enter>CONVERSE MODEThis mode allows bi-directional communication from the input/output device attached to the ESTeem to a destination ESTeemand its respective input/output device.  The ESTeem will automatically switch to the CONVERSE Mode after the initialCONNECT has been made.When the ESTeem is in the CONVERSE Mode the * prompt will be displayed.  The ESTeem will remain in the CONVERSE Modeuntil the radio link has been broken or by typing a control character defined by the user with the COMMAND variable.The factory default for the COMMAND variable is CTRL C.  You can return to the CONVERSE Mode from the COMMANDMode by typing CONV <Enter>.When you are in the CONVERSE Mode the echoing of the character comes from the ESTeem if ECHO = ON (factory default) hasbeen programmed in the ESTeem.Transmitting DataThe ESTeem will transmit data from the CONVERSE Mode if one or more of the following conditions have been met.1. The ESTeem transmit buffer has been filled.  The size of the transmit buffer is defined in the ESTeem by the PACKLENvariable.  This variable is programmable from 1 to 2000 bytes.  Factory default is 2000.2. The ESTeem receives a SENDPAC (send packet) character from the RS-232C input data stream.  The SENDPAC variable canbe defined from 0 to 255 by the user.  Factory default is 13 (carriage return).  The SENDPAC character is also transmitted bythe ESTeem.  In file dump applications the SENDPAC character can be programmed to be the EOF (end of file) charactertransmitted from the sending device (i.e.; CTRL Z, CTRL G, etc.).
CHAPTER 2MODES OF OPERATIONRevised: 15 Oct 03 2-2 EST P/N AA1043. Termination control timer.  The termination control timer is enabled by the TERMC (on/off) command.  When enabled, thetermination timer starts from the time the last transmit buffer has been updated in the RS-232C port.  If the termination timerexpires before another character is received or transmitted, the contents of the ESTeem transmit buffer will be transmitted. The waiting time of the timer is defined by the TERMT variable (termination time).  The programming range of the TERMTvariable is 10-65,535ms.  Factory default values are TERMC = OFF and TERMT = 50.  It is noted that when the terminationtimer is used, the SENDPAC variable is usually programmed to be a character that is non occurring in your data stream (i.e.;SENDPAC = 255) so that premature transmission does not occur.TRANSPARENT MODEThe TRANSPARENT Mode allows the ESTeem to pass all data characters (O-255 or 0-FF hex) using 8 data bits. To program the ESTeem in the TRANSPARENT mode the TRANSPARent command must be enabled and switch Bit 2 to ON(RS-232C Setup Switch).  The TRANSPARent command will defeat the SENDPAC and COMMAND variables and put theESTeem in the transparent mode when Bit 2 is ON. The transmission of the data packets can only be accomplished by enabling the termination control commands (TERMC andTERMT) or the PACKLEN buffer being filled. The value of TERMT should be slightly longer than the maximum delayencountered during RS-232C transmission. If this time is set to short, the ESTeem will truncate your data stream improperly.When using the TRANSPARENT Mode, data flow control is by hardware handshaking only.  Hardware handshaking is initiatedby enabling hardware flow control (XHF = ON).The SETCON (Set Connect command) must be used to define the node that you want to communicate with while in theTRANSPARENT Mode. When the TRANSPARENT Mode is enabled you can not communicate to the ESTeem in theCOMMAND Mode unless you use the Hardware Mode Control line (see explanation this chapter).To remove the ESTeem from the TRANSPARENT Mode the user must perform the following:1. Switch Bit 2, Off on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem from the front panel switch.3.  Type  TRANS OFF <Enter>.
CHAPTER 2MODES OF OPERATIONRevised: 15 Oct 03 2-3 EST P/N AA104SEMI-TRANSPARENT MODEThis mode should be utilized when sending a non-ASCII file and there is a possibility that the SENDPAC character could becontained in the transmitted data set.  Perform the following prior to programming the ESTeem to initialize the unit to factorydefault settings:1. Turn Bit 2, OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters may or may not be echoed by the CRT.        ESTeem-------------------------ADD xxx xxx = your addressSETC yyy yyy = destination addressTERMC ONTERMT 10SENDP 255EDIT OFFXSF ONSAVEIf EDIT is off, and SENDPAC = 255, the SENDPAC character is disabled. This character when received will not cause packettransmission and will be passed as normal data.  The TERMC and TERMT commands are used to transmit the contents of theESTeem transmit buffer.Software flow control in this example is enabled (factory default XSF = OFF) therefore the ESTeem will pass all characters exceptthe data flow control characters for Xon/Xoff.HARDWARE MODE CONTROLThe MODECON (Mode Control) command is provided in the ESTeem to change the mode of the ESTeem modem fromCOMMAND Mode to CONVERSE (or TRANSPARENT Mode) via a hardware control line.  The hardware line is located on pin19 of the RS-232C connector.  If MODEC = ON, a "low or 0" on pin 19 (-3 to -15 vdc) will put the ESTeem in the COMMANDMode and a "high or one" on pin 19 ( +3 to +15 vdc) will put the ESTeem in the CONVERSE or TRANSPARENT Mode. Thefactory default is OFF.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-1 EST P/N AA104Listed in this chapter are the major ESTeem features and programming examples on how to use them.  These features areindividual building blocks to solve your application needs.  Remember your particular application may require one or more ofthese features enabled.DIGI-REPEATINGThe Repeater feature allows an ESTeem to relay its respective transmission or packet through a maximum of three ESTeems toincrease the operating range of the unit.  Any ESTeem in your radio network can function as a repeater for any other ESTeem. This is independent of the fact that the ESTeem being used as a repeater is linked or connected to another node, therefore anESTeem can function as a repeater, operational node, or both at the same time.  The data that is digi-repeated through ESTeemwill not output through the repeating ESTeem’s RS-232C port.To specify one or more ESTeems as repeaters, the CONNECT command has been expanded to except up to three addedaddresses as follows:CONN r1,r2,r3,dar1 =Address (1 to 254) of first ESTeem repeater.r2 =Address (1 to 254) of second ESTeem repeater.r3 =Address (1 to 254) of third ESTeem repeater.Da =Address (1 to 255) of destination ESTeem.Note: Address 255 is used for Global.When transmitting packets through other ESTeems, the source ESTeem will automatically adjust it's FRACK time to allowadditional time for the packet to reach its destination and for the returned acknowledgment.  Frack time takes into account thepacket size and the number of repeaters specified.  The ACK still comes from the destination ESTeem, not the first or anyrepeater.For testing purposes, you can loop back a connection to yourself by placing your source address in the destination address ofthe repeater string.  Any data transmitted will repeat through the repeater address and display back on the screen.Example:CONN r1,Sar1 =Address (1 to 254) of first ESTeem repeater.Sa =Address of local ESTeem.Any ESTeem command in this manual that uses an address string can be configured to use the Digi-repeating feature.Example: SETC r1,r2,r3,da
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-2 EST P/N AA104GLOBAL BROADCASTGlobal broadcast is the ability of one ESTeem to transmit it's message to more than one ESTeem at one time.  All ESTeems withinradio range will receive the message whether or not they are connected to another ESTeem or in command or converse mode. You can put your ESTeem in Global by connecting or programming the SETC to address 255.  Address 255 is a non-assignableunit address and is used by the ESTeem CPU to access this special mode.  When the ESTeem is in Global, the standard ACKprotocol from the receiving ESTeem is disabled, but the 32 bit CRC error checking on the received ESTeem is still operational. When you perform CONN 255 <Enter> from the COMMAND MODE the ESTeem will immediately go to the CONVERSE MODE(* is displayed).  All messages sent will be transmitted globally to all ESTeems in radio range.In the ESTeem you have a GLOBAL (on/off) command.  When GLOBAL = On, you can receive Global transmissions.  IfGLOBAL = Off you will not display Global transmissions from other ESTeems. Note: Factory default is ON.By using the repeater function you can transmit Global messages from another ESTeem using the Digi-repeating feature. Example: CONN 10,20,30,255<Enter>SETC 10,20,30,255<Enter> By adjusting these commands you can route from unit 10 to 20, 20 to 30, and go Global at unit 30.You can enable global transmissions in one or more ESTeem’s in your network.  This will allow global communications betweenall ESTeems within radio range.AUTO TRANSMITThe Auto Transmit feature of the ESTeem allows the user to transmit a data packet without filling up the PACKLEN (packetlength) buffer or defining a special control character using the SENDPAC (send packet) variable.  The Auto Transmit feature is atimer that is enabled in the ESTeem that monitors traffic in and out of the RS-232C port.  If there are characters in the RS-232Cbuffer, the termination control timer starts from the time the last receive or transmitted character is updated in the buffer.  If thetermination time expires before another character is received or transmitted, the received characters are transmitted.To enable this feature perform the following from the COMMAND MODE:TERMC (on/off) = On. Enable termination control.TERMT (10-65535) = One unit number equals 1ms.TERMC is the termination control command.  TERMT is the termination time command.  Factory default for TERMC = Off andTERMT = 50.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-3 EST P/N AA104AUTO CONNECTThe Auto Connect feature allows the user to program the ESTeem to perform a CONNECT to another ESTeem when data is sentto the RS-232C communications port.To enable this feature perform the following from the COMMAND MODE:SETCON (1-255) = Address of destination ESTeem.Remember, you can use the Repeater routing (r1,r2,r3,da) or put the ESTeem in Global (address 255).  SETCON is the set connectcommand.SA SAVE command. This will save the SETC variable to the non-volatile memory so that it will not be lost when theESTeem is RESET.Bit 2 (on/off) = On.  Bit 2 is located on the RS-232C SETUP SWITCH on the front of the ESTeem.  The ESTeem must beRESET after the Bit has been changed to be read by the ESTeem CPU.RESET ESTeem RESET is located on the front panel OFF/ON switch.  The T/E light on the front panel of the ESTeem shouldnow flash at a two times per second rate.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-4 EST P/N AA104MULTI-CONNECTThe actual polling of the ESTeem must originate from the host device connected to the ESTeem using the CONNECT commandto originate the initial connect and the COMMAND character to return from the CONVERSE mode to the COMMAND mode. The first time around the pole a CONNECT data packet (RF transmission) will be initiated.  When a link is established, it is heldinternally in the ESTeem connect table.  The next time around the pole to the same address, the link status will be checked in theESTeem table.  If the address indicates a link has already been established, then only data and its corresponding ACK will betransmitted to that node.  This greatly increases polling time by eliminating the usual CONNECT/DISCONNECT sequence eachtime except when communication is first established.The MULTID command allows the user to send data to a specific ESTeem address from the CONVERSE Mode by specifying theESTeem address routing before the data packet.  This feature will also display the address of the sending ESTeem on anyreceived data.Example Of Transmitted Data:[001]DATA Routes data to an ESTeem addressed 1.[100,200,250,1]DATA  Routes data to an ESTeem addressed 1 via ESTeems addressed 100, 200, and 250.The above example replaces the CONNECT command from the COMMAND Mode. Received data packets will have the address of the ESTeem that sent the data at the beginning of the data packet.Example Of Received Data:[004]RECEIVED DATA Data received from ESTeem addressed 4.[030,100,244,004] Data received from ESTeem addressed 4 via ESTeems addressed 30, 100, and 244.MULTID (on/off) = On Enables this feature. Factory default = OFF.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-5 EST P/N AA104REMOTE PROGRAMMINGThe Remote Programming feature allows the user to remotely program ESTeems in his network.  When a connection has beenmade with the remote ESTeem the RPG: prompt will be displayed showing that you are now in the COMMAND mode of thatremote ESTeem.To enable this feature perform the following from the COMMAND MODE:PROG (1-254) Address of destination ESTeem.Note:   You can also use the Repeater routing (r1,r2,r3,da) to reach the destination ESTeem.  (r1 = address of first repeater,r2 = address of second repeater, etc.  da = destination address).To end a remote programming session, hold Control and type C (^C) and you will return to the COMMAND prompt of yourESTeem.  There is a Watch Dog Timer that will automatically disconnect you from remote programming if there is no activity forthirty seconds.The REMPROG (on/off) feature is used to defeat the ability of your ESTeem from being remotely programmed.  If REMPROG =OFF another ESTeem cannot remotely program your unit.  Factory default = ON.SECURITYThe Security feature allows the user to lock out programming of the ESTeem.  REMEMBER TO STORE YOUR CODE NUMBERIN A SAFE PLACE.To enable this feature perform the following from the COMMAND MODE:SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering a security number enables the security feature. SAVE   To enter the security code permanently into the ESTeem memory.Note:  When enabled, the ESTeem will output a “Security On” message.To disable the security feature perform the following from the COMMAND mode.SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering your security number disables the security feature. SAVE To remove the security code permanently from the ESTeem memory.Note: When disabled, the ESTeem will output a “Security Off” message.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-6 EST P/N AA104HARDWARE RING LINE (Factory Option)When the ESTeem establishes a CONNECT or link with another ESTeem (T/E Light on solid), pin 22 at the ESTeem RS-232C willchange from a -15 vdc voltage state to a +15 vdc voltage state.  The RING software command allows the user to change theoutput from a latched state to a pulsed state.  To change the state of this line program the following from the COMMANDmode.  Factory default = LATCH.RING  = Latch.  Pin 22 is high when the ESTeem T/E light is on solid.RING  = Pulse.  Pin 22 is pulsed (positive 250 ms.) when the ESTeem T/E light is on solid.PACKET MONITORThe PACKM [ON/OFF] command places the ESTeem in a special packet monitor mode.  When this feature is enabled theESTeem is placed in a receive only mode and will not function as a normal ESTeem.  The ESTeem will monitor and report thestatus of all message traffic within the network in the following format, the actual packet message will not be outputted.SA-xxx, DA-xxx, Type Code, R1-Repeater Status, R2-Repeater Status, R3-Repeater Status, Data Bytes Sentxxx =ESTeem AddressDA =Destination ESTeemSA =Source ESTeemR1 =Address of first ESTeem repeater.R2 =Address of second ESTeem repeater.R3 =Address of third ESTeem repeater.Type CodesI= InformationDISC  = DisconnectedRR = Receive ReadyUA  = Unnumbered AcknowledgeRNR  = Receive Not ReadyFRMR  = Frame RejectREJ = RejectDM  = Disconnected ModeUI   = Unnumbered InformationSABM  = Set Async. Balance ModeRepeater StatusP=PendingD=Done
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-7 EST P/N AA104USING THE INFRARED COMMUNICATIONS PORTThe infrared (IR) communications port will allow you toprogram and interrogate the ESTeem withoutdisconnecting the serial cable from the back of themodem.  The IR port is located on the front panel of theESTeem, above the T/E light.To communicate from a computer to the ESTeem throughthe IR port you will need a copy of the ESTeem Utilities(Version 4.0 or higher) and an ESTeem IR CommunicationDongle (ESTeem P/N AA300).Connect the dongle directly to the serial port of thecomputer.  The dongle requires initialization from theESTeem Utilities.  From the Terminal Emulation screenpress the F3 function key to initialize the dongle.  If themodem is not in the COMMAND mode, press CTRL-C todisplay the CMD: prompt.Note:With Switch 2 (RS-232 Setup) in the On position the ESTeem defaults the IR port to the command mode.The IR dongle has a range of approximately three feet, directly in front of the port.  The dongle is powered by the serial port andrequires no additional power sources.Note: Only one of the three communications ports (RS-232/422/485 connector, IR port or Remote Programming) can be inthe Command mode at a time.  When either the IR or the Phone port switch to converse mode, the RS-232/422/485port is blocked from receiving any data.ANTENNAS/N:T/ETXRXPWRIRPortPhoneModel 192SAntenna 12 VDCRESETInfrared Communications Port forRemote Programming and DiagnosticsWithout Interruption Of The WirelessRadio Area NetworkIR Communications Dongal(EST p/n AA300)3 ft. RangeRESETFigure 1: Using The IR Port
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMINGESTEEM FEATURES Revised: 15 Oct 03 3-8 EST P/N AA104UPDATING FLASH MEMORYThe ESTeem Model 192 stores its operating system in flash memory that can be updated without returning the modem the to thefactory.  To upload the latest operating file, please contact Customer Support at 509-735-9092 or e-mail support@esteem.com torequest the latest flash memory update file for your product.Once you receive the flash file from Customer Support, conduct the following steps to update the memory:1. Open the ESTeem Utilities and select Terminal Emulation.2. Verify that both switches (Bits 1 and 2) are in the down (OFF) position and reset the modem.3. Select Terminal Setup>Port from the menu items and configure the computer serial port for 19,200,N,8,1.Note: The flash update can not be loaded through the Infrared Dongle or remote programming.  You must connect directlyto the ESTeem serial port.4. Set the modem to factory defaults by entering FA <Enter>at the command prompt (CMD:).5. Select ESTeem Setup>Update Flash Memory from themenu and the Utility will read information about theconnected modem and ask for the location of the flash file(Figure 2).  Browse to the location of the flash update fileon the computer and select Open.6. Once the upload has been completed, re-program themodem for operation.Figure 2: Updating Flash Memory
CHAPTER 4ESTEEMAPPLICATION PROGRAMSRevised: 8 Oct 03 4-1 EST P/N AA104Listed below are different application programs to aid the user in programming the ESTeem.TRANSPARENT AUTO-CONNECTThis mode is used for a dedicated point to point application.  The ESTeem will initiate the radio link when data is received by theRS-232/422/485 port.Perform the following prior to programming the ESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory default settings:1. Turn Bit 2  OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters may not be echoed by the CRT. ESTeem A ESTeem B------------------------------  --------------------------------ADD xxx ADD yyySETC yyy SETC xxxTERMC ON TERMC ONTERMT 10 TERMT 10XHF ON * XHF ON *DISACK ON * DISACK ON *TRANS ON TRANS ONSAVE SAVEBit 2  ON  Bit 2  ON (RS-232 Switch)Reset ESTeem Reset ESTeemNotes:• Turn DISACK ON only if you want to defeat the acknowledge packet.• xxx and yyy represent an ESTeem address which is user definable from 1 to 254.
CHAPTER 4ESTEEMAPPLICATION PROGRAMSRevised: 8 Oct 03 4-2 EST P/N AA104TRANSPARENT AUTO-CONNECT GLOBALThis mode is usually used for a point to multi-point applications when a customers devices include their own addressingprotocol to communicate between devices.  The ESTeem packet addressing and acknowledge protocol is defeated.  All ESTeemswill receive the data transmission.  The 32 bit CRC error checking on received data is still enabled.  This program is used in allESTeems , the only difference is the unit addresses.Perform the following prior to programming the ESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory default settings:1. Turn Bit 2 OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters may not be echoed by the crt.ESTeem A----------------------------------------------------ADD xxx   (xxx = ESTeem address)SETCON 255TERMC ONTERMT 10XHF ON *TRANS ONSAVEBit 2 ON (RS-232 Switch)Reset ESTeemNote:Only hardware flow control can be used in this mode.
CHAPTER 4ESTEEMAPPLICATION PROGRAMSRevised: 8 Oct 03 4-3 EST P/N AA104INTERACTIVE TERMINAL APPLICATIONThis program is used to connect a mainframe to a remote terminal.  This setup is a typical point to point configuration with theAUTO-CONNECT  feature enabled.Perform the following prior to programming the ESTeem(s) to initialize the unit to factory default settings:1. Turn Bit 2  OFF on the RS-232C Setup Switch.2. Reset the ESTeem.3. TYPE FA <Enter>.  Please note the characters my not be echoed by the crt.ESTeem At Mainframe ESTeem At Terminal-------------------------- ------------------------ADD xxx ADD yyySETC yyy SETC xxxTERMC ON TERMC ONTERMT 10  TERMT 10XSF OFF XSF OFFXHF ON * XHF ON *DISACK ON * DISACK ON *TRANS ON TRANS ONSAVE SAVEBit 2  ON Bit 2 ON (RS-232 Switch)RESET ESTeem RESET ESTeemNotes:• Turn DISACK ON only if you want to defeat the acknowledge packet.• Only hardware flow control can be used in this mode.• xxx and yyy represent an ESTeem address which is user definable from 1 to 254.PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERSEST has available complete Engineering Reports for each PLC manufacturer make which will be provided at no charge by callingEST Customer Support on 509-735-9092.  All Engineering Reports are also available on the ESTeem Utility Resource Disk (ESTP/N AA109) in Adobe™ PDF format.
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACING Revised: 8 Oct 03 5-1 EST P/N AA104DTE vs. DCEThe ESTeem is configured as a Data Communication Equipment (DCE) device.  The following signals are available at theRS-232C connector located at the rear of the unit.Pin Description---------------------------------------------------------------------1FG Shield Ground2TXD Transmit Data (Input)3RXD Receive Data (Output)DCE 4RTS Request To Send (Input)5CTS Clear to Send (Output)7SG Signal Ground8DCD Data Carrier Detect (Output)     12 RTS Request To Send (Output)     20 DTR Data Terminal Ready (Input)     22 Ring Ring Indicator (Output)The important thing to remember is that for the ESTeem to communicate with an external device, the data output from pin 3 ofthe ESTeem RS-232C connector must be connected to the data input of the device you are connected to; otherwise, the ESTeemwon't work.   Likewise, the data input to pin 2 of the ESTeem must be connected to the data output of the device you areconnected to.  Normally, if the equipment you are connecting to looks like a terminal or computer (DTE), its input, Receive Data(RXD), will be on pin 3 its output, Transmit Data (TXD), will be on pin 2.  Therefore, the ESTeem can be connected directly. If the device you are connecting to is configured as a modem (DCE), its output will be on pin 3.  If this configuration isconnected to the ESTeem, damage may result to the ESTeem or the connecting device.  In this case, you can purchase a nullconnector that internally reverses pins 2 and 3. Whatever your situation may be, it is always best to check the manual on your particular device and connect accordingly.Purchase or fabricate a RS-232C shielded cable for your ESTeem. The ESTeem requires a standard male 25 pin D connector onone end of the cable for proper connection. Remember to install the small retaining screws on either side of the cable connector. Tightening these screws keeps you fromaccidentally losing connection with your ESTeem.Notes: • The ESTeem requires a shielded RS-232 cable.  This is to prevent unwanted electrical noise from entering the ESTeemand also to prevent any electrical noise from getting out of the ESTeem. • Remember -- always use a shielded RS-232C cable.• Pins 9, 10, 14, & 16 are used for RS-422/485 interfacing and should be left open if not used.
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACING Revised: 8 Oct 03 5-2 EST P/N AA104FLOW CONTROLThe ESTeem can be enabled to support SOFTWARE or HARDWARE flow control. Software Flow ControlSoftware flow control is enabled by the XSFLOW (on/off) command in the ESTeem.  When XSFLOW is ON the ESTeem willrespond to <XOFF>, (stop) and <XON>, (off) commands from the RS-232 port.  The factory default setting is OFF.  The defaultvalue for START is 17 (CTRL Q) and for STOP is 19 (CTRL S).Hardware Flow ControlHardware flow control is enabled by the XHFLOW (on/off) command in the ESTeem.  The factory default value is OFF.When XHFLOW is enabled (on) the control signal lines, Request To Send (RTS, pin 4), Data Carrier Detect (DCD, pin 8), andClear To Send (CTS, pin 5) are available to the user at the RS-232C connector.  The CTS and RTS signals are used to control theflow of data into and out of the ESTeem. The CTS signal on pin 5 is used to control the data into the ESTeem.  When CTS is set (high on pin 5) the modem is ready toreceive data.  When CTS is reset (low on pin 5) the ESTeem is not ready to receive data. The RTS signal is used to control data out of the ESTeem. RTS is set (high on pin 4), by the user to indicate to the ESTeem thatthe user is ready to receive data.  When reset, the user is not ready to receive data.  (NOTE: Low = On, High = Off).
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACING Revised: 8 Oct 03 5-3 EST P/N AA104MEMORY BUFFERSThe ESTeem has a 4000 byte buffer on the TRANSMIT SIDE (outgoing data) and a 4000 byte buffer on the RECEIVE SIDE(incoming data).Transmit BufferThe outgoing data buffer will hold two data blocks before the ESTeem will enable its RS-232C hardware/software flow control ondata coming into the modem if the network is busy.  A data block in this example is a block of data that is defined by thePACKLENGTH or SENDPAC character which ever occurs first.Therefore, if PACKLENGTH = 10 the modem will input a maximum of 20 bytes before it enables its hardware/software handshakeline (two 10 byte packets).  In another example, if PACKLENGTH = 2000 but the data block is terminated by the SENDPACcharacter before the input buffer reaches the full 2000 bytes, the buffer will still hold only two data blocks if the network is busy.In order to utilize the 2000 bytes storage for small data packets (bar code readers, etc.), program the modem using the followingguidelines:PACKLENGTH = 2000 SENDPAC = 255TERMC = ON TERMT = 10Note: Set the TERMT time greater than the pause between data bursts.By programming the above parameters the ESTeem will buffer the incoming data packets and automatically transmit the datawhen the 2000 byte buffer is filled or the TERMT time limit is met.  This will allow the customer to use two blocks of 2000 or 4000bytes before the modem enables the respect hardware/software control.Receive BufferIf the device that the receiving ESTeem is outputting data to, enables its respective hardware or software control, the modem willstore 4000 bytes of data before flow controlling off the transmitting ESTeem.DATA TERMINAL READY (DTR)A software switch, DTR_ENAB (ON/OFF) is provided in the ESTeem for monitoring the status of a device connected to pin 20of the RS-232C connector.  The factory default setting is OFF.  When this command is enabled the ESTeem will monitor the DTRsignal on pin 20.  If the DTR line being supplied to the ESTeem, from the user, is at a SPACE (high) condition then the ESTeem isenabled.  If the DTR line is at a MARK (low) condition then the ESTeem is disabled.This signal is normally used by the ESTeem modem as an indication that connection is made to a device that is on line and readyto transmit/receive data.
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACING Revised: 8 Oct 03 5-4 EST P/N AA104RS-422/485 CONFIGURATIONThe ESTeem will support the requirements of the EIA Standard RS-422/485. This is a four (4) wire interface consisting of theTRANSMIT DATA (-), TRANSMIT DATA (+), RECEIVE DATA (-), AND RECEIVE DATA (+) or a two (2) wire interface usingB (+) and A (-). These signals are available at the 25 pin RS-232C connector on the modem.Pin Description9BTR (-) TRANSMIT DATA (-)10 BTR (+) TRANSMIT DATA (+)14 BRX (+) RECEIVE DATA (+)DCE(4-Wire)16 BRX (+) RECEIVE DATA (-)14 (+) HALF-DUPLEX B (+)DCE(2-Wire) 16 (-) HALF-DUPLEX A (-)This interface is designed to provide unipolar differential drive to twisted pair or parallel wire transmission lines.Note: The ESTeem is configured at the factory for RS-422 interfacing. RS-485 (either 4 or 2 wire mode) requires internaljumper configuration.  Please contact EST Customer Support at 509-735-9092 for instruction.The ESTeem can be factory configured RS-485 interfacing prior to shipment.  Call EST Customer Support on 509-735-9092 for further details.RS-232C/422/485 Configuration TablesOn the front plate of the ESTeem is a two position RS-232 Setup switchlabeled SW. The switch positions are defined as follows:                    RS-232C/422/485SETUP SWITCH TABLEBIT 1 OFF Default baud rate 19.2K, N, 8, 1BIT 1 ON Use software to select baud rateBIT 2 OFF Enter Command Mode uponinitializationBIT 2 ON Enter Conversation Mode uponinitializationNote: *The ESTeem is configured at the factory for RS-422 interfacing. RS-485 (2 or 4 wire) requires internal jumper configuration.  Pleasecontact EST Customer Support at 509-735-9092 for instructionESTeem RS-232C/422/485Port Pin-Out TablePin No. Function1Shield Ground2Transmit Data (TxD)3Receive Data (RxD)4Request To Send (RTS Input)5Clear To Send (CTS)6Data Set Ready (DSR)7Signal Ground8Data Carrier Detect (DCD)19 Mode Control20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)22 Ring Indicator (RI)12 Request To Send (RTS Output)9* RS-422/485 Transmit Data (-)10* RS-422/485 Transmit Data (+)14* RS-422/485 Receive Data (+)16* RS-422/485 Receive Data (-)
CHAPTER 5RS-232C/422/485 INTERFACING Revised: 8 Oct 03 5-5 EST P/N AA104RS-232C/422/485 COMRATE TablesThe ESTeem Model 192 uses the COMRATE software command to set the communication port speed when Bit 1 on the RS-232Setup Switches is in the ON position.  The ESTeem Utility Program will calculate the required COMRATE value and download tothe ESTeem in Step 3 of the Starting Out Menu or by selecting ESTeem Setup>Configure ESTeem Serial Port from the TerminalEmulation menu.  If you would like to manually enter the command to set the serial port speed on the modem please use thefollowing table as a guideline:19,200 9,600 4,800 2,400 1,200 6000 1 2 3 4 5 N,7,18 9 10 11 12 13 N,7,216 17 18 19 20 21 E,7,124 25 26 27 28 29 E,7,232 33 34 35 36 37 N,8,140 41 42 43 44 45 N,8,248 49 50 51 52 53 E,8,156 57 58 59 60 61 E,8,280 81 82 83 84 85 O,7,188 89 90 91 92 93 O,7,2112 113 114 115 116 117 O,8,1120 121 122 123 124 125 O,8,2
CHAPTER 6ANTENNA SETUPSRevised: 13 Apr 05 6-1 EST P/N AA104EST offers different types of antennas ranging from ¼ wave to 5/8 wave in physical size.  The user choice is dependent on theapplication.Communications in the VHF and UHF bands are normally over "Line of Sight (LOS)". Looking from the antenna of one wirelessmodem you must be able to see the antenna of the wireless modem you wish to communicate with. If a large object obstructs theline of sight view it is unlikely that satisfactory communications will result. This means you must relocate the antennas or use theREPEATER FEATURE and a second modem to go over or around the object.The Model 192C, CHP, F, and M products are allowed by the FCC to use high gain directional antennas.It is noted that a ¼ wave antenna that does not have ground plane radials requires a ground plane to operate at maximumefficiency.  This can simply be a conducting surface under the antenna that is a ¼ wavelength in diameter.  For the Model 192C(450-470 MHz) this is approximately 6.5 inches.  A conducting surface can be anything from the rooftop of an automobile to a filecabinet.COAXIAL CABLESTo minimize signal loss, the overall length of the coaxial cable should be as short as possible. To avoid corrosion select coaxialcable manufacturers with tinned copper braid, where possible. Listed below are representative cable losses in db/100ft at the VHFand UHF frequencies:Frequency(MHz) RG-58u LMR 195 RG-8(solid) LMR600 1/2" Heliax150-174 -5.2 -4.4 -1.7 -0.964 -0.88402-420 -8.4 -7.8 -2.9 -1.72 -1.36450-470 -9 -7.8 -3 -1.72 -1.45In a severe noise environment it may be desirable to use a double shield type of coax cable such as RG-214/U.Note: Pre-made coax cables can be purchased from the factory.  A -3 dB loss means you have lost 1/2 of your signal.  A +3 dBgain means you have doubled (x2) your signal.Keep the antenna feedline as short as possible to minimize losses.Extreme care must be taken when attaching coax connectors to the antenna feedlines.  If there is any error in makingthis connection the output of the transmitter will be greatly reduced.
CHAPTER 6ANTENNA SETUPSRevised: 13 Apr 05 6-2 EST P/N AA104WEATHER PROOFING COAX CONNECTIONS1. Coat the threads of the connectors with silicone lubricant prior to assembly (See Note 1) and hand tighten.  Care should betaken not to get any lubricant on the center conductor.2. Wrap the connector assembly with a vapor barrier patch for weather proofing (See Note 2), ensuring to overlap onto the coaxcable approximately 1 1/2 inches.3. Apply a electrical coating (sealing agent) over the vapor barrier patch for added protection (See Note 3).Notes:1. Dow Corning RTV-3140 or equivalent.2. Suggested vendors:VAPOR-WRAPDecibel Products3184 Quebec St.Dallas, TX 75356214-631-0310VYNIL-MASTIC, P/N 22003-M CompanyCustomer Service512-984-18003. SCOTCHKOTE, 3-M Company, or equivalent.GROUNDINGAll building mount antennas require attachment to a good earth ground for optimum efficiency.  Contact a reputable localcommunications shop for procedures for your area.LIGHTNING ARRESTORSLightning arrestors should be used on all external building mount antennas for personal protection and to minimize damage to thetransceiver during lightning storms.  The units should be installed as per manufacturers instructions provided with the device.REFERENCE MATERIALThe ideal reference book for antennas and transmission lines is the “The Radio Amateur's Handbook”, by the Headquarters Staff ofthe American Radio Relay League.
CHAPTER 6ANTENNA SETUPSRevised: 13 Sep 05 6-3 EST P/N AA104
CHAPTER 6ANTENNA SETUPSRevised: 13 Sep 05 6-4 EST P/N AA104
CHAPTER 6ANTENNA SETUPSRevised: 13 Sep 05 6-5 EST P/N AA104

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