EcoWater Systems 7243748 Water Conditioner User Manual cover

EcoWater Systems, Inc Water Conditioner cover


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ECOWATERSYST E MS Unpacking, Table of Contents2UNPACKINGEcoWater Systems conditioner models R70 andR50S are shipped from the factory in two cartons.These contain resin tank/controller assembly in onecarton and the brine tank, cover, skin pack of smallparts needed to assemble and install the unit, andthis manual.EcoWater Systems conditioners, models R20, R30and R40 are shipped from the factory in 1 mastercarton. The carton also includes a skin pack of smallparts needed to assemble and install the unit, andthis manual.Thoroughly check the EcoWater Systems condition-er for possible shipping damage and parts loss. Alsoinspect and note any damage to the shippingcarton.Notify the transportation company if damage is pres-ent. EcoWater Systems is not responsible for in-transit damages.Remove and discard (RECYCLE)allpackingmateri-als. We suggest you keep the small parts on theskin-pack until you are ready to use them. Minimalassembly is needed on all two tank models...seepage 6.TABLE OF CONTENTSPageWarranty 3Water / Water Conditioning 4-5Assembly 6Planning / Installation 7-131st Time Programming Face Plate Controller 14-15Faceplate Controller Features / Options 16-22Remote Monitor Features / Options, FCCuser information 23EcoWater Conditioner Operation 24-27Service Information 28-34Refilling with Salt 28Troubleshooting 30-33Dimensions / Specifications 35Repair Parts 36-39SAFETY GUIDESFollow the installation instructions carefully. Failure to install the EcoWater Systems conditioner properlyvoids the warranty.Before you begin installation, read this entire manual. Then, obtain all the materials and tools you will needto make the installation.Check local plumbing and electrical codes. The installation must conform to them.Use only lead-free solder and flux for all sweat-solder connections, as required by state and federal codes.Use care when handling the EcoWater Systems conditioner. Do not turn upside down, drop, or set on sharpprotrusions.Do not locate the EcoWater Systems conditioner where freezing temperatures occur. Do not attempt to treatwaterover120F. Freezing, or hot water damage voids the warranty.Avoid installing in direct sunlight. Excessive sun heat may cause distortion or other damage to non-metallicparts.The EcoWater Systems conditioner requires a minimum water flow of 3 gallons per minute at the inlet. Maxi-mum allowable inlet water pressure is 125 psi. If daytime pressure is over 80 psi, nighttime pressure mayexceed the maximum. Use a pressure reducing valve if necessary. (Adding a pressure reducing valve mayreduce the flow.)The EcoWater Systems conditioner works on 24 volt-60 hz electrical power only. Be sure to use theincluded transformer.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference,and (2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly ap-proved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This system is not intended to be used for treating water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown qualitywithout adequate disinfection before or after the system.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Warranty3LIMITED WARRANTYEcoWater Systems, Inc.Advantage WarrantySeries ECR & ERR 3000 Water SystemCongratulations! You have just purchased the highest quality water conditioningproduct on the market. To register your warranty, complete the enclosed WarrantyRegistration Card and mail it within 30 days of purchase.To whom is this warranty extended?EcoWater Systems, Inc. warrants its products to the original owner andguarantees that the products will be free from defects in materials andworkmanship from the original date of installation.How does my warranty work?If, during the respective warranty period, a part proves, after inspection byEcoWater, to be defective, EcoWater will, at its sole option repair or replace thatpart at no charge, other than normal shipping, installation or service charges.What is covered by the warranty?EcoWater Systems, Inc. guarantees that,for the LIFETIME of the original owner, the SALT TANK and the MINERAL TANKwill not rust, corrode, leak, burst, or in any other manner fail to perform their properfunctions and that,for a period of TEN YEARS, the VALVE BODY will be free of defects in materialsand workmanship and will perform its proper function and that,for a period of FIVE YEARS, the ELECTRONIC FACEPLATE and ALL OTHERPARTS, including the REMOTE MONITOR will be free of defects in materials andworkmanship and will perform their normal functions.Only on models designated as ERR on the rating decal, the EcoLife resin is alsoguaranteed, for the lifetime of the original owner, to be free of defects in materialsand workmanship and to remove chlorine form a municipal water supply.How do I obtain warranty service?Should you need service, your local, independent EcoWater Dealer is only aphone call away.PHONE:To obtain warranty service, notice must be given, within thirty (30) days of the dis-covery of the defect, to your local EcoWater Systems dealer.If I needa part replaced after the factory warranty expires, is the replacementpart warranted?Yes, EcoWater Systems, Inc. warrants FACTORY REPAIRS as well as allREPLACEMENTPARTS for a period of 90 DAYS. This warranty does not includenormal shipping, installation or service charges.Are any additional warranties available?We are pleased to say, YES! EcoWater Systems, Inc. sells an EXTENDED,PARTS ONLY WARRANTY for the ELECTRONICS portion of your product. Thiswarranty is called the “Perfect Ten” and extends the five year warranty on theelectronic FACEPLATE, WIRINGHARNESS, DRIVE MOTOR, TRANSFORMER,POWER CORD, SENSOR HOUSING, and MICRO SWITCHES to a total of TENYEARS from the date of original installation. Your local dealer will provide detailsregarding this warranty or will refer you to the factory for additional information.In addition, the 3000 SERIES product carries the CREST OF EXCELLENCEGUARANTEE that, should you experience a repetitive problem that remainsuncorrected, EcoWater will, during the FIRST YEAR OF INSTALLATION, replacethe product with the exact or comparable product.* This guarantee may be subjectto normal shipping and installation or service charges.General ProvisionsThe above warranties are effective provided the water conditioner is operated atwater pressures not exceeding 125 psi, and at watertemperatures not exceeding120 F (and on a municipal chlorinated water supply -); provided further that the water conditioner is not subject toabuse, misuse, alteration, neglect, freezing, accident or negligence; and providedfurther that the water conditioner is not damaged as the result of any unusual forceof nature such as, but not limited to, flood, hurricane, tornado or earthquake.EcoWater Systems, Inc., is excused if failure to perform its warranty obligationsis the result of strikes, government regulation, materials shortages, or othercircumstances beyond its control.*THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES ON THE WATER CONDITIONER BEYONDTHOSE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED ABOVE. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OFFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENTTHEY MIGHT EXTEND BEYOND THE ABOVE PERIODS. THE SOLEOBLIGATION OF ECOWATER SYSTEMS, INC. UNDER THESE WARRANTIESIS TO REPLACE OR REPAIR THE COMPONENT OR PART WHICH PROVESTOBE DEFECTIVE WITHIN THE SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD, AND ECOWATERIS NOT LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. NOECOWATER DEALER, AGENT, REPRESENTATIVE, OR OTHER PERSON ISAUTHORIZED TO EXTEND OR EXPAND THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLYDESCRIBED ABOVE.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts orexclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damage, so the limitationsand exclusions in this warranty may not apply to you. This warranty gives youspecific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.This warranty applies to consumer-owned installations only.*8$5$17((%21'The Continental Casualty Company, an Illinois corporation, hasissued it’s bond in the form shown below, guaranteeing full perfor-mance by EcoWater Systems, Inc.CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois, here-inafter called ‘‘Surety,’’ guarantees unto Harris Trust and SavingsBank, 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, as Trustee hold-ing said Guarantee Bond under the terms of a Trust Agreementdated September 15, 1963, for the use and benefit of original pur-chasers of residential EcoWater Systems Units within the Conti-nental United States, as described herein, that EcoWater Systems,Inc., will discharge the obligations of the ‘‘EcoWater Bonded Partsand Service Guarantee Policy.’’PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that:1. Liability of Surety hereunder shall not exceed the sum of FIVEHUNDRED AND 00/100th DOLLARS ($500.00) as to any oneinstallation, and shall not exceed the sum of FIVE HUNDREDTHOUSAND AND 00/100th DOLLARS ($500,000.00) in the ag-gregate, and2. Thereshall be no liability hereunder as to any purchaser to whomthere has not been issued at the time of installation and pur-chase completed registration card which is enclosed with a fac-simile of this bond, and who has not returned such card in accor-dance with this guarantee.3. Claim must be made by such original purchaser in writing within30 days from the expiration of these guarantees upon EcoWaterSystems, Inc., PO Box 64420, St. Paul, MN 55164, to performthe terms of said guarantee, and notice of any default on suchguarantee must be sent to Surety at its address by RegisteredMail.CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANYattest:assistant secretaryby:vice-presidentThis is to certify that the original of the aboveguarantee and bond is on file with Harris Trustand Savings Bank, 111 West Monroe Street,Chicago, Illinois.HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANKAs Trusteeby:authorized officer
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Water, and Water Conditioning4WATERMan’s very existence depends on water. It is one ofthe basic commodities of life. Water is best as natureprovides it, is a common misconception. Practicallyall natural water needs refinement or treatment tomake it safe to drink or more satisfactory to use.The earth’s water supply cycle starts in the uppercloud layers. As it falls to the earth as rain or snow,it picks up impurities and gases from the atmo-sphere. Landing on earth, it seeps over and throughthe ground, dissolving earth minerals. Passingthrough limestone, it dissolves calcium and magne-sium, the hardness minerals. Iron deposits impartiron to the water. Acidity and sediments are otherwater conditions.Municipal water supplies come from surface reser-voirs, such as lakes and rivers, or from undergroundreservoirs. Usually, municipalities chlorinate the wa-ter to make it safe to drink. Sediment is removed byfiltration. Tastes and odors are reduced or elimi-nated. The water is conditioned to comply with cer-tain specifications. However, hardness minerals,tastes and odors are not always reduced to the mostdesirable levels.Underground reservoirs provide our private watersupplies. Because the water is raw and untreated, itcan have varying amounts of hardness, iron, tastes,odors, acidity, or combinations of these. Different lo-calities and water levels affect mineral content.WATER CONDITIONINGWater conditioning is the treatment of 4 generalconditions. These are: (1) +DUGQHVV,(2),URQ,(3)$FLGLW\ DQG (4) 6HGLPHQWV.(1) +$5'1(66 is a term to describe the presenceof calcium and magnesium minerals in water. Achemical analysis accurately measures the amountof minerals in grain weight. For example, 1 gallon ofwater with 5 grains per gallon (gpg) hardness hasdissolved minerals, that if solidified, about equalsthe size of 1ordinary aspirin tablet. One gallon of wa-ter, 25 gpg hard, has a mineral content equal in sizeto 5 aspirin tablets. Water hardness varies greatlyacross the country. It generally contains from 3 to100 gpg.Hard water affectsliving ingeneral. Hardness miner-als combine with soap to make a soap curd. Thecurd greatly reduces the cleaning action of soap.Precipitated hardness minerals form a crust oncooking utensils, appliances, and plumbing fixtures.Even the tastes of foods are affected. A water soft-ener removes the hardness minerals to eliminatethese problems, and others. Pages 25-28 describehow the EcoWater conditioner works.Sodium Information: Water softeners using sodiumchloride (salt) for regeneration add sodium to thewater. Persons on sodium restricted diets shouldconsider the added sodium as part of their overall in-take.(2) ,521 in water is measured in parts per million(ppm). The total* ppm of iron, and type or types*, isdetermined by chemical analysis. Four differenttypes of iron in water are: ❶Ferrous (clear water),❷Ferric (red water), ❸Bacterial and organicallybound iron, ❹Colloidal and inorganically boundiron(ferrous or ferric).*Water may contain 1 or more of the 4 types of ironand any combination of these. Total iron is the sumof the contents.❶Ferrous (clear water) iron is soluble and dissolvesin water. It is usually detected by taking a sample ofwater in a clear bottle or glass. Immediately after tak-ing, the sample is clear. As the water sample stands,it gradually clouds and turns slightly yellow or brownas air oxidizes the iron. This usually occurs in 15 to30 minutes. An EcoWater conditioner will removemoderate amounts of this type of iron (see specifica-tions).❷Ferric (red water), and ❸Bacterial and organicallybound ironsare insoluble.This ironis visible immedi-ately when drawn from a faucet because it has oxi-dized before reaching the home. It appears as smallcloudy yellow, orange, or reddish suspended par-ticles. After the water stands for a period of time, theparticles settle to thebottom of the container.Gener-ally these irons are removed from water by filtration.Chlorination is also recommended for bacterial iron.An EcoWater conditioner will remove minimal quan-tities (see specifications) of ferric iron.continued
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Water, and Water Conditioning5❹Colloidal and inorganically bound iron is a ferric orferrous form that will not filter or exchange out of wa-ter. In some instances, treatment may improve col-loidal iron water, but always consult a qualifiedwater chemistry lab before attempting to treat it.Colloidal iron water usually has a yellow appearancewhen drawn. After standing for several hours, thecolor persists and the iron does not settle, but re-mains suspended in the water.Iron in water causes stains on clothing and plumbingfixtures. It negatively affects the taste of food, drink-ing water, and other beverages.(3) $&,',7< or acid water is caused by carbon diox-ide, hydrogen sulfide, and sometimes industrialwastes. It is corrosive to plumbing, plumbing fix-tures, water heaters, and other water using ap-pliances. It can also damage and cause prematurefailure of seals, diaphragms, etc., in water handlingequipment.A chemical analysis is needed to measure the de-gree of acidity in water. This is called thepH ofwater.Water testing below 6.9 pH is acidic. The lower thepHreading, the greater the acidity.A neutralizerfilteror a chemical feed pump are usually recommendedto treat acid water.(4) 6(',0(17 is fine, foreign material particles sus-pended in water. This material is most often clay orsilt. Extreme amounts of sediment may give the wa-ter a cloudy appearance. A sediment filter normallycorrects this condition.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Assembly Instructions61. Cabinet models are factory assembled. Duringinstallation, remove thetop and salt hole covers. Setaside to prevent damage. Check the brinewell to besure it is secured and vertical (FIG. 1).2. Lift the brine valve out of the brinewell. Be surethe float stem is parallel to the stand tube so sealswill seat properly during operation. Replace thebrine valve in the brinewell bottom and install thebrinewell cover.3. Install the brine tank overflow grommet and elbowin the 3/4” diameter hole in the brine tank sidewall.grommetelbow nozzle assemblybrine tubingbrine tankbrinewellbrine valvescrew, Tuflokslotsbrine valvebrinewellbrine tankbrine tubingelbowgrommetwasherFIGURE 2FIGURE 1brinewell cover brinewell coverstandtubefloat stemstandtubefloat stemTWO TANK MODELSCABINET MODELS
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Planning Installation7FIG. 3 - TYPICAL INSTALLATION DRAWINGSINLET - OUTLET OPTIONS1” copper tube(2 supplied)1’ x 1” strgt.sweat connector1’ x 3/4” strgt.sweat connector1” sweat x 1” or 3/4”pipe threadfloor drainfloor drainNOTE: Faceplate and supportnot shown for clarity of drawing.Tie or wire valve drain hose in place, to keepover floor drain.valve drainvalve drain hosebrine tankoverflowhosebrine tankoverflow hoseTWO TANK,MODELCABINETMODEL1-1/2”airgap120V,60Hzoutlettransformer(supplied)to timerto timer1-1/2”airgapINLETINLETOUTLETOUTLET3- valvebypass systeminlet valveoutlet valvebypass valveHARDWATERHARDWATERCONDITIONEDWATERbypass valve#7214383INLET - OUTLET PLUMBING OPTIONS:ALWAYS INSTALL either an EcoWater bypassvalve #7214383, or a 3 valve bypass system. By-pass valves allow you to turn off water to the soft-ener for repairs if needed, but still have water inhouse pipes.:Use 1”... or, 3/4” (minimum) pipe and fittings.:Use sweat copper... or, threaded pipe*... or, PVCplastic pipe.**Sweat soldering is required to adapt to the fittings(1” male) supplied with the EcoWater System Unit,or obtain approved compression adaptors. The fol-lowing special fittings are available from EcoWater.Be sure to comply with all local plumbing codes.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Planning Installation8OTHER REQUIREMENTS:A drain is needed for regeneration discharge wa-ter. A floor drain is preferred, close to the EcoWa-ter conditioner. A laundry tub, standpipe, etc., areother drain options.FIG. 4 - DRAIN OPTIONSSTANDPIPE1-1/2”airgapdrainhose1-1/2”airgapdrainhoseLAUNDRY TUB:A 120V-60Hz, grounded, continuously ‘‘live’’,electrical outlet is needed within 10’ of the Eco-Water conditioner.TOOLS YOU MAY NEEDcommon screwdriver plierscross-point screwdriver tape measureSOLDERED COPPER THREADED CPVC PLASTICtubing cutter hacksaw orpipe cutter hacksawpropane torch threading tool adjustablewrenchLEAD-FREEsolder and flux pipe joint com-pound* solvent cement*emery cloth,sandpaper or steelwoolprimerMATERIALS YOU MAY NEED1bypass valve, or 3 valves1pipe and fittings as required11/2” I. D. high quality, flexible hose for the valvedrain,* and brine tank drain. The brine tank drain el-bow accepts either 1/2” or 3/8” I. D. hose.*VALVE DRAIN OPTIONS: Flexible drain hose isnot allowed in all localities (check your codes). Tomake a rigid valve drain run, cut the barbed sectionoff the drain fitting for access to the 1/2” pipethreads. Then plumb a rigid drain as needed (seediagram). An optional drain fitting, part no. 7141239,is available from EcoWater to connect a standardgarden hose, or 5/8” I.D. hose onto a barb.gardenhosethreadsbarbs for5/8” I.D.hose1/2” NPTbarbs for1/2” I.D.tubing#7219066 #7141239FIG. 5HARD PLUMB DIAGRAM1/2” NPT to pipefemale adaptor1/2” pipe x 1-9/16” long(cut length)1/2” pipe x 2” long(cut length)90 elbow (2)1/2” NPT to pipefemale adaptor1/2” pipe x 1-9/16” long(cut length)1/2” pipe x 2-1/4” long(cut length)45 elbow (2)NOTE: Codes in the state of Massachusetts require installation by a licensed plumber. For installation, useplumbing code 248-CMR of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Installation9SELECT INSTALLATION LOCATIONConsider all of the following when selecting aninstallation location for the EcoWater conditioner.:To condition allwater in the home, install the Eco-Water conditioner close to the water supply inlet,and before all other plumbing connections, ex-cept outside water pipes. Outside faucets shouldremain on hard water to avoid wasting condi-tioned water and salt.:A nearby drain is needed to carry away regenera-tion discharge water. A floor drain is preferred,with a laundry tub, standpipe, etc., as other op-tions (check your local codes).:The EcoWater conditioner works on 24 voltsonly. A transformer is included to reduce 120-60Hzhouse power. Provide an approved, groundedoutlet within 10’ of the conditioner. The condition-er includes a 10’ power cable for connection be-tween the transformer and the controller.:Position the EcoWater conditioner at least 6”from surrounding walls, or other appliances, toallow access for adding salt and servicing.:Locate theEcoWater conditioner, in the plumbingsystem, after all other installed water condition-ing equipment, except for a taste and odor filter.A taste and odor filter is installed after all equip-ment. Always install the EcoWater conditionerBEFORE the water heater. See the SafetyGuides on page 2. To reduce the risk of hot waterback-up, conditioned water piping between theEcoWater conditioner and water heater shouldbe as long as possible.:Install the EcoWater conditioner in a place waterdamage is least likely to occur if it develops aleak.:If installing the conditioner in an outside location,be sure to provide protection from the elements,contamination, vandalism, and sunlight heat.The sun’s heat can melt plastic parts.FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7o-ring (2)turbinesupportclip (2)copper tube (2)VALVE INLETshim plywoodcoppertube o-ringclip turbinesupportBypassValveInstallationcoppertube (2)A.B.o-ring (2)
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Installation101. INSTALL BYPASS VALVE and/or COPPERTUBESIMPORTANT: The turbine support (FIG. 6) is factoryinstalled. The bypass valve or outlet copper tube willnot insert properly if the support assembly is re-versed or not fully into the valve port.a. IF INSTALLING AN ECOWATER BYPASSVALVE, put lubricated o-ring seals onto both bypassvalve ports (FIG. 6B). Carefully slide the bypassvalve into the softener valve and install the “C” clips.b. Slide a lubricatedo-ring sealonto eachof the cop-per tubes. Carefully insert the copper tubes into thebypass valve (FIG. 6B), or into the softener valve(FIG. 6 and 6A). Then install the ‘‘C’’ clips.NOTE: For lubrication, use silicone grease ap-proved for potable water supplies.IMPORTANT: Be sure the bypass valve and/orcopper tubes are firmly held in place by the plas-tic ‘‘C’’ clips, and the clips are securely in place.2. TURN OFF WATER SUPPLYa. Close the main water supply valve, near the wellpump or water meter.b. Shut off the electric or fuel supply to the waterheater.c. Open high and low faucets to drain all water fromthe house pipes.3. INSTALLING THREE VALVE BYPASSIf installing a 3-valve bypass system, plumb as need-ed using FIG. 3 as a guide. When installing sweatcopper, be sure to use lead-free solder and flux,required by federal and state codes. Use pipe jointcompound on outside pipe threads.4. MOVE THE ECOWATER UNIT INTO PLACEMove the EcoWater System Unit (resin tank only if2-tank model) into installation position. Set it on asolid, smooth and level surface. If needed, place theunit on a section of plywood, a minimum of 3/4” thick.Then, shim under the plywood to level the unit, FIG.7.CAUTION: '2 127 3/$&( 6+,06 ',5(&7/< 81'(5 7+( %5,1( 7$1. The weight of the tank,when full of water and salt, may cause the tank tofracture at the shim.5. ASSEMBLE INLET AND OUTLET PLUMBINGMeasure, cut, and loosely assemblepipe andfittingsfrom the main water pipe (or from the bypass valvesinstalled in step 3), to the inlet and outlet coppertubes, installed in step 1b.Be sure hard water supply pipe goes to the valveinlet side. Trace the water flow direction to be sure.CAUTION: Besure to fit, align and support allplumb-ing to prevent putting stress on the softener valve in-let and outlet. Undo stress may cause damage tothe valve. continuedground wireclamp (2)nozzle &venturio-ringelbowFIGURE 8 FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10Note: To ease brine tubing con-nection, use the elbow and o-ring seal as shown. Lubricatethe o-ring and insert into the el-bow. Turn the elbow on andtighten. Then, back-off up to 1turn, as needed.BA3 - Valve BypassOUTLETVALVE INLETVALVEBYPASSVALVEto conditionerfrom conditionerEcoWaterBypass Valvefor SERVICE:-Openthe inlet and outletvalves.- Close the bypass valve.for BYPASS:- Close the inlet and outletvalves.-Openthe bypass valve.brine tubingnut-ferrulescreenInstall hose clamps beforesoldering copper tubescoppertubeshose clamp,ground (2)ground wire
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Installation116. CONNECT INLET AND OUTLET PLUMBINGComplete the inlet and outlet plumbing as applica-ble, below.a. SOLDERED COPPER(1) Thoroughly clean and flux all joints.(2) Pull the plastic ‘‘C’’ clips and remove the inlet andoutlet tubes from the valve. Remove o-rings from thetubes. DO NOT solder with tubes in the valve. Sol-dering heat will damage the valve.NOTE: If installing a ground as shown in figure 8A,place hose clamps on copper tubes before sol-dering (see step 7a).(3) Make all solder connections. Be sure to keep fit-tings fully together, and pipes square and straight.IMPORTANT: Be sure the bypass valve and/orcopper tubes are firmly held in place by the plas-tic ‘‘C’’ clips, and the clips are securely in place.b. THREADED PIPE(1) Apply pipe joint compound to all outside pipethreads.(2) Tighten all threaded joints.(3) If soldering to the inlet and outlet tubes, observestep aabove.c. CPVC PLASTIC PIPE(1) Clean, prime and cement all joints, following themanufactures instructions supplied with the plasticpipe and fittings.(2) If soldering to the inlet and outlet tubes, observestep aabove.7. COLD WATER PIPE GROUNDINGThe house cold water pipe (metal only) is often usedas a ground for the house electrical system. The3-valve bypass type of installation, shown in FIG. 3,will maintain ground continuity. If you use the plasticbypass, continuity is broken. To restore the ground,do either step aor bfollowing.a. Use the included hose clamps and wire, to makea jumper across the inlet and outlet copper tubes,FIG. 8A. Put the hose clamps on the copper tubesbefore soldering, step 6a.b. Install a #4 copper wire across the removed sec-tion of main water pipe, securely clamping at bothends, FIG. 8B (parts not included).8. INSTALL VALVE DRAIN HOSENOTE: See valve drain options on page 8.a. Connect a length of 1/2” I.D. hose (check codes)to the valve drain elbow, on the controller, FIG. 5.Use a hose clamp to hold the hose in place. Routethe hose out through the notch in the back of the topcover.b. Run the hose to the floor drain, and as typicallyshown in FIG. 4, tie or wire the end to a brick or otherheavy object. This will prevent ‘‘whipping’’ during re-generations. Be sure to provide a 1-1/2” minimumairgap, to prevent possible sewer water backup.NOTE: In place of a floor drain, you can use a laun-dry tub or standpipe as a good drain point for thishose. Avoid long drain hose runs, or elevating thehose more than 8’ above the floor.9. IF INSTALLING A TWO TANKMODEL, move thebrine tank into position next to the resin tank. Ob-serve the instructions in step 4, page 10.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Installation1210. INSTALL BRINE TANK OVERFLOW HOSEa. Connect a length of 1/2” I. D. hose to the brinetank overflow elbow and secure in place with a hoseclamp.b. Run the hose to the floor drain, or other suitabledrain point no higher than the drain fitting on thetank. If the tank overfills with water, the excess waterflows to the drain point.11. On Two Tank models, connect the brine tubingto the nozzle and venturi housing, FIGS. 1, 2 and 9.Use the elbow, o-ring, nut-ferrule and screen in-cluded on the skin-pack. Tighten the nut by hand,then another 1/4 turn with a pliers.NOTE: Route the tubing neatly out of the way andcut it to the desired length. For longer distances, or-der the optional parts shown on page 37, to extendthe tubing.ECR3000R20 MODEL: A white color coded nozzleand venturi (.023)is factoryinstalled foruse onwatersupply pressure of 50 psi and higher. If water supplypressure is under 50 psi, install the black nozzle andventuri (.032) along with the .1 gpm flow plug. Theyare included on the small parts skin pack. Insert the.1 gpm flow plug into the nozzle and venturi, asshown, NUMBERED SIDE UP, CONCAVE SIDEDOWN.CAUTION: When removing and installing the cap,holdthe housing tightly with 1 handto preventbreak-age.12. PRESSURE TESTING FOR LEAKSTo prevent excessive air pressure in the EcoWa-ter Unit and plumbing system, do the followingsteps EXACTLY in order.a. Fully open two or more FRQGLWLRQHG cold waterfaucets nearby the EcoWater Unit.b. Place the bypass valve(s) in ‘‘bypass’’ position.See figure 10.c. Fully open the main water supply valve. Observesteady flow from the opened faucets, with no airbubbles.d. (;$&7/< as follows, place bypass valve(s) in‘‘service’’.(1) SINGLE BYPASS VALVE: SLOWLY, movethe valve stem toward ‘‘service’’, pausing severaltimes to allow the unit to pressurize slowly.(2) 3-VALVE BYPASS: Fully close the bypassvalve and open the outlet valve. SLOWLY, openthe inlet valve, pausing several times to allow theunit to pressurize slowly.e. After about 3 minutes, open a hot water faucetfor about 1 minute, or until all air is expelled, thenclose.f. Close all cold water faucets and check yourplumbing work for leaks.13. ADD WATER AND SALT TO THE BRINE TANKa. Using a pail or garden hose, add about 3 gallonsof water into the brine tank. DO NOT pour into thebrinewell, FIGS. 1 and 2, page 6.b. Fill the brine tank with salt. You can use most wa-ter conditioner salts, but it must be clean. Recom-mended nugget, pellet or coarse solar salts haveless than 1% impurities. Salt storage capacity isshown on page 35.NOTE: See page 28 for additional information onsalt.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Installation1314. SANITIZING THE ECOWATER SYSTEM UNITCare is taken at the factory to keep your EcoWaterSystem conditioner clean and sanitary. Materialsused to make the unit will not infect or contaminateyour water supply, and will not cause bacteria toform or grow. However, during shipping, storage,installing and operating, bacteria could get into theunit. For this reason, sanitizing as follows is sug-gested owhen installing....Remove the brinewell cover and pour about 1-1/2oz. (2 to 3 tablespoons) of common householdbleach into the softener brinewell, FIGS. 1 and 2,page 6. Clorox, Linco, BoPeep, White Sail, Eagle,etc.arebrand namesof bleachreadily available. Re-place the brinewell cover....The final step in the sanitizing procedure is doneas you complete the following steps, including con-troller programming on page 14.Recommended by the Water Quality Association. On some water sup-plies, the EcoWater System Unit may need periodic disinfecting.15. CONNECT TRANSFORMERa. Connect the power cable leads to the 2 terminalson the transformer.NOTE: Check to be sure all leadwire connectors aresecure on the back of the controller.Caution:Be sure all wiring is away from thevalvecam, which rotates during regenerations.b. Plug the transformer into a continuously ‘‘live’’,grounded, 120V-60Hz house electrical outlet, ap-proved by local codes. 7+( 81,7 :25.6 21 921/< '2 127 &211(&7 :,7+287 7+(75$16)250(516. START A RECHARGEPress the RECHARGE keypad, move cursor to SetRecharge Now and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤)key-pad, starting a recharge. This recharge draws thesanitizing bleach into and through the EcoWaterSystem Unit. Any air remaining in the unit is purgedto the drain.17. RESTART THE WATER HEATERTurn on the electric or fuel supply to the water heat-er, and light the pilot, if applies.NOTE: The water heater is filled with HARD waterand, as hot water is used, it refills with conditionedwater. In a few days, the hot water will be fully condi-tioned. To have fully conditioned hot water immedi-ately, wait until the recharge (step 16) is over. Then,drain the water heater until water runs cold.18. Install the tank top cover(s).COMPLETE THE PROGRAMMING STEPS ONPAGES 14 AND 15.Transformer24VtanklightvalvemotorBACK OFcontroller120VPOWERSOURCEFIGURE 11WATERMETERSENSOR
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Programming the Digital Demand Faceplate Controller14display keypadkeypadRECHARGEkeypadSALT LEVELkeypadSELECT/EXITkeypadTANK LIGHTkeypadTHE FOLLOWING STEPS ARE FOR FIRST TIME SET UP ONLY.When the transformer is plugged in, a ‘‘beep’’ willsound, followed by the factory set model code dis-play and software version for a few seconds. Then,12:00 PM present time display.1. MODEL CODE: The controller is factory set tothe model code, which provides the shortest re-charge times and greatest water savings. Verify thecorrect model code or set if needed.Note: To reset the model code, see page 21.2. SET THE CLOCK:Use the ()or() keypadsto set the present time of day, being sure AM or PMshows, as applicable. Press () to move the displayahead; press () to move the time backward.NOTE:Each press of a keypad changes the time by 1 min-ute. Holding a keypad in changes the time by 32minutes each second. Pressing the SELECT/EXIT(¤) keypad will set the clock.3. SET WATER HARDNESS:The controller isfactory set to 25 grains. Set the grains per gallonhardness of your water supply. Water hardness isdetermined bywater analysis, or call your local waterdepartment. Use the () keypad to advance thenumber; use the () keypad to reduce the number.Each press of a keypad changes the display by 1.Hold down the keypad to scroll. After 25, scrolling willbe at a faster rate. NOTE: To compensate for iron inthe water, add 5 to the hardness number for each 1ppm of iron. Pressing the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤)key-pad will set the hardness level. NOTE: If using po-tassium chloride (KCl) instead of standard sodiumchloride (NaCl) watersoftener salt, hardness settingmust be increased by 25%.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Programming the Digital Demand Faceplate Controller154. SET RECHARGE (REGENERATION) TIME:The controller is factory set to 2:00 AM. At this set-ting, the EcoWater conditioner begins recharge, orregeneration, ending no later than 5:30 AM. This isa good time in most households because water isnot being used. If hot water is used while the unit isregenerating, the water heater will refill with KDUG wa-ter. To select a different recharge start time, use the()or() keypad. Pressing the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤)keypad will set the recharge time.5. REMOTE SET-UP: Press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤)to enter the Primary Menu. Move the cursor next toAdvanced/Service Menu and press SELECT/EXIT(¤) to enter this Menu. Warning screen will show.Press () keypad to continue. Move cursor to TestRemote and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) to enter thisscreen. The controller will start sending a signal tothe remote every 3 seconds. Press reset on theback of remote. When the remote is receiving thissignal, the LED’s will flash red, amber, green. Nowremote can be placed in a convenient location. Theremote may not work in all places in your home. Ifthe red LED flashes twice every 3 seconds, the re-mote is out of range ofsignaland needs to bereposi-tioned. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤) to exit to the Ad-vanced/Service Menu. Move square cursor (3)toEXIT and press SELECT/EXIT (¤). Now the unitshould start transmitting a normal signal.GREEN LEDAMBER LEDRED LED6. Press the RECHARGE keypad to get to the re-charge menu. Move the cursor to Start RechargeNowand pressthe SELECT/EXIT( ¤), starting a re-charge. This recharge draws the bleach (see step14, page 13) through the EcoWater conditioner tosanitize it and to purge any air remaining in the resintank assembly.7. RESTART THE WATER HEATER: Turn on the electric or fuel supply to the water heater, and lightthe pilot, if applies.NOTE: When the sanitizing regeneration is over, all remaining bleach is flushed from the conditioner andyour cold water supply is ready for use. However, the water heater is filled with HARD water and, as hotwater is used, it refills with conditioned water. In a few days, the hot water will be fully conditioned. To havefully conditioned hot water immediately, wait until the recharge (step 6) is over.Then, drain the water heat-er until water runs cold.INSTALLATION OF THE DIGITAL DEMAND ECOWATER CONDITIONER IS COMPLETE.Additional faceplate controller features and options are described on following pages.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Faceplate Controller, Features/Options16FEATURES AND OPTIONSNORMAL SCREEN VIEWSThe display will scroll through as many as 5 screens at an interval of4 seconds each./Soft Water Available will show a percent of available soft water anda bar graph at the bottom of the display./WaterFlowRate shows gallons per minute (GPM) flowing throughthe system at that time and a moving bar graph at the bottom of thescreen./Recharge Tonight is shown only if the unit will be initiating a re-charge that night./Salt Level is Low is shown only if the salt level is below the amountset for warning./If the unit is in recharge, the display will show remaining time inrecharge and current stage of recharge.PROGRAM MEMORY: If electrical power to the EcoWater conditioner goes off, the display is blank, but thefaceplate controller keeps the correct time for at least 2 days. When electrical power comes on again, youhave to verify clock time is correct. The MODEL CODE, HARDNESS and RECHARGE TIME never need re-setting unless a change is desired.Even if the controller is incorrect, after a long power outage, the unit works as it should to keep your waterconditioned. However, regenerations may occur at the wrong time of day until you reset the controller to thecorrect time of day. To reset present time, see step 2 on page 14.CONTROL FEATURES:There are 3 keypads on the left side of thedisplay. Salt Level keypad is used when adding salt to the brine tank.The level number on the brinewell corresponds to the number to pro-graminto the controller. Recharge keypad has 2 options: Set/Cancelrecharge tonight, which eithersets orcancels a recharge for that nightand Start Recharge Now, which will start a recharge immediately.NOTE: If in a recharge, and the Recharge keypad is pressed, it willadvance the valve to the next regeneration cycle. On cabinet styleunits, there is also a Tank Light keypad. This will turn tank light onor off, and will work while in any screen. The tanklight willautomatical-ly turn off after 4 minutes.-SOUND ‘‘BEEPER’’- A‘‘beeper’’ sounds while pressing keypads for controller setup. One beep signalsa change in the faceplate display. Repeated beeps means the controller will not accept a change from thekeypad you have pressed, telling you to use another keypad. For example, while setting the hardness num-ber, thebeeper sounds repeatedly whenthe displayreaches 1using the () keypad or 160, for example, usingthe () keypad.SALT LEVEL: This feature is used when salt is added to the conditioner. Press the salt level keypad anduse the () keypad to reset the levelof salt as it corresponds to the decalon the brinewell. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤) to set and return to Normal Screen Views.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Faceplate Controller, Features/Options17INITIATING EXTRA RECHARGESRECHARGE NOW: Press the Recharge keypad to go to the recharge menu. Move square cursor down toStart Recharge Now. Press SELECT/EXIT keypad and a recharge begins immediately.To assure an adequate supply of conditioned water, at times of unusual or XQH[SHFWHG high water use de-mand, use the RECHARGE NOW feature. For example, if you have guests and the Soft Water Availablescreen is at orbelow50%, you could deplete conditioned watercapacity before the next recharge is automati-cally initiated. To be sure this will not happen, use RECHARGE NOW to restore 100% conditioned water ca-pacity.RECHARGE TONIGHT: Press the Recharge keypad to go to the recharge menu. Move cursor down to Set/Cancel Recharge Tonight. Press SELECT/EXIT keypad to return to Normal Screen Views. When this featureis set, the EcoWater conditioner will regenerate at the next programmed start time. This feature is beneficialto assure a sufficient supply of conditioned water for an H[SHFWHG heavy water usage the next day.To cancel a recharge when RECHARGE TONIGHT is shown, press the Recharge keypad to go to the re-charge menu. Move cursor down to Set/Cancel Recharge Tonight. Press SELECT/EXIT keypad to returnto Normal Screen Views.The following is a description of the options in the Primary Menu. To enter this menu press SELECT/EXIT(¤) keypad and move squarecursor (3)to menuchoice. To exit to Normal Screen Views move squarecursor(3)to EXIT, which appears at either the top orthe bottom of this menu. If no keypad has been pressed displaywill show for 4 minutes before defaulting back to the Normal Screen Views.SetClock:Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()keypads untilcur-sor is next to Set Clock. Again, use the ()or() keypads to set thepresent time of day, being sure AM orPM shows, as applicable. Press() to move the display ahead; press () to move the time backward.NOTE: Each press of a keypadchanges thetime by 1 minute.Holdinga keypad in changes the time by 32 minutes each second. Press theSELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad to set.Set Water Hardness:Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()key-pads until cursor is next to Set Hardness. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤) keypad once to display a flashing number and GRAINS. Set thegrains per gallon hardness of your water supply. Use the () keypadto advance the number; use the () keypad to reduce the number.Pressing the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad will set the hardness level.NOTE: If using potassium chloride (KCl) instead of standard sodiumchloride (NaCl) water softener salt, hardness setting must be in-creased by 25%.Set Recharge (Regeneration) Time: Enter Primary Menu. Press the()or() keypads untilcursor isnext to Set Recharge Time. Press theSELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad once to display a flashing 2:00 AM. Atthis setting, the EcoWater conditioner begins recharge, or regenera-tion, at 2:00 AM., ending no later than 5:30 AM. This is a good timein most households because water is not being used. If hot water isused while the unit is regenerating, the waterheater will refill with KDUGwater. To select a different recharge start time, use the ()or()key-pad. Pressing the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad will set the rechargetime.continued
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Faceplate Controller, Features/Options18Primary Menu, continuedWater Flow Rate: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or() keypadsuntil cursor is next to Water Flow Rate. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤) keypad. When selected, this screen will show the water flow rate ingallons per minute (GPM) or liters per minute (LPM) with the movingbar graph at the bottom of the display.Water Used Today: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()key-pads until cursor is next to Water Used Today. Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad and the gallons/liters used since midnight will beshown in the display.Average Water Use: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()key-pads until cursor is next to Average Water Use. Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad and the average gallons/liters use each day will beshown in the display.Soft Water Meter: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or() keypadsuntil cursor is next to Soft Water Meter. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤)keypad. This screen is similar to a trip odometer in that it will countthe number of gallons/liters through the system until it is reset. To re-setbacktozeropressthe() keypad.Set Rolling Screen: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()key-pads until cursor is next to Set Rolling Screen. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤) keypad. This menu will disable the Normal Screen Viewsfrom scrolling and will show only the screen that is most current.Set 12/24 Hour Clock: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()key-pads until cursor is next to Set 12/24 Hour Clock. Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad. Moving the ()or() keypads will change clockdisplay from 12 hour (AM & PM) or 24 hour format.Set Gallons/Liters: Enter Primary Menu. Pressthe ()or()keypadsuntil cursor is next to Set Gallons/Liters. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤)keypad. Moving the ()or() keypads will change displays to indicatewater in gallons or liters.Set Grains/PPM: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or() keypadsuntil cursor is next to Set Grains/PPM. Press the SELECT/EXIT (¤)keypad. Change between diplaying hardness units in grains or partsper million (PPM).
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Faceplate Controller, Features/Options19Primary Menu, continuedRemote Status: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or() keypadsuntil cursor is next to Remote Status. Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad. The current remote status is displayed.Send E.A.S.E. Message: Enter Primary Menu. Press the ()or()keypads until cursorisnext to Send E.A.S.E. Message. Press theSE-LECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad. The unit will automatically start sendingE.A.S.E. message and show a progress bar on the display. See page30.Advanced/Service: By entering these menus, a warning screen willfirst be displayed. Only technicians or knowledgeable users shoulduse these menus.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Faceplate Controller, Features/Options20The following is a description of the options in the Advanced/ServiceMenu. To enter any of the following menus, press SELECT/EXIT (¤)to enterPrimary Menu. Press the ()or() keypads untilcursor is nextto Advanced/Service. Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad to enterthis menu. Warning screen will show, press the () keypad to contin-ue. To exit to Normal Screen Views move square cursor (3) to EXIT,which appears at either the top or the bottom of this menu. If no key-pad has been pressed display will show for 4 minutes before default-ing back to the Normal Screen Views.Set Language: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next to SetLanguage. Language can be changed from English to Spanish orFrench. Warning: If the language has been mistakenly changed, thefollowing steps can be followed to reset.1) Unplug transformer, then reapply power to the unit. After 4 sec-onds, the time of day should show in the upper right corner. If the timeof day is not shown, press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad until it is.2) Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad.3) Press the () keypad until the square cursor (3) is next to one ofthe following: Advanced/Service (English)Servicio/Avanzando (Spanish)Fonct avanc (French)4) Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad.5) Press the () keypad.6) Press the () keypad until the square cursor (3) is next to one ofthe following: Set Language (English)Seleccionar idioma (Spanish)Réglage langue (French)7) Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad.8) Language can now be selected by pressing the ()or() keypadsuntil the cursor is next to correct language.9) Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad to select language.10) Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next to EXIT.11) Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad.Diagnostics: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next to Diag-nostics and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). This screen is for viewing onlyand will show any error codes plus information about the unit. Use the()or() keypads to view all lines of the screen. See page 31.Test Remote: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next to TestRemote and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). At set up, the unit will senda signal to the remote every 3 seconds to allow for correct positioningof remote monitor. Press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) to exit. See page 22 forinformation on Remote Monitor.continued
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Faceplate Controller, Features/Options21Advanced/Service Menu, continuedSet Low Salt Alert: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is nextto Set Low Salt Alert and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Use the ()or() keypads to change Alert Level. At this level the controller will sig-nal that salt needs to be added to the conditioner brine tank. PressSELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.Efficiency Mode: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next toEfficiency Mode and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Default is Auto Ad-justing which has a minimum efficiency of 3350 grains/lb of salt. Usethe ()or() keypads to change to either High Capacity which setsthe regeneration salt doses that are increased by a certain % to han-dle applications requiring 1.5 PPM (parts per million) or less soft wa-ter, or to handle special cases such as low leakage requirement orproblem water conditions; and Salt Efficient which operates at aminimum of 4000 grains/lb of salt. Changing this setting will prompta warning that changes could affect performance. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.NOTE: California regulations require the Efficiency Mode to be ON forsale in California.Set Max Days/Recharge: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor isnext to Set Max Days/Recharge and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). De-fault is Automatic. The algorithm will determine when to recharge.Use the ()or() keypads to change between 1 and 15 days. Withthis setting the unit will never go past number of days set for a re-charge, but could recharge before. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.Set 97% Feature: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next toSet 97% Feature and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Default is Off. Usethe () keypad to set to On. By setting to On, unit will automaticallyrecharge when 97% capacity has been used, at any time of day.Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.Set Backwash Time: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is nextto Set Backwash Time and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Time can bechanged from 1 to 30 minutes. See chart on page 33 for recom-mended backwash time. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.Set 2nd Backwash: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is nextto Set 2nd Backwash and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Default is Off.Use the () keypad to set to On. When set to On, unit will always per-form a 2nd backwash and rinse. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.Elect this feature if water contains a lot of sediment or iron.continued
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Remote Monitor, Features/Options22Advanced/Service Menu, continuedSet FastRinse: Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next to SetFast Rinse and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Time can be changed from1 to 30 minutes. See chart on page 33 for recommended fast rinsetime. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.Set Model: The controller is factory set to the model code, which pro-vides the shortest recharge times and greatest water savings. For op-eration at higher salt efficiency levels, the alternate model code selec-tion is required (see the product specification sheet). Do the followingto change to this code, if desired.1) Press the ()or() keypads until cursor is next to Set Model andpress SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Warning screen will display, press ()tocontinue.2) Use the ()or() keypads to change to new model code. Be sureto set the correct code, or the EcoWater conditioner will operateon incorrect timing. NOTE: If this feature is changed, it will delete allinformation stored in the controller (Hardness, Recharge time willhave to be reset. All usage history will be cleared). When you are cer-tain the correct code appears, press SELECT/EXIT (¤) to exit. Warn-ing screen will appear after changing model code, press () to contin-ue. The display will return to the start-up screens.MODEL NUMBER(on rating decal) Required Code Alternate CodeECR3000R20 R20 HR20ERR3000R20 R20+ -ECR3000R30 R30 HR30ECR3002R30 2R30 2H30ERR3002R30 2R30 2H30ECR3002R40 2R40 2H40ECR3002R50S 2H50 -ECR3002R70 2R70 2H70Restore To Factory Settings: Press the ()or() keypads until cur-sor is next to Restore System and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Defaultis No. If set to Yes will restore controller to factory settings. NOTE:This will affect ALL settings, and controller will go through first timeset-up screens again. Press SELECT/EXIT (¤)toexit.
GREEN LEDAMBER LEDRED LEDECOWATERSYSTEMS Remote Monitor, Features/Options23Remote Monitor, Features and OptionsThis EcoWater unit comes with a Remote Monitor which can conve-niently be placed in yourhome forviewing ofyourconditioners’status.During normal operation, the green LED will flash at intervals of 5 sec-onds. If the unit requires salt, the amber LED will flash, and if the unitneeds to be checked the red LED will flash.The controller on the EcoWater Systems conditioner will send a signal to the remote monitor every minute.The remote monitor will listen for a signal every 10 minutes. Any changes in softener status could possiblytake up to 10 minutes before the remote registers the change. If the unit stops sending a signal, the remotewill keep trying to listen for the signal. If after 10 minutes with no signal received, the remote will try 1 minutelater and 2 minutes later to find the signal, gradually increasing the time between, but will keep trying to listenfor the signal for up to 2 days. After 20 minutes with no signal received, the remote monitor will turn off theLED’s to conserve battery life, but will still be active. After 2 days with no signal received, the remote monitorwill shut down untill the reset button is pushed (on back of remote).The EcoWater Systems remote uses 3 “AA” batteries, which are included. To check batteries, press resetbutton on back of remote monitor. If batteries are good, the LED’s on the remote should scroll green, amber,red. If LED’s do not light, batteries need to be changed.If there is another EcoWater unit within range of the remote, it may cause a conflict with the channel that theremote monitor is receiving. If the remote monitor displays the wrong message (example: low salt when saltis above warning level) this is an indication that the remote monitor is receiving a different signal. Follow thesteps below to change the remote channel.Set Remote Channel: Enter Advanced/Service Menu. Move cursornext to Set Remote Channel and press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤). Defaultis random from 1 to 16. Press ( )or() to select new channel. PressSELECT/EXIT (¤) to exit to the Primary Menu and press reset buttonon back of remote monitor.NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condi-tions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that maycause undesired operation. Changes ormodificationsnot expresslyapproved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: ALSO SEE SERVICE INFORMATION, PAGES 28 THROUGH 34.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS EcoWater Conditioner Operation24ELECTRONICSWATER METER:The water meter consists of a turbine, turbinemounting assembly, and sensor housing. It is lo-cated at the valve outlet port, FIG. 6, page 9. As wa-ter passes through and spins the turbine, 2 magnets(in the turbine) cause a back-and-forth movement ofa switch in the sensor housing. This switch move-ment sends a pulse to the faceplate controller.FACEPLATE CONTROLLER:The faceplate controlleris actuallya smallcomputer.As it receives pulses from the water meter, it con-verts them to gallons of water passing through theEcoWater conditioner. It multiplies this water usageinformation times the water hardness (prepro-grammed into the controller) to continually calculatethe conditioned water capacity required. The com-puter adjusts daily to water using habits, seeking tosupply conditioned water for the longest time, usingthe least (and most efficient) amount of salt and wa-ter to regenerate.When the computer determines more capacity isneeded, it schedules a regeneration at the next re-generation starting time (2:00AM, or as otherwisepreset). RECHARGE TONIGHT shows in the dis-play to inform of the coming regeneration. Duringvacations, etc., when you are not using water, theEcoWater conditioner will not regenerate.SERVICE, AND REGENERATIONThe EcoWater conditioner is filled with a man-maderesin material, called the UHVLQ EHG The resin lookssomewhat like coarse sand, but the beads are roundand smooth. Resin has the ability to remove hard-ness minerals from water by ion-exchange.SERVICE (FIG. 14):Hard waterenters the EcoWater conditioner, passesthrough the valve and down into the resin tank andresin bed. As it passes through the bed, hardnessminerals are extracted from the water and held bythe resin beads. Conditioned water exits the resintank through the bottom distributor, flows up the in-ternalstandpipe, into the valve, and out to the housepipes.In time, the resin beads hold all the hardness miner-als they can, and cleaning with a salt solution (brine)is needed. Regeneration and recharge are wordsused to describe this cleaning.REGENERATION, OR RECHARGE:The faceplate controller determines when a regen-eration is needed (see above). Regeneration startsat 2:00AM, or other preselected time, and consistsof 5 different steps, or cycles. These are ILOO EULQLQJEULQH ULQVH EDFNZDVK and IDVW ULQVH.67(3   ),// &<&/( ),*  Salt, dissolved inwater, is called brine. Brine is the cleaning agent forthe resin bed. To make brine, water is needed in thebrine tank salt storage area. A controlled water flowto the brine tank takes place during fill.To enter fill, the EcoWater conditioner valve reposi-tions slightly (motor energized). A valve passageopensallowing FRQGLWLRQHG water to flow throughthenozzle and venturi, to the brine valve, and into thebrine tank. Fill cycle length is regulated by the con-troller, depending upon how much cleaning is need-ed to remove all hardness minerals, and restore100% capacity.continued, page 26
ECOWATERSYSTEMS EcoWater Conditioner Operation2667(3   %5,1,1* &<&/( DQG67(3   %5,1( 5,16( &<&/( ),* The controller energized motor moves the valve outof fill and into brining. A port opens, routing water tothe nozzle. Flow, through the nozzle and into theventuri, creates a suction in the brine tubing andbrine valve. The suction pulls brine out of the brinetank, and it mixeswith water at the nozzle and ventu-ri. Brine and water flow back into the valve, down theinternal standpipe, and into the resin bed. As brinepasses through the resin bed, hardness mineralsare released from the resin and carried with waterflow to the drain.After all brine is drawn from the brine tank, the brinevalve float seats to prevent air induction. Water con-tinues to flow in the same direction exceptfor thedis-continued brine flow. Hardness minerals and brinerinse from the resin bed and flow to the drain.Brining and brine rinse time is also variable and con-trolled by the controller (see page 33).BYPASS HARD WATER: During brining and brinerinse (also backwash and fast rinse, page 27), KDUGZDWHU is bypassed through the valve and available athouse faucets. Avoid using HOT water however, be-cause the water heater will refill with hard water.FIGURE 16BRINING andBRINE RINSE CYCLESWATER FLOW PATHFRONT VIEW (CUT-AWAY)TOP VIEW(CUT-AWAY)HARDWATERINBYPASS HARDWATER OUTLEFT END VIEW(CUT-AWAY)RIGHT END VIEW(CUT-AWAY)brineto resin bedfromresin bedBYPASSWATEROUTHARDWATERINBRINE FROMBRINE TANKnozzle & venturifromresin bedtodrainwater to nozzle& venturi brine fromnozzle & venturinozzle & venturi
FRONT VIEW (CUT-AWAY)TOP VIEW(CUT-AWAY)HARDWATERINBYPASS HARDWATER OUTLEFT END VIEW(CUT-AWAY)RIGHT END VIEW(CUT-AWAY)fromresin bedBYPASSWATEROUTHARDWATERINfromresin bedtodrainfast flow to bottomof resin bedbackwashflow plugFRONT VIEW (CUT-AWAY)TOP VIEW(CUT-AWAY)HARDWATERINLEFT END VIEW(CUT-AWAY)RIGHT END VIEW(CUT-AWAY)fast flow to topof resin bedfrom bottomof resin bedHARDWATERINfast flow to topof resin bedBYPASS HARDWATER OUTBYPASSHARDWATER OUTfast rinseflow plugtodrainFIGURE 18ECOWATERSYSTEMS EcoWater Conditioner Operation27FIGURE 1767(3   %$&.:$6+ The motor drivesthe valve to end brine rinse and beginbackwash. In backwash, a fast XSZDUGflow of water, through the resin bed,flushes remaining hardness minerals,brine, dirt, sediments, iron deposits, etc.,from the bed and to the drain. The fast flowlifts and expands the resin bed for maxi-mum cleaning.67(3   )$67 5,16( After backwash,valve rotation places the valve in fast rinse.The continued fast flow of water changesdirectiontoflowGRZQ through the resinbed. Any brine, hardness minerals, etc.,still at the bottom of the resin bed, areflushed up the standpipe and out the valveto the drain. The resin bed ispacked by thefast flow, and prepared for service. Themotor is energized a final time to return thevalve to service position.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Service Information28REFILLING WITH SALTRemove the brine tank coverand check the salt stor-age level frequently. If the conditioner uses all thesalt before you refill it, you will get hard water. Besure the brinewell cover is on when refilling withsalt.RECOMMENDED SALT: Cube, pellet, coarse so-lar, etc., water conditioner salt is recommended.This type of salt is from high purity evaporated crys-tals, sometimes formed, or compressed, into bri-quets. It has less than 1% insoluble (will not dissolvein water) impurities. &OHDQ KLJK JUDGH rock salts areacceptable, but may require frequent brine tankcleaning to remove the‘‘sludge’’ residue (insolubles)that collects at the bottom of the tank.SALT NOT RECOMMENDED: Rock salt, high in im-purities, block, granulated, table, ice melting, icecream making salts, etc., are not recommended.SALT WITH IRON REMOVING ADDITIVES: Somesalts have an additive to help a water conditionerhandle iron in a water supply. Although this additivemay help keep the resin bed clean, it may also re-lease corrosive fumes that will weaken and shortenthe life of some EcoWater conditioner parts.BREAKING A SALT BRIDGESometimes, a hard crust or salt bridge forms in thebrine tank. It is usually caused by high humidity orthe wrong kind of salt. When the salt bridges, anempty space forms between the water and the salt.Then, salt will not dissolve in the water to makebrine. Withoutbrine, theresin bedis notregeneratedand you will have hard water.If the brine tank is full of salt, it is hard to tell if youhave a salt bridge. Salt is loose on top, but the bridgeis under it. Take a broom handle, or like tool, andpush it straight down into the salt. If a hard object isfelt, it’s most likely a salt bridge. &DUHIXOO\ push intothe bridge in several places to break it.NOTE: ,Q KXPLG DUHDV LW LV EHVW WR NHHS WKH VDOW VWRUDJH OHYHO ORZHU DQG WR UHILOO PRUH RIWHQCLEANING THE NOZZLE AND VENTURIA clean nozzle and venturi (FIG. 19) is a must for theEcoWater conditioner to work right. This small unitcreates the suction to move brine from the brinetank, into the resin tank. If it should become pluggedwith sand, silt, dirt, etc., the EcoWater conditionerwill not work, and you will get hard water.To get to the nozzle and venturi, remove the condi-tioner top cover. Be sure the conditioner is in theservice cycle (no water pressure atnozzle andven-turi). Then, holding the nozzle and venturi housingwith 1 hand, turn off the cap. 'R QRW ORVH WKH RULQJVHDO Lift out the screen support and screen. Then,remove the nozzle and venturi. Wash the parts inwarm, soapy water and rinse in fresh water. If need-ed, use a small brush to remove iron or dirt. Be care-ful not to scratch, misshape, etc., surfaces of thenozzle and venturi. Also, check and clean the gasketand flow plug(s) if dirty.Carefully replace all parts in the correct order. Lubri-cate the o-ring seal with silicone grease and locatein position. Installand tightenthe cap,by hand only.Do not overtighten and break the cap or housing.capo-ringscreen supportscreennozzle &venturigasketflow plug➀(fill)nozzle &venturi housingcone screenflow plug➀(not usedon all models)install with numberedside UP,brine tubingFIGURE 19➀
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Service Information29RESIN BED CLEANINGIf the water supply contains ‘‘clear water ’’ iron (seepage 4), regular resin bed cleaning is needed tokeep the bed from coating with iron. Use resin bedcleaner, available from EcoWater, following direc-tions on the container. Clean the resin every 6months, or more often if iron appears in your condi-tioned water supply.ADDING RESINNormally, the resin bed (FIG. 20) will last the lifetimeof the EcoWater conditioner. However, certainconditions may requirepartial ortotal replacement ofthe resin bed. Some of these conditions are:(1) damaged top and/or bottom distributors have al-lowed resin to escape(2) resin bed iron fouled beyond use(3) some water supplies cause resin degradationFREEBOARDresinbedresintankbottomdistributortubeadd resinplug distributor tubewhile adding resinFIGURE 20To add more resin, or to replace the entire bed, usethe following guides. See resin and gravel require-ments on page 33.MODELNUMBER RESIN TANKSIZE FREEBOARDRANGE*LBS. RESIN PERINCH BEDDEPTH*ECR3000R20 8x35 8.5 - 12.5 1.6ERR3000R20,ECR3000R30,ECR3002R30 10 x 35 10.5 - 14.5 2.2ERR3002R30,ECR3002R40 10 x 47 14.5 - 18.5 2.2ECR3002R70 12 x 54 20 - 24 3.4ECR3002R50S 12 x 54 27 - 31 3.4does not include carbon in ERR models*)UHHERDUG UDQJH and OEV RI UHVLQ SHU LQFK EHGGHSWK in the preceding chart, are provided only asa guide formaintenance when adding to,or if replac-ing the entire bed with new, fully regenerated, resinwith typical moisture content. Freeboard can varyseveral inches depending on resin bed conditionsincluding...if regenerated or exhausted, total mois-ture content, settling during shipping and storage,tolerance variables in resin tank size, and amountand type of gravel underbedding.Each model is factory loaded with the specificpounds or cubic feet of resin required, not by a free-board measurement. Refer to page 33 for this infor-mation.IMPORTANT NOTES:Turn off the water supply and relieve pressure...seepage 30.Handle the resin tank carefully. It isheavy when filledwith resin and water.Do not lose o-ring seals or other small parts.Refer to the assembly instructions, page 6, and toinstallation steps 1, 12, 14, 15 and 18 to reassembleand restart the unit.standpipetop distributorresintankvalveassemblyshippingcap clamp retainer (2)clamp section (2)o-ring,13/16” x 1-1/16”o-ring,2-7/8” x 3-1/4”(thick)o-ring,2-3/4’ x 3”(thin)standpipe
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Service Information303 - Valve BypassOUTLETVALVEINLETVALVEBYPASSVALVEwaterflowto conditionerfrom conditionerfor SERVICE:-Openthe inlet and outlet valves.- Close the bypass valve.for BYPASS:- Close the inlet and outlet valves.-Openthe bypass valve.EcoWater Bypass ValveCAUTION: ALWAYS relieve water pressure in the EcoWaterconditioner,as follows, before removing parts from the valve or resin tank.DE-PRESSURIZE1. Put bypass valve(s) in bypass position.2. Do Manual Advance step1, page 32, (fill water to brine tank will depressurize the resintank).PRESSURIZE1. Put bypass valve(s) in service position.2. Do Manual Advance steps 2-5, page 32, to return unit to service.ALTERNATE METHOD3-VALVE BYPASS ECOWATER BYPASS VALVEDE-PRESSURIZE1. Close the INLET valve.2. Open HOT and COLD conditioned waterhouse faucets.3. Close the OUTLET valve and open theBYPASS valve.4. Close all house faucets.PRESSURIZE1. Open HOT and COLD house faucets.2. Close the BYPASS valve and open theOUTLET valve.3. Slowly, open the INLET valve.4. Close all house faucetsDE-PRESSURIZE1. Close the house main water supply valve.2. Open HOT and COLD conditioned waterfaucets.3. Push the bypass valve handle to bypassposition.Note: For hard water bypass to house fau-cets, reopen the main water supply valve.PRESSURIZE1. Open HOT and COLD house faucets(main water supply valve open).2. Pull the bypass valve handle to serviceposition.3. Close all house faucets.ECOWATER CONDITIONER OPERATION, ELECTRONIC CHECKOUTALWAYS MAKE THE INITIAL CHECKS FIRSTINITIAL CHECKS:1. Does the time display show the correct time ofday?..,I GLVSOD\ LV EODQN check power source to the Eco-Water conditioner....,I WLPH LV LQFRUUHFW power was off for over 2 days.The conditioner resumes normal operation, whenpower returns, but regenerations occur at the wrongtime....,I DQ HUURU FRGH VKRZV in the display (example: Er-ror3), go to AUTOMATIC ELECTRONICDIAGNOS-TICS, following.2. Are plumbing bypass valve(s) in service position(all the way open or closed, as applies).3. Are the inlet and outlet pipes connected to theEcoWater conditioner inlet and outlet respectively.4. Is the transformer plugged into a ‘‘live’’, groundedwall outlet, and the power cable fastened securely?5. The valve drain hose must be free of kinks andsharp bends, and not elevated over 8’ above thefloor.6. Is there salt in the brine tank?7. Is the brine tubing connected? See FIG. 9, page10.8. Press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) to enter Primary Menu.Move the cursor so that it is next to Set Hardness.Press the SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad once to dis-play the hardness setting. Be sure it is the correctsetting for the household’s water supply. -- Make ahardness test of the raw water and compare with thehardness setting. Also test a conditioned water sam-ple to verify if a problem exists. --Press SELECT/EXIT ( ¤) keypad to exit to Normal View Screens.If you do not find a problem after making the initialchecks, do MANUAL INITIATED ELECTRONICDIAGNOSTICS, and the MANUAL ADVANCE RE-GENERATION CHECK, pages 31 and 32.E.A.S.E.: EcoWater digital demand controllers have the latest diagnostic technology. With E.A.S.E., or ElectronicAutomated Service Evaluation, a service person or homeowner can transmit operational data through the tele-phone, to a personal computer (PC). The PC processes the data to determine if all electrical functions are workingnormally, or helps to identify a problem should one occur. Ask your participating EcoWater dealer for more informa-tion on this feature.
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Service Information31AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTICSThe faceplate computer has a self-diagnostic func-tion for the electrical system (except input powerandwater meter). The computer monitors electroniccomponents and circuits for correctoperation. If a malfunction occurs, thecomputer attempts to self correct, dis-playing ADJUST VALVE in the NormalView Screen. If self correction fails, anerror code appears in the faceplatedisplay.The chart below shows the error codes that couldappear, and the possible defects for each code.While an error code appears in the display, all face-plate keypads are inoperable except the SELECTkeypad.SELECT remains operationalso the serviceperson can make the MANUAL INI-TIATED ELECTRONIC DIAGNOS-TICS, below, to further isolate the de-fect, to check the water meter and tosend an E.A.S.E. transmission.POSSIBLE DEFECTCODE MOST LIKELY ----------------------------------LEAST LIKELYError 1 Error 2Error 3 Error 4 wiring harness or connection to position switch / switch / valve defect causing hightorque / motor inoperativeError 5 faceplatePROCEDURE FOR REMOVING ERROR CODE FROM FACEPLATE: 1. Unplug transformer---- 2. Correct defect---- 3.Plug in transformer---- 4. Wait for 8 minutes. The error code will return if the defect was not corrected.TROUBLESHOOTING,MANUAL INITIATED ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTICS1. To enter diagnostics,press the SELECT/EXIT(¤)to enterthe menu.Thisscreen contains informa-tion that can be used totroubleshoot errors. Usethe () and () keypads toscroll through all lines onthis screen.The first line shows time of day and error code.Second line is Pos: which shows what position thevalve is in. Example: Service, Fill, Brining and BrineRinse, Backwash and Fast Rinse. The clock to theright counts backward the time for each of the posi-tions to be completed.The next line is Req Pos: which is for requestedposition, or what position the valve is travelling to.Next line displays Motor:, either on or off, and Sw:(switch) either open or closed.Next is Trbn: (turbine) and Gals: (gallons) which in-dicate water meter operation as follows.000 (steady) = conditioned water not in flowthrough the meter.-open a nearby CONDITIONED WATER faucet-000 to 151 (continual) = repeats display for each gal-lon of water passing throughthe meter. Gallons up by one.If you don’t get a reading in the display, with a faucetopen, pull the sensor housing from the valve outletport. Pass a small magnet back and forth in front ofthe sensor. You should get a reading. If you do geta reading, disconnect the outlet plumbing andcheck the turbine for binding. If you don’t get areading, the sensor is probably defective.turbinesupportturbinesensor housingBACK OF CONTROLLERCIRCUIT BOARDmagnetsensor pickupcontinued
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Service Information32continued from page 31Use the recharge keypad to manually advance thevalve into each cycle and check correct switch op-eration, and observe the valve position indicator.NOTE: 7KH SRVLWLRQ VZLWFK LV FORVHG ZKHQ WKH SOXQJHU LV GHSUHVVHG RSHQ ZKHQ H[WHQGHGWhile in this diagnostic screen, the following in-formation is available and may be beneficial. This in-formation is retained by the computer from the firsttime electrical power is applied to the faceplate....Remote: either Installed or Not Installed....Days: displays the number of days this faceplatehas had electrical power applied....Rchg: to show the number of regenerations initi-ated by this faceplate since power was first applied.NOTE: This number resets to 0 if the model code ischanged....Last Rchg: displays the number of days since lastrecharge....Cap: displays numerically the capacity the soften-er is operating at with 1 lowest and 5 highest.Press the SELECT/EXIT(¤)to exitto the Advanced/Service menu, move cursor up to EXIT and pressSELECT/EXIT (¤)togotoNormalScreenViews.TROUBLESHOOTING,MANUAL ADVANCE REGENERATION CHECKThis check verifies proper operation of the gearmo-tor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flowrates, and other controller functions. $OZD\V PDNHWKH LQLWLDO FKHFNV DQG WKH PDQXDO LQLWLDWHG GLDJQRVWLFV ILUVW1. Press the RECHARGE keypad. Move cursordown to Start Rchg Now and press SELECT/EXIT(¤) to start a recharge. As the EcoWater conditionerenters the fill cycle of regeneration, remove thebrinewell cover and, using a flashlight, observe fillwater entering the tank.a. If water does not enter the tank, look for an ob-structed nozzle and venturi, fill flow plug or brine tub-ing FIG. 19, page 28.2. After verifying fill, press Recharge keypad to movethe valve into brining*. A slow flow of water to thedrain will begin. Verify brine draw from the brine tankby shining the flashlight into the brinewell and ob-serving a noticeable drop in the liquid level.*If the 2ND BACKWASH option is set, the valve willenter backwash and fast rinse before brining...seepage 21.NOTE: Be sure water is in contact with the salt, andnot separated by a salt bridge...see page 28.a. If the unit does not draw brine, check for......dirty or defective nozzle and venturi, page 28...nozzle and venturi not seated on the gasket, orgasket defective...restriction in valve drain, causing a back-pressure(bends, kinks, elevated too high, etc.), installationstep 8...obstruction in brine valve or brine tubing, page 6and FIG. 9, page 10...inner valve failure (obstructed outlet disc, wavewasher defective, etc.)3. Again press Recharge keypad to move the valveinto backwash. Look for a fast flow of water from thedrain hose.a. If flow is slow, check for a plugged top distributor,backwash flow plug or drain hose.4. Press Recharge keypad to move the valve to fastrinse position. Again look for a fast drain flow. Allowthe unit to rinse for several minutes to flush out anybrine that may remain from the brining cycle test.5. To return the valve to service position, press Re-CHARGE ONCE AGAIN.continued
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Service Information33MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE INFORMATIONMODEL CODE R20+ R20 HR20 R302R30 HR302H30 2R40 2H40 2R70 2H70 2H50LBS / CU FT RESIN ➏38/.71 32 / 0.6 ❼47 / .88 ❽59 / 1.12 109/2.05 79/1.5LBS GRAVEL 10 810 10 12 17FILLCYCLE➊TIME 2-10 2-6 3-10 4-12 7-21 5-15FILL CYCLE ➋FLOW .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3➊42 37 90 41 69 54 102 58 98 74BRINECYCLETIME ↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕↕BRINE CYCLE ➌63 58 103 63 108 91 141 92 152 114➍FLOW .22 .11 .15 .15 .22 .22BRINE RINSE CYCLE ➍FLOW .14 .07 .10 .10 .14 .14BACKWASHCYCLE➎TIME 8 8 8 12 13 13BACKWASH CYCLE ➍FLOW 1.5 1.0 1.8 1.8 4.0 4.0FASTRINSECYCLE➎TIME 2 2 2 3 4 4FAST RINSE CYCLE ➍FLOW 3.3 2.4 3.0 3.0 5.4 5.4❶minutes, varies with capacity operating level ❷gallon per minute flow to brine tank ➌includes brine rinse cycle minutes➍gallon per minute flow to drain ➎factory set default minutes➏synthetic high capacity resin - For field replacement, use the following pounds of standard /finemeshresins:R20 - 30 /2 R30-44 /3 R40-55.5 / 3.5 R50S - 79 /0 R70-102.5 /6.5❼ERR3000R20 models use 35.7/1.9 lbs blended resin, 9.6 lbs of carbon and 10 lbs gravel. ❽ERR3002R30 models also have 12 lbs of carbonOTHER SERVICEHARD WATER BYPASS (hard water ‘‘bleeds’’ intoconditioned water supply).1. Defective inlet disc, seal, or wave washer (seepages 38 and 39).2. Missing ordefective o-ring(s) at resin tank to valveconnection.WATER LEAKS FROM DRAIN HOSE (during ser-vice).1. Defective inlet disc, seal, or wave washer.2. Defective o-ring on inlet disc shaft.3. Defective outlet disc, seal, or wave washer.FLOODED SALT TANK1. Nozzle venturi plugged.2. Defective valve seals.3. Restricted or plugged backwash/fast rinse con-trols.4. Restricted or plugged drain line.WATER HAS SALTY TASTE1. House water pressure low (adjust pump, if wellsystem).2. Partially restricted valve drain hose, top distribu-tor, backwash flow plug, resin tank internal riser, orbottom distributor.WIRING SCHEMATIC24VACTRANSFORMERGNDOUT+5TURBINESENSORNCNOPWA onback of controllerVAC246 pin connectorwhitePOSITIONSWITCHM24VTANKLIGHT110 V60 Hz
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Dimensions / Specifications35INOUT3-13/16”32-1/2”45-1/8”AIN - OUTIN - OUT14”20”14”14”CB16”16”36-9/16”32”ECR3000R20 ERR3000R20 ERR3002R30ECR3000R30ECR3002R30 ECR3002R40 ECR3002R50S ECR3002R70seeratingdecalonthesoftener◆see ratingdecalon thesoftener0.60 0.71 0.88 1.12 1.5 2.059.4 5.5 9.6 11.5 15 9.340 47 58 72 93 125810 12 15 15 1520 - 12540 - 12032.4 2.4 3.0 3.0 5.4 5.4These systems conform to ANSI/NSF 44 and ERR3000R20 and ERR3002R30 conform to WQA S-200 for the specific performanceclaims as verified and substantiated by test data.◆Efficiency ratings are only valid at the lowest salt dosage. These softeners were efficiency rated according to ANSI/NSF standard 44.MODEL NOMINAL RESIN TANK SIZE AB CECR3000R20 8” DIA. X 35” 39.5” - -ECR3000R30, ECR3002R30, ERR3000R20 10” DIA. X 35” 39.5” 39.5” 44.8”ECR3002R40, ERR3002R30 10” DIA. X 47” -51.3” 56.6”ECR3002R50S, ECR3002R70 12” DIA. X 54” -57.1” 62.2”SALT STORAGE CAPACITIES17ZR 7DQN Brine Tank - 250 lbs1&DELQHW Brine Tank - 200 lbs
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Repair Parts36ECOWATER CONDITIONERASSEMBLY981011333435363738391213141516172021 3026252324 23 24322219 202131404243441547452512345748416282946271819 22
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Repair Parts37➀➀➀optional parts, not included with conditioner
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Repair Parts381234567891011 12131415161718191520212223242526272829303132333435 3637381239134041424344454647484950VALVE ASSEMBLY11
ECOWATERSYSTEMS Repair Parts39optional - not requiredincluded in Disc Kit, # 7218688not all parts are shownUse black nozzle along with key no. 28 flow plug on waterpressures of 50 psi and less (ref: Service Bulletin #94068).includes key nos. 21 - 26 and 29order key nos. 35 and 36 if needed
ECOWATERSYSTEMSEcoWater SystemsPO Box 64420, St. Paul MN 55164-98881-800-86WATER

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