ERBE Elektromedizin VIO3 Electrosurgical Unit with WLAN User Manual OBJ DOKU 195191 001

ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH Electrosurgical Unit with WLAN OBJ DOKU 195191 001


user manual II

5  •  Working with VIO 360 / 15880114-601  03.16Subprograms, changing between subprogramsFunction of subprograms Subprograms can only be created by authorized persons. Each program can have up to 6 subprograms.Different settings are saved in the subprograms of a program for the instruments. Set-tings may be e.g. mode, effect or assignment of a footswitch. Subprograms therefore offer you the possibility of switching settings of an instrument, without changing the mode, effect, footswitch assignment etc. on the touchscreen. Appearance of subprogramsFig. 5-21You see subprograms as tabs under the name of the program (3). Example: Subpro-gram monopolar (1) and bipolar (2). The tab of the active subprogram is highlighted with a bold border. Changing between subprograms Press the ReMode button of the footswitch. – Or –If the handpiece of the instrument has a ReMode button, press the ReMode button of the handpiece. – Or –An assistant can touch the tab of the subprogram on the touchscreen. 123Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
61 / 1585  •  Working with VIO 380114-601  03.16Functions in the “Menu” screenCall up the User Manual 1. Call up the Menu with the Menu button.2. Select the User Manual menu item in the left column.The VIO 3 User Manual is opened on the display.Last messages called up 1. Call up the Menu with the Menu button.2. Select the Last messages menu item in the left column.The Last messages screen shows you the last messages VIO 3 has displayed.Changing system settings The Menu offers you the opportunity to change various system settings (e.g. Bright-ness, Volume, Start screen etc.).1. Call up the Menu with the Menu button.Fig. 5-22Note: You can change the global Volume and Brightness directly in the Menu. You will find detailed setting options for Volume or Brightness, as well as a series of further system parameters, under menu item Further settings.2. Change the global Volume or Brightness using the appropriate controller.– Or –3. Touch the Further settings button.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
5  •  Working with VIO 362 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 5-23 The Further settings screen is displayed.4. Scroll through the list, as required. Fig. 5-24The above figure shows the lower part of the list.5. Select the setting you wish to change.A different setting screen opens depending on the setting selected.6. Carry out the required setting.Note: The Protected settings at the end of the list are not accessible for the user. The Protected settings can be changed as you wish by an authorized person.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
63 / 1585  •  Working with VIO 380114-601  03.16Fig. 5-25WiFi function WiFi On / OfThe WiFi function serves to connect the VIO 3 with a Windows PC or an iPad on which the Erbe Support App is installed. With the help of a WiFi connection, user programs can be replaced and service functions can be perceived by registered persons. You can switch the WiFi on and off in the Menu screen. If you switch on WiFi, a network name and password are displayed for you after a short time. Connecting a Windows PC or iPad with VIO 31. Switch on the VIO 3 WiFi.2. Display the network in the system settings of your unit.3. Search for the name of the VIO 3 network.4. Enter the VIO 3 password.Service functions The service functions behind the Service menu item are only accessible for the service personnel.Editing mode The editing mode is only accessible for the authorized persons.The editing mode is described in detailed in the chapter “Editing mode” (see page 67).Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
5  •  Working with VIO 364 / 15880114-601  03.16Overwriting a modified program or saving as a new programIf you have changed a program setting, the program name in the screen title is pro-vided with the supplement changed.Fig. 5-26You can overwrite a modified program or save it as a new program. Saving modified programs must be permitted in the Protected settings for this purpose. 1. Touch the screen title.If Saving modified programs is blocked, the Program list opens and the modified pro-gram is shown in the list with the supplement changed (without figure). You can return to the unmodified program or to the modified program.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
65 / 1585  •  Working with VIO 380114-601  03.16Fig. 5-27If Saving modified programs is permitted, the Save settings? window opens.2. Overwrite the existing program or save the modified program under a new name. Alternatively, you can reject the changes (= irrevocably deleted) or return to the modified program without action with the Back button.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
5  •  Working with VIO 366 / 15880114-601  03.16Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
67 / 1586  • Editing mode80114-601  03.16Chapter 6Editing modeAuthorized personsThe editing mode is only accessible for the authorized persons.The editing mode may only be used by competent persons who can precisely assess the impacts of the changes undertaken.Editing optionsThe editing mode offers the following options:•Changing the unit name (in the Program group list screen title)•Renaming, adding or deleting program groups, programs, subprograms and instruments•Adding/changing pictograms in the Program group list and the Program list•Changing program settings, such as mode and effect, without the changes having to be saved separately.Note: In the editing mode, all changes are automatically accepted without a confirma-tion request. Changes can only be undone manually, e.g. by repeated entry of the pre-vious names, values, etc.Renaming, adding and deleting elementsSelecting the screen You can edit the following screens:•Program group list•Program list•Main screenSelect the screen in which you wish to edit, e.g. Program list.Switch on editing mode Note: The unit cannot be activated in the editing mode.Note: The editing mode, once switched on, remains active until the editing mode or the unit is switched off.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
6  • Editing mode68 / 15880114-601  03.161. Call up the Menu with the Menu button.Fig. 6-12. Slide the Editing mode switch to ON.The screen keyboard is displayed. You are requested to enter a password.3. Enter the password on the screen keyboard and touch the Enter button.4. Close the Menu.Fig. 6-2The screen is displayed from which you called up the menu. The “Editing functions” field appears on the left side of the screen.Using the arrow on the left side of the screen, you can show or hide the “Editing func-tions” field on the left side of the screen, as required. Selecting the editing function Note: To add, delete or rename elements, there is a dedicated editing function. You can change program settings (e.g. mode and effect) without selecting an editing func-tion.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
69 / 1586  • Editing mode80114-601  03.16Fig. 6-3In the “Editing functions” field you can select between the following editing functions: “Rename”, “Add”, and “Delete” (from top to bottom). Touch the required editing function (e.g. “Rename”).The selected function and the editable elements are color-marked.Performing change Fig. 6-41. Touch the element you wish to edit (e.g. a program name).A different window is displayed depending on the element and editing mode. By touching the program name, the screen keyboard opens, for example.2. Carry out the required change.The selected editing function is automatically ended after each change. For each fur-ther change you have to select the required editing function again.Switching off the editing mode 1. Call up the Menu with the Menu button.2. Slide the Editing mode switch to OFF and close the Menu.Note: When you switch off the unit, the editing mode is automatically ended.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
6  • Editing mode70 / 15880114-601  03.16Creating a new program with two subprogramsThe following describes, by way of example, how you create a program with two sub-programs for laparoscopy. In the example described, it is assumed that no instruments and no return electrode are connected when editing.Subprograms at a glance The tables show both subprograms created in the example.Subprogram 1 “monopolar”Subprogram 2 “bipolar”Switch on editing mode Switch on the editing mode in the Menu and close the Menu.Creating a new program 1. Call up the Program list to which you wish to add a new program.2. In the “Editing function” field on the left side of the screen, select the “Add” edit-ing function.Instrument 1: monopolar scissorsInstrument 2: bipolar coagulation forcepsCUT mode dryCUT –CUT effect 4 –COAG mode swiftCOAG –COAG effect 5 –Assigned footswitchTwo-pedal footswitch –Instrument 1: monopolar scissorsInstrument 2: bipolar coagulation forcepsCUT mode – –CUT effect – –COAG mode –softCOAG bipolarCOAG effect – 5Assigned footswitch–Two-pedal footswitchDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
71 / 1586  • Editing mode80114-601  03.16Fig. 6-53. Touch the plus button in the Program list.The screen keyboard is displayed.4. Enter the required program name, e.g. “Laparoscopic procedure” on the screen keyboard.5. Confirm the program name with the Enter button.Adding instruments 1. Select the new program Laparoscopic procedure.The Main screen is displayed.2. Select the “Add” editing function.Fig. 6-63. Touch the big plus button labeled Unknown.4. Select the Monopolar instrument option.5. Select the Scissors instrument and confirm the selection with the Close button.6. Select the “Add” editing function.7. Touch the big plus button labeled Unknown.8. Select the Bipolar instrument option.9. Select the Coagulation forceps instrument and confirm the selection with the Close button.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
6  • Editing mode72 / 15880114-601  03.16Creating subprograms 1. Select the “Add” editing function.Fig. 6-72. Touch the New subprogram2 tab.3. Enter the required subprogram name (e.g. “bipolar”) on the screen keyboard and touch the Enter button.4. Select the “Rename” editing function.5. Touch the New subprogram1 tab.6. Enter the required subprogram name (e.g. “monopolar”) on the screen keyboard and touch the Enter button.Editing the monopolar subprogram 1. Select the tab of the monopolar subprogram.2. Touch the symbol of the Monopolar scissors instrument.3. Assign the scissors to the two-pedal footswitch by dragging the footswitch sym-bol from the “Activation type” field to the instrument.4. Select the CUT mode dryCUT.5. Set the CUT effect to 4.6. Select the COAG mode swiftCOAG.7. Set the COAG effect to 5.The Main screen now looks as follows:Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
73 / 1586  • Editing mode80114-601  03.16Fig. 6-8Editing the bipolar subprogram 1. Select the tab of the bipolar subprogram.2. Touch the symbol of the Coagulation forceps instrument.3. Assign the coagulation forceps to the two-pedal footswitch by dragging the footswitch symbol from the “Activation type” field to the instrument.4. Select softCOAG bipolar as the COAG mode.5. Set the COAG effect to 5.The Main screen now looks as follows:Fig. 6-9Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
6  • Editing mode74 / 15880114-601  03.16Switching off the editing mode Switch off the editing mode in the Menu.Note: When you switch off the unit, the editing mode is automatically ended.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
75 / 1587  •  Description of receptacle hardware80114-601  03.16Chapter 7Description of receptacle hardwareIndividual socket configurationYou can individually configure the sockets of your unit when ordering the unit.Purchasing further receptaclesAfter purchase, it is possible to add further sockets or to replace existing sockets with others. Please contact Erbe Elektromedizin. You will find the addresses in this User Manual.Monopolar socket MO 3-pin; 9/5Fig. 7-1Erbe No. 20160-001Connectors supported  •3-pin single use•3-pin reusable•9/5Monopolar socket MO 3-pin; BovieFig. 7-2Erbe No. 20160-002Connectors supported  •3-pin single use•3-pin reusable•Bovie jackDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
7  •  Description of receptacle hardware76 / 15880114-601  03.16Bipolar socket BI 2-pin 22–28; 8/4Fig. 7-3Erbe No. 20160-003Connectors supported  •2-pin single use (22 or 28.5 mm pin distance)•2-pin reusable (22 or 28.5 mm pin distance)•8/4Multifunction socket MFFig. 7-4Erbe No. 20160-004Connectors supported  •MF plugMF-U socketFig. 7-5Erbe No. 20160-005Connectors supported  •3-pin single use•3-pin reusable•2-pin single use (22 or 28.5 mm pin distance)•2-pin reusable (22 or 28.5 mm pin distance)•MF-2•MF-UDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
77 / 1587  •  Description of receptacle hardware80114-601  03.16return electrode socket NE 6; 2-pinFig. 7-6Function The receptacle is used to connect a neutral electrode. Connectors supported  You can connect ONE of the following connectors as required: Erbe patient plate con-nector (Ø 6.35 mm); patient plate connector with 2 pins. The receptacle is equipped with a slide switch. Depending on the position of this switch, either a Ø 6.35 mm or a 2-pin connector is permitted (see the illustration above).Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
7  •  Description of receptacle hardware78 / 15880114-601  03.16Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
79 / 1588  • Monopolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16Chapter 8Monopolar CUT modesautoCUTProperties Reproducible, smooth cuts, minimal to moderate hemostasis. PPS (Power Peak System) The autoCUT mode is equipped with PPS. A special problem during incision may be posed by the initial incision phase, in partic-ular when the cutting electrode is pressed firmly against the tissue to be cut, before activation of the HF generator. The cutting electrode therefore has a relatively exten-sive, low-resistance contact with the tissue, e.g. in TUR.In such cases, the HF generator must offer an above-average output so that the initial incision is not delayed, as otherwise an excessive coagulation necrosis may be pro-duced at the point of initial incision. The VIO 3 is equipped with automatic power control (PPS). PPS detects low resistance loads and controls the HF generator such that it briefly provides sufficient output to ensure the HF voltage necessary or intensity of the electrical arc for the cutting quality selected even with low-resistance loads.Thanks to PPS, the average output can be limited to relatively low levels, something which represents improved protection from unintentional thermal tissue damage. Areas of use All cutting procedures in electrically conductive tissue: e.g. muscle tissue and vascular tissue. Dissections and cutting of fine structures.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.62 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 750 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor400 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
8  •  Monopolar CUT modes80 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 8-1Fig. 8-2050100150200250300350400100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]autoCUTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10100200300400500600700800050100150200250300350400012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectautoCUTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
81 / 1588  • Monopolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16highCUTProperties Reproducible, smooth cuts, in particular in poorly conductive and varying tissue. PPS (Power Peak System) The highCUT mode is equipped with PPS. A special problem during incision may be posed by the initial incision phase, in partic-ular when the cutting electrode is pressed firmly against the tissue to be cut, before activation of the HF generator. The cutting electrode therefore has a relatively exten-sive, low-resistance contact with the tissue, e.g. in TUR.In such cases, the HF generator must offer an above-average output so that the initial incision is not delayed, as otherwise an excessive coagulation necrosis may be pro-duced at the point of initial incision. The VIO 3 is equipped with automatic power control (PPS). PPS detects low resistance loads and controls the HF generator such that it briefly provides sufficient output to ensure the HF voltage necessary or intensity of the electrical arc for the cutting quality selected even with low-resistance loads.Thanks to PPS, the average output can be limited to relatively low levels, something which represents improved protection from unintentional thermal tissue damage. Areas of use For example, for cutting fat-containing structures, cutting under water, e.g. with TUR-P.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.62 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1100 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of arc intensityMax. output across the designed load resistor400 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
8  •  Monopolar CUT modes82 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 8-3Fig. 8-4050100150200250300350400100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]highCUTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1020040060080010001200050100150200250300350400012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīecthighCUTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
83 / 1588  • Monopolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16dryCUT®Properties Reproducible, slightly slower cut with pronounced hemostasis. Areas of use For example, cuts in “open surgery” and cuts in endoscopic operations that require very good primary hemostasis during the cut and require a somewhat slower cutting speed.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor Effect: 0.1 – 4.9: 3.1 (at RL = 300 Ohm)  Effect: 5.0 – 7.9: 3.38 (at RL = 300 Ohm)  Effect: 8.0 – 10.0: 3.8 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1400 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
8  •  Monopolar CUT modes84 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 8-5Fig. 8-6050100150200250100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]dryCUTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.102004006008001000120014001600050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectdryCUTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
85 / 1588  • Monopolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16endoCUT® IProperties The cut consists of alternating cutting and coagulating phases. The cut is easy to con-trol and is characterised by a reproducible, preselectable coagulation property while cutting. Areas of use Endoscopic interventions in which alternating cutting and coagulation with activation is called for.Cutting duration Depending on the size, type and location of lesions, it may be advantageous to vary cutting duration. You can set cutting duration to one of 4 levels. Cutting duration has a major influence on cutting width.Cutting interval The cutting interval is the amount of time between the start of a cutting cycle and the start of the next cutting cycle. The cutting interval thus comprises one cutting cycle and one coagulation cycle. You can set the cutting interval to one of 10 levels. The higher the level, the longer the cutting interval and coagulation cycle. A short cutting interval makes it easier to remove the lesion quickly. A long cutting interval makes it easier to remove the lesion slowly under control.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor Initial incision: 1.54 (at RL = 100 Ohm)Designed load resistance 100 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 700 VNumber of effects 1 – 4Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor110 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
8  •  Monopolar CUT modes86 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramFig. 8-70102030405060708090100100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]endoCUT I Cuƫng stage max. PowerCuƫng stage min. PowerDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
87 / 1588  • Monopolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16endoCUT® QProperties The cut consists of alternating cutting and coagulating phases. The cut is easy to con-trol and is characterised by a reproducible, preselectable coagulation property while cutting. Areas of use Endoscopic interventions in which alternating cutting and coagulation with activation is called for.Cutting duration Depending on the size, type and location of lesions, it may be advantageous to vary cutting duration. You can set cutting duration to one of 4 levels. Cutting duration has a major influence on cutting width.Cutting interval The cutting interval is the amount of time between the start of a cutting cycle and the start of the next cutting cycle. The cutting interval thus comprises one cutting cycle and one coagulation cycle. You can set the cutting interval to one of 10 levels. The higher the level, the longer the cutting interval and coagulation cycle. A short cutting interval makes it easier to remove the lesion quickly. A long cutting interval makes it easier to remove the lesion slowly under control.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor Initial incision: 1.63 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 800 VNumber of effects 1 – 4Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor330 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
8  •  Monopolar CUT modes88 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramFig. 8-8050100150200250300100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]endoCUT QCuƫng stage max. PowerCuƫng stage min. PowerDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
89 / 1589  •  Monopolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16Chapter 9Monopolar COAG modessoftCOAG®Properties Slow, deep coagulation without spark generation, consequently no carbonization of the tissue. Adhesion of the electrode to the tissue is greatly reduced. Areas of use All surgical procedures that call for safe, “deep” coagulation or in which adhesion of the electrode would have a negative effect on the coagulation process.AUTO STOP switchable AUTO STOP ends activation automatically on attainment of sufficient desiccation.Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO STOP symbol to the docking point of the required instrument. QuickStart switchable With QuickStart, a brief voltage pulse is applied to the tissue to attain a tissue effect quicker, without essentially influencing the coagulation result.Touch the COAG effect display on the main screen if required. A window opens in which you can switch on QuickStart. Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.52 (at RL = 25 Ohm)Designed load resistance 25 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 200 V  450 V QuickStartNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
9  •  Monopolar COAG modes90 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 9-1Fig. 9-205010015020025010,0 100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]soŌCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1050100150200250300350400450500050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectsoŌCOAGPowerPower QuickStartUpmaxUpmax QuickStartDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
91 / 1589  •  Monopolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16forcedCOAG®Properties Effective, fast “standard” coagulation. Areas of use Contact coagulation, clamp coagulation, e.g. via insulated monopolar forceps.AUTO STOP switchable On detection of a spark, adhesion of tissue to the instrument and carbonization is sig-nificantly reduced by automatically switching off. Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO STOP symbol to the docking point of the required instrument. Technical data  Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 5.8 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1800 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
9  •  Monopolar COAG modes92 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 9-3Fig. 9-4020406080100120140100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]forcedCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10200400600800100012001400160018002000020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectforcedCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
93 / 1589  •  Monopolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16swiftCOAG®Properties Fast, effective coagulation, which is highly suitable for preparation with high hemo-stasis owing to its limited tissue-cutting property. Areas of use Coagulation and preparation.Technical data DiagramsFig. 9-5Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 6.0 (at RL = 200 Ohm)Designed load resistance 200 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 2500 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts050100150200250100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]swiŌCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
9  •  Monopolar COAG modes94 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 9-6050010001500200025003000050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectswiŌCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
95 / 1589  •  Monopolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16sprayCOAG®Properties Contact-free, efficient surface coagulation, with low penetration depth. Areas of use Coagulation of diffuse hemorrhage. Only use insulated monopolar metal forceps for clamp coagulation.Technical data DiagramsFig. 9-7Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 7.74 (at RL = 500 Ohm)Designed load resistance 500 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 4300 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor175 watts020406080100120140160100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]sprayCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
9  •  Monopolar COAG modes96 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 9-80500100015002000250030003500400045005000020406080100120140160012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectsprayCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
97 / 1589  •  Monopolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16preciseSECTProperties Fast, effective coagulation, with limited tissue-cutting property. Optimized preparation characteristics through dynamic adaptation of modulation. Areas of use Coagulation, clamp coagulation and preparationTechnical data DiagramsFig. 9-9Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 4.0 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1800 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 watts020406080100120140100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]preciseSECTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
9  •  Monopolar COAG modes98 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 9-100200400600800100012001400160018002000020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectpreciseSECTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
99 / 1589  •  Monopolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16twinCOAG®Properties Fast, effective coagulation, which is highly suitable for preparation with high hemo-stasis owing to its limited tissue-cutting property. Two monopolar instruments can be activated at the same time. WARNING! In the twinCOAG mode, the output power of any of the active electrodes can change.Areas of use Coagulation and preparation with simultaneous activationTechnical data DiagramsFig. 9-11Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 5.9 (at RL = 150 Ohm)Designed load resistance 150 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 2000 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts050100150200250100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]twinCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
9  •  Monopolar COAG modes100 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 9-1205001000150020002500050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīecttwinCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
101 / 15810  • Bipolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16Chapter 10Bipolar CUT modesautoCUT bipolarProperties Reproducible, smooth cuts, minimal to moderate hemostasis. Areas of use All cutting procedures in electrically conductive tissue: e.g. muscle tissue and vascular tissue. Dissections and cutting of fine structures.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.64 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 675 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor120 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
10  •  Bipolar CUT modes102 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 10-1Fig. 10-202040608010012010,0 100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]autoCUT bipolarEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10100200300400500600700800020406080100120012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectautoCUT bipolarPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
103 / 15810  • Bipolar CUT modes80114-601  03.16highCUT bipolarProperties Reproducible, smooth cuts, low to moderate hemostasis.PPS (Power Peak System) The highCUT bipolar mode is equipped with PPS. A special problem during incision may be posed by the initial incision phase, in partic-ular when the cutting electrode is pressed firmly against the tissue to be cut, before activation of the HF generator. The cutting electrode therefore has a relatively exten-sive, low-resistance contact with the tissue, e.g. in TUR.In such cases, the HF generator must offer an above-average output so that the initial incision is not delayed, as otherwise an excessive coagulation necrosis may be pro-duced at the point of initial incision. The VIO 3 is equipped with automatic power control (PPS). PPS detects low resistance loads and controls the HF generator such that it briefly provides sufficient output to ensure the HF voltage necessary or intensity of the electrical arc for the cutting quality selected even with low-resistance loads.Thanks to PPS, the average output can be limited to relatively low levels, something which represents improved protection from unintentional thermal tissue damage. Areas of use Cutting procedures in bipolar resection in NaCl.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.46 (at RL = 75 Ohm)Designed load resistance 75 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 725 VNumber of effects 1 – 10Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor400 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
10  •  Bipolar CUT modes104 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 10-3Fig. 10-405010015020025030035040010 100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]highCUT bipolarEī 10Eī 9Eī 8Eī 7Eī 6Eī 5Eī 4Eī 3Eī 2Eī 1IniƟal Incision Stage Eī 1-100100200300400500600700800900050100150200250300350400012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīecthighCUT bipolarPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
105 / 15811  •  Bipolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16Chapter 11Bipolar COAG modessoftCOAG® bipolarProperties Slow, deep coagulation without spark generation, consequently no carbonization of the tissue. Adhesion of the electrode to the tissue is greatly reduced. Areas of use All surgical procedures that call for safe coagulation with bipolar instruments. Coagu-lation in Bipolar resection. AUTO START switchable When the instrument touches tissue, coagulation starts automatically after a specified period of time. AUTO START is not available with bipolar resection.Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO START symbol to the docking point of the re-quired instrument. AUTO STOP switchable AUTO STOP ends activation automatically on attainment of sufficient desiccation. AUTO STOP is not available with bipolar resection.Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO STOP symbol to the docking point of the required instrument. QuickStart switchable With QuickStart, a brief voltage pulse is applied to the tissue to attain a tissue effect quicker, without essentially influencing the coagulation result. QuickStart is not avail-able with bipolar resection.Touch the COAG effect display on the main screen if required. A window opens in which you can switch on QuickStart. Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.48 (at RL = 50 Ohm)  With bipolar resection: 1.48 (at RL = 25 Ohm)Designed load resistance 50 Ohm   With bipolar resection: 25 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 200 V  450 V QuickStartDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
11  • Bipolar COAG modes106 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 11-1Fig. 11-2Number of effects 0.1 – 10.0   With bipolar resection: 1 – 10 Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts05010015020025010,0 100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]soŌCOAG bipolarEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1050100150200250300350400450500050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectsoŌCOAG bipolarPowerPower QuickStartUpmaxUpmax QuickStartDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
107 / 15811  •  Bipolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16Fig. 11-3Fig. 11-405010015020025010,0 100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]soŌCOAG bipolar (Bipolar ResecƟon)Eī 10Eī 9Eī 8Eī 7Eī 6Eī 5Eī 4Eī 3Eī 2Eī 1050100150200250050100150200250300012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectsoŌCOAG bipolar (Bipolar ResecƟon)PowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
11  • Bipolar COAG modes108 / 15880114-601  03.16forcedCOAG® bipolarProperties Fast bipolar coagulation. Areas of use All bipolar coagulation procedures in which you want to coagulate vessels fast and ef-fectively or want to replace monopolar forceps coagulation.AUTO START switchable When the instrument touches tissue, coagulation starts automatically after a specified period of time.Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO START symbol to the docking point of the re-quired instrument. AUTO STOP switchable On detection of a spark, adhesion of tissue to the instrument and carbonization is sig-nificantly reduced by automatically switching off. Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO STOP symbol to the docking point of the required instrument. Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 3.8 (at RL = 100 Ohm)Designed load resistance 100 Ohm Max. HF peak voltage 550 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
109 / 15811  •  Bipolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 11-5Fig. 11-602040608010012014010 100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]forcedCOAG bipolarEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10100200300400500600020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectforcedCOAG bipolarPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
11  • Bipolar COAG modes110 / 15880114-601  03.16thermoSEAL®Properties Special COAG mode to seal vessels up to 7 mm diameter or to coagulate vascularized tissue, without changing the settings. The appropriate Erbe instruments are required to seal vessels up to 7 mm diameter. Operating principle: The mode adapts the HF voltage and activation time to the amount of tissue and the instrument used.Areas of use All surgical procedures that call for sealing vessels and tissue bundles. Only use with vessel sealing instruments (e.g. Erbe BiClamp).AUTO START switchable When the instrument touches tissue, coagulation starts automatically after a specified period of time.Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO START symbol to the docking point of the re-quired instrument. AUTO STOP The AUTO STOP function is matched to the thermoSEAL mode.If the user grips the tissue with the jaws and presses the branches together firmly, the AUTO STOP function stops the activation automatically as soon as the necessary tissue dessication is achieved.If the user only presses the branches together lightly, e.g. in coagulation of vascular-ized tissue, no AUTO STOP occurs. In this case, the user ends the activation.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.45 (at RL = 25 Ohm)Designed load resistance 25 Ohm Max. HF peak voltage 200 VNumber of effects  1 – 2Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor360 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
111 / 15811  •  Bipolar COAG modes80114-601  03.16DiagramFig. 11-705010015020025030035010 100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]thermoSEALEī 1-2Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
11  • Bipolar COAG modes112 / 15880114-601  03.16Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
113 / 15812  •  APC modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16Chapter 12APC modes (only available with the APC module)forcedAPCProperties Effective, fast, “standard” argon plasma coagulation with ignition assistance for safe ignition of the plasma. Areas of use Hemostasis of diffuse areas of bleeding, devitalization and reduction of tissue.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 7.65 (at RL = 500 Ohm)Designed load resistance 500 Ohm Max. HF peak voltage 4300 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
12  •  APC modes (only available with the APC module)114 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 12-1Fig. 12-2020406080100120140100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]forcedAPCEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10500100015002000250030003500400045005000020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectforcedAPCPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
115 / 15812  •  APC modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16preciseAPC®Properties Fine argon plasma coagulation with well controllable hemostasis at the tissue surface, largely independent of the distance between applicator and tissue. Areas of use Targeted, superficial coagulation for discrete findings in temperature-sensitive areas.Technical data DiagramsFig. 12-3Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 7.76 (at RL = 1000 Ohm)Designed load resistance 1,000 ohms Max. HF peak voltage 4950 VNumber of effects 1 – 10Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor25 watts02468101214161820100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]preciseAPCEī 10Eī 9Eī 8Eī 7Eī 6Eī 5Eī 4Eī 3Eī 2Eī 1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
12  •  APC modes (only available with the APC module)116 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 12-4010002000300040005000600002468101214161820012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectpreciseAPCPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
117 / 15812  •  APC modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16pulsedAPC®Properties Controlled argon plasma coagulation with reduced energy input from pulses. Areas of use Hemostasis of diffuse areas of bleeding. Devitalization and reduction of tissue with emphasis on controlled power output.Technical data DiagramsFig. 12-5Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 7.73 (at RL = 500 Ohm)Designed load resistance 500 Ohm Max. HF peak voltage 4950 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 watts020406080100120140100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]pulsedAPC Eī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
12  •  APC modes (only available with the APC module)118 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 12-60500100015002000250030003500400045005000020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectpulsedAPCPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
119 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16Chapter 13Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)autoCUTProperties Reproducible, smooth cuts, minimal to moderate hemostasis. PPS (Power Peak System) The autoCUT mode is equipped with PPS. A special problem during incision may be posed by the initial incision phase, in partic-ular when the cutting electrode is pressed firmly against the tissue to be cut, before activation of the HF generator. The cutting electrode therefore has a relatively exten-sive, low-resistance contact with the tissue, e.g. in TUR.In such cases, the HF generator must offer an above-average output so that the initial incision is not delayed, as otherwise an excessive coagulation necrosis may be pro-duced at the point of initial incision. The VIO 3 is equipped with automatic power control (PPS). PPS detects low resistance loads and controls the HF generator such that it briefly provides sufficient output to ensure the HF voltage necessary or intensity of the electrical arc for the cutting quality selected even with low-resistance loads.Thanks to PPS, the average output can be limited to relatively low levels, something which represents improved protection from unintentional thermal tissue damage. Areas of use All cutting procedures in electrically conductive tissue: e.g. muscle tissue and vascular tissue. Dissections and cutting of fine structures.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.62 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 750 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor400 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)120 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 13-1Fig. 13-2050100150200250300350400100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]autoCUTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10100200300400500600700800050100150200250300350400012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectautoCUTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
121 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16highCUTProperties Reproducible, smooth cuts, in particular in poorly conductive and varying tissue. PPS (Power Peak System) The highCUT mode is equipped with PPS. A special problem during incision may be posed by the initial incision phase, in partic-ular when the cutting electrode is pressed firmly against the tissue to be cut, before activation of the HF generator. The cutting electrode therefore has a relatively exten-sive, low-resistance contact with the tissue, e.g. in TUR.In such cases, the HF generator must offer an above-average output so that the initial incision is not delayed, as otherwise an excessive coagulation necrosis may be pro-duced at the point of initial incision. The VIO 3 is equipped with automatic power control (PPS). PPS detects low resistance loads and controls the HF generator such that it briefly provides sufficient output to ensure the HF voltage necessary or intensity of the electrical arc for the cutting quality selected even with low-resistance loads.Thanks to PPS, the average output can be limited to relatively low levels, something which represents improved protection from unintentional thermal tissue damage. Areas of use For example, for cutting fat-containing structures, cutting under water, e.g. with TUR-P.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.62 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1100 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of arc intensityMax. output across the designed load resistor400 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)122 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 13-3Fig. 13-4050100150200250300350400100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]highCUTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1020040060080010001200050100150200250300350400012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīecthighCUTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
123 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16dryCUT®Properties Reproducible, slightly slower cut with pronounced hemostasis. Areas of use For example, cuts in “open surgery” and cuts in endoscopic operations that require very good primary hemostasis during the cut and require a somewhat slower cutting speed.Technical data DiagramsFig. 13-5Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor Effect: 0.1 – 4.9: 3.1 (at RL = 300 Ohm)  Effect: 5.0 – 7.9: 3.38 (at RL = 300 Ohm)  Effect: 8.0 – 10.0: 3.8 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1400 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts 050100150200250100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]dryCUTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)124 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 13-602004006008001000120014001600050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectdryCUTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
125 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16softCOAG®Properties Slow, deep coagulation without spark generation, consequently no carbonization of the tissue. Adhesion of the electrode to the tissue is greatly reduced. Areas of use All surgical procedures that call for safe, “deep” coagulation or in which adhesion of the electrode would have a negative effect on the coagulation process.AUTO STOP switchable AUTO STOP ends activation automatically on attainment of sufficient desiccation.Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO STOP symbol to the docking point of the required instrument. QuickStart switchable With QuickStart, a brief voltage pulse is applied to the tissue to attain a tissue effect quicker, without essentially influencing the coagulation result.Technical data  Type of HF voltage Unmodulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 1.52 (at RL = 25 Ohm)Designed load resistance 25 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 200 V  450 V QuickStartNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)126 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 13-7Fig. 13-805010015020025010,0 100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]soŌCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1050100150200250300350400450500050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectsoŌCOAGPowerPower QuickStartUpmaxUpmax QuickStartDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
127 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16forcedCOAG®Properties Effective, fast “standard” coagulation. Areas of use Contact coagulation, clamp coagulation, e.g. via insulated monopolar forceps.AUTO STOP switchable On detection of a spark, adhesion of tissue to the instrument and carbonization is sig-nificantly reduced by automatically switching off. Touch the arrow on the lower edge of the main screen if required. The Assign activa-tion type field opens. Drag the AUTO STOP symbol to the docking point of the required instrument. Technical data  Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 5.8 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1800 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 wattsDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)128 / 15880114-601  03.16DiagramsFig. 13-9Fig. 13-10020406080100120140100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]forcedCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.10200400600800100012001400160018002000020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectforcedCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
129 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16swiftCOAG®Properties Fast, effective coagulation, which is highly suitable for preparation with high hemo-stasis owing to its limited tissue-cutting property. Areas of use Coagulation and preparation.Technical data DiagramsFig. 13-11Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 6.0 (at RL = 200 Ohm)Designed load resistance 200 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 2500 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts050100150200250100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]swiŌCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)130 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 13-12050010001500200025003000050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectswiŌCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
131 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16preciseSECTProperties Fast, effective coagulation, with limited tissue-cutting property. Optimized preparation characteristics through dynamic adaptation of modulation. Areas of use Coagulation, clamp coagulation and preparationTechnical data DiagramsFig. 13-13Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 4.0 (at RL = 300 Ohm)Designed load resistance 300 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 1800 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor144 watts020406080100120140100,0 1000,0Power [W]Resistance [ohm]preciseSECTEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)132 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 13-140200400600800100012001400160018002000020406080100120140012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīectpreciseSECTPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
133 / 15813  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)80114-601  03.16twinCOAG®Properties Fast, effective coagulation, which is highly suitable for preparation with high hemo-stasis owing to its limited tissue-cutting property. Two monopolar instruments can be activated at the same time. WARNING! In the twinCOAG mode, the output power of any of the active electrodes can change.Areas of use Coagulation and preparation with simultaneous activationTechnical data DiagramsFig. 13-15Type of HF voltage Pulse-modulated sinusoidal AC voltageNominal frequency 350 kHz (no load) ±10%Crest factor 5.9 (at RL = 150 Ohm)Designed load resistance 150 OhmMax. HF peak voltage 2000 VNumber of effects 0.1 – 10.0Consistency of effects Automatic control of HF peak voltageMax. output across the designed load resistor240 watts050100150200250100 1000Power [W]Resistance [ohm]twinCOAGEī 10Eī 9.0Eī 8.0Eī 7.0Eī 6.0Eī 5.0Eī 4.0Eī 3.0Eī 2.0Eī 1.0Eī 0.1Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
13  •  Argon-supported modes (only available with the APC module)134 / 15880114-601  03.16Fig. 13-1605001000150020002500050100150200250012345678910Peak Voltage [V]Power [W]EīecttwinCOAGPowerUpmaxDok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
135 / 15814  • Installation80114-601  03.16Chapter 14InstallationAmbient conditionsWARNINGIgnition of anesthetics, skin cleansers, and disinfectants in poten-tially explosive atmospheresIf you place the device in a potentially explosive atmosphere, anes-thetics, skin cleansers, and disinfectants can ignite.Risk of fire and explosion to the patient and medical personnel! Risk of damage to property.Do not place the device in potentially explosive atmospheres. NOTICEInterference with the unit by portable and mobile HF communica-tion devices (e.g. mobile phones, WLAN equipment)Electromagnetic waves emitted by portable and mobile HF commu-nication devices can effect the unit. The unit may fail or not perform properly.Please see the table "Recommended separation distances be-tween portable and mobile HF communications equipment and the equipment" at the end of this User Manual.NOTICEUnsuitable temperature or level of humidity during operationIf you operate the equipment at an unsuitable temperature or level of humidity, it may sustain damage, fail, or not perform properly.Operate the equipment at a suitable temperature and level of hu-midity. You will find the tolerances for temperature and humidity in the Technical Data.If other ambient conditions must be observed for operation of the equipment, you will also find them in the Technical Data.NOTICEUnsuitable temperature or humidity in transit or storageIf you transport or store the equipment at an unsuitable temperature or level of humidity, it may sustain damage and fail.Transport and store the equipment at a suitable temperature and level of humidity. You will find the tolerances for temperature and humidity in the Technical Data.If other ambient conditions must be observed for transport and storage of the equipment, you will also find them in the Technical Data.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.
14  • Installation136 / 15880114-601  03.16NOTICEInsufficient acclimatization time, unsuitable temperature during acclimatizationIf the device was stored or transported below or above a certain tem-perature, it will take a certain time and temperature to acclimatize.If you do not observe the rules, the device can sustain damage and fail.Acclimatize the device according to the rules in the Technical Da-ta.NOTICEOverheating of the device due to poor ventilationIf ventilation is poor, the device can overheat, sustain damage, and fail.Install the device in such a way that there is an unobstructed cir-culation of air around the housing. Installation in confined wall re-cesses is prohibited.NOTICEPenetration of liquid into the deviceThe housing is not absolutely watertight. If liquid penetrates, the de-vice can sustain damage and fail.Make sure no liquid can penetrate the device.Do not place vessels containing liquids on top of the device.Electrical installationWARNINGDefective grounded power outlet, power supply network without proper grounding, inferior-quality power cord, incorrect line volt-age, multiple power outlets, extension cordsRisk of electric shock and other injuries to the patient and medical personnel! Risk of damage to property.Connect the unit / the equipment cart to a properly installed grounded power outlet.Only connect the unit to a power supply network with proper grounding.Only use the Erbe power cord or an equivalent power cord for this purpose. The power cord must bear the applicable national test symbol. Check the power cord for damage. You must not use a damaged power cord.The supply voltage must match the voltage specified on the unit's rating plate.Do not use multiple power outlets.Do not use extension cords.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.Dok.-Nr: D110127-EN, Ver.: 000, ÄM-Nr: 16446, Gültig ab: 10.05.16, Gedruckt: MZECEVIC/02.06.16, Ausdruck nicht maßstäblich und kein Original.

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