EMS Technologies 050CEKO8 Cellular Repeater User Manual

EMS Technologies Inc Cellular Repeater Users Manual

Users Manual

CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 1TABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 Product Description2.0 EkoCel, System Block Diagrams2.1 EkoCel, Hub Block Diagram2.2 EkoCel, Microcell Block Diagram2.3 EkoCel, HUB UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (W/Diversity Receive)2.4 EkoCel, MICROCELL UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Single Band)2.5 EkoCel, MICROCELL UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Dual Band HOST)2.6 EkoCel, MICROCELL UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Dual Band Slave)2.7 EkoCel,  High Power REMOTE BLOCK DIAGRAM (W/DiversityReceive3.0 Description of EkoCel Fiber Optic Microcell System3.1 Hub3.2 Microcell4.0 Description of the Hub Unit Modules4.1 Fiber Optic Transceiver4.2 Modem4.3 RF Detector4.4 4-Way Splitter/Combiner4.5 DC/DC Converter4.6 Hub Interconnect Module4.7 Controller Module4.8 AC Power Supply4.9 Telco Modem4.10 Duplex, Base Station Interface4.11 Combiner Option4.12 Cross Band Operation Option4.13 Wave Division Multiplexer (WDM)4.14 Optical Expansion Module5.0 Description of the Microcell Unit Modules5.1 Fiber Optic Transceiver5.1b Fiber Optic Slave, with Dual Transmitters and a Single Receiver5.2 RF Modem5.3 LNA/Driver Module5.4 Duplexer5.5 Lightning Arrestor5.6 Power Amplifier Module MCA5.7 Microcell (Remote) Control Interface Module5.8 Power Supply for High Power Remotes
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 760512
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 36.0 Identification of Hub6.1 Front Panel Layout6.2 Rear Panel Layout6.3 Hub Components Layout6.4 Optical Transceiver6.5 Wave Division Multiplexer6.6 System Interconnect700-1005 Interconnect Module BoardInput ConnectorsControlsTerminal StripAttenuators           Output to Up Link Combiner RF Inputs           Input to Optical Transceiver RF OutOther700-1001 Board7.0 Identification of Microcell7.1 Left Panel, A  Single Band7.2 Left Panel, Dual Band7.3 Door Panel Microcell7.4 Back (Heat Sink) Microcell (EKO-8) (EKO 1.9R)7.4b Back (Heat Sink) Microcell (EKO-1.9M)7.5 Base Bottom7.6 Triplexer7.7 System Interconnect8.0 Software Control Module8.1 Microcell (Remote) Unit Controller8.1.1 Basic Interface8.1.2 System  Setup8.1.3 User Settings8.1.4 Alarms8.2 Hub Unit Controller8.2.1 Basic Interface8.2.2 System Setup8.2.3 User Settings8.2.4 Alarms8.3 RS 232 Port Communications8.3.1     Terminal Interface Displays9.0 Installation9.1 Introduction9.2 Getting Started9.3 Mounting Hub Hardware9.4 Mounting the Microcell Unit
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 760514
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 59.5 EkoCel  1.9 System Set Up Instructions9.5.1 Down Link Set Up for EKO-8 System9.5.2 Up Link System Set Up for the System9.6 Calibration Table – U29.6.1 Calibration Table – U39.6.2 Calibration Table - U510.0 Trouble Shooting and Maintenance10.1 Trouble Shooting Guide10.2 Understanding Maintenance Inputs/Alarms10.3 Module Replacement Procedures10.4 Block Diagrams with LevelsAppendixA. Specifications4 Watt 800MHz (SMR/ESMR), (Cellular)50 Watt 800MHz (SMR/ESMR)50 Watt 800MHz (Cellular)B. Model Number Identification (800M)E. Frequency Bands Channel PlansE1. CDMA  1.9 GHzE2. CDMA  900 MHzE3. GSM  1.9 GHzE4.  IS-136  1.9 GHzF. Product Warranty
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 760516
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 7EkoCel FIBER OPTIC MICROCELL SYSTEM1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe EkoCel™ Fiber Optic Microcell System will support CDMA, PCS 1900, IS-136 orAMPS system formats.  EkoCel provides system coverage enhancement by remotingthe base station RF receive and transmit via a fiber optic connection to a locationrequiring coverage.  EkoCel is designed to meet or exceed applicable base station andFCC emission standards.  The EkoCel enhanced specifications provide minimal impact tothe overall system performance.   EkoCel is comprised of two major components theMicrocell (Remote) Unit, which is remotely located in the area being provided serviceand the Hub Unit, which is located at the base station.  EkoCel will support multiple RFchannels on all PCS system formats and up to 24 channels for AMPS Cellular.  Severaloptions are available including, Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM), diversity receive,battery back up and duplex interface at the base station.  EkoCel is supplied in all of thePCS bands A to F and is also available in a dual band operation configuration.  The dualband unit will support both 1.9 GHz PCS and 800 MHz Cellular system over the samefiber optic cable.EkoCel is designed to meet the service provider requirements for Operations,Administration, Maintenance and Performance (OAM&P).  Alarm and control of thesystem is accessible at the Microcell hub, remote unit or via a telephone (wire orwireless) modem connection.  Relay contacts also allow the user to remote the alarmswith the base station alarm system with user defined contacts.  This allows the serviceprovider to have instant alarm notification at the Network Operation Control Center(NOCC) without additional specialized hardware and software, commonly referred to asan Element Management System.  This provides simplicity and cost savings to the user.Both the hub and the microcell remote are equipped with a display and function keypadallowing the user easy access to alarms and system controls without additionalequipment.   Three levels of security are provided to prevent unauthorized access to thesystem.EkoCel has a patent pending self-set up and system control feature that will allow thesystem to automatically set up for the user defined system requirements.  EkoCelautomatically adjusts gain and power based on the number of RF channels, systemformat, system input power and optical loss.  The system continues to monitor systemperformance and alert the user of any system changes that requires additional real timecompensation.EkoCel was developed  specifically for use as a fiber optic microcell.  It specificallyaddresses the problem of system set up which has always been an issue with fiber opticsystems.  The patented closed loop control system provides for long term changes in thefiber optic system that occurs without continued maintenance monitoring.  Since themicrocell is a remote antenna interface the design is specifically tailored for thisapplication.  The up link amplifier has a low noise figure and a high 3rd order interceptpoint.  The downlink signals are coupled from the base station and do not require
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 760518channelization to prevent the amplification and re-radiation of unwanted signals.  Alarmreporting is accomplished at the hub not at the remote unit, which would require asubscriber phone or telephone modem to be mounted in a harsh environment that they arenot typically designed for.2.0 EkoCel FIBER OPTIC MICROCELL SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 92.1 EkoCel, HUB UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Single Band)2.2 EkoCel, HUB UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Dual Band)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051102.3 EkoCel, HUB UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (W/Diversity Receive)2.4 EkoCel, MICROCELL UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Single Band)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 112.5 EkoCel, MICROCELL UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Dual Band HOST)2.6 EkoCel, MICROCELL UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM (Dual Band Slave)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051122.7 EkoCel,  High Power REMOTE BLOCK DIAGRAM (W/Diversity Receive)3.0 DESCRIPTION OF EkoCel FIBER OPTIC MICROCELL SYSTEM3.1 Hub UnitThe Hub unit provides the hardware interface to the base station and the fiberoptic systems that will transport the RF signals to the Microcell Units.The Hub unit with Expandable option will support up to 4 Microcell Units byinstalling additional Fiber Optic Transceivers.  Each of these Microcell Units willbe individually alarmed and controlled.  The optical path to each of the MicrocellUnits may be up to 20 kilometers in length.Reference: 2.1 , 2.2  and 2.33.2 RF Microcell (Remote) UnitThe Microcell Unit provides all of the electronic hardware to interface to thefiber optic interconnect and the required amplifiers to process the up link anddown link RF signals.  The up link and down link signals are duplexed to a singleradiating antenna via a coaxial cable.  Access to alarms and controls for the huband other Microcell Units are available via the control module.Reference: 2.4 , 2.5 , 2.6 and 2.7
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 134.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE HUB UNIT MODULES4.1 Fiber Optic TransceiverThe Fiber Optic Transceiver provides the RF signal transmission and receptionvia the fiber optic cable between the hub and microcell units.  Alarm monitoroutputs are provided to the control module to provide real time monitoring of theoperational performance.  The down link transmitted optical signal is 1550 nmwavelength and the up link received optical signal is 1310 nm wavelength.  Thedifferent optical wavelengths allow the addition of wave division multiplexing(WDM) to any unit.  This also reduces the requirement for maintenance spares inmixed system.4.1b Fiber Optic Master  with Dual Receive and a Single TransmitterThis optical transceiver accomadates the additional up link receive path requiredfor Diversity Receive option.  The unit has a single down link 1550 mm laser(Channel C, RF In) and two receive photo diodes (Channel A Main Receiver andChannel B Diversity Receiver) combined together with an internal WaveDivision Multiplexer (WDM) allowing single fiber operation.  RF Modem uplinkpath is on Channel A.4.2  RF ModemThe RF Modem module provides several functions in the RF signal path.  Themodem provides the data receive and data transmit path between the hub and themicrocell units with communication links being RS485.  The data is transmittedon a RF carrier on the down link path in the 460 to 512 MHz band and receivedon the up link path on the same selected RF channel.  These signals are coupledwith the carrier signals with a directional coupler or triplexer. The RF modemreceiver reports the RSSI level to the controller to calculate the RF and  up linkoptical path loss.  The controller also uses this reading to adjust the up linkattennuator to the proper setting for desired carrier signal level.4.3      RF DetectorThe down link RF carrier level is monitored by the controller as part of theclosed loop gain control and auto set up system. This level is reported as BaseStation input RF power level and laser input level.  The operator can view the RFdetected level as desired for maintenance, installation and system set up.4.4 Splitter/CombinerThe Splitter/Combiner allows the input and output RF signals to the base stationto be split to 4 paths to serve the optional system capability to support up to fourremote microcell units.  The hub will support the expansion of four fiber optictransceivers.  A splitter output on the down link is used to couple signal to the RFdetector and one up link combiner output is used to couple signal to the RFmodem.4.5 DC/DC ConverterThe DC to DC converter provides the required conversion of DC levels requiredinternal from the 18-36 VDC supply voltage provided by the user from the base
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605114station power source.  Since the base station is automatically backed up bybattery power no additional back up power source is required by the hub unit.4.6  Hub Interconnect ModuleThe Hub interconnect module provides the interface between the controllermodule, the RF modem, fiber optic modules and the up link RF path signalattenuators to the control circuits.  It also provides user alarm interface and DCdistribution to all modules.4.7      Controller ModuleThe Controller module provides the monitoring and control of the alarm andcontrol functions of the hub and microcell units.  These alarms and controls canbe addressed and displayed by the function keys and display on the front of thecontrol unit. The controller also supports either a hyper terminal connection or aoptional modem.  Alarms are instantly reported either via an optional modemconnection or by the base station alarm function using the relay alarm contacts onthe Hub interconnect module.  Normally the two alarm relays are set up to alarmHub on relay 1 and Microcells on relay 2.  The technician can access the controland alarm system via the hyper terminal or optional telephone modem anddetermine the actual alarm and system status.4.8 Controller Expansion Module The Controller Expansion Module allows for additional uplink path attenuatorsfor the added diversity receive paths.  Since the optical loss is the same for bothof the receive paths the diversity attenuators are controlled in parallel with themain receiver attenuators.  This boardis stacked above the Controller Module andconnected with a ribbon cable.OPTIONAL MODULES;4.9      AC Power SupplyThe optional AC power supply allows the hub unit to operate from the ACprimary power source.  This option deletes the DC/DC converters.4.10    Telco ModemThe telco modem provides the optional ability to remotely connect to the hubcontrol module and access system alarms and controls.  This option uses theLocal Hyperterminal output and it is not available for use when this option isselected.4.11     Duplex, Base Station InterfaceThe duplex base station interface option provides the required duplexer andcabling changes required for a single TX/RX input connection from the basestation.4.12    Combiner OptionThe combiner option provides multicarrier interface (see Figure 2.1).
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 154.13    Cross Band Operation OptionThe cross band operation option provides the triplexing, cabling and hardwarechanges for the combining of  PCS 1.9 MHz signals with the Cellular 800 MHzsignals and the RF modem signal to a common input/output to/from the fiberoptic module.  (Reference Figures 2.2 and 2.4).4.14    Optical Expansion ModuleThe fiber optical expansion module is required at the Hub for each Microcell unitadded to the EkoCel  Fiber Optic Microcell System and may be expanded up toa total of four per hub.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051165.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE MICROCELL UNIT MODULES5.1 Fiber Optic TransceiverThe Fiber Optic Transceiver provides the RF signal transmission and receptionvia the fiber optic cable between the hub and microcell units.  Alarm monitoroutputs are provided to the control module to provide real time monitoring of theoperational performance.  The down link received optical signal is 1550 nmwavelength and the up link transmitted optical signal is 1310 nm wavelength.5.1b Fiber Optic Slave, with Dual Transmitters and a Single ReceiverThis optical tranceiver module accomidates the additional up link transmit pathrequired for diversity receive option.  The unit has a single down link photodiode receiver  (Channel C RF Out) and two 1300 mm lasers (Channel A mainreceiver  and Channel B diversity receive) combined together with an internalWDM allowing single fiber operation.  RF Modem uplink is on Channel A.5.2 RF ModemThe RF Modem module provides several functions in the RF signal path.  Themodem provides the data receive and data transmit path, via RS485, between thehub and the microcell units.  The data is received on a RF carrier on the downlink path on a channel between 460 to 512 MHz and transmitted on the up linkpath on the same channel carrier.  The down link modem carrier is decoupledfrom the PCS carrier signals with a directional coupler or triplexer and a low passfilter.  The PCS up link carrier signals from the LNA/Driver module are coupledto the fiber optic module input combined with the RF modem carrier with adirectional coupler or triplexer.5.3       LNA/Driver ModuleThe LNA/Driver module is divided into two sections.  The LNA section whichhas moderate gain and a very high third order intercept point of 32 dBm and alow noise figure of <1.5 dB.  The LNA is coupled outside of the module througha SMA/F connector to a band selective band pass filter.  Future options, whichmay require higher selective filtering, utilizing active filtering can also beaccommodated.  Optional filtering could allow channel selective or tighter bandselective filtering.  The high performance LNA achieves a superior systemdynamic range.  This prevents overdrive from undesired out of band signalswhich are could be received at higher than desired signal levels.The driver input is coupled into the module through a SMA/F connector.  Thedriver has limit peaking of high level injected signals which will preventoverdriving and damaging the laser.  Overall gain of the LNA and driver is 49dB.  This provides for maximum sensitivity of the system at the maximumallowable optical loss of 10 dB.  (10 dB of optical loss is equal to 20 dB RF loss.This insures an overall system noise figure of <6 dB.Versions of LNA/Driver  Modules:1.850 - 1.910  GHz   806 - 849  MHz
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 175.4       DuplexerThe duplexer couples the down link transmitted signals and the up link receivedsignals to a common antenna output which allow band selective or full bandsystem operation.5.5       Lightning Arrestor (optional)The lightning arrestor is to provide maximum protection from the environment.Throughput energy ≤0.5 µJ (8/20µs at 3kA).  DC blocked for maximumequipment protection.  N/female connection to the RF input/output.5.6      Multi-Carrier Feed Forward Amplifier (800 MHz High Power Remotes)MCA amplifiers are supplied in the ESMR/IDEN 800 MHz and Cellular HighPower Remotes. Both are feed forward amplifiers units allowing compositepowers of up to 50 watts. Mannual located in Components Section.5.7      Remote Control Interface Module (High Power)The Microcell (Remote) Control interface module provides circuits to set units’address and calibration controls for RF power and down link RF and optical loss.In addition, it provides the down link power control attenuator for adjusting theoutput to the desired power level.  The controller also monitors the enclosureambient temperature and provides electronic compensation for low temperatureoperation if required.  The DC to DC converter provides +5 VDC and –5 VDCfor operation of the laser modules, and a 28 to 12 VDC converter.  DCdistribution to the controller, optical receiver, optical transmitter, and RF modemis provided via this interface module.5.8 Power Supply for High Power Remotes (27 VDC)Kepco Model HSM 28-36, manual in Components Section.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051186.1 Front Panel6.2 Back Panel HubPrimary Power AC input115VAC/60Hz(optional)Base StationReceiveBase StationTransmitPrimary Power Input24 VDC (18-36 VDC)Local AlarmInput(D5 & D6)TO Base StationAlarm Inputs(Hub Relay outputs)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 196.3 Hub Component Layout(Front Down)6.3 Hub Component Layout(Back Down)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051206.4 Optical TranceiverFiber Optic Tranceiver Interconnect:RF Input - Transmit Splitter output, RF cableRF Output - AT 1 through AT 4 of appropriate attenuator on 700-1005, RF cableD-sub - J3 through J6, 10 conductor ribbon cable6.5 Wave Division Multiplexer (Optional)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 216.6   Hub Interconnect Module700-1005 Board Located on the Base Plate  (Hub Interconnect Module)Input ConnectorsJ1  -  Ribbon Cable Connecting to the Controller Top Board Ass’y, (nearest LCD display   &Power Lead)J2  -  Ribbon Cable Connecting to the Controller Bottom Board Assembly (nearest keypad)J3  -  Fiber Optical Transceiver 1, RF OUTJ4  -  Fiber Optical Transceiver 2, RF OUTJ5  -  Fiber Optical Transceiver 3, RF OUTJ6  -  Fiber Optical Transceiver 4, RF OUTJ7  -  1.9 GHz TX Power In DetectorJ8  -  800 MHz TX Power In DetectorJ9  -  Power Input 12 VDC from AC Power Supply  *Jumper Pin 1 to 3 for 24 VDC OperationJ10 - RF ModemJ11 - RS 485ControlsVR 1 - Calibration 1.9 Detect TX Power InVR 2 - Calibration 800 MHz TX Power InVR 3 - Calibration RF Up Link Gain
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605122Terminal StripTS - 485 UNUSED12 VDC/OutU6 D5Relay 1 NC Relay 1 COM        Hub Alarm* Relay 1 NO Relay 2 NC Relay 2 COM        Microcell (Remote) Alarm*Relay 2 NO24 VDC/INGround*Normally energized, de-energized in alarm state.  Indicated states are alarmed condition.AttenuatorsOutputs Connects to Up Link Combiner RF InputsAT 1 Out Remote Address 1  +/or  5AT 2 Out     2 +/or  6AT 3 Out   3 +/or  7AT 4 Out   4 +/or  8CAUTION* These inputs must be connected to the proper laser modules servingmicrocells  (remotes) of the indicated address.Inputs Connects to Optical Transceiver RF OutAT 1  IN from Fiber Transceiver 1AT 2  IN from Fiber Transceiver 2AT 3  IN from Fiber Transceiver 3AT 4  IN from Fiber Transceiver 4OtherFuse 24 VDC Input Fuse, 3 Amp12 VDC System Circuit Fuse, 5 Amp
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 23700-1001 Board (2 required) Located on the Control Module700-1001 Board Assembly is the Ribbon Cable adapter interface to the controllermodule.  Caution: if replacing the 700-1001 interface, it has 24 interconnecting pins tothe terminal strip and the terminal strip actually has 25 pins on both sides.When installing:Pin 1 connects to 12VCC on the side nearest the display/power LEDPin 1 connects to C2B on the side nearest the keypadRefer to 700-1005 board assembly for proper interconnect to each assembly.Ribbon Cable Assembly 700-1001 Connected         Ribbon Cable Assembly 700-1001               To Controller Display Side                Connected to Controller Key Pad SidePin   1 12 VDC Pin    1 C2B -  2 K   2 C2B +  3 Ground   3 RX +  4 Digital Output  1     4 RX  -  5 Digital Output 2   5 TX +  6 Digital Output 3   6 TX  -  7 Digital Output 4   7 Ground  8 Digital Output 5     8 Ground  9 Digital Output 6   9 D710 Digital Output 7 10 D611 Digital Output 8 11 D512 Digital Output 9 12 D413 Digital Output 10 13 D314 Unused 14 Unused15 Unused 15 Unused16 NO    16 + 517 COM      Relay 2 17 Ground18 NC    18 U119 NO    19 U220 COM       Relay 1 20 U321 NC    21 U422 U EXP 22 U523 DAC 23 U624 A/D + 24 Ground25 A/D  - 25 D126 Ground 26 D2
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605124700-1001 Interface Module
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 25700-1005 Hub Mother Board
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605126RF ModemReference: Figure 7.1 and 7.2INTRECONNECTIONRF Output    -   2 way splitter, RF cable: BNC/A to SMA/MD-sub          -    10 Conductor ribbon cable to 700-1003, J3Fiber TransmitterReference: Figure 7.1 and 7.2INTRECONNECTIONRF Input     -     Triplexer Common or Directional Coupler , OutputD-sub          -    10 Conductor ribbon cable to 700-1003, J2Fiber ReceiverReference: Figure 7.1 and 7.2INTRECONNECTIONRF Output     -     Triplexer Common or Directional Coupler , InputD-sub          -    10 Conductor ribbon cable to 700-1003, J1Transceiver Optic Master Interconnect:Reference: Figure xx and xxINTRECONNECTIONRF Input (Channel C) -   Transmit Splitter output, RF CableRF Output (Channel A, Main Receiver)  -   AT1 Through AT4, attenuator on 700-1005, RF vableRF Output (Channel B, Main Receiver)  -   AT1 Through AT4, attenuator on 700-1011, RF vableD-sub-     -   J3 through J6, 10 Conductor ribbon cable
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 277.6 TriplexerCommon800-9601850-1990460 MHz
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051287.7 System Interconnect700-1001 Board (2 required) Located on Control Module700-1001 Board Assembly is the Ribbon Cable adapter interface to the controller module.Caution: if replacing the 700-1001 interface, it has 24 interconnecting pins to the terminal stripand the terminal strip actually has 25 pins on both sides.Note when installing:Pin 1 connects to 12VDC on the side nearest the display/power LEDPin 1 connects to C2B on the side nearest the keypadRefer to 700-1004 board assembly for proper interconnect to each assembly.Ribbon Cable Assembly 700-1001 Connected         Ribbon Cable Assembly 700-1001               To Controller Display Side                Connected to Controller Key Pad SidePin   1 12 VDC * Pin    1 C2B -  2 K   2 C2B +  3 Ground   3 RX +  4 Digital Output  1     4 RX  -  5 Digital Output 2   5 TX +  6 Digital Output 3   6 TX  -  7 Digital Output 4   7 Ground  8 Digital Output 5     8 Ground  9 Digital Output 6   9 D710 Digital Output 7 10 D611 Digital Output 8 11 D512 Digital Output 9 12 D413 Digital Output 10 13 D314 Unused 14 Unused15 Unused 15 Unused16 NO    16 + 517 COM      Relay 2 17 Ground18 NC    18 U119 NO    19 U220 COM       Relay 1 20 U321 NC    21 U422 U EXP 22 U523 DAC 23 U624 A/D + 24 Ground25 A/D  - 25 D126 Ground 26 D2* Illustrated on controller as 24VDC, however controller has option for 12VDC operation installed.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 29700-1004 Control InterfaceInput ConnectorsJ1  -  Controller Connection with 26 conductor ribbon cable from LCD display side and Power Ledof controllerJ2  -  Controller Connection with 26 conductor ribbon cable from the Key pad side of the controllerJ3  -  10 Conductor Ribbon Cable Connection to 700-1002 Board Assembly J4, located on HeatSink, between Power Supply & PAJ4  -  15 Conductor ribbon Cable Connection to 700-1003 Board assembly J4, located on FiberOptic / RF Modem Panel RS-485- Cables to bulk head “control” Connector on base of the remote.JumpersSW 1 - SLAVE ENABLESW 2 - Address Enable 5 through 8Address Jumpers     Voltage*  Voltage*SW           Address       Adjust         Setting   SW    Address   Adjust    Setting  3    R - 1  none <0.7 VDC  3 5 VR5 3.7 VDC  4    R - 2  VR2 1.75 VDC  4 6 VR2     4.7 VDC  5    R - 3  VR3  2.4  VDC  5 7 VR3 5.5 VDC  6    R - 4  VR4  3.0  VDC  6 8 VR4 6    VDC* Monitor Test Point 1ControlsVR 1 -  Calibration for PA detected output power, see calibration tables.(Test Point 2)VR 6 -   Calibration RSSI, DL optional/RF loss (Test Point 3)800 MHz or 1.9 GHz remotes may be configured as Master or Slave units.  Units are configuredat factory normally with the differential being.  Master remote is equipped with Fiber Optic RFmodem panel and the controller interface module assembly is different for each unit.700-1004-X1X 1.9 GHz Units address 1 - 4700-1004-X2X 800 MHz units address 5 – 8700-1004-X3X  1.9 GHz Expansion (slave) unit address 1 – 4700-1004-X4X 800 MHz Expansion (slave) unit address 5 - 8
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605130High Power Remote Module Tray, (SMR /  ESMR)High Power Remote Module Tray, (Cellular)Diversity ReceiveModuleLNAHigh Power RemoteInterface boardRFModemLNAHigh Power RemoteInterface boardDiversity ReceiveModuleRFModem
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 31High Power Notch Filter Tray, (Cellular)High Power Controller PanelDUPLEXOR
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605132High Power Diversity Filter Tray, SMR / ESMRHigh Power Diversity Filter Panel (Cellular)
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 33Power Amplifier MCAPower Supply Panel
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605134
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 358. Software Controls8.1.1.  BASIC INTERFACE, Microcell (Remote)The interface of the EkoCel is based on a 12 key system with a 2x20 LCD screen. While a user isnot engaged in any system functions the controller is in a RUN MODE.  By that meaning thecontroller does most of its work while running outside of the user menus.The 12 key interface is designed around the functions the controller performs continually.  Thekey lay out and functions of the keys are listed below.  menu itemsetup fieldrun pgm uppgm 19.2downpgm 38.4 helpF1 F2 F3 F4 del add12 Key Keypadmenu The menu key is used primarily to advance to another set of menus or in someinstances to exit or enter user menus all together.item The item key has the specific function of advancing through sub-menus of aparticular set of  menus.  For example to change the date or time after you enter theTime/Date menu pressing the item key allows a change either in the time or date.field During the entry of any number or letter, the field key allows you to change theposition of  the cursor.up/down  These keys allow a character/number to be changed and may be held down to scrollmore quickly.  They are also used in responding to a yes or no prompt or in changinglist items.*help Displays a basic help message to aid in navigation through menus.*F1 By pressing F1 the user is shown what password level is currently in use.*F2 Displays the alarms, which are currently alarming.*F3 Displays the local Power Output Reading.*F4 Performs a Reset of all alarms.*     del Currently, this key displays software version and returns the controller to abackground state.add To engage the user menus, pressing the add key is required.* - Only has functionality while user menus are engaged.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051368.1.2.  SYSTEM SETUP on MICROCELL UNIT CONTROLLERSetting up the Microcell unit is done in one of two ways, Manual setup or Auto setup.A.  Manual Setup  During the initial startup of the Microcell the very first menu prompt to be encountered isthe setup menu.  By pressing the UP or Down key you can either select the manual or theauto setup.  After choosing the correct setup method simply press the MENU key tocontinue with setup. During Manual setup the following parameters are necessary to set:Time; Date; System Format; RF Channels; Load. To access the menus containing thesettings other than Time/Date, press the Menu key.  Next to scroll through the settingspress the Item key.  Pressing the menu key will only take you back to the TIME/DATEmenu. To EXIT the System Setup menus, press Item key until the prompt “CurrentSettings?”, select yes and press the Menu key.  The controller will then wait for up to oneminute for a network update.  If the hub is not yet installed the unit will proceed tonormal operating status. If a connection is made, and the required input power from thebase station is present, the unit will prompt the user to set up local gain.  At that time theuser can enter the desired DL Pwr Out. NOTE: If the gain is not set then, or in the usermenus, it must be set at the Hub end.B.  Auto SetupBy simply choosing the Auto setup option the EkoCel Remote waits for the Hub to sendcurrent network settings and proceeds to set up itself accordingly.  This does not meanthat the user has no other responsibilities.C. General Notes on the ControllerRemember to RESET ALL ALARMS before finishing all operations with the unit.       To EXIT From ANY point simply press the DEL key.8.1.3.  USER SETTINGS on MICROCELL UNIT CONTROLLERA.  Accessing User Menus To access the user menus, first the ADD key must be pressed.  Due to backgroundfunctions operating sometimes you may have to hold the ADD key for nearly a second.The result will be the Password Entry Screen.  In order to proceed to other menus a validpassword must be entered. The controllers are delivered with a set of factory passwords.The factory passwords can be altered by using the supervisor password only.  Once thedesired password is entered press the MENU key to proceed or the DEL key to return tonormal functioning.  Units are set with initial default Technician 4 password of 10000and the password comes up as 10000 on the display each time. The following are presetpasswords:       Supervisor  - 21314, Tech 1 - 11311, Tech 2 - 11312, Tech 3 - 11313,Tech 4 - 1000B. Readings / ControlsFrom the Microcell (remote) location, gain is adjusted by pressing the up and downarrows and using the field key to change the digit to be edited.  DL# Pwr Cntrl: is thelabel for the gain control of the PA.  All changes made here are NOT in real time.  Oncethe desired value is displayed, that menu screen MUST be changed, (by pressing theMENU key), in order for the change to take effect.  The controller will then display a“PLEASE WAIT” message while it sets the PA power to give the desired selected outputof dB power.  Depending on the amount the change, the controller process time may takeup to 10 minutes and may give the appearance of  locking up.  To change the Hub Gaincontrol, press the Item Key to access that menu item. UL Gain  dB:  is the label for theHub Gain control.  Once there, to change the gain, simply use the Field Key to select thedigit and the UP and DOWN keys to alter the values.  Once the desired value is
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 37displayed, that menu screen MUST be changed (by pressing the MENU key) in order forthe change to take effect remotely.  The display will now read “UL Updating PleaseWait..”  When the update is complete the display will automatically change to reflect theValue at which it is set.  Due to network latency, it may take up to 20 seconds to changethe display. Setting the peak power limit is done here. The default is 34 or 38(dependingon the technology type), which will prevent the power out of the Pa to exceed 34 dBm or39dBm. To exit this set of menus, press the MENU KEY.TX 800Bse Pwr: XXXX Value corresponding to Power from Base Station to Hub unitTX 800Lzr Pwr: XXXX Represents the power from the base to the dl laserOrTX 1.9Bse Pwr: XXXX Value corresponding to Power from Base Station to Hub unitTX 1.9Lzr Pwr: XXXX Represents the power from the base to the dl laserDL Pwr  dB: XXXX Actual output power from PA at the antenna out of unitUL Gain  dB: XXXX  The detected UL Signal strength at the hubPeak Pwr SET: XXXX Refers to The Max Pwr Out the Unit will allow.C.  More MenusBy selecting ‘yes’ at the prompt, the user will have access to the following Menus.  If not,the menuing will loop back to the ‘Readings / Controls’ menu.D.  Maintenance MenuThis menu is used primarily for troubleshooting, maintenance and field calibration.These readings are all network dependent, meaning that they only update when aconnection between the Hub and Microcell occur. If no connection is made then allvalues found in this menu are invalid.  The readings and their definitions are as follows:Tx Pwr Lzr mV: XXXX The voltage returned from the detector to thecontroller to u3.  Helps to determine the TX pwr.UL Gain Cntrl:    XXXX The amount of UL attenuation at the Hub unitUL RF Loss:    XXXX The average amount of RF loss on the uplink pathUL Optc Los: XXXX The average amount of Optical Loss uplink pathUL Atten Set: XXXX Amount of direct Attenuation to the uplink path** DL Rssi mV:    XXXX Voltage returned from downlink Signal Strength** DL RF Loss:    XXXX  The average amount of RF loss on the downlink path** DL Optc Los:   XXXX The average amount of Optical Loss downlink pathDL PA Detct: XXXX in mV the sensor output from the PADL dac mV:   XXXX Voltage being put out by controller to the PABox Temp C: XXXX Tempeture in side the Remote unit in celcius   ** = only available for the master remote unit.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605138E.  Date & TimeOnly the supervisor’s password has access to this feature. To flip between setting thetime or the date, press the ITEM key. The FIELD key changes the digit to be edited andagain the arrow keys change the digit. Press the MENU key to enter when finished.F. Event History LogThe event history log will store the last 50 events that took place on both the microcelland hub side of the network. By selecting Yes, using the Up or Down arrow and enter bypressing the menu key, scrolling through the event history will be possible by pressingthe ‘ITEM’ key. Events will be displayed with the most recent date at the top, the remotenumber and  the alarm or event originated on the second line.  Remember, that the remotenumber for the hub is “0”.  To exit the menu, simply press the Menu key then select no,using the Up or Down arrow and enter by pressing the Menu key again.G. Set New PasswordOnly the supervisor’s password has access to this feature also.  While it is possible toaccess this menu from the Microcell unit, the changes made will be reset through to thenetwork standard within 20 seconds.  This menu is only functional at the hub.H.  Remote Alarms ResetTo select between the “yes” or “no” simply press the UP or DOWN.  To exit the menu,press MENU.  NOTE! Due to network latency it may take up to 20 seconds for the Hubalarms to reset.I. Exit Menu“Current Settings: y/n “.  Select YES and press MENU to exit all Menuing with currentsettings.  By pressing the ITEM key, will give access to the TOTAL RESET?: y/nscreen. CAUTION: By selecting YES and pressing menu, WILL RESET ALL Usersdefined values to Factory Default, and the Microcell unit will require setting up again.BE VERY CAREFUL with this menu.J. AUX Controls MenuThe first prompt will be “More Controls?: y/n “ if yes is selected and the menu key ispressed, then access to the System settings is given.  These settings include: System Type, RF Channels, Batt Backup.  If Batt Backup has  ‘Yes’ selected then controls for : BattTest Hour and Test for Min, will be accessible.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 398.1.4.  ALARMS on MICROCELL UNIT CONTROLLERA.  ViewingTo view alarms currently alarming simply press the F2 key from any menu, or if notengaged in a menu press the ADD key then press F2.  After viewing, press DEL to returnto normal functioning.  To return to menu items simply press the Menu key.  To view thealarm history log, enter menus and press the menu key until the “Event History…..Viewlog?” is displayed, then select Yes using the Up or Down arrow and enter by pressing themenu key.  The alarms will be displayed in log format.  Format consists of:  Date RemoteNumber and Alarm. For example: 03-24-98 0 H! Optical 1.  If the remote number is 0then it must be the hub.B.  ResettingLocal: Press the F4 key form any menu. If not in menus press the ADD key then the F4key.  To resume menuing or enter menus press the MENU key other wise press the DEL key.       Hub: Press the F4 key WAIT 10 seconds then press the F4 key again (no need to waiton second push).  To resume Menuing or enter menus press the MENU key otherwise press the DEL key.C.   AlarmsThere are basically 12 alarms that could alarm at the Microcell unit. They are:     ( # = Microcell Address)!R# Laser =   Laser Alarm!R# Optical =  Optical Loss Alarm!R# Laser Temp = Laser Temperature!R# Pa Temp = PA Temperature!R# Box Temp = Box Temperature!R# Intrusion  = Door Alarm!R# RF Pwr Out = RF Output Power Fail!R# Ovrdr Pwr Aj = Overdriving Power Adjustment.!R# Batt Power = Low or No Battery (only seen if Battery Enabled)!R# Main Power = Drop or failure of Main power.!R# Fan Fail = Fan Failure or Problem!R# User 1 =  User 1 Hi/Lo from D6 On Remote Board
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051408.2.1.  BASIC INTERFACE of HUB UNIT CONTROLLERThe interface of the EkoCel is based on a 12 key system with a 2x20 LCD screen. Whilea user is not engaged in any system functions the controller is in a RUN MODE.  By thatmeaning the controller does most of its work while running outside of the user menus.The 12 key interface is designed around the functions the controller performs continually.The key lay out and functions of the keys are listed below.  menu itemsetup fieldrun pgm uppgm 19.2downpgm 38.4 helpF1 F2 F3 F4 del add12 Key Keypad      menu The menu key is used primarily to advance to another set of menus or insome cases to exit or enter user menus all together.   item The item key has the specific function of  advancing through sub-menus of aparticular set of menus. For example, to change the date or time afterentering the Time/Date menu , pressing the item key allows changes in eitherthe time or date.      field During the entry of any number or letter, the field key allows you to changethe position of  the cursor.     up/down  These keys allow a character/number to be changed and may be held down toscroll more quickly.  They are also used in responding to a yes or no promptor in changing list items.*help Displays a basic help message to aid in navigation through menus.*F1 By pressing F1 the user is shown what password level is currently in use.*F2 Displays the alarms which are currently alarming.*F3 Displays the UL Gains.*F4 Performs a Reset of all alarms.*del Currently, this key displays software version and returns the controller to abackground state.      add To engage the user menus pressing the add key is required.* - Only have functionality while user menus are engaged.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 418.2.2.  SYSTEM SETUP ON THE HUB CONTROLLERSetting up the hub unit is done in one of two ways, Manual setup or Auto setup.A.  Manual Setup During the initial startup of the Hub the very first menu prompt to be encounteredis the setup menu.  By pressing the UP or Down key you can either select themanual or the auto setup.  After choosing the correct setup method simply pressthe MENU key to continue with setup. During Manual setup the followingparameters are necessary to set: Time; Date; System Format; RF Channels;Load. To access the menus containing the settings other than Time/Date, pressthe Menu key.  Next to scroll through the settings press the Item key.  Pressingthe menu key will only take you back to the TIME/DATE menu. To EXIT theSystem Setup menus, press Item key until the prompt: “USE CURRENTSETTINGS? “ Select yes and press menu.  It will also be necessary to manuallyset the gain.B.  General Notes on the ControllerTo EXIT From ANY point simply press the DEL key, or select “yes” at the “Exit Currentsettings?” menu.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051428.2.3.  USER SETTINGS on HUB CONTROLLERA.  Accessing User Menus Hub - to access the user menus first the ADD key must be pressed. Due to backgroundfunctions operating sometimes you may have to hold the ADD key for nearly a second.The result will be the Password Entry Screen.  In order to proceed to other menus a validpassword must be entered. The controllers are delivered with a set of factory passwords.The factory passwords can be altered by using the supervisor password only.  Once thedesired password is entered press the MENU key to proceed or the DEL key to return tonormal functioning.  Units are set with an initial default passwords: Supervisor  - 21314,Tech 1 - 11311, Tech 2 - 11312,  Tech 3 - 11313, Tech 4 - 1000.B. Readings / ControlsHub - gain is adjusted by pressing the up and down arrows and using the field key to change thedigit to be edited. UL Gain Cntrl: is the label for the Hub Gain control.  Changes made here areNOT in real time, due to the digitally controlled attenuator.  To change the Microcell Gain control,press the Item Key to access that menu item. Once there, to change the gain, simply use the FieldKey to select the digit and the UP and DOWN keys to alter the values.  Once the desired value isdisplayed, that menu screen MUST be changed (by pressing the ITEM or MENU key) in order forthe change to take effect.  DL# Pwr Cntrl: is the label for the gain control of the PA.  Once thedesired value is displayed, that menu screen MUST be changed (by pressing the MENU key) inorder for the change to take affect remotely.  Due to network latency, and control setting delay, itmay take up to 15 minutes to change the display.  To exit this set of menus, press the MENU KEY.If no remote detected, the up link gain control can still be adjusted by pressing the ITEM key toadvance from the no remotes on line screen to the appropriate up link gain control. Note: If there istoo little or no signal strength a menu screen will appear to alert the user of the fact and prohibithim from changing the DL Gain on ANY remotes.  You can also set the peak power limit here. Thedefault is 34, which will prevent the power out of the PA to exceed 34 dBm.TX 1.9Bse Pwr: XXXX Value in dB corresponding to Power from Base Station to HubTX 1.9Lzr Pwr: XXXX Value in dB representing power to the lasers during downlinkAND / ORTX 800Bse Pwr: XXXX Value in dB corresponding to Power from Base Station to HubTX 800Lzr Pwr: XXXX Value in dB representing power to the lasers during downlinkUL Gain # dB: XXXX Value in dB corresponding to the signal strength from      Microcell to the HubDL # Pwr dB: XXXX  The approximate power in dB the PA is radiating at R#DL # Peak Pwr: XXXX The Peak power setting for the R#C. More MenusBy selecting ‘yes’ at the prompt the user will have access to the following Menus.  If not,the menuing will loop back to the ‘Control Menu’.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 43D. Maintenance MenuThis set of menus contain many readings that will be useful during the calibration and ortrouble shooting after problems occur. Some of these readings update in real time, butmost are network related an update every 20-30 seconds. .  If changes occur to thereadings the user will NOT see them unless the Item key is used to scroll around back toit, then the value will be updated.  If the second is true and the remote is not installed,ANY information displayed will be invalid. The readings and their definitions are asfollows: Tx Pwr Lzr mV:  XXXX The voltage returned from the detector to thecontroller to u3.  Helps to determine the TX pwr.UL # RF Loss: XXXX The average amount of RF loss on the uplink pathUL # Optc Los:  XXXX The average amount of Optical Loss uplink pathUL # Atten Set:  XXXX Amount of direct Attenuation to the uplink pathUL # Rssi mV:    XXXX Voltage returned from Uplink Signal Strength** DL # Rssi mV XXXX Voltage returned from Downlink Signal Strength** DL # RF Loss:    XXXX  The average amount of RF loss on the downlink path** DL # Optc Los:   XXXX The average amount of Optical Loss downlink pathDL # Gain mV:   XXXX Voltage being put out by controller to the PA.DL # Pwr SET:   XXXX  User Defined in Gain Cntrls. Amount of PA outputpower at #E. Date & TimeOnly the supervisor’s password has access to this feature. To flip between setting thetime or date, press the ITEM key. The FIELD key changes the digit to be edited andagain the arrow keys change the digit. Press the MENU key when finished.F. Event HistoryThe events history log will store the last 50 events to take place on both the microcell andhub side of the network. By selecting “yes” at the menu prompt, scrolling through theevent history will be possible by pressing the ‘ITEM’ key.  Events will be displayed withthe date at the top, the remote number and the alarm or event originated on the secondline.  Remember that the remote number for the hub is “0”.  If at any time you wish toexit the menu simply press the Menu key then select no and press the Menu key again.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605144G. Set New PasswordOnly the supervisor’s password has access to this feature also.  While it is possible toaccess this menu from the Microcell unit, the changes made will be reset through to thenetwork standard within 20 seconds.  This menu is only functional at the hub. Thefollowing are preset passwords: Supervisor  - 21314,  Tech 1 - 11311, Tech 2 - 11312,Tech 3 - 11313, Tech 4 - 1000H. Remote Alarms ResetTo reset specific Microcell’s alarms, press Item to select Microcell then “Yes” or “No”selections are made by simply press the UP or DOWN.   Exit the menu by pressingMENU.  NOTE!  Due to network latency it may take up to 20 seconds for the Microcellalarms to reset.I. RS 232 PORT MODEThis menu is designed to allow communication to the controller through the RS 232 port.Here, if ‘none’ is selected, the controller will not acknowledge any incoming data orcommands through the RS 232 port.  If ‘Terminal’ is selected the controller willcontinually monitor the 232 port for incoming commands.  The passwords required toaccess the controller through the terminal are the same as the passwords used to accessthe controller through the keypad. A Modem will not work if in this state (Terminalselected).  If ‘modem’ is selected, the controller will initialize the modem and wait for itauto answer.  Only after carrier detection takes place will the controller acknowledgeincoming data.  A terminal emulator will not work if in this state (modem selected).J. Exit Menu“Current Settings: y/n “.  Select YES and press MENU to exit all Menuing with currentsettings.  By pressing the ITEM key, will give access to the TOTAL RESET?: y/nscreen. CAUTION: By selecting YES and pressing menu, WILL RESET ALL Usersdefined values to Factory Default, and the Microcell unit will require setting up again.BE VERY CAREFUL with this menu.K. AUX Controls MenuThe first prompt will be “More Controls?: y/n “ if yes is selected and the menu key ispressed, then access to the System settings is given.  These settings include: SystemEnable, R# System Type , R# RF Channels, R# Batt Backup.  If Batt Backup has  ‘Yes’selected then controls for : R# Batt Test Hour and R# Test for Min, will be accessible.**  Will be displayed for the remote master only.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 458.2.4.  ALARMS on HUB UNIT CONTROLLERA.  ViewingTo view alarms currently alarming simply press the F2 key from any menu, or if notengaged in a menu, press F2 after pressing the ADD key.  After viewing, press DEL toreturn to normal functioning.  Return to menu items by simply pressing the Menu key.To view the alarm history log, first enter menus and press the menu key until the “EventHistory…..View log?”   Select Yes, using the Up or Down arrow and the menu key.  Thealarms will be displayed in log format.  Format consists of:  Date, Remote Number andAlarm. For example: 03-24-98 0 H! Optical 1.  If the remote number is 0 then it must bethe hub.B.  Resetting        Hub: Press the F4 key form any menu. If not in menus press the ADD key then the F4key.  To resume Menuing or enter menus press the MENU key other wise pressthe DEL key.ALL: Press the F4 key WAIT 10sec then press the F4 key again (no need to wait onsecond   push). To resume Menuing or enter menus press the MENU key otherwise press the  DEL key.Microcells: This can be done only by engaging the menu system and going to the Reset Alarms specific menu.C.   Alarms   (current as of 12/30/98)Hub:     Alarms on the Hub unit will also display on any remote. Listing them:!H Laser = Laser Alarm!H Optical = Optical Loss Alarm!H Prime Pwr = Primary Power!H Com Link # = Communications Link #!H Bs Pwr In =  Insufficient Power from the base station.!H User1 = User Alarm From External digital input
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051468.3 RS 232 Port Communications.A. Hyper Terminal ConnectionTo use the hyper terminal capabilities of the EkoCel™, you must have the enclosed adapterattached to the controller.  If no adapter was included please contact the factory for replacement.This part # is 900-1000-072, consisting of the D-Sub/9 Pin Adapter, 6’ of cable and a RJ-12connector.Settings for your terminal emulator should be:Direct connect to comport9600 bps8 bits1 Stop bitNo parityNo flow controlOnce the setup of the emulator is ensured and connection is made, go to the menu “RS 232 PortMode” and select Terminal from the list of choices, if a modem is being used, select MODEM.To access the controls and menus of the EkoCel™, a VALID password MUST be entered.  Thepasswords are the same as the unit passwords supplied earlier in this manual.  The following is alist of all commands within the menus.Note: All commands can be typed in all Lowercase or Uppercase But not a mixture(ie..Set Ul 23).Terminal Interface Displays:Maintenance ScreenCommand to show:MAIN Shows below: 1.9GHz  800MHz R1  R2  R3   R4  R5  R6  R7  R8Hub  Tx Base Station Input  (dBm) 28.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  Tx Laser Power (dBm) -1.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aRemote  UPLINKAttenuation (dB) 23 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aRSSI (mV) 1082 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aRF Loss (dB) 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aOptical Loss (dB) 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  DOWNLINKDac (mV) 3122 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPA Detect (mV) 2544 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aPeak Power (dBm) 34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aRF Loss (dB) 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aOptical Loss (dB) 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  TEMPERATURE (˚C) 24.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 47Controls / Readings Screen:Command to show:PARM Shows below. 1.9GHz  800MHz R1  R2  R3   R4  R5  R6  R7  R8Hub  Uplink Gain (dB) 28.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  Downlink Power Output (dBm) -1.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  Peak Power (dBm) 34  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aCommands To Change above:SET UL [remote #] [value]SET DL [remote #] [value]SET PK [remote #] [value]Passwords ScreenCommand to show:‘PASS’ or ‘pass’Shows below.System PasswordsUser: 1234521314 11311 11211 11011 10000Supervisor Tech1 Tech2 Tech3 Tech4Command to change above:SET PW [id] [value] where id is user # and value is 5 digitnumber
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605148Event History ScreenCommand to show:EVNT [address#] Displays alarm history only for address#1-8EVNT Displays All alarm history at hub unitShows below.>_____________________________System Log For Hub______________________________>>   Hub = not set>>ID# Date:      Time:    R#  Event    Value Creator> 1  06-05-1998 11:11:33 0 Pw :       10000 5> 2  06-03-1998 14:54:04 1!R RF Pwr Out     0> 3  06-03-1998 14:40:16 0 Total Rst      0 0> 4  06-03-1998 14:40:16 0 Alarms Rst     0 6Notes: the suffix ‘clrd’ means that the alarm has reset itselfCommands to Clear History:CLR EVNT    clears entire log for ALL.CLR EVNT [address#]     clears entire log for specified addressCLR ILOG [address#] [#id]clears specified event from the log of    address Alarming Alarms ScreenCommand to show:ALRM [address#] Displays alarms from specified address#1-8ALRM Displays All ALARMSShows below.>HubAlias>Current Alarms:>ID 12/12/98  13:31:33>1 PA Temp>0 AC Pwr>0 LOW Input Pwr>1 IntrusionCommands to reset:CLR ALRM [address#] Clears only alarms at specified address#0-8CLR ALRM Clears all alarms in system
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 49Configuration Screen:Command to show:“CONF” or “conf”Shows below.______Configuration Screen________Date: 05/05/98        Time: 12:12:12System: aliasRemote 1 : alias   : OfflineRemote 2 : alias   : OnlineSystem Type: CDMARF Channels : 2Batt Enabled: yesBatt hour: 12Batt mins: 5Remote 3 : alias   : OfflineRemote 4 : alias   : OfflineRemote 5 : alias   : OfflineRemote 6 : alias   : OfflineRemote 7 : alias   : OfflineRemote 8 : alias   : OfflineCommands to Change:SET DT [value] Valid date format xx/xx/xxSET TM [value] Valid Time format XX:XX:XXSET TY [tech type] Technology type:CDMA,GSM,TDMA,AMPS,ESMR,OTHERSET CH [value] valid number 1-24SET BA [yes/no] If battery backup is available.SET BH [value] Valid hour in 24hr format(0-23)SET BM [value] (0-40) Amount of AutoExercise at HourMiscellaneous Commands:BYE or EXIT exit hyper terminalHELP Show help screenMENU Show main menuALIS Displays all the User defined Alias’sSET AL [address#] [value] Sets the Alias of specified address.TABL [address#] Displays Calibration tables for unit
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605150Section 9. InstallationINSTALLTION OF THE EKOCEL 1.9 FIBER OPTIC MICROCELL:NOTE 1:  Installation and system set up should only be performed by qualified technicians. The user iscautioned that modification or changes to this device not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.NOTE 2:   Manufacture's rated output power of this equipment is for single carrier operation.For situations when multiple carrier signals are present, the rating would have to be reduced by 3.5 dBm,especially where the output signal is re-radiated and can cause interference to the adjacent band users.  Thispower reduction is to be determined by means of input power or gain reduction and not by an attenuator atthe output device.Note 3 :This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the condition that thisdevice does not cause harnful interference.9.1       IntroductionEkoCel is quick and easy to install, using a minimum set of common tools.  This sectionwill provide the basic steps to performing the installation of EkoCel.  Please readcomplete instructions before beginning assembling.9.2      Getting StartedUnpack all of the boxes and insure all of the material is included for your installationrequirements and undamaged in shipment. instructions beforeList of Basic Equipment:Hub Unit, 24 VdcMicrocell Unit,  100-220 VacAdditional Optional Hardware:WDM- Hub Panel with WDMWDM installed in Microcell UnitFiber Jumper cables, 4 each, 1 meter lengthHub AC Option- AC power supply installed in unitExpansion Unit Control CableBattery Back Up Unit for Microcell Unit with interconnect CableDetermine and secure additional material required, base station interconnect coaxialcable, antenna, coaxial cable, fiber optic jumpers, etc.Slave remote units will require two coaxial cable jumpers and one control cable.9.3      Mounting Hub Hardware-Mount Hub unit and secure in base station cabinet or another 19 inch EIA cabinet.-Connect Base station transmit and receive cables.-Connect primary power,  24 Vdc or optional 115 VAC.-Connect fiber Optic cables.-Wave Division Multiplexer (WDM) Option.Mount WDM assembly directly above or below the Hub Rack assembly.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 51Using the 1-meter fiber optic jumpers provided connect the Hub optical unit tothe WDMHub-FO Input  to  WDM-1310       - FO Output to            -1550Fiber Optic link cable will connect to WDM connection marked FC/APC.DANGER:  INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION AVOID DIRECTEXPOSURE TO BEAM.-Apply Power and follow set up instructions.IMPORTANT! Before performing maintenance on any internal module, makesure power is OFF.9.4      Mounting the Microcell Unit-Mount Microcell unit-Connect coaxial cable to antenna-Connect fiber Optic cables.-Wave Division Multiplexer option:WDM unit is mounted internally in the unit if it was ordered as an option.Fiber Optic cables were shipped separately to avoid damage, connect as follows:Fiber Module-Fiber Input   to WDM-1550                                 - Fiber Output to WDM-1310Fiber Optic link cable will connect to WDM connection marked FC/APC-Connect Primary AC power.Connect Back Up Battery option or DC power.  (There is no switch on the DCpower connection to the unit.  Power may be removed or connected with theconnector on the bottom of the unit or by removing the DC fuse.)DANGER:  INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION AVOID DIRECTEXPOSURE TO BEAM.-Apply Power and follow set up instructions.IMPORTANT! Before performing maintenance on any internal module, makesure power is OFF.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051529.5.1 Down Link Set Up for EKO-8R SystemDown Link set up for an 800MHz system may be completed with any known number ofRF channels transmitting.  Determine the proper output power level.Display, * Readings/Controls: Adjust base station input power to TX PWR IN.   800RMaximum Composite Power levels:Lazer Power Input 0   dBmBase Station Input Power 30 dBmDL Power Out 47 dBmAdjustment to these levels will allow EkoCel to operate to the proper power level asindicated above.      DisplayDL # Pwr dB: Set to XX dBm (set to desired output level in dBmaccording to table) Press menu key, unit will self tunewithin 10minutes.  Typically within 2 – 3 minutes forPeak Power levels settings.DL # Peak Pwr: This level should be set no more than 1dB above thedesired maximum output power limit.  This feature willreset the remote to the desired  output power should thepower  exceed the maimmum output power limit.Note: # - indicates remote under setup.System will automatically reduce output power level if it exceeds 48dBm, whichis the Maximum peak limit setting,Number of Total ActiveSystem RF ChannelsOutput PowerPer ChannelWatts502512 731.5dBm47444138353212481632
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 539.5.2 Up Link System Set Up for the SystemUp Link system set up for the system: The gain at the remote is a fixed at maximum thisprevents system level changes from effecting the system noise figure at any optical pathloss up to 20 dB RF loss.  Adding attenuation at the hub makes UL system leveladjustments.  The RF modem detects the up link modem carrier RSSI level andadjustments are made using this pilot carrier as a reference. (RSSI level is updated onceevery 10 seconds).     DisplayUL # Gain dB: XX dB  (set to desired signal gain level)Set desired Up Link Gain and press the Menu key.  We suggest a level for RF UL 1Detect between 4 dB and 6 dB.  This will minimize system noise figure contributionmaintaining EkoCel specified performance of  <6 dB noise figure. Repeat steps foradditional remote units.System Set Up is Complete.9.6.0 Calibration Table - U2Remote RF Modem pilot level to Hub RF Modem RSSIRefer to calibration tables provided with each unit OR Download tables Using terminalmode at hub.9.6.1 Calibration Table - U3RF Input at Laser RF In.  Tx 1.9Lzr Pwr: ,or Tx 800Lzr Pwr:Refer to calibration tables provided with each unit OR Download tables Using terminalmode at hub.9.6.2  Calibration Table – U5RF Output from PA at Remote Unit.  DL #  PA Detct:Refer to calibration tables provided with each unit OR Download tables Using terminalmode at hub.Note: All values on Calibration Tables are in mV.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 760515410.0 Trouble ShootingFor additional technical support or questions regarding the application of EkoCel™,please call 817 416-0583.10.1   Trouble Shooting GuideHubProblem Check Corrective ActionNo Power AC Fuse Replace24 VDC Fuse Replace12 VDC Fuse ReplacePower Source Reconnect or repairHub Optical RX Alarm LED Indicator  On front panelJumper Laser Output to OpticalInput, LED still not lit and/orAlarm still presentReplace Fiber Transceiver at theHubLED lights with Jumper, checkRemotes laser optical output forproper level, if Low orInoperativeReplace Fiber Transmitter at theRemoteOptical Output Good Check for optical cable break orloose cableLaser Alarm LED Indicator on front panel,good optical output low or zero Replace Fiber TransceiverCommunications Alarm Fiber Laser and Optical receivealarms (Refer to optical RX orlaser alarm for troubleshooting)Replace defective fibertransceiver, transmitter or repairoptical cableFailure on all remotes proceedFailure on one remote go toremoteComm Link failureLasers Good, Check LEDLight Operation Sequence onHub RF ModemPower On  -  Not lit check fuse, inmodem Replace fuseFuse good if power source checksgood Replace modemTX LED Lights - OKDoes not light - Check Inputsignal  J10 - Pin 3Signal OK Replace ModemNo Signal Refer to Controller troubleshooting & 700-1005 Board AssyRX LED - Lights, check signalJ10 - P3 Trouble shoot Controller & 700-1005 Board AssyNo Signal Replace ModemNo light (No response fromremote) Trouble shoot Remote &/ormodem(If you have a signal source apply-90 dBm RF signal to RF theModem, input RX LED shouldlight, reduce RF signal to <-105
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 55before RX LED turns off.  Thischecks squelch setting.) Modemnormally shipped set to 460 MHz.700-1005Commlink (RS 485)485 TransmitCheck for signal from controllerwith oscilloscope across TS-485terminals,  if noneReprogram Controller           Still noneReplace ControllerSignal on TS 485 but still nosignal on J-10 Pin3 Replace 700-1005485 Receive Signal on J-10 Pin 2, no signalacross TS 485 Replace 700-1005Signal on TS 485, no responsefrom controller Reprogram Controller (no change-replace controller)TX Power Input-12 to +3 dBm Low RF detected Input Check Base Station OutputHigh Reduce Base Station outputpower or add attenuationRF Up Link Signal  Low /High Gain Low Reset Up Link Gain ControlGain High Set Up Link Gain ControlGain Low  cannot adjust one orall Remote paths 1st  Go to proper Remote Linkpath tests2nd  Go to Proper Remote LinkRF Modem path testsCheck Fiber Loss Repair FiberDown Link Power Output Low orAlarm Check Optical Loss Repair fiber cable, Go to opticalpath testsCheck TX Power Input  - if Low Re-adjust or repair source,  ifgoodCheck Rf Output @ Duplexer TXInput  -   If Low Replace PAGood - Check at Duplexer Output Replace DuplexerGood - Replace PolyphaserUp Link Gain Control Check CommLink Refer to CommLink TroubleshootingNo Response, Check 700-1005 If defective, replace 700-1005Down Link Gain Control Refer to Down Link PowerOutput Refer to DL Power OutputTrouble shootingRefer to CommLink Trouble shootingIf Ok, Check Controller isadjusting DAC output , if  DACAdjustingReplace PANo DAC adjusting at RemoteOne Remote only Replace and/or reprogram remotecontrollerAll remotes from hub Replace and/or reprogram Hubcontroller
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605156Trouble Shooting TableMicrocell (Remote)Unit Problem Check Corrective ActionOptical RX Check LED on Fiber Optic RXJumper Laser out to optical input- if failedReplace Fiber Optic RxOK Trouble Shoot Hub laser and/oroptical cableLaser Alarm Check Fiber transceiver opticalpower & LED Replace Fiber transmitterLaser Temp Check if housing temperature isbetween -30° & 70°C Replace fiber transmitterPA Temp Alarm Check current draw, High  -check Housing temperature Replace PARF Power Output Repeat Trouble shooting stepsunder Hub sectionEnclosure Temperature Alarm Check Housing Temp If ok - Replace 700-1004No Up Link 1.9 GHz Signal Check Optical Path, Trouble shoot Optical PathIf ok - RF Signal test LNA,  if fail Replace LNAIf ok - Test Duplexer , if fail Replace DuplexerIf ok - Test Polyphaser, if fail Replace PolyphaserIntrusion Alarm Door Open Close DoorDefective Switch Replace SwitchNo Power AC Fuse Replace      AC Power Alarm DC Fuse ReplaceDisconnect DC Cable on ACPower Output, Measure with voltmeter , Turn Off AC Power for90 seconds, check again, if BADReplace Power SupplyBattery Back Up Alarm Check Back up DC source orrecharge, if bad Replace battery and/or chargerunit
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 5710.2 Understanding Setup and Alarms InformationHubOptical Receive   (Composite Alarms Optical Transceivers 1 to 4)Laser AlarmCommunications Link  R1R2 (RF Modem link failure)R3R4TX Lzr Power RF Input Power to LaserTX Base Power RF Input Power from Base StationRF Up Link R1R2 (As defined in Signal Gain over Optical Path Loss)R3R4Down Link Power Out R1R2 (Actual detected output power at remote as stated inR3 dBm)R4Down Link Power Set R1R2 (Last setting of output power made at remote)R3R4ControlsUp Link Gain R1R2R3 (Sets Attenuator to desired RF Up Link Signal Gain)R4Down Link Power dB R1R2R3 (Adjusts Output Power to specified Level in dBm)R4*Remote Power  R1 R2R3 (Main or Back Up Power select)R4Down Link  R1Peak Power Set R2 Set Peak Power level for RF output power.  LimitsR3 composite output power below this level.  DefaultR4 settings FCC licensed max levels
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605158Maintenance MenuTx Pwr Lzr Mv Detected RF Power in MvUL RF Los R1R2 (Up Link RF Path Loss in dB)R3R4UL Optic R1R2 (Up Link Optical Path Loss in dB)R3R4UL Rssi Mv R1R2 (RSSI Voltage Signal Level Reading)R3R4DL dac Mv R1R2 (PA Gain Setting in millivolts)R3R4UL Atten Set R1R2 (Up Link Attenuator Setting)R3R4R . Temp C R1R2 (Remote Temperature of Cabinet ambientR3 in degrees C.)R4*DL RF Loss R1R2 (Down Link RF path Loss in dB)R3R4*DL Optic R1R2 (Down Link Optical path Loss in dB)R3R4*DL PA Detect R1R2 (Remote Unit Only, RF Output Power LevelR3  detected, millivolts)R4* Not equipped in all units prior to manufacture dates of 8-1-98
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 59Remote Unit AlarmsOptical receiveLaser AlarmLaser temperature AlarmPA Temperature Alarm +75°CRF Power Output Alarm 6 dB below RF output settingEnclosure Temperature Alarm 0 to 70°CIntrusion Alarm DoorPrimary PowerBattery Back upLow TX Input Power Input signal <15 dBm @ Laser InputOutput Power Output power drop <10 dBTemperature Alarm <10 or > 160 degrees F, Cabinet TemperatureInformationDown Link Power Out RF Output Power, dBmTX Power In Input Power to Laser In dBmRF Up Link Detect RF Up Link signal GainUp Link Gain Control Last Up Link Gain Setting command at HubTX Power In  Power From Base Station, dBmCabinet Temperature Degrees CControl Down Link Power dB Set RF output power in dBmUp Link Gain dB Sets Up Link Signal Path Gain to desired level* Remote Power Main or BBUAlarm History Log Scholl last 100 alarms, displaying Date, TimeAlarm TypeAlarm Reset Menu Select remote to reset alarms (F4 resets allalarms all remotes)RS 232 Port Mode Activates RS 232 Port as Terminal ModeModem Mode, None - Programming Mode# Additional R5 - R8 Remote Alarms, controls and information if system is equipped for dual band 800 MHz/1.9 GHz operation.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605160Additional Features for Future Product ReleasesSystem Gain R1 - R4 Down Link Power Out (minus) Down Link RFInput = System GainSystem Gain Alarm Alarm if System Gain drops 3 dB below setuplevelAuto Loop Adjust Down Link Resets Down System Gain to Setup level(Factory set to adjust one time daily at 3 A.M.,# user defined to setup to 4 times/day)Auto Loop Adjust Up Link Resets Up Link System Gain to set up level(same as Down Link), (Factory set to adjust onetime daily at 3 A.M.,  # user defined to setup to4 times/day)Auto Battery Back Up Test Cycle Exercises Battery Back Up daily for 10 minutes
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 6110.3 Module Replacement ProceduresMicrocell (Remote) UnitPower Amplifier Replacement• Turn off and disconnect power from the Remote Unit• Remove Duplexer/AC-DC Panel1. Disconnect AC Main Cable2. Disconnect AC Power Supply Cable3. Disconnect DC Interconnect Cable4. Disconnect TX RF Input Cable from Duplexer5. Disconnect RX Output Cable from Duplexer6. Disconnect Antenna/Duplexer Output RX cable7. Remove 4 screws which mounts the panel8. Panel will now lift out of unit• Remove 6 screws securing Power Amplifier• Disconnect PA Input RF cable from coupler on Fiber Optic/RF Modem panel• Unplug PA ribbon cable from 700-1002Interconnect board assembly J5• Lift PA out of Unit• Remove PA Ribbon Cable, RF Input and Output cables and transfer to newPA• Reinstall by reversing procedure• Check PA Output Power CalibrationAdjustment on 700-1004 Assembly on Controller door panelPower Supply Replacement• Turn off and disconnect power from the Remote Unit• Remove Duplexer/AC-DC Panel1. Disconnect AC Main Cable2. Disconnect AC Power Supply Cable3. Disconnect DC Interconnect Cable4. Disconnect TX RF Input Cable from Duplexer5. Disconnect RX Output Cable from Duplexer6. Disconnect Antenna/Duplexer Output RX cable7. Remove 4 screws which mounts the panel8. Panel will now lift out of unit• Disconnect 12 VDC Input cable from 700-1002 Interconnect assembly J2• Remove 4 screws securing Power Supply Assembly• Lift Power Supply ort of unit• Remove Cable assemblies from defective unit and install on replacementpower supply• Reinstall by reversing procedure
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605162LNA Replacement• Turn Off and Disconnect Power from the Unit• Remove Fiber Optic/RF Modem Panel1. Disconnect Fiber Optic cables and carefully place where they will not bedamage2. Disconnect RF cables from couplers, 2 each.3. Remove 15 pin ribbon cable from J4 on 700-1003 Interconnect boardassembly on panel4. Remove 4 Panel Mounting screws5. Panel will now lift out of unit• Disconnect RF Cable from Duplexer, RX output• Remove 4 mounting screws securing LNA Module• Unplug DC Input from 700-1002 Interconnect assembly J7• Lift LNA Module from Unit• Remove Filter RF cables and reinstall replacement unit• Reinstall LNA Module by reversing the procedureReplacement of any Module on the Fiber Optic/RF Modem Panel• Turn Off and Disconnect Power from the Unit• Remove Fiber Optic/RF Modem Panel1. Disconnect Fiber Optic cables and carefully place where they will not bedamage2. Disconnect RF cables from couplers, 2 each.3. Remove 15 pin ribbon cable from J4 on 700-1003 Interconnect boardassembly on panel4. Remove 4 Panel Mounting screws5. Panel will now lift out of unit• Remove and replace defective module on panelReplacement of Duplexer or AC-DC Module• Turn Off and Disconnect Power from the Unit• Remove Fiber Optic/RF Modem Panel1. Disconnect Fiber Optic cables and carefully place where they will not bedamage2. Disconnect RF cables from couplers, 2 each.3. Remove 15 pin ribbon cable from J4 on 700-1003 Interconnect boardassembly on panel4. Remove 4 Panel Mounting screws5. Panel will now lift out of unit• Duplexer - Remove 5 mounting screws from the back of panel and reinstallreplacement assembly• AC-DC Module1. Remove 4 screws securing cover
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 63(con’t on next page)2. Remove 4 screws inside securing unit to panel3. Reinstall replacement module.  Caution: please secure with mountingscrew when reinstalling module on panel4. Reinstall panel reversing procedureReplacement of Control Module or 700-1004 Board Assembly• Turn Off and Disconnect Power from the Remote Unit• Assemblies can be replaced without removing panel.• Replacing the Controller1. Disconnect 26 conductor ribbon cables from J1 & J2 on 700-1004 boardassembly2. Remove 4 mounting screws and lift controller from panel3. Reinstall by reversing procedure.  Caution: Be sure ribbon cables areproperly dressed to prevent damage when closing & opening door.• Replacing 700-1004 Assembly1. Disconnect cables from J1, J2, J3 and J42. Disconnect cables from terminal strips, RS-485, Door Intrusion switch and10 Pin terminal3. Remove 4 mounting screws and lift module from panel4. Insure replacement board has proper Jumper placement and installreversing procedure5. Check PA Output for proper calibration adjustments are made using VR1on board assembly
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 760516410.4 Block Diagrams with Levels
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 65A4. EkoCel,  800mHz Fiber Optic MicrocellSpecifications: Model Eko-800Parameter Forward ReverseOperating Frequency,  (MHz) 851-894 / 930-960 806-849 / 870-915ESMR  Frequency,  (Band Selective)1 dB Bandwith                                                                851-866                   806-821Nominal 20 dB Bandwidth                                             35 MHz                   35 MHzCellular  Frequency,  (Band Selective)1 dB Bandwidth                                                              869-894                   824-849Nominal 20 dB Bandwidth                                             35 MHz                   35 MHzNumber of Channels 20 20RF Input Power,  (dBm) 30 -60 to –115Interference signal, no desense, (dBm)                                                   -25RF Input Maximum, No Damage (dBm) 40 10RF Output Power, Composite,  (dBm) 36RF Rated power composite FCC:  4 watt            IC:  5 wattRF Link gain, Max (dB) 15 7Gain Adjustment, 1 dB Steps,  (dB) 30 30Noise Figure, Maximum any Gain,  (dB) 6C/N, over gain range,  (dB)                                    >50Gain Flatness,  Maximum,  (dB) +/- 1 +/- 1Propagation delay, excluding fiber, (usec) <5 <5Optical Wavelength, (nm) (+/- 30 nm)                   1550                        1310Optical Path Loss Maximum,, (dB)                        10                            10Spurious Output @ rated output power (dBm)       <-13Impedance, input and output,  (ohms) 50Return loss,  input and output,  (dB) 15RF Connector, Antenna Port/Duplexed                   N/FemaleOptical Connectors                                                  FC/Angled PCFiber Type                                                               Single Mode 9/125 um                                                                                Microcell                  Hub UnitPrimary Power                                                          90-130 VAC            18-36 VDCCurrent Draw  (AMPS)                                            3                               1.5Optional, Battery Backup  28 VDC                    N/AOptional, AC Supply  N/A                          90-130 VACAmbient operating temperature, (Degrees C.)  -30 to +50                -30 to +50Optional, with Heater  -40 to +50                N/AEnclosure                  NEMA 3R , 12        Rack MountEnclosure Dimensions (HxWxD), inches               24x12x14                 7x19x15Weight                                                                     57 lbs.                      12  lbs.Color                                                                     GrayCooling                                                                    Heat Exchanger / Forced AirMTBF                                                                     60,000 Hrs.Optional, Single optical fiber operation               Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM)N.B. The Manufacturer reserves the right to alter the specifications.12.0011.0015.508 875600PRIMARY POWERN/F RF CONNECTOROUTLINE DRAWINGHeatExchanger24 in.
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605166
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 67B. Model Number Identification800 Hub Example: Eko-8HEB0-0AC000  Eko-8H X  X  X  -  X  X  X  X  X  X Option Designators (Include only equipped options)Combiner  0  2  4Wave Division Multiplex OptionHeater Option (N/A for Hub)Crossband Coupler Option(1.9 and 800)AC Power Option (DC Standard)Duplexer OptionStandard NomenclatureReservedB-BothC- CellularS - Trunking/CellularExpansion Configured Hub UnitH  - Hub Unit Only, Non-ExpandableMicrocell (Remote) Examples:  Eko-8M0C0-DAC000Eko-8M0S0-DAC000  Eko-8M X  X  X  -  X  X  X  X  X  X Option Designators (Include only equipped options)Combiner  0  2  4  (N/A)Wave Division MultiplexHeater OptionCrossband Coupler OptionAC Power - StandardDuplexer - StandardStandard NomenclatureReservedC - CellularS - Trunking/ESMRExpansion or Slave Unit*M - Microcell (Remote) Unit Only Non-Expandable *Slave unit is equipped to interconnect withEko-1.9M which includes Eko-M-X option
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605168
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 69E. PCS FREQUENCY BANDSFREQUENCY BLOCKSBlock Designator Reverse Frequency Forward FrequencyA 1850 - 1865 MHz 1930 - 1945 MHzB 1870 - 1885 MHz 1950 - 1965 MHzC 1895 - 1910 MHz 1975 - 1990 MHzD 1865 - 1870 MHz 1945 - 1950 MHzE 1885 - 1890 MHz 1965 - 1970 MHzF 1890 - 1895 MHz 1970 - 1975 MHzF. CHANNEL PLANSF1. CDMA CHANNEL PLAN CDMA Channel Number Center Frequency ofCDMA Channel in MHzReverseChannels 0<N < 1199 1850.000 +0.050 NForwardChannels 0< N < 1199 1930.000 +0.050 NCDMA PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS -A  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)25 1931.25 1851.2550 1932.50 1852.5075 1933.75 1853.75100 1935.00 1855.00125 1936.25 1856.25150 1937.50 1857.50175 1938.75 1858.75200 1940.00 1860.00225 1941.25 1861.25250 1942.50 1862.50275 1943.75 1863.75CDMA PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - B  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)425 1951.25 1871.25450 1952.50 1872.50475 1953.75 1873.75500 1955.00 1875.00525 1956.25 1876.25550 1957.50 1877.50575 1958.75 1878.75600 1960.00 1880.00625 1961.25 1881.25650 1962.50 1882.50675 1963.75 1883.75
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605170CDMA PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - C  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)925 1976.25 1896.25950 1977.50 1897.50975 1978.75 1898.751000 1980.00 1900.001025 1981.25 1901.251050 1982.50 1902.501075 1983.75 1903.751100 1985.00 1905.001125 1986.25 1906.251150 1987.50 1907.501175 1988.75 1908.75CDMA PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - D  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)325 1946.25 1866.25350 1947.50 1867.50375 1948.75 1867.75CDMA PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - E  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)725 1966.25 1886.25750 1967.50 1887.50775 1968.75 1887.75CDMA PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - F BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)825 1971.25 1891.25850 1972.50 1892.50875 1973.75 1893.75
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 71F3. CHANNEL PLAN FOR GSMPREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - A  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)512 1930.2 1850.2513 1930.4 1850.4514 1930.6 1850.6515 1930.8 1850.8516 1931.0 1851.0517 1931.2 1851.2518 1931.4 1851.4519 1931.6 1851.6520 1931.8 1851.8521 1932.0 1852.0522 1932.2 1852.2523 1932.4 1852.4524 1932.6 1852.6525 1932.8 1852.8526 1933.0 1853.0527 1933.2 1853.2528 1933.4 1853.4529 1933.6 1853.6530 1933.8 1853.8531 1934.0 1854.0532 1934.2 1854.2533 1934.4 1854.4534 1934.6 1854.6535 1934.8 1854.8536 1935.0 1855.0537 1935.2 1855.2538 1935.4 1855.4539 1935.6 1855.6540 1935.8 1855.8541 1936.0 1856.0542 1936.2 1856.2543 1936.4 1856.4544 1936.6 1856.6545 1936.8 1856.8546 1936.0 1857.0547 1937.2 1857.2548 1937.4 1857.4549 1937.6 1857.6550 1937.8 1857.8551 1938.0 1858.0552 1938.2 1858.2553 1938.4 1858.4554 1938.6 1858.6555 1938.8 1858.8556 1939.0 1859.0557 1939.2 1859.2558 1939.4 1859.4559 1939.6 1859.6
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605172GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - A  BAND (CON’T)CH ANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)560 1939.8 1859.8561 1940.0 1860.0562 1940.2 1860.2563 1940.4 1860.4564 1940.6 1860.6565 1940.8 1860.8566 1941.0 1861.0567 1941.2 1861.2568 1941.4 1861.4569 1941.6 1861.6570 1941.8 1861.8571 1942.0 1862.0572 1942.2 1862.2573 1942.4 1862.4574 1942.6 1862.6575 1942.8 1862.8576 1943.0 1863.0577 1943.2 1863.2578 1943.4 1863.4579 1943.6 1863.6580 1943.8 1863.8581 1944.0 1864.0582 1944.2 1864.2583 1944.4 1864.4584 1944.6 1864.6585 1944.8 1864.8GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - B  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)611 1950.0 1870.0612 1950.2 1870.2613 1950.4 1870.4614 1950.6 1870.6615 1950.8 1870.8616 1951.0 1871.0617 1951.2 1871.2618 1951.4 1871.4619 1951.6 1871.6620 1951.8 1871.8621 1952.0 1872.0622 1952.2 1872.2623 1952.4 1872.4624 1952.6 1872.6625 1952.8 1872.8626 1953.0 1873.0627 1953.2 1873.2628 1953.4 1873.4629 1953.6 1873.6
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 73GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - B  BAND (CON’T)CHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)630 1953.8 1873.8631 1954.0 1874.0632 1954.2 1874.2633 1954.4 1874.4634 1954.6 1874.6635 1954.8 1874.8636 1955.0 1875.0637 1955.2 1875.2638 1955.4 1875.4639 1955.6 1875.6640 1955.8 1875.8641 1956.0 1876.0642 1956.2 1876.2643 1956.4 1876.4644 1956.6 1876.6645 1956.8 1876.8646 1957.0 1877.0647 1957.2 1877.2648 1957.4 1877.4649 1957.6 1877.6650 1957.8 1877.8651 1958.0 1878.0652 1958.2 1878.2653 1958.4 1878.4654 1958.6 1878.6655 1958.8 1878.8656 1959.0 1879.0657 1959.2 1879.2658 1959.4 1879.4659 1959.6 1879.6660 1959.8 1879.8661 1960.0 1880.0662 1960.2 1880.2663 1960.4 1880.4664 1960.6 1880.6665 1960.8 1880.8666 1961.0 1881.0667 1961.2 1881.2668 1961.4 1881.4669 1961.6 1881.6670 1961.8 1881.8671 1962.0 1882.0672 1962.2 1882.2673 1962.4 1882.4674 1962.6 1882.6675 1962.8 1882.8676 1963.0 1883.0677 1963.2 1883.2678 1963.4 1883.4679 1963.6 1883.6680 1963.8 1883.8
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605174GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - B  BAND (CON’T)CHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)681 1964.0 1884.0682 1964.2 1884.2683 1964.4 1884.4684 1964.6 1884.6685 1964.8 1884.8GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - C  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)736 1975.0 1895.0737 1975.2 1895.2738 1975.4 1895.4739 1975.6 1895.6740 1975.8 1895.8741 1976.0 1896.0742 1976.2 1896.2743 1976.4 1896.4744 1976.6 1896.6745 1976.8 1896.8746 1977.0 1897.0747 1977.2 1897.2748 1977.4 1897.4749 1977.6 1897.6750 1977.8 1897.8751 1978.0 1898.0752 1978.2 1898.2753 1978.4 1898.4754 1978.6 1898.6755 1978.8 1898.8756 1979.0 1899.0757 1979.2 1899.2758 1979.4 1899.4759 1979.6 1899.6760 1979.8 1899.8761 1980.0 1900.0762 1980.2 1900.2763 1980.4 1900.4764 1980.6 1900.6765 1980.8 1900.8766 1981.0 1901.0767 1981.2 1901.2768 1981.4 1901.4769 1981.6 1901.6770 1981.8 1901.8771 1982.0 1902.0772 1982.2 1902.2773 1982.4 1902.4774 1982.6 1902.6775 1982.8 1902.8776 1983.0 1903.0
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 75GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - C  BAND (CON’T)CHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)777 1983.2 1903.2778 1983.4 1903.4779 1983.6 1903.6780 1983.8 1903.8781 1984.0 1904.0782 1984.2 1904.2783 1984.4 1904.4784 1984.6 1904.6785 1984.8 1904.8786 1985.0 1905.0787 1985.2 1905.2788 1985.4 1905.4789 1985.6 1905.6790 1985.8 1905.8791 1986.0 1906.0792 1986.2 1906.2793 1986.4 1906.4794 1986.6 1906.6795 1986.8 1906.8796 1987.0 1907.0797 1987.2 1907.2798 1987.4 1907.4799 1987.6 1907.6800 1987.8 1907.8801 1988.0 1908.0802 1988.2 1908.2803 1988.4 1908.4804 1988.6 1908.6805 1988.8 1908.8806 1989.0 1909.0807 1989.2 1909.2808 1989.4 1909.4809 1989.6 1909.6810 1989.8 1909.8
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605176GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - D  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)586 1945.0 1865.0587 1945.2 1865.2588 1945.4 1865.4589 1945.6 1865.6590 1945.8 1865.8591 1946.0 1866.0592 1946.2 1866.2593 1946.4 1866.4594 1946.6 1866.6595 1946.8 1866.8596 1947.0 1867.0597 1947.2 1867.2598 1947.4 1867.4599 1947.6 1867.6600 1947.8 1867.8601 1948.0 1868.0602 1948.2 1868.2603 1948.4 1868.4604 1948.6 1868.6605 1948.8 1868.8606 1949.0 1869.0607 1949.2 1869.2608 1949.4 1869.4609 1949.6 1869.6610 1949.8 1869.8GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - E  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)686 1965.0 1885.0687 1965.2 1885.2688 1965.4 1885.4689 1965.6 1885.6690 1965.8 1885.8691 1966.0 1886.0692 1966.2 1886.2693 1966.4 1886.4694 1966.6 1886.6695 1966.8 1886.8696 1967.0 1887.0697 1967.2 1887.2698 1967.4 1887.4699 1967.6 1887.6700 1967.8 1887.8701 1968.0 1888.0702 1968.2 1888.2703 1968.4 1888.4704 1986.6 1888.6705 1968.8 1888.8
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 77GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - E  BAND (CON’T)CHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)706 1969.0 1889.0707 1969.2 1889.2708 1969.4 1889.4709 1969.6 1889.6710 1969.8 1889.8GSM PREFERRED SET CHANNEL NUMBERS - F  BANDCHANNEL FORWARD(MHz) REVERSE(MHz)711 1970.0 1890.0712 1970.2 1890.2713 1970.4 1890.4714 1970.6 1890.6715 1970.8 1890.8716 1971.0 1891.0717 1971.2 1891.2718 1971.4 1891.4719 1971.6 1891.6720 1971.8 1891.8721 1972.0 1892.0722 1972.2 1892.2723 1972.4 1892.4724 1972.6 1892.6725 1972.8 1892.8726 1973.0 1893.0727 1973.2 1893.2728 1973.4 1893.4729 1973.6 1893.6730 1973.8 1893.8731 1974.0 1894.0732 1974.2 1894.2733 1974.4 1894.4734 1974.6 1894.6735 1974.8 1894.8
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 7605178
CI Wireless Inc.1211 Ira E. Woods Ave., Grapevine, TX 76051 79CI Wireless Inc.PRODUCT WARRANTYCI Wireless Inc. warrants that, at the time of shipment, the products furnished byCI Wireless are free from defects in material and workmanship.  CI Wireless’s obligationunder this warranty is limited to replacement or repair of such products within one yearfrom the date of shipment.The defective product has to be returned by the first user to the CI Wireless factory,freight prepaid.  No products will be accepted for replacement or repair without priorwritten approval.  Replacement or repair (CI Wireless Option) will be made only after anexamination at CI Wireless’s Grapevine Texas plant show defective material orworkmanship at the time of manufacture.  This warranty is the only warranty made byCI Wireless and is given expressly and in place of all other express or implied warrantiesof merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.  CI Wireless is not liable for anyother direct, incidental or consequential damages, including, without limitation,installation costs, inconvenience, rental of replacement, equipment, loss of profits orother costs of any nature as a result of the use of the products manufactured byCI Wireless, whether used in accordance with instructions or not.

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