EDMI NC30 Electricity Meter User Manual NC30 V1 0 6


User Manual

                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter      EDMI NC30  Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter     User Manual PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    Content 1. Product Description .................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Total kWh Register ...................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Meter Memory ............................................................................................................................................... 2 4. Event Record ................................................................................................................................................ 2 5. LCD display during power off .................................................................................................................... 2 6. Maxim Demand ............................................................................................................................................. 2 7. Multi-Tariff energy, maximum 4 tariff (TOU) ............................................................................................ 2 8. Programming Password Protected .......................................................................................................... 2 9. LED indicator ................................................................................................................................................ 3 10. LCD display ................................................................................................................................................. 3 10.1.The main symbol explanation: ...................................................................................................... 3 10.2.Normal scroll mode   (Table 1) .................................................................................................... 4 10.3. Default Display scroll mode ......................................................................................................... 4 11. Communication Port ................................................................................................................................. 5 12. Dis-connect Relay ...................................................................................................................................... 5 13. Wiring Connect ........................................................................................................................................... 5 14. Component Descriptions ......................................................................................................................... 6 15. Meter Outline Size ...................................................................................................................................... 9 16. Default Parameter Setting ........................................................................................................................ 9 Appendix 1: Specification ............................................................................................................................ 10 Appendix 2: Faceplate .................................................................................................................................. 13 PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    1Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter  Version Date Used  Description of Revision 1.0.2 2013.01.06   1.0.3  2013.02.21  Add New Details 1.0.4  2013.06.17  Rename 1.0.5  2013.08.20  Add Link optional 1.0.6  2014.03.21  Add maxim demand                             1. Product Description Socket type, Outdoor Complied with C12.1 C12.10 C12.18 C12.19 C12.20 LCD 6+1 Energy display way, Display instantaneous item:Voltage,Current, Active Power. Communication port: optical port,RS485,RF,and PLC Optional Max 4 rates can be set, default T1 Max Demand display 2 levels of password 12 months History metering data and 50 events of power on/off and meter reset Dis-connect Relay optional    The NC30 meter   Figure 1-1 NC30 Meter  PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    22. Total kWh Register The total kWh is displayed on the LCD by 6 digits with one decimal. The total kWh register range is 000000.0-999999.9 kWh.   3. Meter Memory The history data can store 12 months .  The history data include:  Accumulative total and max 4 rates of Wh[abs(Wh+) + abs(Wh-)];                         Accumulative total Wh-. 4. Event Record  The energy meter can record below events with time stamp;total 50 events. Power on. Power off. Reset Energy data. Reset event log. Reset [energy data+event log]. 5. LCD display during power off Three display modes(can be set):  1. Always display Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)].  2. Displaying Accumulative energy for setting time then no display.  3. No Display.   Default LCD display during power off is Mode 1. 6. Maxim Demand 1. Record T1 active (abs(Wh+) + abs(Wh-))maxim demand  ,T2 active maxim demand,T3active maxim demand,T4 active maxim demand,and the time of the corresponding maxim demand. 2. Use the slip mode, demand cycle / slip time <=15 min; demand cycle <=60 min, sliding time < = demand cycle. 3. Demand decimal use 4 digits, 4. Save one historical demand data,and clear the demand data when power energy save auto. 7. Multi-Tariff energy, maximum 4 tariff (TOU) The meter can be up to 4 tariffs per days. And the time interval can be programmed by software. Default Tariff is Single Tariff, T1. 8. Programming Password Protected Meter must first through the password confirmation, then do the programming or other special operations. There are two meter securities.  Level 1, for all permissions.   1122334455; Level 2, Read only permission, 1111111111. PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    39. LED indicator A high light LED is mounted on the front of the meter, it will blink/pulse at a rate proportional to the measured load if the current through the meter more than starting threshold. The pulse value is identified on the meters nameplate. The pulse can be used for checking the meter accuracy. 10. LCD display  The meter LCD shows 6+1 digits power consumption in kWh, without backlight. The big size of the digits (13mm×6mm) and clearly identification of display value make meter reader easily to get the data in distance.    View direction: 6 o'clock Polarizer mode: Reflective (long life and UV) Operating temperature :- 40°C ~ + 80°C Storage temperature:- 45°C ~ + 85°C                                              Figure 9-1 LCD symbol 10.1. The main symbol explanation: Symbol  Explanation  LCD display 7 digits;  The energy display as 6+1 digits.(000000.0~999999.9kWh) Display kWh energy value & date and time.  Mode 1: Display instantaneous item:Voltage,Current, Active Power. Mode 2: Display data identification(see table 1)  Disconnect Relay Display  Export/import energy symbol; Simulation and percentage of energy accumulated comparison to Kh value  Communication symbol (display when comm)  Program symbol   Current running Tariff indication  Unit of Instantaneous Voltage, Unit of Instantaneous Current,  Unit of Instantaneous Active Power.  Unit of energy   PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    410.2. Normal scroll mode   (Table 1) No. Data Identification Normal scroll mode 1  0.1.0  Import Energy (Tariff 1+Tariff Display) 2  0.2.0  Import Energy (Tariff 2+Tariff Display) 3  0.3.0  Import Energy (Tariff 3+Tariff Display) 4  0.4.0  Import Energy (Tariff 4+Tariff Display) 5  0.5.0  Import + Export Energy (Tariff 1+Tariff Display) 6  0.6.0  Import + Export Energy (Tariff 2+Tariff Display) 7  0.7.0  Import + Export Energy (Tariff 3+Tariff Display) 8  0.8.0  Import + Export Energy (Tariff 4+Tariff Display) 9  0.9.0  Import Energy (Total) + Voltage 10 1.0.0  Import Energy (Total) + Current(Total) 11  1.1.0  Import Energy (Total) + Current(I1) 12 1.2.0  Import Energy (Total) + Power 13 1.3.0  Import + Export Energy (Total) + Voltage 14 1.4.0  Import + Export Energy (Total) + Current(Total)  15 1.5.0  Import + Export Energy (Total) + Current(I1)  16 1.6.0  Import + Export Energy (Total) + Power  17 1.7.0  Date  18 1.8.0  Time  19 2.0.1  T1 maxim demand 20 2.0.2  T2 maxim demand 21 2.0.3  T3 maxim demand 22 2.0.4  T4 maxim demand 23 2.1.1  T1 maxim demand Date 24 2.1.2  T2 maxim demand Date 25 2.1.3  T3 maxim demand Date 26 2.1.4  T4 maxim demand Date 27 2.2.1  T1 maxim demand Time 28 2.2.2  T2 maxim demand Time 29 2.2.3  T3 maxim demand Time 30 2.2.4  T4 maxim demand Time 10.3. Default Display scroll mode No Status  Normal scroll mode 1  Power on Import + Export Energy (Total) + Voltage Import + Export Energy (Total) + Current (I1) Import + Export Energy (Total) + Power 2  Power off  Import + Export Energy (Total) +Voltage PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    511. Communication Port  No   explanation 1 Optical port   ANSI type 2 with 9600bps 2 RS485 port   Baud Rate 9600 BPS (Optional)  3 RF    port   Optional (RF915MHZ) 4 PLC   port  Optional 12. Dis-connect Relay Dis-connect Relay : Optional. 13. Wiring Connect                           Figure 12-1   3-wire, 1-phase                                      Figure12-2  Internal connect                         Figure12-3 Internal connect  (FM2S without Dis-connect Relay)                (FM2S with Dis-connect Relay)                                          Figure 12-4   2-wire, 1-phase PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    6                                                                    Figure12-5  Internal connect                    Figure12-6 Internal connect     (FM2S without Dis-connect Relay)          (FM1S with Dis-connect Relay)  14. Component Descriptions The components  descriptions of the meter are shown in Figure 13-1~Figure 13-8.  Figure 13-1: Basic NC30 Meter Components FM2S  Figure 13-2:Dis-connect Relay NC30(100A) Meter Components FM2S PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    7 Figure 13-3:Dis-connect Relay NC30(200A) Meter Components FM2S  Figure 13-4: Basic NC30(100A/200,Current Transformer) Meter Components FM1S     Figure 13-5: Basic NC30(100A,Shunt) Meter Components FM1S PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    8 Figure 13-6: Dis-connect Relay NC30(100A,Shunt) Meter Components FM1S  Figure 13-7: Dis-connect Relay NC30(100A,Current Transformer) Meter Components FM1S  Figure 13-8: Dis-connect Relay NC30(200A,Current Transformer) Meter Components FM1S PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    915. Meter Outline Size  Figure 14  Meter Outline Size 16. Default Parameter Setting l Default Tariff setting:                  Single rate; T1; l Display alternation:                   5 seconds. l Default LCD display during power off:   Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]. l LCD Display during power on:         Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]                                     +Active power/ Voltage/ Current. l Security password:     Level 1: 1122334455; Level 2: 1111111111. l Meter RTC:        Philippines Time; l Communication Port :     Optical port l Dis-connect Relay:     NO. l Meter No.:                          According to the bar code on the meter. PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    10  Appendix 1: Specification  Item  Parameter  ANSI standards complied with C12.1 C12.10 C12.18 C12.19 C12.20  Accuracy  Meet ANSI C12.10 class 0.5  Mounting   Socket type  Meter type, form designation and current class FM2S, CL200 FM2S, CL100 FM1S, CL200 FM1S, CL100  Operating Voltage  80%~120%Un    (Un=240V/120V) Current Test Current(TA)  CL200: 30A CL100: 15A Current range that guarantees accuracy CL200: 0.6~200A  (2%TA~Imax) CL100: 0.3~100A  (2%TA~Imax) Starting Current  CL200: 0.030A     (30mA) CL100: 0.015A     (15mA)  Frequency  60Hz±5%  Kh  10  Kt  1.0  Power supply type  Transformer type  Current sampling mode   Current transformer  Power Consumption  Voltage circuit: <1W, 5VA Current circuit: <0.25VA/Each Test  Confidence Immunity to impulse voltage  Surge >8kV(1.2/50US) Insulation strength  4kV,60Hz for 1 min Relative humidity  0%~95% no condensation Temperature Operating Temperature  - 40°C ~ + 80°C Storage and Transportation Temperature  - 45°C ~ + 85°C LCD Operating Temperature  - 40°C ~ + 80°C  Clock accuracy  < 0.5 s/d, at 23°C  Battery  Li-SOCI2, 3.6V,1200mAh for clock and LCD display during power off. Communication Port  Optical port   ANSI type 2 with 9600bps RS485 port   Optional RF   port   Optional PLC  port  Optional Security Meter security  2 levels of password: Class 1:All permissions.       Default:1122334455 PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    11Class 2: Read only permission. Default:1111111111 Demand  Maxim demand   Maxim demand ;date; time; Dis-connect Relay 15(100)A    30(200)A  Optional LCD LCD layout and characters & symbols on LCD's meanings  (Please see 9. LCD Display) LCD size   54mm x 34mm LCD biggest characters' size  13.0mm x6.0mm LCD biggest characters' segment width  1.7mm LCD with backlight   No Number of LCD display digits  7 Energy display way  6 integers + 1 decimal  Voltage,Current & Active Power  Display way   3 digits  LCD display item ID  3 (No ID when display voltage,current,and power ) Display interval  5s Display data update rate 1s Sign 'Yes' at 'meter data' column can be optional   displayed on LCD Yes Default LCD display during power on Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]+RMS Voltage Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]+RMS Current Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]+RMS Power  T1 (Please see 9. LCD Display) Default LCD display during power off  Accumulative Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]  LED  1 LED (Active Energy Pulse),1000imp/kWh Meter data Accumulative total and 4 rates of Wh[abs(Wh+)+abs(Wh-)]  Yes Accumulative total and 4 rates of (Wh+) and (Wh-)  Yes Instantaneous frequency  Yes Instantaneous Voltage,Current,Active Power  Yes Current date & time  Yes Energy data reset  Yes History metering data  12 months Event log  Record latest 50 events (power on,power off,energy reset events with time stamp) Material Single layer of upper cover Transparent flat face  cover    Upper cover   Full Circle; Color  White PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    12 Optical port metal plate  430 grade stainless steel,thickness min 1.2 (inner)  Number of sealable position  1 Tariff Max 4 rates (each rate's period is programmed by software) Yes Default rate setup  T1 (Single rate) Faceplate Faceplate color  Color:White Faceplate layout  Refer to Appendix 2   New EDMI logo on faceplate  Serial number  to be nominated by EDMI Bar code  to be nominated by EDMI 39 code MCU    NEC 78F0485; Link  Outside, inside   optional PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    13Appendix 2: Faceplate                                                                                                                                                                        1. Windows 2. Meter type 3. Number of wires for the metered service 4. Nominal Voltage 5. Current Class 6. Test amperes 7. Nominal Frequency 8. ANSI C12.10 Form Number 9. Watthour constant 10. Accuracy class 11. Meter Constant 12. Optical port 13. Month and Two digit year of manufacture 14. EDMI logo / Manufacture of meter 15. Wiring connect 16. Utility information and bar code area /Meter serial number 17. Test constant 18. Meter Pulse 1 2 3 4 5 8 6 7 18 17 16 15 14 11 13 12 10 9 PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn
                                              Single Phase Multi-Tariff ANSI Meter    1419. FCC Caution.  § 15.19 Labelling requirements. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  § 15.21 Information to user. Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  § 15.105 Information to the user. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  PDF      pdfFactory Pro         www.fineprint.cn

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