Digital Security Controls 06PC5132 ASK Receiver User Manual

Digital Security Controls Ltd. ASK Receiver

User Manual

InstallationManualRF5132-433Version 5.0• W A R N I N G •This manual contains information on limitations regardingproduct use and function and information on the limitations as toliability of the manufacturer.
Introduction ................................................ 11.1 How to Use this Manual ....................... 11.2 Specifications and Features ................ 11.3 Compatible Wireless Devices .............. 2RF5132-433 Set Up & Wiring ..................... 32.1 Unpack the RF5132-433 ...................... 32.2 Choose a Mounting Location for theRF5132-433 ......................................... 32.3 Connect the RF5132-433 Receiver ...... 33.1 Identified Wireless Keys ...................... 43.2 Enroll Wireless Devices Using Zones .. 4Receiver Programming .............................. 43.3 A Note about Electronic SerialNumbers (ESN) .................................... 53.4 Enroll & Program Wireless Keys .......... 53.5 RF5132-433 LEDs ................................ 63.6 Deleting Wireless Devices ................... 6Other Programming ................................... 74.1 Program Zones and Partitions ............. 7Table of ContentsC O N T E N T S4.2 Enable RF5132-433 Supervision ......... 74.3 Enable Supervision of Wireless Zones. 84.4 RF Jam Detect Zone ............................ 84.5 RF5132-433 Software Default .............. 94.6 Deleting Wireless Devices ................... 9Testing & Mounting .................................. 105.1 Test the Reception of Wireless Devices . 105.2 Mount the RF5132-433 and WirelessDevices .............................................. 12Additional Notes ....................................... 136.1 Trouble Conditions ............................. 136.2 Jamming Signal Detection ................. 136.3 Wireless Zone Low BatteryTransmission ...................................... 13Troubleshooting ....................................... 14Programming Worksheets....................... 15Guidelines for Locating SmokeDetectors .................................................. 20This manual shall be used in conjunction with the Installation Manual of the alarmcontrol panel.LIMITED WARRANTYDigital Security Controls warrants the original purchaserthat for a period of twelve months from the date of pur-chase, the product shall be free of defects in materialsand workmanship under normal use. During the warrantyperiod, Digital Security Controls shall, at its option, re-pair or replace any defective product upon return of theproduct to its factory, at no charge for labour and mate-rials. Any replacement and/or repaired parts are war-ranted for the remainder of the original warranty or ninety(90) days, whichever is longer. The original owner mustpromptly notify Digital Security Controls in writing thatthere is defect in material or workmanship, such writtennotice to be received in all events prior to expiration ofthe warranty period.International WarrantyThe warranty for international customers is the same asfor any customer within Canada and the United States,with the exception that Digital Security Controls shallnot be responsible for any customs fees, taxes, or VATthat may be due.Warranty ProcedureTo obtain service under this warranty, please return theitem(s) in question to the point of purchase. All autho-rized distributors and dealers have a warranty program.Conditions to Void WarrantyThis warranty applies only to defects in parts and work-manship relating to normal use. It does not cover:• damage incurred in shipping or handling;• damage caused by disaster such as fire, flood, wind,earthquake or lightning;• damage due to causes beyond the control of DigitalSecurity Controls such as excessive voltage, mechani-cal shock or water damage;• damage caused by unauthorized attachment, alter-ations, modifications or foreign objects;• damage caused by peripherals (unless such peripher-als were supplied by Digital Security Controls);• defects caused by failure to provide a suitable instal-lation environment for the products;• damage caused by  use of the products for purposesother than those for which it was designed;• damage from improper maintenance;• damage arising out of any other abuse, mishandlingor improper application of the products.Digital Security Controls’s liability for failure to repairthe product under this warranty after a reasonable num-ber of attempts will be limited to a replacement of theproduct, as the exclusive remedy for breach of warranty.Under no circumstances shall Digital Security Controlsbe liable for any special, incidental, or consequentialdamages based upon breach of warranty, breach of con-tract, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal theory.Such damages include, but are not limited to, loss ofprofits, loss of the product or any associated equipment,cost of capital, cost of substitute or replacement equip-ment, facilities or services, down time, purchaser’s time,the claims of third parties, including customers, and in-jury to property.Disclaimer of WarrantiesThis warranty contains the entire warranty and shallbe in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether ex-pressed or implied (including all implied warrantiesof merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose)And of all other obligations or liabilities on the part ofDigital Security Controls. Digital Security Controlsneither assumes responsibility for nor authorizes anyother person purporting to act on its behalf to modifyor to change this warranty, nor to assume for it anyother warranty or liability concerning this product.This disclaimer of warranties and limited warrantyare governed by the laws of the province of Ontario,Canada.WARNING: Digital Security Controls recommendsthat the entire system be completely tested on a regu-lar basis. However, despite frequent testing, and dueto, but not limited to, criminal tampering or electricaldisruption, it is possible for this product to fail to per-form as expected.
1This manual describes how to install, program and maintain the RF5132-433.Before you install the RF5132-433 module, you should complete the following stepsin your system installation:1. Plan the installation and wiring of the security system (see your systemInstallation Manual).2. Install the control panel, and install and enroll at least one keypad to use forprogramming.3. Install and enroll any hardwired zone expander modules (PC5108) you plan to use.NOTE: PC5108 zone expander modules occupy zones in 2 groups of 4 (e.g., zones9-12 and zones 13-16). None of the zones assigned to a PC5108 module can beused for wireless devices.Program the RF5132-433 from a system keypad or using downloading software ona remote computer. Read your system Installation Manual for more information.1.1 How to Use this ManualRead this manual before you begin installing the RF5132-433. To install and set up theRF5132-433 and wireless devices, follow these steps. Refer to the sections listed below.1. Temporarily mount  and wire the RF5132-433 module (see Section 2).2. Enroll and program wireless devices (see Section 3).3. Complete zone and other programming on the system (see Section 4).4. Test the placement of all the wireless devices (see Section 5).5. Permanently mount the RF5132-433 receiver and wireless devices (see Section 5).For additional information on trouble conditions, RF jamming signal detection andbattery replacement, see Section 6.For help with troubleshooting, see Section 7.1.2 Specifications and Features• Current Draw: 80 mA• Frequency: 433 MHz• Zones - receiver can receive signals from up to 32 wireless zones and 16wireless keys• Supervisory - programmable supervisory window, 8 to 24 hours, in 15 minuteincrements (For NA version only)• Location- can be wired up to 750 ft. / 230 m from the main panel with 22 gauge wire- connects to Keybus- for longer wire runs, thicker gauge wire must be used.• Compatibility: The RF5132-433 v5.X can be connected to the followingpanels: PC501X, PC5020, PC1555, PC580, PC1616, PC1864.S E C T I O N  1Introduction
21.3 Compatible Wireless DevicesPlease refer to the Instruction sheets of the following devices for more information.The RF5132-433 v5.X can receive signals from the following devices:• WLS904L-433 Motion Detector • WS4916 Smoke Detector• WLS904PL-433 Pet Immune PIR • WS4938 Panic Button• WLS906-433 Smoke Detector • WS4939 Wireless Key• WLS912L-433 Glass Break Detector • WS4955 Mini Door/Window Contact• WLS914-433 Pet Immune PIR • WS4949 2-Button Wireless Key• WLS919-433 Wireless Key • WS4959 5-Button Wireless Key• WLS925L-433 Mini Door/Window Contact • WS4969 Wireless Key with LEDI N T R O D U C T I O N
3S E C T I O N  2This section describes how to set up and wire the RF5132-433 module.2.1 Unpack the RF5132-433Check that the following parts are in your RF5132-433 package:• RF5132-433 PCB • Hardware for mounting the cabinet• RF5132-433 plastic cabinet2.2 Choose a Mounting Location for the RF5132-433NOTE: Mount the RF5132-433 receiver and wireless devices after you have doneplacement tests with the wireless devices (see sections 5.1 and 5.2).Find a place that is:• Dry• Central to the proposed placement of all wireless devices• As high as possible• Far from sources of interference, including: electrical noise (computers,televisions and electric motors in appliances and heating and airconditioning units); large metal objects like heating ducts and plumbingwhich may shield the antenna.Make sure that electrical wires will not run over the module when it is mounted.When mounting the RF5132-433 in a basement, place the module as high and asclose to the underside of the first floor as possible. The range of the module will bereduced if the unit is mounted below ground level.2.3 Connect the RF5132-433 Receiver CAUTION: Remove all power from the system while connecting modules to theKeybus.Connect the RF5132-433 to the four-wireKeybus of the control panel according to thefollowing diagram.After you have completed the wiring, reconnectthe power to the security system.Now that you have wired the RF5132-433, youshould enroll and program the wireless de-vices. See section 3 for instructions.RF5132-433 Set Up & Wiring
4Enroll & Program DevicesThis section describes how to enroll and program:• wireless devices using zones (WLS904PL-433, WLS906-433,  WS4916,WLS912L-433, WLS914-433, WS4938, WS4955 and WLS925L-433)• wireless keys (WLS919-433, WS4939)For more information on these devices, read the instruction sheet included with eachdevice.3.1 Identified Wireless KeysReporting by the system of openings/closings by individual wireless keys andcommand output [*][7] activation by wireless key buttons may be supported oncertain control panels. To do this, the system will reserve access codes 17 – 32 forwireless keys 01-16 respectively. You must program one access code for eachwireless key (using [*][5] access code programming) for this feature to workcorrectly.NOTE: Program these access codes on the system after you have connected theRF5132-433  to the Keybus (see section 2.4).Refer to your system Installation Manual for information on access code programming.Opening/Closing By Wireless Key ReportingNOTE: The Identified Wireless Key Closing option is only available with the PC5020,PC1616, PC1864, P-8+,  PC501X v2.0 and higher, P832/DL v2.0 and higher,PC1555(MX), P-6B(MX), PC580/585 v2.0 and higher, P-48 v2.0 and higher by turn-ing section [015] option 4 off.To enable the reporting of openings and closings by identified wireless keys:• Make sure the control panel is v2.0 or higher• Program a valid access code for each key• Program a closing and opening reporting code for each key’s access code• Turn off the Quick Arm option in section [015] option [4] of the control panelprogrammingTo ensure that an unidentified wireless key cannot disarm the system, turn off section[017], option [1] (in the control panel programming). This option is available in controlpanels with software version 2.1 or higher.3.2 Enroll Wireless Devices Using ZonesEnroll wireless devices which use zones (universal transmitters, motion detectors,smoke detectors, and panic pendants):1.  At a system keypad, enter [*][8][Installer’s code] to go the installer’s programmingsection.2.  Enter programming section [804].3.  Enter the 2-digit number corresponding to the zone the device is to occupy ([01] to[32]).NOTE: Hardwired and wireless devices cannot be assigned to the same zone. PC5108S E C T I O N  3Receiver Programming
5zone expander modules occupy zones in 2 groups of 4 (e.g. zones 9-12 and zones13-16). None of the zones assigned to a PC5108 module may be used for wirelessdevices. For more information on zone assignment, consult your system Installa-tion Manual.4. Enter the device ESN. The entry must be 6 digits.5. The device is now enrolled on the system. Record the serial number and theassigned zone number in the programming worksheets in the back of thismanual.6. Continue with steps 3 - 5 until you have enrolled all wireless devices.7. To exit press [#].NOTE: The devices will not work properly until you complete zone and partitionprogramming (see section 4).3.3 A Note about Electronic Serial Numbers (ESN)An electronic serial number (ESN) is printed on the back of each wireless key. ESNsare used to enroll the wireless keys with the RF5132-433 receiver.In order to reduce the occurrence of wireless keys with the same serial number, 6-digit serial numbers are now printed on the back of each wireless key. The 6-digitserial numbers include hexadecimal digits. For instructions on programming hexa-decimal numbers, see your system Installation Manual, Section 4: How to Program.NOTE: 6-digit serial numbers are only supported on the following control panels:PC5020, PC1616, PC1864, P-8+, PC501X v2.0 & higher, P832/DL v2.0 and higher,PC1555(MX), P-6B(MX), PC580/585 and P-48.3.4 Enroll & Program Wireless KeysFor wireless keys to work on the system, you need to enroll them and then programthe function buttons, if the default values are not the functions desired. Wireless keysare not assigned to zones and require no zone programming. You can enroll up to16 wireless keys on the system.Enroll Wireless Keys1. Enter [*][8][Installer’s Code] to go to the installer’s programming section.2. Enter programming section [804].3. Enter a 2-digit number [41]-[56] to program the wireless key serial number.These numbers correspond to wireless key numbers 01- 16.4. Enter the device ESN. The entry must be six digits.5. The key is now enrolled on the system. Record the serial number and theassigned slot number in the programming worksheets in the back of this manual.6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 until all wireless keys have been enrolled.7. (PC5020/PC1616/PC1864/P-8+/PC501X/P832/P832DL only) By default, allwireless keys are assigned to Partition 1. To assign keys to differentpartition, see programming section [69].NOTE: A wireless key can only be assigned to one partition.8. To exit press [#].Programming the Wireless Keys Function Buttons(P)WLS919-433 and WS4939 wireless keys have four programmable functionbuttons.  Default functions have been assigned, but you may program other functionsW I R E L E S S  D E V I C E S
6if desired.  After the functions are programmed, when you press and hold one of thefour buttons for one second, the system will execute the programmed function.For systems using partitions (PC5020/PC1616/PC1864/P-8+/PC501X/P832/P832DLonly): All wireless keys assigned to Partition 1 will have the four functions programmedin section [61]. All wireless keys assigned to Partition 2-8 will have the four functionsprogrammed in section [62-68]. For example, if function button 1 in Section [61] isprogrammed for Stay arming, then pressing the first button on wireless keys assignedto Partition 1 will Stay arm Partition 1.NOTE: Wireless keys will not work when the partition they are assigned to is beingaccessed for zone bypassing or programming.1. At a system keypad, enter [*][8][Installer’s Code].2. Enter programming section [804].3. Enter programming section [61] to [68] for partitions 1 to 8.4. For each of the 4 function buttons, enter the 2-digit number of the functionyou want to select. See the programming worksheets in the back of thismanual for a list of function key options.5. Record your programming choices in the worksheets in the back of the manual.6. To exit press [#].3.5 RF5132-433 LEDsThe RF5132-433 v5.0 features two LEDs to help troubleshoot the operation of theunit. The LEDs will indicate if the signal received is from an enrolled device or not.• The green LED will flash when receiving a signal from an enrolled device.•  The red LED will flash when receiving a signal from a non-enrolled device.For more precision, when the panel is in placement test mode, the green LED will onlyflash for the specific serial number entered. All other signals (including signals fromvalid enrolled devices) will flash red.3.6 Deleting Wireless DevicesTo remove a wireless device from the system, follow the guideline for adding awireless device. Program the ESN as [000000]. The wireless device for the zone willbe removed.Now that you have enrolled all the wireless devices, you will need to program thesystem to work properly with the devices. See section 4 for more information.W I R E L E S S  D E V I C E S
74.1 Program Zones and PartitionsNow that you have enrolled the wireless devices, you should complete all zoneprogramming on the system. Although the exact programming required variesdepending on which control panel the RF5132-433 is connected to, you shouldcheck that the following programming areas are completed correctly for eachwireless zone:• Enable zones and/or assign zones to one or more partitions (programmingsections [202]-[205] or [202] to [265] for the PC5020/PC1616/PC1864).• Program the definition for each zone (programming sections [001]-[004]).• Enable the wireless zone attribute for each wireless zone (PC580, PC1555,PC1616, PC1864, PC501X v2.0, PC5020 v3.0 and higher only) (sections[101]-[132]).See your system Installation Manual, for more information on each of the aboveprogramming sections.4.2 Enable RF5132-433 SupervisionThe control panel will supervise the RF5132-433 receiver via the Keybus after at leastone device has been enrolled on the module (see section 3.2 “Enrolling WirelessDevices”).To activate module supervision, after you enroll the first device(s):1. Exit and then re-enter installer’s programming2. Enter programming section [902]. Wait approximately 1 minute.3. To exit press [#].The system will generate a General System Supervisory trouble if the module isremoved from the Keybus. If you need to remove the RF5132-433 module from anexisting system, you will have to disable supervision of the RF5132-433.NOTE:  Deleting all devices from the RF5132-433 or defaulting the RF5132-433 willcause a supervisory faultTo disable RF5132-433 supervision:1. Disconnect the RF5132-433 from the Keybus2. Enter [*][8][Installer Code]3. Enter [902]. The control panel will clear all supervision and re-scan the system forconnected modules. The scan will take approximately one minute.4. To exit press [#].To review which modules the control panel is currently supervising:1. Enter [*][8][Installer’s Code]2. Enter [903] to display all modules. On LED keypads, light [17] will indicatethat the RF5132-433 is present on the system. On LCD keypads, scroll untilthe module name appears on the display.3. To exit press [#].S E C T I O N  4Other Programming
8If the RF5132-433 module does not show on the keypad, one of the followingconditions may be present:• the module is not connected properly to the Keybus• there is a problem with the Keybus wiring run• the module does not have enough power• no devices have been enrolled on the RF5132-4334.3 Enable Supervision of Wireless ZonesNOTE: (for PC5010 v1.x control panels only) In order for wireless zones to be super-vised, you must enable Double End of Line (DEOL) supervision in the PC5010 con-trol panel. For more information, refer to your Installation Manual.NOTE: (PC5020, PC1616, PC1864, PC501X, PC1555, PC580  v2.0 and higher only)For wireless supervision to work, you must enable the wireless zone attribute on allwireless zones (sections [101] to [132], option [8] ON).Wireless Supervisory WindowEach wireless zone (WLS906-433,WLS904P-433 or WLS925L-433) will send a supervi-sory signal every 64 minutes. If the receiver does not receive a signal within the timeprogrammed for the Wireless Supervisory Window, it will generate a supervisory fault.To program the wireless supervisory window:1. Enter [*][8][Installer Code] to enter Installer Programming.2. Enter [804] to enter the RF5132-433 Module Programming.3. Enter section [81].4. Enter the time period for the supervisory window. The window is programmedin 15 minute increments. The default programming is 96 (x15minutes), whichis equal to 24 hours. Valid entries are (32) - (96), equal to 8 - 24 hours. (ForNA version only.)5. To exit press [#].NOTE: Supervision must be enabled for RF Delinquency.Disable/Enable Zone SupervisionAll wireless zones have supervision enabled by default. To disable supervision forany zone, enter the following at any system keypad:1. Enter [*][8][Installer Code] to enter Installer Programming.2. Enter [804] to enter the RF5132-433 Module Programming.3. Enter sections [82], [83], [84] and [85]. Enable or disable supervision foreach wireless zone by turning each relevant option on or off.4. To exit press [#].4.4 RF Jam Detect ZoneFor RF jamming detection to work, you must select an unused zone to be used as theRF Jam Detect zone. When the receiver detects an attempt to jam the RF signal, theRF Jam Detect zone will be violated and the system will generate a tamper signal.When the jamming signal is gone, the RF Jam Detect zone closes and the systemsends a tamper restore signal.To enable RF jamming detection:1. Enter [*][8] [Installer’s Code].2. Enter programming section [804].O T H E R  P R O G R A M M I N G
9O T H E R  P R O G R A M M I N G3. Enter section [93]. Enter the 2-digit number of the RF Jam Detect zone ([01]to [32]) in the programming section.4. Disable supervision for the RF Jam detect zone by turning the relevant option off insection [82], [83], [84] or [85]. (See section 4.3 for more information.)5. RF jamming detection is now enabled. To exit Installer programming, press [#].NOTE: For UL Listed installations, the RF Jam feature must be enabled - Section[804], subsection [90], Option [7] OFF.4.5 RF5132-433 Software DefaultReturning the RF5132-433 programming to factory default settings is a quick way toremove all the enrolled devices from the system and reset all the programming insection [804].NOTE: Performing this procedure will not change any programming sections except[804]. Resetting the control panel to factory default settings will not return the RF5132-433 module to factory default settings.To restore the RF5132-433 programming to the factory default settings:1. Enter [*][8] [Installer’s Code].2. Enter programming section [996].3. Enter the Installer’s Code, followed by [996] again. The software for theRF5132-433 will be restored to its factory default settings.4. To continue programming the unit, exit installer’s programming by pressing[#] and then re-enter installer’s programming by entering [*][8] [Installer’sCode].For instructions on restoring the default programming of the control panel or anyother connected module, see your system Installation Manual.4.6 Deleting Wireless DevicesTo remove a wireless device from the system, follow the guideline for enrolling awireless device (see section 3.2). Program the ESN as [000000]. The wireless devicefor the zone will be removed.NOTE: You may need to remove power from the panel in order to clear troublescaused by deleted zones.Now that you have completed all RF5132-433 related programming, you can test andmount the receiver and devices. See section 5 for more information.
10Testing & MountingS E C T I O N  55.1 Test the Reception of Wireless DevicesIt is very important to test the proposed placement of each wireless device before it ismounted. Following these steps will test the signal strength between the RF5132-433and the wireless devices.You can test all of the devices together (global placement testing) or test each deviceindividually. To test all the devices together, see ‘Testing All Wireless DevicesTogether’ below. To test wireless devices individually, see ‘Testing IndividualDevices’. After you have enrolled the wireless devices, you must exit and thenre-enter Installer’s Programming at least once before you can perform aplacement test.Testing All Wireless Devices Together:1. Temporarily put the WLS904P-433, WLS906-433, WLS907-433, WLS912-433,WLS914-433 and WLS925L-433 devices in the places you want to mount them.2. At a system keypad, enter [*][8][Installer Code].3. Enable the Global Module Placement test by entering section [804]. Thenenter sub-section [90] and turn on option [8].4. Press [#] twice.5. Enter programming section [904], then enter [01].6. Activate one of the devices being tested until a result is displayed on thekeypad or sounded by the keypad or bell:WLS904P-433/WLS914-433:     To perform a Placement Test on the WLS904P-433, remove the detector from the back plate and then replace it. Once thedetector is replaced on the back plate the LED on the detector will flashrapidly 5 times (4 times for the WLS914-433) to indicate that it has sent atransmission. The panel will show and/or sound the result of the placementtest on the keypad. To perform a 2nd and 3rd test, repeat this procedure.Carefully replace the backplate onto the detector, ensuring that “TOP” isCarefully replace the backplate onto the detector, ensuring that “TOP” isCarefully replace the backplate onto the detector, ensuring that “TOP” isCarefully replace the backplate onto the detector, ensuring that “TOP” isCarefully replace the backplate onto the detector, ensuring that “TOP” isfacing upward, or you may damage the tamper switch.facing upward, or you may damage the tamper switch.facing upward, or you may damage the tamper switch.facing upward, or you may damage the tamper switch.facing upward, or you may damage the tamper switch.NOTE: When you remove the detector from the backplate (tamper the unit), the de-tector will also be put into “Detector Walk Test” mode. While in Walk Test mode thedetector will activate the LED when motion is detected. The detector will also send asignal to the receiver 5 seconds after motion is detected, indicated by 5 rapid flashesby the LED. The LED will only work in this fashion for 10 motion detections after atamper/restore. Note that the panel will ignore these transmission signals with re-spect to a placement test. The only way in which the panel will acknowledge a place-ment test is if the backplate has, each time, been removed and restored.WLS906-433: Remove the detector from its backplate, wait 5 seconds and re-attach it, or hold a magnet near the raised line on the outer rim, then remove it.WLS907-433/WLS925L-433: Open the contact by moving the magnet awayfrom the unit. The keypad will show/sound the test result. After the first testresult has been generated (about 10 seconds) close the contact to generateanother test result. If the unit is attached to a door or a window, open andclose the door or window to activate the device.
11WLS909-433/WLS919-433: Press any function key at several different locations.WLS912-433: Press and hold the test mode tab for 5 seconds. Release the testmode tab. The keypad will display the test result.Read the test results at the keypad:Result LED Keypad LCD Keypad Buzzer/BellGood Light 1 On Steady “Good” 1 Beep/SquawkBad Light 3 On Steady “Bad” 3 Beeps/SquawksActivate the device until you get 3 ‘good’ results in a row.You may mount the WLS devices where results were good.Devices indicating a bad result must be moved to another location. You mayonly have to move the device a few inches to correct a bad result.  Do not mount any device where a “bad” test result was indicated.7. Go to the next device to be tested and activate it until the test result isdisplayed/sounded.NOTE: Wait until the placement test of one device is shown/sounded before begin-ning to test the next device.Continue to test the devices until both the RF5132-433 and the devices are in goodlocations. If several wireless devices produce ‘bad’ test results, you may need tomove the RF5132-433 to a better location. (See section 2.2 for tips on finding alocation for the RF5132-433.)8. To exit the placement test and return to installer programming, press [#] twice.Testing Individual WLS904P-433, WLS906-433, WLS907-433,WLS912-433, WLS914-433 and WLS925L-433 Devices:1. Temporarily place the WLS904P-433, WLS906-433 or WLS925L-433 whereyou want to mount it.2. At a system keypad, enter [*][8][Installer Code].3. Enter programming section [904].4 Enter the 2-digit zone number for the device to be tested.5. Activate the device being tested until a result is displayed on the keypad orsounded by the keypad or bell. (Same as step 5 in the Global Placement Testsection, previous page.)6. To test another device, press [#] once, then repeat steps 4 - 5. Continue totest the devices until both the RF5132-433 and the devices are in goodlocations.If several wireless devices produce ‘bad’ test results, you may need to movethe RF5132-433 to a better location. (See section 2.2 for tips on finding alocation for the RF5132-433.)7. To exit the placement test and installer programming, press [#] twice.Testing Individual Wireless Keys:You cannot use the individual device test described above to test WLS909-433/WLS919-433 wireless keys. To ensure that the RF5132-433 receiver is receivingtransmissions from these devices, use the function keys on the WLS909-433/WLS919-433 at several different points in the installation.T E S T I N G  &  M O U N T I N G
125.2 Mount the RF5132-433 and Wireless DevicesWhen you have tested reception of the RF5132-433 with all the wireless devices (seesection 5.1) and you have a good mounting location, mount the RF5132-433:1. Pull the Keybus wires through the hole at the bottom of the cabinet.2. Mount the cabinet securely to the wall.Mount the DevicesIf you have conducted the placement test described in section 5.1 and got 3 ‘good’results in a row for each device, you can mount the wireless devices. See theInstallation Sheet for each device for mounting instructions.Now that your RF5132-433 and wireless devices are mounted and working properly,read section 6 for information on potential wireless trouble conditions, RF jammingsignals, and battery replacement.
13Additional NotesS E C T I O N  66.1 Trouble ConditionsThe control panel always watches for possible trouble conditions. If a troublecondition occurs, the keypad “Trouble” light will turn on and the keypad will beep.Press [*][2] to display the trouble conditions.The following trouble conditions apply to the RF5132-433 and/or any enrolled devices.General System Tamper - This trouble is generated when the RF5132-433detects an RF Jamming condition.General System Supervisory - This trouble will be generated if the panel losescommunication with any module connected to the Keybus. The event buffer willlog a detailed description of the event.Device Low Battery - This trouble is generated when a wireless device exhibits alow battery condition. Press [7] one, two, or three times to view which devicesare experiencing battery failure. An LED keypad will indicate battery failureusing zone lights 1 to 8.Zone Tamper - This trouble is generated when an enrolled wireless device isremoved from its mounting location.Zone Fault - Each wireless zone will send a supervisory signal every 64 minutes. Ifthe receiver does not receive a signal within the time programmed for theWireless Supervisory Window, it will generate a zone fault.RF Delinquency6.2 Jamming Signal DetectionThe RF5132-433 receiver detects jamming signals that can prevent the receiver fromproperly receiving transmissions from enrolled devices. See section 4.4  “JammingSignal Detection” for information on jamming signal detection programming.NOTE: For UL Listed installations, the RF Jam feature must be enabled - Section[804], subsection [90], Option [7] OFF.6.3 Wireless Zone Low Battery TransmissionWithin any transmission, the device will indicate the status of the battery. If a batteryis low, the system will indicate a Device Low Battery trouble.The system will delay reporting the event to the central station for the number of daysprogrammed for Zone Low Battery Transmission Delay in section [370]. This willprevent unnecessary reporting of the event if the user has been instructed on howto replace batteries.Replacing Batteries in Wireless Devices1. Remove the cover of the device from its back plate. This creates a tampercondition on the zone.2. Refer to the battery installation instructions on the installation sheet of eachcomponent.  Be sure to note the proper orientation of the batteries as you installthem.3. When the fresh batteries are in place, re-attach the cover to the back plate. Thetamper is restored and the zone sends a battery trouble restoral signal to theRF5132-433. The battery trouble is now clear and the device should functionnormally.NOTE: When batteries in one device need to be replaced, the batteries in all devicesmay need to be replaced at the same time.
14TroubleshootingThe RF5132-433 v5.0 features two LEDs to help troubleshoot the operation of theunit. The LEDs will indicate if the signal received is from an enrolled device or not.• The green LED will flash when receiving a signal from an enrolled device.•  The red LED will flash when receiving a signal from a non-enrolled device.For more precision, when the panel is in placement test mode, the green LED will onlyflash for the specific serial number entered. All other signals (including signals fromvalid enrolled devices) will flash red.1.  When I enter the 2-digit zone number when adding a wirelessdevice, the keypad gives me a long beep.You cannot  enter ESNs unless a RF5132-433 wireless receiver is connected to theKeybus. See section 2 for instructions on setting up and wiring the RF5132-433module.2.  I have entered the ESN for the device but when I violate thedevice, the zone does not show open on the keypad.Check the following:• Ensure the ESN has been entered correctly• Ensure that the zone is enabled for the partition (if partition programming isused).• Ensure that the wireless zone is not assigned to a zone used by PC5108modules, an on-board zone, or a keypad zone.• Ensure that the zone is programmed for something other than “NullOperation”, and that the wireless zone attribute is turned on.3.  When I try a module placement test I get no result or ‘bad’results.Check the following (see sections 5.1 and 5.2 for more information on testingdevices):• Verify that you are testing the correct zone.• Verify that the correct ESN was entered when the device was enrolled.• Verify that the device is in range of the RF5132-433. Try testing the device inthe same room as the receiver.• Confirm that the RF5132-433 is properly connected to the Keybus (seesection 2 for RF5132-433 set up and wiring instructions).• Check that you are testing the zone correctly (see sections 5.1 and 5.2 fortesting instructions).• Check that the batteries are working and installed correctly.• Look for large metal objects that may be preventing the signal from reachingthe RF5132-433.The device must be located where consistent ‘good’ results are obtained. If severaldevices show ‘bad’ results, move the receiver. See section 2.2 for tips on choosinga mounting location for the RF5132-433.4.  The LED on the motion detector does not turn on when I walk infront of the unit.The LED is for walk test purposes only. See your Wireless PIR Instruction Sheet forwalk test instructions.S E C T I O N  7
15[804] 5132--433 Wireless Expansion Programming• 6-digit entry is required. See Section 3.1 “A note on Electronic SerialNumbers” for details on programming 6-digit serial numbers.Zone Serial NumbersDefault = 000000[01] Zone 1 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[02] Zone 2 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[03] Zone 3 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[04] Zone 4 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[05] Zone 5 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[06] Zone 6 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[07] Zone 7 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[08] Zone 8 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[09] Zone 9 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[10] Zone 10 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[11] Zone 11 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[12] Zone 12 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[13] Zone 13 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[14] Zone 14 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[15] Zone 15 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[16] Zone 16 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[17] Zone 17 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[18] Zone 18 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[19] Zone 19 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[20] Zone 20 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[21] Zone 21 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[22] Zone 22 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[23] Zone 23 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[24] Zone 24 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[25] Zone 25 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[26] Zone 26 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[27] Zone 27 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[28] Zone 28 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[29] Zone 29 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[30] Zone 30 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[31] Zone 31 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[32] Zone 32 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____lProgramming WorksheetsS E C T I O N  8
16Wireless Key Serial NumbersDefault = 000000[41] Key 01 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[42] Key 02 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[43] Key 03 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[44] Key 04 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[45] Key 05 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[46] Key 05 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[47] Key 07 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[48] Key 08 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____lP R O G R A M M I N G  W O R K S H E E T S[49] Key 09 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[50] Key 10 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[51] Key 11 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[52] Key 12 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[53] Key 13 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[54] Key 14 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[55] Key 15 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l[56] Key 16 l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____l_____lWireless Key Function Key OptionsyrtnEyrtnE yrtnE yrtnEyrtnEnoitpircseDyeKnoitpircseDyeK noitpircseDyeK noitpircseDyeKnoitpircseDyeKyrtnEyrtnE yrtnE yrtnEyrtnEnoitpircseDyeKnoitpircseDyeK noitpircseDyeK noitpircseDyeKnoitpircseDyeK0000000000yeKlluN 6161616161[✱tixEkciuQ]0[]20-1020-10 20-10 20-1020-10 esUerutuFroF 7171717171[✱syawA/yatSetavitcaeR]1[]3030303030mrAyatS 8181818181esUerutuFroF4040404040mrAyawA 9191919191[✱3#tuptuOdnammoC]3[]7[]5050505050[✱mrAyrtnE-oN]9[] 0202020202esUerutuFroF6060606060[✱FFO/NOemihC]4[] 1212121212[✱4#tuptuOdnammoC]4[]7[]7070707070[✱tseTmetsyS]4[]---[]6[] 62-2262-22 62-22 62-2262-22 esUerutuFroF21-8021-80 21-80 21-8021-80 esUerutuFroF7272727272)FFO(mrasiD3131313131[✱1#tuptuOdnammoC]1[]7[]8282828282esUerutuFroF4141414141esUerutuFroF9292929292mralAyrailixuA5151515151esUerutuFroF 0303030303mralAcinaP
17P R O G R A M M I N G  W O R K S H E E T SWireless Key OptionsPartition 1 Wireless Key Options[61] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 2 Wireless Key Options[62] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 3 Wireless Key Options[63] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 4 Wireless Key Options[64] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 5 Wireless Key Options[65] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 6 Wireless Key Options[66] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 7 Wireless Key Options[67] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____lPartition 8 Wireless Key Options[68] Function Key 1 03 l____l____lFunction Key 3 27 l____l____lFunction Key 2 04 l____l____lFunction Key 4 30 l____l____l[69] Wireless Keys (1-16) Partition Assignments (Default = 01)Wireless Key 01 l____l____lWireless Key 02 l____l____lWireless Key 03 l____l____lWireless Key 04 l____l____lWireless Key 05 l____l____lWireless Key 06 l____l____lWireless Key 07 l____l____lWireless Key 08 l____l____lWireless Key 09 l____l____lWireless Key 10 l____l____lWireless Key 11 l____l____lWireless Key 12 l____l____lWireless Key 13 l____l____lWireless Key 14 l____l____lWireless Key 15 l____l____lWireless Key 16 l____l____l
18P R O G R A M M I N G  W O R K S H E E T SSupervision[81] Wireless Supervisory Window               Default = 96l____l____lThe window is programmed in 15 minute increments. Thedefault programming is 96 (x 15minutes), which is equal to 24hours. Valid entries are (32) - (96), equal to 8 - 24 hours.[82] Zone Device Supervision Options (1-8)Default = ON Option ON Option OFFl________lOption 1 Zone 01 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 2 Zone 02 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 3 Zone 03 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 4 Zone 04 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 5 Zone 05 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 6 Zone 06 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 7 Zone 07 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 8 Zone 08 Supervision enabled Disabled[83] Zone Device Supervision Options (9-16)Default = ON Option ON Option OFFl________lOption 1 Zone 09 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 2 Zone 10 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 3 Zone 11 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 4 Zone 12 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 5 Zone 13 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 6 Zone 14 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 7 Zone 15 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 8 Zone 16 Supervision enabled Disabled[84] Zone Device Supervision Options (17-24)Default = ON Option ON Option OFFl________lOption 1 Zone 17 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 2 Zone 18 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 3 Zone 19 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 4 Zone 20 Supervision enabled Disabled
19P R O G R A M M I N G  W O R K S H E E T Sl________lOption 5 Zone 21 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 6 Zone 22 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 7 Zone 23 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 8 Zone 24 Supervision enabled Disabled[85] Zone Device Supervision Options (25-32)Default = ON Option ON Option OFFl________lOption 1 Zone 25 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 2 Zone 26 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 3 Zone 27 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 4 Zone 28 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 5 Zone 29 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 6 Zone 30 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 7 Zone 31 Supervision enabled Disabledl________lOption 8 Zone 32 Supervision enabled Disabled[90] Other OptionsDefault Option(s) Option ON Option OFFOff 1-2 For Future UseOn 3 Wall Tamper Enabled Wall Tamper DisabledOn 4 Case Tamper Enabled Case Tamper DisabledOn (EU ver.) 5 RF Delinquency Enabled  RF Delinquency DisabledOff (NA ver.)Off 6 For Future UseOn 7 RF Jam Detect Disabled RF Jam Detect EnabledOff 8 Global Placement Test Individual Placement TestRF Jamming Detection[93] RF Jam Detect ZoneDefault = 00l____l____lSelect an unused zone that will be violated when a jammingsignal is detected. (Valid entries = 01 - 32, 00 = RF Jam detectdisabled.)NOTES: For UL Listed installations, the RF Jam feature must be enabled - Section[804], subsection [90], Option [7] OFF.For DD243 instllations, the RF delinquency feature should be enabled - Section[804], subsection [90], Option [5] ON.
20A P P E N D I X  AGuidelines for Locating Smoke DetectorsExperience has shown that all hostile fires in family living units generate smoke to a greater or lesserextent. Experiments using typical fires in family living units indicate that detectable quantities of smokeprecede detectable levels of heat in most cases. In existing homes, NFPA Standard 72 requires that asmoke detector be installed outside each sleeping area and on each additional story of the family unit.On smooth ceilings, detectors may be spaced 9.1m (30 feet) apart as a guide. Other spacing may berequired depending on ceiling height, air movement, the presence of joists, uninsulated ceilings, etc.Consult National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 72, CAN/ULS-S553-M86 or other appropriate national standardsfor installation recommendations.Do not locate smoke detectors at the top of peaked or gabled ceilings; the dead air space in theselocations may prevent the unit from detecting smoke.Avoid areas with turbulent air flow, such as near doors, fans or windows. Rapid air movement around thedetector may prevent smoke from entering the unit.Do not locate detectors in areas of high humidity.Do not locate detectors in areas where the temperature rises above 38oC (100oF) or falls below 5oC (41oF).Smoke detectors should always be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code.Smoke detectors should always be located in accordance with:• Paragraph 2- of NFPA 72:“Smoke detectors shall be installed outside of each separatesleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional story of thefamily living unit, including basements and excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. In newconstruction, a smoke detector also shall be installed in each sleeping room.”• Paragraph 2- of NFPA 72:“Split level arrangement. Smoke detectors are required whereshown. Smoke detectors are optional where a door is not provided between living room andrecreation room.”The Smoke Detector is designed to use Eveready Energizer E91 Alkaline Batteries. Donot use other brands of batteries with the Smoke Detector. Using brands other than theEveready Energizer will void UL approval, and may affect the system’s operation.S E C T I O N  9
21WARNING Please Read CarefullyNote to InstallersThis warning contains vital information. As the only individual in contactwith system users, it is your responsibility to bring each item in this warn-ing to the attention of the users of this system.System FailuresThis system has been carefully designed to be as effective as possible.There are circumstances, however, involving fire, burglary, or othertypes of emergencies where it may not provide protection. Any alarmsystem of any type may be compromised deliberately or may fail tooperate as expected for a variety of reasons. Some but not all of thesereasons may be:■ Inadequate InstallationA security system must be installed properly in order to provide ad-equate protection. Every installation should be evaluated by a secu-rity professional to ensure that all access points and areas are covered.Locks and latches on windows and doors must be secure and operateas intended. Windows, doors, walls, ceilings and other building mate-rials must be of sufficient strength and construction to provide thelevel of protection expected. A reevaluation must be done during andafter any construction activity. An evaluation by the fire and/or policedepartment is highly recommended if this service is available.■ Criminal KnowledgeThis system contains security features which were known to be effec-tive at the time of manufacture. It is possible for persons with criminalintent to develop techniques which reduce the effectiveness of thesefeatures. It is important that a security system be reviewed periodicallyto ensure that its features remain effective and that it be updated orreplaced if it is found that it does not provide the protection expected.■ Access by IntrudersIntruders may enter through an unprotected access point, circumventa sensing device, evade detection by moving through an area of insuf-ficient coverage, disconnect a warning device, or interfere with orprevent the proper operation of the system.■ Power FailureControl units, intrusion detectors, smoke detectors and many othersecurity devices require an adequate power supply for proper opera-tion.  If a device operates from batteries, it is possible for the batteriesto fail. Even if the batteries have not failed, they must be charged, ingood condition and installed correctly. If a device operates only byAC power, any interruption, however brief, will render that deviceinoperative while it does not have power. Power interruptions of anylength are often accompanied by voltage fluctuations which may dam-age electronic equipment such as a security system. After a powerinterruption has occurred, immediately conduct a complete systemtest to ensure that the system operates as intended.■ Failure of Replaceable BatteriesThis system’s wireless transmitters have been designed to provideseveral years of battery life under normal conditions. The expectedbattery life is a function of the device environment, usage and type.Ambient conditions such as high humidity, high or low temperatures,or large temperature fluctuations may reduce the expected battery life.While each transmitting device has a low battery monitor which iden-tifies when the batteries need to be replaced, this monitor may fail tooperate as expected. Regular testing and maintenance will keep thesystem in good operating condition.■ Compromise of Radio Frequency (Wireless) DevicesSignals may not reach the receiver under all circumstances which couldinclude metal objects placed on or near the radio path or deliberatejamming or other inadvertent radio signal interference.■ System UsersA user may not be able to operate a panic or emergency switch possi-bly due to permanent or temporary physical disability, inability toreach the device in time, or unfamiliarity with the correct operation. Itis important that all system users be trained in the correct operation ofthe alarm system and that they know how to respond when the systemindicates an alarm.■ Smoke DetectorsSmoke detectors that are a part of this system may not properly alertoccupants of a fire for a number of reasons, some of which follow. Thesmoke detectors may have been improperly installed or positioned.Smoke may not be able to reach the smoke detectors, such as when thefire is in a chimney, walls or roofs, or on the other side of closed doors.Smoke detectors may not detect smoke from fires on another levelof the residence or building.Every fire is different in the amount of smoke produced and therate of burning. Smoke detectors cannot sense all types of firesequally well. Smoke detectors may not  provide timely warningof fires caused by carelessness or safety hazards such as smokingin bed, violent explosions, escaping gas, improper storage of flam-mable materials, overloaded electrical circuits, children playingwith matches or arson.Even if the smoke detector operates as intended, there may be cir-cumstances when there is insufficient warning to allow all occu-pants to escape in time to avoid injury or death.■ Motion DetectorsMotion detectors can only detect motion within the designated ar-eas as shown in their respective installation instructions. They can-not discriminate between intruders and intended occupants. Mo-tion detectors do not provide volumetric area protection. They havemultiple beams of detection and motion can only be detected inunobstructed areas covered by these beams.  They cannot detectmotion which occurs behind walls, ceilings, floor, closed doors,glass partitions, glass doors or windows. Any type of tamperingwhether intentional or unintentional such as masking, painting, orspraying of any material on the lenses, mirrors, windows or anyother part of the detection system will impair its proper operation.Passive infrared motion detectors operate by sensing changes intemperature. However their effectiveness can be reduced when theambient temperature rises near or above body temperature or ifthere are intentional or unintentional sources of heat in or near thedetection area. Some of these heat sources could be heaters, radia-tors, stoves, barbeques, fireplaces, sunlight, steam vents, lightingand so on.■ Warning DevicesWarning devices such as sirens, bells, horns, or strobes may notwarn people or waken someone sleeping if there is an interven-ing wall or door. If warning devices are located on a differentlevel of the residence or premise, then it is less likely that theoccupants will be alerted or awakened.  Audible warning devicesmay be interfered with by other noise sources such as stereos,radios, televisions, air conditioners or other appliances, or pass-ing traffic. Audible warning devices, however loud, may not beheard by a hearing-impaired person.■ Telephone LinesIf telephone lines are used to transmit alarms, they may be out ofservice or busy for certain periods of time. Also an intruder may cutthe telephone line or defeat its operation by more sophisticated meanswhich may be difficult to detect.■ Insufficient TimeThere may be circumstances when the system will operate asintended, yet the occupants will not be protected from the emer-gency due to their inability to  respond to the warnings in a timelymanner. If the system is monitored, the response may not occurin time to protect the occupants or their belongings.■ Component FailureAlthough every effort has been made to make this system as reli-able as possible, the system may fail to function as intended dueto the failure of a component.■ Inadequate TestingMost problems that would prevent an alarm system from operatingas intended can be found by regular testing and maintenance. Thecomplete system should be tested weekly and immediately after abreak-in, an attempted break-in, a fire, a storm, an earthquake, anaccident, or any kind of construction activity inside or outside thepremises. The testing should include all sensing devices, keypads,consoles, alarm indicating devices and any other operational de-vices that are part of the system.■ Security and InsuranceRegardless of its capabilities, an alarm system is not a substitutefor property or life insurance. An alarm system also  is not asubstitute for property owners, renters, or other occupants to actprudently to prevent or minimize the harmful effects of an emer-gency situation.
©2006 Digital Security ControlsToronto, Canada •  www.dsc.comTech Support:1-800-387-3630 (Canada & US) or 905-760-3036Printed in Canada29007178R001FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENTCAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Digital Security Controls could void your authority to use thisequipment.This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, in strict accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply withthe limits for Class B device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart “B” of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed toprovide reasonable protection against such interference in any residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to television or radio reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:•Re-orient the receiving antenna•Relocate the alarm control with respect to the receiver•Move the alarm control away from the receiver•Connect the alarm control into a different outlet so that alarm control and receiver are on different circuits.If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user mayfind the following booklet prepared by the FCC helpful: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio/Television Interference Problems”. Thisbooklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock # 004-000-00345-4.This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B respecte toutes les exigences de règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.IC: 160A-PC5132NAThe term "IC:" before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.

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