DewertOkin OM339 OKIMAT IPS User Manual

DewertOkin GmbH OKIMAT IPS

User Manual

Qui05.05.SysNotiNoti ick Reference .2015stem overviewice! Electrical comice! There is a de23 4Guide to OKIw mponents should elay after the supp4MAT IPS / OMbe connected or ply voltage is appOptiona5678M339 IDdisconnected onlylied before the deal:14DNo.81880(‐)y when the powerevice actually turnsOp12913r supply cord is uns on. Wait at least tional: 3 111014 3 12nplugged. t 7 seconds beforCompo1. OK2. RF3. Ma4. Jun5.  Opmo6.  Op7.  Op8.  Op9.  Op10.  Op11.  Op12.  Op13.  Op14.  Opre commissioning.onents that canKIMAT IPS OM339339 assage motor  nction cable (for 2ptional: Junction cotors) ptional: Adapter cptional: Junction cptional: Synchronoptional: Bluetooth®ptional: Power-dowptional: LED set 3ptional: Massage ptional: USB sockptional: USB char. n be connected9 2 massage motorscable (for 4 massaable cable ous cable ® receiver wn Box 3 with Power Box motor ket  rger 1/6: s) age
Qui05.05. OKIick Reference .2015IMAT IPS  Guide to OKIMAT IPS / OM1M339 ID23DNo.81880(‐) Co1.2.3.TeCoPoPuMPrPrLeAxTrOReAiHe onnection portsJunction cable Multi-function pReset/pairing bechnical specifonnection to mainower output ush force ode of operationrotection class rotection degreeength x width x hexle gap distanceransport / storage perating temperatelative humidityr pressure eight s and functions(for massage moport for optional acbutton (Pairing LEfications ns power (AC) eight temperature ture s otors) ccessories (5 pin ED) 100 – 120 V,Max. 116 W4000 N Intermittent dII IP20 708 mm x 16581 mm (± 2from -20°C tofrom +10°C tfrom 30% to from 800 hPa< 2000 m connection)  50/60Hz duty 2 min./18 min66 mm x 120 mm  mm) o +50°C to +40°C 75% a to 1060 hPa 2/6n.
Qui05.05.RF3147101316ick Reference .201539 hand-held Guide to OKIremote   52171481136912151819PairingLEDMAT IPS / OMButton Func 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MemFlashLock DriveLight DriveDriveReseMassDriveMemMemMemMassChanMassMassMassMassPairin  M339 IDction ory save button (Shlight function e M1 up (head) on/off e M2 up (foot) e M1 down (head)et M1 + M2 down,sage off (FLAT) e M2 down (foot)ory position 1 (ZGory position 2 (TVory position 3 (CUsage intensity + (hnge WAVE (1 – 3)sage intensity + (fosage intensity - (hesage on/off sage intensity - (fong button DNo.81880(‐)ProgrThe reout thcommProce••LockPresshand-UsingThe flCAUTAdjusTo turthe RFIf the (+), 15If the lowesThe m13, 15Pressthen iThe mSET)  GRAV) V) UST 3)head) ) oot) ead) oot) ramming the RFeset/pairing buttonis step. In order tomunication link to teed as follows to e Press the resesuccession. Tnow be in teacPress and holthe handset. TLEDs on the(configuring) ming or enabling  and hold button held remote contrg the flashlight oashlight can be tuTION! Do not lookdirectly intosting the intensrn the massage fuF339 hand-held remassage function5 (+) or 14 (WAVEmassage functiont intensity, by presmassage intensity 5, 16 or 18 is pres the WAVE buttondicated by the LEmassage programsF339 hand-held n on the OKIMAT o put the hand-hethe OKIMAT IPS mestablish communet/pairing buttonThe  pairing LEDch-in mode for abold the pairing buThe pairing LED oe handset and mode is completedthe RF339 hand3 for about three rol. on the RF339 haurned on by pressk directly into the o other people's eyity of the massaunction (head and emote control. n is turned off, it caE). n is turned on, it cassing button 16 (is changed througssed. on 14 to switch beEDs above the Ws end automaticalremote IPS must be activld remote into opemust first be estabnications: n (3) on OKIMAT then switches onout 15 seconds.utton  (19): in theon the handset stthe drive then d. d-held remote coseconds: this willand-held remoteing and holding blight beam and doyes. age foot end) on or ofan be activated byan be deactivated(-) or 18 (-). gh 3 steps each tietween the three inWAVE button. lly after 30 minutevated in order to ceration, a radio blished. IPS two times bn. The OKIMAT e battery comparttarts to flash. Thego out. The tontrol l either enable or e control button 2. o not shine the flaff, press button 1y pressing buttond, starting from theime one of the bunterval levels. Thies. 3/6carry briefly in IPS will ment of e pairing teach-in lock the ashlight 7 on n 13 e uttons s is
Qui05.05.PerThefirst resereacTheSavYouCUS•••••SwiTheposiposiProc•••ick Reference .2015rform a referenc OKIMAT IPS hasbe carried out beet/pairing buttonched.  system is now reving the memoryu can save three dST" as follows: • Move to the de• Press and hoactivated and • Within three s12 (CUST) in LED go on for • The desired pCUST). • You can overwprocess. itching to autom buttons ZGRAVitions. Press the rition. The button dceed as follows toActivate • Press  buttonsmassage func• Briefly press button 8 (FLADeactivate (facto• Press buttonstime. The masone second.Guide to OKIce drive s a positional feedefore this feature cn (3) on the OKIMAeady for operationy positions different memory pesired position usold  button 1 (SEthe pairing LED tseconds, press buorder to save theapproximately onposition is now sawrite the saved mmatic movementV, TV, CUST and respective button does not need to bo establish commus 16 and 18 forction and the pairinbutton 10 (ZGRAAT); the drives theory default) s 1 (SET) and 8ssage function aMAT IPS / OMdback feature. A rcan function propeAT IPS until the e. positions on the bsing buttons 4, 6, T) for one seconturns on for approutton 10 (ZGRAVe position. The mne second. aved on buttons memory position ats and factory seFLAT can be usebriefly (press andbe held down. unications: r about five secong LED go on for AV),  button 11 (en move automatic8 (FLAT) for abound the pairing LEM339 IDreferencing movemerly. Press and hoend position has bbuttons "ZGRAV7 or 9. nd; the massage oximately one secV), button 11 (TVmassage function 10, 11 or 12 (ZGat any time by repettings ed for various save release) to movends at the sameapproximately on(TV),  button 12 cally to the desireut five seconds aED go on for appDNo.81880(‐)ment must old the een / TV and function is cond. V) or button and pairing RAV, TV or peating this ed e to that e time. The ne second. (CUST) or ed position.t the same proximately  SWtSynchronizing tCAUTION! Only is swiWhen two OKIMAthem using a sync• Press the rthe OKIMApositions fo• Disconnecpower sock• Connect bsynchrono• Insert the outlet. Synare connec• Both progrIPS systemtwo OKIMAT IPSconnect the electitched off. AT IPS systems archronous cable bereset/pairing butAT IPS systemsor the drives). ct the power plugket. both OKIMAT IPSus cable into the mpower plug on bnchronous operatiocted to the power rammed remote cms. S systems rical components re being used togetween the multi-ftton 3 on the OKI to their end po on both OKIMAS systems by conmulti-function poroth OKIMAT IPS ons are possible supply. controls can be uswhen the power sether, you can cofunction ports. MAT IPS to moveositions (the lowAT IPS systems frnnecting the appts. systems into theas soon as both ssed to move the O4/6supply onnect e both of wer limit rom the propriate e power systems OKIMAT
Qui05.05.CleaThisBe sDisThepartenviTheinternatioDire FCCFCCto th(1) tacceundNotComdevOpeCauincdev Le appick Reference .2015aning and cares system was des•  Be sure to ubegin cleani•  Use a dry closure that you do nposal  system consists ts. You should obsironmental regula disposal of the ernationally by the onal laws and regective 2012/19/ECC Warning / IC WC: This device comhe following two cthis device may noept any interferenesired operation.te: Any changes mpliance could vovice complies witheration is subjectuse interferencecluding interferevice."   présent appaplicables aux ApGuide to OKIigned so that it wounplug the power ng it! oth to clean the synot damage the coof electronic comserve all correspoations when disposnd product is reguEU Directive 201gulations. (The enC (WEEE)). Warning mplies with Part 1onditions: ot cause harmful ce received, incluor modifications noid the user's auth Industry Canadat to the following e, and (2) this dence that mayareil est confoppareils radio EMAT IPS / OMould be easy to clcord on the poweystem. onnecting cables dponents, cables aonding national ansing of the systemulated in Germany1/65/EC (RoHS), d product is not re5 of the FCC Ruleinterference, and uding interferencenot approved by tthority to operatea RSS-210 standatwo conditions:(device must accy cause undesirme aux CNRExempts de licenM339 IDlean. er supply unit befoduring the cleaninand metal and pland regional m. y by Elektro-G, or by any applicaegulated by the Ees. Operation is s(2) this device mu that may cause the party responsthe equipment. Iard(s).  1) this device mcept any interfered operation R d'Industrie Cnce. L'exploitatiDNo.81880(‐)ore you ng. stic able U ubject ust sible for C: This ay not erence, of the Canada ion est     5/6
Qui05.05.autConbrobrod'eThis ick Reference .2015torisée aux deunditions suivanouillage, et(2) ouillage radioéleen compromettrs system should nGuide to OKIx  ntes: (1) l'ap l'utilisateur ectrique subi, mre le fonctionnemnot be disposed ofMAT IPS / OMppareil ne dode l'appareil même si le broument." f with normal housDewWes322GerTel:FaxhttpInfoM339 IDit pas produidoit accepteruillage est suscesehold waste! wertOkin ststrasse 1 278 Kirchlermany  +49(0)5223/979-x.: +49 0 5223751p://www.dewertokio@dewertokin.deDNo.81880(‐)re de r tout eptible GmbH engern, -0 82     6/6

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