Denso DECS001 Electrostatic Capacity sensor User Manual Users manual

Denso Corporation Electrostatic Capacity sensor Users manual

Users manual

Manual Requirement of FCC Our product (DECS001) is one of vehicle parts, which is installed in the passenger seat.   We will supply the user’s manual that include statements and instructions in accordance with FCC requirements.    NOTE  This device compiles with Part 18 of the FCC Rules.   This device may cause interference.  If this device causes interference,  please consult the nearest  SUBARU dealer for maintenance of the system.
Black plate (65,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 16&SUBARU advanced frontalairbag systemS01AH02Your vehicle is equipped with a SUBARUadvanced frontal airbag system that com-plies with the new advanced frontal airbagrequirements in the amended FederalMotor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS)No. 208.The SUBARU advanced frontal airbagsystem automatically determines the de-ployment force of the driver’s SRS frontalairbag at the time of deployment as well aswhether or not to activate the frontpassenger’s SRS frontal airbag and, ifactivated, the deployment force of theSRS frontal airbag at the time of deploy-ment.Your vehicle has warning labels on thedriver’s and front passenger’s sun visorsbeginning with the phrase “EVEN WITHADVANCED AIR BAGS”and a tagattached to the glove box lid beginningwith the phrase “Even with Advanced AirBags”. Make sure that you carefully readthe instructions on the warning labels andtag.Always wear your seatbelt. The SUBARUadvanced frontal airbag system is asupplemental restraint system and mustbe used in combination with a seatbelt. Alloccupants should wear a seatbelt or beseated in an appropriate child restraintsystem.The driver’s SRS frontal airbag is stowedin the center portion of the steering wheel.The front passenger’s SRS frontal airbagis stowed near the top of the dashboardunder an “SRS AIRBAG”mark. Also, thedriver’s knee airbag is stowed in thebottom of the steering column.In a moderate to severe frontal collision,the following components deploy..SRS frontal airbag for driver.SRS frontal airbag for front passenger.Knee airbag for driverThese components supplement the seat-belts by reducing the impact to theoccupant’s head, chest and knees.WARNINGNEVER INSTALL A REARWARD FA-CING CHILD SEAT IN THE FRONTSEAT. DOING SO RISKS SERIOUSINJURY OR DEATH TO THE CHILDBY PLACING THE CHILD’S HEADTOO CLOSE TO THE SRS AIRBAG.WARNINGNever allow a child to stand up, or tokneel on the front passenger’s seat.The SRS airbag deploys with con-siderable force and can injure oreven kill the child.Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags 1-39–CONTINUED –1
Black plate (66,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 161-40 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbagsWARNINGNever hold a child on your lap or inyour arms. The SRS airbag deployswith considerable force and caninjure or even kill the child.WARNINGThe SRS airbag deploys with con-siderable speed and force. Occu-pants who are out of proper positionwhen the SRS airbag deploys couldsuffer very serious injuries. Be-cause the SRS airbag needs enoughspace for deployment, the drivershould always sit upright and wellback in the seat as far from thesteering wheel as practical whilestill maintaining full vehicle controland the front passenger shouldmove the seat as far back aspossible and sit upright and wellback in the seat.It is also important to wear yourseatbelt to help avoid injuries thatcan result when the SRS airbagcontacts an occupant not in properposition such as one thrown towardthe front of the vehicle during pre-accident braking.WARNING.Do not put any objects over thesteering wheel pad and dash-board. If the SRS frontal airbagdeploys, these objects could in-terfere with its proper operationand could be propelled inside thevehicle, causing injury..Do not put any objects under thedriver’s side of the instrument
Black plate (67,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 21panel. If the knee airbag deploys,those objects could interfere withits proper operation and could bepropelled inside the vehicle,causing injury..The key must not be attached toheavy, sharp or hard acces-sories, or another key. If the kneeairbag deploys, those objectscould interfere with its properoperation and could be propelledinside the vehicle and causeinjury.WARNINGDo not attach accessories to thewindshield, or fit an extra-wide mir-ror over the rear view mirror. If theSRS airbag deploys, those objectscould become projectiles that couldseriously injure vehicle occupants.!Driver’s SRS frontal airbagS01AH0201The driver’s SRS frontal airbag uses adual stage inflator. The inflator operates indifferent ways depending on the severityof impact.Have the system inspected by yourSUBARU dealer immediately if the SRSairbag system warning light illuminates.NOTEThe driver’s SRS side airbag and SRScurtain airbag are not controlled by theSUBARU advanced frontal airbag sys-tem.!Front passenger’s SRS frontal air-bagS01AH0202The front passenger’s SRS frontal airbaguses a dual stage inflator. The inflatoroperates in different ways depending onthe severity of impact.The occupant detection system sensor isinstalled under the seat upholstery andmonitors the position and posture of thefront passenger. Using this information,the occupant detection system determineswhether the front passenger’s SRS frontalimpact airbag should be deployed or not.The occupant detection system may notinflate the front passenger’s SRS frontalairbag even when the driver’s SRS frontalairbag deploys. This is normal. In thiscase, although the front passenger’s SRSfrontal airbag does not operate, the frontpassenger’s seatbelt pretensioner oper-ates with the driver’s seatbelt preten-sioner. For details about the seatbeltpretensioner, refer to “s01afFront seatbeltpretensioners”F1-20.Observe the following precautions. Failureto do so may prevent the SUBARUadvanced frontal airbag system fromfunctioning correctly or cause the systemto fail..Do not apply any strong impact to thefront passenger’s seat..Do not spill liquid on the front passen-ger’s seat. If liquid is spilled, wipe it offimmediately..Do not remove or disassemble the frontpassenger’s seat..Do not install any accessory (such asan audio amplifier) other than a genuineSUBARU accessory under the front pas-senger’s seat..Do not place anything (shoes, umbrel-la, etc.) under the front passenger’s seat.Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags 1-41–CONTINUED –1
Black plate (68,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 211-42 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags.Do not place a magnet near theseatbelt buckle.If the seatbelt buckle switch and/or frontpassenger’s occupant detection systemhave failed, the SRS airbag systemwarning light will illuminate. Have thesystem inspected by your SUBARU deal-er immediately if the SRS airbag systemwarning light illuminates.If your vehicle has sustained impact, thismay affect the proper function of theSUBARU advanced frontal airbag system.Have your vehicle inspected at yourSUBARU dealer. Do not use the frontpassenger’s seat while driving the vehicleto your SUBARU dealer.NOTEThe front passenger’s SRS side airbagand SRS curtain airbag are not con-trolled by the SUBARU advanced fron-tal airbag system.!Passenger’s frontal airbag ON andOFF indicatorsS01AH0203Refer to “s03ae03Front passenger’s frontalairbag ON and OFF indicators”F3-11.!Occupant detection systemS01AH0209The occupant detection system sensor isinstalled under the seat upholstery andmonitors the position and posture of thefront passenger. Using this information,the occupant detection system determineswhether the front passenger’s SRS frontalimpact airbag should be deployed or not.If the front passenger’s seat cushion iswet, this may adversely affect the ability ofthe system to determine deployment. Ifthe seat cushion is wet, the front passen-ger should stop sitting on the frontpassenger’s seat. Wipe off water fromthe seat immediately, let the seat drynaturally and then check the airbag warn-ing light as follows..If the airbag warning light illuminates,keep the seat dry until the warning lightturns off. If the airbag warning light stayson even when the seat has dried, do notallow anyone to sit on the front passen-ger’s seat and have the system checkedby your SUBARU dealer..If the airbag warning light does notilluminate, check that the airbag ON/OFFindicator light works properly. If the in-dicator light does not work properly, do notallow anyone to sit on the front passen-ger’s seat and have the system checkedby your SUBARU dealer.Also, if luggage or electronic devices areplaced on the front passenger’s seat, thismay adversely affect the ability of thesystem to determine deployment. Thismay prevent the airbag ON/OFF indicatorlight from working properly. Check that theairbag ON/OFF indicator light works prop-erly.When the OFF indicator light turns off andthe ON indicator light illuminates, the frontpassenger’s airbag may deploy during acollision. Remove luggage and electronicdevices from the front passenger’s seat.NOTEThis device compiles with Part 18 ofthe FCC Rules. This device may causeinterference. If this device causes inter-ference, please consult the nearestSUBARU dealer for maintenance ofthe system.A copy of the original declaration ofconformity can be found in chapter 13.!Conditions in which front passen-ger’s SRS frontal airbag is notactivatedS01AH0204The front passenger’s SRS frontal airbagwill not be activated when any of thefollowing conditions are met regarding thefront passenger’s seat:.The seat is empty..The seat is equipped with a rearwardfacing child restraint system and an infantis restrained with it. (See WARNING thatfollows.).The seat is equipped with a forward
Black plate (69,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 16facing child restraint system and a smallchild is restrained with it. (See WARNINGthat follows.).The seat is equipped with a boosterseat and a small child is in the boosterseat. (See WARNING that follows.).The seat is relieved of the occupantload for a time exceeding the predeter-mined monitoring time period..The seat is occupied by a child whohas outgrown a child restraint system(See WARNING that follows.) or by asmall adult..The front passenger’s occupant detec-tion system is malfunctioning.WARNINGNEVER INSTALL A REARWARD FA-CING CHILD SEAT IN THE FRONTPASSENGER’S SEAT EVEN IF THEFRONT PASSENGER’S SRS FRON-TAL AIRBAG IS DEACTIVATED. Besure to install it in the REAR seat ina correct manner. Also, it is stronglyrecommended that any forward fa-cing child seat or booster seat beinstalled in the REAR seat, and thateven children who have outgrown achild restraint system be alsoseated in the REAR seat. This isbecause children sitting in the frontpassenger’s seat may be killed orseverely injured should the frontpassenger’s SRS frontal airbag de-ploy. REAR seats are the safestplace for children.When the front passenger’s seat is occu-pied by a child, observe the followingprecautions. Failure to do so may increasethe load on the front passenger’s seat,activating the front passenger’sSRSfrontal airbag even though that seat isoccupied by a child..Do not place any article on the seatother than the child occupant and a childrestraint system..Do not place more than one child onthe seat.!If the front passenger’s frontal air-bag ON indicator illuminates and theOFF indicator turns off even whenan infant or a small child is in a childrestraint system (including boosterseat)S01AH020401Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”position if the front passenger’s frontalairbag ON indicator illuminates and theOFF indicator turns off even when aninfant or a small child is in a child restraintsystem (including booster seat). Removethe child restraint system from the seat. Byreferring to the child restraint manufac-turer’s recommendations as well as thechild restraint system installation proce-dures in “s01agChild restraint systems”F1-23, correctly install the child restraintsystem. Turn the ignition switch to the“ON”position and make sure that the frontpassenger’s frontal airbag ON indicatorturns off and the OFF indicator illuminates.If still the ON indicator remains illuminatedwhile the OFF indicator turns off, take thefollowing actions..Ensure that no article is placed on theseat other than the child restraint systemand the child occupant..Ensure that the backward-forward po-sition and seatback of front passenger’sseat are locked into place securely bymoving the seat back and forth.If the ON indicator still remains illuminatedwhile the OFF indicator turns off aftertaking relevant corrective actions de-scribed above, relocate the child restraintsystem to the rear seat and immediatelycontact your SUBARU dealer for aninspection.NOTEWhen a child who has outgrown a childrestraint system or a small adult isseated in the front passenger’s seat,Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags 1-43–CONTINUED –1
Black plate (70,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 161-44 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbagsthe SUBARU advanced frontal airbagsystem may or may not activate thefront passenger’s SRS frontal airbagdepending on the occupant’s seatingposture. If the front passenger’s SRSfrontal airbag is activated (the ONindicator remains illuminated whilethe OFF indicator turns off), take thefollowing actions..Ensure that no article is placed onthe seat other than the occupant.If the ON indicator still remains illumi-nated while the OFF indicator turns offdespite the fact that the actions notedabove have been taken, seat the child/small adult in the rear seat and im-mediately contact your SUBARU dealerfor an inspection. Even if the systemhas passed the dealer inspection, it isrecommended that on subsequent tripsthe child/small adult always take therear seat.Children who have outgrown a childrestraint system should always wear theseatbelt irrespective of whether the airbagis deactivated or activated.!Conditions in which front passen-ger’s SRS frontal airbag is activatedS01AH0205The front passenger’s SRS frontal airbagwill be activated for deployment uponimpact when any of the following condi-tions are met regarding the front passen-ger’s seat..When the seat is occupied by an adult..When a heavy article is placed on theseat.!If the passenger’s frontal airbag OFFindicator illuminates and the ONindicator turns off even when thefront passenger’s seat is occupiedby an adultS01AH020501This can be caused by the adult incor-rectly sitting in the front passenger’s seat.Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”position. Ask the front passenger to setthe seatback to the upright position, sit upstraight in the center of the seat cushion,correctly fasten the seatbelt, position his/her legs out forward, and adjust the seat tothe rearmost position. Turn the ignitionswitch to the “ON”position. If the OFFindicator remains illuminated while the ONindicator remains off, take the followingactions..Turn the ignition switch to the “LOCK”position..Make sure that you do not use ablanket, seat cushion, seat cover, seatheater or massager, etc..If wearing excessive layers of clothing,the front passenger should remove anyunnecessary items before sitting in thefront passenger seat, or should sit in arear seat..Next, turn the ignition switch to the“ON”position and wait 6 seconds to allowthe system to complete self-checking.Following the system check, both indica-tors turn off for 2 seconds. Now, the ONindicator should illuminate while the OFFindicator remains off.If the OFF indicator still remains illumi-nated while the ON indicator remains off,ask the occupant to move to the rear seatand immediately contact your SUBARUdealer for an inspection.!How to contact the vehicle manu-facturer concerning modificationsfor persons with disabilities thatmay affect the advanced air bagsystem (U.S. only)S01AH0208Changing or moving any parts of the frontseats, rear seat, seatbelts, front bumper,front side frame, radiator panel, instrumentpanel, combination meter, steering wheel,steering column, tire, suspension or floorpanel can affect the operation of theSUBARU advanced airbag system. Ifyou have any questions, you may contactthe following SUBARU distributors.<Continental U.S., Alaska and the Districtof Columbia>
Black plate (71,1)北米Model "A1120BE-A" EDITED: 2011/ 6/ 16Subaru of America, Inc.Customer Dealer Services DepartmentP.O. Box 6000Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-60001-800-SUBARU3 (1-800-782-2783)<Hawaii>Servco Subaru Inc., dba Subaru Hawaii2850 Pukoloa Street, Suite 202, Honolulu,HI 96819808-839-2273<Guam>Shen’s Corporation dba Prestige Automo-bile491, East Marine Drive, Route 1 Dededo,Guam671-633-2698<Puerto Rico>Trebol MotorsP.O. Box 11204, San Juan, Puerto Rico00910787-793-2828There are currently no SUBARU distribu-tors in any other U.S. territories. If you arein such an area, please contact theSUBARU distributor or dealer from whichyou bought your vehicle.!OperationS01AH0207A) Driver’s sideB) Passenger’s side1) SRS AIRBAGs deploy as soon as a collision occurs.2) After deployment, SRS AIRBAGs start to deflate immediately so that the driver’s vision is notobstructed.Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags 1-45–CONTINUED –1

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