Delta Electronics orporated DN-715 NoteBook User Manual CHAP 8

Delta Electronics Incorporated NoteBook CHAP 8


AAppppeennddiixx  BB  Device Driver InstallationThis Appendix coversthe installation ofdevice drivers.
B-1IntroductionDevice drivers are software files that allow pieces of hardware tocommunicate effectively with the notebook and the operating system. All suchspecific drivers necessary have been preloaded for the various hardware unitsthat have been packaged with your system.All the device drivers needed for your system are also available on the supportCD that shipped with your notebook.The support CD contains drivers for:! 3Mode – Japanese floppy disk drivers and utilities (In order to support 1.2MB format floppy disks, a format popular in Japan, you need to install thismode 3 floppy disk driver software.)! Audio – software support for audio! CD-ROM – software support for CD-ROM drive (also available from thesupport floppy disk)! PCMCIA – software support for PC-card drive! Modem – software support for internal modem device! VGA – software support for displayThe support CD also holds a copy of the online manual for your notebook.This is an online version of this user’s manual.NOTE: If you encounter any problems using the online user's manual you caninstall the HTML Help Update program (update.exe), also available on thesupport CD. This will update your computer for optimal use of the user'smanual.Support Floppy DiskThe support floppy disk included with your notebook holds some usefulsoftware tools to reorganize your computer’s hard disk drive after you havelost all data. In order to rebuild your notebook’s hard disk drive, you’ll needthis support floppy disk, as well as a set of DOS disks or a Windows startupdisk.
B-2Suspend-to-Disk Partition ProgramYour notebook has a preinstalled suspend-to-disk partition to support theamount of memory that was factory installed in your notebook. If you expandthe memory beyond the capacity of the original suspend-to-disk partition, youwill need to create a larger partition on your hard disk drive.NOTE: Changing the suspend-to-disk partition involves reorganizingyour complete hard disk drive. This causes all data on the disk to bedeleted. Make sure to have a full backup of all data on the disk. Alsoverify to have an original copy of all the software installed on yourcomputer. We recommend that you refer to a certified technicianfamiliar with this notebook if you are not familiar with this procedure.To create a Suspend-to-Disk partition:1. Turn on your system and wait for the prompt to appear.2. Insert the support floppy disk in the floppy disk drive.3. At the prompt, type the following command:A:\Ovmakfil –p [Partition size in MB](Where A represents the floppy disk drive; and the partition size is at leastthe amount of memory installed in the notebook, plus 5 MB for overheadmemory. E.g. ‘A:\Ovmakfil –p133’ will create a suspend-to-disk partitionable to support a maximum of 128 MB of memory.)NOTE: If you decide to change the size of the existing suspend-to-diskpartition, we recommend you change it to a size that is able to supportthe maximum amount of memory in the notebook. If the size of thesuspend-to-disk partition is smaller than the amount of memory installedin the notebook, the system might become unstable and/or you mightloose unsaved data whenever the notebook suspends to disk.Press the Enter key.4. The program will then create the suspend-to-disk partition. Next you needto partition the rest of the notebook’s hard disk drive, and format theactive partition.CD-ROM DriversIn order to access the CD-ROM drive after your hard disk has beenreformatted, and to install the operating system again from the Windows CD,you need to first install the proper CD-ROM drivers.
B-31. Turn on your system and go to DOS mode, i.e. your hard disk must at leasthave been formatted before you can install any drivers.2. Insert the support floppy disk in the floppy disk drive.3. At the DOS prompt, type the following command:A:\CD-ROM\install(Where A represents the floppy disk drive)Then press the Enter key.4. The proper drivers will be installed on your notebook’s hard disk. Whenthe installation is finished, remove the floppy disk, and then reboot thesystem. Next time you start the notebook, you should be able to read fromthe CD-ROM drive.Driver Installation ProgramIf you ever need to reinstall the device drivers (e.g. after hard disk failure…),you can use the driver installation program on the support CD that willautomatically install all the necessary drivers for you.To access the device driver installation program:1. Place the support CD in the CD-ROM drive.2. If the installation program fails to start after 20 seconds, click on the Startmenu, select RUN, and type:D:\Setup.exe(Where D represents the CD-ROM drive)Then press the Enter key.3. A window screen will pop up, with a menu bar on the left.4. Click the check boxes of the drivers you want to install, then click [SelectInstall]. This will install all the drivers you previously marked. You canalso install individual drivers by clicking the button area of a menu item.This will only install that particular driver.5. After you click the button, the installation program for that particulardriver will start and might prompt you for some input. Follow the screeninstructions to finish the installation.
B-46. If you need to restart the system, return afterwards back to the installationprogram to finish all the other installations you need to make.For more help on the installation program, review the manual file linked to the[Manual] button.

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