Dell 5880-08 Notebook PC User Manual warning statement

Dell Inc. Notebook PC warning statement


User manual warning statement

Dell Specification                                                                                   Document Number: UX264 PP08X Title: Regulatory Information to the User PP08X                                            Revision:  A02-RFID PP08X  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Dell Inc., Austin, Texas    Page 1 of 7  “SPEC,ENG,STD,REG USER INFO”  10.0  RFID Product Documentation   10.1 Introduction  This section includes all RFID worldwide documentation requirements.  Additional regulatory compliance information can be found at the Dell website  10.2 Operational Information  Safety  Dell RFID devices, like other radio devices, emit radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this device, however, is less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by other wireless devices such as mobile phones. Dell RFID devices operate within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific community and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive research literature. In some situations or environments, the use of Dell RFID devices may be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the applicable organization. Examples of such situations include the following: Using Dell RFID devices on board airplanes, or  Using Dell RFID devices in any other environment where the risk of interference with other devices or services is perceived or identified as being harmful.  If you are uncertain of the policy that applies to the use of wireless devices in a specific organization or environment (an airport, for example), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use a Dell RFID device before you turn it on.  Explosive Device Proximity Warning:  Do not operate a portable transmitter (such as a wireless network device) near unshielded blasting caps or in an explosive environment unless the device has been modified to be qualified for such use.   Use on Aircraft Caution:  Regulations of the FCC and FAA prohibit airborne operation of radio-frequency wireless devices because their signals could interfere with critical aircraft instruments.   10.3  Introductory Regulatory Information  Regulatory Information  Dell RFID devices must be installed and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions as described in the user documentation that comes with the product.   Dell Inc. is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modification of the devices included with this Dell RFID device, or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than that specified by Dell Inc. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution or attachment is the responsibility of the user. Dell Inc. and its authorized resellers or distributors are not liable for any damage or violation of government regulations that may arise from the user failing to comply with these guidelines.
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Dell Specification                                                                                   Document Number: UX264 PP08X Title: Regulatory Information to the User PP08X                                            Revision:  A02-RFID PP08X  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Dell Inc., Austin, Texas    Page 3 of 7  “SPEC,ENG,STD,REG USER INFO”  10.6  Industry Canada Regulatory Information  Canada, Industry Canada (IC) Notices  This device complies with RSS210 of Industry Canada.  This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003, Issue 4, and RSS-210, No 4 (Dec 2000) and No 5 (Nov 2001).   To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing. Réglementation Industrie Canada (IC), Canada Ce dispositif est conforme à RSS210 d'industrie Canada. Cet appariel numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003, No. 4, et CNR-210, No 4 (Dec 2000) et No 5 (Nov 2001).  Pour empêcher que cet appareil cause du brouillage au service faisant l’objet d'une licence, il doit être utilisé a l'intérieur et devrait être placé loin des fenêtres afinde fournir un écran de blindage maximal. Si le matériel (ou son antenne d’émission) est installé à l’extérieur, il doit faire l’objet d’une licence.  10.7  European Union Regulatory Information European Union, R&TTE Compliance Statement  Hereby, Dell Inc. declares that this Dell RFID Device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.  Европейски съюз, Декларация за съответствие с Директивата за радиосъоръжения и крайни далекосъобщителни устройства (R&TTE)  С настоящото Dell Inc. декларира,  че това устройство на Dell™ с безжична технология RFID отговаря на основните изисквания и другите съответни условия на Директива 1999/5/EC.  Evropská unie, prohlášení o shodě R&TTE Společnost Dell Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení Dell™ obsahující bezdrátovou technologii RFID je v souladu se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES.  Europæiske Union, R&TTE Overensstemmelseserklæring Dell Inc. erklærer hermed, at denne Dell™-enhed med RFID trådløs teknologi er i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i direktivet 1999/5/EC.  Verklaring van overeenstemming met de R&TTE-richtlijnen van de Europese Unie Hierbij verklaart Dell Inc. dat dit Dell™-apparaat met draadloze RFID-technologie in overeenstemming is met de essentiële vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.  Euroopa Liidu, R&TTE vastavusdeklaratsioon Käesolevaga kinnitab Dell Inc., et see RFID traadita tehnoloogiaga varustatud Dell™ seade vastab direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ olulistele nõuetele ja teistele asjakohastele tingimustele.
Dell Specification                                                                                   Document Number: UX264 PP08X Title: Regulatory Information to the User PP08X                                            Revision:  A02-RFID PP08X  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Dell Inc., Austin, Texas    Page 4 of 7  “SPEC,ENG,STD,REG USER INFO”   Euroopan unioni, RTTE-direktiivin vaatimustenmukaisuusilmoitus Dell Inc. takaa täten, että tämä Dellin™ langatonta RFID-tekniikkaa käyttävä laite täyttää direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaiset vaatimukset ja muut asiaankuuluvat säädökset.  Union Européenne, Déclaration de conformité R&TTE  Par la présente, Dell Inc.déclare que ce périphérique Dell™ doté de la technologie sans fil RFID est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres provisions applicables de la Directive 1999/5/EC.  Konformitätserklärung zur FuTKEE-Richtlinie der Europäische Union Hiermit erklärt Dell Inc. die Konformität dieses Dell™-Geräts mit RFID Wireless-Technologie mit den wesentlichen Anforderungen und anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG.  Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση,  Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης σχετικά με το ραδιοεξοπλισμό και τον τηλεπικοινωνιακό τερματικό εξοπλισμό (R&TTE)  Δια του παρόντος, η Dell Inc. δηλώνει ότι αυτή η συσκευή Dell™ με ασύρματη τεχνολογία RFID υμμορφώνεται με τις απαραίτητες απαιτήσεις και τις άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις της Οδηγίας 1999/5/ΕΚ.  Európai Unió, R&TTE megfelelőségi nyilatkozat A Dell Inc. kijelenti, hogy a jelen, RFID vezeték nélküli technológiával ellátott Dell™ gyártmányú készülék megfelel az 1999/5/EK jelzésű direktíva lényegi követelményeinek és egyéb vonatkozó kikötéseinek.  Unione Europea, Dichiarazione di compatibilità R&TTE Con la presente, Dell Inc. dichiara che questo dispositivo Dell™ con tecnologia senza fili RFID è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni rilevanti della Direttiva 1999/5/CEE.  Eiropas Savienība, R&TTE atbilstības deklarācija Ar šo dokumentu Dell Inc. apliecina, ka šī Dell™ ierīce, kurā izmantota RFID, bezvadu tehnoloģija atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK pamatprasībām un citiem tās saistošajiem noteikumiem.  Europos Sąjunga, pareiškimas apie R&TTE reikalavimų atitikimą Šiuo dolkumentu Dell Inc. pažymi, kad šis Dell™ prietaisas su beviele RFID technologija atitinka pagrindinius 1999/5/EB direktyvos reikalavimus bei kitas atitinkamas nuostatas.  Unjoni Ewropea, Dikjarazzjoni ta’ Konformità R&TTE  Hawnhekk, Dell Inc. tiddikjara li dan it-tagħmir Dell™ b'teknoloġija mingħajr fili RFID hu konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti oħrajn ta’ Direttiva 1999/5/KE.  Unia Europejska, Deklaracja zgodności odnośnie do dyrektywy R&TTE Niniejszym firma Dell Inc. oświadcza, że ten sprzęt marki Dell™ obsługujący technologię bezprzewodową RFID jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi ważnymi postanowieniami dyrektywy 1999/5/WE.  Declaração de conformidade R&TTE, União Europeia  Pelo presente, a Dell declara que este dispositivo Dell™ com a tecnologia sem fio RFID cumpre com os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/EC.  Uniunea Europeană, Declaraţie de Conformitate R&TTE  Dell declară prin prezenta, că acest dispozitiv Dell™, având tehnologie fără fir RFID, respectă cerinţele esenţiale, precum şi alte dispoziţii relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/EC.  Európska únia, Vyhlásenie o zhode R&TTE
Dell Specification                                                                                   Document Number: UX264 PP08X Title: Regulatory Information to the User PP08X                                            Revision:  A02-RFID PP08X  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Dell Inc., Austin, Texas    Page 5 of 7  “SPEC,ENG,STD,REG USER INFO”  Spoločnosť Dell Inc. týmto vyhlasuje, že toto zariadenie s bezdrôtovou technológiou RFID od spoločnosti Dell™ je v súlade so základnými požiadavkami a inými príslušnými ustanoveniami smernice 1999/5/ES.  Evropska unija, Izjava o skladnosti s Pravilnikom o radijski in telekomunikacijski terminalski opremi (R&TTE) Dell Inc. s tem dokumentom izjavlja, da je ta naprava Dell™ z brezžično tehnologijo RFID skladna s temeljnimi zahtevami in ostalimi ustreznimi določbami direktive 1999/5/ES.  Declaración de conformidad R&TTE, Unión Europea  Por el presente, Dell Inc. declara que el dispositivo Dell™ con tecnología inalámbrica RFID cumple los requisitos esenciales y otras provisiones relevantes de la Directiva 1999/5/EC.  EU, meddelande om överensstämmelse med R&TTE-direktivet   Dell Inc. deklarerar härmed att denna Dell™-enhet med trådlös RFID-teknik överensstämmer med de viktiga kraven och andra relevanta bestämmelser i direktivet 1999/5/EC.  Avrupa Birliği, R&TTE Uygunluk Bildirimi  Burada, Dell Inc., bu RFID kablosuz teknolojisiyle Dell™ aygıtının Directive 1999/5/EC kararının esas şartları ve diğer ilgili hükümleri ile uyumlı olduğunu beyan eder.
Dell Specification                                                                                   Document Number: UX264 PP08X Title: Regulatory Information to the User PP08X                                            Revision:  A02-RFID PP08X  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Dell Inc., Austin, Texas    Page 6 of 7  “SPEC,ENG,STD,REG USER INFO”  10.8 Japan MIC  この装置は総務省の型式指定を受けています。  総務省指定番号は第AC-xxxxx号です。  本製品は電波を使用したRFID機器の読み取り・書き込み装置です。  そのため使用する用途・場所によっては、医療機器に影響を与える恐れがあります。  10.9 Taiwan NCC  Taiwan NCC  General RFID Products  (1) The control, adjust, and on/off operation of the device is to not cause violation of the Administrative regulations on low power radio wave radiated devices.  (2) Warnings against any adjustments to the device which may violate the regulations. The manual should suggest that all these adjustments be carried out or be monitored by specialist who has expertise on radio frequency devices maintenance.  (3) Warnings against any replacements of components (ICs, transistors, and so on) which may lead to the violation to the regulations. Refer to Articles 12 and 14 of Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices.  台灣: 國家通訊傳播委員會  低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法  第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使  用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。  第十四條低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發  現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。
Dell Specification                                                                                   Document Number: UX264 PP08X Title: Regulatory Information to the User PP08X                                            Revision:  A02-RFID PP08X  ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Dell Inc., Austin, Texas    Page 7 of 7  “SPEC,ENG,STD,REG USER INFO”  10.10 South Korea Regulatory Information  한국, MIC 규정     B급 기기 (가정용 정보통신기기)  이 기기는 가정용으로 전자파적합등록을 한 기기로서 주거지역에서는 물론 모든지역에서 사용할 수 있습니다. “당해 무선설비는 운용 중 전파혼신 가능성이 있음”

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