Datron World Communications G25RMV110 VHF Mobile Radio User Manual G25AMK005a

Datron World Communications Inc VHF Mobile Radio G25AMK005a


Technical Manual

G25AMK005G25AMK005GUARDIAN 110W MOBILE RADIOTECHNICAL MANUALDatron World Communications Inc. 3030 Enterprise CourtManual Part No. G25AMK005 Vista, CA  92083, USARelease Date:  May 2002 Phone:  (760)597-1500  Fax:  (760)597-1510Revision:  A E-mail:  sales@dtwc.comwww.dtwc.com
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  i  2000 Datron World Communications Inc.  All Rights Reserved. GuardianTM Technical Manual for use with the Guardian 110W mobile radio.  This manual, as well as the software described in it, are furnished under license and may only be used in accordance with the terms of such license.  This manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Datron World Communications Inc.  Datron assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.  Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Datron World Communications Inc.  GuardianTM is a trademark of Datron World Communications Inc.  Written and designed at Datron World Communications Inc., 3030 Enterprise Court, Vista, California 92083 USA. For defense agencies: Restricted Rights Legend.   Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. For civilian agencies: Restricted Rights Legend.  Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in Datron’s standard commercial agreement for this software.   Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.  The warranty is void if an unauthorized dealer opens or attempt maintenance on the radio. Manual part number:  G25AMK005.  Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.   This device made under license of one or more of the following US Patents: 5,164,986; 5,146,497; 5,185,795; 4,636,791; 4,590,473; 5,185,796; 5,148,482; 5,271,017; 5377229; 4,833,701; 4,972,460. The IMBETM voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights, and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The voice coding technology can only be used as part of the North American land mobile radio communications system for the APCO Project 25.   The user of this technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into human-readable form.   Made in the USA
ii  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE      NOTICE TO USER  WARNING!  Maintain a distance of at least 3 feet (1 meter) between the antenna and people. To satisfy RF exposure compliance, you, as a qualified user of this radio device must control the exposure conditions of bystanders to ensure the minimum distance is maintained between the antenna and nearby persons.  The operation of this transmitter must satisfy the requirements of the Occupational/Controlled Exposure Environment for work-related use.  Transmit only when people are at least the minimum distance from the properly installed, externally mounted antenna.  This radio is designed for initial setup by authorized technicians using a computer and the GuardianTM programming software. Programming can enable or disable many of the radio’s features from user access per user agency security policy and legal restrictions. All, some, or none of the features and functions described in this manual may be available to the user. To successfully operate the radio, it is important to understand how the radio is programmed prior to issuance by the user agency. Consult authorized agency personnel for features and functions made available or restricted to the user. FCC licensees are prohibited by federal law from enabling the radio to directly enter transmit frequencies using the radio's controls.  NOTICE TO INSTALLATION TECHNICIANS Use only a manufacturer- or dealer-supplied antenna. Antenna minimum safe distance: 3 feet (1 meter). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) energy that is below the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) limits.  Antenna mounting: The antenna supplied by the manufacturer or radio dealer must be mounted at a location so that during radio transmission people cannot come closer than the minimum safe distance to the antenna, i.e., 3 feet (1 meter). To comply with current FCC RF exposure limits, the antenna must be installed at or exceeding the minimum safe distance, and in accordance with the requirements of the antenna manufacturer or supplier.  Base station installation: The antenna should be fixed-mounted on an outdoor permanent structure.  Address RF exposure compliance at the time of installation.  Antenna substitution:  Do not substitute any antenna for the one supplied or recommended by the manufacturer or radio dealer.  You may be exposing people to harmful RF radiation.  Contact your radio dealer or manufacturer for further instructions.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  iii CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.3 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................. 1-1 CHAPTER 2: HARDWARE THEORY OF OPERATION.......................................................................... 2-1 2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 RECM CONTROL HARDWARE THEORY OF OPERATION.............................................................................. 2-4 2.4.1 Control Logic ..................................................................................................................................... 2-4 2.4.2 DSP .................................................................................................................................................... 2-7 2.4.3 Flash ROM ......................................................................................................................................... 2-7 2.4.4 RAM .................................................................................................................................................. 2-7 2.4.5 TCXO................................................................................................................................................. 2-7 2.4.6 FPGA ................................................................................................................................................. 2-8 2.4.7 IF ADC............................................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.8 Clock Generation ............................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.9 Logic Audio CODEC......................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.10 Accessory Connector Interface and Filtering .....................................................................................2-8 2.4.11 Transceiver Interface and Filtering .................................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.12 Keypad Interface ................................................................................................................................ 2-8 2.4.13 Audio Interface................................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.14 Test Interface...................................................................................................................................... 2-9 2.4.15 LED.................................................................................................................................................... 2-9 2.4.16 RECM Power Consumption............................................................................................................... 2-9 2.5 RECM TRANSCEIVER SECTION .................................................................................................................. 2-9 2.5.1 Interface Section................................................................................................................................. 2-9 2.5.2 Receiver Section............................................................................................................................... 2-10 2.5.3 Digital/Analog Control..................................................................................................................... 2-13 2.5.4 Keypad Microcontroller ................................................................................................................... 2-14 2.6 AUDIO AMPLIFIER BOARD ........................................................................................................................ 2-14 2.6.1 Description ....................................................................................................................................... 2-14 2.6.2 Power Conditioning ......................................................................................................................... 2-14 2.6.3 Communication with Transceiver .................................................................................................... 2-15 2.6.4 Audio Amplifiers ............................................................................................................................. 2-15 2.6.5 Power Levels Detector, Converter, and RF/DC Combiner .............................................................. 2-15 2.6.6 PA ON/OFF Control (Bypass Mode)............................................................................................... 2-16 2.6.7 RF Power Indication ........................................................................................................................ 2-16 2.6.8 Audio Board Block Diagram............................................................................................................ 2-16 2.7 DISPLAY BOARD ....................................................................................................................................... 2-17 Figure 2-4:  Guardian Keypad Board............................................................................................................... 2-17 2.7.1 Control Logic Interface .................................................................................................................... 2-18 2.7.2 Keypad ............................................................................................................................................. 2-18 2.7.3 Switch Interface ............................................................................................................................... 2-18 2.8 FRONT PANEL INTERFACE BOARD ............................................................................................................ 2-18 CHAPTER 3: SOFTWARE THEORY OF OPERATION ........................................................................... 3-1 3.1 FUNCTIONAL SYSTEM OPERATION.............................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Guardian Block Diagram ................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.3 Architecture........................................................................................................................................ 3-2 3.1.4 Board Identification ........................................................................................................................... 3-2
iv  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3.1.5 Self-Test on Power-Up....................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.6 Flash Software Upgrades ................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.1.7 Voice Coder/Decoder (VOCODER).................................................................................................. 3-2 3.2 RADIO CONTROL SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2.1 Audio Control .................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2.2 DSP Control Software........................................................................................................................ 3-2 3.2.3 Transceiver Board .............................................................................................................................. 3-3 3.2.4 DC Power Control.............................................................................................................................. 3-5 3.2.5 Monitoring ......................................................................................................................................... 3-5 3.2.6 Radio Control Drivers ........................................................................................................................ 3-5 3.3 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING..................................................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.1 DSP Transmit Chain .......................................................................................................................... 3-6 3.3.2 DSP Receive Chain ............................................................................................................................ 3-8 3.3.3 DSP Software................................................................................................................................... 3-11 3.4 KEYPAD MPU SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................ 3-11 3.4.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 3-11 3.4.2 General ............................................................................................................................................. 3-11 3.4.3 Keypad Scanning ............................................................................................................................. 3-11 3.4.4 Push-to-Talk (PTT) Input................................................................................................................. 3-11 3.4.5 Switch Input ..................................................................................................................................... 3-11 3.4.6 LED Output...................................................................................................................................... 3-11 3.4.7 Backlight Control ............................................................................................................................. 3-11 3.4.8 Serial Interface ................................................................................................................................. 3-11 3.5 DATA INTERFACE...................................................................................................................................... 3-12 3.5.1 CAI Data Interface ........................................................................................................................... 3-12 3.5.2 Synchronous Serial Data Interface................................................................................................... 3-12 3.5.3 CAI Data Link Layer ....................................................................................................................... 3-12 3.5.4 Transmit Physical Link Layer .......................................................................................................... 3-13 3.5.5 Receive Physical Link Layer............................................................................................................ 3-14 3.5.6 DES Encryption ............................................................................................................................... 3-14 3.5.7 Host Interface................................................................................................................................... 3-15 3.5.8 Flash Interface.................................................................................................................................. 3-15 3.5.9 Paging............................................................................................................................................... 3-15 3.5.10 Hardware Control............................................................................................................................. 3-16 3.6 CONTROLLER SOFTWARE.......................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.6.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.6.2 Environment..................................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.6.3 Radio Store....................................................................................................................................... 3-18 3.6.4 Program/Fill/Control Interface......................................................................................................... 3-19 3.7 USER INTERFACE ...................................................................................................................................... 3-20 3.7.1 Display ............................................................................................................................................. 3-20 3.7.2 Optional DTMF Microphone ........................................................................................................... 3-20 CHAPTER 4: INSTALLATION, ADJUSTMENT, AND OPERATION .................................................... 4-1 4.1 RADIO CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.1 Channels............................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.2 Zones.................................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.3 Banks.................................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT .............................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2.1 Hardware............................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2.2 Software ............................................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.3 OPERATING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3.1 Connect the Power Source ................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.3.2 Connect the Antenna .......................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3.3 Optional External Speaker ................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.3.4 Radio Programming ........................................................................................................................... 4-1
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  v 4.3.5 Radio Power Up ................................................................................................................................. 4-2 4.3.6 Choose a Channel............................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.7 Transmit a Voice Message ................................................................................................................. 4-2 4.3.8 Receive a Voice Message................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.9 Programming and Bypass Mode ........................................................................................................ 4-2 CHAPTER 5: RADIO SET AND ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Mobile Radio...................................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 Antenna .............................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.3 Guardian PC Programmer .................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.4 Cloning Cable..................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2 CONTROLS, INDICATORS, AND CONNECTORS ............................................................................................. 5-2 5.2.1 Controls.............................................................................................................................................. 5-2 5.2.2 Indicators............................................................................................................................................ 5-3 5.2.3 Connectors ......................................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.3 TRANSCEIVER CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................... 5-4 5.3.1 Transmitter Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 5-4 5.3.2 Receiver Characteristics..................................................................................................................... 5-5 5.4 COMMUNICATION SECURITY ...................................................................................................................... 5-5 5.4.1 Algorithms ......................................................................................................................................... 5-5 5.4.2 Keyfill ................................................................................................................................................ 5-5 5.4.3 Zeroize ............................................................................................................................................... 5-6 CHAPTER 6: SERVICING THE RADIO...................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 SELF-TEST AT POWER UP........................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.3 CAUTION..................................................................................................................................................... 6-1 CHAPTER 7: TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 RADIO FUNCTIONAL TESTS......................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2.1 Power-On Test ................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2.2 Buttons and Switches Test ................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.2.3 Transmit Test ..................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2.4 Receive Test....................................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2.5 Audio Test.......................................................................................................................................... 7-1 CHAPTER 8: DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 8-1 CHAPTER 9: SIGNAL TONES...................................................................................................................... 9-1 CHAPTER 10: INTERFACE ...............................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 10.1 ACCESSORY CONNECTOR PINS AND FUNCTIONS....................................................................................... 10-1 CHAPTER 11: SCHEMATICS ....................................................................................................................... 11-1 FIGURES Figure 2-1:  Guardian Interconnect Diagram ............................................................................................................. 2-3 Figure 2-2:  Guardian Control Logic ......................................................................................................................... 2-4 Figure 2-3:  RECM Power Supply ............................................................................................................................. 2-5 Figure 2-4:  Guardian Keypad Board.......................................................................................................................2-17 Figure 3-1:  Guardian Block Diagram........................................................................................................................3-1 Figure 3-2:  Transmit DSP Chain...............................................................................................................................3-7 Figure 3-3:  Receive DSP Chain ................................................................................................................................3-8 Figure 3-4:  Controller Software..............................................................................................................................3-16
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  1-1 CHAPTER 1:  GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Scope This manual provides technical information for the Guardian 110 Watt mobile radio system.. This chapter gives a general description and provides a system block diagram. Chapters 2 and 3 provided detailed theory of operation for hardware and software portions of the radio.  Chapter 4 provides general operation of the radio. Chapter 5 is the physical description of the radio components and the available accessories. Chapters 6 and 7 describe servicing, testing, and troubleshooting the radio system.  The remaining chapters provide additional technical information and schematics. 1.2  General Description The Guardian 110W mobile radio system is compliant with the APCO project 25 FDMA common air interface, and is also compatible with conventional wideband FM systems and newer narrowband FM systems. It provides fully digital encrypted communication suitable for use by modern public safety and commercial users. The radio system is built from a remote power amplifier and a control head. The 110W RF power amplifier mounts in a remote location such as a vehicle trunk, while the control unit is mounted in the cabin. The two are connected by a single coaxial cable. The cable carries both the RF signal and control signals (PTT, and power level setting). 1.3 Performance Specifications  Model Designation   Guardian VHF Mobile Radio General Model G25RMV110  Frequency Range  136.000 to 174.000 MHz Banks, Zones, Channels, Shadow  4 banks, 16 zones, 256 channels, 7 shadow Voice Digital Mode    Voice Coding                   Frame Re-sync Interval                  Error Correction Method IMBE™ 4.4 kb 180 msec RS, golay, hamming Input Voltage  13.6 Vdc, negative chassis ground Current Drain @ 13.8V:  Standby                  Receive @ Rated Audio                Transmit @ Rated Power 0.5A 3.0A 28.0A Mounting  Dashboard mounted, including bracket Dimensions   2.75” x 7.1” x 5.5” (H x W x D) Weight    Control Head   Remote Unit  2.5 lb 12 lb Case Metal and plastic Temperature Range  -30° to +60°C Channel Spacing  12.5 and 25 kHz, selectable in 2.5 or  3.125 kHz steps FCC Type Acceptance Number  Pending Industry Canada  Pending
1-2  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  Model Designation   Guardian VHF Mobile Radio Receiver (Measurements per TIA/EIA 603 Standards) Sensitivity Digital Mode:  5% BER           Analog Mode:  12 dB SINAD -116 dBm or greater Spurious   -70 dB Intermodulation -70 dB Audio Output Power  10W, 4Ω external, 5W, 8Ω internal speaker Audio Distortion (at 1000 Hz)  3% Frequency Stability (-30° to 60°C)  ± 1 ppm Maximum Frequency Separation  Full-band split Transmitter (Measurements per TIA/EIA 603 Standards) RF Power Output  25W to 110W, adjustable Spurious and Harmonic Emissions  -70 dB FM Hum and Noise (wideband)  -46 dB @ 25 kHz/-40 dB @ 12.5 kHz FCC Modulation Designators  16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 20K0F1E Audio Distortion (at 1000 Hz)  2% Audio Response (1000 Hz Ref.)  ± 3 dB, 300 to 3000 (EIA/TIA 603) Frequency Stability (-30°C to 60°C)  ± 2.5 ppm Maximum Frequency Separation  Full bandwidth   Environment Specifications (MIL-SPEC) Environment  810C  810D  810E  Method Procedure Method Procedure Method Procedure Low Pressure 500.1 I  500.2  I  500.3 II High Temp.  501.1  I, II  501.2  I, II  501.3  I, II Low Temp.  502.1 I  502.2  I  502.3 I Temp. Shock 503.1 I  503.2  I  503.3 I Solar Radiation 505.1 I  505.2  I  505.3 I Humidity  507.1 II  507.2  II (5)  507.3 II (5) Salt Fog  509.1 I  509.2  I  509.3 I Dust and Sand  510.1  I  510.2  I  510.3  I, II Vibration   514.2  VII(W)  514.3  I (1)  514.4  I (1) Shock  516.2 I, II, V  516.3  I  516.4 I
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-1 CHAPTER 2:    HARDWARE THEORY OF OPERATION 2.1 Introduction The Control Module contains the Receiver Exciter Control Module (RECM), Audio amplifier board, Interface board, and display and keypad assemblies. The RECM is a shielded assembly containing the transceiver and all control and signal processing hardware and firmware, except the RF and audio power amplifiers. The trunk-mounted RF power amplifier contains a single PC assembly.  Schematics for all the boards are located in the back of the manual. 2.2 System Specifications  Table 2-1:  Guardian G25RMV110 Technical Specifications Specification  Description General Frequency Range  136.000 to 174.0000 MHz Banks, Zones, Channels, Shadow  4 banks, 16 zones, 256 channels, 7 shadow Voice Digital      Mode Voice Coding  IMBE 4.4 kb    Frame Re-sync Interval  180 msec    Error Correction Method  RS, golay, hamming Mounting  Under dashboard using bracket Dimensions   2.94”x7.13”x7.06” (H x W x D) Weight 5 lbs. Approximately Case Metal and plastic Temperature Range  -30° to +60°C Channel Spacing  12.5 and 25 kHz, selectable in 2.5 or 3.125 kHz steps FCC Type Acceptance Number  Pending Industry Canada  Pending Receiver (Measurements per TIA/EIA 603 Standards) Sensitivity       Digital Mode: 5% BER    Analog Mode:  12 dB SINAD -116 dBm maximum Spurious -70 dB Intermodulation -70 dB  Audio Output Power  5W internal, 10W external speaker Audio Distortion (at 1000 Hz)  5% Frequency Stability (-30° to +60°C)  ±2.5 ppm  Maximum Frequency Separation  Full-band split Transmitter (Measurements per TIA/EIA 603 Standards)  Duty  Cycle  3%, 3 min continuous RF Power Output  25W, 50W, 110W; also bypass mode Spurious and Harmonic Emissions  -70 dB FM Hum and Noise (wide/narrowband)  -48/-47 dB typical FCC Modulation Designators  11K0F3E, 16K0F3E, 22K0F3E, 14K6F1E Audio Distortion (at 1000 Hz)  5% Audio Response (1000 Hz Ref.)  ±3 dB 300 to 3000 (EIA/TIA 603) Frequency Stability (-30° to +60°C)  ±2.5 ppm
2-2  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  Specification  Description Maximum Frequency Separation  Full bandwidth DES Encryption Encryption Keys  16 Code Key Generator  External SBCF Analog DES Encryption  Standard feature  Environmental Specifications MIL-STD-810F Test Method/Procedure Low Pressure (Altitude)  500.4/II High Temperature  501.4/I, II Low Temperature  502.4/I Temperature Shock  503.4/I Solar Radiation (Sunshine)  505.4/I Humidity 507.4/I Salt Fog  509.4/I Sand and Dust  510.4/I, II Vibration 514.5/I Shock 516.5/I Standard Accessories  Optional Accessories 5W Internal Speaker  10W External Speaker Palm Microphone  DTMF Microphone Mounting Bracket  Key Variable Loader 14 ft Power Cable  25 ft Power Cable  2.3 System Block Diagram
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-3 Control HeadMounted Power AmplifierCoaxControlCableAntenna ConnectionIn/OutFused DC CablePower ON/OFF and R/TswitchesControlPowerspliteroutput powercontrol monitorFilter&combinerAMPAMPpower sensorRRTTFused DC PowerDB9Speaker outIgnition and Emergency SwitchDB25System Control andProgrammingRECMPAcontrolFront panel interface(LCD,Keypad and switches)MICconnectorDTMFcontrolDCconnector Figure 2-1:  Interconnect Block Diagram
2-4  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2.4 RECM Control Hardware Theory of Operation 2.4.1 Control Logic The control logic interfaces to the keypad logic, transceiver, internal audio, and Motherboard.  The control logic implements the main radio control function and all the baseband signal processing.  TCVR ModuleDB25 Accessory ConnectorPower SupplyKeypad Board and Front Panel InterfaceGrey areas connectthrough the 80-pin connector on theMotherboard. Figure 2-2:  Guardian Control Logic  Power Supply Unit This block of circuitry takes the 7.8V regulated voltage together with a number of control signals to generate a number of power supply outputs.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-5 On/Off Switching The main continuous supply 10V control is passed through a front panel on/off switch to generate 10V SW from the main radio supply.  In normal operation the on/off switching is controlled by the radio on/off rotary switch by the control /RADON.  Once switched on the main controller can hold the radio on by setting PWRHOLD.  In addition to the radio rotary on/off switch, the on/off switching can be controlled by the external line /RADOFF via the accessory connector.  This line overrides the /RADON line and can be used to force the radio off regardless of the rotary switch setting.  However, the H8 controller uses the PWRHOLD and PWROFF lines to implement a clean controlled switch off.  Figure 2-3:  RECM Power Supply  Transmit Power Switching A single FET switch controlled by CTX is used to provide a switched 10VTX high-current supply (1.5A) for the transmitter.  4.5V Switch Mode Power Supply This circuit uses a switch mode power supply device to generate a 4.5V supply at 450 mA maximum for the radio logic.  The switch mode device is synchronous and uses an externally provided power supply clock at 384 kHz.  The power supply circuit includes input and output filters to limit the conduction of the fundamental switching components and their harmonics in the VHF band, both onwards into the logic and back into the power supply.
2-6  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3.3V Linear Logic Supply The output from the 4.5V switch mode power supply is passed through 3.3V linear power supplies to remove any remaining power supply switching noise on the main logic supply.  One 3.3V supply is used for control logic, the other 3.3V, 50 mA supply is used for control logic analog circuitry. Reset Generator This circuit uses a MPU supervisory device (MAX825) to generate a reset pulse of at least 140 ms whenever the 3.3V logic supply drops below 3.08V.  The circuit also generates a reset signal when the watchdog input is asserted by H8 or DSP.  5V Linear Logic Supply This circuit generates a 5V logic supply at 50 mA maximum for use on the control logic. Audio Supplies Two linear regulators providing clean filtered supplies for the audio at 5V are provided.  The audio power amplifiers use the 5V, 800 mA audio supply. The audio supply is used for the low-current microphone amplifier.  A linear 5V bias supply to the internal microphone is also provided. H8 Microcontroller H8 is the main controller for the radio and is a HD6433044 ROM-less microcontroller.  H8 is configured with an expanded bus connected to the Flash, RAM, and DSP. The H8 integral bus arbitration logic allows H8 and DSP to both have access to the Flash and RAM.  H8 is clocked by the external TCXO.  H8 is powered from the 3.3V logic supply, and reset by the hardware /RES line. A watchdog output to the hardware-reset circuitry is provided.  H8 generates chip select outputs to allow the Flash, RAM, FPGA, and DSP host port to be separately addressed. One serial port of H8 is used to implement a bidirectional synchronous serial interface to the keypad board. This interface is used to communicate with the keypad MPU and directly load the LCD controller. The clock on this interface runs at 100 kHz. An associated interrupt input to H8 is used to initiate transfers from the keypad to H8. This serial interface is also used to load the output expander in the FPGA, and also to configure the FPGA.   One serial port of H8 is used to implement a bidirectional asynchronous serial interface to an external PC used for programming, filling, and controlling the radio. This interface uses programmable standard baud rates (default 9600 baud) and standard data formats. There are no handshaking parallel lines associated with this interface.  Two parallel I/O lines on H8 are used to generate an I2C interface to allow the EEPROM on the transceiver to be accessed.  Four parallel output lines on H8 are used to generate a synchronous serial output bus with clock and data and separate strobe lines for the DAC, control shift register, and synthesizer on the transceiver.   One H8 DAC output is used to generate simple audio tones of varying volume for use as audio alerts. The second H8 DAC output is available for VCTCXOP control.  The six-channel ADC is used to measure: the raw supply voltage, WRU radio input, reference crystal temperature, PA temperature, PA current, and RSSI.  Two I/O lines are used to implement software UART, used for debug outputs in the development environment. H8 Input Requirements The total requirements for parallel input signals to H8, which need to be polled on a regular basis are:   OOL:  Out-of-lock (OOL) signal from the transceiver synthesizer   EXT PTT:  External PTT   PWROFF:  On/off switch position   CONFDONE:  Configuration status of FPGA H8 Output Requirements The total requirements for parallel output signals from H8, which need to be controlled are as below.  A serial load output latch in the FPGA expands the output capabilities of H8.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-7   LCDA0:  LCD controller A0 command/ data select   LCDCS:  LCD chip select   SCL:  I2C and synthesizer clock    DACSDA:  Transceiver serial data, synthesizer, DAC, S-R   SYNTHENA:  Synthesizer framing pulse   DACENA:  DAC framing pulse   SRENA:  S-R framing pulse   /DINT:  Interrupt to DSP from H8   /RESO:  Watchdog output from H8  H8 Input/Output Requirements The total requirements for parallel input/output signals on H8, which need to be read and controlled are:   BATBUS:  Not used in the mobile configurations    SDA:  I2C data  H8 Input Interrupt Requirements The total requirements for parallel input interrupt signals on H8 are:   LBOUT:  Not used in the mobile configuration   DSPINT DSP:    Interrupt 2.4.2 DSP The DSP56309 (or DSP56302) processor implements all baseband signal-processing functions in the radio.  It interfaces with the transceiver through one ESSI port, to the user for voice through the second ESSI port.  The DSP function is controlled by H8 through the DSP host port.  The DSP has direct access to the main Flash memory through the bus arbitration logic in H8, this allows it to download program images.  The initial power-on code download is through the host port.  The hardware-reset line resets the DSP.  The TCXO clock output line clocks the DSP at 12.288 MHz.  The DSP ESSI 1 port is used to provide a synchronous interface to the IF ADC and the transceiver 12-bit DAC.  In receive modes that interface is capable of writing to the DAC at 48 ksps while still reading the ADC at 96 ksps.  The DSP ESSI “0” port is used to provide a full-duplex synchronous interface to the audio CODEC using 8 kHz sampling rate and 13 bit samples.  The data transfer is at 2.048 MHz using a DSP sourced clock and framing pulse. 2.4.3 Flash ROM A 512k x16 Flash ROM is used as the main program store for the H8 controller and DSP.  The Flash ROM uses a protected boot sector that is factory programmed via the DSP JTAG port.  Normal reprogramming is implemented by running H8 from the boot sector and using 3V, programming the bulk of the device.  The Flash is used to provide a parameter storage area for nonvolatile data storage of frequencies and keys, etc.  This storage area is capable of in excess of 100k write cycles. 2.4.4 RAM A 128k x 8 static RAM is used for temporary storage of data by the H8 controller.  This RAM is powered by a continuous supply that maintains its contents as long as a power source is present.  Additionally the RAM has a backup capacitor to retain its contents over power interruptions. 2.4.5 TCXO This oscillator serves as the reference for all logic and power supply clocks within the control logic and keypad.  It provides the data rate clocks for radio operation, and is the source of the ADC/DAC/CODEC conversion clocks. The TCXO is at 12.288 MHz, with a temperature tolerance of +2.5 ppm.  Additional calibration is performed to provide a typical temperature tolerance of ± 1.0 ppm, a trimmer to set the initial frequency is provided.  A Schmitt trigger buffer squares up the TCXO sine wave output before being output to H8 and DSP.
2-8  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2.4.6 FPGA The control logic uses an Altera 8282 FPGA device to provide a flexible serial data routing function, I/O expansion for H8 and DSP, clock generation, data multiplexing, and to absorb discrete logic functions.  The synchronous serial bus routing function involves routing the synchronous serial port of H8 either to the keypad and LCD, or to the I/O expansion in the FPGA.  High-order address pins from H8 control this routing and a FPGA dummy write with dedicated FPGA chip select from H8. The FPGA includes a serial load parallel output shift register that is used for parallel output expansion for H8. The discrete logic functions of the FPGA, includes logic to control an inverter for one of the LCD control outputs.  The data multiplexing function involves rerouting serial pins between the accessory connector and the DSP SCI port to allow data transmission and keyfill operations. FPGA Configuration The FPGA is configured at start-up from the main Flash memory using a serial load from H8.  During configuration outputs are tri-stated and pulled to a safe level by committing resistors to prevent audio and RF bursts at power up. 2.4.7 IF ADC The IF sampling ADC is a 12-bit ADC capable of sub-sampling a 455 kHz, IF signal at 96 kHz sampling rate.  It is connected by a serial interface to the DSP ESSI port 1.  The serial data interface is clocked at 1536 kHz. 2.4.8 Clock Generation The clock generation logic is used to generate clocks for the synchronous power supplies, the ADC serial interface, and the keypad microcontroller.  The clock generator logic is implemented in the FPGA. 2.4.9 Logic Audio CODEC The audio CODEC is an integrated ADC/DAC and audio filter device capable of full-duplex operation on voice bandwidth signals at 8 ksps.  The samples have a resolution of 13-bits linear.  The CODEC is connected to the DSP ESSI port “0” with serial data transfer rate of 2.048 MHz.  The CODEC is continuously powered from the 3V logic and 3V audio supplies.  DSP parallel control lines are used to mute the input and output sections as required. 2.4.10  Accessory Connector Interface and Filtering All outputs are filtered to limit their bandwidth to the minimum and current limited to protect them from output short circuits to ground or up to 16V.  All inputs are filtered and protected from continuous application of ground or +16V.  There is no protection against negative applied voltages.  Inputs and outputs are protected from static discharge of at least 10 kV air discharge.  All inputs and outputs incorporate RF bypass filter capacitors adjacent to the connector, except for ground. 2.4.11  Transceiver Interface and Filtering Most of the signals crossing the interface are filtered to limit their bandwidth to the minimum consistent with correct operation.  Outputs from the control are filtered with series resistors on the RECM and grounded capacitors on the transceiver adjacent to the connector.  Outputs from the transceiver to the control use the reverse configuration. 2.4.12 Keypad Interface Some filtering is provided on this interface, but all outputs are protected from short circuits by series resistors. Where possible, inputs are also protected from damage by series resistors. 2.4.13 Audio Interface The audio interface is implemented with four-way wire connectors directly via the 80-pin interface through the Motherboard to the integral speaker and microphone.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-9 2.4.14 Test Interface The test interface provides the following functions:   Joint test action group (JTAG) connector access for board test and Flash boot sector programming   Board reset and control access   Board power supply and on-off switching access   H8 serial debug port access 2.4.15 LED The control logic incorporates a 3-color LED used for status information.  It is controlled by the FPGA to show red, green, or off.  It is optically coupled to the top face of the radio by a light pipe.  The hardware is configured so during hardware reset, before the keypad MPU software is running, the LEDs are off. 2.4.16  RECM Power Consumption The control logic operates at input voltage 7.7V.  The average current consumption of the control logic is:   Standby mode:  60 mA   Receive mode @ 500 mW:  330 mA   Transmit mode @ 2W:  1,000 mA   Transmit mode @ 5W:  1,500 mA 2.5 RECM Transceiver RF shields covers the board. 2.5.1 Interface J2 is the transceiver antenna connector.  RF signals are transmitted and received through this surface mount RF connector.  Transmitted and received RF signals are routed from this connector through a short RF cable to the RX/TX relay on the Motherboard. Transmit Chain The pre-driver amplifier (Q7, etc.) amplifies the TXLO signal from the synthesizer section.  The Q7 output power is typically 13 dBm measured at C77/R44/R49 node. R44, R49, and R52 are part of a 3 dB pie attenuator network.  The gain control is made up of CR5, CR6, and associated components.  This circuit yields more than 50 dB of useful attenuation range.  The circuit is part of a DAC controlled closed loop system, in conjunction with the detector/power control circuit (U12, U13, and associated components), which controls the transmitter output power level.  The power amplifier (PA) is a Mitsubishi M68776, 7.2V, 6W gained controlled power amplifier. The harmonic filter (C209, L30, C81, C82, L31, C83, and C84) attenuates harmonics created by the power amplifier. The harmonic filter insertion loss is 0.4 dB typically at 174 MHz.  The output of the harmonic filter connects to the 20 dB coupler (U12).  This coupler is part of a DAC-controlled closed loop system designed to set the transmitter output power level.  The insertion loss through the coupler (U12-1 to U12-3) is 0.2 dB typically. Power Amplifier Control Transmit output power level is controlled by the detector/power control circuit and the gain control amplifier input via VCONTROL.  This closed loop system is designed to keep the transmitter output power constant over variations in temperature, transmitter supply voltage (7.5VT), and RF power levels into the transmit chain.  The detector/power control circuit is made up of the 20 dB coupler (U12), an RF rectifier circuit (CR11, CR12, etc.), and an integrator (U13).  The DAC line labeled PWRSET at the non-inverting input of U13 sets the transmitter to the desired power level.  U12-2 samples the transmit signal.  The sampled RF signal is rectified by the temperature stable circuitry of CR11, CR12, etc, and is routed to the inverting input of the integrator at U13-4. The output of the integrator at U13-1, labeled VCONTROL, controls the gain of the power amplifier.  Any change in transmitter output power level is automatically corrected by the loop.
2-10  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE PIN Diode Switch The antenna PIN diode switch is made up of CR7, CR8, CR9, CR10, and other associated components. This switch is a four-port design.  The four ports are antenna 1 (TOP RF), antenna 2 (SIDE RF), receive, and transmit.  Receive and transmit ports can be switched to only one of the two antenna ports.  Transmit signals are routed from the transmit/receive PIN diode switch (to be discussed in the following paragraph) to the antenna port.  The receive signal is routed from the selected antenna port to the transmit/receive PIN diode switch.  The antenna PIN diode switch and receiver circuits share current in the receive mode of operation via the signal labeled RXSINK at Q11, pin 3.  The insertion loss through the antenna pin switch is 0.2 dB typically. The transmit/receive PIN diode switch is made up of C6, L60, L38, L40, L39, D9, D7, D10, C97, C98, C104, C105, C106, C107, and other associated components.  C127, C114, L42, and C115 are the 1/4 wave simulator circuit.  The 1/4 wave simulator is critical to the design of the switch.  In the transmit mode of operation CR13 and CR14 are forward biased.  C116 resonates with the internal series inductance of CR14 at 155 MHz and the receive port (RX INPUT) is RF shorted to ground.  With the receive port RF shorted to ground; the parallel combination of C127, C114, and L42 forms a tank circuit resonating at 155 MHz.  Consequently, the receive port appears as an open circuit to the transmit signal and is routed to the antenna PIN diode switch.  In the receive mode of operation, CR13 and CR14 are biased off so C114/L42/C115 appears as a low-pass filter (LPF) to signals at the antenna port of the switch.  The insertion loss through the transmit/receive PIN diode switch is 0.4 dB in the transmit mode and 0.2 dB in the receive mode typically. Q10 to Q19 and associated components are switching transistors used to control the antenna and transmit/ receive PIN diode switches.  The current flowing through the entire PIN diode circuit is approximately 45 mA in the transmit mode of operation.  In the receive mode of operation the transmit/receive PIN diode switch is disabled, and nominal 85 mA flows through the antenna PIN diode switch. 2.5.2 Receiver The VHF signal enters into the RX INPUT via the PIN diode switch (discussed previously).  D1 and D2 are Schottky protection diodes to protect the front-end circuitry from RF overloads that could occur if the PIN diode switch failed to work properly or if a transmitter is very close to a receiver.  Typical insertion loss is 0.1 dB for the protection diodes.  L25/C61 form a band-stop filter (BSF) at the first IF frequency of 45 MHz.  Typical insertion loss for the BSF is 15 dB at 45 MHz but less than 0.1 dB in the VHF band. L14, L6, CR3, CR4, L7, CR27, CR28, L8, and L15 make up the very high frequency (VHF) preselector band-pass filter (BPF).  The BPF is inductively coupled for improved high-side attenuation.  This filter provides attenuation to spurious signals such as the first image and the half-IF.  The BPF is varactor diode tuned by DAC line RXVTF.  Typical insertion loss (138 to 174 MHz) is 1 dB for the VHF BPF. The RF amplifier (Q1, T1, etc.) utilizes loss-less feedback to deliver reasonable gain, low-noise figure, and a high third order intercept point simultaneously.  Typical gain (136 to 174 MHz) is 11.5 dB for the RF amplifier. C14, L1, C9, C15, L2, C10, C16, L3, C11, C17, and L9 form a VHF LPF.  This filter provides additional RX spurious attenuation as well as image noise attenuation.  L4, C12, L16, C25, L5, and C13 form a BSF at the first IF frequency of 45 MHz.  The insertion loss is 1.0 to 2.0 dB (136 to 174 MHz) typically for the cascade.  The IF BSF insertion loss is typically 40 dB at 45 MHz, but less than 0.3 dB in the VHF band. U1 is a double-balanced mixer (DBM).  U1 converts the desired RF signal down to the first IF of 45 MHz.  High-side local oscillator (LO) injection is used.  Therefore, the LO is 45 MHz higher than the receiver tuned frequency.  The LO drive level is +10 dBm nominal at U1, pin 1. The conversion loss of the mixer (RF to IF) is 5.5 dB typically. The LO signal is generated in the synthesizer section (to be discussed later).  The LO signal is designated RXLO on the schematic diagram.  The LO signal is routed to a LPF consisting of C31, L21, C87, C30, L20, C75, and C28.  L19 and C28 are also used to impedance match the LO port of the mixer.  The insertion loss of the VHF LO LPF is 0.3 dB typically at 174 MHz. R4, L17, C6, L10, R5, and C23 make up the diplexer network.  This network properly terminates the DBM both in and out of band.  The diplexer also provides some additional half-IF spurious rejection.  The diplexer insertion loss is 0.8 dB typically at 45 MHz.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-11 There are two 45 MHz IF amplifier circuits.  The first (Q2, T2, etc.) utilizes loss-less feedback to deliver reasonable gain, low-noise figure, and a high third order intercept point simultaneously.  Typical gain is 10.5 dB for the first IF amplifier. There are two crystal BPFs and a second 45 MHz IF amplifier.  The BPFs provide attenuation for the adjacent and alternate channels, and also for the second image response.  FL1 is a four-pole crystal filter with a 20 kHz bandwidth centered at 45 MHz.  FL4 is a two-pole crystal filter with a 30 kHz bandwidth centered at 45 MHz.  The second 45 MHz IF amplifier provides high gain to prevent further degradation of receive sensitivity.  C57, L12, C18, C19, and L13 are impedance matching elements for the input of FL1.  The output of FL1 is impedance matched to the second 45-MHz IF amplifier (Q36, etc.) by C285, L64, and C242. The output of the second 45-MHz IF amplifier is impedance matched to FL4 by C287, L61, C286, C237, L60, and C235.  The entire cascade provides 21 dB of gain and has a 3 dB bandwidth of 20 kHz typically.  Typical insertion loss is 1.5 dB for each crystal BPF. The IF IC (U28) contains the second mixer and an IF amplifier chain.  The 45 MHz IF signal enters U28 at pin 6 from the crystal BPF (FL4).  FL4 is impedance matched to the IF IC input by C294, L62, and C288.  The incoming 45 MHz IF signal is mixed with the second LO (to be discussed later).  The second mixer IF output is at U28, pin 8 and the second IF frequency is 455 kHz. The signal from U28-8 is routed to FL3.  FL3 is a ceramic BPF operating at 455 kHz.  The insertion loss of the ceramic BPF is 6 dB typically in a 1500-ohm system. The 455 kHz IF signal enters U28-10, is amplified by a cascade of IF amplifiers, and exits at U28-14.  The signal from U28-14 then enters a second ceramic BPF, FL2.  FL2 is the final ceramic BPF with a typical insertion loss of 8 dB in a 1000-ohm system.  The 455 kHz IF signal enters its final stage of amplification at U29-3.  U29 is configured as a non-inverting operational amplifier and is capable of driving a 50-ohm load.  The amplifier is set for a voltage gain of 2.5.  With the receiver set to full gain the signal level at J4 (455 kHz IF OUT MONITOR) is -20 dBm "3 dB into 50 ohm with a -119 dBm unmodulated 136 MHz signal injected at J2 (TOP RF) or J3 (SIDE RF).  The second LO consists of CR26, R33, Y1, L24, C59, C226, C227, and Q35.  The oscillator is a Colpitts type with the crystal operating in the series mode.  CR24 is a varactor diode used to set the oscillator on frequency using the DAC output labeled 2nd LO.  The second LO operating frequency is 44.545 MHz (low-side injection).  L65 and C223 impedance match the output of Q35 to the LPF (C289, C293, L63, and C284).  The signal is attenuated by R282, R283, and R284 and sent on to the second mixer.  The signal level at U28-4 is -16 dBm nominal. U4 is a voltage regulator used to power the receiver circuits.  The dc voltage appearing at U4, pin 1, labeled RXSINK on the schematic diagram, is routed from the antenna PIN diode switch.  As previously discussed, the PIN diode switch and the receiver circuits share current to reduce receive power consumption.  The control line +3.3V RXEN is used to enable the regulator while the transceiver is in the receive mode of operation.  The regulator is disabled during the transmit mode of operation.  Synthesizer and Reference Oscillator U19 is a fractional-N synthesizer IC programmed for a specific frequency by loading appropriate serial data into the IC.  It controls the receive VCO when the transceiver is in the receive mode of operation, and the transmit VCO when in the transmit mode.  The programming lines are labeled 3VSCL, 3VSDA and 3VSYNTHENA on the schematic diagram.  These are all CMOS logic level inputs.  R118 (RF) and R123 (RN) are the fractional compensation and phase detector current setting resistors, respectively.  These resistors are critical to the operation of the synthesizer system and must be checked when troubleshooting around U19.  The phase detector output pins (U19-13 and U19-14) are fed to the passive loop filter (R140, C177, C172, R134, and C173) and on to the VCO control varactor diodes (CR17/CR19) for frequency control.  The buffered, filtered output from the VCO is fed into U19-5 (RF IN) to close the phase-locked-loop.  The level is typically -10 dBm into U19-5.  The reference oscillator is made up of CR22, Y2, Q28, C197, and C198 and associated components.  The reference oscillator operates at 12.8 MHz.  The reference oscillator operating frequency is adjusted by varying the dc voltage at the DAC controlled line that is labeled REFOSCMOD.  This line is also used to modulate the reference oscillator during the transceiver’s transmit mode of operation.  The 12.8 MHz signal is fed into the synthesizer chip at U19-8 (REF IN) using a coupling capacitor, C194.  The AC signal level at U19-8 is 1V p-p typically.
2-12  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  U22 is the reference oscillator temperature sensor used to monitor the temperature near Y2.  Its output is labeled XTALTEMP on the schematic diagram.  This line is normally monitored by the microprocessor so the reference oscillator can be adjusted for drift due to changes in temperature. Receive/Transmit VCOs and Buffer Amplifiers The receive VCO operates from 181 to 219 MHz since high side LO injection is used and the first IF is  45 MHz.  The transmit VCO operates from 136 to 174 MHz.  Each VCO is a Colpitts type design utilizing a low noise, bipolar transistor as the active device.  The receive VCO uses Q24 and the transmit VCO uses Q21, each in the common collector configuration.  The Colpitts capacitors are C169/C180 (receive VCO), and C137/C142 (transmit VCO).   These capacitors enable Q24 to oscillate in the 181 to 219 MHz frequency range and Q21 to oscillate in the 136 to 174 MHz frequency range.  L53 is the resonating inductor for the receive VCO and L45/L46 are the resonating inductors for the transmit VCO. CR20/CR21, and CR16/CR18 are the coarse tuning varactor diodes for the receive and transmit VCO respectively.  These diodes are used to coarse tune the VCO such that the LPF, phase detector output voltage (from U19) at TP10 equals 1.65 Vdc. The receive and transmit VCOs share the coarse tuning DAC controlled line labeled CTUNE.  Coarse tune dc voltage swings from nominal 1.8 to 22 Vdc.  CR19 (receive VCO) and CR17 (transmit VCO) are the fine-tuning varactor diodes controlled by U19 as was explained previously.  CR15 is the modulation varactor diode for the transmit VCO.  The output from the receive VCO is coupled off Q24-E using C174.  The output from the transmit VCO is coupled off Q21-E using C139.  The signal is measured at the C174/R146 node (receive) and the C139/R107 node (transmit), and measures -15 dBm typically. Q26 and Q22, and associated components, form the first VCO receive and transmit buffer amplifiers respectively.  These amplifiers buffer the VCO output from changing-output voltage standing wave ratios (VSWR) that could pull the VCO off frequency.  The output from each measures -5 dBm typically.  The buffer is measured at the C170/R141 node (receive) and the C138/R131 node (transmit). Q25 is the second buffer amplifier.  This amplifier is common to both the receive and the transmit VCOs.  R131, R141, and R142 are the combining elements used to make this possible.  This buffer outputs a signal large enough, after subsequent attenuation and filtering, to properly drive the RF IN pin of the synthesizer (U19-5).  The output from this buffer is measured at the C167/C53/L52/C175 node and measures 0 dBm typically. The output from the Q25 buffer is filtered by C175, C53, L52, and C176.  This LPF prevents the synthesizer IC (U19) from locking on to harmonics of the desired frequency.  The insertion loss of the LPF is 0.4 dB typically. The signal is then split by R138, R139, and R144, and sent on to the appropriate receive or transmit final buffer amplifier.  The signal measured at R139/C150/ C186 node is -6 dBm, and the signal measured at R144/R143/C168 node is -6 dBm. Q23 (receive) and Q27 (transmit) is the final buffer amplifier.  Q23 amplifies the signal up to the level needed to properly drive the LO port of the DBM (discussed previously).  Q27 amplifies the signal up to the level needed to properly drive the PA pre-driver (previously discussed).  The signal measured at RXLO is +7 dBm typically.  The signal measured at TXLO is +7 dBm typically. U17, Q20, etc. form the voltage regulator for the receive and transmit VCO/buffer amplifiers.  R67, C124, and Q20 form a super filter, which attenuates voltage regulator noise that may otherwise degrade the synthesizer phase noise performance. U20, U21, Q29, Q30, CR23, CR24, CR35, C199, C202, C203, etc. create a voltage multiplier.  The circuit is configured as a voltage quadrupler.  Circuit losses and output loading lowers the voltage down from 24 Vdc to about 22 Vdc.  The driver circuit (U21) switches at about 192 kHz.  This frequency was selected so harmonics would not land at or near the second IF frequency of 455 kHz.  The 22 Vdc supply is used to power the DAC supporting quad op-amp U18. The shift register (U24) is used to control transceiver modes of operation and functions.  The line labeled STD/SIDE selects the desired antenna port of the transceiver.  The line labeled TX/RX selects either the transmit or receive mode of operation.  +3.3V RXEN turns the receiver on and off (previously discussed).  Q34/Q32 and Q33/Q31 enable and disable the receive and transmit VCOs and buffers respectively (discussed previously).  U16 is the voltage regulator that supplies all 5V digital circuitry on the transceiver.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-13 2.5.3 Digital/Analog Control Digital/analog control is shown on page 1 of the RECM schematic.  The transceiver is fitted with an EEPROM (U15).  The IC is used to store calibration and curve fit data, which is needed when the transceiver is configured with the Guardian radio.  Each transceiver has its calibration and curve fit data stored within the EEPROM.  The calibration and curve fit data is written to the EEPROM at the successful conclusion of level 2 testing.  Two quad 8-bit serial DACs, a quad 12-bit serial DAC, and supporting operational-amplifiers (U2, U6, U13, U18, and U30) control much of the transceiver, as has been discussed previously.  U32 is a 2.5 Vdc reference used by the Quad 12-bit DAC and the variable IF attenuator (discussed previously). U18D and associated components amplifies the dc signal supplied by U31-3. As was discussed previously, REFOSCMOD is the dc signal, which varies the operating frequency of the reference oscillator.  Normally under DSP and microprocessor control, this line is used to FM modulate the reference oscillator, which in turn FM modulates the RF carrier in transmit mode.  This line is used to temperature compensate the reference oscillator as well. The DAC controlled line TXVCOMOD at U31-4 is transmit data normally controlled by DSP and a microprocessor.  This signal is routed to U18C and associated components.  U18C and associated components form an active LPF/attenuator to shape the transmit data before modulating the RF carrier in the transmit mode.  The cutoff frequency of the LPF occurs at 20 kHz.  The 1 kHz peak-to-peak signal level at the active LPF output (U18-8) is one-fourth TXVCOMOD at 2.5 Vdc. The synthesizer reference oscillator and the transmit VCO are simultaneously modulated to balance the FM modulation.  We refer to this technique as two-point modulation.  The DAC values required to balance the modulation are dependent on RF frequency. The dc signal at U31-17 is routed to U30 and associated components.  This op-amp is configured for a voltage gain of 2.  The dc signal VATT controls the variable IF attenuator (discussed previously) in the receiver chain.  Under DSP and microprocessor control, the attenuator is normally set for a desired amount of attenuation by this DAC controlled signal. Q37, Q38, Q39, Q40, Q41, and associated components are used to enable and disable the 14 dB step attenuator in the receiver chain (discussed previously).  Normally under DSP and microprocessor control, the attenuator is set to the desired state of operation via U31-13.  A logic level “1” at this pin enables the attenuator.  Conversely, a logic level “0” at this pin disables the attenuator (bypass mode). U18B and associated components amplifies the dc signal supplied by U33-2.  As discussed previously, CTUNE is the dc signal which coarse tunes the receive and transmit VCOs.  Under microprocessor control, the appropriate VCO is normally coarse tuned to a desired frequency based on curve fit data stored in the EEPROM (U15).  Curve fit data is obtained and stored in the EEPROM during coarse tune calibration procedures performed at level 2 testing. The DAC controlled DC signal 2nd LO sets the 2nd LO (discussed previously) on frequency at 44.545 MHz.  Normally under microprocessor control, the 2nd LO is set on frequency based on a DAC value stored in the EEPROM (U15).  The correct DAC value is obtained and stored in the EEPROM during the 2nd LO calibration procedure at level “2” testing. The DAC controlled dc signal RXVTF appropriately sets the varactor tuned BPF (discussed previously) based on the receiver tuned frequency.  Normally under microprocessor control, the varactor tuned BPF is set based on curve fit data stored in the EEPROM (U15).  The curve fit is based on statistical data obtained during the testing of hundreds of units. The DAC controlled dc signal PWRSET sets the power amplifier (discussed previously) to a desired power level.  Normally under microprocessor control, the power amplifier is set to the desired level based on curve fit data stored in the EEPROM (U15).  The curve fit data is obtained and stored in the EEPROM during transmit power calibration procedures at level 2 testing.  The power calibration procedure obtains curve fit data for five power level settings (0.1W, 0.5W, 1.0W, 2.0W, and 5.W) over the entire transmitter operating frequency range (136 to 174 MHz). The DAC controlled dc signals PA1 and PA2 set the gate bias for each power transistor (Q6 and Q9 respectively) in the power amplifier circuit (discussed previously).  These two signals are routed to op-amps U2 and U6, which are
2-14  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  configured for a voltage gain of 2.  The outputs at U2-1 and U6-1, labeled PABIAS1 and PABIAS2 respectively, are then routed to the gates of the power transistors.  The correct DAC values for the bias current are stored in the EEPROM (U15).  The correct DAC value is obtained and stored in the EEPROM during the power amplifier bias calibration procedure at level 2 testing.  Each gate is biased such that 100 mA of current flows through each power transistor with PWRSET set to a DAC value of zero in the transmit mode.  Level 2 software monitors the U10 output line labeled IMONITOR when calibrating PA bias. 2.5.4 Keypad Microcontroller The keypad board is controlled by an Atmel AVR4414 microcontroller.  This is a Flash programmable device.  The microcontroller implements these functions:    Keypad scanning   PTT switch input   Auxiliary keys input   Volume switch input   Channel switch input   Emergency switch input   Synchronous bidirectional serial interface to main controller at 100 kHz   Keypad and LCD backlight control  A clock derived from the main reference clock, clocks the keypad microcontroller at 1.5 MHz.  The keypad microcontroller is powered by the 3.3V supply as the LCD driver device. 2.6 Audio Amplifier Board 2.6.1 Description The Audio amplifier board contains the internal and external audio and control circuitry. It also houses the DB25 accessory connector, the DB9 power connector, and the RF control connector that protrudes through the rear panel. The board is located in the Control Module. The board contains the following functions:   RFI and transient protection and system on/off switch   Voltage regulator and 7.8V on/off switch   Communication with transceiver   Audio power amplifiers   Power levels detector and converter and the RF and DC combiner   PA on off control   RFI and transient protection  2.6.2 Power Conditioning Power for the Guardian 110W control head enters this board on J5 the DB9 connector.  Dual low RDS(on) P-channel FET Q10 serves as reverse polarity protection and on-off switching. Transistor Q7 pulls down the gates of Q10 when the ON/OFF signal is high, allowing Q10 to conduct. With ON/OFF control low, Q10 is cut off, and will not pass forward or reverse polarity. An over-voltage condition is detected by D2 and Q6, which cause Q7 to cut off and turn off power. Back-to-back transorbers D1 and D4 are used to eliminate voltage spikes before the on/off switch. The input power is routed to the clamp circuit via an LC filter. The filter eliminates unwanted signals from being conducted to the vehicle power line.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-15  Voltage Regulator and 7.8V On/Off Switch Linear regulator U5 provides +7.8V to the RF power control circuitry and to the other two PC assemblies in the control head.  The regulator is powered via Q10 body diode at all time. When the unit is turned off all the circuits are disconnected from power except the transceiver in the control head. The transceiver in this case is in the off state. The power consumption in this case is less than 2 mA powering the boat backup memory circuits.  2.6.3  Communication with Transceiver Twenty pin IDC headers J2 and J3 carry control and status signals from the transceiver and front panel via the Control PCA. 2.6.4   Audio Amplifiers The board contains two identical audio amplifiers. Each audio amplifier has 20 dB gain and is capable of delivering more than 10W to a 4-ohm load in a bridge-tied-load configuration. They are fed from the transceiver audio output. A front panel switch selects either or both amplifiers; an unselected amplifier is placed in a mute condition by the appropriate disable signal. When there is no received signal, both amplifiers are placed in a low-current standby mode by squelch comparator.  2.6.5  Power Levels Detector, Converter, and RF/DC Combiner  ON /OFF, PTT and RF output power control signals to the 110W power amplifier are generated on this board. These are present as DC signals on the center conductor of the coaxial cable connecting the control head to the remote RF PA. A low-pass filter prevents RF from reaching the control circuitry.  The voltage levels are as follows:  DC Control Voltage Range   PA State 0 to 0.4V  DC on/off switch – OFF >0.7V  DC on/off switch – ON 0.7 to 1.2V  PA is in bypass – RECEIVE mode 2.1V  Power output set 25W  3.6V  Power output set 50W 6.5V  Power output set to 110W    The transceiver power levels are detected via the connection to TP21. The voltages are as follows:  TP 21 Control Voltage  Boat Power Output 2.85 5W 1.87 2W 1.28 1W  The control circuits converts an input above 2.2V (5W setting) to a control signal to 6.5V, which results in 110W generated in the remote RF power module. Accordingly it converts the 2W and 1W control levels to the indicated PA control.  Input control of less than 1V is converted to 2.6V.  The PA puts out 25W also for the 0.5W input power setting but will fail to do so at the 0.1W setting. In this case power output is not specified, and the red LED will not light.
2-16  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2.6.6   PA ON/OFF Control (Bypass Mode) It is possible to operate the system not utilizing the PA  (PA in by pass mode.) This is done by turning on control head on with the PTT depressed.  An orange TX light indicates to the user that he is operating in by pass mode.  In this mode, output power is about 1dB lower that the nominal levels delivered from the transceiver, as indicated in the table above. In normal mode, Q16 conducts at start-up, causing Q14 to conduct, which keeps Q15 off. When using this mode, Q16 conducts in the reverse direction, Q14 remains off and Q15 conducts, which prevents bias voltage from being sent to the RF power amplifier. 2.6.7  RF Power Indication Operational amplifier U3A forces the output control voltage at Q8-E to be equal to that at U3-3. After high power transmit is detected at the PA output. The RF PA test circuit forces additional current back into this line. The op-amp loop holds the voltage at the input level, so the additional current is forced out Q8-C and through R44. This forces Q9 to conduct and sink additional current from the LED_TX. The LED_TX turns off the green light.  When the unit is in bypass (low power) mode the Tx lamplights orange because the red and the green LED’s are on. 2.6.8  Audio Board Block Diagram Audio Block diagramRFI filter&transientprotectionon off switch voltageragulator7.8volts 7.8voltsswitched internalaudio amplifierexternalaudio amplifieraudio inpower levelvoltageconverterRF&DCcombinerRF INRF &control out/inDB9DB25J2 - IDC 20 pin J3 - IDC 20 pinPA on offcontrolSwitch PTT7.8voltsswitchedinput voltageaudio out paudio out naudio out paudio out nj4power level input Figure 2-4:  Audio Board Block Diagram
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-17  2.7 Display Board The Display board consists of a seven-switch keypad and an LCD module with integrated LED blue backlight.  The board is heatstaked onto the plastic front panel, forming a permanent assembly.  Electrical connections are made to the Interface board via a 20-pin connector (J13).    The radio display module is a full graphics 80x32 pixels LCD, requiring a temperature compensated differential driving voltage of about 12V and a 1/6 bias, 1/32 duty cycle driving scheme.  The LCD driver device (Seiko Epson SED 1530) drives the display.  This LCD driver has an internal display RAM that copes with all the display refreshing autonomously.  Display data transfers from the main controller are only required when the display is changed, selective display RAM updates are also available to minimize serial traffic.  The LCD driver display RAM is accessed through a one way synchronous serial interface and connected in parallel with the AVR serial port.  The LCD CS input is used to differentiate between serial data for the LCD driver and the keypad board hardware reset line resets the display drive.  The hardware is configured such that during hardware reset, before serial LCD data is presented, the LCD is blank. The radio keypad consists of 16 keys, which contact onto switch contacts on the rear of the keypad board. Keypad Figure 2-5:  Keypad Board
2-18  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2.7.1  Control Logic Interface The signals on this interface need not be filtered, but are protected from short circuits to ground.  All logic signals are at 0 to 3V Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) levels at the interface.  The interface carries the following functions: •  10V Control •  Ground •  /RADON •  Switched 10V Supply •  Reset •  AVR Clock •  Serial Data Clock •  Serial Data Input •  Serial Data Output •  Key Interrupt •  LCD Chip Select •  LCD A0 (data\command select) •  Keypad Chip Select 2.7.2 Keypad 2.7.3 Switch Interface Interface to switches is provided to the RECM via 80-pin connector to the Interface board. 2.8 Interface Board This board is located in the Control Head Assembly in the vehicle cab. The transceiver (RECM) is mounted to this board and interfaces through 80-pin connector J1. The front panel display PCA mounts to this assembly and interfaces through 20-pin connector J4. The microphone interface is J5, an 8-pin modular connector. Communication with the audio amplifier board and the remote RF Power Amplifier is through two 20-pin connectors J2 and J3. The DC power for this board, the transceiver and front panel functions enters via J3. The 3.3V powering the display and logic is generated by a linear regulator U1 powered from the 7.8V via an on/off switch q12. All front panel switches and LED lamps are mounted to this board. Connection to the internal 5W speaker is via J6. ON/OFF control:  Transistors Q11-14 are connected to the outputs of the binary volume switch SW3. The transceiver uses these signals to detect the off position of the volume switch. At the off position all lines are open. If any of the lines is switched and ignition power is high Q17 is on providing low (0V) to one of the transistor witch will result in a positive ON/OFF voltage.  This signal witch is routed also to the audio board to control power function there and in the remote RF Power Amplifier. SW4:  Used to change channels. The transceiver uses the binary outputs to detect the position of the channel switch.  Toggle Switches:  Program switch SW1 for a variety of functions. Switch SW2 is used to select between internal and external audio speakers. Front panel buttons:  Keypad depressions on the front panel are detected by the scanning outputs from the transceiver. Keypad depressions on the optional DTMF microphone are detected by the DTMF decoder on this board and are processed as ordinary scan-in signals by the transceiver. DTMF keypad processing:  The optional DTMF can be used to program the radio. Keypad depressions generate a DTMF tone in the audio output. This signal is routed to DTMF detector U6, and digital outputs are sent to1-of-16 de-multiplexer U2. The outputs from U2 are used to control analog switches U3-5. In this way the transceiver scan-out lines can be connected to the appropriate scan-in lines to simulate a physical switch closure.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  2-19 PTT processing:  In normal operation, a PTT switch closure causes Q2 to conduct, which in turn causes Q7 to conduct. This signal is distributed to the rest of the radio as the PTT signal. When a DTMF button is depressed, the transceiver automatically transmits this tone.  PTT lockout:  To prevent transmission of DTMF tone during programming, a latch circuit is provided to lockout PTT. When the ENTER button is pressed the PTT signals is disabled by a latches circuit. When the ESCAPE button is pressed the lockout latch is reset. It is recommended to utilize the PTT condition lockout during programming the PTT (light will stay off). This is done by pressing ENTER key and after that hold the PTT key depressed until programming is done. To re-key the radio release PTT and key the radio once the radio is out of the programming mode use the ESC key quit programming.  J1, 80-pin  boat connectionJ2, IDC, 20-pin audioconnectionJ3, IDC, 20-pin audioconnectionJ4, 20-pin displayconnectionJ5, RJ11, 8-pin MICand KLV connectionDTMF to keypadinterfaceProgramming PTTdisableVolume selectorand on/off controlOn/off controlled3.3V regulatorLEDdrivers/controlChannel, speakerout, ABC switchselectors J6, 2-pinspeakerconnection  Figure 2-5:  Interface Board
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-1 CHAPTER 3:  SOFTWARE THEORY OF OPERATION 3.1 Functional System Operation 3.1.1 General All control and channel software is resident in the RECM. 3.1.2  Guardian Block Diagram   Figure 3-1:  Software Theory of Operation Block Diagram      Switches      LCD   Keypad     Keypad MPU      H8 Controller          DSP   AudioDB25 Accessory  Connector Transceiver      PSUPower Supply External PowerReceiver/Exciter/Control Module (RECM) BatteryDataPowerModulation Control IF Output Control/Fill/Code Keyfill User Data
3-2  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3.1.3 Architecture  A single digital signal processor (DSP) handles all signal-processing functions.  An H8 microcontroller is used to control the user interface and implement other radio control functions.  All references to signal names relate to the Receiver/Exciter/Control Module (RECM).  Functionality partitioning is shown in Figure 1-1. 3.1.4 Board Identification The control logic stores an electronic serial number and modification status within nonvolatile storage on the board. 3.1.5 Self-Test on Power-Up The software automatically executes a self-test when the radio is switched on.  This test is capable of detecting and identifying faults that prevent the radio from properly operating. 3.1.6  Flash Software Upgrades The radio software is updated if required using a PC and the Guardian G25AXG004 PC Programming/Cloning cable.   3.1.7  Voice Coder/Decoder (VOCODER) The VOCODER uses an improved multi-band excitation (IMBE) voice-coding algorithm as specified in the telecommunications industry association and electronic industries alliance (TIA/EIA)-102.BABA.  The IMBE VOCODER compresses a high-bit-rate waveform into a low-bit-rate data stream suitable for transmission over the channel.  The VOCODER operates at a net bit rate of 4.4 kbps for voice information and a gross bit rate of 7.2 kbps after error control coding. 3.2 Radio Control Software This software controls the transceiver and baseband signal processing functions. 3.2.1 Audio Control H8 controls the analog audio signal processing. Audio for transmission comes via an external microphone attached to the front panel.  It is wired into the microphone amplifier, which is permanently powered. Audio output is required when a voice message is received or a tone is generated by the user interface.  To allow audio output, H8 sets either SPKRON or EXTSPKRON to the internal speaker or the accessory connector.  If an external audio accessory is detected by who are you (WRU) <0.5 Vdc, the audio is routed to the accessory connector.  Otherwise audio is routed to the internal speaker.  The 16-position volume control knob is decoded and sent to the DSP through the controller software to control the output audio volume. 3.2.2  DSP Control Software The DSP implements most of the baseband signal processing in the radio.  Its function is controlled through its host port by the H8 controller.  The DSP operates in a number of basic modes controlled by H8 through the host port.  They are as follows: Mode  Description Idle  Current shutdown mode released through the host port Searching  Actively looking for a signal on the IF input signal Searching paused  Search algorithm paused for an economize cycle or frequency change Active receive  Actively receiving a message, initiated by detecting a signal or H8 command Transmit  Actively transmitting voice or data Keyfill  Keyfill operations and key Management Management tasks
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-3 The DSP pages-in different program images from the Flash for different modes of operation.  Typically one image is used for receive and standby modes, but a new image is needed for transmit and key management operations.  The DSP can interrupt the H8 controller, and then pass data over the host port back to H8.  Interrupts from the DSP include the following events: •  Signal detected with type data •  Signal lost •  DSP BIT errors •  Paging request  In all active modes the H8 software must be able to write a number of parameters to the DSP and also read back a number of parameters from the DSP.  This is implemented through the host port.  The parameters used include: Mode  Description Search  Reference oscillator temperature used by DSP to correct frequency offsets.  AGC reset control is used at start of search period Analog setting  BW, squelch tones, squelch code, and squelch level Digital setting  Data rate, key, and algorithm Project 25 setting  NAC and TGID CVSD setting  Continuously variable slope delta (CVSD).  Data rate Receive  Reference oscillator temperature used by DSP to correct frequency offsets.  Audio volume Analog setting Squelch controls, de-emphasis, and companding Digital setting Data rate and key algorithm Project 25 setting NAC, TGID, BER, and test mode CVSD setting Data rate and key Project 25 setting Read by H8: SS bits, low-rate data (for future use), and sender ID Transmit Reference oscillator temperature used by DSP to correct frequency offsets.  Audio volume, sidetone on/off Analog setting  Squelch controls and de-emphasis CVSD setting  Data rate and key Project 25 setting  NAC, TGID, key and low-rate data (for future use)  3.2.3 Transceiver Board The Transceiver board is controlled through a synchronous serial bus from H8 to the transceiver allowing H8 to control the synthesizer, two 4-channel 8-bit digital to analog converters (DAC), and a control shift register in the transceiver board.  Some of the DAC channels are set according to data in the transceiver’s electronically erasable read-only memory (EEPROM) calibration tables. Mode Control The transceiver shift register and the CTX output of the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) control the modes of operation (transmit, receive, or standby).  The outputs are controlled as below: Mode  Description Spare (SR bit 1)  Spare 3.3VRXSynth (SR bit 2)   Set in active receive mode, RXVCO enable 3.3VTXSynth (SR bit 3)  Set in active transmit mode, TXVCO enable 3.3VRXEnable (SR bit 4)  Set in active receive mode, receiver enable Spare (SR bit 5)  Spare Spare (SR bit 6)  Spare
3-4  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  Mode  Description TX/RX (SR bit 7)  Set in active transmit mode, front end TX/RX control STD/SIDE (SR bit 8)  Set to use radio antenna, reset to use accessory connector RF port CTX (FPGA output)  Set in active transmit mode to enable the RF power amplifier Frequency Control The frequency of operation in both transmit and receive is controlled by the H8 setting in the synthesizer through the serial bus.  To set the desired frequency, the appropriate TX or RX synthesizer enable S-R bit must be set, the serial data loaded into the synthesizer chip, and the DAC2 output A synthesizer coarse tune set to the appropriate value for the frequency according to the EEPROM calibration table.  Synthesizer lock is monitored by the out-of-lock (OOL) input.  Once the synthesizer lock is achieved, the transmitter or receiver is enabled with the appropriate control bits 3.3VRX enable, CTX, and TX/RX.  Economizing the synthesizer function is implemented by controlling the 3.3VTXS/RXS bits and by controlling the EM main divider enable bit in the synthesizer control word. If the frequency is unchanged, the synthesizer serial data need not be reloaded when coming out of economize. 12-Bit DAC DACLDA, DACADCCLK, and DACDOUT control the 12-bit DAC for IFAGC, TXVCOMOD, REFOSCMOD, and VATT.  Reference Oscillator Temperature Compensation The H8 software constantly monitors the reference oscillator crystal temperature using the XTALMON line.  The temperature data is used to lookup the compensation factor in the transceiver’s EEPROM calibration table.  This compensation factor is written into the DSP, added as a dc offset reference oscillator modulation signal, and used as a dc offset in receive mode. Receiver Control Setting 3.3VRXE enables the linear receiver chain.  The DSP implements software AGC system to control the gain of the linear receiver chain.  The H8 controller monitors the actual received signal level by reading RSSI.  At all times during receive the RXVTF DAC2 output C must be set to the value in the EEPROM calibration table corresponding to the receive frequency used.  This makes the receiver’s front-end tunable filter centered on the desired frequency.  At all times in receive modes the second LO DAC2 line output B must be controlled using data from the EEPROM calibration table and indexed with oscillator temperature data XTALMON.  The temperature compensates the second LO in the receiver chain. Transmitter Control The radio uses a complex H8 software-based algorithm to dynamically control the transmit power of the radio.  The inputs to the power control algorithm are:  requested power level (0.1W, 0.5W, 1W, 2W, or 5W), PA calibration data in the EEPROM, supply voltage BATMON (used for monitoring), transmit frequency, PA current, (used for monitoring), and PA temperature (used for monitoring). The power control algorithm takes these inputs and uses them to control the following outputs to provide a steady RF power output with a clean rise and fall at switch on/off. Output  Description PWRSET (DAC1 output A)  Sets the power level in the power amplifier ALC loop PABIAS1 (DAC1 output B)  Adjusts the bias in the final driver stage PABIAS2 (DAC1 output C)  Adjusts the bias in the final driver stage TX/RX Switching The procedure needed to quickly switch the transceiver from receive to transmit and back again is to shut down the current mode, lock the synthesizer in the new mode on the new frequency, and enable the transmitter or receiver, as required.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-5 Receiver Scanning In some scanning modes it is necessary for the radio to scan a number of channels looking for traffic, as controlled by the H8 software.  The basic requirement is to change the synthesizer frequency, RXVTF, synthesizer tune DAC, and to resume searching on the new frequency.  The DSP may have to be informed of new traffic settings on which to search, for each new frequency.  Scanning is interrupted when the DSP detects a signal of interest. 3.2.4 DC Power Control The H8 controller software controls the power supply switching in the radio.  The control software algorithm uses the following inputs: Input  Description /PWROFF  Indicates the current position of the radio on/off switch and the accessory connector off line WRU  Indicates if the radio is fitted into a harness providing external power /LBOUT  Indicates the supply voltage is at the minimum required for correct operation BATBUS  Not used in the mobile configuration BATMON  Indicates the voltage on the main radio supply from external power source  These inputs are used to control the following FPGA outputs: Output  Description PWRHOLD  Set during normal operation, the radio stays on regardless of the on/off switch.  When PWROFF indicates that a switch off is required, software shut down is executed followed by a release of this output BATOFF  Not used in the mobile configuration  Additionally the /LBOUT interrupt is used to execute a fast shutdown of the software when the supply voltage drops below that needed for normal operation, or when the power source is removed without switching the radio off.  Power Supply Frequency Control The power supply software controls the switch mode power supply frequency output according to the RF frequency used.  The frequency is checked and changed if necessary at every synthesizer frequency change. 3.2.5 Monitoring The H8 software monitors the following signals:  Signal  Description Out-of-lock  In all active modes, every 100 ms EPTT/RTS  In all modes, every 20 ms RSSI  In receive modes, every 100 ms WRU  In all modes, every second DC voltage  In all modes, every 5 seconds PA temp  In transmit modes, every second REF temp  In all modes, every 5 seconds PA current  In transmit modes, every second 3.2.6  Radio Control Drivers A number of low-level software drivers are used by H8, which interface to the transceiver hardware.
3-6  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  Audio and Power Supply Unit (PSU) Driver A serial interface driver controls the output bits of a serial-to-parallel output shift register in the FPGA.  Clock and data source for this shift register is the same serial port used for the user interface serial bus, but data is directed to the shift register using high-order H8 address lines.  Transceiver Serial Bus Driver A serial interface driver controls the transceiver shift register, DAC, and synthesizer.  It uses a common clock and data line, and three separate strobe lines for each device. DSP Host Driver The H8 software includes a DSP host driver for controlling the DSP mode of operation, and initial start-up code download. IIC Bus Driver The H8 software includes a driver that allows the controller software to read and write to the transceiver EEPROM using IIC protocols.  The two lines are general-purpose I/O lines controlled on a bit-by-bit basis by the software. 3.3 Digital Signal Processing The DSP software implements all baseband signals processing in the radio.  It processes signals between the user audio and data interface, and the transceiver modulation and intermediate frequency (IF) interfaces.  The signal processing provides compatible analog FM modes, common air interface (CAI) compatible modes, and 12 kbps secure CVSD modes. 3.3.1  DSP Transmit Chain Signal processing while the radio is transmitting depends on the radio's operational mode.  The possible modes are clear analog voice FM, CVSD DES voice, Project 25 clear digital voice, and Project 25 DES digital voice.  The Transmit DSP Chain block diagram is shown in Figure 3-2.  The major signal processing functions of the DSP transmit chain are described in the following paragraphs. Audio Coder/Decoder (CODEC) The Guardian uses a Texas Instruments® TLV320-AC36 audio CODEC.  Data is transferred to and from the CODEC using the DSP enhanced synchronous serial interface (ESSI) 0 port.  The data word is 16 bits long.  The first thirteen bits are the two’s compliment audio sample, and the last 3 are the volume control word in the receive direction (DIN), and zero padded in the transmit direction (DOUT).  The DSP currently sets volume control bits for no attenuation.  Scaling the signal prior to sending it to the CODEC controls the volume.  The sample rate from the CODEC is 8 ksps.  Audio Processing Board The Audio Processing board receives audio input from the audio CODEC, applies filtering and automatic gain control (AGC), and transmits it to the mode-specific formatting module.  The audio filter has a passband from 300 Hz to 3 kHz.  This board also transmits DTMF tones to the audio CODEC.  DTMF over-dial is supported to allow redirection through the phone network via a base station.  Data is transferred to and from the CODEC under interrupt service routine (ISR) control.  Project 25 Voice Module The Project 25 Voice module performs framing and conversion tasks.  The framing function uses its own task table to build a CAI time-division multiple access (TDMA) frame.  This includes compression of the voice signal using the IMBE VOCODER, forward error correction, and encryption.  The physical layer task converts a 4.8 ksps dibit data stream into a 48 ksps real sampled waveform, which is then fed to the Modulation module.  The physical layer scales each dibit symbol so that the proper frequency deviation is attained.  It applies raised cosine filtering for control of inter-symbol interference.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-7     Figure 3-2:  Transmit DSP Chain  CVSD DES Module Audio data from the Audio Processing module is sent to the audio circular buffer.  The sample rate is increased from 8 ksps to 12 ksps.  The CVSD encodes the data and sends it to the transmit CVSD audio circular buffer.  The data is DES-encrypted and differentially encoded before sent to the physical interface buffer.  The CVSD physical layer converts the CVSD encoded, DES encrypted 12 ksps data stream into a 48 ksps waveform suitable for processing by the Modulation module.  The module contains a finite impulse response (FIR) raised cosine filter that acts as an interpolation filter.  Transmitting an end of message (EOM) indicator, consisting of 160 ms of alternating ones and zeros, signals the end of a transmission.  This allows the receiving radio to squelch the audio output before the radio stops transmitting. Analog FM Module Audio data entering the Analog FM module is sent through a linear-phase, FIR, audio-shaping filter.  Interpolation from 8 ksps to 48 ksps is accomplished using a linear-phase, FIR filter.  A single-quadrant sine look-up table (LUT), using fractional addressing and quadrant folding, generates continuous tone controlled squelch system (CTCSS) tones.  If the DCS audio turn-off code is transmitted, the tone is fixed at 134.4 Hz and the codes transmitted at a rate of 134.4 bps, derived using the CTCSS tone generator.  The DCS data stream passes through a raised cosine filter before added to the speech.  The 8 ksps audio stream, with CTCSS/DCS controls, is interpolated to 48 ksps before sent to the Modulation module. Modulation Module The Modulation module prepares the signal for transmission.  The signal is split into a reference oscillator signal and a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) signal.  This allows independent scale and offset values for each signal.  A modulation-balance variable scales the reference oscillator voltage, so that the maximum frequency deviation is constant for all RF channels.  A transmit modulation variable does the same for the VCO signal. CVSD DESModuleAudioCODECTransceiverAudioProcessingModuleModulationModuleProject 25 VoiceModuleAnalog FMModuleVOICEDTMFTones
3-8  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE Transceiver Interface The transceiver DAC has four output ports, two of which modulate the carrier.  One of the two channels maintains carrier frequency accuracy.  On transmit channel changes, the controller provides the DSP with two fractional values used to scale the two signals output from the DAC.  The controller provides the DSP with an additional integer value at one second intervals, and is added to one of the DAC output signals to control carrier frequency accuracy.  The modulation interface receives modulation data samples at 48 ksps, independent of the transmit mode.  When the radio is operating as a transmitter, the transceiver interface controls the operation of the DAC via ESSI 1 on the DSP.  Data is written to the DAC at 96 ksps. 3.3.2  DSP Receive Chain The radio receive chain hardware consists of an RF transceiver board, analog to digital converter (ADC), a Motorola® DSP 56302 or DSP 56309, and an audio CODEC.  The Receive DSP Chain block diagram is shown in Figure 1-3.  The major signal receive functions of the DSP receive chain are described in the following paragraphs.   Figure 3-3:  Receive DSP Chain Transceiver The RF transceiver board performs mixing and filtering of the received signal to produce a 455 kHz, 25 kHz bandwidth (BW), IF signal.  The output signal from the transceiver is digitized by the ADC and fed to the DSP.  The bulk of signal processing is performed by the DSP.  An ISR that implements the transceiver/ADC/DAC interface is called at a rate of 96 kHz in receive modes.  The ISR reads ADC output data, stores the values in a circular buffer, and controls data transmission to the DAC. FM Demodulator The FM demodulator converts the FM output of the transceiver to a real-valued, baseband signal.  FM demodulation is implemented by a discriminator task.  Sub-sampling the 455 kHz IF at 96 kHz folds down the signal to 25 kHz.  A mixing function mixes the sampled IF data in the input buffer before filtering.  For 12.5 kHz channels, a second CVSD DES Module Audio CODEC Transceiver Audio Processing Module FM Demodulator Project 25 Voice Module Analog FM Module Signal Detectors
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-9 filter is applied to the IQ data stream.  Calculating the angular difference between consecutive IQ pairs demodulates the received signal.  Analog to Digital Converter Because the signal BW is much less than the 455 kHz carrier frequency, the ADC sub-samples the 455 kHz IF producing a frequency translation as part of the sampling process.  The ADC sampling rate is 96 ksps.  25 kHz Frequency Translation The 25 kHz frequency translation converts the signal image into a baseband signal, centered at 0 Hz.  The DSP implements the digital equivalent of a mixer to perform frequency translation. IF Filtering The complex baseband signal is sent through two linear phase FIR filters.  The first IF filter is used as a decimate by two, polyphase, FIR filters and applied to the 96 ksps, complex, baseband output of the 25 kHz mixer.  This filter removes some of the out-of-band noise produced by the nonlinear analog components of the transceiver.  CVSD DES and analog wide modes have a 25 kHz BW and the first IF filter is the only filtering performed for these modes.  Project 25 and analog narrow modes have a 12.5 kHz BW.  The second IF filter provides the filtering required for these modes and is applied to the 48 ksps output of the first IF filter. Signal Detectors The radio uses three signal detectors to detect the presence or absence of a modulated signal in the tuned channel.  These signal detectors search for Project 25, analog FM (including noise, CTCSS, and DCS), and CVSD DES signals.  Project 25 Detector The Project 25 frame detector detects a Project 25 signal by searching for the frame synchronization (FS) signal and network identifier (NID) embedded in the preamble of every Project 25 data unit.  The detector uses this information to perform bit recovery and packet identification.  It processes and buffers the binary data for use by the Project 25 Voice Module.  Once a target signal is detected, the radio disables squelch using an enable transmit function, so the user can monitor the signal.  If the detected signal is lost, squelch is enabled by the shutdown active receive function. Analog FM Detector The analog FM detector uses a function to decimate the incoming data stream by six, to run the noise detector, CTCSS single-tone detector, CTCSS multi-tone detector, and the DCS multi-code detector.  A noise squelch detect function detects the appearance of a carrier by searching for a drop in power in a frequency band just above the audio band.  In the analog noise detector, the input data is scaled and high-pass filtered, then rectified and scaled again. Then the data is low-pass filtered.  The output of the low-pass filter is used to determine whether or not a signal is present. The detector has two states, searching and locked.  If the detector state is searching and the detected power drops below the lower squelch threshold, the detector state transitions to locked.  Conversely, if the detector state is locked and the detected power rises above the upper squelch threshold, the detector state transitions to searching.  Upper and lower threshold values are BW dependent and can be adjusted at run time. The multiple-value DCS detector searches for a 134.4 bps bit stream in the sub-audible frequency band used for DCS codes.  If found, the code is extracted and appropriate state variables updated.  Code extraction is performed in two steps: input data is converted to a binary bit stream, and then data extraction and code comparisons are performed. The conversion of the input data to a binary bit stream starts with the 8 ksps input data sent through a decimate by six, FIR filter to produce a 1.33 ksps, real valued data stream.  This filter removes any signal energy outside of the sub-audible frequency band.  The data is then split into two paths.  The lower path estimates the dc content of the signal with a narrow low-pass infinite impulse response (IIR) filter.  Subtracting the lower path signal from the
3-10  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  upper path signal removes the dc component from the upper path signal.  Following this, the resulting signal passes through a single-bit quantizer and the output buffered for use by the code removal step.  Data extraction and DCS code comparisons are then accomplished.  CVSD DES Detection Detection of CVSD DES waveform is performed by a secure detection function.  This function also recovers the 12 kbps bit stream from the 48 ksps input signal.  The detector looks for a 12 kbps data stream to determine if a CVSD signal is received.  Project 25 Voice Module The physical layer task extracts FS, NID, SS symbols, and data.  All other dibits are passed to the receive framing task.  The module performs recovery and symbol extraction based on frame synchronization using a correlation detector.  Symbol extraction and error-correction decoding follow carrier frequency offset compensation.  VOCODER data and Project 25 framing data is removed and secure mode decryption performed.  The VOCODER converts the compressed voice data stream to a 8 ksps audio data stream that is sent to the Modulation module. Analog FM Module The analog FM module performs two tasks.  The detection task uses an FIR filter to down-sample the FM demodulated bit stream from 48 ksps to 8 ksps.  It then uses four detectors (noise, single-tone CTCSS, multi-tone CTCSS, and multi-code DCS) to determine signal squelch.  The post-detection audio-shaping task applies de-emphasis on/off filtering to a received clear analog signal.  CVSD DES Module The CVSD DES module consists of a 12 kbps clock detection/recovery task, a 12 kbps symbol resolver, a differential decoder, a DES decoder, a 12 kbps CVSD decoder, and a 12 ksps to 8 ksps sample rate converter.  The input to the clock detection algorithm is a 48 ksps data stream, representing the sampled FM demodulated carrier.  To allow for variation in carrier frequency, the dc component of the demodulated carrier is removed before zero-crossing detection.  From a zero-crossing phase profile, a decision can be made whether a 12 ksps data stream is present on the demodulated carrier, or a 12 kHz clock recovered for usage within the 12 kbps symbol resolver.  Differential encoding of the binary FSK modulation ensures compatibility between manufacturers, so that either a positive or negative frequency shift can be used to represent a 1 symbol.  In the CVSD receive chain, differential decoding precedes one-bit cipher feedback DES decoding.  To conserve memory and aid processing efficiency, all symbols (encoded and decoded) are packed in memory.  The 12 kbps CVSD decoder is modeled after FED-STD-1023. The decoder consists of a modulation level analyzer (MLA), a syllabic filter, a pulse modulator, a principal integrator and a comparator.  The output of the CVSD decoder is at 12 kbps and must be changed to 8 ksps for output by the CODEC. Audio Processing Module An audio receive task function and an audio filter is used to output Project 25, clear analog, or secure analog speech samples to the CODEC.  When in active receive modes, the ISR is enabled and the task outputs data to the CODEC circular buffer as data is written to it’s audio input circular buffer. Audio CODEC The audio CODEC and the DSP interface uses the DSP ESSI 0 port.  The serial clock to the CODEC operates at 2.048 MHz, and is derived from the DSP internal clock.  ESSI 0 is configured to operate using a frame rate divider of 16 and a word length of 16 bits, transmitting packets of encoded audio to the CODEC at 8 kHz.  The CODEC is used in a linear decode mode, where 13 bits are used to represent the full audio range.  The post-processed DSP signal is fed to the audio CODEC, which converts the signal to an analog waveform, applies gain, and routes it to the appropriate output device.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-11 3.3.3 DSP Software The program data for the DSP is stored in 64K Flash program blocks.  The data is stored as unpacked bytes.  The blocks used for the DSP software are dedicated so that selective upgrades of this code only are possible. 3.4 Keypad MPU Software 3.4.1 Overview The keypad microprocessor unit (MPU) provides an indirect interface via the Motherboard to the DTMF keypad and front panel switches.  It communicates with the main controller via a synchronous bi-directional serial link. 3.4.2 General The software is designed so that processor activity and current consumption is minimized.  The only continuous operation required is keypad scanning and switch reading.  An external clock at 1.5 MHz clocks the keypad.  The hardware reset is supplied from the main controller. 3.4.3 Keypad Scanning The keypad scanning software continuously scans the keypad at a rate of a row every 10 ms.  A debounce period of 40 ms is used on key presses and key releases. The software deals with simultaneous key presses and key rollovers, making only single key presses valid.  Debounced and validated key presses are passed to the serial data output buffer. 3.4.4  Push-to-Talk (PTT) Input Inputs from the momentary input switches, and the PTT and auxiliary keys, are read every 10 ms and are debounced for 40 ms.  The validation software filters out simultaneous presses of the auxiliary keys and the key rollover between them.  Simultaneous presses of the PTT switch and one auxiliary key are allowed.  Debounced and validated auxiliary key presses and PTT press and releases are passed to the serial data output buffer. 3.4.5 Switch Input Inputs from the rotary switches and toggle switch are read at least every 40 ms.  Changes in state are debounced for 100 ms.  Debounced new switch positions are passed to the serial output buffer. 3.4.6 LED Output The outputs to the LED are controlled under instruction from the serial port.  It is possible to set both outputs off, set the red LED on, set the green LED on, set both LEDs on (orange), and to flash either or both on a 50% duty cycle at a controlled rate of approximately 1 Hz. 3.4.7 Backlight Control The two LCD backlight controls for setting bright and dim operations are controlled under instruction from the serial port.  The keypad uses a fixed level backlight operation.  A timeout facility switches off the backlight after 30 seconds if not requested by the main controller. 3.4.8 Serial Interface The keypad controller implements a synchronous bi-directional serial interface using its serial port allowing it to interface to the main controller.  The main controller always sources the serial data clock.  To allow autonomous transfers from the keypad controller, a separate keypad interrupt line is provided with the interface.  The interrupt line is used to request 8 clocks from the main controller to transfer data from the keypad.  The LCD chip select (CS) input line is used to distinguish between serial data for the keypad controller and LCD driver.  The serial interface supports the following transfers: •  Keypad to controller including:
3-12  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  Keypad power up okay Keypad error 1-n Key press 1-16 Key release 1-16 PTT press PTT release Volume switch 1-16 Channel switch 1-16 Toggle switch 1-3 Auxiliary key press 1-3 Emergency key press •  Controller to keypad •  Request current switch status •  Reset and execute BIT test •  Backlight off/bright/dim •  LED off/red/green/yellow/flash/flash rate •  Key press request and interrupt acknowledge  LCD data transfers are in blocks of 80 bytes maximum, allowing a pause on the serial interface at least every 100 ms for the keypad MPU to assert the interrupt and transfer key press or switch change data. During the LCD data transfers, the key data are buffered into the keypad MPU. 3.5 Data Interface The DSP incorporates a user data interface through its SCI port. 3.5.1  CAI Data Interface The DSP supports an asynchronous data interface for CAI modes using its SCI port.  This interface conforms to the CAI data peripheral interface.  It uses standard V24, and RS232 baud rates up to 9600 baud.  The software also controls the associated flow control signal data of the terminal ready (DTR) input to the DSP, and the clear to send (CTS) output from the DSP.  The request to send (RTS) input to the radio for this interface is processed by H8. 3.5.2  Synchronous Serial Data Interface The DSP supports a 12 kbps synchronous serial port using its SCI port. The interface is half duplex, uses a DSP generated clock, and includes minimum data buffering within the DSP and RTS/CTS flow control on the transmit function. Receiver Synchronous Serial Data Buffering In receive synchronous serial data modes the DSP software uses a variable length first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer to cope with differences in clock rates between the transmitter and receiver. 3.5.3  CAI Data Link Layer This software provides the link between the raw voice and data bit streams, in addition to the data formats required to implement a 9.6 kbps CAI compatible interface.  CAI Transmit Voice Mode The DSP software takes the 144 bit voice code words (encrypted or not) and a number of link control fields set by the host H8 or from the DES system, and formats CAI-compatible logic link data units.  CAI Transmit Voice Test Modes The DSP software is capable of transmitting the CAI voice silence test pattern, the CAI 1 kHz test pattern and a 9 x 144-bit (1296) PRBS test pattern used for error rate tests.  The H8 controller controls these test modes.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-13  CAI Receive Voice Mode The DSP takes the 9.6 kbps CAI-compatible data stream and framing, and splits out the voice data for passing to the VOCODER.  The DSP decodes the link control words so that the host H8 can read the link control fields, and the encryption synchronization information is available to the encryption process.  CAI receive processing is initiated by the frame synchronization correlator trigger.  When this is asserted the next 64 bits of network identifier (NID) data are decoded and checked.  If the NAC code matches the one selected for the channel, voice or data processing proceeds, otherwise the physical layer is forced into search mode.  CAI Receive Voice Test Mode The DSP software is capable of testing the 9 voice code words received in a CAI frame against a known 9 x 144 PRBS segment.  The total number of errors in that frame is then output to the H8 controller.  The H8 controller controls this test mode.  CAI Transmit Data Mode The DSP selects the user data (encrypted or clear) and a number of link control fields set by the host H8 or from the DES system, and formats logic link data units compatible with the CAI at 9600 bps.  CAI Receive Data Mode The DSP selects the 9.6 kbps CAI-compatible data stream and framing, and splits out and decodes the data for passing to the user data port.  The DSP decodes the link control words so that the host H8 can read the link control fields, and the encryption synchronization information is available to the encryption process. 3.5.4  Transmit Physical Link Layer This software uses common modulator interface software and a number of mode-dependent, physical link layer software modules.  Transmit Modulation Interface The software provides a common interface to the dual modulation, DAC in the transceiver through its SSI serial port 1 for all transmit modes.  In transmit modes, the SSI uses an externally sourced clock at 3072 kHz.  This interface takes frequency deviation samples at 48 kHz, and writes each value scaled by a fixed number set by the host to both the reference oscillator DAC and the VCO DAC.  Additionally a host-controlled dc offset is added to the reference oscillator DAC value.  Transmit CAI Physical Link Layer This software takes the 9.6 kbps CAI-compatible data stream and converts it to 48k samples of frequency deviation data.  To achieve this the software implements the dibit for symbol mapping, Nyquist, and shaping filters as described in the CAI.  Transmit Analog FM Physical Link Layer This software takes the 8 ksps filtered audio and converts it to 48 ksps of frequency deviation data compatible with TIA/EIA-603 in 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz modes.  The signal processing uses additional high-pass filtering to reduce the energy in the DCS tone band, audio band pre-emphasis if required, DCS tone addition, and deviation limiting and smoothing.  The software is capable of operation in 12.5 kHz, and 25 kHz channel spacing with appropriate deviation scaling.  It is capable of appending a phase reversed tone burst of 180 ms as defined in EIA-603, generating DCS and audio turn-off codes, and companding the voice signal in 12.5 kHz mode.  Transmit CVSD Physical Link Layer The transmit CVSD physical link layer converts the 12/16 kbps CVSD data stream and converts it to 48 ksps of frequency deviation data.  The software implements a pre-modulation filter with raised cosine time response and 100% eye height.
3-14  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3.5.5  Receive Physical Link Layer This software uses common FM demodulation software, and mode-dependent receiver physical layer software modules.  Receive ADC and DAC Interface In receive modes SSI port 1 is used in a duplex manner to allow the ADC to be read continuously at 96 kHz and the DAC written up to 48 ksps for AGC and reference oscillator adjustment.  In receive modes, the SSI port is clocked at 1536 kHz from an external clock source, using a 16-bit cycle.  At every cycle a value is read out of the ADC.  At every other cycle a value may be written to one of the DAC channels to control the AGC and reference oscillator. FM Demodulator This software provides a common interface to the 96 ksps IF signal at SSI port 1 and produces 48 ksps of frequency deviation data for use in all modes.  The SSI port uses an external clock at 1536 kHz.  The software implements an FM demodulator function using a quadrature mix with a 24 kHz (Fs/4) local oscillator, dual I and Q channel filters, and a frequency estimator.  The channel filtering function is programmable-dependent on the channel spacing used.  The channel filtering provides the adjacent channel filtering in addition to that provided by the hardware to achieve the radio adjacent channel rejection performance. Receive CAI Physical Link Layer This software takes the 48 ksps of frequency deviation data and outputs a 9.6 kbps data stream. The software implements an integrate and dump filter and data slicer as described in the CAI.  The integrate and dump filter is controlled by a clock recovery function that selects one of ten possible phases for output to the slicer.  The slicer incorporates an averager with a time constant of at least 100 bits, to correct for dc offsets in the received signal. In parallel with the above, a FIR correlator searching for the CAI fixed framing sequence of 24 symbols operates on the filtered 48 ksps of frequency deviation data.  The correlator operates at 10 samples per symbol.  The correlator phase with the highest correlation peak selects the clock phase for use in the integrate and dump filter and slicer.  This correlator operates continuously when searching for CAI traffic and occasionally when tracking an CAI signal when subsequent frame syncs are expected.  The correlator trigger is used to provide a framing signal for the subsequent CAI link layer processing. Receive Analog FM Physical Link Layer This software takes the 48 ksps frequency deviation data and outputs 8 ksps of audio to the receive audio processing. Software signal processing implements a high-pass filter to remove CTCSS tones and de-emphasis if required.  The gain of the signal path is adjusted to cope with the different deviations used on different channel bandwidths.  The signal processing signal path is controlled by squelch signals.  The software includes audio expanding to reverse the transmit companding. Receive CVSD Physical Link Layer This software takes the 48 ksps frequency deviation data and outputs 12/16 kbps serial data.  The software uses a data filter, a slicer, and a clock recovery function. 3.5.6 DES Encryption The DSP software implements DES encryption of traffic in the CAI and CVSD modes. DES Kernel The DSP software implements the DES encryption kernel as described in FIPS 46-2, encrypting 64 data bits using a 56-bit key.  It uses output feedback operation or a single bit cipher feedback operation.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-15 CAI Encryption The DSP software uses DES kernel software to implement the CAI encryption of voice traffic as described in TIA/EIA/IS-102.AAAA.  The key manager supplies the encryption key.  In transmit, the message indicator (MI) vector is passed to data link processing for encoding and transmission.  In receive, the data link layer decodes the MI vector, and fly wheeled if decoding fails for up to n frames.  DES Data Link Layer This software encrypts and decrypts the 12 kb of CVSD data using the DES kernel.  During transmit, framing synchronization data and the MI vector are inserted into the data stream.  In receive, the software searches for and extracts the framing and MI data.  Bit definitions and formats are defined in the DES protocol. Key Interface This software provides an interface for inputting DES encryption keys from the DSP SCI port using synchronous data transfers with an external clock, and for conforming to the Motorola KVL data transfer mechanism and the CAI DES keyfill protocol. Key Bank The radio maintains a bank of up to 16 encryption keys stored in Flash memory.  Associated with each key are a key ID, key data, and an 8-character alphanumeric tag.  Each encrypted channel is assigned one of the 16 keys for both secure transmit and secure receive modes.  Channel key assignment is accomplished by selecting the corresponding key tag.  Upon entering the secure transmit or secure receive mode, H8 transfers the appropriate encryption key to the DSP through the SCI port. 3.5.7 Host Interface The DSP is controlled through its host interface by H8.  It initially boots up through this interface.  The host interface is used for DSP mode control, encryption key transfer, link control data transfer, low-rate data transfer, frequency variable data transfer, CTCSS mode control, and initial software download. 3.5.8 Flash Interface The DSP has direct access to the main radio Flash memory through the H8 bus arbitration logic.  This interface is used for software downloads using byte-wide direct memory access (DMA) transfers under host control for mode changes.  The DSP software does not write to Flash memory. 3.5.9 Paging The DSP software is designed so that normal operation does not involve off-chip bus accesses.  This means the code size must be limited to 24K words and the data memory to 10K words.  A number of program images that correspond to different modes are allowed, with paging of images out of Flash by the DMA at mode changes.  The minimum subdivision of images corresponds to the following modes, and a continuously resident core host interface function. •  Initialization/POST •  Receive 12.5 kHz •  Receive 25 kHz •  Transmit 12.5 kHz •  Transmit 25 kHz •  Keyfill  The paging DMA mechanism is controlled by the host H8 and allows the transfer of a program image within 50 ms.
3-16  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3.5.10 Hardware Control The DSP software controls the DSP clock rate through the phased locked loop (PLL) output divider.  The DSP clock rate is dynamically matched to the mode of operation, in coarse steps for example, between searching and tracking receive modes.  The DSP software uses low-current wait modes in pauses between processing to minimize current consumption.  The host is also able to request a very low-current idle mode in the DSP.  The host releases this mode. 3.6 Controller Software 3.6.1 Overview The controller software has overall control of the radio; including user interface operations, and the DSP and transceiver.  Figure 1-4 is the controller software block diagram.   Figure 3-4:  Controller Software 3.6.2 Environment General The H8 controller system is designed for minimum external bus activity and minimum current consumption.  These features are provided by the maximum use of low-current standby modes in H8, and an interrupt-driven architecture, with a minimum of input polling.  In radio standby and receive modes the only H8 tasks are the control of the transceiver frequency and DSP mode as the radio scans and economizes.  The most H8-intensive activities are associated with user interactions, and operations on the fill/program/control port. Scheduler H8 operates with a simple scheduler that launches tasks after interrupt events.  A time base interrupt of 10 ms is used to keep track of time and poll inputs at regular intervals. Radio StoreMMI Software MMI Drivers (AVR) Alarms  Switches and Keys  LCD KeyFill Data Radio Control Software Audio  BIT Monitor EEPROM DSP PSU Control  Battery Power/ModeControl Frequency Control Transceiver Driver Audio/PSUDriver DSP HostIIC Bus Driver BATBUS Driver Fill/Program/ Control Software PC Serial Port DriverEnvironment Software Main Controller/SchedulerDebug Serial Driver FPGA ConfigureDriver Software Update Driver Radio  State
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-17 Interrupt Sources The following interrupt sources are used in H8. Interrupt Source  Description User interface  External interrupt from the keypad DSP   External interrupt from the DSP, signal detected, etc. Low dc voltage  External NMI from power supply indicates power supply fail Timer   Internal time base tick interrupt every 10 ms PC serial port   Internal interrupt from PC interrupt serial port UI serial port  Internal interrupt from user interface serial port, key press, and LCD data Debug serial port  Internal interrupt from DMA/timer Alarm generator  Internal interrupt from DMA/timer Polled Inputs The H8 software polls the following inputs at regular intervals. Input  Description EXTPTT/RTS  External PTT and data RTS OOL  Synthesizer out of lock PWROFF On/off switch position SENSE  External keyfill device detect  The following analog inputs are measured as appropriate to the radio mode of operation. Input  Description RSSI  Receiver signal strength WRU  External device detect BATT  Main radio 10V supply monitor PA TEMP  Transmitter temperature XTAL TEMP  Reference crystal temperature PA CURRENT  Transmitter current Watchdog A regular watchdog service task is scheduled to prevent the H8 watchdog controller from overrunning, and a hardware reset from occurring.  The target watchdog timeout is 100/200 ms. Start-Up Software  Boot Block Start-Up Software The minimum simplest start-up software is provided in the boot block of the Flash.  This software holds the keypad, DSP, user interface, and FPGA in reset, and then establishes whether a valid H8 program image exists in the program blocks of the Flash.  If no valid program exists, a simple alarm sounds.  The boot block software includes a minimum basic BIT facility to check the code itself, and the internal and external random access memory (RAM).  The boot block code includes the software to allow programming of the program blocks through the PC serial port.
3-18  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE Full Start-Up Software If a valid H8 program image exists, the full start-up code executes.  This involves initializing RAM, DSP, keypad, user interface, FPGA, transceiver, etc., executing the start-up BIT, and transferring control to the main scheduler.  FPGA Configure Software At start-up H8 configures the FPGA using data from the main Flash memory and transferring it via a synchronous serial bus to the FPGA. Shut Down Software At normal shut down when the front panel on/off switch is off, the H8 software executes a clean shut down to the transceiver, DSP, and user interface (UI), saves any usage data to the Flash, and releases the main power supply.  In cases where the power is removed, the low-power interrupt executes a minimum fast shut down, saving RAM data as required, with no Flash update.  Debug Driver Software The H8 controller includes software to implement an asynchronous serial port on two input/output (I/O) pins of H8.  Facilities provided include the ability to monitor particular radio variables, and to control specific variables.  This port allows PC serial access to the board during board-level factory testing, through the test connector. 3.6.3 Radio Store All functional areas of the controller software, including the user interface, access the radio data store, fill control, and radio software. Physical Data Storage The radio data is physically stored in 4 devices, all devices are accessible by the controller software.  H8 Internal RAM The H8 controller has 2K x 8 of internal RAM.  This data is not retained when the radio is switched off or the power is removed.  It is used for short-term storage of frequently accessed variables, stack workspace, etc. to minimize bus activity when the H8 controller is running.  The internal RAM is used as program space from which to execute during some Flash update operations. External RAM H8 is provided with an external 128k x 8 bit RAM that is backed up for at least 30 seconds when the radio power is removed, and at all times when a external power is applied with the radio switched off.  This device is used as a variable data expansion area, and stores specific user-entered data that must be retained over power interruptions (unlock password, etc.). Flash ROM H8 has a 512k x 16-bit Flash read-only memory (ROM) used primarily for program storage.  Data in the Flash is retained permanently.  Different areas of the Flash have different characteristics.  The boot sector is a 16k block used for the reprogramming software and the radio serial number.  The data in this sector is programmed or block-erased only in the factory.   The Flash has 15-64k and 6-8k program blocks that can be block-erased and programmed by the boot block code during normal reprogramming operations, without special equipment and without opening the radio.  These blocks are used for H8 and DSP operating software, radio fill data, and FPGA programming data.  The Flash has two small 8k parameter blocks used for changing data that must be stored indefinitely, such as user specific settings and usage data.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  3-19 Transceiver EEPROM The radio transceiver has an 8k x 8 serial EEPROM for storing transceiver calibration data.  This data is set during production testing for the specific transceiver. The data in this device is essentially constant and is never written to by the main controller.  At switch on, contents of the EEPROM are copied into the external RAM; EEPROM is not accessed during normal operation. Data Types The controller software uses a number of different data types. Volatile Variables Variable data used by the H8 controller that is not retained when the radio is switched off, is stored in the H8 internal RAM and the external RAM.  Short Term Stored Variables Variable data retained while the radio is switched off or the power is interrupted, is stored in the external RAM. Permanent Stored Variables Variable data retained indefinitely is stored in the parameter blocks of the Flash.  Every time this data changes, a parameter block must be erased, and the new data written into the now blank parameter block. Radio Fill Data The frequencies, modes, and power levels are associated with different channels programmed into the radio.  This data is programmed into the radio through the fill port. 3.6.4 Program/Fill/Control Interface The controller provides a serial port for PC access to allow the following functions: Function  Description Programming   To update radio software Filling  For modifying the radio data store of modes and frequencies, etc. Control  For controlling the radio operating mode Radio Programming The controller software allows reprogramming of the Flash memory program blocks, on a block-by-block basis.  During these operations, the controller executes from the boot sector of the Flash and no radio or user interface operations are possible.  After a programming operation, cycle the power on the radio. Programming operations are initiated on receipt of a specific serial message on the PC serial port. Radio Fill The controller provides the facilities to modify the system, group, bank, and radio global data through the PC serial port.  This interface provides the following facilities: Facility  Description Radio erase  Delete all fill data in the radio Selective erase  Delete (mark as deleted) specific systems, groups, and banks (for future use) Radio fill   Add specific systems, groups, banks, and global data to the radio store Radio read  Export the fill data contents of the radio store to the PC
3-20  GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  All transfers and operations on the fill port are cyclic redundancy checked (CRC) and acknowledged. Cloning The radio can export channel data to other radios.  Data export is initiated by a user interface operation at the exporting radio.  The exporting radio emulates a PC programmer during the data transfer.  Cloning of keyfill data is not allowed. Radio Keyfill The DSP software manages the radio keyfill protocols. Radio Control Port It is possible for an external PC to control the functioning of the radio.  This provides the following facilities: •  Radio status read to export the radio serial number, revision status, history, usage, etc. •  Set external control mode •  Set radio transmit frequency, power level, and mode •  Set radio receive frequency and mode  The transceiver mode control also allows transmission of 1 kHz test tones in analog modes, and BER test patterns in digital modes.  The receiver mode control allows the continuous (every 0.5 second) output of the bit error count per frame in digital modes.  PC Serial Port Driver The controller software controls the H8 serial port to implement the asynchronous data formats and baud rates (9,600, 19,200, and 38,400) for the PC serial port.  The serial port driver software also controls the 232OFF signal to maintain the RS232 in its low-current standby state, except when data is driven out and while RTS is asserted. 3.7 User Interface The radio interface is described in the following paragraphs. 3.7.1 Display The radio has an 80 x 32 dot matrix LCD display.  Some of the features of the display are: Feature  Description Phone   Indicated by an icon in the top, right of the display (for future use) Scan  Indicated by SCAN****, SRCH****, or ZONE**** flashing in the top row of the display Encryption  Indicated by a key icon Power level  Indicated by HI/LO/2W in the bottom row of the display Priority scan  Indicated by SCANP1 (P2), SRCHP1 (P2), or ZONEP1 (P2) flashing in the top row of the display Receive only channel  Indicated by an RX in the bottom, left corner of the display Talkaround  Indicated by a TA in the bottom, left corner of the display Repeater mode  Indicated by a receiver icon in the bottom, left corner of the display Emergency message  EMG displays in the bottom, left corner when the radio is transmitting an emergency message  3.7.2  Optional DTMF Microphone The radio is programmed using DTMF microphone.  For detailed instructions on programming the radio a DTMF microphone, see the Guardian operator manual (G25AMK004).
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  4-1 CHAPTER 4:    INSTALLATION, ADJUSTMENT, AND OPERATION 4.1 Radio Configuration 4.1.1 Channels A channel consists of a receive and transmit frequency pair.  The radio has a total of 256 selectable channels.  Each channel can be programmed for different receive and transmit frequencies, squelch, modulation, encryption, and power.  Each channel can have one of possible 16 keys assigned on a channel-by-channel basis.  An 8-character alphanumeric label identifies each channel or by its channel number if no text label.  Up to 7 shadow channels can be added to each channel.  They enable the radio to be used in several squelch/encryption modes on each physical channel. 4.1.2 Zones A zone is a group of channels.  Each zone can be assigned up to 16 channels.  The radio can store up to 16 zones, or groups of channels.  The zones can be assigned names of up to 8 alphanumeric characters and assigned to banks during programming.  Three zones can be selected by the toggle switch, 16 zones by the front panel keyboard.  Channels are mapped to the channel select switch positions using the Guardian PC programmer.  When a zone is active (selected), channels within the zone are selected using the 16-position channel select switch on the front panel of the radio. 4.1.3 Banks A bank is a group of zones.  Zones are assigned to banks during programming.  The radio can store up to 4 banks of 16 zones each.  Banks are assigned names of up to 8 characters. 4.2 Installation and Adjustment 4.2.1 Hardware Install using the Datron approved bracket. 4.2.2 Software The manufacturer offers software updates when required.  Software updates can be performed via an external port.  No radio disassembly is required. 4.3 Operating Procedures 4.3.1  Connect the Power Source Use only the Datron approved power cable set, negative ground only. 4.3.2 Connect the Antenna The antenna connects to the radio through a UHF antenna connector.  For best VSWR, make sure to match the antenna before operation. 4.3.3  Optional External Speaker Use the accessory connector on the rear panel of the radio to connect the external speaker. 4.3.4 Radio Programming Prior to the first time of operation, the radio must be programmed using the Guardian programming kit.  For information about programming a radio using the PC programmer, refer to the Guardian programming manual.  For PTT lockout during a programming sequence, refer to the Interface board description in Chapter 2.
4-2 GUARDIAN VHF MOBILE  4.3.5  Radio Power Up Turn on the radio using the on/off/volume knob.  The radio performs a self-test and sounds a short medium-pitched tone to indicate PASS.  Use the switch to set the volume to a comfortable level.  Select the desired channel using the channel select switch.  The process takes 3 to 5 seconds before the radio is ready for operation.  4.3.6  Choose a Channel The default display shows the current zone and channel.  Use the channel select switch to select a different channel in the zone.  To change zones, program one of the side keys, program the three-position toggle switch to zone select, or program through the display using the select menu. 4.3.7  Transmit a Voice Message Press the PTT switch on the palm microphone, hold the radio 2 to 6 inches from your mouth, and speak in a clear voice. 4.3.8  Receive a Voice Message To receive a voice message, release the PTT.  Use the PC programmer or the radio program menu to set or adjust the squelch level, CTCSS tones, DCS variables, NACs, and/or talk-group identifiers (TGIDs) as required. 4.3.9  Programming and Bypass Mode For description of these features, refer to the Interface board section in Chapter 2.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  5-1 CHAPTER 5:    RADIO SET AND ACCESSORIES 5.1 System Description The Guardian consists of the following components: •  Receiver/Exciter/Control Module (RECM) •  Front Panel Interface •  Motherboard •  Heatsink Assembly For available accessories, contact a Datron Guardian representative.  5.1.1 Mobile Radio The Guardian is a vehicular-mounted transceiver capable of providing secure and non-secure communications over the 136 to 174 MHz RF range.  The radio includes an LCD, emergency push button, speaker, microphone, multi-function accessory connector, three programmable function keys, 16-position channel select rotary knob, on/off/volume rotary knob, 3-position programmable toggle switch, antenna connector, dc power connector, and two LED status indicators.  The Guardian features adjustable power output ranging from 25W to 110W.  Operational modes include: •  Clear analog voice FM, 12.5 and 25 kHz •  DES CVSD modulation voice, 25 kHz, 12 kbps •  Project 25 clear digital voice, 12.5 kHz •  DTMF overdial  5.1.2 Antenna The antenna is a SO239 (UHF) jack mounted to the rear panel. 5.1.3  Guardian PC Programmer Note: For some programming features, refer to the Interface board section in Chapter 2. The Guardian programming kit is compatible with Windows 95/98/NT, capable of loading or modifying programming information into the radio from a PC.  It includes software, a detailed operator manual, and an RS232 compatible programming/cloning cable.  The cable connects the PC serial port to the accessory connector on the rear panel of the radio.  See the Guardian programming manual for a complete description of PC programming.  The PC programmer is capable of programming the following settings: Bank tag Special channels:  Priority channels 1 and 2, emergency channel, and home channel BANK  Zones/available zones Zone tag Scan list ZONE  Channels/available channels Channel tag Channel type Bandwidth Receive only option Options:  Scan list, talkaround, and locked Encryption:  Enable, and key CHANNEL Transmit Power:  High and low RF power levels
5-2 GUARDIAN VHF MOBILE   Receive and Transmit Parameters:  Operating frequencies, P25 NAC (digital), talkgroup (digital), squelch mode/value (analog), and shadow channels User (configuration name) User ID P25 Keys and Switches:   Auxiliary switch (1-3) function, toggle switch function, and emergency button function Programming Access:  Programming enable, and programming password Scan:  Revert mode, scan delay, scan reply, and monitor time Transmit:   Transmit inhibit/override, and transmit time-out GLOBAL Emergency:  Alert mode, duration timer, and repeat timer Key tag Key ID KEY Key data 5.1.4 Cloning Cable The Guardian G25AXG004 programming/cloning cable is used to transfer programming information (excluding crypto keys and global parameters) from one radio to another radio.  The cable connects to the radio accessory connector on both the sending (source) and receiving (target) radios.  Each cable end is labeled accordingly (source and target) for ease of use. 5.2 Controls, Indicators, and Connectors Consult the Guardian operator manual for detailed operating instructions.  5.2.1 Controls The radio controls consist of a 16-position channel rotary knob, an on/off/volume rotary knob, a 3-position toggle switch, 3 programmable function keys, an emergency push button, a PTT switch, and a 16-button keypad.  On/Off/Volume Rotary Knob The on/off/volume knob located on the front panel of the radio is a 16-position rotary switch.  The first position is off, the second position is on with the speaker off (mute), and the remaining positions are used for increasing volume levels. 16-Channel Rotary Knob The channel select knob, located on the front panel of the radio, is used to rapidly switch between the programmable 16 channels. 3-Position Toggle Switch The 3-position toggle switch located on the front panel of the radio is programmed using the PC programmer for zone select, transmit encryption enabled/disabled, scan on/priority/off, high/low power, talkaround on/off, monitor (squelch adjust) on/off, and disabled. External Speaker Switch The external speaker provides 10W of clear communications audio from the radio.  Comes with data and speaker cable.  Set the speaker switch to I for internal speaker operation, E for external, or B for both speakers simultaneously. PTT Switch The PTT switch is located on the microphone.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  5-3 Programmable Keys Three programmable keys are located on the front panel of the radio.  These keys are programmed using the PC programmer for the following functions: •  Backlight dim/bright/off (for future use) •  Encryption on/off •  Scan list add/delete •  Keypad disable (for future use) •  Monitor on/off •  Scan on/priority/off •  Signal strength meter on/off •  Talkaround •   On/off •  Home channel  •  Audible tones on/off (for future use) •  Next zone (future use) •  Open microphone (for future use) •  Previous channel (for future use) •  Disabled  Optional Emergency Button Program the emergency button for emergency operation or for zeroize operation.  If programmed for emergency operation, pressing the button activates the emergency calling.  The emergency condition remains active until cleared by turning off the radio.  When the emergency mode is activated, an emergency message is broadcast over the emergency channel.  There are two programmable modes: audio (full alert and silent), and display (alert and silent).  In full-alert mode, EMERGENCY flashes on the display and an audio tone is sounded.  In silent mode, there is no audio tone and no LED indication.  If the emergency button is programmed for zeroize operation, all encryption keys contained in the radio are erased. Optional DTMF Microphone The optional DTMF microphone includes a 12-button keypad with positive feedback on the front panel.  The keypad provides adjustable backlighting for nighttime viewing. 5.2.2 Indicators LCD The radio contains a full graphics 80 x 32 pixel LCD that uses characters and graphics to provide the operator with radio operating information.  The display provides backlighting for nighttime operation. LED  The 3-color LED provides the operating status of the radio.  The LED is viewable from front panel of the radio and provides radio status as follows:  LED  Indication Red Transmitting Green Receiving/busy channel indicator Flashing green  Receiving encrypted transmission Orange  Emergency/low dc power voltage
5-4 GUARDIAN VHF MOBILE Audible Tones The radio has several audible tones that are activated by states of operation or by radio faults.  These tones are described in Chapter 9. 5.2.3 Connectors Accessory Connector The accessory connector is a DB25 connector located on the rear panel of the radio.  This connector is used for multiple functions, including PC programming, keyfill, cloning, external speaker, and audio accessory attachment.  The pin names and functions are defined in Chapter 10. Antenna Connector The antenna connector is a SO239 jack.  DC Power Connector The dc power connector is a 9-pin D connector in the rear panel of the radio. 5.3 Transceiver Characteristics The radio frequency range is 136 to 174 MHz with channel spacing of 12.5 or 25 kHz, tunable in 5 kHz steps. 5.3.1 Transmitter Characteristics Transmitter Output The transmitter output consists of a single channel FM carrier using either conventional 12.5 or 25 kHz FM modulation, or 12.5 kHz compatible 4-level FM (C4FM).  The signal source is analog or digitized voice signals. Transmit Squelch Transmit squelch parameters are required to enable selective squelch communications options.  These parameters are described below.  Analog Transmit Squelch There are 3 types of analog transmit squelch: Type  Description None   No squelch is included with the analog transmit signal CTCSS  Sub-audible CTCSS squelch tones are included with the analog transmit signal DCS   DCS variables are superimposed on the analog transmit signal  Digital Transmit Squelch There are 4 types of digital transmit squelch:  Type  Description None   No squelch is included with the digital transmit signal Network Access Code (NAC)  A digital NAC is transmitted with the Project 25 digital transmit signal.  The primary purpose of this code is to allow the user access to a repeater network TGID   A digital TGID is transmitted with the Project 25 digital transmit signal.  The primary purpose of this selective digital calling identification is to group users into functional teams
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  5-5 Type  Description Individual Call   TGID is automatically set to 0000 (hex) and the user ID of the targeted radio is activated within the Project 25 digital transmit signal 5.3.2 Receiver Characteristics Receiver Performance The receiver is capable of demodulating a single-channel FM carrier using either conventional 12.5 kHz FM, 25 kHz FM, C4FM, or compatible quadrature phase shift keying (CQPSK) modulation.  The receiver demodulates analog or digital voice and data signals.  The radio circuitry receives clear messages while operating in secure mode, and secure messages while in the clear mode, if encryption is enabled. Receive Squelch Analog Receive Squelch There are 3 types of analog receive squelch: Type  Description Carrier (noise) Squelch is opened on any intelligible analog signal CTCSS  Squelch is opened on any analog signal having the correct CTCSS tone DCS   Squelch is opened on any analog signal having the correct DCS variable Digital Receive Squelch There are 4 types of digital receive squelch: Type  Description Monitor   Squelch is opened on any intelligible digital signal.  The NAC and talkgroup ID do not have to match Normal   Squelch is opened on any digital signal having the correct NAC Selective   Squelch is opened on any digital signal having the correct NAC and TGID Individual call   Squelch is opened on a digital signal having a TGID of 0000 (hex) and a user ID matching that of the receiving radio 5.4 Communication Security The radio is capable of secure communication by means of type-3, software-based encryption, and is fully compatible with any radio using Project 25 DES encryption.  When the radio is operating in the secure mode, the transmission of all tone squelch signals is disabled. 5.4.1 Algorithms The radio is capable of single-bit cipher feedback (SBCF) DES (compatible with other manufacturers) 25 kHz channels.  5.4.2 Keyfill Keyfill is accomplished through the radio accessory connector using the PC programmer.  The PC programming cable is used to load the keys.  The radio can store up to 16 encryption keys.  The radio retains encryption keys until they are rewritten or zeroized.
5-6 GUARDIAN VHF MOBILE  5.4.3 Zeroize The radio can be programmed using an optional, external emergency key to zeroize all encryption keys.  Using the programming menu, the radio can also zeroize all encryption keys, or selectively zeroize individual encryption keys.  The emergency key is programmed using the PC programmer.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  6-1 CHAPTER 6:    SERVICING THE RADIO 6.1 General There are no user serviceable parts in the Guardian radio.  Return it for servicing to the manufacturer after requesting an RMA number.  Attempts to service the Guardian radio by non-authorized personnel voids the warranty.  6.2 Self-Test at Power Up At radio switch-on, the H8 controller executes a number of tests to confirm correct operation.  Any errors are reported to the user through displayed error messages and logged in the Flash.  The tests implemented include: •  Flash checksum CRC •  RAM read and write •  FPGA configuration •  DSP host interface •  Keypad interface to AVR •  DC bus interface •  Transceiver EEPROM interface •  Synthesizer lock tests top and bottom frequencies, lock time, etc.  6.3 Caution Repair of some parts of this unit require special tools and soldering techniques not normally available in a field service environment.  DWC highly recommends the module subassemblies be returned to the factory for service.  Damage can easily occur from repair attempts by non-trained personnel.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  7-1 CHAPTER 7:    TROUBLESHOOTING 7.1 Introduction This chapter is included to help qualified service personnel troubleshoot and repair the Guardian radio.  If questions or problems arise, contact Datron Technical Support Services Group, Datron World Communications Inc., 3030 Enterprise Court, Vista, CA 92083, or phone (760) 597-3755, or email to:  guardianservice@dtwc.com. For additional troubleshooting information, refer to the following sections of this manual: •  Chapter 2:  Hardware Theory of Operation •  Chapter 3:  Software Theory of Operation •  Chapter 4:  Installation, Adjustment and Operation •  Chapter 11:  Schematics This chapter contains basic functional tests.  Once the problem is corrected, restart the tests. 7.2 Radio Functional Tests The tests in this chapter require the radio to be tested as programmed.  It is best to program all 3 auxiliary buttons to Hi/Lo power, the emergency button to emergency, and the toggle switch to zone select.  Program the radio with eighteen channels, 3 zones, and 1 bank.  Put 16 channels in zone 1, 1 channel in zone 2, and 1 channel in zone 3.  For all of the channels, use assigned transmit and receive frequencies, turn transmit squelch off, and set receive squelch to carrier, level 8.  When more than one remove and receive tasks are shown in a block, they are listed in order from most to least probable for fixing the problem.  It is recommended that the remove and repair tasks are tried one at a time, and the radio re-tested until the problem is fixed. The tests outlined below provide an overall check of the radio to ensure it is working properly.  7.2.1 Power-On Test This test ensures that the radio turns on, the latest software version number briefly appears, a beep is heard, and an operational screen appears on the LCD. 7.2.2  Buttons and Switches Test This test ensures that the PTT, auxiliary buttons, toggle switch, emergency key, keypad, on/off/volume switch, and channel switch work. 7.2.3 Transmit Test This test ensures the radio has the required transmit power, frequency accuracy, and deviation. 7.2.4 Receive Test This test ensures the radio LED works, a 1 kHz tone is heard, and that SINAD is within specified limits. 7.2.5 Audio Test This test ensures that the radio’s internal speaker and microphone are working.  If the radio fails this test, please contact Datron for radio servicing.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  8-1 CHAPTER 8:    DEFINITIONS  Alert Mode:  Display and audio properties are used when the emergency key is pressed.  In normal mode, the display flashes EMERGENCY and an audio tone is heard.  In silent mode, the display is blank and no audio tone is heard. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC):  An electronic device for converting data from analog to digital form for use in electronic equipment. Backlight:  The light behind the keypad and LCD enables the keys and LCD to be visible in dark conditions. Backlight Delay:  The time the backlight remains on after the last keypad activity. Bandwidth (BW):  A small range of frequencies around a transmit or receive frequency in which a message can be received or transmitted. Bank:  A group of zones.  There are up to 4 banks per radio.  Up to 16 zones can be distributed through these 4 banks. Channel:  A memory location with defined receive, transmit, squelch, modulation, and power settings.  There are 256 channels per radio. Channel Locked:  An indicator informing that channel settings cannot be programmed using the LCD and keypad.  The settings can only be changed using the PC programmer. Channel Scan:  Scans all channels on the scan list in a given 16-channel zone.   The scan starts on the home channel, checks each channel in the scan plan, returns to the home channel, and then scans each channel in the scan plan. Common Air Interface (CAI):  The CAI standard allows interoperability within any Project 25 system provided they are all in the same frequency band. Continuous Tone-Controlled Squelch System (CTCSS) Tone:  A sub-audible tone superimposed on an analog signal to reduce interference from traffic and background noise. Digital Coded Squelch (DCS):  A digital variable superimposed on a digital signal to reduce interference from traffic and background noise. Digital Signal Processor (DSP):  Handles all signal-processing functions. Digital to Analog Converter (DAC):  A device that takes a digital value and outputs a voltage that is proportional to the input value. Dual-Tone Multiple-Frequency (DTMF):  A signaling scheme used by the telephone system in which two-voice band tones are generated for each keypad key press. Global Search:  Scans all frequencies programmed into the radio, regardless of scan list designation. Initial Synchronization:  The length of time required for the radio to perform encryption synchronization. Microprocessor Unit (MPU):  A computer’s entire CPU is contained on one (or a small number of) integrated circuit. Monitor Receive Squelch:  The radio receives any intelligible analog transmission. Monitor Timer:  The amount of time the radio stays on a channel picked up during the scan and before the radio reverts back to scan mode. Network Access Code (NAC):  Selective squelch for digital mode.  The primary purpose is to allow the user access to a repeater network.  In radio-to-radio communications, these codes are used to eliminate interference from other traffic and background noise. Normal Receive Squelch:  The radio receives any transmission having the correct NAC. Priority 1 Scan:  Priority 1 channel is sampled during scanning, receive of an active channel, or standby.  Activity on the priority1 channel overrides all other modes except emergency.
8-2 GUARDIAN VHF MOBILE  Priority 2 Scan:  Priority-2 channel is sampled in a similar fashion to the priority-1 channel.  Activity on the priority-2 channel overrides all other modes except emergency and priority 1. Receive Only Channel:  A feature that does not allow outgoing transmissions on the channel.  It is used for channels in which transmission is prohibited (i.e., weather channels).  If PTT is pressed on a receive-only channel, RX ONLY appears on the display. Receiver/Exciter/Control Module (RECM):  Transceiver module containing all radio functions except RF/audio amplifiers and display/keypad circuitry.  Repeater Delay:  A delay timer used to prevent a radio from receiving its own transmission from a tactical repeater. Scan Delay:  The amount of time the scanner dwells on an active receive channel after the carrier is dropped.  This prevents another message from being received before a response can be made. Scan Reply:  If a PTT press interrupts the scan delay timer, this is the amount of time allowed to ensure a reply to a received message. Scan List:  A group of channels in a zone that are designated as active scan list channels.  Channels are added or deleted from the scan list using the PC programmer or the radio keypad. Scan Revert Channel:  The transmit channel that the radio reverts to when PTT is pressed during or following a scanned message. Search Mode:  The radio scans for and opens on carrier only regardless of CTCSS, DCS, or the digital ID. Selective Receive Squelch:  The radio receives any transmission having the correct NAC and TGID. Shadow Channel:  The radio of primary channels, each of which can have up to 7 shadow channels.  A shadow channel has the same transmit and receive frequencies, options, and transmit power levels as its primary channel.  Individual shadow channels can be configured for different channel types (analog or digital), BW (12.5 or 25 kHz for analog channels), squelch modes, P25 NACs (digital channel only), and encryption key (only one primary or shadow channel can have CVSD DES enabled).  When properly configured, shadow channels can be created to allow a user to hear all transmissions on a receive/transmit frequency regardless of channel type, BW, squelch mode, or encryption.  Shadow channels are created and their settings edited using the PC programmer. Talk Group Identifier (TGID):  Selective squelch for the digital mode, used to group users into functional teams. Transmit Inhibit and Override:  A feature that stops users from talking over other radio conversations.  There are three options: CARRIER prevents transmission if any activity is detected on the channel, TONE prevents transmission on an active channel with a squelch code other than your own, and NAC prevents transmission on an active channel with the same NAC.  There is a quick-key override feature available that allows a user to override the transmit inhibit state by quick-keying the radio (i.e., 2 PTT presses within a short time frame). Transmit Timeout:  Prevents inadvertent or prolonged transmit operations. User Interface:  The same as a man-machine interface. Zone:  A group of channels.  There is a maximum of 16 zones per radio and each zone can contain up to 16 channels.  Three zones can be selected using the toggle switch or 16 zones selected by the radio keypad. Zone Scan List:  A group of zones in a bank designated as active scan list zones.  Zones are added or deleted from the scan list using the PC programmer or the radio’s keypad.
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  9-1 CHAPTER 9:  SIGNAL TONES   Tone  Signal  Cause Key press error  Invalid key pressed Failed power on self-test (POST)  Radio fails POST Transmit time-out warning  Time-out about to interrupt PTT Brief low-pitched Empty channel warning  No RX/TX frequencies programmed for the channel Transmit time-out timed out  Transmit time is exceeded and PTT still pressed Transmit inhibit  PTT switch is pressed and there is activity on the transmit channel Invalid mode  No programmed data on the selected channel Steady low-pitched Radio locked  Radio locks after 3 consecutive wrong password attempts Key press  Valid key press is accepted by the radio Radio passed POST  Radio passed POST Brief medium-pitched Clear voice received  Radio is receiving a clear signal Emergency call state  Emergency button is pressed Repeated medium-pitched Key error  Encryption is selected but no key is present Brief high-pitched Low dc supply voltage  DC supply voltage falls below a preset value Repeated high-pitched Individual call  An individual call is received
GUARDIAN VHF 110W MOBILE  10-1 CHAPTER 10:  CONNECTOR PINOUTS  10.1  Accessory Connector Pins and Functions Pin  Signal Name  Description 1  RS232_RXD  Receive data line output (DCE), RS232 level  (>+3V=ZERO, <-3V=ONE) 2  RS232_RTS  Data port control input (DCE), RS232 level (>+3V=ON, <-3V=OFF) 3  SERIAL_CLOCK  Synchronous clock output to PC terminal (DCE), RS232 level (>+3V=ZERO, <-3V=ONE) 4  RS232_CTS  Data port control output (DCE), RS232 level (>+3V=ON, <-3V=OFF) 5  PC_232RXD  Programming receive data line output (DCE), RS232 level (>+3V=ZERO, <-3V=ONE) 6  SQUELCH_INF  Squelch, low on valid receive signal, 7.8V squelched 7 GND  Ground 8  EXTERNAL_SPEAKER_N  Balanced audio output from RECM, 500 mW into 8 ohms 9  EXTERNAL_PTT/KID  PTT input asserted by voltage closure to ground or pseudo-random key insert data, LVTTL level input 10  7.7V  Test point for internal regulated voltage supply 11  EXTERNAL_MIC/WE  Microphone input or key transfer indicator input, asserted by voltage 0.8 Vdc 12 GND  Ground 13  INTERNAL_SPEAKER_P  Balanced audio input from external device; can override RECM audio output signal 14  PTT_SWITCH  PTT input asserted by voltage closure to ground 15  RS232_DTR  Data port control input (DCE), RS232 level (>+3V=ON, <-3V=OFF) 16  PC_232TXD  Programming transmit data line input (DCE), RS232 level (>+3V=ZERO, <-3V=ONE) 17  RS232_TXD  Transmit data line input (DCE), RS232 level  (>+3V=ZERO, <-3V=ONE) 18  WRU_MONITOR  Voltage input identifies external device 19  EXT_10W_SPEAKER_N  Balanced audio output for external 10W 4-ohm speaker 20  EXT_10W_SPEAKER_P  Balanced audio output for external 10W 4-ohm speaker 21  EXTERNAL_MIC_BIAS/KEY  Microphone bias or bi-directional key data, LVTTL levels 22  EXTERNAL_SPEAKER_P/KLD  Balanced audio output from RECM, 500 mW into 8 ohms or LVTTL low-output level when keyloader is connected 23  EMERGENCY_SWITCH  Active low control to transmit emergency signal 24  IGN_SW  Power switch override input.  Ground forces off, open enables switch 25  INTERNAL_SPEAKER_N  Balanced audio input from external device; can override RECM audio output signal
10-2 GUARDIAN VHF MOBILE  10.2  Power Connector Pins and Functions Pin  Signal Name  Description 1 BATTERY  Battery power 2 GROUND  Ground 3 IGN_SW  Ignition switch 4 EXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_N External speaker 5 EXTERNAL+10W_SPEAKER_P External speaker 6 BATTERY  Battery power 7 GROUND  Ground 8 GROUND  Ground 9 EMERGENCY_SWITCH  Emergency switch  10.3  Microphone Jack Connector Pins and Functions Pin  Signal Name  Description 1 EXTERNAL_MIC_BIAS/KEY Keyload line 2 GROUND  Ground 3 INTERNAL_MIC  Microphone audio 4 EXTERNAL_MIC/WE  Keyload line 5 PTT_SWITCH  Push-to-talk line 6 BIAS(+)  Microphone power 7 EXTERNAL_SPEAKER_P/KLD Keyload line 8 EXTERNAL_PTT/K1D  Keyload line
11994478 A14-May-2002 10:55:16994478A.SchTitle:Size: Drawing Number:Date:File:Rev:Sheet ofTime:DAUDIO AMP BD, GUARDIAN 100W MOBILESchematicDate:Date:Appr:Drawn:REV ECN DESCRIPTION DATE APPR3030 Enterprise Ct.Vista, CA  92083(760)597-3777INT_5W_SPEAKER_PINT_5W_SPEAKER_NINTERNAL_SPEAKER_PAUDIO_INTERNAL_DISABLER1010KEXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_NEXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_PINTERNAL_SPEAKER_NAUDIO_EXT_DISABLE+IN11--IN12GND13Vref4OUT1 5BS1 6GND27BS2 8OUT2 9Vp 10M/SS 11RR12+IN213U2TDA1516BQC51uF/25VC41uF/25VR1610kR1510k R3310kR1310kR1410kR1910k SWBATR40ohmR50ohm+IN11--IN12GND13Vref4OUT1 5BS1 6GND27BS2 8OUT2 9Vp 10M/SS 11RR12+IN213U1TDA1516BQC11uF/25VC21uF/25VR910kR810k R2110kR610kR710kR1210kSWBATR20ohmR30ohmC140.1uFC150.1uFC2247uF,20VC2147uF,20VC1947uF,20VC2047uF,20VINTERNAL AUDIO AMPLIFIEREXTERNAL AUDIO AMPLIFIERC31uF/25V C61uF/25VR1710KC71nFC81nFR1810kR1110kQ52N7002R430ohmC551uF/25VJ4OSMTC91nF C101nFL12.7uHR46100kR231kR241kR44100KR3410kR2610kR2210kR3510kR27300R382.67K-1%R3010kR3210kR2810kPA_PTT321U4ALM29034 8VCCGND U3CLM2904123U3ALM2904Q72N70027.8VswLED_TX7.8VswC160.1uFC5310uFEMERGENCY_SWITCHEXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_PEXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_NL210uH C131nFSWBATRS232_RTSSQ_INFRS232_CTSEXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_NRS232_DTREXTERNAL_10W_SPEAKER_PRS232_TXDRS232_RXDINTERNAL_SPEAKER_PPC_232TXDSERIAL_CLOCKPC_232RXDEXTERNAL_MIC/WEEXTERNAL_PTT/KIDEXTERNAL_SPEAKER_NPTT_SWITCHWRU_MONITOREXTERNAL_MIC_BIAS/KEYEMERGENCY_SWITCHEXTERNAL_SPEAKER_P/KLD 7.8VswINTERNAL_SPEAKER_N11421531641751861972082192210231124122513J6610458FB23FB22FB21FB20FB19FB17FB16FB15FB14FB13FB12FB11FB10FB9FB8FB7FB6FB5FB4C52100pFFB18C26100pFC27100pFC28100pFC29100pFC30100pFC31100pFC32100pFC35100pFC36100pFC38100pFC39100pFC41100pFC42100pFC43100pFC44100pFC45100pFC46100pFC47100pFC48100pFC50100pFC51100pFC40100pFC49100pFR3610kON/OFFR391.27k-1%   Q9MMBT2222R450OHMFB1 FB2SWBATC170.1uFC33100pFC34100pFC25.01uFC37100pFFB3E1PADE2PADC121nF567U4BLM290384U4CLM2903SWBATC180.1uF756U3BLM2904R370ohmR5310kR55560R541.82K-1%J3123456789J561045724137,8 5,6Q10IRF7328FB24D34148R6010kC581nFR561.05K,1%R5210k7.8Vsw7.8VswIGN_SWIGN_SWPF1550044PANEL MNTVBAT7.8VswC561uF/25VR4151.1K-1%Q810K/10K321U6ALM290384U6CLM2903567U6BLM2903R20100kR1200k7.8VswQ12N7002R29100R4010k7.8VswR502.67K         C821uF/25VC57DNPVout 21+Vin3ADJU5LM350TC1110uFR5112.7K      R47100KQ3MMBT2907Q2MMBT2222R491.05K,1%SWBATC230.1uFR4810k1234567891011121314151617181920J1613507             1234567891011121314151617181920J26135073.3V VBAT SWBAT 7.8VFB25Q12IRLML6302          Q112N7002ON/OFFR6210K7.8VD11N6278D41N6278Q152N7002Q142N7002Q132N7002Q16MMBT2222R63100k R64100k7.8Vsw7.8Vsw7.8VswR65100kC241uF/25VPTT_SWITCHTP213.3V SWBATVBAT 7.8VR66DNPR670OHMR6910kR68270ON/OFFPA_PTTLED_TXINT_5W_SPEAKER_NINT_5W_SPEAKER_PAUDIO_INTERNAL_DISABLEAUDIO_EXT_DISABLEINTERNAL_SPEAKER_PINTERNAL_SPEAKER_NEXTERNAL_SPEAKER_P/KLDEXTERNAL_MIC_BIAS/KEYWRU_MONITORRS232_TXDPC_232TXDRS232_DTREXTERNAL_MIC/WEEXTERNAL_PTT/KIDPC_232RXDRS232_CTSSERIAL_CLOCKRS232_RTSRS232_RXDEXTERNAL_SPEAKER_N7.8VPTT_SWITCHSQUELCH_INDICATORIGN_SWEMERGENCY_SWITCH3.3VTP21BIASBIASVBAT_TPVBAT_TPC541nFR256.2KFD1FD2FD3BOM:125-50220PCB:738534C38DNPR310OHMR420OHMR570OHM
11994483 A14-May-2002 10:56:49994483A.schTitle:Size: Drawing Number:Date:File:Rev:Sheet ofTime:DGUARDIAN MOBILE, 110WPASchematicDate:Date:Appr:Drawn:REV ECN DESCRIPTION DATE APPR3030 Enterprise Ct.Vista, CA  92083(760)597-3777C26.01uFC371nFL768nHE2E1C6247uF,20V C6347uF,20VC351uF/25VSWBAT2R361k C32.01uFC28.01uFBATT+BATT-C140.1uFC161uF/25VR40DNPC10DNP4 8VCCGNDU6CLM2904D1MMBD4148R280ohm123U3ALM2904C1100pFC11DNPR1210k123U4ALM2904C201uF/25VR80.01ohm-1%SWBAT1C9100pFC3100pFL374nHC72DNPR2510K123LM35U12LM35TEMP SENSORQ9IRF4905C391nFC171uF/25VC27.01uFFB2FBC231uF/25V C8100pFC942.2pF          C1051nFR758.25kC33DNPR1510kR87402kR856.19kR865.62kR2100kR6100kC67.001uFC66.001uFR261kC531nFC5418pFD101N6278OUT 1Vin+ 3V+5GND2Vin- 4U1DNPC556.8pF C81DNPR391k C29.01uFC401nFC6447uF,20V C6547uF,20VC30.01uFC190.1uFC211uF/25VR42DNPC12DNP756U6BLM2904D3MMBD4148R300ohmC2100pFC13DNPR1910k4 8VCCGNDU3CLM2904C4100pFQ10IRF4905C221uF/25VC31.01uFC34DNPR2210kR5720.5kR4100kC5818pFOUT 1Vin+ 3V+5GND2Vin- 4U2DNPM68702HRF_IN1DC1 2DC2 3RF_OUT 4GND5U9701363M68702HRF_IN1DC1 2DC2 3RF_OUT 4GND5U10701363VdetR1810kR1110kVdetVtempVdetD4MMBD4148VtempD2MMBD4148VtempVrefR331kR321k4 8VCCGNDU4CLM2904C151uF/25V756U4BLM2904C106DNP4351129108K2TX2SA-5V-X4351129108K1TX2SA-5V-XD146.8VSWBAT1C511nFC491nFFB5FBL1115uHANTENNARADIOFB4FBFB3FBC471nF C481nFL122.7uH756U3BLM29044 8VCCGNDU7CLM2904123U6ALM2904C251uF/25VSWBAT1R550.01ohm-1%R63100kSWBAT1756U7BLM2904Q122N7002R3720.5K R2710kR5920.5KR5820.5KSWBAT2VrefR368kR5100kVrefC980.1uF C10010uFC181uF/25VR710k123U7ALM2904D5MMBD4148R205.62K 1% R341kR48100kVdetR660ohmD136.8VR881.8KR72100-1/2WR71100-1/2WSWBAT1Q112N7002R62100kC990.1uFD126.8VC501nFC521nFC461nFR5010ohmR5110ohmC411nFC381nFC7010pF C73DNPC952.2pF          C57DNPC69.001uFC68.001uFC1036.8pFC51uF/25V 756U8BLM2904SWBAT2123U8ALM29044 8VCCGNDU8CLM2904J1080002001J2610551R920ohmR311k R411kD156.8VR8968KR217.5KQ4MMBT2222R462.7KR14330 C80150pF C82150pF C83DNPC844.7pfC4310pF C7112pFL468nHL274nHC60DNPC752.2pF          C426.8pF C77DNPC5610pF C61DNPC762.2pF          C78DNPC5910pF C7412pFR1351.1KR61100kE4E5E7 E6E3+-CHASSISGNDR17150-1/2W R23150-1/2W R24150-1/2W R29150-1/2W R35150-1/2W R38150-1/2W4231T1CURRENTXFMRR44100R47100VR110K/11TR9100KQ6DTA114EKAQ52N7002Q8DTA114EKAQ72N7002COAX BYPASS-WHEN INSTALLEDR49DNPR67150R65150R64150R60150D8MMBD4148Q13MMBT2222 Q14MMBT2222Q15MMBT2907R5310kR6910kR6810kD7MMBD4148D6MMBD4148R45100kR5268KR5430.1K          C791uF/25VQ1TPC8106-H Q17TPC8106-HQ2TPC8106-H Q18TPC8106-HR110kQ3TPC8106-H Q19TPC8106-HQ16TPC8106-H Q20TPC8106-HD91N6278C61uF/25V123U5ALM2904M 756U5BLM2904M4 8VCCGNDU5CLM2904C241uF/25VSWBAT1123U11ALM2904M 756U11BLM2904M4 8VCCGNDU11CLM2904C71uF/25VSWBAT2Q222N7002R81DNPR80DNPR82DNPR7615KR7415KR434.99KR564.99KQ212N7002R79DNPR78DNPR77DNPR7015KR7315KR104.99KR164.99KFD1FDUFD2FDUFD3FDUPCB:738536BOM:125-50110SWBAT2SWBAT2R841KR83DNPD11MMBD4148C36100pFC44DNPC45DNP
1122334455A AB BC CD DEXTPWREXTPWR4.5VSWBATTSW3V3LOGIC7.5VT3V3LOGIC7.5VT3V3LOGIC3V3LOGICBATTSW 3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGICEXTMICB/KEY 5EXTSPKR+/KLD 4,5EXTSPKR- 4232CLK_SC 5232RXD_SC 5PCRXD_SC 5EXTPWR_SC 6EXTMIC/WE 5WRUMON 2EXTPTT/KID 5232TXD_SC 5232DTR_SC 5232RTS_SC 5PCTXD_SC 5PROGDATA 2,9,11SYNTHENA 2,11SRENA 2,1112DACENA 3,98DACENA 2,9DACADCCLK 3,5MULTCLOCK 5PATMON 2RSSIMON 2,3IFOUT 3,10SYNTHOOL 2/BATTOFF 5CTX 5DTXD 2TDO 5/WR 2,3,5/RESET_JTAG 2,3,7/WP 2/STBY 2,3,5DRXD 2TCK 3,5TDI 3TMSDSP 3,5/TRST 3/DE 3TMSFPGA 5/RADON 6,7SPKR+ 4SPKR- 4LEDGREENN 5BL_KNOB_N 7AUX2 7AUX1 7PTTSW 7AUX3 7VOL1 7VOL3 7VOL4 7EMERGSW 7TOG1 7SECSW 7TOG2 7CHN1 7CHN2 7CHN3 7CHN4 7LEDREDN 5BATTSENSE87.5VA87.5VT6,8EEPWP9PATEMP12RSSI10SYNTHLOCK11IFOUT3,10BATTCTRL8TXCTRL820VCLK11PROGCLK2,9,11PROGDATA2,9,11 SYNTHENA2,11SRENA2,118DACENA2,94.5VSW6,812DACENA3,912DACCLK912DACDATA3,9232CTS_SC 5/RADOFF_SC 6SQL_SC 5VOL2 7INTMIC 4GND_SIGNAL2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12PROGCLK 2,9,11BATTBUS 2KOUT3 7KOUT2 7KOUT1 7KIN1 7KIN6 7KIN3 7KIN4 7BL_KP_N 7KIN5 7KIN2 7MTXD 5,7/LCD_CS 5/XRST 2,3,7LCDA0 5MCLK 5,7BL_LCD_N 712DACDATA 3,9RADONSW6APPROVEDREVISIONSZONE REV DESCRIPTION DATEPREPRODUCTION RELEASE--01FILENAMESOFTWARE VERSIONREV STATUSOF SHEETSREVISIONSHEETS123456Orcad Capture 7.0007160101.DSN-     NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.1.     INTERPRET DRAWING PER MIL-STD-100.2.     ALL RESISTANCE VALUES ARE IN OHMS,3.     CAPACITANCE VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS,4.     LAST REF DES USED:5.     REF DES NOT USED:SCALEREVSHEETOFSIZE CAGE CODE DWG NONONEDATE23386TITLECONTRACT NO.UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIEDDIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHESTOLERANCES ARE:FRACTIONS DECIMALS ANGLESDO NOT SCALE DRAWINGTREATMENTFINISHSIMILAR TOPARTDASHNO.NEXT ASSY USED ONAPPLICATIONCHECKEDMFG/TEST ENGTECH DIRQA APPROVALSDSGNRADDITIONAL APPROVALS DATEMECH ENG.ELEC ENG.DRAWNTHALES COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Thursday, November 15, 2001 1 12ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND024200716CCA CONTROL/TRANSCEIVERSCHEMATIC DIAGRAM,07/20/00E. HOOKER.XX +/-.XXX +/-+/- +/-DATRON4101421DTHALES COMMUNICATIONS, INC.This information represents intellectual property which shall not be disclosed or released, except to comply with contractural requirements.  This information is provided    on a limited basis and does not include any rights to manufacture, or have manufactured, any equipment depicted therein.JTAG/DEBUG INTERFACECONTROL SIDEXCVR SIDE B1,C550,D69,FL6,J5,L80,P2,Q71,R580,RT1,T2,TP24,U77,Y1C20,C24,C32,C33,C35-C37,C39-C42,C44-C52,C54,C55,C58,C60,C62-C73,C76,C79,C80,C85,C89-C91,C93,C99,C119,C122,C147,C153,C189,C194,C197,C198,C204,C205,C207,C208,C210-C213,C217-C221,C232,C234,C238,C239,C243,C250-C255,C258-C266,C272-C274,C277,C278,C280-C283,C291,C296-C300,C313-C317,C320-C327,C329,C330,C333,C391,C394-C398,C402-C404,C530,C533,C548,D5,D6,D22,D29-D34,D51,J1,J4,L23,L26,L27,L29,L32-L34,L36,L54,L57-L59,L67,P1,Q3-Q6,Q8,Q9,Q20,Q28-Q30,Q37-Q45,Q56,R13-R30,R32,U5-U10,U18,U22,U23,U25,U26,U30,U34,U38-U41,R90,R93,R108,R158,R161,R163-R168,R170,R174,R34-R43,R45,R46,R50,R53,R54,R56,R58-R63,R88,R399,R402-R405,R407,R425,R438,R441-R443,R508,R176,R184,R188-R190,R192,R194,R195,R197-R202,R267-R271,R274,R275,R277,R278,R285,R286,R289,R205,R207,R209-R211,R216,R221,R223,R226,R228,U61,U66,U67,U72R509,R519,R520,R532,TP4,TP15,TP16,TP22,TP23,U2,R301-R305,R307-R314,R317,R318,R379,R383,R397,R231-R235,R239,R242-R249,R260,R261,R265,02 BOARD SPIN 2 UPDATED 10/10/01 B.MAATR36810K1%C372100 pF5%R354100 1% R3962.21K 1%C405100 pF5%R356100 1%R38410 1%C4080.01 uF10%J520 POS1234567891011121314151617181920R358100 1%R36710K1%C401100 pF5%R360100 1%R38810 1%R361100 1%R401100K1%R362100 1%R39810 1%R363100 1%R36610K1%R359100 1%R36510K1%C4070.01 uF10%R35110K 1%R36410K1%C3990.01 uF10%R35010K 1%R39010 1%C37447 pF5%R35210K 1%R38610 1%C35647 pF5%C406100 pF5%R36910K1%C351100 pF5%R3752.21K 1%R40647.5 1%C352100 pF5%R3801K 1%R3952.21K1%R3571K 1%C353100 pF5%C350100 pF5%R3271K 1%R381100 1%R3291K 1% R3311K 1%R3331K 1%R38710K 1%FL5BEADR3351K 1%D36BAR43S1 23R3371K 1%R393100 1%R3391K 1%C3930.01 uF10%R385100 1%FL6BEADR3411K 1%C4000.01 uF10%R3531K 1%R3431K 1%C4090.01 uF10%R3551K 1%R3441K 1%C3920.01 uF10%R3491001%D37BAR43S1 23C346100 pF5%R3241K 1%P280 POS61619-8011223344556677889910 1062 6263 6364 6465 6566 6667 6768 6869 6970 7071 7172 7273 7374 7475 7576 7677 7778 7879 7980 8011 1112 1213 1314 1415 1516 1617 1718 1819 1920 2021 2122 2223 2324 2425 2526 2627 2728 2829 2930 3031 3132 3233 3334 3435 3536 3637 3738 3839 3940 4041 4142 4243 4344 4445 4546 4647 4748 4849 4950 5051 5152 5253 5354 5455 5556 5657 5758 5859 5960 6061 61R389100 1%C347100 pF5%R3251K 1%R391100 1%C345100 pF5%R3451K 1%R3471K 1%C390100 pF5%D38CMDSH2-32 1R3461K 1%C3420.01 uF10%R3481K 1%C3430.01 uF10%R3261K 1%D39BAR43S1 23R374100K1%C3810.01 uF10%R3281K 1%Q49BSS12313 2R376100 1%C3640.01 uF10%R3301K 1%C3480.01 uF10%C3630.01 uF10%C3490.01 uF10%R3321K 1%C3800.01 uF10%R3341K 1%C3440.01 uF10%C36947 pF5%R3361K 1%C376100 pF5%C3830.01 uF10%R3381K 1%C358100 pF5%C3660.01 uF10%R3401K 1%C377100 pF5%C3820.01 uF10%R3421K 1%C359100 pF5%C3650.01 uF10%R39410 1%C378100 pF5%C3850.01 uF10%R37810 1%C360100 pF5%C3680.01 uF10%R3771K 1%C379100 pF5%C3840.01 uF10%R40056.21%C361100 pF5%C3670.01 uF10%R3821K 1%C3890.01 uF10%C3880.01 uF10%R37210 1%C3730.01 uF10%C3710.01 uF10%R37110K 1%C355100 pF5%C3870.01 uF10%R373100 1%C354100 pF5%C3700.01 uF10%R39210 1%C375100 pF5%C38647 pF5%R3701K1%C3570.01 uF10%C3620.01 uF10%
1122334455A AB BC CD DXTALVCCXTALCLK DVRINCLKCLKDVRVCCRSTVCCFLASHVCCFLASHVPPDVROUTCLKTCXOCTRLTCXOCTRLRAMVCCDB10DB7DB0DB3DB10AB1DB13AB8AB7 DB3AB20DB4AB0/RESDB15AB15AB6 DB2AB18DB1DB0/RESOBATTMONAB14AB18DB4AB2DB1AB19DB8AB16AB17DB15AB5DB7AB2AB1AB10AB3AB9AB1AB9DB15AB14AB15DB14AB10DB8AB11AB16AB12AB0DB6AB17DB12AB13AB2AB12AB13AB5AB19AB11DB11AB12AB3DB8DB14DB9AB14AB11AB8AB20DB13AB4/RES DB2AB15AB7AB6DB12AB9AB6DB5 DB10AB8/RESOAB16DB13AB10AB4DB11DB9DB14AB7AB3DB5AB5DB12DB11DB9AB4DB6AB13MPUCLKMPUCLK3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3CONTH8VCCH8VCC3V3LOGICH8VCC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC/STBY1,3,5SYNTHOOL1DRXD1/WP1DTXD1/DSPO_CS3SYNTHENA11PROGDATA9,11/BREQ 3/BACK 3DSPWD3/RES 5DB[0..15] 3/RD 3/WR 1,3,5/RAM_CS 3/FLASH_CS 3LBI 6RSSIMON 1,38DACENA9WRUMON 1KEYLOAD5AB[0..20] 3,5DATIN_H8 5/MINT 7CONFDONE5ALM 4/LBOUT3,6SOCLK 5TXDO 5232RTS_H8 5/EXTPTT 5,6/HINT 3/XRST 1,3,7/FPGA_CS 5DATOUT_H8 5PATMON 1RXDO 5GND_SIGNAL1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12SRENA11VPPCTRL3BATTBUS1/DINT3PROGCLK9,11/PWROFF6FPGACLK 5DSPCLK 3ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 2 12024200716E. HOOKERDALARM INPUT?Control MPUU64IS62LV12816LL-70BI365766A0A3A1A4A2A5A3B3A4B4A5C3A6C4A7D4A8H2A9H3A10H4A11H5A12G3A13G4A14F3A15F4A16E4IO0 B6IO1 C5IO2 C6IO3 D5IO4 E5IO5 F5IO6 F6IO7 G6GNDD1UB#B2CE#B5OE#A2WE#G5VCC D6LB#A1NC A6IO8 B1IO9 C1IO10 C2IO11 D2IO12 E2IO13 F2IO14 F1IO15 G1NC D3VCC E1NC E3GNDE6NC G2NC H1NC H6R514150K1%R505101%R50610K1%C4820.1 uF10%C4850.01 uF10%PORT APORT BPORT 9PORT 8PORT 7U63HD6433044SS00XI365582VCC 68517416315214113012491390MD275MD174MD073EXTAL66XTAL67^61STBY62RES63VPP* /RESO10NMI6409319429539649759869971000213243546576879289188087785684583482381280179078AVSS86VSS11VSS22VSS44VSS57VSS65VSS92018119220321423524625726053154255356058159260369470571672VCC 35VCC 1AVCC 76VREF 77734633532431330128229027752651550449348247146045743642541440339238137036U6812.288 MHzO.P 3VCC4VCONT1GND2Q662N7002132U60MAX825TEUKRESET 3MR4RESET 1GND2VCC5R5371001%C507100 pF5%R511150K1%U62RC28F160C3BA90365764A1A1A2B1A3C1A4D1A5D2A6A2A7C2A8D7A9D8A10A7A11B7A12C7A13C8A14B8A15A8A16G8A17B2A18A3DQ0 F2DQ1 E2DQ2 G3DQ3 E4DQ4 G4DQ5 F5DQ6 E6DQ7 H6DQ8 E1DQ9 E3DQ10 F3DQ11 F4DQ12 E5DQ13 G5DQ14 F6DQ15 G6GNDA6GNDG7OE#H2 CE#F1 WP#C3 RP#B4 WE#C4VPP A4VCCQ H3A19B3A0G1VCCQ H7VSSQH5 VSSQG2VCC H4VCC A5R5364.75K1%R517150K1%R518NUC4870.01 uF10%C4840.1 uF10%C490100 pF5%C4970.1 uF10%Q672N7002132C4861000 pF5%L77BEADC4830.01 uF10%+C4962.2 uF10%10VR513221K1%R516182K1%R507101%R56782.51%R51582.51%R56882.51%R51210K1%C48812 pF5%R56310K1%R57910K1%R56410K1%R5341001%+C4892.2 uF10%10VR58010K1%R5301001%C5020.01 uF10%R32110K1%R5351001%R32310K1%C504100 pF5%L761.2 uH5%R5334.75K1%C5030.01 uF10%R57210K1%C5060.01 uF10%R5291001%R528100 1%R531100K1%C5050.01 uF10%C5380.1 uF10%R522100K1%R52310K1% R525100K1%C4910.1 uF10%U71NC7SZ14365647SOT23/5PNC1A2GND3Y4VCC 5C5000.1 uF10%C4920.1 uF10%R521100 1%C4930.1 uF10%L78BEADU69NC7SZ126SC70-536577312345+C4992.2 uF10%10VC4980.01 uF10%C4940.1 uF10%Q65BSS84TA132C5370.1 uF10%R524100K1%R510101%C5010.01 uF10%L75BEADU70NC7SZ126SC70-536577312345R5261001%R527100K1%C495NU
1122334455A AB BC CD DACODVCC CODECVCC5VMICBIAS3V3ANALOG3V3ANALOG3V3LOGIC5VAUDIO 5VAUDIO5VAUDIO 5VAUDIO5VLOGICSPKRON5ALM2/CODECMICMUTE3EXTMIC5INTMIC1EXTSPKRON5CODECCLK 3CODECDOUT 3CODECDIN 3SPKR+ 1SPKR- 1EXTSPKR- 1EXTSPKR+/KLD 1,5CODECFSK 3GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12/CODECEARMUTE3ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 4 12024200716E. HOOKERDControl AudioU59LM4872+IN7-IN1SDOWN5BYPASS3GND2V01 8V02 4VDD 6R502150K1%Q642N7002132R488100K1%R503100K1%R491221K1%C4750.033 uF10%R50115K1%C4690.047 uF10%R498100K1%R500100K1%R49615K1%+C4712.2 uF10VC4800.033 uF10%C4700.1 uF10%C478470 pF10%C4670.1 uF10%C4790.1 uF10%L74BEADR485101%R5604751%R5624751%R56133.2K1%R55933.2K1%R492150K1%R495100K1%D68BAR43C132R4895621%D67BAR43C132R493150K1%R4874.75K1%C4760.1 uF10%R49910K1%R494150K1%D69BAR43S1 23R4865.62K1%Q632N7002132R497150K1%C4681.0 uF20%C4633900 pF5%R4841001% C4650.1 uF10%+C46615 uF10%10VC473470 pF10%C4740.1 uF10%+C4771 uF10%C549470 pF10%+-U57LMC7101A3654383415 2+C4811 uF10%R483101%R49015K1%C4640.1 uF10%U56TLV320MICGS41MICIN40MICBIAS42MICMUTE11EARB45EARGS46EARA44EARMUTE17PDN43VMID36AGND34DGND27DCLKR 14CLK 19DOUT 21FSX 20FSR 16DIN 15TSX/DCLKX 22LINSEL 26AVCC 4DVCC 9R504150K1%C4721.0 uF20%U58LM4872+IN7-IN1SDOWN5BYPASS3GND2V01 8V02 4VDD 6
1122334455A AB BC CD DFPGAVCCKVLSELAVR_CLK232DTRIN232TXDIN232RTSINKEYOUTKEYINKEYIDDAC_ADC_CLK232CTSOUT232RXDOUT232CLKOUT232DTRIN232RTSIN232CLKOUT232CTSOUT232VCCKEYIDKVLSELKEYINKEYOUTAB16AB17AB18AB19/WE/WE AVR_CLKDAC_ADC_CLKLEDGREENLEDGREENPSU_CLKPSU_CLK/232SHDN/232SHDNLEDREDLEDRED232RXDOUT232TXDINAB203V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC5VLOGIC5VLOGIC5VLOGIC 5VLOGIC 5VLOGIC3V3LOGIC 3V3LOGIC3V3LOGIC 3V3LOGIC5VLOGIC5VLOGIC 3V3LOGIC5VLOGICRXDO 2232RTS/EORS_DSP 3/IRQD 3SPKRON 4232RTS_H8 2232DTR/SYNC_DSP 3DACADCCLK 1,3232DTR_SC 1232TXD_SC 1232RTS_SC 1PCTXD_SC 1232CTS_SC 1232CLK_SC 1232RXD_SC 1PCRXD_SC 1DATOUT_H82DATIN_H82232CLK_DSP 3LEDREDN 1LEDGREENN 1EXTMIC/WE1EXTPTT/KID1EXTSPKR+/KLD1,4EXTMIC 4/EXTPTT 2,6KEYLOAD 2EXTMICB/KEY1MULTCLOCK 1MRXD 7AVRCLK 7232CTS/DIGSQ_DSP 3GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12/RES2SOCLK2TXDO2CONFDONE2FPGACLK2232RXD_DSP 3EXTSPKRON4AB[0..20]2,3/WR1,2,3/FPGA_CS2/LCD_CS1MCLK1,7MTXD1,7SQL_SC1/KPD_CS7PWRHOLD6CTX1/BATTOFF1LCDA01TCK1,3TDODSP3TMSFPGA1TMSDSP1,3TDO1PSUCLK6/STBY1,2,3232TXD_DSP3ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 5 12024200716E. HOOKERDControl FPGAR4491K1%C4620.1 uF10%R4471K1%U54MAX213EEAIV+ 13EN24GND10T4I21T2I6R4O22R1O8R2O5T1I7R3O26C1+12T3I20R5O19C2-16 C2+15 C1-14V- 17T10 2T20 3T30 1T40 28R1I 9R2I 4R3I 27R4I 23R5I 18SHDN 25VCC 11R466NUD52CMPSH-3A132R451100K1%R469NUC454100 pF5%Q602N7002132R471101%D53CMDSH2-32 1R468101%R46410K1%L73BEADC4570.1 uF10%Q622N7002 132R4804.75K1%D54CMDSH2-32 1C461100 pF5%R56510K1%D55CMDSH2-32 1D60CMDSH2-321R47510K1%D56CMDSH2-32 1R477100K1%D57CMDSH2-32 1R47610K1%R47810K1%R48110K1%R482150K1%D65CMDSH2-321R46310K1%R46210K1%C456100 pF5%R46110K1%D66BAR43S1 23R460100K1%D62BAR43S1 23D63BAR43S1 23D64BAR43S1 23D59CMDSH2-321C54212 pF5%R44810K1%R467100K1%U55MAX4053NCC 12NOC 13NCB 2NOB 1NCA 5NOA 3INH6ADDC11ADDB10ADDA9COMC14COMB15COMA4V+ 16GND8V-7R446101%R4721K1%+C45515 uF10%10VC4480.1 uF10%Q612N7002132R45922.1K1%D61CMDSH2-321R45247.51%C4490.1 uF10%+C4472.2 uF10%10VC4500.1 uF10%R47010K1%C4510.1 uF10%C4600.1 uF10%R473100K1%R46510K1%C4520.1 uF10%R455150K1%R457101%R479100K1%U53EPF6016AFI100-3365765nCEC2INIT_DONEE10MSELH2nSTATUSG5nCONFIGK5DCLKD6CONFIG_DONEC9nCEOK9nWSC7nRSA7nCSA9CSC8RDYnBUSYD10CLKUSRC10DATAA6TDID2TCKG3 TMSG2 TDOK10INE1INE2INF9INF10DEV_CLRnB5DEV_OEB6GND D4VCC D7VCC E4VCC E5VCC F6VCC F7VCC G4GND E6GND E7GND F4GND G7GND F5I/OA1I/OA2I/OA3I/OA4I/OA5I/OA8I/OA10I/OB1I/OB2I/OB3I/OB4I/OB7I/OB8I/OB9I/OB10I/OC1I/OC3I/OC4I/OC5I/OC6I/OD1I/OD3I/OD5I/OD8I/OD9I/O E3I/O E8I/O E9I/O F1I/O F2I/O F3I/O F8I/O G1I/O G6I/O G8I/O G9I/O G10I/O H1I/O H3I/O H4I/O H5I/O H6I/O H7I/O H8I/O H9I/O H10I/O J1I/O J2I/O J3I/O J4I/O J5I/O J6I/O J7I/O J8I/O J9I/O J10I/O K1I/O K2I/O K3I/O K4I/O K6I/O K7I/O K8C4530.1 uF10%R456150K1%C4580.1 uF10%R4741001%D58CMDSH2-321Q592N7002132C4590.1 uF10%R45356.21%R4581001%R45456.21%R4501K1%
1122334455A AB BC CD DP64P61P62P58P59P63P56 P57P603V3LOGIC5VLOGIC5VMICBIASBATTSW3V3LOGIC4.5VSW7.5VT3V3CONT5VAUDIO3V3ANALOGBATTSW7.5VT4.5VSW7.5VT7.5VT3V3CONTEXTPWR_SC1/LBOUT 2,3/EXTPTT2,5LBI 2PSUCLK57.5VT1,8GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,124.5VSW8/PWROFF2/RADON1,7PWRHOLD5RADONSW1/RADOFF_SC1ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 6 12024200716E. HOOKERDControl PowerNCD50BZX84C8V2336061 32Si4953DYU47B3456R428562K1%R435182K1%R43610K1%R578150K1%C4360.01 uF10%U52LP2980A-5.0VIN1GND2VOUT 5NC 4EN3C43747 pF5%R4242.001%C4356800 pF10%C433680 pF5%U46MIC5205VIN1GND2VOUT 5BYP 4EN3R573150K1%R4375.11K1%+C4251.0 uF20%35VC4230.1 uF10%C4240.01 uF10%C432100 pF5%C4220.1 uF10%D49ZHCS10003 1R4454751%+C4214.7 uF10%10VR434100K1%C4460.1 uF10%R431274K1%+C4454.7 uF10%10VU51LT1118GND2VOUT 1TAB-GND4VIN3Q572N7002132R440101%Q582N7002132U49ASi4953DY1278U48LTC1434IGN365421PWRVIN20SVIN18LBI10PLLIN17PLL LPF16COSC15ITH13VPROG11RUN/SS7PGND19SGND5BSW 4SSW 2VOSENSE 12NC 1NC 3POR 14NC 6NC 8LBO 9R444150K1%C4440.1 uF10%U50LP2980A-5.0VIN1GND2VOUT 5NC 4EN3C4420.1 uF10%Q682N7002132C4280.1 uF10%+C4434.7 uF10%10VC4400.1 uF10%C4340.1 uF10%+C44115 uF10%10V+C4394.7 uF10%10VR427150K1%C4290.1 uF10%R574150K1%R426562K1%+C430100 uF20%6VR575150K1%R577150K1%C4140.1 uF10%+C4314.7 uF10%10VR576150K1%R439150K1%L7010 uH5%C4160.1 uF10%D48CMSH2-402 1Q712N7002132R42910K1%+C4154.7 uF10%10VU44LP2980A-3.3VIN1GND2VOUT 5NC 4EN3R4211001%R43210K1%C4170.1 uF10%Q692N7002132C4380.1 uF10%R4338.25K1%C4200.1 uF10%+C4184.7 uF10%10VQ55MMBT3906123+C419100 uF20%6VU47ASi4953DY1278D47ZHCS100031R42247.51%Si4953DYU49B3456L7133 uH20%Q702N7002132R423101%L721.2 uHtRT1miniSMD050-2 R430150K1%D46CMDSH2-32 1U45LP2980A-3.6VIN1GND2VOUT 5NC 4EN3C4260.1 uF10%+C4274.7 uF10%10V
1122334455A AB BC CD DATFVCC/BK_DIMATMELVCC/BK_ON3V3LOGIC3V3LED3V3LOGIC3V3LOGICVOL21VOL31VOL41/RADON1,6BL_LCD_N 1BL_KP_N 1BL_KNOB_N 1/MINT 2KIN51KIN21CHN41AUX11KOUT3 1TOG11CHN21KIN31AVRCLK5/XRST1,2,3KOUT2 1TOG21KIN41MTXD1,5MCLK1,5/KPD_CS5EMERGSW1KIN61CHN11KIN11SECSW1AUX21GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12MRXD 5PTTSW1KOUT1 1CHN31VOL11AUX31ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 7 12024200716E. HOOKERDAdded GND to ICP.Control KeypadR4141001%C4100.01 uF10%R4101K1%D40CMDSH2-321L69BEADR4111K1%R419101%D42CMDSH2-321C4110.01 uF10%D45CMDSH2-321Q542N7002132R4171001%R413100K1% Q52MMBT390412 3C4120.01 uF10%R416100K1%D44CMPSH-3A132Q53MMBT390412 3AT90S8515U43AT90S8515-4ACPB0 40PB1 41PB2 42PB3 43PB4 44PA0 37PA1 36PA2 35PA3 34PA4 33PA5 32PA6 31PA7 30PC018PC119PC220PC321PC422PC5 23PC6 24PC7 25PD17PD28PD39PD410PD511PD612PD713PB51PB62PB73NC 39NC 28NC17NC6RESET4PD05XTAL115XTAL214GND16ALE 27OC1B 26ICP 29VCC 38Q50BSS84TA132D41CMDSH2-321R42047.5K1%R415100K1%Q51MMBT390412 3R4181001%C4130.1 uF10%R40847.5K1%D43CMPSH-3A132R4121.5K1%R4091K1%
1122334455A AB BC CD DP54 P55GND_SIGNAL 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,127.5VA_XCVR 11PATEMP1,12RSSI1,10SYNTHLOCK1,11TOPRF 12SYNTHENA 2,11SRENA 2,114.5VSW_XCVR 11,1212DACENA 3,912DACCLK 1,912DACDATA 3,9PROGCLK 2,9,11PROGDATA 2,9,11SIDERF 127.5VT1,6GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12BATTSENSE1PATEMP1,12RSSI1,10SYNTHLOCK1,11BATTCTRL1TXCTRL120VCLK1,11PROGCLK2,9,11PROGDATA2,9,11SYNTHENA2,11SRENA2,114.5VSW612DACENA3,912DACCLK1,912DACDATA3,98DACENA2,97.5VT_XCVR 1220VCLK 1,11EEPWP 1,98DACENA 2,9EEPWP1,97.5VA1ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 8 12024200716E. HOOKERDBATTCTRL TXCTRLBATTERY+BATTERY-BATTSENSETransceiver InterfaceE2PAD11U36-2Si4925DY32675G4S3D5D6E3PAD11E1PAD11C3110.1 uF10%R299150K1%R297150K1%R298150K1%R300150K1%+C31215 uF20%20VJ2OSMT601651234Q472N7002LT1SS-32550132J3OSMT601651234Q482N7002LT1SS-32550132C3180.1 uF10%R3060C3190.1 uF10%U36-1Si4925DY32675G2S1D7D8C304.22 uF10L661.2 uH5%C305.22 uF10
1122334455A AB BC CD DPROGCLKPROGDATAPROGCLKPROGDATA+5VDIG+2.5VREF+5VDIG+5VDIG+5VDIG7.5VA_XCVR+3.3VRX+5VDIG+5VDIG+5VDIG+2.5VREF3V3LOGIC20V20V+5VDIG11GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12REFOSCMOD 11IFAGC 107.5VA_XCVR8,11+3.3VRX10,112ND_LO_TUNE 10RXVTF 10PWRSET 12CTUNE 11TXVCOMOD 1112DACDATA312DACENA312DACCLK18DACENA2PROGCLK2,11PROGDATA2,11EEPWP1ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 9 12024200716E. HOOKERD8 BIT DACEEPROM2.5 VDC12 BIT DACTransceiver DACsR175130K1%R180100K1%C2750.1 uF10%R17743.2K1%R272100K1%R182100K1%U33MAX534B365590OUTB 1OUTA 2OUTC 16OUTD 15VDD13AGND14DGND12REF3DOUT 8DIN11UPO4PDE5CLR*7LDAC6CS*9SCLK10R2911001%R17290.9K1%R2901001%R252100K1%C545.033 uFC2570.1 uF10%R254100K1%U76LM7301365661OP 1V-2-IP4+IP3V+ 5R255100K1%C2690.1 uF10%C2710.1 uF10%C544.033 uFU31MAX525B365588OUTA 3FBA 2OUTB4FBB5OUTC 17FBC 16OUTD 18FBD 19AGND 1DGND 11DOUT 12UPO13REFAB6REFCD15CS*8DIN9SCLK10VDD20CL*7PDL*14R258100K1%C3030.1 uF10%R259100K1%C1170.1 uF10%R86100K1%C2670.1 uF10%U1524C64365440A01A12A23GND 4SDA5SCL6WP7VCC 8R253100K1%+C2061.0 uF20%35VC2760.1 uF10%R18647.5K1%R2731001%R169274K1%U3574HCT125365078-1254A124OE*131A21OE* 12A51Y 32Y 64Y 113OE* 103A9VCC142OE* 4GND73Y 8R2871M1%R256100K1%C2791000 pF5%+-U32AD1582CSOT23/3P365795123R257100K1%R262100K1%TP17TP1R263100K1%TP18TP1TP19TP1TP20TP1TP21TP1TP24TP1+C2682.2 uF10%10VSS-25131D25BAR43SSS-35620231C2700.1 uF10%R266100K1%R264100K1%R17923.7K1%R181NUR19610K1%R19310K1%U75LM7301365661OP 1V-2-IP4+IP3V+ 5
1122334455A AB BC CD DP3P6R2R3 R5 R8 R9P1P11R10 R11R12P2R7P5P4R6P9P10R13P12P7P8R1R4+3.3VRX+3.3VRX+3.3VRX+3.3VRX+3.3VRX+3.3VRX+3.3VRX+3.3VRXRXVTF9GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12RX_INPUT12RSSI 1IFOUT 32ND_LO_TUNE9RXSINK12IFAGC9+3.3VRX 11RXLO11+3.3VRXEN11ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 10 12024200716E. HOOKERD1T 4T11T136-174 MHZ2 POLE BANDPASS FILTERLOWPASS FILTER & IF NOTCHMIXERIF AMPLIFIER1T 4T11T7T-AWIF IC2nd LORF181-219MHzAMPLIFIER2nd IF AMPLIFIER1st2 dB PADTransceiver ReceiverPLACE NEAR FL3-3PLACE C230 NEAR PIN 16, C536 NEAR PIN 20PLACE NEAR U28-9(VMID)L620.82 uH2%R21912.1K1%C2827 pF5%C2900.1 uF10%R2292.21K1%L1915 nH2%R2256811%L2033 nH2%C10.1 uF10%L63150 nH10%R21712.1K1%C3018 pF2%C70.01 uF10%C28991 pF5%R2381.5K1%L2139 nH2%C30.1 uF10%C29312 pF2%R2182.67K1%C3110 pF0.25pFL70.39 uH2%L65680 nH10%L641.0 uH2%C755.6 pF0.25pFC41000 pF5%R28268.11%R2203.01K1%L155T-AW3400439-3C871.8 pF0.25pFC81.0 pF0.1pFR28468.11%C571.8 pF0.25pFC270.1 uF10%C20.1 uF10%R2831501%L12680 nH10%L186.8 uH5%C51000 pF5%C294NUC2410.01 uF10%C29NUL156 nH2%C5360.1 uF10%C22756 pF5%Q2MMBR9013209912 3C92.7 pF0.1pFC2220.1 uF10%R62.67K1%L356 nH2%C340.1 uF10%C22318 pF2%R103.01K1%C115.6 pF0.1pFC2924.7 uF10%10VR21218.2K1%R113321%L956 nH2%U4LP2980A-3.3365460VOUT 5ON/OFF3VIN1GND 2NC4R2131.3K1%R451.11%L4100 nH2%L247 nH2%R204NUR551.11%C12120 pF5%C109.1 pF0.1pFL241.2 uH10%L1782 nH2%L5100 nH2%C3020.1 uF10%R31200K1%C23150 pF5%C13120 pF5%C192-10 pFSS-2805812C639 pF5%R208NUL10330 nH5%C1418 pF2%R25151.11%C1522 pF2%C2150.1 uF10%L111.2 uH5%C5610 pF0.25pFL22150 nH2%R27651.11%C21NUR57149.91%R331.82K1%R1101%L13470 nH10%C547NUR2101%FL145 MHz 4-POLE1600471-11 42356C2240.1 uF10%R83321%C2300.1 uF10%C24239 pF5%R2031001%C2378.2 pF.1pFY144.545 MHz1600407-14 123C2440.1 uF10%+C2294.7 uF10%10VC260.01 uF10%U1EMRS-1A84586RF4GND2IF 5GND6GND3LO1C5500.1 uF10%D26SMV1236-011290372 1C2140.1 uF10%U28AD607ARS365513RFHI6RFLO5MXOP8VMID9IFOP 14RSSI 12LOIP 4IFHI10IFLO11VPS1 20VPS2 16PRUP 3COM12COM213GREF 7DMIP 15IOUT 18FDIN 1FLTR 19QOUT 17C2480.1 uF10%Q1MMBR9413209812 3R2501.5K1%C2460.1 uF10%C2310.1 uF10%L63400439-5NCD1MMBD701SS-360341 32C2560.1 uF10%C2400.1 uF10%C28491 pF5%T1136-174MHz1600462-12 541 3C2473.3 pF0.25pFNCD2MMBD701SS-36034132FL3455 kHz37121231C2852.2 pF.25pFT245MHz1600463-12 541 3FL2455 kHz37107231C236NUR28020K1%L87T-AW3400439-5+-U29OPA343365701 1V+5 3 4V-2C2280.01 uF10%R28120K1%R187100K1%R22249.91%C2250.1 uF10%C287120 pF5%R9100K1%SMV1204-136D329050321R2404751%L61390 nH10%L25100 nH2%R2414751%L601.5 uH2%C61120 pF5%R316101%C235NUSMV1204-136D2732 1C2863.3 pF0.25pFSMV1204-136D2832 1C3380.1 uF10%R2303321%SMV1204-136D4321C3370.1 uF10%R1251.11%R215101%C188.2 pF0.1pFR20610K1%R32.67K1%Q36MMBR9013209912 3R2371741%C59100 pF5%C220.1 uF10%C2450.1 uF10%R2361.3K1%Q35MMBR9013209912 3R73.01K1%C2330.1 uF10%+-U27LMC7101A365438 1V+2 3 4V-5C2490.1 uF10%C22656 pF5%C1622 pF2%L145T-AW3400439-3R2791001%R2271.21K1%TP1TP1C1722 pF2%FL445 MHz 2-POLE1600479-11 42356R2241K1%TP2TP1L161.8 uH2%C28815 pF2%R2141K1%TP3TP1C256.2 pF0.25pF
1122334455A AB BC CD DP20R14P18R17R18R16P26P24P25P14P13P22P15P35P34P32P33P30P31P28P29R15R19P16P36R20P17P21P27P23+3.3VDIG+3.3VDIG+3.3VRXS+3.3VTXS+3.3VTXS+3.3VA+3.3VA+3.3VTXS+3.3VA+3.3VRXS+3.3VTXS4.5VSW_XCVR+5VDIG+3.3VDIG7.5VA_XCVR+5VDIG+3.3VDIG4.5VSW_XCVR+3.3VRX+5VDIG7.5VA_XCVR7.5VA_XCVR+3.3VA+3.3VRX+3.3VTXS20V20V+3.3VRXSSTD/SIDE 12TX/RX 12CTUNE9REFOSCMOD9SRENA2+5VDIG 94.5VSW_XCVR8,12+3.3VRX1020VCLK1PROGCLK2,9SYNTHLOCK 1+3.3VDIG12RXLO 10TXLO 12GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12PROGDATA2,9SYNTHENA2TXVCOMOD97.5VA_XCVR8+3.3VRXEN 10ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 11 12024200716E. HOOKERDTX VCORX VCOSYNTHESIZERREF OSCNCVOLTAGEMULTIPLIERBUFFERAMPLIFIER+3.5V6.00VDCNote: Use singlepoint ground hereRX BUFFERAMPLIFIERTX BUFFERAMPLIFIERTransceiver SynthesizerKEEP VERY SHORTC3011000 pF5%C1591000 pF5%D18BBY40SS-290291 3R2881M1%R1021K1%D15BBY31SS-290311 3C16715 pF5%R2921001%R1350C17515 pF2%R1454.75K1%L5227 nH5%2 1C17615 pF2%U20MIC5205365499VOUT 5ON/OFF3VIN1BYP 4GND2R1302.21K1%C1541000 pF5%L511.5 uH10%1 2R29586.6K1%R1493321%C1501000 pF5%L5068 nH5%12+C1211.0 uF20%35VR296332K1%R12447.51%C1410.1 uF10%R32210K1%L471.5 uH10%12C310470 pF10%R146101%+C1244.7 uF10%10VC1451000 pF5%L4382 nH5%12C2000.1 uF10% D35BAR43S132R1505.62K1%C14912 pF2%L441.5 uH10%1 2C1510.1 uF10%C308.033 uF10%R1374.32K1%L4968 nH5%12C546.033 uFC1881000 pF5%C1560.1 uF10%C309.033 uF10%R1361821%C1780.1 uF10%L5668 nH5%12R1591211%R1525111%C1681000 pF5%C1821000 pF5%L4856 nH5%12C341100 pFC1841000 pF5%R12847.51%C18515 pF5%L551.5 uH10%1 2C1831000 pF5%R14116.21%C1951000 pF5%L533400439-11 2R927.5K1%C1726800 pF10%22562-682C307.033 uF10%R14216.21%C5310 pF2%C1260.015 uF10%C1770.068 uF5%C1732200 pF10%R13116.21%R973.92K1%U77LM7301365661OP 1V-2-IP4+IP3V+ 5C1610.022 uF10%R1054.75K1%R9515K1%C1460.022 uF10%R2931001%R1012.21K1%R15322.11%R1093321%+C1434.7 uF10V10%U2474HC595365459-595SER14SRCLK11SRCLR10RCLK12G13QA 15QB 1QC 2QD 3QE 4QF 5QG 6QH 7QH' 9VCC 16GND 8R10622.11%C1401000 pF5%R107101%+C1234.7 uF10%10VSS-25122-475-10C1601000 pF5%R9947.51%R1831M1%C1313300 pF5%R1044.32K1%R11610K1%R1105.62K1%R14351.11%C1358.2 pF.1pFR1291M1%R1031821%C16510 pF2%R964.32K1%C539NUR1141M1%R10047.51%C1669.1 pF.1pFU19SA7025DK365423CLK1DATA2STROBE3VSS 4AUXIN 10VSSA 12RFIN5RFIN* 6REFIN8VCCP7VDD 20TEST 19LOCK 18RF 17RN 16VDDA 15PHP 14PHI 13PHA 11RA9C1366.8 pF.1pF+C1624.7 uF10V10%R566NUR94182K1%C16927 pF5%L46100 nH2%12Q34BSS123132R1125111%+C1204.7 uF10%10VSS-25122-475-10C18018 pF2%D16BBY4013Q33BSS123SS-32564132+C1522.2 uF10%10VC1871000 pF5%R1473.01K1%L45100 nH2%12C1550.1 uF10%R1482671%R1332.21K1%D19SMV1493-011290542 1U21MIC4416BM4365621VS3CTL4GND 1G2C1631000 pF5%R1321821%Q32Si2301DS13 2Q24MMBR90112 3R18547.5K1%R12547.51%C3400.01 uFC1744.7 pF.25pFQ31Si2301DS3263113 2Q26MMBR90112 3R9823.7K1%R13816.21%C1811000 pF5%U17MIC52051%365499VOUT 5ON/OFF3VIN1BYP 4GND2Q21MMBR9013209912 3C1580.1 uF10%C132220 pF5%R13916.21%C2950.01 uF10%Q22MMBR90112 3C1641000 pF5%R14416.21%+C1181.0 uF20%35V25122-105-35-AQ25MMBR90112 3R1201.3K1%R121NUC17015 pF5%U16LP2980A-5.0365413VOUT 5ON/OFF3VIN1GND 2NC4Q23MMBR90112 3TP8TP1C1481000 pF5%R1171.1K1%Q27MMBR90112 3C1910.01 uF10%R1154751%TP9TP1C13722 pF2%C1920.1 uF10%R89110K1%C14222 pF2%R111101%TP10TP1R160101%R87101%R1221211%C3390.1 uFTP11TP1C1394.7 pF.25pFR1186811%+C1931.0 uF20%35VC1331000 pF5%R1561.1K1%TP13TP1R12335.7K1%+C1902.2 uF20%16VC1280.1 uF10%R1558251%TP12TP 1C202.033 uF10%R1131001%+C1252.2 uF10%10VR1571001%TP7TP1C203.033 uF10%R1191001%TP14TP1C1290.1 uF10%R1544751%D23BAR43SSS-35620132R1261001%C1341000 pF5% R15122.11%D24BAR43S132R14022.1K1%R91200K1%C13822 pF2%C199.033 uF10%R13447.5K1%C1301.0 pF.1pFR171100K1%+C2011.0 uF20%35VR12722.11%C1441000 pF5%R1781M1%R1621K1%U4212.8 MHz37132Vc1GND2OUT 3Vcc4C1861000 pF5%R173100K1%Q46MMBT3904SS-32089-390412 3R32022.1D20SMV1207-00113C1711000 pF5%+C1961.0 uF20%35VD21SMV1207-001290361 3C1791000 pF5%R2941001%C1570.1 uF10%D17SMV1213-001290441 3
1122334455A AB BC CD DP38R22R21 R23P41P40P43P44R29P47 P49P45R28P46P48R30R27P42P52P53P39P50R26R25P51R247.5VT_XCVR+5VTX+5VTXVCONTROL+5VTX7.5VT_XCVRTXSINK4.5VSW_XCVRTXSINK4.5VSW_XCVR+3.3VDIG4.5VSW_XCVR7.5VT_XCVRVCONTROL+3.3VDIG7.5VT_XCVR7.5VT_XCVRTXLO11PATEMP 17.5VT_XCVR8TX/RX11RXSINK 10SIDERF 8RX_INPUT 104.5VSW_XCVR8,11PWRSET9GND_SIGNAL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11+3.3VDIG11TOPRF 8STD/SIDE11ScaleRevSheet ofSizeCAGE Code Dwg No.None23386DrawnThales Communications, Inc.Rockville, MarylandThursday, November 15, 2001 12 12024200716E. HOOKERD(FROM SYNTH)PRE-DRIVER POWER MODULESENSOR LOCATED CLOSETO POWER MODULEDETECTOR / POWER     CONTROLTX/RX PINSWITCHANTENNA PINSWITCH2 dB attenuatorTransceiver TransmitterR74100K1%L35180 nH5% C11410 pF2%R691K1%L37100 nH2%L411.2 uH2%+C1084.7 uF10%10VSS-25122-475-10C8615 pF5%R82100KD13MA4P7001F360472 1R475621%L401.2 uH2%D14MA4P7001F3604721Q7MMBR9413209812 3Q14BSS123132L80NU5%D7MA4P7001F2 1C8310 pF2%Q16BSS123132D8MA4P7001F3604721L306T#24-AW3400439-9C941000 pF5%D10MA4P7001F2 1L315T#24-AW3400439-10C971000 pF5%D9MA4P7001F2 1C846.8 pF.25pFC740.01 uF10%R731.82K1%C920.01 uF10%C981000 pF5%TP5TP1R571501%R721.82K1%R3190TP6TP1R551.3K1%L381.2 uH2%R524751%Q15BSS123SS-32564132U14LP2980A-5.0365413VOUT 5ON/OFF344VIN1GND 2C2160.1 uF10%C5401000 pF5%Q18BSS123132L28120 nH10%R1911001%R79100K1%R49101%R81100KR444751%C781000 pF5%Q17BSS123132Q19BSS123132NCD12HSMS-2800SS-35616132R80100K1%NCD11HSMS-2800SS-356161 32C3310.018 uF10%C104390 pF5%+C3283.3 uF10%16VC3060.1 uFC3350.018 uF10%C103390 pF5%L680.22 uH10%L391.2 uH2%C3340.1 uF10%C1090.1 uF10%R3155621%C380.1 uF10%C8222 pF2%C1071000 pF5%C812.7 pF.25pFU3LP2980A-3.3365460VOUT 5ON/OFF344VIN1GND 2L426T-AW3400439-11U11LM50B365437GND3+V 1OUT 2+C434.7 uF10%10VSS-25122-475-10R6651.11%RF INVGGVDDRF OUTU37M68776-E018460412345R68100K1%C3320.018 uF10%R6751.11%B150@10045270Q10Si2301DS3263113 2C953300 pF5%C1001000 pF5%Q12Si2301DS3263113 2R7120K1%U1220 dB Coupler1600458-13 1524Q13Si2301DS3263113 2+-U13LMC7101A3654383415 2R7847.51%Q11Si2301DS3263113 2R8547.51%1/10WC1100.01 uF10%C1271.5 pF.1pFR752.21K1%R8443.21%R640R7743.21%R701K1%R8343.21%C1061000 pF5%R7643.21%C1051000 pF5%C1111000 pF5%C961000 pF5%C2096.8 pF.25pFR65NUC880.01 uF10%C11510 pF2%R5585621%C1021000 pF5%C7710 pF2%C1131000 pF5%R5575621%C1011000 pF5%R482K1%C1121000 pF5%C3360.01 uF10%R5151.11%C1161000 pF5%

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