DZH G1416B Detachable Bluetooth Keyboard Case User Manual

Shenzhen DZH Industrial Co., Ltd Detachable Bluetooth Keyboard Case

User Manual

LockMuteRandomKeyboard● IOS Connection Instructions:Airplane ModeWLANdzhgyBluetoothOnNotification CenterControl CenterBluetoothSettingsBluetoothDEVICESSearching...Now DiscoverableAirplane ModeWLAN dzhgyBluetooth OnNotification CenterBluetoothSettingsBluetoothDEVICESNow DiscoverableBlu eto oth 3.0 KeyboardNot PairedControl CenterBluetooth Pairing RequestBluetooth Pairing RequestEnte r the cod “e 95 75”on“  3.0 Blue toot hKeyb oard”,foll owed b y the ret urn or ente r key.CancelAirplane ModeWLANdzhgyBluetoothOnNotification CenterBluetoothSettingsBluetoothDEVICESNow DiscoverableBlu etoot h3.0 Ke yboa rd ConnectedControl CenterNote: This equipm ent has be en tested and found to com ply with t he limits for a Class B digital devi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to prov ide reasonable pro tection against har mful interference in a re sidential in stallation. This equipme nt generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not install ed and use d in accordanc e with the instruct ions, may cause harmful inter ference to radio communications . However,  there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parti cular instal lation. If this equipment do es cause h armful inter ference to rad io or television rece ption, which can be determined by turning the equip ment off and on, the u ser is encouraged to try to cor rect the inter ference by one or mo re of the f ollowing measures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenn a.– Increase t he separation between the equipme nt and receiver.– Connect the equipm ent into an outle t on a c ircu it different f rom that to which the    receive r is conne cted.– Consult the dealer or an e xperienced radio/T V techn ician for help.changes or modifications not exp ressly approved by the party respon sible for compliance could void the u ser ’s author ity to operate the equip ment. This devic e complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Ope ration is subject to the followi ng two con ditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful in terfe rence, and(2) this device must accept an y inter f eren ce received , including interference that      may ca use undesired operation.

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