DEI Headquarters DEI6711 Security/Remote Control Transceiver User Manual page 16

DEI Headquarters, Inc. Security/Remote Control Transceiver page 16

user manual page 16

16 © 2008 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.access “Request temperature” or “Runtime remaining” press the A U X but-ton the specified amount of times, and then hold.Note: Pressing more than one button simultaneously generates an Error tone and the F-Shift LED turns ON.➢ LCD IayoutALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALL➢ LCD icons1ALLArmed  2ALLLocked3ALLdisarmed 4ALLUnlocked5ALLAlarm 6ALLRemote Start7ALLBattery Status 8ALLPager On9ALLPager Off 10ALLPager Vibe On

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