D Link WA162A1 Wireless N900 Dual Band USB Adapter DWA-162 User Manual

D Link Corporation Wireless N900 Dual Band USB Adapter DWA-162

User manual

2D-Link DWA-162 User ManualD-Link reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.Manual RevisionsTrademarksD-Link and the D-Link logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of D-Link Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. All other company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Copyright © 2012-2013 by D-Link Systems, Inc.All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from D-Link Systems, Inc.Revision Date Description1.0 December 19, 2012 t*OJUJBMSFMFBTFGPS3FWJTJPO"Preface
3D-Link DWA-162 User ManualTable of ContentsPreface ................................................................................ 2.BOVBM3FWJTJPOT .......................................................................... 2Trademarks .....................................................................................2Product Overview .............................................................. 4Package Contents .........................................................................44ZTUFN3FRVJSFNFOUT ................................................................. 4Introduction ................................................................................... 5Features ............................................................................................ 6Hardware Overview ..................................................................... 7Installation ......................................................................... 8Getting Started ..............................................................................83FNPWF&YJTUJOH*OTUBMMBUJPOT .......................................... 8Disable Other Adapters ...................................................... 9Wireless Installation Considerations ....................................11Adapter Installation ...................................................................12Connect to a Wireless Network .......................................15Wi-Fi® Protected Setup (WPS) .................................................15Windows® 8 ...................................................................................16Windows® 7 ...................................................................................18Windows Vista® ............................................................................20Windows® XP ................................................................................ 22Troubleshooting ..............................................................24Wireless Basics .................................................................27Wireless Modes ............................................................................31Networking Basics ...........................................................32Check your IP address ...............................................................32Windows® XP Users ............................................................32Windows® 7/Vista® Users..................................................32Windows® 8 Users ...............................................................32Statically Assign an IP Address ..............................................33Windows® XP Users ............................................................33Windows® 7/ Vista® Users .................................................34Windows® 8 Users ...............................................................35Technical Specications ..................................................36Contacting Technical Support ........................................37Warranty ...........................................................................38Registration .....................................................................44Table of Contents
4D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 1 - Product OverviewD-Link DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band USB AdapterSystem Requirementst 8JOEPXT¥7JTUB¥PS91CJUt$%30.%SJWFNVTUTVQQPSUNN.JOJ$%t "OOHPSBXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLt .#IBSEESJWFTQBDFt "OBWBJMBCMF64#QPSUProduct OverviewPackage ContentsQuick install GuideMini CD with drivers and softwareMicro USB Cable
5D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 1 - Product OverviewIntroductionThe DWA-162 Wireless N900 Dual Band USB Adapter is a convenient wireless connectivity solution for desktop or notebook PCs. Instead of stringing &UIFSOFUDBCMFTUPZPVS1$PSEJTNBOUMJOHZPVSEFTLUPQDPNQVUFSDBTFUIF%8"DBOFOBCMFOXJSFMFTTDPOOFDUJWJUZCZTJNQMZVUJMJ[JOHyour desktop or notebook PC’s USB port.Powered by Wireless N900 Dual Band technology, the DWA-162 provides a faster wireless connection and superior reception than 802.11a or 802.11g*. The DWA-162 is designed for use in bigger homes and for those that demand higher networking, and its 5GHz Mediaband helps avoid interference by providing a clearer wireless band for signals than existing 802.11g products. Maximize wireless performance by connecting this USB Adapter to a Wireless N Dual Band Media router or an Wireless N Gaming router, and stay connected from virtually anywhere in the home. This USB Adapter supports WPA™ and WPA2™ encryption to prevent outside intrusion and protect your personal information from being exposed..BYJNVNXJSFMFTTTJHOBMSBUFEFSJWFEGSPN*&&&4UBOEBSEBHBOEOTQFDJöDBUJPOT"DUVBMEBUBUISPVHIQVUXJMMWBSZ/FUXPSLDPOEJUJPOTBOEFOWJSPONFOUBMGBDUPSTJODMVEJOHWPMVNFPGOFUXPSLUSBóDCVJMEJOHNBUFSJBMTBOEDPOTUSVDUJPOBOEOFUXPSLPWFSIFBEMPXFSTBDUVBMEBUBUISPVHIQVUSBUF&OWJSPONFOUBMDPOEJUJPOTXJMMBEWFSTFMZBòFDUXJSFMFTTTJHOBMSBOHF
7D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 1 - Product OverviewHardware Overview1LEDA blinking blue light indicates the adapter is installed and working correctly. A fast blinking light indicates UIFBEBQUFSJTTDBOOJOHGPSBOBWBJMBCMFXJSFMFTTOFUXPSL*GUIFMJHIUJTPòUIFBEBQUFSJTOPUQSPQFSMZinstalled.2WPS Button Press the WPS button to automatically connect to a WPS-enabled wireless router or access point and FTUBCMJTIDPOOFDUJWJUZ3FGFSUPQBHF3Micro USB Connector Used to connect the DWA-162 to your computer.231
8D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationInstallationThis section will walk you through the installation process. If you have a built-in wireless adapter, please disable it in device manager before installing your D-Link adapter. Also, if you have previously installed another wireless adapter, please make sure any software is uninstalled.Getting StartedBefore installing your new D-Link wireless adapter, please verify the following:t 3FNPWFBOZQSFWJPVTJOTUBMMBUJPOTPGXJSFMFTTBEBQUFSTt %JTBCMFBOZCVJMUJOXJSFMFTTBOE&UIFSOFUBEBQUFSTt 7FSJGZUIFTFUUJOHTTVDIBTUIF44*%BOETFDVSJUZTFUUJOHTPGUIFOFUXPSLTZPVXBOUUPDPOOFDUUPRemove Existing Installations*GZPVWFJOTUBMMFEBEJòFSFOUNBOVGBDUVSFTBEBQUFSPSBEJòFSFOUNPEFM%-JOLBEBQUFSNBLFTVSFUIFTPGUXBSFJTVOJOTUBMMFECFGPSFJOTUBMMJOHUIFOFXTPGUXBSF4PNFVUJMJUJFTNBZDBVTFBDPOøJDUXJUIUIFOFXTPGUXBSF*GZPVQMBOUPVTFNVMUJQMFBEBQUFSTBUEJòFSFOUUJNFTNBLFTVSFUIFutilities are not set to load when your computer boots up. Windows® users may use the built-in wireless utility for all adapters.To remove any old software:Windows® 8 users: Press Windows Key + Q > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs.Windows® 7 users: Click Start > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs.Windows Vista® users: Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. Windows® XP users: Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
9D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationDisable Other AdaptersMost newer laptops may include a built-in wireless adapter. To prevent any conicts with the D-Link wireless adapter, it is recommended to disable UIFXJSFMFTTBEBQUFSBTXFMMBTBOZVOVTFE&UIFSOFUBEBQUFSTWindows XP - Go to Start > My Computer > Properties > Hardware > Device Manager.Windows Vista/7 - Go to Start > Device Manager.Windows 8 - Press the Windows key and X together and then click Device Manager.  Click the Hardware tab and then click Device Manager. Scroll down the list and click the + sign to the left of Network Adapters.3JHIUDMJDLUIFBEBQUFSZPVXPVMEMJLFUPEJTBCMFBOETFMFDUDisable.
10D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationClick Yes to disable the adapter.When the adapter is disabled, a down arrow or a grayed icon will be displayed.Disabling the adapter will not remove the drivers. If you would like to use the adapter, simply right-click it and select Enable.
11D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationWireless Installation ConsiderationsThe D-Link wireless adapter lets you access your network using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network. Keep in mind, however, that the number, thickness and location of walls, ceilings, or other objects that the wireless signals must QBTTUISPVHINBZMJNJUUIFSBOHF5ZQJDBMSBOHFTWBSZEFQFOEJOHPOUIFUZQFTPGNBUFSJBMTBOECBDLHSPVOE3'SBEJPGSFRVFODZOPJTFJOZPVShome or business. The key to maximizing wireless range is to follow these basic guidelines:1.  Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the D-Link adapter and other network devices to a minimum - each wall or ceiling can reduce your adapter’s range from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Position your devices so that the number of walls or ceilings is minimized.2.  Be aware of the direct line between network devices. A wall that is 1.5 feet thick (.5 meters), at a 45-degree angle appears to be almost 3 feet (1 meter) thick. At a 2-degree angle it looks over 42 feet (14 meters) thick! Position devices so that the signal will travel straight through a wall or ceiling (instead of at an angle) for better reception. #VJMEJOHNBUFSJBMTNBLFBEJòFSFODF"TPMJENFUBMEPPSPSBMVNJOVNTUVETNBZIBWFBOFHBUJWFFòFDUPOSBOHF5SZUPQPTJUJPOaccess points, wireless routers, and computers so that the signal passes through drywall or open doorways. Materials and objects TVDIBTHMBTTTUFFMNFUBMXBMMTXJUIJOTVMBUJPOXBUFSöTIUBOLTNJSSPSTöMFDBCJOFUTCSJDLBOEDPODSFUFXJMMEFHSBEFZPVSwireless signal. ,FFQZPVSQSPEVDUBXBZBUMFBTUGFFUPSNFUFSTGSPNFMFDUSJDBMEFWJDFTPSBQQMJBODFTUIBUHFOFSBUF3'OPJTF5.  If you are using 2.4GHz cordless phones or X-10 (wireless products such as ceiling fans, lights, and home security systems), your wireless connection may degrade dramatically or drop completely. Make sure your 2.4GHz phone base is as far away from your wireless devices as possible. The base transmits a signal even if the phone in not in use.
12D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationWarning: Do NOT connect the DWA-162 Wireless N Dual Band USB Adapter to your computer before installing the driver software from the D-Link CD.5VSOPOUIFDPNQVUFSBOEJOTFSUUIF%-JOL%8"%SJWFS$%JOUIF$%30.ESJWFIf the CD Autorun function does not automatically start on your computer, go to Start > Run. In the run box type “D:\autorun.exe” (where D: SFQSFTFOUTUIFESJWFMFUUFSPGZPVS$%30.ESJWFWhen the autorun screen appears, click Install.Adapter Installation
13D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationThe InstallShield Wizard window will appear. Select your language from the drop-down menu and click OK to continue. Once the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue.Connect the DWA-162 adapter to an available USB slot on your computer. If the Found New Hardware Wizard appears, click Cancel. Click Next to continue.
14D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 2 - InstallationThe DWA-162 drivers will now be installed. This may take up to one minute.:PVS%8"BEBQUFSJTOPXJOTUBMMFE
15D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless NetworkWi-Fi® Protected Setup (WPS)Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) System is designed for easy setup of security-enabled Wi-Fi networks. It is recommended to have the access point or wireless router nearby during setup. “Push Button Conguration” (PBC) is a physical button on the DWA-162 and most wireless devices such as routers. A connection can be established by pressing the WPS button on the DWA-162 and then pushing the button on your access point or wireless router within 120 seconds. Connect to a Wireless Network2.  To connect to your network, press the WPS button on the adapter and hold for two seconds. Allow up to two minutes for the devices to connect.MicroUSB1.  Press the WPS button located on your wireless router or access point. Please refer to the user manual of your router or access point if you do not know how to start the WPS process.
16D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless NetworkWindows® 81. Click on the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lower-right corner next to the time). 2.  A list of available wireless networks will appear. 3.  Click the wireless network (SSID) you want to connect to and then click Connect.4.  If the network is secure/encrypted, enter the Wi-Fi password (security key) and click Next.
18D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless NetworkWindows® 72.  The utility will display any available wireless networks in your area.1.  Click on the wireless icon in your system tray (lower-right corner).
19D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless Network3.  Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like to connect to and click the Connect button.  If you get a good signal but cannot access the Internet, check your TCP/IP TFUUJOHTGPSZPVSXJSFMFTTBEBQUFS3FGFSUPUIFNetworking Basics section in this manual for more information. &OUFSUIFTBNFTFDVSJUZLFZPSQBTTQISBTFUIBUJTPOZPVSSPVUFSBOEDMJDLConnect:PVDBOBMTPDPOOFDUCZQVTIJOHUIF814CVUUPOPOUIFSPVUFSIt may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the security settings are correct. The key or passphrase must be exactly the same as on the wireless router.
20D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless NetworkWindows Vista®2.  Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like to connect to and click Connect.1.  Open the Wireless Utility by right-clicking on the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lower right corner of screen). Select Connect to a network.
21D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless Network &OUFSUIFTBNFTFDVSJUZLFZPSQBTTQISBTFUIBUJTPOZPVSSPVUFSBOEDMJDLConnect.It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the security settings are correct. The key or passphrase must be exactly the same as on the wireless router.
22D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless NetworkWindows® XP2.  Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like to connect to and click Connect.1.  Open the Windows XP Wireless Utility by right-clicking on the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lower-right corner of screen). Select View Available Wireless Networks.
23D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 3 - Connect to a Wireless Network3. The Wireless Network ConnectionCPYXJMMBQQFBS&OUFSUIF81"81"1FSTPOBMpassphrase and click Connect.It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the WPA/WPA2-Personal settings are correct. The WPA/WPA2-Personal passphrase must be exactly the same as on the wireless router or access point.
24D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 4 - Troubleshooting1.  How do I know if my adapter is installed properly?Troubleshooting5IJTDIBQUFSQSPWJEFTTPMVUJPOTUPQSPCMFNTUIBUDBOPDDVSEVSJOHUIFJOTUBMMBUJPOBOEPQFSBUJPOPGUIF%8"3FBEUIFGPMMPXJOHEFTDSJQUJPOTif you are having problems. Windows XP - Go to Start > My Computer > Properties > Hardware > Device Manager.Windows Vista/7 - Go to Start > Device Manager.Windows 8 - Press the Windows key and X together and then click Device Manager.
25D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 4 - TroubleshootingClick the + sign next to Network Adapters.3JHIUDMJDLPOD-Link DWA-162 Wireless N Dual Band USB Adapter.Select Properties to check that the drivers are installed properly.Look under Device Status to check that the device is working properly. Click OK to continue.D-Link DWA-162 Wireless N Dual Band USB AdapterD-Link DWA-162 Xtreme N Dual Band USB Adapter
26D-Link DWA-162 User ManualSection 4 - TroubleshootingMake sure that the DWA-162 Wireless Adapter is properly seated in the computer’s USB port.If Windows® does not detect the hardware upon insertion of the adapter, make sure to completely remove drivers that were previously loaded. 2. The computer does not recognize the DWA-162 Wireless Adapter.t $IFDLUIBUUIF-&%JOEJDBUPSTGPSUIFCSPBECBOENPEFNBSFJOEJDBUJOHOPSNBMBDUJWJUZ*GOPUUIFSFNBZCFBQSPCMFNXJUIUIFbroadband connection.t $IFDLUIBUUIF-&%JOEJDBUPSTPOUIFXJSFMFTTSPVUFSBSFGVODUJPOJOHQSPQFSMZ*GOPUDIFDLUIBUUIF"$QPXFSBOE&UIFSOFUDBCMFTBSFöSNMZDPOOFDUFEt $IFDLUIBUUIF*1"EESFTTTVCOFUNBTLHBUFXBZBOE%/4TFUUJOHTBSFDPSSFDUMZFOUFSFEGPSUIFOFUXPSLt *OInfrastructure mode, make sure the same Service Set Identier (SSID)JTTQFDJöFEPOUIFTFUUJOHTGPSUIFXJSFMFTTDMJFOUTBOEaccess points. By default, the SSID factory setting for D-Link products is blank. (Double-click on the WLAN icon in the taskbar. The Link Info screen will display the SSID setting.)3.  The computer with the DWA-162 installed is unable to connect to the wireless network and/or the Internet.
27D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix A - Wireless BasicsD-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your IPNFCVTJOFTTPSQVCMJDBDDFTTXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLT4USJDUMZBEIFSJOHUPUIF*&&&TUBOEBSEUIF%-JOLXJSFMFTTGBNJMZPGQSPEVDUTXJMMBMMPXZPVUPTFDVSFMZBDDFTTUIFEBUBZPVXBOUXIFOBOEXIFSFZPVXBOUJU:PVXJMMCFBCMFUPFOKPZUIFGSFFEPNUIBUXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLJOHEFMJWFSTA wireless local area network (WLAN) is a cellular computer network that transmits and receives data with radio signals instead of wires. Wireless -"/TBSFVTFEJODSFBTJOHMZJOCPUIIPNFBOEPóDFFOWJSPONFOUTBOEQVCMJDBSFBTTVDIBTBJSQPSUTDPòFFTIPQTBOEVOJWFSTJUJFT*OOPWBUJWFXBZTto utilize WLAN technology are helping people to work and communicate more eciently. Increased mobility and the absence of cabling and other öYFEJOGSBTUSVDUVSFIBWFQSPWFOUPCFCFOFöDJBMGPSNBOZVTFSTWireless users can use the same applications they use on a wired network. Wireless adapter cards used on laptop and desktop systems support the TBNFQSPUPDPMTBT&UIFSOFUBEBQUFSDBSET6OEFSNBOZDJSDVNTUBODFTJUNBZCFEFTJSBCMFGPSNPCJMFOFUXPSLEFWJDFTUPMJOLUPBDPOWFOUJPOBM&UIFSOFU-"/JOPSEFSUPVTFTFSWFSTQSJOUFSTPSBO*OUFSOFUDPOOFDUJPOTVQQMJFEUISPVHIUIFXJSFE-"/"8JSFMFTT3PVUFSJTBEFWJDFVTFEUPQSPWJEFUIJTMJOLWireless Basics
28D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix A - Wireless BasicsWhat is Wireless?Wireless or Wi-Fi® technology is another way of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. Wi-Fi uses radio GSFRVFODZUPDPOOFDUXJSFMFTTMZTPZPVIBWFUIFGSFFEPNUPDPOOFDUDPNQVUFSTBOZXIFSFJOZPVSIPNFPSPóDFOFUXPSLWhy D-Link Wireless?   D-Link is the worldwide leader and award winning designer, developer, and manufacturer of networking products. D-Link EFMJWFSTUIFQFSGPSNBODFZPVOFFEBUBQSJDFZPVDBOBòPSE%-JOLIBTBMMUIFQSPEVDUTZPVOFFEUPCVJMEZPVSOFUXPSLHow does wireless work?   Wireless works similar to how cordless phone work, through radio signals to transmit data from one point A to point B. But wireless UFDIOPMPHZIBTSFTUSJDUJPOTBTUPIPXZPVDBOBDDFTTUIFOFUXPSL:PVNVTUCFXJUIJOUIFXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLSBOHFBSFBUPCFBCMFUPDPOOFDUZPVSDPNQVUFS5IFSFBSFUXPEJòFSFOUUZQFTPGXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLT8JSFMFTT-PDBM"SFB/FUXPSL8-"/BOE8JSFMFTTPersonal Area Network (WPAN).Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)In a wireless local area network, a device called an Access Point (AP) connects computers to the network. The access point has a small antenna attached to it, which allows it to transmit data back and forth over radio signals. With an indoor access point, the signal can travel up to 300 feet. With an outdoor access point the signal can reach out up to 30 miles to serve places like manufacturing plants, industrial locations, college and high school campuses, airports, golf courses, and many other outdoor venues.Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)Bluetooth® is the industry standard wireless technology used for WPAN. Bluetooth devices in WPAN operate in a range up to 30 feet away.Compared to WLAN the speed and wireless operation range are both less than WLAN, but in return it doesn’t use nearly as much power which makes it ideal for personal devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs, headphones, laptops, speakers, and other devices that operate on batteries.
29D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix A - Wireless BasicsWho uses wireless?   Wireless technology has become so popular in recent years that almost everyone is using it, whether it’s for home, oce, or business, D-Link has a wireless solution for it.Home t(JWFTFWFSZPOFBUIPNFCSPBECBOEBDDFTT t4VSGUIFXFCDIFDLFNBJMJOTUBOUNFTTBHFBOEFUD t(FUTSJEPGUIFDBCMFTBSPVOEUIFIPVTF t4JNQMFBOEFBTZUPVTF Small Oce and Home Oce t4UBZPOUPQPGFWFSZUIJOHBUIPNFBTZPVXPVMEBUUIFPóDF t3FNPUFMZBDDFTTZPVSPóDFOFUXPSLGSPNIPNF t4IBSFBO*OUFSOFUDPOOFDUJPOBOEQSJOUFSXJUINVMUJQMFDPNQVUFST t/POFFEUPEFEJDBUFPóDFTQBDF
30D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix A - Wireless BasicsWhere is wireless used? Wireless technology is expanding everywhere not just at home or the oce. People like the freedom of mobility and it’s becoming so popular that more and more public facilities now provide wireless access to attract people. The wireless connection in public places is usually called “hotspots”.Using a D-Link USB Adapter with your laptop, you can access the hotspot to connect to the Internet from remote locations like: "JSQPSUT)PUFMT$PòFF4IPQT-JCSBSJFT3FTUBVSBOUTBOE$POWFOUJPO$FOUFST8JSFMFTTOFUXPSLTBSFFBTZUPTFUVQCVUJGZPVSFJOTUBMMJOHJUGPSUIFöSTUUJNFJUDPVMECFRVJUFBUBTLOPULOPXJOHXIFSFUPTUBSUThat’s why we’ve put together a few setup steps and tips to help you through the process of setting up a wireless network.TipsHere are a few things to keep in mind, when you install a wireless network.Centralize your router or Access PointMake sure you place the router/access point in a centralized location within your network for the best performance. Try to place the router/access point as high as possible in the room, so the signal gets dispersed throughout your home. If you have a two-story home, you may need a repeater to boost the signal to extend the range.Eliminate Interference Place home appliances such as cordless telephones, microwaves, and televisions as far away as possible from the router/access QPJOU5IJTDBOTJHOJöDBOUMZSFEVDFBOZJOUFSGFSFODFUIBUUIFBQQMJBODFTNJHIUDBVTFTJODFUIFZPQFSBUFPOUIFTBNFGSFRVFODZSecurity Don’t let your next-door neighbors or intruders connect to your wireless network. Secure your wireless network by turning on WPA™/WPA2™TFDVSJUZGFBUVSFTPOUIFSPVUFS3FGFSUPUIFQSPEVDUNBOVBMGPSEFUBJMFEJOGPSNBUJPOPOIPXUPTFUJUVQ
31D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix A - Wireless BasicsThere are basically two modes of networking: t Infrastructure – All wireless clients will connect to an access point or wireless router.t Ad-Hoc – Directly connecting to another computer, for peer-to-peer communication, using wireless network adapters on each computer. An Infrastructure network contains an Access Point or wireless router. All the wireless devices, or clients, will connect to the wireless router or access point. An Ad-Hoc network contains only clients, such as laptops with wireless USB Adapters. All the adapters must be in Ad-Hoc mode to communicate.Wireless Modes
32D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix B - Networking BasicsNetworking BasicsCheck your IP addressAfter you install your new D-Link wireless adapter and have established a wireless connection, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.e., router) automatically. To verify your IP address, please follow the steps below.Windows® XP Userst $MJDLPOStart > Run. In the run box type cmd and click OK.t "UUIFQSPNQUUZQFipcong and press Enter.t 5IJTXJMMEJTQMBZUIF*1BEESFTTTVCOFUNBTLBOEUIFEFGBVMUHBUFXBZPGZPVSBEBQUFSWindows® 7/Vista® Userst $MJDLStart, type cmd in the search box and then click OK.t "UUIFQSPNQUUZQFipcong and press Enter.t 5IJTXJMMEJTQMBZUIF*1BEESFTTTVCOFUNBTLBOEEFGBVMUHBUFXBZPGZPVSBEBQUFS*GUIFBEESFTTJTDIFDLZPVSBEBQUFSJOTUBMMBUJPOTFDVSJUZTFUUJOHTBOEUIFTFUUJOHTPOZPVSSPVUFS4PNFöSFXBMMTPGUXBSFQSPHSBNTNBZCMPDLB%)$1SFRVFTUPOOFXMZJOTUBMMFEBEBQUFSTWindows® 8 Userst 1SFTTUIFWindows key and R together. Type cmd in the box and click OK.t "UUIFQSPNQUUZQFipcong and press Enter.t 5IJTXJMMEJTQMBZUIF*1BEESFTTTVCOFUNBTLBOEEFGBVMUHBUFXBZPGZPVSBEBQUFS
33D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix B - Networking BasicsStatically Assign an IP AddressIf you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/router, or you need to assign a static IP address, please follow the steps below:Windows® XP Userst $MJDLPOStart > Control Panel. Make sure you are in Classic View. Double-click on the Network Connections icon. t 3JHIUDMJDLPOUIFLocal Area Connection which represents your D-Link wireless network adapter (or other adapter) which will be connected to your router.t )JHIMJHIUInternet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.t $MJDLUse the following IP address and enter an IP address that is on the same subnet as your network or LAN IP address on your router. Example: If the router’s LAN IP address is, make your IP address 192.168.0.X where X is a number between 2 and 99. Make sure that the number you choose is not in use on the network. t 4FUDefault Gateway the same as the LAN IP address of your router or gateway.t 4FUPrimary DNS as the LAN IP address of your router or gateway. t 5IFSecondary DNS is optional (you may enter a DNS server from your ISP).t $MJDLOK to save your settings.
34D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix B - Networking BasicsWindows® 7/ Vista® Userst $MJDLPOStart > Control Panel (make sure you are in Classic View). Double-click on the Network and Sharing Center icon. If you are using Windows Vista, click on Manage network connections along the left panel in the window. For Windows® 7, click on Change adapter settings.t 3JHIUDMJDLPOUIFLocal Area Connection which represents your D-Link wireless network adapter which will be connected to your network.t )JHIMJHIUInternet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4) and click Properties.t $MJDLUse the following IP address and enter an IP address that is on the same subnet as your network or LAN IP address on your router or network. Example: If the router’s LAN IP address is, make your IP address 192.168.0.X where X is a number between 2 and 99. Make sure that the number you choose is not in use on the network. t 4FUDefault Gateway the same as the LAN IP address of your router or gateway.t 4FUPrimary DNS the same as the LAN IP address of your router or gateway. t 5IFSecondary DNS is optional (you may enter a DNS server from your ISP).t $MJDLOK to save your settings.
35D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix B - Networking BasicsWindows® 8 Userst 1SFTTUIFWindows key and then type IP. Click Settings on the right side and then click View Network Connections. t 3JHIUDMJDL POUIF BEBQUFSXIJDISFQSFTFOUTZPVS %-JOLXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLadapter.t )JHIMJHIUInternet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4) and click Properties.t $MJDLUse the following IP address and enter an IP address that is on the same subnet as your network or LAN IP address on your router or network. Example: If the router’s LAN IP address is, make your IP address 192.168.0.X where X is a number between 2 and 99. Make sure that the number you choose is not in use on the network. t 4FUDefault Gateway the same as the LAN IP address of your router or gateway.t 4FUPrimary DNS the same as the LAN IP address of your router or gateway. t 5IFSecondary DNS is optional (you may enter a DNS server from your ISP).t $MJDLOK to save your settings.
36D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix C - Technical SpecicationsTechnical SpecicationsStandards t*&&&O t*&&&H t*&&&BBus Type t64#DPNQBUJCMFSecurityt81"™/WPA2™ - Wi-Fi Protected Access t8141*/BOE1#$ Media Access Control t$4."$"XJUI"$,Frequency Range t()[UP()[/PSUI"NFSJDB t()[UP()[/PSUI"NFSJDB t()[UP()[/PSUI"NFSJDB Power Consumption (802.11n) t5YN" t3YN"Modulation Technology t0SUIPHPOBM'SFRVFODZDivision Multiplexing (OFDM) t$PNQMFNFOUBSZ$PEF,FZJOH$$,Transmitter Power Output tE#NHO tE#NBOperating Voltage t7%$Operating Temperature t¡'UP¡'¡$UP¡$Operating Humidity tUPNBYJNVNOPODPOEFOTJOHDimensions twYwYwWeight  tMCTLHCertications t'$$$MBTT# t*$ t8J'J¥Warranty t:FBS-JNJUFE* Maximum wireless signal rate derived from IEEE Standard 802.11n and 802.11g specications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume of network trac, building materials and construction, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate. Environmental factors will adversely aect wireless signal range.
37D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix D - Contacting Technical SupportContacting Technical SupportBefore you contact technical support, please have the following ready:t .PEFMOVNCFSPGUIFQSPEVDUFH%8"t )BSEXBSF3FWJTJPOMPDBUFEPOUIFMBCFMPOUIFBEBQUFSFHSFW"t 4FSJBM/VNCFSTOOVNCFSMPDBUFEPOUIFMBCFMPOUIFBEBQUFS:PVDBOöOETPGUXBSFVQEBUFTBOEVTFSEPDVNFOUBUJPOPOUIF%-JOLXFCTJUFBTXFMMBTGSFRVFOUMZBTLFERVFTUJPOTBOEBOTXFSTUPUFDIOJDBMJTTVFTFor customers within the United States: Phone Support: (877) 453-5465 Internet Support: http://support.dlink.com For customers within Canada: Phone Support: (800) 361-5265   Internet Support: http://support.dlink.ca
38D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix E - WarrantyWarrantySubject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited Warranty:t 0OMZUPUIFQFSTPOPSFOUJUZUIBUPSJHJOBMMZQVSDIBTFEUIFQSPEVDUGSPN%-JOLPSJUTBVUIPSJ[FESFTFMMFSPSEJTUSJCVUPSBOEt 0OMZGPSQSPEVDUTQVSDIBTFEBOEEFMJWFSFEXJUIJOUIFöGUZTUBUFTPGUIF6OJUFE4UBUFTUIF%JTUSJDUPG$PMVNCJB641PTTFTTJPOTor Protectorates, U.S. Military Installations, or addresses with an APO or FPO.Limited Warranty:D-Link warrants that the hardware portion of the D-Link product described below (“Hardware”) will be free from material defects in workmanship and materials under normal use from the date of original retail purchase of the product, for the period set forth below (“Warranty Period”), except as otherwise stated herein.t )BSEXBSF0OFZFBSThe customer’s sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of D-Link and its suppliers under this Limited Warranty will be, at  D-Link’s option, to repair or replace the defective Hardware during the Warranty Period at no charge to the original owner or to refund the actual purchase price paid. Any repair or replacement will be rendered by D-Link at an Authorized D-Link Service Oce. The replacement hardware need not be new or have an identical make, model or part. D-Link may, at its option, replace the defective Hardware or any part thereof with any SFDPOEJUJPOFEQSPEVDUUIBU%-JOLSFBTPOBCMZEFUFSNJOFTJTTVCTUBOUJBMMZFRVJWBMFOUPSTVQFSJPSJOBMMNBUFSJBMSFTQFDUTUPUIFEFGFDUJWF)BSEXBSF3FQBJSFEPSSFQMBDFNFOUIBSEXBSFXJMMCFXBSSBOUFEGPSUIFSFNBJOEFSPGUIFPSJHJOBM8BSSBOUZ1FSJPEPSOJOFUZEBZTXIJDIFWFSJTMPOHFSand is subject to the same limitations and exclusions. If a material defect is incapable of correction, or if D-Link determines that it is not practical to repair or replace the defective Hardware, the actual price paid by the original purchaser for the defective Hardware will be refunded by D-Link upon return to D-Link of the defective Hardware. All Hardware or part thereof that is replaced by D-Link, or for which the purchase price is refunded, shall become the property of D-Link upon replacement or refund.
39D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix E - WarrantyLimited Software Warranty:%-JOLXBSSBOUTUIBUUIFTPGUXBSFQPSUJPOPGUIFQSPEVDUi4PGUXBSFwXJMMTVCTUBOUJBMMZDPOGPSNUP%-JOLTUIFODVSSFOUGVODUJPOBMTQFDJöDBUJPOTfor the Software, as set forth in the applicable documentation, from the date of original retail purchase of the Software for a period of ninety (90) days (“Software Warranty Period”), provided that the Software is properly installed on approved hardware and operated as contemplated in its documentation. D-Link further warrants that, during the Software Warranty Period, the magnetic media on which D-Link delivers the Software will be free of physical defects. The customer’s sole and exclusive remedy and the entire liability of D-Link and its suppliers under this Limited Warranty will be, at D-Link’s option, to replace the non-conforming Software (or defective media) with software that substantially conforms to D-Link’s functional TQFDJöDBUJPOTGPSUIF4PGUXBSFPSUPSFGVOEUIFQPSUJPOPGUIFBDUVBMQVSDIBTFQSJDFQBJEUIBUJTBUUSJCVUBCMFUPUIF4PGUXBSF&YDFQUBTPUIFSXJTFagreed by D-Link in writing, the replacement Software is provided only to the original licensee, and is subject to the terms and conditions of the MJDFOTFHSBOUFECZ%-JOLGPSUIF4PGUXBSF3FQMBDFNFOU4PGUXBSFXJMMCFXBSSBOUFEGPSUIFSFNBJOEFSPGUIFPSJHJOBM8BSSBOUZ1FSJPEBOEJTTVCKFDUto the same limitations and exclusions. If a material non-conformance is incapable of correction, or if D-Link determines in its sole discretion that it is not practical to replace the non-conforming Software, the price paid by the original licensee for the non-conforming Software will be refunded by %-JOLQSPWJEFEUIBUUIFOPODPOGPSNJOH4PGUXBSFBOEBMMDPQJFTUIFSFPGJTöSTUSFUVSOFEUP%-JOL5IFMJDFOTFHSBOUFESFTQFDUJOHBOZ4PGUXBSFfor which a refund is given automatically terminates.Non-Applicability of Warranty:The Limited Warranty provided hereunder for Hardware and Software portions of D-Link’s products will not be applied to and does not cover any SFGVSCJTIFEQSPEVDUBOEBOZQSPEVDUQVSDIBTFEUISPVHIUIFJOWFOUPSZDMFBSBODFPSMJRVJEBUJPOTBMFPSPUIFSTBMFTJOXIJDI%-JOLUIFTFMMFSTPSUIFMJRVJEBUPSTFYQSFTTMZEJTDMBJNUIFJSXBSSBOUZPCMJHBUJPOQFSUBJOJOHUPUIFQSPEVDUBOEJOUIBUDBTFUIFQSPEVDUJTCFJOHTPMEi"T*TwXJUIPVUBOZwarranty whatsoever including, without limitation, the Limited Warranty as described herein, notwithstanding anything stated herein to the contrary.Submitting A Claim: The customer shall return the product to the original purchase point based on its return policy. In case the return policy period has expired and the product is within warranty, the customer shall submit a claim to D-Link as outlined below:t 5IFDVTUPNFSNVTUTVCNJUXJUIUIFQSPEVDUBTQBSUPG UIFDMBJN BXSJUUFO EFTDSJQUJPO PG UIF )BSEXBSFEFGFDUPS4PGUXBSFOPODPOGPSNBODFJOTVóDJFOUEFUBJMUPBMMPX%-JOLUPDPOöSNUIFTBNFBMPOHXJUIQSPPGPGQVSDIBTFPGUIFQSPEVDUTVDIBTBcopy of the dated purchase invoice for the product) if the product is not registered.t 5IFDVTUPNFSNVTUPCUBJOB$BTF*%/VNCFSGSPN%-JOL5FDIOJDBM4VQQPSU64"XIPXJMMBUUFNQUUPBTTJTUthe customer in resolving any suspected defects with the product. If the product is considered defective, the customer must PCUBJOB3FUVSO.BUFSJBM"VUIPSJ[BUJPOi3."wOVNCFSCZDPNQMFUJOHUIF3."GPSN&OUFSUIFBTTJHOFE$BTF*%/VNCFSBU https://rma.dlink.com/ (USA only).t "GUFSBO3."OVNCFSJTJTTVFEUIFEFGFDUJWFQSPEVDUNVTUCFQBDLBHFETFDVSFMZJOUIFPSJHJOBMPSPUIFSTVJUBCMFTIJQQJOHQBDLBHFUPFOTVSFUIBUJUXJMMOPUCFEBNBHFEJOUSBOTJUBOEUIF3."OVNCFSNVTUCFQSPNJOFOUMZNBSLFEPOUIFPVUTJEFPGUIFQBDLBHFDo not include any manuals or accessories in the shipping package. D-Link will only replace the defective portion of the product and will not ship back any accessories.
40D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix E - Warrantyt 5IFDVTUPNFSJTSFTQPOTJCMFGPSBMMJOCPVOETIJQQJOHDIBSHFTUP%-JOL/P$BTIPO%FMJWFSZi$0%wJTBMMPXFE1SPEVDUTTFOU$0%will either be rejected by D-Link or become the property of D-Link. Products shall be fully insured by the customer and shipped to D-Link Systems, Inc.t USA residents send to 17595 Mt. Herrmann, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. D-Link will not be held responsible for any packages that are lost in transit to D-Link. The repaired or replaced packages will be shipped to the customer via UPS Ground or any common DBSSJFSTFMFDUFECZ%-JOL3FUVSOTIJQQJOHDIBSHFTTIBMMCFQSFQBJECZ%-JOLJGZPVVTFBOBEESFTTJOUIF6OJUFE4UBUFTPUIFSXJTFXFXJMMTIJQUIFQSPEVDUUPZPVGSFJHIUDPMMFDU&YQFEJUFETIJQQJOHJTBWBJMBCMFVQPOSFRVFTUBOEQSPWJEFETIJQQJOHDIBSHFTBSFprepaid by the customer. D-Link may reject or return any product that is not packaged and shipped in strict compliance with the GPSFHPJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTPSGPSXIJDIBO3."OVNCFSJTOPUWJTJCMFGSPNUIFPVUTJEFPGUIFQBDLBHF5IFQSPEVDUPXOFSBHSFFTUPpay D-Link’s reasonable handling and return shipping charges for any product that is not packaged and shipped in accordance XJUIUIFGPSFHPJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTPSUIBUJTEFUFSNJOFECZ%-JOLOPUUPCFEFGFDUJWFPSOPODPOGPSNJOHt Canadian residents send to D-Link Networks, Inc., 2525 Meadowvale Boulevard Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 5S2 Canada. D-Link will not be held responsible for any packages that are lost in transit to D-Link. The repaired or replaced packages will be shipped to UIFDVTUPNFSWJB1VSPMBUPS$BOBEBPSBOZDPNNPODBSSJFSTFMFDUFECZ%-JOL3FUVSOTIJQQJOHDIBSHFTTIBMMCFQSFQBJECZ%-JOLJGZPVVTFBOBEESFTTJO$BOBEBPUIFSXJTFXFXJMMTIJQUIFQSPEVDUUPZPVGSFJHIUDPMMFDU&YQFEJUFETIJQQJOHJTBWBJMBCMFVQPOSFRVFTUBOEQSPWJEFETIJQQJOHDIBSHFTBSFQSFQBJECZUIFDVTUPNFS%-JOLNBZSFKFDUPSSFUVSOBOZQSPEVDUUIBUJTOPUQBDLBHFEBOETIJQQFEJOTUSJDUDPNQMJBODFXJUIUIFGPSFHPJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTPSGPSXIJDIBO3."OVNCFSJTOPUWJTJCMFGSPNUIFPVUTJEFPGthe package. The product owner agrees to pay D-Link’s reasonable handling and return shipping charges for any product that is OPUQBDLBHFEBOETIJQQFEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFGPSFHPJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTPSUIBUJTEFUFSNJOFECZ%-JOLOPUUPCFEFGFDUJWFPSOPODPOGPSNJOH3."QIPOFOVNCFS)PVSTPG0QFSBUJPO.POEBZ'SJEBZ".o1.&45What Is Not Covered:The Limited Warranty provided herein by D-Link does not cover:1SPEVDUTUIBUJO%-JOLTKVEHNFOUIBWFCFFOTVCKFDUFEUPBCVTFBDDJEFOUBMUFSBUJPONPEJöDBUJPOUBNQFSJOHOFHMJHFODFNJTVTFGBVMUZJOTUBMMBUJPOlack of reasonable care, repair or service in any way that is not contemplated in the documentation for the product, or if the model or serial number IBTCFFOBMUFSFEUBNQFSFEXJUIEFGBDFEPSSFNPWFE*OJUJBMJOTUBMMBUJPOJOTUBMMBUJPOBOESFNPWBMPGUIFQSPEVDUGPSSFQBJSBOETIJQQJOHDPTUT0QFSBUJPOBMBEKVTUNFOUTDPWFSFEJOUIFPQFSBUJOHNBOVBMGPSUIFQSPEVDUBOEOPSNBMNBJOUFOBODF%BNBHFUIBUPDDVSTJOTIJQNFOUEVFUPBDUPG(PEGBJMVSFTEVFUPQPXFSTVSHFBOEDPTNFUJDEBNBHF"OZIBSEXBSFTPGUXBSFöSNXBSFPSPUIFSQSPEVDUTPSTFSWJDFTQSPWJEFECZBOZPOFPUIFSUIBO%-JOLBOE1SPEVDUTUIBUIBWFCFFOQVSDIBTFEGSPNJOWFOUPSZDMFBSBODFPSMJRVJEBUJPOTBMFTPSPUIFSTBMFTJOXIJDI%-JOLUIFTFMMFSTPSUIFMJRVJEBUPSTFYQSFTTMZEJTDMBJNUIFJSXBSSBOUZPCMJHBUJPOQFSUBJOJOHUPUIFQSPEVDUWhile necessary maintenance or repairs on your Product can be performed by any company, we recommend that you use only an Authorized D-Link Service Oce. Improper or incorrectly performed maintenance or repair voids this Limited Warranty.
41D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix E - WarrantyDisclaimer of Other Warranties:&9$&15'035)&-*.*5&%8"33"/5:41&$*'*&%)&3&*/5)&130%6$5*41307*%&%i"4*4w8*5)065"/:8"33"/5:0'"/:,*/%8)"540&7&3*/$-6%*/(8*5)065-*.*5"5*0/"/:8"33"/5:0'.&3$)"/5"#*-*5:'*5/&44'03"1"35*$6-"3163104&"/%/0/*/'3*/(&.&/5*'"/:*.1-*&%8"33"/5:$"//05#&%*4$-"*.&%*/"/:5&33*503:8)&3&"130%6$5*440-%5)&%63"5*0/0'46$)*.1-*&%8"33"/5:4)"--#&-*.*5&%505)&%63"5*0/0'5)&"11-*$"#-&8"33"/5:1&3*0%4&5'035)"#07&&9$&15"4&913&44-:$07&3&%6/%&35)&-*.*5&%8"33"/5:1307*%&%)&3&*/5)&&/5*3&3*4,"4505)&26"-*5:4&-&$5*0/"/%1&3'03."/$&0'5)&130%6$5*48*5)5)&163$)"4&30'5)&130%6$5Limitation of Liability:505)&."9*.6.&95&/51&3.*55&%#:-"8%-*/,*4/05-*"#-&6/%&3"/:$0/53"$5/&(-*(&/$&453*$5-*"#*-*5:0305)&3-&("-03&26*5"#-&5)&03:'03"/:-0440'64&0'5)&130%6$5*/$0/7&/*&/$&03%"."(&40'"/:$)"3"$5&38)&5)&3%*3&$541&$*"-*/$*%&/5"-03$0/4&26&/5*"-*/$-6%*/(#65/05-*.*5&%50%"."(&4'03-0440'(00%8*---0440'3&7&/6&03130'*5803,45011"(&$0.165&3'"*-63&03."-'6/$5*0/'"*-63&0'05)&3&26*1.&/503$0.165&3130(3".4508)*$)%-*/,4130%6$5*4$0//&$5&%8*5)-0440'*/'03."5*0/03%"5"$0/5"*/&%*/4503&%0/03*/5&(3"5&%8*5)"/:130%6$53&563/&%50%-*/,'038"33"/5:4&37*$&3&46-5*/('30.5)&64&0'5)&130%6$53&-"5*/(508"33"/5:4&37*$&03"3*4*/(0650'"/:#3&"$)0'5)*4-*.*5&%8"33"/5:&7&/*'%-*/,)"4#&&/"%7*4&%0'5)&1044*#*-*5:0'46$)%"."(&45)&40-&3&.&%:'03"#3&"$)0'5)&'03&(0*/(-*.*5&%8"33"/5:*43&1"*33&1-"$&.&/5033&'6/%0'5)&%&'&$5*7&03/0/$0/'03.*/(130%6$55)&."9*.6.-*"#*-*5:0'%-*/,6/%&35)*48"33"/5:*4-*.*5&%505)&163$)"4&13*$&0'5)&130%6$5$07&3&%#:5)&8"33"/5:5)&'03&(0*/(&913&4483*55&/8"33"/5*&4"/%3&.&%*&4"3&&9$-64*7&"/%"3&*/-*&60'"/:05)&38"33"/5*&4033&.&%*&4&913&44*.1-*&%0345"56503:Governing Law:This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or DPOTFRVFOUJBMEBNBHFTPSMJNJUBUJPOTPOIPXMPOHBOJNQMJFEXBSSBOUZMBTUTTPUIFGPSFHPJOHMJNJUBUJPOTBOEFYDMVTJPOTNBZOPUBQQMZ5IJT-JNJUFE8BSSBOUZQSPWJEFTTQFDJöDMFHBMSJHIUTBOEZPVNBZBMTPIBWFPUIFSSJHIUTXIJDIWBSZGSPNTUBUFUPTUBUFTrademarks:D-Link is a registered trademark of D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc. Other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Copyright Statement:No part of this publication or documentation accompanying this product may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc., as stipulated by the United States Copyright Act of 1976 and any amendments thereto. Contents are subject to change without prior notice.Copyright ©2012-2013 by D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
43D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix E - WarrantyIndustry Canada statement5IJTEFWJDFDPNQMJFTXJUI344PGUIF*OEVTUSZ$BOBEB3VMFT0QFSBUJPOJTTVCKFDUUPUIFGPMMPXJOHUXPDPOEJUJPOT1) this device may not cause interference and2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the deviceCaution:The device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Because high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) in 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz, these radars could cause interference and/or damage to license exempt LAN devices.IMPORTANT NOTE:*$3BEJBUJPO&YQPTVSF4UBUFNFOU5IJTFRVJQNFOUDPNQMJFTXJUI*$SBEJBUJPOFYQPTVSFMJNJUTTFUGPSUIGPSBOVODPOUSPMMFEFOWJSPONFOU&OEVTFSTNVTUGPMMPXUIFTQFDJöDPQFSBUJOHJOTUSVDUJPOTGPSTBUJTGZJOH3'FYQPTVSFDPNQMJBODF5PNBJOUBJODPNQMJBODFXJUI*$3'FYQPTVSFDPNQMJBODFSFRVJSFNFOUTQMFBTFGPMMPXPQFSBUJPOinstruction as documented in this manual.5IJT$MBTT#EJHJUBMBQQBSBUVTDPNQMJFTXJUI$BOBEJBO*$&4$FUBQQBSFJMOVNÏSJRVFEFMBDMBTTF#FTUDPOGPSNFËMBOPSNF/.#EV$BOBEBIMPORTANT NOTE: IC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
44D-Link DWA-162 User ManualAppendix F - RegistrationVersion 1.0December 19, 2012Product registration is entirely voluntary and failure to complete or return this form will not diminish your warranty rights.Registration

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