Cypress Semiconductor CY8CKIT-142 CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module User Manual Manual part 1

Cypress Semiconductor CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module Manual part 1


Manual part 1

CY8CKIT-042-BLEBluetooth® Low Energy (BLE)Pioneer Kit GuideDoc. # 001-93731 Rev. *ACypress Semiconductor198 Champion CourtSan Jose, CA 95134-1709Phone (USA): 800.858.1810Phone (Intnl):
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 2Copyrights© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2014. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. CypressSemiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypressproduct. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted norintended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an expresswritten agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. Theinclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such useand in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected byand subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treatyprovisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, createderivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating customsoftware and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit asspecified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of thisSource Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THISMATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materialsdescribed herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuitdescribed herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where amalfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ productin a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifiesCypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. CySmart, F-RAM, PRoC, Programmable System-on-Chip, and PSoC Creator are trademarks, and PSoC and CapSense areregistered trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All other products and company names mentioned in thisdocument may be the trademarks of their respective holders.Purchase of I2C components from Cypress or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies conveys a license under thePhilips I2C Patent Rights to use these components in an I2C system, provided that the system conforms to the I2C StandardSpecification as defined by Philips. As from October 1st, 2006 Philips Semiconductors has a new trade name - NXPSemiconductors.Flash Code ProtectionCypress products meet the specifications contained in their particular Cypress Datasheets. Cypress believes that its family ofproducts is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, regardless of how they are used. There may bemethods, unknown to Cypress, that can breach the code protection features. Any of these methods, to our knowledge, wouldbe dishonest and possibly illegal. Neither Cypress nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security oftheir code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”Cypress is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. Code protection is constantlyevolving. We at Cypress are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 3ContentsSafety Information  61. Introduction 111.1 Kit Contents ...............................................................................................................111.2 Board Details .............................................................................................................121.3 PSoC Creator™.........................................................................................................151.4 Getting Started...........................................................................................................161.5 Additional Learning Resources..................................................................................161.5.1 Beginner Resources.......................................................................................161.5.2 Application Notes ...........................................................................................161.5.3 PSoC Creator Example Projects....................................................................171.5.4 Component Datasheets .................................................................................171.5.5 Bluetooth Learning Resources.......................................................................171.5.6 Learning From Peers .....................................................................................171.5.7 Other Related Resources...............................................................................181.6 Technical Support......................................................................................................181.7 Documentation Conventions......................................................................................181.8 Acronyms...................................................................................................................192. Software Installation 202.1 Before You Begin.......................................................................................................202.2 Install Software ..........................................................................................................202.3 Uninstall Software......................................................................................................233. Kit Operation 243.1 Theory of Operation...................................................................................................243.2 BLE Pioneer Kit USB Connection..............................................................................263.3 Placing Modules on Baseboard .................................................................................263.4 Programming and Debugging BLE Device ................................................................273.4.1 Programming and Debugging using PSoC Creator .......................................273.4.2 Programming using PSoC Programmer.........................................................303.5 Updating BLE Dongle for CySmart PC Tool ..............................................................333.6 USB-UART Bridge .....................................................................................................363.7 USB-I2C Bridge .........................................................................................................373.8 Updating the Onboard PSoC 5LP Programmer Firmware.........................................403.9 Measure Coin Cell Power Consumption....................................................................404. Example Projects 424.1 Using Example Projects.............................................................................................424.2 CapSense Slider and LED.........................................................................................474.2.1 Project Description.........................................................................................474.2.2 Hardware Connections...................................................................................50
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 4Contents4.2.3 Flow Chart......................................................................................................514.2.4 Verify Output ..................................................................................................524.3 CapSense Proximity ..................................................................................................624.3.1 Project Description.........................................................................................624.3.2 Hardware Connections...................................................................................644.3.3 Flow Chart......................................................................................................664.3.4 Verify Output ..................................................................................................674.4 BLE Central Mode .....................................................................................................734.4.1 Project Description.........................................................................................734.4.2 Hardware Connections...................................................................................764.4.3 Flow Chart......................................................................................................774.4.4 Verify Output ..................................................................................................784.5 BLE Dongle and LED Control ....................................................................................814.5.1 Project Description.........................................................................................814.5.2 Hardware Connections...................................................................................824.5.3 Flow Chart......................................................................................................834.5.4 Verify Output ..................................................................................................844.6 Direct Test Mode (DTM) ............................................................................................844.6.1 Project Description.........................................................................................844.6.2 Hardware Connection ....................................................................................864.6.3 Verify Output ..................................................................................................875. Hardware 885.1 Pioneer Baseboard....................................................................................................885.1.1 PSoC 5LP ......................................................................................................885.1.2 Power System................................................................................................885.1.3 Programming Interface...................................................................................945.1.4 Expansion Connectors ...................................................................................955.1.5 USB Mini-B Connector...................................................................................985.1.6 CapSense Circuit ...........................................................................................995.1.7 Pioneer Board LEDs ....................................................................................1015.1.8 Push Buttons................................................................................................1025.1.9 Cypress Ferroelectric RAM (F-RAM) ...........................................................1035.1.10 Serial Interconnection Between PSoC 5LP and BLE Module......................1045.1.11 Bluetooth Module Headers...........................................................................1055.2 BLE Module Board...................................................................................................1065.2.1 PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE ..........................................................................1065.2.2 Bluetooth Module Headers (20-Pin and 24-Pin Headers)............................1075.2.3 Wiggle Antenna............................................................................................1085.2.4 Antenna Matching Network..........................................................................1095.2.5 BLE Passives...............................................................................................1105.2.6 Test Points.................................................................................................... 1115.3 BLE Dongle Board...................................................................................................1115.3.1 Power System..............................................................................................1125.3.2 USB Type A Plug .........................................................................................1135.3.3 User LED......................................................................................................1146. Advanced Topics 1156.1 Using PSoC 5LP as USB-UART Bridge ..................................................................1156.2 Using PSoC 5LP as USB-I2C Bridge ......................................................................1266.3 Developing Applications for PSoC 5LP ...................................................................1346.3.1 Building a Bootloadable Project for PSoC 5LP ............................................134
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 5Contents6.3.2 Building a Normal Project for PSoC 5LP......................................................1436.4 PSoC 5LP Factory Program Restore Instructions ...................................................1446.4.1 PSoC 5LP is Programmed with a Bootloadable Application ........................1446.5 Using FM24V10 F-RAM...........................................................................................1506.5.1 Address Selection ........................................................................................1516.5.2 Write/Read Operation ..................................................................................1516.6 CySmart iOS/Android Application............................................................................1526.7 CySmart PC Tool.....................................................................................................160A. Appendix 168A.1 Schematics ..............................................................................................................168A.2 Board Layout ...........................................................................................................176A.3 Bill of Materials (BOM).............................................................................................184A.4 KitProg Status LED States.......................................................................................194A.5 Adding BLE module compatible headers on your own baseboard..........................195Revision History  196
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 6Safety InformationThe CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit is intended for use as adevelopment platform for hardware or software in a laboratory environment. The board is an opensystem design, which does not include a shielded enclosure. Due to this reason, the board maycause interference with other electrical or electronic devices in close proximity. In a domesticenvironment, this product may cause radio interference. In such cases, the user may be required totake adequate preventive measures. Also, this board should not be used near any medicalequipment or critical RF devices.The CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit is intended for use as adevelopment, demonstration and evaluation platform for hardware or software in a laboratoryenvironment. The kit is not intended for general consumer use. Cypress recommends that the kitonly be used in a shielded room.Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the product operation from the factory defaultmay affect its performance and cause interference with other apparatus in the immediate vicinity. Ifsuch interference is detected, suitable mitigating measures should be taken.The CY8CKIT-042-BLE boards contain electrostatic discharge (ESD)sensitive devices. Electrostatic charges readily accumulate on thehuman body and any equipment, which can cause a discharge withoutdetection. Permanent damage may occur on devices subjected tohigh-energy discharges. Proper ESD precautions are recommendedto avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Store unusedCY8CKIT-042-BLE boards in the protective shipping package.End-of-Life/Product RecyclingThe end-of-life cycle for this kit is five years from the date ofmanufacture mentioned on the back of the box. Contact your nearestrecycler to discard the kit.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 7General Safety InstructionsESD ProtectionESD can damage boards and associated components. Cypress recommends that the user performprocedures only at an ESD workstation. If an ESD workstation is not available, use appropriate ESDprotection by wearing an antistatic wrist strap attached to the chassis ground (any unpainted metalsurface) on the board when handling parts.Handling BoardsCY8CKIT-042-BLE boards are sensitive to ESD. Hold the board only by its edges. After removingthe board from its box, place it on a grounded, static-free surface. Use a conductive foam pad ifavailable. Do not slide the board over any surface.Battery Care and Use■Use the correct size and type of battery specified in this guide. ■Keep battery contact surfaces and battery compartment contacts clean by rubbing them with a clean pencil eraser or a rough cloth each time you replace batteries. ■Remove the battery from a device when it is not expected to be in use for several months. ■Make sure that you insert the battery into your device properly, with the + (plus) and – (minus) terminals aligned correctly. ■Do not place the battery next to metallic objects such as keys and coins.■Never throw the battery into fire.■Do not open up the battery.■Do not short the battery.■Do not subject the battery to high temperatures or high humidity.■Store the battery in a dry place.■Do not recharge a battery unless it is marked “rechargeable.”Battery DisposalBatteries can be safely disposed of with normal household waste. Never dispose of batteries in firebecause they can explode. It is important not to dispose of large amounts of batteries in a group.Used batteries are often not completely “dead.” Grouping used batteries together can bring these“live” batteries into contact with one another, creating safety risks.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 8Regulatory Compliance InformationThe kit contains devices that transmit and receive radio signals in accordance with the spectrumregulations for the 2.4-GHz unlicensed frequency range. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation has obtained regulatory approvals for this kit to be used inspecific countries. These countries include United States (FCC Part 15), Canada (IC RSS210) andJapan (JRF/ TELEC). Additional regional regulatory agency approval may be required to operatethese throughout the world.This kit as shipped from the factory has been tested and found to comply with the limits/requirements for following compliances: ■FCC as a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.■This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003Regulatory statements and Product LabelingUnited States (FCC)This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.The CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE and CY5671 PRoC BLE modular transmitter must be labeled withits own FCC ID number, and, if the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed in to anotherdevice, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a labelreferring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as the following:Contains FCC ID: WAP-CY8CKIT-142 and WAP-CY5671, The enclosed device complies with Part15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation. Any similar wording that expresses the samemeaning may be used.CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.Only the PCB antenna(s) that were certified with the module may beused. Other antennas may be used only if they are of the same typeand have the same or lower gain.The module must be recertified as a Class II permissive change if themodule is built into a different device than the EVB (evaluation board)it was certified withTHE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIOOR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZEDMODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONSCOULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THEEQUIPMENT.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 9CAUTION: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for Compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Canada (IC)This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.This equipment complies with radio frequency exposure limits set forth by Industry Canada for an uncontrolled environment. CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for com-pliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This Module is labelled with its own IC ID. If the IC ID Certification Number is not visible whileinstalled inside another device, then the device should display the label on it referring the enclosedmodule. In that case, the final end product must be labelled in a visible area with the following:“Contains Transmitter Module IC 7922A-CY8CKIT142 and 7922A-CY5671”OR “Contains IC: 7922A-CY8CKIT142 and 7922A-CY5671”Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doitpas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectriquesubi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiofréquences définies par Industrie Canada pour un environnement non contrôlé. Ce module est étiqueté avec son propre ID IC. Si le numéro de certification IC ID n'est pas visiblelorsqu'il est installé à l'intérieur d'un autre appareil, l'appareil doit afficher l'étiquette sur le module deréférence ci-joint. Dans ce cas, le produit final doit être étiqueté dans un endroit visible par le textesuivant: “Contains Transmitter Module IC 7922A-CY8CKIT142 and 7922A-CY5671”OR “Contains IC: 7922A-CY8CKIT142 and 7922A-CY5671”
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 10Japan (TELEC)Model:CY5671FCC ID: WAP-CY5671IC: 7922A-CY5671TELEC: 005-100920Model:CY8CKIY-142FCC ID : WAP-CY8CKIT-142 IC : 7922A-CY8CKIT142TELEC : 005-100919
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 111. IntroductionThank you for your interest in the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit. Thiskit is designed to showcase the functionality and ease-of-use of the PSoC® 4 BLE and PRoC™ BLEdevices while developing Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) applications. Cypress's BLE solu-tion has an easy-to-use, intuitive GUI to configure the BLE protocol stack using the BLE componentavailable in the Cypress standard integrated development environment (IDE), PSoC Creator. TheCySmart PC tool allows emulation of a BLE Central device and quick access to peripheral connec-tions and debugging. The solution is a true single-chip solution with an integrated balun, Cypress'sindustry-leading capacitive sensing technology, an analog front end (AFE) for biometric sensors, anddigital peripherals suited to a wide variety of applications. Designed for flexibility, this kit offers foot-print compatibility with several third-party Arduino™ shields. The kit includes a provision to populatean extra header to support Digilent® Pmod™ peripheral modules. In addition, the board features aCapSense® slider, an RGB LED, a push-button switch, an integrated USB programmer, a programand debug header, an F-RAM™, and USB-UART/I2C bridges. 1.1 Kit ContentsThe BLE Pioneer Kit contains the following items, as shown in Figure 1-1.■BLE Pioneer Baseboard preloaded with the CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module■CY5671 PRoC BLE Module■CY5670 CySmart USB Dongle■Quick start guide■USB standard A to mini-B cable■Four jumper wires (4 inch) and two proximity sensor wires (5 inch)■Coin cell
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 12IntroductionFigure 1-1.  Kit ContentsIf any part of the kit is missing, contact your nearest Cypress sales office for help: Board DetailsThe BLE Pioneer baseboard consists of the blocks shown in Figure 1-2.1. RGB LED2. BLE module reset button3. CapSense proximity header4. User button5. CapSense slider6. Arduino compatible I/O header (J2)7. Arduino compatible power header (J1)8. Digilent Pmod compatible I/O header (J5)9. Cypress F-RAM 1 Mb (FM24V10-G)10.PSoC 5LP - programmer and debugger (CY8C5868LTI-LP039)11.PSoC 5LP I/O header (J8)12.Coin cell holder (bottom side)13.USB connector (J13)14.Power LED15.Status LED16.System power supply jumper (J16) - LDO 1.9 V~5 V17.Arduino compatible I/O header (J3/J4)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 13Introduction18.BLE power supply jumper (J15) - for current measurement19.BLE module headers (J10/J11)Figure 1-2.  BLE Pioneer Baseboard
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 14IntroductionFigure 1-3 shows a markup of the onboard components, where red BLE module denotes the PSoC 4BLE module and black BLE module denotes the PRoC BLE module.Figure 1-3.  BLE Module Markup(/%7%%"1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@7%%3(/%1@1@1@1@1@1@1@73&'1@1@1@1@1@1@93&41@(/%1@7%%%1@7%%(/%1@8JHHMFBOUFOOB,)[DSZTUBMCPUUPNTJEF$NPE$UBOL"OUFOOBNBUDIJOHOFUXPSL"./$:$-2*#-14P$#-&EFWJDF14P$#-&NPEVMFIFBEFS+14P$#-&NPEVMFIFBEFS+QJO6"35IFBEFS4"3CZQBTTDBQBDJUPSCPUUPNTJEF(/%7%%"1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@1@7%%3(/%1@1@1@1@1@1@1@73&'1@1@1@1@1@1@93&41@(/%1@7%%%1@7%%(/%8JHHMFBOUFOOB$NPE$UBOL"OUFOOBNBUDIJOHOFUXPSL"./.)[DSZTUBM$:#--29*13P$#-&EFWJDF13P$#-&NPEVMFIFBEFS+13P$#-&NPEVMFIFBEFS+QJO6"35IFBEFS4"3CZQBTTDBQBDJUPSCPUUPNTJEF1@1@1@.)[DSZTUBM,)[DSZTUBMCPUUPNTJEF
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 15IntroductionThe dongle board consists of the blocks shown in Figure 1-4.Figure 1-4.  BLE Dongle Markup1.3 PSoC Creator™PSoC Creator is a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use integrated design environment (IDE). It is arevolutionary hardware and software co-design environment, powered by a library of preverified andprecharacterized PSoC Components™. With PSoC Creator, you can:■Drag and drop PSoC Components to build a schematic of your custom design■Automatically place and route components and configure GPIOs■Develop and debug firmware using the included component APIsPSoC Creator also enables you to tap into an entire tool ecosystem with integrated compiler chainsand production programmers for PSoC devices.For more information, visit$#-&SFTFUCVUUPO$:#--29*13P$#-&EFWJDF14P$-1QSPHSBNNJOHUFTUQPJOUT$:$-5*-114P$-1QSPHSBNNFSBOEEFCVHHFS6TFSCVUUPO1PXFS-&%64#QMVH4UBUVT-&%8JHHMFBOUFOOB"OUFOOBNBUDIJOHOFUXPSL"./.)[DSZTUBM6TFS-&%13P$FYUFSOBMQSPHSBNNJOHIFBEFS,)[DSZTUBMCPUUPNTJEF48%*048%$-,93&4(/%7#641@1@
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 16Introduction1.4 Getting StartedThis guide will help you get acquainted with the BLE Pioneer Kit:■The Software Installation chapter on page 20 describes the installation of the kit software. This includes the PSoC Creator IDE for development and debugging applications, PSoC Programmer for programming hex files, and the CySmart PC tool for BLE host emulation.■The Kit Operation chapter on page 24 describes the major features of the BLE Pioneer Kit such as USB-UART and USB-I2C bridges and functionalities such as programming and debugging.■The Example Projects chapter on page 42 describes multiple PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE code examples that will help you understand how to create your own BLE application using the BLE component and device.■The Hardware chapter on page 88 details the hardware content of the kit and dongle, and the hardware operation.■The Advanced Topics chapter on page 115 explains the functionality of the kit features, such as the USB-UART bridge, USB-I2C bridge, F-RAM, iOS app, and the CySmart PC tool.■The Appendix on page 168 provides schematics, board layouts, KitProg LED status, and the bill of materials (BOM).1.5 Additional Learning ResourcesVisit and for additional learning resourcesincluding datasheets, technical reference manuals, and application notes.Visit for information on the CySmart PC tool.1.5.1 Beginner ResourcesPSoC Creator Training: Application NotesVisit to view a growing list of application notes for PSoC 3, PSoC 4,PSoC 4 BLE, PRoC BLE, and PSoC 5LP.Visit this site for PSoC 4BLE and PRoC BLE application notes.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 17Introduction1.5.3 PSoC Creator Example ProjectsThese simple example projects demonstrate how to configure and use PSoC Creator components.To open an example project in PSoC Creator, go to File > Example Project (see Figure 1-5) andchoose the required example project. Figure 1-5.  PSoC Creator Example Projects1.5.4 Component DatasheetsRight-click a component and select Open Datasheet (see Figure 1-6). Visit this page for the BLEcomponent datasheet.Figure 1-6.  Opening Component Datasheet1.5.5 Bluetooth Learning ResourcesThe Bluetooth Developer Portal provides material by the Special Interest Group (SIG) for learningvarious aspects of the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol and systems. Some of them are:■Training videos■GATT profiles■Bluetooth community forum1.5.6 Learning From PeersCypress Developer Community Forums: Visit
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 18Introduction1.5.7 Other Related Resources■Digilent PMod:■Arduino: Technical SupportFor assistance, go to our support web page,, or contact our customersupport at +1 (800) 541-4736 Ext. 2 (in the USA) or +1 (408) 943-2600 Ext. 2 (International).1.7 Documentation ConventionsTable 1-1.  Document Conventions for GuidesConvention UsageCourier New Displays file locations, user entered text, and source code:C:\\icc\Italics Displays file names and reference documentation:Read about the sourcefile.hex file in the PSoC Creator User Guide.[Bracketed, Bold]Displays keyboard commands in procedures:[Enter] or [Ctrl] [C]File > Open Represents menu paths:File > Open > New ProjectBold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures:Click the File icon and then click Open.Times New Roman Displays an equation:2 + 2 = 4Text in gray boxes Describes cautions or unique functionality of the product.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 19Introduction1.8 AcronymsTable 1-2.  Acronyms Used in this DocumentAcronym DefinitionADC Analog-to-Digital ConverterAPI Application Programming InterfaceBD address Bluetooth Device addressBLE Bluetooth Low EnergyCD Compact DiscCDC Communications Device ClassCOM Communication PortDVD Digital Video DiscESD Electrostatic DischargeF-RAM Ferroelectric Random Access MemoryGUI Graphical User Interface GPIO General Purpose Input/OutputI2C Inter-Integrated CircuitIAS Immediate Alert ServiceIDAC Interconnecting Digital-Analog ConverterIDE Integrated Development EnvironmentISO International Organization for Standardization LDO Low Drop Out (voltage regulator)LED Light-Emitting DiodeLP Low PowerLPT Line Print TerminalPrISM Precise Illumination Signal ModulationPRoC Programmable Radio-on-ChipPRM Protocol Service MultiplexerPSoC Programmable Systems-on-ChipPWM Pulse-Width Modulation QFN Quad Flat No-lead (package)RGB Red Green BlueSAR Successive Approximation RegisterSPI Serial Peripheral Interface SWD Serial Wire DebugUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver TransmitterUSB Universal Serial BusUSB CDC Universal Serial Bus Communications Device Class
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 202. Software InstallationThis chapter describes the steps to install the software tools and packages on a PC for using theBLE Pioneer Kit. This includes the IDE in which the projects will be built and used for programmingthe kit.2.1 Before You BeginAll Cypress software installations require administrator privileges. Ensure you have the requiredprivileges on the system for successful installation. Before you install the kit software, close anyother Cypress software that is currently running.2.2 Install SoftwareFollow these steps to install the BLE Pioneer Kit software:1. Download the BLE Pioneer Kit software from The kitsoftware is available in the following formats:a. CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit Setup: This installation package contains the files related to the kit.However, it does not include the Windows Installer or Microsoft .NET framework packages. Ifthese packages are not on your computer, the installer directs you to download and installthem from the Internet.b. CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit Only: This executable file installs only the kit contents, which include kitcode examples, hardware files, and user documents. This package can be used if all thesoftware prerequisites (listed in step 5) are installed on your PC.c. CY8CKIT-042-BLE DVD ISO: This file is a complete package, stored in a DVD-ROM imageformat, that you can use to create a DVD or extract using an ISO extraction program such asWinZip or WinRAR. The file can also be mounted similar to a virtual CD/DVD using virtualdrive programs such as ‘Virtual CloneDrive’ and ‘MagicISO’. This file includes all the requiredsoftware, utilities, drivers, hardware files, and user documents.2. If you have downloaded the ISO file, mount it on a virtual drive; if you do not have a virtual driveto mount, extract the ISO contents using the appropriate ISO extractor (such as MagicISO orPowerISO). Double-click cyautorun.exe in the root directory of the extracted content or mountedISO if “Autorun from CD/DVD” is not enabled on the PC. The installation window will appearautomatically. Note: If you are using the “Kit Setup” or “Kit Only” file, then go to step 4 for installation.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 21Software Installation3. Click Install CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit to start the kit installation, as shown in Figure 2-1.Figure 2-1.  Kit Installer Screen4. Select the folder in which you want to install the CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit-related files. Choose thedirectory and click Next.5. When you click Next, the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit installer automatically installs the requiredsoftware, if it is not present on your computer. The following software packages are required: Note: For the Setup Only installer package, download and install the following prerequisites.a. PSoC Creator 3.1 or later: Download the latest version from PSoC Programmer 3.21.1 or later: This is installed as part of PSoC Creator installation( CySmart 1.0 or later: Download the latest version from
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 22Software Installation6. Choose the Typical/Custom/Complete installation type in the Product Installation Overviewwindow, as shown in Figure 2-2. Click Next after you select the installation type.Figure 2-2.  Product Installation Overview7. Read the license agreement and select I accept the terms in the license agreement tocontinue with installation. Click Next.8. When the installation begins, a list of packages appears on the installation page. A green checkmark appears next to each package after successful installation.9. Click Finish to complete the CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit installation.10.Enter your contact information or select the Continue Without Contact Information check box.Click Finish to complete the CY8CKIT-042-BLE kit installation.11.After the installation is complete, the kit contents are available at the following location:<Install_Directory>\CY8CKIT-042-BLE KitDefault location:Windows 7 (64-bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\CY8CKIT-042-BLE KitWindows 7 (32-bit): C:\Program Files\Cypress\CY8CKIT-042-BLE KitNote: For Windows 7/8/8.1 users, the installed files and the folder are read only. To use the installerexample project, follow the steps outlined in the Example Projects chapter on page 42.The kit installer also installs the CySmart PC tool for PC. This software, along with the dongle, allowsthe PC to emulate as a BLE Central device. Refer to CySmart PC Tool on page 160 for more detailson how to use the CySmart PC tool.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 23Software Installation2.3 Uninstall SoftwareThe software can be uninstalled using one of the following methods:■Go to Start  >  All Programs >  Cypress  >  Cypress Update Manager >  Cypress UpdateManager; select the Uninstall button.■Go to Start  >  Control Panel >  Programs and Features for Windows 7 or Add/RemovePrograms for Windows XP; select the Uninstall/Change button.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 243. Kit OperationThis chapter introduces you to the BLE Pioneer kit and the features that will be used as part of the kitoperation. We will discuss features such as USB connection, programming/debugging, andprogrammer firmware update. The chapter also describes the USB-UART and USB-I2C bridgesalong with the PC tools that can be used to communicate with the BLE device on the kit.3.1 Theory of OperationFigure 3-1, Figure 3-2, and Figure 3-3 show the block diagrams for the BLE Pioneer baseboard, BLEmodule board, and BLE dongle.Figure 3-1.  BLE Pioneer Baseboard Block DiagramThe BLE Pioneer board acts as the baseboard for the PSoC 4 BLE (red module) and PRoC BLE(black module). The Pioneer board contains a PSoC 5LP that is used as an onboard programmer ordebugger, and for the USB-Serial interface.The baseboard is Arduino form-factor compatible, enabling Arduino shields to be connected on topof the board to extend the functionality of BLE modules. The board also features a 1-Mb F-RAM, anRGB LED, a five-segment CapSense slider, a proximity header, a user switch, and a reset switch forthe PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices on the module. The Pioneer board supports three voltagelevels: 1.9 V, 3.3 V, and 5 V.The baseboard can also be used as a standalone programmer to program and debug other PSoC 4BLE/PRoC BLE devices using serial wire debug (SWD), and as a USB-Serial bridge. The firmwareon PSoC 5LP device enables bootloading PSoC 5LP over USB to upgrade the firmware. Status LED GreenBLE/Arduino Compatible Headers  Proximity wire connectorCapSense Slider 5 SegmentReset SW  (Push Button)USB Mini B PSoC 5LP Programmer/Serial CommunicationPSoC 5LP           10 pin  Prog. headerPSoC 5LP I/Os16 pin  Expansion headerPMOD header6 pin PMOD headerESD ProtectionMOSFET Protection cktLDO ORing DiodesBLE/Arduino Compatible Headers  JumperBLE current measuring Coin cellBattery holderPower LED RedBLE Module I/Os 20 pin headerFRAMI2C pull-upvia FETORing DiodesUser SW   (Push Button)BLE Module I/Os         24 pin headerVINVBUS VCCD+ / D-VDDBLE Reset3.3V~3VSWDI2C / SPI / UARTI2CVoltage Ctrl 3 pin JumperRGB LEDMOSFET Protection cktBLE SWD10 pin  Prog. headerPRoC BLE/PSoC 4 BLE
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 25Kit OperationFigure 3-2.  BLE Module Block DiagramThis kit includes two modules boards. These boards act as a basic breakout board for theCY8C4247LQI-BL483 and CYBL10563-56LQXI BLE silicon. The PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLEModules are identical except for the silicon. In addition to including the PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLEdevices, the module boards also contain the BLE passives (resistors, capacitors, external crystals,and antenna-matching network), an onboard antenna, and headers for connecting to the baseboard.The BLE dongle is the host's wireless interface for the BLE device or project on the baseboard. Thedongle has a PRoC BLE device, to allow BLE connection with other kits. It also contains aPSoC 5LP, to be used as an onboard programmer or debugger, and for the USB-Serial interface, asshown in Figure 3-3.The dongle has a USB A-type plug to connect the PSoC 5LP to the USB port of the host PC. ThePSoC 5LP then communicates with the PRoC BLE device over UART or multiplexed I2C or an SPIbus. The board also features a user LED, a user switch, and a reset switch for the PRoC BLEdevice. The dongle is powered directly through the USB port (VBUS) at 5.0 V. The BLE dongle can also be used as a standalone programmer to program and debug other PSoCdevices (outside the dongle board) using SWD, and as a USB-Serial bridge after removing theresistor between the SWD pins of PSoC 5LP and PRoC BLE. Figure 3-3.  BLE Dongle Block DiagramPRoC BLE/PSoC 4 BLEBLE I/Os20 pin Header (Digital, Power and Ground Pins)GPIOGPIOKHz CrystalDecapsCMODSAR Bypass CapCTANKVREFPowerRF matchingMHzCrystalTest points4 pin header RX/ TX/ GndBLE I/Os24 pin Header (Analog, Power and Ground Pins)Ferrite BeadVDDD/A/RPower PowerDecapsMATCHING CIRCUITPSoC  5LP68QFNI2CUARTSWDSPIUSB 2.0 Type-A Plug10-Pin Programming HeaderSWDUSER ButtonUSER LEDXRES ButtonXRESRFTest PointsProtection CircuitsD+ / D-STATUS LEDPOWER LEDEXTRA GPIOCRYSTALSPRoC BLE56QFNPower
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 26Kit Operation3.2 BLE Pioneer Kit USB ConnectionThe BLE Pioneer kit connects to and powers from a PC over the USB interface (J13). The kit enu-merates as a composite device, as shown in Table 3-1.Note: Ensure that you install the kit installer on the system for successful enumeration. To downloadand install the BLE Pioneer Kit, visit 3-4.  KitProg Driver Installation (appearance may differ depending on Windows platform)3.3 Placing Modules on BaseboardPlug the BLE module into the baseboard on headers J10 and J11, while keeping the antennadirected outside of the baseboard. Note that the two parallel headers J10 and J11 are not equal (24-pin and 20-pin, respectively) and will not allow the BLE module to be inserted in the oppositedirection.Figure 3-5.  Baseboard with J10 and J11 Headers to Connect BLE ModulesTable 3-1.  BLE Pioneer Kit Enumerated InterfacesPort DescriptionUSB Composite Device Composite deviceUSB Input Device Programmer and debuggerKitProg USB-I2C bridge, programmerKitProg USB-UART USB-UART bridge, which appears as a COM# port
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 27Kit OperationTo remove the BLE modules from the BLE Pioneer kit, hold the BLE Pioneer kit in one hand and theBLE module in the other, as shown in Figure 3-6, and pull it out using a rocking motion.Figure 3-6.  Remove BLE Module Connected on BLE Pioneer Kit3.4 Programming and Debugging BLE DeviceThe BLE Pioneer kit and BLE dongle can be programmed and debugged using the onboardPSoC 5LP programmer and debugger. Before programming the device, ensure that PSoC Creatorand PSoC Programmer are installed on the PC. See the section Install Software on page 20 formore information.3.4.1 Programming and Debugging using PSoC Creator1. To program the BLE Pioneer kit, plug the USB cable into the programming USB connector, J13, and connect it to the USB port on the PC, as shown in Figure 3-7. The kit will enumerate as a composite device.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 28Kit OperationFigure 3-7.  Connect USB Cable to J132. To program the BLE dongle, plug the dongle into the USB port of the PC, as shown in Figure 3-8. The dongle will enumerate as a composite device.Figure 3-8.  Connect BLE Dongle to PC3. The onboard PSoC 5LP uses SWD to program the PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE device. SeeFigure 3-9 for this implementation.Figure 3-9.  SWD Programming PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE using PSoC 5LPMini USB PSoC 5LP PSoC 4 BLE/ PRoC BLESWDCLKResetSWDIOD+D-
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 29Kit Operation4. To load the desired example project, open PSoC Creator and go to File > Open > Project/Workspace. This will provide the option to browse to and open your saved project.5. Build the project by choosing Build > Build <Project Name> or [Shift] [F6], as shown inFigure 3-10.Figure 3-10.  Build an Example Project6. If there are no errors during build, program the firmware into the kit by choosing Debug >Program or pressing [Ctrl] [F5], as shown in Figure 3-11. This will program the device on theBLE Pioneer Kit/BLE dongle and it will be ready for use. If debugging is needed on the project, goto step 6. Figure 3-11.  Programming Device From PSoC Creator7. To debug the project using PSoC Creator, choose Debug > Debug or press [F5].8. When the project is built and programmed into the device on the BLE Pioneer kit/BLE dongle,PSoC Creator will enter the Debug mode; you can use it to debug your application. For moredetails on using the debug features, see the Cypress application note Getting Started with PSoC4 BLE.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 30Kit Operation3.4.2 Programming using PSoC ProgrammerPSoC Programmer (3.21 or later) can be used to program existing hex files into the BLE Pioneer kitor BLE dongle. To do this, follow these steps.1. To program the BLE Pioneer kit, plug the USB cable into the programming USB connector, J13, and connect it to the PC USB port, as shown in Figure 3-7. The kit will enumerate as a composite device.Figure 3-12.  Connect BLE Pioneer Kit to PC2. To program the BLE dongle, plug the dongle to the USB port of the PC, as shown in Figure 3-13. The kit will enumerate as a composite device.Figure 3-13.  Connect BLE Dongle to PC3. Go to Start > All Programs > Cypress > PSoC Programmer <version> > PSoC Programmer <version>. The PSoC Programmer window will open as shown in Figure 3-13.Note: BLE projects support PSoC Programmer 3.21 or later.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 31Kit OperationFigure 3-14.  PSoC Programmenr GUI4. Click the File Load button at the top left corner of the window. Browse for the desired hex file and click Open.Figure 3-15.  Select Hex File5. Go to File > Program to start programing the kit with the selected file.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 32Kit OperationNote: If the hex file for a device is selected and programmed on the kit with a different device, then PSoC Programmer will throw an error of device mismatch and terminate programming.Figure 3-16.  Program Hex File to Kit6. When the programming is finished successfully, indicated by a PASS message on the status bar, the kit is ready for use. Close PSoC Programmer.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 33Kit Operation3.5 Updating BLE Dongle for CySmart PC ToolThe dongle, shown in Figure 3-17, provides a BLE Central mode capability using the CySmart PCtool (see CySmart PC Tool on page 160) on the PC. The CySmart PC tool is used to connect andvalidate the example projects loaded on the BLE Pioneer Kit (baseboard with one of the modules)through BLE. The CySmart PC tool on the PC is the interface with which to configure the dongle andanalyze the BLE data transferred after connecting with a BLE peripheral.Figure 3-17.  DongleAfter being connected to the PC through the USB port, the dongle enumerates as a compositedevice, similar to the BLE Pioneer kit. When enumerated, it allows similar features, such asprogramming/debugging of the onboard PRoC BLE, USB-UART bridge, and USB-I2C bridge.Additionally, the interface is used to communicate with the CySmart PC tool and emulate a BLECentral device on PRoC BLE.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 34Kit OperationThe dongle works along with the CySmart PC tool, as shown in Figure 3-18. The CySmart PC tool isinstalled as part of the BLE Pioneer Kit installation and can be opened from Start > All Programs >Cypress > CySmart <version> > CySmart <version>. The tool operation is explained in CySmartPC Tool on page 160.Figure 3-18.  Dongle Interface on CySmart PC ToolIf the dongle contains custom firmware on PRoC BLE, the original CySmart firmware can beprogrammed back to restore the CySmart functionality. It is not required to use the 10-pinprogramming header on the dongle for this purpose. The dongle must be connected through theUSB and enumerated as KitProg. To do this, follow these steps:1. Connect the dongle to the USB port on the PC.2. Open PSoC Programmer by going to Start > All Programs > Cypress > PSoC Programmer<version> > PSoC Programmer <version>.3. When PSoC Programmer opens, it will automatically detect the KitProg on the dongle. Note thatevery BLE dongle KitProg ID will start with the string 'BLE'. Click the File Load button andbrowse to the location of the BLE_Dongle_CySmart.hex file. The hex file is located at:C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\CY8CKIT-042-BLE Kit\<version>\Firmware\BLE Dongle\Hex Files\Note: If Cypress releases new versions of the CySmart PC tool and the BLE dongle firmware, then the CySmart PC tool will display a message requesting to update the firmware on the BLE dongle, as shown in the following figures.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 35Kit OperationFigure 3-19.  Update Dongle Firmware with Hex from Latest Kit InstallerFigure 3-20.  Update Dongle Firmware with Hex from WebIn this scenario, choose the hex file from the respective location and update the dongle firmware with the following steps.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 36Kit OperationFigure 3-21.  Open Hex File4. Ensure the other settings match as shown in Figure 3-21. Click the Program button to startprogramming. The status bar at the bottom of the PSoC Programmer window will show theprogramming status and the result (Pass/Fail).Figure 3-22.  Programming Hex File to Dongle5. After programming is completed successfully, the dongle firmware is updated and can be used toconnect to the CySmart PC tool.3.6 USB-UART BridgeThe onboard PSoC 5LP on both the baseboard and dongle acts as a USB-UART bridge to transferand receive data from the PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE device to the PC via the COM terminalsoftware. When the USB mini-B cable is connected to J13 of the baseboard or the dongle isconnected to the PC, a device named “KitProg USB-UART” is available under Ports (COM & LPT)in the Device Manager. To use this functionality, a project supporting UART communication must becreated on the BLE device. More details are available in the section Using PSoC 5LP as USB-UARTBridge on page 115.For both the baseboard and the dongle, the UART lines are hardwired onboard between the PSoC5LP and BLE Modules. No external UART connection between the two devices is needed. Simply
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 37Kit Operationplace the UART component in the PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE and assign the UART pins as shown inTable 3-2.Table 3-3 lists the specifications supported by the USB-UART bridge.3.7 USB-I2C BridgeThe PSoC 5LP also functions as a USB-I2C bridge. In this role, PSoC 5LP communicates withPSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE using an I2C interface, and sends that data over the USB to the USB-I2Csoftware utility running on the PC, called the Bridge Control Panel (BCP). This feature is availablefor both the BLE Pioneer Kit and the BLE dongle.The BCP is available as part of the PSoC Programmer installation. This software can be used tosend and receive USB-I2C data from the PSoC 5LP. When the USB mini-B cable is connected toheader J13 on the BLE Pioneer Kit or when the dongle is connected to the PC, the KitProg USB-I2Cis available under Connected I2C/SPI/RX8 Ports in the BCP, as shown in Figure 3-23.To open BCP in your system, go to Start > All Programs > Cypress > Bridge Control Panel.Table 3-2.  UART Pin Assignment in BLE Devices for USB-UART BridgePin BLE Pioneer Kit BLE DongleUART_RX P1_4 P1_4UART_TX P1_5 P1_5Table 3-3.  Specifications Supported by USB-UART BridgeParameter Supported ValuesBaud Rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200Data Bits 8Parity NoneStop Bits 1Flow Control NoneFile Transfer Protocols sup-ported Xmodem, 1K Xmodem, Ymodem, Kermit, and Zmodem (only speeds greater than 2400 baud)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 38Kit OperationFigure 3-23.  Bridge Control PanelTo use the USB-I2C functionality, select the KitProg USB-I2C in the BCP. On successful connection,the Connected and Powered tabs turn green, as shown in Figure 3-24.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 39Kit OperationFigure 3-24.  KitProg USB-I2C Connected in Bridge Control PanelUSB-I2C is implemented using the USB and I2C components of PSoC 5LP. For the BLE Pioneer Kit,the SCL (P12_0) and SDA (P12_1) lines from the PSoC 5LP are connected to the SCL (P3_5) andSDA (P3_4) lines of the BLE module header. For the dongle, the SCL (P12_0) and SDA (P12_1)lines from the PSoC 5LP are connected to the SCL (P3_5) and SDA (P3_4) lines. The USB-I2Cbridge currently supports I2C speed of 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 400 kHz, and 1 MHz.See Using PSoC 5LP as USB-I2C Bridge on page 126 to build a project that uses the USB-I2Cbridge functionality.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 40Kit Operation3.8 Updating the Onboard PSoC 5LP Programmer FirmwareThe BLE Pioneer kit and BLE dongle contains the PSoC 5LP programmer (KitProg) required for pro-gramming, debugging and communication over the COM port. The KitProg normally does notrequire any update. If an update is required, then PSoC Programmer will display a warning messagewhen the kit or dongle is connected to it, as shown in Figure 3-25.Figure 3-25.  Update KitProgTo update the KitProg, go to the Utilities tab on PSoC Programmer and click Upgrade Firmware, asshown in Figure 3-26.Figure 3-26.  Update KitProg from PSoC Programmer3.9 Measure Coin Cell Power ConsumptionTo measure the power consumption of a project with coin cell, connect the coin cell directly to theBLE modules, as shown in Figure 3-27. The baseboard is designed with additional circuits to protectthe PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE device and the F-RAM in Arduino environment. Note that powerconsumption measurements on the baseboard will also include the power consumed by theseadditional circuits. After you have programmed your application on the CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module or theCY5671 PRoC BLE Module, remove the BLE module from the baseboard and connect the coin cell(Figure 3-27). This setup enables an accurate power consumption measurement for the application.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 41Kit OperationThe other pins on the BLE module can be used to build the desired application.Connect the positive terminal of the coin cell to pin J2.2 and negative terminal to pin J2.4 usingwires.Figure 3-27.  Powering the BLE Module using a Coin CellConnect an ammeter in series with the battery to measure the power consumption as shown inFigure 3-28.Figure 3-28.  Current Measurement of BLE Module when Powered from a Coin Cell
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 424. Example ProjectsThis chapter demonstrates the functionality of the PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices using theBLE Pioneer kit-based example projects. To access these example projects, download and installthe kit setup file from the kit web page. The example projects are available in the firmware folderunder the installed directory.The Cypress BLE device comes in two variants:■PSoC 4 BLE: The PSoC 4 BLE product family is the new wireless member of the PSoC 4architecture platform. The family provides a full programmable analog and digital system and acomplete schematic view of PSoC Creator. The PSoC 4 BLE family provides a 32-bit ARMCortex-M0 based MCU subsystem with programmable analog and digital peripherals, such asuniversal digital blocks (UDBs), 12-bit SAR ADC, opamp, LP comparator, IDACs, UART, I2C, SPI,and timer/counter/PWM block. It also has a dedicated CapSense block (in select part numbers)to implement the touch-sensing solution, with a practical system SNR of 100:1.■PRoC BLE: This family provides prebuilt part numbers for applications such as human interfacedevices (HID), remote control, trackpad, and toys. PRoC BLE also supports up to two-fingergestures for trackpad and remote control applications. The PRoC BLE product family enrichesthe PRoC wireless capacitive touch devices with the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol. The PRoCBLE family has embedded gestures (in select part numbers) to implement the touch-sensingsolution for trackpad implementation. It also provides a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 based MCUsubsystem with analog and digital peripherals, such as 12-bit SAR ADC, UART, I2C, PWMs, andtimer/counter/PWM blocks. The family uses a special PSoC Creator schematic view for easyconfiguration of PRoC BLE devices.4.1 Using Example ProjectsFollow these steps to open and use the example projects:1. Launch PSoC Creator from Start > All Programs > Cypress > PSoC Creator 3.1 > PSoCCreator 3.1.2. On the Start Page, choose Examples and Kits > Kits > CY8CKIT-042-BLE. A list of exampleprojects appears, as shown in Figure 4-1. Projects named with the prefix 'PSoC_4_BLE_' workon the BLE Pioneer kit with the PSoC 4 BLE Module; projects named with the prefix'PRoC_BLE_' work on the BLE Pioneer kit with the PRoC BLE Module.3. Click on the desired example project.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 43Example ProjectsFigure 4-1.  Open Example Project from PSoC Creator4. Select the folder where you want to save the project and click OK.5. BLE projects use a public device address set in the BLE component GUI to advertise and scan,depending on the role: peripheral or central mode. If there are other kits in close proximity, whichhave the same public device address, then wrong devices may be connected or connections canfail. To prevent this, you can change the Public device address (and preferably Device name)in the BLE component. To do this, double-click the BLE component in TopDesign, go to the GAPSettings tab, and choose the General setting. Add the desired public device address (non-zero)and device name in the respective fields, as shown in Figure 4-2. Click OK.Alternatively, you can select the 'Silicon generated' device address by selecting the check box. This way, the BD address is generated using the silicon ID, unique to each silicon. Click OK.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 44Example ProjectsFigure 4-2.  Change BLE Public Device Address and Name6. Build the example project by choosing Build > Build <Project Name>, as shown in Figure 4-3. Ahex file will be generated.Figure 4-3.  Build Project from PSoC Creator7. To program the kit with this example project, connect the baseboard to the PC by plugging it intothe USB mini-B connector (J13) on the baseboard, as described in BLE Pioneer Kit USBConnection on page 26. Ensure that the correct BLE Module (PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE) isplaced on the baseboard, depending on the project opened.8. Choose Debug > Program in PSoC Creator, as shown in Figure 4-4.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 45Example ProjectsFigure 4-4.  Program Device in PSoC Creator9. If the device is not yet acquired, PSoC Creator will open the programming window. SelectKitProg and click the Port Acquire button, as shown in Figure 4-5. Note: The string following 'KitProg' is the serial ID for the programmer on the kit. Each kit willhave a unique serial ID. If various kits are connected to the same system, the serial ID can beused to select the correct kit to program the firmware. Additionally, the serial ID starting with 'BLE'belongs to the dongle (see Updating BLE Dongle for CySmart PC Tool on page 33) and providesvisual confirmation for dongles connected to the system.Figure 4-5.  Port Acquire10.After the device is acquired, it is shown in a structure below the KitProg. Click the Connect but-ton and then OK to exit the window and start programming, as shown in Figure 4-6.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 46Example ProjectsFigure 4-6.  Connect Device From PSoC Creator and ProgramNote: As stated previously, the BLE Pioneer kit supports both Cypress BLE devices: PSoC 4 BLEand PRoC BLE. Thus, there are two versions of each of the kit example projects demonstrating thesame functionality. Projects named with the prefix PSoC_4_BLE_ work with the PSoC 4 BLE Moduleplaced on the baseboard. Projects named with the prefix PRoC_BLE_ work with the PRoC BLEModule placed on the baseboard. Ensure that the correct module is placed on the baseboard beforeprogramming the device with the corresponding kit example projects.The description, hardware configurations, and verification method of the kit example projectsexplained in the following sections are valid for both PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE devices. Unlessexplicitly mentioned, the theory and usability for these example projects should be considered thesame for both the modules/devices.This document refers to the BLE Pioneer kits, dongle, and PC/mobile as BLE Central or peripheraldevices. A BLE Central device is normally the master and requests/commands data from theperipheral device. BLE-enabled phones and PCs are one such example. BLE peripheral devices, onthe other hand, store the actual data and send it to central devices when requested. Examplesinclude BLE-enabled sensors, proximity beacons, and so on.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 47Example Projects4.2 CapSense Slider and LED4.2.1 Project DescriptionThis project demonstrates BLE connectivity between the BLE Pioneer kit (acting as a peripheral andserver device) and BLE dongle or mobile device running the CySmart application (acting as a centraland client device). This project demonstrates following:■Advertisement with timeout■Connection with any BLE Central device■Two custom services in single profile■Data transfer over BLE custom service using notifications, read, and write■Low-power mode implementation for battery operationThe BLE profile in this project consists of two BLE custom services: CapSense and RGB LED. TheCapSense service consists of one custom characteristic, termed as CapSense Slider. TheCapSense slider characteristic is used to send one byte data, ranging from 0 to 100, as notificationto the client device. This data is the finger location read by the CapSense component on the five-segment slider (CSS1) present on the kit. This characteristics supports notification, which allows theBLE server to send data to the connected client device whenever new data is available.The RGB LED service also consists of one custom characteristic, termed as RGB LED Control.This characteristic supports two operations, read and write, through which the connected clientdevice can read data as well as write a new value to the characteristic. This data has four byte val-ues indicating red, green, blue, and intensity values for the onboard RGB LED.These properties for the custom service/characteristics are configured in the BLE component underthe Profiles tab, as shown in Figure 4-7.Figure 4-7.  Attributes Configuration in BLE Component for Custom Services
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 48Example ProjectsThe project consists of the following files:■main.c/.hThese files contain the main function, which is the entry point and execution of the firmware appli-cation. It also contains function definition for initialization of the system and reading the CapSense slider data from the CapSense component.■BLEApplications.c/.hThese files contain all the macros and function definitions related to BLE communication and operation. It contains the event callback function definition that is registered with the BLE compo-nent startup and used by the component to send BLE-related events from the BLE stack to the application layer for processing. It contains a method to send CapSense notifications to the client device and process the Read and Write commands on the RGB LED characteristic by the client device. It updates the BLE Connection parameter, which is important for low-power mode usage.■HandleLowPower.c/.hThese files contain the function to handle low-power mode. This function is continuously called in the main loop and is responsible for pushing the BLE hardware block (BLESS) as well as the CPU to Deep Sleep mode as much as possible. The wakeup source is either the BLE hardware block Link Layer internal timer or the interrupt from the user button press (SW2). This allows for very low power mode implementation and operation using a coin cell.Additionally, the PRoC BLE version of this project consists of the RGB_PRSm.c/.h file, which con-tains the function to drive the software-based PrISM method and drive the color and intensity on theRGB LED.This is the default firmware that comes in the BLE modules shipped with the kit.Two projects demonstrate this functionality on two different devices: ■PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED works with the PSoC 4 BLE Module■PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED works with the PRoC BLE Module. The PSoC 4 BLE project implements RGB color and intensity control using the PRiSM componentwhereas the PRoC BLE uses the software implementation of the PRiSM mode.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 49Example ProjectsFigure 4-8.  TopDesign for PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED ProjectFigure 4-9.  TopDesign for PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED Project
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 50Example Projects4.2.2 Hardware ConnectionsNo specific hardware connections are required for this project because all connections arehardwired on the board. Ensure that the correct BLE Module is placed on the baseboardcorresponding to the project being used. PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED works with thePSoC 4 BLE Module. PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED works with the PRoC BLE Module.The pin assignment for this project is in PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED.cydwr/PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer, as shown in Figure 4-10.Figure 4-10.  Pin Selection for CapSense Slider and LED ProjectTable 4-1.  Pin Assignments for CapSense Slider and LED ProjectPin Name Port NameCapSense CMOD P4_0CapSense Slider 1 P2_1CapSense Slider 2 P2_2CapSense Slider 3 P2_3CapSense Slider 4 P2_4CapSense Slider 5 P2_5BLUE P3_7GREEN P3_6RED P2_6User_Button P2_7
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 51Example Projects4.2.3 Flow ChartFigure 4-11 shows the flow chart of the code implemented.Figure 4-11.  CapSense Slider and LED Project Flow ChartStart AdvertisementCapSense SliderSwipped?Received RGB LED Data?NOBLE ConnectionStill Present?NOSend finger position over CapSense custom serviceYESExtract Data and change color/brightness on LED. Keep LED ON for set timeYESConnected to BLE Central device before timeout?YESNONotifications Enabled?YESNOSystem in Deep Sleep and waiting for User button pressNOAdvertisement Time-out?NOYESPut system to low power mode and wait for interrupt from BLE Link LayerYESSystem initialized. Wait for interrupt from User Button to WakeupProcess BLEEvents
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 52Example Projects4.2.4 Verify OutputThe project can be verified by two methods: using the CySmart PC tool and dongle or using theCySmart iOS/Android BLE app.To install and use the CySmart PC tool, see CySmart PC Tool on page 160.To install and use the CySmart iOS/Android app, see CySmart iOS/Android Application on page CySmart PC ToolTo verify the CapSense and LED project using the CySmart PC tool, follow these steps:Note: See CySmart PC Tool on page 160 to learn how to use the tool.1. Connect the dongle to one of the USB ports on the PC.2. Start the CySmart PC tool on the PC by going to Start > All Programs > Cypress > CySmart<version> > CySmart <version>. You will see a list of dongles connected to it. If no dongle isfound, click Refresh. Select the BLE dongle and click Connect. Figure 4-12.  Connect to BLE Dongle3. Place either the PSoC 4 BLE Module or PRoC BLE Module, on the BLE Pioneer kit, dependingon the project chosen.4. Power the BLE Pioneer kit through the USB connector J13.5. Program the BLE Pioneer kit with the CapSense and LED example projects. Follow steps inUsing Example Projects on page 42 to program the device.6. After programming successfully, press the user button (SW2) on the BLE Pioneer kit to start theadvertisement. Advertisement is indicated by a blinking red LED on the baseboard.Note: The project has an advertisement timeout of 30 seconds. If the BLE client device does not connect to this peripheral within 30 seconds of starting the advertisement, the system goes back to low-power mode. Press SW2 again to restart the advertisement.7. On the CySmart PC tool, click Start Scan to see the list of available BLE peripheral devices. Youcan confirm your device by the device name and Bluetooth address on the list. This should besame as the one configured in the BLE component GUI.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 53Example Projects8. After the available devices are listed, double-click the BLE Slider and LED device to connect, orclick BLE Slider and LED and then click Connect.Figure 4-13.  Connect to BLE Slider and LED Peripheral9. When the connection is made, the CySmart PC tool will display a message for the Update Con-nection parameters. This is the request from the BLE peripheral to update the existing connec-tion parameters, such as connection interval, latency, and supervision timeout, to a new value.Select Yes, as shown in Figure 4-14.Figure 4-14.  Update Connection Parameter OptionNote: If you select No, the project will still work. However, the current consumption will be higher due to faster connection interval. 10.If the connection is successful, you will see another tab opening besides the Master tab. ClickDiscover All Attributes to find all the services and attributes supported by the BLE peripheral.Figure 4-15.  Discover All Attributes
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 54Example Projects11.When all the attributes are listed, locate the attribute with a UUID value of 0xCAA2, which is thecharacteristic under CapSense Slider custom service. It will also have a Client CharacteristicConfiguration descriptor (UUID 0x2902). The properties of the descriptor appear in the AttributeDetails window, as shown in Figure 4-16. Click Read Value to read the existing Client Character-istic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) value.Figure 4-16.  Read CCCD for CapSense Slider Characteristic12.Modify the Value field of CCCD to '01:00' and click Write Value. This enables the notifications onthe CapSense Slider characteristic. The notifications received are displayed in the Value field ofthe CapSense Slider characteristic.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 55Example ProjectsFigure 4-17.  Write CCCD to Enable Notifications13.Swipe your finger on the CapSense slider on the BLE Pioneer kit, as shown in Figure 4-19 andsee the notification values in the CapSense Slider value field, as shown in Figure 4-18. Figure 4-18.  CapSense Slider Notification ReceivedFigure 4-19.  CapSense Slider
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 56Example Projects14.Modify the Value field of the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor to '00:00' to disablenotifications.Figure 4-20.  Disable Notifications15.Now, locate the UUID value of 0xCBB1, which is the RGB LED Control characteristic. Under theAttribute Details tab on the right, the read and write properties are enabled. Click Read Value toread the existing 4-byte onboard RGB LED color information, as shown in Figure 4-21. The firstthree bytes have the color values Red, Green, and Blue; the fourth byte is the overall intensityvalue, all in the range of hexadecimal 0x00 to 0xFF.Figure 4-21.  Read RGB LED Control Characteristic Value
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 57Example Projects16.Modify the four bytes of data in the Value field and click Write Value. You will see thecorresponding change in the color and intensity of the RGB LED on the BLE Pioneer kit, asshown in Figure 4-22. The RGB LED will be on for 3 seconds before switching off to conservepower.Note: If the BLE Pioneer kit is powered from a coin cell and not the USB Vbus, then the colormixing and intensity will vary. This is because the coin cell provides a lower driving voltage forRGB LEDs.Figure 4-22.  Write RGB LED Control Characteristic ValueFigure 4-23.  RGB LED Control with PSoC 4 BLE Module and PRoC BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 58Example Projects17.To disconnect from the device, click Disconnect, as shown in Figure 4-24.Figure 4-24.  Disconnect from the Device18.To connect to this peripheral again, restart advertising by pressing the user button (SW2) on theBLE Pioneer kit. Advertising is indicated by the blinking red LED. CySmart iOS/Android AppTo verify the CapSense and LED project using the CySmart mobile application (see CySmart iOS/Android Application on page 152), follow these steps:1. To verify the PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Slider_LED project, plug in the PSoC 4 BLE Module onthe baseboard. Figure 4-25.  BLE Pioneer Kit with PSoC 4 BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 59Example ProjectsTo verify the PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Sider_LED project, plug in the PRoC BLE Module on thebaseboard.Figure 4-26.  BLE Pioneer Kit with PRoC BLE Module2. Plug the BLE Pioneer kit into the PC to power using the J13 USB connector.3. Program the kit with the CapSense and LED example projects. See Using Example Projects onpage 42 for programming instructions.4. Press the user button (SW2) on the BLE Pioneer kit to start the advertisement. This is indicatedby the blinking red LED on the BLE Pioneer kit.5. Open the application on the mobile device. If Bluetooth is not enabled on the device, theapplication will ask to enable it.6. After Bluetooth is enabled, the application will automatically search for available BLE peripheralsand list them. Select the BLE Slider and LED peripheral as shown in Figure 4-27.Figure 4-27.  BLE Slider and LED Peripheral
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 60Example Projects7. When connected, the application will list the supported profiles by the peripherals. Scroll andselect the CapSense page, as shown in Figure 4-28.Figure 4-28.  CapSense Service Page8. Swipe your finger on the CapSense slider on the BLE Pioneer kit and see a similar response onthe CapSense page in the CySmart application (Figure 4-29).Figure 4-29.  CapSense Slider
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 61Example Projects9. Press the back button in the top left corner of the application to return to the service selectionpage. Scroll and tap on the RGB LED service shown in Figure 4-30.Figure 4-30.  RGB LED Service Page10.On the RGB LED service page, swipe over the color gamut to see a similar color response on theBLE Pioneer kit RGB LED. The slider below the color gamut controls the intensity of the RGBLED color. The RGB LED will be on for 3 seconds before switching off. This is done to conservepower.If the BLE Pioneer kit is powered from the coin cell and not the USB Vbus power, then the colormixing and intensity will vary. This is because the coin cell provides a lower driving voltage forRGB LEDs.Figure 4-31.  RGB LED Control with PSoC 4 BLE Module and PRoC BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 62Example Projects11.To disconnect from the BLE Pioneer kit, return to the CySmart app home screen by pressing theback button.12.To reconnect to the peripheral, press the user button (SW2) on the BLE Pioneer kit again andthen scan for devices using CySmart mobile app.4.3 CapSense Proximity4.3.1 Project DescriptionThis project demonstrates BLE connectivity between the BLE Pioneer kit (acting as a peripheral andserver device) and the BLE dongle or mobile device running the CySmart application (acting as acentral and client device). This project demonstrates the following:■Advertisement with timeout■Connection with any BLE Central device■One custom service■Data transfer over BLE custom service using notifications■Low-power mode implementation for coin cell operationThe BLE profile in this project consists of a single BLE custom service, called CapSense. TheCapSense service consists of a custom characteristic, termed as CapSense Proximity. TheCapSense proximity characteristic is used to send one byte data, ranging from 0 to 255, asnotification to the client device. This data is the difference count read by the CapSense componenton the one-wire proximity sensor (J14) connected on the kit. This characteristics supportsnotification, which allows the BLE server to send data to the connected client device whenever newdata is available.The properties for the custom service/characteristics are configured in the BLE component under theProfiles tab, as shown in Figure 4-32.Figure 4-32.  Attributes Configuration in BLE Component for CapSense Proximity
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 63Example ProjectsThe project consists the following files:■main.c/.hThese files contain the main function, which is the entry point and execution of the firmware appli-cation. It contains function definition for initialization of the system and reading the CapSense proximity data from the CapSense component.■BLEApplications.c/.hThese files contain all the macros and function definitions related to BLE communication and operation. It contains the event callback function definition that is registered with the BLE compo-nent startup and used by the component to send BLE-related event from the BLE stack to the application layer for processing. It contains a method to send CapSense notifications to the client device. It updates the BLE Connection parameter, which is important for low-power mode usage.■HandleLowPower.c/.hThese files contain the function to handle low-power mode. This function is continuously called in the main loop and is responsible for pushing the BLE hardware block (BLESS) as well as the CPU to Deep Sleep mode as much as possible. The wakeup source is either the BLE hardware block Link Layer internal timer or the interrupt from the user button press (SW2). This allows for very low-power mode implementation and operation using a coin cell.The red LED is used as the status LED and provides visual confirmation on advertising orconnection states. A blinking red LED indicates advertising state.Two projects demonstrate this functionality on two different devices:■PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Proximity works with the PSoC 4 BLE Module. ■PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Proximity works with the PRoC BLE Module. Figure 4-33.  Top Design for PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Proximity Project
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 64Example ProjectsFigure 4-34.  Top Design for PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Proximity Project4.3.2 Hardware Connections■Ensure that the correct BLE module is placed on the baseboard corresponding to the projectbeing used. PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Proximity works with the PSoC 4 BLE Module.PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Proximity works with the PRoC BLE Module.■Connect a five-inch wire (provided as part of this kit) to the proximity connector J14 on thebaseboard. Loop the wire as shown in Figure 4-35.Note: Ensure that the proximity sensor loop wire is kept away as much as possible from the BLEantenna on the modules.Figure 4-35.  Proximity Sensor Connection on BLE Pioneer Kit with PSoC 4 BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 65Example ProjectsFigure 4-36.  Proximity Sensor Connection on BLE Pioneer Kit with PRoC BLE ModuleThe pin assignment for this project is in PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Proximity.cydwr/PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Proximity.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer, as shown in Figure 4-37.Figure 4-37.  Pin Selection for CapSense Proximity ProjectTable 4-2.  Pin Assignments for CapSense Proximity ProjectPin Name Port NameCapSense CMOD P4_0CapSense Proximity Sensor P2_0User Button P2_7Status LED P2_6
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 66Example Projects4.3.3 Flow ChartFigure 4-38 shows the flow chart of code implemented.Figure 4-38.  CapSense Proximity Project Flow ChartStart AdvertisementProximity valueChanged?Send the proximity data to BLE Central deviceBLE connection still exists?YESNOYESConnected to BLE Central device? NONotification enabled?YESNOSystem is put in Sleep and waits for User Button pressNOAdvertisement Time-out?NOSystem initialized. Wait for interrupt from User Button to WakeupPut system to low power mode and wait for interrupt from BLE Link LayerYESYESProcess BLE events
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 67Example Projects4.3.4 Verify OutputThe project can be verified by two methods: using the CySmart PC tool and dongle or using theCySmart iOS/Android BLE app.To install and use the CySmart PC tool, see CySmart PC Tool on page 160.To install and use the CySmart iOS/Android app, see CySmart iOS/Android Application on page CySmart PC ToolTo verify the CapSense proximity project using the CySmart PC tool, follow these steps:Note: See CySmart PC Tool on page 160 to know how to use the tool.1. Connect the dongle to one of the USB ports on the PC.2. Start the CySmart PC tool on the PC by going to Start > All Programs > Cypress > CySmart<version> > CySmart <version>. You will see a list of dongles connected to it. If no dongle isfound, click Refresh. Select the BLE dongle and click Connect.Figure 4-39.  Connect to BLE Dongle3. Depending on the example project chosen, place the PSoC 4 BLE Module or PRoC BLE Moduleon the baseboard. 4. Power the BLE Pioneer kit through the USB connector J13.5. Connect a five-inch wire (included in the kit) to the proximity sensor connector J14 and make aloop of it.6. Program the BLE Pioneer kit with the CapSense proximity example project. Follow the steps inUsing Example Projects on page 42 to program the device.7. After programming successfully, press the user button (SW2) on the BLE Pioneer kit to start theadvertisement. This is indicated by a blinking red LED on the baseboard.8. On the CySmart PC tool, click Start Scan to see the list of available BLE peripheral devices. Youcan recognize your device by the device name and Bluetooth address on the list. This should bethe same as the one in the Gap Settings tab of the BLE component GUI in PSoC Creator.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 68Example ProjectsFigure 4-40.  Start Scanning9. After the available devices are listed, double-click CapSense Proximity to connect or click StopScan and then click Connect to connect to the device. Figure 4-41.  Connect to CapSense Proximity Peripheral10.When the connection is made, the CySmart PC tool will display a message for the Update Con-nection parameter. This is the request from the BLE peripheral to update the existing connection parameters, such as connection interval, latency, and supervision timeout, to a new value. Select Yes, as shown in Figure 4-42.Figure 4-42.  Update Connection Parameter OptionNote: If you select No, the project will still work. However, the current consumption will be higher due to faster connection interval.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 69Example Projects11.If the connection is successful, you will see another tab opening besides the Master tab. ClickDiscover All Attributes to find all the services and attributes supported by the BLE peripheral.Figure 4-43.  Discover All Attributes12.When all the attributes are listed, locate the UUID value of 0xCAA1, which is the characteristicfor  CapSense Proximity. It will also have a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor(UUID 0x2902). The properties of the descriptor appear in the Attribute Details window, as shownin Figure 4-44. Click Read Value to read the existing CCCD value.Figure 4-44.  Read CapSense Proximity CCCD13.Modify the Value field to '01:00' and click Write Value. This enables the notifications on theCapSense Proximity characteristic. The notifications received are displayed in the Value field ofthe CapSense Proximity characteristic.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 70Example ProjectsFigure 4-45.  Write CCCD to Enable Notifications14.Bring your hand closer to the proximity sensor on the BLE Pioneer kit, as shown in Figure 4-47and observe the value changing in the characteristic value field, as shown in Figure 4-46. Figure 4-46.  CapSense Proximity Notification ReceivedFigure 4-47.  CapSense Proximity Sensing with PSoC 4 BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 71Example Projects15.Modify the Value field of the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor to '00:00' to disablenotifications.16.To disconnect from the device, click Disconnect, as shown in Figure 4-48.Figure 4-48.  Disconnect from the Device17.Press user button (SW2) to wake up from sleep and restart the advertisement for the nextconnection. CySmart iOS/Android AppTo learn how to use the CySmart iOS/Android application, see CySmart iOS/Android Application onpage 152 or the app user guide.To verify the CapSense proximity project using the CySmart mobile app, follow these steps:1. To verify the PSoC_4_BLE_CapSense_Proximity project, plug in the PSoC 4 BLE Module on thebaseboard. Figure 4-49.  BLE Pioneer Kit with PSoC 4 BLE Module
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 72Example ProjectsTo verify the PRoC_BLE_CapSense_Proximity project, plug in the PRoC BLE Module on thebaseboard.Figure 4-50.  BLE Pioneer Kit with PRoC BLE Module2. Connect the five-inch wire as a loop to the proximity connector J14 on the baseboard.3. Plug the BLE Pioneer kit into the PC for power, using the J13 USB connector.4. Program the kit with the CapSense proximity example project. Follow steps in Using ExampleProjects on page 42 to program the device.5. Press the user button (SW2) on the BLE Pioneer kit to start the advertisement.6. Open the CySmart app on the mobile device. If Bluetooth is not enabled on the device, the appwill ask to enable it.7. The app will automatically search for available BLE peripherals and list them. Select theCapSense Proximity peripheral, as shown in Figure 4-51.Figure 4-51.  Connect to CapSense Proximity Peripheral
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 73Example Projects8. When connected, the app will list the services supported by the peripherals. Scroll and select theCapSense service.9. When the CapSense service page opens, bring your hand near the sensor wire on the BLEPioneer kit and see a similar response in the app as a bar graph, as shown in Figure 4-52.Figure 4-52.  CapSense Proximity Sensing with PSoC 4 BLE Module10.To disconnect from the BLE Pioneer kit, return to the device selection screen on the CySmartapp.11.To reconnect to the peripheral, press the user button (SW2) on the BLE Pioneer Kit to restart theadvertisement and scan for the device in the CySmart app.4.4 BLE Central Mode4.4.1 Project DescriptionThe BLE projects described above have been functioning as BLE peripheral devices. This meansthat the firmware role was set to be a BLE peripheral and server; another device such as theCySmart PC tool or CySmart mobile application will connect to it and collect the data.This example project demonstrates the BLE central and client mode where it will scan for a periph-eral device, connect to it, and send commands. In this project, the BLE Pioneer kit scans and auto-connects to a particular peripheral device supporting Immediate Alert Service (IAS). Whenever theperipheral with a predetermined address is found, a connection request is sent followed by discover-ing the attributes. When the discovery is over, you can send one of the three alert levels to the BLEperipheral device over the IAS. This is done by pressing the SW2 button on the BLE Pioneer kit andcycling through the alert levels.The BLE central project supports low-power mode operation, where the firmware supports BLESSand CPU Deep Sleep mode whenever possible. The system remains in deep sleep when discon-nected. Press SW2 to wake up the system and start scanning (blinking blue LED). The scanningtimeout interval is set to 30 seconds. If the particular BLE peripheral device is found advertisingbefore timeout, a connection is made (blue LED always ON). If no such device is found, then the
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 74Example Projectssystem stops scanning and returns to Deep Sleep mode (LED OFF). Press SW2 again to wake thesystem and restart scanning.To aid in evaluation, the BLE peripheral project with the particular BD address is provided in thesame workspace. This peripheral project supports IAS and has fixed BD address that the centraldevice will recognize and auto-connect to. This peripheral project is programmed on the BLE dongleand powered through the USB port of PC. The received alert levels (No, Mid, and High alert) on theBLE dongle are represented by different LED status. No Alert is represented by LED OFF, Mid Alertby blinking LED, and High Alert with LED always ON. Upon each successive button press on theBLE Pioneer kit, the LED state on the BLE dongle changes in a circular fashion.Two projects demonstrate the BLE Central functionality on the two devices:■PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS works with the PSoC 4 BLE Module. ■PRoC_BLE_Central_IAS works with the PRoC BLE Module. Additionally, the BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS project is to be programmed on the dongle. Thisproject is present in both the PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS and the PRoC_BLE_Central_IAS work-space and can be used to program the dongle separately. Note: If the dongle is programmed with the BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS example, it will not workwith the CySmart PC utility. Reprogram the dongle with the CySmart firmware according to UpdatingBLE Dongle for CySmart PC Tool on page 33 to use the CySmart PC tool.Figure 4-53.  PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS TopDesign
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 75Example ProjectsFigure 4-54.  PRoC_BLE_Central_IAS TopDesignFigure 4-55.  BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS TopDesign
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 76Example Projects4.4.2 Hardware ConnectionsNo specific hardware connections are required for this project because all connections arehardwired on the board. Ensure that the correct BLE module is placed on the baseboard corresponding to the project beingused. PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS works with the PSoC 4 BLE Module. PRoC_BLE_Central_IASworks with the PRoC BLE Module. BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS is the common project for bothworkspaces and programs the BLE dongle with peripheral mode firmware.The pin assignment for this project is in PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS.cydwr/PRoC_BLE_Central_IAS.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer, as shown in Figure 4-56.Figure 4-56.  Pin Selection for BLE IAS Central Example ProjectSimilarly, the pin assignment for the dongle peripheral project is inBLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer as shown in Figure 4-57.Figure 4-57.  Pin Selection for BLE IAS Peripheral Example Project
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 77Example Projects4.4.3 Flow ChartFigure 4-58 shows the flow chart for the IAS client mode example project.Figure 4-58.  IAS Client Mode Flow ChartStartInitialize BLE ModuleButton press detected ?YesDiscovered peripheral with IAS Peripheral Address ?Initiate and complete connect operation . Provide LED indication on connection completeWrite the next Alert level (Alert levels will be repeated )YesNoCheck for configured Button press eventNoYesDoes connection exist ?No
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 78Example ProjectsFigure 4-59 shows the flow chart for the IAS peripheral mode example project.Figure 4-59.  IAS Peripheral Mode Flow Chart4.4.4 Verify Output1. Connect the BLE dongle to one of the USB ports on the PC.Figure 4-60.  Connect Dongle to USB PortStartInitialize BLE Module and start AdvertisementYesConnect request from Central device ?Complete connect operation and wait for Alert notificationsConfigure LED as per alert levelNoYesNoValid Alert level is notified  ?
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 79Example Projects2. In the PSoC Creator Workspace Explorer, right-click on the BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IASproject and select Set As Active Project, as shown in Figure 4-61.Figure 4-61.  Set Dongle Peripheral Project as Active3. Program the dongle with the BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS project described in Using ExampleProjects on page 42.Note: Do not update the public device address (inside the BLE component) for theBLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS example project. This is because the central example projectlooks for a particular public address equal to the one set on the peripheral BLE component.Changing the BLE_Dongle_Peripheral_IAS example project public address will lead to noconnection with the BLE Central device on the BLE Pioneer kit.4. Power the BLE Pioneer kit through USB connector J13.5. In the Workspace Explorer, right-click on the PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS project and select SetAs Active Project, as shown in Figure 4-62.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 80Example ProjectsFigure 4-62.  Set Central IAS Project as Active6. Program the BLE Pioneer kit with either the PSoC_4_BLE_Central_IAS or thePRoC_BLE_Central_IAS project, depending on the BLE module placed on the BLE Pioneer kit.7. Press button SW2 on the BLE Pioneer kit to wake the system and start scanning. Scanning isindicated by a blinking LED.8. Wait for the BLE connection between the dongle and the Pioneer baseboard. The connectionsuccess status is indicated on the baseboard in the following three stages:a. Fast blinking blue LED represents scanning mode. During this mode, the BLE Pioneer kit isscanning for peripheral devices.b. Slow blinking blue LED represents discovery mode. During this mode, the BLE Pioneer kit hasfound the dongle peripheral device and has started the connection procedure.c. The blue LED remains on, representing the connected mode. This mode indicates that theperipheral device has been connected and the application can now send alert levels.9. Press button SW2 on the BLE Pioneer kit to send the next alert level to the dongle. The alert levelwill rotate from No Alert to Mid Alert to High Alert.10.Check if the LED behavior changes for each alert notification on the dongle according to thefollowing table:Alert Level LED StateNo Alert LED OFFMild Alert LED blinkingHigh Alert LED ON
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 81Example ProjectsFigure 4-63.  User Button on BLE Pioneer Kit with PSoC 4 BLE ModuleNote: To revert the CySmart functionality to the dongle, program the dongle hex file, as described inUpdating BLE Dongle for CySmart PC Tool on page 33.4.5 BLE Dongle and LED Control4.5.1 Project DescriptionThis firmware supports the CySmart debug tool (see CySmart PC Tool on page 160) by acting as theBLE host emulator. This is the default firmware that comes in the BLE dongle shipped with the kit.This project additionally demonstrates LED brightness control via a custom BLE profile, which workswith the CapSense slider example explained in CapSense Slider and LED on page 47. The device will scan for the peripheral acting as a CapSense slider and LED device, and connect toit automatically. This is achieved by filtering the advertisement packets for the CapSense Sliderservice data, which will be sent by the CapSense slider example. Then, it will enable slidernotifications and process the received notifications. Whenever CapSense detects activity, it willnotify the finger location to the dongle; the dongle will update the LED brightness using PWM.The custom client LED control will be stopped if the CySmart PC tool acquires the dongle. Thedongle will enter the CySmart emulator mode, in which it will process all BLE commands astriggered by the user via the tool. The project uses custom command/event protocol to exchangedata between the CySmart PC tool and the BLE component via a USB-CDC interface. It uses theCypress USB-UART bridge functionality from the PSoC 5LP-based KitProg module described inUsing PSoC 5LP as USB-UART Bridge on page 115.Note: This project is meant only for the PRoC BLE device and works on the dongle hardware.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 82Example ProjectsFigure 4-64.  Top Design for BLE_Dongle_CySmart Project 4.5.2 Hardware ConnectionsNo specific hardware connections are required for this project because all connections arehardwired on the dongle board.The pin assignment for this project is in BLE_Dongle_CySmart.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer,as shown in Figure 4-65.Figure 4-65.  Pin Selection for BLE Dongle Project
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 83Example Projects4.5.3 Flow ChartFigure 4-66.  Flow Chart for BLE_Dongle_CySmart Project Perform connect sequenceYesPower BLE DongleStart BLE, Prism and UART ComponentScan for Capsense deviceYesNotification occurs with valid position value ?YesCapsense device found ?Enter CySmart emulator modeCySmart tool startedYesNoNoEnable notifications for Capsense sliderSystem in sleep and waiting for user button pressUSB suspend triggered ?NoUpdate LED brightness as per slider positionWait for slider position change notificationsNo
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 84Example Projects4.5.4 Verify OutputThis project will be used whenever the CySmart PC tool (see CySmart PC Tool on page 160) isinvoked for testing other example projects. In addition, the LED control operation can be verified asfollows.1. Power the BLE Pioneer kit through the USB connector J13.2. Program the BLE Pioneer kit with the CapSense and LED example project described inCapSense Slider and LED on page 47.3. Connect the BLE dongle to one of the USB ports on the PC.4. Program the dongle with the BLE_Dongle_CySmart project. See Using Example Projects onpage 42 for programming instructions.5. Press the user button SW2 on both the BLE dongle and the BLE Pioneer kit. The BLE dongle willstart scanning and the BLE Pioneer kit will start advertising.6. Wait for the BLE connection between the BLE dongle and the Pioneer baseboard. The connec-tion success status will be indicated by a 3-second ON state of the red LED followed by the OFFstate on the baseboard.7. Swipe your finger on the CapSense slider and check the LED brightness variation on the dongle.4.6 Direct Test Mode (DTM)4.6.1 Project DescriptionBluetooth Core specification (v4.0 and later), Volume 6, Part F defines Direct Test Mode (DTM) as amethod to test the BLE PHY layer and provide a report back to the tester. It uses one of the twomethods, over Host Controller Interface (HCI) or through a two-wire UART interface.Device under test (DUT) is the BLE system that is to be tested (for example, BLE Pioneer kit). WithDTM, the RF performance of the BLE system can be verified during development or in productionline. The environment consists of the DUT and a tester. The tester has two parts; the upper testersends commands through one of the two methods (HCI or two-wire UART) and the lower tester per-forms the corresponding action over the RF link. The tester compares the command sent over HCIand the response received over RF, and provides a result of the performance.Figure 4-67.  Direct Test Mode (DTM) SetupThe BLE component allows configuring the device in DTM by enabling the HCI. The appropriateresponse to commands from the tester are performed by the BLE stack and does not involve sepa-rate application handling. The only task is to start the BLE component and call the API to process theevents.DUTUpper TesterLower TesterRF (2.4 GHz)HCI/UART
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 85Example ProjectsThe HCI is enabled in the BLE component under the General Settings. Note that when the HCImode is selected, all other tabs are hidden and cannot be configured. This is because in HCI mode,there are no upper layer processes. On enabling HCI mode in the components, the componentsautomatically reserves a UART block to allow communication between the tester and BLE stack.The UART exposes the pins that can be assigned in Design Wide Resource > Pins. The onlyoption to be configured for HCI mode is the baud rate and the pins for communication with the tester.Figure 4-68.  HCI Mode in BLE ComponentMany companies develop BLE testers for Direct Test Mode. It is also possible to create PC-basedsoftware tools that will send HCI commands over serial communication links.For PC-based software, the serial communication link is the COM port, which is enumerated by Kit-Prog on PSoC 5LP of the BLE Pioneer kit. In such a case, the UART pins in PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLEshould be assigned to P1_4 and P1_5. These pins are hardwired to pins on PSoC 5LP and allowsUSB-UART data communication between the PC tool and the BLE device.For separate BLE testers, the serial communication is mostly over the RS232. To test with thissystem, an external RS232 voltage translator is required, such as Digilent's Pmod RS232. Thistranslator will modify the signal level of the serial communication between the BLE device and theRS232 port on the tester. The UART pins of the BLE device can be assigned to P0_0 and P0_1 andthe header J5 can be used to connect to the RS232 translator.
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 86Example ProjectsFigure 4-69.  J5 Header to Interface RS232 Translator4.6.2 Hardware ConnectionFor DTM test mode, it is recommended to use SMA connectors and connect the tester and DUTusing a SMA to SMA connector cable. This ensures that there is minimum interference to RFcommunication between the DUT and tester, and the performance measured is the true RFperformance of the device. The BLE Pioneer kit module with SMA connector (CY8CKIT-141 PSoC 4BLE) is available separately and can be ordered from the Cypress web page.Four UART pins are exposed when HCI mode is selected in the BLE component. These pins shouldbe assigned to allow communication with the external tester. The connection depends on the testerbeing used.If the tester is a PC-based software and communicated with HCI over serial link, then the onboardPSoC 5LP on the BLE Pioneer kit can act as the USB-UART bridge. The KitProg on the PSoC 5LPenumerates as a USB-UART interface and opens a COM port in the PC. This COM port is then usedby the software tool to communicate commands to the BLE device. In this case, the UART pinsshould be assigned as follows. The UART for HCI communication exposes hardware flow control lines CTS and RTS. They caneither be connected to the hardware control lines of the tester or CTS connected to ground for oper-ation without hardware flow control.If the tester is an external hardware tester (CBT), then connect any of the RS232 voltage translatorsto header J5 on the BLE Pioneer kit. The UART pins should be assigned as follows.Table 4-3.  UART Pin Assignment for PC Software TesterUART Pins Pin AssignedRX P1_4TX P1_5RTS P1_6CTS P1_7
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 87Example Projects4.6.3 Verify Output1. Connect the BLE Pioneer kit through the USB connector J13.2. Program the BLE Pioneer kit with the PSoC_4_BLE_DTM or PRoC_BLE_DTM project, depend-ing on the BLE module used (PSoC 4 BLE or PRoC BLE), as described in Using Example Proj-ects on page 42. Programming should complete successfully.3. Connect the Serial link, UART or RS232 to the tester.4. On the software tool for tester, configure the UART communication with the correct COM port and baud rate, as set in the BLE component.5. Start the test. The tool will generate the report after the end of the test. This depends on the tes-ter/tool being used. Table 4-4.  UART Pin Assignment for RS232 Voltage TranslatorUART Pins Pin AssignedRX P0_0TX P0_1RTS P0_2CTS P0_3
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 885. HardwareThis chapter describes the contents of the BLE Pioneer kit hardware and its different blocks, such asthe power block, USB connection, Arduino-compatible headers, BLE module connectors, andCapSense slider.5.1 Pioneer Baseboard5.1.1 PSoC 5LPAn onboard PSoC 5LP is used to program and debug the BLE silicon. The PSoC 5LP connects tothe USB port of the PC through a USB mini-B connector and to the SWD interface of the BLE device.PSoC 5LP is a true system-level solution providing MCU, memory, analog, and digital peripheralfunctions in a single chip. The CY8C58LPxx family offers a modern method of signal acquisition,signal processing, and control with high accuracy, high bandwidth, and high flexibility. The analogcapability spans the range from thermocouples (near DC voltages) to ultrasonic signals.For more information, visit the PSoC 5LP web page.See Serial Interconnection Between PSoC 5LP and BLE Module on page 104 for more details.5.1.2 Power SystemThe power supply system on this board is versatile, allowing the input supply to come from the fol-lowing sources:■5-V power from onboard USB connector■5-V to 12-V VIN power from Arduino shield at J1■3.3 V from I/O header J1■3 V from CR2032 coin cell
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 89HardwareAn adjustable LDO is used to output three different voltage levels (1.9 V, 3.3 V, and 5 V) to power theBLE module. These voltages are selected with the J16 jumper, as shown in Figure 5-1.Figure 5-1.  Schematics and Board Highlight of LDO and Power Selection JumperThe input to the LDO can come from either the USB, the VIN pin in the Arduino header J1 or headerJ9.Note: The typical dropout voltage of the selected LDO is 0.3 V at 500-mA output current. This givesa minimum output of 4.6 V from the input voltage of 5 V from the VBUS. This drop also takes intoaccount the voltage drop across the Schottky diode connected at the output of the LDO to protectagainst voltage applied at the output terminal of the regulator. VADJ VDDVCCEN_CTRLEN_CTRLVBUSVINVCCEN_CTRLNO LOAD NO LOAD123456CTLVCCN.C.OUTCGNDOutput Voltage ON / OFF controlPower supply voltage inputUnconnected terminalVoltage outputOutput voltage regulation terminalGroundPin No Symbol Function.TABLE: LDO PIN FUNCTIONSGND Test PointsTABLE: VOLTAGE SELECTION JUMPER SETTINGS  JUMPER SETTING O/P VOLTAGESHORT 2 & 3SHORT 1 & 2REMOVE JUMPER3.3V5V1.9VTP5BLACKSOD123D1U1BA00BC0WFP-E2VCC2CTL1NC3OUT 4C5GND 6R111K1%R410K 1%+3216C24.7uFR1010KR314.7K 1%SOD123D4SOD123D2TP6BLACKR54.3K 1%TP4BLACKJ163 PIN HDR132+3216C11 uFdSOD123D3
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 90HardwareThe board also contains a CR2032 coin cell holder to power the board using a coin cell, as shown inFigure 5-2.Figure 5-2.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Coin Cell Holder5.1.2.1 Protection CircuitsThe power supply rail has reverse-voltage, overvoltage, short circuits, and excess current protectionfeatures, as shown in Figure 5-3.Figure 5-3.  Power Supply Block Diagram With Protection Circuits■A PTC resettable fuse is connected to protect the computer's USB ports from shorts andovercurrent.■ORing diodes prevent damage to components when the board is powered from different voltagesources at the same time.■ESD protection is provided for the USB mini-B connector.I/OHeaderUSBBluetooth Module5V Vin 3.3VPSoC 5LP5VPSoC 5LP 10 Pin Prog. HeaderPTCLDOESD ProtectionMOSFET based Protection CktCoin cell Battery HolderPSoC 4 BLE 10 Pin Prog. Header~3V
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 91Hardware■A MOSFET-based protection circuit is provided for overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection forthe 3.3-V rail from J1.5, as shown in Figure 5-4. When a voltage greater than 3.6 V is appliedfrom J1.5, the Q2 PMOS will turn off, which will cut off the power to the BLE module from J1.5.When reverse voltage is applied from J1.5, the Q1 PMOS will turn off, protecting the onboardcomponents from reverse voltage. Figure 5-4.  Schematics and Board Highlight of MOSFET Protection Circuit for 3.3-V InputVDDV3.3NO LOADR910KR815KQ2PMOS( NTR4171PT1G) R7 ZEROD9Vz=3.9V(BZT52C3V9-7-F)Q3PMOS(PMV48XP,215)Q1PMOS( DMP3098L-7)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 92Hardware5.1.2.2 Current Measurement JumperTo demonstrate the low power consumption of PSoC 4/PRoC BLE, a two-pin header is populated inseries with the power supply to the PSoC 4 BLE. This can be used to measure current using anammeter without the need to desolder any components from the board, as shown in Figure 5-5. Figure 5-5.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Current Measurement JumperNO LOADVDD BLE_VDDVTARGJ15 HDR2120805R44 ZERO0603R45 ZERO
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 93HardwareThe following methods are supported for measuring the current consumption of the BLE device. ■When the board is powered through the USB port (J13), remove jumper J15 and connect anammeter, as shown in Figure 5-6.Figure 5-6.  Current Measurement when Powered from USB Port
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 94Hardware■When the board is powered from an external voltage supply, remove the USB port (J13). Connectthe positive terminal of the external voltage supply to the positive terminal of the ammeter and thenegative terminal of the ammeter to the upper pin of J15. Connect the negative terminal of theexternal voltage supply to and GND pin on board. Figure 5-7 shows the required connections.Figure 5-7.  Current Measurement when Powered Separately5.1.3 Programming InterfaceThe kit allows you to program and debug the PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE in two ways:■Using the onboard PSoC 5LP Programmer and Debugger ■Using a CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3 Programmer and Debugger VOLTAGE SOURCE-                +
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 95Hardware5.1.4 Expansion Connectors5.1.4.1 Arduino Compatible Headers (J1, J2, J3, J4, and J12-unpopulated)This kit has five Arduino compatible headers: J1, J2, J3, J4, and J12, as shown in Figure 5-8. Youcan develop applications based on the Arduino shield's hardware.Figure 5-8.  Arduino HeadersThe J1 header contains I/O pins for reset, I/O reference voltage (IOREF), and power supply line. TheJ2 header is an analog port that contains I/O pins for SAR ADC, comparator, and opamp. The J3header is primarily a digital port that contains I/O pins for PWM, I2C, SPI, and analog reference. TheJ4 header is also a digital port that contains I/O pins for UART and PWM. The J12 header is anArduino ICSP compatible header for the SPI interface and is not populated. Refer to the “No LoadComponents” section of Bill of Materials (BOM) on page 184 for the header part number. Additional Functionality of Header J2The J2 header is a 6×2 header that supports Arduino shields. The Port 2 and Port 3 pins of PSoC 4BLE and PRoC BLE are brought to this header. The Port 2 pins also connect to the onboardCapSense slider through 560-ohm resistors. When the CapSense feature is not used, remove theseresistors to help ensure better performance with these pins. Arduino compatible I/O header (J3/J4)Arduino compatible I/O header (J3/J4)Arduino compatible I/O header (J2)Arduino compatible power header (J1)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 96Hardware5.1.4.2 PMod Connector - Digilent Pmod Compatible (J5-unpopulated)This port supports Digilent Pmod peripheral modules (see Figure 5-9). Pmods are small I/Ointerfaces that connect with the embedded control boards through either 6- or 12-pin connectors.The BLE Pioneer kit supports the 6-pin Pmod type 2 (SPI) interface. For Digilent Pmod cards, go header is not populated on the BLE Pioneer board. You must populate this header beforeconnecting the Pmod daughter cards. Refer to the “No Load Components” section of Bill of Materials(BOM) on page 184 for the header part number.Figure 5-9.  Schematics and Board Highlight of PMod ConnectorDigilent® PmodTM - compatible I/O header (J5)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 97Hardware5.1.4.3 PSoC 5LP GPIO Header (J8)An 8×2 header is provided on the board to pull out several pins of PSoC 5LP to support advancedfeatures such as a low-speed oscilloscope and a low-speed digital logic analyzer (see Figure 5-10).This header also contains the USB-Serial bridge pins that can be used when these pins are notaccessible on the Arduino headers because a shield is connected.Note: You can use PSoC 5LP for your own custom firmware. See Developing Applications for PSoC5LP on page 134 for details.Figure 5-10.  Schematics and Board Highlight of PSoC 5LP GPIO Expansion HeaderPSoC 5LP GPIO Expansion HeaderUSB-Serial Bridge ConnectionsP5LP12_6 ------------- UART RXP5LP12_7 ------------- UART TXP5LP12_0 ------------- SPI SCLK / I2C SCLP5LP12_1 ------------- SPI MISO / I2C SDA P5LP12_5 ------------- SPI MOSI P5LP2_5  ------------- SPI SSELP5LP12_7P5LP12_6P5LP3_6 P5LP3_7P5LP0_0 P5LP1_2P5LP3_5P5LP3_4P5LP3_0P5LP0_1P5LP12_1 P5LP12_5P5LP12_0P5LP2_5VDDSPI_MOSISPI_SSELUART TXUART RXJ88x2 RECPT112233445566778810 109912 12111114 14131316 161515
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 98Hardware5.1.5 USB Mini-B ConnectorThe PSoC 5LP connects to the USB port of a PC through a mini-B connector (see Figure 5-11),which can also be used to power the board. A resettable polyfuse is used to protect the computer'sUSB ports from shorts and overcurrent. If more than 500 mA is drawn from the USB port, the fusewill automatically break the connection until the short or overload is removed.Figure 5-11.  Schematics and Board Highlight of USB Mini-B ConnectorNO LOADDPDMVBUSP5LP_DMP5LP_DPJ13USB MINI BVBUS 1DM 2DP 3GND 5ID 4S16S27F1PTC Resettable Fuse1 20603D60402R6100K0603D80402C3 0.01 uFTP2 RED0603D7
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 99Hardware5.1.6 CapSense Circuit5.1.6.1 CapSense SliderThe kit has a five-segment linear capacitive touch slider, which is connected to the BLE module pins(see Figure 5-12). The CMOD and CTANK capacitors are required for CapSense functionality andare provided on the BLE modules (see BLE Module Board on page 106). A 2.2-nF capacitor ispresent on the CMOD pin, P4[0], for CapSense operation. This kit also supports CapSense designsthat enable waterproofing. On this kit, the connection of the shield to the pin or to ground is made byresistors R12 and R13, respectively. By default, R13 is mounted on the board, which connects theshield to ground. Populate R12 and remove R13 when evaluating waterproofing designs, which willconnect the shield to the designated pin, P1[6].Figure 5-12.  Schematics and Board Highlight of CapSense Slider and Shield Setting
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 100HardwareProximity HeaderThe baseboard contains a header (J14) for CapSense proximity wire connection (see Figure 5-13).         Figure 5-13.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Proximity HeaderProximity HeaderP0_2P0_0P0_1P0_3 P2_0VDDJ141x1 RECPCON6SS 1MOSI 2MISO 3SCK 4GND 5VCC 60603R19 ZERO
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 101Hardware5.1.7 Pioneer Board LEDsThe Pioneer board has three LEDs. A green LED (LED2) indicates the status of the programmer. Anamber LED (LED1) indicates the status of power supplied to the board. The kit also has a general-purpose tricolor LED (LED3) for user applications. These are connected to P2_6 (Red LED),P3_6 (Green LED) and P3_7 (Blue LED). Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-15 show the schematics of theseLEDs. Figure 5-14.  Schematics of Status and Power LEDFigure 5-15.  Schematics and Board Highlight of RGB LEDStatus LEDP5LP3_10805R11820 ohm0805LED2Status LED Green2 1VADJNO LOADR2560 ohmTP1 RED0805LED1Power LED2 1P3_6P3_7P2_6BLE_VDD R30 1.5KR28 2.2K R29 1.5KRGBLED3RGB LED12 34
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 102Hardware5.1.8 Push ButtonsThe board contains a reset push button and a user push button, as shown in Figure 5-16. The resetbutton is connected to the XRES pin of BLE and is used to reset the BLE device. The user button isconnected to P2[7] of the BLE device. Both the push buttons connect to ground on activation (activelow).Figure 5-16.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Reset Button and User Push ButtonRESET USER SWITCHP2_7/XRES/XRES0402C250.1 uFSW2EVQ-PE105K1 2SW1EVQ-PE105K1 2RESET (SW1)User Button (SW2)
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 103Hardware5.1.9 Cypress Ferroelectric RAM (F-RAM)The baseboard contains an F-RAM device (FM24V10) (see Figure 5-17) that can be accessedthrough I2C lines P5[0] and P5[1] of the PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE device. The F-RAM is 1-Mbit(128 KB) with an I2C speed up to 1 Mbps. The I2C slave address of the F-RAM device is seven bitswide, and the LSB two bits are configurable through physical pins and are hardwired to 00 on theboard. By default, the address of the F-RAM device used on the board is 0x50. This address can bemodified by changing the R32/R36 and R33/R37 pairs. The operating voltage range of the F-RAM isbetween 2 V and 3.6 V. To prevent the application of 5 V from the adjustable LDO regulator on theboard, a MOSFET based protection circuit similar to the one used for the 3.3-V rail is connectedbetween the output of the regulator and the VDD pin of the F-RAM. The protection circuit cuts off thepower to the F-RAM when the output of the regulator is greater than 3.6 V.Figure 5-17.  Schematics and Board Highlight of F-RAM
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 104Hardware5.1.10 Serial Interconnection Between PSoC 5LP and BLE ModuleThe PSoC 5LP onboard programmer is also a USB-Serial interface, It supports USB-UART andUSB-I2C bridges (see Figure 5-18). The pull-ups resistors on I2C bus are enabled when the protocolis selected from user interface (like bridge control panel). The USB-Serial pins of the PSoC 5LP arealso available on the Arduino header; therefore, the PSoC 5LP can be used to control Arduinoshields with the SPI/I2C/UART interface. Refer Using PSoC 5LP as USB-UART Bridge on page 115and Using PSoC 5LP as USB-I2C Bridge on page 126 for more information on how to use theseserial interconnections Figure 5-18.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Serial Interface and I2C Pull-Up via FETI2C ConnectionSCLSDAP5LP12_0P5LP12_1P5LP2_7P5LP2_6VDDSPI_MISO / I2C_SDASPI_SCLK / I2C_SCLR222.2K R232.2KU4NTZD3152P6213 45R26 ZEROR27 ZERONO LOADUSB-I2CUSB-SPIUSB-UARTUSB-SWDPSoC 5LP and PSoC 4 BLE/PRoC BLE ConnectionsNO LOADNO LOADNO LOADP0_3P0_1P0_2P0_0P3_5P3_4/XRESP0_7P0_6P1_5P1_4SPI_MOSISPI_SSELSPI_MISO / I2C_SDASPI_SCLK / I2C_SCLRESETSWDIOSWDCLKUART TXUART RXR46 ZEROR47 ZEROR54 ZEROR51 ZERO R56 ZEROR50 ZERO R55 ZEROR52 ZEROR48 ZEROR49 ZEROR53 ZERO
CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 105Hardware5.1.11 Bluetooth Module HeadersThe PSoC 4 BLE and PRoC BLE Modules are connected to the Pioneer board using the two (24-pinand 20-pin) Bluetooth module headers, as shown in Figure 5-19. Figure 5-19.  Schematics and Board Highlight of Bluetooth Module HeadersFor information on how to add these on your own board refer to Adding BLE module compatibleheaders on your own baseboard on page 195. Analog PinsDigital PinsVDDAP3_7P3_6 P3_5P3_4 P3_3P3_2 P3_1P3_0 P5_1P4_0 P5_0P4_1 P2_7P2_6 P2_5P2_4 P2_3P2_2 P2_1P2_0 GNDVDDRGNDVDDDP1_7P1_5P1_3P0_5P0_3P0_1P0_4P0_2P0_0P1_6/XRESP1_0P1_1 P1_2P1_4 P0_7P0_6VREFGNDJ11HEADER 10x21 23 45 67 891011 1213 1415 1617 1819 20J10HEADER 12x21 23 45 67 891011 1213 1415 1617 1819 2021 2223 24

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