Current Technologies 6030A CURRENT Gateway-Bridge OH 6030 User Manual

Current Technologies, LLC CURRENT Gateway-Bridge OH 6030


Notching Instructions

              Network Element  Notching Instructions
CURRENT Group, LLC      Network Element Notching Instructions   February 29, 2008    2 1. Notching Overview  In order to comply with FCC requirements on mitigation and avoidance measures it is necessary for the administrator to be able to track the notching on any CURRENT Group unit.  Depending on the results, the administrator may need to modify the notching settings.  Notching scripts reside on the NEC server in the CURRENT Group BPL system.  The administrator is able to access and run these scripts by logging in to the NEC server.  The administrator then enters the appropriate command to run the pertinent script.  The scripts are described in further detail below.   1.1 Get Notching Settings  The administrator logs into the NEC server and follows the steps listed below to obtain the notch settings for a particular CURRENT Group unit.  The administrator will need the following parameters in order to run the script:  -s <sn> = serial number of the unit.  This is used to calculate the SNMP pass phrase. -i <ip> = IP address of the unit from which you want the current settings.  1. At the Unix command line enter:    get_notching –s <sn> -I <ip>  The executed script will return the notching values currently set on the selected unit.  The output is displayed as a list of 84 characters, and whether or not the carrier is currently enabled, where 1 = enabled, and 0 = disabled.   1.2 Set Notching Settings   The administrator logs into the NEC server and follows the steps listed below to set the notching settings for a particular CURRENT Group unit.  The administrator will need the following parameters in order to run the script:  -s <sn> = serial number of the unit.  This is used to calculate the SNMP pass phrase. -i <ip> = IP address of the unit to be modified. -C <notchedcarriers> = comma separated list of carriers.  Carriers are listed as 1 through 84.  1. At the Unix command line enter:     set_notching –s <sn> -i <ip> -C <comma separated list of carriers to disable>  The executed script will set all carriers to be enabled except for the HAM band and any other carriers specified.  If this script is run without specifying any carriers, then the notching is set to the default setting with only the HAM band set to be disabled.
CURRENT Group, LLC      Network Element Notching Instructions   February 29, 2008    3 1.3 Calculating The Carrier to Notch The correspondence between carrier number and carrier frequency is shown for both the low voltage and medium voltage domains in the table below.  Carrier Number  Low Voltage Center Frequency (MHz) Medium Voltage Center Frequency (MHz) 1 4.4922  47.7656 2 4.6875  47.5703 3 4.8828  47.3750 4 5.0781  47.1797 5 5.2734  46.9844 6 5.4688  46.7891 7 5.6641  46.5937 8 5.8594  46.3984 9 6.0547  46.2031 10 6.2500  46.0078 11 6.4453  45.8125 12 6.6406  45.6172 13 6.8359  45.4219 14 7.0313  45.2266 15 7.2266  45.0312 16 7.4219  44.8359 17 7.6172  44.6406 18 7.8125  44.4453 19 8.0078  44.2500 20 8.2031  44.0547 21 8.3984  43.8594 22 8.5938  43.6641 23 8.7891  43.4687 24 8.9844  43.2734 25 9.1797  43.0781 26 9.3750  42.8828 27 9.5703  42.6875 28 9.7656  42.4922 29 9.9609  42.2969 30 10.1563  42.1016 31 10.3516  41.9062 32 10.5469  41.7109 33 10.7422  41.5156 34 10.9375  41.3203 35 11.1381  41.1197 36 11.3281  40.9297 37 11.5234  40.7344 38 11.7188  40.5391 39 11.9141  40.3437 40 12.1094  40.1484 41 12.3047  39.9531 42 12.5000  39.7578  Continued Æ
CURRENT Group, LLC      Network Element Notching Instructions   February 29, 2008    4  Carrier Number  Low Voltage Center Frequency (MHz) Medium Voltage Center Frequency (MHz) 43 12.6953  39.5625 44 12.8906  39.3672 45 13.0859  39.1719 46 13.2813  38.9766 47 13.4766  38.7812 48 13.6719  38.5859 49 13.8672  38.3906 50 14.0625  38.1953 51 14.2578  38.0000 52 14.4531  37.8047 53 14.6844  37.5734 54 14.8438  37.4141 55 15.0391  37.2187 56 15.2344  37.0234 57 15.4297  36.8281 58 15.6250  36.6328 59 15.8203  36.4375 60 16.0156  36.2422 61 16.2109  36.0469 62 16.4063  35.8516 63 16.6016  35.6562 64 16.7969  35.4609 65 16.9922  35.2656 66 17.1875  35.0703 67 17.3828  34.8750 68 17.5781  34.6797 69 17.7734  34.4844 70 17.9688  34.2891 71 18.1641  34.0937 72 18.3594  33.8984 73 18.5547  33.7031 74 18.7500  33.5078 75 18.9453  33.3125 76 19.1406  33.1172 77 19.3359  32.9219 78 19.5313  32.7266 79 19.7266  32.5312 80 19.9219  32.3359 81 20.1172  32.1406 82 20.3125  31.9453 83 20.5078  31.7500 84 20.7031  31.5547
CURRENT Group, LLC      Network Element Notching Instructions   February 29, 2008    5 1.4 Calculating Notching Depth To create the appropriate notching depth, it may be necessary to notch more than one carrier. To create a notch >10 dB deep, only a single carrier need be notched.  To create a notch >20 dB deep, it is necessary to notch 6 additional carrier on either side of the center frequency of interest.  Example:  In order to create a notch of >20 dB at a frequency of 5.86 MHz, it is necessary to notch carriers 2-7 and 9-14 in addition to carrier 8.  To achieve this, the following command would be entered at the NEC command line interface:  set_notching –s <sn> -i <ip> -C 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14

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