Crossbow Technology 006SSM1000 Wireless Soil Monitoring Network User Manual usermanual

Crossbow Technology, Inc. Wireless Soil Monitoring Network usermanual


- 1 - RZ Wireless SSN (Crossbow SSM1000CB) Installation Instructions  RZ Wireless Soil Sensor Nodes are the crux of the RZ wireless soil monitoring system. The SSN is  a  battery  operated  node  that  goes  to  sleep  periodically  to  conserve  energy.  For  the  first  two hours after it is turned on it will wake up every 30 seconds (report rate), take measurements from each  of  its  2  sensors  (each  sensor  measures  temperature,  moisture  and  conductivity simultaneously). It then transmits that information to a nearby CCN. After the SSN has been on for 2 hours the report rate will change to every 10 minutes. The report rate can be managed using the RZ Wireless Application (see the RZ Wireless User’s Guide for more information)  Note that the instruction for SSN installation requires knowledge of the soil type – sand, silt or clay. The installer should verify the soil type with the Site superintendent before installing SSNs. Soil types for each node is set using the RZ Wireless application  The step-by-step instructions for an SSN install include the following: • Collect items needed for the install. • Set SSN ID • Install SSN • Record SSN installation information • Verify the SSN installation
- 2 - 1. Collect Items Needed for the Install Steps: a. Determine the hole(s) at which SSNs are to be installed. b. Consult the site survey to determine the number of SSNs needed for the hole (plus 1 or 2 spares). c. Consult the site survey to determine the depth for each sensor (upper and lower) d. Collect needed SSNs and all other equipment, materials and tools as listed in Table 3. e. Transport all items to the specified hole.  2. Setting SSN ID Numbers The  SSN IDs  are set automatically by the network or by  editing  of the  file joinmap.xtbl  in the same way  as  CCN IDs.  In  order to keep track of  which  SSN is installed  at what  location, it is recommended  that  a  logical  scheme  be  employed  to  number  these  units.  The  network  will automatically increment the ID by 1 for each new Node that joins the network. We  recommend  that  the  numbers  201-220  be  reserved  for  CCNs.  Sensor  Nodes  should  be numbered incrementally based on which holes they are installed on. Take the Hole number and multiply by 10 then add 1 for each successive Node. E.g., on Hole #5 the first Sensor Node would be 51, the second would be 52. For Hole 13, the first Sensor Node would by 131 and so on. Use 191-199 for the putting green and numbers less than 10 for the chipping green. Note  that  the  device  whose  ID  is  to  change  must  be  reset  after  changing  the  number  in  the joinmap.xtbl file. So the Node must not be buried until the Node ID is set.  Steps: a. Remove  SSN  from  box  and  verify  the  (manufacturer’s)  unique  ID  number  on  the  SSN matches that on the box. b. Take a sensor node out of the  box; turn it on  by depressing the button  on the side of the unit, and listen for beeping sounds. c. If sensor is working the unit will beep-out an assigned ID.
- 3 - d. Record on the box and also enter the ID number into a log. e. Edit the joinmap.xtbl file so that the SSN IDs match the numbering scheme for each hole f. Note the new ID number on the box and the hole/location that it is detained for. g. Restart the RZ wireless processes and restart the SSN. The new ID should be “beeped-out”. h. The SSN is now ready to be installed.  3. Installing each SSN Steps: a. Using  the  site  survey,  confirm  the  specific  SSN  location  with  Site  superintendent  or designee. b. If the location is changed, redline site survey to indicate new location and note the reason for change. c. Cut two adjoining holes with a cup cutter as shown in pictures below.         d. Install the SSN. • For a Stevens sensor: Install the 2 Sensor probes by “plugging” them in horizontally into the wall of one of the freshly cut 4” cup holes where top 2 prongs are the number of inches below the
- 4 - soil as specified for the grass type (2” and 4” for cool season grasses, 1” and 3” for warm season grasses). Position the radio node in the adjoining 4”-cup hole.  • For an AST sensor: Position the radio node in one of the freshly cut 4” cup holes.  Install the 2 Sensor probes by “plugging” them into the wall of adjoining 4”-cup hole in a vertical orientation (see diagram) where top edge of probe is the number of inches below the grass/soil line as specified for the grass type (2” and 4” cool season grasses, 1” and 3” for warm season grasses).  e. Test sensor with sniffer software Use  the  sniffer  installed  on  your  lap-top  to  verify  that  the  SSN  can  be  heard.  The sniffer will show a “one-hop” message type with the origin equal to the Node ID. f. Replace greens mix and sod g. Test sensor with sniffer software
- 5 - Use the sniffer installed on your lap-top to verify that the SSN can be heard. The sniffer will show a “one-hop” message type with the origin equal to the Node ID.        h. Use  the  GPS  device  (or  measure  the  distance  to  the  sensor  from  2sprinkler  heads  to determine the sensor location. i. Record the sensor location in a log to be kept with the superintendent.
- 6 - FCC/IC COMPLIANT STATEMENT NOTE: SSB1000CB has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class  A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  pro-vide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  when  the  equipment  is  operated  in  a commercial  environment.  This  equipment  generates,  uses,  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in accordance  with  the  instruction  manual,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.  Operation  of  this  equipment  in  a residential  area  is  likely  to  cause  harmful  interference  in  which  case  the  user  will  be  required  to  correct  the  interference  at  his  own expense.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This equipment complies with the FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à  la norme NMB-003 du Canada.             Advanced Sensor Technology                Crossbow Technology, Inc 11231 US Highway One, Suite 384                4145 N. First St.   N. Palm Beach, Florida 33408                San Jose, CA95134

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