Cradlepoint PHS300 PHS Travel Router User Manual SPHSManual

Cradlepoint, Inc. PHS Travel Router SPHSManual


1                                                                                                                        A         B                                                                                                                           C                               D       E & F          G H I Top  Bottom  Input / Output  Sprint PHS at a Glance
2  Sprint PHS Basics Getting on the Internet The Sprint PHS is easy to use and operate.  With simple connection and setup you will be surfing the Internet with your personal wireless network in a matter of seconds.  In brief, simply connect your data-enabled cell phone (contact your service provider for details) or a USB Modem to the USB Port on the Sprint PHS.  Turn on the Sprint PHS using the ON / OFF switch on the unit and turn on your cell phone (USB modems will automatically be enabled).  The Sprint PHS and phone will automatically create your network.  If you are using a cell phone, be sure you have configured the phone’s settings to act as a modem.  Once your Sprint PHS has fully booted and operating along side your USB modem or phone, use the wireless network finder on your computer to associate with your new wireless network.  The first time you use the Sprint PHS your network will be named:      SPRINTPHS-xxx Where ‘xxx’ is the last three digits of the Sprint PHS’s MAC Address.  The MAC Address can be found on the bottom of the unit. The password, by default, is the last 6 characters of the unit’s MAC address. Once your computer has associated with your new wireless network, you are ready to start surfing. Simply open your favorite Web Browser, enter your password at the Login screen, and select the Login button. We recommend that you change your password after your first login, which is easily accomplished from the Sprint PHS’s Admin and Setup pages.    (See Setting Your Password for details.) Using the ContolsALED 0 –  Power/Charging Status of RouterSolid Green The SPRINT PHS’s battery is completely charged, unit connected to external power.  Solid Amber SPRINT PHS is charging the internal battery and connected to external power.Flashing Amber SPRINT PHS is not connected to external power and the battery is running low.  Flashing Red SPRINT PHS is connected to external power and its internal temperature is too high.   * Turn the unit OFF and unplug the power source.  Be sure that you are not using a a power supply with a different voltage then provided in this package. OFF SPRINT PHS is OFF and not connected to external power source  -OR- SPRINT PHS is on, running on its battery and the battery is not low. So how does it all work? The Sprint PHS contains a 802.11a/b/g WiFi router.  Your phone provides access to the Internet through the data network.  When your phone is connected to the Sprint PHS, the unit creates a local WiFi network and connects to the Internet through your service provider’s data network.  This creates your own personal, portable wireless network or “hotspot”.  Set it up anywhere within your cellular service provider’s coverage area whenever you want access to the Internet, check your email, or work via a VPN. Depending on your handset model, the Sprint PHS even charges your handset at the same time. Phone Or Modem USB to Data Port Cable USB Port 802.11
3BLED 1 –  Router/Admin Pages StatusGreen Wireless network is ready.Amber SPRINT PHS is booting.Red SPRINT PHS failure.  No wireless network. OFF SPRINT PHS is OFF.CLED 2 –  USB/Netwrok StatusGreen SPRINT PHS is connected properly to handset and a data link has been established.Amber Handset is connected and data link is being established.Red Handset not connected –AND /  OR - data link failed.OFF No handset connected -OR- SPRINT PHS is OFF DVentilation SlotsThese allow excess heat to be removed from the SPRINT PHS while operating.  It is recommended that the unit not be covered with any material that will block the dispersion of heat away from the unit.  The unit should not reach extreme temperatures.  EBattery Cover This cover protects an d secures the battery.  Remove to replace the battery.   FFactory Default Reset ButtonTo return all the User Defined configurations (such as those specified in the Setup / Help Pages) to their original factory default settings simply turn the unit OFF, open the battery cover and locate a small hole denoted by a triangle, press and hold the Factory Default Reset button using a paper clip or other small tool, and turn the unit ON.  After the LEDs have flashed ON then OFF then ON again, release the button.  All setting should be reset.  GON / OFF SwitchOFF The unit is completely OFF when the unit is not connected to external power and the ON /  OFF  switch is in the OFF position. The unit will charge its own battery and some phone batteries if switched OFF and connected to external power.  * No access to the router or the wireless network can be established while the unit is OFF.    ON If the unit is ON and not connected to a phone or handset, it’s Admin and Setup Pages are still accessible by associating with its SSID (Network Name) and entering into the URL bar of a web browser.  Note: Login will be required to access the Sprint PHS Admin and Setup Pages If the unit is ON and connected to a fully operable data-enabled cell phone or USB modem, a wireless network will be automatically established.  Some laptops will automatically associate with the network.  In some cases the user will need to select the wireless network from their laptop’s wireless network list.  (Details vary by Operating System.) The unit will operate off external power exclusively while connected to an external power source.  If there is sufficient excess power available the unit will also charge some phones. This feature varies by phone manufacturer and model.HExternal Power Connection The power connector is a standard jack size and when connected to the proper cable and an external power source will power the SPRINT PHS according to the specifications listed in the ON / OFF switch section of the Controls list.  IUSB-to-Modem PortThis is a standard USB port that is used to connect either to a USB modem or to a data-enabled cellular phone.  Cables for USB to Data connection vary by phone manufacturer and are not provided with the Sprint PHS. Contact your service provider for further information.        Configuring Your Wireless     NetworkWelcome to the Admin Setup Pages! To access the Admin and Setup Pages: Be sure that the Sprint PHS and Phone/Modem are ON. Most USB modems will be powered by the Sprint PHS and may have additional power options. Select the Sprint PHS wireless network from your computer’s list of wireless networks.  CAUTION: Using a power supply with a different voltage than the one included with your product will cause damage to the unit and void the warranty.
4  Once your computer has associated with the Sprint PHS, open your favorite Web Browser and enter into the URL Address bar. This allows you to acess the Sprint PHS router’s web pages.  You will be asked to enter your Password. The default password is set to the last 6 digits of the Sprint PHS MAC Address found on the bottom of your Sprint PHS.   This is the main screen of the Admin and Setup Pages. From here you can configure your network. It is recommended that you run this wizard when you use your Sprint PHS for the first time.  This wizard allows you to personalize your network name (SSID), passwords, security type, connection type, and time zone. Navigating the Admin and Setup Pages Select the Main Topic tab you wish to use. Use the side navigation menu to access subtopics. Be sure to save your settings     before leaving each page.      You can abandon all your changes at    any time by selecting “Don’t Save Settings.” What you’ll find in these pages BASIC Topics
5Wizard These wizards are designed to assist you in configuring your wireless network once you have completed the steps found in the Getting On The Internet section of this manual.  Use the wizards to name your network, set your new password, and set the security levels for your new SPRINT PHS. Internet Connection Setup Wizard Internet Security Setup Wizard WAN  This page is used to set your Internet connection type. For most users, the default settings are appropriate for everyday usage. Specify DNS Servers Advanced DNS settings MTU Settings Link Drop Delay WAN Port Speed Ping Response Settings MAC Cloning Settings LAN Use this page to configure the internal network settings of your SPRINT PHS router. The IP Address that is configured here is the IP Address that you use to access the Web-based management interface.  If you change the IP Address here, you may need to adjust your PC’s network settings to access the network again.  The default settings are appropriate for most everyday users. Set IP Address Set Subnet Mask RIP Settings Set Router Metric Default Router set Enable/Disable IGMP Enable/Disable DNS Relay DHCP  This page is used to configure the built in DHCP Server to assign IP Addresses to the computers  on your network.   Enable/Disable  DHCP Server Specify DHCP IP Address Range Specify Lease Time Enable DHCP Broadcast View DHCP Clients Add DHCP Reservation View Reservations List Wireless This page is used to configure your basic wireless settings for you SPRINT PHS.  From here you can set your visibility of your network to others, your wireless network name, and security type.  Some of these features may  have already been set by you if you used the Setup wizards on the main screen of the Help and Setup Pages.  Enable/Disable Wireless Radio Set SSID Set Network Visibility Auto/Manual Channel Select Set Transmission Rate Set 802.11 Mode Set “Super G “Mode ADVANCED Topics Virtual Server The Virtual Server option allows you to define a single public port on your router for redirection to an internal LAN IP Address and Private LAN port if required. This feature is useful for hosting online services such as FTP or Web Servers. Add Virtual Server View Virtual Servers List Special Applications The Special Applications option is used to open single or multiple ports on your router when the router senses data sent to the Internet on a “trigger” port or port range. Special Applications rules apply to all computers on your internal network. Application Level Gateway (ALG) Configuration Add Special Applications Rule View Spec Applications Rules List Routing  The Routing option allows you to apply fixed routes to defined destinations. Add Route View Added Routes List View Existing Routes List Access Control The Access Control option allows you to control access in and out if your network. Use this feature as Access Controls to only grant access to approved sites, limit web access based on time or dates, and/or block network access for certain applications. This page includes a wizard to assist you in adding new policies. Enable/Disable Access Control Policy Wizard View Existing Policies Web Filter The Web Filter option allows you to set up a list of allowed Websites that can be used by multiple users.  When the Web Filter is enabled, all other Websites not listed on this page will be bloked.  To use this feature, you must also select the “Apply Web Filter” checkbox in the Access Control Section. Add Website(s) View allowed Websites .
6MAC Address Filter The MAC Address (Media  Access Controller) filter option is used to control network access based on the MAC Address of the network adapter. This feature can be used to ALLOW Enable  MAC Address Filter Filter Setting (Allow/Deny clients) Add MAC Address View Filters Firewall The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) option provides you with an option to set a single computer on your network outside of the SPRINT PHS router.  If you have a computer that cannot run Internet applications successfully from behind the router, then you can place the computer into the DMZ for unrestricted internet access. This option is recommened to be a last resort as it tends to leave the DMZ computer at a security risk.   Enable DMZ Set the DMZ IP Address Inbound Filter The Inbound Filter option is an advanced method of controlling data received from the Internet. With this feature you can configure inbound data filtering rules that control data based on an IP address range.  You can use this to limit accress to a server on your network to a system(s). Add Inbound Filter Rule View Added Inbound Filter RRules Advanced Wireless These are more advanced settings for your wireless network. If you are unfamiliar with the settings it is recommended that you read the help section on this subtopic before changing any of the presets.   Fragmentation Threshold RTS Threshold Beacon Period DTIM Interval Enable 802.11d Transmit Power WDS Enable (Add WDS AP MAC Address)  Schedules  The Schedules Rules feature is used to manage parental controls and firewall rules according to a schedule you define.  Add Schedule Rule View Added Schedule Rules TOOLS Topics Admin The admin option is used to set a password for access to the Web-based management.  By default there is not Admin password (the default password you are familiar with by now is the User password).   Set Admin Password Set User Password Administration and Remote  Settings Enable / Disable UPnP Save and Restore Configuration Time The Time configuration option allows you to configure, update, and maintain the correct time n the interval system clock.  From this section you can set the time zone that you are in and set the NTP (Network Time Protocol) Server.  Daylight Savings can also be configured to automatically adjust the time when needed. Time zone and Daylight savings settings Enable / Disable and set NTP Server Set the date and time manually  Allows for you to copy your computer’s current time settings. Syslog  This option allows you to log information about your network.  You can send this information to a Syslog Server. Enable / Disable Syslog Server Set Syslog Server IP Address Email The Email option can be used to send your Syslog information to your e-mail  account along with or instead of to a Syslog Server. You can also select at what intervals you would like to receive this information about your network. Enable / Disable E-mail Notification Set Email Settings  Set Email Notification Schedule System The System page allows you to reboot your SPRINT PHS router to the factory default settings without using the hardware Reset button found on the front of your SPRINT PHS. Remember, restoring the Default Factory Settings will erase all of your configured changes.   Reboot the Device Restore all Settings to the Factory Defaults
7Firmware The Firmware page allows you to check for and install the latest version of your SPRINT PHS software. Upgrades improve the functionality and performance of the SPRINT PHS. You can set the SPRINT PHS to notify you by E-Mail when a newer version of the software is available. Firmware information and latest version check Download Firmware Upgrade section Set Firmware Upgrade notification options  Dynamic DNS The DDNS feature allows you to host a server (Web, FTP, etc) using a domain name that you have purchased ( with your dynamically assigned IP Address. Most Broadband Internet Service Providers assign dynamic (changing) IP Addresses.  Using a DDNS service provider, your friends can enter your host name to connect to you server no matter what your IP address is.    Enable / Disable  DNS Dynamic DNS Settings STATUS Topics Device Info  All of you Internet and network connection details are displayed on this page.  The firmware version is also displayed here. View Time and Firmware Version View WAN Settings  View LAN Settings View Wireless LAN Settings View LAN Computers Wireless  Use this option to view the wireless clients that are connected to your network.  View Number of Wireless Clients View Trusted Clients Routing  This page displays the routing details configured for your SPRINT PHS.   View Routing Settings Logs This page allows you to view the Syslog information about your SPRINT PHS. You can define what types of events you want to view and te event levels to view.  Set Syslog Options View / Edit Syslog Details  Statistics View all your network’s Traffic Statistics from this page.  Traffic Statistics display Receive and Transmit packets passing though your SPRINT PHS router. LAN Statistics WAN Statistics Wireless Statistics Active Sessions  This page displays the full details of the actives sessions to you r SPRINT PHS router.   View Active Sessions HELP Topics
8Subtopics Each of the sections on the Help Topics page contain a hyperlink for quick and easy location of the subtopics you would like to view and/or edit.  Simply click the topic page in the side navigation bar or click the subtopics in each section of the page you would like to jump to. Hyperlinks to each main and subtopic of the Help and Setup Pages. GLOSSARY Pages              The WizardTo begin, select  on the main screen of the Help Pages.     Select  to go to the next step. You can select  at anytime to return to the main Help page.     When setting your password, it is more secure to use a combination of letters and numbers and something that is easy for you to remember.  Select the arrow on the pull down menu to show all available time zones and chose the zone which applies to your area. The glossary provides you with definitions to aide your understanding of the SPRINT PHS functionality.   Hyperlinks by letter to jump to lexigraphically ordered sections of the page.
9You can select             at anytime to return to the previous step. . If you are using your cell phone or USB modem.           If you are using an Ethernet connection. This option does not apply for USB only units. This section will rename your wireless network.  It is the name others will see as well the name shown in your list of available wireless networks on your computer. Security should be an important aspect of your online lifestyle.  Though the Sprint PHS is one of only a few routers that come to you secure first, it is recommended that you select “BETTER” or “BEST” to ensure minimal attack from malicious Internet users. Reboot the Sprint PHS to save and use your changes now. Continue without saving       changes.
10Allow a few moments for the Sprint PHS to complete its reboot cycle. You will be asked to enter your new password to login.                 Your Basic Internet settings have now been configured! After your changes have been saved, log into the Sprint PHS using your new password. When you login you will be asked to enter you password according to your new security settings. If at anytime you cannot remember your password you can reset the SPRINT PHS to it’s factory default settings.  Factory Default Reset The Factory Default reset will clear all your saved setting on the Sprint PHS.  The user name and password will revert back to the original “SPRINTPHS-xxx” SSID and use the last 6 digits of the MAC Address for the password.   To use the factory default reset, simply: 1. Turn the SPRINT PHS OFF 2. Remove the battery cover and locate a small hole, indicated by a triangle, next to the battery. 3. Press and hold the Reset button while you turn the unit back ON.  (A paperclip end or other small tool will do.) 4. Release the button after you see the LEDs flash ON, OFF, then ON again.  All your settings will return to the factory presets as the SPRINT PHS reboots. Tips and Troubleshooting The Error Pages           DATA SERVICE UNAVAILABLE This page is designed to recognize if your cellular phone is not enabled with a tethered data plan required to operate as a modem.  If you get this page, you may need to contact your cellular service company for details. The data
11plan required is often a separate package with your service and will need to be set up by your cellular service provider. PHONE NOT AVAILABLE This page may occur for the following reasons: Your cellular phone or USB modem is not securely         connected to the SPRINT PHS. Your phone is not on or in “modem” mode. UNABLE TO CONNECT TO WAN If this page appears you may want to be sure: The phone or USB modem are properly connected. Your cell phone is on. Your cell phone has service. Your cellular phone has sufficient operating battery life. It may also be the case that: The cable connecting your phone or modem is bad. The data port on your phone is bad. The battery power on the SPRINT PHS is low and needs to be connected to external power. Your cellular phone may be malfunctioning and/or your service provider is having technical problems.  HANDSET ERROR If your phone has a bad signal, no service plan, a bad connection port, a low battery, is OFF, or malfunctioning in some way, you may get this page.  Try turning your phone OFF, then back ON or contact your service provider for technical assistance.
12DNS POISONING Occasionally after changing settings and rebooting the SPRINT PHS the browser’s cache needs to be cleared.  If you see this page simply close completely out of your browser and open it again. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF USERS CONNECTED Appearance of this page indicates the  number of users/clients allowed on your network has been reached. Either the maximum allowed clients setting  is set too low or already at full capacity. The number of clients allowed on your network is a setting you can change in the  Help and Setup Pages on your SPRINT PHS.  The setting is by default only set to 1 for your security. If the owner is available you can chat with them using the chat window here. In some cases the max users may need to be updated by the owner in order to allow more users on the router.
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.    However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures: -  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment. IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. The availability of some specific channels and/or operational frequency bands are country dependent and are firmware programmed at the
factory to match the intended destination. The firmware setting is not accessible by the end user.

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