Corning Optical Communication 1RXU REMOTE EXTENDER UNIT User Manual Installation

Corning Optical Communication Wireless REMOTE EXTENDER UNIT Installation


Installation User Manual

•RxURemote Expansion UnitQuick Installation SheetCorning ONE™ Wireless Platform CMA-261-AENQUICK INSTALLATION SHEET | CMA-261-AEN | JULY 2013 | PAGE 1 OF 2GENERAL INFORMATION1.  RxU expands the RAU band support to two additional MIMO bands. 2.  RxU is assembled in the RAU enclosure (hot pluggable).Unit1.    PACKAGE CONTENTS                                                                                       Check your package contents to verify that the items in the packing list are included:Item    Quantity   ItemRemote Expansion Unit (RxU)  12.   ASSEMbLE  Rxu IN RAu ENCLOSuRE Note:  There is no need to disconnect the composite    cableberandDCwiresleadingfromthe    ceiling.   Step 1:   Remove the screw securing the bracket safety      tab to the RAU (located above MGMT port).  Step 2:  Slide the RAU back into wide end of bracket      screw holes so that it “clicks,” and remove unit. Step 3: Unscrew(ve)screwssecuringtheRAU     enclosure cover and remove cover.      See Figure 1 for location of screws. Figure 1. Removing RAU Enclosure CoverONE™ Wireless PlatformThis document describes the installation procedure for the ONE™ Remote Expansion Unit (RxU).Remove Front FlapRemove Three ScrewsRemove ScrewRemove Screw
 Step 3:    Plug the RxU in to the right side of the RAU as indicated in Figure 2. RxU and RAU interface  ports should face the same direction. Step 4:  Replace the cover except for the front panel     and screws, as shown in Figure 3Figure 2. RxU Module AssemblyFigure 3. Assembled RxU InterfacesFigure4.RAUEnclosureLEDS3.  RF CONNECTIONS Ifrequiredbysiteplanner–connectthelterto  theRFlterconnectorsontheRxU.Referto  Figure3forlocationofRAUandRxUlter  connections.  5.  VERIFY NORMAL OPERATION Step 1: VerifythatLEDsonfrontcoverindicate    normal operation status:  • RUN–Blinkinggreen  • POWER–Steadygreen  • LINK–Steadygreen  RefertoFigure4forLEDs. 4.  ASSEMbLE RAu FRONT ACCESS   PANEL AND REMOuNT6.  ASSEMbLE RAu FRONT ACCESS    PANEL AND REMOuNTCorning MobileAccess, Inc. • 13221 Woodland Park Road, Suite 400 • Herndon, Virginia 20171 USA866-436-9266 • FAX: 703-848-0280 • Tech Support Hotline: 410-553-2086 or 800-787-1266 • MobileAccess reserves the right to improve, enhance and modify the features and specifications of Corning MobileAccess products without prior notification. ONE is a trademark of Corning CableSystemsBrands,Inc.Allothertrademarksarethepropertiesoftheirrespectiveowners.CorningMobileAccessisISO9001certified.©2013CorningMobileAccess.Allrightsreserved. Published in the USA. CMA-261-AEN / July 2013QSG_GENII_RxU_709C012501_RevA00_19MAR13FINALRunLEDTo External FilterTo External FilterRxURxUModuleRAUTo MIMO Service AntennaPowerLEDLinkLEDQUICK INSTALLATION SHEET | CMA-261-AEN | JULY 2013 | PAGE 2 OF 2ONE™ Wireless Platform

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