Compal Electronics POCKETPCE740W Wireless PDA User Manual 9012419 COVER

Compal Electronics Inc Wireless PDA 9012419 COVER

Manual Ch 7

2-18Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideLearning to use your device is easy. This chapter describes the basic con-cepts of using and customizing your device.Device Buttons and the StylusYour device has hardware buttons that control actions and scroll functions,and a stylus for selecting items and entering information.On the device, the stylus replaces the mouse.•Tap. Touch the screen once with the stylus to open items and selectoptions.•Drag. Hold the stylus on the screen and drag across the screen toselect text and images. Drag in a list to select multiple items.•Tap and hold. Tap and hold the stylus on an item to see a list ofactions available for that item. On the pop-up menu that appears, tapthe action you want to perform.
  2-19Chapter 2: Basic SkillsToday ScreenWhen you turn on your device for the first time each day (or after 4 hours ofinactivity), you’ll see the Today screen. You can also display it by tapping and then  Today. On the Today screen, you can see at a glance impor-tant information for the day.Following are some of the status icons you may see.Tap to switchto a program. Tap to change volume or mute all sounds.Tap to viewnotification messages.Tap to change date and time.Tap to open an item.Your day at a glance.Tap to viewconnection status.Tap to create a newitem.
2-20Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideIf more notification icons need to be displayed than there is room todisplay them, the Notification icon, , will display. Tap the icon toview all notification icons.ProgramsYou can switch from one program to another by selecting it from the menu. (You can customize which programs you see on this menu. Forinformation, see “Adjusting Settings,” later in this chapter.) To access someprograms, you’ll need to tap  ,  Programs, and then the program name.You can also switch to some programs by pressing a program button. Yourdevice has one or more program buttons located on the front or side of thedevice. The icons on the buttons identify the programs they switch to.Some programs have abbreviated labels for check boxes anddrop-down menus. To see the full spelling of an  abbreviatedlabel, tap and hold the stylus on the label. Drag the stylus off thelabel so that the command is not carried out.The following table contains a partial list of programs that are on your de-vice. Look on the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD for additional pro-grams that you can install onto your device.Status Icon Meaning  Turns all sounds on and off   Backup battery is low   Main batteries are charging   Main batteries are low   Main batteries are very low   Main batteries are full  Connection is active   Synchronization is beginning or ending  Synchronization is occurring  Notification that one or more instant messages were received  Notification that one or more e-mail messages were received
  2-21Chapter 2: Basic SkillsNavigation Bar and Command BarThe navigation bar is located at the top of the screen. It displays the activeprogram and current time, and allows you to switch to programs and closescreens.Use the command bar at the bottom of the screen to perform tasks inprograms. The command bar includes menu names, buttons, and the In-put Panel button. To create a new item in the current program, tap  New .To see the name of a button, tap and hold the stylus on the button. Dragthe stylus off the button so that the command is not carried out.Icon Program Description  ActiveSync Synchronize information between your device and desktop computer.  Calendar Keep track of your appointments and create meeting requests.  Contacts Keep track of your friends and colleagues.  Inbox Send and receive e-mail messages.  Pocket Internet Explorer Browse Web and WAP sites, and download new programs and files from the Internet.  Notes Create handwritten or typed notes, drawings, and recordings.  Tasks Keep track of your tasks.  Pocket Excel Create new workbooks or view and edit Excel workbooks created on your desktop computer.  MSN Messenger Send and receive instant messages with your MSN Messenger contacts.  Pocket Word Create new documents or view and edit Word documents created on your desktop computer.
2-22Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTap to change volume to mute the device.Tap to quickly select a programyou have recently used.Tap to see additional programs.Tap to select a program.Tap to customize the device.Input panel button.Newbutton.Menu names. Buttons.Pop-up MenusWith pop-up menus, you can quickly choose an action for an item. Forexample, you can use the pop-up menu in the contact list to quickly deletea contact, make a copy of a contact, or send an e-mail message to acontact. The actions in the pop-up menus vary from program to program.To access a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item name thatyou want to perform the action on. When the menu appears, lift the stylus,and tap the action you want to perform. Or tap anywhere outside the menuto close the menu without performing an action.
  2-23Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap and hold to displaythe pop-up menu.Lift the stylus and tapthe action you want.Tap outside the menuto close it without performingan action.NotificationsYour device reminds you in a variety of ways when you have something todo. For example, if you’ve set up an appointment in Calendar, a task with adue date in Tasks, or an alarm in Clock, you’ll be notified in any of thefollowing ways: • A message box appears on the screen. • A sound, which you can specify, is played. • A light flashes on your device. • The device vibrates.To choose reminder types and sounds for your device, tap  and thenSettings. In the  Personal  tab, tap  Sounds & Notifications. The optionsyou choose here apply throughout the device.
2-24Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideInput Panel button.Tap to see your choices.Select an input method.Enter Information on Your Toshiba Pocket PCYou have several options for entering new information: • Use the input panel to enter typed text, either by using the soft key-board or other input method. •  Write directly on the screen. • Draw pictures on the screen. • Speak into your device microphone to record a message. • Use Microsoft® ActiveSync® to synchronize or copy information fromyour desktop computer to your device. For more information onActiveSync, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.Entering Text Using the Input PanelUse the input panel to enter information in any program on your device.You can either type using  the  soft keyboard or write using Letter Recog-nizer, Block Recognizer, or  Transcriber.  In  either case, the charactersappear as typed text on the screen.To show or hide the input panel, tap the Input Panel button. Tap the arrownext to the Input Panel button to see your choices.When you use the input panel, your device anticipates the word you aretyping or writing and displays it above the input panel. When you tap thedisplayed word, it is inserted into your text at the insertion point. The moreyou use your device, the more words it learns to anticipate.
  2-25Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap here if this is the rightword.To change word suggestion options, such as the number of wordssuggested at one time, tap  ,  Settings ,  Personal  tab,  Input ,and then the  Word Completion  tab.To type with the soft keyboard:1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then  Keyboard .2. On the soft keyboard that is displayed, tap the keys with your stylus.To use Letter Recognizer:With Letter Recognizer you can write letters using the stylus just as youwould on paper.1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then  Letter Recog-nizer.2. Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appears on thescreen. For specific instructions on using Letter Recognizer, with LetterRecognizer open, tap the question mark next to the writing area.
2-26Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo use Block Recognizer:With Block Recognizer you can input character strokes using the stylusthat are similar to those used on other devices.1.Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then  Block Recog-nizer.2. Write a letter in the box.When you write a letter, it is converted to typed text that appears on thescreen. For specific instructions on using Block Recognizer, with BlockRecognizer open, tap the question mark next to the writing area.To use Transcriber:With Transcriber you can write anywhere on the screen using the stylusjust as you would on paper. Unlike Letter Recognizer and Block Recog-nizer, you can write a sentence or more of information. Then, pause and letTranscriber change the written characters to typed characters.1. Tap the arrow next to the Input Panel button and then Transcriber.2. Write anywhere on the screen.For specific instructions on using Transcriber, with Transcriber open, tapthe question mark in the lower right hand corner of the screen.To select typed text:If you want to edit or format typed text, you must select it first.•Drag the stylus across the text you want to select.You can cut, copy, and paste text by tapping and holding the selectedwords and then tapping an editing command on the pop-up menu, or bytapping the command on the  Edit  menu.
  2-27Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap the Pen button and use your stylus like a pen.Writing on the ScreenIn any program that accepts writing, such as the Notes program, and inthe  Notes  tab in Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can use your stylusto write directly on the screen. Write the way you do on paper. You can editand format what you’ve written and convert the information to text at a latertime.To write on the screen:•Tap the Pen button to switch to writing mode. This action displays lineson the screen to help you write.Some programs that accept writing may not have the Pen button.See the documentation for that program to find out how to switch towriting mode.
2-28Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideThe writing is turned intotext.Select the text you want to convertand tap Recognize on the pop-up menu.To select writing:If you want to edit or format writing, you must select it first.1. Tap and hold the stylus next to the text you want to select until theinsertion point appears.2. Without lifting, drag the stylus across the text you want to select.If you accidentally write on the screen, tap Tools, then Undo and try again.You can also select text by tapping the Pen button to deselect it and thendragging the stylus across the screen.You can cut, copy, and paste written text in the same way you work withtyped text: tap and hold the selected words and then tap an editing com-mand on the pop-up menu, or tap the command on the Edit menu.To convert writing to text:•Tap Tools and then Recognize.If you want to convert only certain words, select them before tapping  Rec-ognize  on the  Tools  menu (or tap and hold the selected words and thentap Recognize on the pop-up menu). If a word is not recognized, it is leftas writing.
  2-29Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap to return to your original writing.Or, tap the word you want  to use.If the conversion is incorrect, you can select different words from a list ofalternates or return to the original writing. To do so, tap and hold the incor-rect word (tap one word at a time). On the pop-up menu, tap Alternates. Amenu with a list of alternate words appears. Tap the word you want to use,or tap the writing at the top of the menu to return to the original writing.Tips for getting good recognition:•Write neatly.•Write on the lines and draw descenders below the line. Write the crossof the “t” and apostrophes below the top line so that they are not con-fused with the word above. Write periods and commas above the line.•For better recognition, try increasing the zoom level to 300% using theTools  menu.•Write the letters of a word closely and leave big gaps between wordsso that the device can easily tell where words begin and end.•Hyphenated words, foreign words that use special characters such asaccents, and some punctuation cannot be converted.•If you add writing to a word to change it (such as changing a “3” to an“8”) after you attempt to recognize the word, the writing you add willnot be included if you attempt to recognize the writing again.
2-30Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideThe drawing  box indicates theboundaries of the drawing.Drawing on the ScreenYou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen.The difference between writing  and drawing on the screen is how youselect items and how they can be edited. For example, selected drawingscan be resized, while writing cannot.To create a drawing: • Cross three ruled lines on your first stroke. A drawing box appears.Subsequent strokes in or touching the drawing box become part of thedrawing. Drawings that do not cross three ruled lines will be treated aswriting.You may want to change the zoom level so that you can more easilywork on or view your drawing. Tap  Tools  and then a zoom level.
  2-31Chapter 2: Basic Skills To select a drawing: If you want to edit or format a drawing, you must select it first. • Tap and hold the stylus on the drawing until the selection handle ap-pears. To select multiple drawings, deselect the Pen button and thendrag to select the drawings you want.You can cut, copy, and paste selected drawings by tapping and holding theselected drawing and then tapping an editing command on the pop-upmenu, or by tapping the command on the  Edit  menu. To resize a drawing,make sure the Pen button is not selected, and drag a selection handle.
2-32Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideIndicates an embedded recording.Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar.Tap to begin recording.Recording a MessageIn any program where you can write or draw on the screen, you can alsoquickly capture thoughts, reminders, and phone numbers by recording amessage. In Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts, you can include a recordingin the  Notes  tab. In the Notes program, you can either create a stand-alone recording or include a recording in a written note. If you want toinclude the recording in a note, open the note first. In the Inbox program,you can add a recording to an e-mail message.To create a recording:1. Hold your device’s microphone near your mouth or other source ofsound.2. Press and hold the Record hardware button on your device until youhear a beep.3. While holding down the Record button, make your recording.4. To stop recording, release the Record button. Two beeps will sound.The new recording appears in the note list or as an embedded icon.You can also make a recording by tapping the  Record  button on theRecording toolbar.To play a recording, tap it in the list or tap its icon in the note.
  2-33Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTap to select a prewritten message.Using My TextWhen using Inbox or MSN Messenger, use My Text to quickly insert presetor frequently used messages into the text entry area. To insert a message,tap  My Text  and tap a message.You can add text after inserting a My Text message before sendingit.To edit a My Text message, in the  Tools  menu, tap  Edit  and then tap  MyText Messages . Select the message you wish to edit and make desiredchanges.
2-34Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTap to change folders.Select the sort order for the list.Tap the folder name to open it.Tap and hold to create a new folder.Find and Organize InformationThe Find feature on your device helps you quickly locate information.•On the  menu, tap Find. Enter the text you want to find, select adata type, and then tap  Go  to start the search.To quickly find information that is taking up storage space on yourdevice, select  Larger than 64 KB  in  Type.You can also use the File Explorer to find files on your device and to orga-nize these files into folders. On  the   menu, tap Programs, and thenFile Explorer.You can move files in File Explorer by tapping and holding the itemyou want to move, and then tapping  Cut  or  Copy  and  Paste  onthe pop-up menu.
  2-35Chapter 2: Basic SkillsCustomize Your Toshiba Pocket PCYou can customize your device by adjusting device settings and installingadditional software.Adjusting SettingsYou can adjust device settings to suit the way you work. To see availableoptions, tap  ,  Settings, then the  Personal or  System  tab located atthe bottom of the screen.You might want to adjust the following: • Clock, to change the time or to set alarms • Menus, to customize what appears on the   menu, and to enable apop-up menu from the  New  button • Owner Information, to enter your contact information • Password, to limit access to your device • Power, to maximize battery life • Today, to customize the look and the information that is displayed onthe Today screenAdding or Removing ProgramsPrograms added to your device at the factory are stored in ROM (read-only memory). You cannot remove  this software, and you’ll never acciden-tally lose ROM contents. ROM programs can be updated using specialinstallation programs with a *.xip extension. All other programs and datafiles added to your device after factory installation are stored in RAM (ran-dom access memory).You can install any program created for your device, as long as your de-vice has enough memory. The most popular place to find software for yourdevice is on the Toshiba Pocket PC Web site (
2-36Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo add programs using ActiveSyncYou’ll need to install the appropriate software for your device on your desk-top computer before installing it on your device.1. Determine your device and processor type so that you know whichversion of the software to install.Tap  and then Settings. On the System tab, tap About. In theVersion  tab, make a note of the information in  Processor.2. Download the program to your desktop computer (or insert the CD ordisk that contains the program into your desktop computer). You maysee a single *.xip, *.exe,, or *.zip file, a Setup.exe file, or several ver-sions of files for different device types and processors. Be sure toselect the program designed for the Toshiba Pocket PC and your de-vice processor type.3. Read any installation instructions, Read Me files, or documentationthat comes with the program.Many programs provide special installation instructions.4. Connect your device and desktop computer.5. Double-click the *.exe file.•If the file is an installer, the installation wizard will begin. Followthe directions on the screen.Once the software has been installed on your desktop computer,the installer will automatically transfer the software to your device.•If the file is not an installer, you will see an error message statingthat the program is valid but it is designed for a different type ofcomputer. You will need to move this file to your device. If youcannot find any installation instructions for the program in theRead Me file or documentation, use ActiveSync Explore to copythe program file to the Program Files folder on your device. Formore information on copying files using ActiveSync, seeActiveSync Help.Once installation is complete, tap ,  Programs, and then the programicon to switch to it.
  2-37Chapter 2: Basic SkillsTo add a program directly from the Internet1. Determine your device and processor type so that you know whichversion of the software to install.Tap   and then Settings. On the System tab, tap About. In the  Ver-sion  tab, make a note of the information in  Processor.2. Download the program to your device straight from the Internet usingPocket Internet Explorer. You may see a single *.xip, *.exe or *.zip file,a Setup.exe file, or several versions of files for different device typesand processors. Be sure to select the program designed for the ToshibaPocket PC and your device processor type.3. Read any installation instructions, Read Me files, or documentationthat comes with the program. Many programs provide special installa-tion instructions.4. Tap the file, such as a *.xip or *.exe file. The installation wizard willbegin. Follow the directions on the screen.To add a program to the Start menuTap  ,  Settings, Menus , the  Start Menu  tab, and then the check box forthe program. If you do not see the program listed, you can either use FileExplorer on the device to move the program to the Start Menu folder, oruse ActiveSync on the desktop computer to create a shortcut to the pro-gram and place the shortcut in the Start Menu folder.•Using File Explorer on the device:Tap  , Programs,  File Explorer,and locate the program (tap the folder list, labeled  My Documents  bydefault, and then  My Device  to see a list of all folders on the device).Tap and hold the program and tap  Cut  on the pop-up menu. Open theStart Menu folder located in the Windows folder, tap and hold a blankarea of the window, and tap  Paste  on the pop-up menu. The programwill now appear on the menu. For more information on using File Ex-plorer, see “Find and Organize Information,” earlier in this chapter.•Using ActiveSync on the desktop computer:Use the Explorer inActiveSync to explore your device files and locate the program. Right-click the program, and then click  Create Shortcut. Move the shortcutto the Start Menu folder in the Windows folder. The shortcut now ap-pears on the   menu. For more information, see ActiveSync Help.
2-38Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo remove programs•Tap   and then Settings. On the System  tab, tap Remove Pro-grams .If the program does not appear in the list of installed programs, use FileExplorer on your device to locate the program, tap and hold the program,and then tap  Delete  on the pop-up menu.
Chapter 3:Microsoft ActiveSyncUsing Microsoft® ActiveSync® ,you can  synchronize  the information onyour desktop computer with the information on your device. Synchroniza-tion compares the data on your device with your desktop computer andupdates both computers with the most recent information. For example:•Keep Pocket Outlook data up-to-date by synchronizing your devicewith Microsoft Outlook data on your desktop computer.•Synchronize Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel files between yourdevice and desktop computer.Your files are automatically converted to the correct format.By default, ActiveSync does not automatically synchronize all typesof information. Use ActiveSync options to turn synchronization onand off for specific information types.With ActiveSync, you can also:•Back up and restore your device data.•Copy (rather than synchronize) files between your device and desktopcomputer.•Control when synchronization occurs by selecting a synchronizationmode. For example, you can synchronize continually while connectedto your desktop computer or only when you choose the synchronizecommand.•Select which information types are synchronized and control how muchdata is synchronized. For example, you can choose how many weeksof past appointments you want synchronized.Before you begin synchronization, install ActiveSync on your desktop com-puter from the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD. For more informationon installing ActiveSync, see your Quick Start card. ActiveSync is alreadyinstalled on your device.
3-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideAfter installation is complete, the ActiveSync Setup Wizard helps you con-nect your device to your desktop computer, set up a partnership so youcan synchronize information between your device and your desktop com-puter, and customize your synchronization settings. Your first synchroniza-tion process will automatically begin when you finish using the wizard.After your first synchronization, take a look at Calendar, Contacts, andTasks on your device. You’ll notice that information you’ve stored in MicrosoftOutlook on your desktop computer has been copied to your device, andyou didn’t have to type a word. Disconnect your device from your computerand you’re ready to go!Once you have set up ActiveSync and completed the first synchronizationprocess, you can initiate synchronization from your device. To switch toActiveSync on your device, tap  , and then tap  ActiveSync. Note that ifyou have a wireless LAN card, you can synchronize remotely from yourdevice.For information about using ActiveSync on your desktop computer, startActiveSync on your desktop computer, and then see ActiveSync Help.For more information about ActiveSync on your device, switch to ActiveSync,tap  , and then tap  Help.View connection status.Tap to connect and synchronize.Tap tp stop synchronization.Tap to synchronize via IR orchange synchronization settings.
Chapter 4:Microsoft Pocket OutlookMicrosoft® Pocket Outlook includes Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Inbox, andNotes. You can use these programs individually or together. For example,e-mail addresses stored in Contacts can be used to address e-mail mes-sages in Inbox.Using ActiveSync® you can synchronize information in Microsoft Outlookor Microsoft Exchange on your desktop computer with your device. Youcan also synchronize this information directly with a Microsoft Exchangeserver. Each time you synchronize, ActiveSync compares the changes youmade on your device and desktop computer or server and updates bothcomputers with the latest information. For information on using ActiveSync,see ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.You can switch to any of these programs by tapping them on the  menu.
4-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideCalendar: Scheduling Appointments andMeetingsUse Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and otherevents. You can check your appointments in one of several views (Agenda,Day, Week, Month, and Year) and easily switch views by using the Viewmenu.You can customize the Calendar display, such as changing the firstday of the week, by tapping  Options  on the  Tools  menu.Tap to go to today.Tap to display or edit theappointment details.
  4-3Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTo create an appointment:1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap the desired date and time for theappointment.2. Tap  New.3. Using the input panel, enter a description and a location. Tap first toselect the field.4. If needed, tap the date and time to change them.5. Enter other desired information. You will need to hide the input panelto see all available fields.6. To add notes, tap the  Notes  tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes: Cap-turing Thoughts and Ideas,” later in this chapter.7. When finished, tap  OK  to return to the calendar. If you select  Remind me in an appointment, your device will remindyou according to the options set in , Settings, Personal  tab,Sounds & Reminders.Tap to return to the calendar ( theappointment is saved autom atically ).Tap to choose from predefined text.Tap to choose from previouslyentered locations.Tap to select a time.Tap to select a date.Notes is a good place for mapsand directions.
4-4Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideUsing the Summary Screen When you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen is displayed.To change the appointment, tap Edit.Creating Meeting RequestsYou can use Calendar to set up meetings with users of Outlook or PocketOutlook. The meeting request will be created automatically and sent eitherwhen you synchronize Inbox or when you connect to your e-mail server.Indicate how you want meeting requests sent by tapping  Tools  and thenOptions. If you send and receive e-mail messages through ActiveSync, se-lect  ActiveSync.To schedule a meeting:1. Create an appointment.2. In the appointment details, hide the input panel, and then tap  Attendees.3. From the list of e-mail addresses you’ve entered in Contacts, selectthe meeting attendees.The meeting notice is created automatically and placed in the Outbox folder.For more information on sending and receiving meeting requests, seeCalendar Help and Inbox Help on the device.View appointment details.View.Tap to change appointment.
  4-5Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookContacts: Tracking Friends and ColleaguesContacts maintains a list of your friends and colleagues so that you caneasily find the information you’re looking for, whether you’re at home or onthe road. Using the device infrared (IR) port, you can quickly share Con-tacts information with other device users.To change the way information is displayed in the list, tap  Tools  andthen  Options.Select the category of contacts you want displayed in the list.Tap and enter of a name toquickly find it in the list.Tap and see additional phonenumbers and e-mail addresses.Tap to display or edit thecontact details.Tap and hold to display apop-up menu of actions.Tap to create a newcontact.
4-6Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo create a contact:1. Tap  New.2. Using the input panel, enter a name and other contact information.You will need to scroll down to see all available fields.3. To assign the contact to a category, scroll to and tap Categories andselect a category from the list. In the contact list, you can display con-tacts by category.4. To add notes, tap the  Notes  tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes: Cap-turing Thoughts and Ideas,” later in this chapter.5. When finished, tap  OK  to return to the contact list.Tap to return to the contact list( the contact is saved autom atically ).Scroll to see more fields.Notes is a good place formaps and directions.
  4-7Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookFinding a contactThere are four ways to find a contact:•In the contact list, enter a contact name in the box under the naviga-tion bar. To show all contacts again, clear text from the box or tap thebutton to the right of the box.•In the contact list, tap the category list (labeled  All Contacts  by de-fault) and select the type of contact that you want displayed. To showall contacts again, select  All Contacts. To view a contact not as-signed to a category, select  None.•To view the names of companies your contacts work for, in the contactlist, tap  View  >  By Company. The number of contacts that work forthat company will be displayed to the right of the company name.•Tap  ,  Find, enter the contact name, select  Contacts  for the type,and then tap Go.
4-8Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideUsing the Summary ScreenWhen you tap a contact in the contact list, a summary screen is displayed.To change the contact information, tap  Edit.View contact details.Tap to view notes.
  4-9Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTasks: Keeping a To Do ListUse Tasks to keep track of what you have to do.To change the way information is displayed in the list, tap  Tools  andthen  Options.Select the category of tasks you want displayed in the list.Select the sort order of the list.Tap to display or edit the taskdetails.Tap and hold to display a pop-upmenu of actions.Tap to create a new task.
4-10Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo create a task:1. Tap  New.2. Using the input panel, enter a description.3. You can enter a start date and due date or enter other information byfirst tapping the field. If the input panel is open, you will need to hide itto see all available fields.4. To assign the task to a category, tap  Categories  and select a cat-egory from the list. In the task list, you can display tasks by category. 5. To add notes, tap the  Notes  tab. You can enter text, draw, or create arecording. For more information on creating notes, see “Notes: Cap-turing Thoughts and Ideas,” later in this chapter. 6. When finished, tap  OK  to return to the task list.To quickly create a task with only a subject, tap  Entry Bar  on theTools  menu. Then, tap  Tap here to add a new  task  and enteryour task information.Tap to return to the task list( the task is saved autom actically ).Tap to choose from predefinedsubjects.Notes is a good place for mapsand drawings.
  4-11Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookUsing the Summary ScreenWhen you tap a task in the task list, a summary screen is displayed. Tochange the task, tap  Edit.View task details.Tap to show and hide additionalsummary information.View notes.Tap to change task.
4-12Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideNotes: Capturing Thoughts and IdeasQuickly capture thoughts, reminders, ideas, drawings, and phone num-bers with Notes. You can create a written note or a recording. You can alsoinclude a recording in a note. If a note is open when you create the record-ing, it will be included in the note as an icon. If the note list is displayed, itwill be created as a stand-alone recording.Tap to create a new item.Tap to show or hide the Recordingtoolbar.Tap to record.Tap and hold to display a pop-upmenu of actions.Tap to open a note or play arecording.Tap to change the sort order ofthe list.
  4-13Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookTo create a note:1. Tap  New.2. Create your note by writing, drawing, typing, and recording. For moreinformation about using the input panel, writing and drawing on thescreen, and creating recordings, see Chapter 2.Tap to return to the note list( the note is saved automatically ).Tap to show or hide the input panel.Tap to write on the screen.Tap to add a recording to the note.
4-14Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideInbox: Sending and Receiving E-mail MessagesUse Inbox to send and receive e-mail messages in either of these ways:•Synchronize e-mail messages with Microsoft Exchange or MicrosoftOutlook on your desktop computer.•Send and receive e-mail messages by connecting directly to an e-mailserver through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a network.Synchronizing E-mail MessagesE-mail messages can be synchronized as part of the general synchroniza-tion process. You will need to enable Inbox synchronization in ActiveSync.For information on enabling Inbox synchronization, see ActiveSync Helpon the desktop computer.During synchronization:•Messages are copied from the mail folders of Exchange or Outlook onyour desktop computer to the ActiveSync folder in Inbox on your de-vice. By default, you will receive messages from the past three daysonly, the first 100 lines of each message, and file attachments of lessthan 100 KB in size.•E-mail messages in the Outbox folder on your device are transferredto Exchange or Outlook, and then sent from those programs.•E-mail messages in subfolders must be selected in ActiveSync onyour desktop computer in order to be transferred.You can also synchronize e-mail messages with your desktop com-puter from a remote location. For more information, see Chapter 7.
  4-15Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookConnecting Directly to an E-mail ServerIn addition to synchronizing e-mail messages with your desktop computer,you can send and receive e-mail messages by connecting to an e-mailserver using a modem or network card connected to your device. You’llneed to set up a remote connection to a network or an ISP, and a connec-tion to your e-mail server. For more information, see Chapter 7.When you connect to the e-mail server, new messages are downloaded tothe device Inbox folder, messages in the device Outbox folder are sent,and messages that have been deleted on the e-mail server are removedfrom the device Inbox folder.Messages that you receive directly from an e-mail server are linked to youre-mail server rather than your desktop computer. When you delete a mes-sage on your device, it is also deleted from the e-mail server the next timeyou connect based on the settings you selected in ActiveSync.You can work online or offline. When working online, you read and re-spond to messages while connected to the e-mail server. Messages aresent as soon as you tap  Send , which saves space on your device.When working offline, once you’ve downloaded new message headers orpartial messages, you can disconnect from the e-mail server and thendecide which messages to download completely. The next time you con-nect, Inbox downloads the complete messages you’ve marked for retrievaland sends the messages you’ve composed.
4-16Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideUsing the Message ListMessages you receive are displayed in the message list. By default, themost recently received messages are displayed first in the list.Select the service and folder you want to display.Select the sort order for messages.Tap to open a message.Tap and hold to display a pop-upmenu or actions.Tap to connect and to send and receive e-mail.Tap to connect to the selected service.
  4-17Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket OutlookWhen you receive a message, tap it to open it. Unread messages aredisplayed in bold.When you connect to your e-mail server or synchronize with your desktopcomputer, by default, you’ll receive messages from the last five days only,the first 100 lines of each new message, and file attachments of less than100 KB in size. The original messages remain on the e-mail server or yourdesktop computer.You can mark the messages that you want to retrieve in full during yournext synchronization or e-mail server connection. In the message list, tapand hold the message you want to retrieve. On the pop-up menu, tap  Markfor Download. The icons in the Inbox message list give you visual indica-tions of message status.You specify your downloading preferences when you set up the service orselect your synchronization options. You can change them at any time:•Change options for Inbox synchronization using ActiveSync options.For more information, see ActiveSync Help.•Change options for direct e-mail server connections in Inbox on yourdevice. Tap Tools  and then tap Options. On the  Service  tab, tap theservice you want to change. Tap and hold the service and select  De-lete  to remove a service.Tap to return to the message list.Tap to delete this message.Tap to view the previous or nextmessage.Tap to reply to or forward this message.
4-18Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideComposing MessagesTo compose a message:1. Tap  New.2. In the  To  field, enter an e-mail or SMS address of one or more recipi-ents, separating them with a semicolon, or select a name from thecontact list by tapping the  Address Book  button. All e-mail addressesentered in the e-mail fields in Contacts appear in the Address Book.Tap to send the message.Tap to show or hide the completeheader.Tap to show / hide the recording toolbar.Tap to display the Address Book.Tap to insert common messages.
  4-19Chapter 4: Microsoft Pocket Outlook3. Compose your message. To enter preset or frequently used messages,tap  My Text  and select a message.4. Tap  Send when you’ve finished the message. If you are working offline,the message is moved to the Outbox folder and will be sent the nexttime you connect.If you are sending an SMS message and want to know if it was received,tap  Edit, Options, and select  Request SMS text message deliverynotification  before sending the message.
4-20Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideManaging E-mail Messages and FoldersBy default, messages are displayed in one of five folders for each serviceyou have created: Inbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, Outbox, and Sent Items.The Deleted Items folder contains messages that have been deleted onthe device. The behavior of the Deleted and Sent Items folders dependson the options you have chosen. In the message list, tap  Tools  and thenOptions. On the  Message  tab, select your options.If you want to organize messages into additional folders, tap  Tools, andthen  Manage Folders  to create new folders. To move a message toanother folder, in the message list, tap and hold the message and then tapMove to on the pop-up menu.Folder behavior with a direct connection to an e-mail serverThe behavior of the folders you create depends on whether you are usingActiveSync, SMS, POP3, or IMAP4.•If you use ActiveSync, e-mail messages in the Inbox folder in Outlookwill automatically be synchronized with your device. You can select tosynchronize additional folders by designating them for ActiveSync. Thefolders you create and the messages you move will then be mirroredon the server. For example, if you move two messages from the Inboxfolder to a folder named Family, and you have designated Family forsynchronization, the server creates a copy of the Family folder andcopies the messages into that folder. You can then read the messageswhile away from your desktop computer.•If you use SMS, messages are stored in the Inbox folder.•If you use POP3 and you move e-mail messages to a folder you cre-ated, the link is broken between the messages on the device and theircopies on the mail server. The next time you connect, the mail serverwill see that the messages are missing from the device Inbox anddelete them from the server. This prevents you from having duplicatecopies of a message, but it also means that you will no longer haveaccess to messages that you move to folders created from anywhereexcept the device. • If you use IMAP4, the folders you create and the e-mail messages youmove are mirrored on the server. Therefore, messages are availableto you anytime you connect to your mail server, whether it is from yourdevice or desktop computer. This synchronization of folders occurswhenever you connect to your mail server, create new folders, or re-name/delete folders when connected.
Chapter 5:Companion ProgramsThe companion programs consist of Microsoft® Pocket Word, Microsoft®Pocket Excel, Microsoft® Money, Windows Media™ Player for ToshibaPocket PC, and Microsoft® Reader.To switch to a companion program on your device, tap  Programs  on the menu, and then tap the program name.Pocket WordPocket Word works with Microsoft Word on your desktop computer to giveyou easy access to copies of your documents. You can create new docu-ments on your device, or you can copy documents from your desktop com-puter to your device. Synchronize documents between your desktop com-puter and your device so that you have the most up-to-date content in bothlocations.Use Pocket Word to create documents, such as letters, meeting minutes,and trip reports. To create a new  file, tap ,  Programs,  Pocket Word,and then  New. A blank document appears. Or, if you’ve selected a tem-plate for new documents in the  Options  dialog box, that template ap-pears with appropriate text and formatting already provided. You can openonly one document at a time; when you open a second document, you’ll beasked to save the first. You can save a document you create or edit in avariety of formats, including Word (.doc), Pocket Word (.psw), Rich TextFormat (.rtf), and Plain Text (.txt).Pocket Word contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap a file inthe list to open it. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tap and hold afile in the list. Then, select the appropriate action on the popup menu.
5-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideYou can enter information in Pocket Word in one of four modes (typing,writing, drawing, and recording), which are displayed on the  View  menu.Each mode has its own toolbar, which you can show and hide by tappingthe  Show/Hide Toolbar  button on the command bar.You can change the zoom magnification by tapping  View  and thenZoom. Then select the percentage you want. Select a higher per-centage to enter text and a lower one to see more of your document.If you’re opening a Word document created on a desktop computer,select  Wrap to Window  on the  View  menu so that you can see theentire document.Select the type of folder you want displayed in the list.Tap to change the sort order ofthe list.Tap to open a document.Tap and hold an item to see apop-up menu of actions.Tap to create a new document.
  5-3 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsTyping ModeUsing the input panel, enter typed text into the document. For more infor-mation on entering typed text, see Chapter 2.To format existing text and to edit text, first select the text. You can selecttext as you do in a Word document, using your stylus instead of the mouseto drag through the text you want to select. You can search a document tofind text by tapping  Edit  and then  Find/Replace.Tap and hold to see a pop-up menu of actions.Tap to return to the documentlist ( changes are savedautomatically ).Tap to change fromattingoptions.Tap to format text.Tap to show or hide the toolbar.
5-4Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideWriting ModeIn writing mode, use your stylus to write directly on the screen. Ruled linesare displayed as a guide, and the zoom magnification is greater than intyping mode to allow you to write more easily. For more information onwriting and selecting writing, see Chapter 2.If you cross three ruled lines in a single stylus stroke, the writingbecomes a drawing, and can be edited and manipulated as describedin the following section. Written words are converted to graphics(metafiles) when a Pocket Word document is converted to a Worddocument on your desktop computer.With Space button selected dragto insert space.An arrow appears showing thespace direction and size.Tap to highlight selected text.Tap to select formatting options,such as pen weight and line color.Space button.Pen button.
  5-5 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsDrawing ModeIn drawing mode, use your stylus to draw on the screen. Gridlines appearas a guide. When you lift your stylus off the screen after the first stroke,you’ll see a drawing box indicating the boundaries of the drawing. Everysubsequent stroke within or touching the drawing box becomes part of thedrawing. For more information on drawing and selecting drawings, seeChapter 2.Recording ModeIn recording mode, embed a recording into your document. Recordingsare saved as .wav files. For more information on recording, see Chapter 2.For more information on using Pocket Word, tap   and then  Help.Select Shape on the pop-up menu to convert objects to proper shapes.Resize an object by dragging theselection handles.Tap to select formatting options,such as line weight, fill color, andline color.Tap an arrow to see your choices.Pen button.
5-6Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuidePocket ExcelPocket Excel works with Microsoft Excel on your desktop computer to giveyou easy access to copies of your workbooks. You can create new work-books on your device, or you can copy workbooks from your desktop com-puter to your device. Synchronize workbooks between your desktop com-puter and your device so that you have the most up-to-date content in bothlocations.Use Pocket Excel to create workbooks, such as expense reports and mile-age logs. To create a new file, tap   ,  Programs,  Pocket Excel, andthen  New. A blank workbook appears. Or, if you’ve selected a template fornew workbooks in the  Options  dialog box, that template appears withappropriate text and formatting already provided. You can open only oneworkbook at a time; when you open a second workbook, you’ll be asked tosave the first. You can save a workbook you create or edit in a variety offormats, including Pocket Excel (.pxl) and Excel (.xls).Pocket Excel contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap a file inthe list to open it. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tap and hold afile in the list. Then select the appropriate action from the pop-up menu.Pocket Excel provides fundamental spreadsheet tools, such as formulas,functions, sorting, and filtering. To display the toolbar, tap  View  and thenToolbar.
  5-7 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsIf your workbook contains sensitive information, you can protect itwith a password. To do so, open the workbook, tap Edit, and thenPassword. Every time you open the workbook, you will need to en-ter the password, so choose one that is easy for you to rememberbut hard for others to guess.Cell contents appear here asyou enter them.Format button.Auto Sum button.Zoom button.
5-8Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTips for Working in Pocket ExcelNote the following when working in large worksheets in Pocket Excel:•View in full-screen mode to see as much of your worksheet as pos-sible. Tap  View  and then  Full  Screen. To exit full-screen mode, tapRestore.•Show and hide window elements. Tap View and then tap the elementsyou want to show or hide.•Freeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell where you want tofreeze panes. Tap  View  and then Freeze Panes. You might want tofreeze the top and leftmost panes in a worksheet to keep row andcolumn labels visible as you scroll through a sheet.•Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet. Tap  Viewand then  Split. Then drag the split bar to where you want it. To re-move the split, tap  View  and then  Remove Split.•Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a hidden row or column,select a cell in the row or column you want to hide. Then tap Format,then Row  or  Column, and then Hide. To show a hidden row or col-umn, tap  Tools, then  Go To, and then type a reference that is in thehidden row or column. Then tap Format, then  Row or Column, andthen  Unhide.For more information on using Pocket Excel, tap   and then  Help.
  5-9 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsMSN MessengerMSN® Messenger on your mobile device is an instant messaging programthat lets you:•See who is online.•Send and receive instant messages.•Have instant message conversations with groups of contacts.To use MSN Messenger, you must have a Microsoft Passport™ account ora Microsoft Exchange e-mail account. You must have a Passport to useMSN Messenger Service. If you have a Hotmail® or MSN account, youalready have a Passport. Once you have obtained either a Microsoft Pass-port or a Microsoft Exchange account, you are ready to set up your ac-count.Sign up for a Microsoft Passport account at a free Microsoft Hotmail e-mail address at switch to MSN Messenger, tap   ,  Programs, and then tap  MSNMessenger.Setting UpBefore you can connect, you must enter Passport or Exchange accountinformation.To set up an account and sign in:1. In the  Tools  menu, tap  Options .2. In the  Accounts  tab, enter your Passport or Exchange account infor-mation.3. To sign in, tap the sign-in screen and enter your e-mail address andpassword.If you already use MSN Messenger on your desktop computer, yourcontacts will show up on your device without being added again.
5-10Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideWorking with ContactsThe MSN Messenger window shows all of your messenger contacts at aglance, divided into Online and Not Online categories. From this view, whileconnected, you can chat, send ae-mail, block the contact from chattingwith you, or delete contacts from your list using the pop-up menu.To see others online without being seen, in the  Tools  menu ,  tapMy Status  and select  Appear Offline.If you block a contact, you will appear offline but will remain on theblocked contact’s list. To unblock a contact, tap and hold the contact,then tap  Unblock  on the pop-up menu.Tap a contact to start a chat.Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu or actions.
  5-11 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsChatting with ContactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in the textentry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My Text to enter a presetmessage, and tap  Send. To invite another contact to a multi-user chat, inthe  Tools  menu, tap  Invite  and tap the contact you want to invite.To switch back to the main window without closing a chat, tap theContacts button. To revert back to your chat window, tap  Chats  andselect the person whom you were chatting with.Enter message.Tap to send message.
5-12Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo know if the contact you are chatting with is responding, look for themessage under the text entry area.For more information on using MSN Messenger, tap   and then  Help.View full chat.View status of the chat.
  5-13 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsWindows Media Player for Toshiba Pocket PCUse Microsoft Windows Media Player for Toshiba Pocket PC to play digitalaudio and video files that are stored on your device or on a network. Toswitch to Windows Media Player for Toshiba Pocket PC, tap    , Pro-grams, and then tap  Windows Media.Use Microsoft Windows Media Player on your desktop computer to copydigital audio and video files to your Toshiba Pocket PC. You can play Win-dows Media and MP3 files on your Toshiba Pocket PC.For more information about using Windows Media Player for Toshiba PocketPC, tap   , and then tap  Help.Tap to play or pause.Tap to stop.Tap to play a previous song.Tap to skip to the next song.Tap to adjust volume.Indicates the progress of thecurrent track.
5-14Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideMicrosoft ReaderUse Microsoft Reader  to read  eBooks on your device. Download books toyour desktop computer from your favorite eBook Web site. Then, useActiveSync to copy the book files to your activated device. The books ap-pear in the Reader Library, where you can tap them in the list to openthem.Each book consists of a cover page, an optional table of contents, and thepages of the book. You can:•Page through the book by using the Up/Down control on your deviceor by tapping the page number on each page.•Annotate the book with highlighting, bookmarks, notes, and drawings.•Search for text and look up definitions for words.The Guidebook contains all the information you'll need to use the soft-ware. To open the Guidebook, tap  Help  on the Reader command bar. Or,on a book page, tap and hold on the book title, and then tap  Help  on  thepop-up menu.To switch to Microsoft Reader, tap    ,  Programs, and then  MicrosoftReader.Getting Books on Your DeviceYou can download book files from the Web. Just visit your favorite eBookretailer and follow the instructions to download the book files.Sample books and a dictionary are also included in the MSReader folderin the Extras folder on the Toshiba Pocket PC Companion CD.Use ActiveSync to download the files from your desktop computer to youractivated device as described in the Read Me file in the MSReader folder.
  5-15 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsUsing the LibraryThe Library is your Reader home page; it displays a list of all books storedon your device or storage card.To open the Library:•On the Reader command bar, tap  Library.•On a book page, tap the book title, and then tap  Library  on the pop-up menu.To open a book, tap its title in the Library list.Tap to select a sort order.Tap to specify the books youwant to display in the list.Tap here to navigate to otherparts of the Reader.Tap to scroll through the Library list.
5-16Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideReading a BookEach book consists of a cover page, an optional table of contents, and thepages of the book. Navigation options are listed in the bottom portion ofthe cover page.The first time you open a book, you’ll probably want to go to the first pageor to the table of contents, if there is one. Subsequently, whenever youopen the book, you’ll be automatically taken to the last page read.In addition to the text, each book page includes a page number and booktitle.You can also page through a book by using the Up/Down control on yourdevice.Tap to select a navigation option.Drag to select text and then tapan option.Tap arrows to turn the page,or tap and hold page # to bring up page riffle.
  5-17 Chapter 5: Companion ProgramsUsing Reader FeaturesReading a book electronically gives you several options not available withpaper books. These options are available from any book page.Select text by dragging across the text on the page. Then, tap an option onthe pop-up menu, as described here:•Search for Text. Find text in a book by tapping Find on the pop-upmenu. Enter the word you want to search for, and tap the desired  Findoption. Reader highlights found text on the page. To close  Find , tapoutside the box. To return to your original page, tap the title and thentap  Return  on the pop-up menu.•Copy Text. You can copy text from books that support this feature intoany program that accepts text. On a book page, select the text youwant to copy. Then, tap  Copy Text  on the pop-up menu. The text canbe pasted into the program of your choice.•Bookmarks. When you add a bookmark to a book, a color-coded book-mark icon appears in the right margin. You can add multiple book-marks to a book. Then, from anywhere in the book, tap the bookmarkicon to go to the bookmarked page.•Highlights. When you highlight text, it appears with a colored back-ground.•Notes. When you attach a note to text, you enter the text in a note padthat appears on top of the book page. A Note icon will display in theleft margin. To show or hide the note, tap the icon.•Drawings. When you add a drawing, a Drawing icon appears in thebottom-left corner of the page, and drawing tools appear across thebottom of the page. Draw by dragging your stylus.•To see a list of a book’s annotations, including bookmarks, highlights,text notes, and drawings, tap Annotations Index  on the book’s coverpage. You can tap an entry in the list to go to the annotated page.
5-18Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideRemoving a BookWhen you finish reading a book, you can delete it to conserve space onyour device. If a copy of the book is stored on your desktop computer, youcan download it again at any time.To remove a book from your device, tap and hold the title in the Library list,and then tap Delete on the pop-up menu.
Chapter 6:Pocket Internet ExplorerUse Microsoft® Pocket Internet Explorer to view Web or WAP pages ineither of these ways:•During synchronization with your desktop computer, download yourfavorite links and mobile favorites that are stored in the Mobile Favor-ites subfolder in Internet Explorer on the desktop computer.•Connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network and browsethe Web. To do this, you’ll need to create the connection first, as de-scribed in Chapter 7.When connected to an ISP or network, you can also download files andprograms from the Internet or intranet.To switch to Pocket Internet Explorer, tap   and then  Internet Explorer.The Mobile Favorites FolderOnly items stored in the Mobile Favorites subfolder in the Favorites folderin Internet Explorer on your desktop computer will be synchronized withyour device. This folder was created automatically when you installedActiveSync.Favorite LinksDuring synchronization, the list of favorite links in the Mobile Favoritesfolder on your desktop computer is synchronized with Pocket Internet Ex-plorer on your device. Both computers are updated with changes made toeither list each time you synchronize. Unless you mark the favorite link asa mobile favorite, only the link will be downloaded to your device, and youwill need to connect to your ISP or network to view the content. For moreinformation on synchronization, see ActiveSync Help on the desktop com-puter.
6-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideMobile FavoritesIf you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later on your desktopcomputer, you can download mobile favorites to your device. Synchroniz-ing mobile favorites downloads Web content to your device so that youcan view pages while you are disconnected from your ISP and desktopcomputer.Use the Internet Explorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync to create mo-bile favorites quickly.To create a mobile favorite:1. In Internet Explorer on your desktop computer, click Tools and thenCreate Mobile Favorite.2. To change the link name, enter a new name in the Name box.3. Optionally, in  Update, select a desired update schedule.4. Click OK. Internet Explorer downloads the latest version of the page toyour desktop computer.5. If you want to download the pages that are linked to the mobile favoriteyou just created, in Internet Explorer on the desktop computer, right-click the mobile favorite and then click  Properties. In the Downloadtab, specify the number of links deep you want to download. To con-serve device memory, go only one level deep.6. Synchronize your device and desktop computer. Mobile favorites thatare stored in the Mobile Favorites folder in Internet Explorer are down-loaded to your device.If you did not specify an update schedule in step 3, you will need tomanually download content to keep the information updated on yourdesktop computer and device. Before synchronizing with your de-vice, in Internet Explorer on your desktop computer, click  Tools  andthen  Synchronize. You will see the last time content was down-loaded to the desktop computer, and you can manually downloadcontent if needed.You can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar for creatingmobile favorites. In Internet Explorer on your desktop computer, clickView,  Toolbars, and then  Customize.
 6-3 Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerTo save device memoryMobile favorites take up storage memory on your device. To minimize theamount of memory used:•In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSync op-tions, turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobile favorites frombeing downloaded to the device. For more information, see ActiveSyncHelp.•Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Internet Explorer onthe desktop computer, right-click the mobile favorite you want to changeand then  Properties. In the  Download  tab, specify 0 or 1 for thenumber of linked pages you want to download.Using AvantGo ChannelsAvantGo is a free interactive service that gives you access to personalizedcontent and thousands of popular Web sites. You subscribe to AvantGochannels directly from your device. Then, you synchronize your deviceand desktop computer, or connect to the Internet to download the content.For more information, visit the AvantGo Web site.To sign up for AvantGo:1. In ActiveSync options on the desktop computer, turn on synchroniza-tion for the AvantGo information type.2. In Pocket Internet Explorer on your device, tap the Favorites button todisplay your list of favorites.3. Tap the AvantGo Channels link.4. Tap the Activate button.5. Follow the directions on the screen. You will need to synchronize yourdevice with your desktop computer and then tap the My Channels but-ton to complete the AvantGo setup.When synchronization is complete, tap the AvantGo Channels link in yourlist of favorites to see a few of the most popular channels. To add or re-move channels, tap the  Add  or  Remove  link.
6-4Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerYou can use Pocket Internet Explorer to browse mobile favorites and chan-nels that have been downloaded to your device without connecting to theInternet. You can also connect to the Internet through an ISP or a networkconnection and browse the Web.Hide pictures button.Favorites button.Home button.Refresh button.
 6-5 Chapter 6: Pocket Internet ExplorerTo view mobile favorites and channels:1. Tap the Favorites button to display your list of favorites.2. Tap the page you want to view.You’ll see the page that was downloaded the last time you synchronizedwith your desktop computer. If the page is not on your device, the favoritewill be dimmed. You will need to synchronize with your desktop computeragain to download the page to your device, or connect to the Internet toview the page.Tap to add or delete a folder or favorite link.Tap the favorite you want toview.
6-6Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideTo browse the Internet:1. Set up a connection to your ISP or corporate network using  Connec-tions, as described in Chapter 7.2. To connect and start browsing, do one of the following:•Tap the Favorites button, and then tap the favorite you want toview.•Tap  View  and then  Address Bar. In the address bar that ap-pears at the top of the screen, enter the Web address you want tovisit and then tap  Go. Tap the arrow to choose from previouslyentered addresses.To add a favorite link while using the device, go to the page you wantto add, tap and hold on the page, and tap  Add to Favorites.
Chapter 7:Getting ConnectedYou can use your device to exchange information with other mobile de-vices as well as your desktop computer, a network, or the Internet. Youhave the following connection options:•Use the infrared (IR) port on your device to send and receive filesbetween two devices. If this is the method you want to use, see thefollowing section “Transfer Items Using Infrared.”•Connect to your Internet service provider (ISP). Once connected, youcan send and receive e-mail messages by using Inbox and view Webor WAP pages by using Microsoft® Pocket Internet Explorer. The com-munication software for creating an ISP connection is already installedon your device. Your service provider will provide software needed toinstall other services, such as paging and fax services. If this is themethod you want to use, see “Connect to an Internet Service Pro-vider” later in this chapter.•Connect to the network at your company or organization where youwork. Once connected, you can send and receive e-mail messages byusing Inbox, view Web or WAP pages by using Pocket Internet Ex-plorer, and synchronize with your desktop computer. If this is the methodyou want to use, see “Connect to Work” later in this chapter.•Connect to your desktop computer to synchronize remotely. Once con-nected, you can synchronize information such as your Pocket Outlookinformation. If this is the method you want to use, see ActiveSync Helpon your desktop computer or Connections Help on the device.Transfer Items Using InfraredUsing infrared (IR), you can send and receive information, such as con-tacts and appointments, between two devices.To send information:1. Switch to the program where you created the item you want to sendand locate the item in the list.2. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.3. Tap and hold the item, and tap Beam Item on the pop-up menu.
7-2Toshiba Pocket PC e740  User’s GuideYou can also send items, but not folders, from File Explorer. Tap andhold the item you want to send, and then tap  Beam File  on the pop-up menu.To receive information:1. Align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed and within a closerange.2. Have the owner of the other device send the information to you. Yourdevice will automatically receive it.Connect to the InternetYou can connect to your ISP, and use the connection to send and receivee-mail messages and view Web or WAP pages.You can connect to work in one of two ways:•Create a modem connection. If this is the method you want to use, see“To create a modem connection to an ISP.”•Use an Ethernet card and a net tap to connect to the network. If this isthe method you want to use, see  “To create an Ethernet connection toan ISP.”To create a modem connection to an ISP:1. Obtain the following information from your ISP: ISP dial-up access tele-phone number, user name, password, and TCP/IP settings. Some ISPsrequire information in front of the user name, such as  MSN/username.2. If your device does not have a built-in modem, install a modem card,or use or use a NULL modem cable and appropriate adapters to con-nect an external modem to your device through the serial port.3. Tap   and then Settings. In the Connections tab, tap Connections.Under The Internet settings, select Internet Settings and tap Modify.4. In the Modem  tab, tap  New.5. Enter a name for the connection, such as “ISP Connection.”6. In the Select a modem list, select your modem type. If your modemtype does not appear, try reinserting the modem card. If you are usingan external modem that is connected to your device with a cable, se-lect  Hayes Compatible on COM1.7. You should not need to change any settings in  Advanced. Most ISPsnow use a dynamically-assigned address. If the ISP you are connect-ing to does not use a dynamically-assigned address, tap  Advancedand then the  TCP/IP  tab, and enter the address. When finished, tapOK and then  Next.
 7-3 Chapter 7: Getting Connected8. Enter the access phone number, and tap  Next.9. Select other desired options, and tap  Finish.10. In the  Dialing Locations  tab, specify your current location and phonetype (most phone lines are tone). These settings will apply to all con-nections you create.To start the connection, simply start using one of the following programs.Your device will automatically begin connecting. Once connected, you can:•Send and receive e-mail messages by using Inbox. Before you canuse Inbox, you need to provide the information it needs to communi-cate with the e-mail server. For specific instructions, see “ConnectDirectly to an E-mail Server,” later in this chapter.•Visit Web and WAP pages by using Pocket Internet Explorer. For moreinformation, see Chapter 6.•Send and receive instant messages with MSN Messenger. For moreinformation, see “MSN Messenger” in Chapter 5.To create an Ethernet connection to an ISP:1. You do not need to create a new connection on your device. Instead,you must purchase and configure an Ethernet card that is compatiblewith your device.2. Obtain the following information from your ISP: user name, password,and domain name.3. Insert the Ethernet card into your device. For instructions on insertingand using the Ethernet card, see the owner’s manual for the card.4. The first time you insert the card,  Network Settings  will appear auto-matically so that you can configure the Ethernet card. Most networksuse DHCP, so you should not have to change these settings unlessyour network administrator instructs you to do so. Tap  OK. (If it doesnot appear or to change  settings later, tap   and then  Settings. Inthe  Connections  tab, tap  Network, tap the adapter you want tochange, and then tap  Properties.)5. Connect the Ethernet card to the network by using a network cable.For information, see your owner's manual.6. Tap   ,  Settings, Connections  tab, and then Connections. Fromthe My network card connects to  list, select  Internet.To start the connection, simply start using one of the programs listed in thepreceding section. Once connected, you can perform the same activitiesas listed in the preceding section.

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