CommScope Technologies RP-A2014 CB Licensed Transmitter User Manual OneCell HW Install

Airvana, LP CB Licensed Transmitter OneCell HW Install

User Manual.pdf

DRAFTInstallation and CommissioningRelease 1.0Document Number: 913020 Document Revision: 10.05Date: April 2015OneCell
ii 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTCopyright 2015 Airvana LP. All rights reserved.Airvana is a registered trademark of Airvana LP (“Airvana”). All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.This document contains information that is the property of Airvana . This document may not be copied, reproduced, reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, or otherwise duplicated, and the information herein may not be used, disseminated or otherwise disclosed, except with the prior written consent of Airvana.THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS.THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR AIRVANA SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY.
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0  iiiDRAFTContentsNew in this releaseAbout this documentAudience .......................................................................................................................vPurpose..........................................................................................................................vWhat you need to know ................................................................................................vTerminology..................................................................................................................vCustomer documentation .............................................................................................viConventions ................................................................................................................viiNotes, cautions, and warnings ...................................................................................viiiPART 1  OVERVIEW AND PREPARATIONChapter 1Airvana OneCell overviewOverview....................................................................................................................1-2Airvana OneCell system ............................................................................................1-2OneCell hardware components..................................................................................1-3Controller ports....................................................................................................1-4Controller LEDs ..................................................................................................1-5Chapter 2Preparing to install the OneCell systemInstallation overview..................................................................................................2-2GPS antenna installation requirements......................................................................2-2GPS antenna installation considerations .............................................................2-2Sample GPS setup ...............................................................................................2-2Ethernet switch installation requirements..................................................................2-3PART 2  ONECELL COMPONENT INSTALLATIONChapter 3Baseband Controller installationPreparing for Baseband Controller installation..........................................................3-2Installing the Controller Module into a rack..............................................................3-2
Contents iv 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTChapter 4Radio Point InstallationRadio Point installation overview..............................................................................4-2Ceiling mount.............................................................................................................4-2Mounting the Radio Point on the ceiling tile ......................................................4-4Mounting the Radio Point above the ceiling tile.................................................4-9Flown mount............................................................................................................4-15Flown mount installation...................................................................................4-16Pole mount ...............................................................................................................4-17Pole mount installation......................................................................................4-19PART 3  APPENDICESAppendix  ASafetyFCC Radiation Exposure Statement .........................................................................A-2FCC Part 15........................................................................................................A-2Human exposure limits for OneCell deployments....................................................A-2Reference documents .........................................................................................A-3Appendix  BSpecificationsElectrical ratings and technical data .........................................................................B-2SPF/SPF+ specifications...........................................................................................B-2Appendix  CInstallation troubleshootingController LED patterns............................................................................................C-2Radio Point LED patterns.........................................................................................C-4
Contents OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 vDRAFT
List of figures i913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTList of figuresFigure 1-1 OneCell Deployment .......................................................................1-3Figure 1-2 Controller ports................................................................................1-4Figure 2-1 GPS antenna setup...........................................................................2-3Figure 4-1 Airvana ceiling mount kit contents..................................................4-2Figure 4-2 On-ceiling mounting hardware, system integrator provided...........4-3Figure 4-3 Above ceiling mount hardware, system integrator provided...........4-3Figure 4-4 Mounting bracket kit contents .......................................................4-16Figure 4-5 Mounting bracket kit contents .......................................................4-18
List of tables OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 iDRAFTList of tablesTable 1 Customer documentation .....................................................................viTable 2 Conventions ........................................................................................viiTable A-1 RF exposure for OneCell at maximum power internal antennas ......A-3
List of tables ii 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 iiiDRAFTNew in this releaseThe following section lists documentation changes in OneCell Hardware Installation and Configuration (913025) for R1.0. Revision 10.05• Added new chapter, Chapter 4, Radio Point InstallationRevision 10.04•Chapter 3, Baseband Controller installation— Added caution to Installing the Controller Module into a rack on page 3-2— Added caution and drawing to step 6 on page 3-4•Appendix B, Specifications— Added topic, Electrical ratings and technical data on page B-2Revision 10.03• Added content to Chapter 4, Radio Point InstallationRevision 10.02• Added new chapter, Chapter 4, Radio Point InstallationRevision 10.01• Initial document release
New in this release iv 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 vDRAFTAbout this documentThis document provides the procedures for installing and configuring the Controller Unit and Radio Points. AudienceThis document is written for computer hardware installers and administrators, network architects and business planners who are responsible for the planning and design of the Airvana OneCell deployment environment. PurposeThis guide provides the information necessary for installing the OneCell hardware in the operator’s network.What you need to knowThe reader should have a basic understanding of:• Data networks• LTE technology• General telecommunications practicesTerminology This guide uses the following hardware-specific terminology.
About this document vi 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTCustomer documentationThe following table lists available documents in the OneCell documentation suite.Name DefinitionHot-swappable Hot-swappable components can be installed or removed while the system is running, without using any software commands. Hot-pluggable Using the proper software commands, you can install or remove hot-pluggable components while the system is running.FRU Field-replaceable units must be removed and installed only by authorized Oracle service personnel.CRU Customer-replaceable units can be removed and replaced by any qualified service provider. Table 1. Customer documentationTitle ContentsOneCell CLI Reference (913020) Describes the Switched IQ CLI commands including parameters, syntax, and sample output. OneCell System Troubleshooting (913022) Cover common troubleshooting scenarios in deployed devices and troubleshooting methods. OneCell Network Planning Guide (913023) Describes main components of the Switched IQ system, high-level view of HW components, how do you engineer an in-building system, how do you determine RU locations, how to design in-building systems and how to determine Radio Point locations. Contains best practices for deployment, including when to use clustering, and how to manage capacity. OneCell Hardware Installation and Configuration (913025) Includes detailed installation instructions for Controller Unit and Radio Points hardware, planning the installation, physical install, how to configure the installation, commissioning the installation to service; verification tests after the installation.OneCell Administration (913026) Contains enterprise-level monitoring and alarms.
About this document OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 viiDRAFTConventionsThis guide uses the following text conventions, as applicable.OneCell On-site Troubleshooting (913027) Describes symptoms and troubleshooting methods at the enterprise level, including basic on location troubleshooting up to the core, and when to call next level of support.OneCell Deployment Guide (913028) Contains the device network overview, including Airvana provided components and required components from other vendors, DMS overview, and device overview and requirements. Table 1. Customer documentation (continued)Title ContentsTable 2. ConventionsConvention DescriptionSyntax symbols< > Enclose a required parameter or set of parameters. For example:>band-class <class><class> is a required parameter.[ ] Enclose an optional parameter or set of parameters. For example:>activate image <version> [reboot][reboot] is an optional parameter. | Separates items on a list of parameters, only one of which can be used. For example:>channel-included <yes|no>A valid command is:>channel-included yes
About this document viii 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTNotes, cautions, and warningsNOTENotes provide additional information about the subject text.Font usageBold input font Indicates text that must be entered exactly as shown. For example:Enter ping input font Indicates a variable parameter for which you must provide an actual value. For example:>authentication key <aukey><aukey> is a variable parameter. A valid command is:>authentication key 9782503000Plain output font Indicates system output in a command line or system-generated file. For example:IP address is alive.Italic output font Indicates a variable in system output in a command line or system-generated file. For example:Installation of release <release> is complete.Plain italic font Indicates file names, directory paths, book titles, chapter titles, and user accounts.Bold font Indicates text that appears on screen exactly as shown, for example, names of screens, names of buttons, items on menus, and items on pull down lists. blue text Indicates a hypertext link.Other conventions> Indicates graphical user interface (GUI) menu path. For example:Select Edit > Add Network to open the Add Network screen.Table 2. Conventions (continued)Convention Description
About this document OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 ixDRAFTCAUTIONCautions indicate that procedures, if performed incorrectly, can cause equipment damage or data loss.WARNINGWarnings indicate that procedures, if performed incorrectly, can harm you.
About this document x913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT
DRAFTPart I: Overview and preparationChapter 1  Airvana OneCell overviewChapter 2  Preparing to install the OneCell system
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 1-1DRAFT Chapter 1Airvana OneCell overviewThis chapter contains a high level overview of the OneCell deployment and the OneCell components installed in the OneCell system. Overview 1-2Airvana OneCell system 1-2OneCell hardware components 1-3
Chapter 1 Airvana OneCell overview 1-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTOverviewOneCell is a revolutionary wireless system that can deliver the ultimate in wireless performance.• It eliminates cell borders and handovers• It can cover a large area with consistent user experience without any significant interference • It can take advantage of multiple distributed radio points to deliver a stronger signal on both the downlink and the uplink• It can deliver greater capacity through distributed (multi-user and single-user) MIMO and Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP)• It has the flexibility to neutralize macro interference in co-channel small cell deployments• It can be used to deliver unprecedented levels of capacity to hot spot areas by deploying radio points with overlapping coverage and enabling multi- user MIMOIn addition to these important benefits in user experience and data capacity, OneCell provides superior economics and investment protection, ease of deployment, support for multi-operator deployments. Airvana OneCell systemOneCell is an in-building, enterprise solution for LTE that provides an in-building consistent signal. It operates as a wireless network with a single cell, called a controller, over distributed radio points. Network operators benefit from the OneCell because they reduce the load on their infrastructure.
Chapter 1 Airvana OneCell overview OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 1-3DRAFTFigure 1-1. OneCell DeploymentOneCell hardware components The OneCell hardware consists of the following components:• Baseband Controller — Chassis— Controller Unit (CU)— Power Fan Unit (PFU)• Radio Points (RP)
Chapter 1 Airvana OneCell overview 1-4 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTController portsThe following ports are on the front panel of the Controller Unit.• 12 Ethernet - ports 0-10 and MGMT; 7-10 are dual media ports• 6 fiber optic - Ports 7-12In addition, there is a connector used for the GPS antenna cable. Figure 1-2. Controller portsPort Number DescriptionEthernetMGMT VLAN #80 – used for remote management of the OneCell system through a CLI1-4 VLAN #10 – IQ data connection between the Controller and Radio Point through an Ethernet switch 5 VLAN #30 – used for IPsec through a WAN connected to an Ethernet switch6-7 VLAN #1 – used for timing and SOAP/XML control data connected to an Ethernet switch8-10 Future useFiber Optic7-12 Future use
Chapter 1 Airvana OneCell overview OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 1-5DRAFTController LEDsThe Controller Module has four LEDs on the front panel.•STATUS•RU ERR•TIMING•COREWhen all of the LEDs are solid green, the power is on. For more information on LED patterns, see Controller LED patterns on page C-2.
Chapter 1 Airvana OneCell overview 1-6 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 2-1DRAFT Chapter 2Preparing to install the OneCell systemOverview 2-2
Chapter 2 Preparing to install the OneCell system 2-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTOverviewThis document describes the OneCell installation and includes: •Chapter 3, Baseband Controller installation•Chapter 4, Radio Point InstallationBefore installing the OneCell componentsBefore installing the OneCell components, the system integrator must plan the network for the topology that will be deployed. See
DRAFTPart II: OneCell component installationChapter 3  Baseband Controller installationChapter 4  Radio Point Installation
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 3-1DRAFT Chapter 3Baseband Controller installationThis chapter contains the Baseband Controller installation procedures, including chassis installation into a rack, Controller Unit and Power Fan Unit installation into the chassis and the cables required for a basic installation. Preparing for Baseband Controller installation 3-2Installing the Controller Module into a rack 3-2
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation 3-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTPreparing for Baseband Controller installationOpen the shipping box. It should have the components for one complete Controller Unit:• Chassis – including four mounting screws• Controller Unit (CU) • Power Fan Unit (PFU)The Baseband Controller is 1U high. Be sure there is enough room for the Controller Unit in the rack.Installing the Controller Module into a rackCAUTIONThe controller, when mounted, must in the horizontal position. No other orientations are allowed.NOTEThe chassis requires four screws to secure it into the rack. 1Slide the chassis into the rack. 2Line up the holes in the chassis ears to the holes in the rack.
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 3-3DRAFT3Secure the chassis with the screws.4Carefully slide the CU into the front of the chassis.
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation 3-4 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT5Secure the CU by tightening the front panel screws.6In the back of the rack, carefully slide the PFU into the back of the chassis. CAUTIONThe PFU has a fan hazard. A label is affixed to the top of the PFU indicating the hazard.NOTE:  The connectors on the PFU should fit easily into the connector on the CU. Do not force the PFU into the chassis.Fan hazard label
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 3-5DRAFT7Secure the PFU by tightening the thumb screws.
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation 3-6 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT8Connect the power cord to the PFU.9On the Controller’s front panel, connect the GPS antenna cable.
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 3-7DRAFT10 Connect the Ethernet or fiber optic cable to the appropriate port. 11 On the back of the Controller (PFU), turn on the power. The LEDs on the front panel will be solid green, when the power is on. If none are on, check your power connection. If the LED pattern is other than all green, see Controller LED patterns on page C-2.
Chapter 3 Baseband Controller installation 3-8 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-1DRAFT Chapter 4Radio Point InstallationThis chapter describes installing Radio Points on ceiling tiles and above ceiling tiles. Radio Point installation overview 4-2Ceiling mount 4-2Flown mount 4-15Pole mount 4-16
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTRadio Point installation overviewThere are four configurations for installing the Radio Point, which are dependent on the ceiling type.• Ceiling mount, on tile• Ceiling mount, above tile•Flown mount•Pole mountCeiling mountMounting the Radio Point (RP) above or on the ceiling tile requires the following hardware provided by Airvana:• Radio Point plate and screws• Mounting plate screwsFigure 4-1. Airvana ceiling mount kit contentsMounting the Radio Point (RP) above or on the ceiling tile requires the following hardware provided by the system integrator:• 4" octagon box, 1-1/2" deep with 1/2" side cutouts• Drop rail – Eaton B-line BA50 recommended •Clamp• Mounting screwRadio Point plate with four screwsMounting plate with two screws
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-3DRAFTFigure 4-2. On-ceiling mounting hardware, system integrator providedFigure 4-3. Above ceiling mount hardware, system integrator providedzDrop railClampScrewOctagon boxDrop railClampScrewOctagon box
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-491302010.05 April 2015DRAFTMounting the Radio Point on the ceiling tile1Remove ceiling tile from the overhead. 2Cut 5” diameter hole to fit a 4-inch octagon box and drill a 1/2” diameter hole for the Ethernet cable pass-through. NOTE:Use a 1-1/2 deep RACO 8125 or equivalent. TIPTrace the outline of the octagon box on the ceiling tile. Use the mounting plate as a guide on the ceiling tile.
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 5-40.1 esaeleR ,gninoissimmoC dna noitallatsnI lleCenODRAFT3Attach the octagon box to the ceiling bracket using a clamp and screw. NOTE:Airvana recommends the Eaton B-line – BA50 bracket. 4Attach the mounting plate onto the octagon box. Ceiling bracketOctagon boxScrewDrop ceiling railClamp
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-6 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT5Replace the ceiling tile and pull the Ethernet cable through the ceiling tile. Ethernet cableMounting plate
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 7-40.1 esaeleR ,gninoissimmoC dna noitallatsnI lleCenODRAFT6Attach base plate to the Radio Point. Apply Thread locking compound to screwsprior to installation.7Attach the Ethernet cable to the Radio Point. 8Mount the Radio Point on the bracket.
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-891302010.05 April 2015DRAFTTighten locking screw after installation of Radio Point
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-9DRAFTMounting the Radio Point above the ceiling tile1Remove ceiling tile from the overhead.
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-10 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT2Attach the bracket to the ceiling tile rail. 3Attach the octagon box to the bracket. NOTE:  Airvana recommends an Eaton B-line – BA50A adjustable bracket.
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-11DRAFT4Attach the plate to the octagon box.
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-12 91302010.05 April 2015DRAFT5Attach plate to the Radio Point. Apply Thread locking compound to screwsprior to installation.
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 31-40.1 esaeleR ,gninoissimmoC dna noitallatsnI lleCenODRAFT6Attach the Ethernet cable to the Radio Point. Tighten locking screw after installation of Radio Point
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-14 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT7Attach the Radio Point to the plate. NOTE:  The minimum clearance for cooling is 4 inches.8Replace the ceiling tile. Ceiling tile4”
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-15DRAFTFlown mountThe Radio Point can be flown mounted on the end of a rod. This configuration is used for building where there are no drop ceilings.Mounting the Radio Point (RP) in the flown configuration requires the following hardware provided by Airvana in the mounting kit: • Mounting bracket• ScrewsFigure 4-4. Mounting bracket kit contentsMounting the Radio Point (RP) in the flown configuration requires the following hardware provided by the system integrator:
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-16 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT• Rod, 3/8-inch threaded •Nut • Lock nut, nylon Flown mount installation1Attach the threaded, 3/8-inch rod, cut to the required length, to the ceiling.2Install the nut on the rod. 3Slide the bracket on the rod and install the nylon lock nut. NOTE:  Be sure the bracket is tight between the nuts and there is enough clearance at the end of the rod to attach the bracket to the Radio Point. 4Attach the Airvana-supplied mounting bracket to the Radio Point. 5Connect the Ethernet cable to the Radio Point. Pole mountThe Radio Point can be pole mounted. This configuration is used for building where there are no drop ceilings.3/8-inch rodNutNylon lock nut
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-17DRAFTMounting the Radio Point (RP) on a pole requires the following hardware provided by Airvana in the mounting kit: • Mounting bracket• Screws Figure 4-5. Mounting bracket kit contentsMounting the Radio Point (RP) on a pole requires the following hardware provided by the system integrator: • Adjustable clamp at least 2 inches larger than the circumference of the pole
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-18 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTPole mount installation1Attach the bracket to the Radio point.2Slide the adjustable clamp through the slots on the Radio Point bracket. 3Wrap the clamp around the pole and tighten the clamp screw to secure the Radio Point to the pole. 4Connect the Ethernet cable to the Radio Point. Mounting bracket
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 4-19DRAFT
Chapter 4 Radio Point Installation 4-20 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFT
DRAFTPart III: AppendicesAppendix A  SafetyAppendix B  SpecificationsAppendix C  Installation troubleshooting
1-A0.1 esaeleR ,gninoissimmoC dna noitallatsnI lleCenODRAFTAppendix ASafetyThis appendix contains specifications for Airvana OneCell, including FCC information and technical data. 2-AtnemetatS erusopxE noitaidaR CCF2-Astnemyolped lleCenO rof stimil erusopxe namuH4-At     nemetatS erusopxE noitaidaR Canada
Appendix A Safety A-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTFCC Radiation Exposure StatementImportant: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Airvana LLC could void your authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with FCC’s RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment under the following conditions:• This device should be installed and operated such that a minimum separation distance of 8 inches (20 cm) is maintained between the radiator (antenna) and the user’s or nearby person’s body at all times.• This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.For more information, see the publication femtocells and Health at http:// or visit the FCC website at Part 15This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the device off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:• Re-orient or relocate the receiving antennas of other devices.• Increase the separation between the AIRAVE and other device receivers.• Connect the AIRAVE into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the other device receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Human exposure limits for OneCell deploymentsThe human exposure limits for the OneCell product is calculated by using the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) method associated with fixed-type transmitter devices. Table A-1 includes values for one Radio Point (RP) and four Radio Points per chassis.
Appendix A Safety OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 A-3DRAFTReference documents[1] Federal Communications Commission Document OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C, 2001, Evaluating Compliance with FCC guidelines for Human Exposure to radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields, US Federal Communications Commission, Office of Engineering and Technology June 2001.[2] Federal Communications Commission Document OET Bulletin 56, “Questions and answers about biological effects and potential hazards of radio frequency electromagnetic fields”, Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology, August 1999.[3] ICNIRP Guidelines for limiting exposure to time varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields up to 300 GHz. International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation, published in Health Physics 74 (4): 494-522; 1998[4] ICNIRP Statement on EMF-Emitting New Technologies, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation, published in Health Physics 94 (4):376-392, 2008[5] 3GPP Document 3GPP TS 36.104 version 10.11.0 Release 10,” LTE Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception”Table A-1. RF exposure for OneCell at maximum power internal antennasParameter  Value for One RP Value for Two RPsTx Power (dBm) per antenna 23 23Tx Loss (dB) 0 0Tx Antenna Gain 2 4Multi-operator Combiner Loss 0 – 6Transmitter Duty Cycle % 100 100Number of Antennas (MIMO) 2 2Contribution due to multiple antennas (dB) 3.010299957 3.010299957Power Increase due to multiple RPs (dB) 0 6.020599913Derived Total EIRP (dBW) -1.989700043 0.03089987Frequency (MHz) 1900 1900Point Source Total EIRP (watts) 0.632455532 1.007140329Target W/m^2 9.5 9.5
Appendix A Safety A-4 91302010.05 April 2015DRAFTCanadian Compliance Statement This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  license-exempt  RSS  standard(s).  Operation  is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) This device may not cause interference, and   (2)This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Cet  appareil  est  conforme  aux  norms  CNR  exemptes  de  licence  d’Industrie Canada.  Le fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:   (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d’interférences et   (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris celles susceptibles de provoquer un fonctionnement non souhaité de l’appareil. Industry Canada Statement Complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B specifications. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.   This  device  complies  with  RSS  210  of  Industry  Canada.  This Class  B  device meets  all  the requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations. Cet  appareil  numérique  de  la  Classe  B  respecte  toutes  les  exigences  du  Règlement  sur  le matériel brouilleur du Canada
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 B-1DRAFTAppendix BSpecificationsThis appendix contains specifications for Airvana OneCell, including FCC information and technical data. Electrical ratings and technical data B-2
Appendix B Specifications B-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTElectrical ratings and technical dataThe following table lists the electrical ratings and technical data for the Baseband Controller Unit. SPF/SPF+ specificationsThe following table lists the SPF and SPF+ specifications required for the Baseband Controller Unit.Operating Environment 0 to 40°C, 10 to 90% relative humidity, indoor use only, not for wet environmentsElectrical Rating 100 - 230 AC, 2.0A, 50 - 60Hz (auto ranging, no adjustment required)Dimensions 19”w x 1.75”H x 18.8” D (483mm W x 44.4mm H x 477mm D)Weight Single CU 13.1 lbs (5.9 KG), Dual CU 19.1 lbs. (8.7 KG)Safety IEC 60950-1 2005 (Second edition) + A1:20091G SFP LC SX Transceiver; 220M to 1K M1G SFP LC LX transceiver, 550M 10K M10G SFP+ LC SR Transceiver; Multi mode  26M to 300M10G SFP+ LC SR Transceiver; Single mode  10K M10G Direct attach SFP+ cable; Twin ax Cable ; 7M (must be compatible with HP & Cisco switches
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 C-1DRAFTAppendix CInstallation troubleshooting This section contains information on troubleshooting the OneCell installation. It includes the LED patterns for the Baseband Controller and Radio points.Controller LED patterns C-2Radio Point LED patterns C-4
Appendix C Installation troubleshooting C-2 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTController LED patternsThe Controller has four LEDs on the front panel. The following table shows• Display pattern for each LED• What the pattern indicates• Action to take, if any, to resolve the issueLED Display Pattern Indicates Action to TakeSTATUS Green, solid Power OnSectors upNoneAmber, solid Self-test failureGreen, blinking Firmware upgrade NoneAmber, blinking Configuring from DMSRed, solid Error in system - software or hardware issues detectedRU ERROR Green, solid Power On  NoneAmber, solid Self-test failureAmber, blinking No Radio Points connectedOff Radio Points connected, firmware upgrade NoneRed, blinking Radio Point alarm - PLL state unlock; service impacting alarm from Radio PointTIMING LED Green, solid Power On, timing NoneAmber, solid Self-test failureAmber, blinking No timingOff Firmware upgrade NoneRed, solid Error
Appendix C Installation troubleshooting OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0 C-3DRAFTCORE LED Green, solid Power OnConnection to MMENoneAmber, solid Self-test failureAmber, blinking No connection to MMEIPsec is upOff Firmware upgrade NoneRed, blinking Internet connectionIPsec downRed solid No InternetInterface hardware issuesLED Display Pattern Indicates Action to Take
Appendix C Installation troubleshooting C-4 913020 10.05 April 2015DRAFTRadio Point LED patternsThe Radio Point has one LED on the front cover. The following table shows• Display pattern for the LED• What the pattern indicates• Action to take, if any, to resolve the issueLED Display Pattern Indicates Action to TakeSTATUS Green, solid Power OnRFTx state is onNoneAmber, solid Self-test failureGreen, blinking Firmware upgradeConnected to Controller NoneAmber, blinking PLL state – unlockRFTx State – off or suspendedL2 path verification failedAdminState – STANDBYRed, blinking No connection to Controller (http)Red, solid Error in system – software or hardware issues Interface issues detectedAdminState – UNLOCKED
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0Backcvr
OneCell Installation and Commissioning, Release 1.0913020 10.05 April 2015Airvana19 Alpha DriveChelmsford, MA 01824, USAPhone: North America  +1 (877) 855-4092 (toll free)International:  +1 (978) 250-3100Fax:  +1 (978) 250-3910Web:  www.airvana.comDRAFT

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