Comba Telecom MBDA-200S mBDA Band Wireless Repeater User Manual

Comba Telecom Ltd. mBDA Band Wireless Repeater


User Manual

        The information contained herein is the responsibility of and is approved by the following, to whom all enquiries should be directed in the first instance:  This is an unpublished work the copyright in which vests in Comba International ("Comba"). All rights reserved.  The information contained herein is confidential and the property of Comba and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part may be reproduced, disclosed or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 3         0.1  CONTENTS  Section Page 0.1 CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 3 0.2 INDEX TO FIGURES AND TABLES ................................................................................................................... 5 0.3 HISTORY ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 0.4 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................................................... 8 0.5 SAFETY NOTICES AND ADMONISHMENTS ..................................................................................................... 9 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 10 2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 SYSTEM DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT .................................................................................................................................. 12 2.3 EQUIPMENT CONSTITUTION ....................................................................................................................... 13 2.4 KIT OF PART ................................................................................................................................................ 13 3 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 14 3.1 WARNINGS AND ALERTS ............................................................................................................................. 14 3.2 SITE PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................................................. 15 3.3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................... 16 3.4 EQUIPMENT CONNECTORS ......................................................................................................................... 26 3.5 EQUIPMENT CONNECTION ......................................................................................................................... 27 4 COMMISSIONING ....................................................................................................................................... 29 4.1 PRE-COMMISSIONING TASKS ...................................................................................................................... 29 4.2 LED INDICATORS ......................................................................................................................................... 29 4.3 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................... 30 5 WEB GUI ..................................................................................................................................................... 32 5.1 WEB GUI CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................... 32 5.2 WEB GUI INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 33 5.2.1 [DEVICES] ............................................................................................................................................... 33 5.2.2 [COMMISSIONING] ................................................................................................................................ 35 5.2.3 [FIRMWARE] .......................................................................................................................................... 36 5.2.4 [MANAGEMENT] .................................................................................................................................... 37 5.3 COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................... 43 6 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................... 49
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 4     7 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................... 50 7.1 APPENDIX A: TOOLS FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................... 50 7.2 APPENDIX B: RMA (RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION) ......................................................................... 51
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 5      0.2 INDEX TO FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: mBDA-200S .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Figure 2: 2 Bands System Diagram for Example ................................................................................................. 11 Figure 3: Layout of mBDA ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4: mBDA Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5: mBDA Rack ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 6: Remove Cover Plates .............................................................................................................................. 18 Figure 7: PMU Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 8: RF Unit Installation ................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 9: mBDA Installation Finish ......................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 10: Equipment Cabinet with Pallet ............................................................................................................. 20 Figure 11: mBDA Installation .................................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 12: Secure the Screws ................................................................................................................................. 21 Figure 13: Finish Installaiton ................................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 14: Mounting Rack........................................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 15: Angle Iron Installation ............................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 16: mBDA Installation .................................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 17: Secure the Enclosure ............................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 18: Finish Installaiton ................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 19: mBDA Front Panel Connectors ........................................................................................................... 26 Figure 20: mBDA Rear Panel Connectors ............................................................................................................ 26 Figure 21: mBDA Grounding (mBDA Rear Panel) ............................................................................................... 27 Figure 22: mBDA Power Connection (Rear Panel) ............................................................................................. 28 Figure 23:  Pins Allocation for “EXT_ALM” Port for mBDA ................................................................................. 28 Figure 24: Commissiong Flow Chart ...................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 25: Input IP Address ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 26: Input Domain Name ............................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 27: Input User Name and Password .......................................................................................................... 32 Figure 28: Web GUI Main Screen .......................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 29: [Devices] Sceen ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 30: Power & Monitoring Unit ....................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 31: RF Unit..................................................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 32: RF Unit Detail Information .................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 33: [Commissioning] Screen ....................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 34: [Firmware] Screen – Upgrade .............................................................................................................. 36 Figure 35: [Firmware] Screen – Pop-up Window 1 .............................................................................................. 36 Figure 36: [Firmware] Screen - Swap .................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 37: [Management] Sceen ............................................................................................................................ 37 Figure 38: Management – Import&Export ............................................................................................................. 38 Figure 39: Management – IP Setting ..................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 40: Management – SNMP Setting.............................................................................................................. 39 Figure 41: Management – Security ........................................................................................................................ 39 Figure 42: Modify Password .................................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 43: Management – Device Reset ............................................................................................................... 40 Figure 44: Management – PA Reset ...................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 45: Management – Device Info ................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 46: Management – Isolation ........................................................................................................................ 42 Figure 47: Management – Report........................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 48: Commissioning Procedure – Start ....................................................................................................... 43 Figure 49: Commissioning Procedure – Site Info. Setting .................................................................................. 43 Figure 50: Dev Info & Date/Time ............................................................................................................................ 44 Figure 51: Commissioning Procedure – Isolation Detective ............................................................................... 45 Figure 52: Commissioning Procedure – Isolation Detective Confirm ................................................................ 45 Figure 53: Commissioning Procedure –Isolation Detection Failed .................................................................... 45
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 6     Figure 54: Commissioning Procedure –Isolation Detection Finish .................................................................... 46 Figure 55: Commissioning Procedure – Subband bandwidth and Switch Setting .......................................... 46 Figure 56: Commissioning Procedure – DL Output Power Setting Screen ..................................................... 47 Figure 57: Commissioning Procedure – DL Output Power Setting ................................................................... 47 Figure 58: DL Output Power Over Exceed ........................................................................................................... 48 Figure 59: Commissioning Procedure – Finish .................................................................................................... 48             Table 1: mBDA Components .................................................................................................................................. 13 Table 2: KOP ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Table 3: mBDA Connections ................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 4: Pin Definition of “EXT_ALM” Port for mBDA ......................................................................................... 28 Table 5: LED Indications .......................................................................................................................................... 29 Table 6: Commissioning Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 31
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 7      0.3 HISTORY  Change No. ENU Details Of Change  1  1-0-0  This user manual first created in Aug 2014.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 8      0.4 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ALC   Automatic Level Control ATT   Attenuation   BDA Bi-direction Amplifier BS   Base Station   BTS   Base Transceiver Station   DL   Downlink   DT  Donor Terminal   FOU Fiber Optical Unit GUI Graphic User Interface ID   Identification LNA   Low Noise Amplifier   MCU   Main Control Unit MT   Mobile Terminal   MTBF   Mean Time Between Failures   MBDA Master Unit NC   Normally Closed   NF   Noise Figure   NO   Normally Open   OMC   Operation & Maintenance Center   OMT   Operation & Maintenance Terminal   PA  Power Amplifier   POI Point of Interconnects PSU   Power Supply Unit   RF  Radio Frequency   RFU  Radio Frequency Unit  RU Remote Unit SMA   Sub-Miniature “A” Connector TX/RX Transmit/Receive UL   Uplink   VAC   Volts Alternating Current   VSWR   Voltage Standing Wave Ratio   WCDMA Wideband Code Division MBDAltiple Access
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 9     0.5  SAFETY NOTICES AND ADMONISHMENTS This document contains safety notices in accordance with appropriate standards. In the interests of conformity with the territory standards for the country concerned, the equivalent territorial admonishments are also shown.  Any installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of the equipment must only be carried out by trained, authorized personnel. At all times, personnel must comply with any safety notices and instructions.  Specific hazards are indicated by symbol labels on or near the affected parts of the equipment. The labels conform to international standards, are triangular in shape, and are coloured black on a yellow background. An informative text label may accompany the symbol label.  Hazard labeling is supplemented by safety notices in the appropriate equipment manual. These notices contain additional information on the nature of the hazard and may also specify precautions.   WARNING! This is NOT a CONSUMER device. It is designed for installation by FCC LICENSEES and QUALIFIED INSTALLERS. You MUST have an FCC LICENSE or express consent of an FCC Licensee to operate this device. Unauthorized use may result in significat forfeiture penalties, including penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing violation.  Note: The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with Part 22 and 24 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  For compliance with the general population RF exposure limits, each individual antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance greater than 41.73cm or more from all persons during normal operation and must not be co-located with any other antenna for meeting RF exposure requirements.  Alert: These draw the attention of personnel to hazards that may cause damage to the equipment. An example of use is the case of static electricity hazard.  Caution notices may also be used in the handbook to draw attention to matters that do not constitute a risk of causing damage to the equipment but where there is a possibility of seriously impairing its performance, e.g. by mishandling or gross maladjustment. Warnings and Cautions within the main text do not incorporate labels and may be in shortened form.  The application antenna and RF cable are not provided. The antenna gain should not exceed 10 dBi.  Fixed, mobile, and portable (hand-held) stations operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band and mobile and portable stations operating in the 1695-1710 MHz and 1755-1780 MHz bands are limited to 1 watt EIRP.  Fixed stations operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band are limited to a maximum antenna height of 10 meters above ground.    End of Section
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 10       1  GENERAL INFORMATION The mBDA-200S Band Selective Wireless Repeater is designed for operation in 700LowerABC, 700UpperC, 850MHz, 1900MHz, AWS and 2600MHz networks.Digital band-specific linear amplifier amplifies the desired BTS carriers and provides superior out-of-band rejection. Typical units with adjustable bandwidth are programmed to specific requirements of the network. Remote configuration and surveillance is possible through Comba’s remote control and monitoring system, via PC or Ethernet to the OMC.  Main feature:   mBDA-200S is a high quality repeater with the following features:  Supports GSM, CDMA, WCDMA and LTE operating.  Supports multi operator configurations and up to 3 sub bands per band.  Adjustable sub band via Web OMT software.  Friendly and easy Web OMT interface via RJ45 connection.    Integrated network card for remote configuration, monitoring and control.   The figure below shows the enclosure.  Figure 1: mBDA-200S  NOTE: RF module is slot undependent.   End of Section
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 11      2  EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION 2.1  SYSTEM DIAGRAM Donor AntModemPowerSupplyAlarmIndicatorDL PAUL PA UL LNADL LNAMain Control UnitDTMTMobileMobileAntDigital Frequency Selective ModuleDL PAUL PA UL LNADL LNADigital Frequency Selective ModuleDTMTAntMobile Figure 2: 2 Bands System Diagram for Example  In the downlink, the BTS signals are received by donor antenna of the repeater. After the duplexer, the signals are sent to the LNA module for pre-amplification and digital RF integrated module for digital filtering and frequency conversion. Then the DL signals will be sent to downlink PA to amplify power and filter via duplexer. After amplification, the signals are transmitted via the MT port to the service antenna.    In the uplink, the mobile signals are received by the service antenna. After the MT port integrated duplexer, the signals are sent to the LNA, integrated module for digital filtering, then to PA for power amplification and to duplexer. After that, the uplink signals are sent to the donor antenna for transmission back to the BTS.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 12     2.2  EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 58.681.448258.6  26.1436485.6439265.2  Figure 3: Layout of mBDA
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 13      2.3  EQUIPMENT CONSTITUTION mBDA consists of the following parts:  Table 1: mBDA Components Module Description mBDA-RACK There are total 7 slots in the main chassis, where six slots for RF Units and Combiner Units, first slot is for Power & Monitoring Unit. mBDA-PMU Power & Monitoring Unit (PMU) converts the input voltage into stable DC to supply power for each RF module and provides monitor control. mBDA-RFU RF Unit processes UL/DL signal and amplifies the signal for coverage.   2.4 KIT OF PART Table 2: KOP Item Qty Image Rack 1  RF Unit (RFU) (Packing separately) 1~2  Power & Monitoring Unit (PMU) (Packing separately) 1  Power Supply Cable (13 Feet 1 inch) 1  Communication Cable 1      End of Section
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 14      3  INSTALLATION 3.1  WARNINGS AND ALERTS Radio Frequency Energies  There may be situations, particularly for workplace environments near high-powered RF sources, where recommended limits for safe exposure of human beings to RF energy could be exceeded. In such cases, restrictive measures or actions may be necessary to ensure the safe use of RF energy.   High Voltage  The equipment has been designed and constructed to prevent practicable danger, as far as reasonably possible. Any work activity on or near equipment involving installation, operation or maintenance must be free from danger, as far as reasonably possible.   Where there is a risk of damage to electrical systems involving adverse weather, extreme temperatures, wet, corrosive or dirty conditions, flammable or explosive atmospheres, the system must be suitably installed to prevent danger.   Protective Earthing  For the purpose of protecting individuals fromelectrical risk, the equipment provided must be safety in design and properly maintained and used.   Handling Precautions  This covers a range of activities including lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, moving, holding or restraining an object or person. It also covers activities that require the use of force or effort, such as pulling a lever, or operating power tools.   Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)  Observe standard precautions for handling ESD-sensitive devices. Assume that all solid-state electronic devices are ESD-sensitive. Ensure the use of a grounded wrist strap or equivalent while working with ESD-sensitive devices. Transport, store, and handle ESD-sensitive devices in static-safe environments.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 15      3.2  SITE PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 3.2.1  SITE PLANNING Site Considerations  There may be situations, particularly for workplace environments near high-powered RF sources, where recommended limits for safe exposure of human beings to RF energy could be exceeded. In such cases, restrictive measures or actions may be necessary to ensure the safe use of RF energy.  Installation Location  Mounting surface shall be capable of supporting the weight of the equipment.  In order to avoid electromagnetic interference, a proper mounting location must be selected to minimize interference from electromagnetic sources such as large electrical equipment.   Environmental  Humidity has an adverse effect on the reliability of the equipment. It is recommended to install the equipment in locations having stable temperature and unrestricted air-flow.   The installation location for the system should be well ventilated. The equipment has been designed to operate at the temperature range and humidity level as stated in the product specifications.   Powering   The power & monitoring unit (PMU) provides power to all modules within the equipment. Depending on the product variant, it is recommended that the PMU operates on a dedicated AC circuit breaker or fused circuit.   Grounding Requirement  Verify that the equipment has been well grounded. This includes antennas and all cables connected to the system. Ensure lightning protection for the antennas is properly grounded.    Cable Routing  Depending on equipment configuration, a variety of types of cables are connected to the equipment: coaxial cables, power cable, communication cable, and commissioning cable. Where applicable, ensure cables are properly routed and secured so that they are not damaged.  Manual Handling  During transportation and installation, take necessary handling precautions to avoid potential physical injury to the installation personnel and the equipment.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 16     3.2.2  SYSTEM  INSTALLATION CHECKLIST  Working space available for installation and maintenance for each mounting arrangement. Ensure unrestricted airflow.   Ensure earthing point is within reach of the ground wire. (2m; 6 ft. 10 in.).    Ensure a power source is within reach of the power cord and the power source has sufficient capacity.    Where appropriate, ensure unused RF connectors are terminated.    Where appropriate, ensure unused optical fiber connectors are protected.    Do not locate the equipment near large transformers or motors that may cause electromagnetic interference.    Reduce signal loss in feeder cable by minimizing the length and number of RF connections.    Ensure the equipment will be operated within the stated environment (refer to datasheet).    Where appropriate, confirm available of suitably terminated grade of RF.     Observe handling of all cables to prevent damage.   3.3  INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 3.3.1  GOODS INWARDS INSPECTION mBDA was factory tested, inspected, packed, and delivered to the carrier with utmost care. Do not accept shipment from carrier which shows damage or shortage until the carrier’s agent endorses a statement of the irregularity on the face of the carrier’s receipt. Without documentary evidence, a claim cannot be processed.  Open and check each package against the packing list. For any shortage, contact Comba Telecom Systems. Do not remove items from packing materials until installation.    3.3.2  TOOLS See Appendix A for a full list of tools required for installation and maintenance.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 17     3.3.3  ASSEMBLING  mBDA consists of one Rack and three different modules including PMU ,RFUs and CBs (CB is optional). All the units are packed separately. Follow the steps below to assemble.       Figure 4: mBDA Screen  Step1: The rack with cover plates is shown as Figure 5. Please remove the cover plates, before installing related modules. Show as Figure 6. PMU must be installed at the first left slot; RF Units are slot undependent, and can be installed to other six slots. Below is dual bands system installation for example.   Figure 5: mBDA Rack RF Unit Power & Monitor Unit
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 18       Figure 6: Remove Cover Plates   Step 2: PMU installation: Insert PMU and fasten the screws.   Figure 7: PMU Installation  Step 3: RF Units installation: Insert RFUs and fasten the screws.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 19                 Figure 8: RF Unit Installation Step 4: Finish Installation.             Figure 9: mBDA Installation Finish
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 20     3.3.4  mBDA IN NORMAL EQUIPMENT CABINET mBDA  is  an  indoor  type  device.  It  can  be  installed  in  normal  equipment  cabinet,  the  installation procedures are shown as below:  Step  1:  Make  sure  the  equipment  cabinet  is  available  with  pallet,  and  the  pallet  is  fixed  steadily (Equipment Cabinet nuts, screws and pallet are not provided.). Use cabinet nuts, screws and pallet as recommended by rack manufacturer.                                            Figure 10: Equipment Cabinet with Pallet   Step 2:  Install the mBDA on to the pallet.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 21      Figure 11: mBDA Installation  Step 3:  Attach the mBDA onto the cabinet with the recommended rack screws.    Figure 12: Secure the Screws  Step 4: Finish installation.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 22      Figure 13: Finish Installaiton   3.3.5  mBDA IN 19” RACK MOUNTING mBDA can also be installed in 19’’ rack mounting, the installation procedures are shown as below:  Step 1: Install right angle bracket and left angle bracket on back of the mounting rack. (19” Rack nuts, screws and Angel Iron are not provided.) Use rack nuts and screws as recommended by rack manufacturer. The Angle Iron is an optional assesory.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 23       Figure 14: Mounting Rack     Figure 15: Angle Iron Installation  Step2: Slide the mBDA on to the angle brackets and confirm it is level. The left and right angle brackets need to be ordered separately.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 24      Figure 16: mBDA Installation  Step 3: Attach the mBDA onto the rack with the recommended rack screws.   Figure 17: Secure the Enclosure   Step 4: Finish installation.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 25       Figure 18: Finish Installaiton
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 26     3.4 EQUIPMENT CONNECTORS The figure below presents the connectors of mBDA.      Figure 19: mBDA Front Panel Connectors  Figure 20: mBDA Rear Panel Connectors          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 27     Table 3: mBDA Connections Identifier Functional Description 1. OMT/LAN/RS485 OMT port is for local commissioning; LAN port is for remote connection; RS485 is for extension connection when adding extended equipment. 2. LED indicator LED indicator. Refer to Table 5 for the detailed information.  3.EXT_ALM External alarm connector with 4 pins. Refer to Table 4 for the detailed information. 4.DT RF input port, Mini Din  female 5.CPL Output coupler port, -40dB, QMA female 6.MT RF output port, Mini Din  female 7.   Grounding connector. 8. FAN Fan inside 9. POWER Power switch. 10. AC100~240V AC power supply connector.  3.5  EQUIPMENT CONNECTION  3.5.1  GROUNDING CONNECTION      3.5.2  mBDA GROUNDING CONNECTION Step 1: Connect the GND cable to the GND connector and the building EARTH. Recommended GND cable size is # 12 AWG.  Step 2: Ensure the GND cable is connected to building GND.   Figure 21: mBDA Grounding (mBDA Rear Panel)  WARNING! This unit must always be grounded. Consult an appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available.   Do not connect power before grounding. Grouding Connector
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 28      3.5.3  mBDA CONNECTIONS Step1: Connect the mBDA DT port to the RF Source downlink, and then connect mBDA MT port with RF Source uplink.   Step 2: Connect the power cable to the power supply port (100-240VAC, 1Amp maximmum).   Figure 22: mBDA Power Connection (Rear Panel)   3.5.4  EXTERNAL ALARM CONNECTION  For EXT-ALM, this is a 4-pin connector. The following figure and table show the pin allocation and definition. Pin numbering are shown looking-into the connector on the enclosure.  1234 Figure 23:  Pins Allocation for “EXT_ALM” Port for mBDA  Table 4: Pin Definition of “EXT_ALM” Port for mBDA Pin number 1 2 3 4 Alarm definition EXT. Alarm 1 GND EXT. Alarm 2 GND  Note: Users need to configure Ext Alm 1~2 on WEB GUI to realize External Alarm (Refer to Chapter 5).   3.5.5  CONNECT TO PC The local commissioning and management for mBDA is achieved through connecting to the WEB based GUI.  Connect mBDA to PC  Connect mBDA “OMT” port (RJ45) to the RJ45 port of PC with supplied Ethernet cable to achieve local monitoring and management.   End of Section Power Connector
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 29      4  COMMISSIONING 4.1 PRE-COMMISSIONING TASKS After equipment installation, perform the following steps before equipment powering and commissioning, check that the expected voltage, current, and power levels do not violate any ratings. Double check all connections including ground before applying power. Do not manipulate circuits or make changes when power is applied:    Visually inspect the power connection within the equipment. Ensure that all cables are correctly and securely connected, including power cables, grounding wires and RF cables.    Check grounding connection and verify that the ground resistance is less than 5Ω.   Connect the equipment to the PC.    Power on equipment.   Monitor the initialization of the equipment though the LEDs on the panel. Refer to detailed LEDs information in the next section.   4.2   LED INDICATORS Diagnostic LEDs are located on the equipment front panel; each indicates the status of a particular function:  Table 5: LED Indications LED Indicator Normal Status Indication PWR Steady green Power indicator. If LED is off, it indicates the system has no power.  RUN Flashing green (1 time/sec) mBDA operation indicator. After initialization (1~2 minutes), the LED should flash at once per sec. (When upgrade firmware, LED will flash rapidly)  ALM OFF Alarm indicator. If LED is RED, there is an alarm.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 30     4.3  COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE System commissioning can commence after the monitoring system has completed self initialization. The commissioning procedure is shown below:   Connect and inquiry statusSet channel No.Input power detection and adjust the direction of Donor AntennaOutput power confirmationDrive test and adjust the direction of Service AntennaAdjust UL ATT and confirm the call quality Double check the status of BTS Uplink and the isolation between Donor Antenna and Service Antenna EndSet monitor parametersIsolation detection    Figure 24: Commissiong Flow Chart
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 31     Table 6: Commissioning Procedure Commissioning Tasks Observation 1. On-line and Inquiry status  Activate the OMT Main window. The system Initialization will completed in about 2 minutes.   Click “Connect” button to enquire the repeater’s status. Proceed if there is no alarm; else check the failure and attend to the alarm. 2.  Isolation detection  Detect isolation of service antenna and donor antenna. 3.  Set Channel No.   Keep RF switch ON and set the channel number of the repeater’s operating frequency. 4. Adjust Downlink Output Power and align donor antenna  Observe DL input power from measured value. Align the direction of donor antenna until the DL input power reading is maximized.  Note: To ensure that the measured DL input power is accurate, one should set the DL ATT to “0” before performing the check. 5.  Configure [Equipment ID]  Go to [Properties Info] and set [Equipment ID]. 6.  Comm. Config  Enable the power supply by selecting “On” in [RF] -> [Switch]; go to [Properties Info.] -> [Comm. Config.] and set OMC Phones No. , the service No. of SMSC, Report Mode. 7.  Select Monitoring Parameters  Select the equipment controlled and monitored parameters.  If the external devices are connected to the equipment for management, please enable in the [External Alarm Info.] Interface. 8.  Test coverage area field intensity and adjust service antenna.   Use test-handset to verify field intensity within the coverage area. If needed, realign the service antenna to achieve the desired coverage.  Note: If during operation, the equipment gain could not be set to maximmum or the output power is not high enough due to insufficient donor and service antennas isolation, then the antennas’ position should be changed to increase isolation. If the output power is too high and ALC is activated, then adjust the DL ATT to achieve optimal DL Gain.  9.  Verify UL gain and ensure test call produces good voice quality and there is no interfering BTS  Adjust UL gain and perform test calls. Typically, the UL gain is set around 5dB less than DL gain. Perform test calls in the coverage area while adjusting UL gain if required.   Note: If the repeater is near the BTS and the test call performance is poor, this may be due to UL noise interference to the BTS. Users can calculate and determine if the repeater UL noise will interfere with the BTS.  Verify again that there is no unacceptable interference to BTS.    End of Section
   5  WEB GUI mBDA can be monitored and controlled by WEB GUI, follow below contents to achieve system parameter setting and commissioning.    5.1  WEB GUI CONNECTION Step 1: Connect PMU OMT port to PC RJ45 port with the supplied Ethernet cable to set up a physical connection.  Step 2: Open browser (browser IE7.0, IE8.0, Chrome or Firefox, suggest disply resolution is 1024×768), input Web GUI IP address:, click [Enter].   Figure 25: Input IP Address  NOTE: DHCP and DNS are also available to login Web GUI. The domain name is: Input User Name: admin; Password (default password: admin). Click [Log in].    Figure 26: Input Domain Name   Figure 27: Input User Name and Password
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 33     5.2  WEB GUI INTRODUCTION After log in, the Web GUI main screen will appear. We take dual bands products for example.   Figure 28: Web GUI Main Screen  On Comba Web GUI Home Screen, there are four Menu bars:  [Devices], [Commissioning], [Firmware] and [Management].  5.2.1  [DEVICES] The [Devices] Screen shows the actual active modules of mBDA.    Figure 29: [Devices] Sceen
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 34      PMU Main Management Screen                          Figure 30: Power & Monitoring Unit  RF Unit Management Screen   Figure 31: RF Unit
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 35     NOTE: There are three statuses for PA Service: Normal, Recovery and Shutdown. If PA output power or reflected power exceeds the threshold, software will trigger Recovery:    It will reset PA and then re-detect the PA output power and reflected power, if they are normal, the PA Service Status will turn to Normal, if PA output power or reflected power is still over the threshold, PA Service Status will turn to Recovery again.   If PA output power or reflected power is still over the threshold after six times of PA Recovery, PA Service status will be Shutdown which will need to be reset manually. Reset at Management > PA Reset.   Figure 32: RF Unit Detail Information  5.2.2  [COMMISSIONING] A work flow of the commissioning process is shown on [Commissioning] Screen. Click the [Start] button, the software will guide you through the commissioning step by step. For details, please refer to chapter 5.3.  Figure 33: [Commissioning] Screen
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 36       5.2.3  [FIRMWARE] There are two functions on the [Firmware] bar: [upgrade] and [swap]. [Upgrade] is used to upgrade software, and [Swap] is to replace current firmware version to the previous one.  Follow steps shown in below figure to upgrade firmware.                                                Figure 34: [Firmware] Screen – Upgrade   Step 4: After clicking , a window will pop up and click .    Figure 35: [Firmware] Screen – Pop-up Window 1  Step 5: Wait for 2~4 minutes while mBDA is being reset. Click to continue.   Step 6: Clear browsing history and cookies from browser.  NOTE: For PMU software upgrade, users need to re-login Web GUI after reset is done.  Follow steps shown in below figure to Swap firmware.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 37       Figure 36: [Firmware] Screen - Swap   5.2.4  [MANAGEMENT] Other parameters can be configured on [Management] Screen.  Figure 37: [Management] Sceen   There are nine function bars list in the left side of the [Mangement] Screen. Below figures are the introduction of each function bar.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 38      Inport&Export   Figure 38: Management – Import&Export  The parameters that can be import/export as below: sub band, alarm enable, ATT value, RF switch, DL output power and so on.  Import  and  Export  can  help  users  quickly  configure  mBDA  parameters.  For  example,  if  one  mBDA finished configuration, users can export its parameters and save as a file in PC, and then import this file to other mBDA to fast finish the device parameter setting.   IP Setting    Figure 39: Management – IP Setting
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 39      Note: For remote monitoring, the IP Address must be set correctly according to the location IP of remote connection. If more than one equipment is connected to the public network through the same router, the router’s local IP CANNOT be set as 192.168.8.*.   SNMP Setting   Figure 40: Management – SNMP Setting    Security    Figure 41: Management – Security  Click , [Modify Password] window will pop-up.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 40      Figure 42: Modify Password  Note: Username cannot be modified.     Device Reset    Figure 43: Management – Device Reset Note: If users click  , all the parameter and alarm will set to factory default value. Device Reset process will last about 2~4 minutes. For PMU monitor reset, users need to re-login WEB GUI.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 41      PA Reset   Figure 44: Management – PA Reset  Note: PA will be turned off by software when PA output power or (VSWR) reflected power is exceed the threshold. Users need to reset PA after debugging.   Device Info         Figure 45: Management – Device Info  Note: Users can input maximum 30 bytes characters in Device Info.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 42       Isolation    Figure 46: Management – Isolation   Note: This Step is the same as step3 of [Commissioning]. Users can check isolation again by clicking Check button.  Report    Figure 47: Management – Report   Note: Click Create to create report (The report cann’t create in IE browser.) and make sure the computer has installed PDF Reader software. If no, users will see nothing.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 43      5.3  COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE To complete the installation and commissioning, users need to follow the steps below.   Step 1: Click Menu bar [Commissioning] on home screen, a work flow will show up.   Figure 48: Commissioning Procedure – Start  Step 2: Click   to start the process.   Figure 49: Commissioning Procedure – Site Info. Setting
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 44     Step 3: Click , users can set the site information.    Figure 50: Dev Info & Date/Time  Dev Info mainly used to record device location and Date/Time provid a time reference. Click the Config Value of Date/Time, will update Date/time automatically.  NOTE:  Make sure  the  device is connected with  appropriate  donor  and  service antennas  before proceeding to step 4.  Step 4: Click   to enter to Isolation Detection Screen shown as Figure 52.    Select a frequency band (RFU) that need to commission.   Click   to start Isolation Detecting, then [Confirm] window will pop-up shown as Figure 53.   Click   to continue. If isolation detection success, the process will go to RF Settiing Screen shown as Figure 55. If failed, a Tips window will pop-up shown as Figure 54, users need to check whether the system isolation is very weak.  NOTE: At the end of first frequency band commissioning, user can start other frequency band commission.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 45           Figure 51: Commissioning Procedure – Isolation Detective   Figure 52: Commissioning Procedure – Isolation Detective Confirm    Figure 53: Commissioning Procedure –Isolation Detection Failed
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 46                                          Figure 54: Commissioning Procedure –Isolation Detection Finish  Step 5: RF Setting Screen for setting subband bandwidths and switchs.   Figure 55: Commissioning Procedure – Subband bandwidth and Switch Setting
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 47     NOTE: For each RF module, the 3 subband bandwidth setting should not be overlap each other, if yes, only 1 subband can be turn on, other overlap subband is forbided to switch on by equipment.   Step 6: Click   to enter to DL output power setting after finishing subband bandwidths and switchs setting.  Figure 56: Commissioning Procedure – DL Output Power Setting Screen    Figure 57: Commissioning Procedure – DL Output Power Setting  NOTE: For each RF module, the total target output power of all subbands which channel switch is on must not exceed the nominal downlink output power (27, 30, 33dBm); if yes, Tips window will pop-up shown as Figure 59. Finish the output power setting, click   button , go to Finish Screen shown as Figure 60.
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 48        Figure 58: DL Output Power Over Exceed   Step  7:  Click   to  commission  other  RFUs  parameters.  Click     to  finish  the commissioning.   Figure 59: Commissioning Procedure – Finish     End of Section
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 49      6  MAINTENANCE The mBDA is designed for trouble-free operation and generally does not need maintenance. Maintenance activities should only be carried out by trained personnel.  The equipment operation status can be observed remotely through OMC.  Periodic inspection of the repeater equipment(s) is recommended, the recommended tasks includes:    Inspect and record operation status and output power of the repeater from OMC or OMT.   Verify the direction and position of antennas. Re-align if necessary.  Make sure the cable gland and sealing on the RF cable connectors are not damaged.   Verify lightning and grounding protection is in good condition.    End of Section
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 50      7  APPENDICES  7.1   APPENDIX A: TOOLS FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE The following tools (not included in package) are required for installation or routine maintenance:     Power Drill (for wall mount)   Adjustable Wrench (0.31 inch~0.79 inch)    Philips Screwdriver   Allen wrench (M6)  Signal generator support output power 10dBm.   Site Master
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 51     7.2  APPENDIX B: RMA (RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION)   End of Section  End of Document   FOR NAM OFFICE EMAIL, PLEASE INSERT:
USER MANUAL FOR MBDA-200S  ENU STATUS : 1-0-0 Copyright - refer to title page Page 52

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