Cobra Electronics PR2000WX GMRS User Manual PR 2000

Cobra Electronics Corporation GMRS PR 2000


Revised User Instructions

1How to Use Your Cobra P r ofessional 2-Way RadioFeatures of This Product• UHF FM Frequencies• 10 Weather Channels• Weather Alert• No Air Time Fees• Up to 5 Mile Range• 15 GMRS Channels(7 shared FRS Channels)• 38 CTCSS Subchannels• LCD Function Display• Talk Confirmation To n e• Ca l l / Ring Bu t to n• Au to Ba t te ry Saver Ci rc u i t y• Auto Squelch• 10 Memory Locations• Memory Scan• Dual Watch• Channel and CTCSS Scan• Lock Key• Call No t i f i ca t i o n• Belt Clip• Rubberized Cabinet GripsContentsFeatures..................................................................................................1The GMRS Story..................................................................................A1FCC WarningsIncluded AccessoriesControls & Indicators .......................................................................A2Our Thanks to You.............................................................................A3Customer Support..........................................................................A3Operating your microTalk Battery Installation.........................................................................2Turning On........................................................................................3LCD Display.......................................................................................4Auto Battery Power Saver............................................................5Hi/Lo Power......................................................................................5Select Main Channel (1-7)...........................................................6Select CTCSS Subchannel (00-38)............................................7Battery Low.......................................................................................9Talking To Another Party .............................................................10Talk Confirmation Tone................................................................11Listening For Another Party .......................................................11Calling Another Party....................................................................12Auto Squelch....................................................................................14Maximum Range Extender.........................................................14External Microphone/Speaker Jack .........................................15Advanced Features...........................................................................16Listening to Weather Channels.................................................16Programming Memory Locations............................................20Scan Function..................................................................................26Memory Scan Function................................................................29Tone Settings...................................................................................31Lock Function..................................................................................33Dual Watch........................................................................................34microTalk Range ................................................................................37Making Life Easier And Safer .......................................................38Frequency Ranges.............................................................................40Caring for Your microTalk .............................................................42microTalk Professional Specifications ....................................43Limited Two Year Warranty...........................................................44Optional Accessories .......................................................................45Order Form ...........................................................................................46If You Think You Need Service.....................................Back CoverCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 1
2 3OperationOperationNoteUse high quality“AA” batteries,such as alkaline, NiMH or Ni-Cad.Incorrect positioning can dam-age both the batteries and theunit.See Accessories on page 45.Charge ports are located onside of unit.NoteWhen batteries are low or needcharging the ( ) BATTLOW indicator will blink.Replace alkaline batteries.BatteryInstallationPull lock tab downand lift door up(towards you) toremove batterycover.Insert six “AA”bat-teries. Position bat-teries according topo l a ri ty marki n g s .Install BatteriesNoteWh e n ever the unit is on,yo ucan re ce i ve co m m u n i ca t i o n s.Turning OnYour microTalkProfessionalAntennaTurning On Your microtalk ProfessionalTurn the Volume control clockwise to switchpower on. Set volume to desired level.Turn theVolume control counter-clockwise to turnpower off.The radio is equippedwith a SMA female anten-na connector and amatching UHF antenna.Place top of unit withantenna on connector,turning clockwise untiltight.You can replace thisantenna with an optionalmobile antenna whenusing the radio inside acar, or a base antenna in afixed location.AntennaTURN KNOBCLOCKWISEPLACE ONCONNECTOR.TURN CLOCKWISECobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 2
4 5OperationOperationNoteThe Auto Battery Save Circuitdoes not effect the unit’s abilityto receive incoming transmissions.Auto Battery Power SaverYour microTalk Professional has a unique circuitdesigned to extend battery life. If there are notransmissions within 10 seconds, the unit willautomatically switch to mode.High/Low Power SwitchWhen in close proximity to other party, or duringclear weather conditions you can switch fromHigh to Low Power to extend battery life.The icon will flash.Auto BatteryPower SaverHigh/LowPower SwitchIlluminatingthe DisplayIlluminating the DisplayPress and release MON Button to illuminatedisplay for ten seconds.PRESS ANDRELEASEPOWERSAVERPress & Release thelock button and itwill switch from High to LowPRESS ANDRELEASEQUICKLYCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 4
6 7OperationOperationNoteCTCSS (Continuous ToneControlled Squelch System) isan advanced subcoding systemthat allows segmentation of a main channel.NoteIf you push and hold the ModeButton,the LCD display willcycle through the differentfunctions.Select CTCSSSubchannel Select CTCSS Subchannel (00-38)The CTCSS (Continuous Tone Controlled SquelchSystem) is a great convenience when you are inan area with many radios. It acts like a gate totransmissions from other radios. Once your radiois set to a CTCSS code, you will only hear trans-missions from other radios on the same channeland the same CTCSS code.Tu rn on the micro Talk Pro fe s s i o n a l .An audible“to n e”will indicate the unit is on and then theLCD will self-test for 3 seconds and then go toO pe r ational Mod e .continuedSelect main channel by pressing the Channel button up or down.NoteUnits must be on same channel and subchannels tocommunicate.NotePress and hold Ch a n n e lup or down Buttons for fastchannel advance.SelectChannels Select Channels (1-15)Channels 1-7 are shared with FRS radios.Turn on microTalk Professional. An audible“tone”will indicate the unit is on and the LCDwill self-test for 3 seconds and then go toOperational Mode.Select channel by pressing and releasing theChannel button up or down.PRESSUP OR DOWNPRESSUP OR DOWNCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 6
8 9OperationOperationSelect CTCSSSubchannelNotePress and hold Channel Button up or down for fast chan-nel advance.Press and release Function Button. Smallnumbers flash next to channel display on LCD.Select CTCSS Subchannel Se l e cts u b channel number by pressing andreleasing the  Channel Bu t t on up or dow n.PRESS ANDRELEASEPRESSUP OR DOWNWhen desired subchannel is displayed p ress andrelease  Enter Bu t to n .If key audible tone iso n ,an audible tone will co n f i r m your select i o n .Battery LowWhen in normal use the ( ) icon may beginflashing. This is a warning to you that your batteries are getting low.Replace alkaline batteries as soon as possible.Battery LowNoteWhen batte ry ca p a c i ty is at the1/4 level it is re commended thatyou re p l a ce alkaline batte ri e s ,o rre c h a rge (if you are usingR E C H A RGEABLE batte ries) usingCA-45C charger adapte r.PRESS ANDRELEASECobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 8
11Operation OperationTalkConfirmationToneStandby ModeStandby ModeWhen finished talking, Release PTT Button toreceive incoming transmissions.Your microTalk Professional is always in the stand-by mode when the PTT Button is not pressedand you are not in function mode. See AdvancedFeatures section on page 16.Talk Confirmation ToneYour listener will hear an audible tone when you release the PTT Button.This alerts the other party t h at you are finished talking and it’s OK for them to begin talki n g.NoteWhile PTT Button is depressedyou cannot receive incomingcalls.NoteWhen you release the PTTButton,the person you aretalking to will hear a tone indi-cating that it’s ok to talk. SeeTalk Confirmation Tone sectionon page 11.Press and hold PTT Button.Th e ( ) i con will appe a r.Release PTT Button and listen for response.Hold mic about 2 inches from mouth.Speak in a normal voice.Talking toAnother PartyPRESS ANDHOLDRELEASE FORRESPONSE10Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 10
12 13OperationSelect desired channel by pressing and releasing Channel Button up or down.Both the calling and receiving units must beon same channel and subchannel for the callfunction to work.OperationCallingAnother PartyCalling Another PartyTo alert another party that you wish tocommunicate:Turn on your microTalk Professional 2-wayradio. An audible “tone”will indicate the unit ison.The LCD will self-test for 3 seconds andthen to operational mode.TURN KNOBCLOCKWISEPRESSUP OR DOWNPress and release Call Button. The (  )indicator icon will flash and the ( ) icon willremain on for 3 seconds. The unit you arecalling will hear a 2 second ring tone.Your microTalk Professional is always in thestandby mode when the PTT Button is notdepressed.NoteYour incoming “Ca l l ”audio ri n g-ing level is dependent on yo u ru n i t’s volume setting.PRESS ANDRELEASECobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 12
14 15External Microphone/Speaker JackYour microTalk Professional 2-Way Radio can befitted with a variety of accessories, (not included)freeing your hands for other tasks.To attach an external microphone/speaker accessory:ExternalMicrophone/Speaker JackE x t e rnal Microphone/Speaker JackNoteExternal microphone/speaker(item #FA-SM) is not includedwith this unit. See AccessoriesSection on page 45.OperationAuto SquelchMaximumRangeExtenderNoteTo learn more about the rangeof your microTalk Professional,see page 37.Range is dependent on battery condition and geographic territory.Auto SquelchYour micro Talk Pro fessional is equipped with Au toSq u e l c h , which auto m at i cally shuts off weak tra n s-missions and unwa nted noise due to te rrain co n-ditions or if you have reached your range limit.Maximum Range ExtenderAu to squelch can be te m po ra rily re m oved to allowall signals to enter (Maximum Range Exte n d e r ) .Press and hold  Button to allow all signalsto enter.Auto MonitorAuto MonitorWhen the signal you want to hear is consistentlyweak, you may place the radio in Maximum Range mode without having to constantly holdthe button: Press and hold the Button for fiveseconds.You will hear an audible beep confirma-tion.To return to normal operation,momentarilypress the  Button again or change channels.PLUG INHEREPRESS ANDHOLDInsert plug into SPK/MIC hole on side of unit.Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 14
16 17Listening to Weather ChannelsTurn on your microTalk Professional 2 -wayradio. An audible “tone” will indicate the unit ison.The LCD will go through a 3 second selftest and then go to operational mode.Listening toWeatherChannelsPress and release  Function Button untilweather icon appears.The last weather channel tuned will be displayed.Pre s s Channel Bu t ton up or down tos e l e ct the appro p ri a te channels for your are a .Listening toWeatherChannelsAdvanced FeaturesAdvanced FeaturesPRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASETo exit we ather re ce p t i o n ,p ress the E nte rBu t to n .The radio will go to the last channeland CTCSS sub-channel.Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 16
19Advanced Featurescontinued18Advanced FeaturesAdvanced FeaturesYour microTalk Professional has many advancedfeatures not found on other 2-way radios.These include:• 10 Memory Storage Location and Recall• Memory Scan• Dual Watch• Channel/Sub Channel Scan• Tone Indicator Settings:– Key Stroke Tone– Talk Confirmation Tone• Lock KeyAdvancedFeaturesTurningWeather AlertON or OFFTurning Weather Alert ON or OFFPress  Function Button until ( ) icon flashes.Push Channel Bu t to n to switchbetween ON or OFFThen press  Enter to lock in selection. Theradio will double beep to confirm.The ( ) icon will flash to show it is enabled.PRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASEWeather AlertWeather AlertA tone alert will be automatic when NOAA activates emergency weather notification.Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 18
Advanced Features21ProgrammingMemoryLocationsAdvanced Features20Press and release Function Button again.Main Channel and ( ) Icon will flash.Select desired main channel you wish to store(1-15) by pressing Channel Button up or down.Programming Memory Locations continuedNoteOnce you enter memorymode you can talk and listen to any channel youselect after programming is complete. See UsingMemory Locations sectionon page 24.PRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASEPress and release Function Button until() icon and a memory location flashes.Select memory location you wish to change by pressing Channel Button up ordown.Programming Memory LocationsYour microTalk Professional has 10 memory (0-9)locations for storing your most frequently usedchannels.Turn on microTalk Professional.An audible“tone”will indicate the unit is on and then theLCD will go through a 3 second self-test andthen go to Operational Mode.PRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASEProgrammingMemoryLocationsCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 20
Advanced Features23Advanced Features22Programming Memory Locations continuedYour microTalk Professional will stay in the sub-channel section until you:Press and release Enter Button to return toOperational Mode.or...Press and release Function Button to pro-ceed to next Function Mode (Scan).NoteIf you push and hold theFunction Button,the LCDdisplay will cycle throughthe different functions.ProgrammingMemoryLocations Press the  Function button to set the mainchannel in memory and move to subchannelselection. The subchannel begins flashing.The( ) icon will remain flashing.Se l e ctd e s i r ed subchannel you wish to sto r e (00-38) by p u s h i n g Channel Bu t ton up or dow n .PRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASEProgrammingMemoryLocationsNotePress and hold the Up/Down channel button for fast channel advance.NoteYou can push and hold theTalk Bu t t on to begin talki n ga n y t i m e .Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 22
Advanced Features25Advanced Features24Press and hold PTT button and talk.Your radiowill stay on this recalled location until you exitout of memory function mode.Repeat step 2 for recalling other memorylocations.To exit the Memory Mode and return toOperational Mode:Press and release Enter button.Using Memory Locations continuedUsing MemoryLocations PRESS ANDHOLDPRESS ANDRELEASESelect desired memory location you wish torecall (0-9) by pushing the Channel button.Press and release Function Button until() icon and a memory location flashes.Memory Channel Recall/TalkTo recall a channel in memory:PRESS ANDRELEASEPRESS ANDRELEASEUsing MemoryLocations Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 24
Advanced Features27Advanced Features26Press Channel button and the unit willbegin scanning the main channels.Unit will co n tinue to scan all main channels ands top if an incoming transmission is dete c te d.Your microTalk Professional will pick it up for 10seconds.Within 10 seconds you can:Press and hold Talk button and talk. Yourradio will return to operational mode on that channel.or...Press Channel button to rescan the mainchannel.or...Proceed to subchannel scan on next page.Scan Function continuedScan FunctionPRESS Scan FunctionTurn on microTalk Professional. An audible“tone”will indicate the unit is on and then theLCD will go through a 3 second self-test andthen go to Operational Mode.Press and release Function button until() icon and Main Channel flashes.PRESS ANDRELEASENoteThe microTalk Professional“zeros out” the subchannelsto allow scanning of themain channels.Scan FunctionCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 26
Advanced Features29Memory Scan FunctionMe m o ry Scan co n ve n i e n tly allows you to access fre-q u e n tly used channel and sub-channel co m b i n at i o n s .Turn on your microTalk Professional 2- wayradio. An audible “tone”will indicate the unit ison.The LCD will go through a 3 second selftest and then go to operational mode.Memory ScanFunctionPress and release Function Button untilMEM and SCAN icons  flash.Advanced Features28PRESS ANDRELEASEPress and release Function Button and subchannel and scan icon will flash.To scan subchannels:Press and release  Channel button andsubchannel scanning begins and stops whenan incoming transmission is detected.Your microTalk Professional will pick it up for 10seconds.Within 10 seconds you can:Press and hold Talk Bu t t on and talk.Your ra d i owill re t u r n to ope r ational mode on that channel.o r,To exit the Scan Mode and re t u r n to O pe rational Mod e,p r ess and re l e a s e EnterBu t to n .PRESS PRESS ANDRELEASENoteIf you wish to proceed to then e xt function mod e,p u s hand release Fu n c tion Bu t to n .( M e m o ry Sca n ) .Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:18 PM  Page 28
Advanced FeaturesAdvanced FeaturesButton ToneTo activate press Enter Button until confirmation beep and ( )icon appears.To deactivate press Enter Button until confir-mation beep and ( )icon disappears.PRESS ANDHOLD30 31Button ToneSettingsTalk Confirmation Tone IndicatorTo te m po ra rily eliminate the Talk Co n f i rm a tion To n e :PRESS ANDRELEASENoteWhen pressing the radio but-to n ,the user will now hearan audible to n e.Press Channel button to begin the scan mode.The radio will stop at the first memorylocation for 1/2 second.• If no signal is detected it will move on.• If a signal is detected, it will stay at that loca-tion for 10 seconds. If you want to stay atthat location for more than 10 seconds,pressand release the PTT button.Memory Scan Function continuedPRESS ANDRELEASEMemory ScanFunctionPress  Function Bu t to n until  flashes.Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 30
32 33Advanced FeaturesAdvanced Features32Press and hold for one seco n d Lock Bu t to n .Ifthe Beep Fu n ction is ON you will hear an audibleco n f i rm at i o n .Most buttons are loc ke d.To “unlock” press and hold for one  secondLock Bu t to n again. If the Beep Fu n ction is ONyou will hear an audible co n f i rm at i o n .Buttonsare “unlocked.”Lock FunctionThe purpose of the Lock Function is to lock mostbuttons to avoid accidental operation.To engage the Lock Function:PRESS ANDRELEASENoteCall Button,MON Button andPTT Button do not lock andare fully operational whilethe unit is locked.The unit cannot lock while inFunction Mode.Lock FunctionPress Channel Button up or down toturn on or off.To set option:Press Enter Button. This will immediatelyenter new setting and return to operationalmode.Press  Function Bu t to n.This will enter newsetting and go to new Function Mode;Wait 10 seconds. It will go to OperationalMode with new setting.PRESS ANDRELEASECobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 32
Advanced Features35Advanced Features34Dual WatchFunctionPress  Function Bu t t on to set CTC S S .C TCSS channel numbers will flash.Pre s s Channel Bu t t on up and down to select CTC S S .Press Enter Button. This will store the secondchannel and CTCSS and start Dual Watch.To terminate Dual Watch and go to Normal Mode, press Enter or PTT Button.PRESS PRESS Dual Watch FunctionDual Watch allows you to simultane-ously monitor any two pre s e l e cte dFamily Radio Se rv i ce channels.Turn on your microTalkProfessional 2-way radio. Anaudible “tone”will indicate theunit is on. The LCD will gothrough a 3 second self test andthen go to operational mode.Select first channel and CTCSScode which you desire to DualWatch. (please see page 6 )Press and release  Function Bu t to nu nt i l i con flashes.Pre s s Channel Bu t ton up and down to selects e cond channel.PRESS ANDRELEASEDual WatchFunctionCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 34
Advanced FeaturesmicroTalkProfessionalRangemicroTalk Professional RangemicroTalk Professional RangeYour micro Talk Pro fessional Radio has a range up to5 miles in GMRS. This effective range can be short-ened under some conditions.Under flat, o pen co n d i-tions you will ex pe ri-e n c e the micro Ta l kPro fe s s i o n a l’s maximum ra n g e.Range can be re d u ce dby buildings and fo l i a g ein the path of the signal.Range will be furt h e rre d u ced by densefoliage and hilly te rra i n .NoteTo achieve maximumrange the auto squelchcan be ove r ri d d e n .Re f er to Maximum Ra n g eExtender section on page 14.3736Dual Watch FunctionTo enter Dual Watch when the second channeland CTCSS are already stored, press theFunction Button until icon flashes.Pre s s Enter Bu t to n . Dual watch will be g i n .Pre s s E n ter or PTT Bu t t on to exit Dual Watc hMod e.PRESS Dual WatchFunctionPRESS ANDRELEASECobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 36
38 39microTalkProfessional  2-Way RadiosCan Make Your LifeEasier andSaferMaking Life Easier and SafermicroTalk Professional 2-Way Radio CanMake Your Life Easier and SaferChecking on travelingcompanions in anothercar.Agree on a meetingspot after an event.Making Life Easier and SafermicroTalk Professional 2-Way Radio CanMake Your Life Easier and SaferAs you become familiar with your microTalkProfessional Radio you will find many of your ownuses for the unit. Some suggestions include:Talking with fellow hikers.Keeping track of thekids in a shopping mall.Ta l king to a neighbor ora fri e n d.Communicatingbe t ween basement andf i r s t ,s e c ond or thirdf l oo r.microTalkProfessional 2-Way RadiosCan MakeYour LifeEasier andSaferCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 38
40 414140Frequency Range1 462.56252 462.58753 462.61254 462.63755 462.66256 462.68757 462.71258 462.57509 462.625010 462.675011 462.550012 462.600013 462.650014 462.700015 462.7250ChannelGMRS FrequencyChannel In MHz(Channels 1-7 shared with FRS)Frequency Range01 67.0 Hz 21 136.5 Hz02 71.9 Hz 22 141.3 Hz03 74.4 Hz 23 146.2 Hz04 77.0 Hz 24 151.4 Hz05 79.7 Hz 25 156.7 Hz06 82.5 Hz 26 162.2 Hz07 85.4 Hz 27 167.9 Hz08 88.5 Hz 28 173.8 Hz09 91.5 Hz 29 179.9 Hz10 94.8 Hz 30 186.2 Hz11 97.4 Hz 31 192.8 Hz12 100.0 Hz 32 203.5 Hz13 103.5 Hz 33 210.7 Hz14 107.2 Hz 34 218.1 Hz15 110.9 Hz 35 225.7 Hz16 114.8 Hz 36 233.6 Hz17 118.8 Hz 37 241.8 Hz18 123.0 Hz 38 250.3 Hz19 127.3 Hz20 131.8 HzCTCSS CTCSSChannel Frequency Channel FrequencyThe microTalk Professional unit represents one ofthe most advanced FM two-way radios available.FrequencyRangesCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 40
42 4343Professional  SpecificationsI.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSB. RECEIVERUNIT 1. SENSITIVITYFOR 12 DB SINAD   uV  0.25 FOR CALL SIG.DETECTION  uV  0.22. MAX. AUDIO OUTPUT @5% THD MW 5003. MAX.S/N RATIO @ 1mV RF INPUT  DB  45 4. SQUELCH a) SENS. uV  0.2 b) ATTACK TIME  mS  120 c) CLOSING TIME  mS  200 5. AUDIO FREQUENCY RESP.@ 300 HZ  DB  -8@ 2500 HZ  DB  -66. SIGNAL DISPLACEMENT BW +/-KHZ 67. ADJACENT CH.REJECTION  DB  60 8. INTERMODULATION REJECTION  DB  65 9. SPURIOUS RESPONSE REJECTION  DB  65 C.TRANSMITTER UNIT 1. TRANSMITTERS OUTPUT POWER High (2.3 W)  Low (500mW)2. CARRIER FREQ.STABILIT Y + / - p p m 3.53. MODULATION LIMITING KHZ  4.04. CARRIER ATTACK TIME mS  80 5. AUDIO FREQUENCY RESPONSE@ 300 HZ  DB -10@ 2500 HZ  DB +46. AUDIO DISTORTION  % 37. HUM and NOISE  DB  -408. TRANSIENT FREQ.BEHAVIORa) TX ON mS  30 b) TX OFF  mS  5D.POWER SUPPLY1. BATTERY LIFE (1:1:18 RATIO)  HR  202. BATTERY (6 x AA) V42Caring for Your ProfessionalRadioNever place the unit in water or in a moist place.Avoid ex po s u r e to ext r eme te m pe rat u re s .Caring for Your microTalk ProfessionalRadioThe microTalk Professional 2-Way Radio will giveyou years of service if cared for properly.Here are some suggestions:Handle unit gently. Keep awayf r om dust.Caring for Yo u rm i c ro Ta l kP ro f e s s i o n a lR a d i oNoteModifying or tampering with the radio’s internal components can cause malfunction and will invalidate the warranty.If your radio is not performingas it should,please call Cobraat 773.889.3087. Do not returnthe unit to the retailer.Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 42
44Optional AccessoriesYou Can Find These Fine Accessories At Your Local Cobra DealerIf you wish, you can order directly from Cobra.Order by phoneCall 1.773.889.3087 (Press 1 from the main menu) 8 a.m.-6 p.m. M-F CST.Order by mail or faxPlease fill out order form on next page, and mail/fax directly to Cobra.Order over the Web:www.cobraelectronics.comLimited Two Year WarrantyVox  Headset/ MicVOX (Voice Operated Trans-mitter) provides hands- freeoperation.MA-VOX                            $49.95Ear Bud Mi c ro p h o n eMi n i a t u re microphone and ear-bud for pri va t e liste n i n g.M A-EBM    $29.95 Ba t te r i e s212-001-N-001    $3.95 eachCh a rger Ad a p te rCA-45C    $10.00 Lapel Speaker/ MicrophoneRemote speaker/microphone combination.M A- S M $ 2 4 . 9 5Cigarette Lighter4 2 0 - 0 3 0 - N - 0 0 2 $ 1 0 . 0 045COBRA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants that itsCOBRA Radios, and the component parts thereof, will befree of defects in workmanship and materials for a period of two (2) years from the date of first consumer pur-chase.This warranty may be enforced by the first consumer purchaser, provided that the product is utilized within the U.S.A.COBRA will,without charge, repair or replace, at its option,defective radios, products or component parts upon deliv-ery to the COBRA factory Service Department, accompa-nied by proof of the date of first consumer purchase, suchas a duplicated copy of a sales receipt.You must pay any initial shipping charges required to shipthe product for warranty service, but the return chargeswill be at Cobra's expense, if the product is repaired orreplaced under warranty.Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply; 1) to anyproduct damaged by accident;2) in the event of misuse orabuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alter-ations or repairs;3) if the serial number has been altered,defaced or removed;4) if the owner of the product residesoutside the U.S.A.All implied wa r ra nt i e s,including wa rra n ties of m e rc h a nt a b i l i ty and fitness for a particular purpose a re limited in duration to the length of this wa rra nty.CO B RA shall not be liable for any incident a l , co n s e q u e n-tial or other damages; i n c l u d i n g, without limitat i o n ,d a m-ages resulting from loss of use or cost of installat i o n .Some states do not allow limitations on how long animplied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclu-sion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam-ages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.Cobra ElectronicsCorporation6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, Illinois 60707Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 44
4746Accessory Order Form NotesSubtotal(Tax if applicable)  Shipping/handlingTotal Tax TableIllinois residents add 7%Cook Co. residents add .75% (7.75% total)Chicago residents add 1% (8.75% total)Indiana residents add 5%Michigan residents add 4 % Ohio residents add 6%Wisconsin residents add 5%Prices subject to change without notice.212-001-N-001B a t t e r i e s $3.95 eachC A - 4 5 C C h a r ger Adapter $ 1 0 . 0 04 2 0 - 0 3 0 - N - 0 0 2C i g a r ette Lighter $ 1 0 . 0 0M A - E B M Ear Bud Micro p h o n e $ 2 9 . 9 5MA-SM Lapel Speaker/Microphone  $24.95M A - V O X Vox Headset/Mic $ 4 9 . 9 5Item # Description Cost Ea. Qty. AmountPlease print clearlyNameAddress (No P.O. Box)City StateZipTelephone (       )Credit Card No. Exp. DateCustomer SignatureCircle One: Visa    MasterCard    DiscoverAllow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.Offer valid in Continental U.S.only.For credit card orders fill out orderform and fax to:  1.773.622.2269or call 1.773.889.3087(Press 1 from the main menu)8:00 am - 6:00 pm, M-F, CST.Make check or money order (no stamps)payable to:Cobra ElectronicsAccessories Dept.6500 West Cortland St. Chicago, IL 60707Shipping & HandlingAmount of Shipping/Order Handling$25.00 and under $4.75$25.01–$40.00 $6.95$40.01–$80.00 $9.25$80.01–$120.00 $10.25$120.01–$160.00 $11.75$160.01 and up $14.50For AK,HI and PR please addan additional $15.00 for UPSshipments.Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 46
The Co b ra line of quality prod u cts also includes:• Ci t i zens Band Ra d i o s• High Ge a r™Ac ce s s o ri e s• Radar De te cto r s• Sa fe ty Al e rt™Traffic Wa rning Sys te m s• Family Radio Se rv i ce (FRS)2-Way Ra d i o sNothing comes close to a Co b r a™Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 48
“Ingenious Prod u cts for Easier Co m m u n i cat i o n .”Cobra Electronics Corporation6500 West Cortland StreetChicago, IL 60707Cobra Electronics Corp.© 2000Printed in KoreaPart No. 480-294-P-001For te c h n i cal assistance, please call our Au to m a ted Help Desk which can assist you by answering the most fre q u e n t ly asked questions about Co b ra prod u ct s.(773) 889-3087 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.A Consumer Service Representative can be reached through this same number 8:00 am - 6:00 pm,Monday through Friday, CST.Technical assistance is also available on-line in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section at or by e-mail to productinfo@cobraelectronics.comIf you think you need service call 1.773.889.3087“If your product should require factory service please call Cobra first before sending your unit in.This will ensure the fastest turn-around time on your repair .”You may be asked to send your unit to the Cobra factory. It will be necessary to furnish the follow-ing in order to have the product serviced and returned.1. For Warranty Repair include some form of proof-of-purchase, such as a mechanical reproductionor carbon or a sales receipt. If you send the original receipt it cannot be returned.2. Send the entire product.3. Enclose a description of what is happening with the unit.Include a typed or clearly print nameand address of where the unit is to be returned.4. Pack unit securely to prevent damage in transit. If possible, use the original packing material.5. Ship prepaid and insured by way of a traceable carrier such as United Parcel Service (UPS) or FirstClass Mail to avoid loss in transit to: Cobra Factory Service, Cobra Electronics Corporation,6500W. Cortland St., Chicago, IL 60707.6. If the unit is in warranty, upon receipt of your unit it will either be repaired or exchangeddepending on the model. Please allow approximately 3 to 4 weeks before contacting us for status. If the unit is out of warranty a letter will automatically be sent informing you of the repair charge or replacement charge.If you have any questions, please call 1.773.889.3087 for assistance.If You Think You Need Service2 Way RadioPR 2000WXO pe rating Instru ctions for your ProfessionalPro fe s s i o n a lCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 49
microTALK Long-Range Professional RadioImportant Information1A1FCC Licensing InformationThe PR 2000WX Professional radio operates onGeneral Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) frequencieswhich require a Federal CommunicationCommission (FCC) license. GMRS frequencieshave been allocated by the FCC for recreationaluse such as;skiing, hiking, camping, etc.For licensing information and application forms,please call the FCC Hotline at1-800-418-FORM(You need form #574)If you have any questions regarding the licenseapplication you can contact the FCC direct at1-888-CALL-FCC.FCC WarningsReplacement or substitution of transistors, regulardiodes or other parts of a unique nature, withparts other than those recommended by Cobra,may cause a violation of the technical regulationsof part 95 of the FCC Rules, or violation of TypeAcceptance requirements of Part 2 of the Rules.Included with your microTalk Professional 1Belt ClipCobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 51
Thank you for purchasing this Cobra microTalkProfessional 2-way Radio. Properly used, thisCobra product will give you many years of reli-able service.Customer SupportShould you encounter any problems with the product or not understand its many features,please refer to this owner’s manual. If, after referring to the manual, you still need help,call Cobra Customer Service at 773.889.3087.Our Thanks to YouA3Cobra Customer ServiceLive operators are available M-F 8:00 am - 6:00 pm CST at:773.889.3087 Automated Technical Assistanceavailable 24 hours a day, sevendays a week.E-mail questions to:productinfo@cobraelectronics.comCo b ra on the Wo r ld Wide We b :Fre q u e n t ly As ked Questions (FAQ )can be found on-line at:www.cobraelectronics.comThis device complies with part 15 ofthe FCC rules. Operation is subject tothe condition that this device does notcause harmful interference.Controls and IndicatorsA231010111114127911224516133668151. Detachable UHF Antenna2. Microphone Jack3. Speaker Jack4. Charger Jack5. External DC Jack6. On/Off Power/Volume Knob7. LCD Display Panel8. Speaker9 . Battery Compartment10. Talk Button11.M o n i to r / L CD Di s p l ay Light Bu t to n12. Channel Select Button13. Call Button14. Hi/Lo Lock  Key15. Function  Key16. Enter Key17. Belt Clip1 7Cobra PR 2000 manual M(4217)A  8/17/00  2:19 PM  Page 53

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