ClearOne VB402051 Auditory Assistance Listening Device User Manual 95

ClearOne, Inc. Auditory Assistance Listening Device 95


Compliance Statement

COMMUNICATION CERTIFICATION LABORATORY TEST REPORT: 73-6637FCC ID: FBIVB402051Page 46 of 58Exhibit 8Exhibit 8: User’s ManualThe user’s manual was sent as a separate pdf file.  Thecompliance statement shown below is enclosed on pages 19-20 ofthe manual.FCCThe Gentner Venture-Base Assistive Listening Transmitter complieswith Part 95 of the FCCRules.This devise may not interfere with TV reception or federalgovernment radar, and must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.This transmitter is authorized by rule under the Low Power RadioService (47 C.F.R. Part 95) and must not cause harmfulinterference to TV reception or United States Navy SPASURinstallations. You do not need an FCC license to operate thistransmitter. This transmitter may only be used to provide:auditory assistance to persons with disabilities, persons whorequire language translation, or persons in educational settings;health care services to the ill; law enforcement trackingservices under agreement with a law enforcement agency; orautomated maritime telecommunications system (AMTS) networkcontrolcommunications. Two-way voice communications and all other typesof uses not mentioned above are expressly prohibited.Industry CanadaThis device complies with the requirements of the Department ofCommunications (DOC of Canada), as specified in document RSS-210.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) Thisdevice may not cause harmful interference; 2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that maycause any undesired operation.If TV channel 13 is used in the area, the installer of thissystem shall reduce or adjust the RF radiated power so that near-by TV channel 13 receivers do not receive radio interference fromthe system. (A test with a TV receiver equipped with “rabbit-earantenna” and tuned to TV channel 13 should be conducted, at theperimeter of the user’s intended coverage area.)

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