Clarion 1200U Automotive Controller with Bluetooth User Manual

Clarion Co., Ltd Automotive Controller with Bluetooth Users Manual


Users Manual

4 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systemsSafety note....................................................... 4-2Control panel button functions ......................... 4-2How to use multi function button................ 4-4Start-up screen (model with Navigationsystem) ....................................................... 4-5Vehicle information and setting........................ 4-5How to use “STATUS” button ...................... 4-5How to use “INFO” button .......................... 4-5Warning display .......................................... 4-9How to use “SETTING” button................... 4-10“AUDIO” settings...................................... 4-12Rear view monitor .......................................... 4-17How to read the displayed lines................ 4-18Adjusting the screen ................................. 4-18Operating tips........................................... 4-18Ventilators...................................................... 4-19Automatic climate control............................... 4-21Automatic operation.................................. 4-22Manual operation...................................... 4-23Ambient temperature ................................ 4-24Rear control button (if so equipped) ......... 4-25Operating tips........................................... 4-25In-cabin microfilter ................................... 4-25Servicing climate control........................... 4-25Audio system ................................................. 4-26Audio operation precautions ..................... 4-26Radio ........................................................ 4-26FM-AM-SATELLITE radio with compact disc(CD) changer ............................................. 4-34CD care and cleaning ................................ 4-38Steering wheel switch for audio control .... 4-38Audio rear control switch (if soequipped) ................................................. 4-39INFINITI mobile entertainment system(MES) (if so equipped) .............................. 4-40Antenna .................................................... 4-49Car phone or CB radio.................................... 4-49Hands-free phone system............................... 4-50Pairing procedure...................................... 4-52Phonebook registration ............................. 4-53Making a call ............................................ 4-54Receiving a call......................................... 4-55During a call ............................................. 4-56Phone setting............................................ 4-56Voice-Activated Control System (VACS)........... 4-57Using the system ...................................... 4-57System features ........................................ 4-58List of voice commands............................. 4-59੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭
Troubleshooting guide .............................. 4-63੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭
WARNING¼Positioning of the heating or air condi-tioning controls and display controlsshould not be done while driving, in or-der that full attention may be given todriving operation.¼Do not disassemble or modify this sys-tem. If you do, it may result in acci-dents, fire, or electric shock.¼Do not use this system if you noticeany abnormality, such as a frozenscreen or lack of sound. Continued useof the system may result in accident,fire or electric shock.¼In case you notice any foreign object inthe system hardware, spill liquid on it,or notice smoke or smell coming fromit, stop using the system immediatelyand contact your nearest INFINITIdealer. Ignoring such conditions maylead to accidents, fire, or electricshock.1. “STATUS” status display button (P.x-x)2, 6, 7, 8, 9. For navigation system con-trol buttons (Refer to theseparate Navigation Own-er’s Manual.)3. Multi function switch (P.x-x)4. “PHONE” hands-free phone systembutton (P.x-x)5. “ ” brightness control and displayON/OFF button (P.x-x)10. “INFO” vehicle information button(P.x-x)SAA1095With Navigation systemSAFETY NOTE CONTROL PANEL BUTTON FUNCTIONS4-2 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭34568710911 1213Icon will be added.ページ未定KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
11. “SETTING” button (P.x-x)12. “RADIO” AM/FM/CAT band selectorbutton (P.x-x)13. “DISC” CD/DVD (if so equipped) se-lector button (P.x-x)1. “STATUS” status display button (P.x-x)2. “RADIO” AM/FM/CAT band selectorbutton (P.x-x)3. Multi function switch (P.x-x)4. “PHONE” hands-free phone systembutton (P.x-x)5. “ ” brightness control and displayON/OFF button (P.x-x)6. “TRIP” drive computer button (P.x-x)7. “FUEL ECON” button (P.x-x)8. “DISC” CD/DVD (if so equipped) selec-tor button (P.x-x)SAA1096Without Navigation systemMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-3੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭4356789 10 11Icon will be added.SRSRページ未定KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
9. “AUDIO TEXT” display button (P.x-x)10. “INFO” vehicle information button(P.x-x)11. “SETTING” button (P.x-x)When you use this system, make sure theengine is running.If you use the system with the enginenot running (ignition ON or ACC) for along time, it will use up all the batterypower, and the engine will not start.HOW TO USE MULTI FUNCTIONBUTTONChoose an item on the display using theeight-directional switchk2(or four-directional switchk6without Navigationsystem) or center dialk3and push the“ENTER” buttonk1for operation.If you push the “BACK” buttonk4beforethe setup is completed, the setup will becanceled and/or the display will return tothe previous screen.After the setup is completed, push the“BACK” buttonk4and return to the previ-ous screen.For the “VOICE” buttonk5functions,refer to the separate Navigation Owner’sManual.SAA1097With Navigation systemSAA1098Without Navigation system4-4 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭SWITCHKI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
START-UP SCREEN (model withNavigation system)When you turn the ignition key to ACC,the SYSTEM START-UP warning is dis-played on the screen. When you read andagree with the warning, push the “ENTER”button.If you do not push the “ENTER” button,this system will not proceed to the nextstep display.To proceed to the NAVI system, refer tothe separate Navigation system Owner’sManual.HOW TO USE “STATUS” BUTTONTo display the status of the audio, climatecontrol system, fuel consumption andnavigation system, push the “STATUS”button. The following information will ap-pear when the “STATUS” button ispushed.Audio ,Audio and Climate controlsystem ,Audio and fuel consumption ,Audio and Navigation system (if soequipped) ,AudioHOW TO USE “INFO” BUTTONThe display screen shows vehicle informa-tion for your convenience.The information shown on the screenshould be a guide to determine the condi-tion of the vehicle.Vehicle information display1. Push the “INFO” button on the controlpanel.The screens as illustrated will appear.2. Choose an item using the multi func-tion switch and push the “ENTER” but-ton.3. After viewing or adjusting the informa-tion on the following screens, pushthe “BACK” button to return to the VE-HICLE INFORMATION menu.For the items “Where am I?”, “GPS Satel-lite Info” and “Navigation Versions”, referSAA1072 SAA1073VEHICLE INFORMATION AND SETTINGMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-5੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭[T3] HOW TO USE "BRIGHTNESS CONTROL" BUTTONPush the "-----" button to switch the display brightness to the daytime mode or the nighttime mode.Push the "-----" button more than 2 seconds to turn the display off. Push the button again more than 2 seconds to turn the display on. Display brightness can be adjusted more precisely using the "+/-" button. (Model with Navigation system)[T3] HOW TO USE "TRIP" / "FUEL ECON" BUTTONPush the "TRIP" or "FUEL ECON" button to check trip computer information or fuel economy information. (Model with Navigation system)For more details, see "How to use INFO button" later in this section.push-button ignition switchKI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
to the separate Navigation Owner’sManual.“FUEL ECONOMY” informationAverage fuel economy and distance toempty will be displayed for reference.To reset the Average Fuel Economy, usethe multi function switch to highlight the“Reset” key and push the “ENTER”button.If the “Fuel Economy Record” key is high-lighted with the multi function switch andthe “ENTER” button is pushed, the av-erage fuel consumption history will bedisplayed in graph form along with theaverage for the previous Reset-to-Resetperiod.SAA1074 SAA1075 SAA10764-6 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭ViewKI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
“TIRE PRESSURE” informationPressure indication in ** psi on thescreen indicates that the pressure isbeing measured. After a few driving trips,the pressures for all 4 tires will be dis-played.In case of low tire pressure, the low tirepressure warning light will come onand/or a FLAT TIRE warning is displayedon the screen:FLAT TIRE — low tire air pressureTire pressure rises and falls depend onheat by vehicle’s traveling condition andambient temperature.WARNING¼When the low tire pressure warninglight is on and/or a WARNING is dis-played on the screen, check all tirepressures.Please refer to the “6. In case of emer-gency” section for repairing.¼If the system is malfunctioning, aWARNING for tire pressure will be indi-cated on the display.To confirm the details, push the “EN-TER” button.¼When a spare tire is mounted or awheel is replaced, the pressure will notbe indicated and the low tire pressurewarning system will not function. Con-tact your INFINITI dealer as soon aspossible for tire replacement and/orsystem resetting.“TRIP COMPUTER” informationElapsed Time, Driving Distance and Av-erage Speed will be displayed.To reset, use the multi function switch tohighlight the “Reset” key and push the“ENTER” button immediately beforedriving the vehicle.SAA1077 SAA1078Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-7੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
“MAINTENANCE” informationTo set the maintenance interval for theEngine Oil, Oil Filter, Tire Rotation orOther Reminder, choose an item using themulti function switch and push the “EN-TER” button.You can also set to display a message toremind you that the maintenance needsto be performed.The following example shows how to setthe engine oil change interval. Use thesame steps to set the other maintenanceinformation.1. Reset the driving distance to the newmaintenance schedule.2. Set the interval (mileage) of the main-tenance schedule. To determine therecommended maintenance interval,refer to your “INFINITI Service andMaintenance Guide”.3. To display the MAINTENANCE INFOR-MATION automatically when the settrip distance is reached, highlight the“Interval Reminder” key with themulti function switch and push the“ENTER” button.4. To return the display to MAINTENANCEINFO., push the “BACK” button.Maintenance information display cannotbe operated when the vehicle is moving.Stop the vehicle in a safe place to see theinformation.SAA1079 SAA10804-8 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
MAINTENANCE NOTICE:The “MAINTENANCE NOTICE” screen (“EN-GINE OIL”, “Tire Rotation”, “Oil Filter” or“Other Reminder”) will be automaticallydisplayed as shown when both of the fol-lowing conditions are met:¼the vehicle is driven the set distanceand the ignition key is turned OFF.¼the ignition key is turned ON the nexttime the vehicle will be driven.To return to the previous display after the“MAINTENANCE NOTICE” screen is dis-played, push the BACK button.The “MAINTENANCE NOTICE” screen dis-plays each time the key is turned ON untilone of the following conditions are met:¼“RESET Distance” is selected.¼“Interval Reminder” is set OFF.¼the maintenance interval is set again.WARNING DISPLAYThis display will appear when the door isnot securely closed while driving over 3MPH (5 km/h).This display will disappear when the ve-hicle speed slows down under 3 MPH (5km/h) even if the door is not securelyclosed yet.Make sure to stop the vehicle and closethe door securely.SAA0858 SAA0863Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-9੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭push-button ignition switchto LOCKtoKI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
HOW TO USE “SETTING” BUTTONThe display as illustrated will appearwhen the “SETTING” button is pushed.For “Navigation” settings, refer to theseparate Navigation Owner’s Manual.“REAR DISPLAY” settings (if soequipped)The following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “Rear Display” key and pushing the“ENTER” button.Rear display open:When this item is turned to ON, the reardisplay opens. When the push-button ig-nition switch is turned to the ACC or ONposition, the rear display is flipped downautomatically. When the push-button igni-tion switch is turned to the LOCK position,SAA1081 SAA1082 SAA10834-10 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
the rear display is closed automatically ifON is selected.Headphone mode:To allow the use of the wireless head-phones originally equipped with the ve-hicle, turn this item to the ON position.For more details, see “Headphones” laterin this section.Rear display:The following screens are able to be se-lected for the rear display.DVD ,+AUX ,+Map“DISPLAY” settingsThe following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selecting“Display” key and pushing the “ENTER”button.Display:To turn off the screen, push the “ENTER”button and turn the “Display ON” indi-cator off, then push the “BACK” button.The other method is to push the “ ”button for more than 2 seconds.When any mode button is pushed withthe screen off, the screen turns on for fur-ther operation. The screen will turn off au-tomatically 5 seconds after the operationis finished.To turn on the screen, set this item to theON position, or push the “ ” buttonfor more than 2 seconds.Brightness/Contrast/Background color:To adjust the brightness, contrast andbackground color of the screen, select theappropriate “Brightness”, “Contrast”or“Background Color” key and push the“ENTER” button. Then you can adjust thebrightness to “Darker” or “Brighter”, andthe contrast to “Lower” or “Higher” usingthe multi function switch. Switch thebackground color to “Dark” or “Bright” bypushing the “ENTER” button.SAA1084Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-11੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
“AUDIO” SETTINGSThe following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “AUDIO” key and pushing the “EN-TER” button.Bass/Treble/Balance/Fade:To adjust the speaker tone quality andsound balance, select the “Bass”,“Treble”, “Balance”or“Fade” key and ad-just it with the multi function switch.BOSE Centerpoint (if so equipped):When this item is turned to ON, an ex-citing surround sound is generated from atraditional stereo recording.BOSE Audiopilot (if so equipped):When this item is turned to ON,Audiopilot monitors noise in the passen-ger compartment with a microphone andcompensates for any unpleasant noise.Surround Volume (if so equipped):To adjust the surround sound volume, se-lect “Surround Volume” and adjust it withthe multi function switch.Precision Phased Audio (if so equipped):When this item is turned to ON, superhigh pitch sound and super low pitchsound are emphasized and midrangesound is played naturally.Speed Sensitive Vol (if so equipped):Sound volume is increased according tothe vehicle speed. Choose the effect levelfrom OFF (0) to 5.“Navigation” settings (if soequipped)For the details of “Navigation” settings,SAA1085 SAA1086 SAA10874-12 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
refer to the separate Navigation Owner’sManual.“Volume and Beeps” settingsThe following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “Volume and Beeps” key and pushingthe “ENTER” button.Guidance Volume:To adjust the guidance voice volumelouder or softer, select the “Guidance Vol-ume” and adjust it with the multi functionswitch.Guidance Voice:When this item is turned to ON, you willhear voice guidance in the navigation (ifso equipped) operation or in other opera-tions.Phone Ringer Vol/Phone Incoming Vol/Phone Outgoing Vol:For the details of these Items, refer to“Hands-free phone system” later in thissection.Button Beeps:When this item is turned to ON, you willhear a beep sound when you click abutton.SAA1088 SAA1089Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-13੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
“Phone” settingsFor the details of “Phone” settings, referto “Hands-free phone system” later inthis section.“Voice Recognition” settingsThe following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “Voice recognition” key and pushingthe “ENTER” button.Minimize Voice Feedback:When this item is turned to ON, vocalfeedback is reduced if the voice recogni-tion system is activated.“Clock” settings (if so equipped)The following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “Clock” key and pushing the “ENTER”button.On-screen Clock:When this item is turned to ON, a clock isalways displayed on the right corner ofthe screen.Clock Format:Choose either the 12-hour clock displayor the 24-hour clock display.SAA1090 SAA10914-14 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭upperKI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
Offset Adjust:Adjust the time by increasing or de-creasing per minute.Daylight Saving Time:Turn this item to ON for daylight savingtime application.Time Zone:Choose the time zone from the following¼Pacific¼Mountain¼Central¼Eastern¼Atlantic¼Newfoundland“Language/Units” settingsThe following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “Language/units” key and pushingthe “ENTER” button.Select Language:Choose the “Select Language” key andpush the “ENTER” button. From the fol-lowing display, select “English” or“Francais” for your favorite display ap-pearance.Select Units:Choose the “Select Units” key and pushthe “ENTER” button. From the followingdisplay, select “US” (Mile, °F, MPG) or“Metric” (km, °C, L/100 km) for your fa-vorite display appearance.SAA1092Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-15੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
“Comfort and Convenience”settingsThe following display will appear whenpushing the “SETTING” button, selectingthe “Comfort and Convenience” key andpushing the “ENTER” button. This keydoes not appear on the display until thepush-button ignition switch is turned tothe ON position.Interior Lights with Door Unlocked:When this item is turned to ON, the inte-rior lights will illuminate if any door is un-locked with the interior light controlswitch in the “DOOR” position.Sensitivity of Automatic Headlights:Adjust the sensitivity of the automaticheadlights higher (right) or lower (left).Automatic Headlights Off Delay:Adjust the duration of the automaticheadlight off timer from 0 to 180 sec-onds.Speed Sensing Wiper Interval:When this item is turned to ON, the wiperinterval is adjusted automatically ac-cording to the vehicle speed.Remote Unlocks Driver’s Door:When this item is turned to ON, only thedriver’s door is unlocked first after thedoor unlock operation. All the doors canbe unlocked if the door unlock operationis performed again within 5 seconds.When this item is turned to OFF, all thedoors will be unlocked after the door un-lock operation is performed once.[Intelligent Key/I-KEY] Door Lock/Unlock:When this item is turned to ON, doorlock/unlock function by pushing the doorhandle request switch will be activated.Lift Steering Wheel on Exit:When this item is turned to ON, the steer-ing wheel moves upward for easy exit ifthe push-button ignition switch is in theLOCK position and the driver’s door isopened. After getting into the vehicle andturning the push-button ignition switch tothe ACC position, the steering wheelmoves to the previous position.Slide Driver’s Seat Back on Exit:When this item is turned to ON, the driv-er’s seat moves backward for easy exit ifthe push-button ignition switch is in theSAA1093 SAA10944-16 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
LOCK position and the driver’s door isopened. After getting into the vehicle andturning the push-button ignition switch tothe ACC position, the driver’s seat movesto the previous position.Return All Settings to Default:Select this item, push the “ENTER” buttonand choose “YES” if you want to return allsettings to default.When the selector lever is shifted into theR (Reverse) position, the monitor displayshows view to the rear of the vehicle.The system is designed as an aid to thedriver in detecting large stationary objectsto help avoid damaging the vehicle. Thesystem will not detect small objectsbelow the bumper and may not detect ob-jects close to the bumper or on theground.WARNING¼The rear view camera is a conveniencebut it is not a substitute for properbacking up. Always turn and check thatit is safe to do so before backing up.Always back up slowly.¼Objects viewed in the rear view monitordiffer from actual distance because awide-angle lens is used. Objects in therear view monitor will appear visuallyopposite than when viewed in the rearview and outside mirrors.¼Make sure that the trunk is securelyclosed when backing up.¼Do not put anything on the rear viewcamera. The rear view camera is in-stalled above the license plate.¼When washing the vehicle with high-pressure water, be sure not to spray itaround the camera. Otherwise, watermay enter the camera unit causingwater condensation on the lens, a mal-function, fire or an electric shock.¼Do not strike the camera. It is a preci-sion instrument. Otherwise, it may mal-function or cause damage resulting in afire or an electric shock.CAUTIONThere is a plastic cover over the camera. Donot scratch the cover when cleaning dirt orsnow from the cover.REAR VIEW MONITORMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-17੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
HOW TO READ THE DISPLAYEDLINESLines which indicate the vehicle clearanceand distances to objects with reference tothe bumper linekAare displayed on themonitor.They are indicated as reference distancesto objects. Displayed lines indicate dis-tances 1.5 feet (red)k1, 3 feet (yellow)k2, 7 feet (green)k3and 10 feet (green)k4[0.5 m (red), 1 m (yellow), 2 m (green)and 3 m (green)] from the lower part ofthe bumper linekA.Prospective course line (if soequipped)When the steering wheel is turned withthe selector lever in the R (Reverse) posi-tion, the prospective course linekBis dis-played on the monitor.CAUTION¼The prospective course line is highly af-fected by the vehicle position, roadcondition and road grade. Always checkaround the vehicle while backing up.¼If the tires are replaced with differentsized tires, the prospective course linemay be displayed incorrectly.¼On a snow-covered or slippery road,there may be a difference between theprospective course line and the actualcourse line.The vehicle clearance and prospectivecourse lines are wider than the actualclearance.ADJUSTING THE SCREENWARNINGDo not adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Tintand Color of the rear view monitor whilethe vehicle is moving. Make sure the park-ing brake is firmly applied and the engineis not running.To adjust the Display ON/OFF, Brightness,Tint, Color and Contrast of the rear viewmonitor, push the “SETTING” button withthe rear view monitor on, select the itemkey and adjust the level using the multifunction switch.OPERATING TIPS¼When the selector lever is shifted to R,the monitor screen automaticallychanges to the rear view monitormode. However, the radio can beheard.¼It may take some time until the rearview monitor is displayed after the se-lector lever has been shifted to R fromanother position or to another posi-tion from R. Objects may be distortedSAA10994-18 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭HOW TO ADJUSTKI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19
momentarily until the rear viewmonitor screen is displayed com-pletely.¼When the temperature is extremelyhigh or low, the screen may not clearlydisplay objects. This is not a malfunc-tion.¼When strong light directly enters thecamera, objects may not be displayedclearly.¼Vertical lines may be seen in objectson the screen. This is due to strong re-flected light from the bumper. This isnot a malfunction.¼The screen may flicker under fluores-cent light. This is not a malfunction.¼The colors of objects on the rear viewmonitor may differ somewhat fromthose of the actual object.¼When the contrast of objects is low atnight, pushing the “ENTER” buttonmay not change the brightness.¼Objects on the monitor may not beclear in a dark place or at night.¼If dirt, rain or snow attaches to thecamera, the rear view monitor may notclearly display objects. Clean the cam-era.¼Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinnerto clean the camera. This will causediscoloration. To clean the camera,wipe with a cloth dampened with di-luted mild cleaning agent and thenwipe with a dry cloth.¼Do not damage the camera as themonitor screen may be adversely af-fected.¼Do not use body wax on the camerawindow. Wipe off any wax with a cleancloth dampened with mild detergentdiluted with water. Open or close, and adjust the air flow di-rection of ventilators.: This symbol indicates that thevents are closed.: This symbol indicates that thevents are open.SAA1100FrontVENTILATORSMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-19੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ディスプレイ) P4-2∼P4-19KC5(エアコン)次頁有り
SAA1101Rear4-20 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KC5(エアコン)次頁有り
1. “MODE” manual air flow controlbutton (driver side) (P.x-x)2. “TEMP” temperature control button(P.x-x)3. “AUTO” automatic climate control ONbutton (P.x-x)4. “ ” front defroster button (P.x-x)5. “ ” automatic upper ventsystem ON/OFF button (P.x-x)6. “A/C” air conditioner ON/OFF button(P.x-x)7. “ +” fan speed increase button(P.x-x)8. “TEMP” temperature control button(available for passenger side when theDUAL mode is on) (P.x-x)9. “MODE” manual air flow button (avail-able for passenger side when theDUAL mode is on) (P.x-x)10. “OFF” button for climate controlsystem11. “ ” rear window defroster button(P.x-x)12. “ ” outside air circulation /“” air recirculation selectorbutton (P.x-x)13. “DUAL” independent control ON/OFFbutton for passenger side tempera-ture and manual air flow mode (P.x-x)14. “ −” fan speed decrease button(P.x-x)SSI0095AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROLMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-21੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭To be revisedページ未定KC5(エアコン)次頁有り
WARNING¼The air conditioner cooling function op-erates only when the engine is running.¼Do not leave children or adults whowould normally require the support ofothers alone in your vehicle. Petsshould not be left alone either. On hot,sunny days, temperatures in a closedvehicle could quickly become highenough to cause severe or possiblyfatal injuries to people or animals.¼Do not use the recirculation mode forlong periods as it may cause the inte-rior air to become stale and the win-dows to fog up.¼Positioning of the heater and/or airconditioner controls should not be donewhile driving, so full attention may begiven to vehicle operation.Start the engine and operate the auto-matic climate control system.When the “STATUS” button is pushed, theautomatic climate control status screenwill appear. See “How to use STATUS but-ton” earlier in this section.You can individually set driver and frontpassenger side temperature and air flowusing each temperature control buttonand manual air flow control button.AUTOMATIC OPERATIONCooling and/or dehumidifiedheating (AUTO)This mode may be used all year round.The system works automatically tomaintain a constant temperature. Air flowdistribution and fan speed are alsocontrolled automatically.SAA11024-22 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KC5(エアコン)次頁有り
1. Push the “AUTO” button on. (The indi-cator on the button will illuminate andAUTO will be displayed.)2. Push the temperature control buttonto set the desired temperature.Adjust the temperature to about 75°F(24°C) for normal operation.¼The temperature of the passengercompartment will be maintained auto-matically. Air flow distribution and fanspeed are also controlled automati-cally.3. You can individually set driver andfront passenger side temperatureusing each temperature controlbutton. When the “DUAL” button ispushed or the passenger side tem-perature control button is turned, theDUAL indicator will come on. To turnoff the passenger side temperaturecontrol, push the “DUAL” button.4. To turn off the climate control system,push the “OFF” button.Heating (A/C OFF)The air conditioner does not activate.When you need to heat only, use thismode.1. Push the “A/C” button. (The A/C indi-cator will turn off.)2. Push the temperature control buttonto set the desired temperature.¼The temperature of the passengercompartment will be maintained auto-matically. Air flow distribution and fanspeed are also controlled automati-cally.¼Do not set the temperature lower thanthe outside air temperature. Otherwisethe system may not work properly.¼Not recommended if windows fog up.Dehumidified defrosting ordefogging1. Push the “ ” front defrosterbutton. (The indicator light on the but-ton will come on.)2. Push the temperature control buttonto set the desired temperature.¼To quickly remove ice from the outsideof the windows, push the fan speedincrease button “ +” and set it tothe maximum position.¼As soon as possible after the wind-shield is clean, push the AUTO buttonto return to the auto mode.¼When the “ ” front defrosterbutton is pushed, the air conditionerwill automatically be turned on at out-side temperatures above 23°F (−5°C)to defog the windshield, and the airrecirculate mode will automatically beturned off.Outside air is drawn into the pas-senger compartment to improve thedefogging performance.MANUAL OPERATIONFan speed controlPush the fan speed increase “ +” ordecrease “ −” buttons to manually con-trol the fan speed.Push the “AUTO” button to return to auto-matic control of the fan speed.Air recirculationPush the intake air control button “” to recirculate interior air inside thevehicle. The indicator light on the “ ”side will come on.The air recirculation mode cannot beactivated when the air conditioner is in thefront defrosting mode “ ”.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-23੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KC5(エアコン)次頁有り
Outside air circulationPush the intake air control button “” to draw outside air into the pas-senger compartment. The indicator lighton the “ ” side will come on.Automatic intake air controlIn the AUTO mode, the intake air will becontrolled automatically. To manually con-trol the intake air, push the intake aircontrol button “ ”. To return tothe automatic control mode, push the in-take air control button “ ” forabout 2 seconds. The indicator lights(both air recirculation and outside air cir-culation sides) will flash twice, and thenthe intake air will be controlled automati-cally.Air flow controlPushing the “MODE” manual air flow con-trol button selects the air outlet to:: Air flows from center and sideventilators.: Air flows from center and sideventilators and foot outlets.: Air flows mainly from foot outlets.: Air flows from defroster and footoutlets.Automatic upper vent systemWhen the “ ” automatic upper ventbutton is pushed, the air flow against thedriver’s or passenger’s upper body be-comes gentle. The indicator light on thebutton will come on.In this mode, air from the center ventila-tors flows both straight and upward in or-der not to send air to a specific body part.To turn the system offPush the OFF button.AMBIENT TEMPERATUREThe ambient temperature will be dis-played.The ambient temperature sensor is lo-cated in front of the radiator. The sensormay be affected by road or engine heat,wind direction and other driving condi-tions. The display may differ from the ac-tual ambient temperature or the tempera-ture displayed on various signs or bill-boards.1. Auto button2. Fan speed control button3. Temperature control buttonSAA11034-24 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭ TUNETRUCKKC5(エアコン)次頁有り
REAR CONTROL BUTTON (if soequipped)The rear seat passengers can adjust theclimate control system using the followingclimate control button items in the rearseat.“AUTO” button: automatic climate controlmode on“” button: Fan speed control up(Max fan speed ,return to Low fanspeed)“” button: Temperature controlup/downOPERATING TIPSWhen the engine coolant temperature andoutside air temperature are low, the airflow from the foot outlets may not operatefor a maximum of 150 seconds. This isnot a malfunction. After the coolant tem-perature warms up, air flow from the footoutlets will operate normally.The sensorkAon the instrument panelhelps maintain a constant temperature.Do not put anything on or around thissensor.IN-CABIN MICROFILTERThe climate control system is equippedwith an in-cabin microfilter which collectsdirt, pollen, dust, etc. and it is alsoequipped with a deodorant filter to reduceodor. To make sure the air conditionerheats, defogs, and ventilates efficiently,replace the filter in accordance with themaintenance schedule in the INFINITIService and Maintenance Guide. To re-place the filter, contact your INFINITIdealer.The filter should be replaced if air flow isextremely decreased or when windowsfog up easily during operating heater orair conditioning system.SERVICING CLIMATE CONTROLThe climate control system in yourINFINITI is charged with a refrigerant de-signed with the environment in mind. Thisrefrigerant will not harm the earth’sozone layer. However, special chargingequipment and lubricant are requiredwhen servicing your INFINITI air condi-tioner. Using improper refrigerants or lu-bricants will cause severe damage to yourclimate control system. See “Capacitiesand recommended fuel/lubricants” in the“9. Technical and consumer information”for climate control system refrigerant andlubricant recommendations.Your INFINITI dealer will be able to ser-vice your environmentally friendly climatecontrol system.SAA0642AMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-25੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭SWITCH FOR CLIMATE CONTROLKC5(エアコン)次頁有り
WARNINGThe system contains refrigerant under highpressure. To avoid personal injury, any airconditioner service should be done only byan experienced technician with the properequipment.AUDIO OPERATION PRECAUTIONSRadioTurn the push-button ignition switch tothe ACC or ON position and push the “RA-DIO” button to turn on the radio. If youlisten to the radio with the engine notrunning, the push-button ignition switchshould be turned to the ACC position.Radio reception is affected by station sig-nal strength, distance from radio trans-mitter, buildings, bridges, mountains andother external influences. Intermittentchanges in reception quality normally arecaused by these external influences.Using a cellular phone in or near the ve-hicle may influence radio receptionquality.Radio reception:Your INFINITI radio system is equippedwith state-of-the-art electronic circuits toenhance radio reception. These circuitsare designed to extend reception range,and to enhance the quality of that recep-tion.However there are some general charac-teristics of both FM and AM radio signalsthat can affect radio reception quality in amoving vehicle, even when the finestequipment is used. These characteristicsare completely normal in a given recep-tion area, and do not indicate any mal-function in your INFINITI radio system.Reception conditions will constantlychange because of vehicle movement.Buildings, terrain, signal distance and in-terference from other vehicles can workagainst ideal reception. Described beloware some of the factors that can affectyour radio reception.AUDIO SYSTEM4-26 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50KC5(エアコン)
FM radio reception:Range: FM range is normally limited to 25to 30 miles (40 to 48 km), with monaural(single channel) FM having slightly morerange than stereo FM. External influencesmay sometimes interfere with FM stationreception even if the FM station is within25 miles (40 km). The strength of the FMsignal is directly related to the distancebetween the transmitter and receiver. FMsignals follow a line-of-sight path, exhib-iting many of the same characteristics aslight. For example they will reflect off ob-jects.Fade and drift: As your vehicle movesaway from a station transmitter, the sig-nals will tend to fade and/or drift.Static and flutter: During signal interfer-ence from buildings, large hills or due toantenna position, usually in conjunctionwith increased distance from the stationtransmitter, static or flutter can be heard.This can be reduced by adjusting thetreble control counterclockwise to reducetreble response.Multipath reception: Because of the re-flective characteristics of FM signals, di-rect and reflected signals reach the re-ceiver at the same time. The signals maycancel each other, resulting in momentaryflutter or loss of sound.AM radio reception:AM signals, because of their low fre-quency, can bend around objects andskip along the ground. In addition, thesignals can be bounced off the iono-sphere and bent back to earth. Becauseof these characteristics. AM signals arealso subject to interference as they travelfrom transmitter to receiver.Fading: Occurs while the vehicle ispassing through freeway underpasses orin areas with many tall buildings. It canalso occur for several seconds duringionospheric turbulence even in areaswhere no obstacles exist.Static: Caused by thunderstorms, elec-trical power lines, electric signs and eventraffic lights.Satellite radio reception:When the satellite radio (if so equipped)is first installed or the battery has beenreplaced, the satellite radio may not workproperly. This is not a malfunction. Waitmore than 10 minutes with satellite radioON for satellite radio to receive all of thenecessary data.No satellite radio reception is availableand “NO SAT” is displayed when the SATband option is selected unless optionalsatellite receiver and antenna are in-stalled (retrofit unavailable without fac-tory satellite radio pre-wiring), and anXM or SIRIUSTMsatellite radio servicesubscription is active.Satellite radio performance may be af-fected if cargo carried on the roof blocksthe satellite radio signal.If possible, do not put cargo over the sat-ellite antenna.SAA0306Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-27੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭CATSRKI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Compact Disc (CD) player¼During cold weather or rainy days, theplayer may malfunction due to the hu-midity. If this occurs, remove the CDand dehumidify or ventilate the playercompletely.¼The player may skip while driving onrough roads.¼The CD player sometimes cannot func-tion when the passenger compartmenttemperature is extremely high. De-crease the temperature before use.¼Only use high quality 4.7 inches (12cm) round discs that have the “COM-PACT disc DIGITAL AUDIO” logo onthe disc or packaging.¼Do not expose the CD to direct sun-light.¼CDs that are of poor quality, dirty,scratched, covered with fingerprints,or that have pin holes may not workproperly.¼The following CDs may not work prop-erly:- Copy control compact discs (CCCD)- Recordable compact discs (CD-R)- Rewritable compact discs (CD-RW)¼Do not use the following CDs as theymay cause the CD player to malfunc-tion.- 8 cm (3.1 in) discs with an adapter- CDs that are not round- CDs with a paper label- CDs that are warped, scratched, orhave abnormal edges¼CDs with MP3 or WMA format cannotbe written by this audio system.¼If the CD cannot be played, one of thefollowing messages will be displayed.CHECK DISC:- Confirm that the CD is inserted cor-rectly (the label side is facing up,etc.).- Confirm that the CD is not bent orwarped and it is free of scratches.PUSH EJECT:This is an error due to the tempera-ture inside the player is too high. Re-move the CD by pushing the EJECTbutton, and after a short time reinsertthe CD. The CD can be played whenthe temperature of the player returnsto normal.UNPLAYABLE:The file is unplayable in this audiosystem (only MP3 CD).SAA04804-28 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Compact Disc with MP3 or WMATerms:¼MP3 — MP3 is short for Moving Pic-tures Experts Group Audio Layer 3.MP3 is the most well known com-pressed digital audio file format. Thisformat allows for near “CD quality”sound, but at a fraction of the size ofnormal audio files. MP3 conversion ofan audio track from CD-ROM can re-duce the file size by approximately10:1 ratio with virtually no perceptibleloss in quality. MP3 compression re-moves the redundant and irrelevantparts of a sound signal that thehuman ear doesn’t hear.¼WMA — Windows Media Audio (WMA)is a compressed audio format createdby Microsoft as an alternative to MP3.The WMA codec offers greater filecompression than the MP3 codec, en-abling storage of more digital audiotracks in the same amount of spacewhen compared to MP3s at the samelevel of quality.¼Bit rate — Bit rate denotes the numberof bits per second used by a digitalmusic files. The size and quality of acompressed digital audio file is deter-mined by the bit rate used when en-coding the file.¼Sampling frequency — The rate atwhich the samples of a signal are con-verted from analog to digital (A/D con-version) per second.¼Multisession — Multisession is one ofthe methods for writing data to media.Writing data once to the media iscalled a single session, and writingmore than once is called a multises-sion.¼ID3 Tag — The ID3 tag is the part ofthe encoded MP3 or WMA file thatcontains information about the digitalmusic file such as song title, artist, al-bum title, encording bit rate, tracktime duration, etc. ID3 tag informationis displayed on the Album/Artist/Tracktitle line on the display.* Windows and Windows Media areregistered trademarks and trademarksin the United States of America andother countries of Microsoft Corpora-tion of the USA.Playback order:Playback order of the CD with MP3 orWMA is as illustrated above.¼The folder names of folders not con-SAA1025Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-29੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
taining MP3/WMA files are not shown in the display.¼If there is a file in the top level of the disc, “ROOT” is displayed.¼The playback order is the order in which the files were written by the writing soft-ware, so the files might not play in the desired order.4-30 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Specification chart:Supported media CD, CD-R, CD-RWSupported file systemsISO9660 LEVEL1, ISO9660 LEVEL2, Romeo, Joliet* ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not sup-ported.Supported versions*MP3Version MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2.5Sampling frequency 8 kHz - 48 kHzBit rate 8 kbps - 320 kbps, VBRWMAVersion WMA7, WMA8, WMA9Sampling frequency 32 kHz - 48 kHzBit rate 48 kbps - 192 kbps, VBRTag information ID3 tag VER1.0, VER1.1, VER2.2, VER2.3 (MP3 only)Folder levels Folder levels: 8, Folders: 255 (including routefolder), Files: 512Text character number limitation 128 charactersDisplayable character codes01: ASCII, 02: ISO-8859-1, 03: UNICODE (UTF-16BOM Big Endian), 04: UNICODE (UTF-16 Non-BOMBig Endian), 05: (UTF-8), 06: UNICODE (Non-UTF-16BOM Little Endian)* Files created with a combination of 48 kHz sampling frequency and 64 kbps bit ratecannot be played.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-31੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Troubleshooting guide:Symptom Cause and CountermeasureCannot playCheck if the disc was inserted correctly.Check if the disc is scratched or dirty.Check if there is condensation inside the player, and if there is, wait until the condensation is gone (about 1 hour) before us-ing the player.If there is a temperature increase error, the CD player will play correctly after it returns to the normal temperature.If there is a mixture of music CD files (CD-DA data) and MP3/WMA files on a CD, only the music CD files (CD-DA data) will beplayed.Files with extensions other than “.MP3”, “.WMA”, “.mp3” or “.wma” cannot be played. In addition, the character codes andnumber of characters for folder names and file names should be in compliance with the specifications.Poor sound quality Check if the disc is scratched or dirty.It takes a relatively long time be-fore the music starts playing.If there are many folder or file levels on the MP3/WMA disc, or if it is a multisession disc, some time may be required beforethe music starts playing.Music cuts off or skips The writing software and hardware combination might not match, or the writing speed, writing depth, writing width, etc., mightnot match the specifications. Try using the slowest writing speed.Skipping with high bit rate files Skipping may occur with large quantities of data, such as for high bit rate data.Move immediately to the nextsong when playing.When a non-MP3/WMA file has been given an extension of “.MP3”, “.WMA”, “.mp3” or “.wma”, or when play is prohibited bycopyright protection, there will be approximately 5 seconds of no sound and then the player will skip to the next song.The songs do not play back in thedesired order.The playback order is the order in which the files were written by the writing software, so the files might not play in the de-sired order.4-32 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
1. ON⋅OFF/VOLUME button (P.x-x)2. Radio station and CD selector button(P.x-x)3. Clock (P.x-x)4. Radio tuning / MP3 folder selector /AUDIO control knob (P.x-x)5. CD LOAD button (P.x-x)6. Radio PRESET A-B-C selector button(P.x-x)7. Radio CAT (category) / CD RPT (repeat)play button (P.x-x)8. REW (rewind) button for SEEK/TRACK(P.x-x)9. FF (fast forward) button forSEEK/TRACK (P.x-x)SSI0096Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-33੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭10. CD EJECT button (P.x-x)ページ未定KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
FM-AM-SATELLITE RADIO WITHCOMPACT DISC (CD) CHANGERNo satellite radio reception is availableand “NO SAT” is displayed when the SATbutton is pressed to select satellite radiostation unless optional satellite receiverand antenna are installed (retrofit unavail-able without factory satellite radio pre-wiring), and an XM or SIRIUSTMsatelliteradio service subscription is active.Audio main operationHead unit:The radio has an FM diversity receptionsystem, which employs two antennasprinted on the rear window. This systemautomatically switches to the antennawhich is receiving less interference.The auto loudness circuit enhances thelow frequency range automatically in bothradio reception and tape and CD play-back.ON⋅OFF/Volume control:Turn the push-button ignition switch tothe ACC or ON position, and then pushthe ON⋅OFF/VOLUME control knob whilethe system is off to call up the mode (ra-dio, tape or CD) which was playing imme-diately before the system was turned off.While the system is on, pushing theON⋅OFF/VOLUME control knob turns thesystem off.Turn the ON⋅OFF/VOLUME control knob toadjust the volume.This vehicle has some sound effect func-tions as follows (if so equipped):¼BOSE Centerpoint¼BOSE Audiopilot¼Precision Phased Audio¼Speed sensitive VolumeFor more details, see “Vehicle informationand settings” earlier in this section.Adjusting tone quality and speakerbalance:To adjust Bass, Treble, Balance andFader, refer to “How to use SETTINGbutton” earlier in this section.FM-AM-SR radio operationRADIO (FM/AM/SR) band select:Pushing the RADIO band select buttonwill change the band as follows:FM ,AM ,SRWhen the RADIO band select button ispushed while the ignition switch is in theACC or ON position, the radio will comeon at the station last played.The last station/channel played will alsocome on when the ON⋅OFF/VOL controlknob is pushed to ON.No satellite radio reception is availableand “NO SAT” is displayed when the SATbutton is pressed to select satellite radiostation unless optional satellite receiverand antenna are installed (retrofit unavail-able without factory satellite radio pre-wiring), and an XM or SIRIUSTMsatelliteradio service subscription is active.If another audio source is playing whenthe RADIO band select button is turned toON, the other audio source will automati-cally be turned off and the last radio sta-tion played will come on.When the stereo broadcast signal isweak, the radio will automatically changefrom stereo to monaural reception.4-34 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭CATSRCATSRKI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
TUNE (Tuning):WARNINGThe radio should not be tuned while drivingso full attention may be given to vehicleoperation.Turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob for manualtuning.SEEK tuning:¼For AM and FM radioPush the SEEK button or totune from high to low or low to high fre-quencies and to stop at the next broad-casting station.¼For satellite radioPush the SEEK button or toseek channels of the next or previous cat-egory.PRESET select:Push the PRESET select button to go tothe next PRESET. After choosing from thePRESET A, B or C, you can select the de-sired channel using the multi functionswitch or the buttons to .to Station memoryoperations:Six stations/channels can be set forPRESET A, B and C.1. Choose preset channel A, B or C usingthe preset select button.2. Tune to the desired station using theSEEK, SCAN or TUNE button.3. Select the desired station/channeland keep pushing any of the desiredstation preset buttons ( to )until a beep sound is heard. (The radiomutes when the select button ispushed.)4. The channel indicator will then comeon and the sound will resume. Memo-rizing is now complete.5. Other buttons can be set in the samemanner.If the battery cable is disconnected, or ifthe fuse blows, the radio memory will beerased. In that case, reset the desiredstations.“SAT” satellite radio button (if the unitis so equipped):No satellite radio reception is availableand “NO SAT” will be displayed when theSAT button is pushed unless the optionalsatellite receiver and antenna were pur-chased and installed and an XM orSIRIUSTMsatellite radio service subscrip-tion is active. Satellite radio option canonly be installed in vehicles that were fac-tory pre-wired for satellite radio.The XM name and related logos are regis-tered trademarks of XM Satellite Radioinc. SIRIUS and related marks are trade-marks of Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Allrights are reserved.CATEGORY (CAT):When the button is pressed for morethan 1.5 seconds during FM mode, thePTY name of the current tuned station isdisplayed (Type A only). During this timeif the PTY data code is zero, or the data isunreadable; the display will show NONE.When the RPT/CAT button is pressed formore than 1.5 seconds during the satel-lite radio mode, the category name of thecurrent channel is displayed.1. CAT selection modeCAT name selection can be done byturning the TUNE/FOLDER knob in theCAT selection mode.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-35੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭[T5] Audio Text:When the "Audio Text" key is selected with themulti function switch on the display andthen the ENTER button is pushed whilethe satellite radio is being played, some text informationwill be displayed on the screen.KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Initial CAT names are stored in the stationpreset buttons to ; but thesecan be changed by pressing the stationpreset buttons for more than 1.5 secondswhen the desired CAT name is in the dis-play.2. CAT SEEK tuning modeAfter selecting a CAT name, push theSEEK button or within 10seconds. Tuning to the CAT station willstart. If you do not push the SEEKbutton within the 10 second period,the PTY mode will be canceled.Compact disc (CD) changeroperationTurn the push-button ignition switch tothe ACC or ON position, push the LOADbutton and insert the compact disc intothe slot with the label side facing up. Thecompact disc will be guided automaticallyinto the slot and start playing.After loading the disc, the number oftracks on the disc and the play time willappear on the display.If the radio is already operating, it willautomatically turn off and the compactdisc will play.CAUTIONDo not force the compact disc into the slot.This could damage the player.If the system has been turned off whilethe compact disc was playing, pushingthe ON⋅OFF/VOL control knob will startthe compact disc.CD LOAD:To insert a CD in the CD changer, pushthe LOAD button for less than 1.5 sec-onds. Select the loading slot by pushingthe CD insert select button ( to), then insert the CD.To insert 6 CDs to the CD changer in suc-cession, push the LOAD button for morethan 1.5 seconds.The inserted slot numbers will illuminateon the display.DISC PLAY:When the DISC (CD play) button ispushed with the system off and the com-pact disc loaded, the system will turn onand the compact disc will start to play.When the DISC button is pushed with thecompact disc loaded with the radioplaying, the radio will automatically beturned off and the compact disc will startto play.4-36 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Audio Text Audio Text:When the audio text is selected with themulti function switch on the display andthen the ENTER button is pushed whilethe CD is being played, the music infor-mation displayed can be changed in thefollowing order.CD:¼Disk title¼Track titleCD with MP3 or WMA:¼Folder title¼File title¼Track title¼ArtistFF (Fast Forward), REW(Rewind)/APS (AutomaticProgram Search) FF, APSREW:When the (rewind) or (fast for-ward) button is pushed for more than 1.5seconds while the compact disc is beingplayed, the compact disc will play whilefast forwarding or rewinding. When thebutton is released, the compact disc willreturn to normal play speed.When the or button is pushedfor less than 1.5 seconds while the com-pact disc is being played, the tracks inthe CD will be changed.CD PLAY select buttons:To change CD, push the CD play selectbuttons (1 to 6).REPEAT (RPT):When the RPT button is pushed while thecompact disc is played, the play patterncan be changed as follows:(CD)(CD with MP3 or WMA)CD EJECT:When the CD EJECT button is pushed withthe compact disc loaded, the compactdisc will be ejected.To eject the discs selected by the CD se-lect button, push the EJECT button for lessthan 1.5 seconds.To eject all the discs, push the EJECT but-ton for more than 1.5 seconds.When this button is pushed while thecompact disc is being played, the com-pact disc will come out and the systemwill turn off.If the compact disc comes out and is notremoved, it will be pulled back into theslot to protect it. (except 3.1 in (8 cm) di-ameter compact discs)Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-37੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭Disc"Audio Text" keybelow will be displayed on the screen.KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
CD CARE AND CLEANING¼Handle a CD by its edges. Never touchthe surface of the disc. Do not bendthe disc.¼Always place the discs in the storagecase when they are not being used.¼To clean a disc, wipe the surface fromthe center to the outer edge using aclean, soft cloth. Do not wipe the discusing a circular motion.Do not use a conventional recordcleaner or alcohol intended for indus-trial use.¼A new disc may be rough on the innerand outer edges. Remove the roughedges by rubbing the inner and outeredges with the side of a pen or pencilas illustrated.1. Channel/Track/Disc/Folder up anddown switch2. ENTER switch3. BACK4. Volume control switch5. Source select switchSTEERING WHEEL SWITCH FORAUDIO CONTROL“SOURCE” select switchPush the source select switch to changethe mode in the sequence of radio PRESETA, PRESET B, PRESET C and CD changer.SAA0451 SAA11074-38 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭2STEERING-WHEEL-MOUNTED CONTROLSKI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
This source switch will not change to theDVD player.Volume control switchPush the upper (+) or lower (−) sideswitch to increase or decrease thevolume.Channel/Track/Disc/Folder up anddown switchPush the switch upward or downward toselect a channel, track, CD or folder whenthey are listed on the display.ENTER switchAfter selecting a channel, track, CD orfolder using the up and down switch,push the ENTER switch to complete theselection.BACK switchPush this switch to go back to the pre-vious screen or cancel the selection if it isnot completed. 1. Volume control switch2. Tune/Track switch3. ON/OFF switch4. Source select switch5. DisplayAUDIO REAR CONTROL SWITCH (ifso equipped)The audio system can be operated usingthe rear control switch.“ON⋅OFF” switchWith the ignition key turned to the ACC orON position, push the “ON⋅OFF” switch toturn the audio system ON or OFF.Source select switchPush the “SRC” select switch to changethe mode in the sequence of radio PRESETA, PRESET B, PRESET C and CD changer.When the CD changer is loaded, the modechanges to CD changer.Tune/Track switchManual tuning (radio):Push the tune/track switch “ ” (rear)or “ ” (front) for less than 1.5 sec-onds to change the radio frequency.Seek tuning (radio):Push the tune/track switch “ ”or“” for more than 1.5 seconds toseek the next or previous radio station.SAA1108Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-39੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭ TUNE TRACK FOR AUDIOpush-button ignition switchKI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
APS (Automatic Program Search) FF, APSREW (CD changer):Push the tune/track switch “ ”or“” for less 1.5 seconds to return tothe beginning of the present program orskip to the next program. Push severaltimes to skip back or skip through pro-grams.FF, REW (CD changer):Push the tune/track switch “ ”or“” for more than 1.5 seconds tochange the playing disc up or down.Volume control switchPush the “ ” (front) side or “ ”(rear) side of the switch to adjust the vol-ume.“” Front side: Volume increases“” Rear side: Volume decreasesINFINITI MOBILE ENTERTAINMENTSYSTEM (MES) (if so equipped)This vehicle is equipped with the mobileentertainment system, which enables youto play a Digital Video Disc (DVD), provid-ing the images and sounds both in thefront and rear display screens.WARNINGThe driver must not attempt to operate theDVD entertainment system while driving sofull attention may be given to vehicle op-eration.CAUTION¼Do not attempt to use the system in ex-tremely high or low temperature condi-tion [below −4°F (−20°C) or above158°F (70°C)].¼To avoid draining the vehicle battery,do not operate the system for morethan 15 minutes without starting theengine.The front display is designed not to showthe images while driving, as the driver’sattention must be given to vehicle opera-tion for safety. Sounds are available. Toshow the images in the front display, stopthe vehicle in a safe location and applythe parking brake.Digital video disc (DVD) systemcomponentsDVD player:The DVD slot is located inside of the cen-ter console. Insert a DVD into the slotwith the label side facing the front pas-senger’s seat side. The DVD will beguided automatically into the slot.SAA11094-40 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭あっていますでしょうか?ご確認ください。KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
CAUTIONDo not force a DVD into the slot. This couldcause damage the player.When ejecting the DVD, push the EJECTbuttonk1.Displays :CAUTION¼The glass screen on the liquid crystaldisplay may break if hit with a hard orsharp object. If the glass breaks, donot touch the liquid crystalline mate-rial, which contains a small amount ofmercury. In case of contact with skin,wash immediately with soap and water.¼Use soft, damp cloth when cleaning theMobile Entertainment System compo-nents. Do not use solvents or cleaningsolutions.¼Be sure to stow the rear display when itis not used.Use the remote controller to operate therear display.1. Push the REAR DISPLAY OPEN/CLOSEbutton on the remote controller toopen or close the display.2. Adjust the display angle by pushingthe DISPLAY TILT button or.CAUTIONDo not touch the display when it is openingor closing.SAA1111Front displaySAA0719ARear displayMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-41੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Headphones:Headphones are a wireless type and nocables are necessary. You can use themin almost all the ranges in the rear seat.(It is not possible to use the headphonesin the front seat.)Power ON/OFF:Push the POWER button to turn the head-phones on or off.Volume control:Turn the volume control knob to adjustthe volume.The headphones will automatically beturned off in 30 seconds if there is nosound during that period. To prevent thebattery from being discharged, keep thepower supply turned off when not in use.Remote controller:The remote controller has the followingcontrols:1. REAR DISPLAY OPEN/CLOSE buttonSAA0720 SAA0721SAA11104-42 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
2. Multi function switch3. ENTER button4. DVD button6. VOLUME CONTROL button ( or)7. Headphones button8. RADIO button9. DISPLAY TILT button10. BACK button11. Aux button12. ASPECT button13. SOUND button14. Keypad15. CD buttonRemote control and headphonesbattery replacementReplace the battery as follows:1. Open the lid.2. Replace both batteries with new ones.¼Size AA (remote control)¼Size AAA (headphones)Make sure that the ᮍand ᮎends on thebatteries match the markings inside thecompartment.3. Close the lid securely.If the battery is removed for any reasonother than replacement, perform step 3above.¼If you will not be using the remotecontrol for long periods of time, re-move the batteries.¼Replacement of the batteries isneeded when the remote control onlyfunctions at extremely close distancesSAA0978 SAA0723Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-43੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭5. DISP buttonJoystickAUXKI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
to the MES or not at all.¼Be careful not to touch the batteryterminal.¼An improperly disposed battery canharm the environment. Always confirmlocal regulations for battery disposal.¼When changing batteries, do not letdust or oil get on the remote controland headphones.FCC Notice:Changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the manufacturer compliancecould void the user’s authority to operatethe equipment. This device complies withPart 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 ofIndustry Canada. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: (1) This de-vice may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any inter-ference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation ofthe device.Before operating the DVDentertainment systemPrecautions:Start the engine when using the DVD en-tertainment system.CAUTION¼Only operate the DVD while the vehicleengine is running. Operating the DVDfor extended periods of time with theengine OFF can discharge the vehiclebattery.¼Do not allow the system to get wet. Ex-cessive moisture such as spilled liquidsmay cause the system to malfunction.¼The driver must not attempt to wear theheadphones while the vehicle is in mo-tion so that full attention may be givento vehicle operation.¼While playing video CD media, this DVDplayer does not guarantee completefunctionality of all video CD formats.Disc selection:Use DVDs with a region code “2” or “ALL”for your DVD entertainment system. (Theregion code is displayed as a smallsymbol printed on the top of the DVD.)This vehicle-installed DVD player cannotplay DVDs with a region code other than“2” or “ALL”.Display settings:To adjust the display mode, push the“DISP” (Display) button on the remotecontroller.To adjust the display brightness, tint,color and contrast, select each key usingthe multi function switch and tilt the multifunction switch to right or left.Push the BACK button to apply the set-tings and return to the previous display.Playing a digital video disc (DVD)Push the “DISC” button on the instrumentpanel and turn the display to the DVDmode.When a DVD is loaded, it will be replayedautomatically. To operate the DVD player,push the “DISC” button on the instrumentpanel or the “DVD” button on the remotecontroller while a DVD is being played.4-44 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭rearjoystickKI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
After the setup is finished, push the“BACK” button and return to the DVD playback screen.Select each “Display” key by using themulti function switch and push the ENTERbutton located on the instrument panel toperform the operation.The operation screen will turn off after aperiod of time. To turn it on again, pushthe DISC button located on the instru-ment panel.PAUSE:Select the “ ” key and push theENTER button to pause the DVD. To re-sume playing the DVD, use the “PLAY”key.To pause the DVD, it is also possible topush the “kA” button on the remote con-troller.PLAY:Select the “ ” key and push theENTER button to start playing the DVD, forexample, after pausing the DVD.To start playing the DVD, it is also pos-sible to push the “kA” button on the re-mote controller.STOP:Select the “ ” key and push theENTER button to stop playing the DVD.To stop playing the DVD, it is also pos-sible to push the “kD” button on the re-mote controller.SKIP (FORWARD):Select the “ ” key and push theENTER button to skip the chapter(s) of thedisc forward. The chapters will advancethe number of times the ENTER button ispushed.To skip the chapter(s) forward, it is alsopossible to push the “kB” button on theremote controller.SAA1112Operation screenMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-45੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭on when the DISC button located on the instrument panel is pushed while a DVD is being played and turn once morethe keypad ofTo operate the DVD player, select each key displayed on the operation screen using the multi function switch.KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
SKIP (REWIND):Select the “ ” key and push theENTER button to skip the chapter(s) of thedisc backward. The chapters will go backthe number of times the ENTER button ispushed.To skip the chapter(s) backward, it is alsopossible to push the “kE” button on theremote controller.Setting/AUX:Select the “Setting/AUX” key and pushthe ENTER button to adjust the followingsettings:¼AUX¼Menu*¼Top Menu*¼Audio*Select the “Audio” key and push theENTER button. Choose the languageusing the multi function switch andpush the ENTER button again.¼Subtitle*Select the “Subtitle” key and push theENTER button. Choose the languageusing the multi function switch andpush the ENTER button again.To turn off the subtitle, push and holdthe ENTER button until a beep sounds.¼Surround Information*Select the “Surround Information” keyand push the ENTER button. The sur-round information screen will appear.Push the “BACK” button to return tothe previous screen.¼Display ModeSelect the “Display Mode” key andpush the ENTER button. Choose fromthe “Full”, “Wide”, “Normal” or “Cin-ema” mode using the multi functionswitch and push the ENTER buttonagain.¼Angle*If the DVD contains different angles(such as moving images), the currentimage angle can be switched to an-other one.Select the “Angle” key and push theENTER button. When the “+” side or“−” side is selected, the angle willchange.¼Angle Mark¼10 Key Search*The scene with the specified numberwill be displayed by entering the num-ber and then pushing the ENTERbutton.¼Title Search*The scene with the specified title willbe displayed when the “+” side or “−”side is selected.¼Menu Skip¼DVD Language¼DRC¼DOWN MIX*: These items can be set from the reardisplay. Push the “DVD” button on theremote controller while a DVD is beingplayed.4-46 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭the keypad of不明なセッティング項目があります。ご指示ください。KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
1. REAR DISPLAY OPEN/CLOSE button2. Multi function switch3. ENTER button4. DVD button6. VOLUME CONTROL button ( or)7. Headphones button8. RADIO button9. DISPLAY TILT button10. BACK button11. Aux button12. ASPECT button13. SOUND button14. Key pad15. CD buttonSettings by remote controllerUse the remote controller to adjust thefollowing items.DVD/AUX/RADIO/CD MODE:To select the DVD, AUX (Auxiliary inputjacks), radio or CD mode, push the de-sired button.VOLUME:To control the volume level, push the“VOL” button or .DISPLAY SIZE:To change the display size, push the “AS-PECT” button. Each time the button ispushed, the display size will change to“Cinema”, “Wide”, “Full” or “Normal”.HEADPHONES MODE:When the HEADPHONES MODE is se-lected, the DVD sound can be heardthrough the headphones.Push the “ ” button. Each time thebutton is pushed the mode will switch toON or OFF.To control the volume of sound from theheadphones, use the VOLUME CONTROLknob attached to the headphones.Sound:To change the language, push the“SOUND” button. Each time the button ispushed, the language will change to eachlanguage stored in the DVD.Care and maintenanceUse a lightly dampened, lint free cloth toclean the surfaces of your Mobile Enter-tainment System. (DVD player face,screen, remote controller, etc.)SAA1110Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-47੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
CAUTION¼Do not use any solvents or cleaning so-lutions when cleaning the videosystem.¼Do not use excessive force on themonitor screen.¼Avoid touching or scratching themonitor screen as it may become dirtyor damaged.¼Do not attempt to operate the systemin extreme temperature conditions [be-low −4°F (−20°C) and above 158°F(70°C)].¼Do not attempt to operate the systemin extreme humidity conditions (lessthan 10% or more than 75%).How to handle the DVDCAUTION¼Handle a DVD by its edges. Never touchthe surface of the disc.¼To clean a disc, wipe the surface fromthe center to the outer edge using aclean, soft cloth. Do not wipe the discusing a circular motion.¼Do not use a conventional recordcleaner, benzine, thinner or alcohol in-tended for industrial use.¼A new disc may be rough on its innerand outer edges. Remove the roughedges using the side of a pen or pencilas illustrated.¼Never attempt to use a DVD that hasbeen cracked, deformed, or repairedusing adhesive. Doing so may causedamage to the equipment.¼Handle the DVD carefully to avoid con-tamination or flaws. Otherwise, sig-nals may not be read properly.¼Do not write, draw or attach anythingon any side of the DVD.¼Do not store the DVD in locations withdirect sunlight or in high temperaturesor humidity.¼Always place discs in the storage casewhen they are not being used.¼Do not put on any sticker or write any-thing on either surface of the DVD.SAA04514-48 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
Auxiliary input jacksThe auxiliary input jacks are located onthe rear side of the center console. Com-patible devices such as video games,camcorders and portable video playerscan be connected to the auxiliary jacks.The auxiliary jacks are color coded foridentification purposes.¼Yellow - video input¼White - left channel audio input¼Red - right channel audio inputBefore connecting a device to a jack,power off the portable device and turn offthe DVD player.ANTENNAWindow antennaThe antenna pattern is printed inside therear window.CAUTION¼Do not place metalized film near therear window glass or attach any metalparts to it. This may cause poor recep-tion or noise.¼When cleaning the inside of the rearwindow, be careful not to scratch ordamage the rear window antenna.Lightly wipe along the antenna with adampened soft cloth.When installing a car phone or a CB radioin your INFINITI, be sure to observe thefollowing cautions, otherwise the newequipment may adversely affect the elec-tronic control modules and electronic con-trol system harness.WARNING¼A cellular telephone should not be usedwhile driving so full attention may begiven to vehicle operation. Some juris-dictions prohibit the use of cellulartelephones while driving.¼If you must make a call while your ve-hicle is in motion, the hands-free cellu-lar phone operational mode (if soequipped) is highly recommended. Ex-ercise extreme caution at all times sofull attention may be given to vehicleoperation.¼If a conversation in a moving vehiclerequires you to take notes, pull off theroad to a safe location and stop yourvehicle before doing so.SIC2773CAR PHONE OR CB RADIOMonitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-49੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭T3Move to the location (A) on the page 4-50.KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
CAUTION¼Keep the antenna as far away as pos-sible from the electronic control mod-ules.¼Keep the antenna wire more than 8 in(20 cm) away from the electronic con-trol system harness. Do not route theantenna wire next to any harness.¼Adjust the antenna standing-wave ratioas recommended by the manufacturer.¼Connect the ground wire from the CBradio chassis to the body.¼For details, consult an INFINITI dealer.WARNING¼Use a phone after stopping your vehiclein a safe location. If you have to use aphone while driving, always confirm thesafety around the vehicle and finish acall as soon as possible.¼Do not leave your cellular phone in yourvehicle when you get out of the vehicle.It is your responsibility to prevent amalfunction, deformity and theft of yourcellular phone if it is left in the vehicle.CAUTION¼Set up the wireless connection betweena cellular phone and the in-vehiclephone module before using the hands-free phone system.¼To avoid draining the vehicle battery,use a phone after starting the engine.¼Some BluetoothTMenabled cellularphones may not be recognized by thein-vehicle phone module. Contact anINFINITI dealer for a recommendedphone list.¼You will not be able to use a hands-freephone under the following conditions:- Your vehicle is outside of the tele-phone service area.- Your vehicle is in an area where it isdifficult to receive radio waves; suchas in a tunnel, in an undergroundparking garage, behind a tallbuilding or in a mountainous area.- Your cellular phone is locked so thatit cannot to be dialed.¼When the radio wave condition is toobad or ambient sound is too loud, itmay be difficult to hear the other per-son’s voice during a call.¼Immediately after the push-button igni-tion switch is turned to the ON positionor the DVD-ROM for the navigation sys-tem is inserted into the player (if soequipped), it may be impossible to re-HANDS-FREE PHONE SYSTEM4-50 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭(A):This section will be replaced with the warnings from P. 4-49KI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57KI3(オーディオ) P4-26∼P4-50
ceive a call for a short period of time.¼Do not place the cellular phone in anarea surrounded by metal or far awayfrom the in-vehicle phone module toprevent tone quality degradation andwireless connection disruption.¼While a cellular phone is connectedthrough the BluetoothTMwireless con-nection, the battery power of the cellu-lar phone may discharge quicker thanusual.¼If the hands-free phone system seemsto be malfunctioning, contact anINFINITI dealer.¼Refer to the cellular phone Owner’sManual regarding the telephonecharges, cellular phone antenna andbody, etc.Your INFINITI is equipped with theBluetoothTMHands-Free Phone system. Ifyou are an owner of a BluetoothTMen-abled cellular phone, you can set up thewireless connection between your cellularphone and the in-vehicle phone module.Thanks to BluetoothTMwireless tech-nology, you can make or receive a tele-phone call with your cellular phone inyour pocket.Once your cellular phone is paired to thein-vehicle phone module, no phone con-SAA1120Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-51੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
necting procedure is required anymore.Your phone is automatically connectedwith the in-vehicle phone module whenthe push-button ignition switch is turnedto the ON position with the registered cel-lular phone turned on and carried in thevehicle.You can register up to 5 differentBluetoothTMcellular phones in the in-vehicle phone module. However, you cantalk on only one cellular phone at a time.The voice recognition system supports thecellular phone voice commands, so di-aling a phone number using your voice ispossible. For more details, see “Voice-activated control system” later in this sec-tion.PAIRING PROCEDURE1. Push the “SETTING” button, and se-lect the “PHONE” key on the displayusing the multi function switch. Thenpush the ENTER button.2. Select the “Bluetooth Setup” key, andpush the “ENTER” button.3. Select the “Pair Phone” key, and pushthe “ENTER” button.4. When a PIN code appears on thescreen, operate the BluetoothTMcel-lular phone to enter the PIN code. Thepairing procedure of the cellularphone varies according to each cel-lular phone manufacturer. See the cel-lular phone Owner’s Manual for thedetails.5. When the pairing is completed, thescreen will return to the BluetoothTMsetup display.SAA1114 SAA11154-52 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
PHONEBOOK REGISTRATIONUp to 40 phone numbers can be stored inthe phonebook.1. Push the “SETTING” button, and se-lect the “PHONE” key on the displayusing the multi function switch. Thenpush the ENTER button.2. Select the “Phonebook” key, and pushthe “ENTER” button.3. Select the “None (Add New)” key fromthe name list of the phonebook, andpush the “ENTER” button.4. Select the “Bluetooth” key, and pushthe “ENTER” button.5. Operate the cellular phone to send aperson’s name and phone numberfrom the memory of the cellularphone. The memory sending proce-dure from the cellular phone varies ac-cording to each cellular phone manu-facturer. See the cellular phone Own-er’s Manual for more details.6. If you want to add a voice tag, select“YES” on the “Add a voice tag?”screen. For example, if the partner’sname is David, speak “David” whileSAA1116 SAA1117 SAA1118Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-53੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
the “Store voice tag” screen is on thedisplay. The “David” voice tag isstored in the phonebook. Voice tag isa useful function for easy dialing sup-ported by the voice recognitionsystem. See “Voice-activated controlsystem” later in this section.7. When the phonebook registration iscompleted, the screen will return tothe name list of the phonebook.There are different methods to input aphone number. Select one of the fol-lowing options in step 4 above.Dial Keypad:Input the name and phone number manu-ally.Outgoing Calls:Store the name and phone number fromthe outgoing call list.Incoming Calls:Store the name and phone number fromthe incoming call list.To delete an item, Select the “Deleteitem” key and push the “ENTER” button.MAKING A CALLTo make a call, follow the procedures be-low.1. Push the “PHONE” button on the in-strument panel or the “ ” buttonon the steering control switch for morethan 1 second. The “PHONE” screenwill appear on the display.2. Select the “Phonebook” key on the“PHONE” menu, and push the “ENTER”button.3. Select the registered person’s namefrom the list, and push the “ENTER”SAA1119 SAA11214-54 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭steering-wheel-mountedcontrolsKI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
button. Dialing will start.4. After the call is over, perform one ofthe following to finish the call.a.Select the “Hung up” key and pushthe “ENTER” button.b.Push the “ ” button on thesteering control switch.c. Push the “PHONE” button on the in-strument panel.There are different methods to make acall. Select one of the following optionsinstead of “Phonebook” in the step 2above.Dial Keypad:Input the phone number manually.Call Logs - Outgoing Calls:Select the name and phone number fromthe outgoing call logs.Call Logs - Incoming Calls:Select the name and phone number fromthe incoming call logs.Redial:Dial the previously dialed number again.RECEIVING A CALLWhen you hear a phone ring, the displaywill change to the ON HOLD mode. To re-ceive a call, follow the three procedureslisted below.a. Select the “Answer” key on the dis-play and push the “ENTER” button.b. Push the “PHONE” button on the in-strument panel.c. Push the “ ” button on thesteering control switch.There are some options available forwhen receiving a call. Select one of thefollowing displayed on the screen.Answer:Accept an incoming call to talk.Hung up:Reject an incoming call.Handset:Transfer the call to the cellular phone.To finish the call, follow the three proce-dures listed below.a. Select the “Hung up” key on the dis-play and push the “ENTER” button.b. Push the “PHONE” button on the in-strument panel.c. Push the “ ” button on thesteering control switch.SAA1122Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-55੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭Hangsteering-wheel-mountedcontrolssteering-wheel-mountedcontrolsHangHangKI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
DURING A CALLThere are some options available during acall. Select one of the following displayedon the screen if necessary.Hung up:Finish the call.Handset:Transfer the call to the cellular phone.Mute:Mute your voice to the person.Dial:Input specific numbers related to thepartner.To adjust the partner’s voice to be louderor quieter, push the volume controlswitch located on the steering control orturn the volume control knob on the in-strument panel while talking on thephone. This adjustment is also availablein the SETTING mode.PHONE SETTINGTo set up the hands-free phone system toyour preferred settings, push the “SET-TING” button on the instrument panel andselect the “PHONE” key on the display,and then push the “ENTER” button.Phonebook:See “Phonebook registration” in this sec-tion.Delete Call Logs:Delete all the outgoing or incoming calllogs from the listPhone Ringer Vol:Adjust the ring volume to be louder (+) orquieter (−).Phone Incoming Vol:Adjust the phone incoming volume to belouder (+) or quieter (−).Phone Outgoing Vol:Adjust the phone outgoing volume to belouder (+) or quieter (−).Automatic Hold:If this item is turned on, an incoming callwill be placed on hold automatically afterseveral rings.Use Vehicle Ringtone:If this item is turned on, a specific ring-tone that is different from the cellularphone’s will sound when receiving a call.Bluetooth Setup:See the following information for eachitem.¼Bluetooth HandsfreeIf this item is turned off, the connec-tion between the cellular phone andthe in-vehicle phone module will becanceled.SAA11234-56 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭Hangsteering-wheel-mountedcontrolsKI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
¼Paired Phone ListUp to 5 registered cellular phones areshown on the list.¼Pair PhoneSee “Pairing Procedure” in this sec-tion.¼Remove Paired PhoneDelete a registered cellular phonefrom the paired list.¼Bluetooth InfoCheck information about the devicename, device address and device PIN.The Voice-Activated Control System(VACS) allows hands-free operation of thesystems equipped on this vehicle, suchas the display, audio, climate control,phone and optional navigation systems.To operate the VACS, push and releasethe Push-To-Talk (PTT) switch lo-cated on the steering wheel. Then speakthe command for the system you wish toactivate. The command given is picked upby the microphone, and it is performedwhen it is properly recognized. At thistime the VACS will provide a voice and itis message (in the center display) feed-back to inform you of the command re-sults.USING THE SYSTEMInitializationWhen the ignition switch is turned to theON position, the VACS is initialized, whichtakes a few seconds. When completed,the system is ready to accept voice com-mands. If the PTT switch is pushed beforethe initialization completes, the displaywill show the message: “Phonetic datadownloaded. Please wait.”Giving voice commands1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON po-sition.2. Push and release the PTT switch lo-cated on the steering wheel.3. The system voice says, “Please say acommand after a tone.”4. After the tone sounds, speak a com-mand. (Refer to “List of voice com-mands” later in this section for thecommands available.)5. Voice and message feedback will beSAA1113VOICE-ACTIVATED CONTROL SYSTEM(VACS)Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-57੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭announcespush-buttonpush-buttonKI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63KI3(ハンズフリーフォン) P4-50∼P4-57
provided when the command is ac-cepted.¼If the command is not recognized, thevoice says, “Please say again.” Repeatthe command in a clear voice.¼If you want to cancel the command,push the PTT switch or the BACK“” switch twice. The message“VOICE CANCELED” will be heard.¼If you want to adjust the volume ofthe voice feedback, push the volumecontrol switches (+ or −) on the steer-ing wheel while being provided withthe feedback.Operating tipsTo get the best performance out of theVACS, observe the following:¼Keep the vehicle interior as quiet aspossible. Close the windows to cut offthe surrounding noises (travel noiseand vibration, etc.), which may pre-vent the system from receiving thevoice commands correctly.¼Wait until a tone sounds beforespeaking a command. Otherwise, thecommand will not be received prop-erly.¼Start speaking a command within 5seconds after the tone sounds.¼Speak in a natural voice without paus-ing between words.SYSTEM FEATURESThe VACS can activate the following sys-tems:¼Vehicle information display¼Audio (radio, CD and DVD — if soequipped)¼Automatic climate control¼Hands-free phone¼Navigation (for navigation systemequipped model)For the detailed operations, refer to eachdescription in this Owner’s Manual. Forthe navigation system, see a separateNavigation System Owner’s Manual.How to say numbersThe VACS requires a certain way to speaknumbers in voice commands. Refer to thefollowing examples.(General rule: Either “zero” or “oh” canbe used for “0”).Radio frequencies:Speak radio frequencies according to thefollowing examples:¼“Select nine thirty AM” or “Select ninethirty” (930 kHz).¼“Select one thousand” (1000 kHz).¼“Select ten forty” (1040 kHz).¼“Select seventeen ten” (1710 kHz).¼“Select nine seven point nine FM” or“Select ninety seven point nine” (97.9MHz).¼“Tune one hundred point five” (100.5MHz).¼“Tune one oh one point one FM”(101.1 MHz).Temperatures (climate control):Speak temperatures according to the fol-lowing examples:¼“Temperature seventy four” (74°F).¼“Temperature twenty one point five”or “Temperature twenty one and ahalf” (21.5°C).¼“Temperature nineteen point zero”,“Temperature nineteen point oh” or4-58 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭The system will announcesystem announcesKI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63
“Temperature nineteen” (19.0°C).Phone numbers:Speak phone numbers according to thefollowing examples:¼1010 - “ten ten”¼0900 - “oh nine hundred” or “zeronine hundred”¼1-800-662-6200- “Dial one eight oh oh six six two sixtwo oh oh”,- “Dial one eight hundred six six twosix two oh oh”, or- “Dial one eight zero zero six six twooh oh”.Personal vocabulary (voicetags)The VACS provides the function called“voicetags,” which can be associated withthe phone and the navigation system (ifso equipped). Using your own voice, 40speed dials can be registered in the“Phonebook” (phone) and 10 locationscan be registered in the “Address Book”(navigation system).See “Hands-free phone” earlier in thissection and/or the separate NavigationSystem Owner’s Manual (if so equipped)for the method of “voicetag” registration.LIST OF VOICE COMMANDSDepending on the commands, some dif-ferent phrases are available. Optionalwords are shown in brackets [ ]. A fewwords, identified with a slash /, indicatethe alternate words that you can selectwhen speaking the command. Data itemsthat you need to enter, such as phonenumbers, are indicated in italics withbrackets < >.How to say commandsExample 1: “[CLIMATE/CLIMATE CON-TROL] TEMPERATURE DOWN/COOLER”stands for the following commands.1. TEMPERATURE DOWN2. TEMPERATURE COOLER3. CLIMATE TEMPERATURE DOWN4. CLIMATE TEMPERATURE COOLER5. CLIMATE CONTROL TEMPERATUREDOWN6. CLIMATE CONTROL TEMPERATURECOOLERExample 2: “[PHONE] DIAL/CALL <phonenumber digits>” stands for the followingcommands.1. DIAL <1 to 16 phone number digits>2. CALL <1 to 16 phone number digits>3. PHONE DIAL <1 to 16 phone numberdigits>4. PHONE CALL <1 to 16 phone numberdigits>General commandsDialogue:¼“YES/NO”Confirms the command when asked,“Please say YES or NO”.¼“CANCEL”Cancels the command when asked,“Please say YES, NO or CANCEL”.¼“CORRECT/CORRECTION”Confirms the last group of the num-bers after entering the phone numberusing the phone enter command.¼“STORE”Stores the phone number after en-tering it.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-59੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭systemKI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63
Browsing:¼“NEXT/PREVIOUS PAGE/GROUP”Goes to the next/previous page/groupin the list displayed.Help commands¼“VOICE HELP”, “[SHOW] [VOICE] COM-MAND LIST” or “[SHOW] VOICE COM-MANDS”Gives spoken information about theVACS and displays the list of helpcommands.¼“AUDIO HELP”Gives spoken information about thegeneral audio system voice commandsand displays the list of them.¼“CD/MP3 [CHANGER/DJ] HELP”Gives spoken information about theCD changer voice commands and dis-plays the list of them.¼“DVD HELP”Gives spoken information about theDVD player voice commands and dis-plays the list of them (if so equipped).¼“RADIO HELP”Gives spoken information about theradio voice commands and displaysthe list of them.¼“CLIMATE [CONTROL] HELP”Gives spoken information about theclimate control voice commands anddisplays the list of them.¼“INFO/INFORMATION HELP”Gives spoken information about thevehicle information voice commandsand displays the list of them.¼“PHONE/TELEPHONE HELP”Gives spoken information about thephone voice commands and displaysthe list of them.¼“NAVIGATION HELP”Gives spoken information about thenavigation system voice commandsand displays the list of them (if soequipped).Audio system commandsCD changer:General: Say numbers where the fol-lowing words are placed.<disc number> 1to6<track number> 1 to 512<folder number> 1to255¼“CD/MP3 [ON/PLAY/PLAYER]”Starts to play the CD changer.¼“[CD/MP3] [PLAY/SELECT] DISC <discnumber>”Switches to the specified disc.¼“[CD/MP3] [PLAY/SELECT] DISC <discnumber> TRACK <track number>”Switches to the specified track on thespecified disc.¼“[CD/MP3] [PLAY/SELECT] FOLDER<folder number>”Selects the specified MP3 folder andplays the first file.¼“CD/MP3 [PLAY/SELECT] TRACK <tracknumber>”Switches to the specified track.DVD player (if so equipped):General: Say numbers where the fol-lowing words are placed.<title number> 1to994-60 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63
<group number> 1to9<chapter number> 1to999<track number> 1to99¼“DVD [ON/PLAY/PLAYER]”Turns the DVD player on, selecting thetrack last played.¼“DVD STOP”Stops playing the DVD (DVD systemstays on).¼“[DVD] [PLAY/SELECT] TITLE <title num-ber>”Switches to the specified DVD title.¼“[DVD] [PLAY/SELECT] GROUP <groupnumber>”Switches to the specified DVD group.¼“[DVD] [PLAY/SELECT] TITLE <title num-ber> CHAPTER <chapter number>”Switches to the specified DVD title onthe specified chapter.¼“[DVD] [PLAY/SELECT] GROUP <groupnumber> TRACK <track number>”Switches to the specified DVD groupon the specified track.¼“DVD [PLAY/SELECT] TRACK <tracknumber>”Switches to the specified DVD track.¼“[DVD] [PLAY/SELECT] CHAPTER <chap-ter number>”Switches to the specified DVD chapter.Radio commands¼“RADIO PLAY”Turns the radio on, selecting the sta-tion and band last played.¼“[RADIO] [TUNE [TO]] AM/FM”Turns to the band given in the com-mand, selecting the station lastplayed.¼“[RADIO] [TUNE [TO]] SAT/SATELLITE”Turns to the SAT radio, selecting thestation last played.¼“[RADIO] [TUNE [TO]] [SATELLITE/SAT]CHANNEL <channel number (1 to 255)>[SAT]”Tunes to the specified SAT radio chan-nel.¼“[RADIO] [TUNE [TO]] PRESET <presetbank (A to C)> <preset number (1 to6)>”Switches directly to the specifiedpreset station in the specified presetbank.¼“[RADIO] [TUNE [TO]] <frequency> [AM/FM]”Tunes to the specified frequency.Climate control commandsGeneral: Speak temperature where theword <degree> is located (60 to 90 forFahrenheit, 18 to 32 for Centigrade) in thefollowing examples.¼“CLIMATE/CLIMATE CONTROL AUTO/AUTOMATIC”Turns the climate control system onand operates it in AUTO mode¼“[CLIMATE/CLIMATE CONTROL] [SET/SELECT] [DRIVER] TEMPERATURE [TO]<degree>”Sets the climate control temperatureto the value given in the command.(When the dual mode is selected, onlythe driver’s side temperature will bechanged.)Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-61੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63
¼“[CLIMATE/CLIMATE CONTROL] [SET/SELECT] PASSENGER TEMPERATURE[TO] <degree>”Sets the passenger’s side temperatureto the value given in the command.¼“[CLIMATE/CLIMATE CONTROL] TEM-PERATURE UP/WARMER”Changes temperature increment by 2degrees. (When the dual mode is se-lected, only the driver’s side tempera-ture will be changed.)¼“[CLIMATE/CLIMATE CONTROL] TEM-PERATURE DOWN/COOLER”Changes temperature decrements by 2degrees. (When the dual mode is se-lected, only the driver’s side tempera-ture will be changed.)Vehicle information commandsGeneral: The display will be switched tothe screen given in the command.¼“FUEL ECONOMY”¼“MAINTENANCE”¼“TIRE PRESSURE”¼“TRIP COMPUTER”Phone commands¼“[PHONE] DIAL/CALL <phone numberdigits>”Dials the phone number given in thecommand.¼“[PHONE] DIAL/CALL <voicetag>”Dials the phone number registered inthe specified “voicetag”.¼“[PHONE] DIAL/CALL MEMORY <memorylocation number>”Dials the speed dial stored in thespecified memory location number (1to 40).¼“PHONE [PLAY] DIRECTORY”Dials the phone number in the phonedirectly.¼“PHONE ENTER <phone number digits>”Enters the phone number given in thecommand.¼“PHONE DISPLAY/SCREEN/MENU”Displays the phone screen (the sameresponse as pushing and holding thePTT switch).¼“[PHONE] REDIAL”Redials the phone number last dialed.¼“[PHONE] INCOMING CALLS”Shows the incoming call history (1 to5).¼“[PHONE] OUTGOING CALLS”Shows the outgoing call history (1 to5).¼“PHONEBOOK”Shows the first page of the “Phone-book” list.Navigation system commands (ifso equipped)See the separate Navigation System Own-er’s Manual for the voice commands avail-able and operations.4-62 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭registered in the phonebookKI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThe system should respond correctly to all voice commands without difficulty. If problems are encountered, follow the solutionsgiven in this guide for the appropriate error.Where the solutions are listed by number, try each solution in turn, starting with number one, until the problem is resolved.Symptom/error message SolutionDisplays “COMMAND NOT REC-OGNIZED” or the system fails tointerpret the command correctly.1. Ensure that the command format is valid, see Command list in this section.2. Ensure that the command is given after the tone while “LISTENING” is displayed.3. Speak clearly without pausing between words and at a level appropriate to the ambient noise level.4. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive, for example, windows open or defrost on.NOTE:If it is too noisy to use the phone, it is likely that voice commands will not be recognized.5. If optional words of the command have been omitted, then the command should be tried with these in place.6. If a number of commands have been given in rapid succession resulting in the message “COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED” to bedisplayed, then allow the system to recover (approximately one minute) before trying the command again.7. If the system consistently fails to recognize commands, the voice training procedure should be carried out to improve the rec-ognition response for the speaker.Displays “NO SPEECH DE-TECTED”.1. Ensure that the command is given after the tone while “LISTENING” is displayed.2. Ensure that the command is given within a maximum of five seconds from the end of the tone.NOTE:Be sure you know what to say before pushing the Voice button.Displays “VOICETAG NOTUNIQUE”.1. This response will be received when storing a voicetag if the voicetag being given has already been stored. This can be con-firmed by giving the Radio Directory of Phone Directory command.2. If this response is received and the voicetag has not been used already, then it is too similar to an existing voicetag or voicegrammar and an alternative should be used.The system consistently selectsthe wrong voicetag.1. Ensure that the voicetag requested matches what was originally stored. This can be confirmed by giving the Radio Directory orPhone Directory command.2. Delete one of the voicetag being confused and replace it with a different voicetag.Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice-activated control systems 4-63੬04.10.8/Y50-D ੭KI3(音声認識) P4-57∼P4-63

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