Cisco Linksys WAP55AG Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point User Manual WAP55AG UG

Cisco-Linksys, LLC Dual-Band Wireless A+G Access Point WAP55AG UG


Users Manual Part 2

Instant Wireless® Series14Chapter 6: Configuring the Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointThe Access Point’s settings can be configured through your web browser withthe Web-Based Utility. This chapter explains how to configure the Access Pointin this manner.Type the Access Point’s IP Addressinto your web browser’s addressfield. (The default IP address is192.168.1.246.) (Should you need tolearn what IP Address the AccessPoint presently uses, run the SetupWizard. It will scan the Access Pointand give you its IP Address.) Pressthe  Enter key and the followingscreen, shown in Figure 6-1, willappear. Leave the User Name fieldblank. The first time you open theWeb-Based Utility, use the default password admin. You can set a new pass-word from the Password tab.The first screen that appears, shown in Figure 6-2, displays the Setup tab. Thisallows you to change the Access Point’s general settings. These settings aredescribed here. Click the Apply button to apply your changes or Cancel to can-cel your changes. If you require online help, click the Help button.Firmware. This will display the Access Point’s current firmware version.Firmware can be upgraded from the Help tab.Access Point Name. You may assign any name to the Access Point, which ishow the Access Point is identified on your network.  Unique, memorable namesare helpful, especially if you are employing multiple access points on the samenetwork. Verify this is the name you wish to use and click the Apply button toset it.Figure 6-1The Setup TabNote: The Access Point is designed to function properly afterusing the Setup Wizard. This chapter is provided solely for thosewho wish to perform more advanced configuration or monitoring.Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointMAC Address. The MAC Address of the LAN interface - connected throughthe LAN Port - is displayed here.Configuration Type. This selection tells the Access Point how IP Addressesare determined on your network. If you are using a DHCP server on your net-work to automatically generate different IP Addresses to each device, selectAutomatic Configuration - DHCP. Select Static IP Address if each deviceuses its own IP Address. The Access Point’s default IP Address, Subnet Mask,and Default Gateway will appear in the appropriate fields.Fields for configuring your wireless connections, both 802.11a and 802.11g-draft are located under this information. You must configure any wireless stan-dard you are using on your network.MAC Address. The first line of data provided about both wireless standards isthe MAC Address of the wireless interface.15Figure 6-2
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point17Instant Wireless® Series16From the pull-down menu, select the type of WEP encryption you wish to use.If you are using 802.11a wireless technology, you will need to enter the keymanually. If you are using 802.11g-draft wireless technology and wish to use a WEPPassphrase, it can be a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters. Thispassphrase may not work with non-Linksys products due to possible incom-patibility with other vendors’ passphrase generators. The WEP Key can be gen-erated using your Passphrase  or you can enter it manually.  Type that here. Figure 6-3SSID. The SSID is the unique name shared among all points in a wireless net-work. The SSID must be identical for all points in the wireless network. It iscase sensitive and must not exceed 32 alphanumeric characters, which may beany keyboard character. Make sure this setting is the same for all points in yourwireless network.Channel. Select the appropriate channel from the list provided to correspondwith your network settings. This should be between 1 and 11 (in NorthAmerica) for 2.4GHz/802.11b devices and 36 and 64 (in North America) for5GHz/802.11a devices. All points in your wireless network must use the samechannel in order to function correctly.WEP. The WEP Encryption method is Disabled by default. To enable WEP,click the WEP Key Setting button.Mode. This option works only for 802.11b and 802.11g-draft devices in yourwireless network. Select Mixed and both Wireless-G and Wireless-B comput-ers will be allowed on the network, but the speed will be reduced. Select G-Only for maximum speed, but no Wireless-B users will be allowed on the net-work.Click the Apply button to apply your changes or Cancel to cancel yourchanges. If you require online help, click the Help button.Setting WEP Encryption through the Web-based Browser Utility is done byclicking the WEP Key Setting button on the Setup Screen for any type of wire-less device used on your network.This will open the WEP key setting screen. This screen is shown in Figure 6-3for 802.11a wireless products and Figure 6-4 for 802.11g-draft wireless prod-ucts. Select the WEP encryption for the type(s) of wireless technology you areusing. From this screen, you can select the type of WEP encryption to use aswell as set the WEP Key for that encryption.WEP EncryptionFigure 6-4Important: Always remember that each point in your wireless net-work MUST use the same WEP Encryption method and encryptionkey or your wireless network will not function properly.
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointThe  Status tab, shown inFigure 6-6, displays currentinformation on the AccessPoint, its settings and perform-ance.The information displayed inthese fields reflects the set-tings that you saved on theSetup tab. For any informationabout what these settingsmean, turn back to the appro-priate heading in the sectionfor the Setup tab.The Statistics tab, shownin Figure 6-7, displaysinformation on how wellthe Access Point is trans-mitting data. It shows theamount of data packetsdropped with those trans-mitted. Remember, somepacket loss is common innetworking.To update the statistics,click the Refresh button.Click the Help button formore information aboutthis screen19The Status TabFigure 6-6Instant Wireless® Series18The WEP key must consist of the letters “A” through “F” and the numbers “0”through “9” and should be 10 characters in length for 64-bit encryption or 26characters in length for 128-bit encryption. (When using 802.11a wireless tech-nology, 152-bit encryption is also available. The WEP key under this settingshould be 32 characters in length.) All points in your wireless network must usethe same WEP key to utilize WEP encryption.Once the Passphrase is entered, click the Generate key to generate a WEP key.Click the Apply button to apply your changes and return to the Setup tab orCancel to cancel your changes. To clear any of the information you’ve typedbut not yet applied, click the Clear button.The Password tab, shown in Figure 6-5, allows you to change the Access Point’spassword and restore factory defaults.Changing the sign-on password for the Access Point is as easy as typing thepassword into the AP Password field. Then, type it again into the second fieldto confirm.To restore the Access Point’s factory default settings, click the Ye s buttonbeside Restore Factory Defaults.Click the Apply button to apply your changes or Cancel to cancel yourchanges. If you require online help, click the Help button.Figure 6-5The Password TabImportant: Restoring the Access Point’s factory defaults will eraseall of your settings (WEP Encryption, Wireless and LAN settings,etc.), and replace them with the factory defaults.The Statistics TabFigure 6-7
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point21Instant Wireless® Series20The following resources require an Internet connection in order to access them.Click the Linksys Website link to connect to the Linksys homepage.For an Online Manual in PDF format, click that text link. The manual willappear in Adobe pdf format. If you do not have the Adobe PDF Reader installedon your computer, click the Adobe Website link to download this software.Firmware can be upgraded by clicking the Upgrade Firmware link. Do notupgrade your firmware unless you are experiencing problems with the AccessPoint.UPGRADING FIRMWARE:Before upgrading the Access Point’s firmware, be sure to download thefirmware from Linksys’s website at that is done, click the Upgrade Firmware link on the Help Tab. This willbring up the screen shown in Figure 6-10.Type in the location of thefirmware’s file or click theBrowse button to find the file.Then, click the Upgrade buttonto upgrade the firmware. To can-cel the procedure, click Cancelor for more information, clickHelp.The Filters tab, shown in Figure 6-11, allows you to block and allow certaincomputers, by their MAC Address, from communicating with the Access Point.To enable filtering of computers by their MAC Addresses, click the Enableradio button. To disable this feature, click the radio button by Disable.Type the MAC Addresses for those PCs you wish to allow access to the AccessPoint in the MAC Address fields. As long as Filtering is enabled, PCs withMAC Addresses not entered in the MAC Address field will not be allowed tocommunicate with the Access Point.Figure 6-10To view a log ofthe Access Point’sactivity, select theLog tab, shown inFigure 6-8.Log. To enablepermanent log-ging activity, clickthe  Enable radiobutton beside Log. The default setting for this function is Disable.If you have chosen to monitor the Access Point’s traffic, then you can designatea PC that will receive permanent log files periodically. In the Send Log to field,enter the IP address of this PC. To view these permanent logs, you must useLogviewer software, which can be downloaded free of charge see a temporary log of the Access Point’s most recent activities, click theView Log button.Click the Apply button to apply your changes or Cancel to cancel yourchanges. If you require online help, click the Help button.For help on the vari-ous tabs in this Web-based Utility, alongwith upgrading theAccess Point’sfirmware and view-ing this User Guide,click the Help tab,shown in Figure 6-9.Clicking the names ofthe tabs on the left-hand side of thescreen brings up helpfor those tabs.The Log TabFigure 6-8The Help TabFigure 6-9The Filters Tab
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point23Instant Wireless® SeriesWhen you’ve completed making any changes on this tab, click the Apply button tosave those changes or Cancel to exit the Web-based Utility without saving changes.To clear any of the information you’ve typed by not yet applied, click the Clear but-ton. For more information on this tab, you can click the Help button.Before making any changes to the Advanced Wireless tab, shown in Figure 6-12,please check your wireless settings on other systems, as these changes will alterthe effectiveness of the Access Point. In most cases, these settings do not needto be changed.The following settings are used in both wireless settings:Transmission Rates. The basic transfer rates should be set depending on thespeed of your wireless network. You can select from a range of transmissionspeeds or select Best to have the Access Point automatically engage the net-work’s optimum speed.22Transmit Power. The greater the transmit power used, the larger the area awireless network covers. To minimize the likelihood of eavesdropping by unau-thorized wireless users, do not use more transmit power than necessary to coverthe range needed for your wireless network. Try using the Router at differentlevels of transmit power, and determine how much transmit power is needed toreach the wireless client, such as a PC, or access point that is farthest from theRouter. Then select the appropriate level of transmit power (Full,  Half,Quarter, Eighth, or Min) from the drop-down menu. The default value is Full.Authentication Type. This setting allows the Access Point to authenticate com-munication with the wireless devices in your network. You may choose betweenAuto, Open System or Shared Key.  With the Shared Key setting, all wire-less devices must have the same WEP keys so that the Access Point and theclient can authenticate each other and start transmitting data. With the OpenSystem setting, any device can join a network without performing any securi-ty check. The Authentication Type default setting is to Auto, which means thatthe Access Point will automatically detect whether a wireless device is set toShared Key, Open System, and transmit data appropriately. Beacon Interval. This value indicates the frequency interval of the beacon. Abeacon is a packet broadcast by the Access Point to keep the network synchro-nized. A beacon includes the wireless LAN service area, the AP address, theBroadcast destination addresses, a time stamp, Delivery Traffic IndicatorMaps, and the Traffic Indicator Message (TIM).RTS Threshold. This value should remain at its default setting of 2,346.Should you encounter inconsistent data flow, only minor modifications are rec-ommended.Fragmentation Length. This specifies the maximum size a data packet willbe before splitting and creating a new packet and should remain at its defaultsetting of 2,346. A smaller setting means smaller packets, which will createmore packets for each transmission. If you have decreased this value and expe-rience high packet error rates, you can increase it again, but it will likelydecrease overall network performance. Only minor modifications of this valueare recommended.The Advanced Wireless TabFigure 6-11
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointThe  SNMP tab,shown in Figure6-15, allows youto customize theSimple NetworkManagementProtocol (SNMP)settings. SNMPis a popular net-work monitoringand managementprotocol. The Identification settings let you designate the Contact, Device Name, andLocation information for the Access Point. The SNMP Community settingsallow names to be assigned to any SNMP communities that have been set up inthe network. You can define two different SNMP communities, with the defaultnames being Public and Private.SNMP V1/V2c. To enable the SNMP support feature, select Enable.Otherwise, select Disable.Identification. In the Contact field, enter contact information for the AccessPoint. In the Device Name field, enter the name of the Access Point. In theLocation field, specify the area or location where the Access Point resides.SNMP Community. You may change the name from its default, Public. Entera new name in the Public field. Then configure the community's access aseither Read-Only or Read-Write.You may change the name from its default,Private. Enter a new name in the Private field. Then configure the communi-ty's access as either Read-Only or Read-Write.When you’ve completed making any changes on this tab, click the Apply but-ton to save those changes or Cancel to cancel your changes. For more infor-mation on this tab, you can click the Help button.25Instant Wireless® SeriesDTIM Interval. This value indicates the interval of the Delivery TrafficIndication Message (DTIM). A DTIM field is a countdown field informingclients of the next window for listening to broadcast and multicast messages.When the Access Point has buffered broadcast or multicast messages for asso-ciated clients, it sends the next DTIM with a DTIM Interval value.  AccessPoint Clients hear the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast and multi-cast messages.  Transmission Power. (This applies to 5GHz/802.11a devices only.) Thisoption allows you to set the power at which the Access Point transmits. Thiswill allow you to prevent transmission outside your network radius and possi-ble lapses in network security. Selecting a value other than FULL may limit thecoverage area and data rates of your wireless PCs.When you’ve completed making any changes on this tab, click the Apply but-ton to save those changes or Cancel to exit the Web-based Utility without sav-ing changes. For more information on this tab, you can click the Help button.24Figure 6-15The SNMP TabFigure 6-14
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointWhat is Ad-hoc?An Ad-hoc wireless LAN is a group of computers, each with a WLAN adapter,connected as an independent wireless LAN. An Ad-hoc wireless LAN is appli-cable at a departmental scale for a branch or SOHO operation.What is Infrastructure?An integrated wireless and wired LAN is called an Infrastructure configura-tion. Infrastructure is applicable to enterprise scale for wireless access to a cen-tral database, or wireless application for mobile workers.What is Roaming?Roaming is the ability of a portable computer user to communicate continu-ously while moving freely throughout an area greater than that covered by asingle Access Point. Before using the roaming function, the workstation mustmake sure that it is the same channel number as the Access Point of the dedi-cated coverage area. To achieve true seamless connectivity, the wireless LAN must incorporate anumber of different functions. Each node and Access Point, for example, mustalways acknowledge receipt of each message. Each node must maintain contactwith the wireless network even when not actually transmitting data. Achievingthese functions simultaneously requires a dynamic RF networking technologythat links Access Points and nodes. In such a system, the user’s end node under-takes a search for the best possible access to the system. First, it evaluates suchfactors as signal strength and quality, as well as the message load currentlybeing carried by each Access Point and the distance of each Access Point to thewired backbone. Based on that information, the node next selects the rightAccess Point and registers its address. Communications between end node andhost computer can then be transmitted up and down the backbone.As the user moves on, the end node’s RF transmitter regularly checks the sys-tem to determine whether it is in touch with the original Access Point orwhether it should seek a new one. When a node no longer receives acknowl-edgment from its original Access Point, it undertakes a new search. Upon find-ing a new Access Point, it then re-registers, and the communication processcontinues.What is BSS ID?A specific Ad-hoc LAN is called a Basic Service Set (BSS). Computers in aBSS must be configured with the same BSS ID.27Instant Wireless® SeriesAppendix A: TroubleshootingThis chapter provides solutions to problems usually encountered during theinstallation and operation of the Access Point. Read the description below tosolve your problems. If you can’t find an answer here, check the Linksys web-site at the Access Point act as my DHCP Server?No.  The Access Point is nothing more than a wireless hub, and as such cannotbe configured to handle DHCP capabilities.Can I run an application from a remote computer over the wireless net-work?This will depend on whether or not the application is designed to be used overa network. Consult the application’s user guide to determine if it supports oper-ation over a network.Can I play multiplayer games with other users of the wireless network?Yes, as long as the game supports multiple players over a LAN (local area net-work). Refer to the game’s user guide for more information.What IEEE 802.11a features are supported?The product supports the following IEEE 802.11a functions: • OFDM protocol • Multi-Channel Roaming • Automatic Rate Selection • RTS/CTS feature • Fragmentation What IEEE 802.11b features are supported?The product supports the following IEEE 802.11 functions: • CSMA/CA plus Acknowledge protocol • Multi-Channel Roaming • Automatic Rate Selection • RTS/CTS feature • Fragmentation • Power Management 26Frequently Asked Questions
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointCan Instant Wireless products support file and printer sharing?Instant WirelessTM products perform the same function as LAN products.Therefore, Instant WirelessTM products can work with Netware, WindowsNT/2000, or other LAN operating systems to support printer or file sharing.What is WEP?WEP is Wired Equivalent Privacy, a data privacy mechanism based on a 40-bitshared-key algorithm, as described in the IEEE 802.11 standard. What is a MAC Address?The Media Access Control (MAC) address is a unique number assigned by themanufacturer to any Ethernet networking device, such as a network adapter,that allows the network to identify it at the hardware level.  For all practical pur-poses, this number is usually permanent.  Unlike IP addresses, which canchange every time a computer logs on to the network, the MAC address of adevice stays the same, making it a valuable identifier for the network.How do I avoid interference?Using multiple Access Points on the same channel and in close proximity toone another will generate interference.  When employing multiple AccessPoints, be sure to operate each one on a different channel (frequency).How do I reset the Access Point?Press the Reset button on the back of the Access Point for about ten seconds.This will reset the unit to its default settings.How do I resolve issues with signal loss?There is no way to know the exact range of your wireless network without test-ing. Every obstacle placed between an Access Point and wireless PC will cre-ate signal loss.  Leaded glass, metal, concrete floors, water and walls will inhib-it the signal and reduce range.  Start with your Access Point and your wirelessPC in the same room and move it away in small increments to determine themaximum range in your environment.  You may also try using different channels, as this may eliminate  interferenceaffecting only one channel.   Also, due to FCC regulations, more power may betransmitted, using 802.11a, on channels 52, 56, 60 and 64, than on the lowerchannels.  Lastly, check the Advanced tab of the Web-Based Utility and makesure that FULL is selected in the Transmission Rate field.Does the Turbo Mode work with Windows XP PCs?No. The Turbo Mode does not work with Windows XP PCs.29Instant Wireless® SeriesWhat is ISM band?The FCC and their counterparts outside of the U.S. have set aside bandwidthfor unlicensed use in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band.Spectrum in the vicinity of 2.4 GHz, in particular, is being made availableworldwide. This presents a truly revolutionary opportunity to place convenienthigh speed wireless capabilities in the hands of users around the globe. What is Spread Spectrum?Spread Spectrum technology is a wideband radio frequency technique devel-oped by the military for use in reliable, secure, mission-critical communica-tions systems. It is designed to trade off bandwidth efficiency for reliability,integrity, and security. In other words, more bandwidth is consumed than in thecase of narrowband transmission, but the trade-off produces a signal that is, ineffect, louder and thus easier to detect, provided that the receiver knows theparameters of the spread-spectrum signal being broadcast. If a receiver is nottuned to the right frequency, a spread-spectrum signal looks like backgroundnoise. There are two main alternatives, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS).What is DSSS? What is FHSS? And what are their differences?Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) uses a narrowband carrier thatchanges frequency in a pattern that is known to both transmitter and receiver.Properly synchronized, the net effect is to maintain a single logical channel. Toan unintended receiver, FHSS appears to be short-duration impulse noise.Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) generates a redundant bit pattern foreach bit to be transmitted. This bit pattern is called a chip (or chipping code).The longer the chip, the greater the probability that the original data can berecovered. Even if one or more bits in the chip are damaged during transmis-sion, statistical techniques embedded in the radio can recover the original datawithout the need for retransmission. To an unintended receiver, DSSS appearsas low power wideband noise and is rejected (ignored) by most narrowbandreceivers. Would the information be intercepted while transmitting on air?WLAN features two-fold protection in security. On the hardware side, as withDirect Sequence Spread Spectrum technology, it has the inherent security fea-ture of scrambling. On the software side, the WLAN series offers the encryp-tion function (WEP) to enhance security and access control. Users can set it updepending upon their needs.28
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointAppendix B: Setting Up the TCP/IP andIPX ProtocolsBefore a computer can communicate with the Access Point, it must be config-ured with the TCP/IP protocol. If you know how to set up TCP/IP on your com-puters, do so now. Otherwise, use the guidelines below to help get TCP/IPinstalled on all of the computers that need to communicate with the AccessPoint. If you are unable to successfully install TCP/IP on one or more comput-ers after following the directions, contact the manufacturer of your computers'network operating system for further assistance. Check with your networkadministrator for your TCP/IP settings. The directions below provide general guidelines for coming up with IP address-es and subnet masks. Check with your network administrator to see if you needto use specific IP addresses or DHCP settings.First, each computer on the network will require an IP address, which is a seriesof numbers, separated by periods, identifying the PC on the network. To makethings simple, you should use the following numbering scheme: 192.168.1.X In this example, X is a unique, arbitrarily assigned number from 1 to 254. Eachcomputer must have its own unique X number. Note: Never use 0, 250 or 255for X. These numbers are reserved by TCP/IP for other uses. For example, if you have three computers, you could number them as follows: this case, 17, 44, and 126 are arbitrary numbers between 1 and 254. Each computer will also require a subnet mask, which is a numerical “filter”that tells a computer what kinds of TCP/IP data packets to accept. If you’re notsure which mask to use, the following mask is recommended: 31Instant Wireless® SeriesDoes the Access Point function as a firewall?No. The Access Point is only a bridge from wired Ethernet to wireless clients. I have excellent signal strength, but I cannot see my network.WEP is probably enabled on the Access Point, but not on your wireless adapter(or vice versa).  Verify that the same WEP Keys and levels (64, 128 or 152) arebeing used on all nodes on your wireless network. What is the maximum number of users the Access Point facilitates?No more than 65, but this depends on the volume of data and may be less ifmany users create a large amount of network traffic. How many channels/frequencies are available with the Access Point?Using 802.11a, there are eight available frequencies, ranging from 5.15GHz to5.32GHz.  Using 802.11b, there are eleven available channels, ranging from 1to 11.  What is Turbo mode?Turbo mode allows high-speed connections, but severely limits range.  Turbomode must be enabled on both the Access Point and the wireless PCs to func-tion.  Turbo mode is not compatible with Windows XP and may only functionwith Linksys 5GHz wireless adapters.What is the difference in range between 802.11a and 802.11b products?Overall, range will be a littleless in a typical environment,while higher speeds may beachieved with 802.11a, through-put degrades more quickly. (SeeFigure A-1.)30Setting Up TCP/IP in WindowsFigure A-1
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point1. Click the Start button, select Settings, and open the Control Panel. Insidethe Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.2. When the Network window appears, click the Protocols tab.  Then, clickthe Add button.3. Find the TCP/IP protocol in the Select Network Protocol field. Click itonce and then click the OK button.4. When asked if you want to use DHCP, choose No.5. If asked to supply your Windows NT CD, do so. NT will copy the neces-sary files to your system. You may have to switch between the AccessPoint’s Setup CD and the NT CD.6. When TCP/IP appears in the Network Protocols window, click theBindings tab. Windows will store your new bindings. 7. Click the Protocols tab. Then, select TCP/IP.8. Click the Properties button. Select the type of network adapter you havefrom the Adapters box and select Specify an IP Address. 9. Enter the computer’s IP Address and Subnet Mask. Check with your net-work administrator for your settings.10. Enter your Default Gateway if you have one.11. When you finish, click the OK button. If NT asks about WINS, ignore it. 12. When the Network window reappears, click the Close button. Restart yourcomputer when prompted.  TCP/IP has now been successfully installed. 1. Click the Start button, select Settings, and open the Control Panel. Insidethe Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.33Instant Wireless® SeriesThe following instructions are provided as examples for reference only. Forcomplete instructions on installing and troubleshooting TCP/IP and IPX, con-sult your Windows operating system documentation.1. Click the Start button, select Settings, and open the Control Panel. Insidethe Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.2. If the TCP/IP Protocol is listed for your network adapter, go to step five.Otherwise, click the Add button.3. When the Component Type window appears, select Protocol and click theAdd button.4. Select  Microsoft in the Manufacturers list and choose TCP/IP in theNetwork Protocols list. Then, click the OK button.5. When the Network window reappears, click TCP/IP. Then, click theProperties button.6. Select Specify an IP Address. 7. Enter an IP Address for the computer, along with a Subnet Mask. Click theOK button. If you do not have these values, consult your network adminis-trator.8. When the Network window reappears, click the OK button. Restart yourmachine. TCP/IP has now been successfully installed.1. Click the Start button, select Settings, and open the Control Panel. Insidethe Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.2. If the TCP/IP Protocol is listed for your network adapter, go to step four.Otherwise, click the Add button.3. When the Component Type window appears, select Protocol and click theAdd button.4. Select Microsoft in the Manufacturers list and choose IPX/SPX protocolin the Network Protocols list. Then, click the OK button.32TCP/IP Setup for Windows NT 4.0NNoottee::a Default Gateway is not required. Check with your network  administrator.IPX Setup for Windows NT 4.0TCP/IP Setup for Windows 95, 98, and MillenniumIPX Setup for Windows 95, 98, and Millennium
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point4. Select  NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocolfrom the list and click the OK button.  5. When the Network window reappears, click the OK button. Restart yourcomputer. NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol hasnow been successfully installed.1. Click the Start button and open the Control Panel.2. Double click the Network and Internet Connections icon.3. Double click the Network Connections icon.4. Right click the Local Area Connection icon and select Properties.5. If the TCP/IP Protocol is listed for your network adapter, go to step five.Otherwise, click the Install button.6. When the Component Type window appears, select Protocol, and click theAdd button.7. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list and click the OK button.8. When the Local Area Connection Properties window reappears, selectTCP/IP, and click the Properties button.9. Select Use the following IP Address. 10. Enter an IP Address for the computer, along with a Subnet Mask andDefault Gateway. Then, click the OK button. If you do not have these val-ues, consult your network administrator.11. When the Local Area Connection Properties window reappears, click theOK button. TCP/IP has now been successfully installed..35Instant Wireless® Series2. When the Network window appears, click the Protocols tab. Then, clickthe Add button.3. Find the IPX/SPX protocol in the Select Network Protocol field. Click itonce and click the OK button.1. At the Windows 2000 desktop, right click My Network Places and selectProperties. Then, right click Local Area Connection.  Choose Properties.2. If the TCP/IP Protocol is listed for your network adapter, go to step five.Otherwise, click the Install button.3. When the Component Type window appears, select Protocol, and click theAdd button.4. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list and click the OK button.5. When the Local Area Connection Properties window reappears, selectTCP/IP, and click the Properties button.6. Select Use the following IP Address. 7. Enter an IP Address for the computer, along with a Subnet Mask andDefault Gateway. Then, click the OK button. If you do not have these val-ues, consult your network administrator.8. When the Local Area Connection Properties window reappears, click theOK button. TCP/IP has now been successfully installed.1. At the Windows 2000 desktop, right click My Network Places.  Then rightclick Local Area Connection.  Choose Properties.2. If the NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol is listedfor your network adapter, click the Cancel button. Otherwise, click theInstall button.3. When the Component Type window appears, select Protocol and click theInstall button.34TCP/IP Setup for Windows XPTCP/IP Setup for Windows 2000IPX Setup for Windows 2000
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point37Instant Wireless® Series36Beacon Interval -  A beacon is a packet broadcast by the Access Point to keepthe network synchronized. A beacon includes the wireless LAN service area,the AP address, the Broadcast destination addresses, a time stamp, DeliveryTraffic Indicator Maps, and the Traffic Indicator Message (TIM).Bit - A binary digit. The value - 0 or 1-used in the binary numbering system.Also, the smallest form of data.Boot - To cause the computer to start executing instructions. Personal comput-ers contain built-in instructions in a ROM chip that are automatically executedon startup. These instructions search for the operating system, load it and passcontrol to it. Bridge - A device that interconnects different networks together. Browser - A browser is an application program that provides a way to look atand interact with all the information on the World Wide Web or PC. The word"browser" seems to have originated prior to the Web as a generic term for userinterfaces that let you browse text files online. BSS (Basic  Service  Set) - An infrastructure network connecting wirelessdevices to a wired network using a single access point.Buffer - A buffer is a shared or assigned memory area used by hardwaredevices or program processes that operate at different speeds or with differentsets of priorities. The buffer allows each device or process to operate withoutbeing held up by the other. In order for a buffer to be effective, the size of thebuffer and the algorithms for moving data into and out of the buffer need to beconsidered by the buffer designer. Like a cache, a buffer is a "midpoint holdingplace" but exists not so much to accelerate the speed of an activity as to sup-port the coordination of separate activities. CSMA/CA (Carrier  Sense  Multiple  Access/Collision  Avoidance) - In localarea networking, this is the CSMA technique that combines slotted time-divi-sion multiplexing with carrier sense multiple access/collision detection(CSMA/CD) to avoid having collisions occur a second time. This works best ifthe time allocated is short compared to packet length and if the number of sit-uations is small.CTS (Clear To Send) - An RS-232 signal sent from the receiving station to thetransmitting station that indicates it is ready to accept data.Appendix C: Glossary802.11a - One of the IEEE standards for wireless networking hardware.Products that adhere to a specific IEEE standard will work with each other,even if they are manufactured by different companies. It specifies a maximumdata transfer rate of 54Mbps and an operating frequency of 5GHz. The 802.11astandard uses the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) trans-mission method. Additionally, the 802.11a standard supports 802.11 featuressuch as WEP encryption for security.802.11b - One of the IEEE standards for wireless networking hardware.Products that adhere to a specific IEEE standard will work with each other,even if they are manufactured by different companies. The 802.11b standardspecifies a maximum data transfer rate of 11Mbps, an operating frequency of2.4GHz, and WEP encryption for security. 802.11b networks are also referredto as Wi-Fi networks.802.11g - A proposed, but as yet unratified extension of the IEEE 802.11 stan-dard for wireless networking hardware. The draft 802.11g specifications usedby Linksys specify a maximum data transfer rate of 54Mbps using OFDMmodulation, an operating frequency of 2.4GHz, backward compatibility withIEEE 802.11b devices, and WEP encryption for security.Adapter - Printed circuit board that plugs into a PC to add to capabilities orconnectivity to a PC. In a networked environment, a network interface card isthe typical adapter that allows the PC or server to connect to the intranet and/orInternet.Ad-hoc Network - An ad-hoc network is a group of computers, each with awireless adapter, connected as an independent 802.11 wireless LAN.  Ad-hocwireless computers operate on a peer-to-peer basis, communicating directlywith each other without the use of an access point.  Ad-hoc mode is alsoreferred to as an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) or as peer-to-peermode, and is useful at a departmental scale or SOHO operation.Backbone - The part of a network that connects most of the systems and net-works together and handles the most data.Bandwidth - The transmission capacity of a given facility, in terms of howmuch data the facility can transmit in a fixed amount of time; expressed in bitsper second (bps).
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point39Instant Wireless® Series38point), the DSSS signal is recognized as the only valid signal, and interferenceis inherently rejected (ignored).DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message) - A DTIM field is a countdownfield informing clients of the next window for listening to broadcast and mul-ticast messages. When the AP has buffered broadcast or multicast messages forassociated clients, it sends the next DTIM with a DTIM Interval value.  APClients hear the beacons and awaken to receive the broadcast and multicastmessages.Encryption - A security method that applies a specific algorithm to data inorder to alter the data's appearance and prevent other devices from reading theinformation. ESS (Extended Service Set) - A set of more than two or more BSSs (multipleaccess points) forming a single network.Ethernet - IEEE standard network protocol that specifies how data is placedon and retrieved from a common transmission medium. Has a transfer rate of10 Mbps. Forms the underlying transport vehicle used by several upper-levelprotocols, including TCP/IP and XNS.FHSS (Frequency Hopping  Spread Spectrum) - FHSS continuously changes(hops) the carrier frequency of a conventional carrier several times per secondaccording to a pseudo-random set of channels. Because a fixed frequency is notused, and only the transmitter and receiver know the hop patterns, interceptionof FHSS is extremely difficult.Firewall - A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gatewayserver, that protects the resources of a network from users from other networks.(The term also implies the security policy that is used with the programs.) Anenterprise with an intranet that allows its workers access to the wider Internetinstalls a firewall to prevent outsiders from accessing its own private dataresources and for controlling what outside resources to which its own usershave access. Basically, a firewall, working closely with a router, examines each networkpacket to determine whether to forward it toward its destination.Firmware - Code that is written onto read-only memory (ROM) or program-mable read-only memory (PROM).  Once firmware has been written onto theROM or PROM, it is retained even when the device is turned off.Database - A database is a collection of data that is organized so that its con-tents can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. Data Packet - One frame in a packet-switched message. Most data communi-cations is based on dividing the transmitted message into packets. For example,an Ethernet packet can be from 64 to 1518 bytes in length.Default Gateway - The routing device used to forward all traffic that is notaddressed to a station within the local subnet.DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) - A protocol that lets networkadministrators manage centrally and automate the assignment of InternetProtocol (IP) addresses in an organization's network. Using the Internet's set ofprotocol (TCP/IP), each machine that can connect to the Internet needs aunique IP address. When an organization sets up its computer users with a con-nection to the Internet, an IP address must be assigned to each machine.Without DHCP, the IP address must be entered manually at each computer and,if computers move to another location in another part of the network, a new IPaddress must be entered. DHCP lets a network administrator supervise and dis-tribute IP addresses from a central point and automatically sends a new IPaddress when a computer is plugged into a different place in the network. DHCP uses the concept of a "lease" or amount of time that a given IP addresswill be valid for a computer. The lease time can vary depending on how long auser is likely to require the Internet connection at a particular location. It's espe-cially useful in education and other environments where users change fre-quently. Using very short leases, DHCP can dynamically reconfigure networksin which there are more computers than there are available IP addresses. DHCP supports static addresses for computers containing Web servers thatneed a permanent IP address. Download - To receive a file transmitted over a network. In a communicationssession, download means receive, upload means transmit. DSSS (Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum) - DSSS generates a redundant bitpattern for all data transmitted. This bit pattern is called a chip (or chippingcode).  Even if one or more bits in the chip are damaged during transmission,statistical techniques embedded in the receiver can recover the original datawithout the need for retransmission. To an unintended receiver, DSSS appearsas low power wideband noise and is rejected (ignored) by most narrowbandreceivers.  However, to an intended receiver (i.e. another wireless LAN end-
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointIP Address - In the most widely installed level of the Internet Protocol (IP)today, an IP address is a 32-binary digit number that identifies each sender orreceiver of information that is sent in packet across the Internet. When yourequest an HTML page or send e-mail, the Internet Protocol part of TCP/IPincludes your IP address in the message (actually, in each of the packets if morethan one is required) and sends it to the IP address that is obtained by lookingup the domain name in the Uniform Resource Locator you requested or in thee-mail address you're sending a note to. At the other end, the recipient can seethe IP address of the Web page requestor or the e-mail sender and can respondby sending another message using the IP address it received. IPX (Internetwork Packet EXchange) - A NetWare communications protocolused to route messages from one node to another. IPX packets include networkaddresses and can be routed from one network to another.ISM band - The FCC and their counterparts outside of the U.S. have set asidebandwidth for unlicensed use in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical)band. Spectrum in the vicinity of 2.4 GHz, in particular, is being made avail-able worldwide. This presents a truly revolutionary opportunity to place con-venient high-speed wireless capabilities in the hands of users around the globe.LAN (Local Area Network) - A group of computers and associated devices thatshare a common communications line and typically share the resources of asingle processor or server within a small geographic area (for example, withinan office building). MAC (Media  Access Control)  Address - A unique number assigned by themanufacturer to any Ethernet networking device, such as a network adapter,that allows the network to identify it at the hardware level.Mbps (Megabits per second) - One million bits per second; unit of measure-ment for data transmission.Multicasting - Sending data to a group of nodes instead of a single destination.NetBIOS - The native networking protocol in DOS and Windows networks.Although originally combined with its transport layer protocol (NetBEUI),NetBIOS today provides a programming interface for applications at the ses-sion layer (layer 5). NetBIOS can ride over NetBEUI, its native transport,which is not routable, or over TCP/IP and IPX/SPX, which are routable proto-cols.41Fragmentation - Breaking a packet into smaller units when transmitting overa network medium that cannot support the original size of the packet. Full Duplex - The ability of a device or line to transmit data simultaneously inboth directions.Gateway - A device that interconnects networks with different, incompatiblecommunications protocols. Hardware - Hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunica-tions, and other information technology devices. The term arose as a way to dis-tinguish the "box" and the electronic circuitry and components of a computerfrom the program you put in it to make it do things. The program came to beknown as the software.Hop - The link between two network nodes.IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics  Engineers) - The IEEEdescribes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society, promotingthe development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences forthe benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-beingof our members." The IEEE fosters the development of standards that often become national andinternational standards. The organization publishes a number of journals, hasmany local chapters, and several large societies in special areas, such as theIEEE Computer Society.Infrastructure Network - An infrastructure network is a group of computersor other devices, each with a wireless adapter, connected as an 802.11 wirelessLAN.  In infrastructure mode, the wireless devices communicate with eachother and to a wired network by first going through an access point.  An infra-structure wireless network connected to a wired network is referred to as aBasic Service Set (BSS).  A set of two or more BSS in a single network isreferred to as an Extended Service Set (ESS).  Infrastructure mode is useful ata corporation scale, or when it is necessary to connect the wired and wirelessnetworks.IP (Internet Protocol) - The method or protocol by which data is sent from onecomputer to another on the Internet. It is a standard set of rules, procedures, orconventions relating to the format and timing of data transmission between twocomputers that they must accept and use to be able to understand each other.Instant Wireless® Series40
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointRJ-45 (Registered Jack-45) - A connector similar to a telephone connector thatholds up to eight wires, used for connecting Ethernet devices.Roaming - In an infrastructure mode wireless network, this refers to the abili-ty to move out of one access point's range and into another and transparentlyreassociate and reauthenticate to the new access point.  This reassociation andreauthentication should occur without user intervention and ideally withoutinterruption to network connectivity.  A typical scenario would be a locationwith multiple access points, where users can physically relocate from one areato another and easily maintain connectivity.Router - Protocol-dependent device that connects subnetworks together.Routers are useful in breaking down a very large network into smaller subnet-works; they introduce longer delays and typically have much lower throughputrates than bridges. RTS (Request To Send) - An RS-232 signal sent from the transmitting stationto the receiving station requesting permission to transmit. Server - Any computer whose function in a network is to provide user accessto files, printing, communications, and other services. SNMP (Simple  Network  Management  Protocol)  - A widely used networkmonitoring and control protocol. Data is passed from SNMP agents, which arehardware and/or software processes reporting activity in each network device(hub, router, bridge, etc.) to the workstation console used to oversee the net-work. The agents return information contained in a MIB (ManagementInformation Base), which is a data structure that defines what is obtainablefrom the device and what can be controlled (turned off, on, etc.).Software - Instructions for the computer. A series of instructions that performsa particular task is called a "program." The two major categories of software are"system software" and "application software." System software is made up ofcontrol programs such as the operating system and database management sys-tem (DBMS). Application software is any program that processes data for theuser.A common misconception is that software is data. It is not. Software tells thehardware how to process the data.SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) - Market segment of professionals whowork at home or in small offices.43Instant Wireless® SeriesNetBIOS computers are identified by a unique 15-character name, andWindows machines (NetBIOS machines) periodically broadcast their namesover the network so that Network Neighborhood can catalog them. For TCP/IPnetworks, NetBIOS names are turned into IP addresses via manual configura-tion in an LMHOSTS file or a WINS server.There are two NetBIOS modes. The Datagram mode is the fastest mode, butdoes not guarantee delivery. It uses a self-contained packet with send andreceive name, usually limited to 512 bytes. If the recipient device is not listen-ing for messages, the datagram is lost. The Session mode establishes a connec-tion until broken. It guarantees delivery of messages up to 64KB long. Network - A system that transmits any combination of voice, video and/or databetween users. Node - A network junction or connection point, typically a computer or workstation.OFDM - Developed for wireless applications, Orthogonal Frequency DivisionMultiplexing (OFDM) technology offers superior performance-increased datarates and more reliable transmissions-than previous technologies, such asDSSS. OFDM is a scheme in which numerous signals of different frequenciesare combined to form a single signal for transmission on the medium. OFDM works by breaking one high-speed data stream into a number of lower-speed data streams, which are then transmitted in parallel. Each lower speedstream is used to modulate a subcarrier. Essentially, this creates a multi-carriertransmission by dividing a wide frequency band or channel into a number ofnarrower frequency bands or sub-channels. OFDM is also used for other appli-cations, including powerline networking.Packet - A unit of data routed between an origin and a destination in a network.Passphrase - Used much like a password, a passphrase simplifies the WEPencryption process by automatically generating the WEP encryption keys forLinksys products.Port - A pathway into and out of the computer or a network device such as aswitch or router. For example, the serial and parallel ports on a personal com-puter are external sockets for plugging in communications lines, modems andprinters. 42
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access PointThroughput - The amount of data moved successfully from one place toanother in a given time period.Topology - A network's topology is a logical characterization of how thedevices on the network are connected and the distances between them. Themost common network devices include hubs, switches, routers, and gateways.Most large networks contain several levels of interconnection, the most impor-tant of which include edge connections, backbone connections, and wide-areaconnections.Upgrade - To replace existing software or firmware with a newer version. Upload - To transmit a file over a network. In a communications session,upload means transmit, download means receive. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) - A data privacy mechanism based on a 64-bit or 128-bit shared key algorithm, as described in the IEEE 802.11 standard. WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) - A group of computers and associat-ed devices that communicate with each other wirelessly.45Instant Wireless® SeriesSpread Spectrum - Spread Spectrum technology is a wideband radio frequen-cy technique developed by the military for use in reliable, secure, mission-crit-ical communications systems. It is designed to trade off bandwidth efficiencyfor reliability, integrity, and security. In other words, more bandwidth is con-sumed than in the case of narrowband transmission, but the trade off producesa signal that is, in effect, louder and thus easier to detect, provided that thereceiver knows the parameters of the spread-spectrum signal being broadcast.If a receiver is not tuned to the right frequency, a spread-spectrum signal lookslike background noise. There are two main alternatives, Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum (DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS).SSID (Service Set IDentifier) - A unique name shared among all points in awireless network. The SSID must be identical for each point in the wireless net-work and is case-sensitive. Static IP Address - A permanent IP address that is assigned to a node in an IPor a TCP/IP network. Subnet Mask - The method used for splitting IP networks into a series of sub-groups, or subnets. The mask is a binary pattern that is matched up with the IPaddress to turn part of the host ID address field into a field for subnets. Switch - 1. A data switch connects computing devices to host computers,allowing a large number of devices to share a limited number of ports. 2. Adevice for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical cir-cuit.TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - A method (protocol) used along withthe IP (Internet Protocol) to send data in the form of message units (datagram)between devices over a network. While IP takes care of handling the actualdelivery of the data (routing), TCP takes care of keeping track of the individualunits of data (called packets) that a message is divided into for efficient deliv-ery over the network. TCP is known as a "connection oriented" protocol due torequiring the receiver of a packet to return an acknowledgment of receipt to thesender of the packet resulting in transmission control.TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) - The basic com-munication language or set of protocols for communications over a network(developed specifically for the Internet).  TCP/IP defines a suite or group ofprotocols and not only TCP and IP.44
Dual-Band Wireless A + G Access Point47Instant Wireless® SeriesAppendix D: SpecificationsStandards IEEE 802.11a, IEEE802.11b, draft IEEE802.11g, 802.3, IEEE 802.uPorts One 10/100 RJ-45 Port, One Power PortButtons One Reset ButtonCabling Type Ethernet Network CableLEDs Power, DiagLAN: Link/Act, Full/Col, 100802.11a:Act, Link802.11g:Act, LinkTransmit Power802.11a:Max. 15dBm802.11g:typical 20dBm802.11b: typical 16dBmSecurity Features MAC address filtering,WEP EncryptionWEP Key Bits 64/128/152-Bit46Dimensions 7.32" x 1.89" x 6.89" (186 mm x 48 mm x 175 mm)Unit Weight 14.11 oz. (0.4 kg)Power External, 5V DC, 2.5ACertifications FCCOperating Temp. 32ºF to 104ºF (0ºC to 40ºC) Storage Temp. -4ºF to 158ºF (-20ºC to 70ºC) Operating Humidity 10% to 85%, Non-CondensingStorage Humidity 5% to 90%, Non-Condensing Environmental
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