Circuit Design LMD400RC UHF Narrow Band Multi Channel Transceiver User Manual OG LMD 400 R C v12e

Circuit Design, Inc. UHF Narrow Band Multi Channel Transceiver OG LMD 400 R C v12e

Users manual

OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12eOPERATION GUIDEUHF Narrow band multi channel transceiverLMD-400-R 458-462.5 MHzOperation GuideVersion 1.2 (Oct. 2010)CIRCUIT DESIGN, INC.,7557-1 Hotaka, AzuminoNagano 399-8303 JAPANTel: + +81-(0)263-82-1024Fax: + +81-(0)263-82-1016e-mail: info@circuitdesign.jp
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.2OPERATION GUIDECONTENTSGENERAL DESCRIPTION & FEATURES...........................3SPECIFICATIONS LMD-400-R 458-462.5 MHz...............4PIN DESCRIPTION.............................................................6BLOCK DIAGRAM...............................................................8DIMENSIONS......................................................................9PLL IC CONTROL .............................................................10PLL IC control ..................................................................10How to calculate the setting values for the PLL register........ 11Method of serial data input to the PLL ................................12TIMING CHART.................................................................13PLL FREQUENCY SETTING REFERENCE .....................15REGULATORY COMPLIANCE INFORMATION................17CAUTIONS & WARNINGS................................................18REVISION HISTORY.........................................................19
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.3OPERATION GUIDEGENERAL DESCRIPTION & FEATURESGeneral DescriptionThe LMD-400-R (458-462.5MHz) is a synthesized multi channel transceiver module for use underthe FCC Part 90Private Land Mobile Radio (PLMR) services and RSS-119 .This simple, compact and low power transceiver is designed for embeddingin user's portableorfixedequipment and suitable for various low powerindustrial telecontrol and telemetry applications requiring high performance and reliability.All high frequency circuits are enclosed inside a robust housing to provide superior resistanceagainst shock and vibration. Using a TCXO as the reference oscillator circuit of the radio componentensures high frequency stability in the temperature range from -20 to +60 °C.The LMD-400-R is the same size and pin-compatible with Circuit Design’s EN 300220 compliantlicense-exempt transceiver model STD-302N-R that has been widely used as a standard transceiverfor remote control in industrial radio applications.EN 300 113 compliant European versions are available in 438-442 MHz, 458-462 MHz. A customvariant in the 400 MHz band, with 4 MHz switching range is available for volume orders.FeaturesProgrammable RF channel with 12.5 kHz channel space10 mW, GFSK, 4800 bpsLow power operation 3- 5.5V, 52mA/TX, 42mA/RXHigh receiver selectivity & blockingSmall size 50 x 30 x 9 mmExcellent mechanical durability, high vibration & shock resistanceWide operation range - 20 to +60 °CFCC part 90 and RSS-119 certifiedApplicationsIndustrial remote controlTelemetryRemote monitoring / SecurityData acquisition/ SCADA
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.4OPERATION GUIDESPECIFICATIONSLMD-400-R 458-462.5 MHz All ratings at 25 +/-10 °C unless otherwise notedGeneral characteristicsItem Units MIN TYP MAX RemarksApplicable standard                                   FCC Part 90.267, RSS-119Communication method Simplex, Half-duplexEmission class F1DModulation type GFSKOperating frequency range MHz 458.000 462.500Operation temperature range °C -20 60 No dew condensationStorage temperature range °C -30 75 No dew condensationAging rate ppm -1 1 TX freq., RX Lo freq.Initial frequency tolerance ppm -1.5 1.5 TX freq., RX Lo freq.Dimensions mm 30 x 50 x 9 mm Not including antennaWeight g 25 gElectrical specification <Common>Item MIN TYP MAX RemarksOscillation type PLL controlled VCOFrequency stability (-20 to 60°C) ppm -2.5 2.5 Reference frequency at 25 °CTX/RX switching time ms 15 20 DI/DOChannel step kHz 12.5Data rate bps 2400 4800 DO/DIMax. pulse width ms 15 20 DO/DIMin. pulse width us 200 DO/DIData polarity Positive DO/DIPLL reference frequency MHz 21.25 TCXOPLL response ms 30 60 from PLL setting to LD outAntenna impedance  Ω    50    Nominal Operating voltage V 3.0 5.5TX consumption current mA 52 Vcc = 3.0 VRX consumption current mA 42 Vcc = 3.0 VTransmitter partItem MIN TYP MAX RemarksRF output power  mW    10    Conducted 50 Ω Deviation kHz +/-2.0 +/-2.4 +/-2.8 PN9 4800 bpsDI input level V 0 5.5 L= GND, H = 3 V- VccResidual FM noise kHz 0.08 DI=L, LPF=20 kHz    -37  < 1000 MHz, conducted 50 Ω  Spurious emission dBm     -31  > 1000 MHz, conducted 50 Ω Adjacent CH power nW 200 PN9 4800** The RF output power cannot be changed or adjusted.
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.5OPERATION GUIDEReceiver partItem MIN TYP MAX RemarksReceiver type Double superheterodyne1st IF frequency MHz 21.72nd IF frequency kHz 450Maximum input level dBm 10BER (0 error/2556 bits) *1 dBm -113 PN 9 4800bpsBER (1 % error) *2 dBm -116 PN 9 4800bpsSensitivity 12dB/ SINAD dBm -116 fm1 k/ dev 2.4 kHz CCITTCo-channel rejection dB -7 D/U ratio70 1 st Mix, 2 signal method, 1 % errorSpurious response rejection *3 dB 70 2 nd Mix, 2 signal method, 1 % error65 25 kHz ch, 2 signal method, 1 % errorAdjacent CH selectivity *3 dB 55 12.5 kHz ch, 2 signal method, 1 % errorBlocking dB 84 Unwanted signal +/-1M,2 signal method,1 % errorDO output level V 2.8 L = GND H = 2.8 V30 50 CH shift of 25 kHz (from PLL setup)RSSI rising time ms 50 70 When power ON (from PLL setup)50 100 CH shift of 25 kHz (from PLL setup)Time until valid Data-out *4 ms 70 120 When power ON (from PLL setup)Spurious radiation (1st Lo)  dBm    -60  -57  Conducted 50 Ω 260 310 360 With –100 dBmRSSI mV 190 240 290 With –110 dBmSpecifications are subject to change without prior noticeNoticeThe time required until a stable DO is established may get longer due to the possible frequency driftcaused by operation environment changes, especially when switching from TX to RX, from RX to TX andchanging channels. Please make sure to optimize the timing. The recommended preamble is more than20 ms.Antenna connection is designed as pin connection.RF output power, sensitivity, spurious emission and spurious radiation levels may vary with the patternused between the RF pin and the coaxial connection. Please make sure to verify those parametersbefore use.The feet of the shield case should be soldered to the wide GND pattern to avoid any change incharacteristics.Notes about the specification values*1 BER: RF level where no error per 2556 bits is confirmed with the signal of PN9 and 4800 bps.*2 BER (1 % error) : RF level where 1% error per 2556 bits is confirmed with the signal of PN9 and 4800 bps.*3 Spurious response, CH selectivity: The deviation of the unwanted signal is 12% of the channel separation(=1.5kHz). Modulation frequency is 400Hz.*4 Time until valid Data-out : Valid DO is determined at the point where Bit Error Rate meter starts detectingthe signal of 4800 bps, 1010repeated signal.All specifications are specified based on the data measured in a shield room using the PLL setting controllerboard prepared by Circuit Design.
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.6OPERATION GUIDEPIN DESCRIPTIONPin name I/O Description Equivalent circuitRF I/O RF input terminalAntenna impedance nominal 50 ΩGND IGROUND terminalThe GND pins and the feet of the shield caseshoud be connected to the wide GNDpattern.VCC I Power supply terminalDC 3.0 to 5.5 VTXSEL ITX select terminalGND = TXSEL activeTo enable the transmitter circuits, connectTXSEL to GND and RXSEL to OPEN or 2.8V.RXSEL IRX select terminalGND= RXSEL activeTo enable the receiver circuits, connectRXSEL to GND and TXSEL to OPEN or 2.8V.AF OAnalogue output terminalThere is DC offset of approx. 1 V.Refer to the specification table for amplitudelevel.CLK I PLL data setting input terminalInterface voltage H = 2.8 V, L = 0 VDATA I PLL data setting input terminalInterface voltage H = 2.8 V, L = 0 VLE I PLL data setting input terminalInterface voltage H = 2.8 V, L = 0 V100nH47PRFGNDSAW FILTERREGVCC47P10µ22µ 47P2.8V2.8V10TXSEL2.8V 20K2.8V10RXSEL2.8V 20KMB15E03CLK2KMB15E03DATA2KMB15E03LE2K
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.7OPERATION GUIDELD O PLL lock/unlock monitor terminalLock = H (2.8 V), Unlock = L (0 V)RSSI O Received Signal Strength Indicator terminalDO O Data output terminalInterface voltage: H=2.8V, L=0VDI IData input terminalInterface voltage: H=2.8V to Vcc, L=0VInput  data  pulse  width  Min.100  μs  Max.  15 ms2KMB15E031022.8VLD102DO2K10K2.8V
.OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.10OPERATION GUIDEPLL IC CONTROLPLL IC controlLMD-400-R is equipped with an internal PLL frequency synthesizer as shown in Figure 1. The operation ofthe PLL circuit enables the VCO to oscillate at a stable frequency. Transmission frequency is set externally bythe controlling IC. LMD-400-R has control terminals (CLK, LE, DATA) for the PLL IC and the setting data issent to the internal register serially via the data line. Also LMD-400-R has a Lock Detect (LD) terminal thatshows the lock status of the frequency. These signal lines are connected directly to the PLL IC through a 2 kΩ resistor.The interface voltage of LMD-400-R is 2.8 V, so the control voltage must be the same.LMD-400-R comes equipped with a Fujitsu MB15E03SL PLL IC. Please refer to the manual of the PLL IC.The following is a supplementary description related to operation with LMD-400-R. In this description, thesame names and terminology as in the PLL IC manual are used, so please read the manual beforehand.OSCinOSCoutVpVCCDoGNDXf inFinRPSTD-302Control pin nameZCPSLEData2kohmMB15E03SLReference OscillatorLPFVoltage ControledOscillatorVCOPLLCLKDATALELDLD/f out+2.8v#:Control v oltage = +2.8v21.25MHzup to 1200MHzFigure 1CLK2kohm2kohm2kohmTCXO
.OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.11OPERATION GUIDEHow to calculate the setting values for the PLL registerThe PLL IC manual shows that the PLL frequency setting value is obtained with the following equation.fvco = [(M x N)+A] x fosc / R -- Equation 1fvco : Output frequency of external VCOM: Preset divide ratio of the prescaler (64 or 128)N: Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (3 to 2,047)A: Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 ≤ A ≤ 127  A<N)) fosc: Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillatorR: Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (3 to 16,383)With LMD-400-R, there is an offset frequency (foffset) 21.7 MHz for the transmission RF channel frequency fch.Therefore the expected value of the frequency generated at VCO (fexpect) is as below.fvco = fexpect = fch – foffset ---- Equation 2The PLL internal circuit compares the phase to the oscillation frequency fvco. This phase comparisonfrequency (fcomp) must be decided. fcomp is made by dividing the frequency input to the PLL from the referencefrequency oscillator by reference counter R. LMD-400-R uses 21.25 MHz for the reference clock fosc. fcomp isone of 6.25 kHz, 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz.The above equation 1 results in the following with n = M x N + A, where “n” is the number for division.fvco=n*fcomp ---- Equation 3 n = fvco/fcomp ---- Equation 4 note: fcomp = fosc/RAlso, this PLL IC operates with the following R, N, A and M relational expressions.R=fosc/fcomp ---- Equation 5 N = INT (n / M) ---- Equation 6 A = n - (M x N) ---- Equation 7INT: integer portion of a division.As an example, the setting value of RF channel frequency fch 458.000 MHz can be calculated as below.The constant values depend on the electronic circuits of LMD-400-R.Conditions: Channel center frequency: fch = 458.000 MHzConstant: Offset frequency: foffset=21.7 MHzConstant: Reference frequency: fosc=21.25 MHzSet 12.5 kHz for Phase comparison frequency and 64 for Prescaler value MThe frequency of VCO will befvco = fexpect = fch - foffset = 458.000 –21.7 = 436.300 MHzDividing value “n” is derived from Equation 4n = fvco / fcomp = 436.300 MHz/12.5 kHz = 34904Value “R” of the reference counter is derived from Equation 5.R = fosc/fcomp = 21.25 MHz/12.5 kHz = 1700Value “N” of the programmable counter is derived from Equation 6.N = INT (n/M) = INT(34904/64) = 545Value “A“ of the swallow counter is derived from Equation 7.A = n – (M x N) =34904 – 64 x 545 = 24The frequency of LMD-400-R is locked at a center frequency fch by inputting the PLL setting values N, A andR obtained with the above equations as serial data. The above calculations are the same for the otherfrequencies.Excel sheets that contain automatic calculations for the above equations can be found on our web site( result of the calculations is arranged as a table in the CPU ROM. The table is read by the channelchange routine each time the channel is changed, and the data is sent to the PLL.
.OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.12OPERATION GUIDEMethod of serial data input to the PLLAfter the RF channel table plan is decided, the data needs to be allocated to the ROM table and read fromthere or calculated with the software.Together with this setting data, operation bits that decide operation of the PLL must be sent to the PLL.The operation bits for setting the PLL are as follows. These values are placed at the head of the referencecounter value and are sent to the PLL.1. CS: Charge pump current select bitCS = 0 +/-1.5 mA select VCO is optimized to +/-1.5 mA2. LDS: LD/fout output setting bitLDS = 0 LD select Hardware is set to LD output3. FC: Phase control bit for the phase comparatorFC = 1 Hardware operates at this phaseThe PLL IC, which operates as shown in the block diagram in the manual, shifts the data to the 19-bit shiftregister and then transfers it to the respective latch (counter, register) by judging the CNT control bit valueinput at the end.1. CLK [Clock]: Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of this clock.2. LE [Load Enable]: Data in the 19-bit shift register is transferred to respective latches on the rising edge ofthe clock. The data is transferred to a latch according to the control bit CNT value.3. Data [Serial Data]: You can perform either reference counter setup or programmable counter setup first.CSInv alid DataLDS FC SW R14 R13 CNT=1R11st data2nd data N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 CNT=0A11st Data 2nd DataDATACLKLEMSB LSBt6t5t4t3t2t1t0#: t0,t5 >= 100 ns t1,t2,t6 >= 20 ns t3,t4 >= 30 ns#: Keep the LEterminal at a low level, w hen w rite the data to the shift resister.STD-302terminal nameFigure 2
.OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.13OPERATION GUIDETIMING CHARTControl timing in a typical application is shown in Figure 3.Initial setting of the port connected to the radio module is performed when power is supplied by the CPU andreset is completed. MOS-FET for supply voltage control of the radio module, RXSEL and TXSEL are set toinactive to avoid unwanted emissions. The power supply of the radio module is then turned on. When theradio module is turned on, the PLL internal resistor is not yet set and the peripheral VCO circuit is unstable.Therefore data transmission and reception is possible 40 ms after the setting data is sent to the PLL at thefirst change of channel, however from the second change of channel, the circuit stabilizes within 20 ms and isable to handle the data.Changing channels must be carried out in the receive mode. If switching is performed in transmission mode,unwanted emission occurs.If the module is switched to the receive mode when operating in the same channel, (a new PLL setting is notnecessary) it can receive data within 5 ms of switching*1. For data transmission, if the RF channel to be usedfor transmission is set while still in receiving mode, data can be sent at 5 ms after the radio module isswitched from reception to transmission*2.Check that the Lock Detect signal is “high” 20 ms after the channel is changed. In some cases the LockDetect signal becomes unstable before the lock is correctly detected, so it is necessary to note if processingof the signal is interrupted. It is recommended to observe the actual waveform before writing the processprogram.*1 DC offset may occur due to frequency drift caused by ambient temperature change. Under conditionsbelow -10 °C, 10 to 20 ms delay of DO output is estimated. The customer is urged to verify operation at lowtemperature and optimize the timing.*2 Sending ‘10101…..’ preamble just after switching to transmission mode enables smoother operation of thebinarization circuit of the receiver. Preamble length: -20 °C - +60 °C: 15 ms (Typical)
.OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.14OPERATION GUIDEReceiv e modeRXSELSTD-302Pow er onTXSELCPU control,CH change&Data rec.TimingData transmit#:6 10 to 20 ms later, the receiver can receive the data after changing the channel.Data #:6LDCH CHData #:75 ms10 to 20 ms#:4 RFchannel change must be performed in receiving mode.#:7 5 ms later, the data can be received if the RF channel is not changed.5 ms #:440 msCPUPow er onCH Data #:55 ms 5 msCheck LD signalCheck LD signalNormal statusStatus immediately after pow er comes on.Channel change No channel change#:4#:2 Initialize the port connected to the module.#:3 Supply pow er to the module after initializing CPU.#:1 Reset control CPU#:1 #:2 #:4#:3#:5 40 ms later, the receiver can receive the data after changing the channel..Figure 3: Timing diagram for STD-302activ e periodReceiv e modeactiv e periodReceiv e modeactiv e periodTransmit modeactiv eCheck LD signalActiv e periodTransmit modeactiv eTransmit modeactiv eLMD-400LMD-400Power on
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.15OPERATION GUIDEPLL FREQUENCY SETTING DATA REFERENCEExample : Setting from 458.000 MHz to 458.6125 MHzChannelFrequencyFCHExpectFrequencyFEXPECTLockFrequencyFVCO(MHz) (MHz) (MHz)Number ofDivision nProgramableCounterNSwallow CounterA458.0000 436.3000 436.3000 34904 545 24458.0125 436.3125 436.3125 34905 545 25458.0250 436.3250 436.3250 34906 545 26458.0375 436.3375 436.3375 34907 545 27458.0500 436.3500 436.3500 34908 545 28458.0625 436.3625 436.3625 34909 545 29458.0750 436.3750 436.3750 34910 545 30458.0875 436.3875 436.3875 34911 545 31458.1000 436.4000 436.4000 34912 545 32458.1125 436.4125 436.4125 34913 545 33458.1250 436.4250 436.4250 34914 545 34458.1375 436.4375 436.4375 34915 545 35458.1500 436.4500 436.4500 34916 545 36458.1625 436.4625 436.4625 34917 545 37458.1750 436.4750 436.4750 34918 545 38458.1875 436.4875 436.4875 34919 545 39458.2000 436.5000 436.5000 34920 545 40458.2125 436.5125 436.5125 34921 545 41458.2250 436.5250 436.5250 34922 545 42458.2375 436.5375 436.5375 34923 545 43458.2500 436.5500 436.5500 34924 545 44458.2625 436.5625 436.5625 34925 545 45458.2750 436.5750 436.5750 34926 545 46458.2875 436.5875 436.5875 34927 545 47458.3000 436.6000 436.6000 34928 545 48458.3125 436.6125 436.6125 34929 545 49458.3250 436.6250 436.6250 34930 545 50458.3375 436.6375 436.6375 34931 545 51458.3500 436.6500 436.6500 34932 545 52458.3625 436.6625 436.6625 34933 545 53Parameter name ValuePhase Comparing Frequency Fcomp [kHz]12.5Start Channel Frequency Fch [MHz] 458.000Channel Step Frequency [kHz]12.5Number of Channel50Prescaler M64Parameter name ValueReference Frequency Fosc [MHz] 21.25Offset Frequency Foffset [MHz] 21.7: For data input: Result of calculation: Fixed valueParameter name ValueReference Counter R1700Programmable Counter NMin. Value 545Programmable Counter NMax. Value 546Swallow Counter AMin. Value 0Swallow Counter AMax. Value 63
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.16OPERATION GUIDE458.3750 436.6750 436.6750 34934 545 54458.3875 436.6875 436.6875 34935 545 55458.4000 436.7000 436.7000 34936 545 56458.4125 436.7125 436.7125 34937 545 57458.4250 436.7250 436.7250 34938 545 58458.4375 436.7375 436.7375 34939 545 59458.4500 436.7500 436.7500 34940 545 60458.4625 436.7625 436.7625 34941 545 61458.4750 436.7750 436.7750 34942 545 62458.4875 436.7875 436.7875 34943 545 63458.5000 436.8000 436.8000 34944 546 0458.5125 436.8125 436.8125 34945 546 1458.5250 436.8250 436.8250 34946 546 2458.5375 436.8375 436.8375 34947 546 3458.5500 436.8500 436.8500 34948 546 4458.5625 436.8625 436.8625 34949 546 5458.5750 436.8750 436.8750 34950 546 6458.5875 436.8875 436.8875 34951 546 7458.6000 436.9000 436.9000 34952 546 8458.6125 436.9125 436.9125 34953 546 9Excel sheets that contain automatic calculations for the above equations can be found on our web site( the frequencies where the LMD-400-R can be used in US, refer to “Data transceiver for use in the USA underFCC Part 90 License”.
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.17OPERATION GUIDERegulatory compliance informationThe LMD-400-R complies with the FCC Part 90.Labelling:The LMD-400-R 458 MHz-462.5 MHz is labeled as below:FCC ID: V9X-LMD400RCThe proposed FCC ID label format is to be placed on the module. If FCC ID is not visible when the module isinstalled into the system, "Contains FCC ID: V9X-LMD400RC" shall be placed on the outside of final hostsystem.Exposuretoradiofrequencyradiation:FormobileequipmentThisequipmentcomplieswithFCCradiationexposurelimitssetforthforanuncontrolledenvironmentandmeetstheFCCradiofrequency(RF)ExposureGuidelines.ThisequipmenthasverylowlevelsofRFenergythatisdeemedtocomplywithoutmaximumpermissiveexposureevaluation(MPE).Exposuretoradiofrequencyradiation:ForportableequipmentThisequipmentcomplieswithFCCradiationexposurelimitssetforthforanuncontrolledenvironmentandmeetstheFCCradiofrequency(RF)ExposureGuidelines.ThisequipmenthasverylowlevelsofRFenergythatisdeemedtocomplywithouttestingofspecificabsorptionrate(SAR).Thisdevicemustnotbecolocatedoroperatinginconjunctionwithanyotherantennaortransmitter.Thisdeviceissupposedtobeoperatedunder90.267.However,therearesomelimitationsasbelow:90.267(e)(1)GroupCfrequenciesareavailableforvoiceandnonvoiceoperationsonacoprimarybasis.OnlymobileoperationswillbeauthorizedonGroupCfrequencies.Stationsmayoperateatfixedlocationsforatemporaryperiodoftime.NostationsoperatingatapermanentfixedlocationwillbeauthorizedonGroupCfrequencies.90.267(f)(2)GroupDfrequenciessubjectto§90.35(c)(63)arelimitedtocentralstationalarmusewithintheurbanareasdescribedin§90.35(c)(63).Outsidetheurbanareasdescribedin§90.35(c)(63),GroupDfrequenciessubjectto§90.35(c)(63)areavailableforgeneralIndustrial/Businessuseonacoordinatedbasis,pursuantto§§90.35(b)(2)and90.175(b).90.267(f)(3)GroupDfrequenciessubjectto§90.35(c)(66)arelimitedtocentralstationalarmusenationwide.90.267(h)(5)Continuouscarrieroperationsareprohibitedonthesefrequencies.The LMD-400-R complies with Part 15 Subpart B of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition thatthis device does not cause harmful interference.NOTE: The LMD-400-R has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a commercial installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:· Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.· Keep water and moisture out of all antenna and radio fittings.· Check all antenna connections – any imbalance in coax cable can cause radio interference and receive /transmit problems.Caution:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could avoid theuser’s authority to operate the equipment.
Licensing of end-use productsLMD-400-R 458 MHz-462.5 MHz holds equipment authorization for transmitting equipment under Title 47 of theCode of Federal Regulations Part 90. (FCC Identifier: V9X-LMD400R)This shall be the only guarantee of Circuit Design Inc for compliance with FCC regulations. Those who integrateLMD-400-R 458 MHz-462.5 MHz in a system and operate the radio system in the United States are required toapply for a user station license before the equipment can be operated. Application for the station license in Part 90may be required to be submitted to a certified frequency coordinator for frequency coordination, then the FCClicensing bureau issues a license for equipment users/stations. As local frequency management issues areinvolved in licensing, Circuit Design Inc shall not be held liable for failure in obtaining the station license. CircuitDesign Inc recommends users to contact a certified frequency coordinator in the region in advance to confirmwhether or not a license can be granted.For more details, please refer to “Data transceiver for use in the USA under FCC Part 90 License”.
OPERATION GUIDE                                 Regulatory compliance information  The LMD-400-R complies with RSS-119.  Caution:  Any  changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by the party responsible for product compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.    Labelling: The LMD-400-R 458 MHz-462.5 MHz is labeled as below. IC Number: 6079A- LMD400R The proposed IC Number label format is to be placed on the module. If IC Number is not visible when the module is installed into the system, “Contains IC: 6079A- LMD400R” shall be placed on the outside of final host system.  Antenna  This radio transmitter IC Number 6079A- LMD400R has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.  The antenna used this module is as follows;   Antenna Type & Antenna Gain;   Whip Antenna (ANT-LEA-01-R), 1.83dBi   Whip Antenna (ANT-RIG-01-R), 1.68dBi    Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation To comply with IC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons. This device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  Pour se conformer aux exigences en matière d'exposition RF IC, une distance de séparation d'au moins 20 cm doit être maintenue entre l'antenne de cet appareil et toutes les personnes. Cet appareil ne doit pas être co-localisées ou opérant en conjonction avec une autre antenne ou un autre émetteur.  Licensing of end-use products LMD-400-R 458 MHz-462.5 MHz holds equipment authorization for transmitting equipment under RSS-119.  (IC Number: 6079A- LMD400R) This shall be the only guarantee of Circuit Design Inc. for compliance with Industry Canada regulations. Those who integrate LMD-400-R 458 MHz-462.5 MHz in a system and operate the radio system in Canada are required to apply for a user station license before the equipment can be operated. Application for the station license in RSS-119 may be required to be submitted to a certified frequency coordinator for frequency coordination, then the Industry Canada licensing bureau issues a license for equipment users/stations. As local frequency management issues are involved in licensing, Circuit Design Inc. shall not be held liable for failure in obtaining the station license. Circuit Design Inc. recommends users to contact a certified frequency coordinator in the region in advance to confirm whether or not a license can be granted.
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.18OPERATION GUIDEImportant noticeCustomers are advised to consult with Circuit Design sales representatives before ordering.Circuit Design believes the provided information is accurate and reliable. However, Circuit Design reserves theright to make changes to this product without notice.Circuit Design products are neither designed nor intended for use in life support applications where malfunctioncan reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury to the user. Any use of Circuit Design productsin such safety-critical applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer and the customer mustfully indemnify Circuit Design, Inc for any damages resulting from any improper use.As the radio module communicates using electronic radio waves, there are cases where transmission will betemporarily cut off due to the surrounding environment and method of usage. The manufacturer is exempt fromall responsibility relating to resulting harm to personnel or equipment and other secondary damage.The manufacturer is exempt from all responsibility relating to secondary damage resulting from the operation,performance and reliability of equipment connected to the radio module.CopyrightAll rights in this operation guide are owned by Circuit Design, Inc. No part of this document may be copied ordistributed in part or in whole without the prior written consent of Circuit Design, Inc.CautionsAs the radio module communicates using electronic radio waves, there are cases where transmission will betemporarily cut off due to the surrounding environment and method of usage. The manufacturer is exempt fromall responsibility relating to resulting harm to personnel or equipment and other secondary damage.Do not use the equipment within the vicinity of devices that may malfunction as a result of electronic radio wavesfrom the radio module.The manufacturer is exempt from all responsibility relating to secondary damage resulting from the operation,performance and reliability of equipment connected to the radio module.Communication performance will be affected by the surrounding environment, so communication tests should becarried out before actual use.Ensure that the power supply for the radio module is within the specified rating. Short circuits and reverseconnections may result in overheating and damage and must be avoided at all costs.Ensure that the power supply has been switched off before attempting any wiring work.The case is connected to the GND terminal of the internal circuit, so do not make contact between the '+' side ofthe power supply terminal and the case.When batteries are used as the power source, avoid short circuits, recharging, dismantling, and pressure. Failureto observe this caution may result in the outbreak of fire, overheating and damage to the equipment. Remove thebatteries when the equipment is not to be used for a long period of time. Failure to observe this caution mayresult in battery leaks and damage to the equipment.Do not use this equipment in vehicles with the windows closed, in locations where it is subject to direct sunlight,or in locations with extremely high humidity.The radio module is neither waterproof nor splash proof. Ensure that it is not splashed with soot or water. Do notuse the equipment if water or other foreign matter has entered the case.Do not drop the radio module or otherwise subject it to strong shocks.Do not subject the equipment to condensation (including moving it from cold locations to locations with asignificant increase in temperature.)Do not use the equipment in locations where it is likely to be affected by acid, alkalis, organic agents or corrosivegas.Do not bend or break the antenna. Metallic objects placed in the vicinity of the antenna will have a great effect oncommunication performance. As far as possible, ensure that the equipment is placed well away from metallicobjects.The GND for the radio module will also affect communication performance. If possible, ensure that the case GNDand the circuit GND are connected to a large GND pattern.WarningsDo not take a part or modify the equipment.Do not remove the product label (the label attached to the upper surface of the module.) Using a module fromwhich the label has been removed is prohibited.
OG_LMD-400-R-C_v12e Circuit Design, Inc.19OPERATION GUIDEREVISION HISTORYVersion Date Description Remark0.9 Sept. 2009 Preliminary1.0 Jan. 20101.1 Apr. 2010 Some minor corrections1.2 Oct. 2010 Specification : RSSI values are changed

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