ChipSiP Technology CWFB201-XXX 5G+2.4G 2T2R AP FMC User Manual Quick Guide CW201 20120606

ChipSiP Technology Co.,Ltd. 5G+2.4G 2T2R AP FMC Quick Guide CW201 20120606


user manual rev

   CWFB201  操作手冊操作手冊操作手冊操作手冊      Revision 01   2012/06/06 Prepared By: Jeff Hsieh
Revision History Revision  Date  Notes  Owner 01  2012/06/06  Initial Release  Jeff Hsieh
TABLE OF CONTENT  1. Preparation....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Default settings .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Pre-required configuration............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Gateway ......................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Bridge ............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.4 Wireless ISP.................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Basic Settings.................................................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Advanced Settings........................................................................................................................ 11 3.3 Security......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3.1 Security ..................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3.2 WEP ........................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3.3 WPA-PSK.................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3.4 WPA + 802.1x ............................................................................................................................ 13 3.3.5 WPA2-PSK.................................................................................................................................. 13 3.3.6 WPA2 + 802.1x .......................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.7 WPA2-Mixed-PSK ...................................................................................................................... 14 3.3.8 WPA-Mixed + 802.1x ................................................................................................................. 15 3.4 Access Control.............................................................................................................................. 15 3.5 WDS Settings................................................................................................................................ 16 3.6 WPS .............................................................................................................................................. 16 3.7 Wireless Schedule........................................................................................................................ 17 4.1 LAN Interface ............................................................................................................................... 18 4.2 WAN Interface.............................................................................................................................. 19 5.1 Port Filtering ................................................................................................................................ 20 5.2 IP Filtering .................................................................................................................................... 20 5.3 MAC Filtering ............................................................................................................................... 21 5.4 Port Forwarding ........................................................................................................................... 21 5.4 URL Filtering................................................................................................................................. 22 5.5 DMZ.............................................................................................................................................. 22 5.6 VLAN Settings............................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 Status............................................................................................................................................ 24 6.2 Statistics ....................................................................................................................................... 24 6.3 DDNS ............................................................................................................................................ 25 6.4 Time Zone Setting ........................................................................................................................ 25 6.5 Denial of Service........................................................................................................................... 26 6.5 System Log ................................................................................................................................... 27 6.5 Upgrade Firmware ....................................................................................................................... 28 6.5 Save/Reload Settings.................................................................................................................... 28 6.5 Password ...................................................................................................................................... 28
1. PREPARATION     1.1 Default settings IP address Subnet mask Username  (Null) Password  (Null) Operation Mode  AP & Client DHCP  On SSID  Wireless 11n AP Channel  Smart select Security  Off     1.2 Pre-required configuration   1. Connect your Wireless LAN card to RTL8196c. Right click the “Wireless Network Connection” from the “Start” menu → “Control Panel” → “Network Connections” and select “Wireless 11n AP” to connect. Your Wireless LAN card will be automatically assigned an IP address.
2. Open Internet Explorer, enter, the main page as below
2. OPERATION MODE     2.1 Introduction The operation mode web page allows you to setup different modes to LAN and WLAN interface for NAT and bridging function. It can be configured at 5 modes. - Gateway - Bridge AP - Bridge Client - AP & Client - WiFi Repeater      2.2 Gateway         In this mode, the device is supposed to connect to internet via ADSL/Cable Modem. The NAT is enabled and PCs in LAN ports share the same IP to ISP through WAN port. The connection type can be setup in WAN page by using PPPOE, DHCP client, PPTP client, L2TP client or static IP.     2.3 Bridge AP    In this mode, all Ethernet ports and wireless interface are bridged together and NAT function is disabled. All the WAN related function and firewall are not supported.     2.4 Bridge Client In this mode, all Ethernet ports and WLAN interface are bridged together and the wireless client will connect to access point. NAT function is disabled. All the WAN related function and firewall are not supported.
    2.5 AP & Client In this mode, all Ethernet ports and WLAN interface are bridged together and WLAN AP will extended a WIFI Client interface to connect to access point. NAT function is disabled. All the WAN related function and firewall are not supported.     2.6 WiFi Repeater In this mode, all Ethernet ports are bridged together and the wireless client will connect to ISP access point. The NAT is enabled and PCs in Ethernet ports share the same IP to ISP through wireless LAN. You must set the wireless to client mode first and connect to the ISP AP in Site-Survey page. The connection type can be setup in WAN page by using PPPOE, DHCP client, PPTP client, L2TP client or static IP.
3. WIRELESS     3.1 Basic Settings This page is used to configure the parameters for wireless LAN clients that may connect to your Access Point. Here you may change wireless encryption settings as well as wireless network parameters.
    3.1 Extended Function When the device is in AP, it can extend Client mode which is able to connect to other wireless AP.   When the device is in Client mode, it can extend AP mode so that other station cards are able to connect to extended-AP 3.1.1 AP + Extended Client         (1) If user would like to enable extended Client in AP mode, check “Enable Universal Repeater Mode (Acting as AP and client simultaneously) and assign SSID that user would like to connect    (2) User can select the desired AP from “Site Survey” WEB page, click “Select”, then click “Next”
 (3) You will be asked to configure security parameters
3.1.1 Client + Extended AP         If user would like to enable extended AP in Client mode, check “Enable Universal Repeater Mode (Acting as AP and client simultaneously) and assign SSID     3.2 Advanced Settings These settings are only for more technically advanced users who have a sufficient knowledge about wireless LAN. These settings should not be changed unless you know what effect the changes will have on your Access Point.       3.3 Security 3.3.1 Security This page allows you setup the wireless security. Turn on WEP or WPA by using Encryption Keys could prevent any unauthorized access to your wireless network.
3.3.2 WEP       3.3.3 WPA-PSK
3.3.4 WPA + 802.1x  3.3.5 WPA2-PSK
3.3.6 WPA2 + 802.1x  3.3.7 WPA2-Mixed-PSK
3.3.8 WPA-Mixed + 802.1x      3.4 Access Control If you choose 'Allowed Listed', only those clients whose wireless MAC addresses are in the access control list will be able to connect to your Access Point. When 'Deny Listed' is selected, these wireless clients on the list will not be able to connect the Access Point.
    3.5 WDS Settings Wireless Distribution System uses wireless media to communicate with other APs, like the Ethernet does. To do this, you must set these APs in the same channel and set MAC address of other APs which you want to communicate with in the table and then enable the WDS.      3.6 WPS This page allows you to change the setting for WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). Using this feature could let your wireless client automatically synchronize its setting and connect to the Access Point in a minute without any hassle.
    3.7 Wireless Schedule This page allows you setup the wireless schedule rule. Please do not forget to configure system time before enable this feature.
4. TCP/IP SETTINGS     4.1 LAN Interface This page is used to configure the parameters for local area network which connects to the LAN port of your Access Point. Here you may change the setting for IP addresses, subnet mask, DHCP, etc…
    4.2 WAN Interface This page is used to configure the parameters for Internet network which connects to the WAN port of your Access Point. Here you may change the access method to static IP, DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, USB3G or L2TP by click the item value of WAN Access type.
5. FIREWALL     5.1 Port Filtering Entries in this table are used to restrict certain types of data packets from your local network to Internet through the Gateway. Use of such filters can be helpful in securing or restricting your local network.      5.2 IP Filtering Entries in this table are used to restrict certain types of data packets from your local network to Internet through the Gateway. Use of such filters can be helpful in securing or restricting your local network.
    5.3 MAC Filtering Entries in this table are used to restrict certain types of data packets from your local network to Internet through the Gateway. Use of such filters can be helpful in securing or restricting your local network.      5.4 Port Forwarding Entries in this table allow you to automatically redirect common network services to a specific machine behind the NAT firewall. These settings are only necessary if you wish to host some sort of server like a web server or mail server on the private local network behind your Gateway's NAT firewall.
5.4 URL Filtering URL filter is used to deny LAN users from accessing the internet. Block those URLs which contain keywords listed below.        5.5 DMZ A Demilitarized Zone is used to provide Internet services without sacrificing unauthorized access to its local private network. Typically, the DMZ host contains devices accessible to Internet traffic, such as Web (HTTP) servers, FTP servers, SMTP (e-mail) servers and DNS servers.
    5.6 VLAN Settings Entries in below table are used to configure VLAN settings. VLANs are created to provide the segmentation services traditionally provided by routers. VLANs address issues such as scalability, security, and network management.
6. MANAGEMENT     6.1 Status This page shows the current status and some basic settings of the device.      6.2 Statistics This page shows the packet counters for transmission and reception regarding to wireless and Ethernet networks.
    6.3 DDNS Dynamic DNS is a service, that provides you with a valid, unchanging, internet domain name (an URL) to go with that (possibly every changing) IP-address.        6.4 Time Zone Setting You can maintain the system time by synchronizing with a public time server over the Internet.
    6.5 Denial of Service A "denial-of-service" (DoS) attack is characterized by an explicit attempt by hackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service.
    6.5 System Log This page can be used to set remote log server and show the system log.
    6.5 Upgrade Firmware This page allows you upgrade the Access Point firmware to new version. Please note, do not power off the device during the upload because it may crash the system.        6.5 Save/Reload Settings This page allows you save current settings to a file or reload the settings from the file which was saved previously. Besides, you could reset the current configuration to factory default.      6.5 Password This page is used to set the account to access the web server of Access Point. Empty user name and password will disable the protection.
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