CeoTronics CT-M6CEO1 CT-DECT M6 Module User Manual

CeoTronics AG CT-DECT M6 Module


User Manual

   CT-DECT Headset Base CT-DECT Headset Standard CT-DECT GateCom Headset Base CT-DECT GateCom Headset Standard     Headset for Wireless Duplex Communication  Operating Instructions                            English - USA
 2 von 20 Contents Key to Fig. 1 – Headset, basic version ................................................................................................... 5 Important Notes for operation of the CT-DECT System in the USA ........................................................ 6 1. Important safety instructions ........................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Important safety instructions for the use of storage batteries (rechargeable  batteries) ............ 8 2. Description .................................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Usage within a CT-DECT system ........................................................................................... 10 2.3 Usage within a CT-DECT GateCom system........................................................................... 10 2.4 Power supply and operating time ........................................................................................... 10 2.5 Audio signals used ................................................................................................................. 10 2.6 Sidetone ................................................................................................................................ 10 2.7 On/Off switch for the microphone ........................................................................................... 11 2.8 Headset without On/Off switch for the microphone................................................................. 11 3. Commissioning and operation ....................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Putting on the headset and adjusting the microphone ............................................................ 11 3.2 Wearing the headset with the additional head strap ............................................................... 11 3.3 Switching on and automatic connection setup ........................................................................ 11 3.4 Range warning ....................................................................................................................... 12 3.5 Battery warning ...................................................................................................................... 12 4. End of operation............................................................................................................................ 12 5. Headset with level-limited ambient sound reception ...................................................................... 12 5.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 12 5.2 Operation ............................................................................................................................... 12 6. Headset with radio set connection ................................................................................................ 13 6.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 13 6.2 Commissioning and operation ................................................................................................ 13 7. Headset with PTT button ............................................................................................................... 13 8. Headset with exchangeable headset muff ..................................................................................... 14 9. Headset muffs for helmet fastening ............................................................................................... 14 10. Headset with microphone socket ............................................................................................... 14 11. Safekeeping – storage ............................................................................................................... 14 12. Recharging the batteries ........................................................................................................... 14 13. Maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 15 13.1 Visual inspections .................................................................................................................. 15 13.2 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................ 15 13.3 Replacing the windshield on the microphone ......................................................................... 15 13.4 Replacing the ear cushions .................................................................................................... 15 13.5 Replacing the head strap ....................................................................................................... 15 14. Technical data ........................................................................................................................... 15 15. Accessories and consumable parts ........................................................................................... 15 16. On-air subscription of the standard headsets to the base headset............................................. 16 16.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 16 16.2 On-air subscription ................................................................................................................. 18
 3 von 20  1                              2                      3
 4 von 20 4                   5 6                7 8                9
 5 von 20 10                     11  Key to Fig. 1 – Headset, basic version a  Adjustable head band b  Left headset muff c  On/Off switch and volume control d  Ear cushions  e  Microphone and windshield f  Flexible gooseneck g  On/Off switch for microphone h  Right headset muff
 6 von 20 Important Notes for operation of the CT-DECT System in the USA Please  note  that  any  changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party  responsible for compliance will void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1)  This  device  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  against  harmful  interference  when  the  equipment  is  operated  in  a  commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instruction  manual,  may  cause  harmful interference  to  radio  communications.  Operation  of  this  equipment  in  a  residential  area  is likely  to  cause  harmful  interference  in  which  case  the  user  will  be  required  to  correct  the interference at his  own expense.  This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.  Head-worn operation has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with the Applicants accessories supplied or designated for this product as listed in the filing. Use of  other  accessories may not  ensure  compliance with  FCC  RF  exposure guidelines.  The SAR values are measured and keeps the limit values.
 7 von 20   1.  Important safety instructions For the use of the device notice the national safety and accident prevention regulations and the following safety instructions shown in italics in this instruction manual.  Before using CeoTronics products read completely the appropriate operating instructions. If in doubt, ask our technical staff.  If repair work of any kind needs to be done to CeoTronics products, arrange for it to be performed only by the company CeoTronics or by a specialized workshop that is authorized by CeoTronics. In all other cases our warranty and liability for the product shall lapse.  If products are operated on a mains voltage, always pull the mains plug out of the mains plug socket before opening such products (e.g. for servicing purposes)!  Do not store CeoTronics products outside or in damp ambient conditions. At all times keep them clean, dry and at normal air humidity. CeoTronics products must not be stored in areas with a temperature of over +80° C (+176° F), e.g. in the summertime on the parcel shelf of a car. If not stated otherwise, the following temperature ranges are allowed for CeoTronics products: -10 to +55° C (+14 to +131° F) for operation, -40 to +80° C (-40 to +176° F) for storage.  Do not immerse a CeoTronics product into water, if it is not expressly specified for this purpose.  When using CeoTronics products that are equipped with connection leads ensure that the latter do not get caught up in operational machinery or wheels!  Type-tested muffs with a high degree of passive noise attenuation are used for CeoTronics headsets with headset muffs. If not stated otherwise, it is our experience that the passive noise attenuation of the headset muffs is reduced by approx. 3 dB due to the electronics that are integrated into the headset muffs. As a rule no empirical values are available for non-standard products. Information to noise attenuation values, which result from representative measurements of a named place, are to be regarded as orientation values, which cannot be guaranteed, if no "Type Examination Certificate" is present.  Note that it acts with electronic communication systems of CeoTronics, not around "Personal Protective Equipment" in the sense of the "PPE Directive 89/686/EEC", if not differently indicated. At very high noise levels that exceed the passive protective effect of the headset muffs we recommend that ear plugs be worn as an additional measure. If in doubt, ask your safety officer or company doctor. Full noise attenuation exists only if the muff padding is in perfect condition. This should be replaced at the latest after every 6 months of use.  In the case of headsets with headset muffs that protect against harmful ambient noise and that are not equipped with additional electronics for level-limited ambient sound reception, take heed that the audibility of warning signals, warning calls etc. is also impaired!  CeoTronics products that are not intrinsically safe (explosion-proof) and therefore have no special explosion-proof designation must never be operated in potentially explosive environments (e.g. when refuelling cars, aircraft etc.). Devices that are not explosion-proof can unintentionally trigger off explosions in such areas!  If you are a cardiac pacemaker carrier, before operating a transmitter/receiver ask the manufacturer of your cardiac pacemaker for information about any impairment that might be caused due to high frequencies.   For safety reasons reception volumes in excess of 85 dB(A) are possible with a whole series of CeoTronics products. However, these can be regulated by the user. Do not set the volume any higher than is necessary. A very high volume setting can lead to damaged hearing, particularly if it is continuous. For high volumes or noise levels wear additional ear plugs. If in doubt, ask your safety officer or company doctor.
 8 von 20  When on board an airplane always keep a transmitter/receiver switched off. Operation of the transmitter/receiver could affect the safety of the airplane and it is therefore prohibited. Never operate electronic devices on board an airplane without the express approval of an authorized member of the cabin crew.  Do not leave CeoTronics products lying around loose in cars, e.g. on the parcel shelf. Stow these products in a suitable, safe place in the car so that they do not present a danger to you or to other occupants of the car, if emergency braking is effected.  When driving a car, do not use the radio because it may distract you from the other traffic. Never use a CeoTronics product that will impair your hearing.  Keep CeoTronics products out of the reach of children and any other persons who are not familiar with the handling and operation thereof.  Packaging materials, e.g. filling materials and plastic bags are not toys and have to be kept out of the reach of children. There is a risk of children ingesting them and choking!  Safe operation requires clean devices. Ensure that the devices (microphones, connectors etc.) are clean and in good condition at all times.  CeoTronics products may only be used for the specific application envisaged.  CeoTronics products may only be used for the specific application envisaged.  Should equipment, supplied by CeoTronics, be definitely put out of service you may return it to CeoTronics. We ensure recycling and/or disposal of outdated equipment in compliance with the applicable environment protection law.   Keep these operating instructions for later use.  1.1  Important safety instructions for the use of storage batteries (rechargeable   batteries) General   Do not use storage batteries before having read and understood all safety instructions. Storage batteries hold potential dangers which could lead to personal injury and/or material damage.   For charging storage batteries use the corresponding appropriate CeoTronics battery charger only. Pay attention to voltage and current specifications, also on the mains side (e.g. 230 V AC or 115 V AC). Never use the battery charger for charging non-rechargeable batteries.   Never attempt to open a storage battery and do never throw a storage battery into fire. Take care that no short circuit could occur at contacts and charge sockets of storage batteries (fire hazard and risk of injury) due to bridging (bent-up paper clip, bunch of keys, or similar). In such a case ceases the guarantee.   Transport spare storage batteries wrapped in electrically non-conducting material, in order to avoid shorting the storage battery.   Keep storage batteries away from persons who are not familiar with the handling and application (e.g. also children).  Disposal       Observe the environmental regulations when handling storage batteries! Do not throw used (defective) storage batteries into the domestic refuse.       ATTENTION!   Lithium batteries may be disposed off in special collecting boxes, available at retailers and public waste management organisations, in completely discharged condition only. In case batteries are not completely discharged, measures must be taken to prevent short circuits.
 9 von 20   After use return batteries and storage batteries free of charge as required by law to retailers, municipal waste collecting points, or to CeoTronics.   Observe the battery ordinance (BattV).  Warnings concerning lithium storage batteries   ATTENTION!   Strictly avoid short circuits / reverse polarity / parallel connection  They could lead to overheating, leakage/evaporation of electrolyte, explosion and/or fire.   Do not open, damage, or deform storage batteries Storage batteries must never be subjected to loads. Avoid impacts, fall downs, strong vibrations, and other force effects. Avoid bending or tearing off soldering tags. This could provoke an internal short circuit and possibly lead after a few hours to acute chemical reactions (explosion and/or fire). In case the storage battery has been exposed to inadmissible application of force, do not use it any further, even if there is no visible damage on the outside. There exists a high risk of fire/explosion.  In case of a damaged storage battery, contact CeoTronics immediately. Store the damaged storage battery in a well aerated room on a fire-proof surface, away from flammable objects. Keep an eye on the damaged storage battery.    Transport storage batteries always well secured.   Observe the temperature range for the storage battery. Do neither use nor store the storage battery at temperatures below -20°C and above 60°C. Faulty handling leads to a loss of capacity of the storage battery. Severe overheating of the storage battery could lead to leakage/evaporation of electrolyte, explosion and/or fire.   Charge a lithium storage battery with the original CeoTronics battery charger or another charging device approved by CeoTronics. Do not use under any circumstances battery chargers appropriate for battery technologies other than lithium (e.g. NIMH or NICD).    Do not charge storage batteries which have been subjected to loads.   The charging process must be permanently monitored. Recharge and store lithium storage batteries only on fire-proof surfaces and away from flammable objects. In case of excessive generation of heat or evolution of gas in a storage battery while being charged, the charging process has to be stopped immediately. Such a storage battery must neither be used nor recharged anymore.     Charge storage batteries only within the temperature range of 0°C to 40°C.    Use lithium storage batteries only together with the device it has been supplied with. Failure to comply could lead to overheating, producing the consequences described under short circuits. Note the indicated discharge cut off voltage. Due to self-discharge it can be undershot. This causes an internal chemical damage (swelling) to the lithium battery and decreases the capacity of the storage battery irreversibly. Do not use totally discharged storage batteries. Further charging and discharging of an already damaged battery can result in overheating, leakage/evaporation of electrolyte, explosion and/or fire.   Do not store lithium storage batteries in discharged condition. Due to self-discharge battery voltage can fall below the admissible discharge cut off voltage. This causes an internal chemical damage (swelling) to the lithium battery. The capacity of the storage battery is irreversibly reduced. Check periodically the voltage and/or the available residual capacity of the stored storage battery and recharge it, if necessary. Ideal for storing is a charge status of approx. 60% at 15°C. Under such conditions ageing is marginal. The capacity of a storage battery with a 100% charge is reduced by self-discharge to about 92% after 3 months of storage at 20°C   Disclaimer of liability: We disclaim any liability regarding handling and manipulation of lithium storage batteries. Use and application are at one’s own risk.
 10 von 20 2.  Description 2.1  General The headset is a transmitter/receiver for wireless duplex communication between a max. of five communication parties over short distances. The range depends on the local circumstances. Up to four standard headsets are allocated to a base headset. Channel selection is effected automatically by the headsets. High protection against eavesdropping and interferences is ensured. The headset protects against harmful ambient noise and allows communication in noisy environments. The headset microphone is noise-compensating and is equipped with a windshield and a flexible gooseneck.  The minimum version of the system comprises one base headset and one standard headset. Up to four standard headsets can be operated in conjunction with the base headset. Base and standard headsets are marked by an imprint on the left headset muff, as follows:  – CT-DECT Headset Base      CT-DECT GateCom Headset Base – CT-DECT Headset Standard    CT-DECT GateCom Headset Standard  2.2  Usage within a CT-DECT system In a CT-DECT system instead of the base headset for example the base station »CT-DECT Conference«, »CT-DECT Case« or the table top device »CT-DECT Station« is used. Notice the special CeoTronics operating instructions for these devices.  2.3  Usage within a CT-DECT GateCom system In a CT-DECT GateCom system instead of the base headset a CT-DECT GateCom Interface Case or a CT-DECT GateCom Compact is used that usually resides in a weatherproof carrying bag. Notice the special CeoTronics operating instructions for these devices.  2.4  Power supply and operating time Power for the headset is supplied by a 3.6 V/2300 mAh NiMH rechargeable battery or an optional 3.6 V/2300 mAh Li-Ion rechargeable battery in the right headset muff. With fully charged battery the operating time for continuous operation is approx. 20 hours.  2.5  Audio signals used Two different tones are used for signalling the operating status. The tone for the indication of a positive operating status has a higher frequency than the tone for the indication of a negative operating status. Signalling of the various operating status is effected by a varying number of consecutive high tones or low tones. Positive acknowledgement tone All positive operating status are indicated by a high tone. Negative acknowledgement tone and error tone All negative operating status and error status are indicated by a low tone.  2.6  Sidetone The sidetone while speaking is audible in the headsets only after connection setup between the headsets. Due to this a control is always available as to whether a connection is active or not. In the case of the CT-DECT GateCom system there is a sidetone audible in the headsets, when a connection to the aircraft-interface is active.
 11 von 20 2.7  On/Off switch for the microphone The microphone can be switched on and off with the switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« (Fig. 3/a) at the bottom of the right-hand headset muff. Three switch positions are possible. However, communication can only be performed after the connection setup.  Middle position »OFF« (receiving): The headset microphone is switched off. You can only receive. Front switch position »Mic.« (transmitting and receiving): The headset microphone is switched on. You can speak into the microphone as long as you hold the switch in this position and simultaneously a message is being received. After releasing the switch the switch returns to the middle position »OFF«. Rear »permanent« switch position »Mic.« (transmitting and receiving): The headset microphone is permanently switched on. You can speak into the microphone and simultaneously receive a message.  2.8  Headset without On/Off switch for the microphone After switching on the headset the microphone is permanently switched on. Communication (transmitting and receiving) can be performed after the connection setup has been effected.   3.  Commissioning and operation 3.1  Putting on the headset and adjusting the microphone a.  Put on the headset. Take care for a perfect comfortable fit. Only when the ear cushions are properly located around the ears the best noise attenuation of the ear muffs is provided. Adjust the height of each ear muff equally on both sides while holding the head band down until the ear cushions have a tight and comfortable fit. The head band should sit straight and comfortable on the top of the head.    For hygiene reasons we recommend the use of the washable sweat absorbing cotton pads (see section 14) on the ear muffs. These are pulled over the ear cushions and are for the purpose of wear comfort and hygiene. CAUTION Do not »twist« the flexible gooseneck. Do not carry the headset by the gooseneck.  Use the microphone only with a windshield. b.  Adjust the flexible gooseneck so that the microphone is located at a distance of approx. 5 mm (0.2 in.) in front your lips. Optimum speech transmission with the best possible noise compensation is then provided.  3.2  Wearing the headset with the additional head strap In the event of rapid body movements or extreme body postures or if you are using a protective helmet the headset can be additionally secured on your head by means of the head strap (Fig. 2/a). Put on the headset, fold the head band (Fig. 2/c) to the rear and wear the head band as a neck band. Ensure that the head strap and neck band are tautly seated.  3.3  Switching on and automatic connection setup a.  The headset is switched off, if the On/Off switch and volume control (Fig. 3/b) or the On/Off switch (Fig. 3/d) is in position »OFF«. Switch on the headsets by means of the On/Off switch and volume control (rotary knob) or the On/Off switch. After switching on a high beep tone is audible in the headsets. After further 5 to 10 seconds a high double-beep tone sounds, indicating the completion of synchronization between the headsets. Now the headsets set up automatically a connection between each other. When the connection is set up a high beep tone sounds in the headsets and the headsets are ready for duplex communication. The microphone must be switched on in order to speak, if the headset is equipped with a microphone switch (see sections 2.7, 2.8).  b.  On speech reception adjust the speaker volume for your headset by means of the On/Off switch and volume control (rotary knob).
 12 von 20 3.4  Range warning In the case the range limit is reached a high 3-beep tone sequence is audible in the base and in the standard headset approx. every 5 seconds. When the range limit is exceeded the connection will be released. After the headsets are back again within the reception area the connection setup will be effected automatically. Finally a high double-beep tone is audible in the headsets and then a high beep tone which indicates that the connection setup has been completed.  3.5  Battery warning If the rechargeable battery has an undervoltage a low 3-beep tone sequence is audible in the headset approx. every 60 seconds.   4.  End of operation Switch off (switch position OFF) the headset with the On/Off switch and volume control knob (Fig. 3/b) or the On/Off switch (Fig. 3/d). This guarantees a longer usage from the rechargeable battery. Recharge the headset battery. In the case of headsets with ambient sound reception switch off the ambient sound reception with the rotary knob »ASR« (Fig. 4/b), so that the rechargeable battery does not discharge itself.   5.  Headset with level-limited ambient sound reception 5.1  General The headset with level-limited ambient sound reception (ASR) (Fig. 4) is used mainly where ambient sounds, warning signals etc, have to be heard perfectly alongside speech communication.  With ASR, ambient sounds can be received via a second microphone (Fig. 4/a) on the front side of the right-hand headset muff and can be heard via one ASR speaker each in the right-hand and left-hand headset muffs. Even when receiving a message the external sound reception is in operation.  In the case of external sound levels of over 85 dB(A) the sound level emitted by the ASR speakers in the headset muffs to the ear is limited to a maximum of 85 dB(A). The overall noise attenuation of the headset is, however, limited to passive noise attenuation of the headset muffs.   5.2  Operation Described below are only the operating control differences relating to external sound reception.  Switch on the ambient sound reception by means of the rotary knob »ASR« (Fig. 4/b) on the rear side of the right-hand headset muff and adjust by means of this rotary knob the desired volume for the ambient sound reception. The ambient sound reception is switched off in position »OFF«. Due to the separate On/Off switch and volume control »ASR« it is possible to use the headset for ambient sound reception only. Headsets without separate On/Off switch for the ambient sound reception Headsets are also available without separate On/Off switch for the ambient sound reception. The ambient sound reception is switched on and off by the On/Off switch and volume control (Fig. 1/c) for the device. Then the rotary knob »ASR« (Fig. 4/b) is only used to adjust the volume for the ambient sound reception.
 13 von 20 6.  Headset with radio set connection 6.1  General Two communication circuits are realizable with the additional radio set connection (example Fig. 6). Both the base headset and the standard headset can be equipped with a radio set connection. Connection to the radio set is effected via a radio set adapter which e.g. consists of the following parts:  –  PTT button (Fig. 6/b) with fastening clip on the rear side  –  Connection cable with jack (Fig. 6/a) for connection to the headset  –  Connection cable with radio set plug (Fig. 6/c) depending on the radio set Communication circuit 1 Communication between the user of the base headset and a max. of four other users of standard headsets.  Communication circuit 2 Communication in connection with an additional radio set on the radio set channel. The radio set is connected to the headset via the radio set adapter.  6.2  Commissioning and operation Described below are only the differences relating to the additional radio set connection. a.  Make the plug connection (Fig. 6/a). Connect the radio set adapter via the radio set plug (Fig. 6/c) to the accessory connector of the radio set. Fasten the PTT button (Fig. 6/b) by means of the clip on the rear side to a suitable place on your clothing. Switch on the radio set and adjust on the radio set the basic volume for the headset. Take heed of the operating instructions for the radio set issued by the radio set manufacturer. Switch on the headsets as per section 3.3. After the headsets are switched on the connection setup is effected automatically by the headsets. Subsequently duplex communication is possible between the parties of communication circuit 1, if in the case of headsets with microphone switch, the microphone is switched on (section 2.7). Adjust the desired speaker volume on the headsets. b. Speech communication circuit 2 – To transmit press the PTT button (Fig. 6/b), i.e. in order to key the radio set transmitter. You can speak into the headset microphone as long as you keep the PTT button pressed. Upon releasing the PTT button the radio set is back on standby/reception.    When you press the PTT button and speak into the headset microphone, in the case of headsets with microphone switch the message transmission path depends on the position of the microphone switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« (Fig. 3/a).    Microphone switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« in middle position »OFF«: The message is transmitted to the radio set only    Microphone switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« in key position »Mic.« or in the »permanent« switch position »Mic.«: The message is transmitted to the radio set and to the headset or to the two headsets with which an active connection setup exists.   7.  Headset with PTT button With the optional PTT button (examples Fig. 3/c and Fig. 11/a) the user can transmit a PTT criterium (PTT = push to talk) from his CT-DECT Headset standard to a CT-DECT base station, to which an external two-way radio is connected. Transmitter keying of the external two-way radio is carried out remote controlled by pressing the PTT button. Subsequently the user can transmit a radio message via the microphone of his standard headset and the external two-way radio, as long as he keeps the PTT button pressed.
 14 von 20 8.  Headset with exchangeable headset muff General This headset model is equipped with an exchangeable right headset muff where the rechargeable battery is located. When the battery is discharged the right headset muff can be exchanged easily by a headset muff with charged battery. This allows the headset to be used while recharging the battery.  Exchange of headset muff Switch off the headset. Loosen the screw connection (Fig. 5/a) in the connection cable to the right headset muff and disconnect the plug connection. On the right headset muff pull the head band (Fig. 5/b) out of the head band holder (Fig. 5/c) until the end stop. On the inner side of the head band holder is a retaining clip (Fig. 5/d). Use your thumb-nail or a small screwdriver to press the retaining clip away from the head band. While depressing the retaining clip, pull off the headset muff from the head band. Reassemble the spare headset muff equipped with a recharged battery in reverse order.   9.  Headset muffs for helmet fastening The two headset muffs can be supplied without a head band for lateral fastening to a helmet. Different fastening parts are available depending on the helmet type. Separate installation instructions are available for fastening to the helmet, these being provided together with the delivery of the fastening parts. Lay the connection cable between the two headset muffs in the helmet so that it causes no annoyance. In addition you can also use the head strap (see section 3.2). If no noise protection is required for the activity, you can fold the two fastening arms with the headset muffs outwards and away from the helmet.   10.  Headset with microphone socket This headset (example Fig. 10) is equipped with a 5-pin microphone socket (Fig. 10/a). Depending on the usage requirements a pluggable CT microphone, e.g. a gooseneck microphone or a throat microphone, can be connected to the microphone socket.  Example throat microphone – Connect the throat microphone with the microphone plug (Fig. 10/b) to the microphone socket (Fig. 10/a). Place the harness (Fig. 10/c) of the throat microphone around the neck and position the microphone (Fig. 10/d) on the throat.   11.  Safekeeping – storage Store the cleaned device in a clean, dry place at normal room temperature and in normal relative air humidity.   12.  Recharging the batteries WARNING Never use battery chargers to charge non-rechargeable batteries. Never open rechargeable batteries or throw them into fire. Used (defective) rechargeable batteries are subject to special waste disposal. Do not put them in the household refuse! Use a CeoTronics charger (see section 14) to charge the 3.6 V/2300 mAh NiMH rechargeable battery or the optional 3.6 V/2300 mAh Li-Ion rechargeable battery in the headset. Using other chargers can cause rechargeable batteries to become damaged. The battery charging socket (see example Fig. 7/a) is located on the right-hand headset muff. Notice the special CeoTronics operating instructions for the charger. CAUTION To recharge the battery always switch off the headset.
 15 von 20 13.  Maintenance 13.1  Visual inspections Regularly examine the headset muffs and in particular the ear cushions frequently for signs of fractures, cracks and wear. If the headset muffs are damaged, replace the headset and send it in to CeoTronics for repair. Replace damaged or worn ear cushions in accordance with section 13.4, and, even if not damaged, every 6 months of use at the latest.  13.2  Cleaning CAUTION When cleaning ensure that no moisture penetrates inside the unit. Do not use any solvents  (e.g. benzine, alcohol, etc.) for cleaning purposes! Remove any loose dust with a soft brush. Clean, if necessary, the outside with a suitable clean cloth that has been slightly moistened with clear water, and rub the parts dry afterwards. If heavily soiled, some dishwashing liquid can be used in addition. Clean the contacts of connectors with a commonly available contact cleaning agent.  13.3  Replacing the windshield on the microphone Pull the windshield (Fig. 8/a) off the microphone and replace it.  13.4  Replacing the ear cushions Pull the ear cushion (Fig. 8/b) off the headset muff and replace it. Ensure that the new ear cushion fully engages.  13.5  Replacing the head strap Remove the two fasteners (Fig. 2/b) and then pull the head strap (Fig. 2/a) out the slits in the headset muffs. Install the new head strap according to Fig. 2.  14.  Technical data             US Version      Frequency band         1920 – 1930 MHz Mode of Transmission      TDMA 24 Slots per frame  Channel spacing        1,728 MHz Automatic channel selection     5 channels  15.  Accessories and consumable parts Designation and description Art. No. Carrying case for transceiver headset, colour grey 4035030 Single-unit charger for 3.6 V/2300 mAh NiMH rechargeable batteries, charging time approx. 4 hours. For a mains voltage of 100...240 V  50/60 Hz  4006543 Single-unit charger for 3.6 V/2300 mAh Li-Ion rechargeable batteries,  charging time approx. 5 hours. For a mains voltage 100...240 V  50/60 Hz 4006528 Single-unit charger for 3.6 V/2300 mAh Li-Ion rechargeable batteries,  charging time approx. 5 hours. For a mains voltage 100...240 V  50/60 Hz 4006519 Ear cushion, 2 pcs. 5000501 Windshield for microphone, 10 pcs. 5002201 Comfort set consisting of 50 pcs. (25 pair-pack) washable sweat absorbing cotton pads 4010025 Head strap inclusive of two fasteners 5000707
 16 von 20  16.  On-air subscription of the standard headsets to the base headset Base headset and standard headset(s) can also be used in conjunction with other CT-DECT devices resp. CT-DECT GateCom devices. The on-air subscription of a headset to one of these devices is carried out analogous and in the sequence as described in section 15.1...15.2. Going to do so, first ascertain which of the devices is the base device and which a standard device.  For on-air subscription at a CT-DECT device or at a CT-DECT GateCom device always the on/off switch and the subscription button(s) are used. In every case notice the special CeoTronics operating instructions for the other CT-DECT device resp. CT-DECT GateCom device.  16.1  General   INFORMATION   Subscribing CT-DECT devices standard into a CT-DECT device base is usually only necessary if a CT-DECT system is put into operation for the first time or if individual CT-DECT devices are replaced, e.g. after repairs.   A CT-DECT device standard can only be subscribed into a single CT-DECT devices base , never into two or more simultaneously.   Depending on the scope of delivery, it is possible that the CT-DECT devices were already subscribed appropriately to one another at the QA final inspection at CeoTronics.   In this case you will find a note with the shipment. If there are several CT-DECT device base, the CT-DECT device are marked in accordance with their assignment to the respective CT-DECT device base.  Two CT-DECT devices standard can never be subscribed simultaneously at a CT-DECT device base but always consecutively only.   With several CT-DECT device standard it is advisable to subscribe all devices in an device group directly one after the other to the CT-DECT device base, because otherwise an device may be deleted by mistake (»Principle of Subscribing «).  Keep to the sequence of operating steps.  All newly subscribed devices must be switched off again after subscription. Each headset has its own internal identification number. First of all an allocation must always take place between the base headset and the maximum of four standard headsets. This subscription procedure, which has to be performed once only, is performed on the base headset and the maximum of four standard headsets manually by means of a procedure carried out by the operator.  If a fifth standard headset would be subscribed to the base headset, the standard headset that was subscribed in first would be deleted from the data memory of the base headset. See the following example. Principle of subscription (example)
 17 von 20 A standard headset that is deleted from the data memory of the base headset cannot communicate any longer with the CT-DECT system. In this case the standard headset has to be subscribed again to the base headset according to the subscription procedure. After the subscription procedure has been successfully concluded, the identity of the communication partner is stored in the data memory of the headset. The standard headset stores one base headset. The base headset stores the last four successfully subscribed standard headsets.  Time Out If no successful subscription between a standard headset and the base headset was achieved after maximally 2 minutes, a »Time Out« occurs. The »Time Out« effects that the data memories of max. four stored standard headsets available in the base headset and in the case of the standard headset the available data memory for the stored base headset are deleted.  After a »Time Out« all necessary standard headsets have to be subscribed again to the base headset.
 18 von 20 16.2 On-air subscription
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                               Germany and International Sales  CeoTronics AG Adam-Opel-Str. 6 63322 Rödermark Tel. +49 6074 8751-0 Fax +49 6074 8751-676 E-Mail USA/Canada/Mexico  CeoTronics, Inc. 512 South Lynnhaven Road, Suite 104 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Tel. +1 757 549-6220 Fax +1 757 549-6240 E-Mail France  CeoTronics Sarl Bât. Delta T Z.A. du Tuboeuf Allée des Pleus 77170 Brie Comte Robert Tel. +33 1 60183300 Fax +33 1 60286060 E-Mail Spain  CeoTronics S.L. C/Ciudad de Frias 7 y 9 Nave 19 28021 Madrid Tel. +34 91 4608250 51 Fax +34 91 4603193 E-Mail Switzerland  CeoTronics AG Grundstr. 16 6343 Rotkreuz Tel. +41 41 7905838 Fax +41 41 7905839 E-Mail Polen  CeoTronics Sp. z o.o. ul. Franciszkańska 104/112, Lok. 209 91-845 Łódź (Polska) Tel. +48 42 6553311 Fax +48 42 6552288 E-Mail Germany and International Sales  CT-Video GmbH Gewerbegebiet Rothenschirmbach 9 06295 Lutherstadt Eisleben Tel. +49 34776 6149-0 Fax +49 34776 6149-11 E-Mail Revision: 01/0511  DOK 0872-us              Subject to change Copyright © 09/2010 CeoTronics AG, 63322 Rödermark, Germany, Internet

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