CeoTronics CT-DECT-H24 DECT Headset User Manual HEADS US ZUL

CeoTronics AG DECT Headset HEADS US ZUL


revised users manual

CT-DECTHeadset for Wireless Duplex CommunicationOperating Instructions
2Contents1. Important safety instructions.....................................................................................................................32. Description .................................................................................................................................................52.1 General...................................................................................................................................................52.2 Power supply and operating time .........................................................................................................62.3 Audio signals used.................................................................................................................................62.4 Sidetone..................................................................................................................................................62.5 On/Off switch for the microphone.........................................................................................................63. On-air subscription.....................................................................................................................................63.1 General...................................................................................................................................................63.2 On-air subscription.................................................................................................................................73.2.1 On-air subscription of the first standard headset ............................................................................73.2.2 On-air subscription of the second standard headset......................................................................74.  Commissioning and operation.................................................................................................................74.1 Putting on the headset and adjusting the microphone .......................................................................74.2 Wearing the headset with an additional head strap............................................................................84.3 Switching on, synchronization, adjusting the speaker volume...........................................................84.4 Connection setup and release..............................................................................................................94.4.1 Connection setup and release by the standard headset................................................................94.4.2 Connection setup and release by the base headset.....................................................................104.5 End of operation...................................................................................................................................105. Headset with level-limited ambient sound reception ............................................................................105.1 General.................................................................................................................................................105.2 Operator control...................................................................................................................................116. Headset with radio set connection.........................................................................................................117. Headset muffs for helmet fastening .......................................................................................................128. Safekeeping – storage ............................................................................................................................129. Recharging the batteries.........................................................................................................................1310. Maintenance.........................................................................................................................................1310.1 Visual inspection..............................................................................................................................1310.2 Cleaning............................................................................................................................................1310.3 Replacing the windshield on the microphone................................................................................1410.4 Replacing the ear cushions.............................................................................................................1411. Accessories and consumable parts ...................................................................................................14
3Important NotePlease note that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance will void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that cause undesired operation.SAFETY INFORMATIONYour wireless headset transceiver contains a low power transmitter. When transmitting itsends out radio frequency (RF) signals. In August 1996, the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for wireless devices.WARNINGThis headset is considered to be a portable device which housing (the ear cushion) operatesin contact with the user's body.Because of the construction of this headset the internal transmitter and it's antenna is locatedin such a way, that a separation distance from the user's body is maintained in compliancewith the FCC's RF Exposure Guidelines.This device and it's antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.Use only the internal antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments coulddamage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations.1. Important safety instructionsWhen using CeoTronics products do not fail to comply with the following safetyinformation:lBefore using CeoTronics products read completely the appropriate operating instructions. If in doubt,ask our technical staff.lIf repair work of any kind needs to be done to CeoTronics products, arrange for it to be performedonly by the company CeoTronics or by a specialized workshop that is authorized by CeoTronics. Inall other cases our warranty and liability for the product shall lapse.lIf products are operated on a mains voltage, always pull the mains plug out of the mains plug socketbefore opening such products (e.g. for servicing purposes) !lDo not store CeoTronics products outside or in damp ambient conditions. At all times keep themclean, dry and at normal air humidity. CeoTronics products must not be stored in areas with atemperature of over +80° C (+176° F), e.g. in the summertime on the parcel shelf of a car. If notstated otherwise, the following temperature ranges are allowed for CeoTronics products: -10 to+55° C (+14 to +131° F) for operation, -40 to +80° C (-40 to +176° F) for storage.lDo not immerse a CeoTronics product into water, if it is not expressly specified for this purpose.lWhen using CeoTronics products that are equipped with connection leads ensure that the latter donot get caught up in operational machinery or wheels !lType-tested muffs with a high degree of passive noise attenuation are used for CeoTronics headsetswith headset muffs. If not stated otherwise, it is our experience that the passive noise attenuation ofthe headset muffs is reduced by approx. 3 dB due to the electronics that are integrated into theheadset muffs. As a rule no empirical values are available for non-standard products.
4At very high noise levels that exceed the passive protective effect of the headset muffs werecommend that ear plugs be worn as an additional measure. If in doubt, ask your safety officer orcompany doctor. Full noise attenuation exists only if the muff padding is in perfect condition. Thisshould be replaced at the latest after every 6 months of use.lIn the case of headsets with headset muffs that protect against harmful ambient noise and that arenot equipped with additional electronics for level-limited ambient sound reception, take heed that theaudibility of warning signals, warning calls etc. is also impaired !lCeoTronics products that are not intrinsically safe (explosion-proof) and therefore have no specialexplosion-proof designation must never be operated in potentially explosive environments (e.g.when refuelling cars, aircraft etc.). Devices that are not explosion-proof can unintentionally trigger offexplosions in such areas !lIf you are a cardiac pacemaker carrier, before operating a transmitter/receiver ask the manufacturerof your cardiac pacemaker for information about any impairment that might be caused due to highfrequencies.lFor safety reasons reception volumes in excess of 85 dB(A) are possible with a whole series ofCeoTronics products. However, these can be regulated by the user. Do not set the volume anyhigher than is necessary. A very high volume setting can lead to damaged hearing, particularly if it iscontinuous. For high volumes or noise levels wear additional ear plugs. If in doubt, ask your safetyofficer or company doctor.lWhen on board an airplane always keep a transmitter/receiver switched off. Operation of thetransmitter/receiver could affect the safety of the airplane and it is therefore prohibited. Neveroperate electronic devices on board an airplane without the express approval of an authorizedmember of the cabin crew.lDo not leave CeoTronics products lying around loose in cars, e.g. on the parcel shelf. Stow theseproducts in a suitable, safe place in the car so that they do not present a danger to you or to otheroccupants of the car, if emergency braking is effected.lWhen driving a car, do not use the radio because it may distract you from the other traffic. Never usea CeoTronics product that will impair your hearing.lTransmit only when it is necessary. Unnecessarily occupying a channel can prevent the transmissionof vitally important information.lCharge rechargeable batteries only with the appropriate suitable CeoTronics charger. Observe thevoltage and currency specifications, including those on the mains face (e.g. 230 V AC or 115 V AC).Never use the charger to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.lWhen handling rechargeable batteries comply with environmental protection regulations !Rechargeable batteries contain toxic chemicals (e.g. cadmium). Never attempt to open arechargeable battery and never throw a rechargeable battery into fire. Expended (defective)rechargeable batteries are subject to compulsory regulated waste disposal. Do not put them in thehousehold waste !lEnsure that a short-circuit (risk of fire or injury) is not created across rechargeable battery terminalsor charging sockets by a short-out (bent-open paper clip, bunch of keys etc.). In such an event thewarranty shall lapse. Transport any spare rechargeable batteries in an electrically non-conductingpackage in order to avoid short-circuiting the rechargeable batteries.lKeep CeoTronics products and rechargeable batteries out of the reach of children and any otherpersons who are not familiar with the handling and operation thereof.lPackaging materials, e.g. filling materials and plastic bags are not toys and have to be kept out ofthe reach of children. There is a risk of children ingesting them and choking !lSafe operation requires clean devices. Ensure that the devices (microphones, connectors etc.) areclean and in good condition at all times.lCeoTronics products may only be used for the specific application envisaged.lIf the device is to be put out of operation definitively, bring it to a local recycling plant for disposal orsend it to CeoTronics.
52. Description2.1 GeneralThe headset is a transmitter/receiver for wireless duplex voice and data communication between amax. of three communication parties over short distances. The range depends on the localcircumstances. Up to two standard headsets can log into a base headset. Channel selection is effectedautomatically by the unit.The headset protects against harmful ambient noise and renders possible communication in noisyenvironments. The headset microphone is noise-compensating und is equipped with a flexible swan-neck and windshield. The microphone can be switched on and off by means of a switch at the bottom ofthe right-hand headset muff.The minimum version of the system comprises a base headset and one standard headset. A secondstandard headset can also be operated in conjunction with the base headset. The base and standardheadsets are marked by an imprint on the left headset muff, as follows:– CT-DECT Base– CT-DECT Standardèè  NOTEThe base headset and the standard headset can also be used in conjunction with otherCeoTronics DECT units. Please take heed of the special CeoTronics operating instructions forthese DECT units.Fig. 1  Headset, basic versionKey to Fig. 1 – Headset, basic versionaAdjustable head bandbLeft headset muffcOn/Off switch and volume controldButton for subscription, connection setupand releaseeEar cushionsfMicrophone and windshieldgFlexible swanneckhOn/Off switch for microphoneiRight headset muff
62.2 Power supply and operating timeA 3.6 V/600 mAh rechargeable battery in the right headset muff provides the power supply for theheadset. With a fully charged battery the operating time for continuous operation is approx. 6 hours.2.3 Audio signals usedTwo different tones are used for signalling the operating statuses. The tone for the indication of positiveresponses (P-tone) has a higher frequency than the tone for the indication of negative responses (N-tone). Signalling of the various events is effected by a varying number of consecutive P-tones or N-tones.Positive acknowledgement toneAll positive responses are indicated by a high P-tone.Negative acknowledgement tone and error toneAll negative responses and error statuses are indicated by a low N-tone.Battery warningIf the battery has an undervoltage a low 3-fold N-tone sequence »N-N-N« sounds approximately every10 seconds in the headset.Range warningIf the range limit is reached, a high 3-fold P-tone sequence »P-P-P« sounds approx. every 5 seconds inthe headset.2.4 SidetoneThe sidetone while speaking is audible in headsets only after interconnection setup between theheadsets (see sections 4.4...4.4.2). Due to this a control is always available as to whether a connectionis active or not.2.5 On/Off switch for the microphoneThe microphone can be switched on and off with the switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« (Fig. 1/h) at the bottom ofthe right-hand headset muff. Three switch positions are possible. However, communication can only beperformed after subscription (sections 3...3.2.2), switching on, synchronization, adjustment of thespeaker volume (section 4.3) and connection setup (sections 4.4...4.4.2) have all been effected.Middle position »OFF« (receive): The headset microphone is switched off. You can only receive.Front switch position »Mic.« (transmit and receive): The headset microphone is switched on. Youcan speak into the microphone as long as you hold the switch in this position and simultaneously amessage is being received. After releasing the switch the switch returns to the middle position »OFF«.Rear »fixed«switch position »Mic.« (transmit and receive): The headset microphone is constantlyswitched on. You can speak into the microphone and simultaneously receive a message.3. On-air subscription3.1 GeneralEach headset has its own identification number. First of all an allocation must always take placebetween the base headset and the maximum of two standard headsets. This subscription procedure,which has to be perfomed once only, is performed on the base headset and the maximum of twostandard headsets manually by means of an operator control procedure.If a base headset or a standard headset is set to subscription mode and this is terminated after2 minutes without the subscription procedure having been successfully concluded, the data bases ofstored standard headsets available on the base headset and in the case of the standard headset theavailable data base for the stored base headset are deleted (»Time Out«).Once the subscription procedure has been successfully concluded, the identity of the calling party isstored in the data base of the headset. The standard headset stores a base headset. The base headsetstores the last two successfully subscribed standard headsets, a repeat subscription being permitted.
7If a third standard headset is subscribed into the base headset, the standard headset that wassubscribed in next to last is deleted from the data base of the base headset.èè  NOTEThe base headset and the standard headset can also be used in conjunction with otherCeoTronics DECT units. The on-air subscription of a headset to one of these DECT units iscarried out analogous and in the sequence as described in sections 3.2....3.2.2. Going to do so,first ascertain which of the DECT units is the base unit (lettering »CT-DECT Base«) and which astandard unit (lettering »CT-DECT Standard«). For on-air subscription at a DECT unit always theon/off switch and the push-button » )) « for subscription, connection setup and release areused.Please take heed of the special CeoTronics operating instructions for the DECT unit.3.2 On-air subscriptionèè  NOTETwo standard headsets can never be simultaneously subscribed into the base headset, theymust always be subscribed one after the other. For subscription the base headset must alwaysbe switched on before the standard headset.3.2.1 On-air subscription of the first standard headsetOn the base headset press the push-button » ) « (Fig. 1/d) and switch on the base headset by meansof the On/Off switch and volume control (rotary knob Fig. 1/c). After switching on keep the button » ) «pressed for at least 10 seconds.On the standard headset press the push-button » ) « (Fig. 1/d) and switch on the standard headset bymeans of the On/Off switch and volume control (rotary knob Fig. 1/c). After switching on keep thebutton » ) « pressed for at least 10 seconds. The standard headset has to be switched on within 2minutes of the base headset being switched on, otherwise a »Time Out« may occur (see section 3.1).After approx. 30 seconds a high double-beep tone can be heard both in the base headset and in thestandard headset. This indicates that the on-air subscription has been successfully completed. Asecond high double-beep tone finally reports that the standard headset has synchronized itself with thebase headset.3.2.2 On-air subscription of the second standard headsetSwitch off (position »OFF«) the base headset and, if it is switched on, the second standard headset bymeans of the On/Off switch and volume control (rotary knob Fig. 1/c).Repeat the subscription procedure as described in section 3.2.1 for the base headset and for thesecond standard headset.4. Commissioning and operation4.1 Putting on the headset and adjusting the microphonea. Put on the headset. Adjust the headset muffs by sliding the headband so that the muff padding fullyencloses your ears and so that the headband is lying on the centre of your head. Only then is thebest possible noise attenuation provided.For hygienic reasons we recommend that you use washable perspiration absorbers made of cottonfor the headset. These are pulled over the muff padding, making them comfortable to wear.CAUTIONDo not »twist« the flexible swanneck. Do not carry the headset by the swanneck.Use the microphone only with a windshield.
8b. Adjust the flexible swanneck so that the microphone is located at a distance of approx. 5 mm(0.2 in.) in front your lips. Optimum voice transmission with the best possible noise compensation isthen provided.4.2 Wearing the headset with an additional head strapIn the event of fast body movements or extreme body postures or if you are using a protection helmetthe headset can be fixed to your head additionally by means of the head strap provided (Fig. 2/a).a. Pull the headstrap as per Fig. 2 through the slit in the headset muffs and fasten it with the tworetainers (Fig. 2/b).b. Put on the headset, fold the head band (Fig. 2/c) to the rear and wear the head band as a neckband. Ensure that the head strap and neck band are tautly seated.Fig. 24.3 Switching on, synchronization, adjusting the speaker volumea. The rotary knob for switching the headset On/Off and for adjusting the speaker volume is located atthe bottom of the left-hand headset muff. The headset is switched off in position »OFF«. Switch onthe base headset and then the standard headset by means of the On/Off switch and volume control(rotary knob).èè  NOTEThe push-button » )) « (Fig. 1/d) must not be pressed until the headsets are synchronizedwith each other.Synchronization: A click is audible in the base and in the standard headset roughly 10 secondsafter switching on. The synchronization procedure then begins, i.e. the standard headset seeks itsbase headset. This synchronization procedure can last approx. 30 seconds. Upon completion ofsynchronization – i.e. the standard headset has found its base headset – a high double-beep tonesounds in the standard and in the base headset, indicating that the standard and the base headsetare ready for operation. In the case of two standard headsets two high double-beep tones areaudible in the base headset upon successful completion of synchronization.b. On voice reception adjust the speaker volume for your headset by means of the On/Off switch andvolume control (rotary knob).èè  NOTEAlways leave the headsets switched on for the usage duration of the headsets so thatimmediate operating standby and availability of the headsets are provided.c. Connection setup and release see sections 4.4...4.4.2.
94.4 Connection setup and releaseèè  NOTEThe base headset and the standard headset can also be used in conjunction with otherCeoTronics DECT units. The connection setup and release for the units is carried out basicallyas described in sections 4.4.1, 4.4.2. Going to do so, first ascertain which of the DECT units isthe base unit (lettering »CT-DECT Base«) and which a standard unit (lettering »CT-DECTStandard«). For the connection setup and release at a DECT unit always the push-button » )) «is used.Please take heed of the special CeoTronics operating instructions for the DECT unit.4.4.1 Connection setup and release by the standard headset(1) PrerequisitesŸHeadsets subscribed (sections 3...3.2.2)ŸHeadsets switched on and synchronized (section 4.3)(2) Two-party conferenceConnection setup: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand side of the headset muff ofyour standard headset. When the connection is set up a high beep tone sounds in the calling standardheadset and in the called base headset. Subsequently duplex communication (speech andsimultaneous listening) is possible for both parties.The microphone must be switched on in order to speak (see section 2.5). When the connection is activea sidetone is audible in the headset while speaking. This is for the purpose of control.Connection release: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand side of the headset muff ofyour standard headset. The standard headset is disconnected from the base headset. To conclude ahigh beep tone then sounds in the standard headset and in the base headset. The standard headsetand base headset are now on standby.(3) Three-party conferenceBelow the designations standard headset 1 and standard headset 2 are used only for the purpose ofbetter differentiation in the operating instructions. Both the standard headsets operate with equalentitlement.Connection setup: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand headset muff of your standardheadset 1. Standard headset 1 sets up a connection with the active base headset. Upon setup of theconnection a high beep tone sounds in standard headset 1 and in the called base headset.The base headset does not automatically set up a connection with standard headset 2. Not until thepush-button » ) « has been pressed on standard headset 2 does standard headset 2 set up aconnection with the base headset. If a connection exists between standard headset 1 and the baseheadset, the base headset then switches over automatically to three-party conference mode.If a connection already exists between standard headset 2 and the base headset when standardheadset 1 sets up a connection with the base headset, the connection between standard headset 2 andthe base headset is retained and the base headset switches over automatically to three-partyconference mode.The microphone must be switched on in order to speak (see section 2.5). When the connection is activea sidetone is audible in the headset while speaking. This is for the purpose of control.Connection release: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand headset muff of yourstandard headset 1. The standard headset 1 disconnects itself from the base headset. This procedureis acknowledged by a high beep tone in standard headset 1 and in the base headset. If a connectionstill exists at this time between the base headset and standard headset 2, the connection between thebase headset and standard headset 2 is retained. Not until the push-button » ) « on standard headset2 is pressed briefly does standard headset 2 disconnect itself from the base headset and the threeheadsets are on standby.
104.4.2 Connection setup and release by the base headset(1) PrerequisitesŸHeadsets subscribed (sections 3...3.2.2)ŸHeadsets switched on and synchronized (section 4.3)(2) Two-party conferenceConnection setup: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand side of the headset muff ofyour base headset. When the connection is set up a high beep tone sounds in the calling base headsetand in the called standard headset. Subsequently duplex communication (speech and simultaneouslistening) is possible for both parties.The microphone must be switched on in order to speak (see section 2.5). When the connection is activea sidetone is audible in the headset while speaking. This is for the purpose of control.Connection setup: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand side of the headset muff ofyour base headset. The base headset disconnects itself from the standard headset. A high beep tonethen sounds in the base headset and in the standard headset. The base headset and standard headsetare now on standby.(3) Three-party conferenceBelow the designations standard handset 1 and standard headset 2 are used only for the purpose ofbetter differentiation in the operating instructions. Both standard headsets operate with equalentitlement.Connection setup: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand headset muff of your baseheadset. The base headset sets up automatically a connection with the active standard headsets 1 and2. Upon setup of the connection a high beep tone sounds in the calling base headset and in the calledstandard headsets 1 and 2, and the base headset switches over automatically to three-partyconference mode.The microphone must be switched on in order to speak (see section 2.5). When the connection is activea sidetone is audible in the headset while speaking. This is for the purpose of control.Connection release: Briefly press the push-button » ) « on the left-hand headset muff of your baseheadset. The base headset disconnects itself from the standard headsets 1 and 2. This procedure isacknowledged by a high beep tone in the base headset and in the standard headsets 1 and 2. Thethree headsets are now on standby.4.5 End of operationSwitch off the Headset with the ON/OFF switch and volume control knob (switch position OFF). Thisguarantees a longer usage from the rechargeable battery. If necessary recharge the headset battery.5. Headset with level-limited ambient sound reception5.1 GeneralThe headset with level-limited ambient sound reception (ASR) (Fig. 3) is used mainly where ambientsounds, warning signals etc, have to be heard perfectly alongside voice communication.With ASR, ambient sounds can be received via a second microphone (Fig. 3/a) on the front side of theright-hand headset muff and can be heard via one ASR speaker each in the right-hand and left-handheadset muffs. The hearing of voice communication is also effected via one speaker each in the right-hand and left-hand headset muffs. Even when receiving a message the external sound reception is inoperation.
11Fig. 3  Headset with level-limited ambient sound receptionIn the case of external sound levels of over 85 dB(A) the sound level emitted by the ASR speakers inthe headset muffs to the ear is limited to a maximum of 85 dB(A). The overall noise attenuation of theheadset is, however, limited to passive noise attenuation of the headset muff.5.2 Operator controlDescribed below are only the operating control differences relating to external sound reception.Switch on the ambient sound reception by means of the rotary knob »ASR« (Fig. 3/b) on the rear sideof the right-hand headset muff and adjust by means of this rotary knob the desired volume for theambient sound reception. The ambient sound reception is switched off in position »OFF«.It is possible to use the headset for ambient sound reception only via the separate On/Off switch andvolume control »ASR«.6. Headset with radio setconnectionTwo communication circuits are realizable with theadditional radio set connection (example Fig. 4).Both the base headset and the standard headsetcan be equipped with a radio set connection.Connection to the radio set is effected via a radioset adapter which consists as a rule of thefollowing parts:–Inline PTT button with fastening clip on the rearside (Fig. 4/b)–Connection cable with socket for connection tothe headset (Fig. 4/a)–Connection cable with radio set plug (Fig. 4/c)depending on the radio setFig. 4
12Communication circuit 1Communication between the user of the base headset and a max. of two other users of standardheadsets within the headset frequency range. The standard headsets must have logged into the baseheadset.Communication circuit 2Communication in connection with an additional radio set on the radio set channel. The radio set isconnected to the headset via the radio set adapter.Commissioning and operationDescribed below are only the differences relating to the additional radio set connection.a. Insert the plug connection (Fig. 4/a). Connect the radio set adapter via the radio set plug (Fig. 4/c) tothe accessory connection of the radio set. Fasten the inline PTT button (Fig. 4/b) by means of theclip on the rear side to a suitable place on your clothing. Switch on the radio set and adjust on theradio set the basic volume for the headset. Take heed of the operating instructions for the radio setissued by the radio set manufacturer. Switch on the headsets as per section 4.3, wait until thestandard headset has synchronized itself with the base headset and adjust the desired speakervolume on the headsets.b. Voice communication circuit 1: See sections 4.4...4.4.2.c. Voice communication circuit 2: To transmit press the inline PTT button (Fig. 4/b), i.e. in order tokey the radio set transmitter. You can speak into the headset microphone as long as you keep thekey pressed. Upon releasing the key the radio set is back on standby/reception. A message that isreceived via the radio set is audible only in the right-hand headset muff of the headset which isconnected to the radio set.When you press the inline PTT button and speak into the headset microphone, the messagetransmission path is dependent on the position of the microphone switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.«(Fig. 1/h).ŸMicrophone switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« in middle position »OFF«: The message is transmitted tothe radio set onlyŸMicrophone switch »Mic.–OFF–Mic.« in key position »Mic.« or in the »fixed« switch position»Mic.«: The message is transmitted to the radio set and to the headset or to the two headsetswith which an active connection setup exists.7. Headset muffs for helmet fasteningThe two headset muffs can be supplied without a head band for lateral fastening to a helmet. Differentfastening parts are available depending on the helmet type. Separate installation instructions areavailable for fastening to the helmet, these being provided together with the delivery of the fasteningparts. Lay the connection cable between the two headset muffs in the helmet so that it causes noannoyance. In addition you can also use the head strap that is provided with each headset (seesection 4.2).If no noise protection is required for the activity, you can fold the two fastening arms with the headsetmuffs outwards and away from the helmet.8. Safekeeping – storageStore the cleaned device in a clean, dry place at normal room temperature and in normal relative airhumidity.
139. Recharging the batteriesCAUTIONNever use battery chargers to charge non-rechargeable batteries. Never open rechargeablebatteries or throw them into fire. Used (defective) rechargeable batteries are subject to specialwaste disposal. Do not put them in the household refuse !Use a CeoTronics charger (see section 11) tocharge the 3.6 V/600 mAh battery in the headset.Using other chargers can cause rechargeablebatteries to become damaged. The charging timeof a battery is dependent on the charger you areusing. Separate CeoTronics operating instructionsare available for this purpose.The battery charging socket (Fig. 5/b) is locatedon the right-hand headset muff and is sealed witha stopper (Fig. 5/a). Before connecting thecharger pull the stopper out of the batterycharging socket and re-insert it after recharging.Fig. 5WARNINGTo recharge the battery always switch off the headset (On/Off switch and volume control inposition »OFF«).10. Maintenance10.1 Visual inspectionRegularly examine the headset muffs and in particular the ear cushions for signs of fractures, cracksand wear. If the headset muffs are damaged, replace them and send them in to CeoTronics for repair.Replace damaged or worn ear cushions in accordance with section 10.4, and, even if not damaged,every 6 months of use at the latest.10.2 CleaningWARNINGWhen cleaning ensure that no moisture penetrates inside the unit. Do not use any solvents(e.g. benzine, alcohol, etc.) for cleaning purposes !Remove any loose dust with a soft brush. Clean, if necessary, the outside with a suitable clean cloththat has been slightly moistened with clear water, and rub the parts dry afterwards. If heavily soiled,some dishwashing liquid can be used in addition.
1410.3 Replacing the windshield on themicrophonePull the windshield (Fig. 6/a) off the microphoneand replace it.10.4 Replacing the ear cushionsPull the ear cushion (Fig. 6/b) off the headset muffand replace it. Ensure that the new ear cushionfully engages.Fig. 611. Accessories and consumable partsDesignation and description Art. No.Carrying case for transceiver headset, colour grey 40 35 030Single-unit quick charger, charging time approx. 30 minutesFor a mains voltage of 100...240 V AC and for operation on a car's 12 V DC electricalsystemFor a mains voltage of 100...240 V AC and for operation on a car's 12 V DC electricalsystem (charger without main cord)09 10 10009 10 110Single-unit plug-in charger, charging time approx. 7 hoursFor a mains voltage of 230 V AC. Charger with »Euro« plug (CENELEC standard)For a mains voltage of 115 V AC mains. Charger with »US« plug (US standard) 40 06 52540 06 530Ear cushion, 2 pcs. 50 00 501Windshield for microphone, 10 pcs. 50 02 201Comfort set consisting of 50 pcs. (25 pair-pack) sweat absorbing cotton pads 40 10 025

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