User Manual

Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 1 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013      Centrak Wi-Fi Module family   PART NUMBER FAMILY:  CEN8    USER MANUAL  FCC ID: ST2-CEN8B IC: 6012A-CEN8B  Issue Date: 11 January, 2013  Revision: 1.0    THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE.  Centrak, Inc disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary  rights,  relating  to  use  of  information  in  this  document.    No license, expressed or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.  IMPORTANT NOTES:   This module is limited to OEM Installation only.  The End User should not either install or remove the module. As such no instructions regarding Module Installation or Removal should be given to the End-User.  No instructions for module use will be given to the customer. The module will only be used in conjunction with the integrated product   *Third-party  brands,  names,  and  trademarks  are  the  property  of  their  respective owners.
Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 2 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013      ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR REGULATORY MODULE APPROVAL  4  User Guide Information  5 United States of America Requirements  5 General User Guide Requirements  5 Topics Not Covered  6  UNITED STATES REGULATORY APPROVAL FCC MODULAR APPROVAL  7  Design Criteria for Modular Approval  7 General Conditions  7 Antenna  7 Antenna Interconnect & Impedance    Physical Implementation    Emissions Compliance Testing  7  Co-location of Additional Transmitters  8  Product Labeling Requirements  8  INDUSTRY CANADIAN REGULATORY APPROVAL  9  Design Criteria for Modular Approval  9 General Conditions  9 Antennae  9 Antenna Interconnect & Impedance                                              Physical Implementation                                                                   Emissions Compliance Testing                                                                                                   9 Product Labeling Requirements  10
Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 3 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013     UNITED STATES AND INTERNATIONAL TYPE APPROVAL EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION) (STANDARD REGULATORY   14 CONTACT INFORMATION  14 APPENDIX A:  15  Agency Certifications:   15  Regulatory Certification Requirement:   15 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS:  16 APPENDIX B:  17  FCC Grant# - ST2-CEN8B   17
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 CEN-8B support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 4 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013      ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR REGULATORY MODULE APPROVAL The Centrak CEN-8B module (the CEN-8B) is a device that transmits and receives radio signals in accordance with the spectrum regulations for the 2.4-GHz unlicensed frequency range.  Regional regulatory agency approval may be required to operate CEN-8B throughout the world.  For purposes of ease of integration, time to market, and product surety, Centrak submitted CEN-8B to relevant agencies and obtained regulatory approvals for specific countries. CEN-8B was approved under the “Modular Approval (MA) Grant”.   This certification represents a significant cost savings to the OEM.  The radio certification portion of this grant is transferable to Digital Electronic Device manufacturers given adherence to specific implementation criteria noted herein.   Any modification of the CEN-8B will void the manufacturer’s warranty.  Any alteration or deviation from the documented installation and/or use of the CEN-8B will void the MA Grant as it applies to the end-product.   This module is to be installed only in mobile or fixed applications and please add a reference to part 2.1091(b) for a definition of mobile and fixed devices. Note, that separate approval is required for all other operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.  In the event the Digital Electronic Device manufacturer alters the herein described and approved installation of the CEN-8B, the end-product may require a complete battery of regulatory agency certification test Digital Electronic Device manufacturer may be required to submit to a complete battery of tests, depending on the requirements noted in the region they wish to sell their product.  The  MA  Grant  provides  that  Digital  Electronic  Device  manufacturers  who  incorporate the CEN-8B Module as tested and approved, and can be relieved from having to perform the Radio Regulatory certification portion of the respective agency certification.  The MA Grant is valid only in countries that recognize the MA Grant certification process. Countries currently accepting the MA Grant include; the USA, Canada, and many European countries as noted in the General User Guide Requirements Section of this document.  Terms and conditions of regulatory approval for these countries are also described herein.  However, this “grandfathered” radio certification does not  relieve the Digital Electronic Device manufacturers from submitting their device for digital emissions certifications.  Electronic device manufacturers may disregard the requirements of this section provided they accept  full  responsibility  for  regulatory  type-approval  of  the  electronic  device  with  an integrated CEN-8B wireless module.
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 CEN-8B  support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 5 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013     User Guide Information  Electronic device manufacturers using Centrak’s Modular Approval are required to place the below text in their product user’s guide in accompaniment with other regulatory information. The text may be disbursed according to language or geographic regions if desired, but the exact text shown below must be maintained.   United States of America Requirements The following text must be copied exactly into the products user’s guide:  “This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”  General User Guide Requirements The following text must be copied exactly into the product’s user’s guide:  “This product contains a radio transmitter with CEN-8B Module which has been tested and found to be compliant with the applicable regulations governing a radio transmitter in the 2.400 GHz to 2.4835 GHz frequency range.”  The following countries associated regulatory agencies recognizing the noted certifications for this product as authorized for sale and use are:   USA Canada Belgium Denmark France Finland Germany Italy Netherlands Spain Sweden UK This list will be updated to reflect additional grants obtained or needed in future revisions.  Note:  As of the date of publication, Japan does not recognize the “Modular Approval” certification. Regulatory certification for Japan (TELEC) must be acquired through typical approval procedures.  These approvals are the sole responsibility of the OEM.
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 6 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013      Topics Not Covered Topics that not covered in this manual include: ¾   Standard type approval for any country ¾   Japan’s (TELEC) regulatory approvals
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 7 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013     UNITED STATES REGULATORY APPROVAL FCC MODULAR APPROVAL (MA) The requirements for FCC Modular Approval were released in February 2013 in the FCC’s Public Notice: FCC Public Notice DA 00-1407, Part 15 Unlicensed Modular Transmitter Approvals.  Design Criteria for Modular Approval   General Conditions The following conditions must be strictly adhered to for modular approval:  1.  No modification to the module including the circuitry is permitted  2.  The design criteria including antenna, interconnects and transmission line  3.  Testing of the final device configuration for Digital Emissions Compliance    The CEN-8B may not be altered or modified in any way by the OEM or other integrator(s). Additionally, no component(s) may be added which change the radio frequency (RF) characteristics. These include unintentional or spurious emissions, immunity, ESD characteristics, or other items commonly associated with RF devices.   This includes all components; passive and active (such as RF filters, RF amplifiers, RF switches, etc). Additionally, no RF components may be placed between the RF output of the CEN-8B and the antenna.   Antennae The antenna is integrated in the module and has been qualified and approved for use under the Modular Approval certification.   This antenna is designed to be compatible with the RF impedance and frequency range of the CEN-8B. This antenna may not be modified or altered in any way from the original design as represented by the manufacturer.  The antenna selected have been specifically tested with the CEN-8B, and it is certified through the regulatory agencies in the US, Canada, and European Union for authorized use. Use of an altered antenna in a platform other than the antenna selected by Centrak voids the MA grant for that platform.    Emissions Compliance Testing  Notwithstanding the Modular Approval for the Radio Device with associated antenna, the end product  configuration  must  meet  digital  emissions  compliance  and  must  be  tested  in accordance with FCC Part 15 requirements confirming radiated emissions are within specified limits.  Applicable sections include:
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 8 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013     • Part 15 Section 15.109 Sub-paragraph A, Class B Radiated Emission Limits  These emissions tests can be conducted by the manufacturer or by contacting an approved test facility equipped and certified accordingly.  The results of these emissions tests are not required to be submitted to the FCC or Centrak, but should be kept on file by the OEM.  Co-location of Additional Transmitters  Digital Electronic Devices manufacturers using this MA grant should refer to Appendix B (FCC Grant #) for end-products using two or more co-located RF transmitters.  This grant states:  “This modular transmitter is approved for use in Digital Electronic Devices and may operate in conjunction with other mobile and portable transmitters in the same device; provided, the other mobile and portable transmitters have satisfied the appropriate RF exposure requirements contained in the FCC rules. The grantee must also provide Digital Electronic Device integrators, or end users if marketed directly to end users, with installation and operating instructions  for  satisfying  RF  exposure  requirements.  The  Grantee  must inform second manufacturers/installers that in order for this module to be operated in any configuration other than that permitted in the preceding sentences, a separate FCC equipment authorization must be obtained for each device into which this module is installed.“  This modular approval is granted provided Digital Electronic Devices manufacturers assume responsibility for ensuring that other transmitters operating in conjunction with the CEN-8B comply with RF exposure requirements associated with their use. The use of one or more additional RF transmitters will require review by the FCC and may require end-product re- certification, including the CEN-8B to ensure emissions compliance and RF safety.  It is the sole responsibility of the Digital Electronic Device manufacturer to obtain end-product regulatory compliance for configurations including two or more RF transmitters.  Product Labeling Requirements  FCC product labeling requirements stipulate an FCC label, including specific text, be placed on the device containing the CEN-8B module.   The product label must include the following text and must be affixed to the exterior of the OEM’s product.  The text should be located beneath the FCC compliance logo.   “Module FCC ID:ST2-CEN8B”   To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter functions the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational, such that the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the after the module is installed and operational the host continues to be compliant with the Part 15B unintentional radiator requirements, the
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 8 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013     Part 2 Subpart J Equipment Authorization Procedures , KDB784748 D01 v07, and KDB 997198 about importation of radio frequency devices into the United States.   For a host using a certified modular with a standard fixed label, an additional permanent label referring to the enclosed module: “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: ST2-CEN8B” or “Contains FCC ID: ST2-CEN8B” must be used. The host OEM user manual must also contain clear instructions on how end users can find and/or access the module and the FCC/IC ID.
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com 9 Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013      INDUSTRY CANADIAN REGULATORY APPROVAL Industry Canada regulatory approval typically conforms to the FCC in terms of emission levels and other regulatory requirements.  It is the position of the Industry Canada agency that the OEM primarily responsibility for ensuring end product compliance.  Centrak as grantee and supplier of the module maintains responsibility for the Modular Approved design.  Design Criteria for Modular Approval   General Conditions The following conditions must be strictly adhered to for modular approval:  1.  No modification to the module including the circuitry is permitted  2.  The design criteria including antenna, interconnects and transmission line  3.  Testing of the final device configuration for Digital Emissions Compliance  The CEN-8B may not be altered or modified in any way by the OEM or other integrator(s). Additionally, no component(s) may be added which change the radio frequency (RF) characteristics.    These include unintentional or spurious emissions, immunity, ESD characteristics, or other items commonly associated with RF devices.   This includes all components; passive and active (such as RF filters, RF amplifiers, RF switches, etc). Additionally, no RF components may be placed between the RF output of the CEN-8B and the antenna(e) except the RF interconnect transmission line.   Antennae The antenna is integrated in the module and has been qualified and approved for use under the Modular Approval certification.   This antenna is designed to be compatible with the RF impedance and frequency range of the CEN-8B. This antenna may not be modified or altered in any way from the original design as represented by the manufacturer.  The antenna selected have been specifically tested with the CEN-8B, and they are certified through the regulatory agencies in the US, Canada, and European Union for authorized use. Use of an altered antenna in a platform other than the antenna selected by Centrak voids the MA grant for that platform.  Emissions Compliance Testing  Notwithstanding the Modular Approval for the Radio Device with associated interconnect and antennae, the end product configuration must meet digital emissions compliance and must be tested in accordance with Industry Canada RSS-210 (Low Power License-Exempt Radio communication  Devices)  requirements  confirming  radiated  emissions  are  within  specified limits.
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 10     Applicable sections include:  • Part 15 Section 15.109 Sub-paragraph A, Class B Radiated Emission Limits  These emissions tests can be conducted by the manufacturer or by contacting an approved test facility equipped and certified accordingly.  The results of these emissions tests are not required to be submitted to the FCC or Centrak, but should be kept on file by the OEM.  Note: Industry Canada generally follows the guidelines of the FCC for emissions level requirements. FCC end-product compliance certification results may be used to satisfy Industry Canada requirements.  Please consult the Industry Canada, RSS 210 specifications to confirm inter- agency compliance.  If comparable FCC testing has not been performed or if the specifications are not cross compliant, RSS 210 testing will be required.  Product Labeling Requirements  Industry Canada product labeling requirements stipulate specific text be placed on the device containing the CEN-8B module.   The product must include the following text and must be located on the exterior of the OEM’s product.  This same information must be included in the product user manual.  “This product contains Centrak CEN-8B module Canadian Cert No IC: 6012A-CEN-8B”
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 11      EUROPEAN UNION REGULATORY APPROVAL The requirements for EU Regulatory Approval were released in April 2000 in the EU R&TTE Directive.  This directive supports self directed testing and certification for “harmonized” bands within OEM  facilities  or  by  third  party.    Article 6 of the R&TTE directive states: “The manufacturer or the person responsible for placing the apparatus on the market provides information for the user on the intended use of the apparatus, together with the declaration of conformity to the essential requirements.”  Ensuring regulatory compliance of the end product is the sole responsibility of the OEM. Centrak maintains responsibility for conformance of the CEN-8B, the interconnect, and the antenna, as the manufacturer.  The R&TTE directive maintains that first level compliance be reviewed by a “Notified Body” prior to general product marketing.  This is not mandatory, but reduces the risk of the product being challenged for non-compliance.  Although not specifically stated in the R&TTE Directive, corrections of non-compliance issues are the responsibility of the end product manufacturer.  Design Criteria for Modular Approval   General Conditions The following conditions must be strictly adhered to for modular approval:  1.  No modification to the module including the circuitry is permitted  2.  The design criteria including antennas, interconnects and transmission line  3.  Testing of the final device configuration for Digital Emissions Compliance  The CEN-8B may not be altered or modified in any way by the OEM or other integrator(s). Additionally, no component(s) may be added which change the radio frequency (RF) characteristics.    These include unintentional or spurious emissions, immunity, ESD characteristics, or other items commonly associated with RF devices.   This includes all components; passive and active (such as RF filters, RF amplifiers, RF switches, etc). Additionally, no RF components may be placed between the RF output of the CEN-8B and the antenna(e) except the RF interconnect transmission line.   Antennae The antenna is integrated in the module and has been qualified and approved for use under the Modular Approval certification.   This antenna is designed to be compatible with the RF
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 12     impedance and frequency range of the CEN-8B. This antenna may not be modified or altered in any way from the original design as represented by the manufacturer.  The antenna selected have been specifically tested with the CEN-8B, and they are certified through the regulatory agencies in the US, Canada, and European Union for authorized use. Use of an altered antenna in a platform other than the antenna selected by Centrak voids the MA grant for that platform.  Emissions Compliance Testing  The end-product configuration must meet digital emissions compliance and must be tested in accordance with the European Union standards ETSI 300 328 (European Telecommunications Standard for 2.4 GHz ISM band Emissions) and ETSI 300 826 (Electromagnetic Compatibility). Detailed European Union documents may be obtained from the web location:  http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/rtte/infor.htm  These emissions tests can be conducted by the manufacturer or by contacting an approved test facility equipped and certified accordingly.  The results of these emissions tests are not required to be submitted to the FCC or Centrak, but should be kept on file by the OEM.  Note: The European Union generally follows the guidelines of the FCC for emissions level requirements.  FCC end-product compliance certification results, if available, may be used to satisfy EU requirements (Substitution Method).  Please consult the ETSI 300 328 specifications to confirm inter-agency compliance.  If comparable FCC testing has not been performed or if the specifications are not cross compliant, ETSI 300 328 testing will be required.  Additionally, testing to the ETSI 301 489-17 (immunity testing) is strongly recommended.  Centrak assumes no responsibility for compliance of the end-product configuration.
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 13     Exterior Labeling Requirements  European Union product labeling requirements stipulate specific text is placed on the device containing the CEN-8B module.   The product must include the following text and must be located on the exterior of the OEM’s product.  This same information may be included in the product user manual, however is not mandatory.  Packaging and user documentation must indicate the use restrictions of the end-product (i.e. countries disallowing the operating frequencies of the CEN-8B).      Note: The end-product must be labeled "CE" and an exclamation mark to the right of the CE mark should have; '!' with a circle around it. The exclamation mark designates a non-harmonized frequency band.
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 14      UNITED STATES AND INTERNATIONAL TYPE APPROVAL (STANDARD REGULATORY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATION) OEMs may need to obtain standard equipment regulatory agency certification as previously noted herein, and for end-product deployment in countries where Modular Approval is not recognized, or for implementations using non-certified antennae or interconnections.  The details of standard equipment regulatory compliance are beyond the scope of this document.  OEMs needing standard equipment regulatory testing or who need council for determining regional requirement should contact approved certification and test service providers accordingly.  The  following  test  house(s)  have  been  identified  by  Centrak  to  assist  in  both  US  and International approval processes. This list is by no means complete or preferential:  1.  Advanced Compliance Lab, Inc.  Filing with certification facilities typically requires the submission of technical information (ie block diagrams, schematics, etc.) pertinent to the radio portions of the CEN-8B.  Centrak will provide assistance in obtaining such documents when required by the OEM.   CONTACT INFORMATION   CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: Centrak Corporation 5 Caufiled Place Newtown, PA 18940 Israel Amir: 1.215-860-2928 X 213           Email: iamir@Centrak.com         Web: www.Centrak.com
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 UM-UGWW2US support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 15      APPENDIX A:  Agency Certifications: Agency Test Performed Type Limit Result Margin EU  Radiated Spurious Emissions  30-12.75MHz Transmit Mode EN 300 328 PASS Results on File 30-12.75MHz Transmit Mode EN 300 328 PASS Results on File    FCC 15.247     Radiated Emissions 30 25,000 Spurious Emissions FCC Part 15.209/15.247 (c) PASS Results on File 6dB Bandwidth 15.247(a) PASS Results on File 99% Bandwidth IC RSS-210 PASS Results on File Output Power 15.247(b) PASS Results on File Power Spectral Density (PSD) 15.247(d) PASS Results on File Bandedge FCC Part 15.209 /15.247( c)  PASS Results on File Out of band 15.247( c) PASS Results on File        EU      Radio Performance Test Output Power, Power spectral density at normal conditions  EN 300 328-1 PASS Results on File Frequency Range at normal conditions  EN 300 328-1 PASS Results on File Output Power over extreme conditions  EN 300 328-1 PASS Results on File Frequency Range over extreme conditions  EN 300 328-1 PASS Results on File Conducted spurious emissions, 30MHz - 12750MHz, transmit mode EN 300 328-1 PASS Results on File Conducted spurious emissions, 30MHz - 12750MHz, receive/stand-by mode EN 300 328-1 PASS Results on File  Radiated Spurious Emissions 30 -  12,750 MHz -Spurious Emissions Transmit Mode EN 300 328 V1.2.1 PASS Results on File 30 -  12,750 MHz -Spurious Emissions Receive Mode  EN 300 328 V1.2.1 PASS Results on File       Table 5 – Regulatory Agency Certifications  Regulatory Certification Requirement:  The  Centrak  CEN-8B  module  has  been  tested  against  the  relevant  requirements of standards: FCC part 15 and Industry Canada RSS-210.  The module is certified by the regulatory authorities in the USA and Canada and complies with the applicable essential requirements of the Radio  &  Telecommunication  Terminal  Equipment  (R&TTE)  directive  in  the  EU. The module can thus be incorporated into products sold with little or no additional testing of the module itself. The end product must meet the appropriate technical requirements that apply to that product type but re-certification of the radio module is not required in the USA and Canada.  In the EU, the integrator is responsible for evaluating their product type per the essential performance requirements of the R&TTE directive (except those associated with  the  module),  declaring  compliance  and then notifying  the  member  states  prior  to  marketing  the product (because the  module uses a frequency band that is not harmonized in the EU).  It is the responsibility of the module integrator to obtain the  necessary approvals to sell products incorporating this module in other countries outside of North America and the EU.    The report of measurements performed on the module in compliance with the FCC rules and EN standards can be used in these submittals (as the requirements in many other markets around the world are based in part or in whole on the standards prevalent in North America and the EU)
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 CEN8B  support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 17      EUROPEAN UNION “DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY” DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY  Centrak Corporation 5 Caufield Place Newtown, PA 18940 USA  declare under our sole responsibility that the product(s) Wireless Wi-Fi Module - CEN-8B to which this declaration relate(s) is in conformance with the following standards:  EN 300-328 v1.3.1 EN 301 489-17 EN 55022 limits B  following the provisions of the 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC Directives.     Centrak Corporation, Newtown, PA – Israel Amir, CTO     MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS:  Item Description Specification 1 PCB Material FR-4 2 PCB Layers 2 3 Connector Type None 4 PCB Number CEN-8B  5 Flammability Rating UL94 V-0 6 CEN-8B Dimensions 56 mm X 33 mm 8 User Serviceable Parts None
 Wi-Fi Module CEN-8B Locating Efficiencies in Health Care User Manual 5 Caufield Place, Suite 102, Newtown, PA 18940 TEL: (215) 860.2928 FAX: (215) 359.0659 Toll Free: (800) 515.2928 CEN8B  support@centrak.com http://www.centrak.com Copyright CenTrak Inc, 2013 17      APPENDIX B:  FCC Grant#   The modular transmitter is approved for use in Digital Electronic Devices and may operate in conjunction with other mobile and portable transmitters in the same device; provided, the other mobile and portable transmitters have satisfied the appropriate RF exposure requirements contained in the FCC rules. The grantee must also provide Digital Electronic Device integrators, or end users if marketed directly to end users, with installation and operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure requirements. The Grantee must inform second manufacturers/installers that in order for this module to be operated in any configuration other than that permitted in the preceding sentences; a separate FCC equipment authorization must be obtained for each device into which this module is installed.

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