Canam Technology M4DBDA7 MARK-IV Digital Narrowband (Class-A) Signal Booster User Manual UHF CHANNELIZED OUTPUT LIMIT CONTROL

Canam Technology, Inc MARK-IV Digital Narrowband (Class-A) Signal Booster UHF CHANNELIZED OUTPUT LIMIT CONTROL

Users Manual

       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 2 of 11 Rev0 August/2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS  Section A. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 3 Section B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... 5 Section C. PHYSICAL OVERWIEW .......................................................................... 6 Section D. START - UP .............................................................................................. 8 D.1 ACCESSING D.U.T. WEB SERVER ................................................................... 8 D.1.1 Connect D.U.T to P.C computer using a crossover cable ................... 8 D.1.2 Connect D.U.T to local area network ..................................................... 9 D.2 USING AND SETTING UP D.U.T ...................................................................... 10 Section E. RF CONNECTIONS .............................................................................. 11
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 3 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Section A. INTRODUCTION  The  MARK-IVD  700MHZ  Narrowband  Signal  Booster  (M4DBDA7)  is  a  Class  B Narrowband  Signal  Booster  to  operate  within  range  763-775  MHz  (DL  path), 793-805 MHz (UL path) for Land Mobile radio FCC Part 90.  This document is the M4DBDA7 User’s Maintenance Manual, intended for the Radio Technical Personnel.  This manual is intended to be used  with the  M4DBDA7  Equipment only.   It is not  to  be  used  with  any  other  equipment  unless  it  is  authorized  by  Canam Technology, Inc.  Canam  Technology,  Inc  provide  this  document  “as  is”  without  any warranty of any kind. Canam Technology may make changes to the equipment, software  or specifications in this  document at any time without  notice  to  the  user.  These  changes  will  be  notified  to  the party responsible for FCC compliance and they will be incorporated in future releases of this document.  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the  party responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user's  authority  to operate the equipment”  This  document  may  contain  typographical  errors  and  technical inaccuracies.  Canam Technology will not accept any liability from the use and misuse of this manual, the information contained within, or  the  consequences  of  any  actions  resulting  from  the  use  of  this information.
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 4 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Signal  boosters  such  as  the    M4DBDA7  generate  radio  signals  and, therefore,  electromagnetic  fields.  The  technical  personnel  should have a complete understanding of FCC CFR Title 47 sections 1.1307 and  1.1310.    Recommendations  are  included  in  this  Manual,  but they do not substitute the FCC guidelines.  M4DBDA7 Key Features:   Narrowband Class B Signal Booster, per FCC Part 90.  Maximum  Output  Power  at  the  antenna  port  +37  dBm  per carrier.  AGC  circuit  provides  a  constant  output  power,  regardless  of the input power.  This device may require the use of antennas for proper functioning, depending  on  the  application.    The  installation  of  the  antennas should be performed by qualified technical personnel.  All antennas should  be  fixed  mounted  and  physically  secured  to  one  location  The people must be away from the  antennas  at  least 1.0 meters to comply with the RF Human Maximum Permissible Exposure limits, as long  as  the  antenna  system  gain  is  lower  than  11.3  dBi.  If  greater gain is used the separation should be increased, please refer to the FCC Rules.  If  service  should  be  performed  on  the  antenna,  please  shut  down the  transmitter  or  lower  its  power  in  order  to  comply  with  the maximum permissible exposure.
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 5 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Section B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION  This system  (D.U.T.) is an 700MHz Signal Booster  to operate within range  763-775 MHz (DL path), 793-805 MHz (UL path) for Land Mobile radio FCC Part 90.  The  system  features  eight  or  more  programmable  frequency  narrowband filters.  The  desired  operation  frequencies  must  be  configured  using  built-in Web Server.   Programmable  Individual  Rx  Threshold  level  (Squelch)  per  filter  allows transmission if the probe signal is greater than configured Squelch.  Individual  Automatic  Gain  Control  (AGC)  per  filter  delivers  constant  output power  level  per  channel  (+/-  1  dB)  regardless  of  their  input  level  variations. The maximum output level per filter can be changed with option “Maximum Desired Output Level per filter” in Main Settings page from Web Server   The built-in Web Server provides a Graphical User  Interface (GUI) to ease in remote  monitoring  &  control.    Access  is  obtained  via  a  PC’s  Web  Browser and a TCP/IP connection to the Unit. The system can be connected directly to a PC computer or can be plugged into the local area network.  Some pages shown by the Web Server are the following:   “Main Status”: depicts status alarm indicators and meters.    “Main Settings”: is used to configure system-level macro settings.   “Filter Settings” contains the settings that can be configured for each filter window.  Never  operate  the  system  without  adequate  Load/Termination  on  the Donor/Base and Service/Side T/R port.  The 700 MHz Signal Booster will amplify until 120dB gain any input stimulus greater than Rx Threshold level (Squelch).  The  Web Server  allows to  Mute/Un-mute  Power  Amplifiers  in  “Main  Settings” page.  Make  sure  the  power  amplifiers  are  un-muted  before  start  with  the test.
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 6 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Section C. PHYSICAL OVERWIEW  Figure 1 shows the visual status that the D.U.T. front panel.  Table 1 contains a brief explanation.  123STATUS LEDsPOWER ON SUMMARYALARMGREEN = OKRED = BADUPLINKSUB-SYSTEMALARMGREEN = OKRED = BADDOWNLINKSUB-SYSTEMALARMGREEN = OKRED = BAD Figure 1 - Front Panel details  Table 1 – Front Panel details   Item Description 1 Intake fan 1 2 LCD Display/Keypad 3 Intake fan 2 4 Power ON LED (Green = ok, Red = bad) 5 Summary Alarm LED (Green = ok, Red = bad) 6 Reflected Power Alarm LED (Green = ok, Red = bad) 7 Cooling Alarm LED (Green = ok, Red = bad)
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 7 of 11 Rev0 August/2012 Figure 2 shows the connectors and visual status that the D.U.T rear panel has.  Table 2Table 1 contains a brief explanation.  12345678919 12 111015FAN1CONNECTOR NO CONNECTEDFAN2CONNECTOR1617 14 1318 Figure 2 - Rear Panel details. Table 2 – Rear Panel details. Item Description 1 UL Tx TEST PORT 2 DONOR/BASE T/R PORT 3 DL Rx TEST PORT 4 FAN 1 DE-01 5 AUX I/O DE-02 6 FAN 1 DE-03 7 UL Rx TEST PORT 8 SERVICE/SIDE T/R PORT 9 DL Tx TEST PORT 10 AIR EXHAUST REAR FAN#2 11 AC POWER "IEC" INLET 12 AC MAINS ON/OFF POWER SWITCH 13 (ECM) FACTORY SERIAL DEBUG PORT 14 (ECM) DB-25 I/O CONNECTOR 15 PLUGGABLE EMBEDDED CONTROL MODULE (ECM) 16 (ECM) RED LEDS (RELAY CONTACTS) 17 (ECM) GREEN LEDS STATUS INDICATORS 18 (ECM) ETHERNET 10/100 NETWORK PORT 19 AIR EXHAUST REAR FAN#1
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 8 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Section D. START - UP  D.1  ACCESSING D.U.T. WEB SERVER  The system can be connected to a PC computer using an Ethernet crossover cable or to LAN using an Ethernet straight cable.   D.1.1  Connect D.U.T to P.C computer using a crossover cable   Figure 3 – D.U.T. connected directly to PC computer.  1. Use  an  Ethernet  crossover  cable  for  connect  equipment  directly  to  a PC computer LAN port (refer to Item #8 in Figure 2). 2. The IP address of the equipment is shown in the LCD display. By default it is with Network Mask = o To  verify  IP  address  press  the  Down  key  in  LCD  Display  and Keypad assembly until get IP ADDRESS value.  3. Configure  the  local  computer  IP  address  to  allow  access  to  the controller, within the same sub-net. o Go to “Star >> Control Panel >>Network Settings”. o Right-Click  on  the  “Local  Area  Connection”  and  choose “Properties”. o Look for “Internet Protocol” and click “Properties”. o Select “Use the following IP Address”.
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 9 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Configure PC computer IP address as 192.168.100.X (X is a value between 0-255) with Network Mask =  Default gateway can be same value as IP address. o Select “Obtain DNS server address automatically”.  4. Open a web browser and access the equipment by typing, in the address bar, the IP address of the equipment (  o Login with username = factory, password = factory.  D.1.2  Connect D.U.T to local area network   Figure 4 - D.U.T. connected into local area network.  The following steps are necessary to connect D.UT to LAN:    1. Find out the subnet the PC computer is currently plugged into. 2. Configure  D.U.T  IP  address  avoiding  conflict  with  other  devices  IP addresses. Use procedure in previous section D.1.1.  Please  refer  to  UHF  Narrow  band  Signal  Booster  O&M  Manual  for  more details.
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 10 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  D.2  USING AND SETTING UP D.U.T   1. Open  a  web  browser  and  access  the  equipment  by  typing,  in  the address  bar,  the  IP  address  (  )  assigned  to  the equipment. o Login with username = factory, password = factory. o The Main Status page will be displayed if connection available.  2. Go to Calibration page for: o Changing meters calibration, settings such as “Local Oscillator”, minimum readable for some meters.  3. Go to Filter Settings page for:  o Configuring the center desired frequencies. o Enable/disable filter windows. o Setting  other  filters  attributes  as  Fine-Tune,  Rx  Threshold, Enable/disable AGC.  4. Go to Main Settings  page for: o Changing “Maximum Desired Output Level per Filter”. o Enabling/disabling  MCPA output per path.
       CANAM TECHNOLOGY, INC. (CTI) MARK-IVD 700MHZ NARROWBAND SIGNAL BOOSTER M4DBDA7                                            USER’S MANUAL   Page 11 of 11 Rev0 August/2012  Section E. RF CONNECTIONS  1. Use  a  coaxial  cable  to  connect  the  test  instrument  input  to  D.U.T. Donor/Base or Service/Mobile when corresponds (refer to Items #2 and #8  in Figure 2).   2. Use  a  coaxial  cable  to  connect  the  RF  generator  output  to  D.U.T. Donor/Base or Service/Mobile when corresponds (refer to Items #2 and #8  in Figure 2).

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