COMMAX DRC-703S Lobby Phone User Manual DRC 500S

COMMAX Co., Ltd. Lobby Phone DRC 500S

User Manual

•Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.•Please carefully read this User’s Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow instructions to use a product exactly.•The company is not responsible for any safety accidents caused by abnormal operation of the product.513-11, Sangdaewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, KoreaInt’l Business Dept.  Tel. : +82-31-7393-540~550  Fax. : +82-31-745-2133Web site :•Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.•Please carefully read this User’s Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow instructions to use a product exactly.•The company is not responsible for any safety accidents caused by abnormal operation of the product.COMMAX LOBBY PHONE DRC-703S User Manual
1●Thank you for choosing COMMAX. ●Please read this manual carefully before you use the product. Greetings ..................................................................................................................1 Contents table...........................................................................................................1 1. Warnings and caution ...........................................................................................22. Part names............................................................................................................43. Main Screen Setting..............................................................................................54. Security Call..........................................................................................................65. Call house.............................................................................................................76. Access authorization.............................................................................................97. Set up..................................................................................................................118. Wiring Diagram ...................................................................................................15Greetings Table of contents
21. Warnings and cautionPlease follow the things described below in order to prevent anydanger or property damage.WarningCautionProhibition.No disassemblyNo touchMust follow strictly.Shows plugging out the power cord without an exceptionShows the warning and caution for an electric shock.Shows the warning and caution for a fire.It may cause a serious damage orinjury if violated.It may cause a minor damage orinjury if violated.Power & InstallationWarningPlease don’t use severalproducts at the same time onone power socket. ·It may cause a fire due to anabnormal overheating. Please don’tbend the powercable excessively or it maycause an electric shock.·fire when using a damagedpower cable. Please don’t handle the powercable with a wet hand. ·It may cause an electricshock. Please plug out the powercable from the socket whennot using it for a long periodof time. ·It may shorten the productlifespan or cause a fire. Please don’t install theproduct in the place wherethere is much oil, smoke orhumidity.·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please don’t install theproduct with the lighteningand thunder. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire.Please don’tuse and connectthis product with otherproducts with different ratedvoltage ·It may cause a disorder orfire. When installing the productthat generates heat, pleaseinstall the product away fromthe wall (10cm) for theventilation. ·It may cause a fire due tothe increased internaltemperature.
3Cleaning & UsePlease don’tdisassemble,repair or rebuild this productarbitrarily (please contact theservice center if a repair isneeded. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please plug the power cablefirmly into the inner end ·It may cause a fire. Please hold the plug tightlywhen unplugging the powercable (a part of the copperwire may be disconnected ifthe grabbing is only made onthe cord when pulling out thecable).·It may cause an electricshock or fire When connecting the powercables after cutting the cable,please install the product withpower off·It may cause an electricshock or fire  When installing the product,please fix it firmly while usingthe wall-mounting unit andscrews.·It may cause an injury fromthe falling object.Please be careful when usingan AC circuit breaker sincethere is a possibility of anelectric shock. When cleaning the product,please rub it with a soft anddry cloth after plugging outthe power cable. (Please don’tuse any chemical productssuch as wax, benzene, alcoholor cleanser.) Please don’t drop the producton the ground and don’tapplya shock . ·It may cause a failure.Please use the designatedconnection cable within themaximum calling distancedesignated for the product·It may reduce the productperformance. Please check the use voltageand current for the DC-onlyproducts and use theappropriate rectifier. ·It may cause a fire. Please avoid direct rays of thesun or heating devices at atime of installation. ·It may cause a fire. Please don’t install theproduct on an unstable placeor small support board. ·It may cause an injury if itfalls down while in use. If an abnormal sound, burningsmell or smoke is coming outof the product, please plug outthe power cable and contact aservice center. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please don’t insert anymetallic or burnable materialsinto the ventilation hole. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Please use only the designatedbatteries for the products ofusing DC power. ·It may cause an electricshock or fire. Cleaning & UsePower & InstallationWarningCaution
42. Part names①Camera②LCD ③RF CARD Receiver④Mike⑤LED ⑥Number Key Button ⑦Electric Key Button(in case of input the password) ⑧Proximity IR Sensor⑨Security Button⑩Call Button⑪Program Button ⑫Cancel Button ⑬Speaker ⑭Reset  ⑮Camera Adjustment Part ⑯DC 14V ⑰RS-485/Zigbee ⑱Switch Connection (NO,NC)⑲LAN PORT
5●Main Screen3. Main Screen Setting●StatusIcon Description Icon DescriptionLan Connection   Registered server status Display out post lobby phone Not Registered server statusDisplay building lobby phone   Local Server connection status Display Video Codec(MPEG-4)Display Video Codec(H.264) RF Card Data save status
6①Push          (Security Guard Post) Button ②Push          (Call) button ③Call sound is ringing and call Security Guard Post. ④Call Security Guard Post when guard answer call. (Time: 1 min.) ⑤Press "X" button when terminate call.  ⑥Security Guard push 'Open door’ button, 'Door is open” voice comment then door isopen. ⑦If line is busy, call it later.This is to call up the registered guard stations in advance by a manager Picture1. Call security Guard 4. Security Call
7When building number is set in advance : When building No. already registered to Call Prefix ①Input unit No. to key board.  Ex) Unit 101 input ‘101’ ②Push         (call) button. ③Ringing call sound and call unit. ④When tenants answer call, calling is on. (Max. time: 1 min) ⑤Press "X" button when terminate call. ⑥Tenant push 'Open door’ button, "Door is open” voice comment then door is open Picture2. Screen for registering house No.5. Call house●Communication call between residence
8When building number is NOT set in advance  :When building number hasn't been registered Call Prefix yet.①Input Building No. to key board.  Ex) Building 101 input ‘101’ ②Input unit No. to key board.  Ex) Unit 101 input ‘101’ ③Push         (call) button. ④Ringing call sound and call unit. ⑤When tenants answer call, calling is on. (Max. time: 1 min) ⑥Press "X" button when terminate call. ⑦Tenant push 'Open door’ button, "Door is open” voice comment then door is open Picture3. Building house No. register screen
9Picture4. Tag RF-Card●●Opening the entrance with RF card. ①Tag RF card to 'Card tagging window’. ②The common entrance get be opened with a vocal message, "Door opens” whenthe access is successful. ③The entrance does not be opened when the access fails with sound. ●●Access by PIN No. Building Number designated case :  Building Number designated in Call Prefix ①Input unit No. through key board. ②Push           (Key) button. ③Input designated house PIN No. ④Push        (call) button. ⑤If access authorization is successful, Door is open with "Door is open” voice message. ⑥If access is failed, warning sound is activated.Building Number is not designated case : Building Number is not designated in Call Prefix ①Input Building No. through key board. EX) Building 101 Input 101 ②Push       (call) button. ③Input unit No. through key board.  Ex) Unit 101 Input 101 ④Push        (call) button. ⑤If access authorization is successful, Door is open with "Door is open” voice message. ⑥If access is failed, warning sound is activated. 6. Access authorization외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼
10Picture5. Input password (PIN)●●Use password for accessing when system is OFF-Line (No connection with Local server) ①Push          (Key) button. ②Input PIN number. ③Push        (call) button. Please, should delete OFF-LINE PIN number when On-Line mode is activated ●●Use password for accessing when system is ON-Line (When connected with Local server) ①Push          (Key) button. ②Input Administration Pin number ③Push        (call) button. 외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼
11●Set up 1. Push           button. 2. Input PIN number. 3. Push        (call) button. We recommend user change initial password (0000) then use products for security. Initialize password :          + “0000”+           +          +          +          +  ●●Set up menu 0 : Set Network+ 0 : IP address: (Input IP address) 1 : G/W address (Input Gateway address) 2 : DNS address (Input DNS address) 3 : Net mask (Input network mask) 1 : Set VoIP+ 0 : SIP Server (Input SIP server address) 1 : Guard ID (Input Security Guard Post) “●”is DOT (.) for IP address typing. ●button map 7. Set up외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼01234567890123456789외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼01234567890123456789
2 : Management+ 0 : Server address (Input Local server address) 1 : Update address (Input update server address) 2 : System ID (Input DRC-700S serial No.) 3 : Call Prefix (Set building) If there is no building information in set up, automatically pop up for buildinginformation when call house. 4 : Call Line+ 0 : Min Call Line (Input call Min. line) 1 : Max Call Line (Input call Max. line) Attention : If Min Call Line is bigger than Max Call Line, you can’t call it. 5: Position (Set DRC-703S location) button is for upper ground,         button is for underground. Ex) When user set first floor after pushing         button, “1” is displayed andpushing         button, “B1” is displayed. If do not set 1st floor, automatically 1st floor will be set. 3 : Audio/Video+ 0 : Audio+ 0 : Guard Spe. Vol. (Control speaker volume when communicate with house) 1 : Guard Mic Vol. (Control Mic. volume when communicate with house) 2 : Guard Spe. Vol. (Control speaker volume when communicate with guard)  3 : Guard Mic Vol. (Control Mic. volume when communicate with guard) 4 : Gener Number Speech(Voice guide activation when press number button) 0: No (inactivated) 1. Yes(activated) 5 : Key Sound (Select button sound) 6 : Ring Sound (Select call sound) 7 : Key Vol. (Select button volume) 8 : Ring Vol. (Select call volume) 9 : Effect Vol.(Select effect volume) 10: Initialization (Initialize audio) Initialize all setting value from Audio menu. 1: Video:+ 0: Quality (Set visitor video quality) Increase to 384K/800K/1M/1.2M order (increase video quality). However, video data isalso increased. If video quality is not good such as broken video, please, set lowervideo quality. 12외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼외출/방범 버튼/LED홈버튼
131 : Brightness (Control Video Brightness ) 2 : Contrast (Control Video Contrast) 3 : Saturation (Control Video Saturation) 4 : Hue (Control Video Hue) 5 : Initialization (Initialize Video) Initialize all setting value from Video menu. 4 : Extra Config+ 0 : Language (Select language) 1 : Skin Theme 0 : Auto Automatically change Skin Theme once a day or after booting. 1 : Flip Clock Set up Skin Theme to Flip Clock Type. 2 : Red Clock Set up Skin Theme to Red Clock Typ. 3 : Green Clock Set up Skin Theme to Green Clock Type. 4 : Black Clock Set up Skin Theme to Black Clock Type. 2 : Set Time+ 0 : Door Open Time (Gate Open time) Select between 2sec., 5sec., 10sec., 15sec., 20sec., 25sec. 1 : Sleep Mode Time (LCD Sleep Mode setting) Select between 30sec, 1 min. 2 min. 3min, 4min, 5min 2 : Key Time Out Select between 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec 3 : ADC Sensor (Change approach sensor and range.) Range should be small when face to direct sun-ray. 0 : [ ] 0.2V 1 : [ ] 0.3V 2 : [ ] 0.4V 3 : [ ] Unused  4 : Change Password  Push           button for deleting previous password. 5 : Off-Line Password (In put Off-Line password) Push           button for deleting previous password. 01234567890123456789
14Initial Off-Line password is “123456”. 6 : Reboot: (System rebooting) 7 : System Reset (Initialize all setting and back to factory setting) Do not initialize IP after changing IP address. 5 : Database+ 0 : Password Down. (Download house password) 1 : RF-Card Down. (Download RF-Card Data) 2 : Password Del. (Delete house password) 3 : RF-Card Del. (Delete RF-Card Datas) 6 : System Info+ 0 : Version (Show software version)  1 : Boot (Display boot loader information) 2 : Kernel (Display OS information) 7 : Test+ 0 : Test Door Open 1 : Test RF Card (Display RF card No.) This function is for checking RF Card number. Tag card to card reader when Reading status. 2 : Test Elevator (Test elevator call) 3 : Test Sensor (Display sensor value.) 4 : PTZ Camera(Unused) 5 : System Initialize (System Initialize.)
158. Wiring DiagramPay attention to check polarity when install lobby panel.
16FCC Statement15.19:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.15.21:Note: The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not expressly approved bythe party responsible for compliance. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operatethe equipment.15.105(b):Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The manufacturer, importer, and distributor shall not be liable for damages including accidental andpersonal injury due to the improper use or operation of this product. The information in thisuser manual was written based on current product specifications. The manufacturer, iriver Limited,is adding new complementary features and will continue to apply new technologies in the future.Product specifications may be changed without prior notice.iriver is not responsible for data loss due to product use.Disclaimers
513-11, Sangdaewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, KoreaInt’l Business Dept.  Tel. : +82-31-7393-540~550  Fax. : +82-31-745-2133Web site :•Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.•Please carefully read this User’s Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow instructions to use a product exactly.•The company is not responsible for any safety accidents caused by abnormal operation of the product.Printed In Korea / 2014.10.104

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