CAEN RFID srl CAENRFID010 Low Power OEM UHF Compact RFID Reader User Manual RFIDdemo

CAEN RFID srl Low Power OEM UHF Compact RFID Reader RFIDdemo

Users Manual IV

      RFID SOFTWARE     USER INTERFACE                                      Technical Information Manual  Revision n. 02 14/01/2011
Scope of Manual The goal of this manual is to provide the basic information to work with the RFID Software User Interface.   Change Document Record Date Revision Changes 18 Feb 2006 01 First release. 14 Jan 2011 02 Added Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice  CAEN RFID srl Via Vetraia, 11 55049 Viareggio (LU) - ITALY Tel. +39.0584.388.398  Fax +39.0584.388.959    © CAEN RFID srl – 2010 Disclaimer No  part  of  this  manual  may  be  reproduced  in  any  form  or  by  any  means,  electronic,  mechanical,  recording,  or otherwise, without the prior written permission of CAEN RFID. The information contained herein has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is  assumed  for  inaccuracies.  CAEN  RFID  reserves  the  right  to  modify  its  products  specifications  without  giving  any notice; for up to date information please visit   Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (Preliminary) 1 This device was tested and found to comply with the limits set forth in Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  following  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.   This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, the product may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case, the user is required to correct the interference at their own expense. The authority to operate this product is conditioned by the requirements that no modifications be made to the equipment unless the changes or modifications are expressly approved by CAEN RFID.                                                          1 This declaration only applies to FCC readers A828US, A829US, A528, R1230CB, R1260I.
RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 3 Index Scope of Manual .......................................................................................................................... 2 Change Document Record ........................................................................................................... 2 Index.......................................................................................................................................... 3 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. 5 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6 General Information .................................................................................................................... 7 2 Getting Started ................................................................................................................... 8 Software User interface: Installation ........................................................................................... 9 Launching the Software User interface ..................................................................................... 10 Connection configuration .......................................................................................................... 10 Reader protocol configuration ......................................................................................... 11 Network configuration ..................................................................................................... 11 Input output management .............................................................................................. 11 Logical source selection ............................................................................................................. 12 Detecting test tags with the RF field ......................................................................................... 12 Readout of one tag’s memory ................................................................................................... 14 EPC protocol tags operations ........................................................................................... 15 Temperature monitoring with the semipassive tag .................................................................. 17 Creating the Log file ................................................................................................................... 17 RF Field test ............................................................................................................................... 17 Quit CAEN RFID Demo program ................................................................................................ 18 ISO18000-6B protocol tags operations ..................................................................................... 18 EPC1.19 protocol tags operations ............................................................................................. 19 EPC 1.19 Tag Data memory mapping (96 bit) .................................................................. 19 EPC 1.19 Tag Data memory mapping (64 bit) .................................................................. 20 3 Firmware Upgrade ............................................................................................................ 21 Firmware upgrade via serial port .............................................................................................. 22 Firmware upgrade via TCP/IP .................................................................................................... 23 4 RFID Test Program ............................................................................................................ 25 Connection configuration .......................................................................................................... 26 Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Antenna selection ............................................................................................................ 27 Protocol selection ............................................................................................................ 27 Power settings .................................................................................................................. 28 Reader network configuration ......................................................................................... 28 Start Test .................................................................................................................................... 28 Quit CAEN RFID Test program ................................................................................................... 29 5 RFID CsDemo Program ...................................................................................................... 30 Connection configuration .......................................................................................................... 31 Start inventory ........................................................................................................................... 32 Read tags memory ..................................................................................................................... 32
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 4 List of Figures Fig. 2.1: CAEN RFID CD Main Menu ..................................................................................................... 9 Fig. 2.2: CAEN RFID Demo start window ............................................................................................ 10 Fig. 2.3: Connection port configuration ............................................................................................. 10 Fig. 2.4: Reader Network configuration ............................................................................................. 11 Fig. 2.5: Reader Network configuration ............................................................................................. 11 Fig. 2.6: Logical source selection and test ......................................................................................... 12 Fig. 2.7: Event mode configuration .................................................................................................... 13 Fig. 2.8: Change Event mode message............................................................................................... 13 Fig. 2.9: Asynchronous Acquisition configuration ............................................................................. 13 Fig. 2.10: RFID Server ......................................................................................................................... 14 Fig. 2.11: Tags memory ...................................................................................................................... 15 Fig. 2.12: Tag readout ........................................................................................................................ 15 Fig. 2.13: Tag programming ............................................................................................................... 16 Fig. 2.14: Tag killing ............................................................................................................................ 16 Fig. 2.15: Temperature monitoring/1 ................................................................................................ 17 Fig. 2.16: Temperature monitoring/2 ................................................................................................ 17 Fig. 2.17: ISO18000-6B Tags memory ................................................................................................ 18 Fig. 2.18: ISO18000-6B Tag readout .................................................................................................. 18 Fig. 2.19: EPC1.19 Tag programming ................................................................................................. 19 Fig. 2.20: EPC1.19 Tag locking ............................................................................................................ 19 Fig. 2.21: General structure of 96 bit EPC number ............................................................................ 19 Fig. 2.22: Separation of 96 bit data structure for UCODE EPC 1.19 ................................................... 20 Fig. 2.23: Mapping of 96 bit data structure into UCODE EPC 1.19 memory ..................................... 20 Fig. 2.24: General structure of 64 bit EPC number ............................................................................ 20 Fig. 2.25: Separation of 64 bit data structure for UCODE EPC 1.19 ................................................... 20 Fig. 2.26: Mapping of 64 bit data structure into UCODE EPC 1.19 memory ..................................... 20 Fig. 3.1: CAEN RFID DEMO directories ............................................................................................... 22 Fig. 3.2: CAEN RFIDUpgrade/1 ........................................................................................................... 22 Fig. 3.3: Selecting the image file ........................................................................................................ 22 Fig. 3.4: PumpKIN Menu Window ...................................................................................................... 23 Fig. 3.5: PumpKIN Options Window ................................................................................................... 23 Fig. 3.6: Firmware upgrade browser .................................................................................................. 23 Fig. 3.7: Firmware upgrade message ................................................................................................. 24 Fig. 3.8: Confirmation message .......................................................................................................... 24 Fig. 4.1: RFID Test main menu ........................................................................................................... 26 Fig. 4.2: Connection port configuration ............................................................................................. 26 Fig. 4.3: Source selection ................................................................................................................... 27 Fig. 4.4: Setting the protocol .............................................................................................................. 27 Fig. 4.5: Power settings fields ............................................................................................................ 28 Fig. 4.6: Network configuration ......................................................................................................... 28 Fig. 4.7: Tags detection ...................................................................................................................... 28 Fig. 5.1: RFID Test main menu ........................................................................................................... 31 Fig. 5.2: Connection confirmation ...................................................................................................... 31 Fig. 5.3: Tags detection ...................................................................................................................... 32 Fig. 5.4: Tags memory readout .......................................................................................................... 32
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 5 List of Tables Tab. 2.1: CAEN RFID DEMO directories .............................................................................................. 10
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 6 1 Introduction
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 7 General Information The  present  manual  describes  how  to  operate  with  the  software  pack  provided  with  CAEN  RFID  UHF  readers  and development kits.   The CD includes the following tools:  RFID Java Demo program  RFID Visual C++ test program  RFID .Net Sample  Upgrade firmware and protocols (for A928EU/A948EU, A828EU/A829EU, A828US/A829US, A949EU/A946EU)  Uninstall tool
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 8 2 Getting Started
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 9 Software User interface: Installation Before you begin, be sure that:  1. the Reader is not connected to your computer; 2. the Reader supports your operating system (Windows 2000/XP);   To install the software:  Place the CD in the CD tray in your PC. Then the following menu will open:   Fig. 2.1: CAEN RFID CD Main Menu  If the menu does not open, then    Double-click on “My Computer”.           Double-click on the CD-ROM drive.      Double click on “index.html”.  Double-click on the file name “Install CAEN RFID Demo” option. Setup will install the files in the folder listed under “Destination Folder”. To install to this folder, click “Next”. To install to a different folder, click “Browse” and select another folder.  The Setup program creates the following directories:  Directory/file name Directory files description Java RFID Demo Java Version (see § Getting Started pag.8) CAENRFIDlib.dll2 Include files  lib CAENRFIDlib.lib (stub for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0) sources demo program Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0  Source files RFID_Demo.exe demo program RFIDUpgrade.exe Upgrade firmware and protocols                                                       2 CAENRFIDLib library is described in the relevant Technical Information Manual
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 10 TestRFID.exe RFID Test program Unins000 Uninstall tool Tab. 2.1: CAEN RFID DEMO directories  Launching the Software User interface The  RFID  Demo  Java  Version  is  started  by  launching  the  CAENRFIDJavaDemo.jar  file  in  the CAEN_RFID_Development_kit_Java\CAENRFIDJavaDemo folder in the CD’s “Programmer's Interface” directory. The present program  is  developed  for  demonstrative  purposes,  the  Java  classes are  available  in  the  “Programmer's Interface” directory of the CD. Before  launching  the  RFID  Demo  Java  Version,  it  is  necessary  to  install  the  Java  2  Platform  Standard  Edition  5.0, available at:   Fig. 2.2: CAEN RFID Demo start window  Connection configuration Once you have connected the CAEN UHF RFID Reader to your PC, turn it ON, then: Click on     File > Open connection The following pop-up window will open:  Fig. 2.3: Connection port configuration Choose the connection type; if you are using TCP-IP enter the IP address (default address:, if you are using  RS232,  type  the  connected  port  (COM1,  COM2…)  then click  on  <Connect>.  If  you  wish  to  use  RS232  or  USB, please make sure that the Java Platform you are running supports such ports.
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 11 Reader protocol configuration Optionally, it is possible to change the used protocol (ISO18000-6B or EPC C1G1/C1G2); Click on     configuration > change reader’s protocol A pop-up  window  will allow to  chose between ISO18000-6B  (which supports also  Philips  UCODE  EPC 1.19) and  EPC C1G1. If the protocol is changed, a reader reboot will be performed; then it is necessary to shut and re-start the CAEN RFID Demo program.   Network configuration Optionally, it is possible to update  the reader’s network settings; Click on      configuration > network setup The following pop-up window will open (the figure shows the default configuration):  Fig. 2.4: Reader Network configuration  Input output management This function allows to handle the reader general purpose inputs/outputs; Click on      configuration > I/O Management By checking the Output boxes, the relevant signal will be driven high. The Input status is also monitored: red = active, green = idle.    Fig. 2.5: Reader Network configuration
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 12 Logical source selection Click on    configuration > configure logical source The following pop-up window will open:  Fig. 2.6: Logical source selection and test  The antenna(s) status is checked:    BAD (antenna not connected) = RED   POOR (antenna with faulty operation) = YELLOW   GOOD (antenna ok) = GREEN  Then choose the antenna(s) you wish to use. Finally it is necessary to set the thresholds: Observed:  READCYCLE MODE (see § Detecting test tags with the RF field  pag.12): the number of subsequent times a tag must appear in an acquisition before it shifts from “glimpsed” to “observed”. TIME MODE (see § Detecting test tags with the RF field pag.12): the number of milliseconds a tag must appear in an acquisition before it shifts from “glimpsed” to “observed”. Lost:  READCYCLE  MODE:  the number of  subsequent times an observed  tag  must  disappear from  an  acquisition  before  it shifts from “observed”” to “lost”. TIME  MODE:  the  number  of  milliseconds an observed  tag  must  disappear  from  an  acquisition  before it  shifts  from “observed”” to “lost”. Read Cycle: the number of times an acquisition must be timed out and then restarted Confirm settings by clicking on <Configure>. Thresholds are meaningful only with Asynchronous Acquisition (see § Detecting test tags with the RF field pag.12).  Detecting test tags with the RF field Now the Reader is ready for detecting tags; click on either:    <Synchronous Acquisition>   <Asynchronous Acquisition>  With Synchronous Acquisition, a “one shot” readout is performed.   Asynchronous Acquisition allows to perform either Timed Acquisition or a I/O Timed-out acquisition.  In the first place it is necessary to set the “Event mode” by clicking on: Configuration>Configure Event Mode The following window opens:
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 13  Fig. 2.7: Event mode configuration If READCYCLE MODE is selected, the logical source thresholds are expressed in cycles, whose duration is equal to the Delay time set when Asynchronous Acquisition is launched. If  TIME  MODE  is  selected,  the  logical  source  thresholds  are  expressed  in  milliseconds;  it  must  be  noticed  that  the thresholds might not be multiple of the delay time, so a tag can change its status after a non-integer number of cycles. If  NOEVENT  MODE  is  selected, the tags are continuously scanned,  the threshold values  are meaningless (the tag is considered either inside or outside the reader’s field and no Glimpsed/Observed status is notified) After changing Event Mode it is necessary to restart both the Reader and the RFID Demo Java Version. The following message will be shown:  Fig. 2.8: Change Event mode message  Fig. 2.9: Asynchronous Acquisition configuration  If you wish to make a Timed Acquisition in READCYCLE MODE: -  choose “Timer”  as trigger  type in  the drop  down menu  of  the Asynchronous  Configuration which  is started  as Asynchronous Acquisition is selected.  -  set the timer period in “Delay time” field -  set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the latter case you have to enter the host IP address -  “Start” acquisition The notification takes place on the RFID Server window, which is shown either on the Local host or on the Remote one:
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 14  Fig. 2.10: RFID Server If you wish to make a I/O Timed-out Acquisition in READCYCLE MODE: -  choose the General Purpose Input you wish to use as trigger type in the drop down menu of the Asynchronous Configuration.  -  set the time out delay in “Delay time” field -  set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the second case you have to enter the host IP address -  “Start” acquisition The notification takes place on the RFID ServerConfiguration; after the first acquisition the Reader waits for one “Delay time” period, then checks the status of the used input: if it is high, then the second acquisition takes place, otherwise it is timed out; at this point the Reader waits for another Delay time, then checks the status of the used input again.  If you wish to make a Timed Acquisition in TIME MODE: -  choose “Timer”  as trigger  type in  the drop  down menu  of  the Asynchronous  Configuration which  is started  as Asynchronous Acquisition is selected.  -  set the timer period in “Delay time” field -  set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the latter case you have to enter the host IP address -  “Start” acquisition The notification takes place on the RFID Server window, which is shown either on the Local host or on the Remote one. The  status  does  not  depend  on  the  number  of  performed  cycles,  but  ONLY  on  the  threshold  values  (see  §  Logical source selection pag.12); the “Delay time” must be smaller than the thresholds.  If you wish to make an acquisition in NOEVENT MODE, simply : -  set the timer period in “Delay time” field -  set the notification on Local or Remote host: in the latter case you have to enter the host IP address -  “Start” acquisition The notification takes place on the RFID Server window, which is shown either on the Local host or on the Remote one, no status is notified.  Readout of one tag’s memory Now  the  ISO18000-6B  detected  tags  are  ready  for  read/write  operations.  In  case  of  Timed,  Continuous  or  I/O Acquisition it is necessary to stop scanning, by clicking on the stop acquisition button. Now click on one of the tags’ Unique ID’s; then go to:    Features     >ISO18000-6B       >Read/Write Tag Memory  The following window is shown:
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 15  Fig. 2.11: Tags memory By writing in the Value field, it is possible to update the tag memory; changes are saved via the <Update> button, while <Restore> allows to recover the former value.  In order to lock one particular address in the tag memory, go to:   Features     >ISO18000-6B       >Lock The  following  window  is  shown;  <Lock>  allows  to  lock  one  particular  address,  <Cancel>  to  quit.  Locked  addresses cannot be changed anymore.  Fig. 2.12: Tag readout The configuration of the ISO18000-6B compliant tags is the following:  Byte Content Status Description 0,1 E0, 04 hex locked Unique serial number 2÷7 xx hex locked Unique serial number 8÷10 00 hex unlocked User memory 11 02 hex unlocked User memory 12÷17 FF hex unlocked User memory 18÷219 00 hex unlocked User memory 220÷223 57 5F 4F 4B hex unlocked “w_ok” in ASCII, user memory  The CAEN RFID Demo program allows to write only bits [2; 17].  EPC protocol tags operations If EPC tags are detcted, then go to:   Features     >EPC       >Program ID For (over)writing the tags ID, setting the password, and locking them:
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 16  Fig. 2.13: Tag programming Go to:   Features     >EPC       >Kill For killing the tag (the password is required). Once killed the tag does not respond to (any) reader anymore.   Fig. 2.14: Tag killing The configuration of the EPC Class 1 Gen 1 compliant tags is the following:  Byte Type Status Description 00, 01 hex System locked Tag header 02 hex System unlocked EPC portion 03÷07 hex System unlocked EPC portion 08÷0F hex System unused  10÷17 hex System unlocked EPC portion 18÷37 hex User unlocked User memory (256 bit) 38÷FF hex RFU
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 17 Temperature monitoring with the semipassive tag The semipassive tag Mod. A927 includes a temperature sensor; so it is possible to view the temperature parameter as a function of time. This is possible by clicking on the termometer icon.   Fig. 2.15: Temperature monitoring/1 A pop-up window with the temperature trace will be then shown:   Fig. 2.16: Temperature monitoring/2 Status:   Green = tag inside reader’s field     Red = tag outside reader’s field  Creating the Log file Click on    configuration > Enable logging Then start the “Continuous acquisition”. When the acquisition is stopped, it will be possible to save the log text file, containing information on the detected tags, for example:  Tue Apr 19 11:01:19.011  e004840306010000  Glimpsed Tue Apr 19 11:01:19.101  e004840306010000  Glimpsed Tue Apr 19 11:01:19.201  e004840306010000  Glimpsed  N.B.: creating the Log file is possible only with “Continuous acquisition”.  RF Field test It is possible to test the RF field emissions in the following way: Click on    configuration > select test & read point Then select the read point to be tested (0..3). Go to the main menu, then set the desired power and choose “single acquisition”. Click on    configuration > experimental > RF ON It is now possible to test the RF field emission on the selected read point.  In order to test another read point it is necessary to repeat the procedure from the start.
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 18 Quit CAEN RFID Demo program For quitting the CAEN RFID Demo program click on   File > exit Then turn off the reader and disconnect the antenna cable, the power cord and the link cable.  ISO18000-6B protocol tags operations The ISO18000-6B detected tags are ready for read/write operations. It is necessary to stop scanning, by clicking on the stop acquisition button. Now click on one of the tags’ Unique ID’s; then go to:  Features   >ISO18000-6B     >Read/Write Tag Memory The following window is shown:   Fig. 2.17: ISO18000-6B Tags memory By writing in the Value field, it is possible to update the tag memory; changes are saved via the <Update> button, while <Restore> allows to recover the former value.  In order to lock one particular address in the tag memory, go to:   Features     >ISO18000-6B       >Lock The  following  window  is  shown;  <Lock>  allows  to  lock  one  particular  address,  <Cancel>  to  quit.  Locked  addresses cannot be changed anymore.   Fig. 2.18: ISO18000-6B Tag readout The configuration of the ISO18000-6B compliant tags is the following:  Byte Content Status Description 0,1 E0, 04 hex locked Unique serial number 2÷7 xx hex locked Unique serial number 8÷10 00 hex unlocked User memory 11 02 hex unlocked User memory 12÷17 FF hex unlocked User memory
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 19 18÷219 00 hex unlocked User memory 220÷223 57 5F 4F 4B hex unlocked “w_ok” in ASCII, user memory  The CAEN RFID Demo program allows to write only bits [2; 17].  EPC1.19 protocol tags operations If EPC1.19 tags are detected, then go to:   Features     >EPC1.19       > Read/Write Tag Memory For (over)writing the tags ID and Memory:   Fig. 2.19: EPC1.19 Tag programming In order to lock one particular address in the tag memory, go to Go to:   Features     >EPC1.19       >Lock The  following  window  is  shown;  <Lock>  allows  to  lock  one  particular  address,  <Cancel>  to  quit.  Locked  addresses cannot be changed anymore.   Fig. 2.20: EPC1.19 Tag locking  EPC 1.19 Tag Data memory mapping (96 bit)  Fig. 2.21: General structure of 96 bit EPC number
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 20  Fig. 2.22: Separation of 96 bit data structure for UCODE EPC 1.19   Fig. 2.23: Mapping of 96 bit data structure into UCODE EPC 1.19 memory   EPC 1.19 Tag Data memory mapping (64 bit)  Fig. 2.24: General structure of 64 bit EPC number  Fig. 2.25: Separation of 64 bit data structure for UCODE EPC 1.19  Fig. 2.26: Mapping of 64 bit data structure into UCODE EPC 1.19 memory
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 21 3 Firmware Upgrade
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 22  Firmware upgrade via serial port In order to upgrade the Reader firmware, connect the it with the PC Host via RS232, then open the following directory:   Fig. 3.1: CAEN RFID DEMO directories Now launch RFIDUpgrade.exe:   Fig. 3.2: CAEN RFIDUpgrade/1 Select  “Firmware”  in  the  Upgrade  Menu  and  the  connected  port,  then  Browse  the  image  file  to  be  uploaded  (for example: image-2.0b.bin):   Fig. 3.3: Selecting the image file Now click on <Upgrade>; it will take 10 minutes for uploading the updated firmware and rebooting the Reader; when the Reader is ready the ISO/EPC and the Active leds will light up: do not turn off the Reader before the Active led lights on and then off!  The image file can be found in the Upgrade_img_file directory of the “Driver, Demo software and Technical manuals” CD ROM (included in the RFID Development Kit); it can also be downloaded at:
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 23 Firmware upgrade via TCP/IP The Firmware upgrade via TCP/IP works only with the CAENRFID Demo Java Version. First you need a TFTP Server & Client application, if  you  have  not  one  installed,  you  can  download  (from,  install  and  run  the  pumpkin.exe  freeware application:   Fig. 3.4: PumpKIN Menu Window Select [Options] and browse the folder where the image file resides with the following selections, then press [OK]   Fig. 3.5: PumpKIN Options Window  Connect to the Reader by using CAEN RFID Demo Java version and select    Configuration>Firmware Upgrade enter the TFTP server address and browse the image file to be loaded into the Reader, then press [OK]:   Fig. 3.6: Firmware upgrade browser The following information message will then be shown:
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 24  Fig. 3.7: Firmware upgrade message Press ok and this confirmation message will be returned:   Fig. 3.8: Confirmation message Press YES then Download image via TFTP; the Firmware Upgrade is then completed.
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 25 4 RFID Test Program
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 26 This is a simple VisualC++ test program: go to the main directory CAEN RFID DEMO KIT, then launch the TestRFID.exe executable file; the following Menu will be launched:   Fig. 4.1: RFID Test main menu   Connection configuration Once you have connected the CAEN UHF RFID Reader to your PC, turn it ON, then: Click on   File > Connect The following pop-up window will open:   Fig. 4.2: Connection port configuration  Choose  the  connection  type;  if  you  are  using  TCP-IP  enter  the  IP  address (default:,  if  you  are  using RS232, type the connected port (COM1, COM2…) then click on <Connect>.
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 27 Settings Antenna selection Click on    settings > set source   then flag the antenna(s) you wish to use   Fig. 4.3: Source selection  Protocol selection Click on      settings > set source  then flag the protocol you wish to use  Fig. 4.4: Setting the protocol
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 28 Power settings Click on      settings > set source then type the power settings you wish to use   Fig. 4.5: Power settings fields   Reader network configuration Optionally, it is possible to update  the reader’s network settings; click on    settings > set network The following pop-up window will open (the figure shows the default configuration):  Fig. 4.6: Network configuration  Start Test Now click on « Start Test »: the name of the tags in the reader’s field will be shown. Click on «Stop test» in order to stop acquisition.  Fig. 4.7: Tags detection
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 29 Quit CAEN RFID Test program For quitting the CAEN RFID Test program click on File > exit Then turn off the reader and disconnect the antenna cable, the power cord and the link cable.
RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 30 5 RFID CsDemo Program
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE -  Technical Information Manual 31 This is a simple RFID .Net Sample program. First  of all, go to: then download and install on your PC the DotNet Framework 1.1 Then  go  to  the  main  directory  CAEN  RFID  DEMO  KIT,  then  launch  the  CAENRFIDCsDemo.exe  executable  file;  the following Menu will be launched:  Fig. 5.1: RFID Test main menu  Connection configuration Once you have connected the CAEN UHF RFID Reader to your PC, turn it ON, then: Choose  the  connection  type;  if  you  are  using  TCP-IP  enter  the  IP  address (default:,  if  you  are  using RS232, type the connected port (COM1, COM2…) then click on <Connect>. The following pop-up window will open:  Fig. 5.2: Connection confirmation
 RFID SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE - Technical Information Manual 32 Start inventory Select the tag type you want to read, then click on  « Inventory  »: the name of  the tags in the reader’s field will be shown. Click on «Disconnect» in order to stop acquisition.  Fig. 5.3: Tags detection  Read tags memory Select the tag type you want to read, then click on «Read»: the memory content of the tags in the reader’s field will be shown.  Fig. 5.4: Tags memory readout

Navigation menu