CAEN RFID srl CAENRFID003 A528 - OEM UHF multiregional Compact Reader User Manual RFIDClib rev2

CAEN RFID srl A528 - OEM UHF multiregional Compact Reader RFIDClib rev2

User Manual 3

  Technical Information Manual CAENRFIDLib 17 January 2007 Revision n. 2 ANSI C FUNCTIONS LIBRARY NPO: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02
  Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................4 1.1. CAENRFIDLIB INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................4 1.2. CAENRFIDLIB  DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................4 1.2.1. CAENRFIDTypes.h ................................................................................................................................4 1.3. CAENRFIDLIB  FUNCTIONS DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................7 1.3.1. CAENRFID_Init .....................................................................................................................................7 1.3.2. CAENRFID_ End ...................................................................................................................................7 1.3.3. CAENRFID_GetSWRelease ...................................................................................................................7 1.3.4. CAENRFID_GetFWRelease...................................................................................................................8 1.3.5. CAENRFID_Inventory ...........................................................................................................................8 1.3.6. CAENRFID_SetPower ...........................................................................................................................8 1.3.7. CAENRFID_Read...................................................................................................................................9 1.3.8. CAENRFID_Write..................................................................................................................................9 1.3.9. CAENRFID_Lock...................................................................................................................................9 1.3.10. CAENRFID_TestMode.........................................................................................................................10 1.3.11. CAENRFID_SetModulation .................................................................................................................10 1.3.12. CAENRFID_GetModulation ................................................................................................................10 1.3.13. CAENRFID_AllocateChannel..............................................................................................................11 1.3.14. CAENRFID_DeallocateChannel..........................................................................................................11 1.3.15. CAENRFID_AddSourceToChannel......................................................................................................11 1.3.16. CAENRFID_RemoveSourceFromChannel...........................................................................................11 1.3.17. CAENRFID_AddReadPoint .................................................................................................................12 1.3.18. CAENRFID_RemoveReadPoint ...........................................................................................................12 1.3.19. CAENRFID_AllocateTrigger ...............................................................................................................12 1.3.20. CAENRFID_DeallocateTrigger ...........................................................................................................13 1.3.21. CAENRFID_AddReadTrigger..............................................................................................................13 1.3.22. CAENRFID_RemoveReadTrigger........................................................................................................13 1.3.23. CAENRFID_AddNotifyTrigger ............................................................................................................13 1.3.24. CAENRFID_RemoveNotifyTrigger ......................................................................................................14 1.3.25. CAENRFID_GetNotification................................................................................................................14 1.3.26. CAENRFID_GetPower.........................................................................................................................14 1.3.27. CAENRFID_SetProtocol......................................................................................................................15 1.3.28. CAENRFID_GetProtocol.....................................................................................................................15 1.3.29. CAENRFID_GetReadPointStatus ........................................................................................................15 NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  2
  Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.30. CAENRFID_GetSourceInChannel.......................................................................................................15 1.3.31. CAENRFID_GetSourceInTrigger ........................................................................................................16 1.3.32. CAENRFID_GetTriggerInChannel......................................................................................................16 1.3.33. CAENRFID_GetChannelInTrigger......................................................................................................16 1.3.34. CAENRFID_GetReadPointInSource....................................................................................................17 1.3.35. CAENRFID_SetNetwork ......................................................................................................................17 1.3.36. CAENRFID_SetDE_SB ........................................................................................................................18 1.3.37. CAENRFID_GetDE_SB .......................................................................................................................18 1.3.38. CAENRFID_ProgramID ......................................................................................................................18 1.3.39. CAENRFID_KillTag.............................................................................................................................18 1.3.40. CAENRFID_BlockWrite.......................................................................................................................19 1.3.41. CAENRFID_SetRS232 .........................................................................................................................19 1.3.42. CAENRFID_SetDateTime ....................................................................................................................20 1.3.43. CAENRFID_GetIO...............................................................................................................................20 1.3.44. CAENRFID_SetIO................................................................................................................................20 1.3.45. CAENRFID_SetSourceConfiguration ..................................................................................................20 1.3.46. CAENRFID_GetSourceConfiguration .................................................................................................21 1.3.47. CAENRFID_GetAllocatedTriggers......................................................................................................21 1.3.48. CAENRFID_GetAllocatedChannels.....................................................................................................21 1.3.49. CAENRFID_SetEventMode..................................................................................................................22 1.3.50. CAENRFID_GetEventMode.................................................................................................................22 1.3.51. CAENRFID_FirmwareUpgrade...........................................................................................................22 1.3.52. CAENRFID_Lock_C1G2 .....................................................................................................................22 1.3.53. CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2.................................................................................................................23 1.3.54. CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2.................................................................................................................23 1.3.55. CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC119.......................................................................................................23 1.3.56. CAENRFID_ProgramID_C1G2...........................................................................................................24 1.3.57. CAENRFID_Read_C1G2.....................................................................................................................24 1.3.58. CAENRFID_Write_C1G2 ....................................................................................................................24 1.3.59. CAENRFID_QueryTag_C1G2.............................................................................................................25 1.3.60. CAENRFID_SetQ_C1G2 .....................................................................................................................25 1.3.61. CAENRFID_GetQ_C1G2.....................................................................................................................25 1.3.62. CAENRFID_GetReaderInfo.................................................................................................................25 1.3.63. CAENRFID_FreeTagsMemory ............................................................................................................26   NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  3
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1. Introduction The CAEN Long Range UHF Readers are developed in Europe and in compliance with European and US telecommunication regulations, are a step forward in UHF RFID readers. Capable of long distance reading using extremely low RF energy, the CAEN Long Range UHF Readers are optimized to increase receiver sensibility and reduce transmitter noise. The CAEN Long Range UHF Readers’ open architecture uses a multi-protocol technology. The tag protocol interface was developed using a field programmable gate array, which allows easy modification of the tag protocol definition. On the host side, a powerful 32bit micro-controller enables fast firmware updating for maximum upgradeability to future generations of the EPC specification. Easily integrated with most popular database software and fully compliant with ISO 18000-6B and EPC Class 1 – Generation 1 protocol, Philips UCODE EPC 1.19, the CAEN Long Range UHF Readers can be used in conjunction with any passive or active tag that conforms to the same standards; moreover, it can be easily upgraded for compliancy with other protocols1. With their extended read range, the CAEN Long Range UHF Readers are well suited to asset management and logistics applications that require the simultaneous reading of a large number of tags from a great distance. 1.1. CAENRFIDLib introduction This section describes the CAENRFIDLib library and its implemented functions. CAENRFIDLib is a set of ANSI C functions which permits an user program the use and the configuration of the CAEN Long Range UHF Readers. The present description refers to CAENRFIDLib, available in the following formats: −  Win32 DLL (CAEN provides the CAENRFIDLib.lib stub for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0) CAENRFIDLib is logically located between an application like the samples provided and the lower layer software libraries. 1.2.   CAENRFIDLib  description 1.2.1. CAENRFIDTypes.h #define MAX_ID_LENGTH 12 typedef int CAENRFIDHandle;  /*  Error codes */ typedef enum {   CAENRFID_StatusOK          =  0,  // Operation completed successfully            CAENRFID_PortError         = -1,  // Error on selected port              CAENRFID_ParityError       = -2,  // Parity error                 CAENRFID_InitError         = -3,  // Error on init                     CAENRFID_StatusByteError   = -4,  // Error on status byte                                                                              1 Software upgrades will be available at:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  4
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  CAENRFID_InvalidParam      = -5,  // Invalid parameter error   CAENRFID_TimeOutError      = -6,  // Time out error   CAENRFID_Max4Byte          = -7,  // Data length greater than 4 CAENRFID_PowerOutRange     = -8,  // Power out of range CAENRFID_BadAntenna       = -9,  // Antenna not connected   CAENRFID_GenericError     = -10, // Generic error   CAENRFID_InvalidHandle     = -11  // Invelid Handle } CAENRFIDErrorCodes;  /*         ID length enum */ typedef enum {   L64bit = 8,   L96bit  = 12 } CAENRFIDLenghtID;  /*         Communication ports enum */ typedef enum {    RS232   = 0,   RS485   = 1,   TCP     = 2,    USB     = 3  } CAENRFIDPort;  /*         Antenna select enum */ typedef enum {   NOANT   = 0,  ANT1 = 1,  ANT2 = 2,  ANT3 = 3,  ANT4 = 4 } CAENRFIDAntenna;  /*         Tag identification struct: for each tag it contains          the ID, the length of the ID and the antenna used to          identify the tag. */ typedef struct {     byte                ID[MAX_ID_LENGTH];     int                 Length;     CAENRFIDAntenna     Antenna; } CAENRFIDTag;  /*         General purpose outputs masks  */ typedef enum {   GPO0    = 0x01, NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  5
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2    GPO1    = 0x02,   GPO2    = 0x04,   GPO3    = 0x08, } CAENRFIDGpo;  /*         Bit rate modulation control enum */ typedef enum {   TX10RX10        = 0,   TX10RX40        = 1,   TX40RX40        = 2,   TX40RX160       = 3 } CAENRFIDTxRxConf;   #ifndef CAENRFID_ODL  /*         RF field control enum */ typedef enum {   CARRIER_OFF     = 0,   CARRIER_ON      = 1 } CAENRFIDControl;  /*  */ typedef enum {   STANDBY = 0,   ACTIVE  = 1 } CAENRFIDPas;  /*         Command mode control enum */ typedef enum {   SINGLE          = 0,   START_SEQ       = 1,   END_SEQ         = 2,   SUSTAINED       = 3 } CAENRFIDSetCMD;  #endif NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  6
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.  CAENRFIDLib  Functions description 1.3.1. CAENRFID_Init Name:  CAENRFID_Init Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function generates an opaque handle to identify a module  attached to the PC. Parameters:  [in]  Port: Communication port (see CAENRFIDPort enum). [in]  Address: Communication address (i.e.: "COM1" for RS232,   "USB0" for USB of IP address for TCP/IP etc.) [out] Handle: The handle that identifies the device. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Init (CAENRFIDPort Port, char *Address, CAENRFIDHandle *Handle, CAENRFIDProtocol *Protocol); 1.3.2. CAENRFID_ End Name:  CAENRFID_End Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  Notifies the library the end of work and free the allocated resources Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_End(CAENRFIDHandle Handle); 1.3.3. CAENRFID_GetSWRelease Name:  CAENRFID_GetSWRelease Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  Permits to read the software release of the library. Parameters:  [out] SwRel: Returns the software release of the library Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetSWRelease(char *SwRel);  NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  7
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.4. CAENRFID_GetFWRelease Name:  CAENRFID_GetFWRelease Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  Permits to read the firmware release loaded into the device Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] FWRel: Returns the firmware release of the device Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetFWRelease(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *FWRel); 1.3.5. CAENRFID_Inventory Name:  CAENRFID_Inventory Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function returns all the IDs of the tags under the reader fieldusing all the available antennae. The Tags array contains The IDs together with other information related to the single ID such as the antenna under which is the ID and the format of the ID itself (see CAENRFIDTag struct for the details). Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  LogicalSourceName: The name that identify the Logical Source [out] Tags: Returns an array containing the tags read.  [out] TagsNo: Returns the number of tags in the array. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Inventory(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *LogicalSourceName, CAENRFIDTag **Tags, int *TagsNo);  1.3.6. CAENRFID_SetPower Name:  CAENRFID_Inventory Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to set the RF field power relative to the antenna socket Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  Power: RF field power expressed in mW. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetPower(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, unsigned int Power);  NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  8
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2   1.3.7. CAENRFID_Read Name:  CAENRFID_Read Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  This function allows to read Length bytes from the memory of a  specific tag identified by the ID (regardless of its status) at the address specified by Address. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID: The tag ID. [in]  Address: The address of the memory to read. [in]  Length: The number of bytes to read. [out] Data: The data read from the tag's memory. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Read(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int Address, int Length, void *Data); 1.3.8. CAENRFID_Write Name:  CAENRFID_Write Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  This function allows to write Length bytes to the memory of a       specific tag identified by the ID (regardless of its status) at the        address specified by Address. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID: The tag ID. [in]  Address: The address of the memory to write. [in]  Length: The number of bytes to write. [in]  Data: The data to write in the tag's memory. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Write(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int Address, int Length, void *Data);         1.3.9. CAENRFID_Lock Name:  CAENRFID_Lock Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  This function allows to lockthe memory of a specific tag identified by the ID at the address specified by Address. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID: The tag ID. [in]  Address: The address of the memory to write. NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  9
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Lock(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int Address); 1.3.10. CAENRFID_TestMode Name:  CAENRFID_TestMode Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to enable/disable te TestMode. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TestMode: 0 Disable TestMode >0 Enable Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_TestMode(CAENRFIDHandle handle, unsigned int TestMode);  1.3.11. CAENRFID_SetModulation Name:  CAENRFID_SetModulation Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to control to choose the modulation (the bit rate of the transmission and receive) Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TxRxCfg: Modulation setting. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetModulation(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, unsigned short TxRxCfg); 1.3.12. CAENRFID_GetModulation Name:  CAENRFID_GetModulation Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to retrieve the modulation (the bit rate of the transmission and receive). Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out]  TxRxCfg: Modulation setting Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall  CAENRFID_GetModulation(CAENRFIDHandle handle, unsigned short *TxRx);  NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  10
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.13.  CAENRFID_AllocateChannel Name:  CAENRFID_AllocateChannel Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to allocate a notification Channel Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ChannelName: The Name of the Channel. [in]  ChannelAddress: The Address of the Channel in the form [TCP|USB|RS232]://[ip address:port] Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_AllocateChannel(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *ChannelName, char *ChannelAddress);  1.3.14. CAENRFID_DeallocateChannel Name:  CAENRFID_DeallocateChannel Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to Deallocate a Channel. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ChannelName: The Name of the Channel. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_DeallocateChannel(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *ChannelName);  1.3.15. CAENRFID_AddSourceToChannel Name:  CAENRFID_AddSourceToChannel Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to add a LogicalSource to a notification Channel. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The Name of the Logical Source. [in]  ChannelName: The Address of the Channel. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_AddSourceToChannel(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, char *ChannelName);  1.3.16. CAENRFID_RemoveSourceFromChannel Name:  CAENRFID_RemoveSourceFromChannel Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to remove a LogicalSource from a NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  11
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  notification Channel Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The Name of the Logical Source. [in]  ChannelName: The Address of the Channel. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall  CAENRFID_RemoveSourceFromChannel(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, char *ChannelName);  1.3.17. CAENRFID_AddReadPoint Name:  CAENRFID_AddReadPoint Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to add a read point (antenna) to a logical source Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  ReadPoint: The name of the Read Point. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_AddReadPoint(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, char *ReadPoint); 1.3.18. CAENRFID_RemoveReadPoint Name:  CAENRFID_RemoveReadPoint Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to remove a read point (antenna) frpm a logical source Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  ReadPoint: The name of the Read Point. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_RemoveReadPoint(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, char *ReadPoint); 1.3.19. CAENRFID_AllocateTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_AllocateTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to create a trigger of the specified type Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the trigger. [in]  TriggerType: The type of the trigger. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  12
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  CAENRFID_AllocateTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *TriggerName, char *TriggerType); 1.3.20. CAENRFID_DeallocateTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_DeallocateTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to destroy a trigger Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the trigger Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_DeallocateTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *TriggerName); 1.3.21. CAENRFID_AddReadTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_AddReadTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to associate a trigger to a source in order to start a read cycle Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the trigger Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_AllocateTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *TriggerName, char *TriggerType); 1.3.22. CAENRFID_RemoveReadTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_RemoveReadTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to remove the read trigger from the logical source Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the trigger Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_RemoveReadTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, char *TriggerName); 1.3.23. CAENRFID_AddNotifyTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_AddNotifyTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to associate a trigger to a channel in order NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  13
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  to start a notification. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ChannelName: The Address of the Channel. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the trigger. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_AddNotifyTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *ChannelName, char *TriggerName); 1.3.24. CAENRFID_RemoveNotifyTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_RemoveNotifyTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to remove the notification trigger from a channel. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ChannelName: The Address of the Channel. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the trigger. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_RemoveNotifyTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *ChannelName, char *TriggerName); 1.3.25. CAENRFID_GetNotification Name:  CAENRFID_RemoveNotifyTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to decode data coming from the notification channel Parameters:  [in]  Skt: The handle to the TCP socket. [out] Items: A list of data items. [out] NoItems: The number of data items in the list. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetNotification(SOCKET Skt, CAENRFIDNotify **Items, int *NumberItems); 1.3.26. CAENRFID_GetPower Name:  CAENRFID_GetPower Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function returns the value of the ERP power setting in the reader Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] Power: The ERP power of the reader. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID GetPower(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, unsigned int NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  14
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  *Power); 1.3.27. CAENRFID_SetProtocol Name:  CAENRFID_SetProtocol. Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to change the tag protocol used by the reader Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  Protocol: The tag protocol to be set in the reader. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetProtocol  (CAENRFIDHandle Handle, CAENRFIDProtocol Protocol); 1.3.28. CAENRFID_GetProtocol Name:  CAENRFID_GetProtocol Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to know what tag protocol is used by the reader Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out]  Protocol: The tag protocol to be set in the reader. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetProtocol(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, int *Protocol); 1.3.29. CAENRFID_GetReadPointStatus Name:  CAENRFID_GetReadPointStatus Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to check the status of a read point Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ReadPoint: The name of the Read Point. [out] Status: The status of the read point. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetReadPointStatus(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *ReadPoint, CAENRFIDReadPointStatus *Status); 1.3.30. CAENRFID_GetSourceInChannel Name:  CAENRFID_GetSourceInChannel Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to check if a logical source is associated to NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  15
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  a specified notification channel that is, the data read from the source is sent to the channel. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  ChannelName: The name of the Channel. [out] isPresent: A flag indicating if the source is associated to  the specified channel. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetSourceInChannel(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *SourceName, char *ChannelName, short *isPresent); 1.3.31. CAENRFID_GetSourceInTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_GetSourceInTrigger Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to check if a logical source is associated to a specified trigger. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the Trigger. [out] isPresent: A flag indicating if the source is associated to  the specified trigger. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetSourceInTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *SourceName, char *TriggerName, short *isPresent); 1.3.32. CAENRFID_GetTriggerInChannel Name:  CAENRFID_GetTriggerInChannel Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to check if a trigger is associated to a        specified notification channel. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the Trigger. [in]  ChannelName: The name of the ChannelName. [out] isPresent: A flag indicating if the trigger is associated to  the specified channel. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetTriggerInChannel(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *TriggerName, char *ChannelName, short *isPresent); 1.3.33. CAENRFID_GetChannelInTrigger Name:  CAENRFID_GetChannelInTrigger Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  16
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  Description:  The function permits to check if a channel is associated to a        specified notification trigger. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ChannelName: The name of the ChannelName. [in]  TriggerName: The name of the Trigger. [out] isPresent: A flag indicating if the channel is associated to  the specified trigger. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetChannelInTrigger(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *ChannelName, char *TriggerName, short *isPresent);  1.3.34. CAENRFID_GetReadPointInSource Name:  CAENRFID_GetReadPointInSource Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to check if a read point is associated to a specified logical source that is, the read point is used within a read cycle performed in the source. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The name of the Logical Source. [in]  ReadPoint: The name of the Read Point. [out] isPresent: A flag indicating if the read point is associated to the specified source. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetReadPointInSource(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *ReadPoint, char *SourceName, short *isPresent); 1.3.35. CAENRFID_SetNetwork Name:  CAENRFID_SetNetwork Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to configure the network address, the netmask and the default gateway of the reader. The settings are activated after a reboot of the reader. Parameters:  [in] Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in] IPAddress: The IP address to set in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [in] NetMask: The netmask to set in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [in]  Gateway: The Gateway to set in the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetNetwork(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, char *IPAddress, char *NetMask, char *Gateway); NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  17
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.36. CAENRFID_SetDE_SB Name:  CAENRFID_SetDE_SB Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to enable the use of the data exchange status bit in the ISO18000-6b anticollision algorithm. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  Enable: Enable flag. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetDE_SB(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, unsigned int Enable); 1.3.37. CAENRFID_GetDE_SB Name:  CAENRFID_GetDE_SB Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to know if the data exchange status bit is used in the ISO18000-6b anticollision algorithm. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] Status: The status flag. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetDE_SB(CAENRFIDHandle handle, unsigned short *Status); 1.3.38. CAENRFID_ProgramID Name:  CAENRFID_ProgramID Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to program an EPC Class 1 Gen 1 tag Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TagID: The EPC to program in the tag. [in]  Password: The kill password to program in the tag. [in]  Lock: Aflag indicating if the EPC has to be locked. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_ProgramID(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, CAENRFIDTag *TagID, char Password, unsigned short Lock); 1.3.39. CAENRFID_KillTag Name:  CAENRFID_KillTag Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  18
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  Description:  The function permits to kill an EPC Class 1 Gen 1 tag Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TagID: The EPC of the tag. [in]  Password: The kill password for the tag. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_KillTag(CAENRFIDHandle Handle, CAENRFIDTag *TagID, char Password); 1.3.40. CAENRFID_BlockWrite Name:  CAENRFID_BlockWrite Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  This function allows to write Length bytes to the memory of a        specific tag identified by the ID (regardless of its status) at the        address specified by Address. This function doesn't work with semi-passive tags Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID: The tag ID. [in]  Address: The address of the memory to write. [in]  Length: The number of bytes to write. [in]  Data: The data to write in the tag's memory Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall  CAENRFID_BlockWrite(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int Address, int Length, void *Data); 1.3.41. CAENRFID_SetRS232 Name:  CAENRFID_SetRS232 Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to configure the serial communication of the reader Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  baud: The baudrate value. [in]  datab: The databit value. [in]  stopb: The stopbit value. [in]  parity: The parity value. [in]  flowc: The flowcontrol value Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetRS232(CAENRFIDHandle handle, unsigned long baud, unsigned long datab, unsigned long stopb, CAENRFID_RS232_Parity parity, CAENRFID_RS232_FlowControl flowc); NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  19
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.42. CAENRFID_SetDateTime Name:  CAENRFID_SetDateTime Reader:  A828EU, A828US, A829EU, A829US, A946EU, A949EU, A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to set the date e the time in the reader. Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  datetime: The current date ed time. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetDateTime(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *datetime);  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall  _CAENRFID_GroupSelUnsel(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, CAENRFID_SelUnsel_Op code, int Address, int BitMask, void *data, CAENRFIDTag *ID); 1.3.43. CAENRFID_GetIO Name:  CAENRFID_GetIO Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to read the IO register Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] IORegister: The current IO Register Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetIO(CAENRFIDHandle handle, unsigned int *IORegister); 1.3.44. CAENRFID_SetIO Name:  CAENRFID_SetIO Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to write the IO register Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  IORegister: The IO Register value. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetIO(CAENRFIDHandle handle, unsigned int IORegister); 1.3.45. CAENRFID_SetSourceConfiguration Name:  CAENRFID_SetSourceConfiguration Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to configure the Logical Source Parameters:  [in]  Handle : The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The Name of the Logical Source. NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  20
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  [in]  parameter: The parameter of Logical Source to configure. [in]  value: The the value of the parameter. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall  CAENRFID_SetSourceConfiguration(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, CAENRFID_SOURCE_Parameter parameter, int value); 1.3.46. CAENRFID_GetSourceConfiguration Name:  CAENRFID_GetSourceConfiguration Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to get the value of the Logical Source configuration Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  SourceName: The Name of the Logical Source. [in]  parameter: The parameter of Logical Source to configure. [out] value: The the value of the parameter Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall  CAENRFID_GetSourceConfiguration(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, CAENRFID_SOURCE_Parameter parameter, int *pvalue); 1.3.47. CAENRFID_GetAllocatedTriggers Name:  CAENRFID_GetAllocatedTriggers Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to get the allocated triggers Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] TriggerNum: The number of triggers allocated. [out] Triggers: The Triggers's names of allocated triggers Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetAllocatedTriggers(CAENRFIDHandle handle, int *TriggerNum, char **Triggers); 1.3.48. CAENRFID_GetAllocatedChannels Name:  CAENRFID_GetAllocatedTriggers Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to get the allocated channels Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] ChannelNum: The number of channels allocated.  [out] Channels: The channels's names of allocated channels Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID GetAllocatedChannels(CAENRFIDHandle handle, NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  21
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  int *ChannelNum, char **Channels); 1.3.49. CAENRFID_SetEventMode Name:  CAENRFID_SetEventMode Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to set the Event Generation Mode of the reader Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  EMode: The Event Mode Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetEventMode(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFID_EventMode EMode);       1.3.50. CAENRFID_GetEventMode Name:  CAENRFID_GetEventMode Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to get the Event Generation Mode of the reader Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [out] EMode: The Event Mode of the reader Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetEventMode(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFID_EventMode *EMode); 1.3.51. CAENRFID_FirmwareUpgrade Name:  CAENRFID_FirmwareUpgrade Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to upgrade the reader's firmware Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  type: The kind of upgrading [in]  arg: The argument for the upgrading in the form '[tftpserver ip]:[filename]' Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_FirmwareUpgrade(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFID_FWUpgradeType type, char *arg); 1.3.52. CAENRFID_Lock_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_Lock_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  22
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  Description:  This function allows to lockthe memory of a specific tag identified by the ID and by Payload Parameters:  [in]  Handle    : The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID        : The tag ID. [in]  Payload   : The payload of the tag's memory. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Lock_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int payload); 1.3.53. CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to kill an EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag Parameters:  [in]  Handle         : The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TagID          : The EPC of the tag. [in]  Password       : The password for the tag. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int password); 1.3.54. CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to kill an EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag Parameters:  [in]  Handle         : The handle that identifies the device. [in]  TagID          : The EPC of the tag. [in]  Password       : The password for the tag. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_KillTag_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, int password); 1.3.55. CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC119 Name:  CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC119 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to program an EPC 119 tag Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID: The actual ID of the tag. [in]  NewID: The new ID for the specified tag. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_ProgramID_EPC119(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, char *NewID ); NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  23
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.56. CAENRFID_ProgramID_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_ProgramID_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to program an EPC Class 1 Gen 2 tag Parameters:  [in]  Handle: The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID: The EPC to program in the tag. [in]  nsi: The NSI value for the EPC C1G2. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_ProgramID_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, unsigned short nsi ); 1.3.57. CAENRFID_Read_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_Read_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  This function allows to read Length bytes from the bank memory, specified by membank, of a specific tag identified by the ID (regardless of its status) at the address specified by Address. Parameters:  [in]  Handle    : The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID        : The tag ID. [in]  membank  : The memory Bank of EPC C1G2 Tag [in]  Address   : The address of the memory to read. [in]  Length    : The number of bytes to read. [out] Data      : The data read from the tag's memory. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Read_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, short membank, int Address, int Length, void *Data); 1.3.58. CAENRFID_Write_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_Write_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  This function allows to write Length bytes to the bank memory, specified by membank, of a specific tag identified by the ID (regardless of its status) at the address specified by Address. Parameters:  [in]  Handle    : The handle that identifies the device. [in]  ID        : The tag ID. [in]  membank  : The memory Bank of EPC C1G2 Tag [in]  Address   : The address of the memory to write. [in]  Length    : The number of bytes to write. [in]  Data      : The data to write in the tag's memory. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_Write_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, CAENRFIDTag *ID, short membank,int Address, int Length, void NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  24
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  *Data); 1.3.59. CAENRFID_QueryTag_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_QueryTag_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to perform the Query command of C1G2 protocol Parameters:  [in]  SourceName     : The Name of the Logical Source. [out] isPresent: A flag indicating if the tag answered at Query command Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_QueryTag_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, char *SourceName, short *isPresent); 1.3.60. CAENRFID_SetQ_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_SetQ_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to set the Q parameter of C1G2 protocol Parameters:  [in]  Q     : The value of Q. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_SetQ_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, int Q); 1.3.61. CAENRFID_GetQ_C1G2 Name:  CAENRFID_GetQ_C1G2 Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to get the Q parameter of C1G2 protocol Parameters:  [out]  Q     : The value of Q. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetQ_C1G2(CAENRFIDHandle handle, int *Q); 1.3.62. CAENRFID_GetReaderInfo Name:  CAENRFID_GetReaderInfo Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  Permits to read the Model and the Serial number of the Reader Parameters:  [out] Model :     Returns the model of the reader. [out] SerialNum :   Returns the Serial number of the reader. Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API CAENRFIDErrorCodes __stdcall CAENRFID_GetReaderInfo(CAENRFIDHandle handle,char *Model, char *SerialNum); NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  25
 Document type:  Title:  Revision date:  Revision: User's Manual (MUT)  RFID ANSI C Library  17/01/2007  2  1.3.63. CAENRFID_FreeTagsMemory Name:  CAENRFID_FreeTagsMemory Reader:  A928EU, A948EU  Description:  The function permits to free the allocated by CAENRFIDInventoryParameters:  [in]  Tags         : Reference to CAENRFIDTag obtained from CAENRFIDInventory Returns:  An error code about the execution of the function Syntax:  CAENRFIDlib_API void __stdcall CAENRFID_FreeTagsMemory(CAENRFIDTag **Tags)   NPO:  Filename:  Number of pages:  Page: 00117/03:RFLIB.MUTx/02 RFIDCLIB_REV2.DOC  26  26

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