Boly Media Communications 00006 Scouting Camera User Manual

Boly Media Communications (Asia) Co., Ltd. Scouting Camera

User Manual

Infrared Mobile Digital Scouting CameraUser’s ManualMG883G-12mHDFCC ID: Y2L00006
Content1 Instruction....................................................................11.1 Camera Body Interfaces...................................11.2 General Description......................................... 11.3 Remote Control................................................ 21.4 Shooting Information Display........................31.5 Two Way Communication...............................31.6 Cautions.............................................................42QuickStartGuide.......................................................62.1 Power Supply....................................................62.2InserttheSDcardandSIMcard...................72.3 Do the Camera Settings.................................. 72.4 Enter into Test Mode...................................... 82.5 Custom Settings............................................... 92.6 Enter into On Mode........................................ 92.7 SMS Control....................................................102.8 SMS Command List....................................... 112.9 Power Off........................................................ 123ItemSettings.............................................................133.1 Camera Menu..................................................133.2 Default Setting................................................193.3 Playback Mode...............................................203.4 Laser Pointer.................................................. 214TroubleShooting..................................................... 225PIRDetectionZone................................................. 236 Technical Specifications......................................... 247PartsList....................................................................25
MG883G-12mHD 1 InstructionPage 11 Instruction1.1 Camera Body Interfaces1.2 General DescriptionThis camera, a digital scouting camera with black IRand 3G communication function, is a digitalinfrared surveillance camera, triggered by anymovement of humans or animals monitored by ahigh sensitive Passive Infrared (PIR) motion sensor,and then automatically captures high qualitypictures or records video clips according to defaultsettings or preset customer settings. It will thensend the pictures instantly to your mobile device ore-mail via GSM/WCDMA network. You’ll be alertedjust when the camera is triggered or per custom
MG883G-12mHD 1 InstructionPage 2settings.There is a 1.5” color LCD display screen on thecamera and a sound recorder embedded in thecamera. A laser pointer is used to help target thephoto area of the camera.It is resistant against water and snow. The cameracan also be used as a portable digital camera.1.3 Remote ControlThe remote control is the input device for thecamera and is primarily used for customer settings.Thisisaninfraredtypewirelessremotecontrol.Themaximum remote distance is about 30 feet.Note:The remote will not work properly without theantenna attached.When power on the camera, allow approximately10-20 seconds for the camera toacquire a signal. The remote will notfunction properly until the camerahas acquired a signal. You candetermine that the camera hasacquired a signal by locating thesignal icon on the LCD screen.Press the punctuation “*” for laserpointer.MenuCancelOK12abc3def4ghi5jkl6mno7pqrs8tuv9wxyz*0#MenuCancelOK12abc3def4ghi5jkl6mno7pqrs8tuv9wxyz*0#
MG883G-12mHD 1 InstructionPage 31.4 Shooting Information DisplayWhen the camera is turned on (power switch is slidto TEST position), the current settings will bedisplayed on the screen.1.5 Two Way CommunicationYou can set SMS control submenu as ON to openthe two way communication function. Under thissetting, the camera can receive and respond to yourSMS command or the Android APP command. Thiscamera can send pictures instantly to your mobiledevice via WCDMA/GSM network. You’ll be alerted
MG883G-12mHD 1 InstructionPage 4just when a picture or video has been taken. Thecamera sends MMS or Email message throughMMSC(MMS Service Center) or GPRS network, sobefore using this function, you need to open MMSand GPRS service from your service provider. Itsupports following bands:GSM with 850MHz,900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz;WCDMA with850MHz, 900MHz, 1900MHz and 2100MHz.SIM card Icon:There are two SIM card icons whichstand for different installation situations. meansthe SIM card is inserted and it works well.means the MMS function can’t work correctlybecause of loss of signal or other communicationissues.1.6 Cautions★The working voltage of the camera is 6V.Thecamera is supplied by 8 AA batteries or DC poweradapter with output of 6V. Please install batteriesaccording to shown polarity.★Please insert the SD card when the power switchis in the OFF position before testing the camera.The camera has no internal memory for savingimages or videos. If no SD card is inserted, thecamera will shut down automatically after acontinuous indication beep.★Please do not insert or take out the SD card whenthe power switch is in the ON position.★It is recommended to format the SD card by thecamera when used for the first time.★The camera will be in USB mode when connected
MG883G-12mHD 1 InstructionPage 5to a computer. In this case, the SD card functionis as a removable disk.★In TEST mode, the camera will shut downautomatically after 3 minutes if no operation isdone. Please turn on the power again if you wantto continue to work with the camera.★The normal operate position is more than 20cm
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage 62QuickStartGuide2.1 Power SupplyTo supply power for the camera, four or eight sizeAA batteries are needed.1. High-density and high-performance alkalinebatteries (Recommended)2. Rechargeable alkaline batteries3. Rechargeable NiMH batteriesWhen in a low-battery state, the camera will beautomatically shut down after two indicationsounds. Please change the batteries at this time. Ifyou have set the MMS function, it will send you aSMS or Email to indicate the low battery situation.Caution: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced byan incorrect type. Also dispose of used batteriesaccording to the instructions.Correct Disposal of this product. This markingindicates that this product should not be disposedwith other household wastes throughout the EU. Toprevent possible harm to the environment orhuman health from uncontrolled waste disposal,recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainablereuse of material resources. To return your useddevice, please use the return and collection systemsor contact the retailer where the product waspurchased. They can take this product forenvironmental safe recycling.
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage72.2 Insert the SD card and SIM cardOpen the bottom cover. Insert SD card and SIMcard into the card slot. Please note that the SD cardis on the “write” (not locked) position otherwise thecamera will not function correctly.2.3 Do the Camera SettingsDown load the camera setup software( with a simple instruction fromour website.The specified website is written in thelast page of the manual.
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage 8First, select your country and carriers (step1)according to your SIM card and input your receivingphone number in “administrator number” andreceiving e-mail address in “ Receive Email 1 ”(step3). For first time use, we suggest you to usedefault settings (step2), any settings you want tochange, please click “Change Setting”Please note save the txt file in the root directory ofGSM folder of SD card after all settings being done(step4), the file will automatically disappear oncecamera is turned on.2.4 Enter into Test ModeSlide the power switch to the TEST position and
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage 9enter into TEST mode, default the camera in menusetting. There are some functions in TEST mode:custom settings, manual capture, preview or sendMMS manually. The remote control is needed inthis mode.2.5 Custom SettingsPress MENU on the remote control to enter into themenu setting. The camera can be adjusted tomanually customize the camera settings whichdisplay on the LCD screen of the camera.You can press RIGHT key to manually capturephotos or record a video and again RIGHT to stop avideoafterexitmenusetting.When Send Mode is set as “Manual”, you can sendthe selected photo (in playback mode by pressingOK to enter) to the preset address in TESTmode. ”Daily Report” and “Instant” mode are usedin ON mode. Please note that the images can onlybe sent and video cannot be sent. If the SIM card isnot inserted, the image cannot be sent as well.2.6 Enter into On ModeSlide the power switch to the ON position to poweron the camera and enter into the ON mode. Beforeentering into the ON mode, you can adjust thecamera towards the target monitoring area by laserpointer (press *on the remote to control).After switching on the camera, the motionindication LED (red) light will blink for about 10s.
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage 10The 10s is a buffering time before automaticallycapturing photos or videos, e.g. for closing andlocking the bottom cover, fixing the camera on atree and walking away.The camera has the sound recording function, sothe sound will be embedded in the video clip whilecapturing a video.2.7 SMS ControlWhen camera is in ON mode, you can send textmessage to camera to change some settings. Besides,command of “#T#” can helpyou to get an on spot image.Also we support anAndroidapplication tool for you to sendcommands to the camera. Butthe APP will charge you anSMS fee for each command.Down load the Android controlsoftware ( fromour website. For Iphone,justdownload it from the APP Storeby searching BGTools.The specified website iswritteninthelastpageofthemanual.
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage 112.8 SMS Command ListNo Function SMS Command1Set MMSParameters#m# account#password#(The example parametersare for the carrier of AT&T)2Set example parametersare for 163 email)3SetNormalUser’ (Send MMS to phone)#t#e# (Send picture toEmail by GPRS)6CheckCameraSettings#L#7EditWorkParameters#e#cp#s5#fh#b1#v60#t#l10m#pn#i5s#Hon08:30-20:30(cp: camera mode, s5:photosize, fh: video size, b1:photoburst, V60: video length, t:set clock, l10m: time lapse,pn: pir trigger, i5s: PIR
MG883G-12mHD 2 Quick Start GuidePage 12interval, mp: send to, Hon:work hour)8 Format SDCard#F#9SetAdministrator’s Password#P#0000#10 Help #H#Note all sms commands are only available by adminnumber, each camera has only one admin number.2.9 Power OffSlide the power switch to OFF position to power offthe camera. Please note that even in OFF mode, thecamera still consumes a small amount of batterypower. Therefore, please remove the batteries if thecamera is not in use for a length of time.
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 133 Item Settings3.1 Camera MenuTo view the camera settings menu, press MENU inTEST mode. With the remote, use “▲”or“▼”keyto select the sub-menu, use “◄”or“►”keytoselectthe different options. Press “OK” to save thesettings.After changing EACH setting in TEST menu youmust press “OK”, otherwise the camera will stay atthe default setting.SettingItemsDescriptionLanguageChoose language you need. It supportsfour languages: English, Finnish,German, Swedish.CameraModeChoose capturing Photo, Video orPic+Video.SetClockSet camera date and time. You canchange the date and time of the device bysetting this parameter when necessary,e.g., after every battery change. The dateformat is month/day/year,thetimeformat is hour:minute:second.Thevalidvalue for year is between 2009 and 2050.PhotoSizeChoose the image size, e.g. 12 megapixels, 8 mega pixels or 5 mega pixels.Photo Choose the continuous shooting numbers
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 14Burst after each triggering.VideoSizeChoose the video size: 1280x720 or640x480.VideoLengthChoose duration of recording video. Thisparameter is effective and can beadjusted only when the device in thevideo mode under ON mode. Its valueextends from 5 to 60 seconds with a stepof one second. The default value is 10seconds. Press LEFT and RIGHT todecrease or increase the value by 1second.TimeLapseTime lapse means the camera cancapture images or videos at a preset timeinterval regardless of whether motionsare detected. The default parameter isOff, which means the timer function isdisabled. Changing this parameter to anon-zero value turns on the Time Lapsemode, and camera will take photos atgiven time interval.Please note that if the PIR Trigger is setto Off, then the Time Lapse can’t be set toOff.PIRTriggerChoose sensitivity of the PIR sensor.This parameter defines the sensitivity ofthe PIR. There are four sensitivityparameters: High, Normal, Low and Off.The default value is “Normal”. The higherdegree indicates that the Camera is moreeasily to be triggered by motion, taking
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 15more pictures or recording more videos.It is recommended to use high sensitivitydegree in room or environment with littleinterference, and to use lower sensitivityfor outdoor or environment with lots ofinterference like hot wind, smoke, nearwindow etc. Furthermore, the sensitivityof the PIR is strongly related to thetemperature. Higher temperature leadsto lower sensitivity. Therefore it issuggested to set a higher sensitivity forhigh temperature environment.Please note that if the Time Lapse is setto Off, then the PIR Trigger can’t be setto Off.PIRIntervalThis parameter indicates how long thePIR (Passive Infrared motion sensor) willbe disabled after each triggering in ONmode. During this time the PIR of thedevice will not react to the motion ofhuman (or animals). The minimuminterval is 0 second, it means the PIRworks all the time. The maximuminterval is 1 hour. It means the PIR willbe disabled for 1 hour after eachtriggering. Press LEFT or RIGHT todecrease or increase the value.WorkHourChoose a time period of a day to let thecamera work. The camera will awake atthe setting time duration in a day. In therest of the time the camera is sleeping.
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 16Set Work Hour as off means the cameraworks all day.MMSSetThe camera sends MMS message throughGPRS network, so before using thisfunction, you need to open GPRS servicefrom your service provider. You shouldset the right MMS setting parameters.The settings of MMS: URL,APN,IP andPort.Pleasecontactthenetworkserviceprovider if you are not familiar with thesettings.GPRSSetThe camera sends image through GPRSnetwork with SMTP protocol to an Emailaddress. In this way the communicationcost will be much cheaper in manycountries. You should set the right GPRSsetting parameters. The settings of GPRS:Email server port,APN and so on,please contact the network serviceprovider if you are not familiar with thesettings.SendModeThere are 3 sending modes:“Manual”works in TEST mode, “Dailyreport”and“Instant”work in ON mode.1)“Manual”:Choose“Manual” in Test mode. Pleaseensure a SIM card is inserted properly;Please note, only photos can be sent,video information can’t be sent in TESTmode.2)“Daily Report”:
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 17Daily Report works only in the ONmode, which means that the camera willreport the summarized information atthe preset time (if the preset time is,eg.20:00PM) on how many pictures ithad taken per day. So, you will get asummarized text message with the lastpicture taken until 20:00PM.If it is on Photo mode, the camera willsend a MMS at the preset time. The MMSwill show you the latest photo and thetotal qty of the pictures got taken. If it ison Video mode, the camera will send aSMS at the preset time. The SMS willshow you how many video clips thecamera has taken within 24 hours.3) “Instant”:Instant, just works in ON mode,which means the camera will send aMMS instantly after it captures a photo.You can choose the number of how manypictures you want it to send out per day.If it is on Photo mode and you chosethe Instant MMS mode, and set the MAXnumber is 10, the camera will send 10MMS within 24 hours .And then itcontinues to capture photos and savethem on the SD card. After 24 hours, thecamera will send MMS again when itcaptures photos. If it is on Video mode,the Camera will send only SMS instead of
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 18MMS.4) “OFF”: To disable communicationfunction.Send ToChoose sending the image to your Phoneor to Email.Phone[MMS]:Send the image to cellphone via WAP.Email[MMS]:Send the image to Emailaddress via WAP.Email[GPRS]:Send the image to Emailaddress via SMTP. In this way thecommunication cost will be muchcheaper in many countries.SMSControlSMS Control can enable two waycommunication function. It means if youchoose SMS Control as ON,thiscameracan receive and respond to your SMScommand. Also you can retrieve livepictures at any time. But the powerconsumption will be a little more thannormal hunting status.PositionIDIt means camera position. You can setA-Z position for your camera, so that youcan distinguish which photo is taken bywhich camera.Version This parameter shows the informationabout Firmware and IMEI of this camera.FormatSDAll images and videos in the SD card willbe deleted, so make sure that you havemade a backup of important data.Default Restore all customer settings to default
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 19Set values.3.2 Default SettingSettingItems Default Options SubmenuLanguage EnglishSuomiDeutschSvenskaCameraMode Photo VideoPic+VideoSet Clock Enter Adjust ClockPhoto Size 12MP 5MP8MPPhotoBurst 1Photo 2Photos3PhotosVideo Size 1280x720 640x480VideoLength 10 sec 5–60 secTimeLapse Off 5–55Min1–8HourPIRTrigger NormalHighLowOffPIRInterval 5Sec 0–55 Sec,1–60 MinWorkHour Off On 00:00–23:59MMS Set Enter URL, APN, IP,PortGPRS Set Enter Server, Port,
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 20APNSendMode ManualDailyReport,Instant,OffSend To Phone[MMS]Email[MMS],Email[GPRS]SMSControl Off OnPositionID Off A-ZVersion Enter FirmwareIMEIFormatSD Enter Yes, NoDefaultSet Save3.3 Playback ModeIn playback mode, images or videos can be viewedand deleted. An image can also be manually sent byMMS or GPRS. It can only be done in TEST mode.The images can be viewed on the LCD screen oncamera. The videos can only be viewed on yourcomputer. For simplicity, operations with PC won’tbe introduced here.View photo in playback mode:PressOK of theremote to view the latest picture in TEST mode, UP
MG883G-12mHD 3 Item SettingsPage 21or DOWN to view the previous and the next one.And OK to return to info display. Note that videocan not be displayed on the screen.Delete photo or video: View the image (or video)which to be deleted, select the one you want todelete. Press MENU,thenUP or Down to delete.3.4 Laser PointerThe laser light pointer beam can be turned on as anadditional function for pointing to an object or acertain region of interested (ROI) by pressing ﹡ofthe remote.NOTE:The laser could be harmful to eyes if pointed atother person.
MG883G-12mHD 4 Trouble ShootingPage 224 Trouble Shooting1 There is something in front of the camera lens. Isthe camera broken?A: The camera is not broken. It’s an IR-cut filter.When the camera is powered on, the IR-cut will bereset and cover the lens. Only when the camera ispowered off, the IR-cut will be at a random place.2 The camera display screen is not workinganymore.A: Most likely, no SD card has been inserted in thecamera when it is turned on. Please make sure aworking SD card has been inserted in the camerabefore it is turned on.3Whymyphonecan’treceiveMMS?A: MMS/GPRS function needs the SIM cards inboth your camera and phone to have enoughbalance and to be opened to data business.
MG883G-12mHD 5 PIR Detection ZonePage 235PIRDetectionZoneThis camera has a new design of PIR and the newPIR is patented. The new patented PIR’s detectionrange can reach to 85ft in good environments.Following picture shows the compared detectionzone between normal PIR and the new patentedPIR.The PIR detection angle (α) is just smaller than thefield of view (FOV) angle (β). The advantage of thisdesign is to reduce empty picture rate and capturemost, if not all, motions.
MG883G-12mHD 6 Technical SpecificationPage 246 Technical SpecificationsImage Sensor 5MP Color CMOS,8MP, 12MP InterpolationLens F/NO=2.2FOV(Field of View)=60°PIR detection range 85ftDisplay Screen 1.5” LCDMemory Card From 8 MB to 32 GBPicture Resolution12MP=4032×30248MP = 3264×24485MP = 2560×1920Video Resolution 1280x720640×480PIR Sensitivity Adjustable (High/Normal/Low)Trigger Time 1.2sWeight 0.30 kg (without battery)Operation/StorageTem. -20-+40°C/- 10 -+50°CPower Supply 8×AA or 4×AAExternal DC 6V,2ALow Battery Alert LED IndicatorSound Recording AvailableMounting Rope/Belt/Python lockDimensions 140 x87 x55 mmOperation Humidity 5% - 90%SecurityAuthentication CE, RoHS
MG883G-12mHD 7 Parts List7PartsListPart Name QuantityDigital Camera OneUser Manual OneEnhanced Antenna OneWarranty Card OneDown load the APP software from here: 1.0
 FCC RF EXPOSURE INFORMATION: WARNING!! Read this information before using your phone In August 1986 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and Outer FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas modifications, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the phone, or result in violation of FCC regulations. Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Please contact your local dealer for replacement antenna.   Your wireless handheld portable camera is a low power radio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. In August, 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wireless camera. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standards previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies:  <ANSIC95.1> (1992) / <NCRP Report 86> (1986) / <ICNIRP> (1999)  Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evaluations of the relevant scientific literature. For example, over 120 scientists, engineers, and physicians from universities, government health agencies, and industry reviewed the available body of research to develop the ANSI Standard (C95.1). Nevertheless, we recommend that you use a hands-free kit with your phone (such as an earpiece or headset) to avoid potential exposure to RF energy. The design of your camera complies with the FCC guidelines (and those standards).  Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and may violate FCC regulations.   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference received,  including interference that may cause undesired operation.  The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The separation distance between the user and the antenna  of the device is 20 cm.
    NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help      Do not use the device with the environment which below minimum -10℃ or over maximum 50℃, the device may not work.        Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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