Blue Tower Communications EM915CV1 Electric Meter Reading Transmitter User Manual Part 2

Blue Tower Communications Ltd Electric Meter Reading Transmitter Part 2


Part 2

Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    10               Figure 11: ConFigIT Electric Serial adaptor       Figure 12: Electric ConFigIT connected to the TransPondIT
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    11 3.4  USE OF CONFIGIT PC SOFTWARE  1.  If you have ConFigIT PC software loaded on the PC, check that it is Version 6.4 or higher. If not, download self extracting zip file from (Download instructions are provided on same web page). Start the program (see Figure 13).    Figure 13: ConFigIT application screen  2.  Activate program by selecting ‘Help’ followed by ‘Product Activation’. Software will work for 28 days before it will need re-activation.  3.  Select ‘Request’ button. This generates a Request Code specific to the PC. The Request Code is sent to RAMAR Technical Support by email (recommended) or by telephone. A dialogue box for emailing Product Activation Request Code details is provided to help with this process – enter User Details into the box, click the ‘Send Email’ option and select ‘OK’ button. An email is generated if there is an email program installed on the PC.   4.  RAMAR Technical Support responds with an Activation Code. Cut and paste this code into the Product Activation dialogue box. (If manually entering be careful to enter Activation code exactly as it appears paying attention to spaces and upper/lower case) and select ‘OK’ button.  5.  The serial COM port connection is configured by selecting File – Interface and then selecting the appropriate COM port from the drop down menu.  6.  Connect the ‘Computer’ cable to RS232 port of computer (or to a USB port via a USB to RS232 interface device)  7.  The TransPondIT is configured either when in the meter or separately on the bench before fitting. If configuring the TransPondIT in the meter, ensure the meter is not connected to mains.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    12 WARNING: Disconnect the meter from the mains BEFORE connecting the TransPondIT to the ConFigIT.  8.  If configuring the TransPondIT in the meter, first remove the meter tamper seal.  Then remove the meter’s outer cover (twist counter- clockwise) and then connect the ConFigIT ‘TransPondIT’ cable to the TransPondIT with the electrical connections facing “up”. When correctly installed the connector will “click” into place (see Figures 14a & 14b).    Figure 14a            Figure 14b  Figures 14a & b: Connection of ConFigIT Electric to TransPondIT  9.  Select Read (or press F6).  The ‘Data Computer’ LED on the ConFigIT flashes and the ConFigIT screen changes to one as shown in Figure 15.  If an error message is displayed, refer to troubleshooting instructions in section 5.2.2 and Appendix B.    Figure 15: Configuration Screen
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    13 10.  The following actions are performed to change the default TransPondIT settings, shown in Table 1.  Invalid data entries are highlighted in red on the screen.  •  To change the meter reading: Highlight the current meter reading and enter the new value.  Acceptable values are 0 to 99999.   •  To change the utility code: Highlight the current value and enter the new value.  Acceptable values are 000 to 255.  •  To change the TransPondIT serial number: Select the ‘Programmed by User’ radio button option and enter the new value.  The acceptable range is 0 to 16777215.  •  To set the TransPondIT serial number to the factory default: Select ‘Use Factory ID’  •  To change the transmit interval: Click on the ‘down arrow’ symbol next to the current transmit interval and select one from the drop down menu. Options are: OFF, 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 20 seconds. Select 5 seconds.  •  To change the display format: Select using the radio button. Options available are: 5*1 (displays the meter reading in KWh) or 4*10 (displays the readings in 10’s of kWh).  If using the 4*10 option; apply “x10” label (supplied with TransPondIT) on meter fascia panel to right of display.  Example: Energy consumption = 12345kWh • LCD format is 5*1.  LCD displays 12345 (kWh) • LCD format is 4*10.  LCD displays 1234 (10’s of kWh) • Transmitted radio reading is 12345 (kWh) – Always in 5*1 format.  •  To change the detent setting use check box provided: Unchecked   Only forward energy flow will be accumulated (ignore reverse energy). Checked   Decrement the meter reading on detection of reverse energy.  •  To change the LCD segment test option: Select the appropriate radio button.  Options are: None   - No segment test (Only display kWh) 1s  - Display kWh for 7 seconds then segment test for 1 second 7s  - Display kWh for 7 seconds then segment test for 7 seconds  11.  Once the changes are selected, select Set (or press F5).  This writes the new configuration to the TransPondIT.  The TransPondIT automatically responds to a Set command with a configuration report. The ConFigIT software verifies the report against the requested settings and displays an error dialogue box if there is a mismatch.  Selecting Revert displays the TransPondIT’s original factory default settings.  The settings are saved to the TransPondIT by pressing Set.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    14 Changes to the TransPondITs configuration are immediate but changes to LCD format are not visible until the LCD format is displayed.  Cycling the TransPondIT’s power (unplugging ConFigIT from TransPondIT refreshes the LCD format. The ConFigIT PC software always reports the meter reading in kWh, irrespective of the LCD display format (5*1 OR 4*10).  The transmitted radio reading is always in kWh.  Example: Energy consumption = 12345kWh -  LCD format is 5*1.  LCD displays 12345 (kWh) -  LCD format is 4*10.  LCD displays 1234 (10’s of kWh) -  Transmitted radio reading is 12345 (kWh)
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    15 CHAPTER 4: TECHNICAL INFORMATION  4.1 SPECIFICATION  •  Wireless Specification: Operates in the 902 MHz to 928 MHz license exempt ISM band. •  Operating Temperature: -400F to +1850F (-400C to +850C) •  Operating Voltage: 240VAC ± 20% (120VAC optional) •  Power Consumption: 0.5W nominal and 7VA (240VAC, 60Hz) •  Data Format: Data is sent in fixed length, error checked, encoded data packets. •  Configuration options: Utility code, ID number, display format, meter reading, transmission interval, detent/non detent  •  Tamper Detection: Error code in message indicates if reverse counts or meter tilted (with tilt switch option). •  Weight: 1.7 ounces (including LCD) •  Dimensions (approximate): H 3.5” x W 4.25” x D 1.2” (including LCD)  4.2 REGULATORY & STANDARDS  •  FCC Part 15 (Class B device). – Radiated and conducted emissions •  ANSI C12.1 – 2001 (Tests applicable to AMR device) •  ANSI 12.20 (Class 0.5 – 1998): American National Standards for Electricity Meters •  ANSI C37.90.1 (1994): Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests •  IEC 61000-4-2 (1995): Electrostatic discharge immunity test •  IEC 61000-4-4 (1995): Electrical fast transient burst immunity test. •  IEC 60068-2-6 (1995-03): Basic Environmental Testing Procedure: Mechanical Vibration •  IEC 60068-2-27 (1997-06): Basic Environmental Testing Procedure: Mechanical Shock •  IC RSS210: Industry Canada Specification for Approval of Low Power, License Exempt Radio Communication devices •  IC LMB-EG-07: Industry Canada Specification for Type Approval of Electric Meter  4.3 MEASUREMENT AND DISPLAY    4.3.1 General The TransPondIT is connected to the metrology board using the board-to-board connector.  Energy pulses (1 pulse per Watt Hour consumed) and energy flow direction are sent to the TransPondIT from the metrology board.    4.3.2 Energy Consumption Register •  The TransPondIT register for energy consumption holds a count of Wh. Electricity   usage is metered by counting pulses generated by the metrology board. Energy flow direction is also indicated by the metrology board. •  The register contents are stable during power outage – there is no loss of partial kWh consumption if there is an outage. •  The LCD displays energy consumption in kWh (or 10’s of kWh according to display format option selected).
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    16   4.3.3 Reverse Consumption Reverse energy is handled according to the detent setting option.  The register is configured such that: 1)  Reverse energy flow decrements the value of the register, or 2) Reverse energy flow does not change the value of the register.     4.3.4 LCD Segment Test  An LCD segment test is provided (all numbers are 8’s).  Three options are available: 1)  Display kWh only 2)  Display kWh for 7 seconds, segment test for 1 second (Default) 3)  Display kWh for 7 seconds, segment test for 7 seconds      Figure 16: LCD showing segment test (5*1 format)      4.3.5 LCD Contrast  The LCD is automatically adjusted for contrast over the operating temperature range.    4.3.6 Watt Disc Emulator The energy flow direction is indicated by sequentially flashing three downward pointing arrows’ from left to right indicating forward energy usage and from right to left indicating reverse energy usage.  Each arrow is ‘on’ for 1 watt-hour and ‘off’ for 1 watt-hour (see figure 17).
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    17   Figure 17: LCD showing watt-disc emulator    4.4  RADIO COMMUNICATIONS    4.4.1 Operational Range The operational range is typically greater than 300 ft (unobstructed line-of-sight as reported using a FastTrackIT with an antenna at a height of 5 ft).  The actual range varies depending on the characteristics of the location.    4.4.2 Transmit Carrier Frequency The nominal transmission frequency operates within the ISM band 902 - 928MHz.     4.4.3 Antenna The antenna is integral to the TransPondIT and printed on the PCB.    4.4.4 Transmission Interval The transmit interval is configurable: OFF, 5, 10 & 20 seconds.  Default = 5 seconds.   4.4.5 Meter Reading Transmission Format The meter reading always transmits in kWh, irrespective of the LCD display format option (5*1 or 4*10).  Watt-Disc Emulator
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    18 CHAPTER 5: STATUS CONDITIONS & TROUBLESHOOTING  This chapter describes the TransPondIT status conditions and the mechanisms behind activation.  It also covers troubleshooting steps, if a problem arises with the installation or configuration process.  5.1  STATUS CONDITIONS  Several status conditions are flagged and reported by the TransPondIT in the radio message.  Table 2 lists the possible conditions and associated status code and type.  STATUS  CODE  STATUS TYPE Reverse Energy Flow  1  Non-fatal Metrology Board Error  2  Fatal CAL Filtering  4  Non-fatal Non-volatile memory fault  8  Fatal Tilt Switch Activated (if fitted)  16  Non-fatal  Table 2: Status Conditions  A fatal error is one in which the meter count is halted.  As the setting of the error flag is stored in  the  NVRAM,  removing  and  restoring  mains  supply  will  have  no  effect.  The  last  ‘good’ reading will continue to be written to the display (and transmitted in the RF message) and the error  flag  will  be  present  in  the  RF  message.    Note:  the  “watt-disc  emulator”  will  still  be functioning.  To resume normal operation, the error flag MUST be reset via the ConFigIT (see below).  A Non-fatal error is one that provides information only – it does not affect the count.  A complete list of status codes in the form they are received by HandTrackIT or FastTrackIT is provided in Appendix B.  Instructions for identifying and correcting possible causes of the error are described in Appendix C.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    19  5.2  READING AND CLEARING STATUS CONDITIONS WITH CONFIGIT  All status codes reported by the TransPondIT are read and cleared using the ConFigIT.    •  When displayed by the ConFigIT PC Software, a status code of 0 indicates normal operation (see Figure 18).  The specific code number is enclosed in brackets ().  •  A non-zero status code is highlighted in red alongside the word Error (see Figure 19).   •  Clicking on the ‘>’ sign next to the “error code” window on the ConFigIT software brings up the Register Status flags window for explanation (see Figure 20).  •  The appropriate status flags are selected for clearing (see Figure 21). •  Once all changes are made, pressing ‘Set’ or <F5> stores the new configuration in the TransPondIT.     Figure 18: Location of status code – (0) indicates normal operation   Figure 19 illustrates an example of the ConFigIT screen with a TransPondIT that has registered a ‘reverse energy flow’.  The ‘Meter Reading’ is also highlighted in red.  Status code
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    20   Figure 19: ‘Reverse energy flow’ reported        Figure 20: Display Register Status Flag window   5.2.1 Clear a Status Code 1)  Click on the ‘>’ sign (see Figure 20)  2)  The ‘Register Status Flags’ window is displayed.  3)  Click in the white box(s), tick mark(s) should appear (see Figure 21). Status code = 1 Click on ‘>’ to display the Register Status Flags Register Status Flags window
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    21  4)  Press the ‘Enter’ or ‘Esc’ key to close the window.  5)  The screen changes as shown in Figure 22    Figure 21: Select ‘Reverse Energy Flow’ status for clearing      Figure 22: TransPondIT Configuration Screen  6)  Make any necessary changes required (e.g. meter reading, transmit interval).  7)  Select Set or <F5>.  This writes the new values and reads numbers back for confirmation (see Figure 23).  8)  Confirm that the status code is reset to (0). (see Figure 23)
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    22      Figure 23: Reset status code
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    23 5.2.2 Troubleshooting – General Due to the modular design of the CENTRON meter, TransPondITs of similar voltage (120V or 240V) can be interchanged.  Therefore, a suspect TransPondIT can be placed onto a working base to verify proper operation of the TransPondIT.  Similarly, a known good TransPondIT can be placed on the base of a suspect meter to verify proper operation of the base. Alternatively, swap out the suspect meter with a known good meter.    Check whether correct voltage TransPondIT fitted – ie: o  120V variant TransPondIT in a Form 2S socket TransPondIT will appear to work correctly but will have reduced life – not recommended. o  240V variant TransPondIT in a Form 1S socket TransPondIT may appear to work but stop working (and metering) if voltage falls marginally life – not recommended.  5.2.3 Troubleshooting - Configuration The first test to perform is to connect the PC to the ConFigIT (standard 9-way straight through female connectors) and the ConFigIT to the TransPondIT. Run the ConFigIT application ensuring that the communications port is set-up correctly. Select ‘Read’ or ‘<F6>’ and the LCD should power up. If it doesn’t, check that the batteries in the ConFigIT are good (if applicable) and also try a different ConFigIT to TransPondIT lead.  If the LCD still fails to illuminate, then refer to table 3.     Figure 24: ConFigIT communications error message   ConFigIT Hardware  Possible Cause(s):  Actions: Any of:  Message: ConFigIT is not responding on Com 1 (see fig 24)   On/Standby LED is not illuminated when ‘Read’ command sent.       On/Standby LED permanently on & Any of:  ConFigIT batteries faulty or ConFigIT DC Power Supply not present.  TransPondIT not connected to ConFigIT (possibly caused by ConFigIT connector not pushed fully into the LCD recess).    ConFigIT PC Software is Try the following:  Replace the batteries / check the DC supply   Ensure connector is fully inserted.  Should hear a ‘click’.       Ensure the correct COM port is
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    24 Computer / TransPondIT LEDs flash                not configured to use the correct COM port.    ConFigIT PC software in conflict for a COM port with another application (eg Sync Monitor for PDA)  ‘Computer’ serial cable damaged   TransPondIT serial cable damaged   ConFigIT internal fault  TransPondIT internal fault  selected for the hardware connection, then use the drop down menu File – Interface to select the correct port.  Stop any application that is using the same COM port as ConFigIT   Try a different cable   Try a different cable   Call RAMAR for assistance   Call RAMAR for assistance Blank Display on meter  ConFigIT connector not pushed fully into the LCD recess  LCD / LCD driver failure  Loose power supply connection Ensure the connector is fully inserted when configuring   Replace TransPondIT  Remove and re-seat the board-to-board connector ConFigIT Software     Software installs but is ‘locked’  Need product  activation code  Send vcf file to RAMAR to receive a new code  Configuration:  Possible Cause(s):  Action(s): LCD does not display the segment check   TransPondIT is configured not to display the segment check Reconfigure the TransPondIT LCD only displays 4 digits  TransPondIT is configured to display in 4*10 format  Reconfigure the unit LCD format to 5*1 No radio reading  Transmit Interval is OFF  Reconfigure TransPondIT transmit interval. Check COMMs with HandTrackIT.  If COMMs fails then contact RAMAR   Table 3: ConFigIT Troubleshooting Chart
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    25 APPENDIX A: METER COMPATIBILITY CHART & PART NUMBERS  The TransPondIT for CENTRON is compatible with the following CENTRON meters.  Form  1S  2S  2S  3S  3S  4S  12S Volts  120V  240V  240V  120V  240V  240V  120V Class  100  200  320  20  20  20  200 Part No (no tilt switch):  915-120-01 915-122-01 915-122-01 915-120-01 915-122-01 915-122-01 915-120-01 Part No (with tilt switch): 915-121-01 915-123-01 915-123-01 915-121-01 915-123-01 915-123-01 915-121-01   **Qualification is pending on some meter forms   Table A-1: Meter compatibility chart
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    26 APPENDIX B: TRANSPONDIT STATUS CODES  Status Code  Description 0  No errors 1  Reverse Energy Flow detected 2  Metrology Board Failure 3  Reverse Energy Flow detected + Metrology Board Failure 4  CAL Pulse Filtering 5  CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow 6  CAL Pulse Filtering + Metrology Board Failure 7  CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow + Metrology Board Failure  8  Non-Volatile Storage Failure 9  Reverse Energy Flow detected + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 10  Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 11  Reverse Energy Flow detected + Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 12  CAL Pulse Filtering + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 13  CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 14  CAL Pulse Filtering + Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 15  CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow+ Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 16  Tilt Switch Activated 17  Tilt Switch Activated + Reverse Energy Flow detected 18  Tilt Switch Activated + Metrology Board Failure 19  Tilt Switch Activated + Reverse Energy Flow detected + Metrology Board Failure 20  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering 21  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow 22  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Metrology Board Failure 23  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow + Metrology Board Failure  24  Tilt Switch Activated + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 25  Tilt Switch Activated + Reverse Energy Flow + Non-Volatile Storage Failure  26  Tilt Switch Activated + Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure  27  Tilt Switch Activated + Reverse Energy Flow + Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure  28  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 29  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 30  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure 31  Tilt Switch Activated + CAL Pulse Filtering + Reverse Energy Flow  + Metrology Board Failure + Non-Volatile Storage Failure  Table B-1: TransPondIT status codes  Note: If a Non-Volatile Storage Failure occurs, then subsequent Metrology, CAL or Reverse Direction errors will not be reported.  Therefore an error code of 10 indicates that the metrology board failed first and then the NVRAM in that order.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    27 APPENDIX C:  STATUS CODE TROUBLESHOOTING  It is expected that all of these troubleshooting operations are performed in the meter shop – after the meter is withdrawn.                                            Figure C-1 Reverse energy flow  Note: the reverse energy flow flag is for information purposes.  It does not mean that the TransPondIT is faulty.Was the meter fitted upside down? Follow utility procedures for removing and re-fitting meter in the correct orientation If appropriate, clear the status code and check that TransPondIT is counting correctly.  Refer to chapters 3 & 5 END Report finding to appropriate utility personnel Call RAMAR Technical Support 1-888-987-2627 YES NO NO YES YES NO Reverse Energy Flow  [01] Confirm metrology board function by substituting another TransPondIT and checking for correct operation. Working OK? YES Is there any physical damage?  NO Confirm correct operation of the meter. (i.e. Meter reading increments. LCD reading and radio reading are as set by configuration).  Note: If the LCD is configured for 4*10, then the radio reading will be 10x greater
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    28                                              Figure C-2 Reverse meteorology board error Metrology Board Error [02]  TransPondIT is operating correctly (i.e. LCD and radio readings are identical and non-zero) Follow utility procedures for swapping out meter base and fit TransPondIT to new meter  Using ConFigIT clear the status code and check that TransPondIT is counting correctly. Refer to Chapters 3 and 5. Call RAMAR Technical Support 1-888-987-2627 END NO YES Note: If the LCD format is 4*10, then the radio reading will be 10x greater Confirm correct operation of the meter. (i.e. Meter reading increments. LCD reading and radio reading are as set by configuration).  Note: If the LCD is configured for 4*10, then the radio reading will be 10x greater
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    29 CAL Filtering [04]  This status code is displayed when the TransPondIT records an instantaneous event of signals counted from the metrology board at a rate > 32 per second – this corresponds to >115kW .   This is NOT a TransPondIT fault.  It is for information purposes only.    Report this event to the appropriate utility personnel.   Refer to the CENTRON Meter Technical Reference Guide for more information on the meter.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    30                                                    Figure C-3 NVRAM failure  Call RAMAR Technical Support 1-888-987-2627 END Non Volatile Memory Fault  [08] TransPondIT is faulty Replace Fit a new TransPondIT into the existing or new meter base. Configure the TransPondIT as required. (See chapters 3 & 5) Install new meter at customer site Return faulty TransPondIT to RAMAR Confirm correct operation of the meter. (i.e. Meter reading increments. LCD reading and radio reading are as set by configuration).  Note: If the LCD is configured for 4*10, then the radio reading will be 10x greater
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    31                                                 Tilt Switch Activated  [16] Is the meter fitted upside down? Follow utility procedures for removing and re-fitting meter in the correct orientation. Report findings Using ConFigIT clear the status code and check that TransPondIT is counting correctly.  Refer to chapters 3 & 5 END Is there any obvious physical damage? Report finding to appropriate utility personnel Call RAMAR Technical Support 1-888-987-2627 YES NO NO YES YES NO Figure C-4: Tilt switch Confirm correct operation of the meter. (i.e. Meter reading increments. LCD reading and radio reading are as set by configuration).  Note: If the LCD is
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    32 APPENDIX D: COMMERCIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION  WARRANTY DISCLAIMER  To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, AT RAMAR LLC disclaim all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to the hardware, the accompanying written material, and the accompanying software.   To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event shall AT RAMAR LLC be held liable for damages whatsoever (including without limitation, special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages for personal injury, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if AT RAMAR LLC has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any case, AT RAMAR LLC’s entire liability under any provision of this agreement shall be limited to what is specified in the warranty agreement signed by our distributors.  SOFTWARE RIGHTS AND RESTRICTIONS  The software product and documentation are provided with restrictive rights. The software may not be duplicated, reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled or modified.  The software product and accompanying written material is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.  The software product is licensed, not sold.  SAFETY WARNING  Separate the electric meter from the power mains before removing the outer and inner covers.  The TransPondIT unit is not serviceable by user except by the ConFigIT. Modifying the TransPondIT voids the warranty and may result in the user paying for all costs normally covered under warranty. For safety reasons, do not modify the unit from its original usage.  If the unit is defective please refer to the warranty for disposition or call RAMAR customer service. Under no circumstances should the customer attempt to repair the TransPondIT.  WARRANTY WARNINGS  •  Changes or modifications to software, receiver or transmitter equipment not expressly approved by RAMAR could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. •  The equipment must be professionally installed.  •  The TransPondIT is solely industrial and commercial in design; therefore it cannot be sold to the general public.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    33 COMPLIANCE WITH FCC REGULATIONS  FCC Part 15, Class B This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to other radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the affected receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and affected receiver. • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the affected receiver is connected. • Consult an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES.  OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE AND, (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.  COMPLIANCE WITH INDUSTRY CANADA REGULATIONS  The TransPondIT has been certified by Industry Canada (IC) as a low power device operable in the license exempt radio frequency band as stated in document number RSS210.  RSS210  Low Power License-Exempt Radio Communications Devices (902 – 928MHz).  OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION OF THE DEVICE  This Class B digital apparatus meets the requirement of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Technical Reference Manual - TransPondIT for CENTRON Electric Meter    34  MODIFICATIONS TO TRANSPONDIT  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by AT RAMAR could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  REPAIR OF TRANSPONDITS  There are no serviceable parts in the TransPondIT.  All repairs require the unit to be returned to either the distributor or RAMAR, depending on where the product was purchased.  The standard warranty is 12 months from installation or 18 months from delivery? Contact RAMAR for proper return materials authorization procedures.  Service return address: RAMAR 511 Davis Drive Suite 200, Durham, North Carolina 27713 United States  Tel: 1-888.98.RAMAR (72627) Fax: 919.991.9946                   Legal © 2004 AT RAMAR LLC. All rights reserved.   RAMAR, the AT RAMAR LLC logo, TransPondIT, ConFigIT, HandTrackIT, RAMIC, FastTrackIT and CellTrackIT are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Technology RAMAR Limited in the United States and/or other countries.  All other company names, brand names, and product names are the property of their respective holder(s). AT RAMAR LLC is an Agent for Advanced Technology RAMAR Limited. RAMAR constantly enhances products and reserves the right to change specifications or other product information without notice. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. July 2004.  CENTRON, is a registered trademark of Itron (formerly Schlumberger Electricity, Inc.)

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