Billion Electric BIL-7404VGOX (3G)/VoIP/802.11g ADSL2+(VPN) Firewall Router User Manual 2

Billion Electric Co., Ltd. (3G)/VoIP/802.11g ADSL2+(VPN) Firewall Router Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

Domains Filtering: This function checks the whole URL not the IP address, in URLs accessed DJDLQVW\RXUOLVWRIGRPDLQVWREORFNRUDOORZ,ILWLVPDWFKHGWKH85/UHTXHVWZLOOEHVHQW7UXVWHGor dropped (Forbidden).  For this function to be activated, both check-boxes must be checked.  Here is the checking procedure: Check the domain in the URL to determine if it is in the trusted list. If yes, the connection attempt sent to the remote web server.If not, check if it is listed in the forbidden list.  If yes, then the connection attempt will be 2.dropped.If the packet does not match either of the above two items, it is sent to the remote web server.3.3OHDVHEHQRWHWKDWWKHFRPSOHWHG85/³ZZZ´GRPDLQQDPHVKDOOEHVSHFL¿HG)RUH[DPSOH4.WREORFNWUDI¿FWRHQWHU³´RU³´,QWKHH[DPSOHEHORZWKH85/UHTXHVWIRU will be sent to the remote web server EHFDXVHLWLVOLVWHGLQWKHWUXVWHGOLVWZKLOVWWKH85/UHTXHVWIRU or will be dropped, because is in the forbidden list.82
Example:$QG\ZLVKHVWRGLVDEOHDOO:(%WUDI¿FH[FHSWIRURQHVOLVWHGLQWKHWUXVWHGGRPDLQZKLFKZRXOGSUHYHQW%REE\IURPDFFHVVLQJRWKHUZHEVLWHV$QG\VHOHFWVERWKIXQFWLRQVLQWKH'RPDLQ)LOWHULQJDQGWKLQNVWKDWLWZLOOVWRS%REE\%XW%REE\NQRZVWKLVIXQFWLRQ'RPDLQ)LOWHULQJ21/<GLVDEOHVDOO:(%WUDI¿FH[FHSW IRU7UXVWHG'RPDLQ %87QRWLWV,3DGGUHVV,IWKLVLV WKH VLWXDWLRQ%ORFNVXU¿QJE\,3DGGUHVVIXQFWLRQFDQEHKDQG\DQGKHOSIXOWR$QG\1RZ$QG\FDQSUHYHQW%REE\from accessing other sites.Restrict URL Features: This function enhances the restriction to your URL rules.   Block Java Applet:7KLVIXQFWLRQFDQEORFN:HEFRQWHQWWKDWLQFOXGHVWKH-DYD$SSOHW,WLVto prevent someone who wants to damage your system via standard HTTP protocol.%ORFNVXU¿QJE\,3DGGUHVV Preventing someone who uses the IP address as URL for skip-ping Domains Filtering function.  Activates only and if Domain Filtering enabled.83
IM / P2P Blocking,0 VKRUW IRU ,QVWDQW 0HVVDJH LV UHTXLUHG WR XVH client program software that allows users to communicate LQ H[FKDQJLQJ WH[W PHVVDJH ZLWK RWKHU ,0 XVHUV LQ UHDO WLPH RYHU WKH ,QWHUQHW$33 DSSOLFDWLRQ NQRZQ DV 3HHUWRSHHU LV JURXS RI FRPSXWHU XVHUV ZKR VKDUH ¿OH WR VSHFL¿FJURXSVRISHRSOHDFURVVWKH,QWHUQHW%RWK,QVWDQW 0HVVDJH DQG 3HHUWRSHHU applications make communication faster and easier but your network can become increasingly insecure at the same WLPH%LOOLRQ¶V,0DQG33EORFNLQJKHOSVXVHUVWRUHVWULFW/$13&VWRDFFHVVWRWKHFRPPRQO\XVHG,0<DKRRDQG061DQG33%LW7RUUHQWDQGH'RQNH\DSSOLFDWLRQVRYHUWKH,QWHUQHWInstant Message Blocking: The default is set to Disabled. Disabled: ,QVWDQW0HVVDJHEORFNLQJLVQRWWULJJHUHG1RDFWLRQZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGAlways On: Action is enabled. TimeSlot1 ~ TimeSlot16:  7KLVLVWKHVHOIGH¿QHG WLPHSHULRG<RXPD\VSHFLI\WKHWLPHperiod to trigger the blocking, i.e. during working hours. For setup and detail, refer to TimeSchedule section.Yahoo/MSN Messenger: Check the box to blockHLWKHURUERWK<DKRRRUDQG0610HVVHQJHU7Rbe sure you enabled the Instant Message Blocking¿UVWPeer to Peer Blocking: The default is set to Disabled. Disabled: ,QVWDQW0HVVDJHEORFNLQJLVQRWWULJJHUHG1RDFWLRQZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGAlways On: Action is enabled. TimeSlot1 ~ TimeSlot16:  This is theVHOIGH¿QHGWLPHSHULRG<RXPD\VSHFLI\WKHWLPHSHULRGWRtrigger the blocking, i.e. during working hours. For setup and detail, refer to Time Schedule section.  BitTorrent / eDonkey: Check the box to blockHLWKHURUERWK%LW7RUUHQWRUDQGH'RQNH\7REHsure you enabledWKH3HHUWR3HHU%ORFNLQJ¿UVW84
Firewall Log)LUHZDOO/RJGLVSOD\ORJLQIRUPDWLRQRIDQ\XQH[SHFWHGDFWLRQZLWK\RXU¿UHZDOOVHWWLQJVCheck the Enable box to activate the logs.Log information can be seen in the Status – Event Log after enabling.85
VPN - Virtual Private Networks (Only available for BiPAC 7404V(G)OX)9LUWXDO3ULYDWH1HWZRUNVLVZD\VWRHVWDEOLVKVHFXUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQWXQQHOVWRDQRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶Vnetwork via the Internet. Your router supports three main types of VPN (Virtual Private Network): PPTP, IPSec and L2TP.PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)There are two types of PPTP VPN supported; Remote Access and LAN-to-LAN (please refer EHORZIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ&OLFN&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ9313373Name: A given name for the connection.Active: This function activates or deactivates the PPTP connection. Check Active checkbox if you want the protocol of tunnel to be activated and vice versa.Note: When the Active checkbox is checked, the function of Edit and Delete will not be available.Connection Type: It informs your PPTP tunnel connection condition.Type: This refers to your router operates as a client or a server, Dialout or Dialin respectively.PPTP Connection - Remote AccessName: $JLYHQQDPHIRUWKHFRQQHFWLRQHJ³FRQQHFWLRQWRRI¿FH´Connection Type: Remote Access or LAN to LAN.Type: Check Dial Out if you want your router to operate as a client (connecting to a remote 931VHUYHUHJ\RXURI¿FHVHUYHUFKHFN'LDO,QRSHUDWHVDVD931VHUYHU:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVD&OLHQWHQWHUWKHUHPRWH6HUYHU,3$GGUHVVRU'RPDLQ1DPHyou wish to connect to.:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVDVHUYHUHQWHUWKH3ULYDWH,3$GGUHVVDVVLJQHGWRWKH'LDOLQUser.86
Username: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the username provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own username.Password: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the password provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own password.Authentication Type: Default is Auto if you want the router to determine the authentication type to use, or else manually specify CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) or PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) if you know which type the server is using (when acting as a client), or else the authentication type you want clients connecting to you to use (when acting as a VHUYHU:KHQXVLQJ3$3WKHSDVVZRUGLVVHQWXQHQFU\SWHGZKLOVW&+$3HQFU\SWVWKHSDVVZRUGbefore sending, and also allows for challenges at different periods to ensure that an intruder has not replaced the client.Data Encryption: 'DWDVHQWRYHUWKH931FRQQHFWLRQFDQEHHQFU\SWHGE\DQ033(DOJRULWKPDefault is Auto, so that this setting is negotiated when establishing a connection, or else you can manually Enable or Disable encryption.Key Length: 7KHGDWDFDQEHHQFU\SWHGE\033(DOJRULWKPZLWKELWVRUELWV'HIDXOWLVAuto, it is negotiated when establishing a connection. 128 bit keys provide stronger encryption than 40 bit keys.Mode: You may select Stateful or Stateless mode. The key will be changed every 256 packets when you select Stateful mode. If you select Stateless mode, the key will be changed in each packet.Active as default route: Commonly used by the Dial-out connection which all packets will route through the VPN tunnel to the Internet; therefore, active the function may degrade the Internet performance.Active: This function activates or deactivates the PPTP connection. Check Active checkbox if you want the protocol of tunnel to be activated and vice versa.Note: When the Active checkbox is checked, the function of Edit and Delete will not be available.&OLFN(GLW'HOHWHEXWWRQWRVDYH\RXUFKDQJHV87
&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3373931LQWKH2I¿FH&OLFN&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ9313373&KRRVH5HPRWH$FFHVVIURP&RQQHFW7\SHGURSGRZQPHQX<RXcan either input the IP address ( in this case) or hostname to reach the server.Function DescriptionName VPN_PPTP Given name of PPTP connectionConnectionTypeRemote Access Select Remote Access from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial out Select Dial out from the Type drop-down menuIP Address (or Domain name) An Dialed server IPUsername Username A given username & passwordPassword 123456Auth.Type Chap(Auto) .HHSDVGHIDXOWYDOXHLQPRVWRIWKHFDVHV3373VHUYHUclient will determine the value automatically. Refer to manual for details if you want to change the setting.Data Encryption Auto.H\/HQJWK Auto0RGH stateful89
PPTP Connection - LAN to LAN&OLFN&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ9313373&KRRVH/$1WR/$1IURP&RQQHFW7\SHGURSGRZQPHQXName: $JLYHQQDPHIRUWKHFRQQHFWLRQHJ³FRQQHFWLRQWRRI¿FH´Connection Type: Remote Access or LAN to LAN.Type: Check Dial Out if you want your router to operate as a client (connecting to a remote 931VHUYHUHJ\RXURI¿FHVHUYHUFKHFN'LDO,QRSHUDWHVDVD931VHUYHU:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVD&OLHQWHQWHUWKHUHPRWH6HUYHU,3$GGUHVVRU'RPDLQ1DPHyou wish to connect to.:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVDVHUYHUHQWHUWKH3ULYDWH,3$GGUHVVDVVLJQHGWRWKH'LDOLQUser.Peer Network IP: Enter Peer network IP address.Netmask: Enter the subnet mask of peer network based on the Peer Network IP setting.Username: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the username provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own username.Password: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the password provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own password.Authentication Type: Default is Auto if you want the router to determine the authentication type to use, or else manually specify CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) or PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) if you know which type the server is using (when acting as a client), or else the authentication type you want clients connecting to you to use (when acting as a VHUYHU:KHQXVLQJ3$3WKHSDVVZRUGLVVHQWXQHQFU\SWHGZKLOVW&+$3HQFU\SWVWKHSDVVZRUGbefore sending, and also allows for challenges at different periods to ensure that an intruder has not replaced the client.Data Encryption: 'DWDVHQWRYHUWKH931FRQQHFWLRQFDQEHHQFU\SWHGE\DQ033(DOJRULWKPDefault is Auto, so that this setting is negotiated when establishing a connection, or else you can manually Enable or Disable encryption.Key Length: 7KHGDWDFDQEHHQFU\SWHGE\033(DOJRULWKPZLWKELWVRUELWV'HIDXOWLVAuto, it is negotiated when establishing a connection. 128 bit keys provide stronger encryption 90
than 40 bit keys.Mode: You may select Stateful or Stateless mode. The key will be changed every 256 packets when you select Stateful mode. If you select Stateless mode, the key will be changed in each packet.Active as default route: Commonly used by the Dial-out connection which all packets will route through the VPN tunnel to the Internet; therefore, active the function may degrade the Internet performance.Active: This function activates or deactivates the PPTP connection. Check Active checkbox if you want the protocol of tunnel to be activated and vice versa.Note: When the Active checkbox is checked, the function of Edit and Delete will not be available.&OLFN(GLW'HOHWHEXWWRQWRVDYH\RXUFKDQJHV91
&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3373931LQWKH+HDG2I¿FH7KH,3DGGUHVVZLOOEHDVVLJQHGWRWKHURXWHUORFDWHGLQWKHEUDQFKRI¿FH3OHDVHPDNHVXUHWKLV,3LVQRWXVHGLQWKHKHDGRI¿FH/$1Function DescriptionName +HDG2I¿FH Given name of PPTP connectionConnectionTypeLAN to LAN Select LAN to LAN from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial in Select Dial in from the Type drop-down menuIP Address ,3DGGUHVVDVVLJQHGWREUDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNPeer Network IP192.168.0.0 %UDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmask Username $JLYHQXVHUQDPHSDVVZRUGWRDXWKHQWLFDWHEUDQFKRI¿FHnetwork.Password 123456Auth.Type Chap(Auto) .HHSDVGHIDXOWYDOXHLQPRVWRIWKHFDVHV3373VHUYHUclient will determine the value automatically. Refer to manual for details if you want to change the setting.Data Encryption Auto.H\/HQJWK Auto0RGH stateful93
&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3373931LQWKH+HDG2I¿FH7KH,3DGGUHVVLVWKH3XEOLF,3DGGUHVVRIWKHURXWHUORFDWHGLQKHDGRI¿FH,I\RXregistered the DDNS (please refer to the DDNS section of this manual), you can also use the domain name instead of the IP address to reach the router.Function DescriptionName +HDG2I¿FH Given name of PPTP connectionConnectionTypeLAN to LAN Select LAN to LAN from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial out Select Dial out from the Type drop-down menuIP Address (or Domain Name) ,3DGGUHVVDVVLJQHGWREUDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNPeer Network IP192.168.1.0 +HDGRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmask Username $JLYHQXVHUQDPHSDVVZRUGWRDXWKHQWLFDWHEUDQFKRI¿FHnetwork.Password 123456Auth.Type Chap(Auto) .HHSDVGHIDXOWYDOXHLQPRVWRIWKHFDVHV3373VHUYHUclient will determine the value automatically. Refer to manual for details if you want to change the setting.Data Encryption Auto.H\/HQJWK Auto0RGH stateful94
IPSec (IP Security Protocol)Active: This function activates or deactivates the IPSec connection. Check Active checkbox if you want the protocol of tunnel to be activated and vice versa.Note: When the Active checkbox is checked, the function of Edit and Delete will not be available.Name: This is a given name of the connection.Local Subnet: Displays IP address and subnet of the local network.Remote Subnet: Displays IP address and subnet of the remote network.Remote Gateway: This is the IP address or Domain Name of the remote VPN device that is connected and established a VPN tunnel.IPSec Proposal: This is selected IPSec security method.95
IPSec VPN ConnectionName:$JLYHQQDPHIRUWKHFRQQHFWLRQHJ³FRQQHFWLRQWRRI¿FH´Local Network: Set the IP address, subnet or address range of the local network.Single Address: The IP address of the local host.Subnet: The subnet of the local network. For example, IP: with netmask VSHFL¿HVRQHFODVV&VXEQHWVWDUWLQJIURPLHWKURXJKto Range: The IP address range of the local network. For example, IP:, end IP: Secure Gateway Address (or Domain Name): The IP address or hostname of the remote VPN device that is connected and establishes a VPN tunnel.Remote Network: Set the IP address, subnet or address range of the remote network.IKE (Internet key Exchange) Mode:6HOHFW,.(PRGHWR0DLQPRGHRU$JJUHVVLYHPRGH7KLV,.(SURYLGHVVHFXUHGNH\JHQHUDWLRQDQGNH\PDQDJHPHQWPre-shared Key:7KLVLVIRUWKH,QWHUQHW.H\([FKDQJH,.(SURWRFRODVWULQJIURPWRFKDUDFWHUV%RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHNH\,.(LVXVHGWRHVWDEOLVKDVKDUHGVHFXULW\SROLF\DQGDXWKHQWLFDWHGNH\VIRUVHUYLFHVVXFKDV,36HFWKDWUHTXLUHDNH\%HIRUHDQ\,36HFWUDI¿Fcan be passed, each router must be able to verify the identity of its peer. This can be done by manually entering the pre-shared key into both sides (router or hosts). Local ID:Content: Input ,'¶VLQIRUPDWLRQOLNHGRPDLQQDPH
Remote ID:,GHQWL¿HU,QSXWUHPRWH,'¶VLQIRUPDWLRQOLNHGRPDLQQDPHZZZLSVHFWHVWFRPHash Function: ,WLVD0HVVDJH'LJHVWDOJRULWKPZKLFKFRYHUWVDQ\OHQJWKRIDPHVVDJHLQWRDXQLTXHVHWRIELWV,WLVZLGHO\XVHG0'0HVVDJH'LJHVWDQG6+$6HFXUH+DVK$OJRULWKPDOJRULWKPV6+$LVPRUHUHVLVWDQWWREUXWHIRUFHDWWDFNVWKDQ0'KRZHYHULWLVVORZHUMD5: $RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKSHA1:$RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKEncryption: Select the encryption method from the pull-down menu. There are several options, DES, 3DES and AES (128, 192 and 256). 3DES and AES are more powerful but increase latency.DES: Stands for Data Encryption Standard, it uses 56 bits as an encryption method.3DES: Stands for Triple Data Encryption Standard, it uses 168 (56*3) bits as an encryption method.AES: Stands for Advanced Encryption Standards, you can use 128, 192 or 256 bits as en-cryption method.'LI¿H+HOOPDQ*URXSIt is a public-key cryptography protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an unsecured communication channel (i.e. over the Internet). There are WKUHHPRGHV02'3ELW02'3ELWDQG02'3ELW02'3VWDQGVIRU0RGXODUExponentiation Groups.IPSec Proposal: Select the IPSec security method. There are two methods of checking the authentication information, AH (authentication header) and ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload). Use ESP for greater security so that data will be encrypted and authenticated. Using AH data will be authenticated but not encrypted.Authentication: Authentication establishes the integrity of the datagram and ensures it is not WDPSHUHGZLWKLQWUDQVPLW7KHUHDUHWKUHHRSWLRQV0HVVDJH'LJHVW0'6HFXUH+DVK$OJRULWKP6+$RU121(6+$LVPRUHUHVLVWDQWWREUXWHIRUFHDWWDFNVWKDQ0'KRZHYHULWLVslower.MD5: $RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKSHA1:$RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKEncryption: Select the encryption method from the pull-down menu. There are several options, DES, 3DES, AES (128, 192 and 256) and NULL. NULL means it is a tunnel only with no encryption. 3DES and AES are more powerful but increase latency.DES: Stands for Data Encryption Standard, it uses 56 bits as an encryption method.3DES: Stands for Triple Data Encryption Standard, it uses 168 (56*3) bits as an encryption method.AES: Stands for Advanced Encryption Standards, you can use 128, 192 or 256 bits as en-cryption method.Perfect Forward Secrecy: &KRRVHZKHWKHUWRHQDEOH3)6XVLQJ'LI¿H+HOOPDQSXEOLFNH\cryptography to change encryption keys during the second phase of VPN negotiation. This function cryptography protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an 97
XQVHFXUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQFKDQQHOLHRYHUWKH,QWHUQHW7KHUHDUHWKUHHPRGHV02'3ELW02'3ELWDQG02'3ELW02'3VWDQGVIRU0RGXODU([SRQHQWLDWLRQ*URXSVSA Lifetime: Specify the number of minutes that a Security Association (SA) will stay active EHIRUHQHZHQFU\SWLRQDQGDXWKHQWLFDWLRQNH\ZLOOEHH[FKDQJHG7KHUHDUHWZRNLQGVRI6$V,.(DQG,36HF,.(QHJRWLDWHVDQGHVWDEOLVKHV6$RQEHKDOIRI,36HFDQ,.(6$LVXVHGE\,.(Phase 1 (IKE):7RLVVXHDQLQLWLDOFRQQHFWLRQUHTXHVWIRUDQHZ931WXQQHO7KHUDQJHFDQbe from 5 to 15,000 minutes, and the default is 480 minutes.Phase 2 (IPSec): To negotiate and establish secure authentication. The range can be from 5 to 15,000 minutes, and the default is 60 minutes.A short SA time increases security by forcing the two parties to update the keys. However, every time the VPN tunnel re-negotiates, access through the tunnel will be temporarily disconnected.PING for Keep Alive:None: The default setting is None. To this mode, it will not detect the remote IPSec peer has EHHQORVWRUQRW,WRQO\IROORZVWKHSROLF\RI'LVFRQQHFWLRQWLPHDIWHUQRWUDI¿FZKLFKWKHUH-mote IPSec will be disconnected afther the time you set in this function.PING: This mode will detect the remote IPSec peer has lost or not by pinging specify IP ad-dress.DPD: Dead peer detection (DPD) is a keeping alive mechanism that enables the router to be detected lively when the connection between the router and a remote IPSec peer has lost. Please be noted, it must be enabled on the both sites.PING to the IP:,WLVDEOHWR,33LQJWKHUHPRWH3&ZLWKWKHVSHFL¿HG,3DGGUHVVDQGDOHUWZKHQthe connection fails. Once alter message is received, Router will drop this tunnel connection. 5HHVWDEOLVKRIWKLVFRQQHFWLRQLVUHTXLUHG'HIDXOWVHWWLQJLVZKLFKGLVDEOHVWKHIXQFWLRQInterval: This sets the time interval between Pings to the IP function to monitor the connection status. Default interval setting is 10 seconds. Time interval can be set from 0 to 3600 second, 0 second disables the function.Ping to the IP Interval (sec) Ping to the IP Action0.0.0.0 0 No0.0.0.0 2000 (A valid IP Address) 0 valid IP Address) 2000 Yes, activate it in every 2000 second.'LVFRQQHFWLRQ7LPHDIWHUQRWUDI¿F,WLVWKH125HVSRQVHWLPHFORFN:KHQQRWUDI¿FVWDJHtime is beyond the Disconnection time set, Router will automatically halt the tunnel connection and re-establish it base on the Reconnection Time set. 180 seconds is minimum time interval for this function.Reconnection Time: It is the reconnecting time interval after NO TRAFFIC is initiated. 3 minutes is minimum time interval for this function.&OLFN(GLW'HOHWHWRVDYH\RXUFKDQJHV98
([DPSOH&RQ¿JXULQJDQ,36HF/$1WR/$1931&RQQHFWLRQ7DEOH1HWZRUN&RQ¿JXUDWLRQDQG6HFXULW\3ODQ%UDQFK2I¿FH +HDG2I¿FHLocal Network ID  Local Router IP  Network ID  Remote Router IP Pre-shared Key 12345678 12345678VPN Connection Type Tunnel mode Tunnel modeSecurity Algorithm (630'ZLWK$(6 (630'ZLWK$(699
&RQ¿JXULQJ,36HF931LQWKH+HDG2I¿FHFunction DescriptionName ,36HFB+HDG2I¿FH Give a name of IPSec ConnectionLocal Network Subnet Select Subnet from Local Network drop-down menu.IP Address +HDGRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmask Secure Gateway IP (or Hostname) ,3DGGUHVVRIWKHKHDGRI¿FHURXWHULQ:$1side)Remote Network Subnet Select Subnet from Remote Network drop-down menuIP Address %UDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmaskVKDUHG.H\ 12345678 Security planAuthentication 0'Encryption 3DESPrefer Forward SecurityNone100
&RQ¿JXULQJ,36HF931LQWKH%UDQFK2I¿FHFunction DescriptionName ,36HFB%UDQFK2I¿FH Give a name of IPSec ConnectionLocal Network Subnet Select Subnet from Local Network drop-down menu.IP Address %UDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmask Secure Gateway IP (or Hostname) ,3DGGUHVVRIWKHKHDGRI¿FHURXWHULQ:$1side)Remote Network Subnet Select Subnet from Remote Network drop-down menuIP Address +HDGRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmaskVKDUHG.H\ 12345678 Security planAuthentication 0'Encryption 3DESPrefer Forward SecurityNone101
&RQ¿JXULQJ,36HF931LQWKH2I¿FHFunction DescriptionName IPSec Give a name of IPSec ConnectionLocal Network Subnet Select Subnet from Local Network drop-down menu.IP Address +HDGRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmask Secure Gateway IP (or Hostname) ,3DGGUHVVRIWKHKHDGRI¿FHURXWHULQ:$1side)Remote Network Single Address Select Single Address from Remote Network drop-down menuIP Address Remote worker's IP address3UHVKDUHG.H\ 12345678 Security planAuthentication 0'Encryption 3DESPrefer Forward SecurityNone103
L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol)Two types of L2TP VPN are supported Remote Access and LAN-to-LAN (please refer below for more information.). Fill in the blank with information you need and click Add to create a new VPN connection account.Active: This function activates or deactivates the PPTP connection. Check Active checkbox if you want the protocol of tunnel to be activated and vice versa.Note: When the Active checkbox is checked, the function of Edit and Delete will not be available.Name: This is a given name of the connection.Connection Type: Displays the condition of your L2TP tunneling connection.Type: This refers to your router whether it operates as a client or a server, Dial-out or Dial-in respectively. L2TP Connection-Remote Access104
Connection Type: Remote Access or LAN to LANName:$JLYHQQDPHIRUWKHFRQQHFWLRQHJ³FRQQHFWLRQWRRI¿FH´Connection Type: Remote Access or LAN to LAN.Type: Check Dial Out if you want your router to operate as a client (connecting to a remote VPN VHUYHUHJ\RXURI¿FHVHUYHUFKHFN'LDO,QRSHUDWHVDVD931VHUYHU:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVD&OLHQWHQWHUWKHUHPRWH6HUYHU,3$GGUHVVRU+RVWQDPH\RXwish to connect to.:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVDVHUYHUHQWHUWKH3ULYDWH,3$GGUHVV$VVLJQHGWRWKH'LDOLQUser.Username: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the username provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own username.Password: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the password provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own password.Authentication Type: Default is Auto if you want the router to determine the authentication type to use, or else manually specify CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) or PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) if you know which type the server is using (when acting as a client), or else the authentication type you want clients connecting to you to use (when acting as a VHUYHU:KHQXVLQJ3$3WKHSDVVZRUGLVVHQWXQHQFU\SWHGZKLOVW&+$3HQFU\SWVWKHSDVVZRUGbefore sending, and also allows for challenges at different periods to ensure that an intruder has not replaced the client.Tunnel Authentication: This enables router to authenticate both the L2TP remote and L2TP host. This is only valid when L2TP remote supports this feature.Secret: The secure password length should be 16 characters which may include numbers and characters.Active as default route: Commonly used by the Dial-out connection which all packets will route through the VPN tunnel to the Internet; therefore, active the function may degrade the Internet performance.Remote Host Name (Optional):(QWHUKRVWQDPHRIUHPRWH931GHYLFH,WLVDWXQQHOLGHQWL¿HUfrom the Remote VPN device matches with the Remote hostname provided. If remote hostname matches, tunnel will be connected; otherwise, it will be dropped.Cautious: This is only when the router performs as a VPN server. This option should be used by advanced users only.Local Host 1DPH2SWLRQDO(QWHUKRVWQDPHRI/RFDO931GHYLFHWKDWLVFRQQHFWHGHVWDEOLVKHVD931WXQQHO$VGHIDXOW5RXWHU¶VGHIDXOW+RVWQDPHLVhome.gateway.IPSec: Enable for enhancing your L2TP VPN security.Authentication: Authentication establishes the integrity of the datagram and ensures it is not WDPSHUHGZLWKLQWUDQVPLW7KHUHDUHWKUHHRSWLRQV0HVVDJH'LJHVW0'6HFXUH+DVK$OJRULWKP6+$RU121(6+$LVPRUHUHVLVWDQWWREUXWHIRUFHDWWDFNVWKDQ0'KRZHYHULWLVslower.MD5:$RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVK105
SHA1: $RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKEncryption: Select the encryption method from the pull-down menu. There are four options, DES, 3DES, AES and NULL. NULL means it is a tunnel only with no encryption. 3DES and AES are more powerful but increase latency.DES: Stands for Data Encryption Standard, it uses 56 bits as an encryption method.3DES: Stands for Triple Data Encryption Standard, it uses 168 (56*3) bits as an encryption method.AES: Stands for Advanced Encryption Standards, it uses 128 bits as an encryption method.Perfect Forward Secrecy: &KRRVHZKHWKHUWRHQDEOH3)6XVLQJ'LI¿H+HOOPDQSXEOLFNH\cryptography to change encryption keys during the second phase of VPN negotiation. This IXQFWLRQZLOOSURYLGHEHWWHUVHFXULW\EXWH[WHQGVWKH931QHJRWLDWLRQWLPH'LI¿H+HOOPDQLVDpublic-key cryptography protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an XQVHFXUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQFKDQQHOLHRYHUWKH,QWHUQHW7KHUHDUHWKUHHPRGHV02'3ELW02'3ELWDQG02'3ELW02'3VWDQGVIRU0RGXODU([SRQHQWLDWLRQ*URXSVPre-shared Key:7KLVLVIRUWKH,QWHUQHW.H\([FKDQJH,.(SURWRFRODVWULQJIURPWRFKDUDFWHUV%RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHNH\,.(LVXVHGWRHVWDEOLVKDVKDUHGVHFXULW\SROLF\DQGDXWKHQWLFDWHGNH\VIRUVHUYLFHVVXFKDV,36HFWKDWUHTXLUHDNH\%HIRUHDQ\,36HFWUDI¿Fcan be passed, each router must be able to verify the identity of its peer. This can be done by manually entering the pre-shared key into both sides (router or hosts).&OLFN(GLW'HOHWHWRVDYH\RXUFKDQJHV106
&RQ¿JXULQJ/73931LQWKH2I¿FHThe input IP address will be assigned to the remote worker. Please make sure this ,3LVQRWXVHGLQWKH2I¿FH/$1Function DescriptionName VPN_L2TP Give a name of L2TP ConnectionConnection Type Remote Access Select Remote Access from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial in Select Dial in from the Type drop down menuIP Address An IP assigned to the remote clientUsername username Enter the username and password to authenticate a remote clientPassword 123456Auth. Type Chap (Auto) .HHSWKLVDVWKHGHIDXOWYDOXHIRUPRVWFDVHVIPSec Enable Enable this to enhance your L2TP VPN securityAuthentication 0' %RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHYDOXHEncryption 3DESPerfect Forward SecrecyNone3UH6KDUHG.H\ 12345678108
&RQ¿JXULQJ/73931LQWKH2I¿FHThe input IP address will be assigned to the remote worker. Please make sure this ,3LVQRWXVHGLQWKH2I¿FH/$1Function DescriptionName VPN_L2TP Give a name of L2TP ConnectionConnection Type Remote Access Select Remote Access from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial out Select Dial out from the Type drop down menuIP Address (or Hostname) A Dialed Server IPUsername username An assigned username and password Password 123456Auth. Type Chap (Auto) .HHSWKLVDVWKHGHIDXOWYDOXHIRUPRVWFDVHVIPSec Enable Enable this to enhance your L2TP VPN securityAuthentication 0' %RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHYDOXHEncryption 3DESPerfect Forward SecrecyNone3UH6KDUHG.H\ 12345678([DPSOH&RQ¿JXULQJ\RXU5RXWHUWR'LDOLQWRWKH6HUYHU&XUUHQWO\0LFURVRIW:LQGRZVRSHUDWLRQV\VWHPGRHVQRWVXSSRUW/73LQFRPLQJVHUYLFH$GGLWLRQDOVRIWZDUHPD\EHUHTXLUHGWRVHWXS\RXU/73LQFRPLQJVHUYLFH110
L2TP Connection - LAN to LANL2TP VPN ConnectionName: A given name for the connection Connection Type: Remote Access or LAN to LAN.Type: Check Dial Out if you want your router to operate as a client (connecting to a remote VPN VHUYHUHJ\RXURI¿FHVHUYHUFKHFN'LDO,QWRKDYHLWRSHUDWHDVD931VHUYHU:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUWRHVWDEOLVKDFRQQHFWLRQWRDUHPRWH/$1HQWHUWKHUHPRWH6HUYHUIP Address (or Hostname) you wish to connect to.:KHQFRQ¿JXULQJ\RXUURXWHUDVDVHUYHUWRDFFHSWLQFRPLQJFRQQHFWLRQVHQWHUWKH3ULYDWH,3Address assigned to the Dial in User.Peer Network IP: Enter Peer network IP address.Netmask: Enter the subnet mask of peer network based on the Peer Network IP setting.Username: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the username provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own username.Password: If you are a Dial-Out user (client), enter the password provided by your Host. If you are a Dial-In user (server), enter your own password.Authentication Type: Default is Auto if you want the router to determine the authentication type to use, or else manually specify CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) or PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) if you know which type the server is using (when acting as a client), or else the authentication type you want clients connecting to you to use (when acting as a VHUYHU:KHQXVLQJ3$3WKHSDVVZRUGLVVHQWXQHQFU\SWHGZKLOVW&+$3HQFU\SWVWKHSDVVZRUGbefore sending, and also allows for challenges at different periods to ensure that the client has not been replaced by an intruder.Tunnel Authentication: This enables router to authenticate both the L2TP remote and L2TP host. This is only valid when L2TP remote supports this feature.Secret: The secure password length should be 16 characters which may include numbers and characters.111
Active as default route: Commonly used by the Dial-out connection which all packets will route through the VPN tunnel to the Internet; therefore, active the function may degrade the Internet performance.Remote Host Name (Optional):(QWHUKRVWQDPHRIUHPRWH931GHYLFH,WLVDWXQQHOLGHQWL¿HUfrom the Remote VPN device matches with the Remote hostname provided. If remote hostname matches, tunnel will be connected; otherwise, it will be dropped.Cautious: This is only when the router performs as a VPN server. This option should be used by advanced users only.Local Host 1DPH2SWLRQDO(QWHUKRVWQDPHRI/RFDO931GHYLFHWKDWLVFRQQHFWHGHVWDEOLVKHVD931WXQQHO$VGHIDXOW5RXWHU¶VGHIDXOW+RVWQDPHLVhome.gateway.IPSec: Enable for enhancing your L2TP VPN security.Authentication: Authentication establishes the integrity of the datagram and ensures it is not WDPSHUHGZLWKLQWUDQVPLW7KHUHDUHWKUHHRSWLRQV0HVVDJH'LJHVW0'6HFXUH+DVK$OJRULWKP6+$RU121(6+$LVPRUHUHVLVWDQWWREUXWHIRUFHDWWDFNVWKDQ0'KRZHYHULWLVslower.MD5:$RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKSHA1: $RQHZD\KDVKLQJDOJRULWKPWKDWSURGXFHVDíELWKDVKEncryption: Select the encryption method from the pull-down menu. There are four options, DES, 3DES, AES and NULL. NULL means it is a tunnel only with no encryption. 3DES and AES are more powerful but increase latency.DES: Stands for Data Encryption Standard, it uses 56 bits as an encryption method.3DES: Stands for Triple Data Encryption Standard, it uses 168 (56*3) bits as an encryption method.AES: Stands for Advanced Encryption Standards, it uses 128 bits as an encryption method.Perfect Forward Secrecy: &KRRVHZKHWKHUWRHQDEOH3)6XVLQJ'LI¿H+HOOPDQSXEOLFNH\cryptography to change encryption keys during the second phase of VPN negotiation. This IXQFWLRQZLOOSURYLGHEHWWHUVHFXULW\EXWH[WHQGVWKH931QHJRWLDWLRQWLPH'LI¿H+HOOPDQLVDpublic-key cryptography protocol that allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an XQVHFXUHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQFKDQQHOLHRYHUWKH,QWHUQHW7KHUHDUHWKUHHPRGHV02'3ELW02'3ELWDQG02'3ELW02'3VWDQGVIRU0RGXODU([SRQHQWLDWLRQ*URXSVPre-shared Key:7KLVLVIRUWKH,QWHUQHW.H\([FKDQJH,.(SURWRFRODVWULQJIURPWRFKDUDFWHUV%RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHNH\,.(LVXVHGWRHVWDEOLVKDVKDUHGVHFXULW\SROLF\DQGDXWKHQWLFDWHGNH\VIRUVHUYLFHVVXFKDV,36HFWKDWUHTXLUHDNH\%HIRUHDQ\,36HFWUDI¿Fcan be passed, each router must be able to verify the identity of its peer. This can be done by manually entering the pre-shared key into both sides (router or hosts).&OLFN(GLW'HOHWHWRVDYH\RXUFKDQJHV112
&RQ¿JXULQJ/73931LQWKH+HDG2I¿FH7KH,3DGGUHVVZLOOEHDVVLJQHGWRWKHURXWHUORFDWHGLQWKHEUDQFKRI¿FH3OHDVHPDNHVXUHWKLV,3LVQRWXVHGLQWKHKHDGRI¿FH/$1Function DescriptionName +HDG2I¿FH Give a name of L2TP ConnectionConnection Type LAN to LAN Select LAN to LAN from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial in Select Dial in from the Type drop down menuIP Address ,3DGGUHVVDVVLJQHGWREUDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNPeer Network IP %UDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNUsername username An assigned username and password to DXWKHQWLFDWHEUDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNPassword 123456Auth. Type Chap (Auto) .HHSWKLVDVWKHGHIDXOWYDOXHIRUPRVWFDVHVIPSec Enable Enable this to enhance your L2TP VPN securityAuthentication 0' %RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHYDOXHEncryption 3DESPerfect Forward SecrecyNone3UH6KDUHG.H\ 12345678114
&RQ¿JXULQJ/73931LQWKH%UDQFK2I¿FH7KH,3DGGUHVVLVWKH3XEOLF,3DGGUHVVRIWKHURXWHUORFDWHGLQKHDGRI¿FH,I\RXregistered the DDNS (please refer to the DDNS section of this manual), you can also use the domain name instead of the IP address to reach the router.Function DescriptionName %UDQFK2I¿FH Give a name of L2TP ConnectionConnection Type LAN to LAN Select LAN to LAN from the Connection Type drop-down menuType Dial out Select Dial out from the Type drop down menuIP Address (or Hostname) ,3DGGUHVVDVVLJQHGWREUDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNPeer Network IP +HDGRI¿FHQHWZRUNNetmask username An assigned username and password to DXWKHQWLFDWHEUDQFKRI¿FHQHWZRUNPassword 123456Auth. Type Chap (Auto) .HHSWKLVDVWKHGHIDXOWYDOXHIRUPRVWFDVHVIPSec Enable Enable this to enhance your L2TP VPN securityAuthentication 0' %RWKVLGHVVKRXOGXVHWKHVDPHYDOXHEncryption 3DESPerfect Forward SecrecyNone3UH6KDUHG.H\ 12345678115
116VoIP - Voice over Internet ProtocolVoIP enables telephone calls through existing Internet connection instead of going through the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network).  It is not only cost-effective, especially for a long GLVWDQFHWHOHSKRQHFKDUJHVEXWDOVRWROOTXDOLW\YRLFHFDOOVRYHUWKH,QWHUQHWHere are the items within the VoIP section: SIP Device Parameters, SIP Accounts, Phone Port, PSTN Dial Plan, VoIP Dial Plan, Call Features, Speed Dial and Ring &Tone.
117SIP Device ParametersThis section provides easy setup for your VoIP service. Phone port 1 and 2 can be registered to different SIP Service Provider.SIP Device ParametersSIP: To use VoIP SIP as VoIP call signaling protocol. Default is set to Disable.Silence Suppression (VAD): Voice Activation Detection (VAD) prevents transmitting the nature silence to consume the bandwidth. It is also known as Silence Suppression which is a software application that ensures the bandwidth is reserved only when voice activity is activated.  Default is set to Enable. Echo Cancellation: G.168 echo canceller is an ITU-T standard.  It is used for isolating the echo ZKLOH\RXDUHRQWKHSKRQH7KLVKHOSV\RXQRWWRKHDUPXFKRI\RXURZQYRLFHUHÀHFWLQJRQWKHphone while you talk. Default is set to Enable.RTP Port: Provide the based value from the media (RTP) ports that are assigned for various endpoints and the different call sessions that may exist within an end-point. (Range from 5100 to 65535, default value is 5100)Region: This selection is a drop-down box, which allows user to select the country for which the 9R,3GHYLFHPXVWZRUN:KHQDFRXQWU\LVVHOHFWHGWKHFRXQWU\SDUDPHWHUVDUHDXWRPDWLFDOO\loaded.Voice QoS, DSCP Marking: 'LIIHUHQWLDWHG6HUYLFHV&RGH3RLQW'6&3LWLVWKH¿UVWELWVLQWKH7R6E\WH'6&30DUNLQJDOORZVXVHUVWRDVVLJQVSHFL¿Fapplication WUDI¿Fto be executed in priority by the next Router based on the DSCP value.  See Table 4. TKH'6&30DSSLQJ7DEOHNote: To be sure the router(s) in the backbones network have the capability in executing and checking the DSCP through-out the QoS network.
118Advanced – ParametersVoIP through IP Interface: ,3,QWHUIDFHGHFLGHVZKHUHWRVHQGUHFHLYHWKHYRLSWUDI¿FLWLQFOXGHVipwan and iplan.  Easy way to select the interface is to check the location of the SIP server.  If it locates some where in the Internet then select ipwan. If the VoIP SIP server is on the local Network then select iplan.Voice Frame Size: Frame size is available from 10ms to 60ms.  Frame size meaning how many PLOOLVHFRQGVWKH9RLFHSDFNHWVZLOOEHTXHXHGDQGVHQWRXW,WLVLGHDOWRKDYHWKHVDPHIUDPHsize in both of Caller and Receiver.   Dial Plan Priority:'H¿QHWKHSULRULW\EHWZHHQ9R,3DQG3671GLDOSODQPSTN Auto-fallback: :KHQHYHU9R,36IP responses error and error code matching with the codes in the Edit section, the VoiP calls will automatically fallback to PSTN.  In the other word, the call will be called via the PSTN when VoIP SIP returns an error code.    Click the Edit to add or remove the responses code.  To be sure the code is separated by a comma (,).For more information about SIP responses codes, please check   to link to where you can get to know the meaning of each error code. T.38 Fax Relay: It allows the transfer of facsimile documents in real-time between two standard Group 3 facsimile terminals over the Internet or other networks using IP protocols. It will only function when both sites are support this feature and enabled.Advanced – PSTN Environment Adjustment  PSTN Environment Adjustment options will help you to adjust the onhook and offhook voltage detection values for your environment.  You should use these if the default values are incorrect and result in PSTN calls not being detected properly, e.g. calls being terminated within 5 seconds of being answered. The actual levels are determined by your environment including the number and type of telephones used.Note: ONHOOK means hung up.
120SIP Accounts7KLVVHFWLRQUHÀHFWVDQGFRQWDLQVEDVLFVHWWLQJVIRUWKH9R,3PRGXOHIURPVHOHFWHGSURYLGHULQWKH:L]DUGVHFWLRQ)DLOWRSURYLGHFRUUHFWLQIRUPDWLRQZLOOKDOWPDNLQJFDOOVRXWWRWKH,QWHUQHW3UR¿OH1DPHUVHUGH¿QHGQDPHLVIRULGHQWLI\LQJWKH3UR¿OHRegistrar Address (or Hostname): Indicate the VoIP SIP registrar IP address. Registrar Port: Specify the port of the VoIP SIP registrar on which it will listen for register UHTXHVWVIURP9R,3GHYLFHExpire: Expire time for the registration message sending.User Domain/Realm: Set different domain name for the VoIP SIP proxy server.Outbound Proxy Address: Indicate the VoIP SIP outbound proxy server IP address. This parameter is very useful when VoIP device is behind a NAT.Outbound Proxy Port: Specify the port of the VoIP SIP outbound proxy on which it will listen for messages.Phone Number: This parameter holds the registration ID of the user within the VoIP SIP registrar.Username: Same as Phone Number.Password: This parameter holds the password used for authentication within VoIP SIP registrar. Display Name: This parameter will be appeared on the Caller ID.Direct in Dial: Select the ringing port when getting an incoming VoIP call.
121Phone Port This section displays status and allows you to edit the account information of your Phones. Click Edit to update your phone information. Port: ,WDOORZV\RXWRFKDQJHWKHSKRQHSRUWVHWWLQJIRUVSHFLI\);6SRUW*69 (Return Call): Dial *69 to return the last missed call. It is only available for VoIP call(s).*20 (Do not Disturb ON): Dial *20 to set the No Disturb on. Your phone will not ring if someone calls.*80 (Do not Disturb OFF): Dial *80 to set the No Disturb off. Your will be able to hear ring tone when someone calls. *90x (Blind Call Transfer): 'LDOSKRQHQXPEHUWRWUDQVODWHDFDOOWRDWKLUGSDUW\7KLVfeature is enabled by default.x# Speed Dial (x:2..9): 5HIHUWR3KRQH3RUWVHFWLRQLQWKH:HE*8,6HWXS\RXU6SHHG'LDOSKRQHERRN¿UVWEHIRUHDFFHVVLQJWKH6SHHG'LDOIHDWXUH,WLVHQDEOHGE\GHIDXOW## Redial: Press ## to redial the latest number you dialed. This feature is enabled by default.*74<x><number>#: Use your phone key pad to insert a phone number to the Speed Dial phone book. Or you can update your Speed Dial phone number manually. Refer to the Phone Port section in the:HE*8,IRUGHWDLOV*67 Anonymous Call: Hide the own phone number for each call and it will not be displayed on the remote site. It is only applied to the next call when you enter this control character. The detailed operation procedure is ³Off Hook -> *67 -> On Hook -> Off Hook -> Dial´. This feature is disabled by default.Phone Number + #: This is the fast dial which you can dial out a phone number immediately
122without waiting.Note: Refer to Special Dial Code section in this Manual for more details. Codec PreferenceCodec is known as Coder-Decoder used for data signal conversion.  Set the priority of voice compression; Priority 1 owns the top priority.G.729: It is used to encoder and decoder voice information into a single packet which reduces the bandwidth consumption. *ȝ/$:,WLVDEDVLFQRQFRPSUHVVHGHQFRGHUDQGGHFRGHUWHFKQLTXHȝ/$:XVHVSXOVHFRGHPRGXODWLRQ3&0HQFRGHUDQGGHFRGHUWRFRQYHUWELWOLQHDUVDPSOHG.711A-LAW:,WLVDEDVLFQRQFRPSUHVVHGHQFRGHUDQGGHFRGHUWHFKQLTXHA/$:XVHVSXOVHFRGHPRGXODWLRQ3&0HQFRGHUDQGGHFRGHUWRFRQYHUWELWOLQHDUVDPSOHG.726-32:  It is used to encoder and decoder voice information into a single packet which reduces the bandwidth consumption.&XUUHQWO\RQO\VXSSRUWVELWUDWHZLWK.ESVDTMF Method: The Inband, RFC 2833 and SIP INFO (RFC 2976) are supported.Volume Control9ROXPHFRQWUROKHOSV\RXWRDGMXVWWKHYRLFHTXDOLW\RIWHOHSKRQHWRWKHEHVWFRPIRUWDEOHOLVWHQLQJlevel.3UHVV³³WKHPLQXVVLJQWRUHGXFHHLWKHUPLFURSKRQHRUERWKVSHDNHU¶VOHYHORI\RXUWHOHSKRQH3UHVV³³WKHSOXVVLJQWRLQFUHDVHHLWKHUPLFURSKRQHRUERWKVSHDNHU¶VOHYHORI\RXUWHOHSKRQH
123PSTN Dial Plan (Router with LINE port only)7KLVVHFWLRQHQDEOHV\RXWRFRQ¿JXUH³9R,3ZLWK3671VZLWFKLQJ´RQ\RXUV\VWHP<RXFDQGH¿QHDUDQJHRIGLDOSODQVWRPDNHUHJXODUFDOOIURP9R,3VZLWFKLQJWR3671OLQH3UH¿[QXPEHUVLVessential key to make a distinguishing between VoIP and Regular phone call. If actual numbers GLDOHGPDWFKHVZLWKSUH¿[QXPEHUGH¿QHGLQWKLVGLDOSODQWKHGLDOHGQXPEHUZLOOEHURXWHGWRWKHPSTN to make a regular call. Otherwise, the number will be routed to the VoIP networks. Reminder! In order to utilize this feature, you must have registered and connected to your SIP Server first.3UH¿[Specify number(s) for switching to a PSTN call. Number of Digits: 6SHFLI\WKHWRWDOQXPEHURIGLJLWVZLVKWRGLDORXW0D[LPXPGLJLWQXPEHULVAction: Specify a dialing method you wish to make PSTN call(s). 'LDOZLWK3UH¿[ The dialed number with SUH¿[ZLOOEHVHQWFDOOWKURXJKWKH3671Note: The actual dialed number of valid digits length requires matching in the Number of 'LJLWV¿OHG'LDOZLWKRXW3UH¿[ The dialed number will be sent call through the PSTN without SUH¿[Note: The actual dialed number of valid digits length requires matching in the Number of 'LJLWV¿OHGDial at Timeout: The dialed number will be sent call through the PSTN with WKHSUH¿[ZKHQWLPHRXWVWDUWV7KLVWLPHRXWDFWLYDWHVZKHQQRPRUHGLJLWVDUHGLDOHGLQDVSHFL¿FGXUDWLRQNote: The actual dialed number of valid digits length MUST NOT exceed in the Number of 'LJLWV¿OHG'LDODW7LPHRXWQR3UH¿[The dialed number will be sent call through the PSTN withoutSUH¿[ZKHQWLPHRXWVWDUWV7KLVWLPHRXWDFWLYDWHVZKHQQRPRUHGLJLWVDUHGLDOHGLQDVSHFL¿Fduration.Note: The actual dialed number of valid digits length MUST NOT exceed in the Number of 'LJLWV¿OHG
125PSTN Dial Plan Examples: 'LDOZLWK3UH¿[1.,I\RXGLDOQXPEHUZLOOEHGLDOHGRXWYLD);2WRPDNHDUHJXODUSKRQHcall.'LDOZLWKRXW3UH¿[2.,I\RXGLDOWKHQXPEHUZLOORQO\EHGLDOHGRXWYLD);2SRUWWRPDNHDUHJXODUSKRQHFDOODial at Timeout3.If you only dial 01223 7070 and no more numbers, after the timeout activates, 012237070 will be GLDOHGWRPDNHDUHJXODUFDOOYLD);2SRUW
126(YHQWKRXJKRQO\GLJLWVGRHVQRWPDWFKZLWKQXPEHURIGLJLWVGH¿QHGLQWKH¿OHGis still a valid phone number since it has not exceeded 6 digits.'LDODW7LPHRXWQR3UH¿[4.If you only dial 97070 and no more numbers, after the timeout activates, 7070 will be dialed ZLWKRXWSUH¿[WRPDNHDUHJXODUFDOOYLD);2SRUW(YHQWKRXJKRQO\GLJLWVGRHVQRWPDWFKZLWKQXPEHURIGLJLWVGH¿QHGLQWKH¿OHGis still a valid phone number since it has not exceed 6 digits.
127VoIP Dial Plan This section helps you to make a telephony number dialed as making a regular call via VoIP. You no longer need to memorize a long dial string of number for making a VoIP call. Go to &RQ¿JXUDWLRQ > VoIP > VoIP Dial Plan.Dial Plan Rules&OLFNWKH$GGEXWWRQWRFUHDWHDQGGH¿QHD9R,3GLDOSODQUXOHV3UH¿[3URFHVVLQJPrepend xxx unconditionally: xxx number is appended unconditionally to the front of the dialing number when making a call. 3UH¿[FDQDOVREHLQFOXGHGZLWKDQ\QXPEHUDQGRUcharacter such as +,*, #.Note: For special service with +, *, #, you may need to check with your VoIP or Local Telephone Service Provider for information. ,I3UH¿[LV[[[GHOHWHLW3UH¿[[[[LVUHPRYHG from the dialing numbers before making a call.,I3UH¿[LV[[[UHSODFHZLWK3UH¿[[[[LVDSSHQGHGWRWKHIURQWRIWKHGLDOLQJQXPEHUVZKHQmaking a call. 1RSUH¿[1RSUH¿[LVDSSHQGHGWRWKHIURQWRIWKHGLDOLQJQXPEHUV,WLVVHWDVLQGHIDXOWVHWWLQJV
128Main Digit Sequence: The call(s) can be called out via SIP or PSTN or ENUM. x: Any numeric number between 0 and 9. . ( period ): Repeat numeric number(s) between 0 and 9.* (asterisk sign): It is normal character ‘*¶ on phone key pad. Please check if special service(s) is provided by your VoIP Service Provider or your Local Telephone Service Provider. # (pound sign): It is normal character ‘#¶ on phone key pad. Please check if it is provided by your VoIP Service Provider or Local Telephone Service Provider for special service(s).#&XUUHQW3UR¿OH!Referring to the VoIP account registered on the VoIP WizardIRU3RUW<@ PSTN>: 0HDQLQJPDNLQJFDOOVYLDWKH3671OLQH<@ENUM>: 0HDQLQJPDNLQJD9R,36,3GLUHFWFDOOYLD(QXPEHU³(180´WRDQ(180callee.Electronic1XPEHU(180XVHVWKH'16'RPDLQNetwork System) based technology to map between a traditional phone number3671WRDQ,QWHUQHWDGGUHVVHV6,385/7KH(180QXPEHUPXVWEHUHJLVWHUHGYLDDSXEOLF(180VLWHRU\RXU9R,36HUYLFH3URYLGHU<@ SIPgateway>: It is used for the Intelligent Call Routing feature where you need to set up \RXU6,3DFFRXQWRQWKH9R,38VHUGH¿QHG3UR¿OHVOLQNRQWKH9R,3:L]DUGSDJH*RWRWKH9R,3:L]DUGLQWKLVPDQXDOIRUPRUHinformation.Dial-Plan Examples: Descriptionx. $Q\GLJLWQXPEHUEHWZHHQDQGLQYDULDEOHOHQJWK0D[LPXPlength is 16. xxx Any 3 digit number only between 0 and 9.  Total length is 3.  Note: No period is needed (.)xxxx. Any number between 0 and 9 with variable length but no shorter than 3GLJLWV0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV123x. $Q\QXPEHUVWDUWLQJZLWK0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV[x…x]x.For example: [124]x. $Q\QXPEHUVWDUWLQJZLWKRURU0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV16.[x-x]x.For example: [1-3]x.$Q\QXPEHUVWDUWLQJZLWKQXPEHUWR0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV16.x[x-x]x.For example: 9[4-6]8x. Any number (0-9) starting with 9, the second number between DQGWKLUGQXPEHU0D[LPXPOHQJWKLVSpecial Dial Plan Examples: Description*xx*x. Starting with ‘* sign¶Dny two digit numbers DQ\QXPEHULQYDULDEOHOHQJWK0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV*xxStarting with ‘* sign¶Dny 2 digit numbers between 0 and 9. Total length including the * is 3. Note: No period is needed (.)
129**xx*x. Starting with ‘** sign¶Dny two digit numbers between 0 DQ\number (0-9) LQYDULDEOHOHQJWK0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV#xx. Starting with ‘# sign¶Dny digit number (0-9) in variable lengthbut no shorter than 1 digits0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV##xx*x. Starting with ‘## sign¶Dny two digit numbers ‘* sign¶DQ\number (0-9) LQYDULDEOHOHQJWK0D[LPXPOHQJWKLV
130Call Feature9R,3KDVDOOWKHEDVLFIHDWXUHVRIDWUDGLWLRQDOSKRQH%HVLGHVWKHSURYLGHGEDVLFIHDWXUHV9R,3also comes with several enhanced features that allows you to further customize their settings to suit your personal needs such as call forwarding setting, call waiting time length, conference call feature, anonymous call feature and incoming no answer timer.Speed Dial6SHHG'LDOFRPHVLQKDQG\WRVWRUHIUHTXHQWO\XVHGWHOHSKRQHQXPEHUVZKLFK\RXFDQSUHVVnumber from 0 to 9 and the pound sign (#) on the phone keypad to activate the function. For example, speed dial to phone number lists on 9, just press keypad 9 then #. Your router will automatically call out to number listed on entry 9.
131Ring & Tone7KLVVHFWLRQDOORZVDGYDQFHGXVHUWRFKDQJHWKHH[LVWLQJRUQHZO\GH¿QHGSDUDPHWHUVIRUWKHvarious ring tones (dial tone, busy tone, answer tone and etc.) &RXQWU\6SHFL¿F5LQJ7RQHRegion: Select a country ring-tone, from the drop-down list, where you are located. This VoIP router provides default parameter of ring tones according to different countries.  The ring-tone SDUDPHWHUVDUHDXWRPDWLFDOO\GLVSOD\HGDIWHUHQWHULQJDVSHFL¿FFRXQWU\,I\RXUFRXQWU\LVQRWLQthe list, you may manually create ring-tone parameters.Ring ParametersRing Cadence (in ms): 5LQJFDGHQFHLVGH¿QHGE\WKUHH¿HOGV)UHTXHQF\2Q7LPH2II7LPH2Q7LPH2II7LPHDQG2Q7LPH2II7LPH)UHTXHQF\LVVSHFL¿HGLQ+HUW]7LPHLVJLYHQLQmilliseconds.
132Tone ParametersYou may need to check with your local telephone service provider for such information. Also, it is UHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKLVRSWLRQEHFRQ¿JXUHGE\DGYDQFHd user unless you are instructed to do so.  Click Apply to apply the settings.
133QoS - Quality of Service4R6IXQFWLRQKHOSV\RXWRFRQWURO\RXUQHWZRUNWUDI¿FIRUHDFKDSSOLFDWLRQIURP/$1(WKHUQHWDQGRU:LUHOHVVWR:$1,QWHUQHW,WIDFLOLWDWHV\RXWRFRQWUROWKHGLIIHUHQWTXDOLW\DQGVSHHGRIthrough put for each application when the system is running with full loading of upstream.Here are the items within the QoS section: Prioritization,  Outbound IP Throttling & Inbound IP Throttling (bandwidth management).PrioritizationThere are three priority settings to be provided in the Router:HighNormal7KHGHIDXOWLVQRUPDOSULRULW\IRUDOORIWUDI¿FZLWKRXWVHWWLQJLowAnd the balances of utilization for each priority are High (60%), Normal (30%) and Low (10%).7RGHOHWHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ\RXFDQFKRRVH'HOHWHRSWLRQDQGWKHQFOLFN(GLW'HOHWHName:UVHUGH¿QHGHVFULSWLRQWRLGHQWLI\WKLVQHZSROLF\DSSOLFDWLRQTime Schedule: Scheduling your prioritization policy.Priority7KHSULRULW\JLYHQWRHDFKSROLF\DSSOLFDWLRQ,WVGHIDXOWVHWWLQJLVVHWWR+LJK\RXPD\adjust this VHWWLQJWR¿W\RXUSROLF\DSSOLFDWLRQProtocol: The name of supported protocol.Source IP Address Range: The source IP address or range of packets to be monitored.Source Port: The source port of packets to be monitored.
134Destination IP address Range: The destination IP address or range of packets to be monitored.Destination Port: The destination port of packets to be monitored.DSCP Marking'LIIHUHQWLDWHG6HUYLFHV&RGH3RLQW'6&3LWLVWKH¿UVWELWVLQWKH7R6E\WH'6&30DUNLQJDOORZVXVHUVWRDVVLJQVSHFL¿Fapplication WUDI¿Fto be executed in priority by the next Router based on the DSCP value.  See Table 4 for DSCP Mapping Table.Note: To be sure the router(s) in the backbones network have the capability in executing and checking the DSCP through-out the QoS network. Table 4: DSCP Mapping TableDSCP Mapping Table:LUHOHVV$'6/5RXWHU Standard DSCPDisabled None%HVW(IIRUW %HVW(IIRUWPremium Express Forwarding (101110)Gold service (L) Class 1, Gold (001010)*ROGVHUYLFH0 Class 1, Silver (001100)Gold service (H) &ODVV%URQ]HSilver service (L) Class 2, Gold (010010)6LOYHUVHUYLFH0 Class 2, Silver (010100)Silver service (H) &ODVV%URQ]H%URQ]HVHUYLFH/ Class 3, Gold (011010)%URQ]HVHUYLFH0 Class 3, Silver (011100)%URQ]HVHUYLFH+ &ODVV%URQ]HOutbound IP Throttling (LAN to WAN),37KURWWOLQJDOORZV\RXWROLPLWWKHVSHHGRI,3WUDI¿F7KHYDOXHHQWHUHGZLOOOLPLWWKHVSHHGRIWKHDSSOLFDWLRQWKDW\RXVHWWRWKHVSHFL¿HGYDOXH¶VPXOWLSOHRINESVName:UVHUGH¿QHGHVFULSWLRQWRLGHQWLI\WKLVQHZSROLF\name.Time Schedule: Scheduling your prioritization policy. Refer to Time Schedule for more
135information.Protocol: The name of supported protocol.Rate Limit7ROLPLWWKHVSHHGRIRXWERXQGWUDI¿FSource IP Address Range: The source IP address or range of packets to be monitored.Source Port(s): The source port of packets to be monitored.Destination IP Address Range: The destination IP address or range of packets to be monitored.Destination Port(s): The destination port of packets to be monitored.
136Inbound IP Throttling (WAN to LAN),37KURWWOLQJDOORZV\RXWROLPLWWKHVSHHGRI,3WUDI¿F7KHYDOXHHQWHUHGZLOOOLPLWWKHVSHHGRIWKHDSSOLFDWLRQWKDW\RXVHWWRWKHVSHFL¿HGYDOXH¶VPXOWLSOHRINESVName:UVHUGH¿QHGHVFULSWLRQWRLGHQWLI\WKLVQHZSROLF\DSSOLFDWLRQTime Schedule: Scheduling your prioritization policy.  Refer to Time Schedule for more information.Protocol: The name of supported protocol.Rate Limit7ROLPLWWKHVSHHGRIIRULQERXQGWUDI¿FSource IP Address Range: The source IP address or range of packets to be monitored.Source Port(s): The source port of packets to be monitored.Destination IP Address Range: The destination IP address or range of packets to be monitored.Destination Port(s): The destination port of packets to be monitored.
137Example: QoS for your NetworkConnection DiagramRestricted PCNormal PCsVoIP
138Information and SettingsUpstream: 928 kbps'RZQVWUHDP0ESVVoIP User      : Users   : User:
139Mission-critical application0RVWO\WKH931FRQQHFWLRQLVPLVVLRQFULWLFDODSSOLFDWLRQIRUGRLQJGDWDH[FKDQJHEHWZHHQKHDGDQGEUDQFKRI¿FHThe mission-critical application must be sent out smoothly without any dropping. Set priority as high level for preventing any other applications to saturate the bandwidth.Voice application9RLFHLVODWHQF\VHQVLWLYHDSSOLFDWLRQ0RVW9R,3GHYLFHVDUHXVH6,3SURWRFRODQGWKHSRUWQXPEHUZLOOEHDVVLJQHGE\6,3PRGXOHDXWRPDWLFDOO\%HWWHUWRXVH¿[HG,3DGGUHVVIRUFDWFKLQJ9R,3packets as high priority.$ERYHVHWWLQJVZLOOKHOSWRLPSURYHTXDOLW\RI\RXU9R,3VHUYLFHZKHQWUDI¿FLVIXOOORDGLQJRestricted ApplicationSome of companies will setup FTP server for customer downloading or home user sharing their ¿OHVE\XVLQJ)73
140:LWKDERYHVHWWLQJVWKDWKHOSWROLPLWXWLOL]DWLRQRIXSVWUHDPRI)737LPHVFKHGXOHDOVRKHOS\RXWRonly limit utilization at daytime. Advanced setting by using IP throttling:LWK,3WKURWWOLQJ\RXFDQVSHFLI\PRUHGHWDLOIRUDOORFDWLQJEDQGZLGWKHYHQWKHDSSOLFDWLRQVDUHlocated in the same level.Upstream: 928kbps (29*32kbps)0LVVLRQFULWLFDO$SSOLFDWLRQNESVNESVVoice Application: 128kbps (4*32kbps)Restricted Application: 160kbps (5*32kbps)Other Applications: 448kbps (14*32kbps) NESV NESV
1416RPHWLPH\RXUFXVWRPHUVRUIULHQGVPD\XSORDGWKHLU¿OHVWR\RXU)73VHUYHUDQGWKDWZLOOsaturate your downstream bandwidth. The settings below help you to limit bandwidth for the restricted application.
143Add Virtual Server%HFDXVH1$7FDQDFWDVD³QDWXUDO´,QWHUQHW¿UHZDOO\RXUURXWHUSURWHFWV\RXUQHWZRUNIURPEHLQJaccessed by outside users when using NAT, as all incoming connection attempts will point to your URXWHUXQOHVV\RXVSHFL¿FDOO\FUHDWH9LUWXDO6HUYHUHQWULHVWRIRUZDUGWKRVHSRUWVWRD3&RQ\RXUnetwork.:KHQ\RXUURXWHUQHHGVWRDOORZRXWVLGHXVHUVWRDFFHVVLQWHUQDOVHUYHUVHJDZHEVHUYHU)73VHUYHU(PDLOVHUYHURUJDPHVHUYHUWKHURXWHUFDQDFWDVD³YLUWXDOVHUYHU´<RXFDQVHWXSDORFDOVHUYHUZLWKDVSHFL¿FSRUWQXPEHUIRUWKHVHUYLFHWRXVHHJZHE+773SRUW)73SRUW7HOQHWSRUW6073SRUWRU323SRUW:KHQDQLQFRPLQJDFFHVVUHTXHVWWRWKHURXWHUIRUDVSHFL¿HGSRUWLVUHFHLYHGLWZLOOEHIRUZDUGHGWRWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJLQWHUQDOVHUYHUApplication8VHUVGH¿QHGHVFULSWLRQWRLGHQWLI\WKLVHQWU\RUFOLFNWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ drop-down menuWRVHOHFWDQH[LVWLQJSUHGH¿QHGUXOHV:SUHGH¿QHGUXOHVDUHDYDLODEOH$SSOLFDWLRQ3URWRFRODQG([WHUQDO5HGLUHFW3RUWVZLOOEH¿OOHGDIWHUWKHVHOHFWLRQProtocol: It is the supported protocol for the virtual server. In addition to specifying the port number to be used, you will also need to specify the protocol used. The protocol used is GHWHUPLQHGE\WKHSDUWLFXODUDSSOLFDWLRQ0RVWDSSOLFDWLRQVZLOOXVH7&3RU8'3Time Schedule: UserGH¿QHGWLPHSHULRGWRHQDEOH\RXUYLUWXDOVHUYHU<RXPD\VSHFLI\DWLPHschedule or Always on for the usage of this Virtual Server Entry.  For setup and detail, refer to Time Schedule sectionExternal Port: 7KH3RUWQXPEHURQWKH5HPRWH:$1VLGHXVHGZKHQDFFHVVLQJWKHYLUWXDOVHUYHURedirect Port: The Port number used by the Local server in the LAN network.Internal IP Address: The private IP in the LAN network, which will be providing the virtual server application. List all existing PCs connecting to the network. You may assign a PC with IP DGGUHVVDQG0$&IURPWKLVOLVWExample:II\RXOLNHWRUHPRWHDFFHVVLQJ\RXU5RXWHUWKURXJKWKH:HE+773DWDOOWLPH\RXZRXOGQHHGWR
144HQDEOHSRUWQXPEHU:HE+773DQGPDSWR5RXWHU¶V,3$GGUHVV7KHQDOOLQFRPLQJ+773UHTXHVWVIURP\RX5HPRWHVLGHZLOOEHIRUZDUGHGWRWKH5RXWHUZLWK,3DGGUHVVRI6LQFHSRUWQXPEHUKDVDOUHDG\EHHQSUHGH¿QHGQH[WWRWKH$SSOLFDWLRQFOLFN+HOSHU$OLVWRISUHGH¿QHGUXOHVZLQGRZZLOOSRSDQGVHOHFW+773B6HYHUApplication: HTTP_SeverTime Schedule: Always OnProtocol: tcpExternal Port: 80-80Redirect Port: 80-80IP Address: Click it to apply your settings.Edit/Delete: Click it to edit or delete this virtual server application.
145Edit DMZ Host7KH'0=+RVWLVDORFDOFRPSXWHUH[SRVHGWRWKH,QWHUQHW:KHQVHWWLQJDSDUWLFXODULQWHUQDO,3DGGUHVVDVWKH'0=+RVWDOOLQFRPLQJSDFNHWVZLOOEHFKHFNHGE\WKH)LUHZDOODQG1$7DOJRULWKPVWKHQSDVVHGWRWKH'0=KRVWZKHQDSDFNHWUHFHLYHGGRHVQRWXVHDSRUWQXPEHUused by any other Virtual Server entries. Cautious: This Local computer exposing to the Internet may face varies of security risks. *RWR&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ > Virtual Server > (GLW'0=+RVWEnabled: ,WDFWLYDWHV\RXU'0=IXQFWLRQDisabled: $VVHWLQGHIDXOWVHWWLQJLWGLVDEOHVWKH'0=IXQFWLRQInternal IP Address:  *LYHDVWDWLF,3DGGUHVVWRWKH'0=+RVWZKHQEnabled radio button is FKHFNHG%HDZDUHWKDWWKLV,3ZLOOEHH[SRVHGWRWKH:$1,QWHUQHWList all existing PCs connecting to the network. You may assign a PC with IP address from this list.Select the Apply button to apply your changes.
146Edit One-to-One NAT (Network Address Translation)2QHWR2QH1$7PDSVDVSHFL¿FSULYDWHORFDO,3DGGUHVVWRDJOREDOSXEOLF,3DGGUHVV,I\RXKDYHPXOWLSOHSXEOLF:$1,3DGGUHVVHVIURP\RX,63\RXDUHHOLJLEOHIRU2QHWR2QH1$7to utilize these IP addresses. *RWR&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ > Virtual Server > Edit One-to-one NATNAT Type: Select desired NAT type. As set in default setting, it disables the One-to-One NAT function.Global IP Address:  Subnet: 7KHVXEQHWRIWKHSXEOLF:$1,3DGGUHVVJLYHQE\\RXU,63,I\RXU,63KDVSUR-vided this information, you may insert it here.  Otherwise, use IP Range method.IP Range:  7KH ,3 DGGUHVV UDQJH RI \RXU SXEOLF:$1 ,3 DGGUHVVHV )RU H[DPSOH ,3, end IP: the Apply button to apply your changes.Check  to create a new One-to-One NAT rule:
147Application8VHUVGH¿QHGGHVFULSWLRQWRLGHQWLI\WKLVHQWU\RUFOLFN  drop-down menu toVHOHFWH[LVWLQJSUHGH¿QHGUXOHV:SUHGH¿QHGUXOHVDUHDYDLODEOH $SSOLFDWLRQ3URWRFRODQG([WHUQDO5HGLUHFW3RUWVZLOOEH¿OOHGDIWHUWKHVHOHFWLRQProtocol: It is the supported protocol for the virtual server. In addition to specifying the port number to be used, you will also need to specify the protocol used. The protocol used is GHWHUPLQHGE\WKHSDUWLFXODUDSSOLFDWLRQ0RVWDSSOLFDWLRQVZLOOXVH7&3RU8'3Time Schedule: UserGH¿QHGWLPHSHULRGWRHQDEOH\RXUYLUWXDOVHUYHU<RXPD\VSHFLI\DWLPHschedule or Always on for the usage of this Virtual Server Entry.  For setup and detail, refer to Time Schedule sectionGlobal IP: 'H¿QHDSXEOLF:$1,3DGGUHVVIRUWKLV$SSOLFDWLRQWRXVH7KLV*OREDO,3DGGUHVVPXVWEHGH¿QHGLQWKH*OREDO,3$GGUHVVExternal Port: 7KH3RUWQXPEHURQWKH5HPRWH:$1VLGHXVHGZKHQDFFHVVLQJWKHYLUWXDOVHUYHURedirect Port: The Port number used by the Local server in the LAN network.Internal IP Address: The private IP in the LAN network, which will be providing the virtual server application. List all existing PCs connecting to the network. You may assign a PC with IP address from this list.Select the Add button to apply your changes.
148Example: List of some well-known and registered port numbers. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the central coordinator for the assignment RIXQLTXHSDUDPHWHUYDOXHVIRU,QWHUQHWSURWRFROV3RUWQXPEHUVUDQJHIURPWREXWRQO\SRUWVQXPEHUVWRDUHUHVHUYHGIRUSULYLOHJHGVHUYLFHVDQGDUHGHVLJQDWHGDV³ZHOONQRZQSRUWV´3OHDVHUHIHUWR7DEOH7KHUHJLVWHUHGSRUWVDUHQXPEHUHGIURPWKURXJKThe remaining ports, referred to as dynamic or private ports, are numbered from 49152 through 65535.)RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHVHH,$1$¶VZHEVLWHDW help on determining which private port numbers are used by common applications on this list, SOHDVHVHHWKH)$4V)UHTXHQWO\$VNHG4XHVWLRQVDWhttp://www.billion.comTable 5: Well-known and registered PortsPort Number Protocol Description20 TCP FTP Data21 TCP FTP Control22 TCP & UDP SSH Remote Login Protocol23 TCP Telnet25 TCP 60736LPSOH0DLO7UDQVIHU3URWRFRO53 TCP & UDP DNS (Domain Name Server)69 UDP TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)80 TCP :RUOG:LGH:HE+773110 TCP 3233RVW2I¿FH3URWRFRO9HUVLRQ119 TCP 1(:61HWZRUN1HZV7UDQVIHU3URWRFRO123 UDP NTP (Network Time Protocol)61736LPSOH1HWZRUNTime Protocol)161 TCP 6103443 TCP & UDP HTTPS1503 TCP T.1201720 TCP H.3234000 TCP ICQ7070 UDP RealAudio
149Time ScheduleThe Time Schedule supports up to 16 time slots which helps you to manage your Internet FRQQHFWLRQ,QHDFKWLPHSUR¿OH\RXPD\VFKHGXOHVSHFL¿FGD\VLH0RQGD\WKURXJK6XQGD\WRrestrict or allowing the usage of the Internet by users or applications.7KLV7LPH6FKHGXOHFRUUHODWHVFORVHO\ZLWKURXWHU¶VWLPHVLQFHURXWHUGRHVQRWKDYHDUHDOWLPHclock on board; it uses the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) to get the current time from an SNTP server from the Internet. Refer to Time Zone for details.  You router time should correspond with your local time.  If the time is not set correctly, your Time Schedule will not function properly.
150&RQ¿JXUDWLRQRI7LPH6FKHGXOHEdit a Time SlotChoose any Time Slot (ID 1 to ID 16) to edit, click Edit radio button.1.Note:  Watch it carefully, the days you have selected will present in capital letter.  Lower case letter shows the day(s) is not selected, and no rule will apply on this day(s). A detailed setting of this Time Slot will be shown. 2.ID: This is the index of the time slot.Name:$XVHUGH¿QHGHVFULSWLRQWRLGHQWLI\WKLVWLPHSRUWIROLRDay in a week: 7KHGHIDXOWLVVHWIURP0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\<RXPD\VSHFLI\WKHGD\VIRUWKHschedule to be applied. Start Time:7KHGHIDXOWLVVHWDW$0<RXPD\VSHFLI\WKHVWDUWWLPHRIWKHVFKHGXOHEnd Time:7KHGHIDXOWLVVHWDW30<RXPD\VSHFLI\WKHHQGWLPHRIWKHVFKHGXOHChoose Edit radio button and click (GLW'HOHWH button to apply your changes.
151Delete a Time SlotSelect the Delete radio button of the selected Time Slot under the Time Slot section, and click the (GLWDelete buttonWRFRQ¿UPWKHGHOHWLRQRIWKHVHOHFWHG7LPHSUR¿OHLHHUDVHWKH'D\DQGEDFNWRGHIDXOWVHWWLQJRI6WDUW7LPH(QG7LPH
152Advanced&RQ¿JXUDWLRQRSWLRQVZLWKLQWKH$GYDQFHGVHFWLRQDUHIRUXVHUVZKRZLVKWRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIthe more advanced features of the router. Users who do not understand the features should not DWWHPSWWRUHFRQ¿JXUHWKHLUURXWHUXQOHVVDGYLVHGWRGRVRE\VXSSRUWVWDIIHere are the items within the Advanced section: Static Route, Dynamic DNS, Check Email, Device Management, IGMP and VLAN Bridge.Static Route *RWR&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ!$GYDQFHG!6WDWLF5RXWHDestination: This is the destination subnet IP address.Netmask: Subnet mask of the destination IP addresses based on above destination subnet IP.Gateway: This is the gateway IP address to which packets are to be forwarded.Interface: Select the interface through which packets are to be forwarded.Cost: This is the same meaning as Hop. This should usually be left at 1.
153Dynamic DNSThe Dynamic DNS function allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname, allowing users whose ISP does not assign them a static IP address to use a domain name. This is especially useful for hosting servers via your ADSL connection, so that anyone wishing to connect to you may use your domain name, rather than having to use your dynamic IP address, which FKDQJHVIURPWLPHWRWLPH7KLVG\QDPLF,3DGGUHVVLVWKH:$1,3DGGUHVVRIWKHURXWHUZKLFKLVassigned to you by your ISP.<RXZLOO¿UVWQHHGWRUHJLVWHUDQGHVWDEOLVKDQDFFRXQWZLWKWKH'\QDPLF'16SURYLGHUXVLQJWKHLUwebsite, for example are more than 5 DDNS services supported.Dynamic DNS:Disable: Check to disable the Dynamic DNS function.Enable: &KHFNWRHQDEOHWKH'\QDPLF'16IXQFWLRQ7KHIROORZLQJ¿HOGVZLOOEHDFWLYDWHGDQGUHTXLUHGDynamic DNS Server: Select the DDNS service you have established an account with.Domain Name, Username and Password: Enter your registered domain name and your username and password for this service.Period: Set the time period between updates, for the Router to exchange information with the DDNS server. In addition to updating periodically as per your settings, the router will perform an update when your dynamic IP address changes.
154Check EmailThis function allows you to have the router check your POP3 mailbox for new Email messages. 7KH0DLO/('RQ\RXUURXWHUZLOOOLJKWZKHQLWGHWHFWVQHZPHVVDJHVZDLWLQJIRUGRZQORDG<RXmay also view the status of this function using the Status – Email Checking section of the web interface, which also provides details on the number of new messages waiting. See the Status section of this manual for more information.Check Email: Disable: &KHFNWRGLVDEOHWKHURXWHU¶V(PDLOFKHFNLQJIXQFWLRQEnable: &KHFNWRHQDEOHWKHURXWHUV(PDLOFKHFNLQJIXQFWLRQ7KHIROORZLQJ¿HOGVZLOOEHDF-WLYDWHGDQGUHTXLUHGAccount Name: Enter the name (login) of the POP3 account you wish to check. Normally, it is the WH[WLQ\RXUHPDLODGGUHVVEHIRUHWKH³#´V\PERO,I\RXKDYHWURXEOHZLWKLWSOHDVHFRQWDFW\RXUISP.Password: (QWHUWKHDFFRXQW¶VSDVVZRUGPOP3 Mail Server: Enter your (POP) mail server name. You Internet Service Provider (ISP) or network administrator will be able to supply you with this.Period: Enter the value in minutes between periodic mail checks.Dial-out for checking emails: :KHQWKHIXQFWLRQLVHQDEOHG\RXU$'6/URXWHUZLOOFRQQHFWWRyour ISP automatically to check emails if your Internet connection dropped. Please be careful when using this feature if your ADSL service is charged by time online.
155Device Management 7KH'HYLFH0DQDJHPHQWDGYDQFHGFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVHWWLQJVDOORZ\RXWRFRQWURO\RXUURXWHU¶Vsecurity options and device monitoring features.Device Host NameHost Name: Assign it a name.(The Host Name cannot be used with one word only. There are two words should be connected with a ‘.’ at least. Example:Host Name: homegateway ==> IncorrectHost Name: home.gateway or my.home.gateway ==> Correct)Embedded Web Server ( 2 Management IP Accounts)HTTP Port: 7KLVLVWKHSRUWQXPEHUWKHURXWHU¶VHPEHGGHGZHEVHUYHUIRUZHEEDVHGFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLOOXVH7KHGHIDXOWYDOXHLVWKHVWDQGDUG+773SRUW8VHUVPD\VSHFLI\DQalternative if, for example, they are running a web server on a PC within their LAN.Management IP Address: You may specify an IP address allowed to logon and access the URXWHU¶VZHEVHUYHU6HWWLQJWKH,3DGGUHVVWRZLOOGLVDEOH,3DGGUHVVUHVWULFWLRQVDOORZLQJusers to login from any IP address. Expire to auto-logout: 6SHFLI\DWLPHIUDPHIRUWKHV\VWHPWRDXWRORJRXWWKHXVHU¶VFRQ¿JXUDWLRQsession.
156For Example: User A changes HTTP port number to 100VSHFL¿HVWKHLURZQ,3DGGUHVVof, and sets the logout time to be 100 seconds.  The router will only allow User A access from the IP addressWRORJRQWRWKH:HE*8,E\W\SLQJ in their web browser. After 100 seconds, the device will automatically logout User A.  Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)UPnP offers peer-to-peer network connectivity for PCs and other network devices, along with control and data transfer between devices. UPnP offers many advantages for users running NAT routers through UPnP NAT Traversal, and on supported systems makes tasks such as port IRUZDUGLQJPXFKHDVLHUE\OHWWLQJWKHDSSOLFDWLRQFRQWUROWKHUHTXLUHGVHWWLQJVUHPRYLQJWKHQHHGIRUWKHXVHUWRFRQWURODGYDQFHGFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKHLUGHYLFH%RWKWKHXVHU¶V2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHPDQGWKHUHOHYDQWDSSOLFDWLRQPXVWVXSSRUW83Q3LQDGGLWLRQWRWKHURXWHU:LQGRZV;3DQG:LQGRZV0HQDWLYHO\VXSSRUW83Q3ZKHQWKHFRPSRQHQWLVLQVWDOOHGDQG:LQGRZVXVHUVPD\LQVWDOOWKH,QWHUQHW&RQQHFWLRQ6KDULQJFOLHQWIURP:LQGRZV;3LQRUGHUWRVXSSRUW83Q3:LQGRZVGRHVQRWVXSSRUW83Q3Disable: &KHFNWRGLVDEOHWKHURXWHU¶V83Q3IXQFWLRQDOLW\Enable: &KHFNWRHQDEOHWKHURXWHU¶V83Q3IXQFWLRQDOLW\UPnP Port: Its default setting is 2800. It is highly recommended for users to use this port value. If WKLVYDOXHFRQÀLFWVZLWKRWKHUSRUWVDOUHDG\EHLQJXVHG\RXPD\ZLVKWRFKDQJHWKHSRUWSNMP Access Control (Software on a PC within the LAN is required in order to utilize this function) – Simple Network Management Protocol.SNMP V1 and V2:Read Community: 6SHFLI\DQDPHWREHLGHQWL¿HGDVWKH5HDG&RPPXQLW\DQGDQ,3DGGUHVV7KLVFRPPXQLW\VWULQJZLOOEHFKHFNHGDJDLQVWWKHVWULQJHQWHUHGLQWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ¿OH2QFHWKHstring name is matched, user obtains this IP address will be able to view the data.Write Community: 6SHFLI\DQDPHWREHLGHQWL¿HGDVWKH:ULWH&RPPXQLW\DQGDQ,3DGGUHVV7KLVFRPPXQLW\VWULQJZLOOEHFKHFNHGDJDLQVWWKHVWULQJHQWHUHGLQWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ¿OH2QFHWKHstring name is matched, users from this IP address will be able to view and modify the data.Trap Community:  6SHFLI\DQDPHWREHLGHQWL¿HGDVWKH7UDS&RPPXQLW\DQGDQ,3DGGUHVV7KLVFRPPXQLW\VWULQJZLOOEHFKHFNHGDJDLQVWWKHVWULQJHQWHUHGLQWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ¿OH2QFHWKHVWULQJQDPHLVPDWFKHGXVHUVIURPWKLV,3DGGUHVVZLOOEHVHQW61037UDSVSNMP V3:6SHFLI\DQDPHDQGSDVVZRUGIRUDXWKHQWLFDWLRQ$QGGH¿QHWKHDFFHVVULJKWIURPLGHQWL¿HG,3address. Once the authentication has succeeded, users from this IP address will be able to view and modify the data.SNMP Version: SNMPv2c and SNMPv36103YFLVWKHFRPELQDWLRQRIWKHHQKDQFHGSURWRFROIHDWXUHVRI6103YZLWKRXWWKH6103YVHFXULW\7KH³F´FRPHVIURPWKHIDFWWKDW6103YFXVHVWKH6103YFRPPXQLW\VWULQJSDUDGLJP
157IRU³VHFXULW\´EXWLVZLGHO\DFFHSWHGDVWKH6103YVWDQGDUG6103YLVDVWURQJDXWKHQWLFDWLRQPHFKDQLVPDXWKRUL]DWLRQZLWK¿QHJUDQXODULW\IRUUHPRWHmonitoring.Traps supported: Cold Start, Authentication Failure.7KHIROORZLQJ0,%VDUHVXSSRUWHGFrom RFC 1213 (MIB-II)System groupSystem groupInterface groupAddress Translation groupIP groupICMP GroupTCP groupUDP groupEGP (not applicable)Transmission6103JURXSFrom RFC 1650 (EtherLike-MIB)dot3statsFrom RFC 1493 (Bridge MIB)GRWG%DVHJURXSdot1 dTp groupGRW G6WS JURXS LI FRQ¿JXUHG DV VSDQ-ning tree)From RFC 1471 (PPP/LCP MIB)pppLink grouppppLgr group (not applicable)From RFC 1472 (PPP/Security MIB)PPP security groupFrom RFC 1473 (PPP/IP MIB)PPP IP groupFrom RFC 1474 (PPP/Bridge MIB)333%ULGJHJURXSFrom RFC 1573 (IfMIB)LI0,%2EMHFWVJURXSFrom RFC 1695 (atmMIB)DWP0,%2EMHFWVFrom RFC 1907 (SNMPv2)only snmpSetSerialNo OID
158IGMP,*03NQRZQDV,QWHUQHW*URXS0DQDJHPHQW3URWRFROLVXVHGWRPDQDJHPHQWKRVWVIURPmulticast group.IGMP Forwarding: Accepting multicast packet.  Default is set to Enable. IGMP Snooping: Allowing switched Ethernet to check and make correct forwarding decisions.  Default is set to Disable.VLAN BridgeThis section allows you to create VLAN group and specify the member. Edit: Edit your member ports in selected VLAN group.Create VLAN: To create another VLAN group.
159Logout7RH[LWWKHURXWHUZHELQWHUIDFHFKRRVH/RJRXW3OHDVHVDYH\RXUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVHWWLQJEHIRUHlogging out of the system.%HDZDUHWKDWWKHURXWHUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQLQWHUIDFHFDQRQO\EHDFFHVVHGE\RQH3&DWDWLPHTherefore when a PC has logged into the system interface, the other users cannot access the system interface until the current user has logged out of the system. If the previous user forgets to ORJRXWWKHVHFRQG3&FDQRQO\DFFHVVWKHURXWHUZHELQWHUIDFHDIWHUDXVHUGH¿QHGDXWRORJRXWperiod which is by default 3 minutes. You can however modify the value of the auto logout period XVLQJWKH$GYDQFHG!'HYLFH0DQDJHPHQWVHFWLRQRIWKHURXWHUZHELQWHUIDFH3OHDVHVHHWKHAdvanced section of this manual for more information.
160Chapter 5: TroubleshootingIf your router is not functioning properly, please refer to the suggested solutions provided in this chapter. If your problems persist or the suggested solutions do not meet your needs, please kindly FRQWDFW\RXUVHUYLFHSURYLGHURU%LOOLRQIRUVXSSRUWProblems with the routerProblem Suggested ActionNone of the LEDs lit when the router is turned on.Check the connection between the router and the adapter. If the problem persists, most likely it is due to the malfunction of your hardware. Please contact \RXUVHUYLFHSURYLGHURU%LOOLRQIRUWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWYou have forgotten your login username or passwordTry the default username & password (Please refer to Chapter 3). If this fails, restore your router to its default setting by pressing the reset button for more than 6 seconds.Problems with WAN interfaceProblem Suggested ActionInitialization of PVC connection (line-sync)fail0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHWHOHSKRQHFDEOHLVSURSHUO\FRQ-nected between the ADSL port and the wall jack. The ADSL LED on the front panel should lit. Check that your VPI, VCI, encapsulation type and type of multi-plexing settings are the same as those provided by your ISP. Reboot the router GE. If you still have prob-lem, you may need to verify these settings with your ISP.Frequent loss of ADSL linesync (disconnection)0DNHVXUHWKDWDOOGHYLFHVHJWHOHSKRQHID[PD-chine, analogue modems) that are connected to the WHOHSKRQHOLQHDV\RXUURXWHUKDYHDOLQH¿OWHUFRQ-nected between them and the wall outlet (unless your are using a Central Splitter or Central Filter installed by DTXDOL¿HGDQGOLFHQVHGHOHFWULFLDQ0DNHVXUHWKDWDOOOOLQH¿OWHUVDUHFRUUHFWO\LQVWDOOHGDVPLVVLQJOLQH¿OWHUVRULQFRUUHFWLQVWDOODWLRQRIOLQH¿OWHUVFDQFDXVH$'6/FRQQHFWLRQSUREOHPLQFOXGLQJIUHTXHQWGLVFRQQHF-tions.
161Problem with LAN interfaceProblem Suggested ActionCannot PING any PC on LAN Check the Ethernet LEDs on the front panel. The LED should be on for the port that has a PC connected. If it does not lit, check to see if the cable between your router and the 3&LVSURSHUO\FRQQHFWHG0DNHVXUH\RXKDYH¿UVWXQLQ-VWDOOHG\RXU¿UHZDOOSURJUDPEHIRUHWURXEOHVKRRWLQJVerify that the IP address and the subnet mask are consis-tent for both the router and the workstations.
162Appendix: Product Support & ContactFollowing the suggestions listed in the Troubleshooting section of the user manual can help you solve most of your problems. However if your problems persist or you come across other technical issues that are not listed in the Troubleshooting section, please contact the dealer from where you purchased your product.Contact Billion0$&26LVDUHJLVWHUHG7UDGHPDUNRI$SSOH&RPSXWHU,QF:LQGRZV:LQGRZV17:LQGRZV:LQGRZV0H:LQGRZV;3DQG:LQGRZV9LVWDDUHUHJLVWHUHG7UDGHPDUNVRI0LFURVRIW&RUSRUDWLRQWorldwide:

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