Benq H1322 PCS-CDMA Cellular Phone User Manual C260

Benq Corporation PCS-CDMA Cellular Phone C260

Revised user manual

Copyright © 2003 by BenQ Corporation. All rights reserved. No partof this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language or com-puter language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of BenQ Corporation.BenQ Corporation makes no representations or warranties, eitherexpressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifi-cally disclaims any warranties, merchantability or fitness for any partic-ular purpose. Further, BenQ Corporation reserves the right to revisethis publication and to make changes from time to time in the con-tents hereof without obligation of BenQ Corporation to notify anyperson of such revision or changes.In August 1986 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ofthe United States with its action in Report and Outer FCC 96-326adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio fre-quency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated trans-mitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standardpreviously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. Thedesign of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and theseinternational standards.Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized anten-nas, modifications, or attachments could impair call quality, damagethe phone, or result in violation of FCC regulations.Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antennacomes into contact with the skin, a minor burn may result. Please con-tact your local dealer for replacement antenna.DisclaimerCopyrightFCC RF EXPOSURE INFORMATIONWarning! Read this information before using yourphone
Body-worn OperationTo comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separa-tion distance of 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) must be maintained between theuser's body and the back of the phone, including the antenna, whetherextended or retracted. Third-party belt-clips, holsters and similaraccessories containing metallic components shall not be used. Body-worn accessories that cannot maintain 0.6 inch (1.5 cm) separationdistance between the user’s body and the back of the phone may notcomply with FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided.C260 accessories: charger, data cable - optional, earphone - optional.For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC web-site at www.fcc.govYour wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power radiotransmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sendsout radio frequency (RF) signals.In August, 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC)adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wire-less phones. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standardspreviously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies:ANSIC95.1 (1992)'NCRP Report 86 (1986)ICIMIRP(1996)Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evalua-tions of the relevant scientific literature. For example, over 120 scien-tists, engineers, and physicians from universities, government healthagencies, and industry reviewed the available body of research todevelop the ANSI Standard (C95.1). Nevertheless, we recommendthat you use a handsfree kit with your phone (such as an earpiece orheadset) to avoid potential exposure to RF energy.The design of your phone complies with the FCC guidelines (andthose standards).Exposure to radio frequency signalsBody-worn OperationTo comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separa-tion distance of 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) must be maintained between theuser's body and the back of the phone, including the antenna, whetherextended or retracted. Third-party belt-clips, holsters and similaraccessories containing metallic components shall not be used. Body-worn accessories that cannot maintain 0.6 inch (1.5 cm) separationdistance between the user’s body and the back of the phone may notcomply with FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided.C260 accessories: charger, data cable - optional, earphone - optional.For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC web-site at www.fcc.govYour wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power radiotransmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sendsout radio frequency (RF) signals.In August, 1996, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC)adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for hand-held wire-less phones. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standardspreviously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies:ANSIC95.1 (1992)'NCRP Report 86 (1986)ICIMIRP(1996)Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evalua-tions of the relevant scientific literature. For example, over 120 scien-tists, engineers, and physicians from universities, government healthagencies, and industry reviewed the available body of research todevelop the ANSI Standard (C95.1). Nevertheless, we recommendthat you use a handsfree kit with your phone (such as an earpiece orheadset) to avoid potential exposure to RF energy.The design of your phone complies with the FCC guidelines (andthose standards).
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unautho-rized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage thephone and may violate FCC regulations.NORMAL POSITION: Hold the phone as you would any other tele-phone with the antenna pointedup and over your shoulder.TIPS ON EFFICIENT OPERATION: For your phone to operate mostefficiently:• Extend your antenna fully.• Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is in use.Contact with the antenna affects call quality and may cause thephone to operate at a higher power level than otherwise needed.Check the laws and regulations on the use of wireless telephones inthe areas where you drive. Always obey them. Also, if using yourphone while driving, please:• Give full attention to driving - driving safely is your first responsibil-ity;• Use hands-free operation, if available;• Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if drivingconditions so require.Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF signals. How-ever, certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RFsignals from your wireless phone.PacemakersThe Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that aminimum separation of six (6") inches be maintained between a hand-held wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interferencewith the pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with theAntenna carePhone operationDrivingElectronic devices
independent research by and recommendations of Wireless Technol-ogy Research.Persons with pacemakers:• Should ALWAYS keep the phone more than six inches from theirpacemaker when the phone is turned ON;• Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;• Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the poten-tial for interference.• If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place,turn your phone OFF immediately.Hearing AidsSome digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. Inthe event of such interference, you may want to consult your serviceprovider or call the customer service line to discuss alternatives.Other Medical DevicesIf you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufac-turer of your device to determine if they are adequately shielded fromexternal RF energy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtain-ing this information.Turn your phone OFF in health care facilities when any regulationsposted in these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health carefacilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive to external RFenergy.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the manufacturer orits representative regarding your vehicle. You should also consult themanufacturer of any equipment that has been added to your vehicle.Posted FacilitiesTurn your phone OFF in any facility where posted notices require youto do so.
FCC regulations prohibit using your phone while in the air. SwitchOFF your phone before boarding an aircraft.To avoid interfering with blasting operations, turn your phone OFFwhen in a "blasting area" or in areas posted: "Turn off two-way radio".Obey all signs and instructions.Turn your phone OFF when in any area with a potentially explosiveatmosphere and obey all signs and instructions. Sparks in such areascould cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or evendeath.Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often but notalways clearly marked. They include fueling areas such as gasoline sta-tions; below deck on boats; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facili-ties; vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane orbutane); areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such asgrain, dust, or metal powders; and any other area where you wouldnormally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.For Vehicles Equipped with an Air BagAn air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT place objects, includingboth installed or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the airbag or in the air bag deployment area.If in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly installed and the air baginflates, serious injury could result.FDA has been receiving inquiries about the safety of mobile phones,including cellular phones and PCS phones. The following summarizeswhat is known--and what remains unknown--about whether theseAircraftBlasting areasPotentially explosive atmospheresFDA Consumer Update on Mobile Phones
products can pose a hazard to health, and what can be done to mini-mize any potential risk. This information may be used to respond toquestions.Why the concern?Mobile phones emit low levels of radio frequency energy (i.e., radiofrequency radiation) in the microwave range while being used. Theyalso emit very low levels of radio frequency energy (RF), considerednon-significant, when in the stand-by mode. It is well known that highlevels of RF can produce biological damage through heating effects(this is how your microwave oven is able to cook food). However, it isnot known whether, to what extent, or through what mechanism,lower levels of RF might cause adverse health effects as well. Althoughsome research has been done to address these questions, no clearpicture of the biological effects of this type of radiation has emergedto date. Thus, the available science does not allow us to conclude thatmobile phones are absolutely safe, or that they are unsafe. However,the available scientific evidence does not demonstrate any adversehealth effects associated with the use of mobile phones.What kinds of phones are in question?Questions have been raised about hand-held mobile phones, the kindthat have a built-in antenna that is positioned close to the user's headduring normal telephone conversation. These types of mobile phonesare of concern because of the short distance between the phone'santenna--the primary source of the RF--and the person's head. Theexposure to RF from mobile phones in which the antenna is located atgreater distances from the user (on the outside of a car, for example)is drastically lower than that from hand-held phones, because a per-son's RF exposure decreases rapidly with distance from the source.The safety of so-called "cordless phones," which have a base unit con-nected to the telephone wiring in a house and which operate at farlower power levels and frequencies, has not been questioned.How much evidence is there that hand-held mobile phonesmight be harmful?Briefly, there is not enough evidence to know for sure, either way;however, research efforts are on-going.
The existing scientific evidence is conflicting and many of the studiesthat have been done to date have suffered from flaws in their researchmethods. Animal experiments investigating the effects of RF expo-sures characteristic of mobile phones have yielded conflicting results.A few animal studies, however, have suggested that low levels of RFcould accelerate the development of cancer in laboratory animals. Inone study, mice genetically altered to be predisposed to developingone type of cancer developed more than twice as many such cancerswhen they were exposed to RF energy compared to controls. Thereis much uncertainty among scientists about whether results obtainedfrom animal studies apply to the use of mobile phones. First, it isuncertain how to apply the results obtained in rats and mice tohumans. Second, many of the studies that showed increased tumordevelopment used animals that had already been treated with cancer-causing chemicals, and other studies exposed the animals to the RFvirtually continuously--up to 22 hours per day.For the past five years in the United States, the mobile phone industryhas supported research into the safety of mobile phones. Thisresearch has resulted in two findings in particular that merit additionalstudy:In a hospital-based, case-control study, researchers looked for anassociation between mobile phone use and either glioma (a type ofbrain cancer) or acoustic neuroma (a benign tumor of the nervesheath). No statistically significant association was found betweenmobile phone use and acoustic neuroma. There was also no asso-ciation between mobile phone use and gliomas when all types oftypes of gliomas were considered together. It should be noted thatthe average length of mobile phone exposure in this study was lessthan three years. When 20 types of glioma were considered separately, however, anassociation was found between mobile phone use and one raretype of glioma, neuroepithelliomatous tumors. It is possible withmultiple comparisons of the same sample that this associationoccurred by chance. Moreover, the risk did not increase with howoften the mobile phone was used, or the length of the calls. In fact,the risk actually decreased with cumulative hours of mobile phoneuse. Most cancer causing agents increase risk with increased expo-sure. An ongoing study of brain cancers by the National CancerInstitute is expected to bear on the accuracy and repeatability ofthese results.1
Researchers conducted a large battery of laboratory tests toassess the effects of exposure to mobile phone RF on geneticmaterial. These included tests for several kinds of abnormalities,including mutations, chromosomal aberrations, DNA strandbreaks, and structural changes in the genetic material of blood cellscalled lymphocytes. None of the tests showed any effect of the RFexcept for the micronucleus assay, which detects structural effectson the genetic material. The cells in this assay showed changesafter exposure to simulated cell phone radiation, but only after 24hours of exposure. It is possible that exposing the test cells toradiation for this long resulted in heating. Since this assay is knownto be sensitive to heating, heat alone could have caused the abnor-malities to occur. The data already in the literature on theresponse of the micronucleus assay to RF are conflicting. Thus, fol-low-up research is necessary.2 FDA is currently working with government, industry, and academicgroups to ensure the proper follow-up to these industry-fundedresearch findings. Collaboration with the Cellular Telecommunica-tions and Internet Association (CTIA) in particular is expected tolead to FDA providing research recommendations and scientificoversight of new CTIA-funded research based on such recommen-dations.Two other studies of interest have been reported recently in theliterature:Two groups of 18 people were exposed to simulated mobile phonesignals under laboratory conditions while they performed cogni-tive function tests. There were no changes in the subjects' abilityto recall words, numbers, or pictures, or in their spatial memory,but they were able to make choices more quickly in one visual testwhen they were exposed to simulated mobile phone signals. Thiswas the only change noted among more than 20 variables com-pared.3 In a study of 209 brain tumor cases and 425 matched controls,there was no increased risk of brain tumors associated withmobile phone use. When tumors did exist in certain locations,however, they were more likely to be on the side of the headwhere the mobile phone was used. Because this occurred in only asmall number of cases, the increased likelihood was too small to bestatistically significant.4
In summary, we do not have enough information at this point toassure the public that there are, or are not, any low incident healthproblems associated with use of mobile phones. FDA continues towork with all parties, including other federal agencies and industry, toassure that research is undertaken to provide the necessary answersto the outstanding questions about the safety of mobile phones.What is known about cases of human cancer that have beenreported in users of hand-held mobile phones?Some people who have used mobile phones have been diagnosed withbrain cancer. But it is important to understand that this type of canceralso occurs among people who have not used mobile phones. In fact,brain cancer occurs in the U.S. population at a rate of about 6 newcases per 100,000 people each year. At that rate, assuming 80 millionusers of mobile phones (a number increasing at a rate of about 1 mil-lion per month), about 4800 cases of brain cancer would be expectedeach year among those 80 million people, whether or not they usedtheir phones. Thus it is not possible to tell whether any individual'scancer arose because of the phone, or whether it would have hap-pened anyway. A key question is whether the risk of getting a particu-lar form of cancer is greater among people who use mobile phonesthan among the rest of the population. One way to answer that ques-tion is to compare the usage of mobile phones among people withbrain cancer with the use of mobile phones among appropriatelymatched people without brain cancer. This is called a case-controlstudy. The current case-control study of brain cancers by the NationalCancer Institute, as well as the follow-up research to be sponsored byindustry, will begin to generate this type of information.What is FDA's role concerning the safety of mobile phones?Under the law, FDA does not review the safety of radiation-emittingconsumer products such as mobile phones before marketing, as itdoes with new drugs or medical devices. However, the agency hasauthority to take action if mobile phones are shown to emit radiationat a level that is hazardous to the user. In such a case, FDA couldrequire the manufacturers of mobile phones to notify users of thehealth hazard and to repair, replace or recall the phones so that thehazard no longer exists.
Although the existing scientific data does not justify FDA regulatoryactions at this time, FDA has urged the mobile phone industry to takea number of steps to assure public safety. The agency has recom-mended that the industry:• support needed research into possible biological effects of RF of the type emitted by mobile phones; • design mobile phones in a way that minimizes any RF exposure to the user that is not necessary for device function ; and • cooperate in providing mobile phone users with the best possi-ble information on what is known about possible effects of mobile phone use on human health. At the same time, FDA belongs to an interagency working group ofthe federal agencies that have responsibility for different aspects ofmobile phone safety to ensure a coordinated effort at the federallevel. These agencies are:• National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health • Environmental Protection Agency • Federal Communications Commission • Occupational Health and Safety Administration • National Telecommunications and Information Administration The National Institutes of Health also participates in this group.In the absence of conclusive information about any possible risk, whatcan concerned individuals do?If there is a risk from these products--and at this point we do notknow that there is--it is probably very small. But if people are con-cerned about avoiding even potential risks, there are simple steps theycan take to do so. For example, time is a key factor in how muchexposure a person receives. Those persons who spend long periodsof time on their hand-held mobile phones could consider holdinglengthy conversations on conventional phones and reserving the hand-held models for shorter conversations or for situations when othertypes of phones are not available.People who must conduct extended conversations in their cars everyday could switch to a type of mobile phone that places more distancebetween their bodies and the source of the RF, since the exposurelevel drops off dramatically with distance. For example, they couldswitch to:
• a mobile phone in which the antenna is located outside the vehicle, • a hand-held phone with a built-in antenna connected to a different antenna mounted on the outside of the car or built into a separate package, or • a headset with a remote antenna to a mobile phone carried at the waist. Again, the scientific data does not demonstrate that mobile phonesare harmful. But if people are concerned about the radiofrequencyenergy from these products, taking the simple precautions outlinedabove can reduce any possible risk.Where can I find additional information?For additional information, see the following websites:Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF Safety Program(select "Information on Human Exposure to RF Fields from Cellularand PCS Radio Transmitters"): World Health Organization (WHO) International Commission onNon-Ionizing Radiation Protection (select Qs & As): United Kingdom, National Radiological Protection Board: 1. Muscat et al. Epidemiological Study of Cellular Telephone Use andMalignant Brain Tumors. In: State of the Science Symposium;1999 June20; Long Beach, California.2. Tice et al. Tests of mobile phone signals for activity in genotoxicityand other laboratory assays. In: Annual Meeting of the EnvironmentalMutagen Society; March 29, 1999, Washington, D.C.; and personalcommunication, unpublished results.3. Preece, AW, Iwi, G, Davies-Smith, A, Wesnes, K, Butler, S, Lim, E,and Varey, A. Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal oncognitive function in man. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., April 8, 1999.4. Hardell, L, Nasman, A, Pahlson, A, Hallquist, A and Mild, KH. Use ofcellular telephones and the risk for brain tumors: a case-control study.Int. J. Oncol., 15: 113-116, 1999.
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i Table of CotentsChapter 0: Quick Start  ........................................ 1Chapter 1: Introduction to Your Phone  ............ 5Your Phone ........................................................................6Appearance ........................................................................7Chapter 2: Using Your Phone  ............................. 15Basic Operations  ..............................................................16Turning on the phone .................................................................. 16Turning off the phone .................................................................. 16Making a call ................................................................................... 16Time pause  ..................................................................................... 17Redialing a call  ............................................................................... 18Answering a call  ............................................................................ 18Ending a call .................................................................................... 18In call options ................................................................................. 18Call waiting ..................................................................................... 19Three way call  ............................................................................... 19Speed dial ........................................................................................ 19OTASP call  ..................................................................................... 20Call logs ........................................................................................... 20Reading messages .......................................................................... 21Call forward  ................................................................................... 21Adjust ear piece volume  ............................................................. 21Knowing What Your Phone Says  .................................22Low battery warning .................................................................... 22Battery charging  ............................................................................ 22Missed call alert ............................................................................. 22Roaming alert ................................................................................. 22Power saving .................................................................................. 22Chapter 3: Menu Options .................................... 23Phone Book Menu ............................................................25
ii Table of CotentsCall Logs Menu ..................................................................28Call logs ........................................................................................... 28Messages Menu  .................................................................29Inbox ................................................................................................ 29Compose ........................................................................................ 29Outbox ............................................................................................ 29Quick Msg ....................................................................................... 29Draft ................................................................................................ 29Voice mail  ....................................................................................... 30Web Msg ......................................................................................... 30Msg Setting  ..................................................................................... 30Erase All .......................................................................................... 30Tools Menu ........................................................................34Browser .......................................................................................... 34Alarm clock  .................................................................................... 36Calculator ....................................................................................... 37Scheduler ........................................................................................ 38Games .............................................................................................. 40Hour Reminder ............................................................................. 42Currency Converter .................................................................... 42World time  .................................................................................... 42Stopwatch ....................................................................................... 42Quick Key ....................................................................................... 43Scratch pad ..................................................................................... 43Settings Menu  ....................................................................44Date/Time ...................................................................................... 44Backlight .......................................................................................... 45LCD Contrast ................................................................................ 46Language .......................................................................................... 46Answer By  ...................................................................................... 46Auto Redial  .................................................................................... 47Restore Default Value  ................................................................. 47
iii Table of CotentsCall Srvcs Menu  ................................................................48Limit Alert  ...................................................................................... 48Force Mode .................................................................................... 48NAM Select .................................................................................... 48System Select ................................................................................. 49Data Service ................................................................................... 49Voice Privacy .................................................................................. 49Phone Activation ........................................................................... 49Audio Menu  .......................................................................50Profiles ............................................................................................. 50System Alert  .................................................................................. 50DTMF Mute .................................................................................... 50MelodyEditor ................................................................................. 50Security Menu ....................................................................51Lock Status ..................................................................................... 51Change code  .................................................................................. 51Call restrict  .................................................................................... 51Emergency number  ...................................................................... 52Chapter 4: Care and Maintenance ...................... 53Chapter 5: Troubleshooting ................................ 55
iv Table of Cotents<Memo>
1C260C260C260C260C260Chapter 0: Quick Start
2BenQ C260 Mobile PhonePlease follow the simple steps below to make your first call:Install the batteryPlace the bottom end of the battery on the phone, then press down the top side of the battery. You will hear a click when the battery is secured..Remove the batteryPress the battery latch and the battery rises automatically. Then, liftthe  battery off the compartment as illustrated below.Charge the batteryInsert the battery charger connector into the battery charging socket. PUSHThis side up
3BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneIt takes 24 hours for the charger to fully charge a new battery.Recharging takes about 160 minutes each time.When charging, the battery strength bars   will flash untilthe battery is fully charged.Turn the phone onAfter the battery is fully charged, press and hold   key to turn onthe phone power. The phone beeps and a welcome animation will bedisplayed on the screen. After the phone is turned on, it will startsearching the network to use.   Make a callEnter the phone number with the keys on the keypad. When finished,press  key.End a callPress   key to end the call. Please set up the time for your phone first to ensure accuracy of time-related data (such as Calendar and Scheduler). Please see “Set Time” onpage 44.PUSH
4BenQ C260 Mobile Phone<Memo>
5Chapter 1: Introduction to Your Phone
6BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneYour PhoneThank you for choosing BenQ mobile phone!From now on, with your mobile phone, you will experience totalmobility in your life. You will be able to communicate with morefreedom and convenience. We know that you demand more than what a mobile phone can offerfor mobility. The light-weight, slim body of your phone symbolizesyour taste for elegance and compactness. The high-resolution LCDdisplay frees you from the nightmare of groping between pixels. Yousee clearly each and every character displayed on the screen. There are more features to discover. Now please follow us while weintroduce you to your new and versatile partner.* The data service kit is required for data and fax service that can be purchasedseparately.
7BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneAppearanceFront ViewRear View (With battery removed)
8BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneBottom View&
9BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThere are several icons that appear on the LCD screen to indicate thestatus of your phone. Please see the table below for the meaning ofeach icon:Icon Meaning                                     Signal strengthShows current signal strength. The morebars displayed, the better the signalstrength.MessageSteady: Indicates that there are new andunread text or voice messages.Blinking:  Indicates that there are newunread urgent messages.RoamingSteady: Indicates that this phone is outof the reach of its primary service area,but is in a friendly roaming area.Blinking: Indicates that the phone iscurrently in an unfriendly roaming areaDigital modeThis icon appears when the phone is indigital mode.Call statusWhen you are in a call with your phoneor there is an incoming call, this icon willappear.No serviceThis icon indicates that the phone cannotreceive a signal from the networkoperator.Battery levelThe battery level is shown by the numberof bars in the battery icon. The more barsdisplayed, the higher the battery strength.This icon will flash when the battery isextremely low. When you charge the battery, the barswill animate until the battery is fullycharged.LCD Screen2002-09-10Fri 11:50Menu Book
10BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneRing typeDisplays the ring type when your phonereceives an incoming call:: the phone generates a ring tonewhen there is an incoming call. : indicates that the phone is insilent mode and the phonevibrates when there is an      incoming call. :the phone rings and vibrateswhen there is an incoming call.
11BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThere are two kinds of keys on the keypad: Function Keys andAlphanumeric Keys. In each section below, "long press" a keymeans "press and hold a key for about 2 seconds", while "press" a keymeans "press and release a key immediately".In standby mode, when you press a key on the keypad, the backlightwill be turned on automatically. If you want to turn off the backlight,please refer to “Backlight” on page 45 for details. Press... To...End/Powerkey• End a call.• Exit the menu and return tostandby mode.• Turn the phone power on/off.Send/OKkey• Make an outgoing call.• Answer an incoming call.• Enter call log.ScrollKey• Move cursor left.• Move to the previous itemin Main Menu.• Enter Qkey List.• Move cursor right.• Move to the next item inMain Menu.• Enter Phone Book.Left soft key Execute the function that is shownat the lower left part of the screen.Right soft key Execute the function that is shownat the lower right part of the screen.Clear key• Clear text.• Delete.Keypad Function Keys
12BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThere are 12 alphanumeric keys on the keypad. You can use these keysto enter numbers and letters. To enter a number, simply press thebutton with that number. To enter characters, press the key severaltimes until the desired letter appears. To switch between upper andlower cases, press the   key. On the other hand, to switchbetween numbers and letters, press the “Option” key. Please see the table below for the keys and their correspondingletters: Key Letters Alphanumeric KeysSpace, 1A, B, C, 2D, E, F, 3              G, H, I, 4J, K, L, 5M, N, O, 6P, Q, R, S, 7W, X, Y, Z, 90Symbol table, if inputting symbols is allowed.Change character cases.T, U,  V,  8
13BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneKey OperationsIn standby mode:In Main Menu:Key Press Long PressRight softkey Phonebook NoneLeft softkey Menu NoneSend Outgoing call logs Redial Last NumberEnd None Power OffUp Qkey List NoneDown List phonebookrecordsNoneClear None List Audio Profiles**None##Wap1 ~ 9 1 ~ 9 Speed dialing0 0 Call to voice mailKey Press Long PressRight softkey Right softkey NoneLeft softkey Left softkey NoneSend None NoneEnd Back to standby mode Back to previous pagethen power offUp Up NoneDown Down NoneClear Back to previous page Back to previous page* None None# None None1 ~ 9 Shortcut to item 1~9 None0 None None
14BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneInputting dataYour phone provides two input methods for you to input various datainto your phone using the keys on the keypad. You can select thedesired one in the settings menu.Multi-tap Text input methodWhen you have entered the first letter, the cursor will advance to theposition of the next letter after about two seconds. You can also typeto enter the next letter directly. To clear a letter or number, press   key. The cursor will movebackward and the letter will be deleted. To delete all letters ornumbers, long press   key.For example, if you want to enter "Mary":•  Press   key once until “M” displays on the screen.•  Press   key, then press   key until “a” appears on thescreen.•   Press   key three times until “r” appears on the screen.•  Press   key three times until “y” appears on the screen. •  Finally, press the   soft key to confirm.
15Chapter 2: Using Your Phone
16BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneBasic OperationsWhen the phone power is off, you can long press   key to turn iton. The phone beeps with a piece of music and a welcome animationwill appear on the screen. After the phone is turned on, it will startsearching for the network to use. When network service is acquired, the banner will be displayed on thescreen. Under this "standby" mode, you can:• Make a call.• Press the “Menu” soft key to access Main Menu.(See “Chapter 3:Menu Options” on page 23)• Press the “Book” soft key to enter the Phone Book. (See“Phone Book Menu” on page 25 )• Long press the   key to listen to the voice mail message.• If you have activated the Lock Phone/Power On function, the phone will belocked and you will need to enter the lock code to unlock it.When the phone power is on, you can long press   key to turn itoff.In standby mode, you can make a call in one of the following ways:•  Key in the phone number, then press   key.•  Press   key to browse the last dialed numbers list, then press key again to dial.•  Long press   key to redial the last dialed number.•  Find a Phone Book record by name and press   key.•  Long press  ~  key to use speed dial.• From "Outgoing Call" log, choose a number to dial and press key.Turning on the phoneTurning off the phoneMaking a call
17BenQ C260 Mobile Phone•  From "Incoming Call" log, choose a number to dial and press key.•  From "Missed Call" log, choose a number to dial and press key. When you enter a phone number, you can press the   key toinsert a time pause. T (time pause) will appear on the screen.If a time pause is inserted, the phone will send the numbers after thetime pause after 3 seconds. This is useful when you want to call anextension number.For example, if you want to call 1234567, extension number 89:3 seconds after the call “1234567” is connected, the phone will sendthe number “89” automatically. You can lengthen the pause durationby inserting more time pauses.For example, 6 seconds after the call “1234567” is connected, the phone will sendthe number “89” automatically.Time pause
18BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneIf the attempt to make a call has failed, according to the setting inRetry Mode, you can redial the last dialed number manually or letthe phone redial the number automatically.The phone rings or vibrates when a call is received. If the caller'snumber can be found in the Phone Book, the caller's name will appearon the screen. The call time will also be shown.You can press   key to answer that call. Depending on the settingin  Answer Mode (See  “Answer By” on page 46), you can alsochoose to answer a call by pressing any key (except   key) on thekeypad or turn on the auto answer function when used with a hands-free kit.When you are on a call, you can press   key to end the call. Thecall timer information will flash on the screen for about three secondsand the phone will then return to standby mode.If the total call time exceeds the value you set in the Limit Alertfunction (see “Limit Alert” on page 48), a warning tone will begenerated to remind you of the total call time.During a phone call, you can choose to use the following features:• Press the alphanumeric keys to send DTMF tone (for example,when you are asked to enter ID number, account number orother data).• Press   key to hold the call and receive another call from athird calling party.• Press the volume adjustment keys to adjust the ear piece volume.• Press the “Option” soft key to enter the In Call Option menu.In the menu, you can highlight the desired item by pressing or  on the scroll key and then press “Select” soft key to select.Mute (Unmute): Mute or unmute current call.3-Way: activate 3-way call (see “Three way call” on page 19).Redialing a callAnswering a callEnding a callIn call options
19BenQ C260 Mobile PhonePhone Book: Enter Phone Book (see “Phone Book Menu” onpage 25).Scheduler: Access Scheduler (see “Scheduler” on page 38).Scratch Pad: Use the built-in Scratch Pad to jot down phonenumbers. You can save them as described in “Scratch pad” onpage 43.If another call is received during a call, the message “Waiting” andname (or number) of the third calling party will appear on the screen.• To put the current call on hold and answer the incoming call, press key. When the incoming call is ended, you will return to theprevious call automatically.• To reject the third incoming call, press the “Cancel” soft key.While you are speaking, you can initiate another call to a third callingparty.• Press the “Option” soft key and select “3-Way” in the menu andmake a call to the third party by entering the number and press key. Or during the call, press   key to hold the call andenter the number of the third calling party and press   keyagain. • When the third party is connected, press   key again and allthe three calling party will be connected. • To switch the calling party, press   key. To disconnect all calls,press  key.In the standby mode, if the speed dial function is turned on, you canlong press a alphanumeric key (key 1 ~ 9) to dial the number locatedin #1 ~ #9 in the Phone Book.Call waitingThree way callSpeed dial
20BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThe OTASP (Over-The-Air Service Provisioning) from your networkservice provider allows you to activate your network service simplyby making a phone call. For details, please contact your network service provider.You can enter the Call Logs menu by pressing   or   on thescroll key in main menu. There are 6 options in the Call Logs menu. You can highlight thedesired item by pressing   or   on the scroll key and then press key to select.• All: Display the record of all calls. You can press   or   onthe scroll key to scroll the records, then press   key to dial orpress the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or “Erase.” Press“View”’ soft key to see detail time. • Missed: Display the record of missed calls. You can press   or on the scroll key to scroll the records, then press   keyto dial or press the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or“Erase.”• Received: Display the record of received calls. You can press or   on the scroll key to scroll the records, then press key to dial or press the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or“Erase.”• Dialed: Display the record of dialed calls. You can press   or on the scroll key to scroll the records, then press   keyto dial or press the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or“Erase.”• Call Timers: Press “Select” key to display the duration of theLast Call, Home Calls, Roam Calls, All Calls, and Reset Timers. OTASP callCall logs
21BenQ C260 Mobile Phone• Erase Logs: Press the “Select” soft key and then   or   onthe scroll key to select the call logs to be erased ( Missed,Received, Dialed or Erase All). Text messagesWhen you have a new text message, the phone will generate an alertsound and the backlight will illuminate. “You have a new message!” and icon will also appear on the screen. A blinking   icon meansthat you have received an urgent text message.If you have more than 1 new message, you can press   or   onthe scroll key to scroll through the messages. Press the “View” soft key. The sender and time of the message willappear on the screen. Press the “View” soft key again to view thecontent of the message.If you don’t want to view the message immediately, you can press the“Quit” soft key to store the message to Inbox. (See “Inbox” onpage 29)Voice mail notificationsIf you have a new voice mail, you will receive a message containing thenumber of voice mail messages.Press the “Listen” soft key and you will be connected to your voicemail box.The Call Forward function allows you to forward incoming calls to adesignated number when the phone is busy, out of reach of networkservice..., etc. Please contact your network service provider foravailability.During a phone call, you can press the volume adjustment keys on theside of the phone to adjust the ear piece volume. 7 volume levels areavailable.Reading messagesCall forwardAdjust ear piece volume
22BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneKnowing What Your Phone SaysYour phone lets you know its working status by issuing sounds ordisplaying text prompts on the screen. If the battery power is getting low, the battery icon on the screen willstart to flash. If the phone has run out of the battery completely, thebattery empty message will appear on the screen and the phone willbe turned off automatically. At this time, use the battery charger to charge the battery.When the battery is being charged with phone power off, the batterycharging animation will appear on the screen. If the phone power ison, the bars in the battery icon will animate. When the battery is fullycharged, a “Charging Complete” notification will appear on thescreen.When you have a missed call, missed call information (including thenumber of call missed) will appear on the screen.If you are roaming under other network service areas, the roam   icon will appear on the screen, telling you that you are in a  roamservice area or a secondary roam service area if flashing.If the phone can not acquire a network for a long time, the phone willenter power saving mode automatically. You can press any key to wakeup the phone.Low battery warningBattery chargingMissed call alertRoaming alertPower saving
23Chapter 3: Menu Options
24BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneIn standby mode, you can press the “Menu” soft key to enter the MainMenu. You can press   or   on the scroll key to scroll throughthe menu items and press   key or “Select” soft key to enter. TheMain Menu includes many advanced options and you can get the mostfrom your phone by using these functions.
25BenQ C260 Mobile PhonePhone Book MenuAdd a Phone Book record (Add)Select “Add” and press “Select” soft key. Follow the steps below toadd a new Phone Book record:Step 1: You will be prompted to enter a list including all the personalinformation of that number, the name of that number, themobile phone number, the office phone number, emailaddress and so on.Step 2: Press “Edit” soft key and enter the personal information ofthat number (maximum 12 characters) and then press “OK”soft key (If the name you entered already exists, you will beasked if you want to add a new record).There are other alternatives to add a record toPhone Book.Option 1: In standby mode, press “Book” soft key to enter PhoneBook, then select “Add”. Follow the instructions in the"Add a Phone Book record" section above.Option 2: In standby mode, enter the phone number, then press“Options” soft key and choose “Save”. Follow Step 2 and3 in the "Add a Phone Book record" section above.Option 3: In standby mode, press “Book” soft key to enter Call Logsmenu, and select "Missed", "Incoming" or "Outgoing”.In either of these menus, press “Select” soft key tobrowse the call logs. You can scroll the call logs bypressing   or   on the scroll key. When you find thenumber you want to add to the Phone Book in a call log,press “Option” soft key and select “Save”.Follow Step 2 and 3 in the "Add a Phone Book record"section above.
26BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneFind a Phone Book recordYou can find a Phone Book record. Enter Phone Book, then scroll to “Find” and press “Select” soft key.All the Phone Book records will be listed in sequence on the LCDscreen. You can scroll the Phone Book records by pressing   or on the scroll key. When you find the Phone Book record you arelooking for, press “Select” soft key to enter that record. All theinformation items of that record will appear on the screen. Select theitem you need and choose to make a call or modify the record. Inaddition, you can also find record by inputting characters.Caller GroupYou have the following caller groups to choose from: Family, Friends,Co-workers and Classmates. You can add any phone book records toa particular caller group and define such settings as ring tone, callanimation, backlight, etc. for incoming calls from a specific group. Inaddition, you can also add new groups. (maximum 20 groups includingthese default groups) Speed Dial This feature, also known as 1-touch dialing, allows you to make phonecalls quickly and easily with the touch of a button.You must add names and numbers in your phone book (see “Add aPhone Book record (Add)” on page 25) before you can use thisfeature. Then you can assign a number from the phone book to aspeed dialing location using your phone’s 1 through 9 keys.Speed dialing location 0 is reserved for your voice mail.To assign speed dial locations:Key Mapping: Press “Select” soft key to enter, and use   oron the scroll key to highlight "Key Mapping",then press “Select” soft key to find your record.You can assign a number from the phone book toa one-touch dialing location using your phone’s 1through 9 keys.
27BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneActivation: Press “Select” soft key to enter, and use   or on the scroll key to highlight "Activation", then press “Select” soft key to enter the submenu and use  or  on the scroll key to highlight "On" or “Off”. Then press “Select” soft key to activate this function or not. Erase AllThis function allows you to erase all the records in the phonememory.To erase all records:All in Phone: Press “Select” soft key to enter, and use   oron the scroll key to highlight "All in Phone",then press “Select” soft key to erase all records.You will be prompted to confirm with “Yes” or“No”. Choose “Yes” and enter your phone code,then all the records in the phone memory will bedeleted.StatusThis function allows you to learn the Phone Book memory status inthe phone memory.To see the Phone Book memory status on the screen:Phone Book: Press “Select” soft key and the Phone Bookmemory status in the phone memory will bedisplayed on the screen.View your own phone number (My Number)Select “My Number” in the Phone Book menu and your phonenumber will be displayed on the screen.
28BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneCall Logs MenuThe Call Logs menu is where you can store and manage phonenumbers. You can use   or   on the scroll key to highlight an item andpress “Select” soft key to enter. There are 6 options in the Call Logs menu. You can highlight thedesired item by pressing   or   on the scroll key and then pressthe “Select” soft key.• All: Display the record of all calls. You can press   or   onthe scroll key to scroll the records, then press   key to dial orpress the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or “Erase.” Press“View“ soft key to view detail time.• Missed: Display the record of missed calls. You can press   or on the scroll key to scroll the records, then press   keyto dial or press the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or“Erase.” Press “View“ soft key to view detail time.• Received: Display the record of received calls. You can press or   on the scroll key to scroll the records, then press key to dial or press the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or“Erase.” Press “View“ soft key to view detail time.• Dialed: Display the record of dialed calls. You can press   or on the scroll key to scroll the records, then press   keyto dial or press the “Option” soft key to “Save Record” or“Erase.” Press “View“ soft key to view detail time.• Call Timers: Press “Select” key to display the duration of theLast Call, Home Calls, Roam Calls, All Calls, and Reset Timers. • Erase Logs: Press the “Select” soft key and then   or   onthe scroll key to select the call logs to be erased ( Missed,Received, Dialed or Erase All). Call logs
29BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneMessages MenuThe options in the Messages Menu allow you to deal with voice mail,text messages and Email. You can use   or   on the scroll key to highlight an item andpress “Select” soft key to enter.The new messages will be displayed here. You can see the number ofnew messages. This item allows you to compose messages. Press “Select” soft key toenter and you will be prompted to enter your desired messages. The messages you sent will be displayed here. You can see themessages you sent. This item provides 10 quick messages for you to use. Press “Select”soft key to enter the submenu and then press    or   on thescroll key to select the quick message you want to use. If you wishes to save the current message, you can press the “Edit”soft key with the “Options” field highlighted and then choose “save”from the menu. It will be stored in this area and you can compose thismessage later.InboxComposeOutboxQuick MsgDraft
30BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThe new voice mail messages will be displayed here. You can see thenumber of new voice mail messages and press “Read” to connect toyour voice mail box. This is a network dependent function. Please contact your networkservice provider for details.A Web Msg is a small WAP message. When the WAP browserreceives an alert from the WAP server, the alert is put into BrowserAlert Inbox. You can press "Select" soft key to enter Browser AlertInbox, and view the received Web messages.This menu item includes several options to adjust the messagesettings. Press “Select” soft key to enter the submenu.This function allows you to erase all the messages in the Inbox,Outbox or Draft area. Press “Select” soft key to enter the submenuand choose to erase all the messages.   Write and send new messagesTo write a new message:There are 2 ways to write a new message:Option 1: In the Messages Menu, select “Compose”.Voice mailWeb MsgMsg SettingErase All
31BenQ C260 Mobile PhonePress    or   on the scroll key to the content field,press “Edit” soft key to enter the desired content of themessage. When finished, press “OK” soft key.  Now you can send the message. Follow the steps in the“To send a message” section below.Option 1I: In the Messages Menu, select “Quick Msg”.10 quick messages will be available for you to select.Select the one you desired and press “Send” key.Now you can send the message. Follow the steps in the“To send a message” section below.To send a message:• After you have completed writing a message, then press    or on the scroll key to the phone number field, press “Edit”soft key to enter the receiver’s phone number. The “Send to”screen will appear. Now you can select one of the followingmethod to enter the receiver’s phone number:Phone #: Enter the receiver’s phone number and press “OK” softkey.Phonebook: Pick up the receiver’s phone number from Phone Book.When finished, you can select “Send” soft key to send the messageright away. Also, you can press    or   on the scroll key to theoption field and press “Edit” soft key to access the options for thismessage. These options are shown as follows:  1. Save: Save this message to draft.2. Callback #: Specify the callback number of this message.3. Delivery Acknowledgement:    Set up the delivery acknowledgement. If you set it to “Yes”,you will receive a notification when a message is successfullysent or failed.4. Priority: Specify the priority of the message. You can choose from“Normal” or “Urgent”.5. Expire Period: You can set up the expiration period of messagehere. Expiration period is the time the messagecenter handles the messages you sent and deliverthem to the receiver you specified. If due to anyreason, the message can not be deliveredsuccessfully within the expiration period, the
32BenQ C260 Mobile Phonemessage will be removed from the messagecenter.You can specify the duration in 30 minutes, 1hour, 2 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days.View outgoing messagesThe messages to be sent are stored in Outbox. You can enter theOutbox by selecting “Outbox” in the Messages Menu.If you have multiple outgoing messages, press   or   on the scrollkey to browse messages.Press “Select” soft key to read the selected message. While readingthe message, you can press the “Options” soft key and select from theoptions below:Status: Check to see if this message is sent successfully or not.Send Again: Send this message again.Erase: Delete this message.Erase messagesYou can erase all messages in the Inbox, Outbox, or Draft.Erase messages in the Inbox• In the Messages Menu, select “Erase All”, “Inbox”.• Press “Yes” soft key to erase.Erase messages in the Outbox• In the Messages Menu, select “Erase All”, “Outbox”.• Press “Yes” soft key to erase.Erase messages in the Draft• In the Messages Menu, select “Erase All”, “Draft”.• Press “Yes” soft key to erase.
33BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneCustomize message settingsTo customize message settings, select “Msg Setting” in the MessagesMenu.You can use the following items provided to customize messagesettings:Callback #: You can set up the Callback number for all your outgoingmessages here. You can also set up the callback numberseparately before you send a message.Delivery Acknowledgement: You can set up the status of messagedelivery acknowledgement here. Ifyou set it to ”Yes”, you will receive anotification when a message issuccessfully sent or failed.  Expire Period: You can set up the expiration period of messagehere. Expiration period is the time the messagecenter handles the messages you sent and deliverthem to the receiver you specified. If due to anyreason, the message can not be deliveredsuccessfully within the expiration period, themessage will be removed from the message center.You can specify the duration in 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days.Save Msg: With this function, you can decide to save the messageyou sent to the Outbox or not. After you get theacknowledgement of the message, press the “Select” softkey to access it’s option as follow shows:Auto Save: Save the message you sent to the Outbox.Prompt: Allows you to save it or not.Not Save: Not to save the message you sent to theOutbox.
34BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneTools MenuThe Tools Menu provides several extra tools. You can use   or   on the scroll key to highlight an item andpress “Select” soft key to enter.Using BrowserTo enter Browser, select “Browser” in the Tools Menu and press“Select” soft key, then select “Start Browser”, or long press key in standby mode. A few seconds later, the home page will appearon the screen.Now you can access the various on-line information through yourphone. For details on the content of on-line service and how to use it,please contact your network service provider. Please see the table below for the icons that may appear on the screenand their meanings:Icon Meaning                                     MessageThis icon indicates that there are new andunread incoming web alert messages orunsent outgoing web alert messages.Digital modeThis icon appears when the phone worksin digital mode. You can access WAPservice only when this icon appears.Connected This icon appears when the phone isconnected to the WAP server.Secure modeThis icon appears when you are in asecure web browser session.Browser
35BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneKey operations in BrowserPlease see the table below for the key operations in Browser:Browser optionsYou can long press   key to enter the Browser menu to accessthe following options:• Reload: Reload current web page.• Home: Return to the home page.• Bookmarks: Open the bookmark list and choose a bookmark.• Mark site: Bookmark current web page.• About Openwave: Display the Browser version and informationabout Browser and the phone.Press... To...End/Powerkey• Return to the home page.• Long press to exit Browser.Scrollkey Select an item in a menu.Clear key• Return to the previous page.• Long press to return to the homepage.• Clear current character when enter-ing text.• Long press to clear all characterswhen entering text.Star key Long press to enter Browser options.Pound key Long press to bookmark current website.Volume adjustmentkey Scroll the page up or down.Alphanumeric keys Long press a numeric key to jump to thebookmarked pages 1~9 in the bookmarklist.
36BenQ C260 Mobile Phone•  Advanced:  Provides advanced Browser setting options. Pleasecontact your network service provider for details.Entering text in BrowserYou might be asked to provide text information when accessing on-line service (e.g, your ID number or sending messages), you can pressalphanumeric keys to enter texts. Your phone provides 3 text entrymodes.To switch among these modes, press right soft key until you find thedesired one.alpha: Allows you to enter English characters. You can press key to change the character case.SYM: If this mode is selected, a symbol list will appear on the screen.Press an alphanumeric key that corresponds to the number ofthe symbol to enter the one you want.You can press “More” soft key to get more symbols.NUM: Allows you to enter numbers.Exit browserTo exit Browser, long press   key.You can use this function to set up the alarm clock you need and store the alarm clock setting in the phone memory. There are three settings for you to choose.You can use   and   on the scroll key to choose the item you want to set. Then press “Select” soft key to enter the submenu. You will be promped to enter the time of your alarm clock setting.Once:  Press “Select” soft key and you will be prompted to enter the time of your alarm clock setting. In this mode, the alarm clock will only activate once.Daily: Press “Select” soft key and you will be prompted to enter the time of your alarm clock setting. In this mode, the alarm clock will activate every day.Mon-Fri: Press “Select” soft key and you will be prompted to enter the time of your alarm clock setting. In this mode, the alarm clock will activate from Monday to Friday.Alarm clock
37BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneOff: Press “Select” soft key and you can set the alarm clock functionoff.You can use your phone as a handy calculator. A cursor will appear atthe upper left of the screen. Follow the chart below to enter numbersand arithmetic symbols.For example, to calculate the following formula:123 x (456+34) / 4-2Press (3 times) (twice)  (3 times)   (4 times)     (twice).Press the “=” soft key to display the result.Key Number/Function Key Number/Function19203+ - * /4. ( )5Clear number6“=” soft key Display result7 Move the cursor8“Option” soft keyThis item can also choose +, -, *, /, ., (, ). Calculator
38BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneView your scheduler eventsThere are 4 options in the menu. You can press   or   on thescroll key to select an option, and press "Select" soft key to enter.View Calendar: View the calendar and see the events of a particularday.View Event: View the events that have already occurred.Add Event: Add new events to your schedule.Erase All: Erase all events.If there are no events for your selection, "No Record" will appear onthe screen. Otherwise you can press   or   on the scroll key toselect the record you want to view and press "Select" soft key to seethe detail, or long press   key to delete the record.In the “View Event” screen, you can choose a specified event bypressing "Select" soft key to access the following two main options:1. View: After pressing “Selct” soft key, you can see the followingdetails:Event type: Select the event type.Description: The description of the event.Date: The date of the event.Time: The time of the event.Alarm : Select the alarm type: No Alarm, On Time, MinsBefore, Hours before.Repeat : Select the event repeat option: No Repeat, Daily,Weekly.To modify the details, you can press “Edit” left soft key. To savethe event, you can press “Done” right soft key. 2. Erase: Press "Select" soft key again and the selected event will bedeleted.Scheduler
39BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneAdd an eventYou can add new events to your scheduler, and you can choose to letthe phone generate an alarm to remind you of the event.To add a new event, first select "Add" then press "Select" softkey to select this item, then a "Reminder" menu appears:Meeting : add a new meeting.Call : add a new call (will prompt for a phone number).Birthday : add a new birthday.Other : add some other reminder.Press   or    key to select the reminder type you want,  then youwill be prompted to key in the contents of the event and select thedate of it. When finished, the Option menu will follow:Date : Enter the date of the event.Time : Enter the time of the event. After the time is set, you willsee the screen become similar to that in “View Event”.You can also press “Edit“ soft key to edit the details ofthe event.Alarm : Select the alarm type: No Alarm, On Time, Mins Before,Hours before.Repeat : Select the event repeat option: No Repeat, Daily,Weekly.You can press “Done” soft key to save the new event to memory.Erase allYou can use this function to delete all events in the scheduler.After you press "Select" soft key to select this item, press "Yes"soft key and all events in the memory will be erased.
40BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneYour phone provides 5 interesting games: Snake, Digit, Brick, FiveStone and Box World.SnakeMake the snake grow longer by feeding it with as many goodies aspossible. Use   (up),   (down),   (right) and (left) to direct the snake to a goody. The longer the snake, the higherthe score. You are not allowed to stop the snake or make it go backwards. Whenthe snake hits its own tail or eggs, or the surrounding frame, a game isover. Then the screen will show your score.After you select this game, you will see the following:Continue:  Resume a paused game. This item appears only when agame has been temporarily halted.New Game: Start a new game. If you want to exit the game before itis over (to halt a game), press   key. To resume a haltedgame, go to Continue. Set Level: Set the difficulty level of the game.Last View: Show the result of the last game you played.Help: Read the instructions for the game.DigitRearrange the numbers in the correct order shown below. Use (up),   (down),   (right) and   (left), or (up),   (down) on the scroll key to move the numbers. Whileplaying, the screen will show the time and number of steps you took.The menu options in this game are exactly the same as those in Snakeexcept that there is no Top Score.123456789Games
41BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneBrickIn this game you have to break an entire set of brick using a balland a racket. When you have broken all of the bricks, you go tothe next level with a new set of bricks to break.• Start a game by pressing the   key to fire the ball. The ball ismoving through the screen, bouncing in different directionsafter hitting the frame or the bricks. When the ball hits a brick,the brick disappears.• Use   (left) and   (right) to move the rackethorizontally at the screen bottom. You can also press-hold thesekeys to move the racket without stopping. When the ballreaches the bottom, you must hit it to make it bounce towardsthe bricks.• You can change the direction in which the ball bounces byhitting the ball in a particular angle.• You have three credits for each game. If the ball goes past thebottom, you lose one credit. The game ends if you lose all yourthree credits.• The more bricks you break, the more points you score.• A falling object may appear as the ball hits the bricks. You cantell what the object means by looking at the icon shown at thebottom right of the screen, which helps you decide whether tocatch or dodge the object:• The skull warns you to dodge a deadly falling object. Ifthe object hits your racket, you lose one credit.• The key tells you to catch a falling object for access tothe next level directly.• "$" tells you to get a falling object for bonus.• The missile tells you that catching the object will makethe ball bounce faster.•   indicates that catching the object will shortenthe racket narrower.•   indicates that catching the object will lengthenthe racket.The menu options in this game are the same as those in Snake.
42BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneFive StoneThis is a traditional checker-type game in which the lining up offive pieces in a straight line scores victory. It’s a kind of gobang.Box WorldYou have to push the boxes to the black spots to score.With this function, you can set your hour reminder. Choose “On” andpress “Select” soft key to activate this function.This function allows you to convert foreign and local currency.With this function, you can easily check the current time in 6 majorcities in the world. Select a city and the current time will appear onthe screen.This item provides you a stopwatch function which allows you tocount time.Hour ReminderCurrency ConverterWorld timeStopwatch
43BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThis item provides you a quick key list which allows you to find anduse these common functions. With this function, you can easily findthe function you want to use.The number you entered during a call (see “In call options” onpage 18) is stored here. You can choose to save it to Phone Book.Quick KeyScratch pad
44BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneSettings MenuThe options in the Settings Menu allow you to customize the date,display and other settings of your phone according to yourpreferences.You can use   or   on the scroll key to highlight an item andpress “Select” soft key to enter.Disp Time/Date• Press “Select” soft key to choose time and date display mode.Date Format• Press “Select” soft key to choose date display format.Time Format• Press “Select” soft key to choose time display format.PowerOn Time • This item allows your handset to be powered on at a specifiedtime automatically. PowerOff Time • This item allows your handset to be powered off at a specifiedtime automatically. Set Time You can set up the system time of your phone here. However, if thedigital network is available, the time setting of the digital network willoverride your time setup here.Date/Time
45BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneTo set up current time:• Press the alphanumeric keys to set up current hour and minute.Use  or  on the scroll key to select “AM” or “PM”. Press“OK” soft key.• Then, use the alphanumeric keys to set up current date.• Press “OK” soft key.When you press a key on the keypad, the back light of the screen willbe turned on automatically. The back light of the phone screen allowsyou to clearly read the information displayed on the screen when theenvironment is dark. However, letting the back light stay on too longwill drain the power of battery quicker. There are two items for youto modify your backlight setting:Duration Press “Select” soft key to view the option list and use   or   onthe scroll key to highlight an item, then press “Select” soft key toselect.5 Seconds: If no key is pressed after the back light is on for 5seconds, it will be turned off automatically.10 Seconds: If no key is pressed after the back light is on for 10seconds, it will be turned off automatically. 20 Seconds: If no key is pressed after the back light is on for 20seconds, it will be turned off automatically.60 Seconds: If no key is pressed after the back light is on for 60seconds, it will be turned off automatically.Always Off: Always turn off the backlight.Color Your phone provides 3 different backlight, blue, orange, and purple foryou to choose. Press “Select” soft key to view the option list and use or   on the scroll key to highlight an item, then press “Select”soft key to select.Backlight
46BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneYou can adjust the LCD contrast level of your phone here. Press“Select” soft key to enter and choose the level you like.You can choose the language used to display information on the phonescreen.• Select “Language” in the Settings Menu.• Use   or   on the scroll key to select a language, then press“Select” soft key to confirm.• When an incoming call is received, you can choose to use one of thefollowing modes to answer that call. To choose an answer mode:• Press “Select” soft key to view the options and use   or   onthe scroll key to highlight the mode you want to use:Send Key: The call can be answered by pressing “Send” keyon the keypad. Any Key: The call can be answered by pressing any key onthe keypad.FlipActivate: The call will be answered in flipactivationmode.• Press “Select” soft key to select.The Auto mode works only when a hands free or car kit is connected to thephone, or the Answer Machine function is activated.LCD Contrast LanguageAnswer By
47BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneWhen you try to make a call but you are not successful, you can letyour phone try redialing for you. To activate auto redial function:• Press “Select” soft key to view the options and press   or on the scroll key to highlight a mode you want to use. Prompt: Your phone will prompt you before retrying.Enable: If the call is not connected, your phone will retrymaking the call for 5 times.Disable: The phone does not retry making the call.• Press “Select” soft key to confirm.This item allows you to restore the default value when the phone ishaving problems. These default values are factory settings optimizedfor your phone. You will be prompted to enter your phone codebefore the default values are set.Auto Redial Restore Default Value
48BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneCall Srvcs MenuThe Call Services Menu allows you to set up call and networkservices. You can use   or   on the scroll key to highlight an item andpress “Select” soft key to enter.When you dial a call, answer an incoming call or on conversation, ifthe total call time exceeds the time limit set here, the limited alerttimer will give you a warning pop up display and beep.To set up usage limit:• Press “Select”  key to enter Limit Alert On/Off menu.• Use   or   on the scroll key to select “On”, then press“Select” soft key.• Enter the limit time in minutes.To deactivated usage limit:• Press “Select”  key to enter Limit Alert On/Off menu.• Use   or   on the scroll key to select “Off”, then press“Select” soft key.This item allows you to choose your call service mode. There are twooptions for you to choose: CDMA only and Automatic.There are 3 options for you to choose: NAM 1, NAM 2, and Auto.Limit AlertForce ModeNAM Select
49BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneYou can choose the home system to use.To select:• Use   or   on the navigation key to scroll the options below:Home Only: Use only home network.Automatic: The phone selects the home systemautomatically.• Press “Select” soft key to select.This item allows you to change the data service: Voice Mode, FaxMode, and Data Mode. • Once: Operating Fax or Data mode once and then it will go backto voice mode.Use this function to activate your voice privacy. Press “Select” key tostart activating “On” or “Off” to deactivate.This is an optional and network dependent feature. Please contact yournetwork service provider for availability.With this function, you can activate your phone. Press “Select” softkey and you will be prompted to confirm with “Yes” or “ No”.Choose “Yes” to activate and “No” to deactivate. System SelectData ServiceVoice PrivacyPhone Activation
50BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneAudio MenuThe Audio Menu allows you to set up or change the audio settings ofthe phone. There are 5 submenus: Profiles, System Alert, Answer By,DTMF Setting, and Melody Editor, which  provide you audio selectionin the Audio menu.You can use   or   on the scroll key to highlight an item andpress “Select” soft key to enter.Enter this sumenu to use built-in audio function. Press “Select” key tochoose audio function.Svc Change:  The phone will alert when its service system changes.Roaming: Roaming alert is generated when you are roaming under a friendly network. Minute Alert: Minute alert is generated once every minute after a phone call is connected. This item allows you to change DTMF function. Press “Select” soft keyto enter and select your options. There are two options for you tochoose: DTMF Mute and Duration.Enter this sumenu and you can edit your audio melody. Press “Select”key to start your edition.ProfilesSystem AlertDTMF MuteMelodyEditor
51BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneSecurity MenuThe options in the Security Menu can help keep your phone fromunauthorized access. You have to enter the lock code to enter the submenu. Thedefault lock code is the last four digits of your phone number. After you enter the security code, you can use   or   on thescroll key to highlight an item and press “Select” soft key to enter.This function allows you to lock the phone. If the phone is locked, youcan only make emergency calls (see “Emergency number” on page 52).To lock phone (Phone Lock):• Press “Select” soft key and then   or   on the scroll key tohighlight one of the following options. Power On: The next time you power on your phone, itwill be locked automatically. To unlock thephone, enter the unlock code.Now: The phone will lock immediately. Off: Cancel all lock modes.• Press “Select” soft key to select.You can change the security code of your phone.Press “Select” soft key and you will be prompted to enter the newlock code (4 digits). Enter the new lock code twice.Lock StatusChange codeCall restrict
52BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneThis function allows you to restrict incoming and outgoing calls. IncomingRestrict all incoming calls. OutgoingRestrict all outgoing calls. Roam IncomingRestrict all incoming calls when you are roaming. Roam OutgoingRestrict all outgoing calls when you are roaming. You can store three emergency numbers in the emergency numberlist. When the phone is locked, only numbers that match the numbersin the emergency number list can be dialed.To add an emergency number:•  Press “Select” soft key and the screen shows the emergencynumber stored in the memory.•  Press   or   on the scroll key to scroll the location of theemergency number (1, 2 or 3), then press “Select” soft key tostart entering the number.•  When completed, press “OK” soft key. To add more emergency numbers, repeat the steps above.Emergency number
53Chapter 4: Care and Maintenance
54BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneYour phone is a delicate electronic device and should be used andhandled carefully in compliance with the instructions below. Failure toobserve these instructions may void your product warranty.•  Do not use your phone in dusty and humid areas. Your phone isextremely vulnerable to liquid and sand grains can scratch thesurface of your phone.•  Do not store your phone in extremely hot or cold areas. Heatcan cause damage to both the outer case and components insidethe phone. In an extremely cold area, moisture can form insidethe phone after you turn on your phone and it can damage thecomponents inside.  •  Do not drop, shake or knock your phone. This will cause damageto the components and circuits of the phone.•  Do not use strong detergents, thinners or other corrosive liquidto clean your phone. Instead, use a clean, lint-free and slightlydampened cloth. When you do so, keep water from gettinginside the phone.•  Keep your phone, batteries and accessories away from reach ofsmall children.•  Use only supplied or approved replacement antenna and accesso-ries. Unapproved antenna and accessories can cause damage toyour phone and your health.•  Follow the safety instructions as set forth at the beginning of thismanual.
55Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
56BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneWhen you encounter problems while using your mobile phone, please refer to thefollowing table to solve the problem. If problem persists, please contact your dealerimmediately for service.Problems Possible cause How to solve the problemPoor signalreceptionYou are using your mobilephone in a location (e.g. inthe basement or building)where signal is weak.Move to a location where signalcan be better received.You are using your mobilephone in a peak-demandtime (e.g. the rush hour).Make your call later.You are too far from thebase station of your networkservice provider. Move closer to a base station.Echo or noiseDue to the quality of thenetwork trunk of yournetwork service provider. Poor local telephone linequality.Hang up the phone and then dialagain. You may be switched to abetter-quality network trunk orline.The standby timebecomes shortThe standby time can dependon the system settings ofyour network serviceprovider. If you are in a location where thesignal is weak, turn off yourphone temporarily.The battery may be at theend of its service life.  Use a new battery.If the phone can not getconnected to a network, itwill continue searching forthe signal from the basestation, which consumesbattery capacity. Change your location or turn offyour phone temporarily.Unable to poweron The battery is drained. Recharge the battery.
57BenQ C260 Mobile PhoneVersion: 1.0Unable to chargethe batteryThe battery or charger ismalfunctioning. Contact your dealer.The phone temperature isunder 41°F or above 104°F.Change the battery chargingenvironment.Poor connection. Check to see if all connectorsare connected properly. Unable to inputdata into the PhoneBookThe Phone book memory isfull. Delete some data from thePhone Book. Unable to choosecertain function(s)Your network serviceprovider doesn't supportsuch function(s).Contact your network serviceprovider.
58BenQ C260 Mobile Phone<Memo>

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