Benq 56E10 S670C GSM PCS Band Cellular Telephone User Manual S660C TC EN

Benq Corporation S670C GSM PCS Band Cellular Telephone S660C TC EN


Users Manual Part 2 Revised

Menus 105name.5. You can now perform the following tasks:a. Press  (Option) to select whether to edit or delete thememo, or send this memo to others through SMS.b. Press   to view the information in the memo. Then press (Option) to edit or delete the memoc. Press  (Back) to return to the Calendar screen. You canmove the red box to other dates to create additional memos(dates that already contain memos will be marked by ayellow box); you can also create a second memo for the samedate. The procedure is identical to that described previously.6. After creating all the event memos you wish, return to the Calendarscreen. You can now press (Option) and select:•Delete All: Deletes all currently saved memos.•Auto Delete: If this feature is activated, all event memos for dates priorto the current date will be automatically deleted.To Do ListYou can use this feature to create a list of work tasks or personalprojects.1. Press (Option) and then select Add to bring up the editorwindow. After entering the name of the task, press    to create thisto do item.2. In the list screen, scroll to the desired to do item, and then press(Option) to add a new to do item, or to edit or delete theselected to do item. If there are two or more items in the list, you canselect Delete All to delete all of them.3. In the list screen, if there are any to do items that have already been
106 Menuscompleted, you can scroll to the item and then press   to mark it toremind yourself that the task has been done. If youpress (Option), you can activate the Auto Delete, which willautomatically clear any to do items that you have marked ascompleted.NoteYou can use this feature to create a list of notes.1. Press (Option) and select Add to bring up the editor screen.Enter the desired text and press    .2. A message on the screen will ask whether you wish to add a passwordfor this note. If you press   (Ye s), you will from then on need toenter the phone password in order to view the contents of the note.Press  (No) to save the note without adding a password.8The default phone password is 1234. To change the password, go tothe menu Settings → Security → Phone Lock. See page 161.Tool sCameraYou can use the phone's digital camera here to shoot photos. Forinformation on using the camera, see page 53, "Camera Function".
Menus 107Alarm ClockUse the following steps to set an alarm:/If you activate the Alarm Clock feature, when the specified date andtime arrive, the phone will sound the alarm, even if your phone isturned off.DayUsed to set the alarm to go off ona particular day from Monday toSunday. Press   (Edit) to displaythe days of the week. Press (Select) to make your selection.When done, press   to returnto the Alarm Ring screen. TheDay field will now indicate thedays on which the alarm will gooff.TimeAllows you enter the time when an alarm will go off.1. Select an alarm you wish to set and activate.2. Press   to select the feature for activation. Theconfiguration fields for the alarm will appear in thelower part of the screen.The days on which thealarm will go off.
108 Menus3. Lastly, you must press    to save all your current Alarm Clocksettings. After completing Alarm Clock settings,   will appear inthe external display's status bar;   will appear in the main display'sstatus bar.ShortcutsFor a description of the features accessible through the Shortcuts menu,see page 58, "Shortcuts Menu".Voi c e  Mem oFor a description of the features accessible through the Voice Memomenu, see page 86, "Voice Memo".Time DurationAllows you to set the length of the alarm. Press (Edit) to select thedesired alarm duration and then press   ./When the alarm rings, there are two ways to turn it off:•Press (Snooze)  to stop the alarm. The alarm will ring againfive minutes later.•Press  to turn off the alarm. The alarm will not ring until the nextscheduled time.
Menus 109CalculatorCurrency ConverterBelow is a description of the Currency Converter screen:1. To set the currencies for conversion, press(Option) and select either Currency 1 (to setthe currency at the top of the screen) or Currency2 (to set the currency at the bottom of the screen),then press   to confirm. After selecting acurrency from the list, press   .Allows you to use the phone as acalculator. Use   to performthe mathematical operationsshown on the screen.8You can enter numbers upto a maximum of 8 digits inlength.Entered numbers and calculation results will appear in this field.Press  to enter a decimal point.Currency 1: EUR (euros)The current exchangerate settingCurrency 2: USD(US dollars)For entering the amountfor conversionOnce you enter the Currency Converter screen, the default currencieswill be displayed, as shown in this example:
110 Menus2. Used to set the exchange rate.Press (Option) and select Rate Setting, thenenter the rate for converting from Currency 1 toCurrency 2. The conversion calculation result willbe displayed in the same line as the bottomcurrency on the screen. Use the   to view thecalculation result. The calculation can provideprecision up to two decimal places.8The exchange rate field can accommodate amaximum of five digits (including decimal digits).8Press to enter a decimal point.3. After returning to the Currency Converter screen,you can select one of the currencies and then enteran amount that you wish to convert into the othercurrency.8You can enter amounts up to six digits long.4. After pressing   the converted amount willappear in the field for the other currency.
Menus 111Stopwatch4. Once the stopwatch is halted, press  (Reset) to zero the stopwatch.Countdown Timer1. Enter the amount of time to count down. You can set any time up to23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.2. When you press   , the countdown timer will begin countingdown to zero. When the countdown is finished, the screen willdisplay the "Time's Up" message and an alert sound will be played.Press  (Exit) to leave the screen.3. Press   to stop the countdown timer.4. After the countdown timer is stopped, you can press  (Reset) andenter a new time to count down.5. When the countdown timer is running, press  (Back). The "StopTimer?" message will appear. If you press  (Ye s), the countdown1. Press   to start the stopwatch.2. While the stopwatch is running, you can press  (Split) to save up four elapsed times (such as in arace). The display will show the saved times in thelower part of the screen.8Pressing (Back) while the stopwatch is runningwill bring up the "Quit?" warning message (thestopwatch will continue to run). Press   (Yes) tostop the stopwatch or   (No) to return to the timerscreen.3. Press   to halt the stopwatch.
112 Menustimer will stop and return to the timer screen. If you press   (No),you will exit the countdown timer screen, but the countdown timerwill continue the countdown. You can then perform other tasks, andwhen the countdown is finished, the "Time's Up" message will appearand an alert sound will be played. Press  (Exit) to exit the screen.Memory StatusShows the amount of memory, including space for storing pictures,animations, and ring tones on the phone. The amount will be displayedas "Remaining Usable Memory / Total Usable Memory".Service NumberThis option can be used to display the service number that the networkoperator has stored on the SIM card.8Requires network operator support.SIM Toolkit MenuYour network operator provided you with the mobile services in thisSIM Toolkit (STK, for short) menu. Depending on the particularservices provided by the network operator, this menu may contain anumber of extra options. However, if the network operator has notprovided any STK services, this menu will not appear on the screen. Fordetailed information, contact your network operator.8Requires network operator support.
Menus 113GamesYour phone provides a number of exciting games that you can use toentertain yourself when you have a spare moment.Champion Soccer1. After choosing this option, select Start to enter thegame's opening screen. Press   and selectSTART to begin a new round of play.2. Select World Cup Mode or Arcade Mode.This game lets you manage one of the world's top eightsoccer teams in its quest to win the greatest prize inworld soccer.
114 Menus3. In the World Cup Mode, you can select your ownteam with the opposing team selected at randomby the phone. If your team wins, you face the nextteam as you make a challenge for the World Cuptitle. In the Arcade Mode, you can select your ownteam and the opposing team to play a single game.Press   to select a flag representing a nationalteam, and then press   to confirm.4. After the message announcing the first halfappears, press   to begin the game.
Menus 115Game ControlsDuring the game, you need to control your three players on thepitch, while your goalkeeper is controlled by the phone.•When attacking, use  to  ,  and   (thealphanumeric keys, excepting  ) to move the players.Use to to pass the ball (you will see the player'snumber on the screen), and when near the goal, press  to take a shot on goal.•When on defense, use   to  ,   and   (thealphanumeric keys, excepting  ) to move a player.Use to to select a player to move (you will be ableto see the player's number on the screen). When a player onthe opposing team is near the goal, use    to tackle.•If you want to stop a game during play, press   and  .•When on defense, use these three keys to select players to move.•When attacking, use these three keys to select which player to pass the ball to.•When on defense, press   to tackle.•When attacking, press   to take a shot on goal.•Controls the direction of the player's movement.•Controls the direction of the player's movement.
116 MenusGame screenGame options•START: Begins a new game.•Continue: Resumes an interrupted game. Usable only in theWorld Cup Mode.•Controls: Brings up an explanation of how to use keys during agame.•Ranking: Records the rankings of the teams after a tournament inthe World Cup Mode is completed.•Option: Sound: Press   to adjust the volume, or to turn offbackground music.Mini Map:  Shows/hides the full pitch view.Time: Sets the duration of a half.Full pitch viewWhite point: The position of the player you are controllingBlack point: The ball's locationBlue points: Your teammatesRed points: Players on the opposing team.The opposing teamYour  te amYour score The opposing team's scoreTimerThe number of the player you are controlling.
Menus 117•Exit: Quits this game.
118 MenusDragon FightThe flying dragon that you control must makeincursions into hostile territory and destroy enemies.Select Start to enter the game's opening screen, andthen press   to begin play. The more enemies youdestroy, the higher your score. If you collide into anenemy, you lose one flying dragon.Press      to control the direction of the dragon's flightPick up objects like this to increase the power of your weaponEnemySuper BombsNumber of remaining dragonsScoreShieldPress   to shoot thelaser gun or fireballsPress   to launch afirestorm or bring up aprotective shieldPress   to increase the power of your weapon.
Menus 119InternetYour phone includes a built-in WAP browser, allowing you to use thephone for mobile Internet connectivity. You can browse the onlineservices offered by the network operator or ISP, such as information onfinancial news, sports, travel, and entertainment. To use the phone toget online, necessary WAP and GPRS settings must be made in thismenu.8You must apply to a network operator for WAP services and completeWAP and GPRS settings in this menu before you will be able to takeadvantage of mobile Internet connectivity. In general, once theservice you have applied for has been activated, the network operatorwill automatically transmit the needed settings to your phone. If this isnot the case, you must perform this configuration yourself. Forinformation about WAP and GPRS services and configuration details,contact a network operator providing these services.WAP  S er v ice/Your phone provides the following methods for activating the browserand getting online.1. From the standby screen, activate the browser and get online byusing the feature that allows you to connect directly to URLs. Fordetails, see page 91, "Direct Connection to URLs".2. Activate the browser from the three options in the menu Internet→ WAP Service:•Start Browser: Starts up the browser and connects to thehomepage.•WAP Message: Starts up the browser and accesses the WAPinbox for reading text messages.•Enter Address: Starts up the browser and connects to theURL that you enter.
120 MenusStart BrowserStarts up the browser and connects to the homepage.Browsing a webpageReferring to the soft key commands at the bottom of the screen,press  and  to perform needed tasks while browsing awebpage. Press  to scroll up or down a webpage. For details onbrowsing a webpage, inquire with the network operator providingWAP services. Your Internet connectivity service will determine thelayout and content of the webpages you view. Depending on thespecifics of your service, they way you browse the Internet on yourphone will differ.How to close the browser and end the online session•While online, press   or long-press  .•If you are already viewing a WAP webpage, long-press    orfrom the browser's menu select Exit.How to display the browser's menuWhile viewing a WAP webpage, press   to display the browser'smenu. Referring to the soft key commands at the bottom of thescreen, press   and   to access the various options. Press thecorresponding alphanumeric keys to directly select an option. Thebrowser menu contains the following items:BackSelecting this option will take you to the page you viewedpreviously.
Menus 121HomeReturns to the home page. To designate a particular page to beyour home page, go to 9 Settings → 1 Homepage.ExitCloses the browser and returns you to the main menu screen.InboxWhen your phone receives a message that can only be viewedusing a WAP browser, you enter this WAP inbox to read themessage.BookmarksYou can open the Bookmarks menu and select webpagebookmarks.ViewAllows you to see the current bookmarks and bookmarksfolders. Scroll to the desired bookmark or bookmarksfolder, and you can:•Press  (Go) to link to the webpage that the bookmarkrepresents. If you have selected a bookmarks folder, selectthe desired bookmark from within the folder, and thenpress  (Go).•Press  (Menu) to display the following options:Details: Displays the bookmark's title and the URL itrepresents.Delete: Deletes the bookmark or bookmarks folder.New Bookmark: Creates a new bookmark.New Folder: Creates a new bookmarks folder.
122 MenusMove to Folder: Moves a bookmark to thedesignated folder.Delete All: Deletes all bookmarks and book-marksfolders.Hotkeys: Allows you set a numerical key as a hotkeyfor a bookmark. After completing the setting, youcan press this numerical key to directly link to thewebpage represented by the bookmark.Mark SiteAdds the current webpage to your bookmarks list.GoTo URLPress  (Edit) and enter the URL of the webpage that youwish to browse, and then scroll to the Go option and press (Go) to link to that URL.Save ItemsWhen viewing a webpage, if you discover that it contains animage that can be downloaded, you can access this option tosave the image to your phone. Subsequently, this image will beavailable for use when you are composing messages orchoosing a standby screen wallpaper.ReloadReloads the current webpage.SettingsYou can enter this item to making the following settings:8For detailed information about the following settings, contactyour ISP.
Menus 123HomepageDesignates a homepage. When you start up the WAPbrowser or if you select Home from the browser's menu,the screen will display the homepage you designate.a. Press (Edit) and then enter the URL of the webpagethat you wish to use as your homepage. (Some WAPservice providers do not allow users to set a homepage.)b. Select the Save option to designate the URL you enteredas your homepage. Select Use Default to use thehomepage designated by your WAP service provider.Scroll ModeYou can select two scrolling modes: Block or Smooth. Inthe Block mode, as many words as will fit in a line areshown for a few seconds, then the next line is shown, andso on. In the Smooth mode, the content scrolls smoothlyon the screen. You can also adjust the scrolling speed: Fast,Medium, Slow.Send ReferrerThis option allows you to determine whether the browserwill send an HTTP referrer header.Key Press TimeoutThis option sets the amount of time that the phone waitsduring text entry before automatically advancing thecursor to the next entry position. As long as the same key isre-pressed within the interval of time set here, it willcontinue to cycle through the characters available throughthat key.
124 MenusSet ProxyYour phone can save the settings for six WAP proxyservers. You can select one of these proxy settings for use asa default so that your phone will connect to that proxyserver when you begin an Internet session.You can also go to the menu Internet → Wap Service →Wap Settings to select the server that you wish to activate.See page 126.Circuit PromptThe Circuit Prompt is a message displayed before eachcircuit data call is made. It reads, "Circuit is down. Start adata call?" You can choose to enable or disable this feature.SecuritySecure PromptThe Secure Prompt message is displayed before youleave a secure area. It reads, "Entering a non-securearea. OK?" You can choose to enable or disable thisfeature.Current CertificateDisplays information on the certificate currently inuse. CA CertificatesDisplays information on the built-in certificate. Acertificate is a digital ID issued by a trusted third partyknown as a certificate authority (CA). The phone usesCA certificates to authenticate websites that sendinformation to the phone.
Menus 125AuthenticationYou can decide whether your phone should store youruser name and passwords for websites that requirethem. If you allow your phone to authenticate youautomatically, you will not need to re-enter your username and password each time you visit the samewebsite.AdvancedRestart BrowserRestarts the browser, and automatically returns to thedesignated homepage. This feature is provided foryour convenience if network errors occur, allowingyou to restart the browser and re-establish yourInternet connection.DownloadsIf this option is enabled, you will not be able todownload images, background audio, and objects.View Title RegionYou can choose whether or not to have the browserdisplay webpage titles. You can also set this option sothat titles exceeding a certain length will be split intoseparate lines. (The first line of the browser displays a"G" and a globe image, while the second is the "titleregion". The actual webpage content begins on thethird line.)About…From here, you can view information about theversion of the browser that you are using.
126 MenusWAP MessageStarts up the browser and displays the WAP inbox so you can readWAP messages.Enter AddressStarts up the browser and connects to the URL you enter.ResumeReturns to the last webpage you viewed.Clear CacheClears webpage content that the browser temporarily stores inmemory.WAP  S e t t in g sIn this menu, you can make settings for the WAP servers of sixdifferent network operators, and select the server that you wouldlike to use when connecting to the Internet.The first time that you start your phone after inserting a SIM card,the ISP name of the network operator issuing the SIM card willappear in this menu's first group of settings. This indicates thatyour network operator's WAP server settings will be saved underthe name shown. The phone will activate this group of settings foruse in connecting to the Internet.To activate another set of WAP server settings, scroll to the group ofsettings you wish to use and then press  . The phone will activatethese settings for use in connecting to the Internet.
Menus 127By scrolling to a particular group of WAP server settings that youwish to modify, and then pressing (Option), you can create anew group of settings, edit the settings, or delete the settings.WAP server settings include the fields listed below. Press   (Edit)to edit the setting in each field. When you are finished with thesettings for all fields, you must press     in order for this group ofWAP server settings to be saved.•Profile Name: Gives the WAP server settings a name.•Homepage: Sets the webpage that the browser will link to when itis started up. After you enter this item, key in the URL for thewebpage that you would like to use as the homepage —forexample,•IP Address: Enter the IP address used for accessing the mobileInternet.•Port: Enter the connection port specified by the network operator—for example, 9201.•Bearer Mode: Before connecting to the Internet, you must set thisitem according to whether your Internet connection bearer modeis a GPRS network system or a GSM dialup network. Doing sowill allow you to properly link to the data network to browse WAPpages, download Java programs, and so forth. If you are using aGPRS network, you can use both the GPRS and dialup network toconnect to the Internet. If, however, you are using a dialupnetwork, you are restricted to using only the dialup network toconnect to the Internet.GPRS/CSD: Use the GPRS network preferentially. Only ifthere is no GPRS network present will the dialup network beused.GPRS: Use only the GPRS network.
128 MenusCSD/GPRS: Use the dialup network preferentially. Only ifthere is no dialup network will the GPRS network be used.CSD: Use only the dialup network.•GPRS: To modify settings for a GPRS account, press  (Edit) toedit the settings in each field. GPRS settings include the followingfields:APN: Enter the APN (Access Point Name) assigned by yournetwork operator.User Name: If needed, enter the user name provided by yournetwork operator.Password: If needed, enter the account password provided byyour network operator.•CSD: If you are using a GSM network, you must configure andactivate a CSD account. Press   (Edit) to edit the settings in thefollowing fields:Dial Number: When you start up the browser to connect tothe Internet, you phone will dial this number. Your telecomsnetwork operator or ISP will provide this number to you.User Name: This is your user account name, and is providedby your network operator.Password: The account password provided by the networkprovider./A dialup network is a GSM Circuit Switch Data Service (CSDfor short). Using a dialup network can be likened to using ahome computer's modem, in that before connecting to theInternet a number must be dialed. As for GPRS, it like theLANs used at company, where users do not need to dial anumber to access the network. Regular GSM users who arenot using a GPRS network system can only have a dialupconnection to the Internet.
Menus 129Line Type: This is the type of dialup connection. Press  to select.Baud Rate: The default value is 9600, which is the standardspeed for data connections with a GSM mobile phone.Auth Type: This is information needed fortelecommunications protocol authentication.
130 MenusJAVAYour phone provides Java support, allowing you to download andinstall Java applications that you like, such as various Java games, fromsites provided by your network operator. You can then run these Javaapplications directly on your phone. If you do not need an application,you can remove it from your phone at any time, replacing it withanother downloaded application.The JAVA menu contains the following items:JAVA SettingsBefore you can begin downloading Java applications, you must go to themenu Internet → JAVA → Environment Settings → Internet Setting, andthen press  (Edit) to complete the settings below. When you arefinished making all settings, you must press     to save them.•Profile Name: Provides a name for this Internet setting.Appli-cation BrowserAll Java applications will be listed in this menu.The  Application Browser menu serves as a file manager,and includes the option to place Java applications intogroups, similar to folders, for convenient organization of andaccess to the Java applications you download.Environ-ment SettingsThis sets a file size limit for downloads, allows you tocomplete necessary Java online settings, and displaysmemory usage within Java (space in use/space available).OTAUse this option to set the Java website URL that you wish toconnect to, and start up the browser to get online anddownload Java applications.
Menus 131•Network Access: Some types of Java games are only playable online(for example, mahjong), and using the phone to go online entails anextra cost. However, it may not be possible to determine from agame's name alone whether or not it is an online game. Therefore, thissetting allows you to be presented a prompt asking if you wish to goonline to play a game before actually running the program.Always Ask: Each time you attempt to launch an online game, youwill be asked if you want to connect to the Internet.Ask Once per AP: You will only be asked if you want to go onlinethe first time you attempt to launch an online game. The nexttime you attempt to launch the game, the same choice that youmade the first time will be applied.Never Ask: Each time you launch an online game, the phone willautomatically connect to the Internet, and you will not be askedto confirm.•DNS: Here you can enter the IP address of the Domain Name Serverthat you wish to use.•Bearer Mode: Before you download a Java application from theInternet, you must set the network system that you are using to eitherGPRS or CSD (dialup).•Based on the bearer mode that you have set, you will need to makefurther settings for either the GPRS or dialup network. For details onconfiguring GPRS and dialup network access, see page 128.Downloading JAVA applications1. To download Java applications from the Internet, go the menuInternet  → JAVA → OTA, and enter the URL for the download site.Pressing   will start up the Java download program and link to thespecified site to begin downloading a Java application.2. If you provide a confirm command, the Java application will beautomatically installed into the MyApps  group in the JAVA
132 MenusApplication Browser and terminate the Internet connection. Afterinstallation is complete, you can enter a new URL to download a Javaapplication from another site.3. In addition, you can also use the WAP browser to download Javaapplications. The browser screen will first display information aboutthe applications. After you have read this information, you can runthe download command shown on the screen to begin downloadingthe desired application to the MyApps group on the phone.Managing and running JAVA applicationsTo manage and run Java applications installed on the phone, go to themenu JAVA → Applications Browser. All Java applications will be listedin this menu. The Applications Browser menu serves as a file manager,and the groups listed within it can be thought of as folders used toorganize different types of Java applications.When you enter the Applications Browser menu, you will see the defaultgroup MyApps, where all downloaded Java applications will initially beinstalled. The name of this group cannot be changed, and the groupitself cannot be deleted. Press   to enter MyApps, and then select thename of the desired Java application. You can now:•Press (Option) to access the following options:Content: Displays information about the Java application.Delete: Deletes the Java application.
Menus 133Move: Removes the Java application from the MyApps group andplaces it in another group in the Applications Browser. Scroll tothe group where you wish to move the application and then press .8To move a Java application to a group other than MyApps whenit is currently the only group, you must press   (Option) in theJAVA → Applications Browser menu and select New to createa new group.•Press   to show the names of the executable files of the applications.Scroll to the desired executable file and press    to run thecorresponding Java application.8After starting up a Java application, use the keys corresponding tothe commands shown in the soft key bar in the lower part of thescreen to control that application.•Use only BenQ-certified Java applications in order to ensure thatthey will run properly on your phone.•You must complete related settings in the menu JAVA →Environment Settings → Internet Setting in order to use a Javaprogram to get online or to download Java games./The default Java applications contained in MyApps may differaccording to localized configurations. Once you begin running anapplication, simply follow the on-screen instructions. You can delete itin order to install other application software.
134 MenusMultimediaPictureThis image library stores the phone's default pictures, as well as imagesreceived in EMS messages, or downloaded through WAP services orusing multimedia communications tools.Scroll to the desired picture to access the following options:•Press   to display this picture. Pressing   will display the next orprevious picture; pressing   will show the full-screen picture.•Press (Option) to perform the following tasks with the picture:Rename: Allows you to provide the picture with a new name.8The phone's default picture cannot be renamed, so this option isnot present for it.Delete: Deletes the picture.8The phone's default picture cannot be deleted, so this option isnot present for it.Send: Sends the picture in a message.8Only pictures supporting EMS can be sent with a message, sonon-EMS pictures do not offer this option. For information aboutmessaging features, see page 62, "Messages Menu".Information: Displays the picture's name, file size, and whetherthe file is a default picture, a picture you have saved or one youdownloaded yourself (noted as User Defined).The file formats supported by the phone are BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG(progressive or marithmetic-encoded saves not supported), and EMSpicture.
Menus 135Set Wallpaper: Use the picture as the wallpaper for the standbyscreen.AnimationThis animation library stores the phone's default animations, as well asanimations received in EMS messages, or downloaded through WAPservices or using multimedia communications tools. The procedure forusing this menu is the same as that described above for the Picturemenu.8Only animations that support the EMS format can be sent with amessage.MelodyMy MelodiesThis ring tone library includes the phone's default ring tones, aswell as ring tones received in EMS messages, or downloadedthrough WAP services or using multimedia communications tools,or that you have created yourself with the Composer function.Scroll to the desired ring tone, and press   (Option) to performthe following tasks with the ring tone:•Set Ringtone: Makes the ring tone the alert sound for incomingcalls.The phone supports the following animation file formats: GIF, EMSanimation.The phone supports the following music file formats: MIDI,SMAF.
136 Menus8Ring tones that support the EMS format (such as Chimes High)cannot be set as the phone's alert sound for incoming calls, sothey do not offer this menu option.•Rename: Allows you to give a new name to the ring tone.8The phone's default ring tones cannot be renamed, so they donot present this option.•Edit: Allows you to edit the ring tone.8The phone's default ring tone cannot be edited, and onlyComposer offers this option. For information on how to edit ringtones, see page 137, "Composer".•Delete: Deletes user-edited ring tones.8The phone's default ring tones cannot be deleted. Only user-created or downloaded ring tones provide this option.•Send: Sends the ring tone in a message.8Only EMS format ring tones (such as ChimesHigh) can be sentwith a message. Non-EMS ring tones (including default ringtones and user-created ring tones that can be set as the alertsound for incoming calls) do not provide this option. Forinformation about messaging features, see page 62, "MessagesMenu".•Information: Displays the name of the ring tone, its file size, andwhether it is a default ring tone, or a file that you have saved ordownloaded yourself (noted as User Defined).
Menus 137ComposerYou can edit your own polyphonic ring tone melodies, and usethem as alert sounds for incoming calls.A polyphonic ring tone consists of musical tones in multiplechannels. The Composer function allows you to create a maximumof 8 channels, mixing them to create the final polyphonic ring tone.Note formatEntering default notesPress   to   to enter the eight pitches in an octave asquarter notes: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. The screen will display:4C5, 4D5, 4E5, 4F5, 4G5, 4A5 and 4B5.Entering a default restPress    to enter a quarter rest: 40./The "4" on the left shows that the represented note is aquarter note; the "5" indicates that it is in the fifth octave.Length Octave SharpPitch
138 MenusAdjusting the length of a noteThe default note length is a quarter note (the screen uses thenumber 4 to represent a quarter note). Press   to increasethe note's length (the number on the screen will increase);press   to reduce the note's length (the number on thescreen will decrease). Various note lengths are represented bythe numbers shown in the chart:Adjusting a note's octaveThe default notes just entered are in the middle octave(represented on the screen by the number 5). Press    toadjust a note's octave. The octave of a note is represented by thenumbers shown in the chart:Adding a sharp to a notePress   to add a sharp '#', which raises the note a semitone.To remove a sharp from a note, press   .8A sharp cannot be added to an E or B note.On-screen number 12345678Note length 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1On-screen number Represented octave4 Lower octave5 Middle octave6 Higher one octave7 Higher two octaves
Menus 139Steps for creating a polyphonic ring tone1. The first time you enter the Composer menu, you will see 8channels that you can select for editing. Each channel can beused to save one passage of music that you have created.Scroll to the channel that you wish to edit, and then press to enter the ring tone editing window to begincomposing the music for this channel.2. Edit notes according to the procedures described above.•To modify a note after you have entered several notes,press   to move the cursor to the right of the note thatyou wish to change. You can then proceed with adjustingthe length, octave, sharp/unsharp, and so on.•Press to delete a highlighted note.3. When editing the music in a channel, press  (Option) toaccess the following options:•Play: Plays the notes in the channel.•Instrument: Allows you select the instrument that willplay the notes in the channel.•Time Beat: Sets the tempo (tempo range: 40 to 200).4. After you are finished editing the notes in the channel, press  to return to the channel list. You can now repeat theabove steps to create another channel of music.5. When you are finished with all the channels that you wish tofill with notes, press  (Option) in the channel list screen toaccess the following options:
140 Menus•Play All: Plays the polyphonic ring tone that results frommixing all channels.•Play Channel: Plays the channel you have currentlyscrolled to (if this channel does not contain any musicthat you created, this option will not appear).•Save: Select this option and your phone willautomatically mix the music you have created in thechannels into a polyphonic ring tone, and save this ringtone to the menu Multimedia → Melody → My Melodies.Press   and enter a name for the ring tone and it willbe saved.HelpDisplays information on how to use the phone's keys in composingring tones.AlbumPhotos taken using the phone's digital camera are stored in this menu.After entering this menu, the two most recently saved photos will bedisplayed on the left of the screen as thumbnails--small miniatureversions of photos, and the top of the screen will display the file name ofthe currently highlighted photo. On the right of each photo thumbnailyou will see the following information associated with the photo:•The date when the photo was taken: Shown as "".•The photo's resolution: Shown as "width x height".•The photo's file size: Shown as "xxx KB".Steps for handling photos are as follows:1. Press   to scroll to the photo thumbnail you need.2. Press   to display the photo in full screen. Press   to show the
Menus 141next/previous photo.3. When the display shows photo thumbnails, or after you press   todisplay a photo in full screen, you can press  (Option) to performthe following tasks with that photo:•Send Photo: This option enables you to send the selected phototo others through MMS. You can also do so by selecting themenu: Messages →Create → MMS. For details on using the MMSfunction, see page 67.•Set to Wallpaper: Designates this photo as the wallpaper for themain display's standby screen. You can also do so by using themenu: Settings → Display → Wallpap er  → Photo. See page 151.•Set to Phonebook: You can use this photo as a phone bookcontact's visual caller ID. When there is an incoming call fromthat contact, the phone's display will show this photo.New Entry: Creates a new contact in the Phone Book anduses the photo as the new contact's caller ID.Exist Entry: Uses this photo as an existing contact's caller ID.Select the contact you want and press   to attach the phototo that contact.8This function is only available for contacts saved in the phonememory's phone book. Please go to the menu: Phone Book →Activate to select the Phone Book for use.•Rename: Give this photo a new file name.8A photo's name can't be left empty, nor can it share the samename with another photo already stored in your phone.•Details: Shows the photo's name, date, resolution, and file size.•Delete: Deletes the selected photo.
142 Menus•Delete all: Deletes all of the photos stored in the Album menu.(this option is only available when the screen shows photothumbnails).•Face Morph: You are able to change a person's facial expressionshown in the photo with this Face Morph function, and then savephotos showing different expressions of that person. Follw thesteps below to perform the Face Morph function:a. The Face Morph function will generate various expressioneffects for a person's face shown in the photo, according tothe four red spots you have manually positioned over thephoto. After you have entered the Face Morph option, theselected photo will appear in full screen, along with the firstred spot displayed on it. Press   to position this red spotwhere you would like it to be over the person's face: press to fine tune the position of the red spot; long press to move the spot by a fixed space. When the first spot is inthe desired position, press   to confirm. The next spot willthen show up automatically in order for you to adjust itsposition.b. You must first set the four spots' positions in order toperform the Face Morph function. To generate the bestexpression effects, it is recommended that the four spots beplaced over the corners of the eyes and the corners of themouth, which are normally used to make facial expressions.Please follow the correct order below to set the positionsof the red spots: outer corner of the right eye (1) →outercorner of the left eye (2) → right corner of the mouth (3)→ left corner of the mouth (4).
Menus 143c. To reset a red spot's position, press  (Undo) to firstremove that spot, press   to display it again in its defaultposition, and then press   to adjust its position.8The moment you finish setting the four spots' positions andpress   , you can immediately press  (Reset) to resetall of the spots's positions.d. When the spots are in desired positions, press  . Thescreen will show "Press number key to change," and thenwill bring up the original photo with that person's faceremaining unchanged. At this point, you can press acorresponding number key to generate the desired facialexpression effects for the person's face. The chart belowshows each number key and their matching expressioneffects:8Press (Normal) to display the original photo with noexpression effects made.Key Expression Key ExpressionSmile AngryYoung FunnySlim AlienKiss KoalaSleep MonkeySad Fox
144 Menuse. Press   to intensify/reduce expression effects. Intensitylevels will be displayed at the top right corner of the screenranging from 1 to 5; the default value is 2.f. When the photo shows desired expression effects, you canpress   and save this new photo as a separate file. Enterthis new photo's file name, and then press   to save it tothe Album menu.g. After you have saved the photo showing the expressioneffects you want, the original photo will appear. You canthen again press corresponding number keys to create morephotos showing various facial expressions.•The Face Morph function may not create desired outcomeswhen used to change your pets or dolls' facial expressions.•The Face Morph function cannot be applied to photos with aresolution of 80 x 60.
Menus 145SettingsDate & TimeUsed to set the time and date, as well as the format in which the timeand date will be displayed on the startup screen.Time2. After selecting the Set mode, you can complete the date and timefields.FormatThis option is used to decide the format in which the time and datewill appear in the standby screen.1. Press   to select either the Auto or Set modefor this item:Auto: Automatic time zone adjustment. Ifduring travel, you move between time zones,the phone will automatically adjust the timedisplayed on the screen based on the time zoneprompts provided by the local network operatorso that you always have access to accurate localtime.Set: You phone will display the time you haveset, and when you travel to other time zones, thephone will ignore time zone prompts issued bythe local network operator.
146 MenusSecondary  TimePower On/OffAllows you turn the phone on and off at specified times to conservepower.Power OnDesignates a time for the phone to be automatically turned on. Ifthis option is activated, the phone will be automatically turned onat the designated time each day.Power OffDesignates a time for the phone to be automatically turned off. Ifthis option is activated, the phone will be automatically turned offat the designated time each day.When riding in an airplane or in any other situation where you cannotuse a mobile phone, remember to deactivate the Power On/Offoption.Allows you to display the time inanother designated time zone. If youchoose to activate this option, thestandby screen will display the time inthat time zone along with your localtime.Time in secondary time zone
Menus 147ProfilesA profile is a group of settings that determine whether the phone willalert you to incoming calls through a ring tone or a vibrating alert, andhow ring tones in general are used on the phone. These settings allowthe phone's operation to best suit the environment you are in.1. Press   to scroll to the desired profile and then press   toactivate this profile. You can choose from among the followingprofiles:NormalThis is the default profile. Once this profile is activated, themain display's status bar will show the   icon; the externaldisplay will show the  .MeetingThe options in this profile have been preset to suit a meetingenvironment (for example, only a vibrating alert is used, withno audible ring tone and no keypad tones). Once this profile isactivated, the main display's status bar will show the   icon;the external display will show the    icon.OutdoorsThe options in this profile have been preset to suit an outdooractivity (for example, use of the highest ring tone volume,activation of both ring tone and vibrating alerts, and use ofkeypad tones). Once this profile is activated, the main display'sstatus bar will show the   ; the external display will show the icon.
148 MenusHandsfreeThis profile is only active when a hands-free kit is attached tothe phone. Once this profile is activated, the main display'sstatus bar will show the   icon; the external display willshow the   icon.AirplaneWhen you are on a plane, you can select this profile to turn offthe phone. Once this profile is activated, the phone willautomatically be powered off, and all alarms will be suspended.If the phone is turned off by long-pressing  , the alarms willstill turn the phone at the appointed times.PersonalYou can use this profile as a group of custom settings, andrename the profile if desired. After activating this profile,besides the appearance of the   icon in the main display'sstatus bar and the   icon on the external display, "Personal"will appear as well. If however you have renamed this profile,the name you chose will appear on the standby screens.8The default profile name "Personal" or the name you give tothis profile will only appear on the external display when thephone's flip is opened.2. Press   to scroll to the desired profile, and then press    (Edit) tomodify the settings listed below and adjust the profile to suit a
Menus 149particular environment.8After entering the Edit menu, the setting for each option will bedisplayed, providing a overview of the profile.VibrateIncludes the following setting options:•Ring Only: When there is an incoming call, the phone willuse a ring tone but no vibrating alert.•Vibrate Only: When there is an incoming call, the phone willuse a vibrating alert but no ring tone.•Ring & Vibrate: When there is an incoming call, the phonewill use both a vibrating alert and a ring tone.•Vibrate then Ring: When there is an incoming call, the phonewill first use a vibrating alert and then a ring tone.Call RingYour phone includes various types of ring tone melodies. Scrollto the desired ring tone, and after one second or so you will beable to hear that ring tone. Press   to confirm your selection.Message RingThe ring tone that your phone uses when a message is received.Alarm RingThe ring tone used by the Alarm Clock.Calendar RingThe ring tone used for Calendar events for which you have setan alarm.Keypad ToneDetermines whether keypad tones are played when keys arepressed.
150 MenusRing VolumeAnswer Mode•Send Key: Allows incoming calls to be answered only bypressing   .•Any Key: Allows any key except   to be used to answer anincoming call. In this mode,     is used to reject anincoming call, and not to answer.•Automatic: If the Automatic answer mode is activated, thephone will ring for five seconds, and then the incoming callwill be automatically answered (only the Handsfree profileallows this setting).RenameAllows you to provide a new name for the profile (onlyavailable for the Personal profile).RestoreReturns the above settings for the profile to their factorydefault values.8Requires entry of the phone password, whose default valueis 1234.Press   to adjust the ring tone volume ormute the ring tone.
Menus 151DisplayThemeA display theme consists of a combination of display color and thestandby screen wallpaper. Different display colors are paired withdifferent preset wallpapers, so when you change the display color,the standby screen wallpaper will also change. Scroll to the colorthat you wish to use and then press (View) to preview the colormatched with the standby screen wallpaper. Press   to confirmthe setting.Wall pap erDesignates the wallpaper used for the main display's standbyscreen.Image: Here you can select an image/animation to use as the maindisplay's wallpaper. Scroll to the name of the image/animation thatyou wish to use, and then press (View) to view this image/animation. After you press (View) to enter the preview mode,pressing   will display the next or previous image/animation;pressing   will display it in full screen. Press    to confirmyour selection./After you press (View) to enter the preview mode, pressing will allow you to browse the wallpapers matched to thecolors.
152 MenusPhoto: Here you can select a photo saved in the phone memory asthe wallpaper.Welcome MessageUsed to select and configure the animation/picture/text that isdisplayed when the phone is turned on, as well as the music that isplayed.•Animation: Only the animation selected in this option will bedisplayed when the phone is turned on.•Picture: Only the picture selected in this option will be displayedwhen the phone is turned on. Images that have been saved frommessages can also be set for use in the welcome screen.•Te x t : Only the welcome message entered in this option will bedisplayed when the phone is turned on.8Limit on length of entered text: 15 letters or numbers.•Picture and Text: The picture and welcome message set in thisoption will be displayed when the phone is turned on.•Off: Returns the settings for startup music and animation to theirfactory default values./You can also use this feature to change the wallpaper matchedwith a color in the Theme option./Regardless of the settings you have made for the animation/picture/text to be displayed when the phone is turned on, thephone will play the music set in this option. Therefore, aftermaking settings for the animation/picture/text used for thestartup screen, the startup music must also be set.
Menus 153ContrastBrightnessPress   to adjust the brightness of the phone's displaybacklighting. Press   to confirm the setting.Backlight SettingYou can turn the phone's keypad backlighting and displaybacklighting on or off, as well as set the length of time thatbacklighting will remain activated after the flip is opened or a key ispressed. After turning backlighting on, you can scroll to the TimeDuration option and then press (Edit) to set this length of time.When done, press   .OLED Duration•Default: After the external display cycles through displays of thetime and animations, it will power off, and will only power onagain when you press the upper or lower part of the volume key on the left side of the phone, or open and then close the flip (ifa new message is received or there is an incoming call, the externaldisplay will also power on and then, after cycling through theprogrammed items, power off once more).•Cycle: After the external display cycles through displays of thetime and animations, it will power off. After 15 seconds, theexternal display will automatically power on and again cyclethrough the programmed items.Press   to adjust the contrast of the screen'sdisplay. Press    to confirm the setting.
154 Menus•Always On: The external display will remain on, cyclingcontinuously through displays of the time and animations.OLED Animation SettingYou can set the animations to show on the external display. Press (Select) to make your selections; press  (Cancel) to clear theanimations that you have selected. When you are finished, press toconfirm your selections.AudioThis menu allows you to set various sounds that the phone uses.8Some of the options provided in this menu and the Profiles menu areidentical (for example, Call Ring). Therefore the particular setting thatthe phone uses will depend on which menu you last used to make thesetting.Power Saving ModeAfter you activate the power saving mode, keypad and displaybacklighting will be turned off, as will the status indicator lights on theflip, in order to conserve power.Because the S670C's external display drains power from thebattery when it is on, selecting Cycle or Always On will reducebattery life.
Menus 155Call SettingsCall Divert8 Requires the support of the network operator.Forward AllForwards all incoming calls to a designated phone number orvoicemail inbox. When you use this feature, you must enter aphone number to which to forward incoming calls.8After the Forward All mode is activated, the standby screenwill display the  icon.When BusyThe phone will divert incoming calls to another number whenyou are in the middle of another call.No ReplyForwards incoming calls to another number when you do notanswer.Not ReachableDiverts incoming calls when your phone is turned off oroutside network coverage.Cancel AllCancels all call divert options.
156 MenusCall BarringYou can request that your network operator block the dialing orreceiving of certain calls. The call barring services below require thesupport of your network operator. To activate or cancel any of theoptions below, you must enter the network password provided bythe network operator.All OutgoingBlocks dialing of any calls from the phone.Intl. OutIf this option is activated, no international calls can be madewith your phone.Intl. Except HomeIf this option is activated, your phone can only be used to diallocal calls and calls to your home country from abroad. Otherinternational calls will be barred.All IncomingRejects all incoming calls.Incoming When RoamingIf you are in another country (using roaming), activating thisoption will cause the phone to reject all incoming calls.Cancel AllCancels all call barring settings. You must enter the networkpassword in order to cancel these settings.Change PasswordYou can change the network password, which can be obtainedfrom the network operator.
Menus 157Call WaitingIf there is an incoming call when you are in the middle of anothercall, the screen will display the number of the incoming call and callwaiting message to alert you. You can activate, cancel, or view thestatus of this feature from this menu.8You must apply to the network operator for the call waitingservice in order to use this feature.Auto RedialIf there is no answer at a number you have dialed, the phone willautomatically redial.Show NumberYou can decide whether or not to display your phone number onthe recipient's phone when you make a call.On: When you call someone, the recipient's phone will display yourphone number.Off: Your phone number will not be shown on the recipient'sphone.8If this feature is turned off, you may not be able to make phonecalls in certain countries, such as Singapore and China.Preset: Whether your phone number will be displayed on arecipient's phone will be determined by the default set by thenetwork operator.
158 MenusFixed Dial NumberAfter this feature is activated, the phone will only be able to dialnumbers on the Fixed Dial Number list. If a number is not on thelist, calls cannot be made to this number.8When you activate or cancel this feature, you must enter thePIN2 code.Before activating the Fixed Dial Number feature, you mustpress (View), then press (Option) and select Add to create aFixed Dial Number list. You must enter the PIN2 code, and thenadd a new number to your Fixed Dial Number list.After creating the list, you can view, edit and delete numbers in thelist.Active LineThis feature allows you to use two different phone numbers on onephone. You can designate one number for dialing calls, whileaccepting incoming calls dialed to both numbers without needingto use two phones. Select either Line 1 or Line 2. The number youselect (   or  ) will appear on the standby screen.8This feature requires the support of the network operator.Connect AlertThis feature allows the phone to provide a ring tone or vibratingalert, or flash the backlighting when the recipient of a call hasanswered.,If the PIN2 code is entered incorrectly three consecutive times,the PIN2 code will be locked down. You will need the PUK2 codeto unlock the PIN2 code. Contact your network operator to obtainthe PUK2 code.
Menus 159Minute BeepOnce this option is activated, the phone will emit a beep once everyminute during a call.NetworkGenerally speaking, the choice of the network that your phone uses isconfigured automatically. When turned on, the phone willautomatically connect to the network provided by your networkoperator, or will automatically connect to the roaming network whenyou are outside the coverage of your regular network.If you wish to change the connection network, this menu will allow youto select the network you want to use. When outside the coverage ofyour regular network in your home country or when abroad, you canmanually select the local network system.8Your network operator must be able to support network selection inorder for you to use this feature.Mode SelectionYou can choose whether the network selection mode that the phonewill use when it is turned on is automatic or manual.Automatic: If this option is selected, when outside the coverage ofyour regular network, the phone will automatically search forusable networks.Manual: If this option is selected, when outside the coverage ofyour regular network, the phone will list all the networks of telecomvendors and allow you to choose.Available ListAllows you to manually select a network. Your phone will list all thenetworks of telecoms vendors so you can choose.8Not all networks listed will necessarily be available for use. If yourequire further information, contact your network operator.
160 MenusBand SettingAccording to your requirements, you can set an appropriate bandin the GSM network system.Connection ModeUsed to set whether the phone will also search for a GPRS networkwhen it is turned on.•GPRS & GSM: When it is turned on, the phone will search foravailable GPRS and GSM networks.•GSM Only: When it is turned on, the phone will search only for aGSM network.SecurityYou can use a PIN code, phone password, and SIM card lockauthentication to prevent unauthorized use of the phone.PIN Code A PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is a passwordprovided by a network operator. When PIN code authentication isactivated, it will prevent unauthorized use of the SIM card. Unlessthe correct PIN code is entered when the phone is turned on, theSIM card cannot be used, even if it is inserted in another phone.PIN1 CodeUsed to activate/deactivate or change the PIN1 code. Beforechanging settings for the PIN1 code feature, the previously setPIN1 code must be entered.,If the PIN code is entered incorrectly three consecutive times,this will cause the SIM card to lock down, and a PUK1 codeprovided by the network operator will be required to unlock it.After unlocking, the PIN code will be automatically set to activateonce the phone is turned on.
Menus 161If you wish to change the PIN1 code, you must press    inthe Enable item to select On, so that you will be able to enterand confirm the new password.PIN2 CodeUsed to change the PIN2 code. The procedure is the same as forthe PIN1 code.Phone LockActivates/deactivates or changes the phone's startup password. Thestartup password prevents unauthorized persons from using yourphone. Once the phone's password is activated, the phone will belocked down when it is turned on unless this password is correctlyentered. If an incorrect password is entered, your phone will remainlocked down, and cannot be unlocked even if the SIM card isreplaced by another one. When the phone is locked, you will onlybe able to make emergency calls.Once the phone password is activated, you must enter the passwordeach time the phone is turned on in order to unlock the phone(there is no limit on the number of attempts to enter the phonepassword).The procedure for setting the phone password is the same as for thePIN1 code (the default phone password is 1234).SIM LockUsing this feature, you can prevent unauthorized persons fromusing your phone with other SIM cards. After you activate the SIMLock feature, only the SIM card present when the feature wasactivated will be accepted by the phone. If a new SIM card isinserted in the phone, when the phone is turned on and a PIN codeis entered, the phone will request entry of a SIM Lock password(there is no limit on the number of attempts to enter the SIM Lock
162 Menuspassword.If the password is entered correctly, the phone will be able torecognize the new SIM card and use it normally. The next time thephone is turned on with this SIM card inserted, the phone will notask again for you to enter the SIM Lock password.8Your phone can recognize a maximum of three different SIMcards.Before setting the SIM Lock feature, you must enter the previouslyset SIM Lock password (the default SIM Lock password is 1234).The password must be between 4 and 8 digits in length.Screen LockUsed to create a security screensaver. When youhave not performed any tasks with the phone for aset period of time, the phone will automaticallyactivate the screensaver shown on the left, thepurpose being to prevent personal information onthe phone from being viewed by others. To returnto the original screen, after pressing any key, you must enter thepassword you set for this feature.The steps for setting the Screen Lock feature are as follows:1. You must first enter the Screen Lock password that waspreviously set (the default password is 1234).2. Press   in the Enable option to select On, and then press  to scroll to the Timeout item.3. In the Timeout item, press   (Edit) or press   to set theperiod of inactivity before the phone will enter the Screen Lockmode.
Menus 1634. After completing settings, press  . The phone will prompt youto enter and confirm the Screen Lock password. You have twochoices:a. If you do not wish to change the password, press   toactivate the Screen Lock feature using the previously setpassword.b. If you wish to change the password, enter the new passwordin the New Password and Confirm fields, then press   touse the new password and activate the Screen Lock feature.LanguageYou can select the language that the phone will use to displayinformation.Input ModeYou can set the default input mode that will be automatically activatedwhenever you open the editing window for entering information into amessage, the Phone Book, and so forth.Flip ActivateActivates/deactivates the active flip feature.User GroupUser GroupUsed to create a closed group of callers based on a service providedby the network operator. The members of a User Group can calleach other, but cannot conduct calls with anyone outside the groupunless special provisions are made. This option can be used toselect whether or not to activate this service.
164 MenusOutside AccessWhen the User Group service is activated, enabling Outside Accesswill allow users in the group to make calls to numbers outside thegroup. However, incoming calls will still be restricted to calls fromwithin the group.RestoreRestores all of the phone's settings to their factory defaults.
Care and Maintenance 165Care and MaintenanceTake note of the points noted below to ensure that you are using thephone properly and to extend the lifespan of the phone.•Store the phone and its accessories out of the reach of children.•Keep the phone and accessories dry, and use the phone inenvironments where the temperature is between –20°C and 55°C.High or low temperatures outside this range may damage the phone.•If possible, do not use or store the phone in excessively dusty or dirtyenvironments.•Do not remove the warranty seal on the phone yourself, nor allow anunauthorized dealer to do so.•Do not use strong detergents or organic solvents to wipe or clean thephone.•If your phone or its accessories are not operating normally, contact anauthorized dealer immediately.•Use only genuine BenQ accessories such as batteries, battery chargerand hands-free kit to ensure the phone's normal operation andpreserve battery life, as well as protect the safety of your person andbelongings. Use of non-BenQ accessories will not allow your phone toachieve optimal performance, and may cause the phone tomalfunction. Any malfunctions or damage caused by the use of third-party accessories are not be covered by the terms of the productwarranty, and will void the product warranty.•Avoid allowing objects that may discharge electricity to contact thecharging socket on the bottom of the phone or the metal contacts onthe battery, as this may cause short circuits and put you in danger.•This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rule. Operation is subject to    to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference
166 TroubleshootingTroubleshootingIf you encounter problems while using the phone, or if it performserratically, you can consult the information in the chart below. If yourparticular problem cannot be resolved using the information in thechart, contact the dealer where you purchased the phone.Problem Possible cause SolutionPoor reception•The network signal is tooweak at your currentlocation —for example, ina basement or near a tallbuilding-because wirelesstransmissions can noteffectively reach it. Move to a location where thenetwork signal can beproperly received.•The network is busy atthe current time (forexample, during peaktimes, there may be toomuch network traffic tohandle additional calls).Avoid using the phone atsuch times, or try again afterwaiting a short time.•You are too far away froma base station for yournetwork operator.You can request a servicearea map from your networkoperator.Echo or noise•Poor network trunk qualityon the part of yournetwork operator.Hang up the phone and dialagain. You may be switchedto a better-quality networktrunk or phone line.•Poor local telephone linequality.
Troubleshooting 167Shortened standby time•The standby time is related to your network operator's system configuration. The same phone used with different network operators' systems will not provide exactly the same length of standby time.If you are located in an areawhere signaling is weak,temporarily shut off thephone.•The battery is depleted. In high-temperature environments, battery life will be shortened.Use a new battery.•If you are not able to connect to the network, the phone will continue to send out signals as it attempts to locate a base station. Doing so consumes battery power and will consequently shorten standby time.Change your location to onewhere the network isaccessible, or temporarilyturn off your phone.You cannot switch your phone on.•Battery power has beendepleted.Recharge the phone's battery.SIM card error•SIM card malfunction ordamage.Take the SIM card to yournetwork operator for testing.•SIM card inserted improperly.Insert the SIM card properly.•Debris on the SIM cardcontacts.Use a soft, dry cloth to cleanthe SIM card contacts.Problem Possible cause Solution
168 TroubleshootingUnable to connect to the network.•SIM card invalid. Contact your network operator.•You are not within thenetwork's service area.Check the service area with your network operator.•Poor signal. Move to an open space, or if you are inside a building, move closer to a window.You cannot answer incoming calls.•You have activated Accept List or Reject List in the Privacy Manager option.Go to the menu Phone Book → Privacy Manager and then select Off in order to deactivate this option.•You have activated theCall Barring feature.Go to the menu Settings → Call Settings → Call Barring, and then select Cancel All.You cannot make outgoing calls.•You have activated theCall Barring feature.Go to the menu Settings → Call Settings → Call Barring, and then select Cancel All.•You have activated the Fixed Dial Number feature.Go to the menu Settings → Call Settings → Fixed Dial Number, and then select Off to turn off this feature.PIN Code is blocked.•You have entered an incorrect PIN code three consecutive times.Contact your network operator. If the network operator provides the SIM card's PUK code, use the PUK code to unlock the SIM card.Problem Possible cause Solution
Troubleshooting 169Battery will not charge.•The battery or battery charger is damaged.Contact the dealer.•The phone's temperatureis below 0°C or higherthan 45°C.Adjust the battery charging environment to avoid extremes of temperature.•Poor contact between thebattery and charger.Check all connectors to make sure all connections have been properly made.Unable to enter information into the Phone Book.•The Phone Book's memory is already full.Delete unnecessary data from the Phone Book.Unable to select certain features.•Your network operatordoes not support thesefeatures, or you have notapplied for services thatprovide these features.Contact your network operator.Problem Possible cause Solution

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