Belter Health Measurement and Analysis Technology 655B4 BATHROOM SCALE User Manual M1301 20170725

Shenzhen Belter Health Measurement and Analysis Technology Co., Ltd. BATHROOM SCALE M1301 20170725

User Manual

80x125mm   Innotech IB655 - EF655B4 Manual Product Introduction3-inch Hidden LED DisplayTempered Glass SurfaceITO Electrode CoatingLED Screen DisplayTroubleshootingCalculating measurement results. Please stand still until body fat is displayed. Overload notification. This message will be displayed when exceeding the maximum weight capacity. Kindly step back on the scale to obtain weight measurement.Zero.This message will be displayed upon the initialization or changing of batteries.Low battery. Please replace the batteries.Measure-mentsPoundsPercentageBluetooth indicatorKilogramsModel: Innotech IB-655 Bluetooth Smart Scale Dimensions: 320 x 320 x 25mmNet weight: 4.4lb (2kg)Power: DC 6V 6WRUDJHWHPSHUDWXUH³)³ʝWorking current: ≦60mABatteries: AAA battery X 3Automatic shut-off: 30+/-3 secondsBluetooth: BLE 4.0Product SpecificationsAge: 18—80 years old(*Only weight will be measured for users under age of 18)Weight: 5.5—397 LBS / 2.5—180 KGWeight increment: 0.2 LBS / 0.1 KGHeight: 3 ft 2 in—7 ft 2 in / 100—220 cmBody fat: 5.0%—45.0%Body fat increment: 0.1%Water: 35.0%—75.0%Water increment: 0.1%Muscle: 46—298 LBS / 21.0—135.0 KGMuscle measurement increment: 0.2 LBS / 0.1 KGBMR: 700—3000 KCALVesceral Fat: 1—59Bone mass: 2.2—8.8 LBS / 1—4 KGBone increment: 0.2 LBS / 0.1 KGProtein: 5.0%—29.0%BMI: 5—90.0BMI increment: 0.1Family member capacity: 10Measurement Range Bluetooth Smart Scale InstructionsModel: 832.964.5182www.myinnotech.comFCC StatementtFAQsCleaningYou can clean your scale using a wet cloth. Use mild dish soap if necessary. DisposalDispose of this device in accordance with your local regulations. Batteries should be disposed of separately from household waste. Cleaning, Maintenance & DisposalSafety PrecautionsInnotech uses bioelectric Impedance Analysis to measure body fat, which sends an extremely low electrical current through the body when taking a measurement. This low electrical current is unnoticeable and is safe for individuals. - We do not recommend that anyone with a pacemaker, electrocardio-graphs and/or other medical devices implanted in the body or used for life support use the Innotech because of this electrical current. - We advise any pregnant women to consult their physician before using the Innotech - not because any harm is likely to occur, but simply EHFDXVHHDFKSHUVRQ·VERG\LVXQLTXHDQGLWLVZRUWKDVNLQJDGRFWRUabout your specific situation before making such decisions. - Athletes and fitness enthusiasts: Athletes have different body types. Scales using only foot electrodes sensors are known to overestimate it in leaner people. - Under 18 years old: Only weight is available for young people under 18, because they are growing too fast and their body data is changing WRRIUHTXHQWO\This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or Modifications not expressly approved by the party UHVSRQVLEOHFRXOGYRLGWKHXVHU·VDXWKRULW\WRRSHUDWHWKLVGHYLFH127(7KLVHTXLSPHQWKDVEHHQWHVWHGDQGIRXQGWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKHlimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against KDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHLQDUHVLGHQWLDOLQVWDOODWLRQ7KLVHTXLSPHQWJHQHUDWHVXVHVDQGFDQUDGLDWHUDGLRIUHTXHQF\HQHUJ\DQGLIQRWinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.,IWKLVHTXLSPHQWGRHVFDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHWRUDGLRRUWHOHYLVLRQUHFHSWLRQZKLFKFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGE\WXUQLQJWKHHTXLSPHQWRIIDQGon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.,QFUHDVHWKHVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGUHFHLYHU&RQQHFWWKHHTXLSPHQWLQWRDQRXWOHWRQDFLUFXLWGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWWRwhich the receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.0\SKRQHZLOOQRWFRQQHFWWRWKHVFDOH:KDW·VZURQJ"3OHDVHGR127SDLUWKHVFDOHIURP\RXUVPDUWSKRQH·V%OXHWRRWKPHQXInstall and open the Innotech app and then follow the on-screen instructions to pair the scale with your smartphone. Click the "Pair Device" button on the top right of the app if you have another scale to pair. The "Pair Device" button only pop up if the app detect another Innotech Bluetooth Smart Scale.:K\GRHVQ·WWKHVFDOHFRQQHFWWRP\SKRQH",WZRUNHGEHIRUHPlease unpair your scale from Me- settings, and pair the scale again. You may need pair the new scale after you unpair the previous scale. The app can only pair one scale at a time.7KHVFDOHZLOOQRWWXUQRQDQGWKH/&'GLVSOD\GRHVQRWVKRZDQ\WKLQJ:KDWVKRXOG,GR"Please check if the batteries are installed correctly or change new batteries.:K\GRHVP\VFDOHVKRZLQFRUUHFWZHLJKW"0\VFDOHLVVKRZLQJDGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQSRXQGVIURPP\UHFHQWFXUUHQWZHLJKWPlease stand still. The scale might need to be re-calibrated to show accurate readings. To do this, please put the scale on a hard, flat VXUIDFHOLNHWLOHV6WHSRQDQGRIIWKHVFDOHTXLFNO\WKHVFDOHZLOOVKRZ0.0 lbs. This indicates calibration is complete. :K\DP,UHFHLYLQJYDULDQWPHDVXUHPHQWV"Your feet may too dry. Please wipe your feet with a damp cloth, keeping them slightly damp and try it again.Scan QR Code'RZQORDG)URP$SS6WRUH3OD\6WRUH,QQRWHFKScaleInstall AppSearch for “Innotech Scale” in App Store(iOS) or Google Play(Android). Download the “Innotech Scale” application from Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS).Register through the Innotech app following application prompts to completion.Install the batteries and place the scale on a hard flat surface.Follow the instructions in the app and pair the scale with your phone.Step on and off the scale to activate it.After paring, step on the scale barefoot, and start weighing.123456'RQRWSDLUWKHVFDOHIURP\RXUVPDUWSKRQH·V%OXHWRRWKPHQX8VH        the Innotech application to pair the scale with your smartphone.         Make sure the batteries are correctly installed. Replace the batteries         if necessary.         Fully exit your mobile application and reopen it.         Disconnect Bluetooth and reconnect again.1234Setting Up Your Innotech Smart Scale DeviceWhat if the scale is not successfully activated or connected? To Change Measuring UnitWhen the screen illuminates, open the battery compartment located on the back of the scale, press the button inside to switch unit between pounds and kilograms. Button to change measuring unit:K\GRHVWKH,QQRWHFKDSSVFDOHGLVSOD\P\ERG\ZHLJKWRQO\EXWQRWWKHRWKHUERG\PHWULFV"Bluetooth connection is necessary to capture and record all data. Please install the Innotech App and log in, open the app, pair the scale, and step on the scale with bare feet. The app should show all data. This could be happening for other reasons. Please try below troubleshooting solutions too: a. Clean the scale surface and feet. The scale surface is not clean or WKHXVHU·VIHHWDUHWRRGU\WREHPHDVXUHG3OHDVHFOHDQWKHVFDOHsurface or wet your feet with a damp towel and try again.b. Check the age settings. The app will only measure and track users age 18 and above. Teenagers under 18 are growing fast and their body GDWDLVFKDQJLQJIUHTXHQWO\RQO\ZHLJKWFDQEHPHDVXUHGDQGWUDFNHGc. Make sure there is direct contact between the scale surface and the XVHU·VIHHW3OHDVHGRQRWZHDUVRFNVRUVKRHVDQGUHPHPEHUWRremove the plastic film from the scale surface. G'RQ·WVWHSRIIWRRVRRQ7KHZHLJKLQJSURFHVVLVQRWILQLVKHGXQWLOWKHprogress bar on the display screen totally completes from left to right. :K\LVP\ERG\FRPSRVLWLRQGDWDGLIIHUHQWIURPWKHRQHV,VHHDWWKHJ\PGRFWRUHWF"You may go to “Me” - “Edit” and check if your personal information set up in the app is correct. i.e. Gender and Body Type (Normal/ Athlete). Also, the numbers you see on your scale may vary from those you see using other measurement methods, and professional medical instruments. This is normal. Innotech is a home use scale for reference. Innotech scale uses BIA (bioelectric impedance analysis), which is a commonly used method for estimating body composition, and in particular body fat. The bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method is a lower-cost (from less than one to several hundred US dollars) but less accurate way to estimate body fat percentage. :K\GRWKHIDWPXVFOHDQGZDWHUFRPSULVHRIP\WRWDOERG\ZHLJKW"It is normal for the three index to add up to more than 100% since water is contained in the fat and muscle.'RHVWKHDSSV\QFZLWK$SSOH+HDOWK)LWELWDQG*RRJOH)LW"Yes, Innotech app syncs with Apple Health, Ftibit and Google Fit. Please turn on Connect to apple health/Google fit/ Fitbit from Me—User settings. For iPhone, Fitbit will sync latest data only if you fully exit Fitbit (double click home button and swipe with finger up) then reopen Fitbit.+RZPDQ\XVHUVFDQVKDUHWKLVVFDOH"+RZGRHVLWUHJLVWHUWKHZHLJKWRIGLIIHUHQWIDPLO\PHPEHUV":LOORWKHUIDPLO\PHPEHUVEHDEOHWRVHHKRZPXFK,ZHLJK"The scale supports up to 10 user profiles. Each user can use their own smartphone or share one app and create profiles in Family Manage-ment. If they only have their individual profile in the app, the scale will only sync their data to their individual device. Other member users will not have access to your data unless you permit them to add your profile to their app. Users can use their personal smartphone and app/account to maintain privacy. $UHWKHEDWWHULHVUHFKDUJHDEOH":KDWVL]HDUHWKH\"+RZORQJGRWKHEDWWHULHVODVW"The scale includes Three AAA batteries that are not rechargeable, and normally last three to six months. However, rechargeable batteries also work for Innotech scales. ,VWKLVVFDOHZDWHUSURRI"The waterproof level is IPX-3, which is protected against water spraying up to 60 degrees from vertical at 10 liters/min at a pressure of 80-100kN/m2 for five minutes.

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