Axxcelera Broand Wireless AB-ACCESS-SU01 UNII System User Manual AB Access Quick Reference

Axxcelera Broadband Wireless, Inc. UNII System AB Access Quick Reference

UNII configuration guide

 AB-Access Config & User Guide    version 5.5 July 27, 2004   Company Confidential    Axxcelera Broadband Wireless  175 Science Parkway   Rochester, New York 14620
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 2 of 129 1  Revision History Version  Date  Author  Comments 5.0  Jan 9, 02  Matt Olson  Updated for 5.0 system software  5.0  Jan 14, 2002  Joe Higgs  Format edits 5.0  Feb 19, 2002  Matt Olson  More 5.0 updates 5.0  Feb 20, 2002  Matt Olson  Added sections from old UNII Config & User Guide.  5.1  Dec 13, 2002  Matt Olson  Updated for the 5.1.8 System Software & 5.1.6 EMS. 5.2.x  Apr 17, 2003  Matt Olson  Updated for the 5.2.x System software.  5.3.x  Sept 12, 2003  Matt Olson  Updated for the 5.3.x System software.  5.4  April 27, 2004  Michael Wilkinson  Updated for the ETSI standard 5.5  July 27, 2004  Joe Higgs  Updated  to  include  certain  installation warnings and advice
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 3 of 129 PLEASE READ THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS!  RF Energy Health Hazard  Professional installation required.  The radio equipment described in this guide uses radio frequency transmitters.  Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard. Use the following chart for determining the minimum safe distance.  Do not allow people to come within the minimum safe distance of the antenna while the transmitter is operating. Peak Gain of Antenna  Minimum  Safe Distance 18 dBi  20 cm 20 dBi  20 cm 23 dBi  25 cm 25 dBi  32 cm 30 dBi  56 cm 37.6 dBi  135 cm  Protection from Lightning  Article 810 of the US National Electric Department of Energy Handbook 1996 specifies that radio and television lead-in cables must have adequate surge protection at or near the point of entry to the building.  The code specifies that any shielded cable from an external antenna must have the shield directly connected to a 10 AWG wire that connects to the building ground electrode.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 4 of 129 FCC Notice, USA The AB-Access units comply with Part 15 of the FCC rules.  Operation is subject to the following three conditions: •  This device may not cause harmful interference. •  This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. •  Units with support for an external antenna must be professionally installed. This device is specifically designed to be used under Part 15, Subpart E of the FCC Rules and Regulations.  Any unauthorized modification or changes to this device without the express approval of Axxcelera Broadband may void the user’s authority to operate this device.  Furthermore, this device is intended to be used only when installed in accordance with the instructions outlined in this manual.  Failure to comply with these instructions may also void the user’s authority to operate this device and/or the manufacturer’s warranty Conditions specific to AB-Extender: AB-Extender complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. The device is specifically designed to be used under Part 15, Sub-part E of the FCC rules and regulations. Operation is subject to following conditions:  •  The device to utilize a fixed mount antenna, for use on a permanent outdoor structure. •  The device to be installed by qualified installation/deployment personnel, and a minimum of 25 centimeters of separation must exist between the device and persons, when the device is operating. •  The device installers and operators should be aware of the transmitter operating conditions, specified in the AB-Extender installation manual and other associated user documentation, as well as the antenna co-location requirements of Part 1.1307 (b) (3), of FCC rules, pertaining to RF exposure. •  The device may not cause harmful interference. •  The device must accept interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  The device is intended to be used only when installed in accordance with instructions outlined in this manual. Failure to comply with these instructions may void the user's authority to operate this device and/or the manufacturer's warranty. Furthermore, any unauthorized modification or changes to this device without the express approval of Axxcelera Broadband may also void the user's authority to operate this device.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 5 of 129 Table of Contents 1 Revision History ......................................................................................................................2 PLEASE READ THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS!...3 2 Document Overview ..............................................................................................................11 3 AB-Access Overview.............................................................................................................12 3.1 Topologies...................................................................................................................12 3.1.1 CLIP (RFC 1577)......................................................................................................12 3.1.2 1483 Bridging (RFC 1483)......................................................................................12 3.1.3 Native ATM..............................................................................................................12 3.1.4 PPPoA (RFC 2364)..................................................................................................12 4 AB-Access..............................................................................................................................13 4.1 Reference Model .........................................................................................................13 4.2 ATM Switch..................................................................................................................14 4.3 Subnetting ...................................................................................................................14 4.4 Peak Cell Rate - PCR ..................................................................................................14 4.5 SNMP............................................................................................................................15 4.6 Rupee...........................................................................................................................15 4.6.1 LINUX.......................................................................................................................16 4.6.2 DOS..........................................................................................................................16 4.6.3 Rupee Option Definitions ......................................................................................16 4.7 RTFD (Return To Factory Default).............................................................................17 4.7.1 RTFD IP Configurations.........................................................................................17 4.7.2 Recover ...................................................................................................................18 4.7.3 Procedure to restore the default configuration...................................................18 4.7.4 Disabling the RTFD Feature ..................................................................................18 4.8 Web Page.....................................................................................................................18 4.8.1 Radio Survey...........................................................................................................19 4.9 RF-Energy Scanning...................................................................................................20 4.10 Static Channel Scanning .......................................................................................21 4.11 PTP Power Control.................................................................................................22 5 RF Design and Planning .......................................................................................................23 5.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................23 5.2 The U-NII, ISM and ETSI Channel Plan......................................................................23 5.3 Air Interface.................................................................................................................23 5.4 Wireless MAC ..............................................................................................................24 5.4.1 Downstream burst..................................................................................................24 Access Point Turnaround Time (ATT)...............................................................24 Frame Descriptor Header (FDHDR)..................................................................24 Reservation Grant (RG) ....................................................................................24 Downstream Acknowledgement (DACK) ..........................................................25 Downstream Data Cells (DCELL) .....................................................................25 Subscriber Turnaround Time (STT) ..................................................................25 Reservation Request (RR) ................................................................................25 Upstream Acknowledgement (UACK)...............................................................25 Upstream Cell (UCELL/UCELLR) .....................................................................25 5.5 Delay Compensation ..................................................................................................25
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 6 of 129 5.6 RF Channels spacing and output power ..................................................................27 5.7 TDD (Time Division Duplex).......................................................................................27 5.8 AP and SU Specifications ..........................................................................................28 5.8.1 AP/SU/Extender Functional Block Diagram.........................................................28 5.8.2 Radio Specifications ..............................................................................................29 5.8.3 Subscriber Unit Antenna .......................................................................................30 5.8.4 Access Point Antenna............................................................................................31 5.8.5 Extender Antenna...................................................................................................32 5.9 Topology Types ..........................................................................................................33 5.10 Interference Types..................................................................................................34 5.10.1 Type 1 Interference.................................................................................................35 5.10.2 Type 2 Interference.................................................................................................35 5.10.3 Type 3 Interference.................................................................................................36 5.10.4 Type 4 Interference.................................................................................................36 5.11 Recommended Channel Plans..............................................................................37 5.11.1 Six-Sector, Three-Frequency Plan........................................................................37 5.11.2 Six-Sector, Six-Frequency Plan ............................................................................38 5.12 Antenna Spacing ....................................................................................................38 6 Static Configurations ............................................................................................................40 6.1 resolve .........................................................................................................................40 6.1.1 device ......................................................................................................................40 6.1.2 nat ............................................................................................................................41 6.1.3 subnet......................................................................................................................41 6.1.4 rip accept.................................................................................................................41 6.1.5 rip send....................................................................................................................42 6.1.6 rip relay....................................................................................................................42 6.1.7 route add .................................................................................................................42 6.1.8 ipatm lifetime ..........................................................................................................43 6.1.9 relay .........................................................................................................................43 6.1.10 ipatm pvc add .........................................................................................................43 6.2 system.conf.................................................................................................................45 6.2.1 channel....................................................................................................................45 6.2.2 antenna....................................................................................................................45 6.2.3 mode........................................................................................................................45 6.2.4 mid ...........................................................................................................................46 6.2.5 bid ............................................................................................................................46 6.2.6 interface...................................................................................................................46 6.2.7 duplex......................................................................................................................47 6.2.8 backoff.....................................................................................................................47 6.2.9 provider ...................................................................................................................47 6.2.10 key............................................................................................................................48 6.2.11 mask ........................................................................................................................48 6.2.12 leds ..........................................................................................................................49 6.2.13 max_mid..................................................................................................................49 6.2.14 tx_watchdog............................................................................................................49 6.2.15 ptp............................................................................................................................50 6.2.16 dfs ............................................................................................................................50 6.2.17 dfs_threshold..........................................................................................................50 6.3 initswitchcli .................................................................................................................51 6.3.1 tp ..............................................................................................................................51 6.3.2 sp .............................................................................................................................51 6.3.3 add ...........................................................................................................................52 6.4 initmr1483....................................................................................................................52 6.4.1 floodmode ...............................................................................................................53
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 7 of 129 6.4.2 up .............................................................................................................................53 6.5 initr1483 .......................................................................................................................53 6.5.1 pvc ...........................................................................................................................53 6.6 initbridge......................................................................................................................54 6.6.1 spanning..................................................................................................................54 6.6.2 device add...............................................................................................................54 6.7 dhcpd.conf...................................................................................................................55 6.7.1 subnet......................................................................................................................55 6.7.2 range........................................................................................................................55 6.7.3 option routers .........................................................................................................55 6.7.4 max-lease-time........................................................................................................56 6.7.5 option domain-name ..............................................................................................56 6.7.6 option domain-name-servers ................................................................................56 6.8 snmpinit.......................................................................................................................56 6.8.1 access write ............................................................................................................56 7 CLIP_T ....................................................................................................................................58 7.1 Static CLIP_T Eth AP ..................................................................................................58 7.1.1 AP Configuration Files...........................................................................................59 AP resolve.........................................................................................................59 AP system.conf .................................................................................................59 7.1.2 SU Configuration Files...........................................................................................60 SU resolve.........................................................................................................60 SU system.conf .................................................................................................60 7.1.3 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................60 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................60 Can’t ping across the wireless link ....................................................................61 7.2 Static CLIP_T ATM AP ................................................................................................62 7.2.1 AP Configuration Files...........................................................................................63 AP resolve.........................................................................................................63 AP system.conf .................................................................................................63 7.2.2 SU Configuration Files...........................................................................................64 SU resolve.........................................................................................................64 SU system.conf .................................................................................................64 7.2.3 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................64 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................64 Can’t ping across the wireless link ....................................................................66 7.3 Hybrid CLIP_T Eth AP ................................................................................................68 7.3.1 AP Configuration Files...........................................................................................69 AP resolve.........................................................................................................69 AP system.conf .................................................................................................69 AP Switchcli ......................................................................................................69 7.3.2 SU1 Configuration Files.........................................................................................70 SU1 resolve.......................................................................................................70 SU1 system.conf ...............................................................................................71 7.3.3 SU2 Configuration Files.........................................................................................71 SU2 resolve.......................................................................................................71 SU2 system.conf ...............................................................................................72 7.3.4 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................72 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................72 Can’t ping across the wireless link ....................................................................72 8 CLIP_S ....................................................................................................................................74 8.1 Static CLIP_S (routed management).........................................................................74 8.1.1 Routed Management PRO/CON ............................................................................74 8.1.2 AP Configuration Files...........................................................................................75 AP resolve.........................................................................................................75
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 8 of 129 AP system.conf .................................................................................................76 AP initswitchcli ..................................................................................................76 8.1.3 SU Configuration Files...........................................................................................76 SU resolve.........................................................................................................76 SU system.conf .................................................................................................77 8.1.4 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................78 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................78 Can’t ping across the wireless link ....................................................................79 8.2 Static CLIP_S (switched management).....................................................................81 8.2.1 Switched Management PRO/CON.........................................................................81 8.2.2 AP Configuration Files...........................................................................................82 AP resolve.........................................................................................................82 AP system.conf .................................................................................................82 AP initswitchcli ..................................................................................................83 8.2.3 SU Configuration Files...........................................................................................83 SU resolve.........................................................................................................83 SU system.conf .................................................................................................84 8.2.4 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................84 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................84 Can’t ping across the wireless link ....................................................................85 9 Hybrid CLIP_S........................................................................................................................87 9.1.1 AP1 Configuration Files.........................................................................................87 AP1 resolve.......................................................................................................87 AP1 system.conf ...............................................................................................88 AP1 initswitchcli ................................................................................................89 9.1.2 SU1 Configuration Files.........................................................................................89 SU1 resolve.......................................................................................................89 SU1 system.conf ...............................................................................................90 9.1.3 AP2 Configuration Files.........................................................................................90 AP2 resolve.......................................................................................................90 AP2 system.conf ...............................................................................................91 AP2 initswitchcli ................................................................................................91 9.1.4 SU2 Configuration Files.........................................................................................92 SU2 resolve.......................................................................................................92 SU2 system.conf ...............................................................................................92 9.1.5 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................93 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................93 Can’t ping across the wireless link ....................................................................95 10 1483_T.................................................................................................................................96 10.1 Static 1483_T...........................................................................................................96 10.1.1 AP Configuration Files...........................................................................................97 AP resolve.........................................................................................................97 AP initbridge......................................................................................................97 AP initmr1483....................................................................................................97 AP system.conf .................................................................................................97 10.1.2 SU Configuration Files...........................................................................................98 SU resolve.........................................................................................................98 SU initbridge......................................................................................................98 SU system.conf .................................................................................................98 SU initr1483 ......................................................................................................98 10.1.3 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................99 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface..............................................99 Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. ....................................................99 11 1483_S ..............................................................................................................................100 11.1 Static 1483_S (routed management)...................................................................100 11.1.1 Routed Management PRO/CON ..........................................................................100 11.1.2 AP Configuration Files.........................................................................................101 AP resolve.......................................................................................................101
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 9 of 129 AP system.conf ...............................................................................................101 AP initswitchcli ................................................................................................102 11.1.3 SU Configuration Files.........................................................................................102 SU resolve.......................................................................................................102 SU initbridge....................................................................................................102 SU system.conf ...............................................................................................103 SU initr1483 ....................................................................................................103 11.1.4 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................103 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface............................................103 Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. ..................................................105 11.2 Static 1483_S (switched management) ..............................................................106 11.2.1 Switched Management PRO/CON.......................................................................106 11.2.2 AP Configuration Files.........................................................................................107 AP resolve.......................................................................................................107 AP system.conf ...............................................................................................107 AP initswitchcli ................................................................................................107 11.2.3 SU Configuration Files.........................................................................................108 SU resolve.......................................................................................................108 SU initbridge....................................................................................................108 SU system.conf ...............................................................................................108 SU initr1483 ....................................................................................................108 11.2.4 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................109 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface............................................109 Can’t ping across the wireless link ..................................................................110 12 Native ATM .......................................................................................................................112 12.1 Static Native ATM .................................................................................................112 12.1.1 AP Configuration Files.........................................................................................113 AP resolve.......................................................................................................113 AP system.conf ...............................................................................................113 AP initswitchcli ................................................................................................114 12.1.2 SU Configuration Files.........................................................................................114 SU resolve.......................................................................................................114 SU system.conf ...............................................................................................115 SU initswitchcli ................................................................................................115 12.1.3 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................115 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface............................................115 Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. ..................................................117 13 Extender ...........................................................................................................................119 13.1 Ethernet Extender.................................................................................................119 13.1.1 BHM Configuration Files......................................................................................120 BHM resolve....................................................................................................120 BHM initbridge.................................................................................................120 BHM initr1483 .................................................................................................120 BHM system.conf ............................................................................................120 13.1.2 BHS Configuration Files ......................................................................................121 BHS resolve ....................................................................................................121 BHS initbridge .................................................................................................121 BHS system.conf.............................................................................................121 BHS initr1483 ..................................................................................................121 13.1.3 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................122 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface............................................122 Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. ..................................................122 13.2 ATM Extender .......................................................................................................123 13.2.1 BHM Configuration Files......................................................................................124 BHM resolve....................................................................................................124 BHM system.conf ............................................................................................124 BHM initswitchcli .............................................................................................125
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 10 of 129 13.2.2 BHS Configuration Files ......................................................................................125 BHS resolve ....................................................................................................125 BHS system.conf.............................................................................................126 BHS initswitchcli..............................................................................................126 13.2.3 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................126 Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface............................................126 Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. ..................................................128
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 11 of 129 2 Document Overview This document covers technical specifications and configuration information for the AB-Access system. It also covers some general troubleshooting steps to resolve issues that may occur while configuring or deploying the AB-Access system. This document should only be used as a reference for the 5.3.8 or newer System Software.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 12 of 129 3 AB-Access Overview 3.1 Topologies There are three topologies that are available with the AB-Access units CLIP, 1483 Bridging, and Native ATM. There are several configuration variations within these topologies but all will be referred by these names with an extension. 3.1.1 CLIP (RFC 1577) CLIP stands for Classical IP and is a routed topology. The AP or SU acts as a standard Layer 3 IP router, which means when data comes into the unit it analyzes the IP header and sends it out one of its interfaces based on the information in the header and its routing tables. It is important to note that only IP traffic can be passed over the units in this configuration. 3.1.2 1483 Bridging (RFC 1483) 1483 Bridging is a Layer 2 bridge, which will pass any valid Ethernet frame regardless of protocol. 1483 is also referred to as MPoA (Multi-protocol over ATM). The basic concept of how the bridge works is simple. It has two tables one for the terrestrial interface and one for the wireless interface. The terrestrial table stores all source MAC address it has learned from the terrestrial interface. It learns the MAC addresses by storing the source MAC address of any packet that has originated from a device on its terrestrial interface. If a packet is received that has a destination MAC address that is already in the table it will be discarded. The reason for this is if the destination MAC address is in the table it must mean that the device with that MAC address is on the terrestrial side of the radio. The wireless table works in the same manor except it learns the source MAC address of packets that have been received from the wireless interface. It is important to note that all broadcast packets will be sent over the link. It is also important to note that the implementation of 1483 bridging that the AB-Access system uses is LLC/SNAP encapsulation and we do not support the VC multiplexing implementation. 3.1.3 Native ATM Native ATM is a mode where both the AP and the SU act as an ATM switch. In this mode ATM cells are simply passed through the switching layer of the radio at layer 2. It is important to note that the AB-Access radio only supports PVC and not SVC.  3.1.4 PPPoA (RFC 2364) PPPoA is no longer supported.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 13 of 129 4 AB-Access  4.1 Reference Model The diagram below is the architectural reference model for this document. Depending upon the required architecture, certain layers of this model may or may not be used.  Please note that both the wireless and terrestrial interfaces have access to all of the functions of the unit.  This is designed to allow the reader to understand where an incoming service is terminating and where its configuration is managed.  Management files (on Flashfs) for each layer are as follows: All: system.conf Routing Layer: resolve Bridging Layer: resolve, initbridge, initmr1483 or initr1483 Switching Layer: initswitchcli An E or A will indicate the Terrestrial interface type below the interface at the corner.  As an example, the diagram above shows an SU (on the left) with an Ethernet terrestrial interface and an AP (on the right) with an ATM interface.  The Wireless interface is always ATM. Additional services/clients such as NAT and/or DHCP will be depicted at the appropriate interface.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 14 of 129 4.2 ATM Switch ATM switches are referenced throughout this document.  The ATM switch used for illustration purposes is the FVC Access NGI. The switch used for the troubleshooting screenshots represents FVC software version 5.07. Some of the commands for older FVC switch software are different. 4.3 Subnetting Subnetting within the AB-Access radios is done in hexadecimal format. There for it is necessary to know the decimal to hex conversions for commonly used subnets. CIDR notation is also used to define the subnets in all the diagrams, so refer to the chart below for any questions on subnetting.  Decimal Subnet  HEX Subnet  CIDR 0 00 /24 128 80 /25 192 C0 /26 224 E0 /27 240 F0 /28 248 F8 /29 252 FC /30  4.4 Peak Cell Rate - PCR The Peak Cell Rate is policing not pacing, there for it will discard all cells received over the limit and not buffer them. This means the cells will be have to be retransmitted via an upper layer protocol. To calculate the Peak Cell Rate you simply divide the desired bandwidth by the number of bits in an ATM cell. An ATM cell is 53 bytes consisting of a 5-byte header and a 48-byte payload. In the following example, the PCR for a 1 Megabit circuit is calculated.  PCR values are rounded to the nearest integer. 1024000 bps/(48 bytes-per-cell*8 bits-per-byte) = 2667 The following table lists PCR values for several, common data rates.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 15 of 129 Data Rate  PCR 56 kbps  146128 kbps  333  256 kbps  667  512 kbps  1333  1 Mbps  2667  2 Mbps  5333  5 Mbps  13333  4.5 SNMP SNMP access has been added to AB-Access in software load 5.1.x and newer. This allows you to monitor various parameters within the radio. Listed below are the non-standard MIB’s added to AB-Access.  Object Name  Object Descriptor  AB-Access Info snmpTotalSetVars  RSSI (only available on SU) snmpOutSetRequests  PP processor loading (%) snmpOutTooBigs  Channel Number snmpOutNoSuchNames  Antenna polarization (0=H, 1=V) snmpOutBadValues  SU distance from AP (meters) snmpInSetRequests  # of ARP entries in the ARP table  4.6 Rupee There are configurations that are not covered by the upgrade scripts. Even if they are covered, you will probably want to add settings that are specific to your network. To do this you can edit the individual files and rupee them to the units. This is not meant to replace the upgrade script.  It is only meant to send individual configuration files to a unit.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 16 of 129 You can send individual files from DOS or LINUX; unlike the upgrade scripts. The reason for this is that the upgrade script is using expect scripting and can only be run from a Unix based OS. One note about the rupee-dos is that it can only be run be a true DOS based OS (Win95 or Win98 not NT). NT uses a Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM) and will not work with the rupee-dos command. WARNING If you rupee a file or files to a unit and do not reboot the unit, and then rupee another file or files to the unit only the last set of files will be saved to the flash.  4.6.1 LINUX 1.  Make sure you can ping the unit that you want to send files to. 2.  Change to the directory that the configuration files are in. The rupee-unix file must also reside in this directory. 3.  To upload individual files: ./rupee-unix   –p   atmos   –d   2   –r   <IP Address>   <file>   <file>  Note: You might have to change the permissions on the rupee-unix command using “chmod” chmod   +x   ./rupee-unix  4.6.2 DOS 1.  Make sure you can ping the unit that you want to send files to. 2.  Change to the directory that the configuration files are in. The rupee-unix file must also reside in this directory. 3.  To upload individual files: rupee-dos   –p   atmos   –d   2   –r   <IP Address>   <file>   <file>  4.6.3 Rupee Option Definitions -p   <passwd>  Specifies the password to use to allow write access to the AP/SU. -d   2  Display debug level 2.  Allows you to see what is being sent to the unit.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 17 of 129 -r  Reboot unit when done programming.  Make sure all of your configuration files are correct if you use this option. When the unit reboots, changes are final. 4.7 RTFD (Return To Factory Default) The new Return To Factory Default (RTFD) feature allows IP connectiviey to be established with units that have unknown or invalid configurations. Using this feature, the AB-Access unit wil adopt a known IP configuration enabling Command Line Interface access via telnet through the physical Ethernet interface. Following a restart or power up, the AB-Access/AB-Extender units will listen for 1 second for a proprietary coded UDP packet on their Ethernet interface; adopting the appropriate IP configurations as indicated below.  If the unit receives the UDP packet, it will retain the active configuration for 30 minutes, after which the normal start-up procedures will continue with the IP and interface configuration taken from the unit’s Flash files. If during the 30 minute period, a subsequent coded UDP packet is received, the timeout will be restarted.  NOTE On Windows 2K and XP you may need to disable the auto media sense. Some NICs will be capable of disabling this feature from their configuration parameters. If this option is not available on your NIC you will have to add a registry entry. Axxcelera has created a reg edit that can be installed by simply double clicking on the media-sense.reg file. Or you can enter the following register key via regedit. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters] "DisableDHCPMediaSense"=dword:00000001  4.7.1 RTFD IP Configurations  Ethernet Interface Access:    IP Address     Netmask     Default Route
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 18 of 129 4.7.2 Recover To supply the coded UDP packet the “recover” utility is provided with the system software in two forms.   recover-dos.exe  -  For use with a DOS prompt under Microsoft Windows.   Recover-unix  -  For use with Linux installations utilizing glibc 2.1.3. 4.7.3 Procedure to restore the default configuration 1. Connect a PC (Windows or Linux) to the wallbox of the unit, ensuring that there is appropriate connectivity at the physical and IP levels. 2. Start the recovery utility. A sequence of dots will be displayed to indicate successful network transmissions. [root@temp SU_TEMPLATE]# ./recover-unix ethernet SU/AP recovery client  ……………………………..  3. Restart the AB-Access unit. 4. When the recover utility terminates, the AB-Access unit has been successfully configured and can be contacted over the physical interface via a telnet session.  5. It is best to do a full system upgrade after a unit has been recovered to a state that IP connectivity is regained. This will insure the unit will function properly once redeployed.   4.7.4 Disabling the RTFD Feature RTFD can be disabled by writing a file to flash with the name “no_rtfd”. The file must be a text file; i.e. only containing ASCII characters. A suggested first line for the file is “disable RTFD” – though the actual content of the file will not be referenced: only the presence or absence of the file is significant.   4.8 Web Page The web page can be used look at channels that are available for use, and determine the quality of the current channel.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 19 of 129 4.8.1 Radio Survey 1. To open web page type <http://ipaddress:8000/index >  in the URL of your web browser.   2. Enter the password of the unit. This is the same password that is used for telnet access.   3. Click on SU and AP Radio Survey scan.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 20 of 129 4. The survey page is displayed. It will take up to 2 minutes to appear so be patient.   5. Once you are finished click on Click here to exit.    4.9 RF-Energy Scanning This feature is only applicable to FPGA APs and SUs.  The "survey scan" CLI command and 'radio survey' web page now provide additional data on RF energy in each channel.  Continuous or bursty energy can be detected, regardless of the source (i.e. it does not have to be Axxcelera equipment), providing it is present during the scan.  However, the RF-energy-scan process interrupts normal service for the entire duration of the scan. Survey results are saved in a temporary file called "ap_scan" or "su_scan", as appropriate.  The file contains results of the last scan to be performed, and is overwritten by a new scan.  The file is normally lost when the unit reboots, but the file is saved if a "config save" is performed, or if the unit is upgraded.  Therefore, it is now possible to use the "survey scan" command remotely, i.e. executing on an SU via the RF link.   This feature can be used at the time of unit installation, or when trying to investigate and mitigate an interference problem.  It can also be used before performing a sector channel change to look for potential interference problems.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 21 of 129 When performed on an AP the sector itself is quiet, so any RF energy detected must be coming from other sources.  However, when a scan is done on an SU the AP and other SUs may still be transmitting.  This may confuse the results.  The RF energy from other units in the SU's sector will be detected on-channel, but will also appear to a lesser extent in adjacent channels (e.g. 23dBm lower than in the main channel).  This should be borne in mind, and if necessary the scan should be performed with the AP transmitter disabled, which will silence that sector (e.g. using "hmm modem rf disable/enable"). 4.10  Static Channel Scanning This is a static-mode feature to simplify channel-changing.  The feature is implemented on SUs, and all SUs must be running 5.3.x software before this new method of channel-changing is used, otherwise SUs will be lost when the AP is manually forced to change channel.  Note that the AP must also be running 5.3.x, so that the BID can be set to a non-zero value.  This feature is controlled by the BID and channel mask parameters. If the BID is set to zero then the static-mode channel-scanning function is disabled.  If the BID is set to non-zero then the channel-scanning function is enabled on the SU.  On booting up the SU channel and antenna are determined by the system.conf file. A scan is initiated if the received Frame Descriptor Header (FDHDR) error rate is greater than 90% for a rolling 3 minute period. Therefore the SU will not scan until at least 3 minutes after booting-up, nor for 3 minutes after losing its AP.  This delay allows a reboot of the AP (even an FPGA AP with the old v2.7 Boot ROM) without causing the associated SUs to scan.  The SU will only scan the channels defined by the channel mask, and will only detect APs with the same BID.  When the scan is complete the SU will lock to the channel/antenna that gave the best AP signal (same BID).  The SU will choose error-free channels in preference to errored ones, and will then select the best signal level.  The new channel and antenna are then automatically saved to the system.conf file, so on rebooting the SU will start-up with the new channel and antenna settings.  Note that the current values of all parameters are saved to the system.conf file, not just the channel/antenna parameters.  If the SU does not detect any suitable signal it will revert to the channel/antenna it was on before the scan.  A further scan will occur after 3 minutes if an AP is not detected.  The channel mask can be changed with the "hmm system mask" command, and the "hmm radio channels" command can be used to confirm which channels will be scanned.  Until now the BID parameter in the system.conf file has been ignored by the software and a value of zero has been used.  The 5.3.x software uses the BID value defined in the system.conf file.  The BID can also now be viewed and changed with the new "hmm system bid" command.  SUs can only see APs with the same BID, so all units in a sector must have the same BID.  If a unit receives a signal from another unit which has a different BID value then only the errors from that signal appear in the MAC stats. Valid data with the wrong BID is discarded by the receiving MAC, and does not appear in the MAC stats.  To change the channel of a static sector using this new feature, all units must be running 5.3.x software, must have the same non-zero BID, and each SU must only be able to see one AP with that BID (on all channels defined by their channel mask).  The channel mask on each SU should be set appropriately, e.g. scanning all channels that are likely to be used.  To change the channel of the
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 22 of 129 sector, simply change the channel of the AP and wait for the SUs to scan and lock on again (i.e. after 3 minutes plus the duration of a scan).  If some SUs fail to regain contact with the AP due to an issue on the new RF channel then simply change the AP back to the original channel and the SUs will regain contact after a short period (i.e. after 3 minutes plus the duration of a scan). 4.11 PTP Power Control This feature makes point-to-point links more robust, by increasing the signal power received at the AP.  The AP then has a higher tolerance to noise and interference.  When enabled on both units, both the AP and SU transmit at full power, and both the AP and SU adjust their receiver gain according to the signal power received. This means that the AP receiver has a similar RSSI to the SU, rather than a level of -74dBm as with standard power control.  For example, if the backhaul SU has an RSSI of -65dBm then the backhaul AP will also have an RSSI of approximately -65dBm, 9dBm higher than with the normal power control scheme. A unit's power control mode (i.e. standard or PTP) is determined by the new "ptp" parameter in the system.conf file (see section 3.1 for details).  This parameter can be viewed and changed with the new CLI command "hmm system ptp enable/disable" or via the system.conf file. Both ends of a point-to-point link must be operating in the same power control mode for the link to work.  Point-to-multipoint sectors cannot use the new PTP power control mode.  If enabled on a point-to-multipoint sector it will sever communication between the AP and the majority of SUs. When an AP is operating in the new PTP power control mode the "hmm modem rssi" command becomes meaningful at the AP, and the "hmm modem txpower" command shows extra information. The new PTP power control mode should be used with care, ensuring that the boosted upstream signal will not affect other units, i.e. with units co-located with the point-to-point AP or SU.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 23 of 129 5  RF Design and Planning 5.1 Overview The AB-Access system is a communications system using wireless technology in the U-NII, ISM and ESTI frequency bands. Therefore understanding Radio Frequency (RF) system design is necessary to ensure gook link quality and, thus, good system performance. This section discusses the basics of RF Design and Planning from the perspective of deploying the AB-Access System.  5.2 The U-NII, ISM and ETSI Channel Plan In 1997 the FCC amended its Part 15 rules to make 300 MHz of spectrum available for high-speed wireless digital communications with unlicensed operation. This band, called the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure or U-NII band, provides the spectrum at 5.15 to 5.25 GHz for indoor use, and 5.25 to 5.35 and 5.725 to 5.825 GHz for outdoor use. The peak output power permitted is limited to 23 dBm EIRP in the lower (indoor) band, 30 dBm in the mid-band, and 36 dBm in the upper band.  The 5.8 GHz ISM (Industrial Scientific and Medical) band ranges from 5.725-5.850 GHz. Which is an unlicensed frequency limited to 36 dBm for PTMP equipment. The limit for PTP is higher than PTMP.  The 5.8 GHz ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute) variant consists of two bands (5.725–5.795 GHz and 5.815–5.850 GHz).  These are unlicensed, limited to 2 Watts EIRP (3 dBW) and 100mW/MHz PSD.  NOTE:  AB-Access uses both the U-NII and ISM band for its upper band channels. NOTE:  AB-Access uses a different channel scheme for ESTI bands.  NOTE: BPSK modulation is only approved by the FCC for the upper band channels.  5.3 Air Interface The SU talks to the AP over a proprietary airlink protocol on a single 15 MHz channel using QPSK or BPSK modulation and a technique called Time Division Duplex (TDD). Both upstream and downstream traffic time-share this channel.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 24 of 129 5.4 Wireless MAC When data is sent over the wireless link it must first be put into a structure that each end unit will understand. The hardware that does this is called the MAC (Medium Access Controller). RGFDHDR DACK DCELLATT STT RR UACK UCELL/UCELLR 5.4.1 Downstream burst  Access Point Turnaround Time (ATT) AB-Access system is TDD (Time Division Duplexing), meaning that the AP and SUs transmit and receive on the same frequency. It is therefore necessary to have a small delay between the transmit and receive processes, because it is using the same hardware to perform both functions.  Frame Descriptor Header (FDHDR) Downstream bursts begin with a Frame Descriptor Header (FDHDR) this portion of the MAC frame is seen by all SUs in that sector. The FDHDR contains a map of all traffic upstream and downstream, to occur within the MAC frame. This is why you assign a unit a MID, when an SU sees an FDHDR it looks for its MID in the FDHDR to see if it is going to receive any cells. If it does not see its MID it will ignore the rest of the frame.  Reservation Grant (RG) The next field in the downstream burst is the Reservation Grant Response (RGR). An RGR is a response to a Reservation Grant Request (Upstream Burst). The RGR acknowledges a request and tells the SU that it can transmit on the upstream burst.  ASUSUSUACFRAC Cell Cell down-stream  up-stream R---Cell Cell- idlidlVariable length MAC
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 25 of 129  Downstream Acknowledgement (DACK) The Downstream Acknowledgement (DACK) is an acknowledgement sent from the AP, which contains bit maps corresponding to the success or failure of individual cells sent to an SU in the previous frame. If any cells were missed or dropped they will be resent in the next frame.  Downstream Data Cells (DCELL) The Data Cells are the actual ATM cells that contain data. The maximum ATM cells per frame are 32. The maximum ATM cells that can be sent to an individual SU is 6 per frame.  Subscriber Turnaround Time (STT) AB-Access system is TDD (Time Division Duplexing), meaning that the AP and SUs transmit and receive on the same frequency. It is therefore necessary to have a small delay between transmit and receive processes, because it is using the same hardware to perform both functions. There is also a set delay for each individual SU. This delay in turnaround is to compensate for propagation delay.  Reservation Request (RR) The Reservation Grant Request (RR) is a request sent by the SU to the AP when it has data to send. The RGR is a contention based request, meaning it performs like an Ethernet network were there is no guarantee that it will be received by the AP on the first try. This would happen when another SU wants to transmit at the same time and would cause a collision. If a collision occurs the SU will try again until it is acknowledged with a Reservation Grant Response. Upstream Acknowledgement (UACK) The Upstream Acknowledgement (UACK) contains bit maps corresponding to the success or failure of individual cells from an AP. If any cells were missed or dropped they will be resent in the next frame. Upstream Cell (UCELL/UCELLR) The UCELL’s are the actual ATM cells that contain data. The maximum ATM cells per frame are 32. The maximum ATM cells that can be sent to an AP by an individual SU is 6 per frame. The UCELLR is a data cell that also has a Reservation Grant Request if the SU has more than 6 data cells to send. The reason for this is so that the SU doesn’t have to contend for another Reservation Grant in the contention slot. 5.5 Delay Compensation During the upstream portion of the MAC several SUs transmit in sequence. Since SUs are separated from the AP by anywhere from 0m to 16km, there is a wide range of propagation times for the full path for the AP to the SUs and back. In order for the SUs transmissions to arrive at the AP properly aligned, some active compensation of propagation delay is performed. An SU must delay
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 26 of 129 compensate before it can transmit data, if it was allowed to transmit without delay compensating it would confuse the AP because it would be receiving cells out of order.  As you can see in this diagram the dark green portion of the MAC frame represent time delays. FD RG ACK ACK Cell Cell -AckRR Cell Cell -FD RG ACK ACK Cell Cel l -Cell Cel lFD RG ACK ACK Cell Cell -AckRRAPtimingWT1timingWT2timingmax propagationdelayAPtimingWT1timingWT2timingmax propagationdelayCellACKRRCell --FD RG ACK ACK Cell Cell -AckRR -FD RG ACK ACK Cell Cel l -FD RG ACK ACK Cell Cell -AckRR CellRRCell --CellACK CellCell Cell
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 27 of 129 5.6 RF Channels spacing and output power              0 5.735 29 1 5.750 29 2 5.765 29 3 5.780 29 4 5.825 29 5 5.840 28       ETSI Output Power for AB-Access   5.7 TDD (Time Division Duplex) The AB-Access system uses TDD (Time Division Duplex) to transfer data across the wireless link as opposed to FDD (Frequency Division Duplex). The AB-Access implementation of the TDD architecture allows the TDD frame to dynamically vary in size according to the offered load: short frames when fewer users are sharing the channel, longer frames when there are many simultaneous users. The TDD guard time is also adaptive, as it is set to round trip propagation delay to the farthest SU. TDD has a number of advantages over a FDD system. These include: Channel    Center Freq    EIRP    #             (GHz) (dBm)-----------------------------------------------0* 5.17 191* 5.185 192* 5.2 193* 5.215 194* 5.230 19-----------------------------------------------55.272665.2852675.32685.3152695.3326-----------------------------------------------10 5.745 3211 5.76 3212 5.775 3213 5.79 3214 5.805 3215 5.820 3216 5.835 32-18.5dB-18.5dBLow Band * Indoor OnlyMiddle BandUNII & ISM Frequency Spacingfor AB-Access 5-6GHzBand EdgeGuard5.7605.745 5.775 5.790 5.8055.8505.7255.820 5.835-18.5dBHigh Band5.355.255.2855.27 5.3 5.315 5.335.1855.17 5.2 5.215 5.2305.255.15
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 28 of 129 • Spectral Efficiency – TDD can be deployed using less spectrum than a comparable FDD system. A single TDD channel can be deployed per sector instead of two channels needed for FDD. Likewise, a multi-cell deployment can be installed using a total of three RF channels (both polarizations), whereas FDD needs four to six channels.  • Complexity – Since each transceiver is wither transmitting or receiving, but never both at once, a single RF front end can  be shared reducing the radio complexity. • Power Control – In cellular systems, where channels are reused many times throughout the system in order to increase capacity, the highest efficiency is realized when the power in each direction can be minimized. This reduces the amount of energy that is ‘leaked’ into surrounding areas, which appears as interference. In FDD systems, it is quite difficult to accurately control the channel’s power since a feedback path is required. No such path is needed in a TDD system since the same channel is used in both directions. The SU needs to only measure the received power from the AP in order to know how much to attenuate its upstream transmission.  • Channel Efficiency – Because each frame carries upstream and downstream traffic in proportion to the offered load in each direction, adaptive TDD systems are highly efficient in its use of bandwidth. FDD systems have to make an estimate of the traffic mixture and allocate channel bandwidth accordingly. As shown in the chart below, any variation from this estimate (in this case 15:1 downlink) will result in wasted bandwidth. This variation is inevitable due to the diurnal variation of business usage during the daytime hours, residential usage in the afternoon and evening, a varying mixture of user types according to the geographic location, and an ever-changing set of user applications.   5.8 AP and SU Specifications 5.8.1 AP/SU/Extender Functional Block Diagram The Access Point and Subscriber Unit functional block diagram is shown below. The analog radio portion is highlighted in blue, while the digital section containing the modem is in yellow.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 29 of 129  5.8.2 Radio Specifications This table represents the radio specifications for AP, SU, and Extender units. Frequency of operation  U-NII/ISM: 5.150GHz to 5.350GHz & 5.725 GHz  to 5.850 GHz ETSI: 5.725 GHz to 5.795 & 5.815GHz to 5.850 GHz RF bandwidth  U-NII/ISM: 325 MHz ETSI: 105 MHz Channelization  15 MHz FCC 26 dB Bandwidth  17.5 MHz (assumes QPSK with Raised Cosine Filtering, α=0.35) typical Output Power into antenna  U-NII & ISM Lower-band 1 dBm (include 3.5 dB backoff, max) Mid-band 8 dBm (includes 3.5 dB backoff, max) Upper-band 14 dBm (5.6km units) (includes 3.5 dB backoff, max) Upper –band 16 dBm (8.0km units)(includes 3.5 backoff, max) ETSI Channel 0-5  11 dBm Channel 6  10 dBm Spurious emissions  -17 dBm/MHz within 10 MHz of upper band (max)
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 30 of 129 -27 dBm/MHz beyond 10 MHz of upper band (max) Blocking rejection  60 dB fc ± 50 MHz to ± 100 MHz (min) 70 dB fc + 100 MHz to 8 GHz (min) 70 dB fc 100 MHz to 4 GHz (min) 80 dB DC to 4 GHz and 7 to 12 GHz (min) U-NII & ISM band blocking level  -41 dBm Adjacent channel rejection  -25 dB (min) Receiver noise figure  -7 dB (max) Sensitivity  -81.6 dBm for 10^-4 demodulated BER AGC range  55 dB AGC accuracy  ±1 dB AGC response time  <200 ns Transmit / receive switching time  <5 µs Receive / transmit switching time  <2 µs Channel switching time  <100 µs Horizontal / Vertical antenna switching time  <5 µs 5.8.3 Subscriber Unit Antenna Peak gain  18 dBi 3 dB beamwidth  20º azimuth x 20º elevation Front-to-back ratio  30 dB (min) Sidelobe suppression  15 dB (min) Input impedance  50 ohms Polarization  Linear – vertical or horizontal switchable VSWR 2:1 (max)
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 31 of 129  5.8.4 Access Point Antenna Peak gain  18 dBi 3 dB beamwidth  60º azimuth x 7º elevation Front-to-back ratio  25 dB (min) Sidelobe suppression  15 dB (min) Input impedance  50 ¾ ohms Polarization  Linear – vertical or horizontal switchable VSWR 2:1 (max)
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 32 of 129  5.8.5 Extender Antenna Peak gain  23 dBi 3 dB beamwidth  10º azimuth x 10º elevation Front-to-back ratio  25 dB (min) Sidelobe suppression  15 dB (min) Input impedance  50 ¾ ohms Polarization  Linear – vertical or horizontal switchable VSWR 2:1 (max)
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 33 of 129  5.9 Topology Types To properly deploy the AB-Access System, one must understand the geographical physical topology. While the real world possibilities are endless, the following three distinctive geographic topologies will be covered: • Macrocells • Microcells • Picocells A Macrocell design should be used when you are trying to provide ubiquitous coverage over a large area. Each cell has many Subscribers. The fundamental limit in deploying in this manner is usually coverage zone (cell radius) due to U-NII, ISM & ETSI EIRP limits, as well as building and terrain obstructions. A Microcell is normally used when you are trying to provide high-density coverage to a smaller geographic area. Each cell sector has many subscribers per sector. The fundamental limit in deploying in this manner is co-channel interference due to LOS interference paths. A Picocell design normally covers an extremely small geographic area such as a neighbourhood or a Multiple Dwelling Unit (MDU) complex. There are normally many
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 34 of 129 sectors and few subscribers per sector. The fundamental limit in deploying in this manner is Line of Sight (LOS) coverage. While the above are generalizations, they can be used effectively as a starting point for developing an RF plan for deployment. However, based upon the specifications of the AB-Access equipment, it is necessary to have some pre-defined RF coloring schemes. To better understand the benefits of different coloring schemes, a basic concept of interference types should be understood. 5.10 Interference Types There are four distinct types of interference that can occur in a cellular reuse pattern. Each unique in its geometry and imposes unique frequency reuse constraints.  EFFECT INTERFERENCE TYPE Would affect only the one SU. Could affect other units if they are in the same area.  Type 1 – Downlink Downlink to Subscriber Unit Interfered with by another Access Point transmission.  Would affect only the one SU. Could affect other units if they are in the same area. Type 2 – Downlink  Downlink to Subscriber Unit Interfered with by a Subscriber Unit Uplink in another cell. Would affect all units in the sector.  This would be a constant source of interference.  Type 3 – Uplink  Uplink to Access Point Interfered with by another Access Point transmission. Becomes critical if facets using same frequency face each other. Would affect all units in the sector. Could be an intermittent problem based on the amount of data that interfering SU is transmitting.   Type 4 – Uplink Uplink to Access Point Interfered with by a Subscriber Unit uplink from another cell.  Hardest to eliminate and will reduce the performance of the whole system.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 35 of 129 5.10.1 Type 1 Interference Downlink to Subscriber Unit interfered with by another Access Point Downlink. All Access Points power control for full service at the sector edge (in cusp). The worst case scenario is when the SU (Cell 1) has the interfering AP at Boresight (Cell 2) and is towards the edge of its sector, i.e. min CNR from its AP.           5.10.2 Type 2 Interference Downlink to Subscriber Unit interfered with by a Subscriber Unit Uplink in another cell. Worst case scenario is interfering SU at range (max Tx power), and victim SU at range (lowest CNR) and SUs facing each other, e.g. Cells 1 and 3. The interference is reduced if SUs using the same frequencies do not face each other, e.g., Cells 1 and 2.      Cell 1 Cell 2 Interfering AP Interference hCell 1 Cell 2 Weak Interference path Cell 3 Strong Interference path
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 36 of 129 5.10.3 Type 3 Interference Uplink to Access Point interfered with by another Access Point Downlink. This is only an issue if sectors using the same frequency face each other in the reuse pattern, e.g., Cell 1 and Cell 3. Otherwise it is a benign interference type, e.g., Cell 1 and Cell 2.       5.10.4 Type 4 Interference Uplink to Access Point interfered with by a Subscriber Unit Uplink in another cell. This is the worst case of intercell interference, as one SU, e.g., in Cell 2, interferes with all the users on the same frequency and polarization in Cell 1 (whenever the SU in Cell 2 is transmitting).  As the system has power control for SUs, the worst case Type 4 interference will be caused by SUs deployed at range and at the edge of their sector, i.e., in the Access Point Antenna Cusp.   Cell 1 Cell 2 Interfering AP Interferencepath Cell 3 Interfering AP Cell 1 Cell 2 Interfering CT Interference path
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 37 of 129 5.11 Recommended Channel Plans The following sections will describe some pre-defined coloring schemes that will work in the U-NII & ISM band with the AB-Access equipment. 5.11.1 Six-Sector, Three-Frequency Plan This plan is good for Macrocells on relatively flat terrain: •  Use 1 channel guardband/separation between sectors (U-NII & ISM only) •  Use opposite polarization in opposite directions •  Use 4 meter back-to-back separation (or equivalent isolation) •  Use >1 meter separation between sectors •  Use same frequencies and sector allocations in each cell.  6132453 Frequency Reusedf1f2f3HP VPTwo closest interfering sectors6132453 Frequency Reusedf1f2f3HP VPTwo closest interfering sectors
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 38 of 129 5.11.2 Six-Sector, Six-Frequency Plan This plan is good for Microcells or Macrocells on uneven terrain: •  Use 1 channel guardband/separation between sectors (U-NII & ISM only) •  Use opposite polarization in opposite directions •  Use 4 meter separation (or equivalent isolation) •  Use >1 meter separation between sectors •  Use a different set of three frequencies on alternating cells. Single closest interfering sector6132456 Frequency Reusef1f2f3HP VPf4f5f6SectorNumberingSingle closest interfering sector6132456 Frequency Reusef1f2f3HP VPf4f5f6SectorNumbering 5.12 Antenna Spacing In most Base Station deployments, multiple APs are placed on a single building or tower. To minimize AP to AP interference, it is necessary to mount the antennas with proper spacing. Based on the frequency plan identified, the following minimum spacing shown in the table below should be maintained.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 39 of 129 +14 dBm  60 deg  120 deg  180 deg Polarization  Same                   Opp  Same                   Opp  Same                   Opp Same Channel  NR                        NR  NR                        NR  NR                      >8M Adjacent Channel  6’                             6’  6’                           6’  6’                         6’ 2nd Adjacent  12”                        12”  12”                        12”  12”                        12”  +16 dBm  60 deg  120 deg  180 deg Polarization  Same                   Opp  Same                   Opp  Same                   Opp Same Channel  NR                        NR  NR                        NR  NR                      >8M Adjacent Channel  6’                             6’  6’                           6’  4M                         4M 2nd Adjacent  12”                        12”  12”                        12”  3’                           12”
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 40 of 129 6 Static Configurations Before one creates a static system you must first know what everything in the configuration files mean. The files listed below are all the configuration files that can be configured on the system. 6.1 resolve The resolve file stores the IP configuration information such as IP address, netmask, and the routing table. 6.1.1 device device  add  device  interface  drivers  mtu  mtusize  ipaddress device  {atm0 | atm1 | eth0} This name is used to define a virtual device. interface  {atm | ether} Used to define the physical medium of the device It is important to know that the wireless interface is always ATM and the terrestrial interface can be either ATM or Ethernet. drivers  {//bun | //edd | //bridge} //bun = ATM interface //edd = Ethernet interface //bridge = Ethernet interface via bridge (all interactive modes and 1483 bridging mode) mtusize  maximum transmission unit (max: 1500) ipaddress  {a.b.c.d | dhcp} IP address that will be associated with the device. Example The following example shows an ATM device for the terrestrial interface. device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu   1500
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 41 of 129 6.1.2 nat nat   add   device device  {atm0 |atm1 | eth0} Corresponds to the device in the device line that you want NAT enabled on. NAT should be enabled on the WAN interface.  Example The following example shows NAT enabled on the atm1 device. nat   add   atm1 6.1.3 subnet subnet   add   device   .   networkID   subnetmask device  {atm0.home | atm1.home | eth0.home | bridge.home} Is used to define what device the subnet is being defined for. networkID  {a.b.c.d} The neworkID, which is defined in a decimal format.  subnetmask  {ff:ff:ff:ff} The subnet mask in hexadecimal.  Example The following example shows a subnet defined for the device that was defined in x. NOTE: There is a period before the networkID, this is part of the syntax and needs to be included. subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 6.1.4 rip accept rip   accept   interface   version interface  {device | all} This will correspond to the device defined on the device line. version  {1 | 2 | 1 2 | none} Defines which version of RIP you want to accept.  Example The following example shows the Ethernet interface accepting RIP version 1 & 2. rip   accept   eth0   1   2
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 42 of 129 6.1.5 rip send rip   send   interface   version interface  {device | all} This will correspond to the device defined in device line.  version  {1 | 2 | 1 2 | none} Defines which version of RIP you want to accept.  Example The following example shows the wireless ATM interface sending RIP version 2. rip   send   atm1   2 6.1.6 rip relay rip   relay   version   remoteip   device   timeout version  {1 | 2 | 1 2} Version of RIP to send. remoteip  {a.b.c.d} Remote IP address to send RIP to. device  {device} Device that RIP is to be sent from. This will usually be atm1 or atm0. timeout  {seconds} The number of seconds until connection will timeout.  This parameter is optional, if not set the rip relay will not timeout.  Example The following example shows rip version 2 being sent over the wireless interface. rip   relay   2   atm1 6.1.7 route add route   add   name   network   gateway   netmask   cost name  Unique name used to identify the route. network  {a.b.c.d} Network ID of remote network. gateway  {a.b.c.d} Target IP address for path to remote network. netmask  {ff:ff:ff:ff} Subnet mask of remote network. cost  {#} Hop count to destination network, also referred to as metric.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 43 of 129 Cost is optional, and will be set to 1 if nothing is set. If this is not set correctly and you are running RIP it could overwrite the static route.  Example The following example shows a default route. A # sign can be used to put comments after the route. In the example it is used to state that it is a manual route. route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN 6.1.8 ipatm lifetime ipatm   lifetime   seconds seconds  {?-?} The number of seconds an ATM cells can traverse a network before it will timeout, like the TTL of an Ethernet frame. Example The following example shows the lifetime set to 60 seconds, which is the default. ipatm   lifetime   60 6.1.9 relay relay   interface interface  {all} There are more options for this, but for the purpose of keeping this simple just use “all”. Refer to the CLI document for more options. Example The following example shows relay command being used to relay between all devices. relay   all 6.1.10 ipatm pvc add ipatm   pvc   add   interface   port   vpi/vci   pcr   pcr-rx/pcr-tx   remoteip   ipaddress interface  {atm1 | atm0} This defines which device you want to bind the ipatm pvc to. port  {atm25m | atm25i} atm25m = wireless port
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 44 of 129 atm25i = terrestrial port vpi  {0-7} Currently only VPI 0 is supported on the wireless interface. The terrestrial interface can use any in the range. vci  {32-65535} Virtual Circuit Identifier pcr-rx, pcr-tx {0-70000} Peak Cell Rate, used to define the maximum cells arrival/transmission rat at/from the wireless interface (ATM cells per second). rx = data received from the wireless interface to be sent over the terrestrial interface. tx = data received from the terrestrial interface to be sent over the wireless interface.  ipaddress  {a.b.c.d} The remote IP address of the other device. Example The following example is an ipatm pvc for the wireless interface bound to the device atm1.  It is using VPI 0 & VCI 768 with a peak cell rate of 60000 and a destination IP address of ipatm  pvc  atm1  atm25i  0/768  pcr  70000/70000  remoteip Old syntax Note: The following old syntaxes are no longer valid. ipatm pvc atm1 atm25i 0/768 pcr 60000 remoteip ipatm pvc atm1 768/ atm25i
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 45 of 129 6.2 system.conf 6.2.1 channel channel   number Number  {0-14} This defines the RF channel. 0-4* = lower power (indoor only) 5*-9 = mid power (outdoor) 10-16 = high power (outdoor) * Channels 0 – 5 for ESTI variant Note: The channel plans can vary in different countries.  Example The following example shows a unit transmitting on channel 14, which is a high power channel. channel   14 6.2.2 antenna antenna   polarization polarization  {vertical | horizontal} Defines the antenna. Example The following example shows the antenna set to vertical polarization. antenna   vertical 6.2.3 mode mode   operation operation  {static | interactive} Defines the mode of operation. static = puts radio in stand alone mode Interactive = puts radio in mode that needs EMS to operate
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 46 of 129 Example The following example shows a unit operating in a static mode, which means the unit is in a stand alone mode. mode   static 6.2.4 mid mid   number number  {0-254} Mobile ID is a unique identifier per radio in a sector. MID 0 is always used for the AP, and can’t be used for an SU. MID 255 is reserved and used as the broadcast MID. Also no MIDs can be duplicated in a sector.  Example The following example shows a AP’s mid. mid   0 6.2.5 bid bid   number number  {0-255} The BID (Basestation Identifier) is used identify static scanning SUs with the correct AP. Meaning that the SU and AP must have the same non zero BID in order for the SU to lock onto the APs channel. A BID of 0 disables static channel scanning.  Example The following example shows bid of 2.  bid   2 6.2.6 interface interface   type type  {atm0 | eth0} Defines the interface type for the terrestrial interface. Example The following example shows a unit that has an Ethernet interface defined.  It is important to know that this is the only setting that makes a unit ATM or Ethernet on the physical layer.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 47 of 129 interface  eth0 6.2.7 duplex duplex   type type  {half | full} Sets the Ethernet interface to half or full duplex. Example The following example shows a unit’s interface set to full duplex. duplex   full NOTE: If set to full duplex unit must be connected to a switch or router and not a hub. The unit will not auto-negotiate in full duplex, so you must set switch to 10Mb Full Duplex.  6.2.8 backoff backoff   dB dB  {0-20} Reduces the transmit power and is measured in dB. Backoff should only be used indoors or in rare situations that call for less power to be transmitted from the antenna. Backoff should also be set the same on all units in the sector.  Example The following example shows a unit that is not backed off. This is how most of units in the field will be configured. backoff   0 6.2.9 provider provider   text text  Text field that can hold up to 24 characters. Example The following example shows the Provider as “abw”. provider   abw
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 48 of 129 6.2.10 key key   code code  Text field that can hold up to 14 characters.  This function is not currently enabled. Example The following example shows an authentication key that is default.  Units currently ignore this field. key   Axxcelera 6.2.11 mask mask   mask# mask#  {5 digit hex #} This is only used in an interactive system or static channel scanning by using a non-zero BID. It prevents the radio from scanning specific RF channels.  RF Channel Bit Map Table for Creating Mask#  Channel  16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Binary Position Value 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 Decimal Value  1  15  15  15  15 Hexadecimal Value  1  f  f  f  f  Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table Decimal  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hex  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a  b  c  d  e  f Example The following example shows a unit that is masked to not scan channels 0-9 (Binary: 1:1111:1100:0000:0000 = Decimal: 1:15:12:0:0) mask   1fc00
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 49 of 129 6.2.12 leds leds   mode mode  {active | debug} Defines the interpretation for the LEDs on the wallbox. Active = Upon boot the yellow light will go solid indicating the unit has power. The green light is then a data traffic light and flashes when data is transmitted on the terrestrial interface. Debug = Upon boot the yellow light defines the terrestrial interface, once for Ethernet, twice for ATM. The green light becomes an RF link status light flashing once if the modems have not synchronized and 5 times if they have. Example The follow example puts the unit’s wallbox into active mode. leds   active 6.2.13 max_mid max_mid   # #  {1-254} This is only set in the AP and sets the number of interactive SUs that are allowed to register with the AP. Example The following example specifies 32 as the maximum MID supported by the AP and effectively limits the number of SUs to 32. max_mid   32 6.2.14 tx_watchdog tx_watchdog # #  {1-1920} The number of seconds before a unit is rebooted once a condition is detected. This condition is based on the “utopia_traffic” watchdog. The default is 1 second in the 5.3.x and later software. It is recommended that you change this to 1 second if you are using 5.3.x or newer software.  Example The following example sets the watchdog time to 5 minutes.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 50 of 129 tx_watchdog 1 6.2.15 ptp ptp mode mode  {enable | disable} Enables or disables the point-to-point power control. When enabled it will disable the power control algorithm that controls the uplink txpower from an SU. With this enabled the SU will tx at maximum power, which should help the uplink PER on PTP links.  Example The following example sets the ptp to enable.  ptp enable 6.2.16 dfs dfs mode mode  {enable | disable} Enables or disables the dynamic frequency allocation. Dynamic Frequency Allocation allows the AP to change to a clean channel if interference is detected on its current channel. This feature is only available on FPGA units.  Example The following example sets the dfs to enable.  dfs enable  6.2.17 dfs_threshold dfs_threshold dBm dBm  {-30 - -85} Sets the received signal level threshold of an interferer which will cause the AP to change channels.  Example The following example sets the dfs_threshold to -40 dBm.  dfs_threshold -40
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 51 of 129 6.3 initswitchcli 6.3.1 tp tp   name   service   pcr Name  {name | default} Can be assigned a name or the default. Service  {UBR | CBR | ABR | VBR} UBR is currently the only service that is supported. Pcr  {0-70000} Peak Cell Rate, used to define the maximum cells arrival/transmission rat at/from the wireless interface (ATM cells per second). Example TP (traffic parameter) sets the type of service that is desired and peak cell rate. The following example show the TP default set to Unspecified Bit Rate with a Peak Cell Rate of 2667.  tp   default   UBR   2667 NOTE: When setting PCR for a bi-directional PVC the following applies.   atm25i – atm25m  = terrestrial – wireless : which is the same as the tx in the ipatm pvc settings.   atm25m – atm25i  = wireless – terrestrial : which is the same as the rx in the ipatm pvc settings.   6.3.2 sp sp   name   buffer   stats name  {name | default} Can be assigned a name or the default.  buffer  {cells} Number of cells that can be buffered.  stats  {stats} Is optional, but needs to be used for the stats command to work. Example SP (switch parameter) sets the size of the buffer in the switchcli and whether or not stats are recorded. The following shows the buffer set to 256 cells and stats recording enabled. This should be the default for all configs using the switchcli.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 52 of 129 sp   default   256 stats N 6.3.3 add add   iport  ivpi   ivci   oport   ovpi   ovci   tp   sp   type epd iport  {atm25i | atm25m} In port of uni-directional PVC. atm25i = terrestrial atm25m = wireless ivpi  {0-7} Currently only VPI 0 is supported on the wireless interface. The terrestrial interface can use any in the range. ivci  {32-65535} In port VCI. oport  {atm25i | atm25m} Out port of the uni-directional PVC. ovpi  {0-7} Currently only VPI 0 is supported on the wireless interface. The terrestrial interface can use any in the range. ovci  {32-65535} Out port VCI. tp  {name} This is the name of the traffic parameter (previously set) that applies to this PVC mapping.  sp  {name} This is the name of the switch parameter (previously set) that applies to this PVC mapping. type  {perm | soft | none} For all static configurations “perm” should be used. epd  {epd]  Early Packet Discard will discard arriving cells when buffering is below 32 cells.  Example The following example shows a uni-directional PVC mapped from the terrestrial to wireless port. add atm25i 0 100 atm25m 0 256 default default perm epd 6.4 initmr1483 Use this file only on APs.  The corresponding file for an SU is initr1483.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 53 of 129 6.4.1 floodmode floodmode   mode mode  {0 | 1} 0 = Flooding of unlearned unicast packets is disabled. 1 = Flooding of unlearned unicast packets is enabled. Example The following example configures the mr1483 device to forward all unlearned unicast packets. floodmode   1 6.4.2 up up   mid   vci   port   pcr-rx   pcr-tx mid  {1-254} MID of the SU that the data will be sent to. vci  {MID*256} The MID of the SU multiplied by 256. port  {atm25m} Only the wireless port can be used for this device. pcr-rx  {0-70000} Peak Cell Rate, used to define the maximum cells passed per second. pcr-tx  {0-70000} Peak Cell Rate, used to define the maximum cells passed per second. Example The following example sets up a mr1483 PVC to an SU with MID 3. up   3   768   atm25m   70000   70000 6.5 initr1483 Use this file only on SUs.  The corresponding file for an AP is initmr1483. 6.5.1 pvc pvc   vpi/vci   port   pcr-rx   pcr-tx vpi  {0} Only VPI 0 is supported.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 54 of 129 vci  {MID*256} The MID of the SU multiplied by 256. port  {atm25m} Only the wireless port can be used for this device. pcr-rx  {0-70000} Peak Cell Rate, used to define the maximum cells arrival rate from the wireless interface (ATM cells per second). pcr-tx  {0-70000} Peak Cell Rate, used to define the maximum cells transmission rate at the wireless interface (ATM cells per second). Example The following example sets up a r1483 PVC to an AP from an SU with MID 3. pvc   0/768   atm25m   70000   70000 6.6 initbridge 6.6.1 spanning spanning   mode mode  {disable | enable} Currently spanning tree is not supported so you must choose the disable option. Example The following example shows spanning tree disabled.  Spanning tree is not supported at this time. spanning   disable 6.6.2 device add device   add   device device   {edd | mr1483 | r1483} edd = Ethernet interface mr1483 = multi-port 1483 bridge (AP only) r1483 = single-port 1483 bridge (SU, Backhaul Master, Backhaul Slave) Example The follow example adds the Ethernet interface to the bridge.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 55 of 129 device   add   edd 6.7 dhcpd.conf The dhcpd.conf file follows the same syntax as a Linux or UNIX dhcpd.conf file. 6.7.1 subnet subnet   networkid   netmask   subnet networkid  {a.b.c.d} The network ID for the leased addresses. subnet  {a.b.c.d} The subnet for the leased addresses. Example The following example sets the subnet for the network with a class C netmask. subnet   netmask 6.7.2 range range   startip   stopip startip  {a.b.c.d} First IP address in the range that will be leased out to clients. stopip  {a.b.c.d} Last IP address in the range that will be leased out to clients. Example The following example shows the range of IP that the DHCP server can lease out to clients. range 6.7.3 option routers option   routers   gateway gateway  {a.b.c.d} Gateway IP for the computers leasing addresses. Example The following example sets the default route (gateway) address for all clients that lease an address from the server. option   routers
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 56 of 129 6.7.4 max-lease-time max-lease-time   seconds seconds  {0-86400} Time in seconds that a client can hold a leased address from the DHCP server. A setting of 0 seconds will make the lease never timeout. Example The following example sets the lease time to 24 hours (=24x60x60). max-lease-time   86400 6.7.5 option domain-name option domain-name   dnsname dnsname  {name} Name of the DNS Server. Example The following example sets the DNS suffixes that the clients will use. option   domain-name 6.7.6 option domain-name-servers option   domain-name-servers   dnsip dnsip  {a.b.c.d} IP address of the DNS Server. Example The following example sets the DNS server that all the clients will use. option   domain-name-servers 6.8 snmpinit 6.8.1 access write access write   password password  {password} Sets the password for the unit. Example The following example sets the password to “atmos”.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 57 of 129 access   write   atmos NOTE: AB-Access only supports write access and does not support read access.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 58 of 129 7 CLIP_T The CLIP_T configuration is when both the AP and SU are setup as routers. This means that when data arrives on any interface it is analyzed at layer 3 and based on the destination IP address is forwarded out the proper interface.  7.1 Static CLIP_T Eth AP All assumptions for troubleshooting Static CLIP_T Eth AP will be based on the following diagram. RLBLSLERLBLSLEEthernet SwitchPCRouter192.168.2.33  /27192.168.2.34  /27192.168.100.3 /29MID 0 MID 3192.168.2.50  /27 PVC 768LANSU Data/Management PVCAP/SU  Management/Data Path192.168.100.1
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 59 of 129 7.1.1 AP Configuration Files AP resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su1   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN  relay all  ipatm pvc lifetime 60  ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip AP system.conf   channel 0 antenna horizontal mode static mid 0 bid 0 interface eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 60 of 129 7.1.2 SU Configuration Files SU resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm    //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00   rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip SU system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active   7.1.3 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface 1. Check all physical connections.  The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight-through cable.  To connect the radio to a network
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 61 of 129 device (hub, switch, router) use an Ethernet cross-over cable (1-3, 2-6).  It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and that the cable is terminated correctly at the radio.  The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reason why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3 2.  Check the “ipatm pvc” is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip> ipatm pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip 3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip>   route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1 4.  Check that there is a route in the AP that points to the SU’s terrestrial network. ip>   route route add su1 ff:ff:ff:f8 1 # MAN via atm1 route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via eth0
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 62 of 129 7.2 Static CLIP_T ATM AP All assumptions for troubleshooting Static CLIP_T ATM AP will be based on the following diagram. RLBLSLARLBLSLEATM SwitchPCRouter192.168.2.33  /27192.168.2.34  /27192.168.100.3 /29MID 0 MID 3192.168.2.50  /27 PVC 768LANSU Data/Management PVCAP/SU  Management/Data Path192.168.100.1PVC 50 PVC 51
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 63 of 129 7.2.1 AP Configuration Files AP resolve  device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su1   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN  relay all  ipatm pvc lifetime 60  ipatm pvc atm0 atm25i 0/50 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip ipatm pvc atm0 atm25i 0/51 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip AP system.conf   channel 0 antenna horizontal mode static mid 0 bid 0 interface atm0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 64 of 129 7.2.2 SU Configuration Files SU resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm    //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00   rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip SU system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active   7.2.3 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 65 of 129 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wall box to the switch (1-7,2-8). 2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.34  • View an atmarp table root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM>  0.0.34 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check route on CS, by typing route at the Command line. •  Add a route root@cs1 11:17:19 (8) [~] #   route   add   -net   netmask   gw  •  View the routing table root@cs1 11:18:51 (9) [~] #   route Kernel IP routing table Destination      Gateway         Genmask              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       *              UH    0          0        0     eth0      UG    0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0        *                 U       0          0        0     eth0          *                         U       0          0        0     lo  • Delete a route root@cs1 11:20:26 (10) [~] #   route   del   -net   netmask  4.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 66 of 129 • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. •  Add a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   34   be   102   0   34   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/34 o=102/0/34  to switch fabrice  Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW     ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         34        0        102      0           34       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you  connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reasons why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document.  1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the ipatm pvc is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 67 of 129 AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip> route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1  4.  Check that there is a route in the AP that points to the SU’s terrestrial network. ip>   route route add su1 ff:ff:ff:f8 1 # MAN via atm1 route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm0
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 68 of 129 7.3 Hybrid CLIP_T Eth AP 768RLBLSLERLBLSLEEth SwitchControl ServerRouterRLBLSLE192.168.2.34 /27192.168.100.4192.168.100.1192.168.3.65 /29192.168.3.9 /29MID 0MID 3MID 4192.168.2.50 /27PVC1024LANLANPVC 769PVC 1025192.168.2.33 /27VPN PVCSU Data Path
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 69 of 129 7.3.1 AP Configuration Files AP resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su1   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN route   add   su2   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN  relay all  ipatm pvc lifetime 60  ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/1024 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip AP system.conf   channel 0 antenna horizontal mode static mid 0 bid 0 interface eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254 AP Switchcli
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 70 of 129 tp default UBR 2667 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   769   atm25m   0   1025   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   1025   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd  7.3.2 SU1 Configuration Files SU1 resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm    //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00   rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su2   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/769   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 71 of 129 SU1 system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active   7.3.3 SU2 Configuration Files SU2 resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm    //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00   rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su1   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/1024   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/1025   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 72 of 129 SU2 system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   4 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active   7.3.4 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface 1. Check all physical connections.  The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight-through cable.  To connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) use an Ethernet cross-over cable (1-3, 2-6).  It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and that the cable is terminated correctly at the radio.  The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reason why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3 2.  Check the “ipatm pvc” is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 73 of 129 ip> ipatm pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip 3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip>   route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1 4.  Check that there is a route in the AP that points to the SU’s terrestrial network. ip>   route route add su1 ff:ff:ff:f8 1 # MAN via atm1 route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via eth0
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 74 of 129 8 CLIP_S The CLIP_S configuration is when the AP acts as an ATM switch and the SU acts as a router. This means that the AP will pass ATM cells at layer 2, and the SU will act as a router analyzing all data at layer 3 and based upon destination IP address forward the data out the proper interface.  In static mode you can configure the management traffic in either routed or a switched configuration. Each section describes the pros and cons of each configuration so you can decide which is best for your network.  8.1 Static CLIP_S (routed management) All assumptions for troubleshooting CLIP_S (routed management) are based on the following diagram. 768RLBLSLARLBLSLEATM SwitchPCRouter192.168.5.1192.168.2.34 /27192.168.100.1192.168.3.65 /29MID 0 MID 3192.168.2.50 /27LANPVC34PVC 769PVC200192.168.5.5AP Management PVCSU Management PVCSU Data PVC 8.1.1 Routed Management PRO/CON CLIP_S can be configured with switched management or routed management. Read PRO/CON of both to help you decide which you would like use.  PRO • Only one ATMARP entry will need to be added to the termination router.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 75 of 129 • Can be easier to troubleshoot and isolate a problem in the network.   CON • Need to add a route and ipatm pvc for every SU that is added to the AP. • May need to add a route to multiple routers for each SU depending upon network design.   8.1.2 AP Configuration Files AP resolve  device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu    1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu    1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/34   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 76 of 129 AP system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254 AP initswitchcli  tp default UBR 2667 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd   8.1.3 SU Configuration Files SU resolve
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 77 of 129 device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500 device   add   atm2   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm2.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   mgmt   ff:ff:ff:e0   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm2   atm25m   0/769   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip SU system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 78 of 129 8.1.4 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wall box to the switch (1-7,2-8). 2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.34  • View an atmarp table root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM>  0.0.34 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check route on CS, by typing route at the Command line. •  Add a route root@cs1 11:17:19 (8) [~] #   route   add   -net   netmask   gw  •  View the routing table root@cs1 11:18:51 (9) [~] #   route Kernel IP routing table Destination      Gateway         Genmask              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       *              UH    0          0        0     eth0      UG    0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0        *                 U       0          0        0     eth0          *                         U       0          0        0     lo
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 79 of 129 • Delete a route root@cs1 11:20:26 (10) [~] #   route   del   -net   netmask  4.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s. • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. •  Add a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   34   be   102   0   34   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/34 o=102/0/34  to switch fabrice  Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW     ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         34        0        102      0           34       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you  connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reason why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 80 of 129 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the ipatm pvc is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip> route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1  4.  Check that there is a route in the AP that points to the SU’s terrestrial network. ip>   route route add su1 ff:ff:ff:f8 1 # MAN via atm1 route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm0
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 81 of 129 8.2 Static CLIP_S (switched management) All assumptions for troubleshooting CLIP_S are based on the following diagram. 768RLBLSLARLBLSLEATM SwitchPCRouter192.168.5.1192.168.100.254 /24192.168.100.1192.168.3.65 /29MID 0 MID 3LANPVC101PVC 769PVC200192.168.5.5AP Management PVCSU Management PVCSU Data PVCPVC103PVC103PVC101 8.2.1 Switched Management PRO/CON CLIP_S can be configured with switched management or routed management. Read PRO/CON of both to help you decide which you would like use.  PRO • No extra mgmt routes will have to be added to the termination router.  • Multiple routes will not have to be added to network routers with the addition of each SU.   CON • Will need to add an atmarp entry for each SU in the termination router.  • Will need to add a management PVC in the switchcli of the AP for each SU.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 82 of 129  8.2.2 AP Configuration Files AP resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu    1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/101   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip AP system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 83 of 129 AP initswitchcli  tp default UBR 2667 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   768   atm25i   0   103   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   103   atm25m   0   768   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd      8.2.3 SU Configuration Files SU resolve device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500 device   add   atm2   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm2.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm2   atm25m   0/769   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 84 of 129 SU system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active   8.2.4 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wall box to the switch (1-7,2-8). 2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.101  • View an atmarp table root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM>  0.0.101 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 85 of 129 • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. •  Add a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   101   be   102   0   101   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/34 o=102/0/34  to switch fabrice  Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW     ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         101        0        102      0           101       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you  connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reason why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the that the pvc information is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 86 of 129 AP switchcli>   list all all perm Displaying permanent entries for all ports.                                                                                                        port       vp      vc           port       vp      vc                                          atm25i      0     103 ==>     atm25m      0     768                                          atm25m      0     768 ==>     atm25i      0     103         atm25i      0     200 ==>     atm25m      0     769                                          atm25m      0     769 ==>     atm25i      0     200                                                          SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip> route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 87 of 129 9  Hybrid CLIP_S  The Hybrid CLIP_S configuration is a configuration that can be added onto an existing CLIP_S static configuration. What this configuration allows you to do is create a VPN type tunnel between two SUs across a network. This allows for two data paths: one to another private network, and another to the internet. This can be done with either a switched or routed management system.    9.1.1 AP1 Configuration Files AP1 resolve
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 88 of 129 device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu    1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu    1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/50   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip AP1 system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 89 of 129 AP1 initswitchcli  tp default UBR 2667 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   100   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   100   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   770   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   770   default   default   perm epd    9.1.2 SU1 Configuration Files SU1 resolve  device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500 device   add   atm2   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm2.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su2   ff:ff:ff:f8   1   #   MAN route   add   mgmt ff:ff:ff:e0 1  #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm2   atm25m   0/769   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm2   atm25m   0/770   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 90 of 129 SU1 system.conf  channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active   9.1.3 AP2 Configuration Files AP2 resolve  device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu    1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu    1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/51   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 91 of 129 AP2 system.conf  channel   2 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active max_mid 254 AP2 initswitchcli  tp default UBR 2667 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   101   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   101   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   770   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   770   default   default   perm epd
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 92 of 129 9.1.4 SU2 Configuration Files SU2 resolve device   add   eth0   ether   //edd   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun    mtu   1500 device   add   atm2   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   eth0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:f8 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm2.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   su1   ff:ff:ff:f8        1  #   MAN route   add   mgmt   ff:ff:ff:e0   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm2   atm25m   0/769   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm2   atm25m   0/770   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip SU2 system.conf channel   2 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 duplex half backoff 0 provider abw key Axxcelera mask 1ffff leds active
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 93 of 129  9.1.5 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wall box to the switch (1-7,2-8). 2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.34  • View an atmarp table root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM>  0.0.34 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check route on CS, by typing route at the Command line. •  Add a route root@cs1 11:17:19 (8) [~] #   route   add   -net   netmask   gw  •  View the routing table
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 94 of 129 root@cs1 11:18:51 (9) [~] #   route Kernel IP routing table Destination      Gateway         Genmask              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       *              UH    0          0        0     eth0      UG    0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0        *                 U       0          0        0     eth0          *                         U       0          0        0     lo  • Delete a route root@cs1 11:20:26 (10) [~] #   route   del   -net   netmask  4.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s. • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. •  Add a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   34   be   102   0   34   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/34 o=102/0/34  to switch fabrice  Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW     ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         34        0        102      0           34       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you  connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br).
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 95 of 129 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reason why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the ipatm pvc is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip> route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1  4.  Check that there is a route in the AP that points to the SU’s terrestrial network. ip>   route route add su1 ff:ff:ff:f8 1 # MAN via atm1 route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm0
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 96 of 129 10 1483_T The 1483_T configuration is where both the AP and the SU act as a layer 2 bridge. It is important to understand that in this configuration data can only go from SU-AP & AP-SU within the sector. Data will not be able to from SU-SU within the same sector. This can only be done by connecting a router to the AP and redirecting that traffic back to the AP.  10.1 Static 1483_T All assumptions for troubleshooting 1483_T will be based on the following diagram. RLBLSLERLBLSLEEthernet HUBPCRouter192.168.3.1192.168.3.34192.168.3.10192.168.3.9MID 0 MID 3LANPVC 768AP/SU  Management/Data Path
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 97 of 129 10.1.1 AP Configuration Files AP resolve device  add   bridge   ether   //bridge    mtu   1500 subnet   add   bridge.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all ipatm   lifetime   60 AP initbridge spanning disable device add edd device add mr1483 AP initmr1483 floodmode   1 up   3   768   atm25m   70000   70000 AP system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   eth0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 98 of 129 10.1.2 SU Configuration Files SU resolve device   add   bridge   ether   //bridge   mtu   1500 subnet   add   bridge.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none route   add   default  00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all ipatm   lifetime   60 SU initbridge spanning disable device add edd device add r1483 SU system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active SU initr1483 pvc   0/768   atm25m   70000   70000
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 99 of 129 10.1.3 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface. 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. There can be numerous reasons why you can’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check the 1483 processes in the radios. Make sure they are active and have the correct PVC mapped. AP (mr1483 command) >   mr1483   status   3 Device 3 is active Active PVC: 768 Active port: atm25m Pending PVC: 768 Pending port: atm25m Active devices:    3 1 active in total  SU (r1483 command) >   r1483   pvc Active  PVC: 0/768 Active port: atm25m
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 100 of 129 11 1483_S In this configuration the AP acts as at ATM switch passing all cells at layer 2. The SU acts as a 1483 Bridge.  11.1 Static 1483_S (routed management) All assumptions for troubleshooting 1483_S are based on the following diagram. 768RLBLSLARLBLSLEPC192.168.3.1192.168.2.34 /27192.168.100.1MID 0 MID 3192.168.2.50 /27LANPVC34PVC 769PVC300192.168.3.10AP Management PVCSU Management PVCSU Data PVCATM SwitchRouter 11.1.1 Routed Management PRO/CON 1483_S can be configured with switched management or routed management. Read PRO/CON of both to help you decide which you would like use.  PRO • Only one ATMARP entry will need to be added to the termination router.  • Can be easier to troubleshoot and isolate a problem in the network.  CON
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 101 of 129 • Need to add a route and ipatm pvc for every SU that is added to the AP. • May need to add a route to multiple routers for each SU depending upon network design.   11.1.2 AP Configuration Files AP resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:e0 subnet add atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  route add default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/34   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip AP system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 102 of 129 AP initswitchcli tp default UBR 70000 sp default 256 stats  add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   300   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   300   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd   11.1.3 SU Configuration Files SU resolve device   add   bridge   ether   //bridge   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   bridge.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN route   add   mgmt   ff:ff:ff:e0   1   #   MAN relay   all ipatm   lifetime   60 ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip SU initbridge spanning   disable device   add   edd device   add   r1483
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 103 of 129 SU system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active SU initr1483 pvc   0/769   atm25m   70000   70000   11.1.4 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wallbox to the switch (1-7,2-8). 2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory). • Add an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.340  • View an atmarp table root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM> 0.0.34 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 104 of 129 • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check route on CS, by typing route at the Command line. • Add a route root@cs1 11:17:19 (8) [~] #   route   add   -net   netmask   gw  • View the routing table root@cs1 11:18:51 (9) [~] #   route Kernel IP routing table Destination      Gateway         Genmask              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       *              UH    0          0        0     eth0      UG    0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0        *                 U       0          0        0     eth0          *                         U       0          0        0     lo  • Delete a route root@cs1 11:20:26 (10) [~] #   route   del   -net   netmask  4.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s. • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. • Add a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   34   be   102   0   34   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/34 o=102/0/34  to switch fabrice  Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>   show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW     ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         34        0        102      0           34         0
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 105 of 129 • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>   set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. There can be numerous reasons why you can’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm> system mid MID 3  2.  Check the ipatm pvc is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip>   route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 106 of 129 11.2 Static 1483_S (switched management) All assumptions for troubleshooting 1483_S are based on the following diagram. 768RLBLSLARLBLSLEATM SwitchPCRouter192.168.3.1192.168.100.254 /24192.168.100.1192.168.3.10MID 0 MID 3LANPVC101PVC 769PVC200AP Management PVCSU Management PVCSU Data PVCPVC103PVC103PVC101 11.2.1 Switched Management PRO/CON CLIP_S can be configured with switched management or routed management. Read PRO/CON of both to help you decide which you would like use.  PRO • No extra mgmt routes will have to be added to the termination router.  • Multiple routes will not have to be added to network routers with the addition of each SU.   CON • Will need to add an atmarp entry for each SU in the termination router.  • Will need to add a management PVC in the switchcli of the AP for each SU.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 107 of 129  11.2.2 AP Configuration Files AP resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  route add default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60  ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/101   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip AP system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active max_mid 254 AP initswitchcli  tp default UBR 70000 sp default 256 stats  add   atm25m   0   768   atm25i   0   103   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   103   atm25m   0   768   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 108 of 129 11.2.3 SU Configuration Files SU resolve device   add   bridge   ether   //bridge   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   bridge.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all ipatm   lifetime   60 ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip SU initbridge spanning   disable device   add   edd device   add   r1483 SU system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active SU initr1483 pvc   0/769   atm25m   70000   70000
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 109 of 129 11.2.4 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wall box to the switch (1-7,2-8). 2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.101  • View an atmarp table root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM>  0.0.101 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s. • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. •  Add a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   101   be   102   0   101   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/34 o=102/0/34  to switch fabrice  Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 110 of 129 ADMIN Access_NGI>show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW     ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         101        0        102      0           101       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you  connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping across the wireless link There are numerous reason why you couldn’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the that the pvc information is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip AP switchcli>   list all all perm Displaying permanent entries for all ports.                                                                                                        port       vp      vc           port       vp      vc                                          atm25i      0     103 ==>     atm25m      0     768                                          atm25m      0     768 ==>     atm25i      0     103         atm25i      0     200 ==>     atm25m      0     769
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 111 of 129     atm25m      0     769 ==>     atm25i      0     200                                                          SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip> route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 112 of 129 12 Native ATM In this configuration the AP and the SU act as an ATM switch. Both AP and SU will pass any ATM cells without looking at upper level protocols.  12.1 Static Native ATM All assumptions for troubleshooting Native ATM are based on the following diagram. RLBLSLARLBLSLAATM SwitchPC192.168.2.34192.168.100.3192.168.100.1192.168.9.99MID 0 MID 3192.168.2.50 PVC 768PVC250ATM SwitchPVC769PVC 770PVC200PVC 300PVC 200 PVC99PV C300AP Management PVCSU Management PVCSU Data PVCATM NetworkATM Network
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 113 of 129 12.1.1 AP Configuration Files AP resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60 ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/250   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip AP system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 114 of 129 AP initswitchcli tp default UBR 70000 sp default 256 stats   add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd  add   atm25i   0   300   atm25m   0   770   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   770   atm25i   0   300   default   default   perm epd   12.1.2 SU Configuration Files SU resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun    mtu   1500 device add atm1       atm    //bun      mtu 1500  subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default  00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60 ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/99   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 115 of 129 SU system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active SU initswitchcli  tp default UBR 70000 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd  add   atm25i   0   300   atm25m   0   770   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   770   atm25i   0   300   default   default   perm epd   12.1.3 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wallbox to the switch (1-7,2-8).  2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry  root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.250
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 116 of 129 • View an atmarp table  root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM> 0.0.250 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check route on CS, by typing route at the Command line. • Add a route root@cs1 11:17:19 (8) [~] #   route   add   -net   netmask   gw  • View the routing table root@cs1 11:18:51 (9) [~] #   route Kernel IP routing table Destination      Gateway         Genmask              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       *              UH    0          0        0     eth0      UG    0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0        *                 U       0          0        0     eth0          *                         U       0          0        0     lo  • Delete a route root@cs1 11:20:26 (10) [~] #   route   del   -net   netmask  4.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s. • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. • Add a PVC
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 117 of 129 ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   250   be   102   0   250   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/250 o=102/0/250  to switch fabrice Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>   show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         250      0        102      0           250       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>   set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio.  The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. There can be numerous reasons why you can’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the ipatm pvc is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 118 of 129 AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip>   route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 119 of 129 13 Extender The Extender (PTP) units operate in the same manner as the AB-Access (PMP) units.  The Ethernet Extender configuration and operation are almost identical to the 1483_T configuration except they use a single port bridge which is more efficient.  The ATM Extender configuration and operation is identical to the Native_ATM configuration, where as the AP and the SU act as an ATM switch. Both AP and SU will pass any ATM cells without looking at upper level protocols.  BHM = Backhaul Master BHS = Backhaul Slave 13.1 Ethernet Extender All assumptions for troubleshooting the Ethernet Extender are based on the following diagram.
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 120 of 129 13.1.1 BHM Configuration Files BHM resolve device  add   bridge   ether   //bridge    mtu   1500 subnet   add   bridge.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all ipatm   lifetime   60 BHM initbridge spanning disable device add edd device add r1483 BHM initr1483  pvc   0/768   atm25m   70000   70000 BHM system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   eth0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active max_mid 254
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 121 of 129 13.1.2 BHS Configuration Files BHS resolve device   add   bridge   ether   //bridge   mtu   1500 subnet   add   bridge.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none route   add   default  00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all ipatm   lifetime   60 BHS initbridge spanning disable device add edd device add r1483 BHS system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   eth0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active BHS initr1483 pvc   0/768   atm25m   70000   70000
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 122 of 129 13.1.3 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface. 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio. The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. There can be numerous reasons why you can’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check the 1483 processes in the radios. Make sure they are active and have the correct PVC mapped. BHM (r1483 command) >   r1483   pvc Active  PVC: 3/768 Active port: atm25m  BHS (r1483 command) >   r1483   pvc Active  PVC: 0/768 Active port: atm25m
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 123 of 129  13.2 ATM Extender All assumptions for troubleshooting the ATM Extender are based on the following diagram. RLBLSLARLBLSLAATM SwitchMgmt Server192.168.2.34192.168.100.3192.168.100.1192.168.9.99MID 0 MID 3192.168.2.50 PVC 768PVC250ATM SwitchPVC769PVC 770PVC200PVC 300PVC 200 PVC99PV C300AP Management PVCSU Management PVCSU Data PVCATM NetworkATM Network
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 124 of 129 13.2.1 BHM Configuration Files BHM resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun   mtu   1500 device   add   atm1   atm   //bun   mtu   1500  subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default   00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN  relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60 ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/250   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip BHM system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   0 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   active
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 125 of 129 BHM initswitchcli tp default UBR 70000 sp default 256 stats   add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd  add   atm25i   0   300   atm25m   0   770   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   770   atm25i   0   300   default   default   perm epd   13.2.2 BHS Configuration Files BHS resolve device   add   atm0   atm   //bun    mtu   1500 device add atm1       atm    //bun      mtu 1500  subnet   add   atm1.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00 subnet   add   atm0.home   .   ff:ff:ff:00  rip   send   all   none rip   accept   all   none  route   add   default  00:00:00:00   1   #   MAN relay   all  ipatm   lifetime   60 ipatm   pvc   atm0   atm25i   0/99   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip ipatm   pvc   atm1   atm25m   0/768   pcr   70000/70000   remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 126 of 129 BHS system.conf channel   0 antenna   horizontal mode   static mid   3 bid   0 interface   atm0 backoff   0 provider   abw key   Axxcelera mask   1ffff leds   debug BHS initswitchcli  tp default UBR 70000 sp default 256 stats add   atm25m   0   769   atm25i   0   200   default   default   perm epd add   atm25i   0   200   atm25m   0   769   default   default   perm epd  add   atm25i   0   300   atm25m   0   770   default   default   perm epd add   atm25m   0   770   atm25i   0   300   default   default   perm epd   13.2.3 Troubleshooting  Can’t ping the radio from the terrestrial interface AP 1.  Check all physical connections. It is a straight cable from the CS to the Switch, and a rollover twist from the wallbox to the switch (1-7,2-8).  2.  Check to see if your atmarp entries are in the ARP table on the CS. ( ./atmarp if you are already in the /usr/local/sbin directory) • Add an atmarp entry  root@cs1 11:11:14 (4) [~] #   atmarp   -s   0.0.250
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 127 of 129 • View an atmarp table  root@cs1 11:12:52 (5) [~] #   atmarp   -a ----- Itf 0 (, netmask ----- Default QOS: ubr,aal5:max_sdu=9188 IP, state VALID, addr <none>, flags 0x4<PERM> 0.0.250 ----- Unknown incoming connections ----- ----- Incoming unidirectional connections ----- ----- End of dump -----  • Delete an atmarp entry root@cs1 11:13:42 (6) [~] #   atmarp   -d  3.  Check route on CS, by typing route at the Command line. • Add a route root@cs1 11:17:19 (8) [~] #   route   add   -net   netmask   gw  • View the routing table root@cs1 11:18:51 (9) [~] #   route Kernel IP routing table Destination      Gateway         Genmask              Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface       *              UH    0          0        0     eth0      UG    0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0      *                 U       0          0        0     atm0        *                 U       0          0        0     eth0          *                         U       0          0        0     lo  • Delete a route root@cs1 11:20:26 (10) [~] #   route   del   -net   netmask  4.  Check the Switch for the correct PVC’s. • Log into the ATM switch and check that the PVCs are mapped correctly. The following commands are for an FVC switch. • Add a PVC
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 128 of 129 ADMIN Access_NGI>set   pvc   add   101   0   250   be   102   0   250   be  Adding PVC i=101/0/250 o=102/0/250  to switch fabrice Updating FLASH memory. Please wait ... Done.  • Show the PVCs mapped in the switch ADMIN Access_NGI>   show   pvc   list   id   0     ------------------------------------------------------------     PVC ID  IPort   IVPI   IVCI    BW    OPort  OVPI   OVCI    BW ------------------------------------------------------------           1        101     0         250      0        102      0           250       0  • Delete a PVC ADMIN Access_NGI>   set   pvc   del   1  SU 1.  Check all physical connections. The radio is a network device, which means if you connect it to a PC (NIC) you will use a straight cable. If you connect the radio to a network device (hub, switch, router) you will use a Ethernet cross-over cable(1-3, 2-6). It is also important to check that the cable is punched down correctly in the wall box and the cable is terminated correctly at the radio.  The termination at the radio uses 568B (wo,o,wg,bl,wbl,g,wbr,br). 2.  Make sure the computer you are pinging from is on the same network as the AP. If you are on a different network than the radio make sure you have the proper routes in the radio and the computer you are trying to ping from.  Can’t ping the radio across the wireless link. There can be numerous reasons why you can’t ping across the wireless link. After following these troubleshooting steps and you still can’t ping across the wireless link refer to the RF troubleshooting document. 1.  Check that SU has the proper MID. hmm>   system   mid MID 3  2.  Check the ipatm pvc is correct in relation to the MID and remoteip
AB-Access Config & User Guide  5.5  Axxcelera Broadband Wireless July 27, 2004  Company Confidential  Page 129 of 129 AP ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  SU ip>   ipatm   pvc ipatm pvc atm1 atm25m 0/768 pcr 70000/70000 remoteip  3.  Check the default route in the SU. ip>   route route add default 00:00:00:00 1 # MAN via atm1

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